#meanwhile everyone else 😐
spirkbitch · 4 months
everyone else on the bridge deserves a medal for enduring Kirk flirting with his boyfriends constantly
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imo everyone on earth should be talking about Him (don't want this showing up in the tag even though it's not a diss) but everytime i go to the tag and there's only like 3 new posts i'm like. oh yeah almost no one cares except me and like 5 other ppl on here
i ran out of tags KFHSJENNXN i don't think that's literally ever happened to me before anyways don't read them because it's just me being insane as per usual
#most of his indirects on twitter are from people in diff asian countries as well and ik he's doing an asia tour soon(?)#bruh he's never coming back to the usa is he 😭😭😭 i need him in chicago i miss him so bad#i feel very ugly emotionally rn still bc i was reading all of the rando ass dating rumors of him last night LMAO and it pissed me off#i know i have no right to get mad and i'm being irrational but at the same time like. everyone is just like 'omg he's so in love rn'#bc his music has been very angsty and like. idk... conflicted? but his new song was very happy and sweet and very In Love Sounding#and i already know all his music is about one person bc he always talks about the same shit (he's very predictable i see right thru him)#and he's putting out a new song called 'shining' and he has been talking abt a person being his light/shining on him for the last 7yrs atp#so like. that's how i know it's about one specific person and i don't think he has moved on LMAOOO so unless he was dating the same random#7yrs ago i don't think he's dating any of the people they bring up tbh... i pay attention to these things not to brag or anything but like#being attentive to the people i love and noticing inconsistincies in their behavior and when they act diff is like. the only skill i have#at least irt other people LMAO like honestly i wrote all the lyrics he ever wrote down in a google doc and it shows a clear trajectory#that starts like... innocently and just gets more fucked up and toxic as it goes. and ppl say he's one of the most sane ppl they know#meanwhile he's been writing songs about 1 person for nearly 10 years and they get progressively more desperate and insane#I'M JUST SAYING. i completely forgot what my original point was but i guess it was most likely that. no one pays attention to him like i do#the songs started being about this person at the same time i started liking him and having dreams about meeting him btw#and they got progessively more uh. spiteful and desperate and weird as the years went on. did i mention i cast a spell on him 😐#and he literally says shit like 'it's impossible for me to move on' 'i don't care about anyone else' 'it's like i'm possessed' etc#and after we met at his concert he got really into saying shit like 'that one night wasn't enough' and 'the spotlight between us'#&the ever-famous 'i like the way you look at me' 'my eyes are on you' 'focus on me just look at me' when all i did was look at him all night#if you're reading this right now and thinking 'celeste do you seriously believe a kpop guy has been writing songs about you for 7 years?'#you should remember who i am and how i reacted to ***** having a gf (that i guessed exactly right months before he revealed it)#i'm schizophrenic 🤷‍♀️ but the guy i'm into was the one who started my fascination with soulmates and destiny and fate and shit like that#you know it's funny i mention that because he also started writing about that!!!!! in his songs!!! crazy#and he talks about the person making it hard for him to sleep and wanting to meet them in his dreams again and whathaveyou#i mean even in his two newest title tracks he says 'i'm frustrated in the studio the only melody that comes out is for you' and#'i want to turn everything about you into a song' in the newest one... hm.#and btw he announced his album right when i admitted i was in love with him again to my family (they know my insanity LMAO)#and he releases a song about being happy and in love and listening for someone's voice from far away to reach him/vice versa?????#right when i get back into him???#it's my fave color & his fave color & he's releasing it in my birth month like. i know billions of coincidences are a thing but it's crazy
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
Awww I feel the same way about Joel! You can tell this band means the world to him and it's endearing 🥺 I also love how he doesn't always say/do the right socially acceptable things and I relate a lot to that 😅
yeeeeessss he wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't sugarcoat his words 😅💞 actually that's what I love about the whole band; they are just so genuine and...real? What you see is exactly what you get 🥰
I can still remember the exact moment I totally fell for Joel for good, which also happened to be the moment I decided I need to see them live, even though I was super nervous about going to my first ever BC concert. In August 2021, Niko and Joel were being interviewed live on TV (on Viiden jälkeen) and they were asked if they have someone who's in charge of their social media (i.e. a professional), and Joel answered that they had actually been offered a person to do all that but that they want to do it themselves, because they want it to be 100% authentic. I nearly started crying on the spot, because how many bands/singers DO that?! Most of them are HAPPY to have someone else handle all that for them, but no, not Blind Channel 🥺
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starpunkssgalaxy · 6 months
another sbg headcanons post 🤝
- ash will randomly get the shakes after everything that happened in the phantom dimension, if you look through her phone camera roll a lot of the pictures are blurry because she cant stop her hands from shaking
- ^ aiden lends her his rubix cube (other fidget toys) to try and help her calm down and give her something else to focus on
- taylor lovesss rollercoasters and will always drag tyler along, tyler isn’t terrified but they’re definitely not his favorite
- logan has a pair of converse that he needs to retire so bad, these shoes are hanging on by a thread its so bad 😭
- aiden can fall asleep anywhere, like tf are you doing in the sink??? (if he didnt have insomnia. we all seen those eyebags he dont sleep lol)
- ben is really quiet when he walks so sometimes he’ll just appear behind you and scare the shit out of you
- when the group needs bait/a distraction everyone always turns to tyler and taylor. they use the “get help” strategy, its usually tyler leaning on taylor like hes hurt and taylor screaming for help (guys say yk what im talking about 😔, thor and loki?)
