cherryblogss · 1 month
Ce sabe qual eh a altura dos meninos? To smp querendo sabed p comparar com a minha (tenho 154
vc nanica ve o mundo na visão de formigas mds mas tbm sou uma mulher parte da sylvanian family🫂 eu tenho 157 entao entendo mais ou menos😔☝🏻
segundo minhas pesquisas temos que:
Kuku: 181 cm
Fran: 183 cm
Felipe: 185 cm - uma fonte dizia que era 190 mas nao acho que seja verdade deixo pra reflexões esse video aq😛
Della corte: 178 cm🤔 - ta em uma pagina do time de rugby dele e pesa 93 quilos aguentam?
Pardella: 173-175 cm
Ezno: disk 176 cm🤫 - vi um dizendo q era 182 kkkkkkk sai da internet vô enzo esse video aq engraçado demais pqp
Blas: aproximadamente 192 cm😨 (um tiktok dizia q era 198 e eu acredito hein, mas a frequência foi entre 190~192)
Matias: aproximadamente 168 cm
do Fernando não consegui achar :( mas acredito que seja uns 180 cm já que ele é quase da mesma altura do kuku (Rafa a msm coisa)
Simon nao achei tbm mas ele e o Felipe são quase do mesmo tamanho então acredito que seja por volta dos 180 cm (o tamanho do homi aq mds)
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timdrakesbussy · 9 months
My SDV height + age hcs
(Quick note: I am a short girl, like not even 160 cm (5’3) so my perception of tall people may be different from yours. Also, I used metric system so if the feet and inches are wrong, do tell so I can correct it)
• Abigail
I actually like her to be so short that she made Sebastian look tall and Sam looked like a giant so maybe at most 160 cm (5’3) but I like her to be 155 cm (5’1). To me, she’s the youngest in the trio but not by much so maybe 21-22.
• Emily
She and Haley (and Leah) are the taller bachelorettes, definitely above 170 cm (5’7) not as tall as Haley but still pretty tall. I think she’s about 173 cm (5’8). She’s definitely one of the older bachelorettes and I like her a bit older than Leah so 31-32.
• Haley
The tallest bachelorette, she could be a model in the city due to her beauty and height. She’s at LEAST 175 cm (5’9) but she can be taller. A bit older than Abigail, so 23.
• Leah
One of the taller bachelorettes but still shorter than the sisters, 170 cm (5’7) is perfect to me. She’s a bit younger than Emily and Elliott but still one of the older marriageable character so 28-30 years old.
• Maru
Despite both Robin and Demetrius being tall, Maru is average at most. She’s not short but not as tall either, I think 165 cm (5’5) is perfect height for her. IMO she’s the youngest bachelorette and the youngest marriageable character overall, she’s a genius so I think she skipped grades and gets degree earlier. 19-20 years old.
• Penny
If Abigail is short, then Penny is tiny. Her and Pam are very short so they make many of the residents look tall, she’s no more than 152 cm (5’0). She’s slightly older than the ASS trio (+Alex and Haley) but she’s not part of the older marriageable characters so she’s about 24-25 years old.
• Alex
He’s a pretty tall and athletic guy, definitely above average so I think he’s about 183-185 cm (6’0-6’1). He’s the same age as Haley, Sebastian, and Sam (23 years old).
• Elliott
He’s built like those hunks in bodice ripper novel covers so he’s TALL, at the very least he’s 188 cm (6’2). He’s one of the older marriageable character and he’s definitely in his 30s, my hc is that he’s the youngest one in the trio of older bachelors so I think he’s about 32 years old.
• Harvey
He’s like a Slenderman, very tall and lanky. To me, he’s the tallest bachelor and one of the tallest characters. He’s actually 195 cm (6’4ish) but he has terrible posture so he looks 190-191 cm (6’3). He’s the oldest canon marriageable character and he has MD so he’s at least 34 years old but I think he’s 37.
• Sam
He’s above average but has long limbs that made him look taller, he’s 180-182 cm (5’11) but sometimes likes to claim he’s 6’0. Despite acting like a teenager, he’s 23.
• Sebastian
Robin might be tall but he did not get her genes on that one, the rest? Sure, especially his face but not height, sadly. I think 173 cm (5’8) is the perfect height for him, but sometimes I like to make him 170 cm (5’7) for shits and giggles. 23 years old.
• Shane
SHORT KING, shortest bachelor and at most he’s 165 cm (5’5). He’s in his 30s (34-36 to be more specific).
