#me when tism
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goldenflurry Ā· 10 months ago
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lav3nder-bees Ā· 1 year ago
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happy february to them and absolutely nobody else
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spookyfooxx Ā· 2 months ago
Early morning thought. What if Ethari and Runaan were both extremely strong in their own ways? Like I don't see a whole helluva lot of people talk about this but like. Blacksmiths have to be pretty fuckin strong. But so do sword weilders and bowsmen. Like Ethari is strong in a "pick up a moonstrider and throw it" kinda way, while Runaan is strong in a way that's like "I can stab you so hard your brain falls out of your ass and then I'll shoot you with immense force using my bow and then I'll throw myself into the branches of a tree" kinda strong. Am I making sense?
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pawzn Ā· 2 years ago
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I got bored n made dis gif! Hope ya like! X3
u donā€™t have 2 credit me if ya use in chats XP or at all but it wud b appreciated ^^
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bvnnyl0v3r Ā· 3 months ago
I may have drawn me and all my moots :>
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@thurio-edau @mildlybizarrecorvid @niredsw @aredeemantagonist
@sn0w-o @exy-mybeloved @my-mom-named-me-duck
@erklen11 @piigeonss @kalcium-yippee
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eyeballs-in-my-head Ā· 3 months ago
I am so incredibly autistic about this stupid LEGO show... šŸ’›šŸŒŸā›…šŸ’«ā˜„ļø
This is not my usual content I don't often make edits ā€“ā€“
This is my fourth edit ever, actuallyā˜ļø (I counted, but I mean, it's not exactly hard to count all the way up to four lmao...)
I triedšŸ«¶ idk if the music is too loud or too quiet, I don't know nothing, I can't make edits
I had fun with it thoā˜ļøā¤ļø
I also noticed a small mistake way before posting, but not early enough to be able to fix it </3
Edit: I changed the audio bc the quality was awful for some reason
Lesson learntšŸ’” My phone can't record audio properly. Got it...šŸ¤•
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montymollusk Ā· 10 months ago
man. the idea that some people walk around in the world with functionally infinite money and thereā€™s still so much fucking suffering is bananas to me.
do you know what iā€™d do if i suddenly had a billion dollars? iā€™m walking down the street and paying off the medical debt of everyone i see. pass by a grocery store? oops, bought everything inside and now the foodā€™s free! people experiencing homelessness get to be first in line to check out, just so i can give them the keys to their new house. i bought every hospital in the country and burnt down their billing departmentā€” same with the insurance companies, but they donā€™t get to rebuild. every single public school just got an anonymous donation big enough to revive the arts department, and give every kid in town free meals until they graduate from college. which, by the way, is also free.
the absolute most that money is doing for just me is like, getting a really big tattoo. and iā€™m still tipping the artist 1000% just because i can!!
what in gods name would anyone even want with all that money, if not to make the world a better place???
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precious-little-bhaalbabe Ā· 1 year ago
Laeā€™zels love language would be acts of service but the only act of service she knows how to perform is murder
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littlebluemagpie Ā· 3 months ago
I see WAY too much of myself in Evan
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oftenlyshitposting Ā· 4 months ago
"how old did you say your professor droid was?"
shin grunted when sabine had narrowly evaded her strike, the wooden bokken saber barely grazed sabine's nose. that's the second time sabine had to be grateful that they are not sparring with real lightsabers at the moment.
sabine strikes. "i don't know for certain, but i kinda remember him mentioning somewhere around..." the mandalorian jumped backwards when shin striked with aim towards her torso, huffing harshly. "uh, i think more than a few thousand years old."
shin halted in the middle of a strike, bokken raised mid-air. her eyes remains focused, but sabine deciphered the slight widening of her eyes indicates shock and/or confusion. sabine wants to bet its both.
"a few thousand years old." shin repeated, slowly.
sabine nodded. "yeah. he's as old as the jedi order itself, if not more."
shin drops her stance, her bokken slowly returning to her side in a manner of ending the sparring. she huffs, curt and sharp. "i suppose that explains it..."
sabine quirked a brow, leaning onto her bokken. "explains what?"
"how he knows of my master."
"oh," was all sabine managed to say in response. "i guess he taught your master how to build a lightsaber too, back in the days. huyang said his design is pretty unique." sabine then nods at the wall of lightsabers in the training floor, specifically at shin's old lightsaber. "just like yours."
"i was not taught in the temple," shin reminds sabine.
sabine laughs, nodding. "yeah, i know. it doesn't mean you don't carry the same unique lightsaber. yours even had a little more personality."
shin tilts her head, muttering, "i crafted it myself."
