#maybe this is nitpicky I Don’t Care
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shorthaltsjester · 2 years ago
sometimes people will say “going dark” and then what they’re actually talking about is just people no longer presenting a carefully constructed version of their emotions and experiences.
like. emotional turmoil is not the same as darkness. laudna in this Fictional Universe that has tangibly different stakes wrt to death and killing than our own, is at best like . morally neutral for what she just did like. man has been secretly trying to kill you, and then just tried to do so again, killing him back is a fair choice. and even if i was someone who is excited by delilah’s inability to escape from the narrative, this shit isn’t about delilah. laudna made a choice. if delilah is back or whatever it’s a choice that laudna made because something in that grants her more control than her existing conditions did. this isn’t some Delilah Takes Over, it’s Laudna Expressly Makes The Choice To Call Forth Something within Herself to remedy the lack of control that’s been thrust upon her. if y’all want to Continue to limit Laudna’s agency (as the cr fandom is so, so want to do when a female character makes a choice that isn’t Good according to some weird system of virtue ethics) go ahead.
likewise with orym. little guy is not “going dark” because he has finally made direct action about his emotional turmoil in dealing with a situation which has similarly left him without control and has also placed him in a position where his stalwart conviction towards protecting and honouring those he loves and has lost alike is constantly met with other people he cares for going well.. what if they had a point/we are killing other peoples loved ones/etc. which like . yeah that might be frustrating and in fact might lead him to go, actually, i can’t afford to try and maintain some abject morality where I carry a locket that will literally only provide guilt. orym is completely committed to his beliefs, the locket and what it represents has never been a limit to what he will do, only a reminder of the consequences of what he might cause in those actions. but they Are at war and orym has a billion things on his plate. he can put down the locket. especially when bor’dor is the explicit manifestation of that locket’s symbolism. the subtext rapidly became the text and orym doesn’t need a reminder. it’s there in the fact that team issylra is walking away with two friends, not three.
these are character who have at every turn denied their own emotions in various forms while still being acutely aware of what they deny, whether that awareness was/is fully realized or not. many of laudna’s early convos with ashton show us that there is some awareness to the lighthearted spooky goth girl and how that persona fades when she thinks too much about what has led her and maintained that reality. likewise the entirety of orym’s story thus far is defined by his grief in a very literal sense, it Has extended from that grief to also the commitment he had to the purpose of figuring out the assassination attempt on keyleth but as we have seen, that purpose has fallen apart. paired with the quasi-reopening of his grief that was getting to see will again only to have to turn away, i don’t think there’s a lack of awareness in orym of how much he hurts. but between his actions and 4SD, that hurt tends to get buried under guilt or Responsibility.
and now, finally, both of them have admitted to that Not in the safety of small introspection or one-on-one conversations but with actions that they cannot shy away from or deny. laudna killed bor’dor and orym encouraged her to. and it Is a complex situation but truly I don’t really think it’s a “going dark” one. because they’re not giving into some overhanging Darkness of Morality™, they’re admitting that they are hurt and have long been hurting.
or, y’know, tldr for those who continue to deny laudna and orym agency or fully villainise them for whatever weird reasons . you could listen to laudna and ashton’s conversation that pretty much lays it out explicitly. laudna claims she’s weak for having chosen to kill bor’dor. ashton denies that and affirms instead that, no, she’s hurt.
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thefabulousfab-3 · 2 years ago
Literally I'm so depressed at how anti-climactic nhie s4 was. idk like if it was any other show I would have been like that was great! But honestly at this point I think 2 is under-appreciated because at least it was unhinged and shit happened. When I was rewatching it I just realized Devi actually was the one who kind of bored me (still love her) but I almost feel like they made her way too mature to over-correct, when the reality is they should have made her regress a little and then bounce back. idk maybe that's an unpopular opinion
I literally agree with all of this SO SO MUCH!! We were missing so much of Devi’s fire, she was way to passive this season and it bugged me so much. Especially when it came to Ben!!!!!! Their whole dynamic was off and it was so annoying. Also she was WAY to mature about the Margot thing, she deserved to be way more unhinged than just yelling. “Have a nice life riding Ben Gross’s circumcised dick” (which was a great line btw).
Margot as a character ruined a lot of things for me and I will never get or appreciate her inclusion.
I’m just really disappointed and sad about the last season and I think I’ll be salty about it forever.
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scarfacemarston · 10 months ago
Teacher!Natasha x Teacher!Reader Oneshot
For Lesbian Visibility Week! If you enjoyed this, please note and reblog! Feel free to send other prompts or requests! Prompt: The students come into your classroom complaining about Natasha as a teacher not knowing you're her wife. This is version 1. You sighed as you glanced at the digital clock on your computer. Damn. Your planning period was almost over, and you really needed to finish grading these essays. Soon, you would be back to teaching your high school history classes for the day. The period ended far too quickly as students began to file their way into the classroom, discussing this and that. You were so engrossed in your work that you were hardly paying attention until you heard “Ms. Romanoff” mentioned not once, not twice, but in a string of sentences. Oh boy. Ms. Romanoff was one of the more controversial teachers at the school known for her no-nonsense attitude, sternness and sarcasm , but she was also fair with a dry sense of humor. “Why did I take international politics as an elective? Oh, that’s right, I thought it would look good on my transcript!” One student said sarcastically. “She’s so nitpicky! I got an A-. AN A MINUS!” “Hers is the only class I don’t fall asleep in anymore. Not since….last time.” “She’s so strict even the Macklin brothers shut up.” “She’s terrifying. I heard she used to be an undercover agent in the CIA”. You smirked at that one. You should probably look into that rumor. “A spy? Shut-up, man. Who’s going to believe that?” “I heard she was a failed actress.” “I heard she voiced the Russian Siri.” “I heard she’s a rich heiress that lost all her cash.” “Look, guys, I don’t care. She just ripped our class to shreds.I just can’t right now. Nearly the entire class failed her last test. These test corrections are going to take all night.” “At least you’re allowed test corrections! We’re her AP class and the only way we can make up points is through a new essay.” “She’s scary. I swear” “I think she knows what I’m thinking and then that makes me think more and then she thinks what I’m thinking and that thinking makes my head hurt.” “I was ONE minute late to class and she gave me a late slip!” “One time my grandma called me in class, and she made me pick it up.” You shot a quick text to Natasha before the bell rang. Her classroom was two doors down from yours since you two were technically in the same department. Time to log off your grading program and begin class. You pulled out the binder with today’s lesson plans ready to begin. “Wow, you all are full of comments about Ms Romanoff today.” You said neutrally. “Miss Y/N, you don’t understand. She’s so ….uh, extra.” You withheld a smirk. Natasha wasn’t what you would call extra, but she was set in her ways.” “I don’t think she’s extra. I think she just has high standards.” You responded. One of the students rolled their eyes.
