#maybe one day I'll do the rest of the gang. probably not though
spiritsong · 4 months
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finally finished these little portraits of the tadfools <3 including durge!aune and tav!aune at the end. right at the last minute I had the idea to design these little emblems to reflect each of their individual stories. I'm happy with how they turned out! also this was supposed to be grayscale but then I started playing around with gradients and now I like the funky colors best.
original greyscale versions under the cut:
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sagephilosophie · 5 months
ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ! ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ x ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪʀᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
𖧧 Tags : SFW, high school theme.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you took a liking on ever since he started going to your high school with his brother after their time in juvie, they earned immediate popularity then and gossips spread like wildfire how their rich father bribed the principal to enroll them.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that couldn't care less about the whispering in the classroom going over his gang life and recent fights, your friends were warning you not to go near him because of his sadistic nature, but observing him doodling something boredly in his copybook made you think,"He is pretty cute though..."
ϟ Crush!Rindou that joined the school's football team on the first try and kept skipping classes frequently, so you eventually began showing up at every practice and game to watch him play.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who was the indirect reason the entire football team teased you after every match for not missing a day, one of them being a classmate that started a rumour how you liked him instead, but you brushed all of them off saying you just like the sport.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who ignored you the whole time, all he did was take any water bottle or towel you handed to him, and didn't even answer your compliments or small talk about the game, unlike his brother who sits in the stands with you from time to time, and immediately catched on to the hearteyes you were giving his brother, although, with the no-change in Rindou's behaviour, the former likely didn't tell him.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that kept testing your patience with his indifference, after everyone you know has noticed you had a crush on him except Rindou himself, so you stopped showing up at the football pitch since it's useless at this point.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to get your head off of for the rest of your highschool years, only until the final week before graduation, when it occurred to you that this is perfect time to visit the stands one more time.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that was the only one in the field by the time you got there, doing some tricks, and as expected didn't acknowledge your existence, until he heard clapping after his football juggling.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that spoke to you for the first time since his arrival and asked if you wanted to try, you said yes and joined him, but the ball couldn't balance and he was starting to mock you.
"One would think you learned something from the time you spent watching me."
"I wasn't watching you."
"Oh yeah ? Why do you only look for me when the whole team surrounds you then ?"
"...you noticed ?"
"It's hard not to, besides, Ran told me."
"Huh... Then you were giving me the cold-shoulder on purpose ?"
"Mhmm answer this, what are your plans after highschool ?"
"Go to college, pursue a career..."
"Well, i saved you time i could've wasted, all i plan to do is rule Roppongi streets with my brother, you could guess how i'll be a terrible partner."
"I didn't necessarily want you to be my partner... maybe you're taking this the wrong way, with your athletic skills and talent there's a better future than you think still hiding, i would know that, i've been observing you..."
"Yeah, stalker."
"I'm serious! There's at least one thing you want to do later on..."
"I think probably, own a night club."
"See ? You do have a goal, then what was that about distancing yourself again ?"
"You're still gonna regret getting close to me."
"We don't know that for sure."
"There's only one way to find out, what will you be doing after graduation day ?"
"Nothing, you ?"
"Also nothing, should we go do nothing together?"
"Good idea."
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to talk him into finishing his education and has finally became your ever loving boyfriend throughout college.
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captain-mj · 8 months
Wrote this at a laundromat so I hope you guys like it
Ghost had just moved to Scotland to get away from everything. His family's murders stayed a constant thought in his mind, but more than that, he didn't want anyone still loyal to Roba to find him. After wiping them off the map, he decided to do something he never thought possible.
Chose himself.
So he made his way to Scotland where no one would know Simon Riley and he bought a house and lived next to a small town so he could go over and get whatever supplies he needed before coming to hide again.
That's where he met him.
A local man who apparently was involved in the church and was in general a great person.. Most people referred to him as Soap, which Ghost thought was a very strange name, but he had also heard MacTavish which seemed more realistic.
The man saw Ghost, probably decided he was emotionally vulnerable, and decided to skulk around him. He asked, begged, pleading for Ghost to join his congregation.
Ghost turned him down each time, though he did love to see a pretty man beg. Once, he lifted lifted his mask, let him see the Glasgow smile cut into his cheeks. He hoped that Soap would assume gang member or miscreant and leave him alone, but it seemed to spur him on.
Soap MacTavish, savior of big buff men. Patron saint of being annoying.
Ghost started... watching him. The way he moved. His smile, just a little too wide with teeth a little too sharp.
He was... handsome. Seemingly kind. But Ghost was like a stray. He didn't trust affection and he wanted to keep it that way. No matter how honeyed Soap made his words or how kind the scraps he offered. Something about the man was unsettling.
Soap simply knocked on his door one day at dusk. Ghost only answered when he had his mask on. He had some kind of food in containers. "Hey! Several people I know made me these and gifted them to me, but I don't think I'll be able to eat all they gave me. Thought you might appreciate them. I know I'd be homesick, in such a new area."
Ghost stared at him, hands itching. "How did you know where I lived?"
"i knew the people who lived here before. Laid them to rest myself. Saw their last rites and all that. No other empty house around for miles."
"Other people know...?"
"Doubt it. Most don't think of you too much." Soap sniffed, looking around. "I assumed that's what you'd prefer."
"It is. Thanks."
Soap smiled. "I'll keep it between us." He kept standing there. Just waiting.
"I'm not going to invite you inside."
Immediately, those soft lips turned into a pouty frown. "At least take the desserts. I really do have no use for them."
Ghost didn't want to disappoint him for some reason, so he awkwardly took the food. "Okay. Address between us right?"
"Of course. With God as my witness." Soap grinned and left.
If Ghost would've thought about it, he'd made him promise to never come back as well. But he did not do that.
He went into his kitchen and opened the container.
Cranachan. Ghost had heard of it. The King of Scottish Desserts.
He grabbed a spoon and brought a bite to his mouth slowly. There was a thick cream with oats and raspberries. When he put a bite in his mouth, he could taste the honey and whiskey.
It was so good.
Ghost dug in on his couch. He was pretty sure this was supposed to be something he'd eat off for a few days, but he devoured all of it in one sitting. There was more of the raspberries sauce and Ghost found himself licking it from his fingers. A warmth settled in his chest from it.
Maybe Soap wasn't terrible.
Ghost got ready to start his routine of checking all of the windows and doors, but his couch suddenly felt so comfy. He felt his eyes start to close, the warmth spreading more.
For the first time since being a kid, Ghost slept all the way through the night with no nightmares.
Ghost cleaned up from the night before, feeling comfy. He noticed one of his windows was unlocked and chided himself for being so forgetful. After two sweeps of the house, he was sure no one was in his house and nothing was missing.
The dishes sat on the counter, suddenly suspicious. The idea of there being something in it was preposterous.
Ghost cleaned the dishes. "He's a fucking poster boy for good. You're being paranoid."
As time went on, he noticed things. Always on his porch or right outside. Tapping or animal noises or sometimes visions of someone right outside. The wonderful night of sleep was the last time he slept for a while.
Soap showed up again. A cross necklace Ghost couldn't remember seeing was around his neck. He looked apologetic as he had more of the delicious treat. "Sorry. It's raspberry season so everyone is making it and... well... I don't really have much of a sweet tooth."
Ghost looked at him coldly. "And you're bringing it to me? No orphans to give it to? Children to target?"
It was the first time Soap had looked upset at him. Ghost was a military man. He dealt with that constantly back in his troop. But for some reason, Soap's unhappiness got under his skin.
"No, Ghost. I just... thought you might be feeling lonely. Ya probably think I'm naive. Small town guy, always trying to talk to you..." He looked embarrassed. "Never met someone from Manchester. And before you ask, I figured it out by your accent."
Ghost looked at him for a few minutes before looking away to pretend he wasn't affected by him. "I don't."
"Gotcha... I can just... take the food."
"No. I'll still take that." Ghost quickly grabbed the home made food, noticing Soap's flash of a smile. He bit his lip as he cradled the food. "Look, I'm not a good guy. Definitely not someone you need around you."
Soap looked at him sadly. "Even outside of my faith, I still think all people deserve someone. I just... want to try to make you feel less lonely."
Ghost sighed. "Alright. Come in."
Soap got so excited. He carefully walked inside and glanced around, moving his weight back and forth between each foot.
Ghost sat on the chair he had. "Haven't exactly bought much furniture. But you're allowed to get comfy."
Soap grabbed the couch and smiled brightly. There was something about him. He looked at him and his eyes... had a shimmer to it.
Ghost paused, holding the bowl.
"Are you going to put it away? Or eat it right now?" Soap asked conversationally. He batted his eyelashes.
Ghost gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "Gonna put it away for now."
"I see. Have you been sleeping well? This place seems... so isolated. I don't think I could ever quite get a good sleep."
Ghost couldn't think of a good answer besides the truth. "Sleep has never came easy to me."
Soap frowned, batting his eyelashes at him. "I'm sorry. I hope it gets easier for you." He seemed so genuine. So sweet.
Ghost shrugged. "Thank you..."
They started to slip into rather easy banter, but he found his eyes getting heavier.
Soap got up and picked his way over. For a moment, Ghost was afraid. He almost lashed out, afraid. But he didn't touch him. He leaned in, eyes glowing against the backdrop of everything around them. "Sleep well, Ghost."
Ghost fell asleep on his chair. Soap locked the door on the way out but he didn't lock the windows.
Ghost found Tommy's photo album and went through them. He looked at the various photos of him and his family and he found himself missing them again. They looked so cute. So perfect. He left them on his coffee table, messy and covering every inch.
Joseph looked up at him, bright smiling face.
Simon was holding him. Blond curls that he spent too much time keeping bleached. No scarring.
He felt like he was going crazy as things... moved around his house. Things moved right out of the corner of his eyes. So he started preparing.
Guns were tucked into every hiding place he could. Knives even more so. He started to work out again for the first time in a few weeks. Luckily he hadn't lost too much of his physique.
Ghost eventually found himself eating the cranachan. He slept well. It was unsettling.
Right before dawn, Soap arrived at his house. The clouds were churning together but there was still some sunlight streaming through. "I brought coffee. Are you a coffee person?"
Ghost wasn't usually, but rather than deal with Soap's sad look again, he took the drink. He sipped it and found himself pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
Soap smiled. "Have any plans?"
"Gonna make breakfast... wanna join?" Why did he say that??
Soap smiled and quickly walked in. "I'd love to."
Ghost started to cook. He had been trying to learn more cooking lately so hopefully it wasn't too bad.
Soap looked thankful when he set it down and started to eat. They did so in basically silence. The cross necklace kept catching the light so he kept staring at it. When he lifted his gaze to look at his eyes, they made direct eye contact.
Soap's eyes. They were so dark. Like a shark.
Ghost felt for the gun under his side table. He tried to keep up conversation.
"Don't grab that gun, Simon."