Caroline: 47 years old, 162 cm (5’3)
Clint: 38 years old, 194 cm (6’3)
Demetrius: 48 years old, 196 cm (6’4)
Evelyn: 83 years old, 151 cm (4’11)
George: 82 years old, 175 cm (5’9)
Gil: 56 years old, 177 cm (5’10)
Gunther: 45 years old, 178 cm (5’10)
Gus: 54 years old, 179 cm (5’10)
Jas: 7 years old, 124 cm (4’0)
Jodi: 41 years old, 158 cm (5’2)
Kent: 42 years old, 190 cm (6’3)
Leo: 8 years old, 118 cm (3’10)
Lewis: 63 years old, 173 cm (5’7)
Linus: 58 years old, 176 cm (5’9)
Marlon: 53 years old, 185 cm (6’1)
Marnie: 51 years old, 160 cm (5’3)
Morris: 49 years old, 180 cm (5’11)
Mr. Qi: 36 years old, 187 cm (6’2)
Pam: 54 years old, 150 cm (4’11)
Pierre: 47 years old, 174 cm (5’8)
Prof. Snail: 67 years old, 167 cm (5’6)
Rasmodius: He either aged slowly so he’s old but looked younger or he aged normally, if the latter then he’s 50 years old. 192 cm (6’3)
Robin: 46 years old, 178 cm (5’10)
Sandy: 34 years old, 183 cm (6'0)
Vincent: 7 years old, 126 cm (4’1)
Willy: 55 years old, 183 cm (6’0)
(Some) Expanded
Andy: 48 years old, 181 cm (5’11)
Claire: 26 years old, 166 cm (5’5)
Lance: 27 years old, 186 cm (6’1)
Martin: 16 years old, 176 cm (5’9)
Olivia: 50 years old, 163 cm (5’3)
Scarlett: 21 years old, 164 cm (5'4)
Sophia: 21 years old, 162 cm (5’3)
Susan: 42 years old, 168 cm (5’6)
Victor: 22 years old, 178 cm (5’10)
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hauntedselves · 2 years
Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Daydreaming Disorder (Maladaptive Daydreaming)
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A. Persistent and recurrent fantasy activity that is vivid and fanciful, as indicated by the individual exhibiting two (or more) of the following in a 6-month period; at least one of these should be Criterion 1:
While daydreaming, experiences an intense sense of absorption/immersion that includes visual, auditory, or affective properties
Daydreaming is triggered, maintained, or enhanced with exposure to music
Daydreaming is triggered, maintained, or enhanced with exposure to stereotypical movement (e.g., pacing, rocking, hand movements)
Often daydreams when feels distressed or bored
Daydreaming length or intensity intensifies in the absence of others (e.g., daydreams more when alone)
Is annoyed when unable to daydream or when daydreaming is interrupted or curbed
Would rather daydream than engage in daily chores, social, academic, or professional activities
Has made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop daydreaming
B. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
C. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., dementia) and is not better explained by autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar I disorder, obsessive–compulsive and related disorders, dissociative identity disorder, substance-related and addictive disorders, an organic disorder, or a medical condition.
Note. Current severity defined as follows: Mild - experiences mainly distress, no obvious functional impairment; moderate - one area of functioning is affected (e.g., work); severe - more than area of functioning is affected (e.g., work, school or social life) (p. 180).
MD is associated with social anxiety and addiction (particularly internet addiction) (p. 177), as well as dissociation, obsessive-compulsive behaviour, and inattention / attention deficit (p. 181).
People who seek treatment for MD are misdiagnosed with a variety of conditions; "...professionals were unfamiliar with their problem and provided various diagnoses, including depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, and dissociative disorder" (p. 178).
"MD is uniquely characterized by a kinesthetic component, a need for evocative music, and an addictive yearning to compulsively engage in this mental behavior" (p. 184).
From Somer et al., 'Maladaptive Daydreaming: Proposed Diagnostic Criteria and Their Assessment With a Structured Clinical Interview', Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice (2017), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 176-189. DOI: 10.1037/cns0000.
Another interesting & related article is Somer et al., 'Representations of Maladaptive Daydreaming and the Self: A Qualitative Analysis of Drawings', The Arts in Psychotherapy (2019), Vol. 63, pp. 102-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.aip.2018.12.004.
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quordleona03 · 2 years
Okay, so @marley--manson tagged me for the ten fanfics meme:
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
I was tagged before, and then I did my last ten MAS*H fics. So this time, I'm going to do my last ten fics each from a different fandom
1 "First, the sacrifice. " The Real Meaning Of Christmas (Christmas Tales & Traditions)
2 "We always had to keep moving." Grimm Towervans (Fairy Tales & Related Fandoms)
3 "Robin dreams in Sherwood." mort de l'histoire (The Matter of Britain, British mythology)
4 "Business class was more than half empty, a five o’clock flight out of O’Hare on a Wedneday night, but Gerard had good reason to believe that he would have noticed the man in the window seat on the right-hand side even if the plane had been crowded." An ill for mending (The Fugitive - 1993 movie)
5. "Princeton Plains Teaching Hospital currently owned 43 slaves: janitors, secretaries, personal assistants, and three lab technicians who had gone overboard on their student loans." Adverse Events (House MD AU) 6. "The doctor who replaced Richard Kimble on the late shift was a free man: he kept Kimble for fifteen precious minutes making certain that he had all the details of the nine survivors from the one o’clock Games." The Games (Keptverse AU)
7. "'I endeavour to give satisfaction,' Jeeves paused." Straight Face (Jeeves - PG Wodehouse)
8. "I am 176 years old." Sachertorte (cake fandom, I guess)
9. "The street's lights made moving shadows outside: the cigarette smoke passing across the room's lights made moving shadows on the ceiling." Far from all intentional ill-doing (The Charioteer - Mary Renault)
10. "Lando’s blaster pistol filled Han’s mouth." Winners and Losers (Star Wars _ original trilogy)
@olderthannetfic @mashbrainrot @woodsfeildslittlerivers @relnicht @bbjkrss-blog @codeblue2 @heavensyesfathermulcahy @cesperanza @bendingsignpost@ierospit
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kamyru · 2 years
Do you know how Takado is the tall and muscular character of the Romance MD: Always on Call?
I volunteer on the ER room in the main hospital of the city I study. So, putting aside the fact that orthopedic doctors have to be strong due to their job (fun fact, one of my male teachers from med school told us that there are only two fields in which men doctors do a better job than females: orthopedics and urology. The first requires a lot of physical force, and in the second you have to deal too much with men), we do really have an ortho doctor who is in his late 30s, early 40s, looks like a Greek God, is probably 20 cm/8 inches taller than me (and I'm 176/5'9), and very muscular. Everyone is in awe when he is in the ER, and are like: "Ortho is here!" Also, he is friendly, has a husky voice, is polite with everyone (and that's what differentiate him from Takado), and probably married.
