#mbti biases
notanotherinfjblog · 2 years
Bias ramblings
I think it’s fascinating how we all have biases for or against certain cognitive functions in other people that we are not even aware of. When I take a look at my bookshelves, about 80% of the books in there were written by ESTPs and ENTPs, while only two(!!) books in there were written by FPs. The rest were written by ESFJs, some TJs and INTPs, but the INTP stories always feel like there’s something missing. I love how I can always very quickly tell if a story was written by an FP just by the way that the characters interact because viewing them through the lens of Fi feels so foreign that the story might as well have been created by aliens. And it’s interesting how that correlates with the disconnect I experience between me and most FPs, especially ISFPs, in real life. It’s nothing personal, it’s not like we dislike each other. We are just aliens to one another. I love a lot of FP musicians, but the ones that can make me cry are the ESTP ones, when yet another one of them writes a song that is created from Se and Fe and they sing about how this life was meant to be experienced together and that we are all one and that whenever something’s wrong, we are all going to be there for you, you are always going to find a home in us. This is love, this is safety. I’m a sucker for the word “we”, I’m an FJ after all. And my ESFJ mother has this same bias. Every FP she meets, there’s going to be a clash. I remember a time, when we were in a group of an ESFJ, ISTP, INTJ, ENFP and me as an INFJ, but it didn’t feel like a group because ENFP kept pulling someone aside to talk to them privately, thus creating a boundary between her and the rest of us, making us all feel like individuals surrounded by people. And my ESFJ mother lost it, and the only ones who could understand it were ISTP and me, the two other Fe users. This same ISTP is one of the chillest people you can imagine, but whenever he meets a TJ, he wants nothing to do with them, preferably never see them again. But this is his personal bias. I also know an ISTP who is married to an ESTJ. Likewise, my ISFP stepmother has a great dislike against FJs, meanwhile my ISFP and ESFJ friends are the most perfect couple you could meet. So these biases are not the same for everyone sharing the same MBTI type. We form these biases on our own, though I don’t really know how. My bias against Fi makes no sense when you consider that my best and oldest friend is an ESFP and I’ve known her for as long as I can remember, though I do remember us mutually hating each other when we met when we were three. One of my other closest friends is an INFP, yet 90% of FPs I meet feel like aliens that drain my energy, while the other 10% (typically ENFPs) are the ones that decide to adopt me 0.5 seconds after meeting me. Why are we always drawn to the same group of MBTI types and why is it not always mutual? NFPs gravitate much more toward me than I to them. I’ve been asked out by a couple of ENTPs, but in the end they always tell me that we are too different people, even when I don’t think so. TJs like me and I like them, but a proper mutual fondness only develops with the NTJs. When I first met my ENTJ friend, we were in a group with an ESFP and an ISFP, and the only one that got on fine with each of us was ESFP, but it was ENTJ and I that stared at each other and both of us immediately went “oh! I choose this one, this one is friend-shaped.” A lot of ESTPs tend to be quite fond of me and I like them, but the fondness usually isn’t mutual. ESFJs and I are never a problem, but somehow we never end up being close friends, despite getting on very well. Which reminds me of my ESFP friend who is very attracted to Se in other people and frequently crushes on other SFPs, but it never amounts to anything more than one or two dates. There’s simply not enough of a difference between them. Being too similar to each other doesn’t work for relationships. Humans need diversity, which is why you will never find the same MBTI type within the same nuclear family, not even in identical twins. Literally all STJs I know absolutely hate meeting other STJs. It’s a blind hatred toward one another from the very beginning for absolutely no reason other than recognising a piece of them selves in the other. And even in movies, where a couple of (casting) directors artificially orchestrate family/friend/relationship dynamics, it’s incredibly rare to find a movie couple that’s played by two actors of the same type. But there are biases in casting choices, too. There are so many ENTP writers/showrunners/directors that will almost always cast ENTPs as their lead actors. Some tv shows are completely overrun by FJ actors or SP actors etc. that it simply cannot be a coincidence. Whenever there’s more than two intuitives on a cast, the project is usually run by an intuitive themselves. 
What I’m trying to say is: we are all biased in our relationships with other people in a very systematic way, and I personally believe that we tend to be drawn to those types and cognitive functions that provide a good balance to us. Why has my ESFJ mother married two Ti-doms? Because her own Ti is garbage and she needs someone to talk sense into her when she’s jumping to conclusions again. Why has my ESTJ friend befriended at least 8 intuitives that I know of (which is crazy)? Because she likes using Ne and they unlock the more fun part of her. Why does my ESTP friend have a whole collection of FJ friends? Because all these typical Fe behaviours, as she once said, make her feel warm and safe. Why do I get on so well with TJs? Because I’m an absolute loser at navigating the real world and don’t know how any of this works. It’s about balance. 
