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featheredsnek · 5 months ago
Being goopy for halloween!!
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wanderlustchapters-blog · 2 months ago
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“Naughty Celegorm and very patient older brother Maedhros during the winter festive season”
Thank you @nevui-penim-miruvorrr for making my idea come to life!! Please visit their blog for commission information and support them ❤️
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elderscrollsconceptart · 1 year ago
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"Barmaid Wench"
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Ray Lederer
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memories-of-ancients · 6 months ago
Making the Black Mead of Medieval France - Bouchet
from Tasting History with Max Miller
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temiree · 6 months ago
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This was requested by DJBlueWolf in this month's Patreon suggestion box, featuring Tem, and his OC, Darian! :3
My top patrons on Patreon submit ideas every month to my suggestion box, and I choose one every month to draw. ^^
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paradubolical · 1 year ago
it's that time again
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here's how to make alcohol at home
recipe under the cut. it's long. I warned you.
I do not endorse regular substance abuse or at-home distillation without proper training. Don’t hit your kids. Don’t blow up your house. It’s okay to eat shit and die, like, once every three months, not every two weeks, not every weekend. If you’re doing that, there’s not much I can do to help or give in way of advice. But this recipe is not for you. And you should reconsider some stuff if you haven’t already.
That being said.
The following is my personal method for brewing beer, mead, wine, etc. I have utilized this method many times and it has worked wonderfully. I have achieved up to 15% proof. This means that the substance you create should be perfectly drinkable and safe if you follow the instructions and use your head. HOWEVER. You should be prepared to read this whole document before making anything. There are warnings and safety precautions you need to take, and I don’t want anyone to get botulism of some shit because of a shoddy recipe that doesn’t explain absolutely everything.
I also do not encourage the practice of distillation at home. This is not because it is illegal. For those unaware, distillation is the semi-complicated process of heating alcohol to produce hard liquors. While it may sound fun to make Smirnoff from home, there is a reason we do not. Alcohol is extremely flammable. You will set yourself or your valuables on fire.
1 Packet ActiveDry Yeast
1 Cup Sugar or 1 Cup Sugar Equivalent*
⅔ Gallon Water
1 Gallon Container
1 Suitable Cork or Lid**
3-4 Ballons, Latex Gloves, or even condoms will do honestly***
You must have a space prepared ahead of time to store the JFCB while it brews. Remember. It will stink like hell. Anyone who smells it will know it’s alcohol. Use your noggin okay
In simple terms, alcohol is created when yeast eats sugar. You can use pretty much anything sugary. Don’t use chocolate unless you want to die.
I like to use those strawberry-flavored grandma hard candies. The stuff they make is super fucking strong and tastes like god himself descended from the heavens to kick your ass. It makes what I like to call the JFCB. It’s high-proof enough to burn your throat. So, you know, try to moderate.
You need something to seal the container with once you’re done. Pick wisely.
It’s gotta be something that can form a seal around the lip of the container, but also expand like a balloon. These are some of the things I’ve found work best.
Creating the Base
Take your 1-Gallon Container and fill it with half the packet of ActiveDry yeast. You don’t need all of it. Trust me on this one.
Pour in your 1 Cup Sugar or Equivalent.
Pour in the ⅔ Gallon of Water.
Either whisk or mix vigorously. When it starts foaming, you’re done.
Stage 1
Put the Balloon/Latex/Condom over the lip of the container. Make sure it’s secure and extremely tight, but there’s plenty of room for air to fill.
Find your designated Place to Put It. This should be somewhere nobody’s gonna smell it, and also somewhere nobody’s gonna go for the next three odd months.
Set your shit down.
Wait 2-3 weeks.
Stage 2
After 2-3 weeks, the alcohol should stop emitting gas. At this point, it’s safe to cork. Don’t do it beforehand or the container will explode.
I like to put some hot glue or wax over the lip just to make sure it’s sealed extra well. I sometimes put tinfoil too. It doesn’t actually help anything, just looks fancy.
Find somewhere nice to store it. Make sure it’s right side up. Odds are you sealed it pretty poorly if it’s your first time, and you’re gonna be in deep shit if it starts to smell.
If it does, that means you corked it too early. Move it back to your Place to Put It for like a month. Recork it after that time’s up. It might be difficult, but you’re smart. You can do it. It should be good to go after that.
And there you have it. A nice bottle of…. Something?
Enjoy. Or just leave it to sit.
Q: I’m worried about getting botulism from this shit. Is it really safe?
A: Usually, people don’t get botulism. My rule of thumb is that if it smells like shit you should really just throw it away. If you’re really worried, I’d also recommend throwing it away. The paranoia’s not worth it.
Q: I’m a minor. Should I try this at home?
A: Probably not. I’m a minor too, so fuck’s to say what my opinion’s worth.
Q: I want to try vodka/scotch/whiskey. What should I do?
A: You should just not. Or buy it at the store. I don’t know man i’m not the all-seeing eye
Q: I’ve heard you need an airlock for this. Do you need an airlock for this?
A: Absolutely fucking not. They are feeding you airlock propaganda. You don’t need an airlock.
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sew-much-to-do · 2 years ago
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DIY Spiced Mead Honey Cake
Cakes are an important part of a hobbit’s afternoon tea menu – this honey cake spiked with sweet mead and spices is fashioned after the famous honey cakes of the Beornings!
