#teal jersey 04
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tobiotaesan · 4 months ago
teal jersey #04 m.j.h — part two
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synopsis: with the hopes of gaining new experiences when you enter high school, you didn't expect that you would end up as a new manager in-training for karasuno's volleyball club. and you most certainly also were not expecting you would be wearing aoba johsai's jersey on your first day in training with the first years first practice match with the team whose jersey you were wearing.
genre: fluff, haikyuu au! high school au!
pairing: aoba johsai player! myung jaehyun x karasuno manager (in-training)! fem! reader
word count: 4.3k
warning: none afaik
notes: mj is portrayed younger than fellow 03z line, sungho is a 3rd year and riwoo is a 2nd year.
taglist: @saritahwang
you sigh as you stare at yourself in the mirror. that was the most eventful five minutes of your life. maybe its a sign from the gods above that you shouldnt have accepted this offer and leave as soon as possible. another sigh leaves your lips but this time, sounding even more frustrated. your eyes peer down to the shirt you were wearing.
should you even be wearing this shirt when you are literally in training to becoming the manager of karasuno volleyball club? why didnt the karasuno members have no extra shirt to lend you? but then again, it wasnt their fault but that damn klutz from aoba johsai. you wouldnt have minded if he simply collided with you, you couldve just moved on and changed into yachis shirt but no! he just had to have a cup of iced americano on his hand when he did! and to make matters worse, you hated iced americano! you have always wondered why people enjoyed such poisonous looking beverage that tasted like all the problems life has to offer. and now, you smelled like one?
dont even start with the shirt the boy offered. what kind of athlete doesnt pack an extra shirt in their bags especially when they have a practice match but instead packs another jersey? you knew you were going to get looks from other people once you walk out of this comfort room. you looked like a walking peppermint for gods sake! aoba johsai high really had to choose a bright teal color for their jersey, huh? you opted to close your eyes and ignore the printed design on it as it was just a number anyway. oh you poor thing, if only it really was just a number. and if only you knew the surname that took over almost half of the design printed at the back of the jersey. you poor, poor, coffee scented thing.
after minutes of stressing over everything that just happened to you and the color of the jersey shirt you were lent by, you finally got out. as expected there were eyes on you, not many fortunately. but still, all the attention you were getting were unwanted by you.
as you get near the gymnasium, you hear the sounds of sneakers screeching as it rubs against the tiles and grunting, out-of-breath gasping. you realized the practice match had already started. upon entering the gymnasium, the audience from the opponents school release a very audible gasp once they saw you. almost immediately, they each turn to the person beside them and began whispering. you could already see them going after you for wearing the jersey when you were sat at their opponents side of the court.
well, hadnt one of your players spilled coffee on my already stained blouse and the shirt i was supposed to change into, i wouldnt be wearing your schools eye straining colored volleyball jersey!
you sighed internally although your face was unable to refrain itself from frowning at your thoughts. you shake your head as if your are metaphorically shaking off any more possible thoughts about the unwanted attention you were getting from other people; not wanting to keep on stressing over the events of your first day training to becoming the clubs new manager.
instead, you put your focus on the game happening before you. gazing at every player on the court, observing the way they move as they all try their best to keep the ball in the air. the first years of karasuno were not bad at all. considering it is only their first game as high schoolers and playing altogether against another school, you could say they were quite harmonious. what was noticeable about them was that they clearly religiously watched all available footage of karasunos esteemed first year duo with the way they pass the ball to their spikers. still a little sloppy with managing their tempo however, the accuracy of landing it directly to the spikers hand is improving at an impressively rapid time. at a glance, anyone can tell the massive potential of these newbies. though looking at the current state of scores between the two teams, you cant deny that regardless of how much potential they own, it was incomparable to the unleashed talent and nearly polished skills of the opposing team.
it seems as though everything that your school team lacked, the opposition excelled in. such as how your first years are still a little rusty with their serves compared to aoba johsais eye catching server; clad in a teal jersey with the number four printed in front.
coffee spiller.
so he was the coaches aforementioned successor of the now argentinian player. he is, beyond a shadow of doubt, an astounding player of his team. you almost forgot of his earlier faux pas with how mesmerised you were with his skills. a first year possessing this much aura and charisma whilst playing on court, a pro in the making. it sends you goosebumps, the thought of how much stronger their team could be if this was a real match; althought their current gameplay screams as if they are already treating this like a real one. players like them are terrifying, natural talents from birth probably.
the sound of the referees whistle breaks through your thoughts, you see the line judge cross their arms over their chest signalling the end of the first set. your line of sight then moves to the scores showing on the scoreboard beside the line judge, 25-23. karasuno is definitely not letting their guards down, slowly showing their capabilities and not allowing themselves to be overshadowed by a big name private school (oh just how pissed your younger self would be at you with the way you speak of your former dream school).
you feel yachi hand you some towels to distribute to the players for their short break in between sets. its only the first set and yet they already look exhausted.
"damn it! Its only the first set and I'm already exhausted! Meanwhile, look at those...walking highlighters! They look like they just went on a stroll!" a first year from your team yelps. you nod on the walking highlighters part, you thought of similarly to yourself when you saw your reflection in the mirror when you changed.
you cant help but give a glance to the other side of the court; the first year player was right. the players from aoba johsai didnt show an ounce of tiredness at all! sure theres a little shine of sweat on their forehead but that was it. this game seems to be nothing but a piece of cake to them. and before you knew it, you were staring at them long enough for number four to catch you. he gave you a small smirk before gulping down on his water bottle.
immediately, you put your attention back to your team, taking hold of their empty bottles and walking out to refill them.
"hey, i can go fill these bottles by myself you dont have to come along," yachi nudges your side.
"what? no! its fine, im in training i should be doing these errands with you."
