#maybe like divine cousins?
puppetwoman17 · 7 months
Okay so I love all of the cap identity reveal stories. Obviously. The anticipation of the reactions, the fact that someone they’ve known for so long, someone they’ve fought with and laughed with and cried with, is not even half their age…
But what if they NEVER found out? Cap’s identity, I mean.
I don’t mean life just continues on with Billy leading his separate lives. It’s more like(this next part is so fucking drastic lol) the league thinks cap is dead and suffer with the hole he left behind, only to somehow find out he’s alive, and to add fuel to the fire, he’s a young radio host in Fawcett.
The JL( and other heroes if you want) are fighting a being with incredibly powerful magic. I’m not good with the specifics, but it lines up with someone like Lady Blaze. The YJ team are acting as reconnaissance and backup. Everyone’s doing their part, including Cap.
But then something goes wrong. A miscalculation is all it takes for the fight to spin in the villain’s favor. Magic is a fickle thing. One wrong move, and sparks will fly with reckless abandon.
The fight is nearing an end, and it’s clear that almost all the heroes have been rendered useless. They’re either limping up to go again, or unconscious from the strain.
Everyone but Captain Marvel, that is.
To bring an end to the fight, Cap unleashes a powerful stream of magic, something no one has ever seen him pull off. It seems to zap everything out of him. The next thing you know he’s falling, his body slowly disintegrating. He makes it to the floor and smiles at the other heroes, all of whom are crying their hearts out as gold dust replaces him, for divine beings have no blood.
Billy, on the other hand, is fucking pissed. Apparently, Shazam created a failsafe in case something like this happens. He wakes up in the rock, unable to transform. His magic is still there, and with Solomon’s help he learns that his champion form will return after a couple years. For now, he needs to rest his reservoir.
Now, you’d think he would go tell the league, right?
But he’s not so little anymore, and he now knows that him being younger won’t be the only issue. Younger him was only worried about that little tidbit, but in truth, there was no guarantee they would let him stay if they knew he’d been lying so much. If he’d been able to keep his age a secret for so long, what else could he be hiding?
It’s not something he wants to do. The League, the YJ team, the Titans, they’ve all become like a family to him, despite almost all of them(barring the magic heroes) not knowing who he is. But he can’t risk being watched by parental hawks whenever he’s doing his champion work as Billy. He can’t risk them learning about his… circumstances. His crappy uncle, his annoying cousin, his(an oc I created for this post specifically but dw he’s not that important) crooked cop of a younger-older cousin. His living situation, his previous state of malnutrition, and all of his responsibilities. What a nightmare that would be, explaining all of that.
Also, he tries not to sound too cocky in his head, but he’s fairly sure at least a little less than half of the JL would kill for him. Or at least they’d beat someone to a pulp, which is still a pretty big deal.
So, he washes his hands of the JL and the sub teams and handles his champion work(bar fighting now cause his other body needs to regenerate) in his civilian form. It helps that the magic community, all sides of the spectrum, collectively decide not to tell the other heroes that their Champion is alive. They can get really annoying when it comes to their Boy Scout 🙄.
Plot, plot, plot happens. I’m thinking maybe Whiz gets an opportunity to interview JL members and they send their best reporter for the job. Or maybe something happens on the magic spectrum that brings them closer to Billy. Either way, the JL finds out Cap’s identity without Billy knowing and they are PISSED.
Billy has to deal with countless vigilantes, heroes, and teams lounging on his couch trying to goad him into revealing who he is. Either that r they follow him throughout Fawcett. Some people are angry with him, like Conner or either of the Roys. They try to make him angry. They want to see the real Cap, the real Billy(which is stupid cause of course cap isnt a fake persona but they’re too mad to realize).
Others feel betrayed, like Artemis and Wally(I refuse to acknowledge his death). Cap was a best man at the wedding and they really started to look to him as a sort of father figure. In fact, all the younger heroes love how he stood up for them and validated their feelings. To know that so much of their worries were being shouldered by someone who was years younger than them…
And the JL is worse off too. Their coworker, who they trusted and cared for, had been living alone since he was a child. Having to save for scraps until he finally got a home of his own.
The magic users are practically waiting for Billy to blow a fuse at everyone either fussing over him, attempting to make him mad, or following him whenever they felt the need. Mary’s laughing her ass off and Freddy’s smirking because now he can say “I told you so”. Shazam’s shaking his head because he told his damn protege that the champion doesn’t DO teams, but look where they are now.
Teth is honestly ecstatic. Comes to the next higher ups meeting and laughs in Billy’s face.
And Billy? Billy at least hopes he can make some money off of this: Okay but if I let you stay on my couch for the next three hours, that’s gonna cost you.
No no, I’ll let you follow me, but only if you do this one interview.
Maybe just stop trying to make me mad and just talk to me? Like I get you have issues but I already have a shit load of that so…
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redheadspark · 4 months
Summary - Azriel and his mate find each other again during alone time
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Warnings - SMUT! SMUT SMUT SMUT!! Although a bit mild, there is smut in this, no minors allowed from here on out!
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series. A little smut piece for Azriel and the Reader to enjoy together! I hope you like it!
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"I don't like how quiet it is,"
"I knew you were going to miss him as soon as we dropped him off with Cassian and Nesta,"
"I wasn't going to say anything and ruin the mood,"
Azriel barked a laugh, walking over to the fireplace to feed fresh logs into the fire, across from the loveseat where you were already sitting. Watching Azriel feed the fire and let the flame rise a bit, bringing warmth into your little home, made you relax all the more as the early evening was getting darker outside. 
Both you and Azriel had the evening to yourself, Alec having a sleepover at The House of Wind with his Uncle Cassian, Aunt Nesta, and Cousin Rose. Rose was big enough for Alec to play with her, thinking she was so fun to run around with and play with for hours on end. Cassian reassured you and Azriel that Alec would have the best time with his relatives, promising to teach him how to sword fight and do flips in the air with his wings.
The latter Azriel shot down real quick, but he was happy to let his son go for the night,
Plus, you can tell Azriel wanted to have some time with you and only you. Since you finally healed all the way through from being near close to death, you were simply trying to go back to a normal life. Though normalcy was not going to be in your life anytime soon because of recent events: Eris was still on the run with no leads as to where he was, Autumn Court's alliance with Night Court was shaky because of Eris. 
With all of this happening, you were worried about Azriel. No one told you, but you caught onto the fact that Azriel had a personal target on Eris. He was too strung out, too tight in his backside and his stance, and there was no sign of him being relaxed anytime soon. You understood why, but you also didn't wish for him to be wound tight like a tot.  Even feeling the bond and how he was not even relaxed for one moment. Stiff, a bit rigid, and you hoped you could find a way to get him to relax and unwind. 
Maybe it was perfect timing that you two were alone at your home.
Azriel stood back up, looking at his handiwork in the fireplace and the roaring fire that was now active. You stayed in your spot on the loveseat, your head slightly cocked to the side as you were looking at your mate with adoration and love in your eyes. For the last week and a few days, Azriel nursed you back to health and made sure all of your needs were met. Applying the ointment to your wound, delivering your food to the bed you were resting in, traveling back and forth between the River House and your cottage to get you books and some of your cross stitching when he noticed you were getting bored. Mor joked that he was becoming more of a wet nurse than a Spymaster. Azriel never cared, he was more focused on helping you get back to health and making sure you were 100% better. 
With a nasty sliver of a scare along your wing, you finally were able to leave River House behind and head home. But even when you did make it home and were given permission to be mobile, thanks to Madja, Azriel still was on edge. Rightfully so, you couldn't tell him to calm down because the threat that almost killed you was still out there somewhere in Prythian.  You weren't simply wanting Azriel to go back to the leisurely being he was before, but you wanted that light back in him.
"You're quite good at that, my love," You teased, seeing that smile on his face and the reflection of the fire dancing along his cheeks and nose. He looked back at you, his silhouette against the orange tint of the fire would look daunting to others. But not to you, not when he was walking back over to you and lowered himself on the loveseat to be shoulder to shoulder with you. His wings touched yours, making him look over at your wigs that were tucked against your backside.  Reachingup, he grazed his finger along the scar that was still fresh. You shivered from the touch, your wing was a pinch more sensitive thanks to the scar.
"It's healing well," Azriel stated, his voice calm as he was looking at the wing with intrigue. You weren't paying attention to your wing and its sensitivity, you were focusing on your mate. Watching his hazel eyes dancing along your wing, the smoothness of his cheeks after a recent shave, even the soft smile he had made you feel at peace. 
"Thanks to Madja, and you," You replied, Azriel's fingers that were hovering over your scars moved away from your wing swiftly. He moved his hand over to rest in his lap, though you were faster, and took his hand in yours to cradle it. Azrielwatched, you simply lacing the fingers together and smiling at him. Maybe it moved him a bit, seeing how relaxed and calm you were with him since you both were alone. You had plenty of things to say to him but had no idea where to start. Azriel must have sensed your quietness, he looked at you in concern as he squeezed your fingers together.
"Sweetheart?" He asked tentatively, he was searching your face as you were looking down at your joined hands. You are overwhelmed in that moment, being able to be back home at your home, healthy, and able to share this moment with your husband and mate. It made you want to cry, but something was holding you back from bringing on tears. Azriel reached over with his spare hand, placing a finger under your chin to gently raise your gaze to him. All you could do was smile, Azriel was about to say something else when you finally spoke.
"I'm happy," You explained to him as he was searching your eyes. You might have sounded odd to say that since you were on the verge of crying, but Azriel said nothing and simply watched you as you kept talking, "I'm happy that I'm here, and I have you to thank,"
Your voice sounded broken, yet you were smiling as if nothing was wrong. Nothing was wrong, you were in good health and you had your family with you. Maybe you were thinking back to that moment when you woke up in River House, in insane pain, and Azriel perched over you like a guardian angel of sorts. 
Even with the pain, the near close to death, seeing Azriel gaze at you with so much devotion and love in his eyes was enough to bring you back again. You thought for a split second in the bed that you were in a dream, or that you died and were now in some kind of afterlife with Azriel waiting for you. 
But he did more than that, he brought you back to reality. 
Azriel gently grazed your cheek with a singular finger, catching the one tear that was about to spill over, and smiled lovingly at you, "You never have to thank me for loving you with all of me,"
He made it seem so light, so simple, even freeing. He rarely expressed his feelings to others, even with you though you two have been together for centuries. It was the very simple moments that were sprinkled with love and gentleness, youloved those moments since they showed an intimate side of Azriel that he rarely brought into light. 
"There was nothing in all of Prythian that would stop me from having you in my life, sweetheart," He explained, thefinger that traced your cheek was now curling around your jaw, his palm against your jawline and the touch alone was a shocking sensation to you as he searched your eyes with his soft smile and his bright eyes, "I've told you this before and I mean it when I say it: You make my life so much better. I can't picture going on in this life without you in it,"
It moved you to hear that from him, even though you've heard it say many times from him during your long span of a relationship and courtship. Even back when you two met so long ago as teenagers, fresh in your adoration and love for one another, Azriel poured out his love for you and was willing to give you his heart. He did, to which you took it delicately in your own hands and swore to never break.
You haven't broken it yet, hundreds of years and a son later.
You leaned up and kissed him, starting it soft and sweet as he leaned into your touch. His fingers still against your jawwere delicate for you to feel while he kissed you back and snuggled a bit closer to him.  Something about kissing Azriel in that moment, alone in your small living room away from the rest of the world, made you feel a like of fire in your belly.You knew this feeling, you've felt it so many times before in the throws of intimacy and passion. 
But this time, it felt so slow and like a crawling passion.  Nothing rushed the pair of you as the kisses continued, your fingers both digging into his hair and the soft shirt that he decided to wear that night. His own hands and fingers were moving as well, the hand along your jaw was still gentle but was holding you in a possessive manner.  His other hand was slowly inching up along your arm, sending you shivers and chills that you felt all along your skin and even under it as well.
It felt like you were young again, young and pent up with these losing feelings for one another as the kisses were slowly evolving and growing. Azriel never strayed in his affection towards you, his body curled over to you while you two were getting impossibly close and still kissing one another. Now it was passionate, that fire in your belly was only growing stronger as you felt Azriel trace your lower lip with his tongue.  Barely a graze along your lip with the very tip of his tongue.
You whimpered, moving without realizing it and you were now straddling him.
Something inside the both of you clicked open, like a tight chest that was locked down for so long and now finally free. Azriel tilts his head up to kiss you soundly and wrap his arms around you softly. Your fingers were in his hair, tugging at him slightly as your head tilted to the side to feel him kiss you deeply. Nothing else was in your mind as Azriel was touching you, kissing you, making you feel so whole and alive again. Even after being with him for centuries and with a very healthy sex life, this time it felt different. It felt deep, It felt complete.
It felt alive. 
His fingers were now under your shirt, pushing up your shirt to be under your armpits to give you a chill along your soft stomach and backside.  You huffed, throwing it off within a second and diving back to kiss Azriel and framing his face in your hands. He smiled against your lips, you feeling his skin skim along your stomach and hips while your fingers were not moving down to the collar of his shirt to give it a gentle tug. Azriel laughed against your mouth as you tugged it again.
"Impatient little thing, are you?" He teased against your lips, though you silenced him with one massive kiss, your own tongue then licking into his mouth. He groaned, you having a small smirk as you were needing to lean back but Azriel was chasing after your lips. But you placed space between yourself and him, a hand on his chest and seeing his dilated eyes watching you like you were prey to him, His chest heaving, his lips plump and dark, and the flushness in his cheeks. He might have looked like a wreck to anyone else.
But to you, he was angelic.
"Who's impatient now?" You challenged back to him.  He grinned, a predatory-like grin etched on his gorgeous face as he then grabbed the collar of his own shirt and yanked it off. You watched as it fell to the ground, Azriel seeing it too as he broke out into a laugh.
"Thank The Cauldron these shirts are Illyrian friendly," He said in a snort, you giggling as well as you saw your shirt crumbled next to his.  Having this small moment to laugh, even when you both were shirtless and in a compromising position, was a sweet reminder of how you two were so in love with one another. The centuries of having one another,and learning from one another, all lead to a fulfilling life. Nothing felt bland or out of place, you still had those butterflies in your chest when you had these moments with him. 
