#like this post was one of my most impulsive yet. not expecting it to be reblogged by anyone
daincrediblegg · 10 months
Well. You made it. Neil Gaiman reblogged you. Well, a Dduane reblog
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#1 phrase I didn’t expect to be said to me today.
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crunchyroaches27 · 6 months
”You’re safe, pet.” | TF 141 x omega!reader
OKAYYY BEAR WITH ME! I just released a pt2 of the ghoap post I made but I could not help but write this one. It’s fluff and angst and the same time.
omega!reader is rescued from a Omega trafficking ring by TF141
everyone has lil tails and ears (🥺) + Omegaverse AU + they/them pronouns used; Gender neutral + Alphas have pointed canines for marking
there are more characters, like Alejandro but he doesn’t play too much of a major role. He doesn’t deserve to be here
Price is the pack leader. He is an Alpha— the most dominant out of his other mates. His word is absolute law. He likes to regularly scent his pack, it makes him feel reassured that his pack is safe. Price is essentially their cigarette-smoking dad
Ghost is next in line in this chain of command, he is also an Alpha. He is more impulsive than the others and often has to have many restraints, leading to him often being aloof and angsty. Soap likes Ghost, but Ghost is too fucking slow
Gaz is third in line, also an Alpha like the ones before him. He is cool and collected, yet he also is a bit of a rebel— here and there he will challenge Price’s authority and be snarky
And finally, Soap. Poor Soap is at the bottom, being a Beta. Despite not being an Omega, he still carries out monotonous tasks. As the “peacemaker” of his pack, he ensures that all is well between them. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a jackass sometimes. His body scent is fainter, but his scenting abilities are better than the rest bc he is a Beta
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In this cruel world made up of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, there is bound to be danger lurking in every dark alley, every shady nightclub. Over the course of three days, you had seen and felt things you thought would never end. You were used and passed along like a joint. One particular Alpha paid a good fortune for you, and you found yourself dressed in skimpy clothes and drugged with aphrodisiacs. Your pheromones leaked like a pipe. There’s no hope. Why even bother? you thought angstily as you were transported to a new location.
You’d heard of the tragic trafficking of Omegas, but you didn’t expect to experience it firsthand. Omegas have to know every tactic to defend themselves. Your ears drooped in disgust and a sort of disbelief as your body began to enter some sort of stupor; the drugs meant to make you extremely docile and languid were starting to kick in. The sudden sensation of a sharp turn and the screech of wheels snapped you out from your haze. Instead of hearing the usual excited chatter, you heard gunshots. You were too lethargic to even move, so you passed out in your seat. When you awoke, four men surrounded you; three Alphas and one Beta.
You found yourself on a small cot. Three Alphas and one Beta were sniffing your pheromones to deduce your mental, physical, and emotional state. “Aye, Omega’s ‘woken up,” the Beta with the warhawk mumbled. The bearded Alpha hummed. “Hmm. Let’s start with introductions. What’s your name, Omega?” Another Alpha, clad in a skull mask, trilled, seemingly pleased at your arousal (arousal as in the waking up sense!!). “You’re safe, pet. We don’t bite, at least, not unless you want us to.” He jibed with a British lilt once he sensed your fear. His dark-skinned pack mate snorted, rolling his eyes. You could smell he was an Alpha, too.
All of their ears were perked high in expectation, their eyes watching your every move, sniffing every pheromone released into the already stuffy air. “Y/N,” your response made them nod in acknowledgment. “Mm, ‘Kay. We already knew that. Jus’ wanted to see if we got the right person.” The bearded Alpha sighed before continuing. “Well, I’m Price. This ‘ere is Ghost, Gaz on my right, and Soap’s the one in front of ya.” Soap promptly bent down and twinkled at you, his tail wagging. You didn’t even have to ask for their ranks, you could smell it in the bodily fragrances they released— that applied for them too. You could tell that Price, Ghost and Gaz were all Alphas, while Soap was a Beta.
You wondered how they weren't dying to breed you, your pheromones were uncapped and flowing out into the air freely. They must be taking some kick ass suppressors, you surmised. You were, for the lack of better words, glad they weren’t groping your body ravenously. Yet, despite their composed demeanors, glints of wolfish desires were expressed through their eyes. Their tails were rigid and raised.
“We saved you from that trafficking ring— shouldn’t you be more grateful?” Ghost earned himself an elbow pinch from Price. Ghost lowered his ears and grumbled as Gaz snickered. “Omega’s pumped full of drugs. Damnit, they’re barely alive,” Price grunted, his brows knitted— not in regards to Ghost— but at your deplorable condition. “Don’t expect much yet.”
“Soap, call in exfil, we need to go back to base. We need to get this Omega treated.” At Price’s order, Soap’s ears flicked and he soon got to work. “Don’t worry, Omega,” Price murmured, his thick fingers tracing circles on your sunken-in cheeks. He practically melted at the sigh you soughed. “You’re safe, pet.”
One half of you loved his touch, the Omega side that constantly craved the touch and comfort of an Alpha; the other half wanted to flinch back and snarl at it. You’d been touched, and not in a nice way— you didn’t want to bear that again. Yet because Price’s touch was refreshingly compassionate, the former side won.
At the hospital
When you arrived at the base, you were stirred awake by a splitting headache, an after effect of the narcotics. Your vision was bleary but you could tell that you were in an infirmary— and that you were not alone, either.
Ghost and Soap were seated on the chairs adjacent to your little mattress. Their tails were curled curled together as they waited for your awakening. When you finally announced it by clearing your throat, both of their ears shot up in attention and whipped their heads around to face you.
Soap was the first one to detach from the tail-curling and walk towards you, a gentle concern painted onto his face. “Ye feelin’ any better, Omega?” He chuckled at your reply, a tired no. His hands neared to replace the tape covering your scent glands, but then he stopped, seemingly remembering his manners. “Mind if I change ‘em? Not gonna try anything slick,” Soap asked, his icy blue eyes warming themselves for you.
“No,” you croaked. Slowly, he started to strip the tape off, clean your gland, and patch a new piece of tape on. Obviously, your scent had been carried in the air, exciting both Soap and Ghost. You knew Soap had a better nose than the rest. Soap’s pupils had dilated, making you a bit uneasy, “not gonna try anythin’,” he assured you again, smelling your distrust.
“Where’s Price and Gaz?” You questioned, hoping you remembered the name of the two Alphas right. “They’re in Mexico. With a friend; they should be back soon.” Ghost replied, rising to his feet to join Soap. They both assessed you with such focused attention— especially Ghost— making you feel like a piece of meat again. Your ears pinned themselves against your head.
Ghost’s inhaled deeply through his mouth, his breath trembling. He leaned closer towards you, his head tilting to try and whiff up any of your heady pheromones that still lingered in the air from the tape-replacing. Ghost's ears were angled towards you.
Ghost realized what he was doing and promptly gave you your space, as if to prove his salaciousness was kept under control. Or maybe he did it as an apology. "Sorry, just, you smell nice."
Soap hummed in what could be expressed as skepticism.
"Well, I think we should leave 'em to their own devices." Soap said, giving your hand a quick squeeze. He ordered for a glass of water to be delivered to your room before he left with his packmate.
You were left alone with your thoughts. You realized how much of a windfall this was. Out of hundreds of millions, you were saved. You had quite possibly the aid of God by your side. What an occurrence.
Sorry. Didn't really know how to end it, but pt2 will come out fs 😚
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valwrote · 10 months
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stressed!alhaitham who is in a stinky mood ever since nahida gave him the job of acting grand sage. ft. fem!reader aka the bootiful bean reading this.
mentions of alhaitham's granny (rip)
I chose my next victim of choice to be alhaitham regarding my impulsive ideas since I can't write a full blow fic rn. I hope there are still people who like this guy.
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"Uh oh, it is going to rain." one of the vendors muttered.
"Certaintly is. We better pack up. What idiot would want to stay in the cold rain?" Another muttered as everyone started to hurry and pack up.
Soon the pitter patter drowned out the rest of the noises.
The sky was cloudy with a hue of blueish gray bringing a solemn atmosphere with it. The gloomyness engulfed the city of Sumeru. Alhaitham sat alone on a bench, hunched up. Guess he was the idiot to sit in the rain.
He could hear people whispering, muttering to themselves at the sight of him as they walked by, holding their umbrellas. Some running towards shelter. Alhaitham paid no mind to them, he was busy with his problems.
He never imagined that he would go from having a simple job of the Scribe of the Akademiya who could relax and reject applications left and right to becoming the Acting Grand Sage.