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httpiastri · 9 months
i have a theory that lando girlies were once haechan/seungkwan/yeonjun girlies
you're a genius me thinks. because YES i feel this so much. i mean, as a lando girlie who used to be a haechan & yeonjun girlie..... i relate a lot
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headdaze · 3 months
HAPPY HANBIN DAY!!! >3<🐹💕🎉 AHHHH my precious leader, you're so precious & amazing & just the best. also part of the reason I got into zb1 since most of the time my thought process is "WELL IF THE LEADER IS AWESOME ILL LIKE THE GROUP TOO" and it's basically a fool proof plan :DDD ((although I will say i initially went to see zb1's member page to find who the heck jiwoong and ricky were because when I saw them no joke I was like "these men aren't real why are they so gorgeous. stop. help." RIP LOL))
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1-of-0 · 10 months
Most people are prejudiced towards one or more groups based on their own subjective/cognitive biases even if they don't acknowledge it or in most cases aren't even aware of it. Usually, it's skin colour, intelligence, financial status, educational backgrounds, differing moral values etc. This list looks different for everyone. Regardless prejudice prevails.
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wonfilms · 1 year
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warmwrigglysoysauce · 2 years
My opinion of the mbtis as an INTP
ENTP hilarious. You're me when I'm under the influence. I envy your balls and don't envy your constant drama
ENFP we vibe. You're a cute softy.
INFP you are my inner child you magical fae
ENFJ best friend material (seriously I collect this type, you're perfect)
ESFJ surprisingly amazing. We're so different we come full circle and end up the best team ever
INTJ this type (all of them) are my older sister. I love her, look up to her, and will protect her with my life. I don't always get her.
INFJ not sure I get the hype? You're cool and all but not any cooler than ENFJ
ESTJ I hate your guts. You are my worst nightmare. (I have deep respect for your existence but a major problem if it starts happening too close to me)
ISTJ I also hate your guts but at least respect that I can keep you at a distance using my intellect as a poking stick
Everyone else: do they really exist? I've never met them, or the rare times I do, I immediately forget their type b/c they make so little impression on me. (Yes, I am sometimes be a stuck up asshole)
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Please, elaborate more on these Hazbin Hotel headcanons. I’m very interested in hearing about them.
I would like to preface all my posts on headcanons related to psychology and mental illness with a disclaimer: diagnosing mental conditions, especially personality disorders, can be extremely challenging. It's a complicated process that relies heavily on a psychologist's interpretation of facts, making it susceptible to biases. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed based on surface-level observations and are not just labels that we can assign to people like in the case of MBTI. Additionally, I am not a clinician with any expertise in diagnosing people. Therefore, the following post should not be taken as a reliable professional opinion. It's simply my interpretation of the internal mechanisms that may be responsible for the behavior of certain characters in my fan fiction. Furthermore, I want to make it clear that I have no intention of stigmatizing people with personality disorders by associating them with villains. A personality disorder does not determine someone's character or make them a bad person. Some characters may be evil because of the choices they make, not as a result of their mental conditions.
Since you didn't ask about anything specific, I'll just give some headcanons on Vs since I think about them the most.
> Vs are not a polycule, it's VoxVal + Velvette because she would never touch any of these losers. What's more, Vox and Val are extremely sexist (I mean it's kinda canon, we heard how they speak about women) so if she had sex with any (or both) of them, she would no longer be one of the boys and become one of the bitches.
> Vox has NPD, Val has BPD, Vel has APD.
> Vox is continuously overstimulated because he's constantly connected to his web. That's why snaps so easily and sometimes goes through 5 stages of grief in 5 seconds. He could disconnect (and sometimes he does) but he's too much of a control freak to not lurk constantly.
> During his life on earth, Valentino had a terrible, toxic father. Very much machismo who abused him relentlessly for being queer. (Not that I want to make him sympathetic, I just think that evil people are often miserable before they become evil.) Because Val is very queer, not just "man occasionally fucking other men", he's always been loud and proud pansexual and gender non-conforming. He wasn't some kind of activist, very concerned about queer issues, he just refused to stay in the closet out of spite, and because it made men around him uncomfortable. He just enjoyed being perceived as a deviant. It was one of the things that eventually got him killed.
> Vox is like a hardcore sadist. He cuts people open just to feel powerful.
> During his life on Earth, Vox used to be extremely homophobic because his bisexuality was threatening to his masculinity. He's also the embodiment of toxic white masculinity from the 50's. He actually did some personal growth in Hell, eg. He gave up racism, homophobia, transphobia, and most other -phobias, and now he despites everyone rather equally. He just bullies women more because misogynistic violence is a low-hanging fruit.
> So with Velvette I had some fun because she manifested in Hell not so long ago and happened to be as powerful as other Vs, who had much more experience and souls collected. So I assumed she must be completely deranged. I came up with the idea that she used to be a toxic influencer who built a cult-like following around her. She weaponized it against multiple people, ruining lives, and manipulating kids into committing crimes or even suicides. Her methods are very fine, Vox and Val have nothing on her when it comes to cruelty.
> Velvette is not misogynistic per se but she despises weak women who can't fight for themselves. That's why other Vs behavior don't bother her, she doesn't feel threatened by their aggression.
