#takado munechika (35) orthopedic surgeon
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kamyru · 1 year ago
Do you know how Voltage made Takado and said that he is God-like handsome, and everyone is envious of him?
I'm on my ortho lessons in med school and do them in the hospital, only me and the doctors, because I'm Erasmus and special.
Damn, if you see a very handsome doctor with muscly arms and a back better than a king sized bed, look if he has scissors in his pockets. If yes, that's Takado, that's the true orthopedist, that's the Greek God of doctors.
Forget about crushing on athletes, rock starts, and actors. Start crushing on your local orthopedist.
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Don't XXX someone else's husband! (Munechika Takado x MC)(Scenario)
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Author's note: Sometimes, Romance MD has a peculiar humor. So, I had to think a lot about a case as strange as the canon one. (For those who don't know what Lys and I are talking about, this is based on "Don't XXX another man", which is a special story for Kasumi.) I hope you're expectations will be met. And @lys-lilac, thank you a lot for this request. Enjoy!
Summary: Takado was sarcastic and MC was a weirdo. But this qualities has never stopped them from being one of the best couples in the entire hospital. Until it did and Takado Munechika had to encounter his biggest fear - The Overlord himself.
Words counting: 2305
"Are you married?" MC heard a high-pitched voice from the room that her husband was keeping his lessons. A smile appeared on her face as she walked through the university. She had to meet a doctor who was also a professor there and taught his course at the same time as Takado Munechika, MD, Ph.D., Orthopedics Professor. MC knew the university well enough. She studied there for six long years. However, a wave of warmth hit her when she walked past her husband's class. Unconsciously, MC slowed down her pace to hear Takado answering the question about his marital status. 
MC stopped in her tracks. She could see the handsome features of her husband through the door, yet she was too afraid to stay for too long and admire him. What if she saw the face of the girl who asked him the question and understood how beautiful she was, gorgeous enough to make her loyal husband lie about his relationship? When the phone in her hand vibrated, Mrs. Takado knew she had to run towards the meeting. Yet, her mind was somewhere else, not even in the halls or in front of Takado's class. Otherwise, she would have heard the completion of the answer. 
Takado Munechika, MD, Ph.D., Orthopedics Professor, tried his best not to roll his eyes at the questions his students gave him, as if most of them weren't in their mid-20s and a step away from being residents. He didn't want to be the one to say that the new generation didn't have any manners, yet here he was, thinking the same thing. It wasn't their problem if he was single, married, lived with his mother, or in the hospital. Takado could remember his school and university years when he had no idea what most of his professors did outside their lessons. Of course, he had his share of over-share professors, and some of them were married to the most mysterious ones, this being the reason why the students knew about their relationship status. But it didn't mean that all the kids in front of him had to know a thing about him. 
Deep in his thoughts, the professor returned to being a doctor and entered the EICU headquarters. Or this was the plan, till he opened the door and heard: 
"Can I kiss you?" coming from his boss. Not wanting to deal with any public display of affection from the Overlord who just returned from his honeymoon, he closed the door to take a walk. However, his plans were once again destroyed when he recognized the voice of the person who answered the question. It was a wife, but not Kasumi's. It was HIS wife, Takado MC, MD. And she answered affirmatively. 
A million questions ran through Takado's mind. But his actions were faster. He opened the door and looked at the couple in front of him. As if nothing happened between them, MC and Kasumi looked at him. As usual, it was hard to read Kasumi, yet on MC's face was a scowl. Before he could say a word, the other Dr. Takado left her place and walked past him, giving him a displeased look as if he was the one to blame. 
Instead of explaining the situation, Kasumi returned to work. Takado didn't know what to do: take his boss by the collar while his scary dog was somewhere in the same building, go after Mrs. Takado for explanations, or find Mrs. Kasumi for revenge together. Before he could find an answer, a nurse called Dr. Takado Munechika, Orthopedic Surgeon, to see a kid who fell from the slide and broke her ulnar and radial bones in two different places. A two-hour operation with probably an hour of preparing and half of his day was gone. Mrs. Takado and Kasumi would have to wait a little. 
When Takado returned, he saw the other man in his relationship kiss his wife, as if he wasn't trying to seduce MC a few hours earlier. For everyone else, the newlyweds looked like newlyweds. But Takado couldn't help but search for the trash so that his disgust could go directly to its place. Kyogoku rolled his eyes at the public display of affection shown by the recently returned from the honeymoon couple. But he got even more irritated when he saw Takado faking a gag.
"Don't act as if you were different a few months ago."
"Not a few months, but already more than a year. And yes, I was different."
