#maybe naybe guys...
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m3char0b0l0v3r · 2 months ago
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Making a undertale reverse-isekai fic..here’s the reader (half oc insert) known as Spears!1!1!
This is a platonic Sans (AU) x Reader of sorts because I can't romance at all </3
In my fic they go by She/Him and bro is a certified cosplayer👍 (Age won't be stated but she is a minor!! But will be working)
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Anyway here's bro brain lacking cells (I'm gonna drop so much trauma bomb on u guys.)
Here is Spears wearing their beloved Sans cosplay because she had bought tickets for them for a convention!!?
Spears get dunked on in a nicer way
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Classic and the AUS may be stated as older brothers !!
It will probably be on Quotev, ao3 and Wattpad! (I'll probably post more about them if I do manage to get the 1st chapter out lol)
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months ago
may i be so crazy to request more TWD au headcanons
yes anon ur ABSOLUTELY insane, u need to b LOCKED UP in a CLOSET somewhere for EVER asking me this☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
•i like to think that ponys artistry still continues in this au, just as an outlet to get his mind off things, its never just out of nowhere, its when pony knows hes safe is when he takes them
• i like to imagine that he somewhat befriended a dog bc he saved it, but then it ran off and when pony was in danger, that dog saved him
•top thing pony hates is that he cant shower as regularly as he’d like, hes not a germaphobe but holy shit is he grimey and he hates it
•just like how clem has her dads hat, pony has sodas flannel!!!
•immmmm gonna say that ponys seen the zombie version of ppl he used to know but werent close to, ie bob, marcia, that girl in his math class, etc etc
•ponys had to find more quieter snacks, like ones thats packaging isnt too loud like chips and ones that u dont have to bake, and so ponys just into chocolate pudding now, but having it is a rare luxury
•after pony reunited w curly, they were literally inseparable, they slept together (pause), sat next to each other all the tine, and pony would tell stories that curly already told them, so ponys more of the guy they ask “did that rlly happen or is curly a liar”
•pony and curly r very possessive/protective of each other bc they cant let go of their past lives, they miss that sm, so having each other truly does mean a lot
•now if u wanna say angela is still alive and has been ponys companion, THEN in the reunion, curly ALMOST cried, just almost, he rlly couldnt believe his eyes he thought he would never see em again, and u gotta remember that its literally been a good 2 maybe more years since theyve seen each other, its its m&m whos accompanying pony, curlys impressed that hes even still alive, but not ECSTATIC over it
•curlys actually become quite a bit more like tim, he uses his head more and hes not a BAD leader, its funny bc while thats one of the main things hes always wanted in his old life bc he looked up to tim sm, he would even realize it and so someone (naybe pony or angela if u want) would tell him that and hes surprised about that
•curly would say that they look and smell like shit while also smelling and looking like shit😭
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astrology-by-sita · 30 days ago
It's Shakira's birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁
This is her solar return for 2025. Aries year, Aries on 5h and Mars rx in Cancer in 8h. So I predict the tax issue resurfacing and also some issues with inheritance of children and finances with that guy whom I won't name .
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But there's an exchange between that 5h Aries moon & 8h Cancer mars. So this is good, she will get through it, even if at first it's problematic. A Mars-ruled year can be tough for day charts but she has a good exalted angular Mars natally. You can't win this, idiot footballer.
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When profecting from the midheaven (to know about her career) it's a Capricorn year. Capricorn on 2h & saturn in Pisces 4h in solar return so she's expected to gain a lot from Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran tour, it's going to be a huge success and she's likely to aquire some property.
This is due to the 2h and 4h influence and the 4h saturn in Pisces is answering to 7h Jupiter rx. Will she acquire properties from her ex and it's going to get public with his family involved?
When profecting from the sect light its an Aquarius year. Aquarius is on her 3h.
She had built schools in her country Colombia previously with her foundation Pies Descalzos. Shes likely to do this again, naybe get involved with schools, schools of her children (4h saturn) and early childhood education, maybe visit a school or teach.
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3h is also about spirituality. She might embrace a new spiritual practice or focus on her spiritual life as a solace from unhappiness and heartbreak, maybe she will get into yoga, meditation, it will help her heal.
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normystical · 6 months ago
hrhrgrgrggr i wanna make an animatic of becky apples with certain hazbin hotel characters but i can't. and like even if i had the motivation this very second i do not have TIME FOR THAT so uhh might just spill my ideas all over here w/ altered lyric captions
husk . lucifer . ugh !! husk
i bet lucifer's got perfect hair [vox imitating sweeping hair back cuz he's a jealous and bald mfer lmfao]
husk. husk's got stupid STUPID [ears? claws? idk tbh but he doesn't have hooves so we're changing that lyric,,]
i'm never gonna eat another appLE EVER AGAIN!! [god have mercy on my mediocre art skills bc i will have to illustrate vox not only crushing an apple but with his clawed ass hands]
OO it reallt bunches my f luff to thrink how badly he hurtyou. bbg. tell me your story
[idk what to do with the lines "i left my rider so that i could raise an army (so that you could raise an army) then c-doug popped up and he said something alarming (oo, what'd he say?) he told me that my best friend's ridden (no!) another horse so pretty (no way!)" but i do want to have the latter two lines have charlie just talking about alastor and lucifer fighting all the time like haha those guys. those silly little rascals]
and his name is lucifer [morningstar/the king of hell/HIMSELF] because UGH of course it is !! !
