#me when anyone’s ocs tbh
starflungwaddledee · 10 months
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lovecoredeity · 4 months
fun scene idea that I’ll probably never get around to drawing: someone grabbing a wanted poster from a board or wall only to reveal a missing persons poster featuring the same person as on the wanted poster underneath it (also the reward for them as a wanted person is higher than the reward for returning them when they were missing)
#basically this is something fun I imagine for my oc cashmere#as of right now she’s simply missing (presumed to be kidnapped at least that’s what the family she is from told people)#as of rn in her story she isn’t wanted for anything but that can change I’ll probably have her (attempt to) commit treason against her#own family or something#I think it would be fun that her family is willing to spend less when she’s missing than when they’re mad at him and want him back to be#punished for angering them#I have attempted to draw this out before but was like#it would be better as like an animation tbh but#I can’t animate I’m not going to animate my tablet does not even have the storage for me to animate#maybe a quick animatic if anything but like#idk#it’s more of a fun idea than anything#I imagine what leads to cashmere committing treason is that upon being back in the hands of their family they begin to realize that they#can’t lie to theirself anymore their family is terrible and the reason they died in the first place and snaps#i feel like they found themselves in a situation where they attacked someone out of fear and rage and blah blah that is seen as treason#it would probably be his dad that gets attack im ngl conquest deserves it#or they accidentally hurt them out of fear#I am unsure#*shrug emoji* I’m just making up shit for cashmere as I see fit and per what I find most interesting and fun <3#also cashmere is my only oc rn who would have both a missing and a wanted poster#sure most of my ocs would find themselves wanted for one reason or another or targeted by others#but some cashmere is useful as a tool to their family and having a runaway child is bad for their reputation they’d ofc want her back to#keep her quiet and keep people from finding out that she ran away#they also still think she’s sickly and wouldn’t want anyone to find out who she is that she’s sickly and for word to spread#basically they want cashmere back so their reputation isn’t damaged and so they can go back to using her as they please#I put a lot of suffering into this character#and I will continue to do so because as my favourite this is what happens#sorry I’m babbling
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gremliinsart · 8 months
...I forgot I had this drawing KFHDJNS
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This was supposed to be part of a bunch of other doodles but then I forgot so ig I'll just post this by itself lmao
I can't remember what the original context of this was besides Night Bear meeting Naughty Bear and how that interaction would go
I could write like...a whole paragraph about these two actually but I'll just leave it here.... :)
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barghest-land · 1 year
someone asked if javier was "my oc or something" bestie.... no he isn't but... if u really think i could create something THAT perfect.. thank you i'll take it as a compliment
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lucy-ghoul · 8 months
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................. not to rain down on anyone's parade but barely characterized 14 year old lucerys could never have the swag eleanor or henry had
#1#2#3#4#5#again you do you per carità i'm not here to judge anyone's taste because then i'd be a fucking hypocrite#but this still made me laugh#maybe because i never really understood the hype around luke/aemond. i mean i get it on a intellectual level#but there are so many juicier pairs in hotd that while i understand why people would ship it i'm not sure why it's so popular#no hate to the pairing or anything of course. you can ship whatever you want!#but this reeks of the usual inflated m/m ship with one (or two) fictional men with weak or barely acknowledged characterizations#while incredibly complex female characters (at least in comparison) are JUST THERE#again this is not a hate post about the ship or slash pairings (OBVIOUSLY!!)#but still. in any case the eleanor/henry dynamic fits better with rhaenicent or maybe daemyra tbh#like... even when i love a ship with all my heart i wouldn't assign *every* possible au to them but only those who fit their characters bes#if my otp is a etl ship i wouldn't want to read or write a childhood friends to lovers au because what i like about them#is that they fucking hate each other's guts and perpetually try to kill the other (before falling in love... and sometimes even after)#if a pairing is more p&p like i really couldn't get into a wuthering heights au even if i'd recognize it's magnificently written#because that's not what these characters and their dynamic are. it would be projection#at this point i would prefer to read/write about two ocs ngl#again in fandom you can do whatever you want i'm no one and i could never tell you what you can or can't like. that'd be ridiculous#and idw the op of that post to feel bad about it. it's just my personal preference/opinion on fanworks that's all#val speaks#val rambles in the tags#txt
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savageboar · 3 months
tbh replaying pmdgti makes me curious if any good pmd rom hacks are out there
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daincrediblegg · 10 months
Well. You made it. Neil Gaiman reblogged you. Well, a Dduane reblog
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#1 phrase I didn’t expect to be said to me today.
