#...now i wanna replay conquest
savageboar · 3 months
tbh replaying pmdgti makes me curious if any good pmd rom hacks are out there
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
lord give me the strength to not download and play fe awakening or fates again theres only so much i can handle with the little time i have and i dont need my brain to be losing attention enough as is
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TL asleep? cool.
(long post, strap in)
i wanna talk about colin's wet dream. that was the most demisexual shit i have EVER seen. there's not even any sex. its just a romanticized, elevated version of their first kiss. its colin's subconscious wanting to replay the moment he fell in love with his best friend in the Most way possible.
lets break it down:
we got the same location of their first kiss. Complete with mood lighting and a fog machine. It’s giving pride and prejudice 2005
Penelope comes out (looking gorgeous, of course) to their rendezvous spot, which has been previously agreed on.
colin thanks her for meeting him, she doesn't know why he's asked her to come
he confesses his feelings for her
she reciprocates (this is the important part of this to me. ) her wanting him, makes him want her more (do you see where the demisexual colin energy is coming from? do you understand?)
they make out
he kisses her neck as she pants his name over and over (see my point above re: her wanting him makes him want her more)
he wakes up, absolutely shook
this is an idealized reimagining for colin: during their first kiss he was basically in shock, his new personality chokes on the reality and vulnerability of the moment
in the book he talks about how he tries to think of something witty to say but finds that no words are necessary, and there's no combination of witty banter or suave bravado that could help in that moment. the rake persona that he has put on up to this point absolutely fails him. but here, in this dream, words are crucial, the declarations of love are why its sexy! (demi colin is canon idc idc)
and its so important that this wet dream, the idealized version of this scenario happens like this. because we've also seen colin having sex with sex workers (and luke newton has talked about this) but his energy in those scenes is very detached, very focused on him and his pleasure with zero connection to the women he's with. he has two different threesomes (if you can even call the second one that, he's barely even looking at them) with four different women and we know nothing about these girls. they don't even get names. they don't matter, and its simply not. as. good. as the feeling of kissing pen. there is no connection
which is, i think, why he taps out during the threesome in ep4. he tries to go back to the devil-may-care attitude toward sex and intimacy that he had before kissing pen, he tries to return to that mask he put on of "the rake" and it just doesn't work! he feels nothing! in fact he feels disdain for the position he's in and the choices he's made!
the threesome in ep4 mirrors the outburst he has later at the club really well. like he's so frustrated with this position he's put himself in, the men he's surrounded himself with. he literally says "none of you are gentlemen!" "you're actually gross and disrespectful!"
a line that i love is :
"... it is tiring, is it not? The necessity imposed on us to remain cavalier about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?"
and they laugh! in! his! face! because these are men that feel perfectly fine sleeping with strangers and bragging about their "conquests" to their buddies
but that is not who colin is! he's still very young. and his experience with marina (who tried to seduce him and it didn't work, imo bc he just didn't feel that passion, that love that makes his relationship with penelope so different) has left him jaded, but not nearly as jaded as he wants to believe. even if he wants to be casual about romance and sex, he just isn't. this man proposed to marina after knowing her for what? a couple weeks? He is an All or Nothing type of guy. He has that Bridgerton 'when i fall in love i will only ever talk about my spouse' Gene
Now: some costuming details that i love:
Her hair:
(i know this is a stretch but go with me here) her hair is in slightly tighter curls than we've seen this season, which to me seems like a nod to colin liking (or at least not minding) her hair the way it was in previous seasons and maybe not caring as much as we might think about her transformation. but its still down and flowy and in line with her new style
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let's talk about this! dress! (it has genuinely been keeping me up at night)
the sleeves seem much more similar to the silhouettes of her costumes in previous seasons, not necessarily in shape but in style
the sleeves are bulkier, compared to this season's costumes, which while they might have been the same size and shape, they are made of much lighter material, giving the silhouette a softer, more mature feeling.
compare it to this dress from s3 ep2: it looks very similar with the sleeve shape and the floral appliqués, but in the dress in the image above, the appliqués are much more obvious, closer to penelope's style under her mother's tastes
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the point i'm trying to make here will be made more clear in a sec. what I am NOT trying to say that colin prefers her in her little girl dresses with loud designs, bright colors, and silly hairdos. he just associates those bigger, brighter, louder style choices with penelope.
And he has always liked Penelope. Even when he didn’t take her seriously as a potential partner, he always saw her as an equal. He never made fun of her silly dresses and questionable hair choices.
This has nothing to do with Colin but i feel like i should point it out:
there is something to be said about how her muted pastel color palette along with the more demure style that she has adopted shows that she is trying to Show Up with this social season, but as a wallflower, she is shy. she's always hated those brightly colored dresses her mother put her in, because no matter how close to the wall she clung, she was always visible. she was always vulnerable to ridicule.
but i don't think colin knows or realizes this because why would he think critically about the specific style changes she's made. and he probably doesn't really make the connection of the influence her mother has on her clothing. and around him, pen has never seemed all that shy. she's been confident and witty. if you pair her personality that shines around colin with her louder outfits, it seems more congruous
(take the scene from season 2 where we get the line "My purpose shall set me free") this is a side of penelope that no one, not even eloise!, sees
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what his subconscious knows is that he associates pen with vibrant, textured, and often 3-dimensional outfits, and his subconscious creates a dress that fits her new style, with a little more of that featherington flair thrown in.
the fucking tie in front: i feel like this is a very clear reference/ foreshadowing to the mirror scene
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for those of you who haven't read the book, the mirror scene doesn't actually happen, but colin tells penelope about a fantasy he has about touching her in front of a mirror
this is a pretty small offhand comment made while they're having sex for the first time but amongst book fans the scene has become pretty fleshed out i think, with fanfics especially
because the idea that it touches on is colin fantasizing about penelope seeing herself the way he does, as sexy and desirable (he seriously cares about her pleasure so much its sickening, I'm actually sick)
and although Book Colin doesn't mention it, the idea of him undressing her in front of a mirror has become a popular story set-up
i think the tie in the front sort of plays on the time period sensibilities of propriety: this is a time where in "good" society an unmarried man and woman would never touch skin to skin, its why all the women wear gloves most of the time. its why the scenes in season 1 between daphne and simon play on the excitement of removing the gloves: its a taboo thing
this is unrelated to this post but i need an explanation as to why pen isn't wearing gloves in a lot of her scenes this season, like the scandal that that would cause??? I'm assuming its representative of her growing into her sexuality; and bridgerton is a fantasy, not a historical nonfiction, but like some consistency would be nice guys bc i was so confused abt all the skin-on-skin contact happening. even with Francesca and Lord Samadani WHEN HE KISSES HER BARE HAND I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE FOR HER. especially because of all the glove-related tension in s1. but i digress.
so the tie in front is sort of a dare. even though its clearly an addition, and untying wouldn't actually remove her dress, its her (colin's subconscious version of her anyway) way of saying: "you could untie this, you could undress me if you wanted to" "i love you" "i want you"
and i think that's beautiful. this season is great and i will die on this hill.
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If you've made it this far, congrats! you're just as feral as me! come and gnaw on the drywall with me while i post fanfics inspired by this season: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55988977/chapters/142190584
chapters 1+2 of my new fic are up
photos are from : https://www.cap-that.com/bridgerton/302/index.php?image=bridgerton3x02_1502.jpg
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lightparty-fullparty · 7 months
Can't possibly be me Zenosposting again - what is this a day ending in Y?
Anyway, I've been thinking about the murder boy again. This has mostly spawned from my replaying of the Stormblood patches and seeing Amnesiac Yotsuyu, which sparked a bit of a Nature vs Nuture debate between me and my friends.
Basically, my question for this post is "How much of Zenos' whole deal is Nature (aka He was just born like that) and how much of it is Nuture (aka the enviornment he grew up). Some of you might content to say Nature and leave it at that, which is a completely valid outlook to have. But for me there's just one... teeny... tiny... little detail that has sent me on a wild consipriacy theory of a ride that's resulted in this post. Emet-FUCKING-Selch.
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Listen to me, listen okay? I cannot, CANNOT ignore the fact that this absoulete motherfucker (affectionate) is Zenos's cannonical Great Grandfather. Who was very much alive and kicking during his childhood. Emet-Selch or Solus zos Galvus whatever moniker you wanna give the man, is an Ascian. One of THE Ascians. Not only that, he's 'The Architect" the guy who's job it is to design and engineer the calamities meant to rejoin the Shards of the World back together again. What does he do to achieve this? He builds empires, he starts wars, manipulates people and situations to result in untold elemental chaos. Iirc correctly he's responsible for causing all eight calamities that have occured so far in FFXIV. (Eight got undone but I'm still counting it).
Now for this post I'm going to be focusing mainly on the Seventh, Eighth, and Fourth Umbral Calamities. (Which are the ones coincidentally we're told the most about in game). This Calamities all involved Empires. The Allagan and the Garlean, both of which Emet-Selch was responsible for creating. From the Allagans we have the creation of Dalamud, Cyrus Tower, and the Ultima Weapon. As well as an extensive history of biological research. Cloning, Gene Splicing, Mutation and so on. (A sundered mortal's attempts at creation magjicks perhaps?) The Garleans too, have a notible history of biological research, they draw a lot of their modern technology from Allagan design. No coincidence there given Emet-Selch's involvement. But we've seen them use genetic mutation, cyber augmentation, and cloning (Emet-Selch's shadow the hedgehog ass clone bodies because he refuses to look like anyone other than his unsundered self). The also so a lot of research into the Echo. Hydalyn's mark for her champions, and soul maipulation. (Ala Mihgo Dungeon and In From the Cold Duty both points of note for examples of the Soul being manipulated here - physically torn out of the body).
"Now Gengar " - I hear you ask - "What does this have to do with Nature vs Nuture or Zenos?" Well, I tell you, everything really. Hear me out. Emet-Selch designed the Garlean Empire to be the perfect chaos causing conquest force. They have no ability to use either, making them initially vulnerable as a people to the rest of the races. Building up a tasty, tasty resentment and need to feel superior. He sent them marching to 'reclaim their home' and then to 'unify the three contents under their superior peaceful, organised leadership'. The 'Savage Races' summon evil primals and weild evil distructive magjiks. He gave them a perfect cause and reason to hate everyone else. He gave them magitech to level the field and make them supieror at combat. Garlemald as a nation is the perfect war machine. Allagan 2.0 if you would. And Zenos is the perfect 'Champion' to lead that nation into battle. To spark that next Calamity. Look at the guy. Garleans might be on the taller side (depending on the character. Cid is a shorty), but Varis and Zenos are HUGE. Emet-Selch isn't nearly as tall as either of them despite being a blood relation. Which makes me think there was some of that Allagan/Garlean/Ancient playing with genetics and form at work. Make them bigger, more durable, stronger, more intelligent.
It's like Captian America. You want the perfect solider. And a perfect solider for Emet-Selch would also need to be cold, ruthless, manipulative.
There was a post I saw a while again about Mecha Pilots. And OP pondered on the idea of physcially having your brain and body contiditoned to love battle. To love destruction and killing and fighting.
Do you see where I am going with this?
You want someone bloodthirsty enough to cause a Calamity for you, you need them to feel nothing for their fellow man. (Insects all of them. Disappointing. Found Wanting.) You need them to find such overwhelming joy in battle that no other earthely pleasure can compare to it. (Brilliant. Blinding. Trandsenant Moment.)
No attatchments. No emotions, Just violence. I offer to you dear readers, that Emet-Selch carefully modified Zenos' litterally brain chemistry. Making him predisposed to a lack of empathy and his brain releasing those pesky joyous chemicals during battle. Inflicitng and feeling pain. I offer the theory that Zenos has literally been built for combat. If you cut him open, his bones and muscles and organs would be so alienly perfect. Denser, perfectly optimised. Exceedingly perfect. His brain remapped for pattern recognistion and quick skill building, Easy to train in the art of slaughter and tactics. Unable to forge the emotional connections that would only serve to hinder him. (To isolate him from family).
What evidence to I have? Outside of Emet-Selch's known history of building Empires? Easy. I already know he's done this kind of thing before.
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Vauthry. The baby Emet-Selch mutated into half a Lightwarden. Able to command the Sin Eaters and ensured would be raised into a tyranically, childish, king. To keep the First from Uniting. To ensure the Eighth Umbral Calamity would continue along it's march to completion.
Why wouldn't Emet-Selch have done as much to Zenos too?
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
✄ chapter three: losin' grip on my doin'
a/n: okay, let's goooo! chapter 3 :) things are buildin up... get ready ;) chapter 4 will be posed tonight or tomorrow :)
wc: 4.1k
[fratboy!bucky barnes x fem!reader]
series masterlist
To say the least, waking up the next morning in the most coveted after playboy's bed was a shock. You wake up nestled into Bucky Barnes' side, and you wonder if this is what it felt like.
If this is what every conquest that's been brought to his room feels like when they wake up.
You're very much aware of a metal arm slung over your waist, and you feel panic rise up in your throat. Once you recognize you're fully clothed, you release a breath and feel the tension disintegrating from your body.
You can feel Bucky Barnes' heavy breaths under your head from where you're situated on his chest, and you take a moment and pause.
You would never think you'd find yourself in this situation; sidled up in bed with your university's most notorious fratboy. Someone girls and guys coveted after, and who would do anything to get in bed with him.
Yet, here you are. You don't want to admit to yourself that you quite like it here. You feel comfortable, safe. Fitted perfectly right under his arm, listening to his even breaths as you replay the night before's events in your mind like a film reel.
You meet him.
You play pong with him.
You talk to him.
You go up to his room with him.
And now you're awake in his bed. Fully clothed.
Before you could ask too many questions and drown into a spiral, you hear Bucky draw in a sharp breath, signaling his awakening. You look up at him, wondering how he's going to react to you being here. Not only you being here, but also how you two woke up.
"Mornin', doll." He smiles down at you, and his morning voice sends a shiver down your spine at the raspiness.
"H-Hi." You simply say. You can't quite draw any coherent thoughts at the moment, as Bucky's arm tightens around you and draws you closer to his body.
"Sleep well?" He asks, still looking down at you fond look that makes your heart swell in your chest.
"Hm," you hum, "better than I expected, honestly." You laugh.
"Good, spent way too much on this mattress for it to not please my guests." Bucky smirks, and you get lost in his blue eyes for a moment.
But then, you think about his word choice. Guests. Plural. And although you know nothing happened between you two, you still feel a wave of shame wash over you at the notion.
Bucky's had guests in this bed before. You aren't the first girl to sleep in this bed, and you probably weren't the last.
You feel Bucky shift underneath you, seeing his expression turn to worry at the way you're clearly lost in thought.
"Everythin' alright?" He asks, and you nod quickly.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Just peachy." You give a quick smile, trying to not show how your stomach was churning at the thought of all the girls who've been here before you.
"Wanna go grab some breakfast?" Bucky asks, and you pause.
He wants to stay with me? He's not kicking me out, asking me to leave?
“Sure, uh, where did you wanna go?” You ask gently, worrying that you might scare him off, that he’s delusional right now and he doesn’t really want to spend time with you. You’re beyond confused right now.
“We can head to the diner if you’re good with that? My treat.” He says as he stands up, pulling on a shirt to avoid the chill of the room.
It’s a red henley, and the way you see his muscles straining in the sleeves of the shirt has a blush crawling up your neck.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You croak, getting out of the bed.
By the time you get up and get dressed, sweatpants courtesy of Bucky, and head to the diner, it’s already noon. It’s a Saturday morning, so most people are still in bed while recovering from their hangovers.
“So, how come I haven’t seen you at one of our parties before last night?” Bucky asks while you seat yourselves at a booth in the back of the diner.
“I uhm, I don’t really go out too much. Natasha basically begged me to come out, and I only did it to get her off my case and stop asking me.” You reply while taking a sip of the scalding coffee in front of you that a nice waitress poured for the two of you.