All the doctors in the room looked at Takado. No, the Takado family wasn't different. They also thought that none of them saw them when not-so-secretly kissed or touched each other. Toshiki was more public, but not with much. So, Takado-the-pot just called Kasumi-the-kettle black. 
"You have no shame, do you?"
Everyone looked from Takado to Kasumi after the orthopedist's words. He was lucky that it was hard to understand if he talked about Kyogoku or Kasumi. But it was bold, coming from someone who tried his best not to cross paths with the boss.
However, MC wasn't as lucky as Kasumi. The moment she entered the room after her shift, she understood that she didn't have her keys. The only option was to ask her husband to give her his keys. So, reluctantly, she stepped in front of the man who gave her his surname a year ago and put her hand in front of him.
"Give me your keys," she said barely audible.
Out of habit, Munechika stood up and took a few steps towards the locker room but stopped midway.
"Why don't you ask your other man to give you his keys?" he hissed silently enough only for MC to hear. 
Mrs. Takado raised her brow at her husband and pushed him away. It was he who seduced young and beautiful med students, not her. If he didn't give the keys, she would take them herself. 
As if mocking her, the photos that Takado had in his locker of them fell on the ground. At least it wasn't his wedding band. 
"Do his students know that he has photos of me everywhere?" MC thought. Maybe he had to put her as his background on every device he owned. She didn't know that she was his background on all his devices except the ones for work. She also didn't know that his students saw her on his backgrounds, and lock screens, that they melted a little at first, then mocked him for being a simp. But there was no way Takado would tell her this. 
After MC's leaving, Takado's rage got concentrated on Kasumi. For hours, all the other doctors thought that the Overlord was overturned due to how intensely the orthopedist looked at the cardiologist. The only person who seemed not to notice this was Kasumi himself. Even his new wife understood it wasn't the time to cross Takado's path. So, when Takado got called into Kasumi's office, the cardiologist calmly ate MC's bento that got recognized by her husband in the same instant. Noticing his colleague's line of sight, the boss explained:
"Your wife said she didn't have enough appetite today and left her food for me because I am on call today."
"Are you mocking me because you can have every woman in this world while I had to be on the verge of dying to get a few years of happiness?" Takado snapped. 
Kasumi looked at his friend, colleague, and the source of his forming headache. All the words like: "You're enough, I promise, you're enough. Don't think so lowly of yourself. You are loved," dissipated and made enough space for the supreme: "The door is behind you. Come back when you get your brains and manners back."
Takado slammed the door to his boss' office. Kasumi took a deep breath and held it for a second, just to morph it into the loudest and deepest reproach he was capable of: "Manners, please."
The orthopedist rolled his eyes, opened the door again without looking at Kasumi, and closed it silently. However, he couldn't stop himself from giving it a knock with his elbow. Unfortunately, Takado was too old to be a rebel, and he stopped before breaking a bone. So, he decided to continue reading his patients' medical carts. Before he could finish, a dark figure covered his lights.
"I told you to go study manners, not this. You're not in the state to think reasonably today. So, bye-bye," Kasumi said while trying to get the folders from Takado's hands. For a second, Takado thought about suddenly letting go of them. Seeing Kasumi falling on his butt was a revenge good enough. Yet, he still had a wife at home, even if they weren't on good terms. Takado wasn't sure that MC had enough money to arrange his funerals. So, he tried his best to mask his range. 99% of it got under control. But that 1% made Takado's hand clench forcefully on Kasumi's shoulder before leaving the room. After the grip, Kasumi, who clenched his teeth out of pain, tried to find ways to explain to his wife why he would come back with a giant bruise on his shoulder. 
At home, Takado found his wife on the couch. At first, he didn't think too much about it. However, when he entered their shared bedroom and saw no sheets and pillows on the bed, he returned to her.
"Do you want a divorce? It's not even a year after their wedding..."
MC looked at her husband in shock. At first, a ping of guilt reverberated through her ribcage, but after his last sentence, she couldn't think of anything better than to throw a pillow at her soon-to-be ex-husband. 
"You don't even know when is our anniversary and that we celebrated our first year as a family a few weeks ago?"
Takado didn't bother to catch the pillow. Instead, he looked in disbelief at his wife. Something didn't make sense. A deja vu hit him, and he remembered how Kasumi was sure his girlfriend cheated on him with Takado. What if it was the same case and a misunderstanding occurred?
"What are you talking about? Are you even listening to what I am saying?" Takado Munechika, MD, Ph.D., Orthopedics Professor, known as MC's husband, mumbled. MC's face changed from an annoyed look to a quivering lip and teary eyes. The man fell on his knees and cupped his wife's cheeks. 
"Are you ashamed that I am your wife?"
Takado tilted his head and wiped a fat tear from MC's cheek. She closed her eyes, and the sunset orange hues got lost in her little liquid diamonds.