- aiden trying to lighten the mood after being in the phantom dimension: so.. smash or pass?
everyone else: 😐
- aiden the type to tell the exact same story 15 times to the group forgetting hes already told them the story but they listen every single time too
- logan knows how to breakdance??? he just busted it out randomly one day and everyone was floored 😭💀
- when ben is mad/annoyed he does that thing cats do where he’ll just slowly slide something off a shelf or table onto the floor
- group went roller skating once and obviously ash was amazing at it, and ben, taylor, and logan were pretty good as well but meanwhile aiden and tyler were just either tripping eachother, holding on to eachother for support or dying laughing when one of them fell and ate shit
- in class they were assigned those fake babies you have to take care of, logan? amazing at it but was so tired afterwards. ben? pretty good but is a heavy sleeper so slept through the baby crying. taylor and tyler made a good team but tyler almost lost his mind when the baby would just non stop cry. ash evil eyed this thing the whole time, would carry it around by the head 😭 also had her headphones on 24/7 because she couldn’t stand the noise. aiden left his in the freezer, and then couldnt find it for days.
- ben is INCREDIBLE at carnival games, even the rigged ones. the people that own the game booths have genuine beef with ben lmaoo
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Being Inarizaki’s Manager
🚑Miss Manager Breaks Her Hand🚑
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Inarizaki x female! manager (she/her)
Warnings: mention of broken hand, pain relievers mentioned, crying, angst(?) to fluff
A/N: this idea stemmed from the 2k headcanon celebration and I loved it so much that I thought I’d indulge myself 💅
This team ranges from “protective dad squad” to “problem children”
It’s giving season 4 Seijoh x Shiratorizawa crossover
Like I’m both excited and scared for you
Now being their precious manager, you were literally worshiped on this team
The third years, Kita, Aran, Omimi and Akagi, absolutely adored you beyond all measures
You were the light of the team, the rock 🪨
The second years, Atsumu, Osamu, Suna and Ginjima, were the guardians of YN
They didn’t think anyone was good enough to breath the air of THEIR YN
And last, but certainly not least, our precious bby first year, Riseki, absolutely had the biggest crush on you
He looked up to you and worshiped every step you took
Needless to say, you were irreplaceable my dear Yn
Unfortunately “irreplaceable” does not equate to “unbreakable” as our lively Inarizaki was about to learn
Because you see, it happened so fast that absolutely nobody knew what to do
You sent the solid team that was slated to win nationals into the biggest frenzy ever
And it all started with a rouge volleyball 😌
You see, it was the end of practice and everyone was packing up the gym
Everyone except for a certain someone 👀
Now I know what you’re thinking ok? This is all Atsumus fault
It’s always Atsumu fault 🙄
And while 99.9% of the time it most definitely is, this 0.1% was not
Because it was someone else who accidentally caused the chaos
“Sumu pack it up! It’s time to go home!” Kita shouted as you picked up the remaining volleyballs
“Just a few more serves, I’m almost at my limit,” Atsumu said as you mindlessly continued your work
You were use to this, Sumu was Sumu and there wasn’t much more you could do
And by now, he had learned to avoid hitting you so you really didn’t mind
You just continued about your merry way, picking up balls and daydreaming
“Come on bro, let’s go I’m starving!” Osamu whined
“If you’d practice your serves as much as you eat, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about missing any!” Atsumu said before slamming a service ace into the opposing court
“What did ya say to me?” Osamu raged
“Oh boy,” Aran said 😐
“Knock it off you two! Let’s just finish up!” Ginjima yells
Suna 👉🏻👀 📱
Meanwhile, you are just lost in your own world, probably daydreaming of peace and quiet
“Give me that ball!” Osamu shouted as he grabbed the ball from Sumu before tossing it and slamming it into the opposite court
It looked like a good serve, a solid one even
It’s course was set to land right on the end line
Which was, coincidentally, right where you were 😃
Akagi, our star Libero, saw it first
“YN LOOK OUT!” He shouted as the rest of the team watched on horror
Thankfully, you manage to get your hand up quickly
The ball hit your hand, smack on and deflected towards the wall
A loud and almost visible sigh flooded the gym as everyone was relieved you didn’t get hit in the head
However the calmness lasted approximately .02 seconds when they heard you whine and grab your hand
“Crap Yn!” Omimi shouted as the team raced towards you
You were grabbing your hand as tears began to flow down your face
“YN I’m so freaking sorry!! I didn’t mean too!” Osamu said, coming beside you as he looked at your hand
Fun fact: a professional volleyball serve can be upwards of 120mph (193kph)
Osamu isn’t a professional but it’s safe to say he can probably reach at least 80mph (128kph)
Needless to say, there’s a lot of force behind a serve
I googled all the facts 💅
You look at Osamu, tears in your eyes as you respond, “it’s ok Samu, I should have been watching.”
Meanwhile, your hand is beginning to swell and it hurts so bad
“Let me see it YN,” the coach says as he studies your hand
“Is she going to be ok?” Ginjima asks as Coach looks at you
“Riseki, grab an ice pack quick, Kita and Aran, take YN to the nurse now!” Coach barks as the team goes to work
Suna comes next to you, holding your hand gently as Riseski hands him the ice pack
You hiss and whimper as the ice hits your skin
Osamu and Atsumu stand to the side, visibly upset that their arguing lead to you getting hurt
“Come on Yn,” Kita said, putting his hand on your lower back as Aran took over for Suna, bracing your hand
Atsumu and Osamu wordlessly began cleaning up the gym with the rest of the team, feeling awful about what happened
“Hey!” Omimi says as the twins look at him, “it was an accident. She’ll be ok.”