"seriously, i can do it myself. id rather have you stay here and watch the first years play, its also kind of part of the job to help them out by giving feedback on they played during the game. so stay, i insist," she pats you on your shoulders before walking out to fill up the bottles she was holding. the sound of the whistle blowing loudly puts your attention back on the court, its the start of the second set. karasunos first years seems even more pumped and energized compared to earlier when they all looked like they were about to lose their minds out of nervousness. you chuckle subtly at their change in demeanor clueless to the pair of eyes boring at the side of your face from the other side of the net.
furrowed eyebrows, a small pout and curious eyes. his wandering mind caught by the hand of his captain "tapping" the back of his head. he whipped back his head so fast he almost broke it, all that just to glare towards the culprit. and almost immediately, his gaze softens and lips protrudes more.
"stop looking at the other teams manager and focus on the next set."
"i wasnt looking at the manager-"
"yeah, you werent because you were staring, why? im pretty sure shes the aoba johsai girl."
"w-what? no! thats- i dont know what youre talking abo- how do you even know that?"
"focus. the next set is about to start."
jaehyun sighs deeply. his mind kept wandering to the thought of how come you didnt say or react at all to seeing him. was it because your first encounter was him spilling his drink all over you? and he hadnt even had the chance to apologize about it yet causing him to beat himself up on the inside. before delving deeper into his thoughts, jaehyun forces himself to focus on the game. as much as hed like to keep looking your way he had a game to play.
the whistle roars throughout the entire court, signalling the end of the game. the visitors side of the court explodes in cheers and applause. the opposing team has won the practice match. one by one, the players lined-up at the center of the court for their final greeting.
"good work today everyone! you did really well on your first practice match despite you all being a bunch of nervous wrecks earlier," yachi greets the players as they walked towards the side of the court to sit on the bench. you immediately stood up to grab and distribute them towels and ice packs.
"have 20 to rest, 15 to clean up the court and then head to the locker room for a meeting," yamaguchi announces before heading outside with the coach. probably to discuss about strategies and the performance of the team today.
its your first time staying late within school grounds for a reason other than studying. the experience is rather interesting for you. well, the entire day has been an interesting experience. at least now, its over. you got to have a little chit-chat with some of the first years and were able to learn a little bit more about the team. you figured you needed to start learning about them as early as now so, you can help out yachi a lot more in the future.
you got to learn that the team originally had a libero. and that you shouldnt worry too much about learning the duties of a manager when yachi is no longer around, as the said libero had helped yachi with her tasks so much, that he sometimes acts as the substitute manager when yachi is feeling under the weather. however, due to an injury he got from last years tournament, he is still undergoing his rehabilitation process. but according to their coach and captain, he might be returning sooner than expected, as his doctors says he is healing very quickly. you felt slightly more relieved at the thought of someone still being able to help you once yachi graduates. you heard from your teacher about just how picky she was with whom would be replacing her. so, you really did not want to disappoint her if she ever checks up on the team and finds out you messed up something when she left.
"thank you so much for today, yn! you were such a huge help to me," yachi hands you a packet of jelly with the biggest smile on her face, her cheeks were tinted with hints of red, the dim streetlights couldnt even hide them.
"i didnt really do much but thank you." you smiled back to her while grabbing the jelly from her hands.
"so, how was your first day?" she asks with a small skip in her steps as you two walk home together. you couldnt help but chuckle a little at her actions, simply finding her way too adorable to be your senior.
"hmm...it was very eventful...? i just didnt expect things to unfold the way it did today. im really glad i was at least able to get to know the first years a little bit after the match. but today was really fun, it was my first time watching a volleyball match up close," you replied with your hands gripping the straps of your bags a little tighter as you recall the events of today.
"im glad you had fun today! i know its only your first day in training and of course, you can still totally quit after the training if you really think it doesnt suit you, but im impressed by how quickly you were able to adapt easily with the surprise tasks earlier," yachi beams at you.
"speaking of— i totally forgot about todays practice match, i was planning on showing you around first and introducing you to the members," she continues, a pout slowly appearing on her face.
as you were about to respond somebody cuts you off. well, it was unintentional, they didnt cut you off on purpose. while you and yachi were walking past coach ukai's store, your attention was immediately taken by the bickering of two people walking out of it. almost instantly, you both recognize them easily, donning the white and teal jersey, they were players at today's game; specifically, coffee spiller and the captain. your steps slowed down before fully coming to a halt. meanwhile, the two kept bickering about something but they were overlapping with each other you weren't able to make out any of the words they were saying. it really wasn't your intention to overhear and stare at the two of them however, they were blocking the entrance to the store. and they were too engrosed in their bickering for you and yachi to be able to butt in and ask them to move aside. luckily, the captain averted his gaze (looking away from jaehyun in frustration) and met yours, he immediately smacks his friend in the chest to stop him from talking (poor jaehyun got air knocked out of him). he stops talking and follows his captains gaze, his eyes widen and jaw drops, looking like he just saw dinosaurs resurrect right in front of him.
"hey, so you were still at school? thank goodness we were still able to catch you before you went home," the captain grins and points at you. to which you respond with your head tilting slightly to the side and one of your brows rising. yachi turns to you mirroring the same facial expression you had while looking at the people in front of you. you exchange glances with yachi and shrug your shoulders when you realize she was looking at you questioningly.
"this guy right here, hes the one who spilled coffee on you earlier by the way, was rushing me when we got back in our school so we can go back here so he could see yo-" he points to jaehyun (coffee spiller) who looked at him wide eyed hearing the words spilling from his captains mouth. his hands fly towards the captains mouth in attempt to stop him from exposing his reason for being there, although it was too late for that.
"...see me? what fo- oh! your jersey, right?" you point to the shirt you were wearing.
"yes! thats exactly why im here!" jaehyun responds a little too frantically.
"no, he just really wanted to see y- hrmhrmm.." once again, jaehyun covers his captains mouth.