You both took in a breath together, looking at one another with big grins on your faces as Azriel finally dived back in to kiss you. The heat was still there, no throes of passion but still active enough to have Azriel place his hands along your backside to touch your bra and the latches behind it. You were feeling so good all over, the heat was getting bigger in your stomach as you nodded against his lips.
"Please," You said along his lips, Azriel groaning in approval as his fingers were skillfully taking off the bra straps and letting your bra slip to the ground. His hands immediately moved, cupped your breasts as you moaned against his lips and curled into him more. The feel of his calloused palms against your soft skin, you feeling your nipples hardening immediately from his touch, it was a weakness for you that your mate knew far too well.
You could even feel your core reacting to this, shockwaves under your skin were felt like Azriel moved his lips along your lips and then to your jawline and then your neck. You clung onto him with one hand, your other moving down to undo the buttons of his pants. 
"Let's go to our bed…" You felt Azriel hum against your neck, making you shiver from his lips along your sensitive skin. But you shook your head rapidly, not wishing to lose this momentum or this drive that was building.  You popped the one button open skillfully with your fingers, and the sound alone was heard by both of you.
"No," you said hotly, feeling him lean back and look up at you while his hands were still cupping your breasts delicately. You saw that fire in his eyes alone just in the way he was watching you with desire etched all over his face. You took in a long inhale, almost feeling powerful to have the Spymaster himself bend to your will.
So you leaned down, nuzzling his nose against your own and looking at him directly in the eyes.
"I want you, here and now, on this couch," You instructed him.
You've never seen him cave so fast and so willingly.
You both moved elegantly, knowing this dance far too well as you both helped strip each other's clothes off while remaining close to one another. Like magnets, unwilling to be too far apart as you both were now bare and holding onto each other.  In this little home that was your safe space, a space you two built up and kept strong for years on end, your love was blossoming all over again. Feeling his lips descending to your breast, kissing one breast with delicacy and yet with fire while his other hand took care of the other breast with ease. You were too far gone in the lust and sensations of his mouth and hands on you to notice Azriel's own shadows licking along your skin, making the lust come out all the more. You had to give him credit, he knew how to use all his tools to his advantage. 
Moans and sounds of passion filled your little home as Azriel sunk into you, you both holding onto each other so closely as he finally sunk into you.  It always took your breath away, how he both stretched you to your limit and yet made it feel so perfect and so right. So many times in the past you thought how perfect he felt inside of you, snug against your walls and hitting the right spots within you that made you see and feel stars. You felt it again that moment, his cock fitting you so perfectly that you felt like you two were made for one another. It made you speechless for a moment, frozen in his lap as he was watching your reaction. No matter that you couldn't find the words or put together a sentence, you were feeling everything and everywhere. 
You had no idea what Azriel was thinking at that moment, watching up be speechless as he was buried deep inside of you. He was feeling that sensation as well, pure lust and euphoria rolled into one. Nothing else could feel this amazing, this close to heaven or any kind of heaven, and it all came from you.  Your shining eyes, your tender heart, and yourwillingness to love him for all he was and for all his flaws. But the physical love he felt for you heightened all the more.
But seeing you bare, eyes lusted over in bliss and love with your head tilted back and looking up at the ceiling, chest heaving, and your hair cascading down your back, Azriel was in love all over again.
"Mother Above," He said in a breath, almost sounding winded himself from the sight of you. If he were to die in that moment, he would die a happy being and have no shame in it. You opened your eyes, hearing him and looking at you with your breath barely on your lips. He smiled the rare smile that made you think he hung the moon. He uttered one word, a word that he would use to always describe you and his love for you:
From that moment on, you both moved so softly and carefully yet filled with passion and possession simultaneously. Youwere inwardly thankful that your home was tucked away from anyone else, giving you all the privacy to fully enjoy this moment with your mate as he rolled his hips deeply and almost in a feral manner. You were letting him, having the experience know that this wasn't going to be anything typical. Your sex life with Azriel was never typical: it was always driven to ecstasy. Somehow, this time seemed deeper.  Being on the couch in front of a roaring fire, the sounds of bothyourself and Azriel enjoying one another as you rode him carefully with his arms around you, it all felt like an out-of-body experience.
As you were getting close and closer to your peak, you were closing your eyes and leaning against Azriel as you were feeling every sensation: his cock hitting your sweet spot inside of you with every roll of his hips, his hands roaming along your sweaty skin, his lips brushing along your neck. Even hearing him moan and grunt, the pure love and lust he was feeling too while he pleasing you, was making you get closer to the edge as well.  You both were feeding off each other, a tactic you both have done for years and years.
I love you, Cauldron I love you so much. I can feel you….mph….everywhere! You hear in your mind through the bond,that his voice was sounding raw and emotional as you were moving hotly in his ear. You felt wrecked, emotionally and lustfully as you were attempting to connect words to make a thought or two. But he was fucking you so good, drilling into you to the point that you were losing your breath once or twice. 
Right there Az….fuck…right there! Please…please fill me up. You moaned through the bond to him, the rational side was slipping away and something else was taking over. Something that you could only show to your mate when you were in the throws of pleasure. Perhaps you weren't thinking about it too much, but Azriel let out a gutted moan. Something you never heard in a long time, such a long time. It made you open your eyes briefly, looking down at your mate and seeing the wrecked look on his face.  So disheveled, and yet beyond gorgeous to you as he kept rolling his hips over and over to not stop the momentum. 
You knew then that a new side of Azriel took over. 
Say that again! He pleaded in the bond, his eyes slammed shut as you heard his pleading tone in your mind. You were confused at first, not knowing what he was talking about while you were petting his hair and still staying so close to him. He said nothing at first, just grunting with every thrust he was giving, but you were moving your fingers then from your face over to the top of his wings, being dangerously close to running your fingers along the membrane to throw him off.
Say what, baby? You asked him, almost sounding a bit smug about it while you tried to hold back from touching his wing. Just seeing his face alone was enough to make you want to crumble and fall to pieces, your pleasure getting at an all-time high and about to tumble over. But you still had the one last piece of resistance, of control, to hold back until you knew Azriel was going to tumble over with you. 
To…oh fuck….to fill….fill you up. He confessed, having you smile widely in pleasure flowing through you so quickly to take over your entire body. Hearing that from your mate, from a Shadowsinger and feared Illyrian throughout all of Prythian and even beyond, stunned you.  He was putty in your hands, and the way he was shaking and whimpering against your skin, you knew he was close. Beyond close, and all he needed was a push.
With a brush of your fingers along his wing, you whispered against his ear, "Make me fucking full,"
He roared, orgasming and emptying himself into you in such a force that it made you cry out and orgasm as well.
The orgasm alone was enough to make your head swim and your skin crawl in the best way possible. The pleasure alone, mixed in with the lust and love that you had for one another was now filling the room as your body was riding through each moment that felt like a lifetime. Azriel clung onto you as he was shaking, still riding his own high as you felt like you were going through it in slow motion.  From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, it was all there. You felt out of your body for a split second, floating in the air right above your home and embracing the air.
You were floating back down to the ground again, back onto that couch where you felt boneless in the arms of your mate, who was still shaking himself and feeling just as exhausted as you were. Both of your shared labored breaths, you blinking slowly as the white-hot pleasure that once soared through you was now a Luke warm, a soothing warm. Azriel'sscarred but beautiful fingers were dancing along your bare back, his face dug into your neck and sounding breathless and exhausted. Yet you felt a smile along your skin, you grinning as your face was against his head.
"That's….that's a first," You commented in a gasp. Azriel laughed, sounding so light after giving you an earth-shattering orgasm, "Never took you to like something like that, sweetheart,"
"You bring out the side of me that I never knew I had," Azriel confessed, having you giggle in a shy manner as you finally pulled back a bit to look at a blissed-out Azriel. You loved this look, the look of bliss and pure happiness that could only come from something like this. You were feeling it too, the sense of being the only two beings in the world and everything else ceasing to exist. And having Azriel cradle you close in his embrace, almost shielding you from the outside world and keeping this small bubble of bliss intact.
"You know, the last time we were in a position like this….I got pregnant with Alec," You explained to him as you reached down and ruffled his sweaty hair. He lit up a bit from the memory, you thinking about it too that fateful night when you two were in the deep throws of pleasure together in your bed. It was in the same manner too, you being in his lap and cock buried so deep side of it that you felt every moment and the insane pleasure that he experienced. That memory alone was vibrant in your mind, Azriel leaning up and perhaps reading your mind through the bond, you feeling his flicker of joy over and over as he spoke up again.
"Are you suggesting that we have had a repeat of that fateful night?" He asked, almost in a tease as he saw you blush. Youwere about to hide your face from him, moving your eyes away from him. However, he was faster in catching your jaw with his fingers and making sure you were facing him again. You felt the butterflies in your stomach as he kissed you sweetly. This kind of intimacy, this kind of love, it was something others around dream to at least experience once. Youhad it for centuries, years of building it up together and making it as strong as it was. 
As Azriel pulled away from your lips, he still kept his smile and his loving gaze on you as he searched your eyes.
"If we did, then I am all the more happy for It," You whispered, your heart beating out of your chest. You were thinking in the back of your mind that maybe down the road, sooner or later, another little one would be in your family. It was never a topic you or Azriel spoke about, but then again it wasn't closed either. Life with Alec was beyond a blessing, unlocking a part of your heart and soul you never thought you would have in this lifetime. A child that was the perfect mix of you and your mate, was all you've ever wanted and more.  And thinking of another child, another perfect child that you and Azriel would guide in the world.
It was so tempting.
"I think a shower is in order," Azriel hummed, carefully slipping out of you and you shifting a bit uncomfortably. But he moved swiftly, he picked you up bridal style, you laughing as your arms were around his neck and he stood up. You both were naked and yet ecstatic, Azriel carrying you over to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom as you leaned your head on his shoulder. 
The flickering dream of perhaps another child in your family was still in the back of your mind. 
The End.
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup @alwayshave-faith
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cumikering · 9 months
Neighbour Keegan Russ x reader
3.4k | fluff Fake dating on Christmas but wishing it wasn’t. Hey, where did the rest of the wine go?
“Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Keegan turned to you standing at the door of the laundry room.
He chuckled. “Likewise. Seems like everyone’s already gone for the holidays.”
“You’re not going home?”
He shook his head. “My break’s too short to make it worth the trip. You?”
“I’m flaking.” You tipped your basket into the machine next to him. “I’m gonna say I’m sick.”
“Oh, why?”
“My cousin’s family is hosting. She’s not my favourite.”
He laughed. “What’s your beef with her?”
“She’s such a show-off, won’t stop talking about her boyfriend and the fancy gifts she’s getting.” You inserted the coins into the machine with more force than needed. “And I think it’s finally getting to my mum, because she’s asking about my relationship status.”
“Well, if you need company…” he said, trying to not sound too hopeful. I’d love to spend some time with you.
You turned to him, brow raised. “Wait, you mean, you want to come with? Be my plus one?”
“That wasn’t- well, yeah. I can do that.” He shrugged. “If you want.”
This wasn’t the direction he was heading for. He was going to offer to spend Christmas together, maybe exchange gifts, but he surely wasn’t going to take that back. Anything for a chance with you.
He always enjoyed seeing your face brighten like that, despite never getting the chance to see it enough. When you moved in down the hall a few months back, he’d always found you cute, even managed to exchange numbers ‘in case you need anything’. But between deployments, he was lucky to even catch a glimpse of you once a week, leaving any possible advances towards you simply a fantasy to him.
But the opportunity presented itself that late Sunday morning and he wasn’t going to let it go.
“I don’t mind. Spending Christmas alone is depressing anyway.” He smiled. “What do I need? Wine, gifts?”
You shook your head. “Just show up, that’s all.”
“I just need to look good?” he teased.
You laughed. “I didn’t want to put it that way.”
“That’s alright. I know my place. You’re welcome to dress me up.”
“Okay.” You looked down at your basket. “I’ll text you when I get the details. See you next week.” And with that, you left, avoiding his gaze.
He was out of practice, but was he that out of practice that he came on too strong and scared you? He certainly didn’t mean to make it suggestive. This was going to end before it even started. He grimaced to himself.
This fake dating shenanigan was never going to work if you could barely look at your ‘boyfriend’. Dress him up? That time you saw Keegan on a run shirtless out your window you had to sit down.
But he was casual about the offer. Obviously it meant nothing to him, just something to do for the holidays - anything was better than celebrating alone. You didn’t have to make it weird.
It was just a lunch.
So when he asked if you wanted to have dinner at his place on the 24th, you didn’t know if you were supposed to be excited or not. But surely he was just being nice. He was nice.
He didn’t speak much (you wished he did though because his voice was divine), but he was always nice ever since you moved in, telling you to not hesitate to text if you needed anything. You knew he meant it, but between his tours, he was still a busy man you didn’t want to bother. Instead, you delivered home cooked meals after each deployment.
Maybe he was trying to return the favour.
When you said yes, well, Keegan couldn’t contain his excitement. He made a run to the fancy supermarket after work. He’d been told that women liked guys who cooked and he wasn’t horrible at it. It was his time to shine.
He welcomed you to his apartment with a smile. He hoped you didn’t judge the state of his kitchen too much. He had underestimated the effort required for said dinner, but the way you lit up made it all worth it.
“Would you like some wine?”
“No, thanks. I don’t really drink.”
He sat down, the dishes across the table. “Well, then your family is getting two bottles.”
“Please, you didn’t have to.”
“Are you sure I don’t have to try to impress them?” Isn’t that what boyfriends do?
“You’re doing more than enough coming tomorrow. My mum’s going to like you too much.” You let out a small laugh.
You too, I hope. He helped you to a serving of potato gratin. “I really don’t mind.”
“This is delicious. I didn’t know you’re such a great cook,” you said after a bite.
He smiled proudly. You didn’t need to know he persuaded (or coerced, who knows) the cook at base to coach him for the night.
Your eyes flicked back onto your plate, but his remained on you. You were a pleasure to look at, and the fact that you were there in his apartment, letting him cook dinner for you, made him chew on his lip.
Having usually only met in passing, he finally had the chance to ask more about you. And you smiled again when you talked about what you liked doing for fun, the passion oozing out of you. He could listen to you all night.
He wished he had dessert as a reason to keep you longer, but the conversation moved to the couch after you helped him clean up. He breathed a small sigh of relief, feeling like a boy clueless on how to keep their crush’s attention.