Meanwhile, in the nurses office…
“We need to call your parents Yn, you need to go to the hospital,” she says as you look at her
“She’s ok isn’t she?” Aran says, concerned
The nurse shakes her head, “I think her hand is broken, she needs x-rays to confirm.”
Kita and Aran’s eyes widen as you hold your hand, crying a little as the pain continues to sink in
The team finishes cleaning up and they all run to the nurses office as they see you sitting outside with Aran
“Hey everything’s all right?” Atsumu says as you look at him
“The nurse thinks she broke her hand, her parent is coming to take her to the hospital,” Kita says as he walks out from the nurses office
Osamu immediately deflated, he feels absolutely awful about what happened
He realistically knows it wasn’t really his fault, accidents happen, especially on the court
You notice him looking sad as you stand up and walk to him
“Samu it’s ok! I’ll be ok I promise,” You say, hugging him as he hugs you back
It’s a sweet moment that is unfortunately interrupted 😐
“What about me YN?” I’m sad too!” Atsumu whines as Osamu and the team glare at him
You smile and giggle, hugging Atsumu and then the rest of the team
Your parent arrives and you are taken to the hospital
The guys all go home, worried about what happened to you
They all feel awful, knowing how much pain you are in
Suddenly, their phones all ring, the group chat lighting up as they all simultaneously answer
“YN are you ok?” Osamu shouts from his phone screen
Talk about turn of events 😅
“Will you shut up and let her speak?” Ginjima says
“How about everyone shuts up and let’s YN talk!” Kita finally says as you smile from the hospital room
“Hey guys, I’m ok! My hand is broken but I got a cast on it!” You say, showing the team your favorite color, now wrapped around your hand
They all go silent, feeling awful
Osamu feels the worst as he looks at your wrapped hand
“Damn Yn, I’m so sorry!” He says again, his face expressing immense concern
You laugh, an odd gesture given the situation, “Samu it’s ok! The doctor was super impressed that I managed to deflect a serve like that! It’s not a bad break and they said within a few weeks I should be healed!”
“Are you able to do volleyball practice YN?” Akagi asks as you nods
“No physical activity for a while but I can still write and do everything I normally do! So it means I get out of gym class!” You say, excited you won’t have to participate in running for a while
“Did they give you something for the pain?” Aran asks as you nod
“Yeah they gave me some good pain relievers but I won’t be in school the rest of this week,” you say as the boys all deflate
“I’m really really sorry Yn! I feel awful!” Osamu says again
“Samu it’s ok! It was an accident! I should have been paying more attention anyways!” You say as you smile
Thankfully, a certain someone knows just how to lighten the mood 😏
“Really if you think about it, it’s all Sumu’s fault,” Suna chimes in as Atsumu takes over Osamus phone
“What the hell Suna?!? How is it my fault??” He shouts
“Well if you wouldn’t have kept serving, this never would have happened!” Ginjima adds
“It’s true,” Riseki says
“Atsumu you are going to run so many laps tomorrow!” Kita says as
Atsumu 👉🏻👁️💧👄💧👁️
They are all just glad their precious manager is ok 🥰
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the-phantom-author · 4 months
as someone who was a 11lb baby (and was 95th percentile for height and weight until I was 15 at which point everyone else caught up), I love the thought of reader being like "well shit, I was a big child and look at you, no wonder they're huge. i thought I wanted more kids but we're done with one. 😐" and hasan just being like "they're not huge?? they're tiny, look at them! 😭"
No literally, it's the way I was born at 10 pounds 9 ounces.
Every time someone mentions how big the baby is, Hasan gets thrown for a loop for a bit, because "no????? They're small, they're baby sized". If only because everyone he looks in the mirror or is shown a picture of himself with the baby, the baby looks tiny. Not remembering that he is in fact a giant man.
Meanwhile you, who cares the baby for nine months and birthed them are very aware of him big the child is.
Also baby Hasan pic,
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
Hiiii <3 I just have a fluff suggestion, like imagine cloud gazing w/ Muichiro and the other Hashira watching you quietly talking and (maybe) gushing over u 2. btw I loooove you writings(?) <33
Hii !! ☁️ After many days (~2 months, actually 😆) of staring @ your Ask, I've decided to decline your suggestion. It's super sweet and soft ☺️, but I don't know when I'd feel like putting the scene in my head into proper sentences for you to read. 🤪 I'm glad you love my writing tho, and hope you're doing okay !! 💖
... and then I ended up writing a short blurb lol. 🤭
On that note, Muichiro would 11/10 disagree w/ all of your opinions. Meanwhile, the other Hashira would be placing bets (silently, "hiding" in nearby bushes; "hiding" bc obvi Muichiro—a Hashira himself—can sense their presence, and even you can hear their hushed bickering/giggling) on how long it'll take you to get fed up and leave.
You: That's a swan! 🦢
Muichiro: Wrong.
You: How about that one? It's totally a rock. 🪨
Muichiro: Nope.
You: Then what is it? 🤨
Muichiro: A pebble. 🪨
You: 😐😐😐
*at this point, Tengen totally thinks he's going to win bc you look just about ready to punch Muichiro*
*but then you point at the sky, again*
You: And that one?