"Do you all talk about me like this when I'm not here?"
"Nooo Ms. Y/N, we would never!"
"Well, maybe you could extend the same courtesy to my wife next time," you said, withholding a laugh. The room fell silent. A pin could have dropped.
“Fuck” you heard someone say under their breath. “Language”, you chastised, but you couldn’t say you blamed them. You saw the students in various forms of awkward shuffling, a cough here or there or “Ummm” or “Uhh” as students tried to form sentences. “Wait, you’re married?” a student questioned before being glared at by the others. Your fourth period class was near silent for the rest of the period, with the students seemingly still in shock. One minute til the bell rang. You saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of your eye. Thirty seconds. Natasha knocked on the door. “Hey, you, we’re all ordering from Robert’s Deli for lunch. You want your usual or will you finally try something new?” Natasha teased. The class whipped their heads collectively towards the door. It was becoming harder not to laugh. Natasha narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Y/n?” “Oh, you’re scaring my class, dear!” You said, smiling widely. Natasha scoffed. “Dear, huh? Oh, so they found out, didn’t they? As if us entering the building together and leaving together in the same car wasn’t hint enough that we’re married.  Yeah, I might have scared a few of them. It was well deserved, trust me, Isn’t that right, Reynolds?” Jason Reynolds sank down into his seat, not meeting Natasha’s eyes. The bell rang. The students couldn’t scramble enough as they grabbed their bags and rushed past Natasha. You gave a small laugh as you finally met Natasha. “You’re a mean woman, you know that?” “Hey, you texted me, babe.” “It was great, not gonna lie. Sorry the “secret” is out.” “It’s not like we’re closeted, we’re simply professional. I’m surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner….or maybe I’m not.” Natasha muttered. Your stomach growled. “Alright, I’ll look up the menu. Find something new to try for once. Promise.” You said in response to your stomach. Natasha nodded. “Don’t want you to scare the next class because you’re hungry.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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oct0bra1ns · 9 months ago
can you do a platonic yandere teacher? like maybe the teacher kidnaps the darling (his fav student) because he has always wanted a child and you just seem like the perfect child to have! and he kinda gets pissed off if you mention your old family. Reader can be High school or Middle school age i don’t care which.
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teehee, i hope you don't mind but i combined it with another another ask which was similar, i went to keep both aspects of the ask so there'll be two yandere characters, they can be a couple or just two people who live together, whatever you want. once again, no names :P
Reblogs and comments are appreciated
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Yandere Teacher and Yandere headmaster who used to argue all the time despite the fact that they live under one roof. Yandere teacher hates what the headmaster deems as necessary for the students and teachers while the headmaster hates how the teacher never listens to anything he says.
All the staff hate whenever a meeting is called, not because their day was disrupted, no, but because they have to sit and listen to these two arguing over the most stupid things.
They couldn't seem to agree on anything until they met you. Yandere teacher had always kept an eye on you, the one student in his class who used to submit everything on time, complete every assignment to perfection nd rather well behaved.
He usually hates having to explain himself over and over again but if you ask him to repeat something, he will, even if he has already gone though the topic like 100 times.
If by chance you don't do well on a test, he'll give you another assignment to make up for it, or be less harsh with his grading on that certain paper.
He'll let you disturb his free time if you have any doubts or topic you don't understand.
You've always been his favorite student, so well behaved, never causing a scene in class and doing everything he assigned you to the best of your abilities.
With all this in mind, there was no surprise when you decided to run for the President of the student council, with your track record, you were bound to be selected by the teachers*.
That was until he found out one student from a more well off family was planning to run as your rival and for once he went to the headmaster to ask for help.
The headmaster has always kept an eye on you, someone who managed to impress the Teacher who was known for being nitpicky with everything his students did. Of course, that wasn't the only reason, always participating in events, getting awards, representing the school in inter school events, all made him quite interested in what you could achieve within your school years.
Naturally the moment the Teacher came in, asking for you to be selected as the next president he agreed without hesitation,bringing down the reputation of a spoiled child in the eyes of the teachers was no problem for him.
It didn't take long for both of them to agree it would be better if you were staying with them, after all, being the child of the headmaster of one of the most prominent schools was nothing to scoff, that too along with a teacher who had years of experience and a well known reputation in the eyes of various boards.
Of course, being the student council president meant that you had lots of duties to attend to, ones which included you staying late in the school while most of the staff and teachers left, as such, it was quite easy for them to bring you the unfortunate news that your family perished in an accident, when in reality, they made sure to use their influence to make sure they'd never be found.
Under the disguise of being concerned for you, they'd offer to let you stay in their houses. They'd use the first week to make you forget your old family under the guise of giving yourself closure and giving you time to yourself.
They wouldn't rush anything, in time they'd start acting as if you had no other family except them, both of them would step in the role of your parents.
They'd do anything to keep you happy, learning all your likes/ dislikes, cooking whatever dish you wanted, helping you with whatever and buying you everything you ask for.
The headmaster is not someone who cares if you mention your old family, they don't matter because they're gone and as long as he has you with him, he doesn't care while the Teacher on the other hand, tends to get irritated if you mention your old family, he'll bear it to a point before he snaps and goes on a long lecture of all he's doing for you and how clinging onto the past is not good for you.
At that point the headmaster steps in and drags him aside to have a few words with him and he'll come back and apologise to you over his behaviour. The next time he goes on such a rant, one look from the headmaster and He'll stop talking.
Being the headmaster's child comes with a lot of perks, teachers giving you much more respect, students also making sure they don't upset you. If even after all that a teacher or student manages to do something that makes you upset, the headmaster deals with them personally.
*In schools over here, the student council is always decided by the teachers after a few rounds of interviews and 'tests'
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reminiscingtonight · 11 months ago
arsenal, hoodies and hickies for tobin! (bonus if shes still playing for them and maybe dating someones sibling)
Spill The Tea (Alessia Russo x Press!Reader)
A/N: changed the req a bit bc there is no Tobin without Christen so I made the reader Christen’s sibling
“Is this something I’m going to need to tell Christen or can I trust you to be a responsible adult?”
There’s this thing with Tobin. Ever since she started dating your sister all those years ago, she’s really slipped into the role of the fourth older sister you don’t need. 
While she isn’t as nitpicky as Tyler and Christen or as interrogative as Channing, Tobin still liked to harp on you quite a lot. So you’ve heard this question come out of her mouth more times than you can count. And by now you know better than to expect Tobin to keep a secret from Christen.
