#boynextdoor x haikyuu
tobiotaesan · 16 days
teal jersey #04 m.j.h
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synopsis: with the hopes of gaining new experiences when you enter high school, you didn't expect that you would end up as a new manager in-training for karasuno's volleyball club. and you most certainly also were not expecting you would be wearing aoba johsai's jersey on your first day in training with the first years first practice match with the team whose jersey you were wearing.
genre: fluff, haikyuu au! high school au!
pairing: aoba johsai player! myung jaehyun x karasuno manager (in-training)! fem! reader
word count: 3.6k
warning: none
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"y/n, the teacher is looking for you."
the class president says as they enter the classroom, causing all eyes to fall upon you. you stood up from your seat and immediately went ahead to the teacher's faculty room. on the way there, you couldnt help but wonder what reason could there be for the teacher to summon you. it was a very rare occasion for you to be called upon by the teachers. most of the time they call for the class president, or the vice if the aforementioned isnt around, and rarely, almost never, you.
it was quite a surprise to you that the teacher even knows your name, considering how much you have tried to avoid any form of attention at school. typical introvert behaviour. however, despite your claims of invisibility, the teacher still knew of your existence. and now you cant help but wonder if you had caused any trouble at school, which is why you were being summoned. but its totally impossible as you never even leave your seat unless the class requires it, its lunch time or its time to go home. the only places you go to are your house and school, you dont go out on the weekends either. so what kind of trouble could you have gotten yourself in? you shook your head as a poor attempt to brush off your thoughts as you arrived in front of the door to the faculty room. with a deep breath, you grabbed and twisted the doorknob and opened the door.
you bow to greet the teacher sitting in the first cubicle inside as you walked in, stating your purpose of arrival. he gives you a nod and you walked in further, head turning side to side, looking for your teacher who called for you. luckily, she raised her hand for you to see and spot her easily. you picked up your pace and walked towards her desk. a small smile greets you as you arrive in front of her while you simply bowed to greet her.
"im sure you are wondering why i called for you so suddenly. to cut things short, i believe that you are the best person to be trusted with this task," now you are even more surprised.
not only does the teacher know your name and existence, they are even complimenting you and basically saying you are a reliable person. but still, confusion couldnt be erased within you, there had to be a more specified reason for whatever this task is.
"i noticed in the way you write your notes and create your outputs that you are a very organized person. very neat and clean when working and most importantly, efficient. im aware that you transferred here only just a few months ago but you seem to have adjusted quite well to your new environment pretty quickly," she pauses for a second before swivelling her chair to face you, her hands clasping togegher.
the sudden shift in the atmosphere made your heart beat increase a little and your palms start sweating. you backed up slightly in your chair, gulping as you try to maintain the eye contact with your teacher who looked quite serious you started to feel intimidated by her gaze.
you walked out of the teachers faculty room with a storm of thoughts in your head. it seemed like such a huge responsibility but the overall demands of it wasnt anything you werent capable of doing. however, it will add up to the school workload but then again, time management was never an issue for you. so if you were to agree to it, you would surely be able to manage everything on your plate.
a wall in the middle of the hallway?
"oh? hey, youre the first year that yachi was talking about," the long-hair tied in a half-up lad turns around and smiles at you. the wall in the middle of the hallway.  he stood about the same height as you are with only about half an inch difference.
"im sorry? yachi?" you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
you try to think of anyone who went by the name of yachi but couldnt put a face on it. and then suddenly, the face of a bubbly blonde bob cut third year senior asking to talk to you the other day comes to mind. she was chasing after you at the school gate and was catching her breath the entire time she spoke to you before enthusiastically saying something along the lines of looking forward to hearing your response before dashing away. it all happened way too quickly that she didnt notice you were wearing headphones and barely heard anything she was telling you. basically, you didnt understand anything she said besides the last part and since she ran away right after, you were too stunned to think of chasing after her to ask her to repeat what she said.
"huh? you dont know yachi? she told me she talked to you the other day. actually, im here to look for you because she told me you havent given her a response yet."
"oh, she did talk to me the other day but i was wearing my headphones and couldnt hear anything she said. and when i took them off my head she suddenly ran away so i wasnt able to ask her to repeat what she told me," you explain.
"typical yachi, she was actually too scared to talk to you thats probably why she immediately ran away as soon as she finished talking. by the way, my name is yamaguchi, im also a third year who plays for our school's volleyball team," he says while showing off the jersey you didnt realize he was wearing. volleyball team, huh? so he's related to what your teacher talked to you about.
"then youre probably here to ask me about being the new manager of the team, right?"
"yeah! oh, how did you know?" he tilts his head in confusion.
"the teacher just told me about it. ill think about it and tell the teacher my final decision," you replied before walking away.
yamaguchi's gaze simply follows your figure as you walk down the hallway, uneasiness filling it after a while. he was hopeful when yachi said something about finally finding a potential new manager for the volleyball team now that they are graduating, feeling determined to convince whoever it was. but now that he has talked to you, all those determination seem to have faded away and has been replaced with uneasiness. what if they arent able to convince you? you seemed like a very reserved and stiff person. and yachi was very picky with whom will replace her when she graduates as she takes this all way too seriously. plus, the teachers highly recommended you to yachi as well. the new manager has to be you.
"yamaguchi, practice starts soon. come on!" an even taller blonde buzzcut grumpily calls for him.