On paper the title does seem like an important position but nobody told the reality of the job and the tsunami of paperwork that came with it. Being hunched up in an office chair and burying your face in a mountain of petty queries and complaints was enough to drive a person crazy.
"Acting Grand Sage...what a joke." He bitterly chuckled as the rain dampened his clothes more and more. All he wanted was to save his 9 to 5 job and the people of his country. He didn't expect to be appointed as the administrator of an entire nation.
He recalled Nahida trying to persuade him into agreeing to the post.
"No pressure or anything!" Nahida told the taller male. "I don't wish to force you. I just thought that you are so smart, capable and reliab-"
"Huh?" Nahida stared at him blankly. She thought that it would take a lot more buttering to get Alhaitham to agree. She didn't think it would be this easy.
"If it is what the Archon wants, I'll do it." He bowed out of respect. Nahida marveled at his gesture before smiling.
"Thank you."
Yet this job made him almost, almost, pity Azar.
Well in the heat of the moment, he said yes. Alhaitham was a rational thinker, yet this was probably the one rational decision he was regretting at the moment, amidst the cold rain. Some trivial matter always came breaking down his door.
Should he just run away? No, he couldn't bear to run away from his home. Perhaps a vacation? No, nobody was competent in his eyes to take his place. Moreover if he leaves, who will collect Kaveh's due rent? Even worse if Kaveh burns down his house in his absence! Maybe a change of pace would be nice. A small window of escape from his life of humbug.
Such worries clouded his thoughts which he snapped out of after someone touched his shoulder. "I am sorry, I don't mean to pry but are you okay? Why are you sitting in this rain?" You asked him.
"No reason." He replied curtly.
"Oh okay." You didn't feel like pushing him forward to tell you more. Most people ignored him and walked past him but for some reason you chose to stay, much to his dismay. You stood their for a brief minute before turning around to walk away only to get cut off by a sound.
That caught your attention as you turned around to see Alhaitham averted his gaze with the tips of his ears turning red from embarrassment. He wasn't a man with much words but his stomach certainly didn't stay quiet.
"Are you hungry?" "...yes."
Alhaitham wasn't the one to play pretend. He simply succumbed to his hunger. You walked back towards him and take a seat beside him. He didn't seem to object your actions and stared at you as your fingers unwrapped a packet containing pita pockets.
"Let's share! Nothing better than some pipin' hot food to lighten one's mood!" You smiled and offered him some. He could feel the warm gush of air from the steaming food hitting him the face.
They smelled nice. How long has it been since he sat down and ate a hot meal? When was the last time he cooked for himself. As a child, his grandma would always take care of him, listen to his problems and make sure he would eat his fill. His grandma's cooking was a distant memory for him. He couldn't help but feel a bit grateful.
Yet he still managed to burn his tongue. "Slow down! You don't want to singe your tongue now, do you?" You warned him as he hissed at the burning sensation. However that didn't stop him from continuing to eat. He was hungry, alright.
You both silently sat under the comfort of one umbrella. "So, bad day?" You started. "Yes." "Hm, everyone has one of those. It is okay."
He remained quiet, while chewing. He didn't talk much for someone who was a linguistic scholar. How ironical. For Alhaitham, this food tasted warm, it tasted like home. It was made with love, care and time, unlike those stale delicacies you get around cafeterias.
"Thank you. That was- nice." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"He really devoured 3/4th of it." You gaped at the box. "Have you not eaten at all?" You raised the question.
"Well, I see no reason to not share with you just a little bit..." he murmured to himself.
"No, with the amount of work- I haven't been focusing much on food." Alhaitham settled on that answer. Neither giving too much away nor upsetting the stranger infront of him.
"Well then how about I cook for you? I work at the Pushpa Cafe. You can drop by anytime for a meal." You suggested as he raised his brows.
"And make my wallet empty in less than a week? I'll pass." He sarcastically remarked. Definitely a tough nut to crack.
"No! I don't care about money. I care about feeding people. What makes a chef is passion to cook and serve others, not a capitalist mindset." You huffed in annoyance. He seemed skeptical at your statement earning a sigh from you.
"Taking help isn't bad. You gotta lean onto people sometimes! It's completely okay and normal, y'know?" You continued, trying to get him to believe you and how you were being genuine.
That sent him into deep thought. After a few minutes he spoke up, "very well. I'll take up your offer. Better than eating my roommates "food" which might poison me." He concluded as you chuckled at how nonchalant he was.
"Alright! I'll see you later or whenever you choose to drop by!" You chime and hand him the rest of the pita pockets. "Eat well. Oh! And have this" you held out the umbrella for him to take.
"But what about you?" He asked with slight worry.
"Oh my house is just down the road, if I run fast enough, I'll be fine!" You reassured him and ran away, covering yourself with your arms.
He watched you run away, the warmth of the pita pocket on his palms. Who knew a stranger with an umbrella could make the remaining part of his day just a bit better? Alhaitham couldn't help but smile a little.
People enter someone's life for one reason or the other. Alhaitham wanted to run away. No, he just wanted a vacation. Perhaps he just needed a change of pace.
This was his change of pace.
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a/n : oh my god- this is probably worse than the first draft I wrote because I accidentally deleted it- ughh. But it is okay 😤
alhaitham just needs a break lmao
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notedgyanymore · 2 years
Here's an idea that I had after making this post, just to be clear, you don't have to read my old post to understand this one.
Basically this a typical “Danny runs way to Gotham to escape from his parents and the government” but here's the twist the Fentons don't think he is a dangerous monster who killed their son, no, they think Danny is only dangerous to himself, they see his ghost self as a lifelong sickness that affects the body and the mind and the GIW pretty much thinks the same way. In fact, this started when Vlad's secret was revealed, and he got institutionalized because the court ruled that Vlad couldn't be responsible for his actions as he was influenced by a ghostly obsession, and therefore he should receive treatment instead of punishment.
Shortly thereafter the GIW created screening tests to find and help more people who suffer from similar ectoplasmic contaminations, with their test were able to detect mild curable cases that are just temporary to lifelong chronic conditions like halfas or liminals, it was in one of those tests that Danny got caught. After an evaluation, the GIW concluded that Danny was mostly just a danger to himself and since his parents were specialists in the field, it was best to leave him with them.
Since this all happened, Danny has lost most of the freedoms he once had, he is now homeschooled, has to constantly wear devices that restrict his powers, can't use his ghost form or fight to protect Amity Park, has to go to a psychologist every week and a psychiatrist every month to manage his “ghostly impulses” and gets minor “protective tasks” to safely indulge in his obsession which he knows are completely meaningless. Danny is also strictly forbidden to go outside without supervision in fear that something like a ghost attack might trigger his obsession, so now he can only hang out with Sam and Tucker in his house or talk to them on the phone likewise he is banned from entering his parents' lab not because it's dangerous mind you but because there are things there that might upset him as full ghost still have no rights and are fair game to torture in the Fenton household.
Needless to say there are plenty of reasons as to why Danny ran away from home, and yet when he first got to the city of Gotham he didn't expect to get any help much less from a vigilant who is unaware that he is also in danger of losing his freedom and autonomy but hey Jason can't say he expected to get a new brother either, so you can say that they are both lost when it comes to what the future holds.
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loser-writings · 1 year
Frieza SFW Alphabet
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Notes: First post in 3 years lets go! Decided to go to my roots and hit the old SFW ABC prompt I used years ago
Synopsis: SFW Alphabet Prompt list with my take on Lord Frieza
Word count: ~2900
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frieza is not one for affection, and you would be a fool if you had expected anything more than that honestly. Despite this, He has his moments that surprise you. His main form of affection is subtle and easily missed, especially if you let your fear and intimidation blind you.
He calls for you to join him. When he is alone and finds it too boring, or if his temper had seemingly flared just moments before, he will call for you. Most should be afraid if this is the case, but not for you, because at this point he just wants your presence to calm him or to just have a chat with. This is his form of affection and although it isn't much, it leaves him satisfied.
The more rare forms of affection appear when hes annoyed with you. If you fail a mission or fuck up, he would shoo the other staff away and claim he would be "Dealing with you" without watchers. Though you are not immune from the harsh words of the reptilian man, he is just as quick to slide something that sounds almost like a backhanded compliment. One moment he's scolding you because a mission went awry, but the next he says that he sent you on it because he expected more from you and to not let his minions drag you to their level.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
This is a slippery slope for most people, and you would likely have to remain on your toes just like every other crewmate. If you seemed to climb up the ranks or proved yourself useful, you might gain his attention. He might interact with you a little to see if you squirm under his gaze, or watch you if a fight breaks out among crewmates just to see how you handle yourself. If all goes right, then you might get the chance to be a little closer to the man.