You tilt your head towards her, a singular eyebrow raising up in question as your arms stay halfway through your training shirt. Of all times Tobin could’ve started a conversation of course she had to wait until you were quite literally trapped with nowhere to escape. 
“Why do you think I have anything to tell you?”
“You have a hickey the size of Maine on your neck.”
You follow her eyes down to your skin. Your still very bruised skin. 
The memory of mischievous eyes sparkling as you tried to sneak out this morning flashes clearly through your mind as you hastily pull on a neck warmer from your cubby.
You can still feel Tobin’s eyes on the side of your face as you try to busy yourself pulling on the last of your clothes. 
“You’re seeing someone, don’t lie.”
“And why do you think so?” You look up to see Tobin giving you a look. You roll your eyes. “Apart from the hickey.”
“You’re really going to make me play detective today?” When you don’t respond Tobin lets out an annoyed grunt. “Where to start? Well you’ve been sneaking in at 6 in the morning for the past couple of weeks.”
It’s not your fault you haven’t been given a drawer yet. Frankly the number of times you’ve stayed over should’ve already gotten you a place to store your things but Alessia’s been extremely paranoid about letting you leave traces of yourself at hers. Something about how her England teammates like coming over unannounced. A lot. Better to keep no trace of you at her place lest a blabbermouth blabbers too much.
“And changing your phone password? Not cool, dude.”
You cringe at the memory of Tobin storming into your room at half past twelve the other day, exasperated at the fact that a). you weren’t up and making her breakfast yet, and b). she couldn’t get into your phone to doordash some food.
You and Tobin shared everything. Cooking duties. The occasional snapback. Your phone passwords. But that last one was the first thing you changed when you started seeing Alessia. 
“And finally, this,” Tobin pokes at the light blue hoodie peeking out of your duffle, “is not yours.”
You try ducking under her arm to get out of the locker room but Tobin grabs a firm hold of your training top, jerking you back towards her.
You’re nose to nose now and the forward has no problem using her height advantage to stare you down. “I’ll ask again. Who have you been locking lips with?”
You scowl. “Well you’re playing detective today right? Guess.”
Tobin’s lips pinch shut, a displeased look on her face.
Before she can retaliate, a brief call of her name by Kim has Tobin turning away. When her hands loosen their hold, you bolt, taking full advantage of Tobin’s brief dip of attention.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of blue eyes follow you out of the room.
It isn’t until you’re already stretching on the sideline that long legs catch up to you. A soft smile breaks onto your face at the sight of other girl, hands opening and closing as you mime at her to come closer for a kiss.
For a second you think Alessia's going to crumble to your demands. 
And then you see her panicked expression.
“Did Tobin figure out we’re dating?”
Sighing, you push yourself off the ground, taking care to brush grass off your legs. “No, Tobin’s smart but she isn’t that smart.”
Alessia gives you a look that has you wondering if she’s offended on the behalf of the striker. 
You roll your eyes before giving her a light shove. “Relax, all she saw was your hoodie. She’s not going to know it’s yours.”
Alessia’s eyes widen at the mention of the sweatshirt you snuck out of her house this morning. Usually it’s cute and all and she really does love seeing you in her clothes, but faced with the fact that it’s branded with the UNC logo on the front? Or the fact that Tobin knows you followed in Christen’s footsteps and went to Stanford instead of Chapel Hill? 
“My hoodie? Babe! Of course she’s going to know it’s mine!”
“Relax,” you repeat, hands coming up to rub at her tense shoulders. “There are four of you who played at UNC who are on the team now. She’ll be too busy trying to figure out if it’s you, Lotte, or Foxy to ever find the real culprit.”
If anything, your words only seem to agitate her more. Alessia slaps your hands away, arms crossing over her chest. “You’d rather Tobin think you’re dating Lotte or Em over me?”
Safe to say, any words you try to defend yourself with only digs you deeper into the hole.
Tobin’s pleasantly surprised to see you moping on the couch later that night.
It doesn't take as long as you’re expecting for Tobin to figure it out.
You’re doing your weekly check-in with your sister a couple days later when Christen’s face suddenly widens into a teasing smirk. 
“So Tobin tells me you have a new girlfriend.”
You resist the urge to fling your phone across the room. Instead, you do the mature thing and hang up the phone.
Christen doesn’t look impressed when she calls back and you pick up. 
“Oh don’t be a wuss. There’s nothing you can do without me knowing. So spill. Tell me all about her.”
 You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Really, Chris? This is what you want to talk about?”
Even from a continent away you can see the megawatt smile being sent your way. “Couldn’t take my number so you had to take out a girl who has it too, huh?”
Tobin cringes in her room when she hears the telltale sound of your phone crashing against the wall.
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asexual-juliet · 7 months ago
saw the outsiders musical last night (7/20/24) and thought i would make a little post about some of my favorite parts!! brody, sky & daryl were out so i saw trevor wayne as pony, josh strobl as johnny & henry julián gendron as two-bit!
there’s a bit after pony gets jumped by the socs where darry and soda are cleaning the blood off his face and when they’re done and have gotten up johnny comes and sits next to him and takes out a rag and starts also cleaning pony’s face <3 it’s so so sweet
henry does a couple little opt-ups as two-bit in both grease got a hold and hoods turned heroes where i was like “ooh!” i adore daryl tofa so i was a little disappointed when i found out i wouldn’t be able to see him but henry was SO fantastic!! such a talented dancer and you could tell he was having so much fun with the character! such a standout for me.
was deeply impressed by how many items were successfully thrown and caught in grease got a hold like holy shit dude
the LIGHTING in great expectations has pony pointing his flashlight at darrel on “darrel was on his way up in the world” & johnny on “johnny has no kind of chance in this world” and then as the verse goes on he points it at all of the greasers standing all over the stage and the light lingers on them for the rest of the song it’s so fucking cool-looking! and during the chorus the stage starts to look like a starry sky which is a choice they bring back for the little great expectations reprise at the end of far away from tulsa. 
