#also I may or may not have known hanbin would become my bias after finding out he was an enfj/hj
headdaze · 19 days
HAPPY HANBIN DAY!!! >3<🐹💕🎉 AHHHH my precious leader, you're so precious & amazing & just the best. also part of the reason I got into zb1 since most of the time my thought process is "WELL IF THE LEADER IS AWESOME ILL LIKE THE GROUP TOO" and it's basically a fool proof plan :DDD ((although I will say i initially went to see zb1's member page to find who the heck jiwoong and ricky were because when I saw them no joke I was like "these men aren't real why are they so gorgeous. stop. help." RIP LOL))
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restlessmaknae · 6 years
rainy season
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Who wouldn’t want to stay inside while it’s raining outside when their boyfriend is the one and only Bobby?
♦ Pairing: boyfriend!Bobby x girlfriend!reader/you
♦ Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (+comedy)
♦ Words: 1.6k
♦ Season Series with soft bf!iKON: Yunhyeong // Donghyuk // Chanwoo // Bobby // Hanbin // Jinhwan // Junhoe
♦ Dedicated to: the one and only @lily-blue who was my beta and the reason I decided to double-bias (now I’m triple-biased ^^) ❤️
♦ A/N: You can also check out iKONICShelves which is a brand new iKON network for writers and readers in the iKON fanfic community (all platforms!).
Sunday Morning was being played on the radio while you were making pancakes for breakfast. You were humming along the song, a satisfied smile painting your mellow lips as you flipped yet another fizzing pancake.
You knew the chocolate-cinnamon flavoured sweet treat was Bobby’s favourite even though at first it was a mere attempt on your part. You saw this recipe while you were flipping through a food magazine one day and the unusual pancake immediately caught your attention. You decided to try it out yourself, and as a huge foodie Bobby was, he had to be the first one to taste the outcome. You vividly remember how content he was and how many hugs he gave you for such a delicious breakfast, so ever since then, whenever you were in the mood to make pancakes (or your boyfriend asked for it), you went with Bobby’s favourite.
This time was no different. You were pretty sure that the sight of his favourite breakfast would totally make Bobby’s day, that’s why you opted for the chocolate-cinnamon pancakes this morning.
As soon as you gently placed the finished pancake on a plate, a hand reached for it and the pancake was immediately gone.
“Hey!” You exclaimed frantically. “Be careful! It’s still hot!” You reprimanded your boyfriend who couldn’t care less about your warning. Even though you could still see the sleepiness in his eyes (not to mention the way his hair looked like a bird nest), he was already very energetic. If he was this mischievous early in the morning, you knew he would be up to no good during the rest of the day.
“It’s okay, babe,” Bobby grinned widely, his eyes sparkling with tiny little dots of playfulness. “I can take it. I’m also hot,” he added rather shamelessly, earning an eyeroll from you. Nonetheless, no matter how hard you tried to remain stern, you soon burst into laughter.
You couldn’t deny that being Bobby’s girlfriend was anything but plain. He was the definition of uniqueness, warmth and unpredictability. You could never really be prepared for what he was up to, sometimes he was being cheesy, sometimes he was being dirty-minded as hell. Sometimes he didn’t remember that you’d told him to change the lightbulbs, yet sometimes he took out the rubbish without you saying anything. Though there were two dates he would always keep in mind: your anniversary and your birthday. He would purposefully not let you fall asleep the night before your birthday, so he could be the first one to wish you happy birthday. Not to mention the anniversary dates. Boy sure knew how to surprise you each and every time.
He may have looked quite intimidating at first (small wonder you didn’t dare to approach him even if he was one of the most frequent customers at the café you worked), yet he was a real softie inside. He still carried around the Winnie the Pooh plushie he was given when he was younger, he could play the guitar, drums and the piano, yet he would never shove any of his musicality down your throat unless you wanted him to (you never protested though), he always complimented you no matter how badly you did something or how inedible your meals were, and he never once failed to make you smile when you were under the weather. He was a particularly good listener and always had a useful piece of advice to share, yet he would never let you leave him hanging when he saw that something was bothering you.
His cheeky side was also one of the endless things you loved about him (and the list just kept going), thus you couldn’t be mad at him when he stole the first pancake and tried to make up for it with childish excuses.
“Sit down, and I’ll bring the fresh ones to the table,” you suggested as you poured some of the pancake mix into the pan.