“Really? Well, I’d say you should come more often,” he gives you this smile, and your brain is short-circuiting at how handsome he looks. “You were a great pong partner.”
The emphasis on the word and his tone indicate that he was very much so being sarcastic, and you give a bashful chuckle at his words.
“Oh yeah, definitely. I have nothing on Natasha and Sam.” You laugh, and the same waitress comes by to take your orders.
Once she flutters back behind the counter to put the orders in, you’re reading a text on your phone that you felt vibrate while it was in the pocket of Bucky’s sweater you were sporting.
(12:08 PM) Hey, did you end up getting back safe last night? Sorry I kind of bailed, I just ended up crashing when I got to Sam’s room.
She punctuates her sentence with a face palm emoji in embarrassment, and you smile at the text.
(12:10 PM) Hi, I just crashed in Bucky’s room last night. No funny business tho, so don’t get any ideas in your head.
As you send off the message, you turn off your phone and place is face-down on the table, deciding you’ll deal with Nat’s freak out about you spending the night with Bucky later.
“Everythin’ okay?” Bucky’s voice startles you out of your thoughts, and you snap your eyes up to his.
“Yeah, Nat was just making sure I didn’t end up dead in a ditch last night.” You laugh, shaking your head at how dramatic your roommate could be at times.
“Hey, it’s good to know she cares about you.” He responds, and you nod at his words.
“I mean, yeah. No matter how much she might bug me about going out or getting a boyfriend, she’s still like my sister. I don’t know what I’d do without her.” A sigh leaves your mouth, thinking about Nat. She’s been there for you through everything in your life, and it was true. She was your biggest supporter, and you’re glad you have someone who cares so much for you.
“She seems like a great friend. Sam and Steve are the same for me. I mean, although I grew up with Steve, Sam was like the third brother we never even knew we needed.” He stares off into the distance with a soft look in his eyes, and you smile fondly at his words.
In that moment, you feel like you’re seeing a side of Bucky that not many people get to see. This is Bucky, a guy from Brooklyn who’s just trying to get by in college. Not a man-whore, or a guy who just wants to ge his dick wet like everyone says.
Before you could come up with a response to what he’s said, the same lady comes and places your hot food in front of the both of you, leaving with a ‘enjoy!’ before she whirls away again.
You eat while making small talk, just about life, school, and hobbies. Before you know it, Bucky asks for the check, and even though you know he said he’d pick it up earlier, you still fight him on paying for half the bill.
In the end, Bucky becomes so frustrated with your antics that he simply gets up and hands the waitress his card, and you simply watch with a dropped jaw at his actions.
“You didn’t have to do that!” You exclaim, albeit quietly, but enough to show your frustration.
“Doll, I’m treating you to brunch. Just let me.” Is all Bucky says, effectively shutting you up.
On your walk back to campus, Bucky asks what you’re doing for the rest of the day, asking if you wanted to come back to his room.
“I should head back, Natasha’s probably waiting for me with a million questions.” You bashfully look up to your window from the bottom of your dorm building.
“Oh, okay doll.” Bucky wraps his arms around you, pulling you into an unexpected hug. You feel your body tense at the action, but once you realize what’s happening, you relax again, letting yourself melt into his body.
“See ya later?” He asks with a raised brow.
“Uh, yeah. I don’t know what I’ll be doing later, but we can talk later.” You smile up at him, slowly moving out of his grip and towards the door.
Before you could fully open the door, you hear Bucky’s voice call out to you one more time.
“Y/N, wait!” He yells, jogging over to you at the door. “Can I uh, get your number? So I can text you later?” He asks, his metal hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“O-Oh, sure! Yeah!” You reply a bit louder than you had intended, just out of pure shock at his question.
You open a new message on your phone, allowing Bucky to type in his number and save his contact. Once he hands the device back to you, you see his name saved as Bucky Barnes <3.
Before you can say anything about the heart he added himself, he pecks your cheek and runs off, with a distant ‘I’ll see ya later, doll!’
You essentially float up to your room, not feeling like you were on the planet right now. You felt like you were up in the clouds, unaware of your own actions. You unlock the door to your room, and Natasha is perched upon her bed, looking down at two outfits she has held up against her form.
“Hey! You didn’t answer my messages, you little bitch! Tell me everything!” She turns around at the sound of you entering, already berating you.
But it all sounds muffled in your ears, not fully comprehending what she was saying to you.
“Hey, you okay? Earth to Y/N?” The redhead says again, waving a hand in front of your face at your spacey expression.
“I-I, yeah, I’m fine. Just… shocked.” You breathe out.
“So? Tell me what happened!”
At first, you could barely get the words out of your mouth, trying to explain everything that occurred in the past 24 hours. You get through the story, a little bit challenged at trying to organize your thoughts, but eventually you get Natasha up to speed.
“So… you didn’t have sex with him?” Your roommate says, and you shake your head no.
“Nat, you know how I feel about having sex. I don’t want to rush into it, and I don’t want my first time to be with some… random guy from a frat. I want it to be with someone I trust, someone I’m comfortable with.” You tell her like a broken record, because over the course of the time that you’ve been friends with Natasha, you’ve had this conversation with her several times. Sometimes, you wondered why she was so hellbent on you losing your virginity.
As much as you loved her and understood her intentions with the question, you were getting tired of having to defend yourself every time.
“I- I know! I just… I want you to be happy, with whoever you want. I never want you to think I’m rushing you though, Y/N. I love you.” Natasha explains, putting her hand on your arm in consolation.
“I know, Nat. But trust me, you’ll be the first to know when I do… do it. Don’t worry.” You laugh at how ridiculous you sounded.
She’s looking back down at her bed now, looking between the outfits she was holding earlier.
“Okay… now, help me pick an outfit! Sam wants to go on a date tonight!” She says, showing you the different options.
As you two banter and talk about last night, you interrupt Natasha’s tirade about Sam and ‘what a gentleman he is!’
“Bucky gave me his number earlier.” Saying it out loud makes it sound all the more ridiculous. You feel like a high-schooler at your words, and the way Natasha stops all movement makes you feel all the more insane.
“His number?” She asks, like she couldn’t figure out what to really say.
“Yeah. He even saved a heart next to his name in my phone. What does that even mean?” You wonder out loud, and now you’re sure you’ve gone crazy.
“I… I’m not sure. I think he likes you.” She says nonchalantly, and you scoff.
“Yeah, because Bucky Barnes is very interested in a girl he met last night who didn’t want to sleep with him. He must be going crazy over a girl like me.” You finish with an incredulous laugh, like it never even crossed your mind that he could like you.
“Well… he acted very different from you’ve been telling me. He usually just fucks a girl and she leaves the next morning, nothing more, nothing less. The fact that he didn’t fuck you and took you out to brunch says a lot about this whole situation.” She explains, and you’re still having a hard time grasping this information.
Just as you’re about to find a rationale as to why her explanation isn’t plausible, you feel your phone buzz.
With furrowed brows, you open your texts.
Bucky Barnes <3:
(2:01 PM) Hey doll, do you wanna come by to another party we’re having tonight? Could use my trusty pong champ ;)
Your mouth dries at the message, words lodged in your throat.
“Look what he just texted me.” You flip your screen to Nat and she reads with an unreadable expression, which quickly turns into her brows shooting up.
“A winky face! Y/N/N, he fucking likes you! He wants to see you again!” She exclaims, and you don’t even know what to say.
“How do I respond?” You feel so unexperienced, asking your roommate for advice on how to text a guy.
“Here, gimme,” she snatches the phone out of your grasp, quickly typing something and handing the phone back to you.
You read what she sent with wide eyes.
Y/N Y/L/N:
(2:11 PM) I’ll be there ;) Should I bring clothes to change into for tonight?
“Nat! Why would you say that? You’re making it sound like I wanna have sex with him tonight!” You rise up from your spot on her bed in a panic, pacing the area of your small room.
“Y/N, relax! He-” Before she could finish, your phone buzzed again.
Bucky Barnes <3
(2:13 PM) Hilarious, doll. You don’t have to, but if you wanna crash here again tonight, you can definitely bring your own stuff if that makes you more comfy :)
“Oh my God. He’s so sweet!” Nat giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. “You have to go now!”
“Nat… doesn’t this look a little… suspicious? From what I’ve heard, this isn’t how he usually acts.” You say wearily, the worry clear in your tone.
“Y/N, look at me.” Natasha's hands come to the sides of your head, urging your gaze to meet hers. “You’re a great girl. You deserve someone who treats you well and gets excited to see you, like Bucky is right now. Don’t push him away. You deserve something good.”
At her words, your eyes soften and you feel the distant sting of tears behind your eyes. You give her a nod, not knowing how to express your gratitude to her in words at the moment. She pulls you into a hug and you hold her tight against you, like she might disappear if you let go.
“Now, we need to get you ready for tonight. You’re gonna make Bucky wish he fucked you.” Natasha smirks an evil one.
The party was in full swing upon your arrival. You were all alone when you walked through the doors of the fraternity house, as Natasha had gone on her dinner date with Sam. She’d promised she’d come by after dinner, and you were practically shaking while searching for Bucky in the packed house.
There were people everywhere, and the longer it took for you to find Bucky, the more anxious you were becoming about being here.
“Y/N!” You hear distantly, and your head whips around in search of the owner of the voice.
You feel a hand slide around your waist, and you smell Bucky before you see him. If it weren’t for the distinct smell of his cologne and mint, you would’ve slapped the hand away long ago.
“Hey! Been wonderin’ when you’d show up.” Bucky has a smile on his face, showing off his pearly whites.
“Sorry, I got held up at home with Natasha.” You tell him, looking around at the crowd. You could feel your breathing shorten at the sheer amount of people around you, and your stomach churns in anxiety.
As if Bucky senses your discomfort, he rubs the hand on your waist along the expanse of your back.
“You okay?” He asks, visibly concerned at your demeanor.
You nod wordlessly, trying to make it seem like you weren’t extremely stressed right now. You would’ve loved to let loose tonight, but yesterday was already pushing it in terms of going out.
“Do you wanna head upstairs?” Bucky asks in clear concern at your demeanor right now. He feels a wave of guilt wash over him. If he knew just how much you were going to become uncomfortable by just being here tonight, he wouldn’t have asked you to come. He would’ve simply asked you on a date, or done a night in with you.
You nod again, not allowing the words to leave your throat. You feel as though your mouth is full of cotton, not even being able to form any coherent thoughts at the moment.
Bucky’s cool metal arm guides you by your lower back to the stairs, and you’re once again reminded of the previous night. His cool metal hand is the only thing grounding you at the moment, and you think you would’ve ended up on the dirty bathroom floor downstairs in a puddle of tears if Bucky had taken any longer to find you.
You pass through his doorway, and Bucky’s arm is holding you against him as the door shuts behind you two.
He wordlessly caresses you, running a soothing hand up and down your back, which is partially open because of your outfit. You’re wearing a dress from Natasha’s closet, which she claimed made you look ‘hotter than the motherfucking sun, Y/N’, and you were basically forced into.
“For what it’s worth, honey, you look stunning tonight.” You feel Bucky’s chest rumble from his speaking from where you’re placed against him, and you give a light laugh.
“Thanks,” you return quietly, unable to really come up with anything witty to say. “I’m sorry I’m ruining tonight for you.” Your voice comes after a few moments of silence, but suddenly you’re pulled away from his body.
“Hey,” his hands are on your shoulders, “you are not ruining anything, doll. Parties ’ll come and go, but I don’t want to do it if it isn’t with you.” He tells you in earnest, and you feel an indistinguishable ache in your chest at his words.
Where did this man come from? It seems as though the perfect guy, one who respects you, one who doesn’t force you into anything, one who seems to care too much about you has just... fallen into your lap.
It almost seems too good to be true.
“Bucky…” You trail off, unable to find any words of gratitude at the moment.
“Yeah, doll?”
“Can we just… lay down? Maybe watch a movie?” You ask.
“Of course we can, honey. Anythin’ you want.” He smiles brightly again as your mood seems to lighten a bit. “Do you need a change of clothes?”
“Yes, please. If you don’t mind.” You can’t really bring yourself to look at him. You feel embarrassed that you’ve pulled him away from his own party. Although he constantly reassures you that he doesn’t mind, you’re still bashful.
“Here, honey,” he hands you the same garments from last night, “you look good in these.” He laughs, and you feel your cheeks turn bright red.
“I- I’ll be right back.” You give a tight smile and retreat to the bathroom.
While Bucky waits outside, he begins to get lost in his thoughts. He liked you. A lot. How did he get himself into this mess? He’s not stupid. He knows what he did to get here. And now it was looking really, really, stupid.
Unfortunately, there was no getting it out of it now, though. He could try and reason with the person he’d made a promise to, but he was stubborn. There was little to no chance he would be able to get out of this one.
But he thinks of it on the flip side. He’s been seen bringing you up to his room two nights in a row, and he knows how it makes both of you look.
For him, he looks like he’s keeping up with reputation.
Take a girl home.
Fuck her.
Leave it at that.
No one quite knew you on campus except for your friends, so they weren’t worried about you or who you were.
All that mattered was that Bucky Barnes was keeping up with his usual antics that were expected of him. There was nothing out of the ordinary for him, other than the fact that he wasn’t actually fucking you.
Bucky snaps out of his train of thought when he hears the bathroom door click open, his eyes meeting yours once again.
But his eyes quickly divert to your body, once again covered by his baggy clothing. You were watching his stare move down your body and felt a wave of insecurity wash over you.
You probably weren’t half as gorgeous as the girls he’s brought back here before. You knew what kind of girls guys like him preferred. Long, cascading hair, big, bright eyes, thin waists, legs that went on for what seemed like miles.
You just weren’t that.
It made you come back to the thoughts that had plagued your mind previously.
Where did Bucky’s interest in you come from?
Why was he suddenly feel the need to coddle you, take care of you, to reassure you?
Your concern was quickly washed away when Bucky settled in his bed, patting his spot next to him under the covers.
“You comin’?” He asks in a raspy, quiet voice that makes your knees wobble.
You don’t say anything while you situate yourself beside him.
“Bucky, can I ask you something?” You begin meekly, not making eye contact with him.
“Anythin’, doll. Somethin’ wrong?” He looks down at you in a worried gaze, and you shake your head.
“I just… what made you want to approach me? I- I know I’m not like those other girls you’ve been with before, and I can’t help but think that you… you want something else from me?” You explain with little ease. You feel bile rising in your throat as you speak because you can’t bear to think that Bucky really ulterior motives for all this time you’ve spent together.
You’ve only just met him, yet you feel like you’ve known him forever. You’re comfortable with him, more than you usually would be with a stranger, and it freaks you out.
“Y/N… can you look at me?” Bucky tilts his head down to try and meet your eyes, which is something you can barely do at the moment. “I want you to know, before this goes anywhere else; you are an amazing girl. I don’t know why it took me so long to talk to you, but I think you’re one the most genuine, kind, beautiful girls I’ve ever met. I… I know I have a reputation that precedes me, but you… you’re different.” He speaks so genuinely to you that you feel a slight sting behind your eyes.
“I… I never want you to doubt yourself ever again, doll. You’re perfect, just as you are. I’m sorry it looked like I was after anything else before.” Bucky finishes, and you can’t seem to find any words at the moment.
You just nod fervently, and then you feel yourself being pulled into Bucky’s large arms.
“Please, don’t let anyone make you doubt yourself again. You’re worth it.”
That night, you fall into the most comfortable and deep sleep of your life, wrapped safely in Bucky’s arms.