Now I'm in the mood of writing fluff for Takado, if you have any ideas. 😂
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walkingfeesh · 2 months
i’m trying to finish house md as soon as possible but this thing has 176 episodes and is taking about as long as supernatural which took two months
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thebardostate · 6 months
A Near-Death Experience During Brain Surgery
First-person account of Pamela Reynolds, a 35-year-old working mother who had a veridical NDE while undergoing a highly dangerous operation called hypothermic circulatory arrest to treat a brain aneurysm (from Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of Near-Death Experience by Pim van Lommel MD, 2011, pp. 169-176):
Her physician recommended a CAT scan, which revealed a giant aneurysm in one of the cerebral arteries close to the brain stem...If this aneurysm burst, and the risk of this happening was considerable, a cerebral hemorrhage would be immediately fatal. [...] Neurosurgeon Dr. Robert Spetzler at the Barrow Neurological Institute decided to operate on Pamela, even though her chances of survival were slight. Everything that happened during her operation was carefully recorded. During the operation her body temperature was lowered to approximately 50°F. She was on a heart-lung machine because of the loss of all cardiac electrical activity (cardiac arrest) which always occurs during severe hypothermia. All the blood had been drained from her head. The electrical activity of her cerebral cortex (EEG) and her brain stem ("evoked potentials" through 100-decibel clicks emitted by small molded speakers inserted into her ears) was under constant observation; in both cases, there was no activity whatsoever.
Dr. Spetzler explained:
We want to bring the brain to a halt. We don't just want the brain to be asleep. We want metabolic activity of the brain to stop. Every measurable output that the body puts out really disappears completely so that you have no measurable neuronal activity whatsoever...the patient is put to sleep, the eyes are taped shut, and there are little clicking devices put in each ear to monitor the brain. The patient is then completely covered; the only thing that's really exposed is the area of the head where we work.
During the operation,
Pam's brain was found dead by all three clinical tests - her EEG was silent, her brain-stem response was absent, and no blood flowed through her brain...[Her eyes] were taped shut. Additionally, she was under deep general anesthesia.
While in this state of total metabolic standstill Pamela had a near-death experience.
I don't remember an operating room. I don't remember seeing Doctor Spetzler at all. I was with a fellow; one of his fellows was with me at that time. After that...nothing. Absolutely nothing. Until the sound...and the sound was...unpleasant. It was guttoral. It was reminiscent of being in a dentist's office. And I remember the top of my head tingling, and I just sort of popped out of the top of my head. The further out of my body I got, the more clear the tone became. I remember seeing several things in the operating room when I was looking down. I was the most aware that I've ever been in my entire life. And then I was looking down at my body, and I knew that it was my body. But I didn't care. I thought the way they had my head shaved was very peculiar. I expected them to take all my hair, but they didn't.
I was metaphorically sitting on Dr. Spetzler's shoulder. It wasn't like normal vision. It was brighter and more focused and clearer than normal vision. There was so much in the operating room that I didn't recognize, and so many people. I remember the instrument in his hand; it looked like the handle of my electric toothbrush. I had assumed that they were going to open up the skull with a saw. I had heard the term 'saw', but what I saw looked a lot more like a drill than a saw. It even had little bits that were kept in this case that looked like the case that my father stored his socket wrenches in when I was a child. I saw the grip of the saw, but I didn't see them use it on my head, but I heard it being used on something. It was humming at a distinctly high pitch...I distinctly heard a female voice saying: "We have a problem. Her arteries are too small." And then a male voice: "Try the other side." It seemed to come from further down the table. I do remember wondering what they were doing there [laughs] because this is brain surgery! What had happened was that they accessed the femoral artery in order to drain the blood, and I didn't understand that...
[Pamela then experienced the transcendent portion of her NDE with a tunnel-like sensation, life review, meeting deceased relatives including her grandmother, favorite uncle, great-great aunt and several others before having to return to her body. I'm summarizing this portion of her NDE for brevity.]
[Her deceased Uncle Gene] goes, "Honey, you got to go [back]" No. He pushed me; he gave me a little help there. It's taken a long time, but I think I'm ready to forgive him for that [laughs].
I saw the body jump...And then he pushed me, and I felt it chill inside me. I returned to my body. It was like diving into a pool of ice water...It hurt!
When I came back, and I was still under general anesthesia in the operating theater, they were playing "Hotel California", and the line was "You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave."
Dr. Spetzler later commented that her account was a very accurate description, and that it was inconceivable that she could have experienced these events through normal sensory means.
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bongaboi · 9 months
Virginia Tech: 2023 Military Bowl Champions
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ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- — As long as he could hold onto the ball and keep his footing on a slippery day, Kyron Drones found plenty of room to run.
Drones rushed for 176 yards and a touchdown and also threw for two TDs as Virginia Tech withstood a second-half downpour to beat No. 23 Tulane 41-20 in the Military Bowl on Wednesday.
Drones fumbled three times in the wet weather, but the Hokies (7-6) only lost one of them. The sophomore quarterback passed for just 91 yards, but he and Bhayshul Tuten were tough to stop on the ground.
“It was tough conditions. You can't really simulate it like that,” Virginia Tech coach Brent Pry said. “They had the same weather we did. Both teams had to deal with it.”
Tuten finished with 136 yards and two touchdowns on 18 carries to help Virginia Tech snap a four-game losing streak in bowls.
“Any time we've had success this year, really, we've been able to run the ball,” Pry said. “That's who we need to be. That's who we want to be.”