“What are you wearing tomorrow? I’ll pick something that goes with you.” He figured he was too bold the other day with his statement.
“Actually, if you don’t mind, I might as well pick your outfit while I’m here.”
Well, he didn’t expect that.
Keegan sat on his bed as you went through his wardrobe. How cheesy would it be if he were to pull out his guitar and serenade you? He, too, was told the ladies liked men who played the guitar. Why do you think he picked it up in high school?
“I can’t pick between these two.” You held up a maroon sweater and a dark green button down.
“I probably I shouldn’t be offering after such a huge dinner, but do you need me to put them on to see?”
You looked at him with a little glint in your eye as you laid the clothes next to him. “If you insist.”
Oh, he loved making you smile.
It was adorable how you quickly everted your gaze when he took his shirt off (he was hoping you’d look), but at least he enjoyed the attention you gave him when he was in said tops. You settled on the sweater and black jeans before excusing yourself for the night.
“We don’t need to take a cab tomorrow,” he said at your door. “I haven’t driven anyone in a civilian setting in a long time, but I can drive us.”
You laughed. “I can’t even begin to guess why you feel the need to tell me this, but I am not reassured at all.”
“People at work think I’m a bad driver, but I’ve never been in any accident.” He placed a hand over his chest. “I promise to keep you safe.”
���You better.”
The next morning, as your (self-proclaimed) arm-candy for the day, Keegan did way more push ups than he needed to. He also managed to retrieve the cologne he hadn’t seen in at least a year. He’d made it his mission to make sure taking him to your family was worth your while.
He fussed with the car audio. “Would you like any music?”
“I thought the etiquette is the driver gets to pick.” You strapped yourself in, the belt snug against your dark green top.
“Fair enough,” he said with an amused smile. He pulled off the lot as the familiar intro to Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High played.
“Oh, I like this song!”
“Sing with me.” He turned up the volume.
The both of you sang wholeheartedly, and he knew he shouldn’t be looking, but he had to see the smile on your face. You were rather quiet in the short interactions you had, but you’d opened up the night before, allowing your playful personality to shine. You were a steady stream of glee that didn’t drain him and he couldn’t get enough.
He should have made his move much sooner.
“You wanna tell me about your cousin’s infamous boyfriend?”
“They started dating in the summer. Bella couldn’t shut up about how he went to Ivy League and got his masters, how much he’s making and his fancy vacations.” You chuckled. “Well, the first time we met, she dropped her very expensive earring at the restaurant. The three of us looked for it under the table and then he said ‘threesome’ under his breath.”
Keegan bellowed a laugh, looking over to you. “What the hell?”
“I wish I was joking.” You shook your head. “I don’t think he intended to say it out loud because when I turned to him, he looked like he was about to piss himself. He never looked me in the eye the rest of the day.”
He stifled last of his laughs. “If I were him I’d have left. Forever.”
“She’s always smiling with him so I’m happy for her too, but he’s definitely not as cool as she painted him to be.”
“Wait, that’s who I’m up against? I don’t stand a chance. I should have got a fancier gift than wine.”
“I didn’t want to compare, but you’re the far better company. Far better looking too.”
He didn’t have to look at you to tell you were smiling. He hoped you meant that.
“So I have to stare at you a bit to sell it, right?”
You laughed. “Well, you don’t have to.”
“What if I can’t help it?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to stare back.”
“Should I- can I hold your hand?” He was glad he didn’t have to look at you because he wouldn’t dare to ask otherwise.
When you placed a hand on his forearm, he gripped it against his thigh. His heart raced.
And yours now too.
Keegan went far beyond the extra mile for this silly lunch, and what for? It only made it hard to dilute your hopefulness that this meant the slightest bit more than nothing.
A sliver of dread crept up. If your mum liked him too much, and you knew she would, she’d keep asking about him, and what would you say? You wouldn’t want to break her heart, but most importantly, you didn’t want to break yours. How were you going to say ‘we won’t be seeing each other anymore’ without your genuine disappointment bleeding through?
But you were a big girl. It was your petty idea to rub it in Bella’s face that you had a handsome and well-mannered plus one with a stupidly silky voice. You told yourself you’d worry about that after.
You turned to him. He’d styled his hair differently and shaved that morning, his light stubble accentuated his jaw. He smelt good – fresh and clean. His sweater was snug enough to outline his strong arms and chest. You hoped he didn’t mind you looking. Maybe you should have taken his offer to dress him up.
He had loosened his grip on you, thumb now stroking over your knuckles. He had pretty hands, his long fingers curled over the steering wheel. You entwined yours with his.
Despite the weather, your hand remained warm in his on the porch. You looked up at him, rocking on the balls of your feet, but his gentle smile and the squeeze to your hand slowed you down.
It was your first time being this close to him. His beautiful blue eyes twinkled in the sun. The eye-contact lingered.
“Coming!” A voice called from inside as footsteps approached.
“Show time,” he muttered close to your ear.
Bella couldn’t hide her surprise when she opened the door and you bit back a smirk.
“Hi, I’m Keegan. You must be Bella. Nice to meet you.” He extended his hand.
She blinked before taking it. She swallowed and took another second before turning to you. “I thought you were joking about bringing someone.”
He chuckled. “Well, here I am in the flesh. Hope you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all.” She stepped aside. “Please come in.”
He followed behind you as the three of you made your way past the kitchen. You hugged your mum and aunt before introducing him.
“From us. Thanks for having me, ma’am.” He handed your aunt the wines and gave your mum a squeeze.
You went to the dining room where your dad and Bella’s chatted. Keegan addressed them with sir and exchanged pleasantries before you followed Bella back to the kitchen. You didn’t miss how the table was only set for six.
She linked arms with you, eyes narrowed. “Not bad,” she muttered.
I know. “Ryan’s not joining?”
“We broke up last month.”
You stopped to look at her, brows furrowed. “No. What happened?” You genuinely thought they were going to last a while.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not sad about it.” Her manicured fingers squeezed your forearm.
“Are you… Sure you’re okay? You seemed happy with him.”
“I am. I guess the honeymoon period wore off, that’s all,” she said with a shrug. “Anyway, for my birthday, he got me a Dyson Air Wrap gift set, but it’s so not in my colour.” She shook her head and continued to walk. “He should have known. How did he think I was going to like it?”
You blinked. You’d appreciate even a quarter of a Dyson Air Wrap, but you knew it was another one of her humble brags. You let her have her moment.
Your mum laughed with her sister over tea. They didn’t get to see each other often and you thought it was worth the hassle of enduring Bella that day to see her like so. She gave you a pleased look and a thumbs up as you grabbed extra tableware and you had to stifle a giggle.
Keegan flashed you a smile when you entered the room to set the table for him. Making conversation with your dad and uncle, he looked like he fit right in.
Lunch began shortly and the chatter built as the wine poured. Keegan sat next to you and helped you with the food before himself. He put his hand over yours when you mouthed ‘thanks’.
“I heard you moved to a new apartment? How’s it been?” your aunt asked.
“I did. I love it there.” You turned to Keegan. “Actually, that’s how we met. He’s my neighbour.”
She cooed. “How sweet! Looks like you settled right in then.”
“How big is your apartment? Mine is huge. It’s such a pain to clean,” Bella said offhandedly.
You blinked. Your aunt turned to her with furrowed brows.
“How’s the new job, kid?” your dad asked. “I hope better than the last.”
Before you could answer, Bella interjected. “Oh, did I tell you I’m getting promoted next month? They’re giving me my own office too.”
The table fell silent. After a beat you said, “That’s great. I hope you like the new office.”
“How’s your new job? Tell us,” Keegan said.
You gave him a small smile before turning to your dad again.
After lunch, the seven of you moved to the living room for the gift exchange. Keegan didn’t leave your side, a hand on your knee as you unwrapped your gifts.
You got your parents a couple’s spa trip, a tea set and a board game for your aunt and uncle, and a perfume for Bella. In turn, you received a pretty charm bracelet from your parents and a nice pair of headphones from Bella’s. You gave each of them a squeeze for the gift.
As Keegan helped you put the bracelet on, you ignored Bella when she asked what brand it was, thankful she didn’t even comment on the perfume. You didn’t expect much from her, but you definitely didn’t expect the gift card to the hairdresser and the little note that it came with. Hopefully you can fix your hair <3
You froze and Keegan leaned over to read the card in your hand.
“I’m sorry, is there something wrong with her hair?” he narrowed his eyes at her.
She shrugged. “Oh, it’s just dry, that’s all.”
Your aunt gave her a disapproving look, but she wasn’t looking.
“I don’t think there’s anything that needs fixing,” he said firmly, his stare unwavering. “Her hair’s perfectly fine.”
Before Bella could respond, you excused yourself to the kitchen and your mum quickly followed.
“Oh, I’m sorry for making you come,” she said, stoking your back. “I know you two don’t really get along.”
“It’s not your fault, mum.” You frowned as you poured yourself a glass of wine and downed it. “She can say whatever she wants. I shouldn’t care what she thinks of my hair, or my apartment, or my job.”
“Maybe she’s a bit envious today. I mean, you’re the one with the nice boy with you.” She smiled playfully. “You should see the way she keeps stealing glances at him. Too bad he’s too busy staring at you to notice.”
You let out a small laugh.
“That’s my girl.” She gave you a hug. “I like that he stood up for you. It’s the only way my daughter deserves to be treated.”
You smiled against her shoulder and the both of you stayed in the embrace for a bit longer.
The living room was tense when you returned to your seat next to Keegan. He gave you a sympathetic look as he rubbed your arm. Bella didn’t meet your eyes, her arms crossed over her chest. She’d been told off by her mum, and it was hard for him to bite back his laugh.
Your aunt broke the silence by suggesting a few photos by the Christmas tree before you left. He volunteered, making sure you looked perfect in them.
You bade your goodbyes and once again gave your aunt a hug. You left the damned gift card on the couch and took Keegan’s arm to the car. He had noticed you were more smiley than before the incident.
You groaned when he drove off. “Now you know why I was going to bail.” You slumped over, looking out the window.
“I’m sorry about what happened."
“M’glad you’re with me. Would’a been pathetic going home alone and pissed.”
“But the rest of your family’s very nice. I actually had a nice time.”
”Yeah, but how much of that was fake?”
“What?” He took a quick glance at you.
“Y’know, the hand holding, standing up for me.”
“None. Nothing I did was fake.”
“You sure about that?”
He laughed. “Were you drinking? In the kitchen?”
“Well, yes,” you hesitated. “How’d you know?”
He pulled over and turned to you. “If I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have come.”
“Don’t joke around now.” Your eyes narrowed.
“I’m not.” He took your hand, lips quirked into a small smile. “Sometimes I linger around at my door so I can catch you, but I never do because I come home too late.”
Your frown remained and his heart raced as the silence ensued. Shit, he must have read the room wrong. How much of this would you remember?
“You should talk more,” you finally said. “Your voice is perfection, addicting,”
He let out a relieved chuckle, thumb grazing over your knuckles. “I sound that good?”
You shrugged, flashing him a playful smile.
“Can’t help thinking had I been more forward from the start, maybe I wouldn’t just be ‘someone you’re taking’ today.”
“There’s next year, no?”
He held your gaze. “If you were sober, I’d ask if I could kiss you.”
“Why not now?”
“I want you to remember, so I’ll wait until we get home.”
“That’s a shame, but at least the wine will make your driving somewhat bearable.”
He laughed, pressing your hand to his lips. “You better sober up fast, because I’ve been waiting too long.”
More Keegan: second chance on Tinder, werewolf AU
@glitterypirateduck @sofasoap @macravishedbymactavish @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @tiredmetalenthusiast @caramlizedtomatoes @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mysticslumber @tipsykeen
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kakiastro · 11 months
12h + the type of dreams you have
Can’t talk about dreams without Morpheus💜
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Hey yall! I wanted to talk about how the 12h and the type of dream themes you will have based on the sign it’s in. The 12h rules our subconscious dream state while we are sleeping. The sign it’s in can be repeated themes and patterns you see in them. The 12h is ruled by Pisces which is ruled Neptune and traditionally Jupiter. Some people believe your dreams represent what’s going on in your conscious world, some believe they’re messages from a divine figure and others believe it’s your soul traveling to different timelines. Whatever your personal beliefs are, the 12h can give us clues on the type of themes we can expect.
To get a better analysis on your own 12h; look at your 12h sign + 12h sign ruler and house + degree + aspects to your 12h sign ruler. If you write out your dreams in a journal, see if there’s a connection to your 12h
Today, I’m just going to breakdown 12h signs just to give you an idea, write down and observe the things you remember .
12h Air dreams-fast paced. intellectual, may involve you coming to a decision on something that’s been bothering you mentally. Dreams may involve the sky, tornadoes, animals that fly, you could be flying.
12h Earth dreams- slow paced. grounded and stability. May involve you feeling out of wack and to find some sort of grounding in your life. Dreams can involve forest, trees, the ground, earthquakes.
12h Fire dreams- intense and fast paced. passion and creativity. May involve you lacking the passion for something in your life. If you’re creatively blocked, it will show up in your dreams. Fire, arguing and fighting, romance can be some of the themes
12h Water dreams- fast or slow paced. emotional. It may involve some sort of emotional disturbance that’s bothering you. Water also represents memory and reflection so you can dream about things that’s mirroring you. Dreams about water, your mom, your home, tsunamis, ocean, lakes can be involved
-dreams may be very action oriented, there’s a a lot going on in them. You may have a lot of dreams that include arguing or fighting involved. The dreams could be fast paced as well so you may have trouble remembering them due to how quick they are. Dreams may be fiery or heated. You may have had dreams where you were dressed as a warrior or fighter. Dreams can also involve knifes, blood, leaders in your community (which can include you if you’re one) you may wake up with a headache.
-slow paced dreams that involves houses (external), maybe you’re always traveling to different houses. Houses being built or collapsing. Food may also be a big thing in your dreams, either you or someone else is doing the cooking. You may have ability to taste food in your dreams. You can be at different types of restaurants in your dreams.Money is another thing that may appear in your dreams, such as dreams of being at a bank or you working at a bank. It can literally be you surrounded by money. Jewelry can be another thing you see, dreams of fashion shows.