lucifer lucifer whag a gorgeous famcy SCHMUCK luci how you like em apples cuz i think ur apples SUCK [naybe at that part i animate an apple pelted at luci just for shits and giggles itll be fun trust me] lucifer lucifer ggeues what i knew alastor first and while technically i dont know lucifer i know hes the WORST
ugh he is soo the worst vocks . right?? its unbelievable !! stupid luci. but can i tell you about someone whos,, kind of a total lucifer in my life? okay i—i mean im kinda not done being mad about lucifer bu—
WELL I WAS flirtin glirtin with a slick promstoar (this is not the same situation.) he was the finest spider femboy that i ever pursued (rhere was more than one??) he played me like a ukulele (he did.) i dont want no drama baby (too late?) but i FLIPPED when i found out his boyfriend was a wwinged cat guy idk how to change this lyric tbh sorry guys
oh that husk[er] that husk[er]s got stupid pretty legs and i bet that angel dust would let HIM adopt his eggs [cut to vox being horrifically confused and weirded out for half a second] hUsK [angel talking about him happily] HuSk [angel talking to him on the phone] hUsK [angel greeting husk at the door] HuSk [angel moaning his mame while getting fucked lmao get fucked val wait wut] UGH !! even his wings are perkier !!
maybe husk's flirty boyfriend is the one whos the ACTUAL jerk here... UGH!! husk!! making me feel bad for projecting my own insecurities and displacing blame on HIM, when HE really did nothing wrong? UGH. hes the WORST.
[vox clear he throat]
OH RIGht! ur sad :3
i feel ur pain girl, im ur vindicator, and we dont know husk, lucifer, we just know we hate him . this isnt okay and this isnt fiiiine
...let it out bbg
[vox drops his face into val's fluff as he sighs]
its just i thoughgt al,, would always be miine
ok spilling out my ideas FINALLY done jesus fuck this sucks when it's explained rather than imagined or animated lmao
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eaion · 2 months ago
Ohmigosh! I stumbled upon ur post showing off all the danmei you read this year!! Super impressive that you read that much. And in multiple languages too? Wow!
But now I'm really curious, how would you rank them all from least favorite to most favorite? Only if your interested in answering of course!☺👌✨
Hi! :D Thank you for the ask! ^^ (The answer will be a bit spoilerish here and there, sorry...)
Oh, I think I didn't even read that much, considering that I've read only five whole stories, they were just in multiple volumes. ;))
Omg, I can't rank them, what if one of the stories becomes sad that I loved it lesser then the others? :D Also I loved all of them, because these are all very interesting and deep and high quality stories, I mean they all have well deserved reputation and being loved for reason. ♡
Maybe if I have to choose which one was my favorite so far... it could be TGCF or Thousand Autumns. Also I have a soft spot for SVSSS and I don't think I've enjoyed much more readings in my life as I have been enjoyed reading Peerless so far. :D
Maybe I can tell that Zhen Hun wasn't exactly my cup of tea, because it was a bit too gorey/horroristic to me and also I find the religious part depressing (I mean I know that it meant to be depressing, but still). I don't mean the mythology, I mean exactly that hell and heaven and merits parts, but the love story was beautiful, btw.
MDZS was my first love, so I think I will always love it; I remember being sad when I was near the end of the last book, I was reading the extras so slooooowly, because I wanted it to last longer. 💔 It was basically the same with TGCF, I wanted it to never end, because that means, I have to say a goodbye for it (at least until I reread it ;)). I finished reading MDZS in like 10 days, and TGCF lasted for maybe two weeks? :D TGCF is also just that kind of story that is for a lifetime. Unforgettable and honestly the most beautiful love story I've ever read (uhm, okay, I haven't read much love stories, because it's not my favorite genre, but fortunately TGCF and all of the other stories are much more than just simple love stories).
It took more or less the whole summer to read along Thousand Autumns, and this story is special, because even before I started reading I knew that I will love this story, I knew that this story would mean a lot to me. (Naybe I was because of the title. :)) Qian Qiu is definitely not for everyone, some people say it's dry and too history-heavy; and actually it wasn't even for me! I'm not a fan of that type of really bad relationship that was between Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi especially in the beginning 😅, but this story has something in it, something I just can't really describe, it's unique and yeah, when I was reading it I can stop thinking like: "How the hell will this two guys ever be lovers? It's impossible." 😆 Then it was surprisingly possible and also I can't stop wondering and thinking about and loving this story of them.
I guess, that's all for now. :D
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aloneatl4st · 7 months ago
Having a crush on a straight guy is consuming me alive.
Ive talked in my last post that Ive had a crush on a straight guy who for the sake of the post I named Hunter but like noone is gonna find my posts, much less him so for my ease Ill use his actual name, Ares.
Its officially been like a good 8 momths since Ive started liking him. Ive even had a lretty ugly fight with the friend also from the last post about it but we both decided its smarter to pretend like it never happened because neither one of us was seeing eye to eye.
Sometimes I wonder if its worth it to waste time crushing on a straight guy and the speed at which I answer no to myself is almost terrifyingly fast lol.
That being said Ive ynfortunately got nothing going on and have too much free time, so I spend it fabtasizing about what it would be like if he liked me back.
The problem lies with the fact that Im not cisgender but dont quite use any lavel right now, closest one that would descrobe me being genderfluid with a predominant feminine presentation (amab). As a gay boy I know he could never be interested no natter how much he keeps saying that "maybe hed give a guy a chance but probably not" and hed never be interested if I was a trans woman because I have a feeling he might not actually see me as a woman even if thats the most confortable label for myself (Im not out to anyone regarding my gender identity, everyone knows me as a gay boy).