"i know." sabine reached at shin's lightsaber, the hilt flying gently into her palm. she studies the well crafted hilt; shin's first weapon. "it's still beautiful."
"even when i used it to stab you?" shin's voice is level, but her tone was teasing.
sabine laughed, shaking her head. she returned the lightsaber back to the wall, next to her old one. her padawan lightsaber, the gift from ezra. both shin and sabine had retired their old lightsabers when ahsoka concurred their apprenticeship. it was only a few cycles ago when ahsoka had knighted them as jedi knights and cut off their padawan braids.
shin crafted her own new lightsaber, finding an appropriately bonded kyber crystal in huyang's collections, much unlike her first lightsaber's crystal of kohlen. both her and sabine held their breaths as shin ignited her new lightsaber, and gasped when the blade emits a brilliant yellow hue; almost golden.
sabine focused on building her new lightsaber the next day, only slightly nervous under ahsoka's eyes. she felt a particular crystal in huyang's collections calling to her, and ahsoka encouraged her to bond with the crystal. she never really thought anything when she ignited it the first time, expecting a bright blue hue like ezra's, or even the same green as her old lightsaber. her eyes widen when it emits a striking violet, the blade humming confidently.
ahsoka nods proudly at her padawan, congratulating the two newly knighted jedi knights. shin thanked ahsoka with a grateful smile, while sabine was beyond ecstatic and was jumping around with her new (and a pretty one, at that) lightsaber.
ahsoka's voice crackles through the comms, earning their attentions. "sabine. shin. hera's on comms."
"c'mon," sabine nods at the cockpit, "sounds to me like there's gonna be a new mission."
shin nods, following closely behind sabine as they entered the cockpit. hera's hologram projection stands in their comms, while ahsoka and huyang are sat on the seats. hera nods at the two young jedi knights with a smile.
"hera! what do you got for us?" sabine asked as she leans between ahsoka's and huyang's seats, shin peeking from behind her shoulders.
"ezra had new intel on rogue imperial remnants activity, and we're going to investigate it further," hera briefs carefully, continuing with, "i hear whispers of shady clonings ongoing on that base, some kind of ambitious project to imbue the force into these clones. from ezra's intel, this group is continuing moff gideon's works."
"moff gideon." sabine repeats the warlord's name with a distasteful hiss.
hera nodded, almost understandingly. "we should assume there will be hefty and nasty resistance from them, so gear up. we'll rendezvous at home one, i'll be taking the ghost and my fleet with you."
"a joint operation?" shin spoke from behind sabine, inquisitive.
"yes. senator organa had just approved the mission. we're clear to go."
"i love that woman," sabine remarks excitedly, earning a questioning head tilt from shin, and a collective amused look from both ahsoka and hera. "uh, i mean, she's just so... y'know..." the mandalorian flustered instantly, backtracking awkwardly.
ahsoka laughs, shaking her head amusedly whereas hera merely sighed visibly from the holo. sabine groans as she facepalms herself from embarrassment. shin doesn't say anything, but sabine didn't even need her to, because she can sense her amusement in the force.
"anyways," sabine drags with a final exhale, mitigating her embarrassment, "go on, hera?"
ahsoka jumps in instead, "you two should get ready. we're already en route to home one's coordinates."
shin tilts her head, confused, and was about to offer some kind of input, when sabine grabs her hand and drags her out of the cockpit. the mandalorian had a faint knowing smirk on her face but didn't tell shin anything until they returned to the bunks to prepare.
sabine tossed shin's new vambraces, at the blonde. "you wanted to say something?"
shin hums, observing sabine. "yes, actually. why did you pull me out?"
"vambrace check. adjust shields?" sabine calls instead, adjusting her own as she waits for shin to copy, amused when shin sighs and began setting up her vambraces.
"shields adjusted." two pairs of energy field shields emits from shin's and sabine's vambraces. shin also checks the weaponries inside her vambraces, making sure everything is in top shape. "what is your rocket count? mine is on three."
sabine taps on the little screen on her right vambrace, replying, "i'm on five. if we need to use 'em, i'll shoot first."
shin nods, before shifting her weight on one leg. "okay. now, will you tell me why you dragged me out of the cockpit?"
sabine grins, mischevious. "well, if you missed it, ahsoka kicked us out to chat with hera."
"okay...?" shin doesn't quite get it; doesn't ahsoka chat with hera all the time? sabine shoots her a look, which doesn't really help shin understand anything.