- very fast dreams that’s very airy. May have dreams that change from one thing to another in an instant. It’s like a tv show, switch from one episode to another. May have dreams that involve your siblings, your school with former classmates, aunts and uncles. Dreams of you traveling in a car or bus to different places in your neighborhood. Lots of communication and talking going on in your dreams. You may remember the conversations than the actual dream itself. Dreams can also take place in a library
-I have this placement and a lot of my dreams takes place at my old high school. I also have had dreams of my late uncle who’s passed visit me and we have conversations. A few cousins have come to visit me as well. Yes, I usually have several dreams in one night and they’re all connected to each other. The most I’ve had that I can remember was 7 in one night. Crazy!🤪
-I feel like this can be either slow or faced paced lol. May have dreams of close family members especially your mom. Dreams may take place in your home or childhood home. May have had dreams that involves family reunions or get together. Dreams can include babies or nursery rhymes. Young children (age 0-4) , the moon, elephants or wolves can pop up. Being around water such as ponds, waterfalls and rivers. People may be really emotional such as crying or being angry in your dreams. Dreams of women in your life or just women in general.
- I have an intercepted chart so cancer is also in my 12h. I have dreams of my family all the time! Elephants have appeared in my dreams as well. My dreams has also taken place in my childhood neighborhood or home. I’ve also had dreams of childhood friends due to the Gemini influence in this house as well.
-fast but intense. Dreams may involve a lot of your childhood memories and all the things you liked as a kid. You can relive your childhood through your dreams. May have had dreams where you or someone is getting lots of attention. Dreams of meeting famous people and having conversations with them. You having your picture taken, lions or big cats may appear in your dreams. You being at the playground or around a playground. Children may pop up, if you don’t already have children, you may have had of dream of what they’ll look life before they are conceived.
-slow moving. Pay attention to the smaller details in your dreams because they’re more important than the larger scheme of things. Dreams may include spacious type of areas, libraries, at your job. Your Co-workers may pop up, your manager or supervisor as well. Dreams where you’re at the doctors office or talking to one. Conversations will be important in this sign as well because it’s also a mercurial sign. Conversations may be more detailed like
for example: you may talk a lot about sweets but chocolate cake may get brought up in your dream. The chocolate cake is the important part because that’s probably what you’re craving or what you need to slow down on.
The “devil is in the details” as the old saying goes
-dreams may include the people that you are closest too outside of your family members. If you’re a business owner, your dreams may take place there. If you’re in a serious relationship or married, you may dream of your partner a lot. Even if you’re single, you may have lots of dreams of your future partner before actually meeting them in person. Lawyers can appear as well.
- you may have lots of nightmares or see lots of nightmarish things in your dreams. Sex dreams is really common with placement. You may have lots of “spiritual sex” with people you are attracted too 😝. Your dreams may take place in dark themed places such as night clubs, night time, in abandoned places, alleyways and dark corners. Dreams will be intense and will feel overwhelming when you wake up. You can also dream of death and birth as well. The phoenix may appear in your dreams.
-dreams can take place on a plane or in a different country/area from where you’re from. You can have dreams where you’re sitting in an airplane flying somewhere. Traveling could be a big theme in your dreams. If you go to church, your church may appear in your dreams, people from your church may appear. Even if you don’t go to church, it may pop up in your dreams or you being in one. Horses may show up in your dreams a lot, you may have had dreams of centaurs before. Running can also play a huge part, whether it’s you or the people in your dreams.
-dreams may take place at your job setting. Your boss may show up in your dreams. You may dream a lot of your grandparents especially your grandma. Dreams may take place in cooperate type of buildings. Dreams may take place in an area where there’s lots of big corporations such as New York. Dreams can also take place home but the home feels cold or you’re alone in it. Mountains can also show up, whether it’s you on top of one or just the image of them. Capricorn has water energy due to the symbol being a Sea Goat so you may have dreams of water. Goats, Crocodiles, Bats may appear. Bones such as your teeth falling out can be a theme.
- dreams that involve lots of people moving in your dreams. Dreams may not make a lick of sense with this placement😅 speeding, such as your driving fast or the dream is going a mile a minute. Out of all of the signs, I think Aquarius may be the toughest to remember and pin down due to the fact that aqua rules over abstract 🥴. Your social circle and your acquaintance may pop up. You may have random ass people pop up in your dreams like uhhh “who you?” LOL. Funny enough, those random people may actually appear In your life or if you believe in reincarnation, they could be past life people. Your dreams may be futuristic, you can dream of big events before it actually happen. Water, you carrying it or someone else can be a them.
-Pisces is right at home here so you may have remember your dreams with ease. You may have the ability to astra project easily as well. The ocean (internal) may be huge theme. You probably have seen the depth of the ocean in your dreams. Fish or sea life in general may appear in your dreams a lot such as whales, Starfish and Sea horses. Music may show up in your dreams, like you may hear full lyrics to a song. You may dream of musicians. You may have dreams where the setting is taking place in a hospital or some type of asylum.
What type of dreams do you have?
I’m also open for readings, information in my pinned post
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thottyimagines · 11 months
Top 5 fucked up things that happend in Naruto?
This lived in my drafts for quite a while as I went back and forth with just a top five. I don't think this is in any particular order, because good god these people have suffered. Also, please note that I haven't read or watched Boruto and know nothing about it, so whatever atrocities occur there are mysteries to me.
That time Rin committed suicide by jumping into Kakashi's Chidori, then everyone started calling him Friend Killer Kakashi and even he believes he murdered his teammate in cold blood for the good of the village.
When Minato decided to make his minutes-old son the Kyuubi container and then swiftly leave him as an orphan, and Hiruzen thought the best thing to do would be to let the village terrorize him and leave him without the protection of his powerful, beloved parents' legacies.
Nagato going off the deep end after Yahiko got murdered and deciding to use his dead bestie's body as one of his paths, forcing Konan (who may or may not have been romantically linked with Yahiko, but at the very least was another childhood best friend) to interact with his corpse for years to come as Nagato's real body rotted in the basement.
Orochimaru's whole child experimentation/abduction/murder/body snatching extravaganza is just...horrific. He truly is a plague upon the elemental nations, and I believe if Tobirama were Hokage when Orochimaru started to get weird, he would have been put down like a mad dog. Maybe Minato would have tried to do it had he lived long enough, too.
You can't have a list of fucked up Naruto things without mentioning the obvious Uchiha massacre. Village-sanctioned genocide perpetuated by a 13-year-old family member and his insane cousin masquerading as their equally-insane ancestor is some dark shit, and that's not even getting to the other related factors (re: eyeball snatching, the Sasuke of it all, Divine Intervention via moon goddess planting the seeds of it happening at all).
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
˖ㅤㅤ۫ㅤ ˚ ۪ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝜗℘
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ㅤ ˖ㅤㅤ۫ㅤ ˚ ۪˖𓏲﹒smut﹒fluff﹒angst
﹒ ◠ list under cut ! ͘ ౨ ⸝⸝ most rec ꒰ twt links
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       ୨୧ 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫
 birthday wish - ModernAU! Throwing a surprise birthday for Murphy, but what happens if the guest of honor is late for the party?
 mine - Murphy was always protective of you, so when he thought Jasper sparked an interest in you- he was quick to shut it down.  the moon, the sun - When Titus died you set out in search of a new fleimkepa, only finding Murphy; a misunderstood roach.  full of hate - You hated Murphy since you landed on the ground, you didn't expect him to awaken something in you.
       ୨୧ 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫  useless - you feel useless to the people of Arkadia, maybe Bellamy could help with that.  wooden deer - you met in the shop's area of Polis, you trading Bellamy a small wooden sculpture, which he kept. Thinking of you every day, every day for 2,026 days.  divine - ever since the massacre of the grounder army he's been different, but you don't give up on him  haircuts - bellamy noticed you have been losing sleep over your son, so he decided to help out. Only, he doesn't stop helping out.
 failed mission - Azgeda assassins are supposed to be stone-cold, and feel nothing, but what happens when a certain boy tries to gain your trust  jealous meeting - bellamy calls a group meeting to decide certain defense plans and catch up with everyone, but his jealousy gets the best of him.  longing dreams- you had a dream about your best friend Bellamy, and you try to suppress the feelings by avoiding him. Bellamy doesn't let this slide.  flowers of you - when the second praimfaya hit you thought you were the last person on Earth, until the group came back down, landing in your valley.  the wolf and the lamb - you stumble across a knocked-out person, doing the only thing you can do you save him; not knowing with that would lead to.  pyramid - it wasn't uncommon for you to flirt with Bellamy, but it was unusual for him to flirt with you back.  friends with benefits - you and Bellamy were friends, friends who often did each other favors.
       ୨୧ 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫  whenever you want - you've been crushing on Monty for years now, and you decide it's time to give him a hint, which doesn't go as planned
       ୨୧ 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐞 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫    loading. . . 
       ୨୧ 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐧 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐧 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫   loading. . .
       ୨୧ 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐭 . ৎ .ᐟ ۫  sneaky memories - You got captured in Bardo, and while Levitt was sifting through your memories he came across a more private one.
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ㅤㅤㅤ౨౿ ﹒𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ㅤ
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐨﹒
⸝⸝ incest ╰﹐siblings, parent/child, cousins
⸝⸝ pedophilia ╰﹐if the reader or character is a minor I won't do it
⸝⸝ inflation
⸝⸝ sexual assault ╰﹐this goes for cnc, and rape
⸝⸝ scat play ╰﹐piss, and shit
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨﹒
⸝⸝ safe age gap ╰﹐they are still of age, but there's a gap
⸝⸝ stalking ╰﹐not yandere stalking
⸝⸝ twt smut visuals ╰﹐twitter porn I think matches a character's vibe
⸝⸝ anything else you can think of ╰﹐if I don't like your request, I wont write it, but that's rare
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ㅤㅤㅤ౨౿ ﹒𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞
 just call me baby.
 i am 19 years old, this is my main blog that I've now abandoned but cant delete > @saturdaykrualt
 my discord is 'itsjustbaby'
 im really passionate about creative arts, such as painting, writing, and music.
 i have to listen to music while writing, here's the playlist!
 and this is my main playlist
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ㅤ ˖ㅤ ㅤ۫ ㅤ if you have any questions don't be scared to ask﹗✦
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cypressvs · 1 year
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pairing: jing yuan/gn!reader
cw: suggestive but not explicit, workplace romance?, reader is an unspecified long-life species
wc: 1.0k | join the taglist
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Jing Yuan is a cat. You're sure of it.
He's abnormally agile. Foxians were born with heightened senses and naturally superceded an average human when it came to their predispositions but even they would think twice, thrice, before jumping off a three-story high building. Not Jing Yuan though. He just leaps, twirls his Guan Dao with an ease unparalleled, and even had the grace to catch the tea set you managed to throw into the air in fright before speeding off to catch the runaway criminal with a carefree smile.
How many years ago was that? You didn't count but it had to be a good few hundred years since then because that day, on your first meeting, Jing Yuan was a nobody. He was just another face among the ranks of the Cloud Knights that wasn't memorable enough to be remembered. Now, he was a general and his pictures sell for a concerning amount of Strales. No one in the Xianzhou who's in their right mind would not know his name and by extension, yours since you're practically attached by the hip.
Officially, you were an unemployed nobody but everyone in the Seat of the Divine Foresight considered you to be the General's caretaker. The legal matters that concerned the affairs of the Xianzhou were rightfully managed by the secretaries employed there but the more menial and more... troublesome duties were handed off to you. Sometimes, you meet their gazes and they're filled with nothing but respect and gratitude because no one, not a single one, wanted to be the holder of your duties. Why?
Because Jing Yuan was a cat. A temperamental, needy, and mischievous one.
You'd never think of it if you didn't know him first but Jing Yuan was a picky eater. You have to feed him from your hand if he's eating something for the first time. If not that, he'll randomly send you to buy snacks in the middle of a work day. You tried to refuse once but you learned the hard way that not doing as he wishes involved him mocking you by refusing to budge an inch from his seat. At this point, it was easier to just fold and give him a bite after every five papers signed.
Jing Yuan also likes warm spaces. On days when work is more manageable, he'll drag you outside for a stroll but you always end up seating under the shade of a tree in an otherwise empty field. He lies around with eyes closed and an immoveable smile on his face as he enjoys the soft breeze. All the while, you're cursing the static in your legs as Jing Yuan doesn't just lie anywhere, no, he lies on you because he'll be damned if he lets you work while he lazes around. Or so he says.
Other times, Jing Yuan will ignore you entirely, not even sparing you a gaze, yet pouting (in his very own Jing Yuan way; indecipherable to most but not to you) when you don't attempt to console him. He lingers around your peripherals but otherwise refuses to utter a single word to you until you sigh and pull him to you, brushing his hair gently as you tell him about your day. Scrimping out on the details is not allowed. You have to tell him about every little detail from the food you ate for breakfast to your meeting with your visiting relatives or else he'll just sulk even more. You can't figure out the pattern to his attitude but you do remember vaguely that it was the worst about a hundred and two years ago. Such a shame that you had to appease him, hurriedly leaving your poor cousin in the market alone. He says that he understands with a knowing laugh but you don't quite understand yourself. What is there to know anyway?
Jing Yuan, much like a cat, does whatever he wants with almost no care for the rest of the world. Maybe that's why you're in this position now.
You're made intimately aware of how intimidating he can be with how he towers over you, casting a deep shadow on your frame as he firmly pinned you down his desk. His gaze is deep, molten and hiding behind a mystery you were never able to unearth until now. You try to tug yourself out of his grip but that only shuffled the paperwork your back is pressed into.
"Jing Yuan—" your words die down on your throat as he finally shows the first drop of emotion on his face. A smile. Nothing you'd never seen before but for some reason, a shiver climbs down your spine. Alarms flag inside your head as heat pooled under your skin. It floods your muscles that ached—screamed—at you to run. You exhale shakily but when your eyes meet his again, all your will to fight dissipates.
"What else must I do, hm?" He whispers and it might just be your imagination but you swore you saw his teeth glint under the moonlight. "What more shall I give to keep your eyes on me?"
You swallow and you're reminded of something. With your back pressed and with no way to escape, you are nothing but a predator's prey. One that he taunts as you spy the almost imperceptible lilt to his smile. The realization makes you avert your gaze, embarrassed by the heat that races under your cheeks.
"See? You're doing it again. You're warm," he whispers as he lowers his face closer to yours, "then you're cold. Tell me: what conclusion was I supposed to derive from your behavior?"
