#self ref
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soulbeastdragon · 2 months ago
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Trying to put together an approx. height ref for myself.
Zyffre standing between his parents, Councillor Ardjin and Magister Luura. Why are you small idiot!
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barnharpy · 3 months ago
Man haha wouldn't it be funny if Astarion was seriously lying the whole way through and you found out after the fact that when he was alive he was just a sewist, and he's king of being the most unremarkable normal man to ever have the worst luck ever recorded ever
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arobats · 4 months ago
list (for my own reference) of spn fanfics im pretending ill write some day in the future (and has also somehow become a list of some of my favorite fics??)
disclaimer that this is going to be long and will probably never actually get done but i need a place to put this all so they stop bouncing around my head ; you will almost definitely see a trend, yes i know its there, shut up let me have this ; if you have thoughts / suggestions / etc feel free to let me know
canon divergence:
s5, sam drinks cas or gabriel's blood to kill lucifer like he did lilith
idk i like a nice!lucifer au where sam doesnt end up in the cage bc fuck u :)
s5, lucifer comes out of the cage not wanting the apocalypse or to fight his brothers (rehabilitated, somehow removed mark of cain, some other evil god!chuck theory?) and teams up with sam to try to stop michael and raphael
s4 au where both John and Dean get resurrected bc that'd be so fucked up
going off the one above, What If? and Watching Over You as inspiration / spinning off of them
s2, sam keeps contact with all the special kids he talks to and they have a group chat going, work together to stop azazel (a bundle of sticks my beloved)
idk what exactly but i just really love Sam Winchester School of Hunting and Sam's Network of Baby Hunters so some kind of take on that, sam collecting all the kids esp the not-exactly-human ones under his wings
s5e6, sam goes with jesse / takes jesse and runs from cas and dean, now he has a reason to live and not self-sacrifice
s2e14 buabs au where sam is possessed longer than the few weeks that meg has him, he ends up pregnant with a cambion (trans man sam probably, but cis man sam if i want even more of a body horror angle)
wtlb au where sam does die in the panic room, gets resurrected by probably zachariah because ew, does dean even realize what happened, sam refuses to rejoin dean and bobby after lucifer rises
Last Minute twist, of sam realizing at the last minute that lilith isn't fighting back, refuses to kill her
a la Babel and A Father's Protection and Learning to Live Again, sam gets help from others during s5 and probably gabriel as well to put an end to the apocalypse
sam keeps in contact with missouri and is better prepared for cold oak, doesn't die
even more divergent from canon or pre-canon:
pilot, jess is a witch / in the know, sam has developed his psychic abilities more, so jess doesnt die - would sam stay or would jess go hunting? unsure. just want witchy jess
re above, You Can Always Go Home my beloved as inspiration
some sort of not-human sam, either cambion or nephil sam - developing powers early, hiding them from d&j, etc etc etc
a combination of this post and Been Away Too Long because im so weak for samjess and i refuse to apologize for that
some sort of boyking sam because its a classic (inspiration from Demonic Politics Verse)
post s3 au where instead of going off with ruby, sam realizes hes spiraling hard and actually tries to stop doing that by bunkering down with the harvelles (he and jo become besties, he discovers his psychic powers can work without the blood, jo calls dean out in metamorphosis, etc etc etc)
this post of mine :)
Ties That Bind by monpetittresor as inspiration for sam&adam post-cage (just gonna rec basically anything by this author bc love love love love love)
one of them "sam is actually lucifer and just doesnt know it like anna didnt know she was an angel" aus
criminal minds of course - they cross paths with the bau on a hunt, you know how it goes, and obviously samspencer
lucifer (tv show) - so many ideas for this one
s2e18 hollywood babylon lucifer is on a case with chloe and crosses paths with sam, instant connection
s3 au where sam hears about this guy calling himself lucifer and sneaks away from dean to try to see if this guy is the real thing and if he could break deans deal
s4 au where lucifer realizes the seals are breaking (my favorite explanation of the cage lucifer vs lucifer tv is in The Real Devil, basically the caged version is the part of his grace that he cut out because it has the mark of cain on it, but lucifer himself isnt in the cage) and goes to find his "true" vessel to see if he's reasonable enough to try to help stop this
s5 au where the caged grace is released and lucifer in LA is like "oh shit oh shit oh shit put that thing back where it came from or so help me" and helps sam out with that whole thing
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aseriesofunfortunatejan · 10 months ago
My biggest secret? I like the Shuichi Saihara fansong
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juneiper-art · 1 year ago
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she's allowed to have a little crime as a treat
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mestos · 1 year ago
can i get an AMEN?
i once again trust TMS studio with my life. call me an ant the way i collect these crumbs
(episode 768)
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more undercut
episode 1052
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episode 1023
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episode 805
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"What is this chip?" "It was in Kaneko's camera." "Whaaaat?"
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i cant ss it, but they ride his skateboard together, and ai has his arms around him
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this made me laugh out loud
side note, haibara acts as a stage manager for the case theory part of the episode and directs the broadcasting guy for special effects while conan solves the case as kogoro
its a very long scene and i cant fit it under the pic limit lol
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xen0lush · 1 year ago
(flirting) I make an amazing ratatouille by the way
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hemoplagued · 2 years ago
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bunny-bunny-boing-boing · 2 years ago
22 MAY 2020
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soulbeastdragon · 3 months ago
Ignore this post!