the moment where pony & johnny do their little cool guy walks over to cherry and marcia at the drive-in with their popped collars was so precious to me
i ADORE cherry valance and i ADORE emma’s take on her!! her little convo with pony at the drive-in was really sweet and i loved that they chose not to make the dynamic feel like a crush on ponyboy’s part it was such a nice moment of two people finding and genuinely understanding each other so deeply <3
lighting sound & everything was so next-level during the fountain scene-bob’s death like i don’t even think i can describe it it was so much and so crisp and so visceral in the absolute best way
staging for run run brother was SO cool — there’s a part at the end where they use the tires and boards from the set to make two platforms that the other actors can roll them back and forth while johnny is on one and pony on the other and they roll them away from each other and they are both reaching out so desperately towards each other its so fantastic
i also really liked the part in run run brother where dally gives pony his jacket like he just wordlessly put it on for him it’s so nice
lighting & subsequent blackout at the end of run run brother as pb&j are in the air after jumping off the “train” was ELITE
pony is holding johnny’s switchblade during death’s at my door and at the end of the song johnny reaches out to take it from him but he doesn’t pull away so he’s just holding pony’s hand and then he puts his other hand over pony’s too and they sit there like that until the lights go down <3
LOVED what they’ve done with darry’s character here!! i know people have some nitpicky things with it but he is such a fascinating character and i’m so glad that the musical theater medium was able to do so much with him that the limited pov of the novel couldn’t — brent comer plays darry so so well and my heart aches for him like fuck dude he cares about his brothers so fucking much and he’s doing his best and he’s so so tired :((( give him a break!!
jason schmidt’s voice is SO fantastic holy fuck throwing in the towel was GORGEOUS!! and the little bit at the end where soda hugs darry and it looks like he maybe kisses him on the head a little is so darling <3
the entire “do i look like julie andrews?” scene is so fucking good… genuinely made me laugh out loud. “fine, paul newman, then!” “…no shit?” is so fantastic and johnny’s little “she is pretty as hell :)” about cherry is adorable. and ofc the “goldilocks and her ugly sister” line is fucking great
the way that johnny perks up when he hears “say hey to johnny for us :)” in soda’s letter is so cute
the church fire scene is perhaps the coolest shit i have ever seen onstage
ponyboy is crying so hard after johnny dies that has to sit down on the floor of the hospital room and soda sits behind him and just holds him <3
ponyboy is like actively crying as he narrates dally’s death its so fucking heartbreaking. i liked that they drew the parallels between the train crashes in order to make dally’s death meaningful despite its departure from the book. and the detail about the train derailing when it hit him was wonderfully written. 
there is a scene where ponyboy is like inconsolable sitting on the living room floor with his head in his arms after johnny and dally die and cherry comes by the house because she has been volunteering at the hospital and no one came to pick up johnny’s clothes after he died and she thought ponyboy should have them and she tells him there’s a letter in the pocket addressed to him and after she leaves he just sits there for a while and when he finally moves he picks up johnny’s jean jacket and fucking like hugs it and buries his face in it and it’s so so so heartbreaking and soda has to come over and start reading the letter to him before johnny appears and starts singing stay gold <3
johnny starts SR at the beginning of stay gold while pony is sitting on the car at SL but he is slowly moving closer to pony as the song goes on and right before they start singing in harmony johnny sits down next to him <3 <3 <3
josh’s stay gold made me CRY!! especially him and trevor singing “i have known a love that many never know / and that love lives on no matter where i go” holy shit. their voices blend together so beautifully
overall i fucking ADORED trevor’s ponyboy!! he embodies the role so so well and has such a fourteen-year-old boy vibe when he’s onstage that i definitely did not expect from an actor in his twenties! i’ve heard that his pony is a little more emotional than brody’s & josh’s and that was a choice i really really vibed with!! and his voice was like jaw-dropping, what a talent!!
stagedoor afterwards was so so wonderful! i made drawings for the entire cast and everyone was so so nice and seemed to really like them! the ensemble & understudies especially seemed really thrilled that i had made something for them
henry in particular was so so sweet and seemed like he couldn’t believe that i had drawn him! he was like “is this me for real?” and someone (i think it was trevor) told him to look at the back where i had written his name and a little note and he was really excited about it!! he actually was like “this is awesome i have to go inside and give this to my mom right now so i don’t lose it” and his family was right inside the stagedoor and he pointed me out to them and they were so excited! he gave me a hug too it was really nice :)
trevor was also really excited and was like “this is a drawing of me for real? not brody?” and he was so happy when he turned it around and saw his name <3
i gave melody and sarahgrace copies of the same drawing of both of them and as soon as i gave it to melody she immediately looked around to find sarahgrace and show it to her (she was still inside but it was very cute) and then she told me they were going to put it on the wall in their dressing room!!
sarahgrace was like “omg you even drew my bracelet!” and was excited when i pointed out the detail i put in for the pattern on her dress!
trevor yelled across the sidewalk to tell josh to stop talking to his (trevor’s) mom as a joke lmfao
everyone except jason & kevin c came out to stagedoor and they were all so so sweet!! got photos with most of them and they all signed my copy of the book!! overall such a fucking fantastic experience! the drawings were a lot of work but it was so nice to see the looks on the cast’s faces when they saw them!!
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redcamellia13 · 8 days ago
Mitsukou Analysis: Nightlife Arc, Part 2
Hello! I’m back, and I’m really sorry that I couldn’t finish this arc up last time. I was getting over a bitch of a cold, and literally couldn’t move without severe motion sickness haha.
Here’s the link for P. 1:
With that said, here! We! Go!
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Yeah, Kou, why are you crying? My best guess would simply be because he’s been through a lot in the past 24 hours. The emotional toll was too great, between the possibility he would have to lose another Mitsuba, this time by his own hand, so he broke down crying which is quite understandable.
I doubt it truly is as he claims, that Mitsuba was so stupid he cried out of frustration.
Also, I guess this means Mitsuba is relatively sentimental, or that he has some semblance of a soft spot for Kou, since he now complied with eating the supernatural heart after Kou cried.
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(The end of Kou’s sentence is: “would it really be all that bad…? The source of all my angst would be gone, honestly.” I know it’s right there in the next panel, but last time I did something like this on another platform and failed to include this, you wouldn’t believe how nitpicky some of these people can become.)
Pushing that aside, the statements Kou makes here is quite interesting.
“…if you stopped being around… I don’t know what I would do.”
This implies Kou has a reliance on Mitsuba, which I don’t believe was previously established. We’ve always seen how Kou wants Mitsuba to need him, and not how Kou needs Mitsuba.
Anyways, I might be making unreasonable assumptions, but doesn’t this statement feel romantically tinted, at the very least?
The way Kou says he doesn’t know what he would do without Mitsuba… it’s bordering something lovers would say to each other.
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Ah yes, confirmation, something lazy theorists such as myself thrive on. Now I don’t have to do any work!
However, there are still a few points of interest.
The way in which Kou looks up at Mitsuba after he asks if Kou would be sad and lonely without him, it almost seems like a yes, or some sort of affirmation.
And then, when Mitsuba stares back at Kou with that surprised expression, that tells us he really didn’t expect him to be serious. Mitsuba doesn’t truly believe Kou cares about him in the same way Mitsuba does.