Muichiro: Definitely a leaf. 🍁
You: Agreed! 🍁
Muichiro: Wrong. It's a house. 🏠
You: v;ksedbni;jvldilbb *raging* (internally, ofc)
In the end, Gyomei wins the betting, bc he's the only one who noted how content your heart sounded, melting into the grass, your best friend beside you (also bc everyone else got bored first, and left before you). ⛅️🍃🌸
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raininyourblackeyes · 6 months
What happened at world's??? I'm not up to date 😭
Ok brief summary of every disciplinne which will end up long so
Boyang messed up so much in the SP he didn't even get to the free. To quote his coach Brian "I don't even know what that was." My boy obviously thinks that the men need to flop in every city starting with M... Milano 2018, Montreal 2024.... let's hope he keeps that mindset for worlds and olympics because they are also in Milano
Junhwan also flopped in the SP, but not as much thank skating gods! He did better in the fs but I really didn't get anything from his programs this season anyways so I wasn't as devastated as I would be let's say with any prev season's fuck up
Kao also flopped SP missing the combo because of the 4T attempt. Absolutely magnificent opening 4S, best of the SP event! He attacked some titans in the FS but got eaten immediately by 4Lo and 4S
Shoma finally listened to me telepathically and flopped the free
Jason was overscored as fuck, he should not have been above Deniss in any segment but he has the american money. However, he did serve.
Have to mention Nikolaj Memola having a very solid senior worlds debut!!!
Ilia uuuh got the world record in the FS, 227 something and now he's going viral and how I feel about it is 😐 The 4A was magnificent, and yeah yeah he can jump and yeah it's a Succession program but PLEASE WATCH SOMEONE WHO'S ACTUALLY DOING FIGURE SKATING! One can only wonder what's next? A quint? A quad-quad combo? Because he did everything else and I doubt he'll decide to get some skating skills
Donovan was absolutely stellar! And the audience loved him!
The epic highs (Romsky SP) and epic lows (Romsky FS) - as usual
Deniss went clean (if we don't count popping the opening quad in the FS) in both SP and FS. His SP is a religious experience, and he's skating to Hallelujah exactly how Leonard Cohen would have wanted. 100% worth watching (costume deduction for showing tits is soooo funny). He also did a mad thing and debuted a new free st worlds. I was sad to see Blues Deluxe go and very sceptic about Lion King, that's junior music to me but IT WAS STUNNING and I hope he keeps it for the next season so I can see it live in Zagreb
Yuma... GOD!!!!!! He is right now THE best skater we have in this disciplinne. Carolina Costner is doing wonders for his skating skills. And somehow this was meant to be a recovery season. Meanwhile he blew everyone else out of the water. Yuma is definitely worth getting into figure skating. Two stunning programs, some textbook jumps, mind-blowing performance ability and just lovely skating skills
Adam was probably the definition of men singles skating event. 19th in the sp, everyone despaired about him... because you know, there's no hope for Boyang but there is some for Adam? And boy was there hope!!! He goes clean in the FS, does a fucking banned backflip which I am not a fan of, probably thinking "fuck it I did an amazing program but from 19th I have no chance to medal anyways so I'll just do this instead" so he takes 2 deductions. And medals. Biggest jump placement wise in history of the sport. Sooo then fucking Benoit who is already delusional about his choreo skills goes and says how he wants to create choreo so revolutionary that could potentially get him banned. My dude, you should have been banned a long time ago for Kaori's I love being a woman free at least...
Tbh they were in the middle of the night for me and since men singles is my fave disciplinne it's also the only one I'd stay awake for so... not much to say here. Sorry. But there wasn't any insane drama I think, the results did take me out in the SP, but it ended up pretty nice in the end
I did see Kaori and while her programs are far from my favourites this season I am 100% convinced that girl could sell me anything. The highlight of both her performances, apart from how insanely well she did to come back from 4th to win overall in the FS, was her reaction to a botched Lutz landing in the SP. Her SP is also dedicated to her niece and nephew and it's so soft. Also imagine in a few years a teacher asks kids to say a fun fact about themselves in the first class and this kid gets up and says uuuh my aunt won her 3rd consecutive world title with one of the programs being about me being born. THE FLEX!
I only got to see Hana's FS in real time and I have made an entire post about Shakuhachi so please go watch that if you haven't, it's a masterpiece. Koo Koo Fun is also a masterpiece in some other aspects! Also go watch that! I think she did an amazing job for a kid at her first worlds in her first senior season.
Mone WHAT A COME BACK IN THE FREE!!! Which rip... I like her SP more, but definitely also chek out the Sendai baby Mone if you haven't
I've seen Amber's FS, the only clean 3A of the evening. I really hope she can one day pull off a completely clean free one day
Young had an epic performance in the SP, that StSq is just cheff's kiss. I didn't catch her FS but uhhh I also don't really want to hurt myself so I won't even try to look for it
Chaeyeon sadly has a Benoit abomination for her FS, her SP is also by Benoit but she sells it so well. I say this about her FS because quite frankly it's the FS that got her the medal.
Deanna and Maxime. That's it that's what you need to know about pairs. She is a superstar, they did an Interview With the Vampire free with stunning costumes. Their SP was a firecracker! Deanna is the oldest woman ever to win the gold in figure skating, and she should be THE inspiration to all little girls trying out the sport thinking that it's just a few years of fame. You can be 40 and winning gold in your home city!
Riku and Ryuichi did so well considering they are coming back from an injury and they brought back Woman (2020-21 and 2021-22 FS). Silver was very much very well deserved
I think the only other team I remember leaving an insane impression on me were Hocke/Kunkel in the SP, absolutely fucking robbed.
Pairs was overall the best disciplinne and you should watch it, I didn't have time to see any free skates except for SD/D and M/K so that's about what I can say about the event
Head in hands, this used to be a disciplinne where you go to therapy (skating skills) after the horrors (jump fests)
Chock/Bates won which is a fucking joke because the only thing they have going for them is the fact that Madison is hot and that can be a distraction once or twice, but not at every fucking competition and not at worlds. When will they retire?