When you don't respond, Jing Yuan continues. "Logic dictates that you're disinterested but your body—" One hand slides from your wrist to settle on your waist. He gives you the opportunity to run yet somehow, you hesitate. "—says otherwise."
His hair cascades over his shoulders, a lock falling over like a moonbeam by your check and it tickles. It does not go unnoticed, and Jing Yuan chuckles; he delights in the muffled whimper he was able to draw out of you and rejoices at the needy breath you release when he grazes his lips over yours before stopping all at once.
"Well?" He hums. "It appears that I am indeed growing older. My patience is not what it once was. So tell me, little bird, while I can still restrain myself: what is it that you want from me?"
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© 2023 CYPRESSVS. all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms.
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11queensupreme11 · 6 days
I keep thinking about a human arsenic blues AU where all the Yans have normal jobs. Like, I can totally see Beely as a crazy scientist, Hades as a mining tycoon or something, Cu a mercenary, ect and so on.
(Loki would just be a vagrant 🤦‍♀️)
okay, the gods obviously still rule the world, just not in the divine sense, but more in a 'they're part of the super elite 1% of the world who are super rich and own everything' kinda way
hades would definitely be a mining tycoon, and idk maybe he does some illegal human organ harvesting thing (cuz dead bodies; god of the dead, you get it). maybe he owns a lot of banks too (god of riches and all)
beelzebub definitely partakes in the organ harvesting stuff and other super creepy, super unethical, super illegal experimentation and shit. literally nothing he does in this au will be legal 😭
poseidon would probably still own the seas in this au tbh 💀 like maybe he owns a shit ton of business that are related to water; water treatment technologies, bottled water moguls, probably owns pearl farms, a bunch of organizations dedicated to researching and preserving sea life, etc. (and babie percy would inherit ALL of that in the future lmaoooooo)
apollo with modeling, authoring a bunch of books, acting, maybe he started a solar power energy company, he's probably a super important doctor too that gets requested by other super rich and important ppl, basically a shit ton of stuff cuz he has a lot of domains
loki would be that black sheep from the billionaire family type 💀💀💀 he just fucks off to do whatever; sometimes ppl wouldn't even recognize him as one of the super elite cuz he always looks like a fucking hot mess
anubis would also be something related to illegal business because of the whole death god stuff 💀
and CU AS A MERCENARY IS GENIUS. he'd be the merc who comes from a billionaire family (the celtic pantheon) but he mostly just fucks off and does his own thing that isn't related to what his family does OR MAYBE IT ISSSS related to his fam business, he just partakes in the illegal side of it 😂😂
percy would be percy but ✨Richer✨ she could either be poseidon's daughter from the start, or a bastard baby from a previous hookup he found out about and took in to raise as his own (so rags to riches type of shit).
anyways, because they're all still unhinged yanderes, percy would be homeschooled ("you're from an extremely wealthy family, it's safer to be homeschooled, my pearl" aka isolated) and beelzebub would still be her teacher (so sexy times lol). hades is VERY invested in his adorable lil niece so he visits poseidon's estate from time to time with innocent intentions ofc! apollo is obviously her favorite cousin (in his delusions) and her private doctor when beelie's not around, anubis and loki would be her besties, and cú chulainn as her bodyguard maybe??????
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I am honestly late-night-thoughting this, but like:
Not sure why peeps are so freaked out by the Alyssa/Daemon hallucination sequence on The Incest Show TM (cousin-fucking is fine, uncle-niece fucking is fine, sibling-fucking is fine but apparently here is where we draw the line, hm). If you’re horrified by it then I think you need to recap which show you’re watching, tbh.
This is going to get me killed on the mean streets of Tumblr.com, but I see people rushing to say “Daemon doesn’t really want to fuck his mum! Symbolism!” And like, I agree…. But I also think Daemon doesn’t not want to fuck his mum. If that makes sense. Like, if he had the option, honestly I see him going there. He wants unconditional acceptance and approval and he continually seeks this out in relationships that aren’t built for that (with his brother-fatheresque-king-homoerotic-unfulfilled-gendersubversive-desire-to-be-useful-to-his-king-and-if-only-he-were-a-girl-he-would-have-been-his-brother’s-wife, with his niece-wife-queen-object-of-his-ire-and-resentment-maybe-even-hate-but-also-his-divine-RIGHT-as-a-Targ-man-and-his-twin-flame) or are so blurred and blended and warped by power that there is simply no room for the sort of affection and attention he craves. What is a mother to a man who has grown up without one? She is the symbol of that unconditional love and acceptance, and maybe if she had lived then he wouldn’t be the way he is, maybe he would finally feel like he is enough, and so if mummy dearest was prepared to offer him all the affection—and consider that in the absence of a mother he has likely formed associations with women that prioritise sex and sexuality—then would he hypothetically pass it up? I dunno. It seems kinda plausible to me.
Anyway, none of this is a hill I want to die on nor is it intended to be combative. I’m not being meenie behind my screen, just thought-dumping with a ‘hehe, brain cells did a spark’ and going to sleep, lol.
Daemon 5eva, goodnite ❤️
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sl-vega · 11 days
0.2; abandonment issues personified
project: love liason! - a scaramouche smau
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childe's childhood best friend and former next door neighbour
moved around a lot as a kid before getting taken in by his aunt due to his mother always being away on business trips
mona's academic rival, saw her as a nuisance before recently developing feelings for her (not that he'd ever admit it.)
was childe's neighbour up until they were sixth grade and scara's aunt passed away, so he ended up moving abroad to live with his mother
doesn't say it out loud, but he's grateful that childe did whatever he could to keep in touch with scara while he was living overseas
moved back just in time for freshman year of highschool
has a pet gecko that his aunt gave him before she died, he named him durin
only uses durin as his pfps
real name is ajax but childe was more of an inside joke/nickname that way too many people caught on to
guy of many talents, and part of many extracurricular activities around campus
essentially a walking wallet for the rest of the group due to his family having many connections
doesn't mind paying for everyone and that is frequently abused
albedo is basically that one cousin/friend that your parents always compare you to
honour roll, member of the student council, as well as the science and art club, not to mention a trusted tutor
sometimes people who have crushes on him fail tests on purpose just on the off chance that they can get him as a tutor
venti and childe thinks it's funny af but he got pretty annoyed by it after a while
his block list on all his platforms are mainly made up of people who pretended to be failing just to get his attention
poor guy doesn't gaf about their grades he just wants some alone time
drunk without alcohol friend
chronic band kid, frequently tries to convince new students to join any of the band courses
always mooches off of childe whenever the rest of the group goes out
met scara after childe introduced them to each other during a school dance that everyone was forced to attend
the FBI friend of scara's group
just like navia he knows everything about everyone, except he actually charges people for his services
has a questionable search history at best
a SHIT ton of burner accounts on all his social media platforms for "research purposes"
has blackmailed a teacher into giving him an extension once
recently transferred midway through sophomore year
knew scara while he was living overseas and fate brought them together again
the actual dad of the group regardless of what childe claims
works part time at his local book store and is a MAJOR literature and poetry nerd
is part of several book clubs with a bunch of sweet old women
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additional notes:
profiles are finished and done!
taglist is still open so just lmk if you want to be added <3
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𝜗𝜚 SYNOPSIS: you're head over heels in love with childe, and scaramouche is (begrudingly) smitten with his "rival" mona. and, by sheer divine coincidence, you both happen to be the best friends of each other's objects of affection, so you strike a deal with each other. if scaramouche helps you ask out childe, you'll set him up with mona. so with the annual spring formal right around the corner, the two of you vow to be each other's wingmans so you can end your junior year on a high note (and maybe even kick off your senior year with a new relationship!). between, scheming, planning, and researching, you and scaramouche find yourselves developing a new relationship via helping each other out. now the real question is whether this friendship will remain as a pure platonic bond, or blossom into something more?
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🎀 - taglist!;
@agaygothicmushroom, @035814, @freyao7, @sketcheeee, @tsukimara, @shyentsmissingink, @justpeachyteastea, @aries-afk, @lxkeeeee, @sakiimeo, @sugxryratz, @shutingstar, @lalaloveallmydays, @bellflower1257, @haruumei, @kichiyosh1, @littlemisssatanist, @dee-zbignuts, @candyescapism, @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully
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vampirememory · 1 year
pick a pile | random things about your next lover
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I love future spouse content but not everyone you meet is going to be your future spouse so let's focus on your next lover!
For this reading, I am using charms because they are fun to use and interpret :)! The topic of this reading is Random Things about Your Future Lover!
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♢ There are five piles to choose from. Pile one is the Pantone images, pile two is the moth, pile three is the fairy, pile four is the flower pressings and pile five is the heart with swords. ♢
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Pile One ♢ Pantone images
Cancer placements or Cancer season may be significant in some way.
Height difference. If this is the case, the shorter one will be somewhat more fiery and the taller one will be subdued and calm.
Enjoys dressing fancy or may have somewhat of an "extra" dressing style; always fashionable late.
Has the key to your heart, may melt a frozen-over heart <3
They may hold themselves to high standards, have a good self-concept, and love themselves. Would date themselves if it was an option.
May have a feisty pet cat, or however you want to interpret this.
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Pile Two ♢ moth/butterfly
Possible blue eyes or you may have blue eyes.
May be a bit chubby, have some weight OR loves people with weight, depends on how you take it. They might also just be a big foodie (got a banana here also lol)
If you're into dudes & questioning if you're going to be with one (maybe you're bi) then yeah, it's a dude.
May be...very sexual. I'll leave it at that.
Built like a horse?
Very fast, high endurance, a runner or athlete. Possibly in football.
Loves the beach, might be from a hot country.
Song: Wannabe by Spice Girls
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Pile Three ♢ fairy
Free spirited
May have a child or has younger siblings/cousins
May be a saggitaruis or saggitarius season is significant.
May have a lotus or flower tattoo.
Military, I see them being an engineer or working on planes or something, not necessarily in combat.
May be in the marines, honestly.
Has expensive taste, enjoys the finer things in life.
Would love to take you on a cruise? They really want to go on a cruise. They really need a break.
May dress nicely for work.
May have their pilots license.
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Pile Four ♢ pressed flowers with bandaids
Might be from Central or South America, or from the Caribbean.
Might play guitar.
Loves animals.
May have a...pegasas on the side of their minivan? (This is really specific for someone)
Absolutely smitten for you.
May have been born with a hole in their heart or has a heart defect.
Really wants to move to a cold place. They may live somewhere hot now and they really hate it.
Doesn't stop at anything, lives life to the fullest.
Might enjoy gardening or helps with a community garden.
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Pile Five ♢ heart with swords
Might be a shopaholic or overconsumes things, I felt like pulling more and more charms to no end.
You both may have a child together if possible, they may have lost a child or young sibling.
Divine orchestration, this relationship is divinely protected.
Capricorn, Scorpio, or Cancer placements or season is significant.
Has a cat they absolutely adore.
Pink and green, your relationship may be like Cosmo's and Wanda's from Fairly Odd Parents
You guys are a cute, perfect match and may be meant to last a long time. Possibly the person you will marry.
You may know this person or they may know you ("The gears are turning!")
You may enjoy bike riding together.
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Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to check out my masterpost with more readings, or you can support me by purchasing a reading by clicking here. Thanks for the support, let me know which pile you picked and if it resonated or not :)!
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hotchfiles · 9 months
divine rush.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅
pairing: sirius x fem!reader.
summary: sirius is just very very nervous to meet your parents.
content warnings: maybe underage drinking lol but just fluff
word count: 1,4k
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      "Oh my, you do not look well, Pads." That was probably not the best way you greet your boyfriend as soon as you open the door to your home, but it got you by surprise how red and sweaty he looked, he wasn't the type to get sick and he looked absolutely feverish. "Are you alright?" You touched his forehead with the back of your hand terribly worried about the boy in front of you.
      "I'm fine! Just... Nervous," Sirius replied, his teeth clenched as his eyes traveled to the room behind you. So that was it. You smiled back at him, holding his hand to finally pull him into your house, to meet your parents for the first time.
      "You're quite charming, nothing to worry, babe."
      "Don't think being a good kisser's gonna work on your old man."
      You laughed out loud but you weren't sure he was actually trying to be funny, his eyes still roaming around your parents' house.
      It was a decent middle class family house, not nearly as big as his own, or even the Potter's one, where he had been living for the past year. Still, it reminded him of his best mate's home in the best way possible: It felt like home. Your little cousins were running around, no one telling them it was impolite to do that. Most of your family were casually dressed and had Christmas hats with the family's last name embroidered.
      It was easy to see why you were so loving and understanding and for a second he envied you, the same way he envied James.
      He had spent so many years feeling like Christmas was just a day family got together to make their highest efforts to look and seem better, more successful and richer than the others. Worrying if his clothes were alright or if his mum was going to yell at him for it.
      Arrogance was really the only things uniting his family and for a while he thought that was how it was for everyone.
      "Dad's been doing literal shots of spiked eggnogg, you could try the kissing."
      That finally got his attention back to you, a boyish grin taking over his beautiful face, following up with the quickest of kisses, his lips barely touching yours.
      You nodded and were about to take him to the kitchen to meet everyone, especially your mum and dad, but your mother was quick to notice you both were taking a while at the door, going to you to see if everything was alright.
      "Merlin, aren't you dashing?" Was her literal first words to Sirius, excited her daughter had been dating such a beautiful boy, "where's the tattoos?" He was confused for a moment, his arms covered up with his coat, but he gave his hands so your mum could see it, his eyes looking straight at you trying hard to understand what was going on, you simply shrugged, like you had no idea and no involvement in that.
      Of course you did, you had mentioned to your parents he had quite a few and that he probably would be nervous about it so your mother thought the best way to make him ease up was just to put him on the spot immediately. Good intentions, not the best execution.
      Still, he was getting less nervous by the second, your mother was a blabber mouth, she could talk with a rock, it felt you blinked for a second and she was already pushing him to the kitchen, taking one of the red embroidered Christmas hats and fitting it on his head just before she herself introduced the boy to her sisters, who also had no problem showering him with compliments, you followed close behind, trying to hold in how amused you were and when you got to your dad, your mum went to his side, waiting for you to do your part.
      "This is Sirius, dad, Sirius Black, the boyfriend I've been telling you about."
