#maybe poi
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sacredglitch · 4 months ago
love this unconscious knowledge I get for fandoms
started House MD the last few days (currently on s3) after an urge to watch it came out of the blue
turns out yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the show
not the first time this has happened and I'm certain this won't be the last time it happens
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Harold Finch dad's teaching him about birds. Harold Finch's dad losing his memory. Harold Finch hiding his real name with a bunch of bird names. Harold Finch not using his dad's name anymore but saying "I love you" "I remember you" to his dad with each of his aliases.
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anglerflsh · 2 years ago
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hatching is a terrible idea by the way
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laugtherhyena · 10 months ago
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Weirdly shaped mouth
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poisonrozen · 9 months ago
I hope this doesn't sound like I'm forcing you to get back into it, you bring a wonderful creative touch to every fandom you're in, but I hope one day you do get back into UTDR. I always loved all the incredible ideas you came up with for the world of Undertale and were a huge inspiration to me when I was coming up with my own worldbuilding headcanons for it, and I'd love to see what kind of awesome headcanons you'd come up with for the world of Deltarune.
Oh hey, that's good to hear I'm happy to hear that but well; as say, it has been years since I last drew anything Undertale/Deltarune related so not sure but thank you for the comment. ^^;
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rox-reads · 2 years ago
btw dragon is giving me The Machine from person of interest vibes
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50c14lly4nx10u5 · 2 years ago
i have too much of a headache for this
what is a POI in calculus and how do i gEt it
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witchofinterest · 2 years ago
friends, romans, countrymen, what was the last show that made you think abt is incessantly?
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It's uhhh rambling time.
When I changed my username/title/bio it just hit me that I removed the references to poi that my title and bio had, and that my pfp hasn't been John in a while
I think part of the reason why I'm not writing anymore is that I've been falling out of poi. And poi was what got me into writing and it's the main thing I write for. I only have 3 fics that aren't about poi. At this point I'm at a level of "rotate John and the end of number crunch in my head sometimes" more than actually feeling like watching poi or writing or even reading fics. Like I haven't read poi fics in so long, when years ago I had a tab with the rinch tag always open and I was determined to go through the entire tag lol. I'm still into it but I think the best way I can explain it is, it faded from Current Obsession into Very Important Interest. Specifically Very Important Interest without much interest in fandom beyond reblogging stuff. I feel like I'm being overdramatic lol but poi has been so important to me and it had such an impact on my life that it feels sad and disorienting to feel it just. slipping away ? And frustrating bc idk what to write anymore now. I have these poi wips that I can't get myself to open anymore. But other fandoms don't give me the Writing Urge like poi used to. So I'm stuck with wanting to write but having nothing to write.
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foulbearobservation · 2 years ago
howdy! head empty this morning but i wanted to stop in anyway. hope ur day is going well -🦭
My days going great so far! My dad and I put together my new bed frame and got my new mattress this weekend so I slept like a fuckin baby and now I think I'm just gonna chill in bed all day and watch yt videos,,, I haven't had a break day in forever so maybe this will help my writing inspiration return from war 😭
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jvzebel-x · 1 year ago
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mossmx · 4 months ago
pensiero del giorno: se fossi famosa come Manara e tizio famoso che mi piace mi chiedesse di fargli disegni di lui che slingua sua moglie e altro volerei tipo sì poi han fatto quello che han fatto nella serie, MA VUOI METTERE?
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night-dark-woods · 1 year ago
ID. a series of gifs from Person of Interest, showing times where Shaw listens to Root or remembers things she said with no context long before she needed them.
Shaw puts the bag over Root's head so she can get to the black site, and asks, "Any last words?" Root replies, "24381." Shaw rolls her eyes and says, "Whatever," but then when the agents come to pick up Root and ask for a pin, Shaw gives them the number.
Root lightly touches a statue she and Shaw walk by in a park and says, "When you see this statue again, think impact." Later, when Shaw is in a car going by the statue, she looks out the window and says to herself, "Impact."
Root and Shaw are at a bar finishing up fruity cocktails, and Root says, "There's still too much work to be done." Shaw tilts her head and asks, "What kind of work?"
Root and Shaw are in a car at night. Root says, "We're close. Turn off the lights." Shaw, unamused, says "How am I supposed to see," and Root replies, "You don't need to." Shaw rolls her eyes, but turns off the headlights.
Shaw takes Root's earpiece before she leaves her at the black site, and Root says, "Sundown, Ottawa. Left, right, left, right, one, two, three." Shaw shakes her head and says, "You say the sweetest things." Later, an agent is having trouble with his radio, and Shaw tilts her head and gives him the button sequence. End ID.
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ladies of interest challenge: sameen shaw — listen.
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deithe · 5 months ago
why does my brain immediately devolve into medieval peasant when in even the most minor of inconveniences with my friends. my heart is telling me one thing and my brain is acting like i should be groveling down before some petty english lord in the 1500s
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kerimboz · 6 months ago
👚 - Fix the buttons on my muse's shirt. ( @stcnecoldd )
observava enquanto Aurora se aproximava da cama usando nada além da camisa que Kerim vestia instantes atrás. O sorriso moldava os lábios do semideus num misto de felicidade com luxuria. A puxou por uma das mãos quando estava perto o suficiente, fazendo-a sentar em seu colo. "Você está linda assim, sabia?", comentou, as mãos subindo para os botões da camisa, atacando alguns deles em suas casas lentamente, apreciando a visão que a mulher oferecia. "Estava certo quando disse que ficava melhor em você.", completou com um suspirar que esvaziava os pulmões. O olhar finalmente subiu de encontro as íris azuis que cintilavam ao fitá-lo. "acho que vou ter que me acostumar a dividir o guarda-roupa, uhn?"
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months ago
I've never ever held a polearm in my life but with swords a similarly pointless move is a basic exercise and pretty much the first thing a person tries to do when they get their hand on a sword/two swords.
Maybe it's his form of fidgeting.
When I said “don’t throw the things”, this is why!
(Unless of course you have magic arrows from Santa)
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