#meddie friendship
Meddie friendship fic!
Tis finally here, I hope y'all enjoy!
Title: i opened my eyes (and all i saw was you)
Author: Maira
Words: 6,595
Eddie said nothing, still trying to come to grips with this new information. Maddie kept staring at him, eyes rapidly losing their haze of alcohol and far too shrewd for his liking. “Eddie, you- you knew Buck was bi, right?”
And there it was. “Uh, no. No, can’t say that I did.”
... Or, the one where Eddie realises he may get everything he's ever wanted.
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diazsdimples · 5 months
What do u say about these supposed hard core fans that are shipping buck Tommy? They gonna make the writers keep that homophobe around 😰
I am entirely the wrong person to ask about this.
Firstly, I ship Bucktommy AND Buddie. And this is possible! You are allowed to see Buck be happy with a man for the first time (how fucking good!!) but also wish upon the nearest star that he ends up with Eddie in the end. I truly believe Buddie is endgame but at the moment, I am more delighted at the fact that Buck is happy, with a man, experiencing a positive queer relationship.
The reason I ship Bucktommy is because look! at! how! happy! this! boy! is!!! I will ship ANY person that makes my little blorbo as happy and blushy and giggly as Evan Buckley is when he's with Tommy Kinard. He is SMITTEN. Do I think they're endgame? Not at the moment, no. Would I be upset if they were? I'd mourn the fuck out of Buddie, but I would be glad that Buck is finally happy and comfortable in a relationship. His happiness is paramount.
For the reasons why Buck's bisexual arc is more important than a ship, please read this post. It talks about the importance of representation in current media, and my own experiences of coming to terms with my bisexuality just before this arc was aired. What we're seeing with Buck's story is revolutionary, really. We haven't seen this kind of thing happen in media much at all and it is so important to show.
For any issues regarding Tommy, please read this post by the lovely @slightlyobsessedwitheverything. They beautifully go through all his appearances and break them down for us and I would urge you to read it with an open mind.
Now, about Eddie. I am an Eddie girlie (gn) through and through. That is my babygirl and I adore him with every fibre of my being. I would love nothing more than to see him go through a queer arc. However, right now, Eddie is not in the place to do so. We saw from the last episode that he's an untapped reservoir of Catholic guilt, and it's gonna take a lot to work through that, before he can have any kind of realisation re: Buck. He's very much in his comphet days but is starting to take some steps towards undoing some of his old habits, like getting Marisol to move out when he realises they're moving too fast.
With this in mind, I think it would be too rushed and too early for Buddie to get together right now. Yeah they've had many seasons of being married and living out of one another's pockets but given the stages of life they are both in, I feel it wouldn't end as well as we'd like it to. Eddie isn't in the right place for it. Buck is exploring his sexuality. They need time to learn and grow and do some serious thinking and realising before they can even begin to contemplate a relationship together.
Regarding the "homophobe", I am assuming this is referring to Edy Ganem and not Lou Ferrigno Jr. I would like it noted for the record that I cannot stand Edy and therefore cannot stand Marisol. If Meddie were to be endgame, I'd fume. They have no chemistry. They do not suit one another. And I don't believe Edy should be given a platform to spread her hateful rhetoric, and I hope the last we see of her is 7x07. I'm a little mad it wasn't 7x05 but there we go.
However, Tommy and Buck's storyline and Eddie and Marisol's storyline are entirely separate. The only thing that links them are Buck and Eddie, and their friendship. I don't believe that Tommy's existence means Marisol is going to stick around and I find it a little odd that you do. Buck can and has had relationships that aren't Eddie. Eddie can and has had relationships that aren't Buck. Buck being in a relationship does not mean Eddie will also be in one. Tommy's existence does not confirm Marisol's continued existence.
My current best case scenario is Eddie being single by the end of 7x07 (please god), and Buck and Tommy continuing their relationship, so Buck has the opportunity to learn and experience same-sex relationships while Eddie has the time to deconstruct his true feelings, get therapy, work through 30+ years of repression, and then they'll be ready.
Best case scenario, sometime towards the end of s7 or beginning of s8, Buck and Tommy decide that they both want different things out of life, have an amicable split that doesn't leave either of them hurt, Tommy sticks around as a recurring character because he's ingrained in the 118 again, Eddie's doing his therapy thing and then maybe mid s8 him and Buck can start coming to some realisations with a potential for Buddie moments towards the end of s8. Honestly anything else would seem too rushed.
The final point I'd like to make is that I find it extremely odd that you call people who ship Bucktommy "supposed hardcore fans". Shipping anything other than Buddie doesn't make you any less of a fan. Actually, I'd argue it shows a bit more commitment to the characters as you're willing to be open to them growing as humans and expanding on the personalities that we love. If Buddie is the only reason you watch the show, I feel you should re-evaluate your motivation. This show has so many great ships, such as Bathena, Henren and Madney, as well as Buddie and Bucktommy, and considering this is an ensemble show, we should show all of them as much love as the other. These characters are so intertwined with one another and that's what makes this show so worth watching. Watching for 2 characters and 2 characters only is not getting the full enjoyment out of it.