Ghost paused what he was doing, watching the cross necklace sway where it sat. "What?"
Soap sighed. "Don't be like that. The gun your hand is on. Don't grab it." His nails clicked against the table. Too long. Too alarming. "Be a good boy, Simon."
Ghost stared at him, debating what could be done here.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"What are you?"
"Not a danger to you." Soap answers a little pedantically. "I promise." His canines. They were long and curved.
Ghost glanced at the coffee. "You were drugging me."
Soap hummed. "No. More of a... side effect of my presence. You feeling anything right now?"
Ghost could feel something tugging at the edge of his consciousness but nothing too severe. "What do you want?"
Soap swallowed. "I'm hungry. Starving."
"You saw me up here. Being vulnerable. And decided you could fuc-"
"No. Not quite. I... I know you could keep a secret."
Ghost blinked, realizing the situation. "You're... asking."
Soap looked pained. "I am. A... deal. I keep everyone away. Tell them whatever I need so they leave you alone and I get to..." His eyes trailed to Ghost's throat.
"How bad is the feeding?"
"Not bad! I take about as much blood as a blood donation. Easy peasy. I'll even bring you food for recovery just please..."
Ghost undid the top button of his shirt and Soap looked ready to wiggle out of his seat. The poor man was salivating.
Why was he doing this?
it was stupid.
The mask hit the table.
"Go for it."
Soap leapt over the table and sat in his lap. Teeth sank into his throat as he held him, holding him tight. They pressed together and Ghost could feel the unsettling chill that came from Soap.
He grabbed the table, almost white knuckling it.
Pain radiated from where he was being stabbed into and he felt himself go lightheaded. Soap's ass was pressed firmly to his lap though and it felt...
Slowly he sank into it, feeling Soap take his fill.
His pretty boy thanked him, lips bright red from blood. "Thank you. Thank you. You're perfect. My angel from heaven."
Their lips touched and Ghost groaned softly.
Soap panted in his ear. "I'll be good. Promise. Take care of you." His claws sank into Ghost who was wondering how bad the situation he landed himself was.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
hey, steph! how are you, like, genuinely? not the small talk. i wanna listen
Hey Lovely 💜🖤
I want to apologize for putting this off for so long... which should be a clue as to how I am actually doing.
Honestly? Not good, but I'm trying my best. It's been... a time. Will put under a cut for those who don't want to read about the tagged items.
TL;DR – my real life is a bit chaotic, and I hide a lot from y'all because I REALLY try not to be negative here since my blog is where I come to be happy AND because I am a very private person, but I try my best to just keep going day to day as the chaos settles down slowly.
I've got some good things coming though, so I hope a week's rest next week when I'm off (and will probably take a break from here too) will reset my brain.
Work has been insane, and is most of the cause of my mental distress for the past few months. From Easter until Canada Day Weekend at my job is lovingly referred to as "Silly Season" simply because of how on-the-fly, balls-to-the-wall our workload is until summertime downtime officially begins for us. Without disclosing too much, it's basically non-stop, long hours for me until one of the 3 break weeks we get during the this long stretch happens where, incidentally because of the nature of my job and the team I work on, it actually gets BUSIER for us.
It actually ended earlier than we expected this year (yesterday) and we'll be "quieter" until the end of September now. See an opportunity, I actually took next week off between the two long weekends because my mental health has taken a severe hit and I'm having trouble just... enjoying things? I'm haven't gamed or drew in a few weeks, and blogging and writing feels like a chore. I literally just come home, file this blog, reply to one or two asks, and then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. Day in and day out, for 3 months. On weekends I have to force myself out of my apartment because I KNOW I will sink lower if I don't leave.
On top of that, my brain has convinced me that literally everyone hates me: friends, coworkers, family, you guys, my damned plants. I just feel very alone these days and... I'll be real here, I've almost abandoned this blog a few times in the past few months. I feel like I make fic lists that no one reblogs or likes and tell me they're all shit. I post my art and I barely break 20 notes. I write something and I get maybe 2 likes. I can't really answer any thoughtful asks because my mental state's been in the shitter for months. I desperately want to reply to the few sexuality asks I have and I physically can't. Being on my computer – after working ON a computer for my day job for 12 hour days everyday – feels like too much, so I try to limit my time on the blog now too.
I just try to keep carrying on, encouraged by the once-in-a-blue-moon testimonial ask I get thanking me for still being here. I thank YOU guys for reminding me that people still like coming here.
Stressed about money and food and rent just like everyone else, and just getting frustrated at other things.
And finally, my uncle (my dad's brother and my godfather) hasn't been doing well health-wise, and he's being moved to assisted living next week. His health has been declining since Easter, so it's been a bit of worrying time for relatives.
Having my therapist helps a lot. She talks me through a lot of my complicated feelings, my sense of self and ways to cope with my anxiety and stress. I'm talking to her again next week, so no worries, gang. As I said, I just keep on keeping on.
Some positivity though:
I booked next week off to try to just... recenter myself. To forget about everything and TRY to get back to doing the things I love. I will probably take a break from this blog as well during that time to limit my social-media time. It's not ideal but I need a break from my computer, I think.
I go to the gym a lot more these days, which has helped with the seething annoyance I constantly have at work. Usually feel better after it.
And because of the gym and getting out more, I've been slowly feeling better physically, better than I have since before 2019. The break from work is for the mental health, LOL.
I'm getting my hair recoloured next week. Can't afford it, really, but I just REALLY need to feel better about myself again, and I always feel so different when I colour my hair. I was doing so good for awhile. I want that again.
Anyway, I'm sorry to bombard y'all with my complicated mess of a brain. I really do appreciate you asking, so THANK YOU. I rarely get asked in real life if I am okay because I keep very private due to past people betraying my trust. And I don't like seeing people unhappy, so I feel if I tell people about my problems, then I feel I am a burden, so I just... continue existing.
Thank you for letting me be a burden just this once.
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deadbeat-motel · 8 months
For my rewrite, I wanted to tie each sinner who's staying at the motel to a specific deadly sin to make it easier to understand what got them in hell and just for the fun of it.
It doesn't apply to the rest of hell to have a specific sin, but I thought it was interesting that the inhabitants of the motel will represent a sin.
Some of these characters are still rough ideas and will be subjected to some changes once i finalize the actual lores for these characters:
First up, Angel Dust is easy to confuse as Lust because most people might assume that since he's a sex worker, its probably what got him in hell right? Though, his sin had nothing to do with being lustful since he didnt become a sex worker until then (plus being a sex worker doesnt warrant someone a tacket straight to hell). Instead what really did him in was Gluttony since it was his appetite for vices that got him into trouble and also inadvertently lead to his death and it was that appettite that lead him to take any and all clients to feed his appetite for angeldust.
Nifty's sin is Lust, though not in the traditional sexual sense that we know. For her sin's sake, Lust is all about an uncontrollable desire that leads one to do horrible acts in order to attain what they've been obsessing over. In the rewrite, I was going to let her be a lot younger (most likely an adolescent-young teen) with a very skewed sense of what romance/love is like and have her lean in more towards a yandere-type character or a crappy creepypasta kid character (think Nina the killer levels of crappypasta). I'm torn between the two ideas at the moment.
[Also fun fact, hearing that nifty was a japanese woman from the 1950's kind of took me off because googling it, she wouldve been a woman who grew up in the middle of world war 2 and lived through a bit of the Post war boom if we assumed she's also american as well. Having someone with a background like that who acts like she's mentally a child makes it feel like Viv did no research at all.]
Husk's sin remains as Greed, as gambling just seems so hard to quit for him, even when his life is on the line, especially when he's cheating death so many times. Maybe it was after he had his first close encounter with death in his youth... or the few couple of times during the war... that he began to think of himself as too lucky to die. Unfortunately for him, he'd have to learn the hard way that whatever force that was trying to save him can't do anything about his own body failing from years of self-destructive alcoholism.
[Husk will literally kill me with all the research I'll have to do from 1910-1970 to get his story straight.]
Alastor is one Prideful mf. As an intelligent serial killer (possibly cannibal), he was able to evade the police whilst keeping the high-profile radio host job he killed others for. He enjoyed leaving clues and slipping little hints around his scene that stumped the entire police department. In the end, getting sloppy because of his own overconfidence in his abilities was what did him in and he was chased down and shot by a hunter in his escape.
Sir Pentious is Envious of the Victorian family and those above the middle class. He believed that he deserved to have the same kind of privileges they have especially since he was a brilliant inventor who believed he could forward Great Britain to a greater future. So he gave up 15 years trying to take over the monarchy by himself and failing miserably. He died due to an invention gone wrong and that was the day Great Britain was rid of its persistent annoyance.
[Some people may read about him in history books and confuse him for an anti-monarchist when this man's entire goal was to replace the monarchy with himself.]
Cherri Bomb grew up as a resentful youth of the Japanese 70's being a sukeban of a delinquent girl gang. Their Wrath was known all across the other local schools in their area and they were known for their sheer brutality. However, Cherri Bomb in particular was also feared by other members of the gang as she was ruthless punishing those who wanted to leave the group. She doesn't ever disclose how she died to others and thus no one is ever really sure how she ended up down here but no one really feels the need to ask.
[I'm extremely unfamiliar with Australian history so Cherri Bomb will have to have grown up in Japanese 70-80's delinquent culture.]
There's one sin left.... but since I don't really have anyone in the HH cannon that could realistically fit Sloth, I'm left with two options: Characterizing the blank slate that is Crymini myself or leaving the last resident as a community effort "Build-a-Sinner."
So first poll ive done but....
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Post-graduation hcs part 1
I have been thinking about what might await the boys once they graduate, realistically speaking. I'm tempted to do another hc series similar but them as parents or with a s/o or something 🙈. Sorry, some are shorter than others. Hope you like them:
🌹 Riddle
He moved in an apartment with Trey and Chenya temporarily until he has enough savings to live on his own, alternatively moves in with his s/o, if he has one, ideally after graduation. He had been preparing for an independent life away from home post-overblot without telling his parents and when the moment arrives there's probably a big fight between them, especially when Mrs Rosehearts discover he won't study to become a magical doctor like she planned.
In his birthday vignette he shows interest in studying law, so I think he would be a judge. To me it's canon because it's a reference of how the Queen of Hearts was the judge in Wonderland trials.
Riddle disappointed his parents —more like infuriated Mrs Rosehearts— and had multiple arguments with his mom about what his future but he no longer cares what she says. He might like to continue being in contact if they come to terms he's free to do whatever he wants with his life; most likely only his father accepts this. #DisneyletRiddlehaveatleastoneredeemedparentchallenge
Riddle will need time to heal and accept this rupture is the best for him, but he'll still look at the past and mourn for the childhood and family he never had. He likes his job but sometimes he feels beyond exhausted after certain cases. Praying he gets the growth spurt or self confidence on his height he deserves 🙏
♠ Deuce
Deuce had one goal already in mind since his early freshman days, being a police officer, and by his determination you can bet he worked on it until the dream became a reality. Needless to say mama spade is super proud of her boy.