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2018shawn · 4 years
confusion on real vs. fake feelings while fake dating shawn that culminates in a “Are we on a date right now?” moment
so i kinda switched this a lil because this is just what came out lmao....
being best friends with shawn meant watching him travel the world and most probably forgetting about you. it also meant watching him live his best life, even if that meant hooking up with an uncountable number of different girls. additionally, it also meant getting him out of the bad situations by claiming you to be his girl when some obsessive girl tried to hit on him in the club. 
on this particular night, shawn pulled you out of the club, the sound of 90s r&b booming through your ears and the feel of light pellets of rain thrashing against your shoulders. shawn was much taller than you, just like he was with most people, but even more so because you’d decided to wear your hi-top vans to one of the most popular clubs in town. you fumbled with the lock of your bag, trying to lift the flap open for what you assumed shawn had dragged you out here for, “cig?”
he watched down at you as you fumbled in your bag, raking around for firstly, the lighter and secondly the pack of cigarettes you always had on hold for when you went on a night out. unable to say anything, he let you continue to fumble, knowing just how much you’d always have his back. whenever he’d had one too many to drink, he craved a cigarette, and although he hated to admit it, he craved you. he took the tobacco stick from you, hoping it would crave at least a little of the feeling he had in his heart. “shawwwwwwwwwn, there you are!”
the whiny voice instantly made you roll you eyes and blow out a sigh of frustration, all without putting a face to a name. there was no voice more annoying than this girl; the girl who had been pining over him all night and begging for attention. shawn looked at you with a pathetic smile just as you’d finished rolling your eyes, holding your cigarette in between your lips. 
“hey...” he started, far too polite for his own good, because if it was guy doing it to you, you’d be straight up knocking him out, right about now.
“what do you say we get out here?” she giggled, throwing her arms around his neck, almost knocking the poisoned stick from his mouth. 
all he could do was shoot you a look of hope, a look that begged for saviour as he muttered a string of innocent words that would hopefully keep the young, desperate girl happy. he tried offering her his drink, his cigarette, even tried offering the shirt off his back, all to which she declined, telling him she’d rather just take him instead. he shot you one final last desperate look and you sucked in your cigarette hard, before putting on your best bitch face and bratty voice. “ok. i’ve tried to be nice, but fuck the fuck off.”
the girl looked at you with such confusion it could have made mona lisa burst into laughter before she scoffed, “and you are?”
“his girlfriend, so here...” you handed her a cigarette, even having the nerve the light it for here, “do us both a favour, and leave.”
she looked at shawn, as if for approval, and all he could do was stare at you with a prominent smirk, admiring the most ballsy response you’d ever had to one of his conquests. when he shrugged at her, she grunted, muttering something about a privileged pop-star, only to leave you and shawn laughing like a couple of teenagers who’d snuck out on their first night out. “can we...” his eyes rolled up from the floor to meet yours, glazed vision and one too many vodka lemonades taking over your body, “get out of here?”
shawn propped his arm around your shoulder the entire way to the pizza place. there was more than five pizza places on the way, but he wanted to make sure you ended the evening with your favourite cheesy-mushroom garlic break that only marco’s pizza place could serve. you almost felt nervous as he let his fingers brush against your skin, but suddenly reminded yourself that he thought you were his friend and nothing more. he shoved you into one of the two booth’s when you entered the shop and although you tried to shove the money in his hand, he refused and continued to walk up to the counter and wait for you order.
as he looked over to the booth, he smiled at how you giggled innocently at the instagram or snapchat stories that you played on your phone, almost so much, he didn’t hear the served hand him your pizza. he took the 12" cardboard box, the smell of garlic and mozzarella filling his senses as he slid into the booth opposite you. “what’s funny?”
you re-watched the video before looking up to him and folding open the pizza box, allowing a fast stream of hot steam to separate you both, “brian posted that girl trying to get off with your ear.”
shawn was only annoyed because it wasn't you trying to get off with him. no matter what girl clung onto him, he always wished it was you. he tried to pretend he was cool with it, like any girl trying to get off with him was a normal occasion, but when you replayed the video for the (at least) ninth time, he grabbed your phone from your hand and slammed it onto the table. “what the fuck?!” you screamed, hands instantly grabbing your phone and checking your 21st century baby.
he couldn’t even spit out that he was sorry, because he wasn’t. he didn’t want you to see another girl attached to his hip. he didn’t want you to think he was into someone else. he didn’t want you to think he was making a move on someone, unless that someone was you. he eventually caved, after you’d took another bite of pizza and started scrolling back through your phone, “i’m sorry...i just.... hate seeing things like that. i especially hate you seeing things like that.”
“why?” you simply asked, cheeks full of pizza and body full of alcohol. 
“because...” he sighed, reaching his hand out for a slice of your pizza, to which you’d normally slap away, but given his puppy dog eyes and crazy curls, you nodded, “i just wanna go on a normal date. with someone i actually like...” he didn’t know if the alcohol was finally sinking in or whether there was some brave juice in the pizza, “like someone who will get a pizza with me at 2.56am. and offer me cigarettes even though neither of us smoke. and save me from crazy girls.”
you swallowed what you thought was a whole mushroom, trying your best to concentrate on the words he’d spoke. he was most definitely describing you, but whether that was tipsy you speaking, you didn't know. “if that’s your idea of a normal date, we’ve had about 8.”
“are we on a date right now?” he asked, wanting nothing more than to quit the whole joke and take you on a real date, with flowers and champagne and pizza that was only made in italy. 
“you deicde.”
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shawn tag: @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay
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twittytelly · 5 years
An Unexpected Gain
Chapter Three – Stakeouts and Revelations
Colin Shea X Female Reader
Series Masterlist
Warnings: A little swear, sexual references, unplanned pregnancy, angst, mutual pining.
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Mood board by @imanuglywombat​
Wiping the last remaining tears from your face, you berated yourself for getting yourself into this position in the first place. Sighing you looked to your left, to 'Colin's' side of the bed, where hours ago he slept beside you as part of you believed that you could become a family, where six moths ago he proposed an idea that would change your life forever.
But everything was ruined. It had all seemed so perfect the night before when he was there for you, even though he didn't know why you were upset. You were so prepared to put everything on the line, to tell him the truth. That you had fallen in love with him. That you were going to have his baby. That you wanted to try a build a life with him.
When he stumbled upon the pregnancy test, he had done the worst thing imaginable. He had run away as fast as he could and dove head-first into the first pair of open legs that he could find. You knew that Colin had every right to be angry and upset with you. But you would have much preferred it if he had confronted you, even if he had shouted at you and stormed off. If actions spoke louder than words, you had well and truly received Colin's message. Yes he was there for you last night, but that was only because he happened to already be there. When he was faced with the prospect of actual responsibility, he fled. You now knew what you were going to do.
Cleaning yourself up once again, you grabbed a bar stool from the kitchen and camped out next to the front door. Like a police officer on a stakeout, you patiently peeped through the spy hole, waiting for Colin to fulfil his promise of 'at least one more round'. After nearly nodding off and falling out of your seat, you heard the promising sound of Colin's front door clicking shut. There, out in the corridor crept Colin's conquest. Once you were certain that she was gone you sprang into action. Within seconds you were back to where you were this afternoon, on Colin's doorstep with a bleary-eyed, barely-dressed Colin looking at you like a puppy with something to hide.
“Colin, I'm gonna need you to just be quiet and listen to me or else I'm not gonna be able to say what I wanna say.” You started shakily. You looked into Colin's eyes and took a deep  breath. Now or never.
“Colin, I'm pregnant with your baby.” You thought you saw a look of surprise flash across Colin's face and as he opened his mouth to say something you motioned him to stop.
“The truth is Colin is that I'm a coward. What I should have said weeks ago is that I started self-sabotaging the dates because I realised that I had feelings for you. I know you don't feel the same way, and I should have called the whole arrangement off, but I was so scared of loosing you.”
“Y/N I-”
“But I'm not going to be a coward any more. I know I should have said something last night, but when you came over I had just found out and I was freaking out. You didn't deserve to find out hey way you did and I am so sorry.” You paused, building yourself up to say the words that were going to break your heart.
“When you saw the pregnancy test, you ran away instead of saying something. What I did justifies your anger, but I did not deserve to be abandoned. I love you Colin, and if you want to be a part of this then we will work something out. But we can't keep going on like this, not when your solution to everything is to have sex with the first willing participant. I need someone who isn't going to bolt at the first hurdle.” And with the end of your statement you turned around and headed back to your apartment.
“Y/N wait!”
You ignored Colin's pleas as you closed your front door. Not wanting to take any chances, you locked and bolted the door, barricading yourself in with the stool. You would need to get your key back from Colin, but that would have to wait until another day. Surprisingly, where you had expected tears, there were none. You had run dry. But that didn't stop you from spending the night tossing and turning as you had gotten a restless sleep.
As Colin watched you close your door, he let out a breath he didn't realise that he was holding in. Closing his own door, he sank to the ground in disbelief as he replayed the last five minutes in his mind.
Colin, I'm pregnant with your baby. With your baby. Your baby.
When he had spotted the test this morning it had not crossed his mind that it could be his. Yes, the two of you had been sleeping with each other regularly over the last few months. But when Colin realised that you hadn't said anything to him the night before, he believed that the father must've been one of the men he had screened for you. Colin knew you weren't sleeping with everyone he had set you up with, in fact you had been barely dating anyone; but he had seen one or two men leave your apartment. What you didn't know that if he didn't hear you knock on his door after a date his night was sleepless; where his despair drove him to wait up to see the man that had kept you from him. Colin knew that he couldn't be jealous, he had come up with the arrangement knowing that this was what was going to happen.
But that cocky, naive Colin from six months ago was an idiot, who could never have predicted the change that would overcome him. When he had suggested his plan, he thought he could have his cake and eat it too by getting to keep sleeping with you without having to commit. But what he had not bargained on was never getting enough of you. If Colin could go back in time, he would punch his former self. He would tell him that the evenings you two had spent hanging out, drinking beer and eating takeaway while Y/N had opened up to him were the best evenings of his life. In fact he looked forward to that more than the sex.
While Colin was confident of his prowess in the bedroom, he knew deep-down he was selfish and cared more about getting his own kicks than making sure his partners were completely satisfied. But he was so desperate to make sure you kept coming back, he did anything and everything. He had put his all into making you feel as desirable and satiated as he could and he had soon realised that putting you first made the sex so much better for him too. Knowing that no one else could ever fulfil Colin in that way, he slowly stopped seeking out other women. You and Colin agreed that you weren't going to be exclusive, but there was no way Colin could be with anyone else.
Colin had always been aware of the voice in the back of his mind that tried to tell him to listen to his heart,  but Colin reasoned that if Y/N was still interested in dating other men then there was no chance that she would want to be with him. Why would you want the Jester when you could have the Prince? Colin may have been no Prince Charming, but he would give Y/N an entire kingdom if she asked.
When he saw those two little lines his world had shattered. Instead of saying something he had made assumptions and had started 'Operation get over Y/N' and you know the best way to get over someone... Colin also knew what happened when you assumed something, and he had definitely made an ass of himself.
As Colin remembered the sound of your laughter, the taste of your lips, the feel your skin under his. He thought of the many times he should have said something. There were so many opportunities to ask Y/N on a real date, to declare that he was ready to move on from his playboy tenancies.
Colin thought of everything he should have said as you stood in the hallway and poured your heart out to him. Colin couldn't find the words to convey everything that he had thought and felt over he last six months. But then he realised it could all be summed up in four simple words. Four words that had been sat on the tip of his tongue since the night before as he saw Y/N stood before him with with tears in her eyes.
I love you Y/N.
Colin had fucked up. Big time. And now he would have to do whatever it took to fix it.
But how?
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 19
Word Count: 3614
POV: Tyler
Warnings: language
Notes: Sorry this took so long, it was suppose to be posted yesterday and what can I say, things got hectic. It’s the holidays and unfortunately that happens more than I’d like. Hope you guys enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday if you’re in the US; and that you got lots of Black Friday shopping done. As always feedback is welcomed. Peace Love and Hugs All! Also I posted this from my phone, because I still have internet problems, I’ll get the keep reading in there later when I can put it on my laptop.
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You had no idea what had gotten into you the day before, but as you drove to the airport the entire day replayed in your head. An overwhelming need to make (Y/N) yours had just overcome you. Deep down you knew she wasn’t leaving, that she would never cheat on. All you can say is that when you saw Jamie’s hands on her baby bump you lost it. Speaking of Jamie, you owed your friend an apology; so, as you boarded the plane, you took a seat beside him.
Jamie, raised his eyes at you; as you sat down. “Look man, I need to apologize for yesterday. I was a complete ass.”
“You think?” It was a deserving response. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t even know where it came from, just know it wasn’t you.” You blew out a breath. If you were going to talk to someone about it; it might as well be Jamie. “I don’t like leaving her, you know?” He nodded, though said nothing. “I’ve been scared to death ever since the accident. Like I’ll just wake up one day and she won’t be there.”
You stopped him. “Let me finish. I know yesterday it was completely irrational, but when I saw you touching the baby; I just snapped. And not that you would ever take (Y/N) from me, I know you wouldn’t do that, and neither would she. It’s just someone could you know.” Jamie gave you that glare, the one that said you couldn’t be more wrong. “I know, I know. It sounds crazy.”
“Yes, it does. That woman is crazy about you Segs. She just lights up when you’re in the room.” A smile touched your lips as you thought about coming up behind (Y/N) and wrapping your arms around her. She truly did glow when that happened. “And you know I’m teasing when I say, I’m going to take her away from you.”
“I know and its fine, it truly is.”
“As long as you know I’m just kidding with you.” You did. It was other people you worried about. That she’d go back to work and some high-profile client would whisk her away; or she’d meet some guy at the damn coffee shop or something. Someone who was probably way more deserving of her, than you were.
“I was a damn wreck last night.” A quizzical look crossed Jamie’s face. “You know, when (Y/N) and I were.” You shrugged giving him that you know what I mean look.
“Woah Seggy, I don’t need to hear about yours and (Y/N)’s sex life.”
“Don’t worry I’m not giving you all the details or anything. It was just….nevermind.” Why you were even confiding in Jamie about any of this, you didn’t know.
“Just tell me Segs. You know you can tell me anything.”
You hesitated, then decided this was one of your best friends and well you needed to hash this out. “It’s a bit embarrassing.” Dropping your voice down to a whisper you said. “I cried. Like full on sobbed.” Jamie looked at you, no judgement in his eyes; just concern. “We were in the middle of…it. And I made her promise to never leave me. Then I lost it when she did.”
You could see Jamie struggling with finding the right words to say. “Look man, I’m not going to pretend to know what you’re going through, because I can’t. What I can say, is that it’s normal. Segs, you guys have been through a lot. I mean like a lot of shit. It’s not surprising that you’re feeling this way. I think things are just finally catching up with you.” When you didn’t say anything right away, Jamie continued. “You know, she’s finally going to games and doing stuff with all the girls. The two of you officially moved back in together, in a new house. It’s kind of natural that your mind would be waiting for the shoe to drop per se.”
You let Jamie’s words absorb into your brain. He was right, everything had been going so well; you just figured something bad was bound to happen. But there was something more, something that was off or missing. “Maybe you’re right; I am waiting for the something to go wrong.” Replaying the events of last night again in your mind, something stuck out; that overwhelming need for her to promise to never leave you. It hit you then, you knew exactly what both your mind and heart needed to be confident in your relationship with (Y/N).
“Oh no, I’ve seen that look before. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I just solved all my problems.” Jamie waited for you to continue. “I’m going to ask her to marry me. Like officially ask her, with a ring and everything.”
“Well it’s not the craziest thing you’ve ever said to me; and she did agree to the house. Which I never thought would happen. So, what’s the plan?”
“I don’t know. I just decided that was the answer.” You’d made mention of marriage before, she’d always said you needed more time; but after yesterday, you didn’t think that time was much of a factor anymore. “Well I need to get a ring first.”