Tulane (11-3) was without star quarterback Michael Pratt. Both Kai Horton and Justin Ibieta played in his place, but Ibieta was carted off in the second quarter with an apparent leg injury. Makhi Hughes rushed for 88 yards.
An unforced fumble by Drones gave the Green Wave an early lead when Tyler Grubbs scooped up the ball and returned it 21 yards for a touchdown.
“It was the first drive of the game and we still had a long way to go,” Drones said. “It was a next-play mentality.”
After a muffed punt gave Virginia Tech the ball at the Tulane 11, Drones ran for a TD on the first play to put the Hokies up 10-7.
Drones also lost the ball on that run, but he was ruled to have reached the end zone first.
Tulane had first-and-goal from the 1 when Horton was hit by Pheldarius Payne as he tried to hand off. The Hokies recovered that fumble to stave off a great scoring opportunity.
Virginia Tech took a 17-10 lead on Drones' 1-yard scoring pass to Harrison Saint Germain with 8 seconds left in the half.
Then the rain really seemed to pick up.
Jaylin Lane lost a fumble in the first minute of the second half, and Tulane took advantage of that short field, tying the game on a 6-yard scramble by Horton. But Drones broke loose for a 51-yard gain on the next drive, and Tuten's 9-yard scoring run put the Hokies up 24-17.
“We've been strong against the run all year. I think when you add the quarterback into it, that gives it a little bit different element,” said Slade Nagle, who was Tulane's interim coach after Willie Fritz left to take the job at Houston earlier this month. “He's a dynamic player that had a huge impact on the game.”
Drones threw a 10-yard touchdown pass to Benji Gosnell early in the fourth, and after Tulane lost its third fumble of the day, Tuten scored on a 12-yard run to make it 41-20.
Virginia Tech: The Hokies lost three straight in September against Purdue, Rutgers and Marshall, but they did a nice job rallying for a winning season. Virginia Tech appears headed in a positive direction under Pry.
Tulane: The Green Wave have won 23 games over the past two seasons, but Nagle had a tough task in this bowl.
This was the first victory over a Top-25 opponent in four tries for Virginia Tech under Pry.
“This was the type of win we couldn't find during the regular season,” he said.
Virginia Tech: The Hokies are scheduled to open next season at Vanderbilt on Aug. 31.
Tulane: New coach Jon Sumrall now takes over the program as the Green Wave try to build on their success these past couple seasons.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
P.E.I. leading the way in electronic medical record rollout
Prince Edward Island is leading the country with its recently implemented, province-wide, electronic medical record system.
It’s a key part of the island’s fundamental family medicine reorganization, a move which officials hope will finally strike a serious blow against the ongoing healthcare crisis.
The vast majority of family doctors on P.E.I. are now using an electronic medical record to manage the treatment of their patients.
Just two years ago 70 per cent of island general practitioners were primarily using paper records, and the rest were using what amounted to a virtual filling cabinet.
The new system is standardized, allowing doctors and allied health professionals to share patient information instantly and more securely than through a fax or by mail.
“I send a referral through the system,” said Dr. Kristy Newson, physician lead. “They see my patient. They message me back saying, ‘this patient was seen, please review,’ so in that type of way or collaboration has improved.”
It hasn’t been without hiccups, various technical glitches caused hundreds of missed referrals over the last two years, however, Health P.E.I. officials say those issues have been resolved.
The rollout also taken a month-long pause over the last summer, to give doctors who are already on the system extra training, and to make software improvements suggested by doctors.
“We’re focusing on just having those supports in place for when people need them, so they can take advantage of them,” said Kim Knox, director of Digital Health. “Listening to the concerns and trying to action that.”
There are now 176 community health providers, doctors or nurse practitioners along with their allied health professionals, on the system. That represents almost all of the family doctors on P.E.I.
The system allows a number of health professionals to work closely together, sharing patient information efficiently and comprehensively. It’s the foundation of P.E.I.’s patient medical homes initiative, a move to replace single practice family physicians with teams of specialists, to serve more patients with fewer MD’s.
“The doctor is part of the team, but they’re not everything,” said Dr. Michael Gardam, Health P.E.I. CEO. “Many doctor visits don’t need to be held with a doctor. You may be seeing a physio or a nurse practitioner, or whomever, and all those people are sharing your care, so they all need to access that record.”
12 patient medical homes have been set up so far.