Alice Madness Return
Amber Isle
Baldur's Gate 3
Cat Cafe Manager
Cat Quest
Chrono Trigger
Cloud Meadow
Cozy Grove
Dark Souls: Remastered
Darkest Dungeon
Disgaea 4 Complete+
The Elder Scrolls: Arena+Daggerfall
Epic Chef
Fable - The Lost Chapters
Fallout 3 GOTY
Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake)
Final Fantasy XIII
A Hat in Time
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Hollow Knight
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
I Am Setsuna
Inner Space
Jet Set Radio
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Kingdoms of Amur: Reckoning
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Legend of Mana
Legrand Legacy
Monster Hunter (WorldBorne and RiseBreak)
Monster Hunter Stories 2
My Time at Portia
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139
NiGHTS into Dreams...
Okami HD
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The Outer Worlds
Paleo Pines
Path of Exile
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Pathologic Classic HD
Phantom Brave PC
Pillars of Eternity
Rain World
Remnant: From the Ashes
Sandwalkers: The Fourteenth Caravan
Scamp: High Hat Havoc
Seasons after Fall
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
The Serpent Rogue
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster
The Sinking City
Slime Rancher (1+2)
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Sun Haven
Sunless Sea
Sunless Skies
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Tales of Zestiria
Terra Memoria
Trials of Mana
Vermintide (1+2)
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Yakuza 0
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
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barnharpy · 3 months ago
As I'm writing, I just keep thinking that Dhampir should be way more spiritually and cosmically important and upsetting than they are presented to be.
D&D has so much weirdness going on, I understand they got shuffled off into being Van Helsing concscripts, but a thing that is neither fully dead nor alive, potentially carried and birthed by a thing which can nurture nothing, or grew from a dead seed planted in living flesh - why aren't holy orders and wizards and shit hunting these bitches down and offering them stipends and furnished quarters and shit?
Especially the churches that only create paladins by tormenting them and calcifying the natural sense for whimsy and "idk, I think it depends" in most people. Why arent the necromancers that get a little sexy with the ethics "rescuing" spawn from their masters to keep in stalls
If trying to describe someone's creation and birth basically sounds like you're satisfying some prophetic loophole or sphinx riddle, man maybe get that freak on your team.
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dappledsounds · 3 years ago
My favourite way to describe books to friends is by describing literally just the first scene, and then saying "shenanigans ensues". This works whether the book is about shenanigans or not.
Gregor Samsa wakes up one day as a bug, shenanigans ensues.
Jonathan Harker goes to a castle to clear up a real estate deal, shenanigans ensues.
Nick and Amy dunne are married, shenanigans ensues.
Some Necromancers go to a haunted planet, shenanigans ensues
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dimonds456-art · 4 years ago
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It’s me! :D
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pinkesthoney · 4 years ago
a running list of rom-coms I love
my self-medication of choice is gratuitously sappy love stories so I made a list for good days and bad ❤
❤ The Holiday | funny men who have emotions, strong women who take care of themselves (eventually), accents, Jack Black being the puddin pie he is and Jude Law being a S N A C K and a sexy single dad (SOOOOOO much sexy consent talk), could use way more Jack Black imo... favorite quote “*playing the song he wrote of her* If you were a melody...I used only the good notes.” CON: no loose ends are tied up...like at all.
❤ Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightley version) | The Hand Part, Broody Bois, Mr. Collins can go fuck himself, God, I’m making a wish right now and it’s a tall man in a puffy shirt walking towards me in a morning-fogged field. Mr Darcy got some good calves
❤  Taxi (2015) | PETER DINKLAGE AS A ROMANTIC LEAD. LEt me reiterate: Peter Dinklage (my love) is the romantic lead in a rom com and I am HERE FOR IT. Dry com, not super funny. Short bit of Dom Dinklage (which UHH YES) and a heavy punk aesthetic.
❤  Raising Helen | I don’t think I can overstate how sexy John Corbett is. Father John Corbett?? c’mon, you’re killing me here. Cute plot, a little angst, a lot of cheesy love.
❤ 13 Going on 30 | I refuse to apologize for loving this movie. First, it’s funny. Second, Mark Buffalo Ruffalo is adorable and wonderful. Cheers to this movie for being mostly-innocent, cute, and lovesick.
❤ My Big Fat Greek Wedding | More John Corbett. Always more John Corbett. Overall a cute movie with pretty much no angst at all & I get to live vicariously thru them having a big family.
❤ While You Were Sleeping | So much angst. But like, it works out so it’s fine. A surprisingly cute guy and an always adorable Sandra Bullock. It’s sappy, it’s cute, so it made the list.
❤ Confessions of a Shopaholic | I will watch anything with Hugh Dancy. Like it could be an hour of just Hugh Dancy grocery shopping and I would probably still say it was the height of cinema. This movie makes me grit my teeth with the miscommunication, but it ends happy anyway.
❤ Leap Year | Irish Accents oml... so many cute moments, so many sweet lines, so much sass.
❤ Runaway Girl | nothing about this movie should be good, Richard Dreyfuss shouldn’t be sexy, I shouldn’t love this movie, and yet here I am.
❤  TBA
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mischiefruled · 4 years ago
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wearethewitches · 4 years ago
standing in it with me
The Doctor has already run out of that little time in too many ways to count.
or, the Doctor gets a message from her wife, asking her husband to attend a gala.
Thirteen x River, worldbuilding, angst and feels, etc.,
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