“Well, that shouldn’t be hard; you’ve been looking since you met her.” It was true; there would be times a couple months after you started dating that your eye would be drawn to rings in the jewelry store. You actually had one in mind; though you didn’t know if it existed. It wouldn’t take much to contact your jeweler and see if it could be made.
“You’re right, I do know what I want. Ok, so let’s assume that part’s done. When do I do it, Thanksgiving, Christmas?” Christmas would be far off, but you could have all your family there; you knew (Y/N) would like that.
“Do you know nothing of women? For as many as you’ve dated in your life, I would think you would have somewhat of a clue.” You gave him a look, now was not the time to be talking of all the conquests you’d had in the past. Not when you planned on spending the rest of your life with the only woman that mattered, (Y/N). “You can’t ask her on a holiday. Women want it to be something special, a day that’s only for them. That they can gush to all their friends about.”
Jamie was right, you needed to make this special for (Y/N). You wanted it to be a day that you told your children about. “Ok, you’re right Chubbs.” A plan started to formulate in your mind. “I think I’ve got an idea.” The rest of the flight you and Jamie mapped out the perfect proposal. All that was left, was to set it into motion.
Conveniently you were headed to Toronto, so you were able to snag an appointment with the Jeweler when you landed. By the end of the meeting, he had the ring of your dreams down on paper. If it turned out half as well as what he drew, it would take (Y/N)’s breath away. The biggest problem now, was that it wouldn’t be done for a couple weeks. Which meant, that with your schedule; you wouldn’t be able to propose until the first week in December. While it was somewhat disappointing to wait that long; you felt a weight lifted off of you knowing that plans were set into motion.
It was hard to contain your excitement when you facetimed (Y/N) that night. “Hey baby, how was the first day back to work?”
“Exhausting. I forgot how many interruptions happen during the day at the office. I seriously got more done working at home.”
“Awww, I’m sorry hun. I’m sure everyone was just excited you were back.” She chuckled a bit at that comment. “You know I missed you when I left today. I think I got used to you being at home.”
“Honestly, I missed being there. And I miss not being there in Toronto with you and the family.” There was a frown on her face. You knew she would’ve traveled to Ontario with you, if she hadn’t been off work so much. “How is everyone? Did you tell them I missed them?”
You had told them much more than that, but (Y/N) didn’t need to know that. “They’re great. They all miss you as well. Mom went crazy and bought a bunch of baby clothes. They probably won’t all fit in my suitcase.”
“Oh my god, show me.” Switching the camera around on the phone, you took each outfit out of the bag letting (Y/N) see them. “Awww, that’s so cute…Oh I think that one’s my favorite…No, it’s definitely that one. I’m going to send her out a thank you card tomorrow for them.”
Camera facing you now, you told her, “Babe, you don’t have to do that. You know she’s in her glory buying these things. She also said she mailed you something called a Boppy. It’s some kind of pillow for you to sleep with. I told her that was totally unnecessary as you have me.”
She laughed, the sound was music to your ears; it made you long to hold her in your arms. “I totally wanted one of those.” You frowned at her words. “It’s for when I’m like super pregnant. You probably won’t want to touch me then.”
“I doubt that. I want to touch you all the time. I can only imagine how sexy you’re going to be all round with our baby inside you. I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you.”
“Oh stop, you’re just trying to make me feel better.”
“I’m not. You have no clue how fucking much it turns me on.” You were being one hundred percent sincere with her. Even now, though her bump was small, it was a huge turn on for you. Thoughts of (Y/N) being heavily pregnant with your baby, just sort of made you want her even more. “Oh and before I get to turned on, Cass and Candance are thinking of coming down to visit in a couple weeks; if you’re ok with it.”
“You don’t need to ask me to have them come.”
“Yes, I do, it’s your house too.”
“Well our house is always open to your family. I love having them here and this time we’ll actually be able to do things; as long as work doesn’t get in the way.”
She seemed down on work today. You knew it was only her first day back; but you found yourself saying. “You know, you can always quit, if you want.” It was never a topic that you’d brought up with (Y/N); though you hoped she knew it was an option.
“You think I should quit?”
From her tone you couldn’t tell if she was upset at you for suggesting it; or totally intrigued by the idea. “Look, only if you want to. I know you like having your own money and all; I guess I’m just thinking down the road, you know when the baby is born. Are you going to want to go back to work after that?”
By the look on her face, she was truly grappling with that question. “I mean we haven’t really talked about that yet. But I would like to stay with the baby at least a little longer than the six weeks the company gives. But you could be right, I may not want to go back at all.” She was thinking some more. “I have a hard-enough time leaving the dogs with a sitter; I don’t know how I’ll be leaving the baby with someone. Oh, fuck this is a problem.”
You laughed at her. “Well you wouldn’t be leaving the baby with a sitter all the time. I’ll be there from time to time. Look babe, you don’t have to make a decision now. Just know it’s an option. You can quit whenever you want. As for the money situation, we’ll work that out. Just think about what you want to do. You’ve got options.”
“I know and thank you, for loving me and letting this be my decision. Did I tell you yet how much I love you?”
“I’m pretty sure you haven’t mentioned that just yet. But I love you as well and miss the hell outta ya.” If she quit, she could be here with you now, or at least the next trip that you’d be making here. It would now be an idea you’d push for whenever you got the chance.
“I miss you too. It’s weird being in this house alone. Especially since we only got to spend a couple nights here together.”
“Awww, is someone lonely.” She shook her head yes. “I wish I was there babe. This long road trip is killer, but I know how we could pass the time.” You wiggled your eyebrows suggestively at her through the phone.
“Tyler Seguin, you’re incorrigible.”
“And yet you still love me.” She rolled her eyes at you, but was smiling the whole time; that was until you saw her wince in pain. “Babe are you alright? Is it the baby?”
She laughed then and some of the tension you immediately felt subsided. “Only this baby.” She turned the camera at Gerry, who had evidently jumped up on the bed and was now sprawled out across her legs. Gerry looked as happy as could be. “His nail dug into me. When’s the last time you had them trimmed?”
“What, is that suppose to be my job now?” In all honesty, you couldn’t remember the last time.
“No worries I have appointments for them this week, so I’ll have it done then.”
Since the opportunity presented itself, you said. “See hun, it’s a full-time job just taking care of me and the dogs.” It couldn’t hurt to plant little seeds here and there, about quitting work.
“Trust me, I know it is. But on that note, you have a game tomorrow and I still have work.” You frowned at her, it seemed like the two of you just got to talk; you weren’t ready for her to hang up just yet. “Make sure you call me tomorrow before the game.”
“You know I will babe, but do you have to hang up just yet? Can’t we just fall asleep together on the phone like old times?” When you had first started dating and would be on a road trip, it was something that happened almost every night.
She snuggled down into the covers of your new bed, then held the phone close to her face. “I think I can manage that. As soon as these three decide where they’re going to sleep.” You watched the dogs settle down, then settled yourself under the duvet.
“You’re so beautiful (Y/N).” It was true, you’d always loved seeing her like this; no makeup, hair in disarray, just lying in your bed. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.” She blew a kiss at you through the phone, then closed her eyes. Soon the sound of her even breaths lulled you to sleep.
In the morning, when you woke, the phone was buried somewhere in the sheets and it took a minute to find it. You went to morning skate, then met up with the family for lunch; where you all mostly talked about your upcoming engagement. They wanted to know every detail, which was difficult since there was still an enormous amount of planning to do. It was your mom who pointed out one huge flaw in your plan. “Have you asked (Y/N)’s dad if you can marry her?” Your face must have given away your answer, for in her next breath she said. “Oh Tyler, how could you forget something so important?”
“It wasn’t like I forgot; I just haven’t done it yet.”
“Oh please, don’t try and fool us. You forgot, plain and simple brother.” Why did Cassidy always have to point out your mistakes?
“How am I going to ask him?”
“I would start with, ‘Can I marry your daughter?’ but that’s just me.”
“You’re such a smartass, Cass. What I meant was when am I going to get the chance? I’m on the road for the next what seven days; then her parents are on some trip that they won or something. I’m cutting it close on time.” Their blessing was important, not only to (Y/N) but to you as well. “Do you think it’s something you can ask over the phone?”
“If that’s your only option, then I think that’s what you should do; and soon darling. I’m sure you’d planned on them being there as well.”
Your mom was right, you had planned on her whole family being there; along with your friends. “Then it looks like I’ll be making a phone call later.” After the game, you found yourself pacing back and forth in your hotel room; while everyone else was out grabbing a few beers, your family included. This was the most nervous you’d been in a long time. It was kind of like being in a game seven, with a tied score and you have a penalty shot coming up. No pressure there. All sorts of thoughts ran through your head. Should you ask both her mom and her dad? What if they said no? Which would be a totally valid answer after everything the two of you had been through. There was only one way to find out.
Hitting the facetime button on your phone, you waited patiently as the call connected. “Tyler, son, how are you?” Mr. (Y/LN)’s faced popped up on the phone all cheerful, which you took as a good sign.
“I’m doing well Mr. (Y/LN) and yourself?” God you sounded so formal, but then you supposed this was a formal occasion.
“Oh I can’t complain. Great win tonight, I’m surprised you’re not out celebrating with your family.”
“Yeah, I actually wanted to speak to you and Mrs. (Y/LN) before that.” A bead of sweat ran down your face, and you swiped it away.
“Everything alright? Nothing’s wrong with (Y/N) or the baby?”
“Um, no sir. They’re fine. I just got off the phone with her actually and she said everything was great.” The conversation with (Y/N) had been short, since you claimed that you were going out with your family.
“Good. Hold on one sec.”
It took all of fifteen seconds for (Y/N)’s dad to find her mom, though a lot longer for them both to be seen on screen. “Tyler, so good to see you. How’s everything?”
“Oh it’s great Mrs. (Y/LN). How are you?” You were stalling, but then wasn’t it polite to at least make a little conversation with them first.
“We’re doing well. I talked to (Y/N) today. She said the house is simply gorgeous. We can’t wait to see it.”
“Yes, it’s really nice. You’ll have to come up soon and see it.”
“Oh we’d love that, maybe we can plan something for when we get home from this trip.” That timing would be perfect for what you had planned.
“Well speaking of that, it’s kind of the reason I’m calling. You see I wanted to do this in person and all; but given that I’m out on the road now, and you’ll be leaving soon, I didn’t know how to make that happen.” Finally, you stopped pacing and sat down on the bed. “Ummm…I don’t know how to say this. Look, I know I’m not the first choice you’d pick for your daughter, but I love her more than anything in this world. And I know I haven’t proven that in the past, but I plan on making up for that for the rest of my life.” Maybe you should’ve practiced this beforehand, because you weren’t sure you were saying all this right. “What I’m trying to ask is….Would you be willing to give me your blessing to marry your daughter? I mean I don’t even know if she’ll say yes, but nothing would make me happier than if she did. I really want us to be a family and I’m promising you now that I will do everything in my power to make her the happiest woman alive.” You realized you were babbling a bit on that last part, but you wanted them to know how important (Y/N) is in your life.
“Well, it took him longer than I expect.” Mr. (Y/LN) was looking at his wife when he spoke, but then he turned towards the phone. “You have our blessing son.”
“Welcome to the family.” Mrs. (Y/LN) added. It all went much smoother that you anticipated, especially with (Y/N)’s mom.
“Thank you, thank you so much.” You hadn’t realized that you were crying until your hand went up and swiped at a tear.
“So, do you have a date when you want to ask her?” This from her dad, as her mom was wiping away tears as well.
“Actually I do, and I’m hoping your whole family will be there.” You spent the next several minutes explaining the elaborate engagement you had planned for their daughter; and at the end of the conversation, you were ready to start the next phase of your plan in motion.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Living in Sin (All the Rules are Changing Now), chapter 3: Make Me Feel Right (branjie) - writworm42, holtzmanns
A/N: Last chapter, Vanessa returned to the strip club where Brooke works, and they decided to go on a date. This chapter, they go out for dinner and then to Brooke’s place for dessert.
WRIT: WOW Y'ALL!!! It’s here!!! The last chapter!! So sorry for the delay on it. Everybody say THANK YOU HOLTZ bc without her (aggressively) suggestin it and agreeing to help me write this last chapter, it wouldn’t exist. I love u, binch, I ain’t never gonna stop lovin u, binch
Title from Only Girl in the World by Rihanna. Thank you thank you thank you Barbie for being an amazing cheerleader and a beta, you are second to none!!! <3 Hope you enjoy!!!
Brooke counts down the minutes until her shift ends after Vanessa leaves, every passing song making her more and more restless. The minute the DJ announces last call, Brooke disappears, foregoing the chance to earn a last few hundred bucks to rush off towards the dressing room where she knows her friends are already waiting.
“GUYS!” The doors swing open way harder than Brooke means for them to, and she cringes at the slam that echoes around the narrow, concrete-walled room. “Sorry.”
Yvie waves a hand. “Don’t worry about it. Now what, you look like you’re about to jump out of your costume.”
Brooke’s already started pacing in front of the makeup stations, and she can’t help it because all that her mind is doing is replaying her last interaction with Vanessa. “She came back-”
“Lord, finally.” Asia rolls her eyes, but is unable to keep from smiling a little despite herself. “I was beginning to think I might have to name my first child Vanessa, from how much you were talking about her.”
Brooke blushes. “I wasn’t talking about her that much-”
“‘ Oh, Vanessa said this, oh, Vanessa did that,’” Yvie throws her hand over her heart dramatically and Brooke goes over to shove her side. “So what, did she say anything else to you this time, or are we just gonna keep replaying the same three sentences and calling you ‘Mommy’ for the rest of the night?”
“Oh, sure, I’m the only one who’s been weird and gay over a girl.” Brooke rolls her eyes as she plops down at her station, grabbing her makeup wipes as she adds with a wicked grin, “The name ‘Scarlet’ mean anything to you, my dear Yvette?”
Yvie reddens. “That’s diff–Stop calling me that!”
The girls around them all snicker, and then silence settles on the room, everyone caught back up in their end-of-night routines.
Plastique swivels on her stool to face Brooke. “So, what happened? What did she do? What did she say? Did you give her another good time-”
“No-I mean yes , but-no, it was…nice.” Brooke busies herself with getting her mascara off so that she doesn’t have to look up at her. “I, um.” she pauses, suddenly aware of exactly what she’s about to say.
She asked Vanessa out.
She asked Vanessa, a girl who she’d picked up at a strip club , who she’d known for the length of approximately four songs and two lap dances , out for dinner at her favourite Thai place.
How in the world was she supposed to tell her friends something so incredibly stupid?
Before she can open her mouth to even form the words, though, Detox pipes up from her station at the corner, rocketing up off her chair to slam the counter in front of her.
“Oh my God , you slut! ” Detox practically screams, “You asked her out. You actually asked her out. Oh my God. This is the best day of my life. Legend. ”
Brooke wants to retort with something, explain herself however she can, but it’s a lost effort, everyone else erupting into screams and fits of clapping and bouncing up and down, Plastique even falling out of her chair.
“It’s not a big-”
“Oh, you bet it’s a big deal, bitch.” Kameron scoots her chair closer to Brooke’s station. “So, how did you do it? Did you whisper the words all sultry into her ear as you gave her a lap dance?”
“Shut up,” Brooke groans as the other girls all crack up, “I did not. Did something far more embarrassing, actually.”
Kameron gives her a look. “You didn’t ask her while she came, did you?”
“What? No!” Brooke swats Kameron’s side. “I wouldn’t let her pay and then asked her afterwards when she said she absolutely had to repay me.”
Detox looks at her in the mirror incredulously. “She probably would have gone down on you right then and there if you asked!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t wanna ask that. I wanna, y’know, start small first.” Brooke doesn’t know why the words are heating her cheeks up, why she’s so hung up over a girl that she’s been in the presence of for ten minutes in total, max. But she is.
“You like her!” Yvie lets out an aww as she says it, one that Plastique mimics right afterwards.