Oh the delinquent angsty teenager becoming a police. The irony. The amount of comments and stories his mom will share with his friends when they come to their hometown. They're not letting it live down.
Trey mentioned in chapter 5 that the best mages from fire and policemen are recruited by an international organization called Arcane Response Unit, which if I remember correctly it's the one that responds in OB cases when they aren't extremely dangerous. I find it sweet imagining Riddle and him keep seeing each other due their jobs.
❤ Ace
I'm sorry I have no idea which career he could be interested in (╥﹏╥) Maybe when we know his unique magic and more about him I'll write something else. But you know that joke shop the Weasley twins had where they sold magic artifacts and miscellaneous stuff?? Yeah, that could suit him. I believe he could have more ambition than just owning a shop though...idk
After graduation I can see Ace, Deuce, Grim and MC choosing to share an apartment while studying their major studies, if MC is still in TWST of course. Main trouble gang now as roommates, imagine the chaos.
♣ Trey
If he's roommates with Chenya and Riddle, they split chores: he's in charge of the cooking most of the time. He's also the one who keeps most contact with Heartslabyul classmates due his popularity as the "dad friend", but his closest relationships aside from Riddle are with Cater and Adeuce. Often reminds them via message to rest and gets upset if he finds out they have been slacking on a healthy lifestyle after moving away from home.
Either chooses to run his family bakery after his parents retire or becomes a chef in some restaurant. I imagine Azul would be interested in keeping Trey close or tries to hire him for his restaurant business.
♦ Cater
Your Cay-Cay keeps being fire on Magicam! ✧⁺ /hj
Just like Ace I believe Cater tried to make the most out of his school life, so planning from the start what he exactly was going to do wasn't in his top priorities. He knew he still wanted to have time for social media, and despite some minor existential crisis about his future he was realistically listing his abilities and cons in his search for okay-ish jobs.
Eventually he set up for working on social media management or marketing: him being able to read the room + being updated with the latest trends and internet language + meme culture + his obsession liking of Magicam + knowledge to make great pics to post = Best job for him!
In spite of the time being a publicist for brands and influencers take he still updates his Magicam account. Not exactly a worldwide star but I can see him having around +500K overtime and even hitting the million there or in his twst youtube channel. Because of his job and hobby he still cross path with Vil sometimes.
About his family... Just like Riddle I see him looking forward to move in #ASAP, but Cater kept in contact with his family because their relationship still could still be fixed. Therapy may be needed to further explore and heal his family issues and roots of his depression but eventually he's better, if anything still a bit salty with his sisters (don't get me wrong everyone here should go but Cater is in the list or easier to convince) Extra good sis points if they are the ones who talk with Cay-Cay about going to therapy and agree to go with him if asked <3
🦁 Leona
For a moment I wrongly thought "This man is filthy rich, I 100% can see him not doing anything with all the money he has if he feels like it." before the realisation that contradicts his character smacked me in the face. Seeing how he denied the idea of losing without a fight in the tournament I think he'll try to exit his title as being only the second born and make a name for himself.
Given he's a respected leader in his dorm and how he can put in work his leadership skills when the moment requires it Leona would want to be involved in his kingdom management.
Leona has a tattoo that resembles Scar's, and I think that was a symbol of the royal guard, so maybe he'd become royal guard captain. Something like an ambassador or related to military or diplomatic relationships, representing the royal family and travelling for politic reasons.
Knowing Leona he'd be keep ignoring his depression until others talk him out of that procrastinating attitude and force convince him to search help, most likely his s/o or Farena's wife scolding, since it seems he'd do what they tell him even if it's grudgingly. Cheka probably goes to RSA and by then any ill feelings towards his nephew are gone, although he'll always act like he annoys him.
🍩 Ruggie
In Ruggie SSR dorm card is shown Ruggie is fluent at Animal Linguistics. With his participation at the Animal Linguistics Speech Contest I'm positive he could find a job about it, perhaps work alongside Leona as the royal family interpreter.
Regardless of which career he chooses he'll make some good cash and after receiving paychecks he'll spoil his grandma and give small treats to his neighbours by buying a lot of food and making occasional meals for everybody when he visits.
🐺 Jack
Unless he marries somebody whose homeland is different I picture him living in his hometown tending to his cactus. He has a nice house, big enough to raise some kids, and space enough to grew his plants. Man has simple needs and he is content with it.
Definitely the most likely who ends up having a spouse out of all the students, closely followed by Epel and Rook imo.
At first I was blank about his career but thanks to a user on Reddit I agree with them that Jack could be a personal coach or some sort of athletic instructor, for instance ski/snowboard teacher since he likes it. Or a professional athlete.
🐙 Azul
Azul invests in the market and hit big numbers earlier than anybody else. Technically he doesn't need to work anymore or worry about making an income but he still runs a restaurant, expanding his empire as the owner of high quality restaurants both in land and sea. Chains like Applebee's are shit under his foot in comparison lol
Still trying to keep in contact with his dear classmates who he spent so many wonderful days Definitely not because he could use having the Asim new family leader or the royal captain or a honourable judge like Riddle or the STYX leader nono-
🐬 Jade & Floyd 🦈
The ones who mop the floor with Azul's competition
They are still by Azul's side, but they continue in their family business behind the scenes. Probably meet Riddle in the courtyard. Not because they are careless to leave traces behind mind you, Floyd just felt like squeezing some annoying dude and the law is being unfunny and charging him for aggression. Jade is never caught on the things his twin is accused of, but Riddle has the feeling he's never too far from the fights.
Each time the case is closed or paid with community services. Azul pays the penalty fees and the octotrio always act oh so casually about it while getting in Riddle's nerves. Poor golfishie thought he'd see the last of them after ending NRC and now he's near a mental breakdown when he reads "Leech" in his next trial file. Said trials must be a sight to behold, which is why Jade goes whenever he's not busy, amused.
👑 Vil
The octatrio preferably lives on land for different reasons: Floyd has an expensive and varied shoe collection he can't wear underwater, Jade happily built a greenhouse for his terrariums, and Azul has houses both in land and sea to supervise his restaurants and going on vacation when he feels like it.
Despite their shared shady business is likely the twins do secondary jobs to entertain themselves: Floyd keeps starting projects and dropping them once he gets bored, from modelling to participate in monster truck events. Jade studied economics and is in charge of the financial administrations of the business, but is member of a mountain lovers forum and its most active and enthusiastic user.
Vil had already planned his career since a child. However, he continued to expand his horizons: actor, super model, movie director, guionist, activist for lgbt rights and other causes, maybe helping Crewel to make a new fashion collection for upcoming seasons...you know, he takes Barbie's motto seriously. Probably loves being a director because he can envision and lead a movie while being on screen. He's Barbie because he can be everything he decides to be except being more popular than Neige
He keeps in contact with several classmates, including Rook, Epel, occasionally Cater etc. He has an online shop that sells products made by himself, except collabs he makes with other brands like Azul's moisturiser. Don't worry Floyd is okay, they found other merman to use :)
🏹 Rook
✨ Le chasseur de tes cauchemars ✨
Leona and company keep feeling observed, he has many people terrified. If hunter isn't his job then it must be related to beauty, but because he sees beauty in everything I'm not sure. Perhaps he has the same job as whatever his family worked to get all those villas but maybe they are just rich and inherited that CMON DISNEY TELL ME IF HIS FAM HAS A SHADY BUSINESS ALREADY! ARE THEY COPS?? WTF I NEED INFO
If he doesn't follow his family footsteps he could enjoy working as a photographer, capturing the inner beauty of the world both as a naturalist photographer and a fashion one. Hunting and stalking are his hobbies.
One of those who has higher chancer to get married at some point I think, but it's a bit tricky. He sure loves many things but something about it tells me in the present time he thinks he still has so many beautiful things and people to meet that he cannot imagine committing to somebody for the rest of his life yet?? Unless that person was fine he would marvel and compliment and stalk anyone he's around...
Open to having a longtime and stable relationship but it would make more sense if he waits until later in his life to get married in my opinion, realistically speaking at least. But be could also jump straight to marriage if his love for his s/o is that big, if his s/o is Neige, Vil or someone he adores as much as them.
🍎 Epel
Another student who had his future somewhat well thought out since he was a freshman.
Not long after graduation he studies a major degree and works in his family farm, trying to improve the Harveston farmers laboral conditions by implementing innovative methods to grow apples more resistant to cold temperatures...First he has to convince the skeptic elderly that technology and science can mesh together with tradition just fine. (This idea is from what he says in the Harveston event)
As weird as it sounds I can see Epel gaining more muscle after all those years working out. I'm divided between him growing taller or being ripped but continue being the shortest of the first year gang lol
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justatalkingface · 11 months
I am amazed
That the Todoroki family is as functional and well put together as it is, I really am. This isn't me going, 'they shouldn't want him back!', btw... though I do still think that, for the record. It's more that they go through all that, and at the end of the day only Dabi goes on to not be a productive citizen.
I'm... not really going anywhere with this, it's just... their dad is an abusive asshole, yeah, that's the baseline. He's rich, sure whatever. The important bit is, I think, is that he's a hero, and you have to remember that in that MHA context: a hero, in MHA, is more than just a celebrity, more than just a public servant. The only way I can really put it is like this; in MHA, a hero is expected to hold up the sky, and so is treated as such.
In a society fracturing under the weight of overreaching government restrictions, escalating societal pressures, civil rights movements that are starting to bloom into terrorist organizations for the sheer lack of progress being made, heroes are the glue holding it all together. They are that big, that important, that beloved.
And the Todorokis were raised by, and abused by, one such hero. But he's not just a hero, oh no: he's not some down on his luck no-name barely scraping by, or struggling to manage his job, he's Endeavor, the Number Two Hero. He's second only to All Might, which might as well mean he's first among all humans. His face and image is on toys and posters, his name known to every man, woman and child in Japan, and probably by substantial amounts on other continents as well. In short, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that he, and the other top heroes, are pillars of society.
That is the man that abused them, that is the man that ruined their lives: a man who symbolizes the very society they live in.
I'll say it again: the fact that only Dabi snapped, and went on to reject their father and everything he stands for, astounds me. After driving their mother into a psychotic break, to the point she spends the rest of her life locked away, after driving their brother into suicide, everything he does to them and they just... go onto being normal people.
In my imagination, Fuyumi is... the leader of a motorcycle gang. Why? I don't know; I don't even think one could possibly exist in a society where law enforcement can come down out of the sky and casually flip an eighteen wheeler, but... still, that's my mental image for her. I think it's the sheer level of repression she has going on being released in cathartic violence and wild rampage.