"tsuki, i told you to speak nicer when youre in the first years floor or else that rumor about your eyes sucking the souls out of them wont ever die down!"
collars in place. no wringkles on the shirt. sleeves are neat. hair tightly tucked in a ponytail. and finally, a spray of a light scented perfume. with one last head-to-toe look at yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your bag and dashed out of the comfort room. you decided to accept the offer, well...kind of. a deal was offered to you as you didnt have any knowledge about the sports and how a sports club manager works. the deal was yachi showing you around and giving you an orientation of the job for a week before you can make your final decision of whether or not you would accept the position. you figured you had nothing but spare time to lose anyway and so here you are, about to meet the club's members for the first time. however, a blonde bob, you remembered as yachi, halts you by the door.
"hello, i dont know if you remember me but im the one who chased after you at the school gate last week! first of all, i would like to apologize for randmonly running after you! you mustve been surprised by a weirdo who was suddenly blabbing about joining a club without even asking if you were interested in joining one. im really sorr-" she rambles in one breath whilst bowing towards you until you cut her off.
"no! no, no, no dont be sorry! its totally fine! please, youre my senior you dont have to be so formal and bow to me. really, its all good. im assuming youre here to pick me up and take me to the gym for the orientation about being a manager of the volleyball club...?" you replied while putting your hands palms up towards her with an unsure expression. you werent expexting to see her waiting right outside the comfort room.
to be frank, you were quite excited about everything. its not often that your parents let you participate in an after school extracurricular activity but with a "mom, wouldnt it be a good addition to my leadership credentials for college applications?" you receive a hesitant approval. plus, its going to be a totally new experience, something you have promised yourself to do once you reach high school. you were always so focused on your studies ever since you were little due to your lack of friends. not that you were being treated badly by your peers, you have classmates whom you talk to at school but due to your lacking social skills, you never really got to make genuine friends whom you can talk to even outside of school about non-school related conversations. and so you promised yourself that once you enter high school, things would change.
of course, it wasnt easy. you couldnt just become a social butterfly overnight in one snap. but youve already tried so many times to befriend others and ask them to hang out after school but so far, the closes thing you got to an afterschool hang out was a group project meeting at a cafe on the weekends. you were so ecstatic at the progress and you all even had a groupchat where you all communicated. but after the projects presentation, the bond dispersed and the groupchat along with it, gone. and you are back to square one.
socializing in high school is hard. especially when majority of the people in class have already known each other since middle school. the friend groups have already been long established before and thus makes it hard to find people you can get along with it as you cant just get along with one of them, you have to be approved by everyone else from their circle to be even considered to be their potential friend. and so, when you were presented with this opportunity to become the manager of your schools volleyball club, you knew you were going to say yes. it was a good stepping stone to finally escape square one. you were determined to use this chance to finally make a friend.
maybe you shouldve specified that 'friend' you were hoping to make when you wished for one. to say that you were flabbergasted at the sight before you was an understatement. a bunch of sweaty teenage high school boys jumping around and diving on the floor whilst multiple volleyballs fly across the net continuosly...these people are your contenders for a friend? the entire gym was full of grunting and cries of exhaustion. of course, what were you expecting? the men and women's volleyball team are separated, that makes sense. but what doesnt was how you didnt process the information that you were going to be the manager of the men's volleyball team. you shouldve known, their captain literally came to talk to you about it.
you released a breath you didnt know you were holding when you snapped yourself back to reality. theres no going back now. and besides, you have yachi by your side. she might be graduating soon but theres still a semester and a half left before that.
while you were trying to ground yourself back on earth and trying to process how youre going to survive being the manager of the volleyball club for the next two years, yamaguchi, who was disciplining the newbies of the team, catches your frozen figure by the door standing beside their current manager. his face immediately brightens at the sight of you and calls for a water break before striding towards you.
"yn! are you here to watch our practice match today?" he asks cheerfully. you were a little stunned with his sudden presence, wondering how you didnt notice him walking towards you earlier. nonetheless, you were quick to gather yourself to respond to him.
"oh, im actually here to observe yachi and the team. i wasnt informed that there was a practice match today..." you turned to yachi to raise an eyebrow to confirm which would be your first task as a new manager in training. unfortunately for you, she wasnt standing where she was just a second ago. so you turned back to the captain with an embarrased chuckle, to which he replies with a genuine laugh.
"you can take a seat beside the coaches over there, yachi might not be able to help you out a lot today because of the practice match so you can just seat and observe for now," he explains whilst pointing to a bench on the right side of the court.