If that chance happens, You would be one of the few to see just how paranoid that man is. Yes, he is a man who is unbelievably powerful with a strength only few could rival, and yet you would see where his true danger comes from. A paranoia that runs so deep that he is on edge all of the time despite attempting to keep a calm front. Though you'll never be able to mention that to him unless you wanted to be killed where you stood.
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It's an interesting predicament because Frieza cannot stand physical touch. He cringes, snarls at the thought, and just despises it. On the flip side, He enjoys any warmth that he can find because of his reptilian nature.
The only way he would cuddle up to you is if you were extremely warm, nobody was at risk of finding him in such a position, and he was a bit more drained than usual. He would have to initiate the touch, only being drawn in because of your heat, and he might curl up to take a nap. Any little sound would wake him though, and there is a mild risk he attacks you out of impulse but hey. For the moment it's nice.
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
No. He will not stop until he is as powerful as he can possibly be. He will not cook because he views it as peasant work, and he would only clean if he is distracting himself by doing other things. He is not a domestic man.
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E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Death probably. If you broke his trust or if he decided you were no longer useful to him, he would just get rid of you and end your life. That way he never has to worry about you betraying him or helping an enemy. It's the safest as well as an easy option in his mind.
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F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Frieza is not one to look towards marriage as a sign of love or affection. If you wanted to be married just because, he would deny it. The only way you could possibly marry Frieza is if it was in the form of a business deal. A way to benefit him through giving him something through your hand in marriage.
His father on the other hand would be thrilled to hear that he would be married, but that is truly about it.
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G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
If you break the mold and actually gain Friezas trust, you would actually be able to see that he can be gentle. The man is elegant and holds himself to a high standard. There is a beauty in knowing that your touch can demolish worlds, and yet his touch can be surprisingly delicate when he is calm.
Now when he is upset? His grip can break bones and he will tug you around if you aren't listening. His words can be cold and even cruel. He is not gentle when it comes to his speech as he has no reason to sugar coat anything.
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H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn't like hugs, but it's a similar deal with cuddling as well. He hates them and will not admit to liking them, until his face is buried in your body somewhere and hes clinging to you cause you're warm. The idea of being touched so casually makes his skin crawl but at the same time…he really likes the warmth.
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He likely wouldn't ever say it. The concept of love is something he has always been disgusting to him and has always been viewed by him as a useless weak spot. With that being said, the most I think he would say verbally is "I am fond of you" which is as close to love as that man will have.
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frieza is a possessive man who doesn't like when other people play or try to toy with things he deems as his. Because of this, he is prone to being extremely jealous. He initially takes it out on you, accusing you of being unfaithful or being promiscuous but after some time of you proving your loyalty to him, he would instead turn this attention to others and take his wrath out on them.
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K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Friezas kisses come extremely few and far between. As a man who hates physical affection, the only time you'd find him kissing you is when his heat is right on the cusp of starting. During that time, he is more likely to engage in physical touch and affections to help relieve himself during that time. Typically he would end up smashing his lips against yours before whimpering against you all while his hands grip your armor tight. The kisses almost always start harsh and a bit sloppy only to melt into something a bit more gentle and needy.
Outside of those desire filled kisses, the only other time he would let you kiss him is when hes half asleep or cuddled up to you. If you're quick enough, you could plant a little peck to his lips and he wouldn't complain.
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L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't do well with children. They don't listen, They destroy things, and they cry a lot. To him, Children are weak little annoying fleshbags of life that serve no purpose other than to annoy him.
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M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On the rare mornings where you wake up alongside him, you'll find him curled up on your chest since he craves your body heat. You'll have a hard time leaving since the reptilian man would grumble a demand that you stay for a moment since your warmth made him comfortable. After a bit of time, Frieza would wake up on his own and sit up, clearly not amused by having to be awake. That is how you discover that Frieza is not a morning person.
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N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Frieza typically are calm. He may call you to his chambers to discuss the day with you or talk about what the next day may hold, but after a while there is a chance that he would tell you to lock the door and stay for the night since he feels calmer in your presence. He might have tea made for you both so you can just relax and unwind. Rarely, itll result in Frieza cuddling into your body for warmth and falling asleep, but most nights you would both bid farewell once tea is done to rest on your own.
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frieza is a man who only lets people know what they need to about himself. He lets his reputation do the majority of the speaking for him so when it comes to genuine discoveries about him, he is slow and cautious. It would take lots of time and trust for him to reveal how he truly feels about certain things or to know him past the surface level.
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P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The man has some patience but it can be run thin quickly. He hates waiting for things when he wants it, and will make demands or be prone to having one of his meltdowns where people or things can be destroyed. Though his mood heavily determines this.
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Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Surprisingly, Frieza remembers a lot. The man listens to everything intently and would remember the little things, though he would brush it off by saying it's because he hates when people repeat themselves since it wastes his time. But the man would listen and be aware of what you said at all times.
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Though Frieza would never admit it out loud, I do think he would enjoy the very rare moments where he is cuddled into your arms just enjoying your warmth as he takes a nap. It's an oddly peaceful moment for him where he feels protected and doesn't have to be paranoid that somebody is trying to overthrow him or trying to kill him.
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S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would protect you in ways that would be subtle. He would break up fights if you were involved and were being ganged up on, he would punish those who try to slander you, and he would go out of his way to ensure your safety on his ship. That being said, he also will not interfere if it becomes too commonplace or if its a minor skirmish.
As for larger battles, he would protect you if he didn't feel threatened personally. He would have to view you as an asset at this point and losing you to some goons would set him back. In the end though, he values his own life above all else so don't rely on him to sacrifice himself for you.
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T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are something that he would not admit would happen, but there would be little moments where he would request your presence. He might pull you aside to share a meal as you both discuss things happening on the ship, or the next planet up for trade. He may request you join him as he goes to explore a new island because he trusts that you can hold your own alongside him if anything goes wrong, or that you would protect him if he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. They wouldn't exactly be high effort, but the fact he requested for you would be a lot for Frieza.
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U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is very paranoid and can be accusatory. If he notices the smallest thing is off, he will get paranoid. At first, his questions seem like they're coming from a place of curiosity as he calmly asks you why something has happened, or about the new rumor he heard on the ship. If he thinks that you are lying or are hiding something, You can prepare for him to attempt to intimidate you, but after a while of knowing him though, you realize he is doing this as a way to protect himself.
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V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is EXTREMELY vain. He takes extreme care of himself and values his appearance greatly, especially in his final "true" form since it is something few have seen. He goes out of his way to ensure that he looks both intimidating as well as beautiful.
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W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Frieza has seen so many come and go in his life so I don't believe he would feel incomplete if you were gone or had died, but I do think every now and then he would think of you and sigh a little since you did make his life a little easier when you were there. It would be small and a rare thing to have happen, but he would miss you for a moment before going back to whatever he was doing.
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X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Frieza suffers from PTSD because of the Legend of the Super Saiyan becoming true in front of him, which he knew deep down meant his inevitable downfall. This lessens as time goes on, but after his death at the hands of Goku, he could be triggered and have a PTSD episode. This usually leaves him shaking, wide eyed, and struggling to remain composed. he would be more prone to attacking impulsively in an attempt to just destroy whatever is threatening him at that moment.
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't handle secrets well as he is too paranoid for his own good. If he believes you are being secretive or sly, he might approach it one of two ways. He will rather approach you and be upfront, asking you if you are hiding anything and if there is a reason why your behavior has been off, which is his way of giving you the opportunity to be truthful with him if you are misbehaving. Or, he will send spies to subtly watch and report back to him after your every move which may eventually lead to an explosive downfall on your end.
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Frieza sleeps on his stomach. His tail might sway a little in his sleep or wrap around something, but he always has to rest on his stomach. He also tends to find really warm areas to sleep in, so don't expect to be in long clothes anytime soon if you are resting with him.
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kzpearce · 2 years
distracted. alhaitham x reader
gender neutral reader (no pronouns are used). reader has an anemo vision, and this shot is more focused at haitham's point of view.
author's note. first time posting in tumblr! i'm on my writing slump recently, so i'll be using this platform to post a one-shot that would help me bring back on my track. take note that this would be my story dump, so there wouldn't be a so much effort to proofread this :,) however! it doesn't mean that i won't make any effort writing one-shots here. so enjoy <3
everybody knew that alhaitham was not someone who will get distracted easily while he was reading his book. a person could be talking to him and annoying him (for better or worse), but he could still managed to maintain his focus on whatever book he was reading.
just what spell did you give him? how did you manage to make him stop from reading the book he was deeply interested in?
the chilling breeze touched his delicate skin, and it made his hair move gracefully from its place. his eyes hastily diverted from his book, looking for you. perhaps because of your anemo vision—there were some circumstances that whenever you're entering into the scene, you unconsciously make the wind whisper. since he was too familiar with your presence, whenever you accidentally controlled the wind, he already knew that you're nearby.
sometimes, you accidentally made the wind blow at the wrong timing for the other people. and because of this, when your presence was felt, a scholar with piles of files blew away. alhaitham watched your eyes expand, and you quickly used your vision to lift the files and hang them on the air—just to avoid these papers to make contact with the ground or the water.