Natsuo, meanwhile, I picture having a normal job, a normal life, but being just... super subversive under the surface. Maybe he hacks hero's bank accounts, maybe he joins some crazed revolutionary organization (MHA has enough of them), or is some guerilla reporter devoted to exposing heroic corruption or something; I'm not sure which, but him having that level of secrecy in his rebellion when he's outwardly the most straightforward about his anger amuses me.
For Rei? At some point, Endeavour comes to visit her, and she's the one to give him that scar on his eye.
As a treat.
And as for Shoto? In a timeline without Midoriya correction... well. I always imagined he'd go to school and become a hero, as expected. Endeavour tries to force him into his agency, but he refuses, goes his own way, does everything he can to avoid the man, even if it damages his career prospects, but above all else he refuses to bow, refuses to bend even an inch to his father.
But Endeavour refuses to leave his prized creation alone.
And then, one day, he just... snaps. Goes full Sephiroth, in fact. He snaps, kills his father before he even knows what's happening, and just kinda... wanders off, to accidently his way into becoming a feared villain, either still not emoting at all, or again like Sephiroth (or his brother), just going full in on the crazy.
And for bonus points? The last straw that drives him over the edge? Endeavour's eye getting scarred, Endeavour looking more like him, both of them marked by Rei's hand; that last, unwanted, connection to the man he hates most, laced with some of his deepest, most unresolved trauma.
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ultraviolet-cello · 9 months
Alright since the @tristampparty is Well under way now I'm gonna do a little day by day analysis or details I like about the episode of the day, along with my usual art hustle :3!
Because this is going to end up being Super long we'll put this under a cut! [Spoiler warning for All of Trigun, primarily Tristamp and Trimax]
Tl;dr? I'm normal about how Knives is in Tristamp
So I'll be going point by point in chronological notes that I kept while writing abt this episode :] thank u to Mal for putting up with my rambles hehehe.
So the Seeds ships specifically are reminiscent, to me at least, of the Angel Arm (probably moreso the tristamp version which, can you believe, is incredibly difficult to get a screenshot of lmao)
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That's interesting to me because it could be just a design choice but if it is an in-universe thing, it does,... imply some things about Plants. Granted, Independents probably weren't known abt when the Seeds ships launched, but is there another aspect of Plants that takes that form? And is that impactful enough for a human fleet to design their ships after that? Much to think about for something that's probably just symbolic lmao
Now for Knives! So a little bit of context that I will elaborate on as we watch, but I think the narrative is heavily biased against Knives when he was a child, and that we will get some recontextualization next season that's more in line with how we know him in Trimax.
In particular, I think the beginning flashback is possibly theeee most unbiased depiction of events because all the rest are specifically memories being told to others by Vash or Knives, or the whole memory thing in July. Granted it's still very Vash-focused but it gives us two major things.
Knives seemingly wanting to take Rem along with him. In Trimax, it's semi-implied that Knives would have initially wanted Rem to live and spirals very hard into telling Vash he hates Rem as a coping mechanism (which I will elaborate on if anyone's interested in my reading of those scenes), and it seems to be even more overt here.
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He doesn't stop reaching out either until Rem shuts the escape pod/pulls the lever (Unclear on when that is)
2. From that scene, the only time we see Knives' face/expression again is when the escape pod is being like. Slung out of the ship. The rest of it always blocks his face and expression in favour of seeing Vash's far louder and emotional reactions.
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and we just straight up do not see knives again until his big maniacal speech thing and that's,,, well we just don't know how long it's been since they crashed. could be minutes. could be hours. could be enough for knives to have had a breakdown and start laughing at the sky because he just doesn't know what else to do
i think (hope) season 2 might end up having a lot of the same flashbacks from knives' pov/an unbiased pov :]
Moving on with the episode: Roberto! I love Roberto a lot actually, he definitely grows on you. Something I did notice is that throughout this ep he says that Meryl and Vash would not last long on this planet which. That's interesting, considering he doesn't say that to Wolfwood, and yet Wolfwood and Roberto are the ones doomed by the (sometimes meta) narrative.
So when Vash is found he's been strung up by the Bad Lads gang (who have far more presence in episode one than I originally thought lmao), and he looks... a little dehydrated maybe, but overall fine.
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The guys next to him, though? not doing remotely as well. Now while there is the possibility that he just got tied up later there's also the possibility that. While he does need to eat he doesn't need to eat as much as the average human. Which. is a lovely thought for the two dead guys. [Also a possibility that if Vash does need to consume less than a human, it could be another justification to himself for his eating issues]
The bounty! So it's technically Knives' bounty but whatever. [Sidenote: the idea that Vash and Knives look very similar is hilarious to me because they do not and never have to me] The particular notes are that Knives definitely had a hand in this - Vash is the only person specified alive, the bounty is obscenely high (compared to the other wanted posters), and it's specifically stamped with July Military, which. Well Knives and Conrad operate in July, and Conrad (by extension Knives) very clearly has a Lot of power in that City because he has the tower, that massive lab, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones who initially created the bounty/wanted poster.
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This Thomas carrying co... coffins? Are they coffins??
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Background wanted posters for B.D.N, Marilyn Nebraska, Rai-Dei, and some other characters from trimax/98. And also for Nightow. for 30 $$ you can bring in Nightow the Comix Artist dead or alive! Wanted for Couch Crimes
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Roberto kinda fascinates me as a character, especially when he sticks up for Vash and suggests a duel. My friend Mal describes him as a tsundere for friendship and. yeah okay that works lmao. for all his,,, roberto-isms, roberto has a a bit of a moral streak (he gets maddddd when he learns that children have been experimented on, hesitates in defending himself against Elendira, and lies to the police to get information out of them). He's just a Lot jaded, and we're already primed to like Meryl because, well she's Meryl, but he tends to be right when it comes to Meryl's inexperience. i like him. It's also, come to think of it, possibly because Vash fascinates Roberto a little bit. Roberto really saw Vash and went "I gotta study this guy" lmao
Vash having absolutely Perfect trigger discipline lmao
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OKAY SO THIS PART IS MY FAVOURITE. For reference I am a black belt in a couple different martial arts, and working to become a sensei in Goju Ryu Karate, so this sequence is delightful! Let's break it down :] The initial block is one we use to open up a person's body - if that arm is clear out of the way you can keep control of the gun arm in this case by just pushing outwards (And with Vash's additional strength in his prosthetic that's Pretty Dang Effective, especially because in gun situations you want to keep the gun barrel away from you, so you're taught to use two arms - Vash doesn't need to do that)
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From there, he goes and grabs the guy's shoulder to pull him forward unexpectedly - this throws him off balance and shifts his weight onto Vash's, so Vash is taking all that bodyweight. From there, all Vash has to do is maintain his grip on the gun arm's wrist (keeping the gun away from both parties in case he accidentally fires or there's a misfire), then turn sharply and let the body follow through!
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From there he keeps the grip on the wrist and twists, which sends the gun out of the guy's grip and out of danger. At the same time, he spins his own gun's grip and hits the back of the head with the barrel - Notably he lets go of the wrist, which, if he'd kept holding it, would break the arm. I'm not entirely sure which martial arts were referenced for Vash's style, but this is exactly the type of thing I teach! [For anyone interested, I practice Goju Ryu karate, aiki jiu jitsu, iado (sword), self defense, and general okinawan kobudo (weapons like the bo staff, sais, and nunchaku)]
okay i blacked out and am no longer in teaching mode. Vash's arm, when he picks up that rock, glows very very green
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what does that mean? I have 0 idea, it could be that it's overstrained, or using more power than usual. I mean, he did rip a rock out of the ground.
Zaziecam birdworm heading to July from Jeneora Rock! Probably how Knives got word of where Vash was
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This fucking scene. man y'all this scene HAUNTS me.
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It's so. unreliable at best. this scene goes adult vash saying he has a brother into this flashback. knives says, in order, that "he finally did it", not to worry because the plants are fine, he got rem killed, and tells vash not to get mad because he's already his accomplice, and nothing else. now we Know that that's not the case because Knives directly adds in information in future renditions of this flashback (That Vash gave him the launch codes). Which. What else don't we know about this scene. Clearly it's been a little while, the fire is burning, and Knives had all this time to climb the tower while Vash was (unconscious?). I want to see it from Knives' pov.
Knives keeping a bunch of last run plant corpses as statues to.. remind himself of his goal I guess. I read Tristamp Knives as Trimax Knives taken to the extreme (will elaborate in one of the flashback episodes), so I think he's a touch uh. Extremely unhealthy.
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And that's it for episode one! I hope if you read this you had fun and it wasn't too much of a slog to read lmao i'm just rambling. I hope you had fun if you made it this far :]
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simp999 · 2 years
A new view on life
𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨! 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘! 𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
Word count: 2.5k
Warning: Baji swears because he's Baji
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Pah-chin, Peh-yan, Nahoya and Souya Kawata
A/N: I wrote this a while back and had it in my drafts, so I decided to share it!
Holy wow you guys! So glad you're enjoying my fics!!
If this gets to 100 likes I'll drop a Chifuyu x reader :D
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Enjoy! Let's start with a flashback, shall we? <3
"What is it, Mikey?"
"I want some dorayaki."
Draken lets out a sigh, having already told Mikey that he didn't have any money on him. Mikey let out a pout.
You on the other hand found it cute and decided to help them out. With a grin on your face, you butt in beside them and asked Mikey what flavor he wanted. "See Ken-chin? Somebody cares!" Draken lets out another sigh, this time a small smirk adorning his face. "Yeah yeah, whatever Mikey."
Not too long after, you left the shop with your own snack. You followed the two boys since you had nothing better to do. Maybe it's because you struck his sweet spot, but Mikey was intrigued by you. He decided then and there that you three would be friends. (Draken didn't have much of a choice, but he didn't mind all too much.) Eventually, you guys started hanging out more often. It wasn't rare that you would take Mikey on what you called 'mini-dates.' These mostly consisted of taking him out to get some dorayaki.
+*:ꔫ:*﹤~Present time!~ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
"Hey, hey!! I'm baaaack~" You called out to the gang after making your grand entrance, the room's atmosphere immediately brightening. It was hard to miss the way most of the boys smiled at your presence, you definitely had an impact on them. You heard a few hello's and hi's, then sat down with them.
"Hey angel, you came to join us for food?" You had already told Baji to quit calling you that countless times, but he wouldn't let up. Especially after the events of Halloween, where you quite literally became his angel.
You hummed in response, trying to strike up a conversation to lighten the mood. You asked Mitsuya how the girls were doing. They were doing good. "They won't stop asking when you'll visit again though," He lets out a light chuckle, "I think they like you or something." The conversations went on and on, you were finally glad to be with the people you cared about most. These were the moments you lived for. Draken then grabbed a newspaper that was resting on the table, trying to see if anything important was happening.