There were nights when I prayed to a god above for him to see me as more than just a friend and I was met woth silence, not because the gids are cruel, but because Im holding onto a wish so abaurd they don't even consider it.
But oh how sweet it is to talk to him and how much I miss his presence... ever since we finished the first year of college he went to his hometown and I havent seen him in well over a month now.
Ares, please give me a chance, I dont have any relationship experience and naybe Im talking out of desperation, but Ive never felt affection for a man quite like I have for you. I swear that if you'd let me try Id treat you like the king you are and deserve to be treated as.
Youve been breaking my heart for over 8 months, and over the xoyrse of these 8 months I have forgiven you every second of the day for it.
I wish I could confess to you, just so you would hate me and you would never speak to me again. I want you to hate me so much your heart hurts so that it would be easier to get over you. Or maybe I wish that you would get a girlfriend so that I would hurt more and more and more until I broke and had to rebuild myself from the ground up, without the affection I feel for you this time.
Youre my favourite friend, Im sorry I want you like a lover
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iwatchedit-beginagain · 8 months ago
Things We Love About Auni #1
Her compassion
So we were at petrol station just now when a haggard, tired looking guy approached us and asked us "dik sorry dik. Adik ada makanan lebih tak?" Not thinking much we immediately shook our head and went back into the car
In the car, we were still was thinking about it. Aunin asked what did the guy want? And we said that he wanted food and somehow, both of us just sat there for like 5 seconds, quietly, until we looked at each other and somehow had this unspoken approval that we should help that person.
So we went back in and bought him corn breads, sandwich, an apple juice. The things that we would eat ourselves and then we got into the car, we drove to that abang who was actually just sitting there by the roadside, resting, and letting his sweat out. We stopped our car behind him and as we about to go down, Auni said naybe we should give some cash to him? We said we don't have cash and Auni said "I have cash, give this 50 to him and we said "OK, I'll transfer the money to you after".  We went to give the plastic to him and we could see that he immediately lit up. We thought he was Indian but turned out he was a Malay and he started telling us about his journey of how he was walking around Serdang, trying to find jobss because he got into an accident, so he couldn't work.
He looked very happy with the food and  money and then he prayed that God will give us more after this.
As we got back in the car and drove away, we saw that he immediately drank the apple juice, probably had been thirsty since forever. Auni then immediately said, "it's okay, you don't need to pay me back. I want to contribute too." And then we spent our time in the car just telling how proud we are of each other.
Ironically, this happened immediately after we had that talk with Auni at Jibril that we weren't satisfied with the increment. So it was ironic because just as we thought we didn't have enough, we treated random stranger and gave RM200 to Acik for eya's wedding.
We've always wanted to have more in life and maybe, perhaps we already have more, because if we did not have more, why would Allah sent that man to show us that we had more than enough since we could even give some to others?
Next time we think we don't have enough, give back to someone.
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azlovesem · 3 months ago
Blue sky is fuvkn stupid Emna. I wss bugging you on that site too but it aint you i can tell. Not really youre about as able to give your opinion as the dumskies who impersonate you are. I like of you rvrn thoughnpeopke tell me that chick is fucked. Anyone vmcan say thet sbput snyone especially me. Or about me i mean. Notice nobe of the americans wre as copl or well written as ne? Ha ha ga fuvk stupid monkeys. Muchael kearon sll of them. If theyre not vapifdly stupid thryreca fuvkn nonce. Even Harrison Fords a ding hat. Tom cruise sll of them i could out snything sny of thrm dxcept naybe act. But im way better company. By far i can tell. Suck my middle finger bollyweirdos. Nobyheyre eeirdos or no ces or both. Weinstein was big down thete for awhile llok what hapoened to him. Fuckneith the white man hspyens everytime ir worse. No youre not so up to speed. He fucked with the wrong whote eoman niw hes fucked. Benni snd honey dhermsn fucked eith the wrong tussian look how thry ended up. I can do thst to anykne Emma regarfkess og their affiliations im way bigger n vaddwr om ehite after all. Nit yhat i let it go to my hewd the evidrnce os yhrye we re bad ass. More than anyone. If wecteam up Emma eith that Rusdian gang yhe big man runs that neans death to black people. Uh itll be a very different world soon. Some think its the only way to save humanity. Come in jeep up to speed please. By getting tidof 60 percent of the earths population. And only leaving certsin HIGHER cultures to inherit the earth or steal itvegatever. Borriw it yhet makes no fmdifference. Its like tomato tamaato. Doesnt matter when thevresult is deadly. This has hapoened before. On ouposevi though you read. No i forgot more thsn youll ever read. Im older by many years tjan i appear Emma. Toy should be curious about me by now a lotnif people are. Maybe these ideas arent for you donehat theyll haplen anyway. And while everyones sweeping entire nations under the rug. What do think trans peoples chances are? If room has to be made and boy look at the wars now thats making empty doaces and less people. The gaza strip is gonna be a mall. An israeli mall. Just gotta starve the locals out and let the eolves and ekements finish them off right? Ha ha ha.well lufes finny like thaf. You people get yo say thats bad on tv and i rule everything anyway. Youre on a doomed situstion with little chance of success. Unless of bourse upu had me on your team. They lost the election by being stubborn with me i still supported you guys. All my peopke dodnt bother showing up. So think better how you treat me from here on in. Im never going away i outlive yiu by years. Ya want me bugging you forever? i fuckn will. Because i cant stop thinking of you for better or worse. And un yhe end i get you snywsy. No i mean after death yiu font get how powerful i sm at all. I msje your oroncess look like s lil baby. No ive devidedvto leave her out of this. Inlikd her dhes rate i like rate people. Most peolke ate common and i dont mean like the song. Thats just a vuye song not ever reality. Commob oeolle gwt fucked yp in my books Emma. They deserve it for being do common. Too common ya know. But uoure rare im very very rare the last of my kind. Wed better friends thsn cryber stalkers. I dont give a dhit about anyone just about im Azriel theyte naval lint. Ezceot for ny fav girks i dont want them ever feeling second best because theyre all number 1 to me. But i only need onecand whethercwe like itmor not yiu and i have chemistry and you know it. Im more dangerpus than the bubonic llagie or an stom bomb. Why do you think im still here laughing and making a fool of everyone??? You people shoukd be less common if you want respect ftom God. Youre like that to justify youre boring weak idiot kifestyles and ghe fact you dont care. Bout anything realky. Toi bysy too stupid. Emma you are a dlave to me. Ill have to write the killer lines you have no backbbone yo really stand up to people. Or youre worried youll lose fans? Your fans arevthe fuckn best! Not a chance.