“i’m deeply sorry,” you frowned. you gathered these papers and placed them on the top of the scholar’s book.
“it’s alright, you prevented them from getting wet,” she chuckled, shaking her head.
you smiled—oh archons, you had no idea how he loved seeing the sweet grin carved in your lips. he would do anything just to maintain your smile on your lips. had he ever mentioned that you looked utterly beautiful today? most likely no. this would be the first time he saw you today. and he had no guts to tell you this too.
“hi,” your smile lingered on your lips. in fact, they widened when alhaitham slightly grinned. he didn’t notice that you were already in front of him.
you sat beside him without a warning. he didn’t mind. “done with today’s work?” you asked, not breaking a contact.
“still have a pile, but i’m on my break,” he retorted. he placed his bookmark at the desired page and closed his book. alhaitham wanted his eyes and focus to be on you. you didn’t ask him to, it was his intention and his own doing.
“oh, okay,” you unhurriedly nodded, thinking about what to suggest so that you could spend more time with him. “do you… want to eat something before you continue working?”
“i’m not hungry,” he declined. your lips made a thin line, disappointed that he managed to say no so quick. he was somehow expecting you to overthink. alhaitham knew you for quite some time now, and you developed a friendship that no one (neither the two of you) were expecting.
“oh, okay then. i’ll leave you alone so that you can continue reading.” you were about to stand up, yet he grasped your wrist swiftly. your head jerked to his hand, wrapping your wrist.
he saw your breath hitched. alhaitham knew that this action caught you off guard—and to be honest, this caught him off guard too. alhaitham never expected himself to act so impulsively in front of you. on the other hand, he knew that your mind was thinking negative thoughts, thus he should and would do anything that would stop you from getting away from his presence.
he waited for a day just to see and spend time with you. and he would never let you go until he’s satisfied and ready to spend his time dealing with papers again.
“i didn’t ask you to leave,” he said. his eyes never left yours, and he managed to read something from them. it was hope. “stay.” it was more a demand and not a request.
alhaitham observed that you tried to stop your lips from smiling. your cheeks reddened as he pulled you back to your sit—not just to your sit, he pulled you close too.
his hands moved from your wrist to your hands. and he had an urge to intertwine them. you obliged, and your grin widened. “i see. perhaps with me in your presence would help you more to rest, huh?” you joked.
“yeah, it will.”
you plump cheeks were redder. and he couldn’t stop staring at them. alhaitham admired you (perhaps admired would be underwhelming for him), and he didn’t want to take his eyes away from you. he wanted to stare at you without being interrupted. perhaps some would call him a freak, yet he didn’t care. it was the least thing he care about the moment.
at this point, if someone would ask if he would rather pick the book he was deeply interested in or to spend time with you (not to mention, staring at you too), he would not hesitate to choose you.
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A bit of trope subversion
I kind of did a bit of an analysis for this scene while replying to another post, but because I love this scene and this is my info dump blog, I decided to talk about it here in more in depth.
Now, when I first watched this movie, I try to keep my expectations low. Sure, I trusted the movie would be good, but I had my doubts about so many spiders and if it was going to work, as well as I didn't like certain aspects of the tropes. Not to mention the obvious "it can live up to the legacy of the first movie?"
So, part of my kind of fatalist nature, when we first saw Gwen kind of avoiding answering Miles, as well as trying to avoid him for a moment to put some random spider clock, my biggest fear was "Oh don't tell me she is just here for something else and is using him."
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Seems silly to think that now, but can you blame me? This trope is so old a big chunk of it is dedicated to James Bonds movies; is annoying an tired in my opinion, so I was just expecting the bitter pill will past quickly.
Oh I had never anticipated, how the revelation was the opposite.
With the knowledge of the real reason revealed, we go from "please don't tell me she is using him" to "WOW, she didn't even try to look after the guy."
Let's recapitulate a little.
We learn all of this following Miles, so we don't have full confirmation or what exactly Jess and Miguel told Gwen about visiting Miles, if just seeing him is a risk or is much more than that. Regardless, we learn that 1) Gwen was suppose to catch the spot, and 2) She wasn't suppose to EVEN try to look for Miles, let alone talk.
And this colours everything back.
Most likely, Jess assigned Gwen because Miguel asked her to sent someone, and like Jess said, Gwen is her star pupil; so why not trust her with this one alone?
It doesn't escape Gwen in which dimension is this, and no idea with how much information she had of the Spot, but based on her comment of "villain of the week," she probably doesn't think much of him.
So, knowing that her mentor trusted her this, that this is a mission, and that she should keep her distance for Miles, what she does?
She opens the Portal DIRECTLY to him.
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See what I mean? She didn't even TRY.
It would had made more sense if she went first to check on the Spot and then go for Miles, or heck, maybe immobilize The Spot (leave it unconscious or something,) and then catch with Miles.
She doesn't do that, she just JUMPS directly into the portal to get to Miles.
And in the next part, you can see how much this means to her.
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At the beginning, I think the fact that she is trying to avoid saying certain things is obvious, and is part of the reason you may suspect she has something else going on. (Technically true, not just my defeatist scenario.)
However on rewatch, I think this is better because is not that Gwen is trying to lie to him, it is Gwen being too excited and happy to contain herself.
Remember, as per Miguel's orders, Miles should be as far away of their business as possible; is considered risky for Gwen to get close to him.
But Gwen once again, cannot help herself, and quickly spills as much as she is able while leaving certain key components, because even if she knows she shouldn't, she cannot help herself.
She probably has been dying to talk to him since forever, and she wanted to talk about all the amazing things she has seen to him. She doesn't want to be cruel about not coming earlier or how Miles cannot get in; she just didn't think too much before talking since again, this entire thing is Gwen going with her heart but than her head.
Which is really a big part of the reason I love it.
This is important for Gwen, this is the first community she has been able to somewhat fit since the entire fiasco with Peter; she is probably expecting to face homelessness if she goes back home, if not prison, so she doesn't want to risk her position.
Yet she is still impulsive, and despite her better judgment, she risks everything for a few hours with Miles, to the point even if putting a tracker on The Spot is barely a band-aid on this situation, she doesn't pay too much attention to him. Looking at him a couple of times at most and for what we catch later; yeah, she didn't look too much what the Spot was doing.
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The scene with them going though the city and this conversation also have their points for analysis, but on this one we will brush over.
Because again, the rest of the scene just shows further and further that Gwen basically forgets about her mission for Miles.
And the thing is that, Gwen could EASILY spin the situation if she wanted; she would say she needs help to catch the Spot, they could deal with that, she would even say an excuse to dip out and complete her mission while spending time with Miles.
Of course we don't have idea what she was thinking, or if she even considered that possibility; however we know she doesn't do go that route, what she does?
Go the the Party for Miles's dad.
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I think is not difficult to notice that the lightning has changed, and yes, it was already close to sunrise before Gwen appeared, nonetheless, how long she has been with Miles?
She even got a change of outfit (since unlike Miles, she seems to actually change clothes rather than having most of her suit below her daily clothing.) Which makes me wonder how prepared she came before coming here, or rather, for what exactly she was preparing for?
On the first viewing, they spending time together is normal, it almost feels unfair with how little they get to be in a way.
In reality? Gwen stole too much time, so much she missed the fact that The Spot did an entire mini Collider to boost himself away. She deadass wasn't looking at the tracker.
This is the type of stuff that feels almost as if she isn't considering things from the other side (not paying mind to Miles being grounded, living abruptly, etc,) when in reality, this moment paints to which degree Gwen wanted this.
She wanted to see Miles so badly she didn't even try to pretend the mission was her priority, and refused to leave Miles so badly she run out of time; probably because she was having such a good time she didn't want it to end.
They are in love your honor.
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
Buwan Brainrot dump: How I personally headcanon Leo to take the "it's not about you" line
note: again, personal headcanon, I'm info-dumping, and I'm projecting so hard
So, Rise of theTMNT Leonardo "I'm nothing without them" Hamato.