"Oh damn. So they strike again, huh?" He more so muttered to himself, but now the boys were interested. He continued:
"Looks like the Wakai Kyoi gang isn't stopping anytime soon. They just beat down another gang that's been around for a few generations."
"They're the ones that usually only take on the older generations, right?" Chifuyu inquired, trying to make sure he was on the same page as everyone else. Mikey then chimed in, his mouth full of dorayaki:
"A new age of delinquents. I like the way they think. But if we're gonna be the top gang in Tokyo, then we'll have to beat them one day."
"It really is a shame that that gang never teams up, they're pretty nit-picky about who joins. I also heard that the boss is pretty two-sided. Reminds me of the twins." Baji joins in on the fun, flaunting his canines at the information he just dropped.
"The boss is known as the Devious Viper, yeah? We should watch out for them. They sound pretty strong. As if they'll just come and attack outta nowhere, y'know?" Nahoya shows off his signature smile, despite genuinely being uneasy at the thought of running into this boss person.
You listened intently on their conversation, curious about their thoughts on this gang that's been lurking. Only now taking a look at the time, you realize that you should have probably left a few minutes ago. Bidding your goodbyes, you explain that family calls. Making sure that the joyride they had planned is still ongoing that night at sunset, you part ways.
+*:ꔫ:*﹤~Timeskip!~ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
The familiar sound echoes in your ears. You've taught them well. You head over to your vice-prez. It was suddenly quiet again. The air was cold, and everyone was only focused on one person.
"So. What happened to our younger brother here?"
"Our vice-captain of the eighth division was attacked. It was said that another gang ambushed him. He is now in the hospital with a broken leg, swelled eye, and multiple bruises." Your vice replied reluctantly, nearly afraid of what you may counter with.
It was quiet for a moment, the air becoming colder and more distant by the second. A small frown becoming noticable across your features .You finally made a decision.
"Eighth Division captain, please step up."
"Yes, boss!"  Short, curly hair bounces as he replies.
"Will the Eighth Division be able to take care of this shit-stain of a gang?" You ask through grit teeth, an air of frustration surrounding you.
"Yes, Boss!" The boy replied, and you could see his smirk slowly growing. The eighth division captain was known for being relentless, and for getting his revenge when someone close to him was attacked. Especially his vice-captain.
"Then that is all. Remember! We protect this family of ours with all we've got, no matter what it takes. We are one big family, and that will never change." The once cold air suddenly felt warm, the members remembering why they joined. To have people to rely on, and to have people rely on them. They are family. A few cheers could be heard throughout the crowd, your words made a great impact once again.
You head over to the hospital with your vice-president, planning on visiting one of your youngest members. You had finally arrived at his room. Oh, how you felt so bad seeing your members injured. He was still asleep when you two arrived. You walk over to him gently and lightly lean on his bed. You softy bring your fingers to trace over his face, moving some of the short hairs away from his eyes, and careful to avoid his injuries.
"We will get revenge for you. I promise to take care of you as best as I can. I'm so very sorry for not being there for you." You whisper to him, lightly kissing him on his hairline, reassuring him that you will always do your best to protect your formed family. Your vice president was always happy to see this side of you. It was uncanny how quickly your personality could go from deadly to caring.
Once visiting hours are over, you realize that it's about time you meet up with the Toman boys.
"Could you supervise the fight?" You directed your attention to your vice. "Not that our eighth is weak, but we can't have more members getting too badly injured. Especially with how far he goes sometimes, he may need someone to hold him back." You finish with a light chuckle.
"Of course, boss." Your vice knows the real reason you can't have your members getting badly injured. It's not because your gang will lose power, that's not at all what worries you. Seeing any of your family get injured breaks your heart bit by bit every time you witness it.
"I already told you, call me by my first name," you grin at him. "I thought we were close!" You pester him. The sun is already starting to set once you look out the window, you'd really better get going now.
+*:ꔫ:*﹤~Timeskip!~ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
"Hi, hii! Sorry 'm late, family business got out of hand, haha!" You looked around, feeling bad for taking so long.
"It happens, don't worry about it. You ready?" Mitsuya assures you, knowing firsthand how difficult some things could get. He does have two sisters, after all.
You hop on your motorcycle, the one Draken had perfected to your taste.
"You know it, 'Kashi!"
You glance around one last time before yelling at the top of your lungs,
Every last one of you took off, the only sound being the beautiful revs of your engines.
It was so warm and comfortable, you think. 'This is what I live for,' you think, 'This is the stuff I didn't want to miss out on. This is the youth I was hoping to live.' You finally built the life you were hoping for. Your family by blood may be gone now, but you built yourself a new one. You now have friends to back you up and to hang out with. You really wish that this could last forever. You speed up a little, old memories resurfacing, making you emotional. You wouldn't want to let your closest friends see the tears brimming your eyes now, would you?
You remember that one time you brought Mitsuya and his sisters ice skating. Mana fell and hurt her knee, so you ended up buying snowcones for the four of you. 'She was over that so quickly, I bet she just wanted a treat.' You giggle to yourself at the thought.
The day you met Chifuyu was when you visited your favorite manga store. It turns out you both were trying to keep up with the same series that was currently coming out. From then on you made it a goal to hang out with him and watch anime together.
You had already met Draken because of Mikey, but the two of you didn't chat or hang out too much until you initiated it. One day you found him on the ground, fixing his bike. You took an interest in what he was doing and offered to help with whatever you could.
Then there was this one time Pah-chin came to you for dating advice. That was a bit of a mess, but you two managed to find some flowers and chocolates that his girlfriend may like. 'It's good to know he's dedicated. Toman really is full of good people.'
Baji eventually convinced you to hang out with him after finding out that you were a little artistic, he offered to go to a suburban area and spraypaint a full wall. The two of you stayed there for hours, emptying a few of the cans. You definitely left your mark there, and it was sure to be there for a while.
You also remember saving Peh-yan from getting bullied because of his fashion sense on multiple occasions. Yeah, he may be dumb, but you'll be there to help out.
And of course Hakkai! He's so fun to tease. The idea of him being a model comes up again and again, even if it's totally out of context. You'll find any means to slip it into conversation just to see his flushed face.
Lastly, the Kawata Twins. They sure were unique. You really did like hanging out with them, even though Smiley could be a bit much. It wasn't rare that you would take them out for ramen, very much enjoying seeing their swapped facial expressions. It's so weird to see Angry smiling and Smiley with his eyes open, but it's cute nonetheless.
Time had flown by, and the sun was just barely in sight. It really sucks that these moments don't actually last forever. At least you could make the best of it while you were there. You smile back at the boys, now slightly ahead of them. (Baji was not content with that whatsoever.) You yelled back behind you, getting a rise out of the Toman members.
"Oi! Race you to the shrine! Last one there's buying lunch tomorrow!"
You did indeed love these guys, they do mean the world to you. But does that mean that you'd let them win?
Absolutely not.
Once everyone had arrived, you finally let out what you had on your mind.
"Man, I'll never get tired of that," You look up at them to see them grinning back at you, clearly thinking the same thing. "How about a picture to remember this by?"
Chifuyu sets up the camera and makes sure everyone is in position. A few seconds after he joins you guys, a clicking sound is heard. You immediately rush to his phone to check out how it turned out.
"Hell yeah! This is so going on my wall~" A few of them chuckle at your sudden outburst, even though they share the feeling with you. What a good day to be alive. It is getting late though, so everyone ends up parting ways, agreeing to meet up for lunch.
Baji was paying, after all.
You all meet up once again at one of the restaurants you're so familiar with. Everyone is here now. You invited Takemichi as well since he is technically in the gang too. Mikey is nearly passed out, (Draken had to drag him out of bed). Chifuyu is trying to help Baji budget the dishes. Peh and Pah are fighting over which type of soup was better. Mitsuya is helping Hakkai with his outfit, complaining about something being crooked. 'He'll definitely be a good fashion designer.' You think. The twins are deciding on which food to get. They wanted to get the same thing, but Smiley wanted it to be way too spicy. Takemichi ended up bringing his friends because they wouldn't take no as an answer. Oh well, the more the merrier, right?
You shed your jacket before remembering something. You wanted to make this another fond memory, so you get up, excusing yourself. Turning your back to the rowdy teens, Yamagishi notices something. A serpent? Black wings? He wracks his brain, knowing he's seen that tattoo before. It was rare that you wore a tank top, so this was the first time he could get a glimpse. Then it clicked.
"...Holy shit." He's still staring at your back, and it shushes everyone at the table. Most of them are now confused, trying to understand what was up with his sudden statement.
"You guys ever hear of the Devious Viper, from the Wakai Kyoi gang?" A few of them nod at his question, others humming. He continues,
"The boss has a tattoo of a viper on their back, along with black wings." The others finally understand. They're in shock. Not even Pah-chin is making a ruckus.
"Holy fuck..." Baji starts, his face blank. His face then contorts into his fanged grin, "We've got a fuckin' badass on the team!" The table erupts in cheers, nearly getting them kicked out. The Toman members are absolutely shocked at this, but they think it's one of the coolest things ever.
You were just around the corner, wanting to know what they thought about you. You were afraid that they'd ditch you right away, never wanting to cross paths with you again. A sigh of relief can barely be heard. 'So this is what real friends are like, huh?' You then continue your journey, arriving at your destination and ordering what you wanted. A few minutes later, you had finally returned to the table. The members quiet down when you arrive, trying to hold their excitement.
You take a breath in, composing yourself.
"Who's up for boba?!"
Wide grins spread across their faces as cheers erupt once again around the table.
You dish out cups of boba for everyone, so very glad that they trust you.
You mutter underneath your breath with a small smile,
"This is why I love you guys."
April 14, 22
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
Why hello! I love your writing and I was wondering If I could request SFW head-cannons with Mondo and Kiyotaka (in a poly relationship w/ reader pls <3) x TransMale! Reader who loves to wear pastel pink and cute clothes but sometimes gets bothered by other kids for it :( I almost forgot to add, non-despair au would be amazing :) have a great day and remeber to take care of yourself <3
- 🍪
Mondo Owada x FTM!Pastel!Reader! x Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Hiii my babies!!! Soooo I'm back kinda. I have a few other fan fics to post throughout the next week but I can't promise that I'll post actively since I hope to use most of my time doing Ko-fi commissions if at all possible
(Please send me commissions omfg)
( https://ko-fi.com/bubblyqueer000 )
Thank you for the request 🍪 anon!! I loooove pastel fashion!! Pastel colors are like almost all of what I wear hehehe!! Also, as you all know I LOVE MONDO!!! (and taka but mostly mondo lmao) So thanks for probably unknowingly making my fantasy into a request lol
CW// Mild Transphobia, idk mondo threatens someone
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♡ Mondo and Taka loved your style!! 
♡ It was the complete opposite of their styles so it was definitely a good contrast. It was so cute to them so when people started to make fun of you over it they. Were. LIVID.