"right...well, i cant really give it back to you right now..."
"oh dont worry about it! jaehyun will gladly give you his jers-"
"ah! captain!" jaehyun whines at his captain after he successfully escaped from his hands. jaehyun turns his  gaze back at you worriedly. it was true, his captains words, but considering how many times you two have locked eyes today and you having no reaction at all when doing so, he had concluded that he was nothing but a 'stranger' to you. it seems that you have completely forgotten of who he was.
"give me your number." you hand your phone to jaehyun.
"what?" he looks at you, surprised. his heart skipping a beat at the small interaction.
"your phone number. ill text you when i can give your jersey back to you."
"right." his hands were trembling as it reached out to grab your phone from your hands. fingertips grazing each other as he does so, his palms were sweating and heartbeat echoing in his ears as he typed on your phone. you couldnt control the subtle chuckle when you saw his hands still slightly shaking as he hands your phone back to you. he flinches when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. but before he could check the caller id, it stops ringing.
"thats my number. so you wont get surprised when an unknown number contacts you. thats all you need right? now, if youll excuse us, we actually need to buy something from the store." you waved your phone in your hand before slipping it in your pocket and gesturing towards the door they were standing in front of.
they immediately step aside to let you and yachi walk through. and right before you got inside, you feel a hand tapping your shoulder.
"if you dont mind me asking, may i know your name? i dont think jaehyun will tell me. im sungho by the way, im our teams captain." and before you could respond, jaehyun grabs the collar of his jacket from the back and drags him away from you causing sungho to fumble back. he tries to reach his hands out for you, his mouth opening to probably repeat his question but jaehyun beats him to it and wraps his forearm on sunghos neck. meanwhile, you and yachi stare at their disappearing figures dumbfoundedly. feeling like the whole thing that just happened was some kind of fever dream. both of you finding the entire thing weird. with a shrug of your shoulders, yachi pulls you inside the store finally being able to pursue your purpose of going there.
sungho urgently taps on jaehyuns arm, immediately bursting into a coughing fit as soon as hes free. turning to his junior with a sharp gaze but immediately switching to a concerned one. jaehyun looked like as if he was in a daze. his eyes were blank and was staring into the void (the empty street to the bus stop) and jaw hanging open a fly might come live inside of it. sungho couldnt help but laugh at the way he looked.
"hey, snap out of it and close your mouth." he playfully scolds jaehyun.
jaehyun slowly turns to look at him and slowly breaks into a grin, almost scaring the living daylights out of sungho.
"wah! captain, tell me im not dreaming right now! this is real, right? tell me its real!" jaehyun grabs sunghos shoulders and shakes him. its the happiest he had ever seen jaehyun become.
"its fine if she doesnt remember me...yet! this is good! even back then, weve never had such a long conversation. and the best part is she gave me her number! well...she asked for mine and then called me so i could save hers..." he animatedly moves his hands around in the air and dramatically trails off the end of his sentence.
"doesnt matter! i have her contact! and im gonna text her. tonight!" sungho was bewildered seeing jaehyun gradually transition from a walking zombie to a straight out from the screen nineties cartoon character in the span of a few seconds. he watched the boy skip to the bus stop with a huge grin on his face, all the traces of despair (jaehyun frantically walking around with his head in his hands at their locker room while recalling spilling his drink on you and not being able to apologize because they karasuno early. and then deciding he would run all the way back to karasuno to try and catch you before you went home) and nervousness when they bumped into you outside of the store right when they decided to give up and just go home, gone. this jaehyun in front of him was all sunshine, rainbows and sparkles. he couldnt help but shake his head in disbelief.
"at least aoba johsai girls identity is revealed." he muttered under his breath before running to catch up to jaehyun.
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you leaned back on your chair, staring at your phone screen. youve known jaehyun from before? but no matter how much you try to recall your memories, you cant really seem to think of having any memories of meeting a boy named jaehyun.
"ugh...why cant i remember him?"
you brush it off for and turn your phone away, placing it underneath your pillow. and with a sigh, you cuddle your blanket closer and drift off to sleep.
your classes ended early so you decided to head right into the gymnasium to help out with the preparations, trying to make yourself get used to the duties of a club manager. however, as soon as you get there, you here sounds of a ball bouncing against the wall. you notice the door was also half open already so you slowly walked in. you notice a boy with orange hair and an undercut seemingly practicing. but he seemed unfamiliar compared to the players you met yesterday. he was also wearing casual clothing and not uniforms nor practice attire. so, you just stood by the door watching him with curiosity and wondering how you were supposed approach the stranger who could possibly be tresspassing the school right now.
whilst bouncing them against the wall, it accidentally bounces off your way. the boys gaze then ends up finding your figure standing by the door looking at him questioningly. and for a few seconds, the both of you just stared at each other in silence.
"who...are you?" youre the first to break the silence.
"i should be the one asking you that question. who are you? the only people who have access to this gymnasium are the members of the karasuno volleyball club, the coach and the manager." he replies coldly and with a suspicious look towards you. you even saw his eyes scan you from head to toe causing you to feel conscious of the way you look.
"thats rich coming from someone who isnt even dressed properly to be a player, too young to be a coach and definitely too guy like to be the girl manager of the team." of course you cant lose to a random boy you crossed paths with.
"you-" before he could even finish his words, he was cut off by yachi. entering the gymnasium.
"yn what are you doing here so early? im gla-...RIWOO!! YOURE BACK?!" yachi excitedly runs towards the boy while he gives her a smile back.
'huh? ri...woo?' you wondered.
"yn! hes the one yamaguchi and the first years were talking about!" yachi turns to you excitedly. you could tell how excited she was by this riwoo guys return.