"What makes you say this?" Munechika asked after pressing his forehead against hers. MC tried to suppress a sob but failed and shook herself and her husband. Her fingers caught Takado's wrists and made him press his hands harder against her face. 
"I heard one of your students asking if you are married, and you said no."
This sentence marked the fall of MC's dam. She started to sob hard. Before answering, Munechika pulled MC into a tight embrace, and her head found its place against his chest. His lips kissed the crown of her head till MC calmed enough to hear his answer.
"If you listened a little longer, you would have heard my entire answer."
At this, MC pushed her husband enough to get a better look at his face and frowned. What else could he say to make the situation better? It wasn't as if "No" needed any completion. Plus, it sounded like a standalone answer. And even with another sentence, it didn't make any sense.
"No, that's why I wear a wedding band on my ring finger and call the other Dr. Takado my wife. Of course, I am married."
Okay, it made sense. It was something Takado could say. How could MC forget that her husband was sarcastic? Plus, he wore his wedding band all the time, except for the surgeries. 
MC let the last tears in her eyes fall on Takado's thumbs and smiled. The smile morphed into a hearty smile, and she hugged Munechika harder than ever. For a while, the husband patted his wife on the back.
"But even if I did say no, it didn't give you the right to kiss Kasumi."
MC tilted her head against Munechika's chest. When did she kiss Kasumi? She didn't even kiss Mrs. Kasumi, not to mention the Overlord. Whispering against her ear, Takado gave MC the explanations she needed.
"I heard Kasumi asking if it was okay to kiss you, and you said yes."
Searching through the history of all the words said to her in the past hours, MC finally understood what her husband talked about. 
"I was trying to make a point back then."
"By saying yes to his questions?"
"No, by asking him to ask me this and giving the answer that implied that I am not happy with you."
"Because he was smart enough to understand that it was a misunderstanding that you said you weren't married. And I brought up an example. I said: If he asked me to kiss me and I said yes, and you coincidentally overheard this, you would think of the worst-case scenario, as I thought when I heard you denying your marriage."
Takado tried to repeat all the words MC said and found a sense in them. It took him more than he wanted to admit. However, it wasn't his fault. MC's way of thinking was too strange for simple humans. 
"Mission completed unsuccessfully, I think."
MC nodded and hugged her husband again. At least she wouldn't have to spend her night on the sofa instead of sniffing Takado all night. 
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kamyru · 2 years ago
My top 10 Voltage Guys. Ordered as favorites and as most likely to get along with in real life (2023 Version)
Now that so many stories I have been waiting for are out, I can continue my tradition with this top. I can't believe it took me so long to do it. Yet, I had a hunch Togo Daimon would be a bias wrecker. So, yes. Here we are again.
P.S. In the “Most likely to get along with me in real life”, the first brackets are the comparison with the results from the last year. The second bracket shows how the characters changed places compared to their rank in my favorites.
P.S.S. You can request fics with all characters on this list. 
2021 Version; 2022 Version
My Favorite Voltage Inc Guys
Dropped out from the last year: Taro Akuchi, Takaomi Tsugaru, Toshiki Kasumi
10. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)
9. Jun Araki (-6)
8. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)
7. Suzumu Mado (-1)
6. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)
5. Hyogo Kaga (+5)
4. Hideki Ishigami (-2)
3. Munechika Takado (+4)
2. Toshiaki Kijima (-1)
Togo Daimon (New Entry)
My favorite Voltage Inc. guys ordered as I’m most likely to date/get along in real life:
10. Hyogo Kaga (=)(-5)
Don't get me wrong, I do love him a lot, especially in his newest seasons. I think he has the biggest character development out of all the characters I have read their stories for. However, he is working well with MC. He would work awful with me. I'm stubborn, independent, and bratty to rely on someone else as he wants his love to do. 
9. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)(-1)
This one is strange. If you ask me about his main story, I will struggle to answer. All I know is that I loved him the most out of all PLUST members, which was unexpected because I didn't even want to read his story. But from what I remember, he is empathetic and hard-working, with a secret soft side. However, we both are too stubborn to work well together. 
8. Jun Araki (-4)(+1)
Wanna laugh? When I started doing these tops in 2021, he was in this place. I won't change my words from last year about us two having a similar approach to work. Yet, the others are too good for this alone to make him higher. Plus, his sex-centered characteristics scare the shit out of me, considering that I don't like touches from men. 
7. Toshiaki Kijima (+2)(-5)
Toshiaki is the love of my life, and I adore him to death. Recently, I don't even remember in which story, he said something along the lines that he can also be naughty and full of surprises. And this is what made me put him higher this year. I am the biggest homebody in all my groups of friends. However, I'm that crazy friend who is up for nearly everything. So, discovering his naughty side made me want to "corrupt" him a little. 
6. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)(+4)
He is one of the characters I have the most in common. I'll say something strange, but after reading the first three MSs for PLUST (I haven't read Wataru's yet), I headcanon that all PLUST members are introverts. And here is Mikoto, the center, the flirt, the favorite. Damn, this man reminds me of myself due to how many random skills and knowledge he has. Also, his love for literature is gold. Plus, he's super empathetic, smart, ambitious, and ready to help everyone. Can I marry him? He is one of the characters I want to be most like. 
5. Suzumu Mado (-2)(+2)
I will never stop yelling from every hill that this man has one of the healthiest ideas about love and relationships I have seen. Okay, maybe only in my opinion. If I were his girlfriend, we would be a couple of lazy cats, randomly helping our friends while pretending we don't care. Can you see the pattern? If not, wait for Kuranosuke where I explain it. 
4. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)(+2)
It's pretty strange how Kuranosuke with his dominant nature is higher than Suzumu & Mikoto, who are more carefree than him. At least they don't show everyone how much they worry. And taking into consideration my personality that dislikes to listen to others' rules, it doesn't make sense, does it? Yes, because we have the same family dynamic, and both are family-orientated (in a way). That's the thing that overturned Suzumu & Mikoto. Also, the reason why these three are so high is that they are a lot like me. I can understand how they are working, their ideas, and their plans. But this also means that we have similar cons and even traumas. We would work well together, but not the best. 
3. Hideki Ishigami (-1)(+1)
Is someone surprised? Not me! During every top, he was pretty high on this list. As always, his only problem is he has a dangerous job while I'm a worrywart. But his humor, hidden kindness, and attitude towards MC = gold. Love him till death.
2. Munechika Takado (-1)(+1)
This is where you have to be surprised because for two years he was the first. He is everything I want in a man: kind, smart, funny, stoic but soft with you, serious about his relationship, supportive, and caring. Plus, Takado is taller than me and a doctor! If I met a doctor like him, I would fall for him more than definitely. Poor thing he is fictional. But you know what thing makes him fall from his 1st spot? The fact that the next one isn't as harsh with words. And my "words of affirmation"-craving heart made its choice. 
Togo Daimon (New Entry)(=)
For the first time in three years, my favorite is also the first in this top. Don't even dare to tell me that the man who loves you from the start, protects you, is a feminist (at least considering his actions), can do everything for you, can take care of the house, is cute, isn't afraid to admit his relationship in front of others, isn't perfect! But why do I think that we can work well together besides the fact that he is already perfect when I'm more than definitely not? We were the youngest kids who cared for the rest of the family while bottling up their feelings. He is more in control of this trauma than me. He may be the perfect boyfriend, and I may not be the perfect girlfriend. Yet, I'm the perfect boyfriend, too (according to all my friends). There would be a war of who takes better care of each that would be even worse than in his story due to me being a lot more stubborn than MC. Plus, I have a carefree, yet responsible attitude towards life that he sometimes lacks. 
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kamyru · 1 year ago
Do you know what we deserved but didn't get?
A mysterious, not talkative, nerdy, eyeglassed, familist with three kids due to marrying in early 20s BFF of Takado who works as a radiologist.
Inside info from someone who was in ortho surgery rooms: a lot of ortho surgeries are made teamed up with radiologists, or at least in East Europe (though, it looks like this is true in other parts of the world too).
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Random Headcanon #33
Manly men of Voltage Inc who are exclusively girls' dads: Hyogo Kaga, Jun Araki, Togo Daimon, Kuranosuke Kiba, Munechika Takado, Taro Akuchi
They are frightening for everyone, making employees cry, putting the work above everything else, not saying compliments, the main reason new employees don't stay for too long, etc.
However, they let their daughter play in their hair, paint their nails, have tea parties, wear matching pink tutus and tiaras, watch out for what they are saying, give hugs and compliments, start and end their calls with "Love you", not caring who hears them saying this.
And when others ask them if they don't regret having only girls, they always answer: "Have you ever been hugged at the end of the day by your daughter? It's an irreplaceable feeling, the best in the worlds."
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Random Headcanon #34
Do you know how Haikyuu! fandom is like "Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer" because that's the peak of sexiness? So, in Voltage Inc world, they are the "Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer":
Her Love in the Force: Kaga Hyogo (31) Public Safety Detective
Irresistible Mistakes: Araki Jun (35) CEO
Oops! I Said Yes?!: Daimon Togo (36) Architect & Kiba Kuranosuke (34) Architect
Romance MD: Always on Call: Takado Munechika (35) Orthopedic Surgeon (the most "Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer" of all "Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer" s in the world)
Tokyo Love Hustle: Akuchi Taro (30+) Bodyguard
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Hey!! I hope your exams are going ok/went well? I saw you mentioned them in a previous response to someone?!