♡ Mondo wouldn’t even hold back in trying to defend you and would immediately start going off and maybe even throwing hands, depending on the person. 
♡ When you meet Mondo’s gang, they absolutely adore you, and since you’re around Mondo so much you see them a lot. Sometimes you’ll go out with them all and someone may start teasing you without knowing who you’re with. 
♡ That’s when the Crazy Diamonds would step in and scare the absolute shit out of them, and make them immediately leave. 
♡ Taka honestly isn’t the greatest at defending you. He tries though!! He would never turn a blind eye to someone who picks on you but some people just won’t listen because he isn’t as intimidating as Mondo. 
♡ Because of that, Taka likes comforting you instead. He hugs you and tells you how handsome you are and how well your clothes suit you. 
♡ Mondo used to be hella toxically masculine and so him and Taka admire the heck out of you for dressing however you’d like!
♡ No matter the colors you wore or the style of your clothing, Mondo and Taka always saw you as a boy. 
♡ I headcanon that they’re both really aggressive allies sometimes, even if the person asking it isn’t being insensitive on purpose.
♡ “So… If you’re a man… Why do you dress in so much pink?” Another student asked.
♡ “Well, I don’t really think-”
♡ “HOW DARE YOU ASK S/O SUCH AN INTRUSIVE QUESTION?” Taka shouted, coming out of nowhere.
♡ “YOU’D BETTER GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BEFORE I RIP YOUR GUTS OUT!” Mondo shouted coming out from behind him.
♡ “Guys it’s not that big of a deal! You don’t have to-” 
♡ “Y/N, my dear! Are you alright! Don’t worry we’re here now!” 
♡ They’re annoyingly overprotective sometimes. 
♡ If you talk to them about it though, they’ll definitely cut it out.
♡ “I believe I can speak for both of us when I say that we can’t apologize enough, Y/N.”
♡ “Yeah… Sorry babe.” Mondo said. 
♡ “It’s okay! It’s cute to see you guys defending me so much.” You told them, while pulling them into a hug. Mondo quietly laughs and Taka grunts, not expecting the tight embrace. After a moment Taka looks down at you contently and relaxes into the hug. 
♡ “I love you both so much.” He said, pressing his face into your hair. 
♡ The three of you snuggled in bed for the rest of the night and you got to sleep right between them. 
♡ “Sweet dreams, you two.” Mondo whispered, pulling you both to his chest, as you drift into a deep sleep between the two people you love most of all.
♡ Love you guys ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
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sushisocks · 11 months
so this is like two asks ig? but what is ur most unique sean headcanon, and what is ur sean headcanon that you will defend with your life (i really love ur headcanons lol)
OOOHHHHH ANON!!!!!! we're in it now lmfaoo THANK YOU first of all I'm honestly so glad people enjoy my headcanons/rants about these characters!! RDR2 is my first time really foray-ing into fandom space like this (previously having kept my writing & thoughts to closed circles of friends lol), and the reception here has overall been a lot more than I ever expected!! Especially since I've really picked my faves &lt;;- said while sideeyeing the 28 works in the macsummers tag on AO3.
ANYWAY these are some insanely good questions, anon, and I've been thinking about them ALL DAY, so I'll do my very best to answer you here in a way which does these questions justice.
It's hard for me to know which one of my Sean HCs is the most unique, as I have a LOT of HCs, and I've been posting a LOT of them over the course of the past few months. I've been told (as a compliment!!) that my overall take on him & the connections I make regarding him is unique, which I obviously am very flattered by! But I also don't think it's too hard to be unique when you're thinking & talking about a character who generally isn't given the same amount of genuine consideration and meta as other characters from the same franchise. Like, I could be talking at length about Arthur, or Charles, or John (and I HAVE!!! Not on tumblr, but still, I love those characters too!!) but my takes would probably not generate the same kind of attention by virtue of those characters being talked about a lot by a lot of other people too!! My posts about Sean stick out because there's not a whole lot of other people writing posts about Sean in the meta/HC style I do!
(Sidenote, while I don't fault the RDR2 fandom for not giving Sean his dues - he is a side character who dies very early on, and who is easy to stereotype, after all - I AM very glad and grateful that the stuff I've said & shared seems to have impacted some people's understandings of him, at least in the circles I run in. As of late I've been seeing a lot more thoughtful takes on him, reflecting how he has the capability of being just as nuanced as several of the other characters in the game. Maybe that's because I'm right in the middle of it though; most RDR2 circles I'm in KNOW me as the Sean stan, and engage with my takes on him, after all!!)
So like, is my most unique Sean headcanon among the ones that reflect canon & actually took off, impacting some people's view of him - like how he DOES mirror a younger Arthur, and how he fulfills a role in the gang, and how his death is necessary to set the tone for the rest of the game? Or is my most unique headcanon him being a gnc bi poly king in the messiest possible queerplatonic triad with Karen and Lenny? Is it that I think he prefers licorice to chocolate? That I think his favorite color is burgundy(not that he'd call it that)? I don't know! I both have so many HCs that picking one is extremely hard for my Libra-ass-self, and I don't have many others writing similar stuff to compare myself with, at all! I'd love to hear from others, though, if anyone else who's been reading my Sean posts have any takes regarding what of my stuff has stuck with them!!!
OKAY sorry for the rant mkjhbjj It's probably not what you were looking for asking me that but it's something that's on my mind, given that I think a fair amount of the uptick in my following over the past few months, if not from AO3, is very much from my RDR2 meta posts - which are in majority about Sean.
ANYYYWAYYY as for a Sean HC I will defend with my life - DEFINITELY the Sean learning disabilities ones - he is INCREDIBLY ADHD & dyslexia coded to me, it MASSIVELY influences how I write him in my fics, and I don't think anyone will ever argue me away from that one. Also, Sean siding with Arthur & John in the end, IS a hill I will die on - to the point that I've written several posts about/referring to it mjnhbnjbh Honestly though, I am a petty bitch who will die on most hills available to me, and I'm not afraid of confrontation, so I am a little bit of a menace when it comes to my Sean HCs and defending them lolol I'm overall very pleased they've gone over well with the rest of the Sean stan community here on tumblr though!! Yall are the best fr <3<3<3
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luna-loner · 1 year
Take that as me considering you the Kanzaki connaisseur, but I was genuinely curious about your point of view on a trivia:
Yoshida Taisei crush on Kanzaki Yukiko. It's only ever mentionned in the character profiles, and they don't interact in canon.
The logic goes that he sees her - and his expression softens up - when he turns his head to his left, since their seating is next to each other. (and Hazama has the time of her life observing the shenanigans from her seat behind Kanzaki 😂)
I don't ship them in the slightest, but I think that we can look at it as yet another point on how Kanzaki is percieved by her classmates;
Yoshida is her polar opposite, and I personally imagined the crush to be very surface-level, attached moreso to her exterior and assumed identity of "sweet, demure girl with good grades" (very realistic middle school crush, in a way 😂).
But still, I was wondering what your thoughts on it, your input, are. Their constrast is interesting, to say the least, and I guess we can either ignore it/find a way to go around it, or use it to see what it tells us about these two.
Do you have any headcanons or anything about Yukiko's point of view, etc etc.?
Thanks in advance, have a good day! :)
What if I told you I briefly shipped them at one point? The Tough motorcycle guy x Madonna gamer girl dynamic is pretty fun to think about. Give me a proper lady on her boyfriend's bike and I'll kiss your generous hands. (Meanwhile, Papa Kanzaki looks like he's about to have a panic attack XD)
I've never invested in Yoshida, so this ship didn't sail for me. The ideas above were me seeing him as a trope rather than a character. And GakuYuki's already living rent-free in my mind
That said, from what I've read about him, I interpreted his character as a secret softie with a tough exterior. A nice guy who likes other nice people; it'd make sense why he'd like Yukiko.
I think Yukiko has noticed him looking at her, and it has made her uncomfortable given her horrible luck with men. It doesn't help that the Terasaka gang weren't the most cooperative and agreeable bunch early on in the series.
But as the year goes on and the gang gets along with the rest of 3E, she starts to see them in a more positive light. As for bike boy, he challenges her to racing games as a way to get close to her. (Also because he was surprised she turned out to be a master gamer and thought it was cool) Yoshida would always drop some vehicle facts. Sure, it's mostly bike-related but he knows some stuff about cars, trains, and even planes. Yukiko may not be interested in these things, but she respects him for cultivating such vast knowledge on something he's passionate about. My girl can relate since she prolly knows so much about her hobbies and passions (flowers, Japanese, games, elderly care, etc...).
And ofc, we can't NOT bring up Hara. I like to think Yukiko visits her often to learn recipes for the elderly, and Yoshida tags along (when he's not hanging out with the gang). This gives them more opportunities to interact, and Hara probably has some funny stories from Yoshida's childhood. I can also see the three eventually forming study groups even during high school, and Yukiko helping Yoshida with Japanese (and maybe other subjects) either through texts or in-person. Another thing, they'd definitely partner up to plan Hara's birthday surprises and figure out which gifts to buy.
Hazama would not be Hazama if she doesn't tease the living daylights out of Yoshida. Picture the two sitting together when Hazama casually says Yukiko's behind him (she's not) and Yoshida just jumps. She wouldn't overdo it, or tell the rest of the gang about it (though I don't doubt some of them have noticed, like Itona for example). She'd also try to talk to Yukiko and tactfully bring Yoshida up just to know how the other girl feels about him, or if she's aware of Yoshida's crush on her, which brings me to the next point: All of this fanon interaction can lead to one of two things:
Yoshida starts to see her in a platonic light and they become good friends.
Yoshida's romantic feelings for her grow stronger now that he's gotten to know her a bit more. As for Yukiko, she may or may not like him back.
(Or he starts to see her as friend while she starts to catch feelings for him, which is both hilarious and sad imo...also, why must I torment my girl??)
One more thing, you pointed out how similar they are. I'd like to add that their reason for falling into E Class is virtually the same. She spent too much time at the arcade, while he spent too much time at the racetrack. Whether their relationship takes a romantic or platonic route, I'd like to see them discuss this eventually and bond over it.
And that's all I've got. Sorry it took so long; I was busy irl and didn't know how to properly articulate all my thoughts. I tend to be a perfectionist when it's something related to my best girl, but this was really fun to think about. Hope you liked it!
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marinerainbow · 6 months
Hey!! ^^ So I was reading our reactions to Nightmare Angel Bill Moseley again and Greasy and Poppy's insane bisexual reactions to cologne clone Wheezy and- a thought came to mind XDD
What if, while this is all happening (Poppy and Greasy are on the edge while Smartass and Psycho are Judging Them), little Lottie doesn't recognise Wheezy at all??? Like maybe she was on a school camp for the two weeks Wheezy was getting clean and Poppy picked her up from the camp on her way to their place- so they were seeing clean Wheezy at the same time- and Lottie is just
Completely. Blank. Looking at Wheezy.