"i would introduce you to the members right now but...the newbies are a little out of their minds from the nervousness of their first ever practice match since joining, the second years are busy trying to calm them down and we, the third years, are helping them with their warm ups," he adds. you understandingly nodded at his words before walking towards the coaches and introducing yourself to them. they seem to be a little on edge too, only giving you a meek nod to acknowledge your existence. so you simply sat there, quietly. completely unsure of what to do.
it was unintentional. and you really didnt have anything to say nor anyone to talk to so you ended up unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation between the coaches who sat in front of you, emphasis on unintentionally.
apparently, the karasuno volleyball team was playing against a neighboring rival. a powerful team whom theyve built tradition with of always playing against each other for each schools newbies first practice match, aoba johsai high. now, you werent big on sports, you know them but you never really paid attention as much as others would especially in your school. however, it doesnt mean that you were in the dark about your schools "legendary freshmen," as some students would say, players who completely turned the tables and made their mark on karasuno history as a remarkable duo. you were aware of such history of the players who once played for your school.
so you couldnt really help but involuntarily learn some volleyball terminologies whilst being a student in karasuno who had a reputable volleyball team. still and all, you werent completely knowledgeable of the sports and what kind of teams there were in other schools. lucky for you, as the coaches are yappers and you were able to listen to the bits of information they had about the rival team who would be visiting your school for the practice match.
you were able to gather that, aoba johsai was apparently also a reputable school with a history of remarkable players, especially a captain who was well known for being an incredible setter who now plays for the argentina team and how this year, the school was able to find a successor of the said player. a promising first year prodigy who might already be in the talks of possibly being invited to japans u-19 team. as muh as you were enjoying listening in on the coaches conversation, your eavesdropping session was cut off by yachi calling for you. so you (disappointedly) immediately stood up and walked towards her.
"im really sorry, y/n! i totally forgot that we have a practice match today! but its a good start to show you what a manager does during a game so worry not! your time is not wasted and youll still learn something today!" she enthusiastically hands you a few bottles of energy drinks and towels and asks you to help her distribute them among the players.
"theres actually quite a lot of things to do as a manager but its nothing too hard to handle. usually during practices and games, we just need to make sure that their bottles are filled with water and always have the towels ready to give to them during time outs," whilst you were distributing the drinks and towels, a surge of teenage girls went swarming in to the gymnasium. all of them wearing a different colored uniform from yours. you assumed they must be from the school whos playing against karasuno today. not long after, the players from aoba johsai arrives as well. so you ignored them and resumed with your task. but of course, even though some of them had their souls doing some sort of astral projection due to nervousness, the sound and sight of an audience catches their attention and interests piqued. unfortunately, they were too distracted with the sudden audience and didnt notice you trying to hand them a towel and accidentally bumps their open lid energy drinks on your extended arm, the collision causing the contents of the bottle to spill all over your uniform blouse. your white uniform blouse.
the players panics and they started crowding all over you, handing you a towel and profusely apologizing for the trouble theyve caused when you havent even actually met them yet. of course, you accepted their offers to help you out with a smile thats trying to mask your devastation as the shirt you were wearing was brand new and you were sure to get a scolding once you get home. yachi on the other hand immediatey ushers you towards her bag, that was on the other side of the gym, to which she says contains a spare shirt you can change into. unfortuately, things were about to get worse. just as you were about to walk out to change your clothes after yachi handed her spare shirt to you, a late comer from the other school dashes through the door and collides with you. he was also holding a drink on his hand, "was" because now its spilled all over your blouse. again.
great. two shades of beverage stain. energy drink and iced americano. all over you white uniform blouse. but at least yachis shirt was saf— nevermind. it had coffee stains on it as well.
meanwhile, the former owner of the coffee was grunting while sitting on the floor, his hands rubbing his lower back that was in pain from the unexpected landing on concrete from the collision between you two. he opens his eyes as he realizes that his cup of coffee was no longer in his hand but spilled all over you and the clean shirt you were supposed to change into after having an energy drink spilled on you just moments ago.
well, this is a great first day of orientation as the possible new manager of the volleybalm team.
the boy frantically stands up with his jaw dropped, eyes on your figure on the floor. before he could say anything to you, another boy rushes to the scene and turns to the boy with a stressed and frustrated face.
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to be continued...
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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hansuo · 28 days
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tsukiflwr · 2 months
𓈒 ୭ৎ ˖˙ ᰋ ── 𝔀ho I write .ᐟ
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𝓚POP . . .
nct dream
𝓐NIME . . .
𝓜ISC . . .
ran takahashi + other players of ryujin nippon
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ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓇oro's note. for haikyuu i basically write for all of the characters, mostly the main one’s but you can always send in a ask asking if write for a certain character, just to be sure!
𝓵ibrary + 𝓻ules
©️tsukiflwr 2024 // all rights reserved - please do not plagiarize nor repost or translate my works on any other social media platforms
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fleurheart · 3 months
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⁺⊹ you can call me fleur! …
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— she/her | nineteen | write for fun ;; en-, bnd, riize, haikyuu, tokyorev, jjk
req : closed … but you can still leave stuff in the box! don’t be shy <3 I love making new friends.
updates are usually unscheduled unless said otherwise because sometimes I’m not motivated enough to write a chapter at that time but I will try to commit if enough people push me— ehe… 🧍‍♀️
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vixilic · 1 month
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 — my dr list !
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ᝰ.ᐟ — lifestyle
ᯓ★ better cr (slight ver.)
ᯓ★ better cr (perm ver.)
ᯓ★ actress dr
ᯓ★ singer dr
ᯓ★ teenage dream
ᯓ★ tb to 2020
ᝰ.ᐟ — movies
ᯓ★ spiderverse
ᯓ★ big hero 6 (?)
ᯓ★ descendants (?)
ᝰ.ᐟ — books
ᯓ★ a good girl's guide to murder
ᯓ★ the inheritance games
ᯓ★ harry potter/hogwarts
ᝰ.ᐟ — shows
ᯓ★ alice in borderland
ᯓ★ ever after high
ᯓ★ true beauty
ᯓ★ never have i ever
ᯓ★ euphoria
ᝰ.ᐟ — anime
ᯓ★ my hero academia (student ver.) [w/ @coquettebratzdoll]
ᯓ★ my hero academia (teacher ver.)