      The fact you talked about him to your parents seemingly so many times had him die and come back mentally about three times before offering his hand so your dad could shake.
      Your dad gladly did, again, asking him all sorts of questions, about his tattoos, about motorbikes and music and what kind of food did he like. All questions about him and him only, not about his family, not about his blood, not about his name nor money. Just him, what he liked, what Hogwarts classes was he good at, what quidditch team did he support.
      All training he had done as a child on how to behave correctly at family parties showed completely useless as the men of your family fought about who was going to win the quidditch world cup and the women tried to secretly talk about their sex life to one another but were all a bit tipsy on wine to really notice how loud they were.
      Your dad even offered you both eggnogg, and before any of you could drink it, he got a bottle of firewhisky, already half empty, and added barely a shot to each, his finger going over his lips asking for secrecy, but your mother obviously noticed it. "You're not trying to get the boy drunk, are you?"
      "Sweetums, let the kids have some fun, it's Christmas!" He argued, knowing very well the amount of alcohol he had added wasn't going to do much but that it would be enough for him to create a cool father-in-law image.
      You were in heaven, every time you felt Sirius' hand brush on yours softly, showing you he was fine as he talked so happily to your family you felt your heart getting fuller and fuller of love for him.
      At the end of the night his coat was nowhere to be seen, he had leftover containers to take back to the potters and his arms were very very colorful after he decided to let your cousins paint his tattoos.
      Your parents offered the guest room so he wouldn't have to leave, although he would have to share it with other family guests, but he didn't want to impose so much just yet.
      And when it was only the both of you, before he left, Sirius took you in the most passionate and grateful of kisses. "I want this for us, doll face, so much."
      "What do you mean?" You looked up at him confused, your arms over his shoulders.
      "Family... This freedom, kids running around, spiking the boyfriend's eggnogg... I hope we get to where your parents are." You could try to hold your emotions, you could try not to cry, but you knew it would be impossible, so you just let your eyes water and put your head on his chest.
      You hoped so too, and hearing him say those things gave you a sense of certainty that one day it would be you both having your kid's partner over for Christmas, and that thought on its own made that night one of the best of your life up to now.
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cumikering · 7 months
Toxic Phillip Graves x reader
3.4k | angst, suggestive The commander with plenty of years ahead of you never saw you like you saw him, not even close
Next to the large window of the coffee shop, you sat with your book. You sipped your latte – the latte your cousin raved about endlessly the past month that tasted closer to milk. She wasn’t a coffee drinker evidently.
“’Scuse me, miss. Would you mind if I sit here?”
You looked up at the owner of the smooth, southern voice. The man wore an easy smile – too easy, like he knew he looked good. Your eyes wandered past him, to the many empty tables before meeting his blue ones again.
“Sorry, I’m Phillip. I couldn’t help noticing your read.” He held out his copy of the exact same book. This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper.
You gave him a polite smile. “Go ahead.”
“Not my usual read, but it resonates with me.” He sat and placed his cup of tea on the table before cracking his book open where his steel bookmark lay. “He shouldn’t have led her on,” he commented.
“But her story wouldn’t have started otherwise.”
He smiled. “That’s true.”
Phillip ordered you another drink as you discussed your common interest in literature. Before you could finish the tea, the alarm on his phone went off.
“It was such a pleasure meeting you, miss, but I’ve got a plane to catch.” He placed his bookmark back in his copy.
It was then that you noticed the scar across his right cheek. As if the cause had the full intention of ripping him off the Earth – like a personal vendetta, but divine intervention let it bolt past, catching the cuff of his ear instead.
“Would it be alright to call you sometime? Maybe we can meet again when I find myself in town.”
You put your number in his phone, not expecting anything to come out of it. Not from a chance meeting with a charming man more than a few years older than you.
But days later, Phillip asked if you’d finished the book. You spoke on the phone for half an hour, listening to his analysis of the characters. He was sharp, brilliant, eloquent. It showed that he was well-read and took pride in it.
He was initially vague about his job, saying he travelled a lot. You didn’t think it mattered at all what he did. He was an online friend who was into the same things as you were. A month later when he told you he was the CEO of a private military company, you weren’t surprised at all. It was plain in the way he carried himself, his poise and decisiveness. The way he filled a room to the brim even when he didn’t try to.
Over the months, he mailed you books to read and discuss once a week. Then twice, and thrice and the calls grew more frequent, longer, later. Quieter, deeper.
He became more than a name on your screen, more than a voice at the other end of the line at nightfall. Your conversations bled into the daylight. You felt less like a secret, more like a part of his life. Like an affirmation that, maybe, you were not the only one in the liminal space.
Thinking of you, sweetheart.
Always love hearing from my woman during the day.
Your man is having some good lunch. Wish you were here to share it with.
You make me feel like I may be close to some, but never close enough.
I’ll show you how much you mean to me when we meet again.
“You promise?” you asked one day.
“I make guarantees,” he affirmed without missing a beat. “I’ll have the last week of this month off.  Why don’t you fly here? I’ll take care of your flights and hotel.”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course.”
“I’ve never done this before… Flown to meet anyone.”
“No pressure, darlin’. You mean a lot to me, you know that? Don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to.”
You booked your flights and hotel. You weren’t going to be a freeloader even that you knew it would have meant nothing to him judging by the suit he showed up at the airport in. You wanted to cry when you saw him and his boyish smile, carrying a large bouquet of roses and a sign of your name. You ran into his open arms.
“What are you doing dressed up like that?” you asked with a chuckle when you pulled away.
He kissed the top of your head. “Taking my darlin’ out on a dinner date.”
He helped with your suitcase to his grey SUV and waited for you to get ready in your room before taking you to a skyscraping French restaurant. Sat next to the floor-to-ceiling window, you couldn’t take your eyes off the view, the shadows of the city dainty against the gold seeping into deep purple.
“Gorgeous, huh?” He placed his hand on yours, making your turn to him. “I knew you’d like it. We can come back whenever you want.”
“I love it, Phil.” You beamed. “Thank you so much.”
“Anything for my darlin’.” He took your hand to his lips before raising his champagne flute. “To us.”
You clinked yours against his.
At your door, he asked if he could kiss you. You nodded, not meeting his blue eyes as you bit down a smile. He called you when he was in bed, and when you both refused to hang up, you wondered what kept you from staying at his instead.
Phillip spent the next two days taking you around the city and walking you to your room at the end of the night with a kiss, which lasted longer each time.
Darling, I need to take care of something on base. Would it be fine if you’re on your own for the day? His text read the next morning.
Instead of brunch with him, you wondered around the city on your own, reveling in the tall buildings and how friendly the people were. With a sweet Southern drawl, the older women called you honey, darling and everything else Phillip had called you. It made you miss him more.
As you enjoyed your dinner, your phone buzzed with his call. It didn’t take him long to pull up at the restaurant and give you a peck in front of his SUV. You’d seen photos of him in his full gear, but seeing him in his combat uniform in real life made your cheeks heat up as you held onto his biceps. With vivid eyes and a smirk like that, he was dangerously handsome.
His touch seared when he pushed you against the wall of his entryway, fingers grasping your jaw, as he licked and nipped.
“You kiss better than last night,” he mumbled against you.
You paused at the comment, but he didn’t relent. He hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hands roamed. He carried you to his kitchen, setting you on the counter, icy against the backs of your thighs.
His mouth trailed down the side of your neck, sucking harder at the base than you’re used to, but it hurt so good. You shuddered as a small gasp escaped you. He pulled away with a satisfied smile before setting you down on your feet, turning to open his French door fridge.
You took in his kitchen, All-black, with spotless marble countertops and seamless cabinets.
“What would you like, darlin’?”
“J- Just water, please.”
You were breathless with your cheeks warm when he led you to his living room which looked equally as lavish with the large TV in front of his plush leather couch. When he pulled you onto his lap, you let out a small squeak, making him chuckle.
“You’re always so adorable.” He kissed your cheek.
He put on some football on as he held you close, his hot, wide palm on your mid-thigh, exposed from him pushing your dress up. Every so often, he’d give it a squeeze as he sipped his beer, making your breath hitch.
“Darlin’, it’s getting late. Let’s get you back.” He patted your thigh. “Unless you want to stay? You can pick any room you want.”
He gave you a quick tour of his place, and you picked the room next to his. He gave you toiletries and his clothes for the night, and told you to come to his room when you were ready for bed. You opened his door to him on his bed in sweats, a book on his lap. He motioned for you to sit next to him, and you did, leaning onto his bare chest. You read with him, his arm around you, thumb rubbing your arm occasionally.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“I just- Well-“ Confidence eluded you as fast as it graced and your heart raced. “Nevermind.”
He laid his book down and turned towards you. “What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”
You felt small having to ask, embarrassed that it was even something that bothered you. But when you looked into his eyes, welcoming with that warm smile, you thought maybe it was alright. It was Phillip after all.
“I wanted to know… What are we?”
He kissed your forehead. “Whatever you want us to be. I’d love to be your man if you let me.”
You smiled, relieved as you nodded.
“Anything for my woman.”
Phillip wasn’t in his room when you woke in his bed the following morning. You figured he was in his office, and he was, with the door open.
He looked up from his computer with a smile. He’d put a t-shirt on, his light brown hair tousled now. You noted he didn’t have his usual cup of coffee with him.
“Good morning, darlin’. Sorry I didn’t mean to leave the bed so early, but I’ve got reports to send.”
“That’s okay.”
“I hope you slept well. Feel free to use the kitchen. I’ll join you when I’m done in a bit.”
You went to his kitchen, the counters lustrous in the morning light. Next to the fridge, something glinted. It was a bottle cap of his favourite beer from the night before, a foreign brand you’d never seen. You put the cap into your sweats pocket - a keepsake of your first visit to his. You made coffee for the both of you, and when you were scouring the cabinets for some sugar-
“Sorry, sweetheart, who are you?”
You gasped, turning to the kitchen entrance where the voice came from. It was a middle-aged woman, carrying grocery bags. She blinked, her smile polite but confused.
“Uhh, Phil?” You looked straight at her with wide eyes, at a loss for words.
“What is it, darlin’?” he replied from a distance.
“Phillip Graves?” the woman called out, voice thundering.
In a second, he rounded the corner.
“Mum. Hey, I wasn’t expecting you.” He took the bags from her hands, placing them on the counter before giving her a hug. “This, uh- this is a friend.” He gestured to you.
“Hi, Mrs. Graves.”
“Good morning, sugar.” She nodded at you, her eyes warmer as she unpacked the bags. “I stopped by to drop off some fruits. I was at the farmer’s market.” Her eyes flicked to you, a playful smile on her lips. “He never has anything in his house other than beer, does he?”
You let out a small laugh, and he had an amused smile as he shook his head.
“I’m still in the middle of something. I’ll finish up real quick.” He left again.
“He’s married to his job,” she commented as she opened the fridge, stocking it with the colourful produce she brought.
“Um, do you know where the sugar is by any chance?”
She turned to you and glanced at the two mugs on the counter. “If he hasn’t had his coffee yet by now, that’s probably because he’s out of sugar.” She smiled. “And you know how much of a sweet-tooth he is.”
You did.
She continued lining the fridge with apples. “He really does run on coffee. He never learnt to cook, that boy. Lucky he’s got you taking care of him.”
Your heart swelled. Did he tell her about you already?
“All done now,” she said, closing the fridge. “Tell him I say bye, will you?”
She gave you a squeeze and pinched your cheek. “I’ll see you again soon, sugar.”
You beamed as you walked her to the door. She didn’t hate you, and it made you irrationally happy.
“Phil?” You stood at the door to his office. “Your mom just left, told me to tell you bye.”
He beckoned you to come in, and he pulled you to sit on his lap, his hand squeezing your thigh.
“You know why I said you’re a friend, don’t you? I promise I’ll tell her soon.” He gave you an easy smile. “It’s like introducing vegetables to a kid. You gotta do it in small doses.”
“That’s okay, I understand.“ It didn’t bother you seeing how warm she was towards you. Still, you held on to his words.
“Okay, I’m almost done now. I’ll drive you to your hotel to get ready and we’ll go out for lunch.”
As well as the day went, you went ahead of yourself, like you often did when things felt too good. It dawned on you this was a little dream, a fleeting paradise in your ordinary life. Like a ticking bomb, it was going to detonate into a million pieces, and you’ll wake up with nothing but little mice, a pumpkin, a tattered dress and the sweetest memory.
The demon lingered in the backroom of your mind, pounding relentlessly at the door, begging to be set free. You felt like you’d gone too deep, like you shouldn’t even have started with all this.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hm, darlin’?” Phillip asked when you entered his house, tossing his keys into the entryway bowl.
You couldn’t even fake a smile.
“Did I do something to upset you?” He rubbed your arms and led you to the couch.
He turned your body to him, but you couldn’t meet his eyes. You couldn’t drown the riot in your head.
“Please. If it’s my fault, let me fix it.”
“How is this going to work?” Your eyes flicked to his, continuing in a smaller voice. “We don’t live close at all.”
“Got me worried there,” he exhaled, pulling you to his chest. “You can move here, of course.”
“It’s not that easy, is it?”
“I know it’s not. If I’m honest, I don’t have an answer for that yet.” He sighed as he caressed your hair. Silence lingered before he continued, “You know what my drill sergeant used to say? You can’t fly when you keep worrying about falling out of the sky.”
“You told me.” A smile flickered on your lips.
“We’re just a two-hour flight away from each other. As long as you still want this, don’t think too much of what’s going to come. It will work itself out.” He tilted your face to him by the chin. “We’ll work it all out.”
Perhaps he was right. You just needed to focus on what’s right in front of you. When you asked if you could extend your stay for a few more days, he gave you a peck on the lips.
He held you wordlessly for a long time until he got a call for an emergency meeting. He told you not to wait up if he wasn’t done in an hour. You hadn’t planned on staying the night, but you still had your toiletries from the other day. You got ready for bed and rescheduled your return flight, extending the timer on the proverbial bomb, even just for two more days. You wanted to float in this dream a little longer.
It was past 2 in the morning when your door creaked open. You turned, the dim light from the hallway bleeding into the dark.
“Why are you still up?” he asked, closing the door behind him.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
He turned the bedside lamp on and sat on the bed, holding your hand.
