#meet davy
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confused-bi-queer · 2 months ago
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Happy Davy's Day
Hello friends! Today (as of 2 days ago) is Davy's birthday, so I decided to finish a drawing I've been plotting.
If you know me, you know I'm obsessed with MalMage, ergo I'm obsessed with Davy Cadwallader and Malcolm Grimm as separate characters (and together, love them). But their younger versions hold such a especial place in my heart/life, I really love them a lot.
That's why I decided to show part of my perception/take on them individually. First goes Davy. These are some of the headcanons I've given him because of personal reasons or things that I like thinking he must have done when he was younger. I am open for a friendly discussion about Young Watford Davy, I love him.
This is my interpretation because I've spent almost the last 3 years of my life writing a MalMage fic (Cautionary Tale in AO3), since they were at Watford, and these are things I've thought about but haven't written them or already wrote them in that fic. And I wanted to draw him, look at him.
This is also a statement of mine. People have every right to like anything without having to explain why. Fanfiction and fanart exists for a reason. I won't ever shut up about MalMage. Ever.
This is also a gift for @valeffelees we appreciate you and your boyfriend in this side of the fandom ❤️
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sonnynewts · 11 months ago
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it’s Gimli’s turn to tell the nightly tale
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valeffelees · 2 months ago
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so i have this au called "the mage's heir" where davy never gives simon up after lucy's death and, instead, makes the decision to raise him alone. and kinda does okay! davy is still all *snazzy piano riff* and shit, but in this verse, taking care of simon when he's small forces him to step away from his work and chill the fuck out a bit. at least for a little while. (simon winds up growing up into a signficiantly more arrogant and morally grey version of himself tho.)
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gwydpolls · 1 month ago
Time Travel Question 73: Assorted Performances XII
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
This is the last of the already prepped Performances polls left. Have more suggestions? Feel free to weigh in.
Unless there is a landslide of suggestions, we'll be going back to the 20th century and earlier soon. I do have some music polls I want to run in February, which will effect the posting schedule.
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juviavevo · 1 year ago
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russell t davies if you can hear us please. rtd. please save m
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creakysocks · 2 years ago
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"...So have you like... considered... *not* making another collider that could potentially break reality as we know it???"
"I mean I did but then i thought of what we'd be missing out on!"
"And what would that be??"
"More holes!"
idk im just thinking abt this au again
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weirdbabs · 7 months ago
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thinking about that theory that peekaboo is a sliver of the wight in the locker, and how maybe that means it maintains a sort of connection to the other part and would be able to see part of what it sees and FUCK. FUCK. I JUST REALIZED IT ONLY KNEW HOW TO SAY PEEKABOO WHEN THEY FIRST MET. OVER AND OVER. HIDING ITS FACE WITH LITTLE HANDS. ALMOST LIKE
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hyperspaceoddity · 12 days ago
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The Fallen Garfield
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misskelley · 11 months ago
“Said she wants 5 guys.”
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“She ain’t talking ‘bout burgers.”
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personinthepalace · 4 months ago
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have you done your daily click
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It’s that time of the week again everyone, Happy Soc Saturday!!
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booasaur · 1 year ago
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wtFOCK - 7x01
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aces-and-angels · 1 month ago
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grwm- joanid (click for better quality) based on 'sharing the mirror' by ernest chiriacka
a million thank you's to @lampyri for bringing a vision to life! i will be spending the next several business days admiring this beauty 🖤
kay still has one spot open for commissions for anyone interested
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captainfairygodmother · 21 days ago
So. My Current WIP. 'The Big One'. Very excited about it.
It's a crossover between Torchwood and Doctor Who, in the sense that it borrows characters from both, while essentially being a Doctor Who season (in a written form).
I won't go into too much detail about what happens in it, because that's the story for within the fic itself, obviously! However, I will say now that I'll be treating this as a hypothetical 'Nth Season' of Doctor Who, with a 'Nth Doctor'. As well as some familiar faces from Torchwood (S1 to CoE, that is).
I have many plans, and am very excited to write and share this story with everyone. I am at a stage in Chapter One (for the sake of it being a hypothetical 'season', I will be calling them 'episodes') where I feel able to share some more information on (most) episode titles and summaries.
So, without further ado, enjoy, and let me know what you're most excited for!
Episode 1: Ferry of the Forgotten
When a ferry filled with spirits causes mass-amnesia in the streets of Cardiff, a trapped Doctor finds her way to the doorstep of seemingly the only person who remembers; 21 year old Mica Davies.
Episode 2: Clowns and Crowns
After becoming trapped by a broken TARDIS on the planet Iter'en, The Doctor and Mica are forced to search for a missing part, and encounter some difficulties along the way... Both from the Markets, and the Travelling Circus.
Episode 3: Theory of Three
With the TARDIS still in a partial state of disrepair, Mica and the Doctor crash land in Ancient Greece. Can the famed philosopher Pythagoras help them find what is needed to fix the TARDIS, before they are stuck forever?