Brooke sputters. “I don’t even know her.”
“Yeah, but you want to.” Asia’s look is knowing, too knowing, and it makes Brooke let out a huff.
“So what?” Brooke doesn’t know why she’s so defensive over it, really. The girls on the cast hooked up with patrons all the time, being careful to keep it under the radar.
But Brooke doesn’t want to only hook up with Vanessa, have her be just a casual option on a rotating list of conquests like many of the other girls have. No, Vanessa’s different. Brooke doesn’t know why, but she is.
Brooke does her makeup differently for their date than the way she does it for work.
Less overdrawn lips, for one, though the same colour. Less dark and sultry eyes, but more colourful. More highlight and less contour. Her face is brighter, though as inviting. Just in a different way.
Brooke spends the entire walk to the restaurant ruminating, because that’s what her brain does best. This time, it’s about the way that she had given Vanessa her number so that she could text her about where and when to meet. It keeps replaying, the way she had run back to where Vanessa was sitting in the crowd to drop a slip of paper into her hand after she had already kissed her cheek goodbye, not maintaining any sense of dignity whatsoever, nope.
So much for being smooth. The memory repeats itself over and over in her head like a broken record, making her cringe. Sometimes, it felt like Brooke’s suaveness disappeared as soon as she stopped performing, leaving behind an impulsivity in her actions that was funny to watch at best, and fully embarrassing at worst.
She beats Vanessa to Sabai Sabai, the restaurant’s lit up sign casting a soft glow on the sidewalk in front of her. The booth that she’s lead to is in a corner of the restaurant, tucked up against two brick walls underneath the soft glow of the lamps hanging from the ceiling.
Vanessa gets there not long after, and Brooke’s breath catches in her throat because she’s equally striking outside of the red light that normally coats the club.
“Hi.” Brooke goes to hug Vanessa, doesn’t know if she should kiss her cheek or not, because really, where do you go from getting someone off in a private room in a strip club?
Brooke can see the way that Vanessa’s eyes roam over her after they sit down, taking her in. It makes her feel less out of her element, more in control, since it’s something that she’s used to experiencing.
What she’s not used to, though, is having to make small talk with her clients ( past clients) while sitting across from them at a table in a busy restaurant.
“So,” Brooke starts, as Vanessa scans her menu, “Ever tried Thai food before?”
“Not really.” Vanessa shrugs. “I mean, I’ve had Thai Express and shit, but that probably doesn’t count as the real thing, right?”
Brooke giggles, shaking her head.
“Oh, come on, don’t look at me like that!” Vanessa objects indignantly, and it occurs to Brooke suddenly that a few other patrons close by have turned their heads to look at the source of noise.
Vanessa out of the club isn’t just lively–she’s loud , too, in a way that’s absolutely unapologetic, and somehow, Brooke loves it.
“Some of us ain’t got wads of tips to eat out with all the time.” Vanessa grumbles, taking a sip of her water, but if she thinks Brooke is going to let her get away that easily, then she’s sadly mistaken.
“But you have over a hundred dollars to spend getting eaten ou–”
Vanessa freezes, and the rest of the joke dies on Brooke’s lips, the realization of just what she was saying hitting her a little too late.
Great. Here they were, trying to get to know the other person outside the context of the club, and Brooke had dragged them right back into it.
God, she’s so stupid.
“So, um… What’s good here?” Vanessa coughs, studying the menu just a little too intently.
“I like the pad see ew.” Brooke suggests, reaching over to tap the picture of the dish on Vanessa’s menu, “Get it mild if you don’t like spice, though.”
“ Bitch, ” Vanessa rolls her eyes, “My dumb ass can barely handle no spice, you ain’t gotta tell me twice.”
“Alright.” Brooke laughs, and Vanessa laughs too, and it’s nice, their dynamic finally feeling almost easy to push forward.
Almost like it’s a perfectly natural thing, to be talking and laughing with the woman in front of her.
Before they can continue the conversation, though, a waitress appears to take their order, and the vibe breaks, silence settling in once again when she leaves.
And they’d been doing so well. Fuck.
“So, what do you do?” Brooke starts, regretting the question as she’s saying it. Surely, she should be able to think of something else, something a little less dorky, but it’s all she can think of at the moment. Besides, where work was concerned, Brooke had already shown Vanessa hers–Vanessa might as well show her hers, too.
“I’m an event planner!” Vanessa lights up a little, and suddenly, Brooke’s question doesn’t seem so lame, after all. Vanessa talks almost non-stop after that, answering all of Brooke’s questions about weddings and bar mitzvahs and mitigating the risk of having romantic candles placed on the staircase of a wedding shoot when the bridesmaids are likely already drunk until their food finally arrives, thick, steaming piles of noodles making their mouths water.
“Oh my God. ” Vanessa is the first to take a bite, barely reacting to how hot the food is as she shovels a forkful into her mouth. “Oh my God.”
“What?” Brooke giggles, her chest swelling with hope that Vanessa’s reaction is a good sign.
“What did you say this was again? Pack see ookie or something?”
“Pad see ew!” Brooke is unable to keep herself from practically screaming from laughter in reaction, spitting out her own noodles.
“Well it’s not ew, it’s amazing!” Vanessa defends herself, only to giggle along too when Brooke laughs even harder. “Lord, I’mma have to start eating out more often.”
Brooke resists the obvious joke she could make, especially now that the ice is safely broken, and shovels in another mouthful of noodles herself, noting with a special bloom of pride that they taste even better than usual.
The rest of the date passes without incident. In fact, it’s probably one of the better ones Brooke’s been on; now that the initial awkwardness is finally over with, their conversation flows freely, and they find they have more in common than Brooke could ever have dreamed of. And even the stuff that sounds like it’s from another world, that Brooke would normally dismiss or disagree with, is suddenly incredibly interesting to her–Vanessa makes it interesting, makes every Pokemon game and every argument about the benefits of liquid versus powder foundation seem like something Brooke actually wants to learn.
And it’s not just Brooke that feels that way. When she finally gets a word in edgewise, finally tells Vanessa about the time she spent living in South Africa or the best cut of chicken at Swiss Chalet, Vanessa’s face is animated the whole time, and Brooke can tell she’s fully listening, thinking about what she’ll say to follow up and learning about Brooke’s perspective on the world. They order dessert just to get a chance to keep talking, and by the time they get the bill and Brooke chances a look at her phone, it’s almost ten o’clock.
“Oh, I should probably get going.” Vanessa chews her lip as she stares at her phone in turn. “I gotta get home, I got a meeting at a venue in the Distillery District tomorrow, don’t wanna be up too late or the commute’s gonna be Hell.”
This is Brooke’s chance - she can either ask for a second date and leave it at that, or she could spring for something more. For a moment, she almost leans towards the conservative option, afraid that going for sex on the first date might put Vanessa off.
Then she remembers how they met, and suddenly, it doesn’t seem like such an outlandish proposition.
“Well, I actually live pretty close to that area…you, um, you wanna crash and just go straight to your meeting in the morning?”
“What’s your address?” Vanessa’s reply is quick, her phone already open to the Uber app to punch in Brooke’s answer.
The sex is different this time - it’s slower, more exploratory, more affectionate. Brooke and Vanessa take time to explore each other’s bodies, stroking and kissing every inch of skin, listening for the gasps and whimpers that signal that they’re doing something right.
It’s interesting. For all of Brooke’s bravado, Vanessa only has to run her short nails along the curve of her ribs, kiss along the line of her neck, before Brooke is putty in her hands. Getting Brooke on the bed, bracketing her hips with her thighs is a rush that Vanessa didn’t know she needed. Being the one to make Brooke squirm, hands reaching up to pinch her own nipples because she’s already so needy, wanting more. It’s a role reversal, one that Vanessa wants to take her time with, fully explore the woman underneath her.
“Please.” The word leaves Brooke’s lips in a gasp when Vanessa grabs just a little bit harder at her hip, kisses her neck with a slight graze of her teeth.
“Nuh-uh.” Vanessa catches Brooke’s hand as it’s about to go to her own panties to give herself some relief. “You gotta be good for me.”
Brooke huffs, tries to free her hand, but Vanessa interlocks their fingers, pressing their hands up on the bed beside Brooke’s head.
“Much better.” Vanessa practically purrs the words in Brooke’s ear before biting lightly at her earlobe, making her gasp.
It’s so different from the club to Vanessa, being the one that gets to be in control. The one who can touch Brooke and control the pace and call the shots, all to make the woman underneath her fall apart. It’s not what Vanessa had expected from the night before it started, but now? She doesn’t want it to ever end.
Brooke is bold, though, more so than Vanessa expects her to be, grinding herself down on Vanessa’s thigh to get some relief. The little gasp of pleasure that leaves her mouth makes Vanessa pull her leg back, sit back on her heels, a slight satisfaction running through her veins when Brooke whines.
“Hey!” Brooke pouts, crossing her arms in a way that’s almost endearing. “Come on, don’t tease me like that.”
“Behave, then I won’t have to.” Vanessa shrugs. There’s silence for a moment, Brooke frowning slightly as she weighs her options, until Vanessa decides she’s had enough.
“All I wanna hear is yes, ma’am, then I can go back to makin’ you feel good.” she leans forward to whisper in Brooke’s ear, preventatively reaching her hands up to Brooke’s wrists to pin them down. “You understand?”
Brooke whimpers, and Vanessa pulls away again, forcing her face into a stern expression despite the excitement she can feel spreading in her body. It’s exhilarating, finally being able to call the shots. To see this entirely different side of Brooke, to get to play with it and explore it, explore her.
It’s almost enough to make her cave, but then again, what would be the fun in that?
“I understand.” Brooke finally gives in, the surrender coming out all in one hot, quick breath.
“Good girl.” Vanessa smirks. Realizing she could probably take it even further, traces her hands from Brooke’s wrists up her arms, towards her collarbones as she teases, “Now ask me nicely, baby, be polite.”
There’s a fifty-fifty chance that Brooke won’t buy it, that Vanessa’s headed for another power-struggle. Brooke is a smart woman, though, so she simply huffs before whining something out under her breath, something that sounds a lot like please.  
Unfortunately, that’s just not quite good enough for Vanessa, not when she’s in this kind of mood.
“What was that?” Vanessa brings her fingers down from Brooke’s collarbone along her chest, tracing just shy of her cleavage but not daring to venture any further. “Come on, nice and loud, baby girl.”
She brings her hands down to pinch Brooke’s nipple just as she cries out her plea a little louder, a little more desperate.
“Please fuck me .”
“Better.” Vanessa lets her touch become tender, loosening her tight grip on Brooke’s tits to gently trace circles around her nipple, smiling against Brooke’s jaw as the blonde shivers underneath her.
“So pretty when you’re all undone like this, you know that?” Vanessa kisses her way down to Brooke’s neck, sucks lightly on the skin there. “Can I bite you here, or you can’t get marked?”
“Yeah, no, don’t bite me.” Brooke pants, beginning to squirm when Vanessa answers by humming her understanding against her skin. “I can’t get marked up in my industry. Ruins the illusion.”  She lets out a harsh laugh, but Vanessa only nods. She doesn’t want to do anything to make trouble for Brooke at her job.
“I’ll be careful, then.”
Vanessa threads her fingers through Brooke’s hair instead and grabs a fistful. She tugs slightly, relishing in the way it makes Brooke gasp.
“Looks like I ain’t even need to bite to get you excited.” Vanessa laughs, kissing the nape of Brooke’s neck lightly and scraping it with her teeth, just enough for Brooke to feel the near-sting of a bite and not enough to mark her.
It earns her another gasp, and she files the move away for later, a flash of satisfaction running through her as she tugs on Brooke’s locks a little more, her other hand running down the blonde’s body and leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“So pretty, baby.” Vanessa rasps in Brooke’s ear, and fuck, if the sight of Brooke coming undone underneath her isn’t enough to take Vanessa to the edge, then the noise Brooke makes at the praise certainly is. Vanessa can’t wait any more. So instead, she finally guides her hand home between Brooke’s legs, and starts to work some kind of magic.
“Oh, fuck .” Brooke gasps, so out of breath and desperate that Vanessa can’t help but shiver despite herself as she rubs Brooke through her underwear, feeling the fabric become slicker with every movement as Brooke’s hips twitch back into Vanessa’s hand.
“ More, more, Ness, please. ” Brooke’s voice is barely her own, and it’s cute, somehow, watching her become this much of a mess this early on into things. It’s incredibly tempting; Vanessa almost wants to keep teasing, wants to see just how far she can push Brooke before the woman really, truly loses control, but she stops herself, knowing that Brooke is already close enough to her limit.
Besides, she may be done teasing, but in terms of making Brooke feel good, well. She’s just getting started.
“Let’s take these off, sweetheart.” the pet name falls off Vanessa’s lips easily, despite how strange it feels to be using it for Brooke instead of hearing it directed towards herself. One look at Brooke, though, and Vanessa can tell that the other woman doesn’t mind–in fact, she almost looks more comfortable somehow, reassured, as if the affection the name holds is making things even better. And to a certain extent, it is, even for Vanessa. She’s not just fucking Brooke anymore; she’s making love to her sweetheart.
She wonders, for a brief moment, if Brooke had felt the same way in the club, or if sweetheart was something she called all of her clients. But the thought leaves her mind almost as instantly as it entered it; right now, it doesn’t really matter, because Brooke is squirming and bucking and gripping the sheets, desperately trying to be good and not get ahead of herself as she waits for Vanessa to make good on the promise she just delivered.
“So patient for me.” Vanessa praises, her heart melting a little as she finally hooks her fingers over the waistband of Brooke’s underwear and peels it off of her hips. “Good girl.”
Brooke says nothing, only lets out a shaky exhale, and that’s when Vanessa gets what just might be the best idea she’s had all night.
“Sit on my face.”
Brooke looks up at her, and for a moment, Vanessa thinks she might say no, thinks she might say that she’s afraid of hurting Vanessa. Truth is, Vanessa doesn’t know if she will–she’s never actually tried it before. What she does know, though, is that she wants to try it with Brooke, right now.
“You won’t hurt me, I promise–” she starts, but then Brooke shakes her head.
“I’m not worried about that,” she promises, propping herself up on her elbows and then heaving herself up all the way, “I was just thinking that I was gonna have a hard time staying up on my legs.”
They both laugh, and before the air can settle into any more worry, Vanessa slings her arms over and behind Brooke’s neck, and then she’s laying down, Brooke on top of her trailing kisses as she moves up Vanessa’s body, bit of exposed skin by bit of exposed skin until she’s shimmied her way up above Vanessa’s face. She crouches down, uses her height to plant her hands firmly on the headboard for extra support, and then Vanessa loses her nerve.
“Um, B?” she starts, only to get cut off by a bemused laugh from the blonde above her.
“You’ve never done this before, have you, sweetheart?”
Vanessa reddens and says nothing, suddenly painfully aware of how fast the tables have turned. She doesn’t have much time to feel embarrassed though, because Brooke has already settled into her newfound control and is already taking care of Vanessa, shifting her weight so that she can free a hand to stroke through Vanessa’s hair.
“It’s alright,” she soothes, “Just let mommy teach you, okay? I’ll tell you what to do.”
Vanessa nods, grateful that Brooke didn’t choose to make fun of her for getting insecure. No, Brooke has proven time and time again that she’s not like that, and so Vanessa feels safe as she follows Brooke’s directions to grab her by her hips and lower her down, pull her chin up and breathe through her nose while she reaches her tongue up to just eat Brooke out like she normally would, just like that, keep going, keep going, faster, faster–
Brooke’s legs start to tremble, and Vanessa realizes that for the past few moments, she hasn’t said anything at all–at least, not any coherent words. The only sounds leaving Brooke’s lips are soft gasps that spur Vanessa on more, making her grip Brooke’s upper thighs tighter to pull her closer.