I hope this answered your questions and gave you something to reflect on. As I say, I'm not the right person to ask about this as I too ship Bucktommy, currently have 2 Bucktommy fics in my drafts and watch them kiss at least 10 times a day. And for future reference, I will be unfollowing/blocking people who throw tantrums about not getting Buddie so far, or who believe you can only ship Buddie and feel superior for doing so. Have a good rest of your day.
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troutfur · 3 months
José. My absolute beloved.
Unveil ALL your Kestrelflight lore 🙏 All of your characterization and headcanons and everything 🙏🙏🙏
Aye, aye, captain!
(Under the cut because length, predictably.)
So! Let's start from the beginning and let me tell you what are my family headcanons for him. I don't have well defined parents for him, I really have no idea what works best for him. But I do know pretty definitively who I think are his littermates: Antpelt and Harespring.
What really gave me this idea was the Only Child Lionblaze AU. Each of these three characters have a connection to the WindClan three and as such I thought making them siblings would be fitting.
Harespring is a rival to Hollytail for the deputyship. Both are ambitious, rule-following, and competitive. Harespring in particular resents Hollytail because he sees her as having an unfair advantage. He's both Ashfoot's apprentice and granddaughter, not to mention Onestar's grandniece. In his view she's coasting a lot on the nepotism and so Harespring decided on training in the Dark Forest as a way to gain his own advantage on her.
Antpelt is Breezepelt's best friend. While in this AU given that he has Hollytail and Jayroot to serve as a support net that keeps him in check and helps alleviate the pain of what they all suffer having Crowfeather as a father, Breezepelt still has a lot of aggression to him (not helped by getting to have Lionblaze's power). Breezepelt's firendship with Antpelt ultimately begun with them being sparing partners and grew from his need to have someone outside his family.
(Breezepelt also takes the role of Ivypool, the DF spy pressured to take the role by his siblings. His introduction was through Antpelt, and as you can imagine that turns out tragic.)
Finally Kestrelpaw who was a nursery friend of Jaypaw's who was devastated about how cold he turned upon becoming a warrior apprentice. He's very desperate to win his friend back over, fretting about whatever he did wrong, trying in vain to approach even though Jaypaw seems to want nothing with him, losing much sleep and tears over it. They end up reconnecting once Jayroot earns his full name and Kestrelpaw is unsure of what changed and is over the moon about it.
(What happened is that StarClan was trying to goad Jaypaw into sabotaging Kestrelpaw and replacing him as Barkface's apprentice. Jaypaw began avoiding Kestrelpaw for fear StarClan may play a dirty trick. StarClan only gives up once Jayroot becomes a warrior and only then can their friendship rekindle.)
I really enjoy this dynamic between the two litters a lot and even though the Hare & Ant & Kestrel litter doesn't work nearly as well without it, I'm still attached to the headcanon. If nothing else the thought of them working together as WindClan's upper rung of power and them having to contend together with the fact their brother was erased from existence is compelling. I bet it was a tragic conversation once Harespring could talk about it.
BUT ANYWAY! Onto his characterization!
His most consistent traits in canon, at least as far as Po3 and OotS are concerned, are that he's friendly and naive. A little bit stupid even. I really like to play into those first two in the way he interacts with Jaypaw. He's convinced that with a friendly attitude and a little persistence he can turn the grump around. He's not ultimately wrong about it, too.
Within the half-moon meeting gang dynamic Willowshine is deeply disapproving of his endeavor to win Jaypaw over. She met him before her, as we may recall during Jaypaw's first half-moon metting Kestrelpaw was sick back in camp, and it wasn't at all a good first impression. Willowpaw tries to dissuade him and acts antagonistic towards Jaypaw in an attempt to protect sweet, naive, little Kestrelpaw.
Eventually, though, when he makes progress with her, he acts as the ambassador. Willowpaw and Jaypaw have a rocky road to building a friendship. But in the end they manage to become verbal sparing partners. Argument and debate are how they pass the time and bond. Kestrelflight has to constantly reassure everyone they do, in fact, get along.
Another way I really like for the Kestrelpaw & Jaypaw dynamic to develop is what I did on this other fic that's been since privated but which I want to rewrite eventually. In this Jaypaw gets the meddie position by being an absolute insufferable BRAT to Leafpool because he thinks he's entitled to it over Hollypaw. When he eventually breaks her he's already made quite the reputation for himself.
Willowpaw is quite harsh and antagonistic to him from the get go over the slight to her friend Hollypaw and thus Jaypaw ends up quite isolated. He and Kestrelpaw begin interacting because he pities him, essentially. But soon enough the kindness brings about in Jaypaw a desire to repair his relationship with his siblings and better himself as a person.