Piper and Paul were stunning, their programs are always either a hit or a miss no inbetween and this season they are a HIT! Especially the Wuthering Heights FD you should see it! They won the free, but Skate Canada forgot to homecook in the RD so they got silver overall
Charlene and Marco have the campiest RD this season but it works!!! The only superheros I am willing to watch on my screen, marvel wishes it's characters had what these two do. Their FD is also really nice. LOVED Barb's interview where she said Madison and Evan are slow af lol, but rip she was so confident about G/F placing above G/P and then bam bronze
LALA THE TRUE WORLD CHAMPIONS! Absolutely stunning and fun RD to Thriller with Zachary actually being the main character. It's also my mom's favourite ice dance program of the season overall! And then you have a complete change of emotion and tone in their Roses FD which is just soft and elegant and she is literally dressed in flower petals. They showed so much variety and growth this season. It's a program made to be adored, and their skating offers so much quality. RD is passionate and mindblowing, FD is enchanting seamless. If ice dance was a real sport they would be the world champions!
Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko in strong contention for my fave RD this season. I am probably a bit biased becasue it's Stevie Nicks. They had an amazing glo up this season imo. Their FD offers a lot of intense character projections: obsession, possessiveness. Choreo is intricate, it's a very tasteful program. Someone on here said we should have more programs about murder after their performance and I couldn't agree more. ALSO Scott and Madison in the K&C!!!!!!
You can barely guess that Lim/Quan are a first season senior couple. They managed to make me watch Let's Go Crazy without sighing about how much I miss Yuzuru. Insanely hot in that program. Their Umbrellas are also in my top 3 free dances this season. Amazing performances at their first senior worlds
Ok I'm only gonna mention absolute delight and theatrics that Pirihara bring on the ice. Such a unique Chicago presentation! I can't wait to see what they plan to do next season.
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
getting war flashbacks to the bobs burgers fanfic where louise is doing math homework in the restaurant when nobody else is around and then bob has a heart attack </3 that shit was TRAUMATIZING
love linda shouting four whenever there's a math problem or anything related to numbers. best recurring joke. FOUR!!!!
you can do it gene :D also im so bad at math I 100% would not be able to help either. dumbass rep family
bob trying to help gene with his homework is cute. even if he is Not very good at it. he wants to be an involved dad :(
gene im not gonna lie that math question has gotta be fucking with you. rhat is not a real question. i could NEVER do that not if i was given 100 hours that shit is fake
see this is where when I was in math class i would just write a random number and move on bcuz im never gonna figure it out anyway im not gonna waste time. so that's my advice gene. just Give Up
he says "maybe your mom or tina could get you started" because they're older but I genuinely think louise has a better chance of helping bcuz she is so smart. if she'd WANT to help is another question entirely
because I'm stuck in a safe 😐
teddy I think his guy is gonna murder you im gonna be so real right now
unfortunately im kinda following teddy's logic now like. it isnt like fischoeder isn't doing this type of shit everyday just for fun. rich guys are just like that BUT getting their money is nice
"gene was doing homework?? that's new"
"Why did you tell me the whole long story about the sandwich in the drawer if you're running out of battery LOCKED IN A SAFE??" "Context!!!!"
also bob and teddy have such great comedic chemistry lmao they bounce off each other so naturally
louise isn't lying she Does have a certain set of skills 😭 if anyone could find him it WOULD be her the lockpicking genius nine year old supervillain
miss you. see you soon. gotta go!!
has he gotten a new cellphone since that MIDDLE OF THE DAY AND YOUR PHONE IS AT 23% argument or is it that same shitty 2008 blackberry phone that dies almost immediately lmfao
bob is a real one for doing this bullshit for teddy he did NOT have to. they're ride or die fr
I'm not entirely unconvinced that gerald isnt a serial killer but thats okay <3 men can have hobbies
also I'm choosing to believe this gerald is the same one from the taxes/weed cookie episode even though it ABSOLUTELY is not bcuz i think that would be funny. by day he's a regular tax agent by night he is a creepy rich kidnapper who pulls mind games on all his handymen
OH I FORGOT THE SUBPLOT FOR THIS EPISODE IS ABOUT SPORTS PEOPLE why did they do the whole thing with gene's homework then.... are they connected. what is the gameplan
i love how bob is apparently the only thing keeping his family from going completely off the fucking rails like. he's the only thing standing between his family and their restaurant burning down with everyone inside fr
your dad never loved that dream :/ because he's a hater :/ AND SO JEALOUS :/
you're not gonna break the world record. another hater. STOP THAT
I might be having a panic attack 💔 I CANT TELL BECAUSE IVE NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE OR IM ALWAYS HAVING ONE soo real teddy
aww I love them all wearing their lil aprons <3 (crappy photo of my tablet bcuz the app im using to watch this episode doesn't allow screenshots)
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sorry this episode has so many good ooc quotes FJDMDJSKSKKM
gene STOP calling him father
bob is being like a whole ass detective meanwhile linda and the kids are currently making The Worst Decisions Ever
h jon benjiman is doing such a good job voicing bob in this episode idk it has so much personality and sounds natural. or it's always like this and im just now appreciating it but either way A+ work
cute bob and teddy moment ❤️❤️
(ignore the awful camera quality. nothing I can do there) also love the fact that teddy can easily lift up and manhandle bob. Good to know
there's so much going on w/ this gerald guy I dont even know WHERE to begin. what a guy. wow
this is so cute and sweet im so happy!!! YOU DOUBLE FAKE WALLED HIM :D YOU SMART SMARTIE. YOURE A GENIUS BOB
"I knew I asked the right person to come help me. Yeah. Mort wouldn't answer."