Like Daddy who's this??? Cuz like, she would not at all be used to new people in her house XD How often do you think the weasels bring over new people??? I'd say very very rarely, if ever (barring Shiny and Poppy at some point, but those are probably the only exceptions).
And while Poppy and Greasy are struggling over how hot Wheezy is now, all Wheezy is trying to do is convince his lil niece (who he has missed while she was away!!) that it is HIM!! XD
Also- how do you think S h i n y would react to Wheezy's cologne clone look? XD I'm imagining her going like 'cough up Grease, I told you he had potential in there. You owe me a hundred bucks' 🤣
Anyway, hoping you're well! Have a good day!
Ok ok ok... I can't NOT write this out. You know I can't. You had to know this. You trapped me/silly
I hope I got baby Lottie right!! I'm assuming she's like, seven or ten at this time if she can't recognize her own unkle (either that or Clean!Wheezy is just THAT unrecognizable XDDD).
The Golden Girls VS Clean!Wheezy
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I know we agreed that older Bill Mosely would be more accurate to Clean!Wheezy, but this gif was what started that whole conversation so I'm using it XD
"Thanks again for driving us, Shiny."
"Eh, don't worry about it. I wasn't gonna let you guys ride the bus or train tonight." Shiny shrugged as she picked up the little weasel girl out of her seat. She smiled and tapped Lottie's nose with her own, her grin growing as she let out a giggle, "Besides, I missed my favorite girl."
Poppy giggled herself as she grabbed Lottie's backpack from the trunk of the red car. In truth, she hadn't been able to stop smiling since she picked up the child from camp. How could she not? She missed her only niece. And so did her unkles- in fact, Psycho had to have a very close eye kept on him to make sure he didn't sneak off to find her!
Though, of course, nobody missed Charlotte as much as her daddy did. The only reason Smartass didn't pick up his daughter himself was because that judge they worked for (Poppy was a little scared to say his name. Like it would summon him somehow.) gave them a last minute job. All Poppy could do was volunteer to pick up his daughter, and pray for mercy on the poor soul who had to face Smartass and his gang after having the chance to see the baby sooner rather than later dashed away.
But it looked like the boys were back home- and Greasy was the one who was driving, judging by how the black dodge parked halfhazardly in the cracked driveway. Poppy had been a little worried that they wouldn't get home on time, but everything seemed to be going smoothly despite that morning hiccup. They were all going to go inside, have a heartwarming reunion, and have dinner together as a family! Nothing could go wrong. At least that was what Poppy thought as she exchanged cargo with Shiny; now holding Lottie while the weasel lady rifled through the back of her car for the rest of the baby's things, "I'll catch up. You don't wanna keep her daddy waiting. Or her uncle, for that matter."
"You're right." The rabbit giggled again before turning towards the house, "I'll come back to help you after I get Lottie inside."
It was a good thing Poppy started towards the house, since the child she was holding was starting to squirm in her hold; wordlessly voicing her distaste for how long her two aunts were taking. Poppy couldn't help but chuckle again and hurried up the porch stairs, "I'm sorry, dear. You'll see Daddy soon, don't worry."
Poppy already had a key to the house- it was given to her by Smartass of all people! At Christmas a couple of years ago. It really showed just how much he trusted and cared about her... Which was why she didn't have the heart to tell him Psycho had already given her a copy a long time ago- so she didn't need to knock and have someone else open the door. The toon kept Lottie carefully balanced in one arm as she stepped inside, grinning from ear to ear when she heard Psycho's running footsteps, "Hello, every-"
"LOTTIE!!" Just as she predicted, the one in the straightjacket got to pull his niece out of her hold first. Lottie had been already reaching out to Psycho and giggling happily. Poppy took the chance to readjust her jacket while her best friend cuddled the kit for the first time in what must have felt like ages to him, "I missed you soooooo much!"
Poppy got to count two seconds before she saw the boss himself round the corner to see his daughter. Psycho must have tripped him or disoriented him when he sped past him, judging by how he looked a little confused and very annoyed at his employee, "You little-"
"Daddy!" And just like that, the hardness in Smartass' eyes melted away nearly instantly. How could it have not with his baby now waving to him all cheerfully? Poppy could feel her heart melt when she saw the paternal smile pull at his lips before he stepped over to greet his baby- and no doubt take her away from her insane uncle despite the warning glare he was receiving. Though Psycho had no choice but to give up little Lottie when she reached out for Smartass.
Poppy shook her head before scanning the living room for the three missing weasels of the house- Actually, two now that Stupid was excitedly coming down the stairs. It was odd; she expected to see Greasy to come flying out of the back, and Wheezy to follow, "Hey, Psycho? Do you know where Greasy and Wheezy are?"
The sudden tired and annoyed scowl pulling at the weasels' face and being too distracted to react to Smartass finally picking Lottie from his arms, should have told Poppy enough. That Greasy must have gotten into trouble again. And Wheezy either had to bail him out, or this was the rare example of when he decided to be part of the problem rather than the solution. But before either rabbit or weasel could say anything, her ears perked up, and her smile returned when she heard the very familiar wheezing voice approaching behind her, "M'right here, Pops."
"Oh! There you are. But what abou-"
The rabbits mind had gone completely blank. It felt like her brain had been smoothed over, and her heart was working overtime when her eyes landed on her tall friend. If it weren't for him speaking up before, she would have a hard time believing this weasel before her was Wheezy. Her nicotine riddled, dirty, addict friend. The smell of smoke still permeated him, but it was a little more subtle now, and it was accompanied by the smell of actual soap. There wasn't a trace of ash on the blue weasel, aside from his fingers, though it looked fresh from just today. The clothes he was currently wearing, which consisted of his usual dress shirt and tie, but with a leather jacket instead of just a vest (it was pretty cold in the house though so that could be forgiven) looked clean. As clean as they could belonging to a smoker at least. And his fur had been combed down as best as it could, no sign of tangles anywhere. Not to mention the bags under his eyes had improved too. Wheezy had managed to get some sleep!?
Who... How... How did he... When... This was Wheezy!? How could he just look like this? How could he look this good after a shower?? How could it be enough to make her face burn up!?!?
The poor rabbit toon looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she stared up at Wheezy. She just... Couldn't believe this was him! Though fortunately, the simple act of him raising his brow at her without a word was enough to knock her back to most of her sense (and made the cardigan she picked out today feel just a bit too much despite the cool January weather), allowing Poppy to blink back to the present and shake her head... Nope, Wheezy still looked too handsome. It wasn't a trick of the light. Poppy was so stunned, she had to clear her throat and subconsciously tuck a strand of hair behind her ear while directing her attention to the loose floorboard she was standing on, just to be able to even try to stutter out a response, "H... H-Hi..."
The flustered feelings and embarrassment only grew within her when she felt everyone's eyes on her. Especially Psycho's and Smartass'. She didn't need to look back up to know that she was being judged now- and she refused to look any of them in the eye. The only clue she got that Wheezy even heard her was the tired sigh she heard escape him (though she couldn't see the tiny, nearly unnoticeable amused tilt at the corner of his mouth), "Hey there, Poppy."
She awkwardly waved again before forcing her hand down when she remembered she had already greeted him. She could only bring herself to look back up when he finally directed his attention towards his neice. Just in time to see him smiling softly at a very confused looking Lottie in her agitated and judgmental fathers arms, "Heya, Chickedea."
"..." As any child her age, Lottie wasn't too subtle when she leaned into her father's ear and whispered a bit too loudly, while giving Wheezy the side eye, "Daddy, who's that?"
Wheezy's smile fell, and it looked like he wasn't sure to laugh or roll his eyes right alongside his boss. Poppy felt guilty and covered her lips to suppress her giggle, though Psycho just let out one of the biggest laughs she heard from him in some time. At least he wasn't giving her looks anymore. Lottie and Stupid both exchanged confused looks, though their puzzlment stemming from different places, "You don't recognize him, Lottie?"
"F'course she don't recognize Wheezy! Just look at 'im!" Smartass threw his free hand up in the air in exasperation, before pointing a threatening finger at the smoker- who just stared blankly right back, "Of all the days y'coulda cleaned yourself up, you picked the day my kid came home!?"
"It's bad enough y'got Greasy and Poppy swinging over you, and now Lottie thinks we're shooting a cologne comercial!"
Wait, 'swinging'?? Her and Greasy? What? "I-I-I Uh..."
"It's the smelly stuff uncle Greasy pours on himself in the morning, sweetie."
"Oh!" Hearing the slightly annoyed- though mostly amused- tone behind her managed to knock the rabbit out of her head space and make her whirl around behind her. And feel guilty when she saw her dancer friend balancing all of Lotties' stuff in one arm. It wasn't much admittedly, just a couple of backpacks (Smartass could be such a mother hen sometimes. It was so sweet ^^), but Poppy couldn't help but cringe a little, "Sorry. I-"
"Got caught up with the cowboy, huh?" All it took was one glance towards the tall, exasperated weasel for Shiny to understand everything. And the knowing smirk and brow tilt she sent Poppy only made the poor toon feel worse, "Don't worry. I got you."
"Don't say that..."
Even though it was obvious Shiny didn't feel as charmed as her best friend was by Wheezy, the knowing wink she sent the smoker as she shut the door behind him and walked past them all to put away Lottie's bags was enough to make Wheezy wonder if he really did make the right choice today, "Lookin' good, Wheeze."
"Yeah, yeah. Greasy is upstairs, y'might wanna go talk to him."
'Aw, my boy went into hiding? Cute.' Instead of saying what she really thought, Shiny nodded and called out to everyone else, "I'll get lover boy to come down! Be back in a minute!" Before she disappeared up the steps.
Shiny was already giggling at the top of the stairs, being able to hear Smartass grumble at Poppy to 'get it together'. So the dancer was already feeling giddy and amused when she saw the green weasel in question step out of his bedroom. And it took everything in her to not cackle when he froze like a deer on the road seeing her, "Oh Greasy~~"
"Oh, jódeme..."
"You telling that to me, or Wheezy?~"
"No! No, don't you start that, hermosa!" Despite still carrying the little ones luggage, Shiny couldn't stop herself from bowling over and releasing the laugh she tried futility to hold in. And that only seemed to make the spaniard grow more huffy at his lady friend, "I mean it! El fumador could never-"
Somehow, not even she knew how, Shiny was able to control herself long enough to sigh and, with a triumphant grin, leaned into the wall besides Greasy's door and chose to burst his bubble right then and there, "Oh, cut the crap, will you honey? The little shrimp downstairs threw you under the bus."
"Ese pequeño bastardo va a pagar..." Another chortle, another glare from her green bean. Greasy, like the drama queen she loved to see, heaved out the most pathetic sigh she heard from him in a long time, and looked to her like he was some kind of victim, "Amore, Shiny, you choose to believe the boss over me?? You're best friend-"
"In this case, yes I would."