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nomaishuttle · 2 years ago
im honna take a nap. or welll actually maybe i shouldht. guys should i nap.. i need to go ggrab my check from work at some point before the dinner tonight (which is at 630) and i should get it b4 3 i ws gonna sleep til like 2. but i also need to shower... so naybe i should nap until 12-1 or soemthigjke that
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en-logs · 3 years ago
okokok jsjdis hi, im back with my conclusions(the person who sent the A,B,C,D conclusion points)
ok tbh at first i thought it was tae and wrote a thesis on that but then I read the eps again and wrote this.
in ep2 soon called himself a mfer naybe cuz he was feeling guilty abt being with y/n while being bestie with heeseung.
because in ep4 y/n said she tweet abt a cute boy and hoon tweeted abt someone being obsessed with him, they would be indirectly subtweeting each other
and in the same ep when somi said hoon is cuter y/n said 'don't even think abt it' hmm sus
okok this was the biggest eye opener, in ep6 everyone(including tae) goes clubbing but hoon doesn't, why? not specified. this is like the most suspicious thing ever because when beom texts y/n in the club abt hee being a whore and y/n was with settings now if it was tae or soob it wont be possible cuz they were in the club.
In ep8 when tae ask if he can take y/n out on a date, jay and hee say no but yk who else says no? hoon? why? we get jay and hee as hee likes y/n and jay is interested but why hoon cuz he's with y/n atm
in ep10 hoon says hes seeing someone atm and who is that someone?none other than y/n and when hee said he read the setting username but didn't read the text hoon was curious and ended up saying 'hmm... good for you i mean' vv suspicious
in ep12 beom tells hee that y/n thinks hoon is weird (which she can be lying to remove suspicious) and then when hee says that he's sad that both of them don't know each other and still hoon acts like an ass and beom says 'mhm' is trying to say that he knows something and things aren't how hee sees them and where does hoon even go in the christmas party? my guess is with y/n
in ep13 somi asks y/n if she actually had to hook up with him, who? hoon cuz both of them were lost? in the party
ep14 soob and tae laughing looking at baby clothes? maybe making fun of hoon who knows???
ep16 how did hoon know y/n was on her period when they aren't even close? 'damn all your bitches are always drifting to your homies huh" like djjdidje we know y/ns drifting to you hoon
and with that i conclude my thesis for why i think settings is hoon
Thank you (i feel so big brained rn)
< another > analysis has been submitted !!!!!
it was nice reading this i can't believe there would actually be people analysing the story.. its like my ass is being strapped to a detective but at the same time im so thankful for you guys who actually dissect the series.. i love u
and this ask may help some of those who are wondering who to guess <3 theres nothing right or wrong that i will point out bc it will be told shortly in a few days!
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inessencedevided · 5 years ago
The Untamed, episode 12 - watching notes
It's 1 o'clock and the clocks are being set forward tonight, so I'll have one less hour of sleep but fork it, sleep is for the weak. let's go!
"I'm not gonna bring trouble to our family this time" let's see how long it lasts.
Wwx is so concerned for lwj
"You do look pretty" yeah, fork you and back off
Random thought that has jughjng directly to do with the episode but came about because we have all these clan members lwj ed up so neatly here: I understand that the different clans have a proclivity for certain colours. But wwx, though he was raised by the Jiang clan, clearly doesn't adhere to theirs. So my question: why does he wear black and ret all the time? I did read up on chinese colour symbolism,but it didn't really tell me anything with regard to his character. (Then again, maybe it's just so him and lwj looknextra awesome together, with their opposing colour schemes)
Wen Qing is such an interesting character! Her conflicting motives make her straight up unpredictable
Wwx just spending 90% of his one brain cell on worrying about lwj :D
Lwj and that jin guy: *rebellion through silent non-compliance*; Wwx: "let me show you amateurs how it's done" 😎
And I feel like he specifically recited the lan principles as a tribute
This is a way funnier punishment than I was expecting
Except for Lan Zhan because HIS FORKING LEG IS STILL BROKEN!!!