I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm craving some fluff for Takado, and I love your writing, so I thought you were the person to ask!
I've been imagining something along the lines of the two being really good friends, and it's obvious to everyone that they're smitten. Maybe MC starts talking about Takado like she does Sekai, and he suddenly realises she feels the same?
Honestly, I really don't mind what you decide, and please don't feel any pressure to write anything!
Hey, Anon! Is this one of the cutest asks I have received? Definitely! Thank you for this idea. And thank you for asking about my exams. They went better than I had thought in the beginning. Now I'm finally home and have time to relax. I hope I'll write more these days. So, wait for me. Also, enjoy! ❤️
Friends to lovers (Munechika Takado x MC) (Scenario)
Summary: Matsunaga and Kasumi had high expectation from the smart student that became EICU's new "acquisition". However, no one expected for her to click so good with their tyrant of a colleague - Dr. Munechika Takado.
Words counting: 1713
"It is obvious," Ekuni wrote on his board and immediately closed his eyes. However, even Kasumi, the furthest away from him, noticed that the anesthesiologist didn't fall asleep and listened to everything the other EICU members were saying. Ekuni was smart enough to know that after his statement, everyone would be interested in a continuation. So, a minute later, he was on his butt, stretching and yawning. "Have you never seen Takado be overprotective of MC every time she sleeps?"
Matsunaga looked at the three doctors who were listening to Ekuni. He was the only one who didn't share an office with them, so there was no way he would witness anything like this. Sen avoided his boss' boss eyes. Kasumi, on the other hand, looked deep into his thoughts. 
"I do reckon seeing something like this, yes," the cardiologist started while rubbing his chin. "Takado once hushed me when MC slept with her head on her textbooks."
Sen's brows frowned, and Hosho's jaw was on the floor, knowing better than anyone that no one in their entire team was as afraid of Kasumi as Takado. Ekuni forgot about sleep due to Kasumi's words that exceeded all his expectations. 
"I was talking about Takado searching for a blanket in the entire office the first time MC fell asleep on the couch, but this is good too, I think," Ekuni explained. 
"And do you think that Takado searching for a blanket is proof strong enough to make you suspect his feelings for MC?" Hosho entered the conversation. 
"It's Takado we are talking about. If any other resident fell asleep here, he would have thrown them outside the window," Sen's irritated voice reverberated through the room. 
"You've got a point," Ekuni wrote again on his board. He wanted to go back to sleep, but Hosho's words picked up his interest. 
"Do you remember our morning meeting from the last month?" 
All of them knew what the neurosurgeon was about to say. It had happened a few weeks ago but was vivid in everyone's memories as if it was yesterday. Kasumi explained the schedule to everyone, and, as ever, Takado took more than half of the sofa. MC, who was a little bit late, didn't have space where to sit. Instead of taking a chair, she planted herself on the floor between Takado's legs. Kasumi stopped talking when he saw her like this. However, the most surprised was the orthopedist, who asked for explanations by pushing MC's back with his knee. The girl's brows raised, surprised by her preceptor's rudeness. Instead of saying anything, she just showed him her tongue and moved her eyes to Kasumi, waiting for him to continue. Despite Takado's initial shock, he didn't stop his resident from leaning on one of his knees. Moreover, after the meeting finished, Takado let his upper body fall in front and put his arms on MC's head, trapping her between his legs. Poor girl had to bite him to get out. 
"Even then, I thought MC was just giving him a lesson about manspreading," Hosho explained. 
"That means you are dumb, not that there's nothing between them," Sen mumbled. 
"Facepalm" appeared on Ekuni's board. 
"But I get why Hosho has never thought of them being a couple or having feelings for each other," Kasumi started, looking far away. "Do you remember Takado being touchy or overly open about his past relationships?"
This question was enough for everyone to shut up for a while. Even Sen had to bite his tongue in regret for being rude to Hosho. Takado liked girly girls with cute behavior. Even if he tried his best to "seduce" those with whom he went on dates, none of the doctors remember him being overly excited and open about his relationships. There was no way he would be so careless to act like that with his girlfriend in front of them.
"I know what you are talking about, but I still think that Takado wouldn't share his food with anyone not special to him."
Now, the EICU team looked at Matsunaga. If their boss' boss saw hints of Takado and MC's relationship, that meant something. 
"I once ate with Takado and MC during lunch."
What the Dean was talking about had happened around two months ago, even before the thing at the meeting. Takado and MC waited in line for lunch while talking about shoulder fractures that interested muscles. They were too concentrated on their talk to see Matsunara next to them. So the Dean could hear their command. 