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But then in his very next breath, Kou says something completely contradictory!
If you ask me, Kou’s prior reaction, the one Mitsuba was so surprised by, that seems genuine.
Mitsuba’s expression is a bit double sided, as he looks a bit confused at the way Kou did one thing, but said another.
On the other hand, Mitsuba additionally appears as though he’s reeling from some sort of realization, like the words Kou’s saying don’t really count and his true answer lies in his teary eyed glance.
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We gain three pieces of knowledge here-
One: Mitsuba desires closure.
Two: Kou is maybe kinda sorta horrified by Mitsuba at this moment.
Three: Mitsuba wants somebody to be sad to see him go.
The way Kou has acted for the last few moments- shocked, and a bit like a deer caught in headlights- indicates that he really doesn’t want Mitsuba to be sent off to the far shore.
Why though? Mitsuba is certainly not Kou’s solitary friend or anything close to that. He isn’t the one person Kou can vent to, in fact, ever since Picture Perfect, Kou seems to be avoiding that.
At its core, it isn’t because of Mitsuba’s value as a friend to Kou, it’s because Kou already lost Mitsuba once, and he does not want to lose him again.
If Kou had a second reason, it’s most likely something to do with his savior complex, and all that “Mitsuba’s the only one who needs me!” type of thing.
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This is a bit of a big skip, and there are a few things I don’t have images (at least in high quality) for that I need to cover.
First of all, doesn’t it strike you as odd that Kou set up a contest with Mitsuba based on his performance as an exorcist?
Kou does not think highly of himself in terms of his spiritual capabilities, so to choose a contest in which Mitsuba’s afterlife is on the line doesn’t make logical sense.
Moving onwards to the point I do have a panel for, Mitsuba’s sadness to lose the keychain.
It’s a keychain. Mitsuba should not care that much about it, and yet he almost gets himself killed attempting to grab it.
Although I should take into account how Mitsuba barely had nor has any friends, and so this sort of thing is quite precious to him, so within the context of the story, this makes a halfway sort of sense.
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No reason… huh, Mitsuba? What do you mean?! Is he implying he doesn’t consider Kou a friend?
Why wouldn’t he? Kou Minamoto is the definition of a friend to Mitsuba, somebody close to his age whom he chooses to hang out with on a regular basis!
I don’t… *sigh*. I don’t, and will never understand these children. My head hurts.
Onwards to the arc of false hope we go! (Also known as the Omen Arc).
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zombie-eats-world · 7 months ago
Hi yall! This is a thing lol
I got an ask that was weird and very nitpicky about me citing my sources. And honestly I don’t really care all that much since my source is just the manga and it’s not hard to find all of those pages but I did think it prudent to respond to their one criticism in particular.
In my Crocodad thesis I mentions Oda’s quote about how “a mother would stop an adventure” and I very briefly mentioned the symbolism of Crocodile being Luffy first major villain in the Grand Line in this context. Then I moved on. I didn’t exactly hinge the entire theory on that so I’m not sure why they had such a big up their ass about it lol.
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Here’s everything I said about this in my Crocodad thesis!
So this did bother me enough to go see if I could find the exact quote.
And in fact I have to apologize to all of you! That quote as I remember it doesn’t exist! It’s a misremembering of a tweet that is based off this SBS section!
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This is volume 78 if anyone out there can’t seem to find it (or idk maybe just ask where I got the info before writing multiple paragraphs complaining.)
So as we can see in the official printed English manga Oda said “the antonym of Adventure is Mother”. Not exactly what I was saying but I do think the meaning of what I originally intended still stands.
The symbolism of Crocodile being the first real threat to Luffy is key when in the above context. The moment in chapter 178 vol 20 where Crocodile stabs Luffy is shocking. It literally stops all the background noise in the episode the chapter was adapted in! (Episode 111 in case someone wants that too)
The point brought up to me that Crocodile not getting in Luffy’s way and stopping his adventure in marineford (where he should have realized that’s his son) goes against the theory but it does not. Luffy is in danger in marineford, Crocodile saving him is still the best evidence we have for Crocodad since it’s exactly what a parent would have done in that kind of situation. Especially with the recent revelations about parenthood and children being a parents weakness philosophy we got from Dragon during Kumas flashback.
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black-lake · 11 months ago
2nd house profection year
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it’s my 2nd house profection year and I’m noticing some changes in my life. < my 2nd house is in cancer for ref.
~༯ I’m eating more this year than ever tbh. like I started having comfort food!!! eating whatever I want whenever and not holding myself back as much, which is very unlike me btw. I have a virgo moon and I’m not just nitpicky but also strict with my diet, even tho I have a fast metabolism (aries stellium).
~༯ usually when I’m stressed I tend to starve myself or get over caffeinated but this year I’m leaning more towards eating for comfort < yes taurus core.
~༯ I started going to the gym again but I’d slack off and become uninterested and bored, then find it interesting again, but that could just be my gem rising.
~༯ It seems like life is more abundant. things come easier! there's less resistance. I’m able to slow down and smell the roses.. 𓇢𓆸  I even feel a bit too comfortable or stuck in my comfort zone. everything seems like it’s too much and I just want to enjoy life. ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
~༯ I started buying flowers, planting flowers, decorating my house a lot more, got more perfumes, more beautiful things. currently as we speaking I have like 10 different types of flowers in my house. I started cooking more, I even made up recipes that my family liked and started making them regularly.
~༯ I’m taking care of my skin, my body, and overall health. I'm investing more in skincare and health supplements. though sometimes I overdue it, like get fixated on one thing or another.
~༯ I'm someone that used to have high energy, I'd pull an all nighter or just wake up at 3am scroll non stop or put music on, it wasn’t energy it was ⋆˙⟡ anxiety ⟡⋆˙ , but I'm having more quality sleep this year! I'm in bed by 10 and maybe I just got older, but there's that.
~༯ giving my hair a well deserved break!! I used do dye my hair very often, this year I got a short haircut and I’m growing my natural hair back, I’ve only added a few subtle highlights and I don’t style it as often. I'm embracing more simplicity with my style, though could be that my ass got lazy 𐙚(ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
~༯ I'm planing more, working on my skills and hobbies, but not rushing or forcing things and not setting high expectations either. I don't feel like there's a rush like before. my values are changing significantly, I know what I like and don’t like and what I can put up with.
~༯ don't get too comfortable and not do anything about moving forward bcz you will be tempted to. remember to still challenge yourself!
~༯ I’m having a relatively comfortable year it got me having flashbacks of my 12th house profection year which was a fckin nightmare. It was all about the subconscious, mental health struggles, depression and overcoming these things. It really was about coming up with personified methods that help me deal with these internal conflict so I can move forward. It also was the year I became more spiritual.