ᯓ★ jujutsu kaisen (2018 ver.) [w/ @coquettebratzdoll]
ᯓ★ jujutsu kaisen (2006 ver.)
ᯓ★ blue lock
ᯓ★ haikyuu (school ver.)
ᯓ★ haikyuu (timeskip ver.)
ᯓ★ demon slayer
ᯓ★ attack on titan (college ver.)
ᯓ★ tokyo revengers
ᯓ★ toilet bound hanako kun
ᯓ★ blue spring ride
ᝰ.ᐟ — games
ᯓ★ danganronpa (non-despair ver.)
ᯓ★ danganronpa (hope's peak ver.)
ᯓ★ genshin impact
ᯓ★ honkai star rail
ᯓ★ obey me
ᝰ.ᐟ — waiting rooms
ᯓ★ clouds lol
ᯓ★ my life(s) on a screen
ᝰ.ᐟ — kpop
ᯓ★ starlight (own gg) [w/ @coquettebratzdoll]
ᯓ★ nct nexus (nct subunit) [w/ @coquettebratzdoll]
ᯓ★ cloudie (own gg)
ᯓ★ soloist
ᯓ★ enhypen [w/ @coquettebratzdoll]
ᯓ★ tomorrow x together
ᯓ★ stray kids
ᯓ★ zerobaseone
ᯓ★ riize (?)
ᯓ★ boynextdoor
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divider by @/enchanthings
"(?)" next to drs im still considering lol
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rainswhenyourehere · 5 months
starduckys -> paperweight-inshadesofgreige -> rainswhenyourehere
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now playing: forever & always by taylor swift
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hibi/wine ⋆ she/they ⋆ minor ⋆ may 11th (taurus) ⋆ aegosexual polyromantic intp-t ⋆ eest (utc +3:00) ⋆ spotify ⋆ pinterest ⋆ carrd ⋆ uquiz ⋆ hibiwine on dc (open dms!!) > old habits die screaming. > impressionist paintings of heaven. (my moodboards)
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musicals -> hamilton, beetlejuice, heathers, dear evan hansen, ride the cyclone, in the heights, into the woods, 21 chump street, the greatest showman, jesus christ superstar, six
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music k-pop -> enhypen, stray kids, xdinary heroes, boynextdoor, dxmon, tomorrow x together, new jeans, zerobaseone, cravity, &team, nine.i, fifty fifty, epex, 8turn, evnne, toz, tiot, riize, illit, vcha, beomhan other -> taylor swift, lin-manuel miranda, maisie peters, gracie abrams, conan gray, alec benjamin, laufey, sabrina carpenter, peggy, girl in red
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movies/shows -> moominvalley, heartstopper, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, pjo, wednesday, vivo, miraculous, wonka, nimona, itsv & atsv, mean girls
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animanga -> vanitas no carte, haikyuu!!, tbhk, kny, oshi no ko, wonder egg priority, the promised neverland, bsd, spy x family, mha
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books -> dark rise & dark heir, osemanverse, shusterman's books, agggtm, ella minnow pea, poison for breakfast, ink in the blood, spindlefish and stars, kiss & tell, ana on the edge, improbable magic for cynical witches, the scapegracers, eat your heart out (+more i could talk abt books for ages)
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misc -> keroppi <3 kirby <3, coffee!!, slytherin, silly goose, founding fuck, people pleaser, extroverted introvert, social anxiety !!! , depression, angst > fluff, folklore & midnights my loves, mint choco>>>, if we're moots ur my family now. i love you. /p
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dni : homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists etc., -12, empty blogs
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🍉 this blog stands with palestine!! 🍉
blue daisy dividers by @/adornedwithlight. star dividers with lines by @/saradika-graphics. sunoo dividers by me, pictures taken from pinterest.
moots <33 : @bribery-muffins @abodyhasbeenfound @charmedoralarmed @jittyjames @my-genuine-reaction999 i'd tag more but social anxiety's not rly. on my side tonight.
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alyxiei · 1 month
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LYXIE - black shifter since nov. 2023, any & all pronouns, minor (13-17), queer (unlabeled), kpop stan!
be my moot if you’re black, a shifter, like kpop, or like any of the things i like. ☆ do not interact if you fit basic dni criteria (racist/homophobic/etc), anti-reality shifting, proship, anti any of my favs (under the cut), 20+, nsfw ONLY blog, ed/sh romanticizers.
GROUPS I STAN — bts, twice, tomorrow x together, newjeans, ive, loona, enhypen, p1harmony, boynextdoor, kiss of life, girls generation, KARA, 2ne1, SHINee. / soloists: IU, IVY, Shannon, SUNMI, DEAN.
WESTERN ARTISTS — megan thee stallion, deftones, flo milli, kehlani, arctic monkeys, charli xcx, beyoncé, kendrick lamar, gorillaz, childish gambino, chappell roan, adrienne lenker.
☆ own gg dr (name undecided).
☆ own 2nd gen gg dr (name undecided).
☆ my hero academia dr
☆ anne with an e dr
☆ rapper dr
☆ fame (actress) dr
☆ haikyuu! dr
☆ kpop soloist dr
☆ better cr dr
☆ royalty dr (prince version).