Episode 4: Stargazer
Still shaken from the previous trip, Mica returns to Cardiff... Only to find out that she has been missing for three months, with her family not caring to find her. Worse still, the stars are beginning to disappear from the night sky as a once-in-a-millenia space event occurs.
Episode 5: Weep
It's the year 1963, and a widely-anticipated sculpture artist makes their post-study debut with their new critical exhibition. The twist? Their sculptures will be created live... In more ways than one.
Episode 6: Count
Continuation of Episode 5: Weep.
Episode 7: Ancestree
When Mica becomes stuck in a trance-like state in which she is able to relive her ancestor's lives, it's up to The Doctor to find a way to break the loop before Mica becomes eternally merged with an ancient tree known as the 'Ancestree'.
Episode 8: The Scorpions in the Grass
On the planet Meminisse, the local wildlife is beginning to act strangely. When The Doctor receives a call from an old favour, the Universe's two best galactic problem solvers are on the case.
Episode 9: The Dogs in the Woods
Continuation of Episode 8: The Scorpions in the Grass.
Episode 10: Imagine
The island of Gondal; a real place that only Emily Brontë can visit through a gap between two trees on the Yorkshire Moors... Enter The Doctor and Mica Davies.
Episode 11: Lights, Camera, Action!
In the year 2083, The Doctor and Mica end up on a Period Drama Film Set, but confuse it for a genuine Victorian town. When they become confused for the main characters, problems naturally arise.
Episode 12: [REDACTED]
Continuation of Episode 12: [Redacted].
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blackberrysummerblog · 5 months ago
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Thank you for the tags @monbons! And to @brilla-brilla-estrellita and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tags on Wednesday. I’ve given up on ever being able to not describe a week as having been crazy busy, but I will say every time I get a tag I’m startled that it’s Wednesday/Sunday already. This year has gone so fast!
Anyway, I do have a little to share from my COBB with @rimeswithpurple, whose artwork is currently the wallpaper for both my phone and my ipad. I’ll add that the character in next chapter’s banner is just so cute I can’t get over it. Here’s a little Dev POV from Baz’s shop:
“I’m stressed,” I say, pointing to the word calming on the label.
The git actually rolls his eyes at me. “For skin. It’s calming for your skin,” he says, snatching the bottle up. “Like, redness? Irritation?”
“If it calms irritants, maybe you should put some on,” I reply coolly, leaning back in the large window seat at the front of the shop and crossing my arms. “Go on, Neal. Slather your whole self in it.”
Shepard sucks in a breath but Gareth snickers. Good man. I slide my eyes toward where Baz is perusing some book at the register, either accounting for inventory or reviewing a recipe, I can’t be sure.
“My name is Niall,” Niall seethes, his complexion taking on an interesting colour as he looks me up and down. It feels unpleasant, like he’s taking a measurement that’s coming up gravely short. I can’t imagine why, though. I look as good as ever today, in spite of feeling utterly knackered. My hair is shiny and lying perfectly as usual, and I’m wearing skintight leather trousers with a long-sleeved sheer top in a shade of blue that particularly flatters me, unbuttoned down to there. I narrow my eyes at Niall and return the judgement in spades. He looks sickly, and his otherwise lovely thick hair is pulled up into a bun that’s giving grandmotherly vibes. His eyes are a muddy shade of blue that can only mean he’s tried to spell the colour, and I’d bet my left big toe that whatever hue of brown they are in reality would suit him much better.
I also did a little writing (finally!) for The Field Trap, which is a sequel to Field Trip of Dreams. This is Possibelf’s POV :)
Davy doesn’t even look up as they push their way through the line to stand in front of him. “Simon, Basilton,” he says as he checks off their names. “I trust you boys kissed and made up.” If he hears the rest of the class tittering, he gives no indication.
The Pitch boy smirks like the cat who got the cream. “We did indeed, sir,” he replies.
“Good,” Davy says in a tone that implies they should move along and climb aboard the coach, but Simon is clearly building up a head of steam. He’s gone red in the face and although he hasn’t started smoking yet, that’s what’s always next when it comes to Basil. I take a deep breath with the intent to diffuse the situation, but before I can open my mouth, Simon has turned to Basil and taken him by the back of the neck.
I hope everyone has a great week! No-pressure tags to: @palimpsessed, @thewholelemon, @hushed-chorus, @artsyunderstudy, @nausikaaa, @larkral, @cutestkilla, @stardustasincocaine, @letraspal, @valeffelees, @tender-ministrations, @mooncello, @youarenevertooold, @imagineacoolusername, @shrekgogurt, @iamamythologicalcreature, @j-nipper-95, @aristocratic-otter, @facewithoutheart, @beastmonstertitan, @drowninginships, @stitchy-queerista, @bookish-bogwitch, @asocialpessimist, @ic3-que3n, @raenestee, @arthurkko, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @alexalexinii, @fiend-for-culture, @ileadacharmedlife, @supercutedinosaurs, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @shutup-andletme-go, @roomwithanopenfire, @forabeatofadrum, @prettygoododds @orange-peony, @c0nsumemy5oul and anyone else who’d like to share!
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