"sorry for being rude earlier, let me restart this. my name is riwoo, jersey number 22! im the libero of karasuno! i was gone for a bit due to an injury but i have successfully finished rehab and will be returning soon! nice to meet you, manager in training for karasuno..." he approaches your still standing by the door awkwardly figure. he gives you a soft smile, contrary to his serious and piercing look he gave your earlier, and a hand to shake. for a second, you were frozen still, now that hes gotten closer, you were able to observe his facial features more.
'this dude looks more familiar than jaehyun...' you trail off in your head before realizing youve been staring at him for too long.
"o-oh...yeah, nice to meet you too. im yn ln, class 1-3."
you replied, taking his offer to shake hands. and as you were about to pull away your hand, you realized riwoo kept a hold of it. you look up to him and meer his gaze which was now closely analyzing your face. he furrows his brows further and leans slightly closer to inspect you while you just look back questioningly, wondering what he was doing.
"why do i ge the feeling that ive met you before?" he asks underneath his breath however he was so close to you that you heard it clearly. yachi just stands by where riwoo was standing earlier looking at the two of you weirdly.
"huh? were you two exes or something and you cant remember?" yachi jokingly suggests from behind with a chuckle, to which riwoo responds by turning to her and pointing at her with a big smile on his face.
"thats it! yeah, we are exes!" riwoo beams at yachi. on the other hand, you were left confused and shocked. you tried to rack your brain for any memory of having dated anyone when you were younger, but there was just none. it was impossible. absolutely impossible. your mom wouldve never let you date anyone so young.
"RIWOO YOURE BACK!! And wait- did you just say the manager in training is your ex?!" the three of you jump at another voice coming from behind you, yamaguchi and other team members staring at the three of you with the most confused face ever. not knowing whether they should be happy seeing the return of their libero or ask about the history you apparently had with their libero. you sighed in defeat before whipping your head to glare at riwoo and all he does is smile back.
'why do i have such a bad memory? why cant i remember anyone from when i was younger?!' you grunt silently in your thoughts.
to be continued...
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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playlisthq · 7 years ago
Needs Some Work: Broadway in Chicago Presents The Cher Show at The Oriental Theatre (Through July 15, 2018)
Needs Some Work: @broadwaychicago Presents The Cher Show at The Oriental Theatre (Through July 15, 2018)
Regardless of your opinion on jukebox musicals, they are here to stay. But “The Cher Show” will need a major overhaul if it’s going to join the ranks of “Jersey Boys” and “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.”
  The story is told through the flimsy set-up of Cher filming a TV special about her life. The show begins…
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uewdl · 8 years ago
Life is Beautiful (3D Animation Short Film) from Ben Brand on Vimeo.
Anton may be done with life, but life ain’t done with Anton. Humorous animation about the impossibility to escape your fate.
Vimeo and youtube combined, Life is Beautiful has reached 1.000.000 views!! ON YOUTUBE: youtube.com/watch?v=6fDoTmjHa1I&list=UU-1rx8j9Ggp8mp4uD0ZdEIA
written & directed by BEN BRAND – co-writer ILSE OTT – animation studio FUBE – art director VINCENT BISSCHOP – technical director JASPER VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN – compositing KOOS DEKKER – rendering SEBASTIAAN VAN HESTEREN – head of animation RIK SCHUTTE – animation NANDA VAN DIJK – animator PIEBE VAN DER STORM – licht & shading RUUD COENEN –– shading DIMITAR KRALEV – storyboard NATASHA STEVIE – aditional artwork LOIS VAN BAARLE – score composed by CHRISTIAAN VERBEEK edited by WIETSE DE ZWART – producer JACQUES VEREECKEN / SANDER HEEROMA – production NIELS SCHEIDE / ROGIER DORANT – head of production LIESBETH TIMMER – line producer PERCY TIENHOVEN – sound designer DENNIS KERSTEN – modeling KJELD SLINGELAND / VINNIE PORTIER – special thanks NMTRIX ANIMATION STUDIOS / MICHAEL VISSER / JOHAN BOEKHOVEN / PATRICK NIJMAN
DIE ZEIT: blog.zeit.de/netzfilmblog/2014/05/18/animation-life-is-beautiful/ FUBIZ: fubiz.net/2014/04/28/life-is-beautiful/ SHORTOFTHEWEEK: shortoftheweek.com/2014/04/25/life-is-beautiful/ SOO CURIOUS: soocurious.com/fr/video-life-beautiful-3d/ CULTURED VULTURES: culturedvultures.com/qa-ben-brand-director-life-beautiful/ UPSOCI: upsocl.com/inspiracion/este-hermoso-video-te-hara-re-pensar-tu-mirada-sobre-la-grandeza-de-la-vida/ PIENSA ES GRATIS: piensaesgratis.com/compartimos-todos-un-mismo-destino/ SOULGURU: soulgurusounds.com/life-beautiful-3d-animated-short-film/#more-27293 THE FRONTIER: wearethefrontier.com/blog/inspiration/life-is-beautiful/ DVERSO: dverso.com/life-is-beautiful-corto-risponde-ironicamente-ce-dopo-morte HPDETIJD: hpdetijd.nl/2014-05-23/life-beautiful/ ROOMIE: roomie.jp/2014/05/164162/ FILMSHORTAGE: filmshortage.com/shorts/life-is-beautiful/ BIOSAGENDA: biosagenda.nl/nieuws_we-want-shorts-life-is-beatiful_4404.html LAUGHING SQUID: laughingsquid.com/life-is-beautiful-a-computer-animated-short-about-what-happens-after-we-die/ LESCOURTMETRAGES: les-courts-metrages.fr/life-beautiful/ GEEKTYRANT: geektyrant.com/news/emotive-animated-short-film-life-is-beautiful LAMENTEES: lamenteesmaravillosa.com/este-corto-te-ayudara-ver-tus-defectos-virtudes/ REFRESHER: filmkult.refresher.sk/2502-Predstavujeme-vam-uzasny-a-zamyslenia-hodny-kratkometrazny-animak-Life-is-Beautiful