☆ royalty dr (princess version).
☆ model dr
☆ youtuber / twitch streamer dr
☆ own bg dr (name undecided😭).
☆ newjeans 6th member dr
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saturnzskyzz · 1 year
: 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :
Updated: July 7th 2024
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Hello hello!! I'm happy to be on here, for I always delete this app after a long while for regretting my decision's in fanfic writing, but say no more!! I'm back and I'm happy to announce that I will be officially writing for the interests I say during this introduction!
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: 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 :
◡̈ Call me Saturn
◡̈ I am 18 yrs old
◡̈ my bday is Feb. 8
◡̈ I am transmasc, Asexual, and pansexual
◡̈ i have a loving bf
◡̈ I have a torteshell
◡̈ my favorite color is green
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Ult bg: BTS
Ult gg: Aespa
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:About my blog:
I will write any genre going from romantic, to complete horror!
But, I will most likely write tkl fanfics and angst fanfics.
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This is a safe space for all! ◡̈ I am lgbtq+ friendly!
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I usually shorten my posts right after the cut off images. With that being said, !! I DO NOT OWN, NOR DO I TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY OF THE CUT OFF IMAGES I USE FOR MY POSTS !!
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:My personal tags:
#planeturns (you guys!)
#saturn asks and submissions
#saturn announcements
#saturn concepts
#saturn drabbles
#saturn fanfics
#saturn speaks
#Saturn thoughts
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:Who I will write for:
The fun part!!
my masterlist will be at the bottom of this post!!
Green: will write for
Orange: might write for (most likely the ones in orange will change)
Yellow: will only write for if you ask me it.
Red: will not write for
: Kpop groups :
Ateez (Bias; Jongho)
BTS (bias; Namjoon and Yoongi)
Stray kids (bias; Bangchan)
TxT (Bias; Soobin)
Enhyphen (Bias: Jake)
Monsta X
Aespa (bias; winter)
Enhypen (Bias; Jake)
Some units of NCT (this might change)
Itzy (this might change)
NewJeans (this might change)
Xikers (Bias: Yechan)
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Ace Attorney (will strictly only write for Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Maya and Mia)
Demon slayer (All characters)
Free! (Only a few I will write for)
Saiki k (will write for any character)
Howl's moving castle
Attack on Titan
Assassination classroom
Angels of Death
:Video games:
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Sally Face (Sal, Larry, Ashley, Todd, Travis)
Stardew Valley
Slime rancher (I have a cute idea for this one)
Mario Bros
:Animated Shows:
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Chaos Theory
Murder Drones
Rise of the tmnt
Spiderman: into the spider-verse
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Although I am a tkl blog acc, these are the things that I will NOT be writing for:
xReader fics (this might change 🫢)
Forceful tickling (strictly the ones that has the lee crying from being tickled because they don't like it- I don't mess with that shii)
Bondages (the farthest I will go is if I write a concept of someone being stuck, or they are just being held down by someone else.)
sensitive topics (to an extent)
Nsfw writing
Other DO NOTS that don't include writing
I will not rp with you, or do any Lee/Ler teases. I'm not comfortable with it, nor will I ever be comfortable with it. I am a tkl writer, and will only mention tickles in a non-fic form is if I'm telling an experience that has happened (which I don't normally do anymore)
I hope that you will respect when I post photos of anything that results you guys seeing me, because the last time I did that (body wise) I was getting tkl teases, and I was not comfortable with it at all, and so I took it down. But please, please be respectful, and don't do any of the sort that I've said above.
If you guys have any suggestions for who I should write for, whether it be a game, show, band group, then please let me know!
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!!My Masterlist!!
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!
Take care of yourselves 🫵 and always wish for a good day for tomorrow!
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tobiotaesan · 1 month
ハイキュー!! x 보넥도
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synopsis: which teams from haikyuu i think bnd would suit/play for
genre: bnd haikyuu au!
cw: none
note: this is for self-indulgence purposes. may not fit your thoughts because its based on mine lmao. i spent way too much time to make this.
park sungho ☆ 성호
inarizaki !!
body physique-wise, tbh i think he should go for date tech however, his playing style and personality would be the most suitable to being in a team like inarizaki. specifically the ability to stay calm despite the tension and pressure of the game/opponent. i think he would be such a great addition to them and i think he would handle the miya twins well. he can be like a sugawara counterpart to them. sungho is also quite competitive although he can be a little bit clueless at times. regardless, he still strives to be a strong and reliable member of the team.
additional: i think he would clash often with suna though lmao. but would later on realize they actually work well together and would form some unspoken "i still hate your ahh but i have gained respect for you" brocode thing. also, he would be the miya twins number one favorite target to tease, please pray for sungho!
lee sanghyeok ☆ 리우
karasuno !!
riwoo has this vibe that matches karasuno. i think the closest way i can desribe it is the passion and drive to do something that you really love. riwoo is bnd's youngest performance director and has traits of a leader. his leadership skills is an additional trait that makes him karasuno material to me. plus, karasuno going through their flop era after the little giant (im sorry for the lack of better terms) and then being blessed with skilled first years (tobio and shoyo), he would make that his biggest source of motivation to play. i think he would be most similar with sugawara's overall leading style (a bit more strict and direct though). but skills and character wise..... walk with me, hoshiumi. but that is saved for bnd as haikyuu characters.