"What? You called Mort first?"
HE ASKED MORT???? LMFAO big win for tedmort shippers. I fucking guess
MORT NEVER DOUBLE FAKE WALLED ANYONE why is bob like genuinely jealous of mort and teddy right now 😭 chill out man you've got a wife at home
"let's just say it's twelve" FINALLY bob follows my very smart advice when it comes to math homework smh
ALSO THIS IS TECHNICALLY THE FIRST TIME WE'VE SEEN THEM EATING BOBS BURGERS FOR DINNER OR IN GENERAL!!! I mean it's a giant hamburger loaf but it technically was served at bob's burgers so it counts
aww this episode was so fun and cute!! I love the more adventure-y type episodes where they explore a new location so this episode was great and very stressful lmao. also very funny. I love bob and teddy's dynamic/back and forth throughout the episode and the weird mort mention at the end felt like they were soft launching his and teddy's relationship even though I KNOW they aren't actually. mort could replace kathleen if we believe. very solid 8/10 episode :)
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
in honor of drunk vacay tiff, what kind of drunk do you think eren and jean are ? for some reason i picture jean as a hothead who’ll try fight people who look at him wrong 😭
my friends and i regularly rent out airbnbs and just get drunk all week/end so i’m going to write this in the context of that as opposed to just a regular party or drunk over dinner or something
drunk headcanons- eren and jean
jean kirstein
jean wakes up early every morning and is immediately productive. he’s tidying up from the night before, he’s making coffee, he’s going for a walk, reading a book, w/e. he’s already been up for hours before the next person wakes up
he’ll start the morning w a baileys coffee but won’t drink too much until after he’s made breakfast for everyone. then it’s another coffee or a mimosa before the real drinking starts
casually drinks beers all day. cracks a new one the second his last one is empty. will play cards or outdoor games all day until the alcohol really hits him around late afternoon/early evening
then he gets HEATY. any game is now extremely competitive. he will argue with you until he’s red in the face if he thinks you’re cheating (but he was actually the one cheating 💀)
all that motherly cleaning up and cooking from the morning?? yeah, forget about it for dinner. he’s so lit up that he’s yelling instead of talking now, absolutely no volume control
despite being so tall, he’s surprisingly coordinated while drunk. he’s not the type to stumble around or knock things over, but he’ll breathe REALLY heavily. like he’s constantly sighing or blowing air out of his cheeks.
he’s also a big whiskey drinker, but he won’t do it alone. if someone else suggests it he’ll light up and go run to grab the bottle he brought. he’ll pour cups for everyone, even if someone doesn’t want it
he doesn’t fall asleep like a normal person. eventually, the alcohol knocks him out and he falls asleep on the couch or on the ground and then he’s out for the rest of the night. usually happens pretty early in the night, so that’s why he always wakes up early 💀
if you catch him alone right before he starts getting sleepy, he’ll have the deepest most emotional conversation with you about anything. his eyes will be completely glazed over and his cheeks will be pink but he’ll sit there and talk to you about your insecurities and vulnerabilities with no judgement. (but in the morning he hardly remembers anything)
eren jaeger
sleeps in until like noon, and then crawls out of bed, hungover from the night before, and immediately cracks a beer. hair of the dog, he claims. probably brings it into the shower with him
isn’t a functional human being until after he’s had a few drinks. then he’s a menace.
drinks mostly whiteclaws/other low calorie seltzers, but will have the occasional beer during the day. won’t drink hard alcohol unless it’s mixed into a shot
turns everything into a drinking game/only wants to play drinking games. will rally people to do shotguns or shots. always wants to play beer pong.
is generally a pretty happy, smiley, friendly drunk. also very touchy-feely. will put his arm around your shoulder if you’re talking, lean in really close to your face and stare at you intently, lay across your lap on the couch
if you’re playing as a team for beer pong and you win, he’s picking you up and spinning you around like you just one a sports championship. kissing your face, screaming and cheering, meanwhile the other team is just 😐
LOVES WRESTLING WITH THE BOYS!! idk what it is but as soon as the sun goes down, he’s ripping off his shirt and challenging all the guys to a wrestling contest 💀💀 isn’t even considerate enough to move it outside, he’ll just be rolling around on the kitchen floor with jean in headlock
his contribution to the house is doing the dishes. he can’t cook so doesn’t bother helping w that but he’ll clear off the table and clean up the dishes so nobody complains that he doesn’t help.
gets really annoying if people want to do low-activity stuff like cards or something. will spend the whole time whining and complaining until someone (probably jean) tells him to shut the fuck up
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sugdenlovesdingle · 8 days
40s are the best!! Especially early 40s! 👊 You suddenly stop giving a f*ck about everyone else's opinions. There is literally no other way to describe it other than you start to get comfortable in your own skin ...just when the skin begins to sag...😆😆😈😈😆😆
Anyway, I meant Ryan's 40th birthday. I am hoping that is kind of his plan. He left just after his 34th birthday- so he gave himself a full five years to explore and try different things. At 40, he can return to a more relaxed schedule at Emmerdale while the new generation takes centre stage and he can take breaks to go off and do other stuff- like Danny.
Emily Head is HOT! And very beautiful!! And Robert and Rebecca did make a very beautiful Seb who will most likely have very expensive tastes!! 🤣
Can you imagine a seven year old Seb swanning into David's shop and demanding a coriander and hummus sandwich - I would love THAT to be Aaron's first encounter with Seb in the village.