“Just like that, you’re doing so good, baby-”
Brooke’s praises are cut off in a moan that Vanessa’s sure the neighbours can hear, but it doesn’t matter. The way Brooke is moving her hips against her face makes Vanessa never want to stop, not when she can get Brooke so undone without even making her come yet.
But she’s close. Vanessa can tell by the way one of Brooke’s hands has left the headboard to nestle in Vanessa’s hair, pushing her head closer, begging for it without using words. Brooke doesn’t seem like she can, from the incoherent sounds leaving her mouth.
The fact that Vanessa’s the one to make Brooke like this? Getting her so worked up, after being the one at Brooke’s mercy twice before? It’s intoxicating, a feeling of power that Vanessa’s never really felt before.
But she loves it.
Vanessa can feel her fingers making indents in Brooke’s upper thighs as she squeezes them, matching Brooke’s movements. She looks up from her position, sees the way Brooke’s head is tilted back, the way her lips are slightly parted in a gasp.  She sucks on Brooke’s clit, lets out a little moan against her as she does.
“I- fuck , Ness, I-”
Brooke’s words are cut off in a soundless scream and Vanessa doesn’t stop, meeting the jerky movements of her hips until Brooke is pushing off of her, rolling onto the bed beside her.
Her chest is rising and falling erratically and she looks fucked out and Vanessa’s never seen a more beautiful sight in her life.
“Take your time, catch your breath.” Vanessa can’t help the smirk on her face as Brooke turns to lay on her side and face her, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face.
“That was amazing, baby. You did so well for me, did you know that?” Brooke purrs the words as she trails shaky fingers up Vanessa’s arm and shoulder and along her collarbone, and Vanessa feels her cheeks heating up at the praise.
“Such a good girl.” Brooke seems to have caught her breath, sitting back up before climbing back on top of Vanessa. Except the power’s shifted, and Vanessa gulps, squeezing her thighs together.
Because the sight of Brooke straddling her, hair tickling her face before she tosses it out of the way, over her shoulder?
Vanessa’s weak for it.
“No, baby girl, you’re not hiding from me.” Brooke tsks as she spreads Vanessa’s legs apart, shaking her head. Vanessa, for her part, finds herself unable to say anything at all; she’s only able to let out a little squeak as Brooke slots herself between her legs and begins to grind against nothing but the air between them. With every thrust, every swing of her hips, Brooke lowers herself a little closer to Vanessa, almost looking like she might close the distance. But then Brooke giggles, pulls back up, or worse, stops moving at all, and Vanessa’s left ineffectively humping the air, whining with desperation.
It’s absolutely maddening, and Vanessa could do it forever.
Finally, Brooke closes the distance between them, rubbing and grinding herself up against Vanessa, grinning as Vanessa’s slickness meets her own.
“Get up, I wanna try something.” Brooke already has her hands supporting Vanessa’s back, guiding her up as she says it.
“You ever tribbed before?” Brooke continues, giggling affectionately when Vanessa shakes her head, blushing. “Night of firsts for you, huh?” she winks, and Vanessa can’t help but giggle a little too, though she’s not sure whether it’s more out of nerves or excitement.
“Okay, put your legs like this, good girl… Now scootch towards me, and I’ll go here…” Brooke guides them together until they’re fit like puzzle pieces, one of Brooke’s legs over Vanessa’s shoulders and one of Vanessa’s boxing Brooke in close to her in turn.
“Now c’mere.” It’s the last thing Brooke says before she pulls Vanessa forward to close any distance left between them, and then they’re kissing, they’re kissing and grinding and feeling each other, the wet sounds of sex filling the room.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Vanessa barely recognizes the voice coming out of her mouth as her own, can barely see through the clouds covering her vision as she moves faster up against Brooke, the other woman responding only with huffs and whimpers as she meets each of Vanessa’s thrusts with equal force.
“You gonna come for me, angel? You gonna come for mommy?” Brooke finally grunts out, and yes, Vanessa’s going to come, she’s going to come, she needs to come so badly she can hardly hold it in–
“Ask me for it, baby. Show me how bad you want it.”
As if to cement her point, Brooke changes her pace, going both slower and yet somehow harder than before, and Vanessa is gone, unable to let her pride hold her back any longer.
“Please mommy, please, please let me come, please may I come, oh my God, I need to come, I need to come, I need to–”
“Come, baby, come for mommy.”
They come together, their moans overlapping and intertwining until Vanessa can’t tell who’s feeling what, whose sounds she’s even hearing, and then, gradually, everything is calm. They continue to rut against each other until they’ve both come down from their orgasms, only to separate and finally collapse back onto the bed, completely spent.
“You got two, no fair.” Vanessa pouts as she wiggles closer, nestling into Brooke’s arms. Brooke cocks an eyebrow and reaches down to begin lazily teasing at Vanessa’s clit, but the shorter girl only yelps, twisting away.
“So sensitive.” Brooke teases, “You sure you want another, babe?”
Vanessa sticks out her tongue, but snuggles close again despite herself. “All I’m saying is, you owe me one.”
“I know.” Brooke giggles, kissing Vanessa’s forehead and squeezing her tightly. “But let’s save that for our second date.”
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cerealmonster15 · 5 years
(anon from the other day sorry i was gone lol) buddy me too i am on anon for a reason but it's so nice to infodump i totally feel u!! i cant speak for all ur followers but in my adhd having opinion i loooove seeing people gush abt their hyperfixations/special interests/stuff they love!! :D [owain voice] it gives my heart wings!! (1)
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[im just gonna screenshot the other parts and paste them as i answer them to keep it all together c:!]
BWAHH THANKSSS if u ever wanna come off anon im 1000% down for jammin about fe forever lsjkfjsd naga knows i can t a l k. OWAIN WOULD SUPPORT US ;A; i too like seein people get super HYPED it’s so sweet and fun when people are havin a good time ! i still worry that i overdo it kjdsfbkj but i am glad it’s not a bother for u :D [the rest are gonna be in a readmore]
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DKLSJFD YEAH HONESTLY ,, when i started conquest at the decision chapter i fuckin LOST the first time and was like ,, well,,,,,,, hmmmmm...... this is going to be Difficult LOL cryin... IM SO SAD BC THE NEXT CHAPTER I HAVE IS CALLED POSSESSED AND LIKE,,, I PLAY FEH,, I HAVE POSSESSED TAKUMI,,, I PLAYED BIRTHRIGHT I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING AND I DONT LIKE IT !!!!!!!!! i misss himmmmmmme the entire time i played birthright: i miss leoooooooo i miss elise im so sadddddme the entire time ive been playing conquest: i miss takumiiiiiiii ryoma is disappointed in me and im so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd and also the spoilers ive heard for what’s about to happen make me 80 times as sad i dont wannaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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god the end of chapter sakura w/everyone being so upset and hans + iago ruining everything LIKE ALWAYS was just. so awful. the hoshidans are so heartbroken and depressed and im SO UPSET IM SO SORRY SAKURA + CO I LOVE YOU EVEN THO YOU HATE ME RN ;0;
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JDKSLKFHDS HONESTLY WHEN I MARRIED SILAS I WAS LIKE,,, SHIT,,, I HAVE A TYPE AND IT’S GOOFY + LOYAL RIDE OR DIE BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS WHO ALSO HAVE SORTA BLUE HAIR I GUESS FKDSLJFKLSDJ and effie is so pretty i cry,, and her lines crack me up sfkjldsjkfjkds i love when shes guarding the prison and she says something like “this prison doesnt seem very secure. why dont the prisoners just bend the bars and leave?” and im like EFFIE.............................. MY LOVE...... WH................... DSLKJFL
omg ok with dating sim type games i typically make them like,,, meish, but with fun colored hair LOL so my first one in birthright has my name and similarish hair to me except it’s pink LOL , but then when i play as boys i tend to play more of a character ? tho this one is sorta just boy me with wild purple hair lksfjds, his name is Tino bc it’s partially a section of my not first name and also “cupertino” was a family name in my fam that i always thought sounded kinda cool *w* tino loves his strong wife and is bffs with keaton (THEY WERE KICKING ASS TOGETHER AS DRAGON AND WOLFSKIN SO IM LIKE,,,,, UR BESTIES NOW IT’S CANON) . and i like to imagine leo and corrin are really close bc theyre close in age so i made sure to make them really close :3 AND ALSO ODIN AND ELISE BC FAVES LOL..... 
rev is probs gonna be me again bc like. im marrying odin. im in love w/him i gotta do what i gotta do fdskjlfjsjlk [THO IM FOREVER SALTY ABOUT HOW THOSE SUPPORTS GO HHHHGHHGHFD CORRIN DONT BE A COWARD AND BE NICER TO ODIN DAMMIT]
What’re ur corrins like,,, eyes emoji,,
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WHAHH NO UR GOOD !! listen any lore is good lore for me , I REALLY WANNA HEAR ABOUT BRADYS CLINIC, i remember u talkin about him and owain in that one and also brady in feh mentions it and it MADE ME SO SAD MY SWEET BOY I LOVE YOU BRADYYYYYYYYYY
i need to replay awakening so i can actually get kjelle this time ;w; I RAN OUT OF MEN IM SORRY SWEETIE SKLJFSD
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me cryin at intsys why wont u let chrom hold  mrobins HAND they r in love,,,,, god if they made an awakening remake id cry and marry chrom 50 more times fjkslfdjdsls
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also odin and niles are banned from the kitchen forever and i. i die:
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cooking with niles uhh corrin voice: i would prefer not to fsdklfjslkdfjksdl
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i saw a fancomic just like this one and i just think about both every time i put kaze or the other ninjas in the arena fkjlsdfjdsklj POOF , alas, 
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im in love with these two oh my god. this + skimming through felicia’s and ryoma’s supports similar to these comics made me dead set on s supporting them together when i play revelations because oh my god this is the cutest thing ive ever seen in my  entire LIFE . ryoma!!!!!!!!! you blushy dork !!!!!!! 
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RYOMA RIPPING OFF HIS SHIRT AND TAKUMI BEING LIKE BROTHER NO WHAT THE FUCK FSJDKLFJSKL IT’S SO FUNNY , and these two have a fun rivalry about corrin fjskdflskl ive skimmed their supports and it’s Amusing 
but like, best one is still 
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THESE STUPID LOSER BROTHERS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH FJSDKLFHGHH i cant fuckin wait to play rev and to force everyone to be best friends . also the first 60000 times i read this one i didnt even notice the arrow so i thought leo just saw a far away enemy headed for them and just punched him about it fkjsdlfjds
god theyre just
so funny
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prettyyoungtragedy · 7 years
“Shatter me, Like glass”
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Summary: The God of mischief stumbles upon the most unlikely of loves on his conquest for earth…
Pairing: Loki x Reader
A/N: This is the prequel to “It’s all fun and games, Until you catch feelings” which you should probably read before this I suppose. It’s all angst and forlorn love. I love the slow burn in this lol enjoy! Drop me some feedback, it makes me happy! (DON’T YOU WANNA MAKE ME HAPPY???) 
**There’s a song linked, I highly recommend listening to if you want maximum angst feels lol
Words: 2288
Warnings: Just pure angst!
Part 1 - Heartbreak | Part 2 - A lost love returns | Part 3- Walk away |
“Its all fun and games, Until you catch feelings” - Masterlist
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Jane snapped her fingers in front of your face, bringing you out of you daze.
“Huh? Oh sorry, what were you saying?” You mumbled, shaking your head slightly.
“What’s the matter with you lately?” Darcy asked, looking intently at your face, “You walk around like you’re a zombie and it’s starting to scare me.”
You sighed, “It’s nothing, I’m just having trouble sleeping.” You replied, picking up your laptop and moving away from the table before they could pry more answers out of you.
Since Loki had left a month ago, you had been inconsolable, and unable to share your pain with anyone. No one would understand what it was like, or what you felt for him. You were a husk of your former self, walking around mindlessly and numb to the world. At night you barely slept, your mind was too awake, the pain of his final words haunted your dreams, and each time it replayed in your mind it felt as if you were reliving that moment over and over.  
Unable to eat or sleep, you were like a walking ghost. Jane and Darcy had noticed and commented repeatedly but you didn't bother explaining to them, you didn't have the energy to.
You had seated yourself at a desk nearby in the dark lab. You were in New Mexico where Jane, Darcy and erik had gone out to investigate a mysterious weather event. You had opted to stay at the lab, you interest in astrophysics had rapidly decreased with Loki’s leaving you. They had been gone a couple of hours when you got a call from Darcy.
“Y/N, get to the hospital now.” she yelled into the phone.
“Oh god, what, why , what happened?” You said scrambling to your feet, grabbing your keys.
“Just get here!” Darcy yelled and then the line went dead.
Panic rising in your chest you ran out into the parking lot and got into your car, gunning it for the hospital. When you arrived at the hospital, you ran through the hallway, dialing Darcy’s number as you did.
“Where are you?” You asked breathlessly when she picked up.
“Turn around.” She replied, and you did. You see her, Jane and erik all standing hear the vending machine.
“What in the actual fuck?” You sighed, and walked over to them. “What’s going on guys?”
“Darcy hit a man with the van.” Jane stated.
“What?” You exclaimed,
“And she tasered him.” Jane added,
“Darcy!” You exclaimed again.
“He is fine! He is also very hot.” She replied shrugging “But he was freaking me out.”
You sighed, in relief that none of them were hurt and then listened as Jane explained the event that had occured. Your heart hammering in your chest as she did, that sounded entirely like the bifrost being used. You knew this from story’s Loki had told you.
You try to remain as calm as possible, all the way back to the lab. Jane is talking insane amounts on the event that occured, while you sat silently in the back. Trying to calm your mind.
When you were eventually able to escape to your room, you lay down on the bed and curled up into a ball. Unable to hold back the torrent of tears that came gushing forth.
“Thor? Thor? As in the Norse mythology? God of Thunder Thor?” Erik asked, sounding panicked. He laughed nervously.
You sat on the couch, eyes closed, trying to shut out their arguing. Turns out the guy Darcy hit was actually a God from outer space, not that you were surprised but it was exhausting pretending you were shocked by all this.
Jane and you had gotten into an argument over this, and you were tired of it all. This field just reminded you of Loki, and you couldn't do it anymore. And now Thor showing up, it just made everything worse for you, you were trying to get away from any thought of Loki, and all this kept sucking you right back in.
Thor was Loki’s brother, he had mentioned him several times already, that was the only reason you were still paying attention to this cluster fuck.
The god of Thunder kept glancing at you as he spoke to Jane, a curious look on his face. “Who is she?” He asks Jane, pointing at you.
They all turned to face you, and you opened your eyes, looking at him in confusion.
“She’s my assistant, why?” Jane replied.
Thor narrowed his eyes at you, as if he knew something. But he didn't respond to Jane, instead he walked over and towered over you, just looking at you.
“Well this isn't creepy at all.” You said sarcastically then stood up, sliding passed him. “I’m going home, let me know when this freak show is over.”
You walked out before anyone could stop you. You weren't interested in Thor or anything to do with Loki. Not after he left you, pretty much broken. No contact, no closure, nothing.
You had wandered about for a while trying distract yourself from your thoughts. Seeing a neon sign for dingy bar nearby you headed towards it, drowning yourself in alcohol seemed like a great idea in the moment.
Once inside, you found a booth in the corner and ordered multiple drinks for yourself, ignoring the patrons around  you. There were a few people in the bar, the music played loudly, and people talked even louder.
You have drink after drink, soon you begin to feel the tingle of the alcohol in your system and it delights you. For the briefest of moments you feel less numb than you had in a while, Loki leaving you had turned you into a self loathing pretty much borderline alcoholic, as pathetic as that was.
It was late when you finally stumbled out of the bar, you were drunk. It probably wasn't safe for you to be walking around in this state but you did it anyway. You didn’t care what happened to you. Stumbling along the pavement, you make your way towards your home.