"you're so adorable when you're confused like this," sabine said with a laugh as she clasp shin's new pauldrons on her shoulders. "ahsoka looks at hera like she wants to raise jacen together."
shin tilts her head, processing. sabine lets out a silent chuckle, amused by the blonde's clueless face. the mandalorian had to hold back a laugh when the gears in shin's mind appear to finally click, the same time she finished clasping on shin's custom-made beskar alloy breastplate.
"oh," shin muttered, the exposed tips of her ears dusted in soft pink, "that... made sense."
sabine shakes her head softly, landing a small kiss on shin's temple. she adds, "you are so endearing, cyar'ika," that made shin's eartips grew pinker, as the mandalorian made her way to the cockpit after ahsoka's voice crackles through the comms to summon them back.
if sabine had missed it, shin was thankful.
ahsoka and sabine were getting ready to punch in the coordinates for the hyperdrive jump, shin and huyang were sat behind to re-check everything else to ensure all are well. once sabine had cleared to jump, ahsoka initiates the hyperdrive sequence to home one's point. they arrived in a short count of leaps, as the fulcrum's position was not that far beyond from home one's system.
once ahsoka and sabine landed the t-6 ship in the landing bay, shin and ssbine descended the ramp not too far behind the togrutan jedi master. up ahead, the general of the new republic's fleet stood, a welcoming smile adorning her battle-hardened face.
"general syndulla," ahsoka greets, tone slightly teasing in contrast to the formal salutations, "always good to see you again."
hera sighs, shooting ahsoka a look (sabine dubs it THE look, which shin never really understood what it means but plays along anyways), "you too, 'soka." she turns her gaze to the younger jedi knights, "sabine, shin. great to see you two as well."
sabine goes in for a hug, full-bodied and warm. she then cheekily quips, "it's been a while, hera. don't you miss us?"
"well, i've already got ezra and jacen tag-teaming with chaos in this ship," hera laughs, "so, i wouldn't say i miss your shenanigans by that much, 'bine."
"oh, i'm wounded! woe becomes me!" sabine dramatically returned, placing a mock-distressed hand on her temple as she leans against shin's shoulder. ahsoka merely shakes her head at her antics, while hera chuckles in amusement.
shin, partially playing along, pushes sabine in faux disgust as she mutters, "you are too dramatic, even for a mandalorian."
"woe! woe! backstabbed by own comrade!"
"i stabbed you once, on your stomach."
hera and ahsoka laughed at shin's dry humour, recalling their first meet, while sabine pouted as she mumbles, "that's supposed to be my card to use."
the general brought the fulcrum crew to a meeting room to go over their plans and to contact ezra, as he was still commandeering his own recon unit at their target location. they were set to dispatch two five-pilot x-wing squads under the ghost and the fulcrum as the respective leaders.
hera and ahsoka are to command the ghost, while sabine and shin are in charge of the fulcrum. sabine flashes a smirk at shin, which was responded with an exasperated sigh. shin takes out ten credits out of her pocket to hand over towards sabine.
"told you."
"i cannot believe you bet for this."
sabine shrugs. "you played too, cyar'ika."
"what are you two up to?" ahsoka questions, arms crossed in front of her.
"just a lil' bet," sabine pockets the credits, mischevious, "on how the teams are split."
hera eyes ahsoka, an inquisitive kink of her brow was responded with a shrug. she asks, "what bet?"
"ten creds i say you and ahsoka are teaming up together." sabine shot the older women a knowing look, smirking when ahsoka returned with an exasperated face. she points her thumb back at shin, "this one wasn't buying it."
"for the record, i did not participate willingly."
"you are ridiculous," ahsoka sighed.
"i don't get it?" hera was still lost, not quite understanding the bubble they are in.
sabine laughs, while the togrutan jedi master shakes her head to dissolve the atmosphere. "ignore her."
shin blurts out, "sabine says ahsoka and you act like you would raise jacen together."
hera's eyes widen, as ahsoka slow turns towards a cackling sabine and a flustered shin, incredulous. "you two are unbelievable."
to her credit, shin did appear guilty as she shifts her eyes down and mutters, "i am sorry."
sabine ceases her laugh, wiping a tear from her eye, "oh, gosh. that was peak entertainment for me. sorry, guys. it just had to be said; you two are horrible at hiding your pinings for each other."
shin might be hallucinating, but she swears ahsoka's and hera's face grew a shade darker as they avoid each other's eyes.