~༯ my 1st house profection year wasn’t good either for me personally, it was super challenging and chaotic. it had me doing things outside my comfort zone. e.g. throwing myself in the ocean (i'm afraid of drowning). my individuality was constantly tested, my determination, my willingness to put myself first and not compromise my own needs and values.
~༯ there were instances where I felt like I'm compromising for the sake of keeping a friendship, which wasn’t reciprocated. I learned to not be afraid to walk away from ppl and places that don’t respect or value me. my cut off game wasn't particularly bad before, but I felt blinded, manipulated and pressured that year, I had to fully trust myself and only rely on myself. very much aries themes. 
~༯ If you're going thRU it with your 12th or 1st house profection, know that it will teach you valuable lessons that lead you to know yourself and love yourself more. you will understand your triggers, your strengths, know who your enemies and true friends are. it gets better! this feels like the perfect year to take a break from all the past challenges that I went through, I'm able to slow down, enjoy life and reflect until I see where the next tides takes me. 
stay blessed, much luv <333
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bunji-enthusiast · 1 year ago
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Just this once — 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐃. 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝
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• Sypnosis || days are full of surprises and bargains you don’t wanna make, but maybe… just maybe this is a surprise that even he welcomes. For once.
• Pairing || Wolfwood/GN!Reader
• Warnings || none, short though. (Very bad attempt at writing this dude.)
• Note || something something, boys full of trauma.. something something fluff they absolutely deserve.
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Most days he’ll admit, it’s a strenuous exercise to continue walking the desolate plains. Hell, it’s better with company, but he works alone and walks alone. All the better if one would dare say otherwise.
Trying to figure out your own path, part ways with a life that one would have been so comfortable to continue living, wasn’t something easy. Being just sorta… ripped away from it wasn’t a decision all on his own.
Yet, being friends with people he can put his trust in, learn to feel loved and valued — wasn’t something he decided on either. Wolfwood wasn’t nitpicky in the cards he is dealt, these cards are just ones that simply surprise him and far surpasses his expectations.
What were they again?
Ah he forgot, why would they matter anyway? It’s not exactly worth trying to remember in the face of such solace he felt he was trying to find. For now, Wolfwood would just have to sort through it himself.
Partaking in another smoke, he couldn’t help but notice the own uptake of the small smile taking residence on his face. The thought of you, Vash, Meryl and Robert.
In a way, Wolfwood couldn’t help but think of you all, as his family of sorts. Though he wouldn’t ever truly admit that atloud. Almost as if he would be ripped apart from you all at that very thought, not liked he deserved you or them in the first place.
To be careful, and stay at a distance. To not cause himself heartaches that were unnecessary, to remind himself what and why he was here for a reason.
“You’re not asleep,” Your voice rang out, stopping him from indulging in the burrowing reaches of the desolate pit of thoughts he was so used to being comfortable with. Wolfwood couldn’t help but let out a small scoff, sarcasm at best. “Yeah, why are you not?” He retorted.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Taking another step forward, standing right at his sitting side. “Mind if I join you, Mr. Wolfwood?”
The undertaker wasn’t going to refute your company, in spite of the whole of his being screaming at him to just get away from his mere presence. You sat down right beside him, without an ounce of hesitation. No shame or mere embarrassment that had took either.
With a failed attempt at hiding your sigh, he perks up slightly, elbowing you with a smarmy grin to hide his own self deprecation that had clearly seemed far too evident moments before.
“Talk to us.” Putting a hand on his shoulder, he felt warm to the touch. Which had surprised you, but you masked it quite easily, this was about him right now. He seemed more and more in pain every day that had passed. “I worry about you, Wolfwood.”
Your concern had light a small flicker beneath the stone-cold corners of his heart, but nonetheless, he wasn’t going to allow your worry to be pushed down so deeply. Merely rendering it to a fault, within a moment, Wolfwood had taken the forgotten cigarette from the corner of lips, pushing it out into a nearby sand dune.
“Eh, your worry is pretty useless.” He bit back his usual nickname for you, “Sides’ Im good and fine, no problem. Not like m’ injured.”
Wolfwood knew he wasn’t injured, as were you. Trying to find an eventual footing into this tender situation, wasn’t an easy one. To keep your own worries at bay, he honestly was a little offended you thought otherwise about his own health.
“Your no less important then we are.” You frown, scurrying to wipe away the ash that had been lingering at the corner of his lips left behind by his cigarette. Finding purchase in his warmth was surprisingly easy, Wolfwood wouldn’t always let you touch him this easily.
Trying to suppress his emotions, trying to find the words he was having trouble with speaking, he felt you. The shades were damn good at concealing his eyes at times, yet a troubling thing it is when he is so abnormally quiet.
You looked at him, eye to eye. Taking off his sunglasses, he leaned into your touch that had still lingered on his cheek, barring as far to his jawline. Wolfwood sighed, barely daring to take another breath, as if he felt he was dreaming this very moment.
“Okay… Nico.” You spoke slowly, assuming as if he was just on the verge of losing it. No, he just needed some sort of ministration of comfort, to find community. “Mind if I do something real quick?”
Wolfwood raised a brow at you, not spilling any complaints. Just rather more curios and attentive to you then anything else. “Hm?”
Just in moments, you wrapped your arms around his frame. He let out a small gasp, no doubt he was surprised, feeling a lot of things in just a hug alone.
Trying to opt for hugs or even just comforting touches when he was younger, had left him scarred. Yours? It wasn’t hurting at all. You just hugged him.
And damn, it felt so nice for once.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years ago
The kid is smaller than Phil thought he would be.
Granted, pictures can be deceiving. His parents are much too nitpicky about how their only child and heir to the fortune presents himself to the outside world to let Techno ever appear in public without making sure he’s the image of perfection. Much like his father, strict and commanding with his very presence. Or his mother, perfectly made up and smiling at the camera. Every picture of Techno Phil has ever seen showed him with a straight back and tense shoulders, expression neutral.
The expression is the only thing that still rings true. Even as he sits against the wall of their hideout all hunched up and tiny, Techno looks entirely bored with the situation. Phil feels a little unsettled, not that he's particularly waiting to have a bawling, shaking mess on his hands but also he's pretty sure this is not how a fourteen year old is supposed to react to being kidnapped.
Then again, maybe Phil doesn't know anything about kids. Between raising Wilbur on the streets and them picking up the feral mess Tommy is somewhere along the way, he's probably not a shining example of a good parent. Wilbur could already rob a guy by the time he turned six (and he is good at it too)
The boy reacts instantly to having his name called, flinching in surprise. He's blindfolded, but he turns his face towards Phil.