> Angel Dust has BPD and an eating disorder. That's why he fell for Valentino so terribly, to trust him with his soul. He used to think that Valentino is the only person fucked up enough to truly love him as damaged as he'd been. (More hc about Val and Angel here). Actually Val has a very similar backstory to him - a queer, gender non-conforming man in a very masculine environment (I'm not sure how canonic is Angel working for the Italian Mafia at this point but I stick to it until proven otherwise).
Other headcanos about Vox and Val ❤️🩵
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
I love your writing so much.
If it's not a bother, could I have a (maybe little bit ooc) scenario about Illumi realizing the people he hangs out with most (Hisoka and Reader, a truly chaotic duo) are dumbasses, but he loves enjoys having them around?
Thank you!!
those two idiots of mine (illumi x reader x bestfriend!hisoka) (scenario)
description: illumi has a semi crisis over his two self proclaimed best friends
authors note:  it’s not a bother at all and you’re so sweet anon! tbh this has to be my favourite request i’ve gotten so far. illumi dealing with his chaotic duo besties with begrudging love? sign me the fuck up <3
also this also had extrovert/introvert themes so i thought i’d include the mbtis of my boys
illumi: istj (according to a quick google search)
hisoka: entp (like yours truly) (i swear sharing an mbti with hisoka is my defining trait)
reader: whatever the fuck you are (insert your mbti here)
warnings: might be a smidge ooc, i really tried my best to make it have an authentic illumi feel but my guy is dealing with emotions so yk...
requests are open!
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Of all the tiresome things Illumi had dealt with in his life, having you and Hisoka be his primary source of socialising might be top of the list. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you all started to meet up regularly for various things, nor could he remember when you had self proclaimed yourselves his best friends.
You and Hisoka were both utterly ridiculous, often matching each other's wild energy as if you were on the same brainwave.
Illumi began to question his ‘friendship’ with you when you and Hisoka started debating whether or not ketchup was a smoothie.
“It’s a blended fruit.”
“But you have it as a condiment with savoury foods.” You argued, whacking the magician’s head with a newspaper.
He swatted you away with an amused hum. “That doesn’t change its nature.”
“You don’t drink ketchup.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Illumi quietly listened to his two best friends argue as you all sat round a table.
As he watched the two of you bicker back and forth, he was unable to fathom your unique stupidity. The assassin understood that individually, his friends were incredibly intelligent and capable people. However once together, you two seemed to share the collective intellect of a prawn. 
“Illumi!” The assassin was brought out of his internal suffering by the very source itself. Both you and Hisoka had decided that for some reason they needed a third person’s opinions on your debate. 
“I’m not getting involved.”
“C’monn, please?”
“I’ll give Hisoka Killua’s number.”
“Ketchup is a savoury condiment, not a smoothie.”
You let out a whoop of victory, fist-pumping the air in your joy. “HA! Suck it Hisoka!”
“That’s no good, he’s biased.” Hisoka tutted, shaking his head and folding his arms. “You know Illumi always sides with you.”
“That’s because he loves me.”
“Unconfirmed by him.”
“Confirmed in his heart.”
“Does he even have one?’ Hisoka shot.
“Do you even have one?” You fired back.
Illumi sat there locked in a daze, listening to his two best friends argue like children. Yeah, you two were both the biggest idiots he had ever met, but he wouldn’t change you for the world. Of course he would never say this, but it never stopped the two of you from trying. 
And so what if he loved enjoyed having the two of you around? Who would be able to tell anyway?
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Hiya~! :3
Time for another milestone event! As promised, this time we'll do matchups. The game is simple:
You send me an ask, tell me a little bit about yourself, such as your interests, a little bit about your personality, aesthetic you like, you may include MBTI, horoscopes etc. You may include some things about your appearance if you wish, but I like to place emphasis on personality. I tend to be flexible, but as said, the spirit of the game is: you tell me about yourself and I'll match you up with a canon character.
You may include your pronouns, and whether you'd like to be paired with a male or a female character. Otherwise I'll just go with my intuition.
This is an anon only event because I'd otherwise be biased to match you up with your fave.
Please include an emoji as a mean of identification (in case there are similar submissions), preferably one based on which I can't guess who you are
I'll keep this event open for submissions until July 17th!
Happy requesting ^^ and thank you for the interactions, follows, comments etc ❤️‍🔥
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tobiotaesan · 2 months
ハイキュー!! x 보넥도 2
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synopsis: which haikyuu characters i think bnd resembles the most
genre: bnd! haikyuu au!