The real magic on the show is that they keep those white robes clean btw
Lan Zhan's expression is killing me right now
Also, he hasn't said a single word yet for the whole episode. While he is always silent and uses as few words as possible, I feel like one could roughly estimate his emotional state by how silent he gets. (Naybe aside from important conversations where his input is actually required because he has crucial information)
judging by that, he's devastated right now and whi could blame him :'(
I feel like wwx is severely underestimating the situation
Or he is just that reckless
Or both. Probably both.
Holy shit, even injured, lwj steps in front of a whip to protect wwx
I just ... I get so emotional over lan wanji's silent protectiveness?!? He literally hasn't said a single word yet, but he stands in front of wwx to protect him like as unyieldingly as a mountain
Holy... shit. This is the only time I can remember wwx being honest to God terrified? I think? I can't remember any other time.
Shiiit what's in there? 🥺
He looks so vulnerable 😥
And ... It's ... the worst prop I've ever seen
Sorry, before I get to the character stuff ... WTF??? anything would have been better then that animatronic D-grade horror movie monster. Seriously! Get a really huge dog and give him a scary make over! Try (probably mediocre) CGI! Literally ANYTHING but this thing
Wwx's actor truly does his best, but this thing is just a huge distraction from the seriousness of the scene. ANYWAY, moving on ...
Wwx's reaction is definitely abover what one would expect. Quite frankly, it shocked me. The sight of the halloween decoration dog turned him from the cocky, confident wwx we all know into a frightened child within less than a second 😥
I'm sorry, I said I'd move on but, the second scene with the $1 haunted house attractiondog isn't any better 🤦‍♀️ they didn't even TRY to make it not look like a doll
Wen Ning! 🥺🥺🥺
He's just so genuinely good!
This is both painful and really satisfying to the side of me that adores hurt comfort fics. Can lwj please come and rescue him? :D (probably not gonna happen with everything he's got on his plate)
And wwx is as devastated as I felt that cloud recess was attacked :,(
(The clock just sprang from 1 to 3 am, btw. Ugh, I hate daylight-saving-time)
Wwx just realised the extent of lwj's injuries and suffering and I had completely forgotten that he just didn't know before!!
He is saving the medicin for Lan Zhan 😭
There he is, our old witty wwx :') (though I have a feeling by now that his attitude is as much a coping mechanism as anything else)
The episode is almost over and lan Zhan has still not said a word, he just looks close to tears the entire time :'(
Why do the clans let this happen? What authority does the Wen clan have???
Lan Zhsn refuses to read the Wen principles out loud. Again, not a single word from him. He just stands there, closed scroll in hand. My heart cannot take this 😥😥😥
So now they're off as canonfotter
Kan Zhan is killing me this episode!! He's limping (for the first time!!!) And he's still just stoically moving on. Someone hug him please! 😫 (or not high him. Somehow I feel he wouldn't appreciate it)
Minute 41 of the ep, Lzn Zhan just uttered his first word
"Let me carry you." 🥺🥺🥺
Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj
Who am I kidding. It probably won't
@sweetlittlevampire ​ @fandom-glazed ​ @allhailthedramallama ​ @luckymoony ​ @elenirlachlagos (thank you guys for all the replies!!)
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years ago
“Ending the year with a card that starts at 2 and features a makeshift main event”  UFC in South Korea preview
December 15th
Fights: 13
Debuts: Omar Morales
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 3 (Brian Ortega OUT, Frankie Edgar IN vs Korean Zombie/Veronica Macedo OUT, Miranda Granger IN vs Amanda Lemos/Sabino Mazo vs Ji Yeon Kim CANCELLED)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 5 (Korean Zombie, Frankie Edgar, Volkan Oezdemir, Doo Ho Choi, Aleksandar Rakić)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: Dong Hyun Ma, Seung Woo Choi,Marc-André Barriault, Doo Ho Choi
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: Aleksandar Rakic, Matt Schnell, Said Nurmagomedov, Raoni Barcelos, Kyung Ho Kang, Cyril Gane
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 18- 16
Korean Zombie- 2-1 Frankie Edgar- 2-2 Aleksandar Rakic- 4-0 Volkan Oezdemir- 4-3 Doo Ho Choi- 0-1 Charles Jourdain- 0-1 Mike Rodriguez- 1-2 Da Un Jung- 0-1 Marc Andre-Berriault- 0-2 Jun Yong Park- 0-1 Pingyuan Liu- 2-1 Kyung Ho Kang- 3-1
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Featherweight-  3 (64) Bantamweight-  3 (62) Light Heavyweight- 2 (46) Lightweight- 1 (76) Women’s Flyweight-  1 (35) Heavyweight-  1 (40) Middleweight-  1 (50) Flyweight-  1 (17)
Welterweight-  (76) Women’s Bantamweight-  (23) Women’s Strawweight- (30) Women’s Featherweight- (8)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (43-62-1)-
Short Notice Fighters (33-42-2)- Frankie Edgar, Miranda Granger
Second Fight (59-41)- Da Un Jung, Charles Jourdain, Jun Yong Park, Tanner Boser, Suman Mokhtarian, Amanda Lemos, Heili Alateng
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (24-41-1)- Amanda Lemos, Ryan Benoit, Doo Ho Choi, Suman Mokhtarian
Undefeated Fighters (46-41-3)- Ciryl Gane
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (13-11)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (33-27)- Ryan Benoit,  Amanda Lemos
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Let's begin with the obvious and point out that the reason that the UFC keeps coming to places like Mexico, Korea and China is because that they feel like they're one move way from having a champion from that region. From the debut back in 2014 until now, the move to do consistent shows in China was to finally find a way to get what inevitably come out of with Weilli Zhang (and perhaps maybe even Yadong Song in time). They've been grinding away in Mexico to try and found a Mexican champion (Cain was already in the UFC) so far to no avail. You have to assume they figure their odds in Korea were pretty good going into their first foray there. Since that point though it's been pretty rocky with Doo Ho Choi hitting the skids and a group of the women they brought in from South Korea not really clicking either. At this point you have to wonder if the UFC's going to go as far as the Zombie and Choi are able to take them. This entire card feels lika  pseudo rebound attempt for the market as the UFC are pitting a bunch of talented Koreans coming off losses against opponents in worse shape than them outside of the very good main event. So how far off are we from a Korean challenger for a title?