Dr. Gardam also says this is the best possible recruiting tool, no new doctor graduating from med school wants to work where paper is the preferred method.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/is5KkzT
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micoc84 · 2 years
Shows 1980s Family Ties (82) - nbc, OH, GGoldberg 176, michael fox Silver Spoons (82) -nbc, NY Martin Cohan 116, ricky schroder Cosby Show (84) - nbc, NY, Phylicia Rashad 201, malcolm warn Who's the Boss (84) - abc, CT, Martin Cohan 196, tony danza Growing Pains (85)- abc, NY, Neal Marlens 166, kirk cameron Alien Life Form (86) - nbc, LA, Paul Fusco 102, max wright Full House (87) - abc, San Fran, Jeff Franklin 192, bob saget Wonder Years (88) - abc, NY, Neal Marlens 115, fred savage Family Matters (89) - abc, Chicago, WBickley 215, regi veljohn Magnum PI (80), Dukes Hazzard (79), Great American Hero (81), Knight Rider (82), Remington Steele (82), TJ Hooker (82), A-Team (83), Miami Vice (84), Hunter (84), Robin Hood (84), Highway Heaven (84), MacGyver (85), 21 Jump Street (87), Star Trek NG (87) || Webster (83), Charles in Charge (84), Facts of Life (79), Diff'rent Strokes (78), Punky Brewster (84), Mr. Belvedere (85), Small Wonder (85), Golden Girls (85), Hogan's Family (86), Different World (87), Degrassi (87), My Two Dads (87), Married with Children (87), Roseanne (88) Heathcliff (80), Astroboy (80), Smurfs (81), Spiderman (81), Danger Mouse (81), He Man (83), Alvin Chipmunks (83), Dungeons Dragons (83), Inspector Gadget (83), Fraggle Song (83), Reading Rainbow (83), Transformers (84), Snorks (84), Rainbow Brite (84), Muppet Babies (84), GI Joe (85), Voltron (85), She-Ra (85), Jem (85), Thundercats (85), Wuzzles (85), Care Bears (86), Ghostbusters (86), Gummi Bears (85), TM Ninja Turtles (87), My Pet Monster (87), Ducktales (87), Garfield Friends (88), Count Duckula (88), Winnie Pooh (88) Bosom Buddies (80), Trapper John MD (79), Hart to Hart (79), Dynasty (81), Hill Street Blues (81), Cheers (82), Newhart (82), St. Elsewhere (82), Fame (82), Mama's Family (83), Night Court (84), Murder She Wrote (84), Moonlighting (85), Twilight Zone (85), Looney Tunes (85), Designing Women (86), Matlock (86), Garry Shandling (86), Thirtysomething (87), Unsolved Mysteries (87), Max Headroom (87), Murphy Brown (88), Kids in Hall (88), China Beach (88)
Seinfeld (89), Doogie Howser (89), Saved by Bell (89), Life Goes On (89), Rescue Rangers Chip D (89), Beetlejuice (89), Paddington Bear (89), Babar (89), Simpsons (89), Coach (89), Baywatch (89), Quantum Leap (89)
Beverly Hills 90210 (90), Fresh Prince (90), Blossom (90), Parker Lewis (90), Home Improvement (91), Step by Step (91), Clarissa Explains (91), Nanny (93), Boy Meets World (93), Party of Five (94), My So called life (94), Third Rock (96), Sabrina Witch (96), Moesha (96) Seventh Heaven (96), Dawson Creek (98) North Exposure (90), Twin Peaks (90), In Living Color (90), Bobby's World (90), Tiny Toon (90), Darkwing (91), Ren Stimpy (91), Batman (92), Mad about you (92), Larry Sanders (92), Frasier (93), XFiles (93), Lois Clark (93), nypd blue (93), Animaniacs (93), Rocko's Modern (93), Walker Texas (93), Babylon (93), Gargoyles (94), Dr. Quinn (93), Ellen (94), ER (94), Friends (94) || Hercules (95), Xena (95), Madtv (95), Sailor Moon (95), Nash Bridges (96), Buffy Vampire (97), King of Hill (97), South Park (97), Ally McBeal (97), Daria (97), That Seventies (98), Will Grace (98), Family Guy (99), Freaks Geeks (99)
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nucolato · 2 years
A flavor-full of hazelnut butter, cocoa butter, and hazelnut spread for shopping spree:
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Nucolato was born years back to offer that flavor that we all love, with healthier/environmental benefits having no sugar added, zero palm oil, and is gluten-free. Nucolato is a hazelnut spread too good to be true to the body.
A flavour- full Hazelnut spread
Nucolato is a brand that sells hazelnut spread with no sugar added, zero palm oil, gluten-free, and keto friendly. Our hazelnut spread is too good to be true with Ingredients such as Sweetener: maltitol, sunflower oil, hazelnut (10%), reduced fat cocoa powder (6.5%), milk solids, skim milk powder, cocoa butter, coconut oil, emulsifier made up from sunflower lecithin (Helianthus annuus), natural vanilla flavoring. Nucolato offers FREE shipping for all orders over USD 40. All these orders ships within one business day from our warehouse located in Texas and Orders typically take 3-5 business days to be delivered. The tracking information may be provided in our chat box on the bottom left of our website or you can contact [email protected] for more information on the shipment of your order.  It also provides a lot of health benefits and some of the nutrients include vitamin E, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fat with good amounts of omega-6 & omega-9 fatty acids and contains zinc, folate, and potassium.
Apart from having a high nutritional value, hazelnuts are an excellent snack as a handful of roasted hazelnuts is filling, yet delicious. They also contain a high level of antioxidants and are high in calories, from the heart-healthy fat found in them
A full of protein Hazelnut butter
The hazelnut butter is also known as the filbert, it is a type of nut that comes from the Corylus tree and is mostly cultivated in Turkey, Italy, Spain, and the United States as hazelnuts have a sweet flavor and can be eaten raw, roasted, or ground into a paste Like other nuts, these hazelnuts are also rich in nutrients and have a high content including of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is made up of seven evidence-based health benefits of hazelnuts and Hazelnuts have a great nutrient profile. Although they are high in calories and are loaded with nutrients and healthy fats. One ounce means 28 grams or about 20 whole kernels of hazelnuts contains:
•     Calories: 176
•     Total fat: 17 grams
•     Protein: 4.2 grams
•     Carbs: 4.7 grams
•     Fiber: 2.7 grams
•     Vitamin E: 21% of the RDI
•     Thiamin: 12% of the RDI
•     Magnesium: 12% of the RDI
•     Copper: 24% of the RDI
•     Manganese: 87% of the RDI
Hazelnuts also contain a decent and proper amount of vitamin B6, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Additionally, these items are a rich source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats and contain a good amount of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, such as oleic acid in cocoa butter. Furthermore, a one-ounce serving provides 2.7 grams of dietary fiber, which accounts for about 11% of the DV and Hazelnuts are a rich source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, manganese, and copper. Additionally, they have a high content of items such as omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. However, these hazelnuts contain a healthy amount of phytic acid which has been shown to impair the absorption of some minerals, such as iron and zinc, from the nuts
Shopping spree: a fantastic addiction
In “Shopping Spree, or Addiction” Heather Hatfield, MD, says that shopping can be one of America’s favorite past-times, but shopping can also lead to a self-destructive addiction that will cause financial disaster in items. Some of these have over two main factors, credit cards, and the mall environment, that cause a shopping addiction, along with the type of illness, depression, that also causes a shopping addiction. We will also, talk about the treatment as there are many warning signs to look out for in individuals who are addicted to shopping. Some of the signs to look out for are spending over budget, compulsive buying, being obsessed with money, and feeling lost without credit cards or cash, and then, having a shopping addiction will cause sometimes arguments with other family members about the individual’s shopping habits and eating flavors favorite items. thus, Shopping addiction is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself in the life
Nucolato brand with a hazelnut butter spread with no sugar added, zero palm oil, gluten-free, and keto friendly. Our hazelnut spread is too good to be true and a satisfying hazelnut spread is made up of 100% highest quality hazelnuts, lightly toasted and stone-milled to preserve their great taste and aroma. An excellent source of vitamins and minerals these items are highly nutritious butter is healthy and enjoyable on its own or as an ingredient in other dishes.