Danny would smash the scene- standing rooted to the spot, tearing up, and then quickly hiding his tears, pretending to not be bothered.
Anyway, Emily had so much potential. I wanted Rebecca to be a full on vamp. The one whose schemes are discovered but she slithers away. Like she admits to Aaron that she abused Robert but there is nothing he can do about it (remember her iconic - can't blame a girl either to Robert) And Robron being an iconic couple, living their best life while Fauxbert Rebecca and others in the village would be much more satisfying!
lol i'll take your word for it about the 40s
and yes to seb having expensive taste! Though maybe the first time aaron sees him again should be in the cafe - just so we don't have to deal with tracy's shrieking!
that would be a deserved soap award for a change!
Though i kinda want Kim Tate to take Rob under her wing when he comes back (WHEN, Hawley, i said WHEN). She got rid of will so she's got plenty of room in her mansion for Rob. And I think I read somewhere she used to be friends with Sarah? So she can take him under her wing and look out for him as a favour to an old friend. She can make him her second in command for her businesses and together they can destroy will because he's annoying.
meanwhile Aaron is doing his best to cope co-parenting seb with robert, and fauxbert is still 😐 about it
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wolvertooth · 10 months
everyone else being interviewed is just like 'yea theyre rivals, they hate eachother' meanwhile liev is like (quote ->)'the relationship between wolverine and sabretooth has always been tantalizingly withheld. its always implied that there is a deep relationship between the two, but the story has yet to be told.' HE FUCKING GETS IT!!!!!!!!for the love of GOD they need to let him be victor again
also 'for me thats part of the fun of it, is sort of embracing these characters that we dream about' dude what kinda sabretooth daydreams were u having😐
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fantomette22 · 1 year
I was the anon that asked for Caryll and Rom! Thank you, I didn't expect a lot of doodles! I already have a theory on how Caryll lost their arm, but I'll see about that. Meanwhile, what do you think of the rarest dynamics between the scholars (Laurence/Rom, Micolash/Caryll)? Micolash/Rom, Micolash/Laurence, Laurence/Caryll and Caryll/Rom feel obvious, but I haven't seen the other two explored anywhere. If you were the first to give me some ideas, I'd feel honored.
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You're very welcome I'm really happy to know you like it!
And don't worry for the notation of the relationships, I figured it was in general ^^
Alright in my drawing with Caryll & Rom at the hamlet, Caryll didn't actually loose an arm but just got injured and it will heal. And it will heal better than everyone else trauma xD but I do headcanon Caryll will eventually loose their eye(s) 😅 I'm sorry all of this might sound really bad. I don't know if you have an account but feel free to share you thought in dm if you prefer! I'm curious of what you think :3 (I don't bite too)
Ok now! Concerning Laurence and Rom relationship I do have a few ideas of course! In my main headcanon, Rom is Willem's daughter and Laurence was kinda adopted by him so... yeah I have ideas.
As for Caryll and Micolash I didn't really think about it 😐 for me they just have close common friends (part of the same friends group by default) and had classes together . But hey you give me a few ideas!
Laurence and Rom :
Ok so like I mentioned they both been raised by Willem.
Laurence's parents were ex students and associate with Willem and his wife before the 3 passed away ;-; so in the end he kinda adopted Laurence at like 10-12years. He's like check note 6 years older than Rom I think? They don't have a "typical" siblings relationships too. More like if you would have a step sibling but they do appreciate each other a lot and Laurence knew how to be quite protective towards her too. And Rom really appreciate him as well he's a great model to follow (except when he was in his first few students years at uni XD).
During Rom scholarship he did had to teach her 1 or 2 classes perhaps but stayed really neutral. For the other classes (taught by other profs) he did give her a hand when she had difficulties.
When the healing church became to take forms Rom was basically going back and forth between him (in Yharnam) and Willem (at Byrgenwerth) before the big separation. But even after she did help him a lot at the research hall, the choir, the church expeditions in the chalice dungeons etc. SHe also became the 2nd choir leader after Caryll too so yeah Laurence trusted her.
And he probably feel quite conflicted and perhaps a bit bad when she transformed into a kin much later.
Now to have a bit of angst in their mostly great relationship :
Rom was kinda envious by the fact that Laurence is like the perfect son Willem never had.
On the contrary Laurence is a bit envious that he will never be Willem’s son properly. He can’t treat him as a real « father » and don’t want to be treat like a son either. « You’re nit my dad!! » kind of shouting you know.
Hdjwkwjjd family is complicated
Also I already explain maybe?? In my main headcanon I don't headcanon Rom & Mico as siblings but it is an interpret I really appreciate too! + yes it is true Mico English VA is similar to Willem like I mentioned to some friends a while ago. (I didn't play with it too lol I love the French dub too much XD) oh and Mico still live a few years-months with them so they all know each other since childhood.
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Caryll and Micolash
I guess they could bond on runes meaning, great ones, weird dreams, pthumerians & the tombs under Yharnam, augurs, and a few other things + the classes they might have together.
So yeah I think they became friends and even if they didn't agree on everything everytime they are the more "weird" of the group so it can get quite unhinged discovering stuff XD
And Mico admire Caryll for understanding runes and think it could be a key to contact the great ones!
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Look at those poor sleep deprived students doing their homeworks x)
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What if Seekers never lay on there back unless something is wrong so the more sheltered ones upon first seeing ground based modes do this panic?