cw: none
note: i am terrible at these so theyre probably not accurate
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they both possess that motherly vibe
soft but firm at the same time
myungnyangz actually give off daisuga energy (sungho ofc is suga)
remember when sungho said in a video message for mj that he knows mj doesnt want to be a harsh/strict leader to the other members (probs bcus he doesnt want to end up hurting their feelings unintentionally) so instead he (sungho) will do it for him
now if that aint love
if that doesnt scream daisuga
thats literally vice capt sugawara in kpop idol form
also, they tend to be similar in the sense wherein they both appear to be calm ppl until someone tests their patience lol
plus the random bursts of energy
like when suga is just being the chill seniors with daichi and asahi and then the next second he is the cheer captain with the hyper juniors
thats sungho with 03 line and then suddenly being with gongfourz + woonagi
hes also good at dealing with the destiny boyz extroverted outbursts, very sugawara of him
to summarize: MOTHERSSSS
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i honestly dont know how (best album) i didnt think of the hoshiumi x riwoo
i saw someone say this on twt and id like to take this opportunity to say thank u to that person for enlightening me of this agenda
so the reason why i think this makes so much sense is
1) blonde riwoo was literally hoshiumi (refer pics above)
2) riwoo is to bnd what hoshiumi is to kamomedai if u know what i mean ( if u dont then thats a you problem)
3) they both embody this sense of confidence with their awareness of their skills that they know how to showcase
like he knows hes that good and he shows it but is still able to be humble about it
riwoo "performance director" = hoshiumi "the little giant" (i know he doesnt own the nn its for comparison)
and apparently they even share the same mbti, isfp (a bit unsure, sources dont match)
theyre like the golden player/member of the team
theyre just that good and they know it too (king behaviour)
ofc with that level of confidence there is also competitiveness
hoshiumi plays with a grin on his face especially when the opponent's skills are on par with them
i think it mirrors to the bright smile we see on riwoo's face when he does those tiktok challenges with the more complicated dances or just when he uploads one with the choreography he made himself in the car within like 10mins
i mean i would hype myself up too if i was insanely talented like them
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noya never d worded but welcome back nishinoya !
i think lots of onedoors who have been through the haikyuu phase would agree with this one
him, woonhak and taesan are the ones who have a definite and stable parallel character in haikyuu
noya plays a very important role in the team as the libero and they are often described as the backbone of the team's defense
like its meaning in italian ("free") they are free to move in and out of the court during gameplay, they go in when support is needed especially with receiving and covering the weaker areas of the players
the role reminds me so much of mj's leadership style in bnd
he seems to always be there for his members when they need him and is always ready to support/encoruage them at all times
like the way liberos tend to be well-aware and perceptive of the court to be able to support the teams defense, is the same as mj being a well-rounded, talented leader who is always looking out for his members
i say "myung jaehyun" you say "best leader"
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need i to explain this
visual parallel? check.
tsundere qualities? check.
extremely talented? check.
the end.
nah but fr they mirror each other so well it makes sense how i ended up liking tobio whilst being a taesan biased
they are so black cats idc if tobio is in karasuno whos mascot is a crow
both born with talent (i could never)
kags setting skills = taesanpop
tbh if taesan plays volleyball i think he could play to be a setter too
he produces songs for bnd whilst being able to integrate his own colors in it so i think he would know what its like to craft smth specifically for someone with the use of ones ability
the same way kags honed his passing skills so that shoyo can control the direction of his spikes better
was actually going to keep his short bcus i feel like i dont really need to explain this further like it just makes sense that taesan is kageyama
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HOLD- ✋️✋️
listen to me *holds face, squishing cheeks* he 👏 is 👏 not 👏 kenma 👏
i said what i said
kenma is wayyyyy too introverted, he actually lowkey hates humans and leehan is actually an extrovert yall
im gonna give u time to digest the information and think about leehan x suna
i know, right?
when he went "you like it?" at kcon la after showing his moving adams apple, thats the rintaro suna from within him speaking
the smugness? impressive how they express it without making it annoying but attractive instead.
or maybe im just down bad for pretty boys with long hair
they're also both kind off give off this "suavé" fine looking lad that make heads turn but deep inside is infected by loser-trapped-in-a-hot-body virus type of dude
jelly obssesion suna 🤝 leehan
pls support this agenda
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woonhak's thirst for becoming one the most talented idols out there is the same as shoyo's dream to becoming the next "little giant"
i love how woonhak has mj and taesan like shoyo has noya and tobio
noya being like one of shoyo's favorite senior that he admires so much
and also the one who actively and openly encourages and motivates shoyo when he needs it, like the way mj is to woonhak to the point of treating him like he gave birth to him
tobio being the not-obvious, nonchalant and lowkey support system to shoyo
hes aware of his potential and capabilities and so he works hard to make shoyo achieve the results he wants
the same way taesan shows his "형/hyung" side with the way he shows his support to woonhak (by teasing the heck out of him)
they both also have this child-like enthusiasm for a lot of things especially on their interests
they both show ecstatic responses to volleyball/performing
and the way they try to be smug about things they did good in accidentally
OH and plus the "im good at doing this" and then fails miserably
but its fine bcus they looked cute
`•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•`
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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winwintea · 6 months
Let's ride, Rodeo!
abt me!