2- Is there anything on this card you'd feel compelled to wake up at 3 am for?
3- Is Frankie Edgar the one guy who in theory is best suited for a short notice fight? His style is basically the same regardless of opposition with a base gameplan that exists regardless of who he's fighting. He may tweak it here or there (more wrestling vs smaller guys, more striking vs slower guys) but Edgar's going to do what he do. The UFC is almost certainly hoping for the Korean Zombie to get a big stylish finish for the home fans and I'm just left to wonder if it's setting itself up for some disappointment. Edgar could absolutely stall out the Korean Zombie enough to escape with ad ecision win.
4-  Worth remembering; the few times Holloway actually threw with conviction vs Edgar, he hurt Frankie pretty badly. We also saw Ortega finish Edgar and Frankie's trademark durability may be on the decline at a time where he's fighting one of the divisions best marksmen. This is not the sort of guy you want to test your chin strength against.
5- Anybody still on the Doo Ho Choi bandwagon or did back to back finishes and two fights in four years get you out of that phase?
6- Volkan Oezdemir vs Aleksandar Rakic is a GREAT fight at 205 lbs. Oezdemir has had a somewhat surprising 2019 after a really bad 2018. H gave Dom Reyes his toughest fight en route to a tough decision loss and then beat the hell out of Ilir Latifi badly. Oezdemir seems to be rediscovering his pop and his pressure game at a time where there's a lot of fluidity at the top of 205 lbs. Aleksandar Rakic came out of nowhere and has morphed from a really good wrestler and patient striker (vs Barroso and Justin Ledet) into a violent fight finisher with insane offensive versatility (vs Devin Clark and Jimi Manuwa). Great proven guy vs prospect fight.
7- If Rakic finishes Oezdemir, where does he go in this LHW clusterfuck?
8- Could anybody tell me who Da Un Jong and Jun Yong Park fought in their last fights? Yes, both dudes fought in the UFC.
9- The plans to run a show in France probably knocks Cyril Gane off of the expected progression path the UFC had for him but maybe that's a good thing since it'll buy him some more time to devleop. He gets reliable Canadian HW veteran Tanner Boser in his third fight in the organization.
10- Dong Hyun Ma vs Omar Morales has big insane fight potential if that sort of thing is your bag. Two wacky strikers who throw a lot of funky shit.
11- Alejandre Pantoja vs Matt Schnell is a great flyweight fight. Give it a good look as Schnell has gone from an 0-2 start in the UFC to winning his last four fights.
12- Suman Mokhtarian may be in the discussion of worst UFC fighters on the roster BUT naybe he's gotten better after being off for a year.
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chrisevansluv · 4 years ago
After much discussion on this topic of follows I've come to the conclusion that there are 2 parts to this:
1. The people he chose to follow - they're all in the HW party scene and maybe people are shocked that CE would be associated with them (especially that Michael guy).
2. CE may or may not have been at an LA party. I think that's the part that some people cannot wrap their heads around. Some people have created this narrative of him that makes him a stay at home dog dad that prefers the peace and quiet of MA (he himself has played into that narrative ofcourse) but it should not come as a shock to anyone that he maybe, just naybe he occasionally goes to parties with the LA types.
It all just depends on the narrative you have created of him in your head and to some, this LA party allegedly doesn't fit their dream version of Chris🤷‍♀️
1- Tbh they all are related to Taika (who knows Chris) so I don't think there's a big shock about that. Actually I was surprised he didn't follow Rita before
2- The discussion, at least on this blog, wasn't about whether he goes to those parties or not and whether that fits the dream version everyone has created. The topic of it all, and I don't understand how some people don't get it still, is that you can't use his ig activity as a GPS tracker because it's not reliable, at all. I think most of us have stated that the chances that he might have gone are the same ones as him not attending it. Because again, the only evidence is 3 follows of people that keep appearing on Taika's and Michael's posts (who Chris follows already), and we don't know what he's been up to. If he did go, hope he had fun and I wish we'd have gotten pics. If he didn't go, I hope he's safe and enjoying himself wherever he is.
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ttkinnie · 7 months ago
Already wrote 7k words and he's still not accepting shit it's really funny to write 😭. Though i dont know what i wanna do with it yet- maybe i could send u the version full of holes that i have (i tend to write scenes in random orders and not finish them) for some ideas 👉👈 ? And yes she would be an alpha! I manage to write top kisaki once in a while but I really can't when it's with hina or takemichi (for the moment, shit always changes with me). I do have sort of a wip of kisahina as teens (hina pov where she's filled with doubts cos michi is a beta and kisaki just presented as an omega- it's kind of shit but I like her pov).