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kenmaiii · 2 years
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which of my OCS would you let share the aux (all he/him) 🎶
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
🫚, 🍒, and🫓?
from this ask game
ginger answered here!
🍒Cherry - Which two of your Ocs are most weirdly alike now that you think about it?
ASPEN AND ANTON. they’re so weirdly alike just hear me out.
they’re both WEIRD just in general like they’re silly fellas. they both love green, they both love animals and nature, they’re both connected to a specific animal (Aspen likes wolves and Anton likes rats), neither of them like people very much and would be happier living in a whimsical forest forever. they both got the tism and are trans masc, they’re both lonely and touched starved as fuck (but really who isn’t), just in general their personalities are similar. their NAMES are similar.
Anton and Aspen would info dump about literally anything and everything to each other, neither of them would ever stop talking. Anton would find a way to make Aspen a shapeshifter (and not fail this time) so he’d be able to turn into a wolf whenever he wants. Aspen and Anton would go outside ALL THE TIME and they would love going on walks in the forest together and befriend all kinds of silly animals.
Aspen wouldn’t want to leave because his life SUCKED before. as you know, he was a complete nobody and in his canon story, nobody cared that he died at all. so nobody would be looking for him if he was taken as Anton’s test subject, except Lyle, but in this fake au scenario i’m making up right this second uhh maybe she’s there too. or maybe Anton made a clone for Aspen i mean yeah that’s more likely.
no wait. Lyle would be FUN too. i haven’t talked much about her but she’s also weird and silly and unhinged like Aspen so like the three of them would be unstoppable together it’d be so silly wow. wow this is such a fun scenario
like Aspen and Anton are literally PERFECT for each other guys idk what Anton was thinking making that Dew guy his test subject. Aspen was RIGHT THERE. and he’s IMMORTAL
🫓(Idk what this thing is) - Wild card! Tell me your favorite fact or something you want to share about your Ocs or Oc world.
fun fact! while i was writing all that nonsense up there i got an even better idea. so i am maybe writing a tllr and brc crossover au where Anton’s a vampire and takes Aspen (who’s probably not immortal in this but who knows i literally just had this idea just now) as his thrall. currently losing my marbles over this actually
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capricorndevil15 · 2 years
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Extreeemely old art from 2019. Lyrics from Baby You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way, which had just come out a year prior and I was in love with it. Still a certified Hacy song.
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clamorybus · 1 year
why does my brain want me to make ocs for media properties ive never interacted with
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once again back on my elder scrolls bullshit for december....fixed my skyrim game on console last night after it being kinda fucked for months and months. i think i might post some stuff ive written for my dragonborn... ive had lots of small things written for them over the year but never shared any of it...
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dragonfyre-creations · 5 months
I don't think I've ever poured so many of my physical attributes and so much of my heart and soul into a character design before in such a personal way before so fuck it whenever I finish the final design for Faeng and whatever I come up with I'm making her into my sona (dragonsona? Persona? Idk how this works lmfao)
(long dump in the tags and under the cut)
The last time I was even remotely connected this much to a character was when I designed Jaxsu, but honestly never truly made her my sona/main character, she was just the one I used most often in art pieces. I never really actually liked her lore and backstory enough because she was what I wanted to be instead of what I am/was. Jax isnt perfect either, but her parents love her and otherwise has friends and is loved unconditionally. She has a healthy relationship with everyone and everything. This is where the disconnect happened and where I actually started to dislike her despite her being my otherwise favorite character for awhile. Both Faeng and Jaxsu have ADHD and Autism but Jaxsu was able to put that towards a job and becoming a ship captain and winning a colosseum tournament. She's done all of these great things so even if she didn't have a healthy relationship with her parents they'd still love her because she's done something impressive and useful.