In the end they end up in a clandestine meddie relationship. All because Kestrelpaw didn't like seeing him so alone and miserable.
Finally! With regards to the way I like to fill out the details of his ascent to full meddie. As I said before the story implied in how even though he's older than Jaypaw by all canon evidence but doesn't get named until the allegiances of the first book in OotS, the first chapter of which has an announcement of Barkface's death, fascinates me.
Being unintelligent is something that's commented on in the narration and the fact he does not have a full name until after Barkface is dead to me imply very clearly he was only promoted of necessity. Even if by Clan culture he would be adult aged twice over he was not ready to handle the responsibility on his own.
I hesistate to name any learning disability in specific, but I think it's a combination of that and a general immature personality. I like to think he cherished having an extended childhood/adolescence and didn't want to ever grow up. Even if he would have to eventually because Barkface is old and won't live forever.
The 6 month timeskip between Po3 and OotS really lend themselves to having these circumstances that necessitated his premature promotion be really tragic. This is why I pin Barkface's cause of death as a terminal disease. Alzheimer's is a really good suggestion I was given and I still have to research that some more before I get to write this fic.
I also like to think that in this timeframe he got to make friends with the other apprentice in their little grouping, Flamepaw. Willowshine and Jayfeather are already full meddies and in many ways dealing with a lot more responsibility than even Kestrelpaw's care of Barkface. I feel that Barkface's impending death would put the contrast between them in sharp focus and make him more likely to bond with someone still firmly in the "kid" camp of this liminal time he's going through.
And that's about it for my thoughts (he says, having written over 1100 words). Hope it was a fun peek into my thought process and why I rotate this bird boy so much in my mind.
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phightinghottakes · 29 days
I love Subspace's dialogue because it really shows his characterization.
It doesn't blatantly show that he's evil, even though we all know it. He seems silly and goofy (HE IS NOT) but he's clearly... ah... manic. His chats show how he tries very hard to portray himself as trustworthy ("Anything illegal going on in your lab?" "Don't think so!!") It also shows how egotistical he is when his work is questioned or complimented. ("Get them my beautiful invention!!" "Cute?! I'll have you know this outfit was custom tailored for Blackrock's finest!! Which, of course, is ME!!)
Oh and his kill dialogue is just chock full of taunts. ("Are you having fun!?" "Keep your eyes open!! Hahahahaha!!") He loves phights for how much testing he can shove in it. ("MY INVENTION!! IT WORKED!!" "Let the experiment commence!!" )
But it also doesn't show his more absolutely batshit insane side as much. Which I get for chats, he would logically try to not present himself as insane to manipulate or take advantage of situations. He also often slips up and lets it peak out underneath.
But that's it. His dialogue with Medkit barely even shows that they both fucked each other over. Like yeah, there are taunts and banter, and Subspace is probably obsessed with Medkit (in a negative rival way of annoying him as much as possible until he cracks) but I thought he would be so much more bitter. Medkit did worse to Subspace yet Subspace acts a lot like he's falling back into a sort-of-rival-friendship with Medkit in his chats. ("Hey Meddy!! How great is it that we get to see each other again?!" "I'm thrilled." "So, how are your inventions going?" "They're going amazingly!!" "Wow, I'm so happy to hear.") I can only assume it's habit and he's definitely messed up in the head, but it paints them more as 'rivals' than 'I tore out his eye and laughed.'
I hope his characterization stayed as fucked up as it is now, but I also hope the rewrite gets rid of the uh... silly goofy twink portrayals. He actually might present himself like that but people forget that this man is a mad scientist and sadist
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dadbodbobby · 7 months
Sliding into your DMs like 😉
Meddie friendship fic!
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yackers · 3 years
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MARA & EDDIE + FRIENDSHIP for @robbynichols​
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lovelessmotel · 3 years
manifesting maddie buckley return/queer eddie confirmation at the end of 5a 🕯🕯
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disgruntleddemon · 2 years
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i've been really excited to post these Ferretcry's code characters! meet Sootspots and Pheasantscratch!
i've talked a bit about Sootspots before, but i'm just gonna go ahead and go over his whole deal again.
he's a very tired hard working skyclan meddie. he'd like to be a kittypet in all honesty, but as the clan's only medcat, he wouldn't want to put then in that position. while he cares very deeply about his clanmates, he feels very isolated from them and is super lonely.