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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tvneon · 10 months ago
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aimzicr · 9 months ago
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I realised my Kevin had been delivered when I heard a THUMP at my front door, and saw the courier truck peeling off outside. The parcel had been THROWN with full force against my front door, great job delivery team!!!! And then, to add to the indignity, Kevin had been shoved HEADFIRST into a bag which was sealed against his full power!!!!
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I have provided Kevin with some nourishing potions and everything's going to be fine now :3 This won't possibly backfire :3
The Great And Mighty Kevin comes care of Ogre Poppenang, mead potions come from Honey Wines Australia
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allium-girl-anthologies · 2 years ago
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Peach Mead Recipe with Summer Roses and Elderflowers
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nihilisticlinguistics · 29 days ago
so this is the latest brew. she's a lemon ginger mead infused with chamomile tea. we made a 1 gallon batch of it last year and it was so popular we've scaled up to a 5-gal. made with 15lbs of wildflower honey from Costco, the juice of 5 bags' worth of lemons, and a few juiced ginger roots.
and look how active she is! a bubble every 2 or so seconds. thats all fermentation, babey
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Got nothing better to do today so I'm prepping to make some mead! The goal was to go as far as I could with the cheapest, simplest materials and buy as little of the professional stuff as possible to start with. I did make some concessions, but still planning not to buy something until the step where I need it.
Bought at step 1:
Hydrometer. This was the biggest concession, but the one that I saw the most warnings about not having. If I don't measure sugar content at the start, I won't ever be able to know the final ABV or tell when it's done fermenting. $8 for this, which I won't have to buy again.
Yeast nutrient. Another concession, but necessary to make sure fermentation happens right. Also comes in a package I can use for a lot of batches, for $6 total.
1 gallon of spring water. I didn't have any gallon jugs already and I'm not about to drop unnecessary money on glass carboy jars. Also takes away the chance of chlorine in the tap water killing the yeast. $1.30 for a gallon.
Yeast - Fleischmann's Fast Acting. There are specific wine and champagne yeasts but this brand is usually listed right alongside them on a lot of sites. Maybe in the future I'll try some of the suggested fancy brewing yeasts. For now a three-pack of Fleischmann's is $1.20.
Balloons. Airlocks are necessary to allow gas to escape while also preventing contaminants from entering the brew. I could get 3 airlocks for about $10, but that'll be something I save for a later batch when I don't have to buy another hydrometer. For now a balloon with a couple pinholes in it will do the job. A pack of 25 balloons was $1.
Honey. This, of course, is the most necessary part but also the most expensive single item. Most recipes I see call for 2-3 pounds of honey. I picked up 2.5 pounds for $15.
Total cost at time point 1: About $33 to start my first gallon brewing. Everything except the honey and the water will make multiple batches.
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There are more things I foresee needing to buy for this first batch, like a siphon, chemicals to stop fermentation so I can backsweeten or add flavors, and bottles/corks for the eventual finished alcohol. However, that's all at least a month or two (and a paycheck or two) away, and I got nothing but time when it comes to this hobby!
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blackcrowing · 1 year ago
Authentic Irish Foods for Samhain
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🩸 Blood pudding (living cattle could be bled through the winter to provide the material as well as collecting blood when the cattle were slaughtered to keep the numbers down for winter)
🫓 Brambrack
🍲 Stew
Wild boar
Domestic pig
🐗 Salted wild boar and domestic pig (it is possible that other meats were salted for preservation but given that salt was an expensive commodity and no records indicate other meats we simply do not know. I will note here that we also don't seem to have records of smoked meats for preservation during this time)
🦌 From Samhain to Bealtaine it was considered inappropriate to hunt wild game, including boar. So while wild meats were likely eaten and preserved through this time, much like crop harvests for Lughnasadh, any game that wasn't taken before this festival was supposed to be left alone to breed. (Very unlike our modern hunting schedules)
🍺 Mead and Barely ale
🥣 Porridge
🥛 Dairy (this would likely become more limited as the season progressed, but butter has been found in bogs, presumed to be preserved but potentially given as offerings)
Cow's milk
mulchán 'hard cheese' (the exact nature of this cheese is unknown but it was described as being extremely hard and could be stored for long periods of time)
🦪 Sea food
Sea Salmon
🌿Native Culinary Plants growing in Ireland at this time of year
Purple sprouting boccoli
Wild cabbage
Rowan berries
Elder berries
Hen of the woods
Fairy Ring Champignon
Black Trumpet
Saffron Milk Caps
Cauliflower Mushroom
Wood Blewit
Penny bun
There would be an abundance of foods at this point in the year, but that food would become lesser as the season progressed do to lack of production in the environment and the fact that this point in the year was a time for traveling and feasting (likely to increase bonds amongs the Tuatha and because people would not be as occupied with farming and raiding).
My Kofi
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lokisbirdofhermes · 2 months ago
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You are the owner of The Honey Trap: a New York meadery, and who should walk through your door but the sons of Odin, having landed on Midgard after Ragnarok, seeking the richest nectar of the gods that you can offer to them. Companion pieces. Post Ragnarok, pre Infinity War AU.
Donate to my Ko-Fi, if you feel so inclined.
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thesolarpunkworkshop · 1 year ago
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Making dandelion mead with my Gf. She's trying to win a local contest for brewing. Since we had plently of dandelions in the yard, it was an obvious pick. You can use any dandelions in this as long as they're still yellow and they havent been sprayed with pestacides. Other ingedants are black tea, honey (2lbs per gallon), Lemon juice, and champagne yeast. Really easy to do, the secret is to seperate the yellows from the greens when gathering dandelions though.
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