Ur right tho kakucho and mikey are also very similar but what if he was jealous/resentful of Mikey? I'm actually always hesitating when writing kakucho between him following izana without questions and just always being supportive of him (to an unhealthy amount) or more rebellious~not really the word but something like that. Like I love the version of him where izana is just perfect in his eyes and just hurting and if he hurts other people it's not his fault but I also love him as a reluctant participant... I'm not sure. The fic is actually kisaizamai with hankisa endgame (uhhhh I can explain) but it's actually very dead dove if I can use that as an adjective, like rife with violent, abusive relationship and non-con so idk if that's okay with u (it's okay if it isn't of course). It's an au where takemichi was actually mikey's mate, kisaki still killed him (two birds one stone move) but that actually let the dark impulses get completely control of mikey (or he just snapped mental illness style, ur pick). So it's basically a long fic of kisaki losing lmaoo
To go from there to hinakisa yuri 😭 I have diverse tastes hm but they are literally doomed! I could sooo see kisaki trying to secure a place in the world for herself and hinata but she never asked for that, only wanted her friend to stay with her (u hurt me with that sentence -> hinata dies... vampire hinata? Vampire yuri period sex who said that)
I havent played the game unfortunately but ive heard of it, its on switch right ? But wait a min I actually like the dragon idea, like shin sacrificing a sacred dragon (ooh taboo and forbidden, maybe they're going extinct/they're sentient or something) to revive Mikey but ofc dark magic means consequences hence the dark impulses. But also what if the visions takemichi has of the future are actually something related to that- like the spirit of the dead creature speaking to him to fix the wrong that has been done (vocabulary changed to fit the mood). Shin's death was always funny to me with how mundane it was (weird sentence out of context), plus the mixed interests of bajitora trying to do something nice for Mikey and getting bit in the ass is also an interesting nuance. So the searching for a cure is really digging into that!! Something illicit like stealing the bike, naybe the cure is something nobody can touch except royalty, maybe it can cause a big cataclysm if its used. And maybe shin was disoriented after the spell and stumbled out of his tower and bajitora thought he was a guy there to stop there from reaching the cure, a knight they would be ready to kill for their friend?
Yes like what about tenjiku 😭 there are so many of them. I can see him as a bodyguard! Tho I wonder about his connection with shin and the dragon then...
not written with the same characters but
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"kisaki" is homonymous with the japanese word for queen/empress (more specifically: the king/emperor's wife) and idk i feel like there's something to be done with that
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sorcieresque · 8 years ago
clea and daisy and trying to build a friendship out of thin air when you’re either fake or a mess at social interactions while also being high as fuck: The Convo
(please do yourself a favor and install x-kit’s read-more now bc daisy’s theme is unreadable)
Today at 12:45 AM
sorcieresque Do I remind you of your Mother.
bythepowerof4 absolutely ot also this is a little silly daaisy *not
bythepowerof4 haha are you gonna send this to everyone :p
sorcieresque No, I'm asking you. Specifically.
bythepowerof4 ok thats a little weird then but ok
bythepowerof4 no you do not!! my mother is nice and not magical yeah whhat data are u hoping to gather here exactly??
sorcieresque Scientific data. Specifically.
bythepowerof4 lmao sure hit me with ur hypothesis miss daisy also i know i contain multitudes or whatever but 1 is a pisspoor sample size haha
sorcieresque How dare you question my methods.
bythepowerof4 i am taking one whole chemistry class this year how dare you how dare me!!!
sorcieresque How dare you d are me dare you to answer my question.
bythepowerof4 im too tired to tack another how dare on there just imgine i did ok fill in the blanks How are u holding up lmaoo. see ur maneater hobby is going well right now
bythepowerof4 ok wow daisy youre beinng linda gross :// Kinda
sorcieresque It's a joke Humor! Specifically.
bythepowerof4 hahahahaha youre so funny!!!
sorcieresque Thank you, Clea Spacebabe, Specifically
bythepowerof4 dont do that :/
sorcieresque Do what
bythepowerof4 be MEAN and weird for no reason and not even be that good at it its stupidd
sorcieresque He started it by babbling like a toddler about having my meanness all figured out, and besides, he pulled the same move on Tyler the other week God, Clea, it's almost like you're getting soft
bythepowerof4 god daisy its almost like i always was :p
sorcieresque For Men? Specifically? I may have misunderstood something
sorcieresque Grieviously so
bythepowerof4 fuck off oh my god i dont care about him bc hes gross but now YOUREbeing gross so what am i meant to do with that huh huh
sorcieresque I have found through my scientific endeavors that people in this school do not know how to take an vulgar joke We're teenagers for god's sake Get real
bythepowerof4 xactly if they dont know how to take it as a joke that makes it sad and mean like how youre always sad and mean to moire and its not gonna come off like a joke when you keep beating each other hp its gonna come off weird and creepy which it did but if you wanna be weird and creepy cb ur a teenager fine i guess??
sorcieresque That's judgmental of you
bythepowerof4 thats judgmental of you to call me judgmental
bythepowerof4 sorry i dont like, get the appeal of ur hobbies
sorcieresque Taylor and I are not sad and Mean to each other, I'll have you know I got her a twenty thousand dolalr Book that she hates and either way What Tyler and I get up to is not your space babe business So forgive me If I infer that you amy perhaps be Jealous
bythepowerof4 why?? would u infer that???? if youre friends thats good i want you to have lots of friends?????