Available on its own or mixed with hazelnut pieces you can just select your preference above. Cocoa butter might bring to mind decadent desserts like chocolate bars, fudge layer cakes, and chocolate chip ice cream and yet this tasty ingredient is also a staple in skin creams and other health and beauty products. Unlike the cocoa butter in your dessert is healthy, the one in your skin care regimen won’t make you gain weight. Cocoa butter is a type of fat that comes from cocoa beans that harness cocoa butter, the beans are taken out of the larger cacao plant. They’re roasted, stripped, and pressed to separate the fat of the cocoa butter and the remnants are then processed into cocoa powder which is high in fatty acids, which is why it’s often touted for its ability to hydrate and nourish the skin and improve elasticity. The fat in cocoa butter forms a protective barrier over the skin to hold in the moisture to make it healthier.
Cocoa butter: a flavor of chocolate in it
Cocoa butter is also rich in natural plant compounds called phytochemicals and these substances may improve blood flow to the skin and slow skin aging by protecting against damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays. One common use of cocoa butter is to smooth scars, wrinkles, and other marks on the skin as many women believe cocoa butter creams and lotions can be used during and after pregnancy to prevent and minimize the appearance of stretch marks. It is high in fatty acids, which is often touted for its ability to hydrate and nourish the skin and improve elasticity. These types of fat in cocoa butter form a protective barrier over the skin to hold in moisture. Also, cocoa butter is rich in natural plant compounds called phytochemicals and these substances may improve blood flow to the skin and slow skin aging by protecting against damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Thus, Hazelnuts present in chocolates, coffee, and spreads are beneficial to the skin, hair, and overall health and the hazelnut benefits will make you incorporate them into your daily diet. Hazelnuts also contain high amounts of oleic acid, which is good for heart health and it reduces the risk of cancer by killing free radicals in the body that are responsible for damaging cell DNA. The research also suggests that regular consumption of hazelnuts effectively reduces the risk of colon cancer in women as the phytochemicals present in hazelnuts improve cell survival and is beneficial in managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of diabetes.
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orbitguideofficial · 3 years
About Bogomolets University
The Bogomolets National Medical University was established 176 years ago to provide excellence. After Alexander A. Bogomolets, the name of this institute is named. It is considered to be one of the best medical institutes in Ukraine. It is situated in a cosmopolitan area.
Students from all parts of the world, especially Indians, consider Bogomolets National Medical University their first option for medical education. This university will host students from around 60-70 countries. It is a well-respected institution that has enrolled medical students. It is easy to see why the institute is so popular. This medical college has 5 medical students out of 20.
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Bogomolets national hospital was established in 1841 and is an example of excellence. Nearly 65 countries sent students to Ukraine to study medicine. Students will have the opportunity to get a visa confirmed and cheap flights. It is accredited by the Ministry of Health and Education at the highest level, namely. It has been training students for over 150 years.
Ukraine is peaceful. Students from abroad can find safety and security here. After the completion of the course, there are opportunities to settle in Australia, Canada, or other European countries. Studying medicine at one of the Top Medical Universities in Ukraine will help students make their career more efficient. The best thing about the degree is that it is recognized and approved by UNESCO and MCI across the EU as well as other International Organizations. For undergraduate and postgraduate levels, lectures are available in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. For MBBS/MD programs, the minimum tuition fees in English language courses at Medical Universities in Ukraine range from 3000$ to 4200$ per annum. Scholarships are offered by European medical universities. The infrastructure and labs at the Universities are superior to any other government college in Asia, Africa, or other countries. Highly qualified lecturers, doctors and professors. Many graduates are licensed doctors and working in their countries after they have finished their studies. All students are provided with a 24*7 airport pickup service through the coordinator of the administration.
Click to know more about MBBS Abroad for Indian Students, visit our website Orbit Guide.