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london/cowboy/may — broke college student — 21 — any pronouns!
mbti: entj + gemini
nationality: raaaaaaaaaaaah america /hj (save me please)
lang: 中文/en all ok
fav color: brown/green
ult groups: nct (all units), enhypen, skz, txt, aespa, (g)-idle, riize, & zb1, p1harmony, svt (casual listener of many groups)
biases: winwin, chenle, doyoung, riku, jay (en), han (skz), soobin, ningning, soyeon/yuqi, anton, matthew/taerae, jiung, minghao
likes: bubble tea, cats, dark academia, gaming, literature, sleep, fashion, writing, winning, people, turtles, pineapple on pizza (unironically)
dislikes: arguments i can't win, mushrooms, humidity
i shitpost on @sinisxtea (you're on my writing acc!)
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be respectful at all times AKA no hate speech, bigotry, bullying, harassment, spamming and the like, towards me and to others who interact with my blog
do not plagiarize my posts !!
minors (anyone whose 18th birthday has not passed yet) please do NOT interact with my 18+ posts, but anything else is fine to interact with. (blog mostly sfw with a lot of cussing, so i probably won't have any 18+ posts unless you count reblogs, but just in case 🤞)
asks are ALWAYS OPEN. i love talking to people please talk to me 🥺 ask me questions hi. pls chat with me guys
don’t send asks about political opinions !
anons: 🌊 ◎ 🍉 ◎ 🍷 ◎ 🍄 ◎ 🐍 ◎ 🌼 ◎ 🍑👋 ◎ 🥚 ◎ 🍆✊
on terms of requests:
requests are currently: OPEN
if you make a request, please be patient! i'm only human (wayv reference guys) and i have a life outside of tumblr
i don't have an update schedule, so the time the request gets done will be based around if it's a scenario or a longer fic!
i'll write basically anything but smut. i apologize but i get really uncomfy writing it, so the most i'll do is somewhat suggestive works. i'll read it though, if u wanna send me good fics recs 🙏
i write for all nct units (wish included), and also enha and zb1 when requested 🙏
masterlist here!
o u got bread ???????????? good i want that
belladonna! - h.rj
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fwckriley · 9 months
Hi!!! So, I was just scrolling through Tumblr late at night and I saw some headcanons, where the creator mentioned Ghost's MBTI. It reminded me that I had a word file saved, discussing about the characters and their MBTI. But, I haven't finished it, so I'll just ramble some of my thoughts here instead.
I want to begin with Ghost. Seriously, I genuinely want to understand why people type him as an INTJ, the guy is not a Ni dom at all. And also, let’s just exclude here any chance of him being an INTP. But, I do see Ti and Ni in his functions. In my opinion, he is an ISTP 5w6. For those unfamiliar, ISTPs have Ti (dominant), Se (auxiliary), Ni (tertiary), and Fe (inferior) in their functions.
I'll be honest, this inferior Fe makes me doubt a bit because Ghost seems much more like a Fi user. However, considering that Fe is inferior and theoretically his weakest function, it makes sense. And, to me, what makes ISTP the most obvious choice is that this man really isn't a Ni dom or a Ne aux type. But like I said, I do see some Ni in him, but very weak, which excludes the possibility of him being a Ni dom, and adds the possibility of him being a Ti dom. But, he has zero Ne, so he can’t be an INTP. Just to clear things up, I don't think analysts can't be impulsive or that sensors are dumb, not at all. But they do have some tendencies, and you can see differences in how they deal/view the world.
So, let me give an example of a character who's an analyst: Laswell. She's the embodiment of an INTJ. Price and Ghost deviate so much from her. Both of them should have both Ni auxiliary and Ni dominant, respectively. The way both of them deals with Shepherd and Graves betrayal makes it very clear how they aren't intuitive types for me. They’re incapable of seeing the other side of the situation. And I know it might sound like a crappy argument, but speaking as a Ne aux, I always open myself to possibilities even if I DISAGREE, especially if I can benefit from it. You know who else does that? Laswell. A Ni dom. It's very clear her Ni/Te, and that's why compared to Ghost, I don't understand why people type him as an INTJ. Personally, I think Ti and Ni can be easily mistaken. And for me, Ghost's Ti is pretty obvious, the way he is practical, and how he analyzes things, and his Se aux helps him to be very aware of his surroundings (of course, there are more than that in Se aux). But to me? there's nothing more Ti/Se than that. I'll just drop here two brief descriptions of Ti/Ni dom that make me pretty sure Ghost isn’t a Ni dom.
"Introverted Intuition seeks underlying patterns that can predict how events will unfold in the long term. The primary goal is to understand cause and effect accurately, enabling confidence in problem-solving and avoiding causing issues. Individuals with this dominant function tend to be 'perceptive,' often capable of 'seeing through' situations by finding the 'real importance' or 'essence' or 'root' or 'meaning' of things and understanding the fundamental factors that will influence how situations unfold, connecting past, present, and future considerations in non-linear ways. They unconsciously seek vaguely familiar patterns of contextual variables and tend to gather multiple perspectives to synthesize and visualize 'the true truth' or a better version of life. In this way, they tend to be quite certain about how they want their lives to unfold, usually aspirational in pursuing meaningful goals with focus and determination as they seek to realize their personal potential."