The simplest way I can describe this boy is: "It's either 0 or 200, no in-between lmao" (Spoiler alert: no, there are so many in-betweens)
Throughout the series and the movie: I believe Leo does have confidence and genuine belief in his own abilities, but has deep insecurities and feelings of inadequacy when doesn't fulfill those self-expectations.
He tends to put himself on the offense, putting himself at the danger head-on. He thinks that he can do things on his own, more so— that he should be able to do things on his own— So when he either doesn't or he really just can't, it itches at that insecurity. Sometimes that acts as a drive.
He's strategic and analytic, but he can still be impulsive.
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I don't think Leo hates himself, but I don't think he necessarily likes himself either. He sees the value in himself, but he doesn't feel high value in himself. Regardless of the scenerio, his mindset is:
He has to do good
I feel like Leo was getting more assurance of his place with the rest of his team. His siblings. But then, he became leader. That kind of complicated things.
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I do think, as a 16 year old who just went through one of the worst "wake-up calls" he could've ever gone through, that phrase may have settled in a skewed version of its original message.
"It's not about you" is a very vague phrase. Yet, it's most likely to mean:
It's more than what you provide on an individual level
This situation is more than just a test of your value
You are part of a team and "leader" doesn't change that
It's about all of us
You don't have to do this alone.
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I think he understood part of that for sure.
However, "It's not about you" especially after learning that a mistake you made butterfly-effected its way to the lives of everyone you care about dying? The whole world? Innocents? After seeing what happened to Raph, after CJ's confrontation, after getting trapped by Kraang, after fighting Kraangified Raph, after the Kraang took away their ninpō in a snap—
Some people may take the original message in its entirety. But some won't.
When I was Leo's age in the movie (not that long ago mind you— I'm only 19!), I definitely wouldn't have. Because for some reason, some brains really like doing that.
I would
Leo's mind could interpret it as
"I do not matter and I nothing I do should be for the sake of me. Got it! :)"
Anyways, again, that's just my headcanon. Might be OOC. I'm gonna actually sleep because I didn't last night. BYYYYYEEEEE
This was sparked by my brother who sent an anon and I just decided to make it a separate post
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thesunfyre4446 · 10 months
OMG I cannot take this anymore, I’m so tired of expressing my opinions on team black and getting backlash for it. TB supporters need to learn to not be so aggressive when it comes to defending their “Innocent” team. I’m not a green supporter either but I find myself sympathising more with those characters because I feel like they have reasons as to why they are what they are.
When I’m watching the show, I find myself disliking Rhaenyra. She constantly complains about being a female but yet she never does a thing to support her cause. In the books, I’ve heard she disinherits Lady Rosby and Lady Stokesworth on account of their genders and gives everything to their younger brothers. I did read the passage on which it says this and it was said that both girls were never named heir but they were the firstborn and is it not Rhaenyra’s movement to show that women can rule?
Back to her not doing anything about it, she does things, not a lot but the stuff she does do is extremely damaging to her image yet she still acts on them impulsively; Going to the street of silk with Daemon which leads to her marriage with laenor WHICH leads to her bastard children. Had she just not gone and not interacted with Daemon, she could have picked what man she got to marry, it didn’t necessarily have to be love but she could of picked one that could perform their duty and she could be friendly with. She could have done this because her father was allowing her to pick which was rare in those days and just further proves that Visery’s would ignore the customs for her.
I truly do agree with Viserys when he mentions that Jeaharys would have disinherited her and I don’t think Rhaenyra realises how lucky she is to have him as a father. She abandoned him for 6 years, knowing he was dying of an illness and only comes back to beg him to get out his bed and put himself in pain to defend her which he does because he loves her. Adding onto this, Rhaenyra expects to come back to kings landing and everyone to just follow her just because she was named heir, she didn’t stay there to prove her worth or anything. She left it for the greens to manipulate and take over and she is mad that she has no allies there when she’s the one the went into hiding. She’s been named heir for around 20 years at this point, most of the men that swore to her are dead and like they said in the show, most of those oaths are stale now.
The greens are definitely more politically savvy than the blacks which is how they gained so much support, had Rhaenyra stayed in the court and worked on making allies and proving her worth to the realm then maybe the Dance wouldn’t have started. Her hiding away in dragon stone also definitely helped the greens to take the throne because had she been in kings landing then she could have known straight away that her father was dead and the greens would have had a harder time getting the throne, but she left it open for the taking and gets mad when it is taken.
Forgive me for all this, I’m just so incredibly annoyed right now.
i completely agree with you, anon. some TB stans are just impossible to talk too. i usually love it when people with different opinions that mine leave comments on my posts, but i've gotten soooo many disgusting and disturbing messages calling me names, being racist, being incredible misogynistic towards alicent and just being very weird and aggressive.
idk it's very weird how personally TB stans take the criticism towards rhaenyra and daemyra. i mean, daemon gr00med and choked her - a lot of people are obvs NOT going to support this couple and find it very problematic.
i'm not a huge rhaenyra fan too . her character is kinda boring for me, she's giving me an overprivileged-rich-soccer-mom vibes. and yeah she def was not politically savvy (part of the reason i dislike her lol) and made a lot of mistakes. i think that rhaenyra is def a product of viserys's bad parenting skills. he never prepared her to rule, always justified and defended her mistakes (i mean, how are you going to grow as a person when your daddy defends everything you do no matter what?) and he gave her a false sense of security.
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
X-Files Attachment Styles: An Avoidance Shared by Two
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Was reading this beautiful post and had some thoughts.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~
In light of the Attachment styles posited by @agent-troi, it makes sense why Scully and Mulder developed their unspoken so early on.
If Mulder is Anxious-Avoidant, then it makes sense why he sidesteps voicing his needs and especially his wants, fearing rejection from his support system (parents, girlfriends, friends, partners, etc.)
If Scully is Secure-Avoidant, then it makes sense why she is able to balance a strong sense of self with the need for reciprocal affection and an inability to show her "weakness" or reliance on another person.
But because she's an intelligent woman, Scully would've realized Mulder communicates more efficiently with his hands and eye contact than with his words. Physical touch doesn't seem to be a problem from as early on as the Pilot; but keeping close proximity to her partner in strained moments that crack her "strength" is more of a challenge (ex. Irresistible, Memento Mori, Elegy, A Christmas Carol, Emily, etc.)
Despite Mulder being her priority since Tooms, it took Scully seven years to resolve her avoidant issues, making peace with her ability to pick the right choice (a fear stemming back to the rabbit she'd rescued and accidentally killed) and truly embracing life for what it was.
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And because he's an intelligent man, Mulder would've realized Scully needs to hear reciprocal affection from time to time (or else, like you said, she jumps to Never Again and FTF and All Things conclusions.) Most of his compliments early on were spoken to the wind (E.B.E.'s "I think it's remotely plausible someone might think you're hot") or to other people (Irresistible's "pretty woman" and Syzygy's "rigid in a wonderful way", etc.) Never Again was the shakeup that caused Mulder to start making more advances towards Scully (as opposed to Home's rapid withdrawal when she angled his banter more seriously) progressing from "I knew you would tell me if I was making a mistake" to "You're my one in five billion" to "You kept me honest, made me a whole person" to, finally, "You are my constant, my touchstone."
Despite Scully being his priority since One Breath, it took Mulder four years to realize he could lose Scully and begin to dig deep and work hard to prove that he not only wanted but needed her. The real change happened over six years in-- "another life, another world"-- and culminated in an act of impulsive courage that led to their no-excuses-left-to-give kiss in Millennium.
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(And isn't it interesting that both of their psychological pivots happened after getting a glimpse of what their life "could have been", i.e. Amor Fati and All Things respectively?)
Lastly, I think both of them recognized the Avoidant nature of the other: Scully had patience when Mulder ran off to the next big mystery instead of wanting a "normal" life with her (The Jersey Devil, bits in War of the Coprophages, Quagmire, Home, Detour, Dreamland, Arcadia, etc.); and Mulder didn't expect but learned to understand whenever Scully pushed him out of her personal walls (the slow build from Beyond the Sea to Never Again, Leonard Betts, Memento Mori, Elegy, Gethsemane, Emily, etc.)
(Sidenote: This dynamic would be yet another layer to their behavior in Never Again: Scully needed affirmation; but Mulder, having never seen or expected this side from her, thought she was gearing up to abandon him. By the end it's all cleared up... but neither is content with their separate but parallel awakenings-- my thoughts on the script here, in-depth meta here, and in-depth Typing post here.)
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Not much at this point, but I think the confident takeaway would be that-- really-- Mulder and Scully grew into their own with each other.