Pheasantscratch is loud, outgoing, and very clumsy. she loves to fight, and has a tendency to get into accidents, which often leaves her in the medcat den. skyclan is a very quiet, respectful, and rulebound clan in ferretcry's code. while the let her do her thing by and large, most cats tend to look down on Pheasant, and see her as immature and childish. like Sootspots, she also feels isolated from the clan do to that.
while she's a bit younger than him, and they're completely different in personality, her and Sootspots have formed a close friendship. Pheasant spends so much time either hanging out with, or helping Soot in the medcat den, that he jokingly calls her his assistant.
they can often be seen dozing together in camp, or out collecting herbs. despite his clanmates takes, Sootspots really respects Pheasant, and while he wishes she wouldn't get hurt all the times, he thinks of her as a clever and dependable cat. Pheasant thins Soot can be a bit dull at times, but also sees him as very caring, with a big heart.
they're the duo of all time honestly. do not separate them <33
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kitschwaffles · 7 years
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MegaMan.EXE was pretty gay in this anime. 
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OOP yeah I agree with the last anon a shit ton. In my meddie scourge au they're just friends. There are hardly any actual friendships in warriors, especially those of different genders, so I did want to give him y'know platonic relationships. For now the friends I have planned for him are Cinderpelt n Ferncloud, and Firestar tho that is his brother so it's a bit of a familial-friendship thing going on. I want to add Mousefur in there but I'm not sure atm how to work it out.
i like the idea of mousefur and scourge having like an enemies to best friends arc, like i can see both of their stubborn hot headedness making them butt heads a lot but then they also love to shit talk everyone and make fun of stuff and they would both die and also kill for each other
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I promise I'm working on the Meddie friendship fic (or, as I like to call it, Eddie Finds Out Some Stuff and Loses His Damn Mind), Life™️ has simply been Sub Optimal™️ of late which has led to writing time being a bit sparse.
Never fear, it is almost here!
-- Maira
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athiare · 4 years
Can we just get a Maddie/Eddie friendship scene?
(Btw a Meddie? scene, an Edmuddie scene? Meddiundo???)
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troutfur · 10 months
Frostpaw spends a night over in WindClan with Whistlepaw and the two become fast friends.
Some notes of what I'm thinking about with this:
Mothwing doesn't have a connection with StarClan so she'd like Frostpaw to get some mentorship on that from Kestrelflight who is already training Whistlepaw.
Whistlepaw is mentioned as being a warrior apprentice in TBC The Silent Thaw before becoming a med cat apprentice. I think that is super interesting given that Frostpaw quits to be a warrior.
Can include questions from Frostpaw like "What was being a warrior apprentice like?" "What was hunting like?" "Do you miss it?" "How do you know if your visions are real?" "What is StarClan like for you?" to break the ice, but then I imagine it leading into more questions about themselves and building a real friendship. :)
I ADORED seeing this in my inbox. We hardly see much of the meddies' supposed trumping of Clan borders and I think a setup where they pass apprentices around to cover their weaknesses is super interesting.
And really it is a good excuse to think of Kestrelflight, how he'd be as a mentor, and the dynamic of the half-moon meetings post-Po3. It is nice to imagine the meddie apprentice club in their youth but now that they've grown so much. Jay's become a hero to the Clans, Willow's gone, Kestrel only now and very reluctantly takes an apprentice of his own. And he probably remains the single colleague Mothwing still has a good relationship with, so no wonder she's sending Frostpaw to him.
But let's not neglect the main girls themselves! You're so very right that as a warrior apprentice turned meddie she is in an interesting position to give advice to a doubting Frostpaw in discerning whether the path is good for her. Particularly I'm thinking in how one of the things Frostpaw feels a longing for is the idea of training alongside her siblings. She could satisfy a curiosity in that regard.
Aaaaaah! The thoughts are swirling, swirling, swirling here. Best to get right into the piece and let the soup settle there.
(Want me to write you a one-scene ficlet? Check out my guidelines and send it in! The more suggestions the better, that way I can have more leeway in chosing which make it to writing from here to November 30th.)
Frostpaw lay with her paws tucked under her side by side to Whistlepaw in the latter’s expanded nest.
The instructions for this part of the special training session had seemed simple enough: sleep. The fragrant herb mixture that they’d woven into the moss lining as well as the chants she’d performed under the pristine light of stars on a moonless night would take care of the rest. Or at least so went that WindClan’s method for inducing contact with StarClan.
And yet, the RiverClan apprentice couldn’t help but feel uneasy with this whole thing. She shifted her position ever so slightly, careful to not disturb the sleep of her nestmate for the night. The exercise was beginning to feel as fruitless as the other things Kestrelflight had been trying to teach her. From the daily prayer routine in praise of Moth Flight he’d tried to drill into her to his lesson on cloud reading, whatever spark that made Whistlepaw and Kestrelflight just get it seemed absent in her.
As she huffed in frustratrion, she felt a tail drape over her side and out of the corner of her vision saw an amber eye open tentatively. “Having trouble with this as well?” Whistlepaw whispered.
Frostpaw blinked, sneaking a glance into Kestrelflight’s nest to verify if the senior oracle was still resting belly up and with his head resting against the edge of his nest. After a few moments of seeing his chest gently rise and fall to the rhythms of sleep she turned back to Whistlepaw and gave a timid nod. “Did you... did you also have trouble your first time?”