“How about I watch you from here instead and steal every pancake you make?” Bobby reciprocated rather brassily, making you go on full-blush mode in a second.
“Yah, Kim Jiwon!”
“What?” he raised a challenging eyebrow in question while he closed the gap between the two of you. He was grinning so widely, you could see his bunny smile showing which was one of the seven wonders in the world (in your opinion). He may not have been the definition of beauty, yet he was sure attractive and adorable as hell. “You can’t resist me?” he asked as he reached for your waist and brought you closer to him.
You could see the fire burning in his orbs, the heat already creeping up your neck. Bobby didn’t usually fancy skinship, but when he did, he was as touchy as no one else you’d ever met. Just another example of his duality.
“You are such a tease,” you huffed, pouting at the boy.
“You’re lucky it’s raining,” he pointed at the window which was tainted by tiny little raindrops. Yet, the calming sound of the rain was just another background music to your cozy scene, and you couldn’t mind it. “You have to spend the whole day inside with me, the biggest tease in the world,” he smirked as he let go of you, not wanting the pancake to get burnt (or you to get too embarrassed).
Either way, you were thankful that he took some steps back because you weren’t sure you could stand on your feet as steadily as you wanted if he kept on invading your personal space.
“So what do you want to do now that we are stuck inside?” Bobby inquired genuinely curiously as he took a seat beside a table. You turned back to the pan, taking care of the next few pancakes while you were pondering.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “Maybe we could watch a movie?”
“Didn’t you say you want to watch an animated movie?” Bobby recalled the last time you two were watching movies and it was an angst Japanese one with one of the main characters dying at the end. Right then and there, you told him that you want to watch something cheerful and lighter next time, an animated movie seeming like the perfect choice.
“Yeah, that’s right,” you nodded, letting a sweet smile accompany your words. You knew your boyfriend remembered such trivial things, yet it warmed your heart every time you experienced his attentiveness first-hand.
“How about Hercules? Or maybe Mulan?” the boy was sure quick to come up with suggestions, but it came as no surprise since he was the bigger animation fan out of the two of you. You usually enjoyed light-hearted romances or comedies more. However, being Bobby’s girlfriend came with many advantages and one was becoming a fan of such movies for children. You couldn’t mind though; as long as you two watched it together, it could be anything. (Okay, maybe not anything, but you all get it.)
“Which one is better?” You turned around after you finished with another pancake and waited for the next one to become golden brown and crispy. The boy looked like he was in deep thoughts as if you had asked him the “which one was sooner? The egg or the chicken?” question and not his preference regarding Mulan and Hercules.
“I’d say Mulan. Just because Mushu is a legend,” he announced with wild gestures, prompting you to shot a confused glare at him. Wait? Should you have known who Mushu was? Had he mentioned anything about some sushu-mushu?
When Bobby caught your rather puzzled expression, his eyes became twice as wide as before.
“What? You don’t know who Mushu is?” he exclaimed as if you had told him that you don’t know who the current president of South Korea was. He even rose from his seat, his utter bewilderment showing in every single one of his moves. “Then, we are watching Mulan today. The first and the second movie as well. Period,” he announced hastily and finally sat down again.
You let out a carefree laughter as you watched his little play, your heart melting at his childish pout. He went on rambling how ground-breaking Mulan was, especially when he was young, you paying your full attention to him. No matter what he talked about, you adored listening to him because he could be so enthusiastic and immersed; you didn’t have to look at him twice, you could immediately see when he was engrossed into something that meant a lot to him.
Of course, Bobby’s choice was the perfect choice for that rainy day when neither of you felt like leaving the flat. Instead, you were watching the movies on Bobby’s laptop while both of you were on the couch, you snuggled up to his chest, resting your face just above his heart, getting lost in the cacophony of his heartbeat. He was gently caressing your cheeks, then he went on playing with your hair, and he also started drawing invisible lines on your back while you were watching the second movie. He was like a child while he watched one of his favourite movies of all time, gasping at the right scenes (even though he stated that he had watched Mulan at least 50 times already), pretending to despise the confession scenes and getting all emotional when everyone thought that the main guy character died.
Needless to say, Bobby was a piece of art himself, so despite all your efforts to focus on Mulan only, your eyes always found their way back to your boyfriend’s face just like stars always find their way back home.
After all, Bobby was your home now.
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