"Now! You know exactly what's coming, chico~" Greasy's frown (his little pout as she saw it) tugged lower on his mug while Shiny's smirk grew, and her free, beautifully painted hand lifted up in an expectant manner, "The dough. Hand it over."
"You're an evil little witch, you know that?"
"C'mon, Greasy. No one likes a sore loser~"
As much as the weasel wanted to fight and keep his cash, he knew it was a hopeless battle; if he didn't give the money, Shiny would just swipe his wallet and take it for herself later like the little thief she was. So, with a grumble, Greasy just reached into his pocket, "You brought Wheezy into this. I know you did."
"Other than speaking the truth that el fumador had potential under all that grime?" The dancer snickered while watching Greasy count the bills very carefully- she had to, after their last bet, when he tried to fool her with monopoly cash tucked between the actual money.
Fortunately for Greasy, he was wise enough to know not to fool her when it came to her winnings by now, and gave her the full hundred dollars that she was owed. Still keeping her triumphant smirk, she tucked them all down her shirt (Greasy had no qualms reaching down into a woman's secret pocket, but she would be able to see him try to steal his money back there than if she tucked the cash in her back pocket), before walking past a still grumbling Greasy towards Lottie's room, "The others are waiting for you to start dinner, by the way."
"If you think I'm going to make those Traidores e idiotas food, you've got-"
"Lottie told Poppy and I she missed your cooking." Peeking her head out the bedroom doorway, Shiny offered the pervert her own 'heartbroken' expression; looking at him with big eyes, and tilting her head just the right way, "You're going to deny the baby girl the warm, homemade cooking she's been denied this entire week??"
Being reminded of what this day was meant to be about, Greasy shut his trap immediately. Although Shiny knew he still didn't want to go down there with the cologne commercial and the man who ratted on him, she also knew that he missed his neice just as much as everyone else here did. So she wasn't at all surprised when he just started making his way downstairs.
Chuckling and shaking her head, Shiny set the backpacks down on Charlotte's bed before following Greasy back downstairs, "What a softie he can be..."
I am SO sorry. This took so so so much longer than it needed to to be answered. Even with the moving 😖 I hope this was worth the wait, at least? Even if it doesn't have as much Lottie and Wheezy, or Greasy and Poppy huddled together in bisexual solidarity.
I'm really not too sure how this turned out. But it did feel good to finally have my inbox cleared out, and I didn't want to keep you waiting longer than you already have been.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Worldbuilding Notes: We Run Together (Werewolf AU)
((Because I don't know if I'll ever get around to actually writing any of this))
Reggie and Bobby both had prior packs. These were very toxic environments which ignored how wolves actually are and focused on the whole Alpha male toxic masculinity-esque aspect of werewolf lore. Reggie's original pack was his family(or at least his dad), Bobby's original pack operated more like a gang.
Bobby ran away from his pack, and dragged Reggie away from his. Bobby convinced his Lola(who he was living with at the time) to move closer to their other family in California.
None of the boys can recall HOW they got turned. Reggie theorizes he was turned extremely young if he wasn't born a wolf. Bobby pretends like he doesn't care. While Alex doesn't know, he often tells the story that it happened while at a church camp because he loves the idea of that.
Bobby was very wary of Luke and Alex when they first met (Reggie was much friendlier). All he smells is wolf and though he doesn't smell ties with his and Reggie's original packs, he doesn't know what to expect. (Plus, there's always the fear that their original packs will hunt after them....though this fear slowly dies away over the years)
They eventually do form the band, Luke still very obsessed with music, and it's easier for Reggie and Bobby to call what they have a band than a pack.
Luke and Alex do also run away from their homes. Luke to feeling very misunderstood by his parents about music(on top of the whole werewolf thing) and Alex because of his ultra conservative parents.
The band becomes their livelihood and while they do try get other jobs to help support themselves it's hard to do. They've only got high school diplomas/GEDs and struggle to work certain hours/days depending on the job.
Even though most people read the boys all moving into the same apartment together as financial necessity(which part of it is) they would have moved in together anyway.
Alex and Willie still met with Willie crashing into Alex because I love that meet cute. Though they meet Willie before Julie.
The first time they meet Julie is at one of their gigs. And it's none of them really ever actually meet her. Despite all the scents and people they can't seem to figure out why they all seem drawn to her, or are drawn to trying to find something none of them can. (The whole 'smells like home' thing)
The time they meet is one of them (I'm think Reggie, Alex, Bobby or maybe even all three) decide to take some extra college/certification classes. Julie shares on of these classes. And it's like 'we just met this girl but why can't we can't leave her be'.
She meets the rest of the pack when she goes over for a study session and really freaks all of them out when her first observaion of their apartment is "I thought you'd own a dog"
-Still need to figure out the how/why she learns their wolves thing, but it'd probably be either really stupid or really angsty-
It's a recurring discussion/argument whenever Julie is not hanging out with them about when they should invite her to move in. It only escalates after she joins the band.
Not in any specific part of the timeline but fun to think about:
--They go to visit Julie and pick up she's sick/not well from down the block and rush to her house.
--Same thing but with her period
--This fic which I did decide the rest of the guys are on her floor, and she tiptoes her way out. It is an awkward few hours after the guys transform back and wake up in her room.
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nerdnag · 1 year
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Thank you for the question @alienducky!! You know most of my WIPs already but I'll answer anyway ^_^
The fic I'm currently working on most actively is The Boundaries of Magic, which is a sequel in my FE3H series in which Constance von Nuvelle delves into dark magic ✨I only have two chapters left to write.
But I also have some other WIPs that I'm not actively working on right now:
A mini-sequel to Boundaries which will be approximately 6-8 chapters long and star an OC of mine
A FE3H Ashen Wolves modern AU in which the gang become uni roommates and Constance is an app developer looking for her big break
An MtG fanfic about mage students Killian and Dina and how they grow close while struggling with issues regarding family and expectations of others
A fairly short and simple Great Ace Attorney fanfic which follows Ashley Graydon as he grows up in, and gets out of, the slums of London
An interactive novel/game (original work) about personal identity, with mystery aspects
And then there are some loose ideas/half-started fics which have probably been abandoned at this point and can't really be called WIPs but that I'll mention anyway:
A FE3H YuriCoco enemies to lovers FWB fic which has three whole chapters written but is probably way too OOC. But I might use some bits and pieces to build something new from it eventually
A FE3H YuriCoco pirate fic inspired by a comment you made on Boundaries (^_^)
A really really dark FE3H Sylvain fic that I started in 2020 but that will probably never see the light of day
A FE3H crack fic in which Constance is convinced Hapi is the Savage Mockingbird
A FE3H fic that explores Constance's and Jeritza's dissociative similarities
A handful of MTAP fics, most of them about Arlo, but then one which was once a very ambitious political intrigue AU about Ginger as told from Mint's POV
A Death Note fic in which Misa is smart actually and successfully tricks Light into thinking she's not (i.e. a fic giving rational reasons for her canon behavior)
A Death Note fic in which L manages to figure out who Kira is after being introduced to Rem. This one I'm actually pretty happy about because I think I captured L's thought process pretty well so far, so who knows, maybe I'll get back to it someday, or at least post what I do have
An original work taking place in an alternate universe with fantasy/sci-fi aspects, exciting heists and mystery, starring a very competent asexual character who joins a group of criminals to provide for and protect his mother. I started it many years ago and have maybe half of a full draft, but I have realized since then that it may have problematic parts in its core concept. Certain aspects of it were cool though so I might reuse those somehow eventually and rework the rest.
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it's been a while rhythm!! how is everyhting??
i have yet to read some of your latest works, but life has been a little bit hard lately and i found myself missing our dearest pack 🥺 unfortunately i don't have time rn to re read my fav one shots, but this week it's being kind of a parenthesis and i can breathe a little 一some needed rest before i dive in university life again.
i've seen what other anons said about the girls gang (wereroomies, i mean) hanging out together and supporting each other. even with their hobbies, and i keep finding confort on pretty because i feel like i have so much in common with her. those asks helped me a lot because university is a lonely period, at least at the beginning and in my experience, so reading about how they enjoy their time together made me realise i have to appreciate those little moments i have with my friends (who aren't studying the same degree as me, unfortunately i don't see them as much as i would like to).
these months have made me more mature, but in a good way. i have been carrying a very heavy load for years and little by little i'm noticing how it weighs me less and less, so i'm very happy rn. i'm in that kind of mood when i want to spread that happiness with everyone (so if you're reading this, known that you're amazing and loved and you deserve so much more that you think you do ♡).
oh, i also remember one time you mentioned that one hobby that pretty has is crochet!! i started this summer haha i crochet when i'm stressed, with a nice playlist 一which reminds me of skz's comeback!! what are your fav songs?? (mine comflex and cover me 🤭).
what i wanted to ask (this is a very chaotic ask i'm sorry) is how did pack members cope with loneliness and stressful seasons in university?? especially when they felt like there was no one they could tell how they felt, if that was the case...
i know i don't interact a lot, but i missed talking to you. have a nice day/night rhythm!! ily (❤️‍🩹)
things are doing fine! i'm tired but soon i'll be on holidays so i'll be able to rest lots hopefully~
don't worry, baby. my works will be there for when you have time💜💜💜 no need to stress about that, you've got enough of that in your life.
makes me happy that you can find some comfort in the silly conversations we've got going on in this blog. i'm glad people are kind enough to send in their thoughts and we can just have some fun with them together!
good friends should really be appreciated, and it's always worth it to nurture and maintain friendships, even if it's in a sort of cactus way (as in, maybe you don't meet often, but you know you can rely on them when you need them, you know what i mean?). that's really especial, so i hope you get to enjoy it to its fullest!
yes! i like to think pretty does crochet as a hobby, she just seems like she would, for some reason??? so yes hahah. i want to include it on an actual instalment at some point. it's cool that you picked it up too, though! it's really fun imo. putting a nice playlist or some video essay on youtube while you crochet is a good way to de-stress mewhehe.
i think my fave songs from the album so far are megaverse and social path (kor ver). all of them are good, but those two have me in a chokehold for sure.
as for your question...... here's the thing. werewolves live in packs for a reason, right? so, their pack was probably the biggest support they had in moments like those. i suppose they would've tried to lean on their friends, or to try and step back for a moment to put things into perspective. engaging in activities outside of school was probably a good outlet as well (like going on wolf runs, or going for a walk), just things they could do to remind themselves that there was life outside uni, and that ultimately it wasn't a race, they were there to learn, so as long as they learnt a bit, they could take their time.
i feel like Chris particularly would've struggled a lot, considering he was living alone alone during his first and second year. i can see him making the extra effort to meet with changbin and jisung weekly (or every two weeks) to avoid lone wolf syndrome.
thank you for dropping by and leaving this message! i hope that weight you're carrying continues getting smaller and smaller💜
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