Faeng on the other hand, has to fight for everything. Her parents are important and have important jobs, and place all of these unreachable and unrealistic expectations on her and expect her to reach them with minimal effort and be perfect, but she can't no matter how hard she tries. She needs someone to explain it and break it down for her in steps so she understands what do to and how to do it so she doesn't mess it up. She's both strong and smart but it's not in practical "normal" ways or subjects. It's convoluted, It's not in the ways everyone wants her to be, she has no teachers to help her understand how to channel that strength and intelligence into something "useful" so she puts it towards the things she likes and wants to do, and thus struggles in a world that would otherwise be easy to navigate and conquer if she were "normal". Those that do understand her and try to help her are alienated by other people in an attempt to either punish both of them or force her to adapt to be somewhat passing as normal, if not then at least listen to what she's told to do. She does eventually make acquaintances but find that her twisted speech and weird explanations aren't worth trying to decipher and understand so they leave, they don't put in the effort to meet her halfway even though she's struggling and doing her best to speak in a way they'll understand.
Her parents acknowledge her differences but in a way that frames it as flawed and wrong, something that needs to be corrected, and push her to figure out her problems by herself, tearing down any support network she tries to build. She tries her damned hardest but it's not enough, it never is and never will be for them because she's not the perfect child they wanted. She showed promise in her younger years being a "gifted child" so she knows what love and acceptance lies in wait and what could be if she could just be normal and perfect. Her achievements and promise come and show in waves. She burns and fizzles out in one of the most virulent, painful ways possible after getting hurt trying to prove her worth yet again. She holds nothing but criticism, vitriol and contempt for herself because she can't claw her way back to where she was before, this time something happened and something is terribly, horribly wrong this time but she doesn't know that it is and can't figure it out, nor will anyone tell her. Whatever it is, left a mental and several physical injuries and it does nothing but deepen her self hatred and her parent's waning belief in her. She listens to false promises and praise of other people who do nothing but wish to manipulate and harm her but she stays because any form of praise is deemed good, she hungers for more and does worsening things.
She ignores the people who tell her that what she's doing is dangerous and will only end in disaster, because she doesn't believe them. If the people who are saying they're her friends are telling her that the people she hurts deserve it and that what she's doing is good, then surely she needs to believe them over strangers, right? Everything comes to a breaking point and shatters around her leaving her with quite literally nothing but her own self hatred, newfound rage and overbearing mental issues she needs to navigate once again to find out what hell it is and what's wrong with her now. She's scared of everyone and everything with the added bonus of now being hyper-aware and perceptive of people's mannerisms and behaviors, especially those who want to manipulate or harm her again. She wraps every vulnerable part of herself in metaphorical thorns and teeth to bite and maim whoever pries and digs into what she truly is, even people who want to understand her. She suffers at more than her own hand, forcing herself to deal with everything alone, until she finally meets someone that could be considered a true friend. She slowly opens up and helps them as much as they help her before everything comes crashing back down once again upon the reveal that they've been lying to her the entire time about very serious issues, and she's been used as nothing more than an attack dog once again. She burns every bridge and everyone around her in one final breakdown of rage before shutting down completely. One of the groups of friends she's shoved stay comes back and asks if she's ok. She doesn't understand why they're being kind, why they're concerned it why they care and tries to shove them away again. Every single day they still ask, talking even if there's no response from her, until she finally relents and breaks.