“Oh, this is my first time,” she replied.
Frostpaw’s ears drooped at hearing that. She’d forgotten that although her friend was twice her age she too had only recently been made an oracle’s apprentice.
“Don’t worry about it,” she reassured, caressing her tail across the younger apprentice’s flank. “At least you didn’t sprain an ankle and crash into an abandoned burrow on your first day learning how to run down a rabbit.”
Frostpaw turned to her friend with wide eyes to which Whistlepaw only gave a solemn nod. “Did it...?”
“Hurt? My pride more than anything. By the time Kestrelflight gave me the okay to leave his den everyone was still chattering about it. Flutterfoot more than anyone.” She stopped to shake her head. “Lucky opportunist. The rabbit ended up hopping right into his paws. But I had my payback next quarter moon during battle training. Should’ve seen his face when I swept him off his feet and pinned him in three heartbeats flat.”
Frostpaw purred for her peer as she imagined the scene. For a moment she spotted Kestrelflight shift in his nest out of the corner of her eye, making her heart skip a beat. But as he rolled onto hsi side and curled up in what was clearly still a dream state, she relaxed once again.
“Heavy sleeper as they come,” Whistlepaw whispered into her ear. “Don’t wanna tempt StarClan but I bet that even if we spoke normally he wouldn’t wake up. Anyway, my point is we all have our strengths and weak points. Bet this just means this iss going to be an area in which you’re gonna need to put a little more work in.”
“Thank you,” Frostpaw muttered, trying to go back and sleep as instructed.
“So,” Whistlepaw began again. “What made you chose to become an oracle’s apprentice?”
“Oh, well,” Frostpaw began. “It’s just that I’ve always had a gift for dreaming of things before they happen. Like when I would dream of a storm coming over camp and even though the sky had been clear it would pour all over us.”
“Ah, so a natural in prophecy,” Whistlepaw said, giving a slight bump to her fellow apprentices’s shoulder. “No wonder divination is hard for you.”
“And why did you chose to become Kestrelflight’s apprentice?” she asked. “You were about to become a warrior, weren’t you?”
“The warrior life loses its starshine when you are so close to it,” she replied. “It just got so boring to be doing the same old tasks. And even the things that I was very good at, like pummeling my siblings in battle training was getting repetitive. I much more liked the idea of being here, always learning something new.”
“Don’t you ever miss them?” she asked.
Whistlepaw shrugged. “I still see them all the time. You’d almost believe Flutterfoot keeps getting into freak accidents just so he can come brag to me that he’s got his warrior name.” She paused for a moment. “Do you not see your own littermates much?”
Frostpaw shook her head. “Mothwing prefers to treat all patients on her own. Often leaves me to keep memorizing herbs. Was it fun training with them?”
“I suppose,” Whistlepaw replied. “Except when they got competitive. At least when you’re an oracle’s apprentice you aren’t getting challenged to endless rematches or stuck hearing their nine times nine excuses on why really if you think about it they only came in last on the practice race due to bad luck.”
A pause settled between them as the topic seemed to have been exhausted but suddenly Whistlepaw spoke up again. “How about you try telling Mothwing that you’re overwhelmed? A good mentor must be able to find a pace that their apprentice feels comfortable.”
“I can try that,” Frostpaw said with a yawn.
Whistlepaw smiled at that. Seems tiring her out worked in the end!
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
Mothpool AU Rambles - Po3
I made some Mothpool hypokits.
Quailwing (named after Mothwing and equivalent to Jay) is a dilute chocolate mackerel tabby tom with blind blue eyes (blue is inherited from Mothwing).
Russetleaf (named after Leafpool and equivalent to Holly) is a chocolate and red mackerel torbie she-cat with green eyes (green is inherited from Leafpool who carried the gene from her parents... she’s also a demigirl cuz I said so).
Lynxcloud (equivalent to Lionblaze) is a fluffy reddish-orange mackerel tabby tom with amber eyes (inherited from Leafpool).
I got the genetics from a genetic generator (I changed them a bit though...) so they should be accurate.
Excuse me as I rant about an AU idea I had-
So basically.
Leafpool (at the time Leafpaw) ends up getting really close to Mothwing while Squilf is out and about.
Mothwing feels comfortable telling her that she’s trans and just didn’t want to tell anyone outside of RiverClan, because she already knew she was by the time she was apprenticed so why would anyone care? Plus she didn’t want to get discriminated against even though at this rate the Clans are used to same sex couples (Firestar and Graystripe are a thing, Sandstorm’s also there) and trans cats (Firestar, Sandstorm, probably a lot of others)...
Anyways, most of TNP goes the same, but then Leafpool ends up having kits with Mothwing instead... Mothwing is surprised to hear this, but the two of them, Squirrelflight and Ferncloud (who Leafpool decides should nurse the kits... Mothwing has other thoughts though) go to have the kits away from the Clans.