Without thinking you step off the curbside and into the intersection, and it happens in the flash of a second. There’s headlights and a car horn and you looked to the left seeing a car come barreling towards you, and you freeze. Already knowing what’s about to happen you shut your eyes and brace for the impact but it never arrives.
Instead you feel a cool arm slip around your waist and the whoosh of a breeze across your face and when you opened your eyes, you were in the arms of Loki, staring into his beautiful green eyes, then you’re free falling through the air.
The second your feet touched the ground you shoved Loki away from you and stumbled backwards drunkenly. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You yelled at him.
“Saving your life.” Loki replied calmly.
“I don’t need your help!” You shouted again, trying to steady your now swaying self. The adrenaline alcohol working together and knocking your equilibrium off balance.
Loki moved closer to you and steadied you by placing his arm around your waist. “Yes you do.” He said, again calm and cool.
“Let go of me.” You said, trying to shove him away but Loki held you firmly, not letting go.
“Could you please calm down?” He said, with slight annoyance in his voice.
“No.” You snapped and then hit him in the chest, your movements barely phasing him.
Loki sighed deeply and then touched your head with the palm of his hand and you instantly pass out in his arms. He catches you as you go slack, looking over you with a disappointed look on his face.
“Ahh what am I to do with you my love.” He murmured.
When you awoke, the sky was still dark out and you were in your bed. Your mouth dry as cotton and your head pounding. Consuming copious amounts of alcohol was probably not the best idea. You groaned softly and moved to get out of the bed, throwing back the covers you see you are in a pair of shorts and one of your tank tops.
‘Loki’ You thought bitterly.
“Yes, me.” A voice comes from the corner of the room causing you to scream out in fright.
“Loki! What the fuck!” You yelped almost falling over your own feet, clutching your chest in surprise.
“You’re welcome by the way.” He muttered, stalking towards you.
You immediately back away from him, ‘What, no why are you still here?” You hissed.
“You are destroying yourself.” Loki said softly, there was that sudden kindness and love that you had seen in his eyes before. Before he walked out on you and crushed your soul, and you hesitated for a moment, as you looked at him.
“You destroyed me…” You whispered pained. You loved him, of course you still loved him, he was that one great love in your life that only came once in a lifetime, how could you ever stop loving him.
“Y/N...my love” He murmured reaching out to you but you stepped out of his reach and turned suddenly wanting to get out of the bedroom. It was stifling you being in their with him and you needed water.
Loki followed you as you marched into the kitchen and flipped on the light switch, he was wordless as he watched you yank open the fridge and pour yourself a glass of water before you sat down at the table and slumped your head into your arms on it.
“Can we talk now?” Loki said quietly, you feel him slip into the chair beside you, his hand on the back of your chair.
“What is there to talk about Loki?” You muttered, your voice muffled by your arms. “You walked out on me, you broke me, you left me to self destruct.”
“I did what I had to do, love.” Loki replied, “It was for the best.”
“The best for who?” You suddenly exclaim lifting your head up and looking at him. “Certainly not me! I mean look at me!” you gestured to your disheveled self.
“It was for your own good Y/N.” He said, with a sigh. “You wouldn’t understand. It was what needed to be done at the time.”
“Of course I wouldnt understand,I’m just a pathetic mortal right?” You sneered, sadly at him.
“You were never pathetic to me…” Loki said softly, then hesitated for a moment as he lifted his hand to your face and then he touched you,and you immediately shudder at his touch, closing your eyes. Your mind is flooded with memories of his cool finger tips grazing your body, his soft kisses on your skin and then those memories are overshadowed by the darkness of the heartbreak he left you with. When you open your eyes, you rage is fuelled again.
“You are still as beautiful as the day I first met you.” Loki said, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Please leave…” You replied, not looking at him, fearing what looking into his eyes might do to your already fragile heart.
“Don’t you miss me, Love?” Loki asked, quietly, lovingly, tenderly.
“Please don’t” You whispered, fearful of getting sucked back into loving him so fervently.
“I missed you, Love.” he murmures, leaning in an touching his lips to your bare shoulder.
“Lo, please don’t say it.” You begged quietly, unable to move from beneath his touch. You needed him like your body needs air to survive. This was all your heart desired.
“I love you.” Loki whispered, that was all it took and you caved. You looked at him, into those endless green eyes of his and you knew you were his. That was all it took for him to ensnare you in his spell again.
Your lips crash against his, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifts you out of your seat. Loki effortlessly carries you back to the bedroom, and lays you down gently. Not breaking the kiss once. Your mind is frenzied, and he kisses you and slowly begins to undress you. You wanted this, needed this. He was the love of your life, a bond so strong you couldn’t explain it, of course if he wanted you , he could have you and so you succumbed to him. Sighing his name lovingly as he made love to you that night.
You jolted awake a few hours later, the twilight breaking over the horizon. Pulling the covers around you tighter, a sudden realization hits you. The bed is empty beside you , and you sit up slowly when you see a folded piece of paper on the pillow.
Your heart immediately sinks and you reach for it. Silently praying it’s not what you think it is. With shaking hands you slowly pick up the letter and open it. Your heart hammering in your chest as you read it.
“I’m sorry. You deserve the sun, and the moon, the entire cosmos but I cannot give you what you need.
You truly were one of a kind
I loved you with all my heart.
Goodbye my beloved”
You stared blankly at the letter in your hands, you feel yourself begin to shake with rage as the tears fell freely onto your cheeks.
You closed your eyes and then a terrifying anguished scream erupted from you. Your abilities overpowering you for a moment and everything in the room went flying out of place, the glass items and windows shattering, the wood splintering as your rage swept across the apartment, wrecking everything in its path.
TAGS:  @buchonians @violentlybarnes @not-reptilian   @mixin–it–up @all-my-favourite-things91 @peacefulwriter88  @sarahp879 @yourunicornweirdo @stuxky107 @flightofthefantasies @homemade-parisian @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @agentsinstorybrooke @songsaboutcupcakes  @buckyisthatyou @hellolarry34 @lumelgy @breezy1415 @iamwarrenspeace  @wearegoldeninthenight @whimsicalbarnes @merandalynnvarela @marvelsavengersforever1227 @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @29s2 @vintage-switch @juststufftoread @jbarnes87 @lovemarvelousfics @justreadingfics @gabby913 @gracieelizabitch @savetoreadzx  @loki7ms @propertyofpoeandbucky @teamcap4bucky  @steve-rogers-personal-hell  @terensebastianstan @glassteethclan @hollycornish @pandalandalopalis @chamongangae @making-chocolate-pudding  @buckyfluffmostlu @shieldgirl95 @justsomegirlyness @saharzek @lyndsey-idjit  @impatient-witch @4theluvofall @sumafamouxx  @chook007 @emmaveale123 @xcandyslice @silverwolf7850 @choco-3-101 @qxmxp @imkindajustheretho  @redstarstan @lilypalmer1987 @chipilerendi @buckysforeverprincess @feelmyroarrrr @strongerthansheknows11  @celinejfong @omgsindylove  @camillechan @sebastianstanisagift @marlii-lavellan @aletheladyinred  @buckys-newarm @writing-obrien @brieannakeogh @whyisbuckyso   @cosmopclitan @somewhereinimagination @seabassobrien @mrbuchanan @ria132love @letslejlalove @fairchild21 @buckywhitewolf @badassbaker @hereforsumbucky @existentialmalaises @supernaturaldean67 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @mercyiy  @photography-to-all @quotemeow @wemettonight   @queenophelia  @walkingtravesty97 @lovemarvelousfics @champion-ofthe-sun @shieldsandsunsets @im-not-strawberry-blonde @gentlegiantspike @msvega24 @parkerrpeterr @projectxhappiness @faakelanadelrey @thestarlighthotel @ailynalonso15  @wishingforahome @vanille-laecheln @imeannooffensebabybut @addictionmarvel @ofheroesandvillains @yknott81 @diinofayce @marvel-lucy @abstract-postmodernist-ghost @thee-winterr-soldierr @tinyfistwarrior @some-blondes-unicorn @somethingwitty-somethingsweet @guera31 @theeyeofthefuckingtiger  @httpmcrvel @whothehelisbarnes @henrietteoaks @greeneyedgirls4 @mad-girl-without-a-box @marvelfan18 @waitforthehurricanelore @aurorgoldstien @casiadilla @lara1smith @missinstantgratification @anotherotter @mustbenot   @whenallsaidanddone @jemmaisokay @holding-roses @sergeipoluninfans  @rodkrake @greeneyedgal20 @fallen-stark @mrsstanbarnes @ponycake27 @dead-but-ironically @stevieang @siren-kitten-his @ani808  @wintersdarling @louisianaspell @imaginingspidermanfan  @cokamarie24 @jess926 @falalaholland  @redeyed-winchester @ninasimone519 @just-add-butter  @laura-lightning @pink1031-blog   @mizzzpink @vintagepigeon @rambleonmywaywarddaughter @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @asongofmarvelanddc  @its-daydreamer23 @bornfortherainydays @pietrotheavenger @brokenanxiety @amandarosemire @brewsthespirit-blog @shuriismyqueen @little-miss-headphones  @startrekenthusiast @miss-mcbotty @pitubea1910 @sovietghoststories @micafabbv @demon-soldier @callumandariana  @heyshurii @whale-of-a-time @hoehoehoechlinhale @marebearjo @hereforsumbucky @amindfulloffanfictions @callmesleepless @breehumbles @frealluvbabe @songtoyou @my-halo-on-fire @what-if-i-am-weird @spidergirl2017 @hellaoppa  @mcu-peterparker @iwillbeinmynest @tamarastevie @hazie-rey @ria132love @marvellover48   @what-if-i-am-weird @Natashaashleyhopemikaelson @tragicallycoolx  @swimmeranxiety @lokiisdaddy @whyugottabsorude
Pop me an ask if you would like to be tagged or you wanna leave me feedback! I love hearing from you guys, it makes me so happy! I do have a taglist to manage so please leave feedback or i will remove you :) xxx
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Unpopular opinion: the series has been on a downward spiral since Path of Radiance. Nintendo is selling out cheap tropes and RP gimmicks instead of actually designing engaging gameplay and characters.
Disagree. While I’m not a big POR fan (haven’t gotten too far into it so I don’t wanna speak to it, but I applaud it for being about regular ass people not royalty) FE experimenting will beat FE doing the same shit on repeat over and over again. The Support system overhaul from a design perspective added a great change in kind as well as the my castle stuff, though you have to rip tropes out of Nintendo’s cold dead hands, every time they actually dont just repeat the cycle I breath a happy fresh breath of air I mean seriously would you like two new characters or a reskin of  the same serious knight and casual knight you’ve met 15 times. The games look great and have gameplay wise opened up to a lot totally different avenues of play for people who dont want the over complicated math heavy gameplay (without removing it with lunatic and classic mode available) while at the same time offering endless replay-ability, not by keeping content from us (support limits) but by giving us so much content we cant get though it all (so many supports, so many different class changes)
What you call gimmicks I call fresh maps and an inventive twist. I like the GBA games, but SS crashed because it was too much like 7, and 7 while great is just boiler plate fantasy strategy game, I like it it does nothing wrong, but its not got anything more for me to dig into and that’s fine it was a GBA game from over a decade ago. In the end if right now, I was to play a FE game I’ve already played, it would be awakening or conquest, neither btw were my first games.
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cindy-clawford · 7 years
tagged by @manbunjon ❤
tagging: @jacehairondale @herokingrobbstark @allisonswan @jeynewesterling @bodheyrook
do you watch the episodes when they air?: yeah, but i've just started working mondays when it airs here so i don't know wtf i'm going to do, probably take six weeks of leave or something
how often do you rewatch it? do you rewatch it from season one?: i haven't yet, i only finished my original watch like a month before it came back, i am sloooooow. i probably won't, i don't have time or patience for it honestly
do you rewatch the previous episode before the next one airs?: they replay it just before so i normally turn on the live channel, and just catch the last five minutes or so. since i dance through episodes for gifs a bit i'm constantly sort of rewatching bits
do you eat anything while watching? if so, what do you eat?: it's 9am here, i should be eating breakfast, but i rarely did last season. i'll make a coffee and forget to drink it the whole damn episode. and then not eat the rest of the day till dinner. normally just vegemite toast while i'm pretending i'm not anxious before it starts
one character that everyone seems to like that you don’t care much for: tyrion
your three favourite pairings: jon/sansa, jaime/brienne, sansa/theon
favourite scene: every jonsa scene, WHAT YOU DID FOR HER, bronn shooting the dragon, starks reuniting, starks coming home, barry salami ripping off his armor and being boss, your name is theon greyjoy
one character you wish got more appreciation: goodness so damn many, i feel like the big 3/4/5 get a lot of attention, but when i'm on etsy looking for something sansa related and she's not to be found i get super frustrated. (which i know sucks of me since people CREATE for their faves, but i just want cute sansa stuff!) (if you have sansa (and jonsa) art listed ANYWHERE please tell me)
fanfic or nah?: it's okay i guess
favourite quote: "if you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention" and "what if the wolves come" "yield"
do you avoid spoilers? i try to, but people are the worst with them, tag them please. even if you think it's common knowledge, people will ask if they wanna know. (if you send me spoilers i am unfollowing/blocking this season i don't fucking care how vague or unlikely, I DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM)
favourite house words: growing strong, but if you don't think i spend all of may 31 telling EVERYONE that winter is coming WELL
one character you’d bring back from the dead: all the starks, and barry salami
one character you’d kill, or kill sooner than they were killed: ramsay, also urine greyjoy right fucking now
direwolves or dragons?: funny question
which was more satisfying: Ramsay dying or Joffrey dying? the amount of times i googled while watching when does j... and google was just like bitch it's 402 ffs just watch the damn show. but it's got to be ramsay, fuck that dude. jon beating the shit out of him, sansa watching him get eaten, glorious.
wildlings or the dothraki? wildlings, i don't trust the dothraki, and i don't want them near anyone i like
favourite lannister?: jaime
favourite stark?: every single one of them, and that includes you too theon
would you rather be able to be resurrected anytime, but gain scars and all like Beric, or become a faceless man?: why can't i just die, i don't wanna be coming back all the time, i am tired, let me rest
would you rather have the rebellion tv show or the conquest tv show?: idk what they are
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poutypanic · 7 years
Demon Hunter* Chap 5
Fic is rated explicit 18+. A little over 3K
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10702710/chapters/25867851
Chap Summary: This is a pretty smut heavy chapter. Also, full disclosure there is dragon fucking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A gorgeous gazebo stands proudly amidst the flowers and trees in the garden. The floor sports the demon’s fallen clan seal. Gorgeously intricate, made of several different types of stone. The sun has just finished rising in the sky. The demon has prepared breakfast for you, but you’re not feeling hungry. You don’t often feel hungry for food anymore. So it’s growing cold, but Hanzo doesn’t seem concerned about your lack of appetite.
You’re still riding the cusp between inhuman and human. Not quite supernatural yet. But are losing several of the needs and habits that made you mortal. However, you’re still unable to do several of the things that would make you a succubus. Can’t draw energy on your own, still weak in body, and can’t even partake in the more fun perks like seeing memories through blood. Utterly useless.
And then every day you’re waiting for it. The sickness to come back. If the last succession of times it was brought upon you are any indication, the next time is going to be the worst of them all.
You’re sitting cross legged on the ground on a plush pillow. Hanzo is sitting on the other side of the small table, lounging, and looking absolutely relaxed. The dragons are at the entrance of the gazebo. Just as laid back. The least tense you’ve ever seen them be. Asleep with their heads resting on the last step leading into the gazebo. They almost look like stone. Completely unmoving, not needing to breathe in their slumber. You’ve grown to admire them, powerful spirit dragons that are monsters in their own right.