additional: he would get dragged by noya to be in the goofballs club and he would lose his sanity. somehow managed to have made some sort of bond with tsuki and now yamaguchi clings to him too. daichi would have him in the list of potentially the next captain of karasuno once they graduate. and lastly, yachi would be so grateful to have him in the team, he helps her out a lot
myung jaehyun ☆ 명재현
fukurodani !!
saw somewhere (i forgot) that he would be in aoba johsai but i think they would get overwhelmed with his energy. on the other hand, teams who can handle the overwhelmingly extroverted, energy filled, mbti "f" personified goofballs, are karasuno and fukurodani. he would suit karasuno as well but they have enough of the energetic members already. please let the introverts of karasuno have a rest, pray for their sanity for they have noya, shoyo, yamaguchi (honorary) and tanaka. and then i also imagined him playing alongside bokuto and realized that they would be such an inseparable duo together (in court) like they would just match each other's energy. overall i think fukurodani's energy has a good balance that would hone his skills well
additional: bokuto would absolutely adore him! hinata would be jealous because mj would replace him as bokuto's new "apprentice" but then would also admire mj's skills (he improved quickly after training endlessly with bokuto) and end up befriending him.
han dongmin ☆ 태산
nekkoma !!
"he is kageyama! he should be in karasuno!" ALRIGHT NOW! trust me, there is no bigger enthusiast for the kageyama x taesan than me, my username is literally tobiotaesan BUT hear me out. taesan is also a cat and karasuno are crows. kinda fitting for him too but this household is sole believer of cat taesan. sometimes people can be associated with animals based on their characteristics (literally kpop idols deciding their rep emoji) or resemblance to it. it cannot be denied that nekkoma really are a bunch of cats. but thats not actually why i put taesan in nekkoma. taesan has great potential to be a really good blocker (he is a giant like his name suggests), following kuroo's steps. overall however, i think he would be a well-rounded player. and like everyones thoughts, he really would have similar playing style as tobio. but he would be pushed towards being focused as a blocker more to take advantage of his height. but then he is also quite brainy and would definitely contribute to strategizing with kenma and hence, i think he is very fitting to be in nekkoma.
additional: kenma would hate him rip. when he first tried to present his thoughts and suggestions during a game (the opponents were almost on par with them) kenma was pissed lol but then he realized that taesan was right, they won and kenma got even more pissed lmao
kim donghyun ☆ 이한
aoba johsai !!
IM SORRY BUT HE IS NOT KENMA! he is another case of "i dont think he should be in that team but instead *insert other team name*" but walk with me now. does he or does he not resemble oikawa? i know i said this is not a bnd as haikyuu characters but really! i cannot be the only one! he is a little bit more reserved and collected compared to oikawa but the overall dynamics of aoba johsai members, their passion for volleyball and playing style, is something that i see leehan would be able to maintain. he might be considered to become the next captain but would decline it. he gives me the silent but deadly on the court and then a softie fish obssessed loser outside (lmao)
additional: oikawa now has competition with having the most fangirls lol but he would love training leehan. he would want to make him better than kageyama lmao. is definitely on the watchlist of coach washijou, he is being considered to be invited for under-19 world youth summer training (? does anyone the exact name for it) like oikawa, ushijima thinks he shouldve joined shiratorizawa instead
kim woonhak ☆ 운학
date tech !!
coach washijou would like him because he is tall and is still growing but i think he would be too intimidated by ushijima and hence, date tech. regardless, he unexpecredly fits really well with them. his height still comes in handy with the team. date tech is known for their defense aka the "iron wall" and somewhat rage-filled passion when playing and woonhak would just be in awe of their gameplay process. he would love being a player for the team and would strive to become a very good blocker like his seniors. he wants to be part of the iron wall too. was intimidated by ushijima but he improved so quickly and was invited to train with him in the under-19 world youth summer training (forgot the exact name sorry)
additional: when he was in middle school (idk wtf that is actually) he wanted to find a sport that would suit him so that he would know which club to join in when he is in high school. his dad took him to watch the inter-high championships and fell in love with volleyball. may or may not have watched the little giant and aspired to be like him but he grew up to be taller than him. then, he realized his potential to be a blocker and went to date tech.
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- 끝 -
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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up next: boynextdoor as haikyuu characters!
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hansuo · 1 month
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hello! this is cher/cherrie from formulateez !
ʚ get to know me ɞ
twenty. she/her. filo. kpop + formula racing enthusiast. us based (est).
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i first got introduced to k-pop back in 2010-2011 when my neighbor showed me shinee's lucifer and ring ding dong. i didn't really start liking k-pop as a whole until around the second half of 2015!
my ult groups are currently ateez, enhypen, xg, nct dream, le sserafim, newjeans, and txt. (can you tell that i'm a hybe stan...)
i also really like (g)i-dle, &team, astro, aespa, boynextdoor, bts, day6, dreamcatcher, exo, fifty fifty, fromis_9, got the beat/girls on top, got7, history, ikon, infinite, itzy, ive, kard, knk, loona, monsta x (+ wonho), nct (as a whole, i'm just more of an nct dream stan), nmixx, nu'est, onlyoneof, p1harmony, pentagon, pristin, red velvet, seventeen, sf9, shinee, sistar, stayc, stray kids, the boyz, teen top, triples, twice, and vixx. (this is in alphabetical order, not in the order of which i like them. a good portion of those groups are my old ults or disbanded groups. i've have a lot of ult groups throughout the years.)