"Wilbur and Tommy will be back soon with food. Are you hungry?" Phil can't say he cares either way, but they might as well feed the boy. It will take a while for bank transfers to go through, especially with the huge amount they're asking for. 
Techno is going to make Phil very, very rich. He grins at the thought.
"I guess." Techno shrugs, gesturing with his hands that are ziptied together. "Will you take these off so I can eat?"
Phil clicks his tongue as he stands up, watching Techno push back against the wall a bit at the sound of him approaching. "Nice try. You think you're really clever?"
"My tutors say I exceed their expectations," Techno answers dryly.
"Well, I advise you to heed my expectations for the time being," Phil says. He lightly kicks at Techno's outstretched leg to make him scoot into the corner. Not to actually hurt him, only to make a warning out of it. "If you behave for me, you'll be back to your cushy rich kid life soon enough."
Techno makes a sound that's almost a chuckle, voice carrying more humor when he says, "my parents aren't going to pay the ransom."
"Is that what they taught you to say during kidnapping class?" Phil asks. Most children from Techno's circle would be prepared from a young age on what to do if they'd ever get taken hostage. It's incredibly depressing and a little bit hilarious, Phil thinks.
"No," Techno says. "But it's true. My parents won't pay to have me back. I’m not worth much to them."
And he says it so seriously, Phil knows deep down he's not lying. He blinks down at Techno, almost glad the boy can't see his perturbed expression.
Phil might not be a good parent, but there wouldn't be a price in the entire fucking universe he wouldn't pay to protect one of his sons.
"We'll see about that," he says. 
But Techno turns his face away again, already resigned to the abandonment he thinks inevitable. The abandonment his parents assured him would happen if he'd ever allow himself to be taken for ransom.
It burns inside Phil, a small spark in the fire of anger he holds for those rich bastards. He knows it’s stupid to get attached to a victim, but hey - everybody has a vice or two.
"And if they really don't want you back," he says, "maybe we'll just have to keep you, hm?"
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monstersholygrail · 3 months ago
hihi !! don't mind me, im a bit of a ghost on tumblr :)) i don't write as much on here, i write irl
just wanted to let you know that your writing is GORGEOUS AND UGH. i wish i could actually scream and freak out over how lovely and scrumptious your writing is but i don't wanna fill this up too much ^^; just wanted you to know that i live live LIVEEEE for your writing and its amazing and so much better than some of the other writing i've seen before?? i'm super nitpicky about grammar and tenses and punctuation and breaks for paragraphs (when i'm actually writing, ofc, haha, not like casual texts like this!!), but your writing just scratches that itch and i love love love love LOVE it so much, i love how you flesh out your characters and i love how detailed and descriptive you are, i love how i can almost feel touch and hear words when i read your writing, i love your style of writing, and i hope you know that people adore you so much!!
p.s. gummy walls is amazing, please don't stop using it :(
could i be ✨ please, if that isn't any trouble? <33
pls drink water and eat whenever you're hungry and get sleep whenever you can, and take care of urself!! we love you! <3
I am literally so speechless right now. You honestly don’t know, or maybe you do as a fellow writer, how much it means to hear you say all this. Like, all the things you worry about as a writer and you’re sharing how much you enjoy them!! Gonna make me sob omg
I shall not retire the term gummy walls, I’d miss it too much lmao. And yes ofc you can be ✨!
Also just wanna say I wuv you guys so much. Literally the sweetest people ever. Giving you all the fattest forehead kisses 💋
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hizznbyte · 27 days ago
Okay dokay, as promised…
Answering OC Lore prompts! Part One!!
Today featuring Blood Magic: Total Anarchy characters Trinity “Trick” Ambrose and Trip Sterling!! Aka the Spellbound Duo my beloved!!!
Eventually I do want to move on to other characters… but I’ll save those for questions I think fit them. I got all the inspiration and questions from @/thespageti [OcLifeDestroyer300] on TikTok. I just had to. It seems fun. Also I’m keeping things intentionally vague so it won’t make a lot of sense but the pieces might come together eventually..
1. What’s their biggest regret?
Trick probably had a lot of regrets, especially before they died. Some like, “maybe I shouldn’t have made that deal with the devil”. But the biggest one they’d take to the grave? That they didn’t stay long enough to see their baby become something better than them. Trip’s biggest regret is failing to get them to stay. Like it was her fault, like she didn’t do enough.
2. What’s their favorite season?
For Trick, winter. Trip prefers summer and spring, but she doesn’t actually mind winter either. Sort of the opposite of their ideologies.
3. Do they have any accessories?
Trick was gifted a sort of cloak hoodie thingy that is long and has tassels, resembles the body of a centipede. It’s made up of foliage and flowers and plants. It’s adorned with this little jingle bell thingy? [Idk what they call it in English but it’s the small round type]. Trip was gifted a collar bow with a matching bell at the center. Trip’s bell is significantly more powerful.
4. What haunts them to this day?
Question one kinda connects to this but I think Trick remembering their mortal life and what they would’ve given to living life like a normal 15-year-old kinda haunts them. Trip is constantly haunted by the sight of the tombstone outside of her home and all the missing posters and pictures on cartons of milk… it’s all a devastating reminder.
5. Do they have any children?
Both Trip and Trick are repulsed at the idea of bearing/having children but are surprisingly good with them. Trick more so.
6. What year does their story take place in?
Time doesn’t work in BM the same way it does in real life, but it’d be the equivalent of the 21st century here I’d think.
7. If your OC was a song, what song would they be?
I might make an entire playlist of Spellbound Duo type songs, but for the two of them respectively: Trick and Trip [Yeah yeah I know TikTok Mouthwashing song hey can you shut the hell up it was the only song from my playlist that wasn’t too niche to add here]
8. What hairstyle do they have?
No specifics, I’m already nitpicky enough with their concept designs as is. Trick likely had long hair that was always tied up before they died, and after it was shoddily cut short. Trip has unconventionally curly fur.
9. Who do they wish they not to look like?
Trick does not particularly care.
For Trip? She does not care about her appearance, but she does not want to become the kind of person they once were.
10. Have they ever sacrificed themselves for someone?
Both would do it in a heartbeat
It just depends on the person
Okayyyy that’s the last one for today!!! I think I’ll do ten questions each day. This was really fun to do and I did enjoy answering these questions, so I hope you enjoy this post just as much :3c You can make a post like this and answer the same questions too if you want I don’t care I don’t own ts
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aalyre · 7 months ago
i think its brave to leave a cult. but I think it's even braver to stay to help a friend. it takes both tremendous loyalty and courage to do that.