"Introverted Thinking seeks to discover rules or direct formulas based on facts to guide thinking and behavior towards greater consistency and coherence. People with this dominant function tend to be highly analytical, preferring to adopt positions/judgments that are as free from biases or undue influences as possible. They often enjoy building skills and accumulating technical knowledge by systematically analyzing and deconstructing ideas/situations, preventing and solving problems, and manipulating systems to fix or enhance them. In this way, they can be dispassionate and self-sufficient in approaching situations with their refined knowledge, often admired for their calm and competent approach to solve problems. However, they may also become emotionally detached from situations due to the excision of the human perspective, incorrectly assuming it is irrelevant to their analyses. When people don't know how to use Ti properly, they tend to be overly reductionist, seeing only a simple cause for a complex situation and unable to recognize the gaps/flaws in their own reasoning process, especially when trying to understand issues in relationships and social contexts."
“The reason the two get confused so often is because, one: they are both introverted functions which makes them hard to see and distinguish, and two: they are both abstract. Ni collects and stores abstract information, while Ti makes abstract connections and conclusions.”
“Ni is a 'perceiving' funtion, which is different from Ti because it does not do the 'judging' which is Ti's role. Ni in simple words is seeing and thinking about things very deeply to find connections and therefore form certain hunches or predictions. Many Ni dominants may have a conclusion which they got to, but they don't know how to explain the way they got to it. Ni uses more subconscious thinking than Ti does. Ti on the other hand analyses even more than Ni does, and sorts certain ideas, sort of like Pros and Cons, it is usually what can be the deciding factor.”
*Quick reminder: Ghost never anticipated Graves' betrayal, and didn't give any reasons that he suspected of Graves before that. He seems unfazed when the betrayal occurs, but that's because it's not something new to him.
So, while I can argue that his lack of Fe may simply be because it is an inferior function, hence less dominant and developed function (though I think he showed a lot of Fe during the whole Mexico situation) it’s hard to argue his lack of Ni because it's a DOMINANT function. And when we talk about dominant function, when is undeveloped, it doesn't indicate a lack of, but rather an unhealthy mode of acting/thinking/coping.
So, about Price... I think he's an ESTP. Stereotypically, he's not the typical ESTP. Unlike Ghost, who has a weak/undeveloped inferior Fe, I think Price has his inferior Ni very well developed, and that's why I think the fact that he is an ESTP is not so noticeable. Just as I compared Ghost to a character who shared the same MBTI type that was attributed to him, I will now compare Price to Makarov. In my opinion, Makarov in this game is a good example of an ENTJ. If you compare the characters and the way they behave, you’ll see that Price has a liiittle more difficulty seeing beyond the obvious, and for me, if he had Ni aux as many point out, he would have anticipated many of Makarov's actions. And I go further, I also believe he would never have let Makarov live back in 2019, recognizing the threat that Makarov was, if he were and ENTJ. Because ENTJs tend to thinking ahead, if they have a problem they’ll think in a way to solve pragmatically, effectively and definitively for once and all. Also, Price is highly reluctant to work with Shepherd, showing a lack of Te/Ni, working with his enemies to achieve his goals is not his first thought (but it’s Laswell “first” thought, a Ni dom). It's not about trust, but personal/team/world gain. Again, he’s incapable of seeing the big picture. And, of course, he has a significant amount of Fe, the way he is a great leader, communicates effectively with people around him, and bond with his team proves that.
I think all the quotes I put up above really show how neither Price nor Ghost use Ni in their first two stacks. But both of them use Ti. There's this stereotype that sensors aren't that smart, so when you've got two characters who should be the best of the soldiers, really smart and skilled, people tend link them with the “best MBTI types” and type them as Ni users (completely bullshit, they just do this because they don’t know how functions work). And again, when you compared them with two Ni users (Laswell and Makarov) you can see how different they are.
I'm gonna do a part two and post it later because I wanna talk about Gaz and Soap too (and some other characters, but the two of them are my main goal now), but I think this one ended up slightly longer than I planned.
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lryghe · 1 year
MXTX thoughts; conventions
The long awaited (not) analysis of MXTX conventions is here! I’ve literally been meaning to talk about this for months but it got sidelined in favour of vicious arguing on PDB about MBTI. Anyways! Obviously this post will contain spoilers, and something I wanted to touch on was 3rd person limited in MXTX, but I already have a post on that here, so feel free to check that out for a better explanation of it. Beware of mediocre analysis ahead, I’m a little rusty (also shoutout to the person who liked some of my posts this morning, you reminded me to actually write something!).