“Tell me pet, which one was most memorable?”
“You wanna give me some context?”
Hanzo huffs and rolls his eyes. Annoyed, because he feels you should know what he’s getting at. So he will be blunt.
“Which monster did you enjoy fucking the most?” Then he grins, “Besides me of course.”
You feel an embarrassed heat flood across your face.
“They all had their own unique enjoyable aspects.”
Hanzo abandons his relaxed position so he can sit up, reach across the table, and run a nail across your cheek. You find yourself leaning into it, enjoying the simplicity of the touch.
“My dear pet, this blush is ludicrous.”
“I’ve never talked about those things before. It's not something you brag about if you wanna keep making money off of conning people.”
He looks you up and down, “Afraid the common folk would think you are despicable?”
“Yeah, well, it’s a lot harder to convince people to give you money if they hate your guts and are aware you’re a lying whore.”
“A clever way to make a living I suppose,” he takes hold of your hand, brings it to his mouth. Pricks your index finger with one of his canines. Then sucks on it as it starts to bleed.
As Hanzo’s eyes flutter closed you can see them roll back slightly. With his eyes being one color, this isn’t something you used to always be able to notice. But by now you’ve had plenty of chances to be able to pick out the subtle pleasure response, and now it’s easy to see. Regardless of the alluring face he is making, you can’t stand it when he does this. Making sure you are painfully aware that he is sifting through your dirty laundry.
He is searching for a specific memory. Your first conquest. He finds him; a vampire. A cruel man who you just barely end up getting away from. A tough challenge for someone who was so young and inexperienced. He watches as the vampire has you pinned to a wall. Hips and ass a blur with how fast he is fucking you. His teeth sunk into your neck. Blood coats one of your shoulders, rolls down your arm, and drips onto the floor. You look pale, like you’re a step away from deaths door. He has to pull his consciousness out of the memory before he gets to intent on doing the same thing. He’d like to learn more. Straight from the horses mouth. There’s always time for fucking.
“That first one, a vampire? He was very possessive.”
You stay silent. But your first thought was, you would know.
Hanzo can sense that the vampire was unhappy when you left. Looked for you for months, “Do you think he still hunts for you?”
“He was very focused, yes. But I’m sure he’s found someone else to push around by now. There are plenty of warm bodies out there.”  
It doesn't take long for your finger to stop bleeding, so he bites it again. One of the only perks of being a demon that has seemed to manifest itself consistently. A speedy bodily recovery from wounds and abrasions from the soreness that comes from especially rough days and nights.
“Answer my question. There has to be one that crosses your mind far more than the others. One that you favored and replayed while you touched yourself during lonely stretches of time.”
“Fine. If I had to choose… I’d stay… the wraith was probably one of my favorite monsters I’ve fucked,” you chuckle, “Or rather, that fucked me.”
The demon is intrigued, lets you know to be quiet by placing a finger against your lips as he recalls the images. Oh. Hanzo can barely make out the creature itself. But he can see you. Every slick orifice crowded by a thick smoky tendril. You’re completely overwhelmed. Your body contorted in a most uncomfortable way. Arms being held behind your bad by more tendrils. Wrapped around your torso. All of them in a constant state of motion. Tears stream down your cheeks. How lovely.
“Were you ever the boss of any of these situations?”
“Yes, sometimes I had to take the dominant role. You have the movie reel in your head; look for it. Not all monsters are so eager.”
Taking note of your demanding tone, Hanzo bites your finger especially hard this time, and you come off this ground by an inch or two.
“Do you expect me to sift through all of it? Be specific, pet.”
“Look for the merman.”
“Merman? Mermen of old were typically hideous.”
“Hmm, not this one. He was very cute and sweet.”
“Cute?” He says the words with disgust, “Sweet?”
“Yes. He was an environmentalist and was making it difficult for certain companies to fish, and they wanted him dead.” You smirk, “So they hired me.”  
Hanzo closes his eyes, takes a deep breath in through the nose, and starts looking. When he finds the memory he’s looking for, he expels air from his nose and shakes his head. The merman is cute. An innocent looking creature. And there you are, not much younger than you are now. Removing your clothes at the edge of the water in a secluded cave, and the merman is stunned by your forwardness.
He stays a safe distance away from you. He is wary. Knows that mercenaries are being sent to pacify him. But as your weapons get thrown far away from you, and you start to crawl into the water, the merman is becoming more and more curious. Eventually, he ends up meeting you half way. So that you’re both about hip deep in the water. That’s when you start to softly kiss him. It is all very sweet.
“Outstanding, and you were of no help to ones who hired you.”
“Amazing, absolutely exceptional.”
“Love your sarcasm.”
Hanzo narrows his eyes, “Have you not been paying attention, pet? I am not being sarcastic.”
He wraps his hand around your throat. Uses his hold to pull you forward over the table ’til you’re face to face with him. Hanzo kisses you tenderly. Letting your lips naturally fall away from each other. He slips his tongue into your mouth, slowly runs it along the roof of your mouth. The dragons are starting to stir. You can hear them shuffling around. Emitting off low growls. Hanzo pushes you back an inch so he can bore his gaze directly into your eyes.
“I am having trouble figuring out just what you have not fucked.”
You couldn’t possibly figure out what possesses you to say this. It just flows out of you naturally. Once a freak, always a freak. You side eye the dragons, “I’ve never fucked a spirit beast before, are they capable?”
Hanzo’s grip on your throat tightens, and his whole body becomes coiled. He is immediately on board. You couldn’t back out of this now, even if you happened to change your mind. And he is thinking that he’s about to be in for a hell of a show.  
“Oh, they are capable, pet. They are going to fill you up nicely, stretch you open." He caresses your face and gives you a forceful kiss, "I hope you are ready. Crawl, get on your hands and knees.”
He lets go of your neck, allowing you to do as you’re told. You crawl onto the floor of the gazebo. Obedient and eager, you spread your knees a part before Hanzo has to demand that you do so. You lay your face against the stone and look back at him, “Like this?”
Hanzo bites his bottom lip and nods. A view of your backside is just what he needs for this. As the dragons start to realize what they are being given, their tails start to flick back and forth wildly. They’re prowling around you now, whining out of excitement and anticipation. Their voices start to echo in your head. For us? We can breed the slut?
Hanzo says something to the dragons in Japanese. You don’t understand it, never had the time to learn new languages. But you can pick out a demand in any language. The dragons get close to you, start sniffing your hair, and nuzzling at different body parts. For once you had been wearing actual clothes. Loose comfortable bottoms and a light cotton t-shirt. The dragons are about to make quick work of both.
One of the dragons teeth nips your thigh as it takes the fabric and starts to rip it from your body. The other one does the same with your shirt, its teeth tickling at your back. The sounds and the forcefulness of your clothes being ruined and torn a part are getting your body to a pleasant boiling point. It’s this boiling that always stays with you during sex. Making every moment heightened, sensitive, and fulfilling. Another manifested demon perk.
Now you’re completely exposed. The dragon who ruined your pants nudges its muzzle into your sex. Aggressively pushes up into you, causing your knees to lift up off of the ground. You brace yourself on your forearms and elbows, trying to keep yourself from toppling over. The dragons tongue rolls out of its mouth, snakes over your folds. It feels long and slippery, and easily slips inside of you. Your body lurches at the feeling.
It continuously pushes in further and further, endless. Until it starts to feel like it’s too much. It’s so warm, foreign, and constantly moving. Twisting and making waves inside of you. You whimper and whine. Arch your back, trying to bear the feeling. The dragon coos into your psyche, you taste delicious, so sweet, so soft. You look up to the other one who is looming over you. An erection bobbing up and down between its legs.
The sight of it gives you a giddy feeling nervousness. It’s not exactly long, but fuck it’s thick. Bulbous in shape and thickest around the shaft. The head isn’t much smaller, but will be easier for you to take. This certainly won’t be the first time you’ve taken something with such an intimidating girth, but it’s been a while.
You get up onto your hands as the dragon’s tongue continues to flick and spiral inside of you. You look back at Hanzo to see him back in his lounging position. One knee up with his arm resting on top of it. His tattooed arm resting on the inside of his thigh. With a tight grip over his crotch. A sinister grin spread across his face as he’s massaging his hardening erection.
The dragon abruptly pulls its tongue out of you, leaving you feeling full of wetness from its saliva. It goes back to pressing its muzzle into your cunt, sniffing aggressively. The beast lets its tongue flick out briefly to rub against your clit. It’s smart, and it’s teasing you. Making your body squirm. Your hips lift and fall. Then that damnable tongue pulls back so it can slide in-between your folds. Move up and settle over your clit. Starts to flick and roll against it. Building instant pressure that ends up getting expelled just as quickly as it came.
As you come your back arches, and your hips gyrate. The sight of you as your muscles twitch and your mouth lewdly hangs open, has Hanzo pulling out his cock so he can leisurely stroke it. His gaze is locked on your body as the dragon pulls its snout away from your sopping sex.
You hear a low grumble come from its chest as it mounts you. The beasts cock easily finding its way to your entrance. The fat head rests just against it, not quite pushing its way in just yet. The dragon rumbles and whines, its hips rubbing against your back side.
It feels warm, and its skin is scaly and smooth. Glides seamlessly against your own. The dragons bulky body nearly dwarfs your own. Its thick muscle toned legs are placed on either side of your face, blocking your view of Hanzo.
For a moment you’re upset about this development. Wanting to be able to watch his reactions. Wanting to see as he jacks himself off to the scene of you getting fucked by his dragons. But then the dragon starts to enter you, and you forget all about your blocked view. All at once you’re stretched wide open, and now you desperately need something to cling onto. So you opt in for that leg that is blocking your view. Now thankful that it is there.
A long winded whine gets forced out of your chest as the dragon starts to sheath itself in deeper. You shift underneath it, trying to spread your legs wider. You want to take more of it in, feel even more of a stretch. Your walls are already pulsating. Large heart beats for every bit of the cock that gets pushed inside of you.
Hanzo isn’t lounging anymore. Your whines and moans are so loud that they are reverberating through the garden. Your tight cunt is lewdly stretched open before him, and that nearly has him coming already. Hanzo can sense the dragon starting to lose its patience with the slow entry. He could scold the beast, but he won’t. He’d like to see how well you handle the abrupt rutting your about to get.
Your vision turns into a bright white blur as the dragon shoves itself in to the hilt. Immediately starts fucking into you in short and strong bursts. Your whole body is lurching forward with each thrust. You can't keep your torso up anymore. So you let it slump back onto the ground and keep your grip on the dragons leg. An orgasm hits you immediately and almost with out any build up or warning. You’d whine or moan or cuss; hell you’d do all of that at the same time, but you can’t seem to find your voice right now.
The only noises that are making their way out of you right now are guttural, wet sounding throat noises. The dragon comes, and your insides are being continuously filled. You can feel it pooling inside of you. It’s too much and starts to seep out, dripping onto the ground. The beasts knot starts to form, locking itself inside of you, and the other dragon starts to whine. Becoming impatient with the smell of come flowing through the air.
The word, thank you, goes from one ear to the other. But that wasn’t for you.
Hanzo purrs, “You are welcome.”
The neglected beast is ready the moment the other one pulls out of you. You had watched as it walked around to your back side, pre-come leaking out of its twitching cock. You only have a momentary feeling of emptiness before the second dragon is mounting and plunging itself inside of you.
You are not afforded the soft, gentle entry the other one gave you. Not that at this point you really need it. This time, the rutting sounds are much lewder. You’re so full of slick fluids that every thrust is making salacious sounds. You let yourself become completely limp. Just become a large piece of wet fuckable putty. You’re face planted against the floor of the gazebo, practically drooling.
You’ve zoned out. Giving in completely to the overwhelming sensations that have taken over your body. Before you know it, you’ve got more come coating your insides, struggling to find room. Your whole body is trembling, quivering. But you're not done being used yet. Hanzo’s face comes into your line of vision. He speaks to you while the beasts knot is still swollen inside of you.
“Are you still with us, pet?”
You’re barely able to nod. No verbal answer comes out. Hanzo reaches under the beast and whips the hair away from your face. The hair that has become stuck to your forehead through the fray of things. And you hadn’t noticed any of it ’til now. Hanzo barks another order at the dragon, and it pulls out of you. Goes and joins its counterpart back at the entrance of the gazebo.
Hanzo positions himself between your spread legs. Places both of his hands on the lower portion of your ass. Glides his thumbs up and down over your sloppy cunt. You look back at him, holding your bottom lip in your teeth. You’re so damn sensitive and even the smallest of touches feel overwhelming. He pushes his thumbs inside of you, uses them to spread you open, so he can really see the mess his dragons have left in you. Shimmering pearly white come seeps out of you. Drips and adds to the small pile that’s formed on the ground.
“Tsk, tsk. So filthy.”
He pushed his thumbs in deeper, and your walls clench around them. Already bouncing back from the brutal stretch that they had endured. Hanzo lines himself up and slides inside. Swiftly spanks one of your cheeks.
“Get up, pet. Push back, I want to see you milk my cock.”
It’s not as difficult as you think it’s going to be to get back up onto your hands. You’ve got an incredible amount of stamina. And feel like you could go for a whole other round after this one is over. You’re unafraid, not ashamed to keep his gaze while you lift your hips up and down. Hanzo looks intoxicated, eyes half lidding, a lazy smile on his lips. His nails dig into your hips, drawing thin lines of blood across your skin.
Your orgasm has a slower much more pleasurable build this time. Taking its time while it starts in your belly, seeps downward, and turns into energy directed entirely at your used walls and flushed clit. It feels so good and adds to the continues growing heat under your skin. Hanzo holds you flush with his hips while he comes, small moans and growls for each spurt that is left inside of you. He blissfully sighs, runs a hand down your spine, and weaves his fingers into your hair.
“My darling pet, you never disappoint.”
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pacificateurs · 7 years
//under the cut because i’m just rambling lol. and since not a lot of people are online right now, i can.
*rubs hands* this is a non exhaustive list of characters i appreciate and wouldn’t mind trying playing (but obviously not all of them, just to have an idea of my preferences haha, also i like other characters obv, but i’m not interested in writing them, not wanting to fail them you feel me).
7: Hector, Kent, Wil, Matthew, Harken, Dart, Lloyd?? Sain too maybe Idk.
8: Forde, Kyle, Ross, Glen, Cormag (but actually i wanna interact with a Cormag more than I want to play him you feel me, shira love me).
9, 10: Kieran, Boyd, Nephenee, Janaff, Titania, Tormod, Muarim, Geoffrey, Tanith, Edward, Aran (can you tell how much i love the tellius games and cast).
15: Kliff, Leon, Gray???, NOMAH LOL.
6: Alen, Lance, Percival, Klein?? not gonna happen anytime soon tho, since i really need to replay that one, i never managed to beat it.
4: FINN. but nope, i want a remake, i’m gonna harrass IS for a remake, bye.
also since I have both Sharena and Anna, i could totally add Alphonse for the Holy Trinity lmao.
13: M!Robin, Frederick, Stahl, Vaike, Miriel, Donnel (but i can’t speak his english lolololol), Gregor, Say’ri, Tiki, Laurent.
14: M!Corrin (to make him less stupid in Conquest lbr), Ryoma, Rinkah, Kaden, Niles, Charlotte, Sophie, Ophelia, Nina.
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invisiblemelonmoose · 8 years
Going through my old likes clearing some out of the way and rebloobing those I’d intended to eventually. Got a huge wave of nostalgia and now I really wanna do a completionist replay of Tales of Symphonia. Even though I need to finish at least ten other games.
(this includes Pokémon Moon, KH2, DA Awakening, Never Alone, FE Awakening, Half-Life, Pokémon Conquest, LoZ: Link Between Worlds, Shadow of The Colossus, and whatever the hell else I can’t think of atm. i also recently came to the realization that i’ve only ever finished one tactical game. orz)
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