"What will you take? I can't decide between the second and the third menu," Takado asked while licking his lips in expectation. 
"Why don't you take one and I take the other, then we share it?"
And, from Matsunaga's words, both ended up liking both menus. Not caring that there were people around them, they gave each other half of their portions, stealing from each other plates from time to time, just for annoying purposes. 
After the Dean ended his story, the EICU team needed a few moments to digest the information. Was it really about their Takado? It was true that MC clicked with her preceptor from the first moments. She was hard-working and dedicated, but unlike Takado, she knew what "friendliness" meant. But being so close wasn't what people expected when they decided to make MC Takado's student. 
"You may be right, but it was months ago. What is happening between them lately isn't just friendliness," Sen finally showed his cards. 
Sen rolled his eyes when he saw everyone looking at him. However, he couldn't hide the grin on his face in time for others not to see it. The pediatrician faked a cough to mask his laugh and started explaining his point. 
"I think MC's obsession with Sekai is her problem, but she is annoying when she fawns over me for having a voice similar to his. However, lately, she has forgotten about me. Instead, I have heard her mumbling under her nose about how pleasant is Takado's voice."
A wave of "wow" hit the youngest doctor on the team. He let aside the fact that MC asked him what he thought about the orthopedist's deep and husky voice. The damage he had done was enough to prove his point. So, others would have to spy on MC to get more information. 
"I see your points and understand why some of you think they are good friends while others question their relationship. However, I also have seen something that makes me think there can be more between them," Kasumi decided to publicize his information. After a deep breath, the cardiologist continued: "On Matsudo Rina's death anniversary, I saw Takado going to the roof and followed him because I was worried. But I saw MC hugging him tightly from behind. And he didn't push her away. Moreover, when they had a kid abandoned by their parents as a patient, I heard MC saying that she knew how it felt, and Takado promised never to abandon her."
This time, no one commented. It wasn't a simple or funny matter. It was something that friends, lovers, and family members do for those they care about. Something that the entire EICU craved. So, when MC and Takado entered the office, they saw their colleagues sitting silently in a circle. 
"What are you doing here? Planning how to conquer the world?" MC started.
"Nah, they plan how to get rid of us. Otherwise, why aren't we invited?" Takado explained while chuckling. 
However, their jokes weren't funny to their friends. Instead, they were met with frowned brows and concentrated looks. Takado and MC gulped, waiting for the bomb to drop. 
"Are you dating?" Kasumi finally said what was on everyone's minds.
Takado looked at MC, who had her shoulder touching his. He didn't mind her proximity. However, after Kasumi's words, it felt like burning, and he jumped away from her. Both orthopedists blushed hard and avoided looking at someone else. 
"No," they whispered simultaneously.
"Yet," Hosho stated and started chuckling. Thanks to his words, Takado and MC looked at each other. They were supposed to come to EICU headquarters after their things and go home together. Now, their ride was doomed. 
Ten minutes after, a tomato Takado stopped in front of MC and unlocked the door of his car. Without saying a word, the girl hopped in. The entire ride, none of them said a single word. However, from time to time, they stole glances at each other, trying to understand what the other thought about what had happened earlier. 
"Can we talk about this?" Takado said after stopping his car in front of MC's apartment. The girl nodded, waiting for him to continue. It took the man minutes to get his thoughts in order. So, the pair of friends stayed in silence the whole time, hoping their hearts were pounding deafening only in their ears. "I see you as a friend. I do. But lately..." Takado took a deep breath and swallowed, "lately, when I look at you, I think I'd like to kiss you. And I don't think that's what friends do."
Suddenly, the roof of his car became more entertaining than anything else. The orthopedist could swear that everything above him was so foreign as if someone else had chosen the car and had driven it for years. 
"Then do it," MC whispered so softly that Takado nearly missed it due to his nosy brain. 
Slowly, Takado's eyes left the roof and found their way to MC's face. His hand, however, was faster, finding its place on the girl's fingers. The man leaned towards MC and pressed his forehead against hers.
"Are you sure?"
MC whispered a "Yes," the last letter of the word being swallowed by Takado's lips. Both of them slid closer to each other. Takado's other hand cupped MC's cheek. None of their hearts stopped deafening their ears. Yet, the wrinkles in between their brows disappeared. It wasn't a long kiss, and they didn't kiss till being breathless. But, they both were, due to the feelings exploding in their chests. 
"I think I want to do it forever," Takado whispered against MC's lips.
"Then do it," MC repeated with a small smile. 
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kamyru · 3 years ago
The LIs in Voltage Inc games: I saw death. I saw illness. I saw betrayal. I saw poverty. I saw all the hardships in this world.