Dutch Filmfestival 2013-09 Utrecht (Netherlands) NOMINATION DEBUTE COMPETITION Shortcutz Filmfestival 2014-04 Amsterdam (Netherlands) NOMINATION BEST ANIMATION SHORT HAFF Filmfestival 2014-04 Utrecht (Netherlands) Dresden int Filmfestival 2014-05 Dresden (Germany) Toronto Int Animation Festival 2014-07 Toronto (Canada) Nothwest Animation Festival 2014-07 Portland (USA) Short Shorts international filmfestival 2014-06 Tokyo (Japan) Cinefiesta Film Festival 2014-07 Caugas (Puerto Rico) The Art Factory 2014-07 USA (New Jersey) The Matinee Project 2014-07 India (Mumbai) Anibar Animation Festival 2014-08 Servie (Kosovo) Imaginaria 2014 2014-08 San Benedetto (Italy) CutOut Fest Animation Festival 2014-08 Querétaro (Mexico) KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival. 2014-10 Amsterdam (Netherlands) SPARK Animation festival 2014-11 Vancouver (Canada) Tirana Int Film Festival. 2014-12 Tirana (Albania) WINNER BEST ANIMATION SHORT International Bosphorus Film Festival 2014-11 Istanbul (Turkey) SkyScanner int Film Festival 2014-12 Moscow (Russia) Chisinau short film festival in Chisinau 2014-12 (Moldova) Reel Teal Film Festival in 2015-02 North Carolina (USA) WINNER BEST ANIMATION / AUDIENCE AWARD / BEST PICTURE ATHENS ANIMFEST 2015 - 03 Athens (Greece) Imaginaria international short film festival 2015-08 (Italy) Corto Creativo Short Film Festival 2015 (Mexico) Bangalore International Short FIlm Festival 2015 (India) Mini Cinema Short Film Experience 2015 (USA) NOMINATION BEST ANIMATION / BEST MUSIC Expotoons int film festival 2015 (Argentina) Torremolinos Int Fantastic Film Festival 2015 (Spain) Visionaria int film festival 2015 (Italy) Multivision Int Festival of Animated Arts 2015 (Russia) Post Mortem Film Festival 2015 (Mexico) ASSF Film festival 2015 (italy)
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papirtigris · 8 years ago
Life is Beautiful (3D Animation Short Film) from Ben Brand on Vimeo.
Anton may be done with life, but life ain’t done with Anton. Humorous animation about the impossibility to escape your fate.
Vimeo and youtube combined, Life is Beautiful has reached 1.000.000 views!! ON YOUTUBE: youtube.com/watch?v=6fDoTmjHa1I&list=UU-1rx8j9Ggp8mp4uD0ZdEIA
written & directed by BEN BRAND – co-writer ILSE OTT – animation studio FUBE – art director VINCENT BISSCHOP – technical director JASPER VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN – compositing KOOS DEKKER – rendering SEBASTIAAN VAN HESTEREN – head of animation RIK SCHUTTE – animation NANDA VAN DIJK – animator PIEBE VAN DER STORM – licht & shading RUUD COENEN –– shading DIMITAR KRALEV – storyboard NATASHA STEVIE – aditional artwork LOIS VAN BAARLE – score composed by CHRISTIAAN VERBEEK edited by WIETSE DE ZWART – producer JACQUES VEREECKEN / SANDER HEEROMA – production NIELS SCHEIDE / ROGIER DORANT – head of production LIESBETH TIMMER – line producer PERCY TIENHOVEN – sound designer DENNIS KERSTEN – modeling KJELD SLINGELAND / VINNIE PORTIER – special thanks NMTRIX ANIMATION STUDIOS / MICHAEL VISSER / JOHAN BOEKHOVEN / PATRICK NIJMAN
DIE ZEIT: blog.zeit.de/netzfilmblog/2014/05/18/animation-life-is-beautiful/ FUBIZ: fubiz.net/2014/04/28/life-is-beautiful/ SHORTOFTHEWEEK: shortoftheweek.com/2014/04/25/life-is-beautiful/ SOO CURIOUS: soocurious.com/fr/video-life-beautiful-3d/ CULTURED VULTURES: culturedvultures.com/qa-ben-brand-director-life-beautiful/ UPSOCI: upsocl.com/inspiracion/este-hermoso-video-te-hara-re-pensar-tu-mirada-sobre-la-grandeza-de-la-vida/ PIENSA ES GRATIS: piensaesgratis.com/compartimos-todos-un-mismo-destino/ SOULGURU: soulgurusounds.com/life-beautiful-3d-animated-short-film/#more-27293 THE FRONTIER: wearethefrontier.com/blog/inspiration/life-is-beautiful/ DVERSO: dverso.com/life-is-beautiful-corto-risponde-ironicamente-ce-dopo-morte HPDETIJD: hpdetijd.nl/2014-05-23/life-beautiful/ ROOMIE: roomie.jp/2014/05/164162/ FILMSHORTAGE: filmshortage.com/shorts/life-is-beautiful/ BIOSAGENDA: biosagenda.nl/nieuws_we-want-shorts-life-is-beatiful_4404.html LAUGHING SQUID: laughingsquid.com/life-is-beautiful-a-computer-animated-short-about-what-happens-after-we-die/ LESCOURTMETRAGES: les-courts-metrages.fr/life-beautiful/ GEEKTYRANT: geektyrant.com/news/emotive-animated-short-film-life-is-beautiful LAMENTEES: lamenteesmaravillosa.com/este-corto-te-ayudara-ver-tus-defectos-virtudes/ REFRESHER: filmkult.refresher.sk/2502-Predstavujeme-vam-uzasny-a-zamyslenia-hodny-kratkometrazny-animak-Life-is-Beautiful