THE AGENDA since this post is long:
Non-linear storylines
Dying and resurrection
Colour symbolism
Character tropes
An interesting thing that follows MXTX’s more thought out works, is the non-linear plotlines she follows in them. This itself is a really good convention of writing in general, especially if it’s done well, and I can safely say that MXTX did it astoundingly well in TGCF. The clear cuts between time periods in relation to each book is an incredible feat, and is something that easily trumps MXTX's other examples of non-linear storylines. Through the use of the jumping back and forth in time, specifically in TGCF, creates an excellent cause and effect, something that is definitely central to the novel. Everything done has an effect, whether that be on the continuation of the plot, or even as a characterisation point, so the non-linear narrative cements that sense of foreboding hanging over everything. A simple sentence said when Xie Lian 17 somehow amounts to a complete upheaval of the heavens 800 years later, unveiling a conspiracy well over 2000 years old. A friendship group dissolving due to difficult circumstances results in a really horrific friendship confession later in the novel. Shi Wudu trying to save his sibling ends his own demise, the crippling of said sibling, and a vengeful ghost with nothing to do anymore. This nonlinear storyline is definitely used in MDZS as well, but I found it a bit more complex, and actually, now that I think about it, is a really good reflection of Wei Wuxian in general. The thing with MXTX, is that all her novels are in 3rd person limited, so they follow our protagonist in 3rd person, but it’s tinged with their own personal views and biases that limit the omniscience of 3rd person. And with MDZS it would be a fair assessment to say that the unordered mess of time leaps in the novel are an excellent indication of Wei Wuxian’s bias leaking through the 3rd person. The incessant jumping is difficult to follow in places (don’t say otherwise), but it’s actually a genius idea because it’s an accurate assessment of the thought process that Wei Wuxian probably follows anyway. I wouldn’t say that this was definitely on purpose however, as MDZS was written before TGCF, so it could just be MXTX growing alongside her writing, but hey, maybe it is a stroke of complete and beautiful genius! Don’t bother mentioning SVSSS, it’s definitely an interesting novel, but it’s not non-linear, at least not as wholly as MDZS and TGCF are. The most you’ll get in SVSSS is like a two line flashback, plus the extra’s, but I think that’s a reflection of when MXTX wrote it.
Moving on from serious conventions, MXTX’s trope with one of the main characters dying and then coming back later is a really funny kind of convention, because it’s not funny in the moment obviously, but the fact that it’s done at least once per novel is hilarious. Wei Wuxian’s initial resurrection after 13 years of being dead, Shen Qingqiu’s return in his plant body 5 years later, and then his return back to his ‘original’ body, and Hua Cheng’s little death defying stunt at the end of the novel. Then there’s the use of cliffs and such, like Binghe’s fall into the Abyss, Hua Cheng’s fall off that wall (forgive me its been like 3 years since I read TGCF), and if we’re being inclusive, then there’s always Wei Wuxian’s death in The Untamed. Maybe there’s a hidden meaning in there somewhere, but it’s fine to look at it from a surface level, which amounts to ‘MXTX got bored and needed some drama’. A perfectly reasonable deduction. 
Another thing I wanted to touch on was the colour symbolism that MXTX uses because I think it’s pretty cool, AND it has the added benefits of adding symbolism and contrast to each novel's main character and their love interest. It’s mentioned in the novel’s obviously, but it really shines in fan content and fanarts. I like the symbolism of Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu’s robes both being green before the time-skip, because Luo Binghe was a disciple at the time and a little white lotus, so the green was used to directly align him with Shen Qingqiu. After the timeskip he’s obviously got his big boy pants on and swapped to a stunning black and red ensemble, fitting of the protagonist, and that itself contrasts Shen Qingqiu’s majestic and lofty green robes, because Binghe means business with this fit. A fun thought is how green and red fit together on the colour spectrum, because they don’t, they’re contrasting colours which is some real obvious symbolism. Do I really need to spell out Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian? I feel like this one is rudimentary. White equals noble and virtuous, pure and holy, and black is evil, demonic, cruel, and scary. Simple! And Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s red and white are a very cute mixture, because although it gives them a Bingqiu style christmas tree vibe, it’s interesting in comparison to the previous two love interest and main character dynamics, considering red and white are a lot more complimentary than black and white or red and green. And it’s a testament to how similar Hualian are with their complimentary robes, how like-minded they are throughout the novel, especially considering their predecessors. Or maybe I’m overthinking it, who knows?
In regards to tropes of MXTX, I think her character tropes are incredible and have the addition of being really funny. She’s consistent enough with her conventions that clear links can be drawn with her side characters across all 3 novels. To begin with, there’s Mr Angry. I think you can guess who that is, but it's Jiang Cheng, Liu Qingge, and Mu Qing. All have a really close relationship with their related main character, all are angry or harsh where they probably didn't need to be, and all three are good fighters. Then there’s the guy who’s always smiling, like Yue Qingyuan or Lan Xichen. Complacency is a key part of their characters, and excuses aside, it’s interesting how it played out. You could argue for Jun Wu to be a part of this circle, but I’ll keep that to myself. Finally, there’s the fodder characters, only useful to further the plot in a miniscule way. Gongyi Xiao (MAY HE REST WELL), Xiao Xingchen, and once again, I don’t have a very good TGCF equivalent. Gongyi Xiao dies after the events of the water prison, and Xiao Xingchen was really just there to highlight how fucked up Xue Yang was. Rest in peace our beloved fodder, especially Gongyi Xiao, MXTX should have treated you better…
I think I’ve typed myself out honestly. Kudos to whoever reached the end of this post, I haven’t written this much since my Team 7 analysis when I got back into my Naruto phase briefly.