The MCs in Voltage Inc games: I'm just a garden flower that is loved, cared about, and daily fed.
(No, but really. From what I remember, there are a few MCs whose parents are dead or divorced, then there's Romance MD MC and her back story, Tokyo Love Hustle and hers, and Kiss of Revenge MC. The rest of them probably grew up in a greenhouse. All of them are mentally stable, have good families, fantastic friends, adequate exes, etc.
While the LIs are borderline suicidal (I'm looking at you, Seiji Goto, Takaomi Tsugaru, Munechika Takado, and Taro Akuchi.) Probably half of them have or had depression, and some of them had mental breakdowns (Toshiki Kasumi and Takaomi Tsugaru). Let's not talk about their traumas. Is there at least one LIs whose life is nearly as normal as MC's?
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Hey! I hope you're doing good? I love your fics and was just wondering, who is your favourite character to write for? 🩷
Hi! Thank you for sending me this ask. It's fun to answer random questions like this one, so don't hesitate to ask me anything you want to know. 
Today I started my second semester of this year. I hope I'll be as motivated by the end of it as now.
As to answer your question about my favorite character to write about, I can't choose only one. But I do have a list:
Ayumu Shinonome - I like to make him soft or to avenge MC and make him suffer. It's one of my guilty pleasures.
Jun Araki - Nearly the same thing as for Ayumu. I like to write angst or hurt/comfort for him. 
Toshiaki Kijima - He is my favorite Voltage Inc character. The day I find a man like him in real life, I'm getting married. Let me daydream and write for him as much as possible.
Daimon Togo - He is the same as Kijima. The only problem is that he is still a wild card, and I don't know how far away from his cannon self I am getting him. But I can't wait to read his story. The last time I had expectations so high for a character was for Toshiki Kasumi. 
Kuranosuke Kiba - We are returning to the first two. Plus he is a lot like me, and it's easy to write about him for me. And I think because of this, I tend to give him some of my worries to get rid of them. 
Shu Hasunuma - He is one of the greenest flags that Voltage Inc has ever made. Do I need another reason? 
Munechika Takado - I love this man. Another one I'm ready to marry the second I meet him in real life. 
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Do you know how Takado is the tall and muscular character of the Romance MD: Always on Call?
I volunteer on the ER room in the main hospital of the city I study. So, putting aside the fact that orthopedic doctors have to be strong due to their job (fun fact, one of my male teachers from med school told us that there are only two fields in which men doctors do a better job than females: orthopedics and urology. The first requires a lot of physical force, and in the second you have to deal too much with men), we do really have an ortho doctor who is in his late 30s, early 40s, looks like a Greek God, is probably 20 cm/8 inches taller than me (and I'm 176/5'9), and very muscular. Everyone is in awe when he is in the ER, and are like: "Ortho is here!" Also, he is friendly, has a husky voice, is polite with everyone (and that's what differentiate him from Takado), and probably married.
Now I'm in the mood of writing fluff for Takado, if you have any ideas. 😂
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kamyru · 2 years ago
A short list of characters that would make a perfect couple with a "sunshine" MC
I may be biased, because "the grumpy and the sunshine" trope is one of my favorite, but hear me out. What if these grumpy love interests from Voltage Inc had an overly bubbly and friendly significant other? And they are not only the grumpy, but also the sunshine protectors? If you have any requests regarding this, don't hesitate to send them to me. But till them, look at the list of characters I think will suite this trope:
Hideki Ishigami
Hyogo Kaga
Ayumu Shinonome
Jun Araki
Kuranosuke Kiba
Munechika Takado
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Hihi!!! I saw your family bliss requests are open thus! I would like to request some of our boys from RMD takado and kasumi!!! Thank u!! :D
Hi, Anon! Thank you so much for your ask. Family bliss is the best. I adore writing it. Today I have decided to write about the kids being teens because that's a whole other level of interaction. I hope you'll also like it. Enjoy!
Kasumi and Takado with their teen kids (Shorts)
Word counting: 347 & 315
Toshiki Kasumi
Kasumi was watching a recording of a surgery when his son placed himself between the screen and his dad.
"Can I ask you something?" the boy started while looking away, which made his father see his red ears.
Kasumi turned off the screen and bit his lips from the inside, not to tease his son so obviously. Seeing that he got his father's attention, the boy continued.
"Can you drive me to Takado's?"
The doctor rubbed his chin, looking deep in thought, even if both men knew the answer.
"I thought you finished teaching their older daughter English. Did she have problems on her last test?"
The younger Kasumi sighed. He was a step away from giving up on his plans. However, a notification on his phone gave him enough courage to continue to persuade his father.