Dutch Filmfestival 2013-09 Utrecht (Netherlands) NOMINATION DEBUTE COMPETITION Shortcutz Filmfestival 2014-04 Amsterdam (Netherlands) NOMINATION BEST ANIMATION SHORT HAFF Filmfestival 2014-04 Utrecht (Netherlands) Dresden int Filmfestival 2014-05 Dresden (Germany) Toronto Int Animation Festival 2014-07 Toronto (Canada) Nothwest Animation Festival 2014-07 Portland (USA) Short Shorts international filmfestival 2014-06 Tokyo (Japan) Cinefiesta Film Festival 2014-07 Caugas (Puerto Rico) The Art Factory 2014-07 USA (New Jersey) The Matinee Project 2014-07 India (Mumbai) Anibar Animation Festival 2014-08 Servie (Kosovo) Imaginaria 2014 2014-08 San Benedetto (Italy) CutOut Fest Animation Festival 2014-08 Querétaro (Mexico) KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival. 2014-10 Amsterdam (Netherlands) SPARK Animation festival 2014-11 Vancouver (Canada) Tirana Int Film Festival. 2014-12 Tirana (Albania) WINNER BEST ANIMATION SHORT International Bosphorus Film Festival 2014-11 Istanbul (Turkey) SkyScanner int Film Festival 2014-12 Moscow (Russia) Chisinau short film festival in Chisinau 2014-12 (Moldova) Reel Teal Film Festival in 2015-02 North Carolina (USA) WINNER BEST ANIMATION / AUDIENCE AWARD / BEST PICTURE ATHENS ANIMFEST 2015 - 03 Athens (Greece) Imaginaria international short film festival 2015-08 (Italy) Corto Creativo Short Film Festival 2015 (Mexico) Bangalore International Short FIlm Festival 2015 (India) Mini Cinema Short Film Experience 2015 (USA) NOMINATION BEST ANIMATION / BEST MUSIC Expotoons int film festival 2015 (Argentina) Torremolinos Int Fantastic Film Festival 2015 (Spain) Visionaria int film festival 2015 (Italy) Multivision Int Festival of Animated Arts 2015 (Russia) Post Mortem Film Festival 2015 (Mexico) ASSF Film festival 2015 (italy)
0 notes
ruslumber · 8 years ago
11th Annual Teal Tea
https://consumercreditcounselinginnewjersey.wordpress.com/2017/04/10/11th-annual-teal-tea/ April 10, 2017 at 10:34PM
11th Annual Teal Tea Join us for our 11th Annual Teal Tea at the Stone Terrace by John Henry’s, 2275 Kuser Road Hamilton Township, NJ 08610. Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 … from Consumer Credit Counseling in New Jersey
Filed under: Consumer Credit Counseling in New Jersey Tagged: Consumer Credit Counseling in New Jersey via Credit Counseling Bankruptcy Credit Counseling Debt Consolidation
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tobiotaesan · 6 months ago
out of character post:
im supposed to be mysterious and nonchalant but uhm i think i have to say smth abt the mj x haikyuu au.
teal jersey #04 part 2 is on its way i promise no cap yall but im not done with it and of course it has to go under editing as well after i finish it.
but uni... she hates me. we just met and she already hates me. so if ur waiting for tj04 part 2, blame her for the delays
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tobiotaesan · 7 months ago
teal jersey #04 m.j.h
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synopsis: with the hopes of gaining new experiences when you enter high school, you didn't expect that you would end up as a new manager in-training for karasuno's volleyball club. and you most certainly also were not expecting you would be wearing aoba johsai's jersey on your first day in training with the first years first practice match with the team whose jersey you were wearing.
genre: fluff, haikyuu au! high school au!
pairing: aoba johsai player! myung jaehyun x karasuno manager (in-training)! fem! reader
word count: 3.6k
warning: none
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"y/n, the teacher is looking for you."
the class president says as they enter the classroom, causing all eyes to fall upon you. you stood up from your seat and immediately went ahead to the teacher's faculty room. on the way there, you couldnt help but wonder what reason could there be for the teacher to summon you. it was a very rare occasion for you to be called upon by the teachers. most of the time they call for the class president, or the vice if the aforementioned isnt around, and rarely, almost never, you.
it was quite a surprise to you that the teacher even knows your name, considering how much you have tried to avoid any form of attention at school. typical introvert behaviour. however, despite your claims of invisibility, the teacher still knew of your existence. and now you cant help but wonder if you had caused any trouble at school, which is why you were being summoned. but its totally impossible as you never even leave your seat unless the class requires it, its lunch time or its time to go home. the only places you go to are your house and school, you dont go out on the weekends either. so what kind of trouble could you have gotten yourself in? you shook your head as a poor attempt to brush off your thoughts as you arrived in front of the door to the faculty room. with a deep breath, you grabbed and twisted the doorknob and opened the door.
you bow to greet the teacher sitting in the first cubicle inside as you walked in, stating your purpose of arrival. he gives you a nod and you walked in further, head turning side to side, looking for your teacher who called for you. luckily, she raised her hand for you to see and spot her easily. you picked up your pace and walked towards her desk. a small smile greets you as you arrive in front of her while you simply bowed to greet her.
"im sure you are wondering why i called for you so suddenly. to cut things short, i believe that you are the best person to be trusted with this task," now you are even more surprised.
not only does the teacher know your name and existence, they are even complimenting you and basically saying you are a reliable person. but still, confusion couldnt be erased within you, there had to be a more specified reason for whatever this task is.