my fav f1 drivers are cl16, ln4, op81, and mv1.
i have only been into formula 1 since dec '22. i'm still learning a lot about the sport and the drivers as well!
my fav f2 drivers are al12, jd14, dh1, and ob8.
i have only been into f2 for a few months, it's the same case as f1, i'm still learning a lot about formula racing and its drivers as a whole!
my fav f3 drivers are pa1, db2, and sm14.
i also support hamda alqubaisi, bianca bustamante, and chloe chong!
i also used to be in a heavy emo phase (i never actually left it) and so i do enjoy a lot of emo/rock/metal music!
i'm not into much anime anymore but i'll occasionally rewatch some of my favorites or i'll end up watching newer shows with my boyfriend. the animes that i've enjoyed watching in the past are soul eater, black butler, haikyuu!!, ouran high school host club, and free! my current favorites are cyberpunk: edgerunners and chainsaw man!
i also have a side hobby of gaming! i wouldn't necessarily call myself a gamer since i don't play that many games. you'll usually find me on minecraft, the sims 4, roblox, or destiny 2! i also occasionally will play fortnite with friends (i'm just not good at pvp games so i tend to not play them that much; UNLESS it's arsenal on roblox. i kick ass lowkey in that game.)
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i'm, technically, very new to tumblr. the last time i was active on tumblr was back in 2017-2018. a lot of the information stated above was learned from other blogs such as:
(this post and my navigation is also very inspired by these two blogs since i had no clue how to format either of these </3 they're also super friendly, really great writers, and deserve the follow <3)
the dividers used are from cafekitsune!
the photos of seonghwa, aki, and charles were all found on pinterest but they've been in my camera roll for a little bit so i don't recall who they belong to.
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click HERE to return to my writing blog!
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celli-ohs · 4 days
about me °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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❀ hi hi!! i'm celli and i like to write in my free time!
❀ my pronouns are she/her
❀ my mbti is infp
❀ i'm a cancer baby
❀ my favorite colors are blue, pink, and green
❀ i stan: tomorrow x together (my ult <3), enhypen, boynextdoor, and newjeans!!
❀ my biases are: huening kai (loml), jake, jaehyun, and minji
❀ my bias wreckers are: yeonjun, jay/jungwon, taesan, and danielle
❀ my fav anime are: haikyuu!, ohshc, and jjk
❀ my fav characters are: miya atsumu, hitachiin hikaru, and of course gojo satoru
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starduckys · 11 days
──★ i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory ̟ ⊹
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hibi ☆ she/they, minor, demi & berriromantic + ace . miffy and keroppi enthusiast!! | writing sideblog 🖋 | main blog ao3 spotify | eest (utc +3) intp-t taurus . ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ when's it gonna get me?
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
requests are open ! i write for hamilton (and wonka). expect a lot of angst lmao. won't write smut, rpf, x reader or anything. creepy . think incest romanticized abuse etc.
currently listening to the good witch, reading this is me trying, watching haikyuu!!
lifelines: hamilton, miffy, keroppi, sunoo, stray kids, boynextdoor, taylor swift, lin-manuel miranda, maisie peters, moominvalley, heartstopper, nimona, vanitas no carte, haikyuu!!, toilet-bound hanako-kun, dark rise & dark heir, osemanverse, agggtm, the scapegracers, coffee, mint chocolate, cats !!
daily clicks for palestine !!
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ׁ݂ ⊹ ׁ݂ is it like a beat without a melody ? 𓂅 ໋⋅
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moonlit-sail · 14 days
11. Things Lark Gretchen adores.
Genres like shonen, Isekai, sports slash comedy, slice-of-life, action, fantasy, and mystery will automatically catch my attention.
Spy x Family, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, Fairy Tail, Delicious in Dungeon, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken, Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi, Bungou Stray Dogs, Ousama Ranking, Chainsaw Man, Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective, Castlevania, Hell's Paradise, Wind Breaker, Black Butler, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kotaro Lives Alone, A Silent Voice, The Apothecary Diaries, Gakuen Babysitter, My New Boss Is Goofy, Skip to Loafer, and more. These are just a small percentage of anime that I enjoy all this time. Can not continue the list anymore since it is already this long.
I enjoy watching horror, thriller, drama, and comedy. Even though I’m more of an anime binge-watcher, I still make some room for movies here and there when I can. I’m really into When it comes series, I'm somewhat up to date on some Thai Series.
I rant quite a lot about Wuthering Waves since it is my current favorite mobile game. I am mostly playing as Danjin, but I keep switching between Chixia, Jiyan, or Jinhsi as the main DPS to avoid getting bored.
My taste in music is quite diverse. I am someone who likes to explore new things and is always curious about something new. That is why I suggest you take a deep breath before finding out what I usually listen to daily.
SEVENTEEN and KISS OF LIFE are the main characters of my music category. Despite of them, I am a casual listener of some singers/bands, like DAY6, ATEEZ, Stray Kids, (G)-IDLE, PLAVE, Xdinary Heroes, WOODZ, TXT, AKMU, TWS, BOYNEXTDOOR, Noah, Juicy Luicy, Last Child, Tulus, Hivi!, BUMP OF CHICKEN, OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM, King Gnu, SPYAIR, Yuuri, Eve, Kenshi Yonezu, Billkin, Three Man Down, Tilly Birds, NONT TANONT, bamm, PRETZELLE, PiXXiE, Backstreet Boys, Nirvana, Royal Blood, Conan Gray, oftn, keshi, and there is actually more.