"We are going to play games together. She told me her dad got some new and wants to play them with me," the boy finally said.
Kasumi didn't want to use the power of his stare on his kids, not when they were so honest in front of him. So, instead of continuing to ask questions, he took his car keys without adding a word.
The ride was silent. One Kasumi had to fight the urge to dig into his son's personal life, and the other knew better than to talk, considering how attentive his dad was. Every word could make him spill the beans.
"Do you have a crush on her?" Kasumi finally snapped while parking the car in front of Takado's house.
"DAD!" was the answer he received, but he knew his son well enough to know what it meant.
"You're not very fond of gaming," Kasumi continued, by bit his tongue. The boy got fidgety. A gentle smile appeared on the doctor's face. "Have fun and tell Takado I said hi!" were the last words the dad had said before the son left the car.
"You'll see him at work tomorrow," the younger Kasumi protested. But both of them knew that he would deliver his dad's message.
Munechika Takado
There was no wonder why students liked Professor Takado: his lessons were interesting, his experience as a doctor was irreproachable, and a big plus was his exceptionally attractive features - not that he cared a lot about this, having a wife and two kids at home. However, Professor Takado was still a tyrant - strict and disciplined. So, when the class door opened in the middle of the lesson, everybody exchanged looks and tried to see the intruder.
"Hi, dad!" a cheerful and carefree voice greeted them.
Professor Takado frowned and looked from his class to his fifteen-year-old daughter. The students' attention got even sharper. It wasn't an everyday occurrence to see their Professor in his natural habitat. The man let out a long sigh and put the remote for the smart board away.
"What are you doing here?"
"Running away from school," the girl casually said while hugging her father. When she received a cold shoulder from him, a grin appeared on her face. "Joking. I didn't have club activities today. So, I decided to visit you."
Takado let his girl hug him properly and pat her head, receiving "awws" from his class.
"Just say that you wanted to eat at Pen's," the doctor chuckled.
"I want to eat at Pen's with you and my little brother that we'll take from school after you finish the lesson," the girl explained while taking out one of her textbooks and placing it on the Professor's desk.
"What about mom?" Takado grinned, making some of the students in his class grin too, due to how rarely they saw their Professor like this.
"She'll be the best addition to our group."
Before returning to where he left, Takado whispered a barely audible "I know".
Now, Professor Takado's students had more reason to love him, seeing his more human side - the one he showed to his family.
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kamyru · 2 years ago
*MC and Takado eating instant ramen in the on-call room*
MC: That's how night shift tastes like.
Takado: No, that's how stress tastes like.
MC: It's a bitter taste.
Takado: Due to the unshed salty tears.
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Kiba, Takado or Toma getting a call from their siblings: Hey! I'm in the city. Can I visit you?
Kiba, Takado or Toma: No, I have this thing in my house... How is it called? Ah, yes! Wife! I don't need anyone else to eat my last working brain cells. See you never! Have a nice trip!
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kamyru · 2 years ago
Characters I like to torture
As some of you probably already know, I adore to write and read angst. However, there are some characters that in my mind yell "angst" with their entire existence. So, if you also like angst, don't hesitate to send me requests with them (or other characters that you want to torture).
Love interests that I like to write angst for
Hyogo Kaga
Takaomi Tsugaru
Ayumu Shinonome
Yukihisa Maki
Jun Araki
Toshiaki Kijima
Daimon Togo
Kunihiro Kasai
Kuranosuke Kiba
Shu Hasunuma
Toshiki Kasumi
Munechika Takado
Taro Akuchi
Suzumu Mado
MC from what routes I like to torture
Hideki Ishigami
Hyogo Kaga
Ayumu Shinonome
Yukihisa Maki
Shunichiro Tachibana
Jun Araki
Toshiaki Kijima
Keita Mitsuura
Daimon Togo
Kunihiro Kasai
Kuranosuke Kiba
Shu Hasunuma
Toshiki Kasumi
Munechika Takado
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kamyru · 3 years ago
The fact that the strangest characters that Voltage Inc has made are doctors is warming my heart.
I am talking about Romance MD: Always on Call cast. Like, they are weirdoes, strange, eccentric, with unique humor, and a little bit of idiots. The most normal ones: Sen and Takado can be considered the strange ones in any other game.
I'm not saying that out of all the characters they are the most weird, because we have Jin Namba, Tsugaru and Yosuke. What I am saying is that out of all the games, their team is definitely on the top of the eccentricity. They don't have a single normal, adequate person.
And, as some of you know, doctors are strange. Of course, this can be said about lawyers and police officers too. But doctors are a whole other level. We joke about all the things in the world, act as anti-heroes, have an abnormal concept of normality. So, the fact that Voltage depicted it, is making me more than happy.
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