"i noticed in the way you write your notes and create your outputs that you are a very organized person. very neat and clean when working and most importantly, efficient. im aware that you transferred here only just a few months ago but you seem to have adjusted quite well to your new environment pretty quickly," she pauses for a second before swivelling her chair to face you, her hands clasping togegher.
the sudden shift in the atmosphere made your heart beat increase a little and your palms start sweating. you backed up slightly in your chair, gulping as you try to maintain the eye contact with your teacher who looked quite serious you started to feel intimidated by her gaze.
you walked out of the teachers faculty room with a storm of thoughts in your head. it seemed like such a huge responsibility but the overall demands of it wasnt anything you werent capable of doing. however, it will add up to the school workload but then again, time management was never an issue for you. so if you were to agree to it, you would surely be able to manage everything on your plate.
a wall in the middle of the hallway?
"oh? hey, youre the first year that yachi was talking about," the long-hair tied in a half-up lad turns around and smiles at you. the wall in the middle of the hallway.  he stood about the same height as you are with only about half an inch difference.
"im sorry? yachi?" you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
you try to think of anyone who went by the name of yachi but couldnt put a face on it. and then suddenly, the face of a bubbly blonde bob cut third year senior asking to talk to you the other day comes to mind. she was chasing after you at the school gate and was catching her breath the entire time she spoke to you before enthusiastically saying something along the lines of looking forward to hearing your response before dashing away. it all happened way too quickly that she didnt notice you were wearing headphones and barely heard anything she was telling you. basically, you didnt understand anything she said besides the last part and since she ran away right after, you were too stunned to think of chasing after her to ask her to repeat what she said.
"huh? you dont know yachi? she told me she talked to you the other day. actually, im here to look for you because she told me you havent given her a response yet."
"oh, she did talk to me the other day but i was wearing my headphones and couldnt hear anything she said. and when i took them off my head she suddenly ran away so i wasnt able to ask her to repeat what she told me," you explain.
"typical yachi, she was actually too scared to talk to you thats probably why she immediately ran away as soon as she finished talking. by the way, my name is yamaguchi, im also a third year who plays for our school's volleyball team," he says while showing off the jersey you didnt realize he was wearing. volleyball team, huh? so he's related to what your teacher talked to you about.
"then youre probably here to ask me about being the new manager of the team, right?"
"yeah! oh, how did you know?" he tilts his head in confusion.
"the teacher just told me about it. ill think about it and tell the teacher my final decision," you replied before walking away.
yamaguchi's gaze simply follows your figure as you walk down the hallway, uneasiness filling it after a while. he was hopeful when yachi said something about finally finding a potential new manager for the volleyball team now that they are graduating, feeling determined to convince whoever it was. but now that he has talked to you, all those determination seem to have faded away and has been replaced with uneasiness. what if they arent able to convince you? you seemed like a very reserved and stiff person. and yachi was very picky with whom will replace her when she graduates as she takes this all way too seriously. plus, the teachers highly recommended you to yachi as well. the new manager has to be you.
"yamaguchi, practice starts soon. come on!" an even taller blonde buzzcut grumpily calls for him.
"tsuki, i told you to speak nicer when youre in the first years floor or else that rumor about your eyes sucking the souls out of them wont ever die down!"
collars in place. no wringkles on the shirt. sleeves are neat. hair tightly tucked in a ponytail. and finally, a spray of a light scented perfume. with one last head-to-toe look at yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your bag and dashed out of the comfort room. you decided to accept the offer, well...kind of. a deal was offered to you as you didnt have any knowledge about the sports and how a sports club manager works. the deal was yachi showing you around and giving you an orientation of the job for a week before you can make your final decision of whether or not you would accept the position. you figured you had nothing but spare time to lose anyway and so here you are, about to meet the club's members for the first time. however, a blonde bob, you remembered as yachi, halts you by the door.
"hello, i dont know if you remember me but im the one who chased after you at the school gate last week! first of all, i would like to apologize for randmonly running after you! you mustve been surprised by a weirdo who was suddenly blabbing about joining a club without even asking if you were interested in joining one. im really sorr-" she rambles in one breath whilst bowing towards you until you cut her off.
"no! no, no, no dont be sorry! its totally fine! please, youre my senior you dont have to be so formal and bow to me. really, its all good. im assuming youre here to pick me up and take me to the gym for the orientation about being a manager of the volleyball club...?" you replied while putting your hands palms up towards her with an unsure expression. you werent expexting to see her waiting right outside the comfort room.
to be frank, you were quite excited about everything. its not often that your parents let you participate in an after school extracurricular activity but with a "mom, wouldnt it be a good addition to my leadership credentials for college applications?" you receive a hesitant approval. plus, its going to be a totally new experience, something you have promised yourself to do once you reach high school. you were always so focused on your studies ever since you were little due to your lack of friends. not that you were being treated badly by your peers, you have classmates whom you talk to at school but due to your lacking social skills, you never really got to make genuine friends whom you can talk to even outside of school about non-school related conversations. and so you promised yourself that once you enter high school, things would change.
of course, it wasnt easy. you couldnt just become a social butterfly overnight in one snap. but youve already tried so many times to befriend others and ask them to hang out after school but so far, the closes thing you got to an afterschool hang out was a group project meeting at a cafe on the weekends. you were so ecstatic at the progress and you all even had a groupchat where you all communicated. but after the projects presentation, the bond dispersed and the groupchat along with it, gone. and you are back to square one.
socializing in high school is hard. especially when majority of the people in class have already known each other since middle school. the friend groups have already been long established before and thus makes it hard to find people you can get along with it as you cant just get along with one of them, you have to be approved by everyone else from their circle to be even considered to be their potential friend. and so, when you were presented with this opportunity to become the manager of your schools volleyball club, you knew you were going to say yes. it was a good stepping stone to finally escape square one. you were determined to use this chance to finally make a friend.
maybe you shouldve specified that 'friend' you were hoping to make when you wished for one. to say that you were flabbergasted at the sight before you was an understatement. a bunch of sweaty teenage high school boys jumping around and diving on the floor whilst multiple volleyballs fly across the net continuosly...these people are your contenders for a friend? the entire gym was full of grunting and cries of exhaustion. of course, what were you expecting? the men and women's volleyball team are separated, that makes sense. but what doesnt was how you didnt process the information that you were going to be the manager of the men's volleyball team. you shouldve known, their captain literally came to talk to you about it.
you released a breath you didnt know you were holding when you snapped yourself back to reality. theres no going back now. and besides, you have yachi by your side. she might be graduating soon but theres still a semester and a half left before that.
while you were trying to ground yourself back on earth and trying to process how youre going to survive being the manager of the volleyball club for the next two years, yamaguchi, who was disciplining the newbies of the team, catches your frozen figure by the door standing beside their current manager. his face immediately brightens at the sight of you and calls for a water break before striding towards you.
