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pitchswift · 2 days ago
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rainbow just answered if baz would or not be affected by people’s periods and thought i should share bc trivia!
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stardustasincocaine · 2 days ago
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A ratpri sun for the emo shit birthday boy 🥰
Happy belated birthday, Baz and @rainbowrowell!!
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expiredwand · 16 hours ago
Drawing of my Carry On Baz 😉🥰
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I'm not done yet but I tried to draw Baz the way I imagine him. What do you think ? :)
After I'm done, maybe I'll try to do Simon next !
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jyae23 · 2 days ago
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You're so alive, Simon Snow.
You got my share of it.
Just a lil Snowbaz sketch. I've only known these boys for a month, but they’ve deeply impacted my soul <3 @rainbowrowell
Simon is just checking Baz's crooked nose.
I've always wanted to try these art challenges/ideas, but never had anyone to do them with. Thank Merlin for Snowbaz.
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Okay, now I sound like I'm glazing, but forreal, Snowbaz cured my artblock. I haven't drawn in MONTHS.
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kitteningotham · 3 days ago
Oh my godddddd
I cannot actually—
This is BEAUTIFUL!! Agatha’s goat phone case!! The little goat toy she’s holding!! The way Baz’ drink looks fuller than the rest— reluctance to drink? Probably! Simon getting food everywhere!! Is that a discarded hair slide I see (bc she doesn’t really need hair slides and therefore would probably remove them as soon as they started hurting)?!
Your soft Simon is AMAZING! He is brilliant! His hair !! PENNY PENNY PENNY PENNY PENNY!! Also her and Shepard’s matching shirts give me life!! You Agatha design is like maybe my favourite I have legitimately ever seen, she is absolutely incredible and also of course her and Shepard are getting engrossed in a conversation (they would get along so welllll)! Also I just noticed that Penny is basically wearing school uniform in Watford colours which is canon and I’m very impressed.
Niamh holding the jug! She seems so new to the whole in a pub with friends thing bc she is and you convey that so well!! Baz having his arm around Simon because he likes to be touching him whenever Simon lets him! Penny gesturing, because she talks with her hands!!
Anyway I love this and I’m sorry if you were overwhelmed by the amount of comments I have made because this gave me so much happiness :))
A *little* bit late, but here's my remix of @cosmicalart's piece for @coartremix 2024!
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I really loved Skye's concept and wanted to challenge myself drawing the background and a lot of people together (at a table specifically). It was a STRUGGLE tho, I wanted to redo it, but I'd already spent a lot of time on it ("do a high angle, 3-point perspective!", I said. "It'll be easy!", I said).
I wanna keep working on this thing in the future tho so in the meantime I'll have it as my home screen to remind me that I need to go back to it at some point.
Happy Wednesday!
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ebbpettier · 1 day ago
"baz would bottle simon's sweat and wear it like cologne' neither canon nor true, perhaps. a more accurate statement: under the correct circumstances (pickled in yearnings the likes of which no mere mortal has ever achieved before) i think baz COULD bottle simon's sweat and wear it like cologne'
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roomwithanopenfire · 3 days ago
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Happy Wednesday everybody!!!
I don't usually post on Wednesdays, but i've been writing so much lately!! I have already surpassed my total WC for January, and the month isn't even over yet!
here's a snip from my upcoming COBB. Simon has his wings and tail from birth in this AU.
should I be really be sharing such a large section?? who cares. it's not six sentence sunday, it's wip 20 sentence wednesday. i can do what i want.
When I got to Watford, my uniforms fit all of me except for the wings. I cut holes in them that first night with a pair of sewing scissors Eleanor from the care home packed for me. Baz thought I was some kind of barbarian. I suppose I am, in some ways. At least to mages. Growing up, I’d never thought about mages so much. Why would I? They seemed foreign. I knew children at CARE HOME NAME who had mage parents, and that almost seemed synonymous with dead parents. Mage parents don’t keep their weird kids. Everyone was surprised when the Mage came for me. Sure, I’d caused an explosion the other day, but I wasn’t the only misfit with magic. “What’s different about Simon?” Eleanor asked. “We’ve got a few kids here who can speak magic. Why not take them all?” “Simon’s magic is special,” was all he would say.  Special must mean explosive. Volatile. I don’t feel like a chosen one.
see, the placeholder makes me cool and relatable and allows you an exclusive peek into my writing process. if anyone has bright ideas for a name for a care home for magickal kids, lemme know. maybe i'll just leave it unnamed forever. call it The Magickal Care Home. TMCH for short.
tags and hellos under the cut
@alexalexinii @aristocratic-otter @argumentativeantitheticalg @artsyunderstudy @arthurkko
@beastmonstertitan @blackberrysummerblog @best--dress @bookishbroadwayandblind @bookish-bogwitch
@the-beard-of-edward-teach @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cccloudsss @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla
@drowninginships @facewithoutheart @emeryhall @fiend-for-culture @hertragedyconnoisseur
@hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @theimpossibledemon @jyae23
@larkral @lovelettersto-mars @meanjeansjeans @m1ndwinder @monbons
@nausikaaa @noblecorgi @orange-peony @prettygoododds @raenestee
@rimeswithpurple @run-for-chamo-miles @rbkzz @shrekgogurt @simonscones
@skee3000 @supercutedinosaurs @sweetronancer @talentpiper11 @thewholelemon
@valeffelees @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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blessed-withacurse · 3 days ago
it's kind of insane how many good snowbaz fics out there I can't believe I was born in the same timeline as those authors
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lovelettersto-mars · 1 day ago
My favorite thing currently is that whenever I'm on AO3 searching by tag for Snowbaz fanfic this comes up...
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Who the fuck is writing and reading Simon and Garfunkel fanfiction
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cityofdownwardspirals · 2 days ago
um, hello simon snow fandom, so i started writing a fic... 👉👈
Simon Salisbury has never really set foot outside of California. Which is funny, considering he has magic and the power to give himself wings if he wishes to. He knows he has roots in England, but his mother never brings that up for some reason. Now he is 18 and about to start college and he is more interested in his ancestry than ever before. He just really feels like he has somewhere to be...
Baz Pitch is the Chosen One, according to the Old Families. After all, every year, there are new threats and every year he somehow manages to defend Watford from all of them. He is from a wealthy, powerful family, so of course he would be the one to defend mages from the biggest danger they have ever encountered, the Insidious Humdrum. So why does he not feel chosen? Why does it feel like everyone is making a mistake? Why does it feel like something is missing?
AU where Lucy lives and when she finds out about Davy's plans for Simon, decides to flee to California with her newborn baby and never look back. However, Simon can't escape the prophecy that easily.
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crankybeetle · 3 months ago
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@carryon-countdown day 4: daydreaming
Sure Simon, he’s plotting
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oyabun-draws · 3 months ago
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coc 2024 Day 8: Bleed
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krisrix · 5 months ago
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Inktober 01 ⁙ Backpack
This past year has been so hectic, I haven't had the time nor the spoons to draw, 😭 I probably won't be able to keep up with all of Inktober, but when possible, I'll try to at least do a post-it note doodle or something. Fingers crossed~
Digital sketch, transferred onto printer paper, inked with a sharpie
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jyae23 · 1 day ago
I banned myself from reading fanfiction so I can finish mine, but the 100+ tabs of Snowbaz are weeping my name at the dead of night like a ghost who barely crossed the Veil and their beloved son can't hear their calls.
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yu-miou · 5 months ago
Somehow I forgot I did these after finishing Anyway the Wind Blows.... I think I made them to celebrate the end of the Carry On series... Well... they're a bit late for the party but here they are I guess ^^
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