Word count: 1271
Reading time: 4 ½ mins
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sinisxtea · 6 months
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "情人 - KUN" 01:57 ━━━━●───── 03:15 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
" I really wanna dance tonight. Feel a little bit dangerous. "
london/cowboy/may — broke college student — 21 — any pronouns!
mbti: entj + gemini
nationality: raaaaaaaaaaaah america /hj (save me please)
lang: 中文/en all ok
fav color: brown/green
ult groups: nct (all units), enhypen, skz, txt, aespa, (g)-idle, riize, & zb1 (casual listener of many groups)
biases: doyoung, chenle, winwin, riku, jay (en), han (skz), soobin, ningning, soyeon/yuqi, anton, matthew/taerae
what do i do here: 
make memes + shitpost (mostly nct content, occasionally others)
thirst (but that’s a given)
random rambles/meta posts that demonstrate i do occasionally use my singular brain cell.
reblog content that sparks joy in me
also, i write fics on @winwintea so you should check that out
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"做我的情人 I know you want it."
be respectful at all times AKA no hate speech, bigotry, bullying, harassment, spamming and the like, towards me and to others who interact with my blog
do not plagiarize my posts !!
minors (anyone whose 18th birthday has not passed yet) please do NOT interact with my 18+ posts, but anything else is fine to interact with. (blog mostly sfw with a lot of cussing, so i probably won't have any 18+ posts, but just in case 🤞)
asks are ALWAYS OPEN. i love talking to people please talk to me 🥺 ask me questions hi.
don’t send asks about political opinions !
find all my memes here !
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 month
About me:
✧my name is Gigi which is a nickname of my real name
✧I'm a cancer sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising, Leo mercury and venus and a libra mars (before I got into astrology I thought I am a textbook water sign... well it turned out that cancer is my only water placement in my chart)
✧I graduated uni this summer and I'm a psychologist now
✧I love the moon and the stars although I love the sun rising time the most
✧favourite movies: All Spiderman movies (my fav Peter Parker is by far Andrew Garfield!) my favourite character from the miles movies is Gwen Stacy <3; VENOM (he is one of my favourite Spiderman villains besides Kraven the Hunter and Green goblin); I am also so sad that a lot of people didn't enjoy the Madam Web movie because I think it's such a cool idea making a movie about spider-women; I also love old German movies, Toy Story and Twilight :D
✧favourite series/ K-Drama: GOT, HOD, Euphoria, Imitation (obviously lol), Queen of Tears, Criminal Mind
✧favourite game: Animal crossing, Spiderman 2, Luigi's Mansion
✧my favourite quote currently: "I hear when you cry it rains in heaven" - NCT Dream
✧my interests/ hobbies: painting, astrology, reading, rewatching movies/ series, learning new languages
✧Artist I listen to besides Kpop: 5SOS, Nickelback, Chase Atlantic and some German artists like Shirin David or Paula Hartmann
✧Kpop Groups I stan + my biases
Ateez (ult group): Bias Yunho, bias wrecker San
Monsta X: Bias Joohoney, bias wrecker IM
NCT Dream: Bias Chenle, bias wrecker Jeno
Xikers: Bias Sumin, bias wrecker Hunter
Enhypen: Bias Jay, bias wrecker currently Jungwon
AESPA: Bias Karina, bias wrecker Giselle
Riize: Bias Anton, bias wrecker Wonbin
Oneus: Bias Keonhee, bias wrecker: Seoho
&Team: Bias Fuma, bias wrecker K
BTS: Bias Jin, bias wrecker RM
ZB1: Bias: Matthew, bias wrecker: Gyuvin
TXT: Bias Yeonjun, bias wrecker Kai
Solo Artist: Hwasa, Paul Kim, Taemin, I'MIN, MIYEON
✧ my favourite songs from those groups:
Halazia -Ateez
Every day every moment - Paul Kim
Chilli - Hwasa
Intro (Ambition) - Joohoney
Just love - (Monsta X)
Taemin - Heaven
I'MIN - That kind of love
TXT - Puma
BTS - Fake Love
&Team - War Cry
OneUs - Erase me
Riize - Siren
AESPA - Drama
Enhypen - Chamber 5 (I hope that counts lol)
Xikers - Red Sun
NCT Dream - Hello Future
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thedoormann · 1 month
why can we reclaim shit like pansexuality but if you think MBTI tests are fun you’re a racist?? Does being pansexual make you a pedophile because that’s what the original definition meant? I don’t understand what the lines are for being able to “reclaim” stuff made by bad people, vast majority of people doing mbti tests in 2024 are teenagers doing personality tests to know which one of their cartoon blorbos they’re most like 😭😭
I don't think you're a racist for enjoying mbti for fun but I think it's still it's important to analyze it with the lense of "this person might have had racial biases while creating their work" especially when it's a test (made by someone who was neither a doctor or a scientist) to categorize people into boxes.
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