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hugeegosorry · 3 years
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I posted 2060 times in 2021
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I added 1631 tags in 2021
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#greg house - 185 posts
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#house md incorrect quotes - 80 posts
#incorrect quotes - 79 posts
#robert chase - 77 posts
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#hilson - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#loving a character is wanting whats best for them but also wanting to see them more
My Top Posts in 2021
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Ah google
235 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 15:51:49 GMT
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what am i doing part six: throwing something new in the mix
(Can we not talk about the quality pls)
236 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 15:17:45 GMT
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Today on Random Images I Laugh Maniacally At In My Free Time
330 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 13:23:17 GMT
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This cracks me up for some reason
569 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 13:44:37 GMT
Seriously, 2000s livejournal is the best source for low quality, high hilarity gifs
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1158 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 07:30:36 GMT
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kamyru · 1 year
Me as an OC
In the past, I mentioned that I wanted to write a fic where Ukyo Senkawa and MC go to Romania & Republic of Moldova. I still have a part of that fic in my drafts. However, lately, I thought about creating an OC from my culture and putting her in different situations. So, here's Sanji, inspired by my friends from university & me. I took my appearance as a base for her, and the explanation for why she looks so different in the two photos is that I didn't find the colors to show what exactly my hair looks like. It is blueberry black and dark red underneath. The rest of her profile will be explained lower.
Also, her purpose is to show a little bit of my culture through my writings. I will probably romance her with someone, but I'm not sure yet with whom. She is a comedic relief that will interact with all the characters I write for, even my OCs. In some cases, her behavior will be inspired by me, in others by my friends.
Here you have the links to the picrew I used: 1 & 2.
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Real name: Sânziana Casperschi (I wanted to give her a Romanian first name. In many countries, there are names after flowers or hope, and we have them too. However, Sânziana is something only Romanians have. It's inspired by good fairies specific to Romanian mythology. And her surname is an allusion to my surname - the Romanised version of a Polish surname. Her surname in Polish is Kasperki. It sounds nothing like mine, but has the same background. Mine comes from a Polish president, and for years I have been trying to convince the government to change my name to its Polish version.)
Japanese name: 川崎燦士/Kawasaki Sanji (Kawasaki because it's a popular Japanese surname, as Kasperski is also a popular Polish surname. Sanji because that's how Sânzi would most probably be pronounced by a Japanese person. And I know that it's a boy's name.)
Nicknames: Sânzi (by family), Anime girl (by friends, due to her name)
Love interest: Probably someone from Irresistible Mistakes or Romance MD. 
Age: 25/26
Date of birth: January 1
Height: 176 cm/5'9
Weight: 65 kg/143 lb
Ethnicity: 1/2 Romanian, 1/4 Moldovan, 1/4 Hungarian (People from Europe, or at least the Balkans, know why she's so mixed. It's hard to find someone here who is not a little bit of Russian, a little bit of Ukrainian, a little bit of Greece, a little bit of god knows what else. Fun fact: I was born in Moldova, have a Polish surname, and my mom's nee surname is Ukrainian. From my mom, I have some German ancestry because my grand-grand parents were Germans deported to Moldova at the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th. This grand-grandmother wanted to teach my mother German, but it was in the time of the Soviet Union, and they were afraid to do it. And that's why the newer generations of my family don't know German. The fact that she is Hungarian isn't random either. One of the largest ethnic groups in Romania is Hungarians.)
Nationality: Romanian
Languages known: Romanian, Russian, Hungarian, English, Japanese
Unique traits: Seven earrings, colored hair
Dominant hand: Left
Job: Clinical pharmacist in the Psychiatry Department
Hobbies: Playing piano & guitar, writing, reading, anime
Qualities: Empathy, humor, calmness, chillness
Defects: Lack of organization, lack of motivation, rudeness
Fears: Fail, heights, slimy animals (frogs, jellyfish, snails)
Special skills: Listening to others, knowing random things, not understanding when someone flirts with her
Alumni: Bachelor in Pharmacy from the University of Debrecen, Master in Pharmacy from Kyushu University (Debrecen because I have two close friends who went on an Erasmus exchange in there. Kyushu because I have another close friend who studies pharmacy and applied to get her Master's degree in clinical pharmacology at Kyushu University.)
The happiest moment in her life: When she got accepted to study in Japan.
Childhood dream: To help people. 
Goal: To be a safe place for the people dear to her.
Motto: If not me, then who?
Family: Older brother Obi (his name is a Japanese adaptation of the Latin name Ovidius, used in Romanian as Ovidiu), cat Felix
Story: She was born in a city in Transilvania, Romania, to a Moldovan father and a Hungarian mother. During her childhood, she tried every extracurricular activity available at that time. However, she decided that her goal in life was to be selfless and help as many people as possible. After high school, she moved to Hungary to study pharmacy at the University of Debrecen. Later, she applied for her Master's Degree in Japan and got accepted at Kyushu University. Now, she is working as a clinical pharmacist at the psychiatry department in a hospital in Tokyo (Probabpy in Seimei, the same one from Romance MD: Always on Call) while thinking about doing her Ph.D.
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paperanddice · 3 years
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Crocosphinxes are created and placed in sites where the deity watching over it doesn't wish for any visitors. Even the deity's own followers are directed away by the sphinx, which offers no challenge or riddle to gain access. The only way to avoid the crocosphinx's attack is to turn away at its order. Anyone who ignores this is the sphinx's enemy, and it will attack without reservation or hesitation if it believes that its guarded site is threatened.
Most are not entirely merciless however. The first time a given creature attempts to flee, it will be allowed to do so. A second attempt to invade eliminates any such hope, and unless the sphinx is terribly wounded in the battle it will chase the fleeing opponent for a moderate distance to finish them off and devour the corpse.