sorcieresque You seem, as the kids say, Salty
bythepowerof4 daisy no offence but im not very jealous ofthe girl who you punch in the face sometimes and try to humiliate online
sorcieresque Oh Do you actually mean it then That you think I am weird and creepy?
bythepowerof4 hhhhhhhh no
sorcieresque You said it
bythepowerof4 i think youre BEING weird and creepy :(
sorcieresque Do not make me pull reciepts
bythepowerof4 do not make me crytype at u ill do it!! im sorry youre not creepy except for when you try to be you know cause u do that
sorcieresque I wasn't trying to be this time, I was making humorosu statements about People's mother complexes Taylor walked straight into that One Tyler*
sorcieresque [[ actually lets retcon that correction taylor is way funnier
bythepowerof4 i think talking about pples mothers complexes in a weird sexy way is automatically creepy tho
sorcieresque Hence, the humor Whatever, ET You don't get it
bythepowerof4 no i dont glad we cleared that up
bythepowerof4 that sounded rude igore that
sorcieresque Can't and shan't
bythepowerof4 boo
bythepowerof4 i already said sorry right cause i thoght i did but u havent said anything so maybe i made that up
sorcieresque Yes but you're just sorry you have hurt my delicate sensibilities,  not that you think I'm weird That's un-takeback-able Grievously so
bythepowerof4 Being Weird thats a different thing???
bythepowerof4 i mean sure naybe i am a little jealous bc apparently beating u up is takebackable but saying one wrong thing isnt that seems about right huh u dont even care abut my delicate sensibilities daisy u dont get to be picky about this when im sorry which i very totally sm ):
sorcieresque I like when Tyler beats me up Wording Terrible wording
sorcieresque I encourage Tyler to beat me up for I do the same to her and so we are Even When have I ever not cared about your delicate sensibilities except for the thievery, the unkindness, the coy filirting and hot and coldness, the attempt to use you as a hitman, and the backahanded mockery of your interest
bythepowerof4 thats not funny :/
sorcieresque Of which I do not longer have done to you I'm a different person now than I was a month aho
sorcieresque None of the things I type are coming out the way I want them to sound which would fundamentally reapir the fragile emergence of our tentaitvie friendship
bythepowerof4 i mean accetping my apology might have worked Or giving, one, but u know go with ur gut be ur authentic self or whatever
sorcieresque Now who's being mean
bythepowerof4 nlehhhhhhh. Fine. its me i mean no bc im trying to be nice but ur not letting me !!
sorcieresque How so
bythepowerof4 like i said sorry and you said you didnt believe me thats not fair bc it was true?? and then ur talking about our budding friendship like you actually care abt it and IM the bad guy ):
sorcieresque Making friends is so hard
bythepowerof4 Nnot normally sometimes
sorcieresque I know I'm abnormal
sorcieresque It's generally frowned upont to point it out I had hoped You specifically
bythepowerof4 thats not what i meant dont do that ):
sorcieresque Wouldn't find it offputtin
bythepowerof4 ???? wouldnt find what offputtin
sorcieresque My glaring abnormality I'm too high for this
bythepowerof4 im not a jerk why do u think im a jerk and if u WERNT high ud be too sober for this and not talk about anything duh
bythepowerof4 i, am an open book, always
sorcieresque Oh are you Spacebabe then why won't you answer my question about yout Momther
bythepowerof4 "no you do not!! my mother is not magical yeah"
bythepowerof4 i didnt realise you wanted an essay lmoa
sorcieresque It was a scheme! A sly plan! To get to know you! You fool! You moron!
bythepowerof4 oh
bythepowerof4 i dont always get that stuff im sorry also i was told several times that you never try to get to know people and its all on me all the time and i was dumb and believed that so uh. Didnt occur to me igues
sorcieresque Well that's true but I am trying new things New school new me
sorcieresque Why are you out there
bythepowerof4 i like the view. scary forest full of things that would kill me, very comforting
sorcieresque It's only scary if you let them scare you Give me a moment
sorcieresque [Maybe five minutes later Daisy gets up with far more difficulty than she would otherwise, and stumbles out onto the porch. She hears rather than sees Clea crying, and she isn't sure what pushes her to do it, but instead of continuing the argument in person she simply lies her head on Clea's lap and continues blogging on her phone.]
bythepowerof4 [daisy's head on their lap prompts a fresh ugly sob, and they try to wipe away the snot before it drips onto her hair. gross. they let her blog in peace for a while, feeling even more like the bad guy - maybe five more minutes, till they can't help but ask.] is nick mad at me too??
sorcieresque [Daisy shrugs widely, her words low and dragged out.] Maybe. I'll ask him not to be, [she says, as if that would solve everything and who knows: Maybe it would. They work in mysterious ways.] Do not call me weird again.
bythepowerof4 [they squint down at her, sniffling in a way they hope isn't too pathetic. they feel like she's closed off again, but take it as a peace offering.] thanks. i won't.
bythepowerof4 [they can't come up with a counter demand; the conversation must have been pretty one sided. they settle for leaning back on their arms, sobs dried up.]
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merydenrr · 8 years ago
Maybe, just maybe thats why she said "nothing" when asked about it. Prolly slipped it on the left hand because she wanted attention but not to be called on it? I maintain that KO was being a sarcastic asshole with his comment toward her lol. Both guys may have wanted to catch her in a lie, naybe not so much Dolph but KO I could see being a little shit like that lol.
I honestly think we should stop the excuses and call a spade a spade. Renee leaked it herself. If this is a farce than she just put it on her left hand.
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