The first born is a chocolate she-kit (you’ll see...). Before even seeing his eyes or anything Leafpool knows that she should be named Quailkit, so she is.
Next is a chocolate and red mackerel torbie she-kit. Mothwing names this one Russetkit, having heard of ShadowClan’s deputy and her friendship with her mother Sasha.
Lastly is a fluffy red she-kit (they trans boiiiiiiiiiiii). While Leafpool wants to name her Mothkit, Mothwing advises against it and Squirrelflight decides to name her Lynxkit.
When it comes time to go home though, Lynxkit has established a bond with Mothwing, who already wanted at least one of the kits to come to RiverClan. Leafpool bids her daughter and Mothwing farewell and brings Quailkit and Russetkit to ThunderClan.
Quailkit soon decides that he/him pronouns fit him better after getting to know his grandfather Firestar, and in RiverClan Lynxkit does the same upon getting to know Mothwing, who he has a close bond with, better.
The only cats who know the truth in RiverClan are Leopardstar, Willowpaw and Mothwing, while in ThunderClan many more know the truth - Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw (vaguely;he knows the Three aren’t his and Squilf’s kits but doesn’t know who they are), Firestar, Sandstorm and the nursery permaqueens.
The Three get apprenticed. Russetpaw is excited to be a medicine cat apprentice, while her brother Quailpaw is determined to become a warrior and overcome his disability. Meanwhile in RiverClan, Lynxpaw is excited to become a warrior, despite his crush on Willowpaw slowing his progress down a bit.
Now here, Quailpaw and Russetpaw don’t switch roles. While Russetpaw does still struggle with herb meanings and such, Leafpool gives her ways to remember them, through little rhymes or short songs. Quailpaw gets training in his dreams from Yellowfang, Spottedleaf and Cinderpelt (though Cinder’s presence is weaker due to her also being by Cinderpaw’s side as a guardian angel/imaginary friend to her, more on that later), learning how to hunt through both sight and smell.
Eventually Russetpaw goes to RiverClan to make sure everything’s okay, before getting stuck due to Twoleg doing... I don’t know what they were doing during Dark River. During her time in RiverClan she bonds with both Lynxpaw and Willowpaw, the latter of whom she was already close to due to medicine cat meetings.
Now, in the canon books, Lionpaw meets with Heatherpaw in the tunnels. Here, however, instead we have Quailpaw meeting with Minnowpaw... I’m not sure where. Perhaps they were exploring ThunderClan territory and accidentally overstepped the borders, Quailpaw falling into the tunnels and them LARPing there? Anyways, both want to be warriors despite both having short fuses. Unlike in the canon books where after saving the WindClan kits Lionpaw and Heatherpaw’s friendship fades away, Quailpaw and Minnowpaw keep being friends, talking at Gatherings and occasionally asking Russetpaw, Willowpaw, Leafpool or Mothwing to tell them something or give them something when they come over to help. The kits they save here are Sneezekit and Mallowkit.
And as in the canon books, Lynxpaw trains in the Dark Forest. Tigerstar mentoring him honestly makes sense to me - there’s probably been several leaders named Tigerstar who have been colored like him given Tigerheart. Anyways, Tigerstar tells him he just wants to help him hone in on his powers. Of course, he wants to, so he trains in the Dark Forest.
Oh, also Russetpaw does have a power! At first Quailpaw tells her about his power and she pretends to be the one with it. However, after a bit, Leafpool figures out the facade and confronts Quailpaw about it. Russetpaw’s power takes longer to manifest, but she does have it, and it’s getting cats to tell the truth, basically hypnotizing them. She uses it a bit before she runs away into the tunnels to get cats to confess to breaking the warrior code, but after the reveal she decides that maybe she shouldn’t do that and instead uses it to figure out who’s training in the Dark Forest.
Anyways, onto Outcast!
Due to Brook and Stormfur formerly taking refuge in RiverClan, Leopardstar decides that one of their cats should go to the mountains as well alongside Crowfeather, Breezepaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Quailpaw, Russetpaw and Brambleclaw. Lynxpaw volunteers, and his mentor (Dawnflower, Minnowpaw’s mom) therefore goes as well. Mothwing considers going, but ultimately doesn’t, instead deciding to teach Lynxpaw some herbs due to not fully trusting Russetpaw’s herb skills. He becomes a bit interested in them, but not enough to become a meddie.
After watching Lynxpaw during the battle with the rogues, Quailpaw tells him and Russetpaw a prophecy.
There will be three, kin of a great leader’s kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. Look for the sharp-eyed quail. Listen out for the lynx’s roar. After both of these events have come and gone, peace will come on a gentle russet leaf.