"yn! are you here to watch our practice match today?" he asks cheerfully. you were a little stunned with his sudden presence, wondering how you didnt notice him walking towards you earlier. nonetheless, you were quick to gather yourself to respond to him.
"oh, im actually here to observe yachi and the team. i wasnt informed that there was a practice match today..." you turned to yachi to raise an eyebrow to confirm which would be your first task as a new manager in training. unfortunately for you, she wasnt standing where she was just a second ago. so you turned back to the captain with an embarrased chuckle, to which he replies with a genuine laugh.
"you can take a seat beside the coaches over there, yachi might not be able to help you out a lot today because of the practice match so you can just seat and observe for now," he explains whilst pointing to a bench on the right side of the court.
"i would introduce you to the members right now but...the newbies are a little out of their minds from the nervousness of their first ever practice match since joining, the second years are busy trying to calm them down and we, the third years, are helping them with their warm ups," he adds. you understandingly nodded at his words before walking towards the coaches and introducing yourself to them. they seem to be a little on edge too, only giving you a meek nod to acknowledge your existence. so you simply sat there, quietly. completely unsure of what to do.
it was unintentional. and you really didnt have anything to say nor anyone to talk to so you ended up unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation between the coaches who sat in front of you, emphasis on unintentionally.
apparently, the karasuno volleyball team was playing against a neighboring rival. a powerful team whom theyve built tradition with of always playing against each other for each schools newbies first practice match, aoba johsai high. now, you werent big on sports, you know them but you never really paid attention as much as others would especially in your school. however, it doesnt mean that you were in the dark about your schools "legendary freshmen," as some students would say, players who completely turned the tables and made their mark on karasuno history as a remarkable duo. you were aware of such history of the players who once played for your school.
so you couldnt really help but involuntarily learn some volleyball terminologies whilst being a student in karasuno who had a reputable volleyball team. still and all, you werent completely knowledgeable of the sports and what kind of teams there were in other schools. lucky for you, as the coaches are yappers and you were able to listen to the bits of information they had about the rival team who would be visiting your school for the practice match.
you were able to gather that, aoba johsai was apparently also a reputable school with a history of remarkable players, especially a captain who was well known for being an incredible setter who now plays for the argentina team and how this year, the school was able to find a successor of the said player. a promising first year prodigy who might already be in the talks of possibly being invited to japans u-19 team. as muh as you were enjoying listening in on the coaches conversation, your eavesdropping session was cut off by yachi calling for you. so you (disappointedly) immediately stood up and walked towards her.
"im really sorry, y/n! i totally forgot that we have a practice match today! but its a good start to show you what a manager does during a game so worry not! your time is not wasted and youll still learn something today!" she enthusiastically hands you a few bottles of energy drinks and towels and asks you to help her distribute them among the players.
"theres actually quite a lot of things to do as a manager but its nothing too hard to handle. usually during practices and games, we just need to make sure that their bottles are filled with water and always have the towels ready to give to them during time outs," whilst you were distributing the drinks and towels, a surge of teenage girls went swarming in to the gymnasium. all of them wearing a different colored uniform from yours. you assumed they must be from the school whos playing against karasuno today. not long after, the players from aoba johsai arrives as well. so you ignored them and resumed with your task. but of course, even though some of them had their souls doing some sort of astral projection due to nervousness, the sound and sight of an audience catches their attention and interests piqued. unfortunately, they were too distracted with the sudden audience and didnt notice you trying to hand them a towel and accidentally bumps their open lid energy drinks on your extended arm, the collision causing the contents of the bottle to spill all over your uniform blouse. your white uniform blouse.
the players panics and they started crowding all over you, handing you a towel and profusely apologizing for the trouble theyve caused when you havent even actually met them yet. of course, you accepted their offers to help you out with a smile thats trying to mask your devastation as the shirt you were wearing was brand new and you were sure to get a scolding once you get home. yachi on the other hand immediatey ushers you towards her bag, that was on the other side of the gym, to which she says contains a spare shirt you can change into. unfortuately, things were about to get worse. just as you were about to walk out to change your clothes after yachi handed her spare shirt to you, a late comer from the other school dashes through the door and collides with you. he was also holding a drink on his hand, "was" because now its spilled all over your blouse. again.
great. two shades of beverage stain. energy drink and iced americano. all over you white uniform blouse. but at least yachis shirt was saf— nevermind. it had coffee stains on it as well.
meanwhile, the former owner of the coffee was grunting while sitting on the floor, his hands rubbing his lower back that was in pain from the unexpected landing on concrete from the collision between you two. he opens his eyes as he realizes that his cup of coffee was no longer in his hand but spilled all over you and the clean shirt you were supposed to change into after having an energy drink spilled on you just moments ago.
well, this is a great first day of orientation as the possible new manager of the volleybalm team.
the boy frantically stands up with his jaw dropped, eyes on your figure on the floor. before he could say anything to you, another boy rushes to the scene and turns to the boy with a stressed and frustrated face.
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to be continued... | part 2
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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