#media references
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doublel27 · 4 months ago
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I would just like to go on record that I was correct in my assessment and this dance (and other shots) are Pulp Fiction references!
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critrolestats · 2 years ago
Media References and Puns of 3-065 A Path of Vengeance
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Thanks to @scredgirl for this art piece!
Media References
(0:00:49) Sam: I wanted to say “high noon,” but oh, Matt sounds sexier! (Overwatch)
(0:07:07) Liam: They’ve been rubbed in Werther’s, too, this set.
(0:09:46) All: singing Makin’ our way. (“A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carleton)
(0:10:04) Travis: singing I’m coming out. (Diana Ross)
(0:10:08) Liam: (like Gollum) Yes!
(0:39:30) Sam: Garfield?  Travis; Hail, Lord Garfield.
(1:25:18) Laura: I have the Pride and Prejudice thing going, too.
(1:27:54) Marisha: I love it, maybe they’re black laced gloves like a little Madonna…
(1:28:15) Marisha: It’s a little Baba Yaga.
(1:37:51) Laura: Arkham Asylum.
Read more at critrolestats.com
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floralbeautysweet · 5 months ago
Miku Hatsune?
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لاحظت في الحلقة 27 من الموسم الثالث من مسلسل كريغ من الجدول ”معجب أو خصم“، تظهر دمية زرقاء الشعر تشبه تميمة فوكالويد وهي ميكو هاتسون وهي بنك صوتية فوكالويد التي طورتها شركة كريبتون فيوتشر ميديا وشخصيتها الرسمية التميمة وهي فتاة تبلغ من العمر 16 عامًا ذات ذيلين طويلين باللون الفيروزي. عندما يأتي ”إيلدر كون“ إلى ”كريغ“ للجدول، يخوض كل من كريغ و كيلسي و جي بي تجربة خداع لن ينسوها أبداً. يتطابق دور كريغ و ديان تقريبًا مع حبكة لعبة ”سلايد النمس“ معرفة باسم ”سلايد ��ا فيريت" وهي محاكاة ساخرة لـ "سونيك القنفذ". إذا توقفت هناك، كما ترى، خلف ديان الدمية ذات الشعر الأزرق ذات الذيلين التوأم التي تبدو متشابهة تقريباً.
Craig'in Krallığı'in 3. Sezon 27. Bölümü “Fan or Foe ”da, Crypton Future Media tarafından geliştirilen bir Vocaloid yazılımı ses bankası olan Miku Hatsune'nin Vocaloid maskotuna benzeyen mavi saçlı bir oyuncak bebek ve uzun, turkuaz ikiz kuyrukları olan 16 yaşında bir kız olan resmi maskot karakteri olduğunu fark ettim. Elder Con Creek'e geldiğinde, Craig, Kelsey ve JP asla unutamayacakları bir con deneyimi yaşarlar. Craig ve Diane'in rolü, Kirpi Sonic the Hedgehog'in bir parodisi olan Slide the Ferret'in konusuyla neredeyse aynıdır. Orada durursanız, görebileceğiniz gibi, Diane'in arkasında ikiz kuyruklu mavi saçlı bebek neredeyse birbirine benziyor.
I noticed in Episode 27 of Season 3 of Craig of the Creek “Fan or Foe”, there is a blue-haired doll appears that resembles the Vocaloid mascot that’s Miku Hatsune a Vocaloid software voicebank developed by Crypton Future Media and its official mascot character, a 16-year-old girl with long, turquoise twin tails. When Elder Con comes to the Creek, Craig, Kelsey and JP each have a con experience they’ll never forget. Craig and Diane’s roleplay is virtually identical to the plot of Slide the Ferret a parody of Sonic the Hedgehog. If you pause there, as you can see, behind diane is the blue-haired doll with twin tails’ almost look similar.
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cy-cyborg · 9 months ago
Free Manual Wheelchair Reference Models
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ID: A banner with grey 3D models of 5 kinds of manual wheelchairs in a line in front of the disability pride flag and text that reads "Manual Wheelchair References" /End ID
For disability pride month, I decided to release a pack of 3D manual wheelchair models.
The pack includes 5 wheelchairs:
2 Active urban-style chairs (one of which includes a smart drive)
1 off-road active chair
1 children's wheelchair
and 1 standard "hospital" wheelchair).
All the wheelchairs are based off either wheelchairs I or friends of mine have used
Downloadable here!
or on the Clip Studio Paint Asset Store (ID 2097442) (there's been an issue with the CSP version, but the models in the download folder can be imported into clip studio paint until I can fix it)
More info about the download contents below:
The first download link includes the original .Blend file with all 5 chairs, as well as individual .obj or .fbx files the chairs (All but 1 have an .obj file, as they're only meshes. The chair with the smart drive is rigged, which is why it has an .Fbx file instead so it will retain that information) as well as a "read me" file that explains in more depth what kind of disability/character/lifestyle each chair is made for (These are just what I had in mind when I designed them, they are usable by other characters who don't fit the suggestions for the most part!) I wanted to include the Read Me contents in the CSP Asset Store listing, but CS said it was too long lol.