Originally from Sandstorm. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as a spot on the Paper and Dice Discord server, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Crocosphinx Large monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 172 (15d10 + 90) Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 40 ft. Str 21 (+5) Dex 8 (-1) Con 22 (+6) Int 13 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 15 (+2) Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +6 Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +6, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities psychic Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Common, Sphinx Challenge 12 (8400 XP) Hold Breath. The sphinx can hold its breath for 30 minutes. Inscrutable. The sphinx is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain the sphinx's intentions or sincerity have disadvantage. Magic Weapons. The sphinx's weapon attacks are magical. Wet Wings. After the sphinx has been submerged in water, it must wait 1 minute for its wings to dry before it can fly. Spellcasting. The crocosphinx is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The crocosphinx has the following sorcerer spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, message, ray of frost 1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, false life 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, blur, mirror image, see invisibility 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, haste 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, stoneskin 5th level (1 slots): insect plague Actions Multiattack. The crocosphinx makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10+5) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the crocosphinx can't bite another target. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage. Legendary Actions The crocosphinx can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The crocosphinx regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Claw Attack. The sphinx makes one claw attack. Teleport (Costs 2 Action). The sphinx magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Cast A Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The sphinx casts a spell from its list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal.
13th Age
Crocosphinx Large 6th level wrecker [beast] Initiative: +8 Clamping Jaws +11 vs. AC - 36 damage Natural Even Hit: The crocosphinx can grab the target if it isn’t already grabbing a creature. Death Roll +14 vs. PD (one enemy its grabbing; includes +4 grab bonus) - 50 damage Natural 16+: The target is also stunned by pain until the start of the crocosphinx’s next turn. C: Insect Plague +10 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies in a group) - 20 ongoing damage and the target is hampered (save ends both) Limited Use: 1/battle. Incredible Haste: At the start of each of the crocosphinx’s turns, roll a d6. If the result is equal to or less than the escalation die, the crocosphinx can make a raking claws attack as a free action that turn. After the first success, the die increases to a d8. After the second success it increases to a d10, then to a d12 after the third success, then finally a d20 after the fourth. [Special Trigger] Raking Claws +11 vs. AC - 10 damage Flight and Swimming: Though if the crocosphinx goes swimming during a fight, it can’t fly for the rest of that battle as its wings are soaked and it needs to let them dry out. True Seeing: The crocosphinx is immune to invisibility and ignores any illusions. AC 22 PD 20 MD 17 HP 176
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Saturday, August 1.....Apollo 13..... “McGee”.....Get Vertical.
Dark clouds scuttled overhead all morning.  Once again, the rain held off until we were through playing.... and then the rain came down seriously hard.
The Admiral Armando consented to lead our mobility/flexibility again.  He seemed tired today.  I suspected a Saturday morning hangover,  but he claimed that he had already done a long bike ride before coming here.  
Warmup WOD:     “Apollo 13″     A fun little game that we have done many times in the past.  Partnered, one runs with any Med-Ball while the other does Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with any kettlebell.  After a 60-70 yd jog, the partners switch roles, keeping a running tally of the SDLHPs for their score.  As a bonus, a whistle was blown every minute and everyone got to drop and do 3 BURPEEs.  This for 6 minutes.
Lee/Armando=214     Scott/Chase & Jeff M/Luke=176    Zac/Tom=164     Angel/Shannon G=142     Aiden/Nathan=138     Rodney/Dyer=127      Bethany/Linda=128     Leigh Ann/Sue=118     Manny/Lew=???     Others failed to post.
The Hero WOD “McGee”.        He was killed in Iraq on 5/13/2009. 
A 30 Minute AMRAP.      
5 Deadlifts     ( 265/185 E )     ( 225/135 )
9 Box Jumps     (24/20)
13 Push-Ups
With the potential of being a 30 minute high rep KILLER WOD, everyone was encouraged to share the reps, be safe, work hard, and have fun.  
Scored by rounds and fractions. 
Did all the reps but scaled LIGHT:
Miss Linda=22 2/3     Sue=19     Coach=15 1/3
Elite Weight.  Shared reps:
Aiden/Nathan=9 each
RXed Weight:
Armando=14      Angel=11  1/3
Scaled weight, shared reps somehow:
Rodney/Dyer=25 total     Tom=16    Luke=15 1/3     Lee=14 1/2     Scotty/=14 1/3     Shannon G=14     Leigh Ann=13     Mason=12     Zac/Chase=12 each      Manny (and others) did it but didn’t post.
  Lew abruptly left after Patti called and reported a log-jam in a commode at home.  This is not the first time that that particular excuse has been used to exit a workout.
Cool-Down:   Get Vertical for 90 seconds total.  Coach Manny, our resident gymnastic Master, led a brief seminar showing the progressions to HEAD- STANDS.    Many participated, although a few mistook HAND-STANDS and jumped-the-gun on the seminar.  
Jeff M is an Infectious Disease MD at a local hospital.  I thought he would be a good source for suggestions in regards to how to be safe about the VIRUS at the gym.  As we already know,  elderly people, hospital workers, obese, diabetics, and de-conditioned people, are at increased risk.  Please note that eliminates most of us, including me.
Seriously, being outside and having many sunlit hours between workouts allows the virus to expire, which is a big safety factor.  Also, we have hand sanitizing stuff located in several spots.  There are masks available if you want, but so far no one wants to workout wearing a mask. 
On a brighter note, although we don’t recommend drinking Lysol or bleach, we have it from a reputable source that consuming beer, wine, or bourbon immediately after a workout is nearly as good as a dose of Hydroxychloroquine, especially in the doses that we use.
The highlight of the day was watching Doctor Manny spot Mrs Emerson in the FROG progression to headstand.  Manny knows those subtle coaching cues that are so very helpful to success.  We could all learn a lot watching Manny.
Many thanks to Shannon G for making Armando take our Barn trash to the dump.  We greatly appreciate that.
Tomorrow  at 1 PM.   If you feel ill, feverish, dry cough, stay the hell away from the BARN.            
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