"to be fair, ahsoka did better than sabine back then. she used to look at me like she would leave the jedi order and devote herself to me instead."
hera's eyes widen for the second time, ahsoka mirrors the general's reaction as well upon hearing the blonde's admission. sabine had stopped laughing, frozen in her stand while seemingly all the blood in her circulation spreads slowly on her face.
ahsoka, after regaining the room from sabine, turns to sabine with an amused expression, teasing, "devoted to a fellow padawan, are you?"
sabine sputters, losing brain to mouth coordination as her face is almost as red as her pilot jacket.
"at least, that was what huyang told me," shin added, her voice deceivingly innocent, though the thin smirk ghosting her lips tells otherwise.
"my, my, sabine," hera joins, arms crossed in a delighted manner, "you've come a long way from your planet-skipping womanizing tour, huh?"
"womanizing tour?" shin parroted, intrigued.
"okay, that is our cue to leave!" at that, sabine suddenly regained her motor functions as she grabs shin by the arms and drags her back towards the landing bay. she shouts back, "see you in ten, guys!!"
shin was amused the whole trek back to the fulcrum, watching sabine distractedly sets up the ship. the mandalorian's face was still pinkish and her energy remained flustered.
shin teases softly, "you are very antsy, commander."
sabine's ears grew red at the nickname, and shin was looking forward to seeing that reaction.
"we are not having this conversation."
shin steps in front of sabine, tilting her face to meet hers by the chin. "not now, we won't. but, we will."
sabine swallows, eyes crotchety, yet nodding anyway. she managed to rasp out, "yeahā€¦ okayā€¦"
"that's my girl."
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shima-draws Ā· 1 year ago
Rewatching FT and noticing that Happy is like. SUPER knowledgeable about a lot of things guild and magic related. He's like the go to encyclopedia for wizard inquiries and he's just a tiny little guy. I wonder if he actually takes time to study all this stuff or if he's just picked up on a lot of it from being around the guild so much šŸ¤” Thinking about Happy and Levy cooped up in the library reading stuff together makes me really soft. Autism buddies
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a-drama-addict Ā· 3 months ago
merrill favorite companion da2. bellara favorite companion datv. the cycle
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blondeaxolotl Ā· 11 months ago
Ran-Mao would've loved Alice: Madness Returns
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starflungwaddledee Ā· 1 year ago
Ok but what if she went to waddle Dee town in the forgotten land and all the waddle Deeā€™s just accepted her because they are really nice and not rude and they accept her and she has fun and a good time please I really need this for her
i considered drawing something out to this, and making it a happy ending sort of thing, because i think this is extremely sweet as a concept and i understand the desire for it!
that said, i decided that it would be a disservice to the lore i'm building for her, my biology/magic headcanons, and also the waddle dees as a whole. i might still draw it some day, because i could absolutely perceive a way it would work (ie: all waddle dee signatures messed up by Elfilis's portals, or their magic sensitivity nuked by it.) and i think it would be lovely
but for now, i have too many other things on the backburner to get to this promptly, and i wanted to answer this one sooner rather than leaving it for months
i will say, they're not being rude to her! there might be the odd one or two who is a bit snide, but there are some of those in every society. as a general rule the waddle dees not only understand that she is struggling, they want to accept and help her. many of them even know she's lonely, and feel pretty bad about it. but it's hard, and not just because she makes people uneasy!
i draw parallels with starstruck's gummed up magical signature to autism, as i'm autistic and so by merit (as a sona), so is she. but there are some parts that do not line up with the way autism functions in our world, and one of them is that touching or being around her can be genuinely, literally painful for some of the very sensitive waddle dees.
despite that, her waddle dee doctors actually pushed through it while she was in the castle dedede infirmary. because they were determined to treat her (mostly-surface-seeming) injuries and help her feel better. and they apologised for the reactions that they couldn't control anymore than she could control her signature; the various "sorry"s she parrots in this comic are implied to be from waddle dee doctors.
it's a fine line in alien-storytelling, especially with a real world disability parallel, and i'm trying to tread it as carefully as i can. but i don't intend to villainise the waddle dees at all for their reaction to her; they truly can't help it. many of them even do their best to push through it if she comes into their vicinity, especially because she often arrives with Beloved Celebrity, Captain Bandana Waddle Dee. but like a lot of us, she can tell when she's being tolerated, and so as a rule she just sort of tries to avoid it, one way or another
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ruvviks Ā· 3 months ago
i like having ocs
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overallsonfrogs Ā· 11 months ago
Committing to the bit and attempting a full series reread today in preparation for TSC day tomorrow
Will provide updates as I go šŸ«”
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