This is how Soundwave ends up being warped ankles clutched in Skywarp's hands upside down to medbay as Skywarp screams "THE AUTOBOTS BROKE SOUNDWAVE!" because Starscream sent him to fetch him and Soundwave was sleeping. Skywarp, of course, did the responsible thing when you find someone passed out and dangled him up by his ankles.
Frame type based behavior leading to cultural misunderstandings is hilarious.
The entire medbay is just frozen in shock for a solid 5 seconds before Hook yells at Skywarp to put Soundwave down! Skywarp refuses, saying that Soundwave really desperately needs help and the last thing you should do when someone has fainted from injuries is to lay them flat! Are you crazy?!
Meanwhile poor Soundwave is just dangling there like 😐 I Am Completely Fine Actually
The very next day there's a briefing on How Seekers Sleep vs How Everyone Else Sleeps and also STOP BREAKING INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S ROOMS SKYWARP
Skywarp is all huffy and pouting because he was only trying to help! It's not his fault the grounders are weirdos that sleep laying down!
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paintedlady345 · 7 months
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People say birthdays are supposed to be easy but what do you get for the girl who have anything she ever wanted even if she is easy to please
~At the store 2 hours before the festival~
A scream is heard coming from the toy isle and two people are seen fighting over a big teddy bear a little girl and a teenager
Stacy: a little help here
After fighting for a few minutes Stacy snatches the teddy out the little girl’s hand with the girl crying on the floor
Dalia: a little harsh don’t you think
Stacy: well I’m sorry that I’m not rich
Dalia: so didn’t mean to had to take it from a child
Stacy: but what did you expect briar has wanted this teddy since last week
Dalia: I know but it’s not my fault that you didn’t get her a gift last week
Stacy: first off I had trouble because what am I supposed to get a girl who can have everything she wants
Dalia: anything because that same girl is easy to please remember what lightning lad did for her last birthday
Stacy: yeah he gave her a last minute lightning show because he forgot about her birthday and what did you get briar anyway
Dalia: a turtle
Stacy: then why are you here and doesn’t she have a Tasmania devil
Dalia:* struggling to get the steak from the freezer* yes and I’m here getting food for the party but it’s ugh a little hard to ugh the *pant*steak from*pant* ngh freeze 😡 woah
Dalia falls back with steak in hand
?: hey give it I had it first
Dalia: well that’s to ba-
Dalia: bouncing boy what are you doing here
Bouncing boy: what’s it look like getting groceries for briar’s birthday party like you said
Dalia: no I said to get the snacks I even made a list for what everyone had todo since brainy is busy getting briar a gift 😡
Bouncing boy: oh…my bad 😁
Dalia: yeah it is 😠
Stacy: wait if your here then who else is 🤨
Bouncing boy: uh Superman,triplicate girl,Saturn girl-
Dalia so basically the rest of the team
Bouncing boy: no phantom girl is with brainy same with timber wolf and lightning lad while Rena and kell-el
Stacy: ok- wait Superman is here
Bouncing boy: yes is that bad
Stacy: YES IT IS
Bouncing boy: why he’s in oh wait now I get it 😦
Bouncing boy: in isle 12
Dalia: shit Connie and Jon are in isle 12
Stacy: at least Damian is with them righ-
Damian: hey Dali Jon wants to know what soda to get
~Saturn girl and triplicate girl come to check on bouncing boy~
Dalia: dammit dami
Damian: what did I do and who are they 🤨
Saturn girl: I’m Saturn girl this is triplicate girl and bouncing boy
Bouncing boy: hey I’m guessing your Dalia’s twin brother
Damian: sadly yes but back to you Dalia what did I do
Dalia: you left Jon and Connie
Damian: so 😐
Dalia: their dad from the past is in the same isle as them
Damian: oh why not just call him to distract briar while she picks out her dress
Bouncing boy: on it
Dalia: good Idea
~meanwhile with briar~
Briar: hm which one should I choose *looking at shelf’s and racks full of valentine themed clothes*
Superman: I think you should choose the white dress with hearts on it and the red shawl plus the red shoes with hearts
Briar: oh hi Clark when did you get here 😊
Superman: just now happy birthday 😁
Briar: thank you 😊
Superman: your welcome
Superman: hm hey briar what’s wrong do you not like the dress?
Briar: ~sighs~huh..uh no I do it’s just I-l-I don’t want to talk about it right now
Part 2?
What is brainy getting briar?
Why is briar sad?
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artanissnow · 7 months
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I have this weird idea that my character and Astarion just sit there and pretend to sleep and decided it was the best course of action. To you know, not weird anyone else out. Until…in annoying to everyone else whispers
🧝🏻‍♀️“Hey Astarion?”
🧛“Yes darling….”
🧝🏻‍♀️“You asleep?”
🧛“No my sweet….”
🧝🏻‍♀️“Should we just pretend to make the others feel better?”
“Nope. That’s not creepy of you two at all…” -Karlach
Narrator: She then grabs nearest chair and uses the move night night smash on the two wide ass awake elves and their heads. Thus the quest for a better option begins and they find the elvish form of melatonin. There was much rejoicing for everyone else. Karlach misses the chair option. Astarion and Tav disapprove of all of it.
Fun thing too, in Tolkien’s world elves do not sleep much either. And IF they do, it is with their eyes wide open! Can you imagine? I bet at first Pipp was having late night conversations with Legolas and Gandalf thinking they were awake when in fact they were asleep. 💤 the next day when bringing up the conversation from the night before Legolas and Gandalf were like “what?” And meanwhile Merry is like …. Because he knew. Hahaha
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