She's finally loved and accepted despite every fault and every flaw she has, and every time she tries to pull away out of fear of being an inconvenience they pull back twice as hard and remind her that she's able to just exist, she doesn't need to constantly be useful and that they care. She finally, finally is comfortable enough to let herself be accepted and then becomes the most clingy little shit, just as they do with her. But yeah, my own life has been very much of the same, especially the last part. Every time I go on another self-hatred spiral and drop off the face of the earth my MonHun bros give me a metaphorical slap to the face and remind me that I don't need to constantly prove my worth to everyone and prove that I'm useful, and that existing every once in awhile is more than enough. If that doesn't work then it's "you need to get your ass back over here because we're failing the Safi siege without the absolutely ridiculous amount of DPS your build Switchaxe does". I was not intending for her to be so much like me but goddamnit she's wormed her way into being my favorite now and I guess Mirage is no longer my impromptu sona
#I've been working the last 3 hours on her design and like just noticed HOW MUCH of myself i put into her design#especially parts of myself im self conscious of and don't like/didn't like growing up. i usually zone out esp during a character design#but i stopped and i looked at it and my first thought was “that's me. that's me on that canvas.” and for some reason felt so happy with it#ik that's probably a selfish thought to have and im nowhere near done with her design but i looked at it and loved it so deeply.#she's imperfect and ugly and flawed but that's ok because she's still beautiful in her own weird way and her friends still love her#this is the weirdest shit I've ever experienced but i honestly feel like I'm finally accepting a part of myself I've hated and shoved down#for so long because of the absolute gnawing feeling of unacceptance I've always been subjected to as “not fitting in” and something she say#is “who gives a shit what other people think about me. i have friends who love and care about me just as much as i do for them.#you dont need to be liked by everyone to be worth something. sometimes just existing is enough for the people who do love you“#the parallels of both my life and her lore are so similar they hurt on a visceral level i cant describe and it was completely unintentional#we both trust too easily whether it's out of naivety or stupidity and not learning from past mistakes and have been hurt so deeply#so many times beyond our own comprehension by the betrayal of other people to the point of shutting down every attempt at friendship#despite knowing just how much being alone aches and burns and put both physical and mental health on the line to get the approval of others#but never letting anyone get close enough to be friends out of fear of being hurt again#and having every vulnerable part of ourselves wrapped in metaphorical knives and glass to hurt anyone attempting to get to know us#but simultaneously and unknowingly hurting ourselves too with that choice. we're both aware of what we're doing but also unable to stop it#out of fear and lack of people willing to understand our pain and frustration and anger over things and it's so so frustrating#we both lash out when angry or hurt and push people that we love and love us back away out of fear that if any “ugly” is exposed to them#they'll leave because we lose our one redeemable quality of “being convenient” in a group#but simultaneously don't them trust fully out of fear. we know we're loved and love back but never fully in case its all a lie.#we both want nothing more than someone to understand and listen to what happened to us and actually stay and be friends rather than leave#like truly actually want to be friends and not just stay out of pity or sorrow over what happened#i think this is just something that comes with the autism tbh#i am she and she is me#rambling#dragon character#character writing#character building#dragon oc
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chemicalarospec · 5 months
jumpscared by The O.C. in the first line of this Dead Boy Detectives semi-review/determinism of its cultural meaning. everywhere I go I see The O.C.....
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arolesbianism · 8 months
I have such a love hate relationship with Ellie. On the one hand I have my petty grudge against her, but on the other hand shes so sillyyyyy being Jackie's lil lackey did her so many favors in my mind she's not only a lil shit but also a lil teachers pet I love her
#rat rambles#oni posting#honestly my only genuine nit pick with her writing is that shes almost Too much of a presence#but thats just me being the guy who's favorite rw character is sliver of straw and favorite oc is the one that doesnt exist in universe#I love how theyre all varrying levels of just some guy who fell in too deep#as much as Ive been loving learning abt them and would kill to know more abt them the vagueness is like half the appeal to me#anyways to be clear abt ellie shes not like a huge suck up or anything shes just jackies lil errand boy#I like to imagine she and nikola's beef extended beyond the food stealing incident#the jackie lackey duo out for blood until they slowly realize that everything is so fucked#I like to imagine that ellie started cracking pretty bad towards the end as by then she rly couldn't keep playing dumb#especially when it starts reaching Her circle of scientists. whether joshua knew or not thats a scary situation for your bestie to be in#I doubt she like. did anything abt it. at least not without getting caught. but maybe she at least tried who knows#this might be giving her too much credit but Im choosing to believe that her care for joshua would stoke the flames enough#also her job as the numbers guy means that she likely at least could make an educated guess on the temporal bow situation#but yeah I like to imagine at some point ellie stops fucking with nikola and then stops showing up at work entirely#and nikola is just sitting there quietly freaking the fuck out as he realizes that everyone who was hired to help with this stuff is being#picked off and that there are absolutely Not enough people to manage how severe the situation is#also tbc I do in fact have a timeline in my head and it does not end well for anyone involved#but Im trying to refrain from going too into scientist hcs until Im sure Ive read everything#tbh Im not sure how Ill get the stuff Im missing but Ill certainly try
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valodia · 1 year
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Hiii 3 years after the fact heres Griffin's card..... I gotta do Mari's next..... Who knows when that happens....
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