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sadorjan · 2 months
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Name: Silas Adorjan
Classification: Wandering Soul
Pronouns: Any
Amaama to Inazuma, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, Barakamon, Blue Period, Boku No Hero Academia, Byousoku wa 5 Senchimetoru, Colorful, Crayon Shinchan, Enen no Shouboutai, Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited, Gakuen Babysitter, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Gokushufudou, Haikyuu!!, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Isekai Izakaya, Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru, Kekkai Sensen, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Kimi ni Todoke, Kimi no Nawa, Kotonoha no Niwa, Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san, Mignon, Naruto Shippuden, Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori, Shiguang Dailiren, Shokugeki no Shouma, Tian Guan Ci Fu, Trigun Stampede, Wakakozake, Yagiza no Yuujin, Yuukoku no Moriarty, Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai, and more.
Homescapes, Honkai: Star Rail, Genshin Impact, Plato, Superstar ATEEZ, Superstar LAPONE.
ame no parade, Andra & The Backbone, ASIAN KUNGFU GENERATION, ATEEZ, Aurora, BoA, BOYNEXTDOOR, BTS, CHANMINA, Childish Gambino, Chrisye, Chungha, Coldplay, DEAN, Dewa, Diskoria, DNCE, Doja Cat, DURDN, DXTEEN, eill, ENHYPEN, Eve, FLOW, Fujii Kaze, f(x), Hayley Kiyoko, HEIZE, Hoshino Gen, Hozier, Imagine Dragons, INI, JKT48, JO1, King Gnu, Kvi Baba, Lady Gaga, LE SSERAFIM, LOONA, Melanie Martinez, Mukai Taichi, New Jeans, NICO TOUCHES THE WALL, NIKI, NU'EST, OH MY GIRL, ONE OK ROCK, Peterpan, RADWIMPS, RAN, Red Velvet, Rihanna, sakanaction, Sal Priadi, SEKAI NO OWARI, SEVENTEEN, SF9, SHINee, Suda Keina, Suda Masaki, SUNMI, Super Beaver, SURVIVE SAID THE PROPHET, Taylor Swift, THE CHARM PARK, TOMORROW x TOGETHER, Troye Sivan, Vaundy, YOASOBI, Yonezu Kenshi, Yuuri, XG, and more.
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calgeary · 11 months
"Mother of the sky, please be kind to me."
In the surrounding wilderness outside, roses grew abundantly in the twilight. There he was, in the middle of a field of dandelions.
"Little kid, what makes you sad? I see the wind, let me see you flying free like a bird on wings with the Angels once again."
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PRELUDE I: Who's that little kid?
The name's Aslan Sevilen. Most people call him Aslan or Asa, and he's comfortable with any pronouns, though he's most preferred with masculine terms. An INFJ person with Sagittarius as his sign. He relishes the role of a listener, yet he often finds himself unintentionally doing most of the talking. Setting his account as an unlabeled account. Living at his legal age, he is surrounded by numerous interests.
First and foremost, he has an abiding love for cats. It's not an exaggeration to say that cats have a profound impact on his life. He's a proud dad to four cats after all. His life revolved around TREASURE, music, books, animanga, arts, photography (though he's not particularly good at it), and writing as he enjoys them a lot.
INTERLUDE II: Where did he leave his soul?
Music: TREASURE, Pale Waves, ONE OK ROCK, My Chemical Romance, BOYS LIKE GIRLS, Red Velvet, Chase Atlantic, Bon Iver, wave to earth, Talos, Bohnes, Tatiana Manaois, Paramore, Bon Jovi, BOYNEXTDOOR, Oasis, Daughtry, Lifehouse, Taylor Swift, girl in red, Avril Lavigne, All Time Low, blink-182, and several KPOP and JPOP songs.
Book: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Aroma Karsa, Norwegian Wood, The Happy Prince, Distilasi Alkena, Disforia Inersia, No Longer Human, The Painter Behind The Curtain, Strings Attached, and The Mountain is You.
Animanga: One Piece, Bungo Stray Dogs, Ghibli Movies, Blue Period, Moriarty the Patriot, Sakamoto Days, Chainsaw Man, Black Butler, Horimiya, Dr. Stone, Jujutsu Kaisen, Monster, Tougen Anki, Ron Kamonohashi, Gokurakugai Sanbandori No Ken, Kimi ni Todoke, Gangsta, Black Clover, Umibe no Etranger, Haikyuu, Sasaki to Miyano, Owari no Seraph, Hunter x Hunter, Doukyuusei, and Black Lagoon.
Arts: Impressionism, Expressionism, and Romanticism Paintings.
POSTLUDE III: How to meet him?
Michiecant, drawn from a melodious composition by Bon Iver in Michicant, is the destination where you may cross paths with him. There are no stringent rules that exist here; the sole expectation is that as long as you can act like a good human being who can open your arms to others' differences and not judge people's interests, you will be welcomed wholeheartedly. So, what are you waiting for? Come and meet the little kid, Aslan Sevilen.
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