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Thanks for reading~
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
BL - Currently Watching
7 Days Before Valentine [11/12] - Unlike some other shows, this one is actually getting better towards the end. I appreciate that Sunshine did some self reflection and became a better human being and I really enjoy the visuals here. Also, 7 days before valentine we will watch the finale, so that's neat.
Cherry Magic Th [7/12]– I like what the thai version is doing with the source material, I think they are being really smart and I'm so happy I got to watch the shopping date and the helicopter ride that were missing from the japanese live action.
Cherry Magic Anime [4/12]– I'm enjoying all the parallels way too much. Part of me wishes that it had stayed closer to the manga but since I get that also from Thailand, I can't complain.
Cooking Crush [9/12]– My expectations weren’t as low as maybe other people because I'm a OffGun fan but I am enjoying this show way more than I thought. It’s so refreshing to see good communication and well rounded characters that are given the space to work stuff out and be honest with each other. I feel for Samsee, cause, been there.
Dead Friend Forever [6/12]– this show continues to surprise me every week. I’m a big horror and slasher fan so for the premise alone I was gonna watch it. But I’m liking the way they chose to structure this story, moving from the slasher bit to the past at that moment was really smart. The visuals are so strong in this and I’m enjoying the communal murdering impulses towards the original friend group.
Ossan's Love Returns [3/12] - It’s chaos but the kind that only Japan can get away with for me. That season opener alone would’ve made me stop watching if it wasn’t for that. But the thing about these characters for me is that they get to be this ridiculous because it’s all grounded in such heart and kindness towards each other. It's a balancing act that only Japan can deliver at this level.
Playboyy [10/14] – I applaud the effort to make something new and out of the bl box, I think the show is trying to talk about interesting things and there are moments where the visuals are very strong. However, the acting is the weakest part of the whole thing and so I cannot connect to the characters, which leaves the whole experience kinda empty for me.
Although I Love You, and You? [3/10]- Japan my beloved. What’s there to say? Sakae is my new favourite boy and I’m really enjoying these two bridging the gap in their personalities.
The Sign [10/12]– Phaya and Tharn are delightful. Yai is the bestest boy ever. But there’s too many loose threads considering we only have 2 episodes left. There’s still to much going on and the investigation part of it just seems too disconnected for me to care. I really hope they're not counting on a special or a second season to wrap this up.
BL - Finished
Last Twilight – No need to repeat myself. here and here
Love for Love's Sake - What a wonderful surprise this was. Yeo Woon is one of the most adorable characters of all time and I seriously cannot handle it. From the beginning there was always a cloud over the whole story and I think in the end it all came together really well, to give us a happy ending that feels earned. Also really appreciated the way the story dealt with the triangle. Most of the time I hate them with a passion so I was really happy that Sang Won didn't just disappear and stayed in the group and kept teasing Yeo Woon. And now I'm just suppose to move on?
Night Dream – I liked the beginning a lot, but, as it’s becoming increasingly frequent, it dipped as it approached the end and although I liked how it finished I wasn’t a fan of the path to get there. Time skip once again not used well.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun - I have not seen the finale yet but I didn't want to wait so I might update this post when I watch it. However, Toki is my favourite boy, and I just want him to be happy.
VIP Only – Cute but ultimately forgettable.
Rose Watches OJBL
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So this month I started my journey into older jbl stuff in order to have a bigger understanding of the landscape and what came before. With the help of the amazing @twig-tea I've started this journey with 2 films: Ai no Kotodama (2008) - Such a wonderful way to start this adventure. Really enjoyed this film. Without spoiling it, I understand that the beginning of the film might turn some people off of it but I think it's actually really smart and purposeful. I would definitely recommend it.
No Touching At All (2014) - Also really enjoyed this one. The direction is really interesting I thought. I feel it's all very intentional and it reflects very well the characters state of mind.
And because Cherry Magic opened the anime gates I also watched:
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Given (2019) - This is SO GOOD. This show rewired my brain. Just now I was listening to THE SONG and I got emotional again. Every once in a while I enter this mindset where I feel like nothing that I watch can surprise me anymore. Then I watched this show. My thoughts after watching can be found here.
Not BL - Watched this month
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The Killing Vote Taxi Driver 2 Vigilante Fermat no Ryori
Well, that's it I guess. Now I have to go and make some Love for Love's Sake gifs because I just can't move on and need to live there a little longer. Speaking of gifs, I'm always happy to take gif requests so let me know.
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turbulentscrawl · 11 months
Identity(V) Headcanons: Luca Balsa
Next up!
Again, I am new to the IDV fandom, and I have never played the game, so these headcanons are informed by my ongoing lore dives sourcing the wiki, japanese twitter responses, comics, stageplay, and more! Some of these may relate to or even contradict character backstory, and some of them are just pure vibes for me. If you like it, consider shooting a request ;)
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-So to start, I personally headcanon that Luca initiated the fight that led to the electrical accident. He’s always been hot-headed and impulsive, especially in regard to the source of his pride. I don’t think he intended for the confrontation with Alva to end anywhere near the way it did, but I do think he felt a good shove or two were well-warranted when he found out "his" ideas were being stolen. It’s when Alva fought back a little too viciously that the accident happened—and it well and truly was an accident. Not that it matters much when the only survivor doesn’t remember the event at all.
-He has headaches regularly, and terrible migraines at least once a week. He’s yet to find a way to relieve the migraines and, even worse, they are typically followed by an episode of more intense amnesia. Under normal circumstances, Luca’s memory problems are manageable. He doesn’t remember the accident, and there are massive blackouts in the memories beyond it, but on the average day he only struggles with small details of more recent events. During these post-migraine episodes, though, he completely loses all context for where he is, what he is doing, and who the people around him are. Most of the time, the important bits come back…but not always.
-Forgotten memories are also sometimes sporadically triggered by something mundane. A word, a texture, a sound, and suddenly he’s frozen stock-still in the face of a one-person cinematic viewing. By the time he turns to tell someone about it, though, the memory is gone again.
-To try to combat these issues, Luca keeps notebooks stashed everywhere. He writes down anything that might be important, as well as anything sentimental. The obvious issue with this, however, is that he doesn’t always remember where he keeps these notebooks.
-Despite his memory problems, his personality is largely in-tact. He maintains a lot of gentlemanly mannerisms and is cordial, if not outright friendly, to just about everyone he meets. Generally, he’s only “rude” in the sense that his attention tends to shift very abruptly.
-He’s the sort of person who appreciates variety. In people, food, scenery, just about everything. Part of why he gets along with so many people is because he can genuinely appreciate all manner of skillsets and hobbies. Likewise, to be a friend to him you only need to show appreciation for his work; understanding is not a requirement.
-It’s canon that he dislikes noise, but enjoys music. These might seem like clashing sentiments, but what it really comes down to is expected noise. Music can be relaxing, inspiring, rush-inducing! It holds your mind’s hand and hurries it along its thoughtful way. JUST noise is…chaotic, distracting, and sometimes startling. Plus, Luca likes being able to hum along while he works.
-It’s common to be static-zapped if you touch him. Long-term contact can even cause your hair to start standing on end. Unfortunately, it isn’t something he can control, so just be prepared to deal with it.
-The best Love Language to give Luca is Quality Time. He can honestly work with pretty much all of them, but Quality Time checks multiple boxes—especially if you’re good with parallel play. For one, he gets so busy with his work that it sometimes makes him feel guilty for neglecting the people he cares about. If you’re comfortable just hanging around his space, doing your own thing while he does his, it’s easier for him to check in with you between the erratic come-and-go of his thoughts. Those small bits of time add up, and he feels much better about his workaholic nature. Second, the more you permeate his memory, the less likely he feels he is to forget you. One of the few things he doesn’t struggle to remember is himself, his own name, and if you’re always there maybe it’ll be the same for you.
-He has trouble balancing his priorities. He often foregoes food, sleep, hygiene, and even his loved ones in favor of working on his invention. Sometimes he’s so absorbed in it that he doesn’t even understand the weight of hurtful decisions, but even when he does, he’d find it difficult to change.
-It’s also never impossible for the emotions that caused the accident to rear their head again. If someone were ever to intentionally sabotage Luca’s work or unapologetically steal his ideas, he may very well lash out with violence. Even if it were an accident, there’s no guarantee he wouldn’t be enraged.
-Luca has no idea what he’d do with himself if he ever did finish his invention. The guilt he feels for what may-have-happened is confused and warped, and he keeps it buried beneath his weighty obsession with the one thing he’s never forgotten…but if it were ever to be out of the way, Luca might be consumed by darkness.