Russetpaw is certain that she and Quailpaw are two of the cats in the prophecy, simply believing that Lynxpaw’s prefix being mentioned is just a coincidence due to the commonality of the prefix.
Lynxpaw doesn’t know what to think about it.
The prospect of being important excites Quailpaw. The cats who doubt him won’t any longer when they find out he’s a prophecy cat! Or at least, that’s what he hopes...
Eclipse goes about the same... aside from Lynxpaw not wanting to fight Quailpaw! He just became friends with him, and might be in the prophecy with him!
Sol tells Lynxpaw that he can explain the prophecy. Lynxpaw decides that he should tell Mothwing and Willowpaw about it, and firstly tells the latter of the two.
Willowpaw and him both agree that the great leader is likely Firestar, but could also be one of the original leaders, leaving Heatherpaw and Breezepaw as possible candidates. Lynxpaw tells her that Quailpaw told him the prophecy, and she says that they’re possible candidates too. He starts to have low self esteem after this, but Willowpaw comforts him and the two basically get together but they don’t realize cuz they’re dumbasses.
The two of them then go to tell Mothwing. At first she’s hesitant to believe them - she’s never really seen StarClan as much of a higher force then the living cats, they’re just dead cats, they’re as reckless and at times mouse-brained as they were when they were alive. 
But she sees the glow in Lynxpaw’s eyes. It reminds her of what she loved about Leafpool. She sees Leafpool in the son she could never treat as her own. Believing Willowpaw to have received the prophecy (mouse-dung, we forgot to tell her that Quailpaw told me the prophecy), at the next Moonpool meeting she gives her her medicine cat name - Willowshine.
Due to how valiantly he fought in the battle, Lynxpaw is given his warrior name of Lynxcloud. Minnowpaw is given her warrior name at this time as well, as is Pebblepaw, with those two being named Minnowtail and Pebblefoot like in canon.
Quailpaw is also given his warrior name by Firestar, that being Quailwing after Mothwing.
Long Shadows is mostly the same except for one minor change, that being that Jay’s Wing is now named Quail’s Feather. Flamepaw, Dawnpaw and Tigerpaw help the Three fake an omen to get Blackstar to believe in StarClan again like in the canon books. The fire scene is also slightly different... but anyways, Russetpaw gets her full name of Russetleaf.
Now the fire scene... the whole reveal happens but afterwards Squilf reassures Russetleaf and Quailwing that she loves them as if they were her own kits, and that Brambleclaw does as well. 
Quailwing takes a while to accept it, still being confused about his power... StarClan has given cats powers before, but for all he knows he’s just a kittypet or rogue or loner who was brought to the Clan at a young age. And how does Lynxcloud fit into this? Eventually though, he accepts it, deciding to try to help whoever the Three are with whatever the prophecy requires them to do.
Russetleaf, however, can’t accept it. She’s a disgrace to her Clan and has no right to be a medicine cat. She should’ve known she wasn’t in the prophecy, she doesn’t have a power at all... Cinderheart notices something’s wrong and talks to her about it, and they get together and she starts to feel better, even if she realizes that she’s breaking the code... she’s stopped caring anymore.
Eventually though, Russetleaf’s power appears and she’s confused. She accidentally uses it without realizing after Quailwing finds out that Leafpool’s their mother, in an attempt to figure out who their father/sire is. Also yes, I did shuffle events... partially cuz I forgot the order they happen in.
Russetleaf carried the blood red berries in her jaws as she entered camp. No one questioned her, though she saw a few cats giving her weird looks. I have to do this, she thought.
As she entered the medicine cat den, Leafpool looked up at her, fear in her eyes.
“Russetleaf, what are you-” Russetleaf cut her off.
“I know now,” she hissed, “Mother. I may not know who our father is, but-”
The medicine cat cut her off. The tortioseshell tabby noticed that her eyes looked... focused on something else, as if in a trance.
“While she’s not your father, per-say, Mothwing sired you, Quailwing and Lynxcloud,” her mother mewed, “now, may I please leave the den?”
Her eyes looked normal again halfway through her second sentence. Still confused, Russetleaf nodded, allowing Leafpool to exit the den.
What did I just do?
She experiments with her power, seeing who may’ve broken the warrior code. Mousewhisker (relationship with Minnowtail), Squirrelflight (hiding the truth), Brambleclaw (same as Squilf), heck, even Firestar (giving prey to RiverClan, giving Yellowfang prey and eating some of it before bringing it to the Clan, hiding Graystripe’s relationship with Silverstream, probably more)! ... all of them admit it.
She begins to feel... power-hungry. While the Dark Forest has been unable to recruit her due to her loyalty to ThunderClan, they are able to do one thing: will her to kill Ashfur. Leafpool had taught her some fighting techniques she’d learned from Cinderpelt and Mothwing, she knows a decent amount, and uses them to kill Ashfur. To keep her Clan safe.