“I’ve been thinking. You’re really special to me, darlin’. I want to work this out. I promise we’ll find a way, okay?”
You choked out a sob. His words like balm to your burning chest. You sat up and wrapped your arms around him.
“You’re so emotional. It’s adorable.” He let out a small laugh as he stroked your back. “I love you.”
When your tears stopped flowing, he laid you down, caging you between his forearms as he kissed you. Your arm wrapped around his neck, a hand cupping his lightly stubbled jaw. You fell into the kiss, into the sensation of his perfect lips. His hand wandered, pinching, squeezing, rubbing, his lips unrelenting, ever intensifying.
You squirmed under him. “Phil, that’s- you’re being a bit rough.”
He pulled away. “My ex liked it this way.”
You appreciated his passion, but the comment didn’t sit right. He stilled for a second before lying beside you in silence. You didn’t know how long you lay there, but in the dark, your eyes blinked open at the click of the door.
Your heart drained, hollow, hanging by a thread like it was going to float away out of your gaping chest any second. What you thought was going to be a comforting night turned unkind, instead leaving you feeling less than. You let out an uneven breath, pulling the comforter closer around you, willing it to drown the ache.
The next morning, Phillip was quiet, not even meeting your eyes as he told you to get ready. It was jarring, when for days it was as if he couldn’t keep his hands off you, but that day felt like he didn’t even want you anywhere near him.
Perhaps he had a lot in mind, maybe something about his meeting the night before – you knew it happened sometimes, but this time, the stillness made you nervous. Rejected, unwanted, out of place. Something was brutally wrong and it hung heavy in the air, it made you hard to breathe.
He finally broke the silence when he pulled up at the hotel lobby. “This isn’t working out.”
You turned to him, not believing your ears. “What?”
“This is a mistake,” he declared.
“But… Last night, we just- You said you loved me.“
“Why are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation? It’s not.”
The harsh tone sent chills down your spine. He’d never used that voice on you.
“I thought you liked sex, sweetheart. Why’d you wear those cute outfits otherwise?” His smirk turned to a frown. “Also, you laugh too loud. It’s off putting.”
You froze in your seat, like you wanted to scream but your voice a prisoner in your throat. Your stomach churned, bitter, singeing.
“You didn’t think this was real, did you? Don’t worry, it’s not like I don’t want to see you again. We’ll get coffee when I visit, okay?”
Your lips quivered as you blinked your tears away, but you were not going to let yourself cry.
“Oh, come on! Don’t start crying now. You’re making me look like the bad guy.” He threw his hands up in exasperation.
Was he not? When he told you all those things, some of the kindest words anyone had ever said to you. When the gold he gave you was brass at heart.
“Fuck you, Graves.” You got out of the car, slamming the door shut. Your tears stained your cheeks as you walked away.
It was the last time you saw or heard from him until two months later.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I’m attached now. We’re visiting next month. Want to meet up?
You regretted not blocking his number. You wiped away the tear that slipped.
Three years later, the universe sprinkled chaos and stirred its pot. You met another Phillip. Your cousin asked if it was the Graves variety. You said no, with a smile brighter than you ever remembered smiling.
This one held your hand and brought you home to meet his mum. This one didn’t bring up his exes when you didn’t ask. This one laughed harder when you cackled.
This one didn’t have to lie about his intentions, because a few years later, his promise of forever came without you even having to ask.
Thanks @shadofireshinobi for making me write this <3
@tiredmetalenthusiast @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats
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crazychaoticizzy · 9 days
Write Me Letters
You never expected to find someone that you could correspond with romantically. You never thought the poetic letters you wrote for a living would ever be exchanged with someone you were interested. Though, maybe Armin could be that person.
NOW PLAYING: “Write Me Letters” | Hot Freaks
CONTENT: 20th century time period, Violet Evergarden and Divine Rivals inspired, fluff, war mentions, meet cute (i think?)
a/n: this was originally written for @kentopedia love through the ages valentine’s day event. uhm. let’s please ignore that this is a bajillion months later and also rylie if you don’t want to add this to the masterlist please do not feel obligated to i know this is so fucking late i’m sorry 😭
AOT masterlist
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You wrote for people who couldn’t.
It was your job. You worked for a company that sent literate writers wherever the customer wished and drafted manuscripts or wrote letters or transcribed trials. Anything the customer wanted, you travelled to write.
The most common was love letters. Any kind of letter, really, but you got assigned to write out confessions the most often.
At first you were elated. You loved doing this. You had dreamed to be a romance novelist once, but that dream was quickly squashed once you had been put to work in a publishing firm when you were sixteen. You had hoped it would give you an in to publish your novel, but your manuscript was rejected and burned by your boss right in front of you, and your pay was reduced by five cents.
You had no idea why, but you had a feeling it was because you were a girl writing trivial nonsense no one wants to read about.
You were the first to be cut from the payroll when the factory went bankrupt.
You’d lost your job and were nearly kicked out of the flat you lived in with three other people. You had tried cross dressing to see if you could raise your chances at getting another one, but your hair had fallen out of the hat you’d worn and you had done nothing but embarrassed yourself.
That was before an old friend of yours proposed an offer. Mikasa Ackerman, the distant cousin of a rather wealthy man with enough money to her immediate family to make it by with many luxuries. You’d met her one day in the late hours of the night on your way home. She had been canoodling with one of your dirt poor coworkers, and for you to keep it a secret she offered you anything you wanted. Of course, you asked for enough money to keep you comfortable for a month or two, and oddly enough the two of you became friends.
And then, in your time of need, she offered you a job. She’d shown up at your door one day with a wrapped box tied with a bow and invited you out. You accepted and the two of you walked to the park.
Once you had sat on a bench, she gave you the box. You carefully ripped at the seams to open it, feeling Mikasa’s dark eyes follow your every move.
After lifting the lid, your mouth fell agape, and you looked up at Mikasa.
The typewriter was beautiful. The mahogany wood was smooth beneath your palms and the metal keys were cold against your fingertips. It was a rather large, heavy thing, which gave you true insight into how strong Mikasa truly was.
“What’s this?” you had asked.
Mikasa smiled. “A typewriter, silly.”
“Well, yes. But why?”
Mikasa straightened (if that were even possible. Her back was always straight as a board) and folded her hands over her lap. “My mother is starting a business. She believes it would be nice if those that didn’t know how to write could send letters to those they care about. Even more, she has a friend that has recently become disabled, so they can no longer write. My mother would like to create a community willing to do that for those who can’t.”
You nod. You had heard about that friend MIkasa was talking about in the paper—an older woman who had lost her arm in a power loom, or something of the sort. You had seen the headline the other day and turned away, not wanting to know more.
“Anyhow,” Mikasa continued, “I thought you might like to work with us, since you don’t have a job.”
Something about the way she said that sent a pang to your heart. You should have expected it. Not only was it true, but Mikasa was always rather blunt.
You thought it over for a moment. What was the worst that could happen? You certainly wouldn’t lose any apendages or fingers, and surely you would make decent pay, right?
You nodded firmly at Mikasa. “Alright. I’ll take the job.”
Mikasa’s lips stretched into a soft, ladylike smile. “Wonderful.”
It was essentially your dream job. You got to dress in your finer clothes daily and write love letters and confessions. You couldn’t have asked for anything better.
But after years of sitting at a desk, it got tiring. Especially after the war.
It turns out the company wasn’t lying when they said their dolls went anywhere the customer wanted. Not to mention that after writing responses to the soldiers that were drafted got depressing fast. There was so much talk about unlikely futures and dreams that would never come true. It broke your heart, because you knew from your coworkers on the field that the receiver of the messages had already passed.
You were lucky enough to not have been sent. Lord knows how you would have ended up if you needed to travel to the front lines just to write. You’re sure you would have taken your own life before anyone else was given the chance.
But now that the war was over, you were tired. You were bored. Tired of writing letters for other people and bored of writing the same things over and over.
I miss you. Please come home safe. I imagine we…
And maybe some secret part of you wished you could put your own skills to use and write your own love letters to someone you admired. That was a desire you held deep down. You wanted to have a lover. You wanted to exchange letters with him and smile giddily whenever you receive a new one.
For once, you wanted to write for yourself.
But your workplace was mostly women. The only men that were consistently there were either married, entirely too old for you, or completely uninterested in even talking to you.
Until one day, a very slow and drab one, Mikasa strolled into the main building with a blond boy following behind her. You watched from your cubicle as the two of them went into Mrs. Ackerman’s office, trying to see if you could get an idea of why they were there for through the crack left in the door.
They both emerged a few moments later, and Mikasa led him into another room—the one that letters were stored in to be delivered at a later date. Mikasa came back out alone.
“Who was that?” you asked as she passed your desk. Mikasa paused, lifting her hands to crack her knuckles as she talked.
“Armin Arlert. He’s the new mail boy,” she explained, switching hands. “Mom says we need someone else since Eren’s getting overwhelmed by himself.”
You softly nod. Mikasa stays for a few seconds before she walks off. You look back down at your typewriter, flipping through a few requests until you found a letter you wanted to write.
Your phone rang just a few moments later. You picked it up and said in the kindest voice you had, “Good afternoon. You’ve reached the Shiganshina Letter Company. How might I assist you today?”
The old woman on the line spoke slowly. You hummed and nodded along to what she said as if she could see you. She was in a wheelchair confined to her house, so she couldn’t travel to the building. She requested your presence and, as stated in the company policy, you began packing up what you would need.
You stored your typewriter in its box and stowed blank sheets of paper in the pocket on the side. You lifted it from your desk, a feat that had become easier the more you lifted it and got used to the weight, and made your way out of the building.
She was a sweet old woman. Her graying hair was pulled into a ponytail at the base of your neck and when she let you in the first thing she offered was brownies and a glass of milk. You politely declined the brownies and milk, but when she offered a drink of water you felt it necessary to accept.
The letter she wanted wasn’t a love letter. At least, not a traditional or stereotypical one like you would think. She wanted you to write to her granddaughter, whose mother had recently passed away. You sat with her at the table and wrote, wiping your eyes with the corner of your sleeve as you pulled the paper out of the typewriter.
You handed it to the woman to read over, and were overjoyed when her eyes became teary and she sniffed. It always made you happy when what you wrote could evoke such emotion.
She held her arm open, offering a hug. You leaned over, careful not to lose your balance, and wrapped your arms around her softly. She asked if you could deliver, which you said yes to.
And now, back at the company building, you’re walking around the delivery room trying to find the correlating street address. You didn’t go into that room often, as Eren was always there to take letters that needed to be delivered, but Eren was off by that point. You were alone.
That’s what you hoped, at least, until someone came up behind you and said, “Can I help you?”
You startled, not expecting someone to be in the delivery room. When you turned you saw the blond boy Mikasa had brought in earlier, Armin.
“Oh, apologies. I didn’t mean to impose.”
Armin shook his head. “No, it’s alright. My shift is over, technically, so you aren’t imposing on anything.”
You softly nodded, a gentle smile gracing your lips. You remembered the letter in your hand and held it out to him. “Carnela Street?”
Armin took the envelope from your hand, reading over the address. “Oh, over here.” He tilted his head back up to meet your gaze and tilted his head for you to follow. “The system’s organized alphabetically by rows. A through D is that first one when you walk in.”
You nodded along, not quite understanding what he meant until he showed you. You made an O shape with your mouth when you realized, feeling a bit stupid at not being able to figure that out yourself.
You watch as Armin scans through the files until he reaches a drawer labeled Carnela-Draise and opened it. He dropped the paper in before closing it.
An awkward silence enveloped the two of you until you couldn’t take it anymore and gave him a sweet smile. You excused yourself and, cheeks heated and palms sweaty, turned around to walk out of the delivery room. You packed up your typewriter when you reached your desk and saw Armin again on your way out, where he gave you a small smile and soft wave.
You gave a curt nod in return before walking out of the building.
The first letter appeared on your desk a week later.
You thought it was nothing more than a request for you to draft something, but the scraggly writing on the front that spelled out your name told you otherwise.
You set it to the side and forgot about it until you returned to your dinghy apartment. It was small and fit no more than a twin bed and desk, but you had made well enough friends with the neighbors and oftentimes found yourself yearning for the comfort of the small room. At least it wasn’t crowded with other people, as you knew so many others were. That was one luxury you were grateful for.
You had placed your typewriter case on your desk and opened it. The corner of the letter poked out from the bottom, and you managed to wedge it out from beneath the heavy machine without having to lift it out of the case.
You opened it with your letter opener, a birthday gift Mikasa had given you when you first started working for her. It was made of fake gold and the handle had your full name and a rose carved into it. Honestly, you could have pawned it or sold it to some unsuspecting person for hundreds, but the fact that Mikasa had bought it specifically with you in mind made you keep it.
The letter was simple. Short and to the point the way you liked. You suspected that the writer must have asked someone about it.
While you enjoyed writing the flowery and poetic language you did, you never liked receiving it. You always doubted and found the double meanings that weren’t there. It was a misunderstanding waiting to happen.
I’ve found that your beauty has captured my attention. I shall like to get to know you. Might I take you out for dinner?
That’s what it said. It was signed with two curly A’s, and you wondered for a moment who it was from.
Armin, maybe? Though the written language seemed too refined to belong to him. He’d spoken to you rather casually during your last interaction, so it couldn’t possibly be him.
The next day when you walked into the office, you noticed Armin stepping into your cubicle with a square of paper. You stood by for a moment until he emerged, the piece of paper now gone. He turned his head toward the entrance and simply gave you a smile before sticking his hands in his pockets and walking across the aisle into the delivery room.
This time, you opened the letter immediately. You used your nail to pry up a corner and peeled apart the rest, leaving a jagged tear in the pristine paper.
We haven’t been properly introduced. I suppose I should have started with that. Please forgive me for being ungentlemanly and asking you out before even hearing your name from yourself.
The signature at the bottom confirmed the conclusion you drew the night before. The curved writing spelled out Armin Arlert. You found yourself leaning over your desk in an attempt to catch a glance at him in the delivery room, but he wasn’t there.
You grabbed a spare sheet of paper. You considered feeding it into your typewriter, but something drew you to pick up a pen and ink to write it out instead. It seemed more personal that way.
It was rather improper for you not to introduce yourself first. I’m sure Mikasa has told you my name, correct? No matter, I accept your invitation all the same.