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wassupmygays · 9 months
ummm hello I would like way more about hunger games au pls I'll take anything wheres Jimmy where's Tango wheres Scar from I will take whatever you give me I will go feral over this thank you
!!!! ok first off i just wanna say u made my day with this ask im so excited that other people r excited abt this and want to hear my explosions (also i definitely want to make individual profile posts for each tribute so this will be. sparknotes of what i have thought up so far :D) Tango - i have tango in district 3, along with mumbo. district 3 is the technology district, and with mumbos redstone contraptions and tango's decked out programming, it felt very obvious placements to me :] i dont think they were very close at all before the games. not in a bad way, just they didn't cross eachothers paths all that much (subject to change but in life series canon theyre never on the same team iirc). theyre cordial in the proceedings before the games but dont train together or plan to team up. tango, skizz, and bigb eventually ally together during the training days before the games! (aka heart foundation) Jimmy - jimmy and scar are actually from the same district, district 11! 11 is the agriculture district, and to place jimmy in this district i pulled from his ranchers and empires sheriff vibes if that makes sense. i also just know that 11 is one of the poorest districts and doesn't usually do well in the games, and we all know jimmy in these games. (i considered jimmy in 12 bc of the canary thing, but skizz and impulse r from there and i figured putting him somewhere else is fun too!) scar - as said above, scar is from district 11! i don't think he is expected to do super well in the games from the reaping, but during interviews its clear that he has the charisma to get some sponsors. i honestly haven't thought up all that much for scar yet but dw i will (he literally wins. how could i ignore him) fun fact! scar and jimmy were going to kind of team together, but during the first day of training, scott (career tribute) makes some joke to gem about how they wouldnt stand a chance if they teamed together bc of their district. jimmy let this get in his head and decided to split from scar, causing both of them to be loners at the start of the games. jimmy eventually finds martyn during the games and they ally bc of reasons (that i can get into if we want to), but scar stays relatively alone honestly most of these tributes and their district placements are pretty set in my mind, except for martyn, cleo, and bigb, who i still can't figure out where to put (if anyone has suggestions pls send them lmao). ive got some bits and plot points from the series already worked out into a hunger games universe, but a lot of it i dont! if theres any specific part of the series anyone wants to ask about, please do!! i work best when someone tells me what to brainstorm on lmao. anyways lol hope yall r liking this! i dont have any clue if it will gain any traction, but i've been thinking abt this au so much since the finale and i wanted to try and share it and talk about it with people :D pls send comments or asks abt any of it if you want to !!!
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davinashifts333 · 10 months
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⚫️summary; this shall be what i believe my first post for ATEEZ my loves in honor of the final EP. of “The World” albums! Here is some seriously much needed and thought about Sannie Boi headcanons i have for you all. mucho love, STREAM CRAZY FORM! also reader is also famous so not a nonidol au or whatever, we ALL famous here bitch. STRESM CRAZY FORM!
⚠️warnings; iNsAnE fLuFf, some smutty topics, swearing, San, because he is too beautiful for us to handle, etc.
-Dating THE insanely talented, superbly gifted, (insert Lady Gaga meme) astonishing, loving & handsome Choi “TINY MOUNTAIN” San is something you never expected.
-he is super flirty when you first meet at some random awards show/dinner & a bit tipsy at this point but once HongJoong exchanges numbers with you, you expect to hear from him soon.
-ironically, or maybe not, you hear from San first & it’s basically him apologizing for being too forward & making you feel uncomfortable or anything to which you giggle at & accept his apology but also admit, you found it cute.
-he offers to take you out for coffee, ramen or whatever you like to get to know each other better & you agree.
-after coffee you guys walk around & just click so easily that time flies by. laughing & vibing, you end up walking to a near by convenience store & notice your similar yet completely different taste in snacks. one sweet, one salty, one nostalgic & a drink.
-taking the snacks, you go to the han river, suns down, people are out at street markets, etc.
-he begins asking more about you, the deeper shit & you feel so safe & comfortable that you do the same.
-complimenting one another on your respective areas of work & realizing you both are fans of one another.
-he can’t keep his eyes OR hands off of you, with consent of course, he is so shy & different from the one stage demonic talent he is that you find it endearing.
-his nervous little tics make you smile the same way yours make him find you even more adorable, if possible.
-he asks so many questions & ends up giving you his sweatshirt because it’s a bit chilly.
-loves your smile & how open you are about your life, career, passions & everything but mainly loves how great of a listener you are.
-apologizes for rambling but you quickly tell him to continue, that you like listening to him talk & he simply grabs your hand & continues with a huge goofy smile on his face.
-rants about the other band mates & tells you about everything he dreams of with them.
-you guys eventually end up lying on the ground next to a gorgeous tree & the conversation slowly gets deeper.
-he sheepishly admits he’s had a crush on your for a while but rever knew if he would meet you & how embarrassed he was when HongJoong & Mingi exposed his drunken antics.
-you giggle at how he described his mindset in that moment as “I needed to impress you but I ended up not even remembering the photo we took, which is now my screensaver.”
-mah boi id CRUSHING MAD HARD. but! when you admit he was your crush wayyy before you even became famous, he loses it.
-you show him the photo card you have of him from an impulse buy of their latest album & he smiles even bigger, if possible (most likely not, his cheeks were sore the next day from how hard he was cheesin).
-if you’re a musician as well he asks you what your inspirations are & what your concepts are leading towards (if you work in something else he asks questions to learn more about it a.e. you.)
-he walks you back to your apartment after realizing it’s damn near 2am & you guys left like at 6-7pm.
-“i’m so sorry i took up most of your day off, i bet you have to be up early tomorrow. get some rest.” he mumbles & you giggle, kissing his cheek after giving him a tight hug.
-“i can actually wake up whenever i please tomorrow but, your schedule is probably packed so maybe you should get going. i had a great time & hope we could do this again?” you question batting your eyes at him, flirting just to see those adorable cheeks pink up again & he simply nods excitedly hugging you tighter, placing a little kiss to your cheek in return.
-your both so engulfed in the moment that you take your time letting go but, when you both pull away from the hug he gives you a cute little bow & holds your door for you before heading back to spill to his dorm mates.
-he texts you as soon as he walks through the door to his room & you guys end up making lunch plans for the following day.
-from that day on you guys are together as much as you can be due to your busy schedules.
-the other ATEEZ boys love you entirely & gush about how awesome you are & how humble & giving but mainly talented & beautiful you are.
-they tell you all about Sannie’s crush & how he always kept tabs on what you were up to but lose it when you admit he was also your crush.
-they all cackle & torment you jokingly after seeing the photo card in the back of your phone case.
-you practically become their baby sister & end up at the dorms whenever you have time off.
-movie nights with OT8 are a must once or even twice a week.
-your first kiss is after the first official date aka the 2nd time you guys hang out.
-he is so gentle with you & so affectionate that you genuinely think you’re going to explode from how attracted you are to one another.
-Sannie officially asks you to be his girlfriend after a month of being so absolutely head over heels.
-the emotional & physical attraction just grows from there. you guys become practically inseparable.
-fans begin to see you guys together more & more & your fans absolutely love it knowing that he was your crush for a while.
-ATINY however, are like fina-FUCKING-lly because they always saw him name you as his ideal type or even give hints that he was a fan of yours on lives.
-your fan bases are so supportive & loving of your guys’ relationship & do their absolute best to block out the haters (which are there but your fans are better)
-Sannie buys you plushies & gives you his sweatshirts all the time.
-you buy HIM plushies & new sweatshirts for you to steal back later all the time.
-he is 10000000% an ass & thighs man so he has hands on you 24/7.
-is very emotionally & physically affectionate but, so understanding & caring that you genuinely feel like your in the worlds healthiest relationship.
-even when you guys argue (which is usually over stupid shit) you settle it & fix it in MINUTES because he simply cannot imagine life without you now that he has you.
-Wooyoung & Mingi are your children. always with you guys & join you & Sannie for breakfast, lunch & dinner all the time.
-Sannie takes you to meet his family & visit his hometown of Namhae about 3 months in & you click with his mom so well.
-Byeol becomes yours because she does not leave your side whenever you’re around. San admits he had to print out a picture of you so she could stop meowing in the middle of the night from how much she missed you.
-he buys you a Shiber Jr. & says that he must travel with you everywhere so you can have a piece of him like he has Shiber Sr. (yes he chose to add the Jr. & Sr. for specification during convos about said plushies).
-to end part 1 (because i’m at work & have an hour left & am so exhausted i might pass out) Sannie is PEAK boyfriend material.