This starts to weigh her down. She feels terrible. She broke the code... but she did it to keep her Clan safe! ... didn’t she?
She can’t keep it inside any longer. She tells everyone the truth at a Gathering. Mothwing and Leafpool are exposed. Firestar doesn’t want to make her give up her position, but Leafpool insists on it, scared of what Russetleaf could do. Leopardstar, who’s always been a code junkie even if she made two half-Clan cats deputy, made one of Tigerstar’s kits temporarily deputy even though she (I think) knew he was Firestar’s son, allowed one of Tigerstar’s kits who was formerly a rogue to be a medicine cat, relinquishes Mothwing’s position.
Lynxcloud says he wants to talk to his siblings, and they all go to the tunnels. Russetleaf needs to tell someone what she did... so she tells her brothers. And she runs in. And it seems as if she’s gone... dead...
But two young kits have potential.
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ron-stepupable · 4 years
real talk. why is the Meddie friendship used once then tossed in the bin?
11 notes · View notes
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Jolene Marie Delacrouix 
FC: Madelaine Petsch/Christina Hendricks Gen: Marauders Hogwarts - Ravenclaw Blood Status: Muggle Born Sexuality: Heterosexual
Playlist (Coming soon)
General Tag 
tw; prejudice, self-hate, body image issues, affair
Bio: Jolene Marie Delacroix was a French witch born to muggle parents on a small vineyard. Her mother- a strict catholic – upon realizing her daughter was a witch disowned her, and ranted and raved until her father, a winemaker agreed that perhaps sending her to his aunts in Wales would be preferable, not for his wifes sake, but for his daughters. Her father was a gentle man, quiet and without a backbone. He would often wait until his wife had turned in for the night, and in the stillness of it all would mutter something about how after she was born the vineyards seemed to sing, and that when she leaves for Wales, he just knew the vines would wilt, and the wine would no longer make him feel giddy. He was right. The week after he had seen her off every vine died, every grape turned sour. At the age of 11 after spending a year with her Great Aunt she received a Hogwarts letter. She would attend her first year in the fall of 1966 and would be sorted into Ravenclaw House. Jolene, an outsider her entire life, refused to be one at Hogwarts. Bright, with a keen eye, she saw who was on top – saw the way they spoke, and quickly learned of the importance they placed on Blood purity. So the lie began. She was pureblood, raised in France and Wales. She claimed to be descended from the Bonaccord family, and no one ever questioned her. Perhaps it was because of her quick friendship with Narcissa Black, or perhaps it was because no one outside of the group she called her friends seemed to care. The Ravenclaw did not lack ambition – but rather placed more emphasis on the mind power it took her to achieve those ambitions. So despite the many times others stated how strange it was she wasn’t sorted into Slytherin, she never questioned the sorting hats decision.
Sometime in her sixth year she began an on again, off again hush-hush relationship with the seventh year Lucius Malfoy. This was Jolene’s decision, as she knew the feelings her friend Narcissa held for the boy. Not wanting to hurt her, but very aware of what a relationship with Lucius could bring in terms of cementing the lie of her blood status – she sought out to make him fall for her. However, she miscalculated. She fell for him, and continued to do so, over, and over again. It was this year that she confided in Narcissa, her closest friend, that she was muggle born. This, would end up being a mistake.
The First Wizarding War, began slowly, so slowly Jolene did not see how some of her dear friends so eagerly jumped on the bandwagon, and before she knew it. She was surrounded by death eaters, and their supporters.
Near the end of 1978 Narcissa and Lucius married. Jolene was a bridesmaid. Her relationship with Lucius continued – mostly aided by fire whiskey. In 1979 she saw the dark mark on his arm for the first time. It made her skin crawl, but still – they continued. In the beginning of 1980 Narcissa told Jolene she was pregnant, and her joy for her friend was crushed by her own guilt because, Jolene was as well. She had been playing a dangerous game for a very long time, and she was suddenly running out of moves to make. Narcissa had kept her secret, but Jolene doubted she would still vouch for her blood purity if she learned of her betrayal.
At the height of the terror, she told Lucius. Told him everything – the pregnancy, her lineage, her lies, everything, and he responded with a bag of Galleons. A bribe. Payment. And nothing had made her skin crawl like that bag did, not even the mark on his skin, or the sneer in his voice. Jolene stole away in the night. Her name would later be published on a list of missing and presumed dead. Narcissa never sought her out, and if she had ever learned of the betrayal Jolene did not know.
In America she gave birth to her daughter, Euryphaessa Medusa Delacroix on the 22nd of July, 1980. She found work at the American branch of Witch Weekly, and made her way up Editor. She raised Euryphaessa, who preferred to be called Meddy, in a small town outside Detroit, Michigan on the shore of Lake Erie. She returned to France during the Christmas Holidays of 1993 with her daughter, a business trip disguised poorly as a family vacation. It was here that the lies all caught up with her again.
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