Also, as the title says, these files are free to use! While it's not mandatory, I would appreciate credit if you use them (or even just a tag so I can see the cool art you make with them!!)
I actually made these ages ago, the original plan was to use them in a series of posts then release the pack, but I never got around to making the series and so they've just been sitting here. I took a day off from art fight attacks to clean them all up and get them ready to post. If you experience any issues, let me know and I'll try to fix it up.
I had a couple more that were supposed to be in the pack including a sports (basketball/Tennis) wheelchair and some different styles of wheelchair, but I think the files corrupted so once I fix (or remake) them, I'll probably make a second pack.
If you have any issues, please let me know!
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arcanegifs · 2 months ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 2x01 - “Heavy is the Crown” ↳ "Hey."
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snail-shell2335 · 3 months ago
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Do You Know What It Means To Be Loved By Death?
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forecast0ctopus · 6 months ago
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i get it now these guys are cool
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blanchebees · 15 days ago
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Ruined his new fit :/
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composeregg · 6 months ago
edit (10/23/2024) now that the poll is over: Original version, with 10 questions, from April 2023 here
And, given that the original is from April 2023, that means I can very easily say:
No, this was not an ISAT reference!
Just because I use parentheses and 2nd person pov and love the same concepts of what a time loop can do to a person doesn't mean it's ISAT
(Yes, I like ISAT, the original poll is why I was recommended the game! But if you look at the original, you can see all the origins of the options to choose from, including what spurred me on with the moss option from the replies)
If I were going to make something for ISAT, I would never be so vague, you can simply look at my ao3 for proof of that
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sophsun1 · 1 year ago
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Psych – 2.02: 65 Million Years Off
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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critrolestats · 1 year ago
Media References and Puns of 3-080
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Thanks to @teaweltzer for this art piece!
Media References
(0:02:32) Sam: I need to get home so I can watch some lady build a mineshaft under her house on TikTok…
(0:16:25) Liam: sings “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
(0:19:19) Travis: It’s the Matrix.
(0:19:36) Marisha: Hunger Games.
(0:19:50) Liam: Can we get pizza rolls and Cap’n Crunch--
(0:23:38) Liam: (as Fearne) I’m looking for Michelle Branch.
(0:23:45) Sam: singing “A Thousand Miles”
(0:23:48) Laura: No, that’s Vanessa Carlton.
(0:23:57) Travis: singing If I could just see you. (“A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton)
(0:25:24) Travis: singing Workin’ my way. (“A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton)
(0:30:57) Liam: singing Do you love me? Yes, I love you. (“Do You Love Me?” by Sharif Dean)
(0:31:27) Liam: (laughs) It might as well have been the “Body Snatchers” moment.
(0:32:37) Liam: Sipping Bacardi, man.
(0:33:04) Sam: That’s more Odessa. She’s usually more San Antonio.
Read more at critrolestats.com
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twisted-broth · 5 months ago
You Were the Weird Kid
Characters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Vil, Rook, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Rollo
Genre: Crack
Warning for pica behavior (Rollo)
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darthhope999 · 2 years ago
I think I’ll be keeping a tally of all the animals I’ve seen this summer
Three ducks.
One horse
One moth
One small, tailless rodent
One raccoon
I SAW TWO BABY DUCKS AT THE PARK!!!! Them and their mother just swam up to me and begged for food (there was a sign that said not to feed the wildlife so I didn’t, but it was awesome anyway.) I think I should name them… c’mon, of course I gonna name them! I name OCs everyday, it’s like an instinct! I think I’ll name the two young ones Misha and Sergei (don’t ask) and the older one “The Purple one or, Dormammu.” (Put me in jail now.)
I mean, it’s not in nature (and its kinda sad) but a horse was seen in the back of a transport trailer (ha, passive voice.) I think I’ll name it… Sparky.
A moth decided to dive bomb me last night. It scared the ever living crap out of me and I nearly uprooted everything and moved to Antarctica. I think I’ll name it Godzilla. (Yes, I know it’s a missed opportunity, but Mothra’s a good guy, this moth was evil.)
I saw a baby bunny today. It was like right outside our door, right next to us. So close that if we had been outside, we would’ve been able to touch it. It was without its mother… I’m going to name it Bambi.
I have no idea what it was. Some tiny rodent without a tail. No reference for this one, but I think I’ll name it Terrance (no, not because that’s what ‘reference’ auto corrected to)
Raccoon! Raccoon! Me and my brother ran for our lives while our dad tried to get a closer look. We thought we’d never see him again. I’ll name it Jason. (No, it didn’t have a machete… that we could see.)
(To be updated on an “oh crap, I forgot” basis every time I see a new animal)
(If you want to, try and guess the references I make with each name :)
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 1 year ago
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Since its dean day let me remind you all that this is literally happened
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arcanegifs · 4 months ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 2x04 - “Paint the Town Blue” ↳ "It's beyond question that new of Jinx's return will ignite Zaunite resistance. But the blade cuts both ways. There's a trail. We have her scent. I'd expect this development would encourage you."
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