You signed it with your name and folded it into threes. You quickly wrote his name on the front and walked across the way to the delivery room. You left it on a desk and walked out before anyone could spot you.
It was an odd correspondence. Neither of you spoke to each other, likely too nervous to stumble across your words or stutter out sentences you didn’t mean, but you wrote letters. They were lovely, well poised and written with increasingly beautiful prose. You were falling before you knew what was happening, and you found yourself pushing down a smile any time there was a new square of paper in your cubicle.
It took a while to set up the date Armin had asked you on. Tiptoeing around the subject and your unpredictable schedules didn’t come together well. Some days you were called to travel hours out of town, which always threw a wrench in your plans.
But you finally found a day. It was a Tuesday afternoon, the air crisp with the chill of fall and the leaves drifting in the breeze with vibrant colors.
He’d invited you to a small cafe. It was a narrow building, seemingly wedged into the extra space between two others, but the table you chose to wait at outside was nice. You sat with your hands folded in your lap, looking out at the street.
Armin approached you from your peripheral. You turned your head, softly smiling when you recognized his slightly tousled hair and blue eyes. He returned your smile, holding out a small bouquet of wildflowers to you.
“Good afternoon, Miss L/n,” he said as you took the flowers. He sat across from you, leaning forward against the table.
“Y/n is fine,” you said, your voice soft. The habits your mother drilled into your head as a child returned. Speak softly and sit with your legs crossed.
You glanced around, noticing the absence of a third presence. “No chaperone?” you teased.
Armin’s lips tilted up, and he let out an amused breath. “I was under the assumption that you would bring one. I can find one, if you’d like.”
You shook your head. “No. No, it’s alright. I’d rather not have one. It would make this more natural.”
You gave him a soft smile. Before you knew it, you were slipping into conversation with him like he was an old friend. Like he was your lover.
It was easy. Talking to him felt as natural as breathing. You didn’t have to force laugher or interest or smiles, it all just happened with him. You’ve never felt more relieved or energized in your life.
When the sun had gone down and the only thing lighting the street was the dim lights and you and Armin were the only ones on the sidewalk, he gently took you by the hand and stood up.
“Allow me to walk you home.” He smiled at you, running his thumb across your knuckles. “It’s late. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Alright. Although I warn you, I do live quite far.” You took his arm when he offered it, looping yours through his as you began walking.
“That just gives me more time to talk to you.”
“We’ve already burned through half the day talking. Don’t you tire of me?” You turned your head to him, quirking a brow and tilting your head slightly.
“I don’t believe I could ever tire of a voice as beautiful as yours.” Armin met your gaze. His eyes were clearer than a cloudless sky, the reflection of the stars shining in them. “Or a beauty as ethereal as yours.”
Your cheeks heated. You smiled and gave a flirty laugh, your hold on his arm becoming slightly firmer. “You flatter me.”
“I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.” He smiled sweetly at you. “I could talk to you for hours.”
You quietly hummed, averting your gaze to instead look down at the ground. Stray weeds grew between the cracks in the concrete. Despite the city’s rigorous upkeep, bright dandelions always managed to peek through.
A moment of silence passed between the two of you. In that short time, you replayed the day in your head. You noticed that Armin spoke more . . . refined. He talked to you with a voice more becoming of a rich man, one that contrasted the casual tone he used with you at the office.
“Is there a reason you’re speaking differently?” you asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, that day I entered the delivery room your language was more casual,” you explained, still looking down at the ground. “Now, however, you’re speaking more refined. There’s a poetic way to the way you’re talking, almost.”
Armin looked down at the ground with you. Even if you weren’t meeting his eyes anyway, he wasn’t going to take any chances of his gaze catching yours.
“You noticed?” His tone was teasing, and you let out an amused hum. “If you were talking to a pretty girl, you’d want to impress her, wouldn’t you? Especially if she’s clearly more educated and well read than you are.”
You smiled again at the indirect compliments. An odd flutter in your stomach alarmed you. You had been complimented before—why were his sending your mind spiraling with delusional images of a life with him?
“Thank you, though I assure you that I am not as sophisticated as you’ve made me out to be,” you said. You were no longer looking down at the ground, but you still didn’t turn to look at him.
“Are you not aware of the letters you write? The linguistic dialogue you use in them is beautiful.”
You finally turned to look at him, your eyes widened and your palms beginning to sweat.
“You’ve read my letters?” you wondered.
“Only one or two,” Armin replied. He lifted his head and met your gaze, a faint smile painted across his lips. “Mikasa’s shown me a few. She says she wished her lover sent her letters like those instead of one of her closest friends.”
You laugh, although you aren’t sure if it’s because you’re amused by what Mikasa said or because you now have the knowledge that he’s read what you’ve written.
Armin moved to keep walking, but the gradual stop in your steps made him falter. He looked at you curiously for a moment before realizing that you had stopped in front of your building.
“Well, thank you. Again, that is.” You tucked a bit of hair behind your ear, glancing away again. “I was always told in school that my writing was too flowery and confusing.”
“I think that’s the best part of it.” Armin smiled, stepping closer to you in the dim light of the street. “If you write it well to someone you know will understand it, then the recipient won’t misinterpret it. That’s the beauty of finding someone like you, don’t you think?”
You blinked at him, turning his words over in your head, before your lips stretched into a smile. You had never thought of it that way, but Armin’s insight only made you want to find that special someone even more.
“I suppose that’s true.” You look up at your building, realizing that you didn’t want to part with the blond quite yet. “Say, would you mind walking me to my apartment?”
You watched Armin’s eyes light up. The faint smile that seemed to have been permanently etched onto his face widened, and he nodded. “I would be honored.”
You don’t think you’ve ever been so happy in a single day. You’ve smiled more times than you were able to count talking to him alone and your cheeks were beginning to become sore.
You motioned for him to follow you. You gently pushed open the door and began the ascent to your floor with him.
You weren’t sure if it was an appropriate topic of conversation, considering the two of you had only met recently and didn’t know a great deal about each other, but you began speaking about soulmates. You said that if written language could act as a crafted secret between one and their beloved, then surely soulmates could be made.
Armin agreed with you, though he added his belief that there was a higher being that manipulated paths and made certain people come across each other at the right times. Maybe soulmates could be made, but there was still that line of fate.
Although you didn’t believe in fate or destiny, you hoped that whatever was out there had written a story for you where he was yours.
When you reached your apartment door, you slowly slid your key into the lock, hoping to postpone the inevitable moment where you would have to leave him and walk into your room. You placed a reluctant hand on the doorknob, running your thumb across it before looking up at him.
“Thank you.” It seemed as though that was all you were doing. “For walking up here, but also for the day.”
Armin flashed you a smile, bowing his head. “It was my pleasure. I quite enjoyed today and hope that you will accept my invitation for another like it?”
You hummed, feigning thought. “Will there be a chaperone next time?”
Armin chuckled. “Only if you want one.”
“I suppose I might entertain the idea, then,” you teased. You regretfully turned the handle and opened your door, wishing that you could invite him in. “Goodnight, Armin.”
When Armin gave you the last smile of the night, you found yourself wanting to kiss him. You wanted to brush your lips against his and taste the sunshine he radiated. You wanted to hold him close and thread your fingers through his hair.
Armin turned to walk away, but the soft call of his name stopped him.
He turned to look at you. “Yes?”
You ran your thumb across the doorknob again, searching your mind for the words. “You don’t need to talk fancy to win my favor. I’d rather get to know you.”
It’s clear that you caught him off guard, but that faint, ever present smile never diminished.
He nodded. “Good night, Y/n.”
You returned the nod, stepping into your apartment and clicking the door behind you.
You pressed your ear against the wood, listening to the sound of his fading footsteps as he retreated. When you could no longer hear him, you peeled yourself away from the door and dropped onto your bed, staring up at your ceiling with a star struck gaze.
Maybe flowery writing wasn’t all that bad.
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please ignore that the writing style changed like halfway through i don’t know why that happened
anyways this is basically the start of my come back to writing because uhm. i kind of took a long unannounced hiatus from it BUT that’s besides the point ✨
i’m also scared i lost my writing sparkle please tell me if this was normal for me (if that makes sense) because i need validation
anyways hope y’all have a good day/night and that your pillow is always cool on both sides love y’all <3
🏷️ @arlerts-angel @ocean-armin if you’d like be notified any time i write for Armin leave a comment or DM me!
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ghost-bison · 2 years
Ok so first of all, the Nogitsune's "divine move" didn't make any sense, wtf was that? They broke all the rules. You can't be a fox and a wolf
Then, there's the lousy excuse for Stiles and Lydia breaking up. The hell. I don't even ship them, but like NO. What, it was too hard to say that he was on an important FBI mission? Losers
Liam, Mason, Hikari, Jackson? What were yall doing here? What purpose did you serve my dudes? I freaking love Liam, and I was so excited for Hikari, and then they give us this. They barely even talked.
I was so confused during the entire movie, I didn't know whether or not Chris and Melissa were still a thing??
It wasn't explained properly enough that Malia was actually kind of Eli's aunt/cousin/sibling, like it took me a while to figure out he had grown up in her presence
Btw who tf is Eli's mom??? When they started mentioning Harris I was like oh we're probably gonna see Jennifer again right it's all linked, she came right before the Nogitsune it would make sense that she has something to do with his return and maybe she's also Eli's mom, like it was the most logical explanation if we think of the timeline but no, nope, Eli just doesn't have a mom!
Also what was Harris doing here? And the acting of the guy who plays him was weird (sorry to hate but not sorry it was really bad)
Allison coming back to stay just ruined her previous departure
They should have implied Thiam was a thing not give Liam a f*cking girlfriend
The way Allison came back was laughable
Why did they have to make Malia and Parrish a thing they interacted like twice
The random swearing every five minutes just because they could put it there smh
The way they explained Eli's reluctance to transforming being trauma and then Derek doing just the thing that traumatized Eli in order for him to transform and it working???
I'm so sad and disappointed we didn't see more Malia/Derek interactions it would have been f*king hilarious
Last but not least, Derek. Derek dying, after everything that he'd been through. After all the abuse and years of fighting. They pulled an Enzo St. John fr. Derek dying in the same way his entire family died. Burned alive. And the writers being like "Yeah but look it's okay he became a true alpha" IDGAF. HE PROBABLY DIDN'T GAF EITHER. MY DUDE WANTED TO LIVE. HE WANTED TO RAISE HIS KID. AND THEN HE DIES AND ALLISON AND SCOTT JUST KISS LOVINGLY LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, LIKE ELI ISN'T CRYING ON THE GROUNG TRAUMATIZED AFTER WATCHING HIS FATHER BURN TO DEATH?!?! Also Malia was the one who had the most appropriate reaction like thank you for being the only one to be shocked and crying, queen. Your cousin deserved better
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
What’s going on Sis! I have a little request!
Female Slashers Being Invited to their black! S/O family Cookout!
Please? For the culture! And thank you ❤️
Hey sis! I'll definitely do that for you and the culture 💕
Female slashers being invited to their black!S/O's family cookout:
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Although there's a bunch of human food, and she can't eat any blood: it smells delicious. She'll nibble on some before she hits her limit. Too much human food can make her barf. And she doesn't want to be disrespectful.
Plus the food was DIVINE. Oh, that sweet red velvet and that mac and cheese~. Now y'all know white people love some cheese!
Might want to watch your hornier cousins around her. Can't have them going missing.....
Will she dance? Sure. It won't be on beat sometimes but she looks great doing it!
Most of the family likes her, except a few. Your conservative aunties/grandma turn up their nose at the way she dresses and parades around. You tell her not to mind them.
She's pretty chill, although the temptation of eating your horny ass cousins is high. Y'all might have to leave a little early.
Oh wait, a smoke break? Excuse me, a trip to the corner store. Yeah let's go and get some snacks rq
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Very excited to meet your extended family.
Overwhelmed by 2 things: either or both by A. how big your family is or B. how outgoing they are.
Thankfully, they figure out fast that she is shy. So most back off and leave it to just and introduction. A few try to get her out of her shell. "Ay girl, you don't have to be so shy!" "We wont bite ya!"
She thinks they are wonderful and she loves how hospitable they are towards her.
You'll find her either sticking right beside you or by your other very shy cousins hanging out around the house.
Dancing? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Maybe next time?
The food? Delectable. Carrie stares at the desserts very longingly. But, she'll need to wait until she finishes her main food! That's what she was taught. But one problem is...if she makes it there.
"Oh, y/n I'm so sleepy." The itis done got to her.
She goes to find a room but there's a bunch of toddlers drooling on the bed. It's such a cute scene, but not what she needs. She goes to try to find another unoccupied room.
Lady Dimitrescu:
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"Dear...why are we going so late? They said it'll start at 2:00 pm."
"Lady D...START isthe key word here. It's a suggestion anyway."
She thinks you want to be fashionably late but nooooo. The food won't be done by then. And most of the family damn sure wont be there. We play on CP time honey.
Y'all get there via her monster transformation, since her big tall ass can't fit in a regular car.
And you did warn her ahead of time that she will get comments about how tall she is. Especially from your one cousin that couldn't keep their mouth shu-
"Damn cuz you aint tell me you gotta AMAZONIAN." Lord here they go. Other than the occasional, "Damn, she big!," Lady D mostly deals with stares the whole time.
And of course that one uncle and cousin dup have to ask, "She give you dat snu snu?," trying to play with you. You try not to laugh but it's a little funny.
Out of respect of your family, she doesn't bludgeon your very thirsty uncle.
The food smells appetizing, but she will have to pass. It'll fuck up her stomach, unless it's a very bloody piece of meat. The desserts are what she can eat. She adores the peach cobbler and the key lime pie.
She tries to dance but she accidentally knocks a few people over with her hips. Oh well!
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She knows what time it is. They said 1:30 pm? Y'all not going until 3:30.
Scarfs down the food, it's scary. Some of your family are looking at her like she crazy. And she is.
"Damn, the food ain't going nowhere!!"
She knows that!!! But it's just too damn good!
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Dancing? Eh, if she's in the mood. If your family has been really nice she might. She will request a Queen Ni'jah song.
Speaking of that, she will be adamant on asking your cousins if they fuck with her. You already told them ahead of time to just say yes.
She hangs out in the corner, strategically placing herself by the food.
She'll play some games, surprisingly good at spades. Her favorite part is slamming the cards on the table. Basically this video.
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