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steevbuckk · 1 year
some short fics that i love 🥰
Brooklyn by @toli-a
[Post Avengers, 8 749 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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Sexiest Man... Alive? by @otp-holic
[Post Endgame, 2 473 words, General Audiences]
Steve has been away from the public eye for three years, and he decides to come back to be named Sexiest Man Alive.
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Infinity by @andrea1717
[Post TWS, 1 258 words, General Audiences]
Bucky and Steve spend a very special new year's eve together.
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maybe bi guy by @yetanotherobsessivereader
[Wrong number AU, 3 338 words, Mature]
Steve: i saw that guy again. i think i’m not as straight as i thought i was
Unknown number: i hate to tell you this but you got the wrong number pal. but hey, i’m bi. i’ve been there. i can talk you through it if you want
Or Steve embarks on a journey of self-discovery assisted by a helpful stranger who likes to make really bad puns
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Cat Calls by @cable-knit-sweater
[Shrunkyclunks, 4 819 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
When veterinarian Bucky gives Steve his personal number, he’s pretty sure he’s obvious enough in what he wants him to use it for. But Steve doesn’t call to ask him out for a drink, or dinner. No, when he ends up calling Bucky late at night, it’s not even for a booty call. It’s because of his newly adopted cat. And he continues to call Bucky about his cat. Until eventually…
“Just uhm, doing my job,” he says, waving away the compliment. “So, do we have a name yet?”
“Yeah she sure fuckin is,” Bucky chuckles.
Steve smirks back at him. “No, her name, I named her Cat.”
Bucky stares at him in disbelief, looking for a sign that it’s a joke. It’s not. He named his cat Cat . He’s not sure if that makes him more or less attracted to Steve. Still, he won’t stand for it.
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#BeProud by @iamnelvenqueen
[Coming out, 9 021 words, Explicit]
To say that Steve had thought about it would have been a lie. It wasn’t an impulse decision either, but it had just occurred to him in the heat of the moment a couple of days before.
He looked back over his shoulder at the sleeping body in his bed, incapable of preventing himself from smiling as he took in his lover’s open mouth and soft snores.
Yes, he was sure of himself. Even if he hadn’t thought about it for more than a few hours at most, he wasn’t about to take back his decision.
In which Steve Rogers decides to casually come out on Twitter on a sunny Sunday morning.
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getting off (on a technicality) by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)
[Modern AU, 4 510 words, Explicit]
Steve looks exactly like his dating profile had advertised, with one glaring exception—the sheer size of him.
Apparently mass doesn’t translate to the small screen, because instead of getting your average beach muscle gym-bro like Bucky had been expecting, he’d instead been met with what has to be 200lbs of build-you-a-house, carry-you-up-a-mountain, wrestle-a-bear-and-win whole ass man, and it’s short circuiting Bucky’s delicate brain.
And he’s not hiding it particularly well, if the way Steve’s smirking at him when Bucky pulls himself together enough to actually look at his face is anything to go by.
In which Bucky most resolutely, definitively, uncompromisingly does not fuck on the first date…
…until he meets Steve.
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more fics
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bi-bard · 6 months
Original Characters Masterlist [Vol.2]
This masterlist feels both sudden yet incredibly expected. Over the years, I have created original characters (OCs) for a variety of fandoms. I adore them all, but many of them were not made with the intention of being more than a one-off story. That led to some stories that I am simply not as proud of as I would like to be. Also, they were written when I was a coward and was terrified of changing known canon. Now that I am much more comfortable doing that, I want to make something that I can feel much prouder of.
This will serve as a new beginning for many of my OCs and as the new official masterlist for all of the stories in those current timelines.
I have remade an OC before. I am not remaking all of them. This is merely a way for me to keep moving forward and not get stuck in one spot.
The remade OCs are the Hannibal OC, the Criminal Minds OC, and the Supernatural OC.
The other OCs will be left as they are, though I have done a lot of work behind the scenes in order to get those characters to flow much better than they did before.
I hope you all enjoy these stories!
If you want to read the original stories for the remade OCs, click here.
If you want to go to the main navigation guide, click here.
Special Note: Some stories feature other original characters outside of the reader. I utilize face claims for such characters as to have physical descriptions to separate them throughout the stories. No such face claims are used for the reader (main oc).
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Criminal Minds OC - Spencer Reid X Gideon!Reader
When Jason decided to take in a newly orphaned child after a particularly rough case, people had many thoughts. Some called it kind, some impulsive, some even called it fate. More begin using that last term when (Y/n) and Jason begin working alongside each other.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
Season 9:
Season 10:
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
Season 14:
Season 15:
Season 16 [Reboot]:
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Criminal Minds/Supernatural Crossover OC - Emily Prentiss X Winchester!Reader
Changing your name and running away doesn't always free you from your past. (Y/n)'s past rears its head just as they're making a name for themself. (Y/n), their brothers, and their team learn a very important lesson: "monster" can be both literal and figurative.
Season 1:
Reunion [ep. 1 - Supernatural]
The Moment Spencer Reid Became My Best Friend
Season 2:
Tragedy in a Pair [ep. 1 - both]
Revelations [ep. 14 & 15 - Criminal Minds]
Season 3:
Season 4:
Season 5:
If the World Was Ending... [ep. 22 - Supernatural]
Season 6:
Season 7:
Just Between Us, Did the Love Affair Maim You Too? [ep. 2 - Criminal Minds]
Rebuilding [ep. 23 & 24 - Criminal Minds]
Season 8:
Season 9:
I Didn't Mean To
Season 10:
The Retreat [ep. 8 - Supernatural]
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
For Those Who Don't Know Who I Am [ep. 15 - Criminal Minds]
Season 14:
Season 15:
Season 16 [Criminal Minds Only]:
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Doctor Who OC - The Doctor X Timelord!Reader
(Y/n) spent most of their early life as nothing more than a weapon. Continuously called the Savior by the Time Lords training them, (Y/n) knew all too well about the weight sitting on their shoulders. However, when Time War comes and (Y/n) fails their very purpose, they have two choices: hide away from the universe forever or travel the universe and help as many people as possible.
Other Important Original Characters
The Savior Fails
Series 1:
Plastic Promises [ep. 1]
Familiar Foes [ep. 6]
Special: Reckless [2005 Christmas Special]
Series 2:
Series 3:
A Normal Life [ep. 8 & 9]
Series 4:
Series 5:
Series 6:
Series 7:
Clever Boy [ep. 1]
Series 8:
Series 9:
Series 10:
Series 11:
Series 12:
Series 13:
60th Anniversary Specials:
Season 1:
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Hannibal OC - Hannibal Lecter X Reader [Sunshine Character Trope]
(Y/n) had been sheltered for quite some time. When they finally get a chance to see the world around them, they did not know how vulnerable they truly were. If they had, maybe they would have turned away from the first man to show them affection.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
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House MD OC - James Wilson X House's Sibling!Reader
If you were to ask anyone at Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital how the House siblings ended up working at the same place, then there would rarely be a straight answer. It went without question that it wasn't because Greg had put a good word in. And in the end, maybe it didn't matter how they both got there. All that mattered was that they both stayed there... and didn't end up killing each other.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Misdiagnosis [ep. 9]
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
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The Last of Us OC - Joel Miller X Reader
(Y/n) and Joel had never meant to cross paths. However, when (Y/n) and Tess meet, Tess's protective side rears its head and forces the two together. Ellie's presence pushes Joel and (Y/n) together in a very different way.
Season 1:
Changes [Episode 4 & 6]
Those Three Months [Between Episodes 5 & 6]
Something Good [Between Episode 6 & 7]
God’s Plan [Episode 8]
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Shadow & Bone OC - Kaz Brekker X Sun Summoner!Reader
Ketterdam had been the closest thing to home that (Y/n) had known. With that home came the Crows, the closest thing that (Y/n) had ever known to a family. When their secret is exposed in order to protect their family, it's all stolen from them. Now, (Y/n) needs to find a way to tear down the Fold and get home to the people they care about.
The Easiest Way to Steal a Man’s Wallet is to Tell Him You’re Going to Steal His Watch
No Saint Ever Watched Over Me
Season 1:
They Tell Each Other Who to Look After and Who to Watch Out For
When They Took Everything from You, You Found a Way to Make Something from Nothing
You're the First Glimmer of Hope I've Had in a Long Time
Season 2:
Stay till the End... And After, And Always
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Supernatural OC - Winchester Brothers & Adopted!Cambion!Reader
The Winchester brothers find themselves caring for a being far more powerful than they had ever known. In a story of about the constant battle between good and evil, the question of nature versus nurture is taken on in the most extreme of examples.
Other Important Original Characters
Season 4:
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
Season 9:
Season 10:
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
Season 14:
Season 15:
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