#maybe its just taste?
llycaons · 2 months
most coffeeshop AU and generic rated e fanfic is bad BUT people who write it clearly enjoy it and there must be an audience for it...so that begs the question...is it really just a matter of personal taste...
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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truly this one's just for me. I can do what I want foreverrr
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chiptrillino · 1 year
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ID: three drawings showing from left to right, jet, zuko and sokka from avatar the last air bender as children from the waist up. Left jet is slouching with his arms crossed, body facing left, head angled looking to the right. He has a licorice wood in his mouth. Center is zuko frowning, looking to the left. On the right is sokka about to trow a snowball, small pink tongue peaking out of his mouth. "chiptrillino . 2023" is written faintly on the bottom of sokkas parka. "please don't repost" is written on the left side of the green square behind jet End ID
dug these up again after the nice anon ask
if you want to deal with all my reblogs may I direct your attention to my side only my artworks blog?
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raepliica · 1 year
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crustyfloor · 3 months
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hinamie · 3 months
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myokk · 1 month
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#this might be the most scribble thing I post here yet bahahahahahahahahahahaaha#I still like how the hands turned out even though I didn’t finish them😇#but it’s pretty messy and the hands might be the only part I like🥲#but since this blog is my art journey documentation here you are#I was pretty busy today so no good art but maybe tomorrow we’ll see#I am preparing things to FINALLY answer my asks🥹#& if you tagged me in anything I actually have been meaning to respond!!!!!!!! my notifications are the WORST and so confusing on here😵‍💫#and I’m technology grandma…#hope u all have had an amazing day !!!! 🫶#my brother in law has been fishing and catching SO MANY sargo#(sargo = sea bream for the animal crossing playing English speakers😙)#AND ITS LITERALLY SOOOOOOOOO DELICIOUS !!!!!#i cook it in the weirdest way possible#you just have to gut the fish and cut off its fins etc#then you put it in a wet salt bed and cover it up…cook it for 30 min…AND VOILA ITS DONE !!!!!#I don’t add any spices…NOTHING…and this fish literally has the taste and texture of crab covered in butter#LIKE…😳 it might be my favorite food/fav thing to cook these days bc it’s so easy and fresh caught fish is just delicious😫#well that was my grandma cooking show of the day👩‍🍳#now you know how to cook sargo a la sal 👩‍🍳#also going back to the drawing🥹 I just love these two so much…#I love thinking of sweet moments…most of my angst is confined to writinc😆#the chapter I’m writing right now is SO ANGST DEPRESSING (sorry Eloise)#it will get better…I promise…#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hogwarts legacy oc#hogwarts legacy mc#eloise babbit#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc
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cavennmalore · 4 months
with the amount that the main series dunks on the forbidden cities i would just love for unraveled to be just an unabashed celebration of humanity. like yes there is poverty and pollution and crime but also there is dancing and music and rollercoasters and scary movies. let keefe discover the beauty here! the first book was all about the wonder of the lost cities but unraveled could be all about the wonder of the forbidden cities
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potatobugz · 1 month
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i was hacked by a very unhappy man!
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The physical restraint I have to not bite into this kneaded eraser right now
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puppets can be considered arthropods
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aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Those Beyond The Wall
sequel/companion to The Space Between Worlds, set a decade later
character-focused sci-fi set in an area divided in two, the rich protected city on one side and everyone else in the post-apocalyptic desert
follows a woman who works under the Emperor in Ashtown, keeping the peace
when mangled bodies start showing up with seemingly no murderer, she’s tasked with finding the cause, and finds out that it’s the result of corruption spanning both cities and multiple worlds
explores oppression and messy revolution, police violence and apartheid
bi & polyamorous MC
#Those Beyond The Wall#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#space between worlds sequel!!! honestly I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it….. In general I enjoyed it and I think it had#a lot of important things to say but also maybe highlighted some weaknesses(?) in both books?#or - I guess just the fact that the sff stuff (which skews a little more magicy here) is kinda small scope relative to its potential#and more there to serve the plot and characters. Which actually maybe is the point. idk- there's def mixed reviews lol#it has a messy unlikable MC (like actually - when half the weak ass reviews are saying the MC is annoying you know they are Actually a#complex character) and some interesting relationship dynamics#it is pretty solidly a sequel - I wouldnt read this without reading TSBW#cara does show up in here& tbh her characterisation felt quite different to me? unsure how I feel about that? but maybe it's the biased POV#also to be clear: polyam MC; not a polyam romance or anything#(there's - kinda a romance? or various feelings floating around and she 'ends up' with someone. feel like i would have liked that to end#more subtley but that's probably my personal taste lol)#man some of the 1 star reviews of this are kinda.....just racist though. can we get some measured critique in here#as I said i am not entirely sure how I feel about it but not quite in a way I can articulate.... idk! i think it's worth the read tho#it's maybe one of those revolutions that feels solved a little too easily in the end - but then also is it solved or is it just that the#narrative has to end at a certain point
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they just met why is kara always going on about how lena needs to give her more and more? maybe that should be the end, they had a nice time , we got nice smut and they parted ways. i get why kara doesn't see them working but idg what lena is seeing in kara long term beyond her being 'normal' i guess that's enough with her life, even when kara was told that those pictures were from before they even met she still judged her and made all about how lena hurt her feelings, lena will have tabloids saying shit about her always and kara is right that they won't work long term, they don't work even now when they should be in the honeymoon period
Yall I'm writing this on my phone, my thumbs dont have that kind of stamina.
Also, as for what Lena sees in Kara... tbh I'm relying pre-exisiting chemistry that y'all know is there, even if I'm not the best at showing it here. I might embellish when I move it to ao3, but I might not.
But also part of things is that Kara doesn't really have room to shine, because Lena sucks all the air from the room. And with based looooooosely on the anne hathaway movie that sees them reuniting in like five years, I had to have them split in a relatively timely manner.
And also tbh, in case the "writing this in my phone notes" didn't convey this strongly enough-- I am pantsing this thing to the maxxxxxx. Not a single outline or bullet point in sight. Total stream of consciousness. As a rule, one can expect my tumblr stuff to be considered a stream of consciousness more than anything else. Do NOT expect it to be polished or free of plot holes.
Also also... it's a free story with our fave peeps? Didn't think it needed to be much deeper on this here tumblr dot com...
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akai-akai · 2 months
TW: irresponsible use of knives, minor blood
still thinking about deadpool and wolverine banging fighting in that car...
which means I'm also still thinking about simon and johnny fighting in the car, all teeth and bloody noses and bruised knuckles.... and then simon pins johnny across the back seat, pulls a knife, and plunges it into the cushion, just barely knicking johnny's ear as he leans down so that their faces are inches apart and snarls at him to stay still...
and johnny has this wild look on his face, pure joy and adrenaline mixed with something almost predatory.
like we've seen johnny pissed off to the point he loses self-control (makarov helo scene) so I can't help but imagine he loses his shit and simon is the only one there and has to bring him back down somehow... and his solution is to pin johnny down and force him to chill out.
I'm so normal about them I swear
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mywitchcultblr · 7 months
I know people can do whatever with their art but each time I see Neuvillette being drawn as ultra muscular on pinterest I feel like dying inside, babygirl doesnt hit the gym, never.
This guy doesn't like sweating because losing water in your body is the last thing a hydro dragon wanted T_T Monsieur Neuvillette is
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dailykugisaki · 9 months
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Day ninety-five | id in alt
Long time no Nanami💥
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