I don't really see Neil being a coward at any point in the books tbh? Like I actually can't think of anything 😭 I know a lot of people cite him running from his father, but that was his mom's decision not his, when his mom is out of the picture he stops running basically instantly.
He goes to the Nest to protect Andrew knowing the consequences to himself. He says Andrew should go to rehab (forgot what the place was called) knowing it would mean he couldn't protect him while there. He willingly goes with his father's men so the others don't get hurt. Defends Kevin publicly on Kathy's show knowing it would draw attention to himself. etc, etc.
I also don't think reckless accurately describes Neil. If you wanna use definitions like you did before, because the definition is: "heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous"
but we know Neil thinks through his actions. he always weighs the consequences in canon, acknowledges them, and decides to do the action anyway. by definition it doesn't fit.
also. not to be nitpicky cuz I don't mean it that way, but u got the wrong definition of brave. u got the one for the verb not the adjective, the adjective one is: "ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage"
which fits basically everything I listed of neil.
Hi! the definition i looked up was actually for the word coward, but thank you still!
and i agree with most of what you said, i personally don’t believe that neil is a coward, i actually think he’s very brave, which is why i used him as a comparison with kevin
i think for neil what i heard was mostly about him “running away." not about his father, but about what happens in the series until andrew tells him “this is the day you stop running” or smt like that
also i see what you mean but i feel like the definition you gave of reckless fits neil pretty well actually? (insulting riko and it leading to seth’s death, another thing he did i can’t remember and it leading to the ravens TRASHING fox towers, barging in the monsters’ room speaking in french -> giving this away for not much, going to evermore (danger for his own life), insulting riko when they won de final (again, danger on his own life)) like there are LOT of cases in which he thinks about his actions, mostly when it comes to keeping his identity secret ofc, but i wouldn’t say always at all
i feel like he WANTS to believe (hence making us believe(?)) that he always always thinks everything through (“fighting didn’t fit who he thought ‘Neil’ to be” or smt like that) but in the end he acts without caring about the consequences a bunch of times (not always at all i agree, maybe we could say that he isn’t reckless, but that he can definitely ACT reckless)
thank you for ur take!! wishing i a great day/evening/night!!
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mensajeroseis · 11 months ago
by the way i do understand majority of the critiques of the show, and agree with most i see. i think it’s just shallow, stubborn arrogance if you refuse to be aware of subconscious bias’ we have when consuming or creating. and some of the obvious and not so obvious, questionable creative decisions made in the show. i respect that people don’t like it, though i don’t care for some of the ego posting about it lol. perhaps that is just my own disagreeableness. #realbitchwhobitches
since i know who i am, and enjoy when art/media juxtaposes socio-political factors with graphic depictions. And think ugly, depraved, outrageous, and hyperbolic art should be viewed to open ourselves against conventional boundaries. And that Real Pretentiousness is only cogent over this type of stuff. Otherwise it just shows banality of a person to me, if they dislike any of the above, like ok yellow-belly… and actually opens the door to reactionary rightism, methinks. Discomfort is good to experience and understand. And maybe makes you a more compassionate person…Just A Game Theory.
anyways whatever, since i still enjoy the show ; in all it’s flaws, egregious or nitpicky. and will probably continue to talk about it ; people who don’t want to see that can block or unfollow me 🫡👍 i’ll probably go back and retroactively tag my posts as fotv, if that matters also.
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oreo102 · 11 months ago
I am vocally very very supportive of 13’s era and vocally don’t understand the writing complaints
However. I do have my complaints with the writing, so I’m gonna talk about what I don’t like of the writing
A) consistency
The consistency of the writing is… off? They flip flop on how much 13 dislikes guns quote a bit in s11 (hating them in ep2 and 4, fine with the shot gun in 6, refuses to talk to the woman in 10 until she puts the gun down but will talk to the brother in 6 with one in her face etc) and I feel like they forget about the points system a bit (mentioned in 3 and I think 8 but j don’t remember it being mentioned again until s12 with Ruth/fugitive doctor, but I could just be forgetting), and this one is more nitpicky than consistency but I feel like they should’ve kept with Swiss army sonic for at least one more episode, if only with Ryan and Graham
Another nitpicky point but speaking of the fugitive doctor I wish they would’ve done more with her, even just as a mention which I’m including as consistency cuz she really just disappeared after that episode
B) character arcs
Yaz is basically the second main character imo, and she doesn’t really get a character arc? She definitely grows as a character, adopting bits of the doctor’s personality, taking charge when separated from the doctor, etc, but to my knowledge she doesn’t get an arc? Or maybe I missed it? She definitely gets the most screen time/character of the fam + Dan but I think even background characters got better than her sometimes (the first that comes to mind is Bella from s12 ep3), I could be wrong on this of course, I don’t like- analyze media and I totally might’ve missed shit but moving on
Dan also wasn’t dealt with the best. I mean- I really didn’t like him the first time I watched s13 and while now I think he’s fine I’m not sure I’ll ever truly like him like I do with most/all other characters? I feel like he’s under utilized and doesn’t really fit into the story very well? I think it’s good when he’s comic relief or a supporting character for yaz but a lot of the time he’s just… boring/plain
Graham and Ryan I think served their purpose actually pretty well and Graham in particular had one of my favorite developments, like he started off as kinda a jerk but he grew to love everyone a lot and I like that they were able to explore his grief pretty well, although I hate the message of s11 ep10. I think in s12 he worked pretty well as a comedic character that had some deep moments
Ryan, out of the original fam is my least favorite but not because he’s bad, I just think the other 2 are better. I don’t think I have much to say about him, tbh? Like overall I think he was used really well and had some nice development (s11 ep9 with the blind kid, his relationship with Graham, his fear of the earth becoming orphan 55, him being the first to want to leave the tardis) and I don’t really have any notes- I with we’d have seen more of him and 13 but that’s a common theme of all the companions
C) resolution
I think resolution is a terribly boring episode, and I’m sure that’s not a super popular opinion but any time where 13 or yaz isn’t on screen it feels like it drags on, which of course, could just be my bias. But like- I don’t really care that Ryan’s dad is back so for half the scenes im just… bored. It could be a really interesting topic if they had incorporated him more, have Ryan get a letter or message from him one or two times, have Ryan be jealous of the relationship between a kid and their dad, smth like that
But as it is, I think the extra characters are boring and under used, Ryan’s dad has no emotions connected to him, and while the dalek is cool it could have been better used?
Also 13 and yaz should have been allowed to hug and hold hands more, like let them be affectionate damn
None of this is especially bad, though. Other than resolution, which is easy enough to just- not rewatch, it doesn’t retract from my enjoyment of the show, in any way
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