#maybe it’s the universe protecting me
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trohmanissocoollike · 2 years ago
So far in life I have been blessed with two opportunities to make a good impression and be kind to YouTubers (the only celebrities that count in my eyes) that I enjoy and I have fumbled both of those opportunities. I have now determined that I am not destined to meet celebrities.
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nevertheless-moving · 1 year ago
unable to stop dwelling on the discworld trouser leg of time where, in the penultimate fight scene in Nightwatch, Carcer manages to kill teenage Sam Vimes.
Which means that the future that Duke Vimes came from can no longer exist, which means he can’t go home. Meanwhile you’ve got a bunch of history monks with stored up temporal energy, a prepared space outside of time, and the need to do some desperate damage control before the Auditors get involved. Death shows up, reality is unweaving, Sam is reading Carcer his discworld miranda rights because what else is he supposed to do.
and finally, with little other option, the monks de-age Sam so he fits the time period and send him back out into the fray.
(they didn't call it deageing of course. His memory is hazy, splintered during that terrible in between moment, They....took the time out of him? Sanded away the edges of his self for a terrible, workable fit? It...wasn't a good feeling.)
Just—damn. Sam Vimes having to live his whole crapsack life over again, but this time as his disillusioned-reillusioned, unwillingly-character-developed, noir-epic, Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes self. 
Younger (Older? He's never felt so Old, His steps so Childlike, reality twisting in his gut like one of Dibbler's pies) Sam Vimes walking around in a haze after the revolution. Desperate to go home, knowing he can’t. Wanting to drink. Knowing he can’t.
The whole precinct feels pity, he really took Keel’s death hard, hardly speaks except to do his job. Eventually he has to grit his teeth and start being present, because what else is there to do?
Resists the urge to drink until Colon takes the whole watch out to celebrate because -he’s going to be a father!
Come on Sammy, one drink won’t kill you— and after the first drink he’s cracking jokes and after the second hes smiling and after the third hes honestly the life of the party and sometime after that he’s crying about how he was going to be a father and my wife would be ashamed if she saw me drinking like this and— 
Oh shit, Did anyone else know he had a wife?? A PREGNANT wife??? What—aren’t you like 12—no you're 17 now aren't you but when did—
You guys n’ver met ’er—oh gods none if you ev’n know ‘er, is jus’ me...
What—when did you lose—
I lost her the same damn day I los’ ev’rythin else, whadya think...bleeding Carcer...the fuckin revolution...
So! That! Sam only vaguely remembers the night, but rumors travel faster than light on the disc, so by the next day the whole damn city knows about poor Sam brung low by the loss of his poor, tragic, pregnant wife, so young to be a widower, and the Seamstresses nod because they already knew, don’t ask them how, somethings you just have to know in that trade.
And his mother—I don’t know, sue me, I’m a time travel fiend but there’s something deeply intriguing about a man meeting his dead parent, who is somewhat younger than him, and stepping into the old relationship like a badly fitting thing that's supposed to fit well. She would know, right? How would she deal with her son’s impossible grief? Maybe she wouldn’t know—he spent most of the time out of the house, running with different street gangs, maybe he avoids her until she dies and lives with the guilt twice over. God, we don’t even know her name. There’s just so much narrative and emotional potential that I don’t even know where to start.
When he’s on duty, which is most time - it’s agonizing because at first he remembers cases, saves lives that would have been lost. But the more time passes, the hazier his memory because in the original timeline he was becoming an alcoholic. Fuck! A kid dies and he could have saved her if he hadn’t been such a drunk, if he had just remembered where the asshole lived, but it’s all a haze, and he wants to drown out his guilt, but that’s what caused this in the first place.
Good young Sammy, who spends his rare off-time in dusty libraries (and yes, the irony that he’s apparently Carrot now is not lost on him) reading gods-only-know.
It’s not like he can ask the wizards for help, cutthroat and vicious as they are now in the not-so-distant-past.
Good young Sam, who...talks to the Broken Drum’s pet Bouncer like he’s a real person and not a dumb rock? That’s a bit weird, but he’s a bit of a funny guy.
Good old Sam, who believed the testimony of the dwarf who said the humans were trying to rob him and let the dwarf go??
the PROBLEMS this man would cause, good grief. Can you imagine a moderately progressive middle aged man with some degree of begrudging diversity and equity training that he did, for all his sins, pay attention to, suddenly going back to like, 1990, going back just 30 years, and going...oh damn this is kind of fucked up, no man you can’t say that, holy shit.
Except Sam’s lived through even more rapidly shifting social moroes! There’s no seamstress guild, there’s no women allowed inside the university, there’s no black ribboner’s society. People hunted trolls for their teeth! But Sam can’t just unlearn everything, and he can’t shut up, and he has no real luck and anyway he would absolutely get himself (temporarily) fired.
FUCK. Sam has no idea what to do with that. None. Zero clue. Wanders around in a haze until that dwarf he saved from police brutality finds him and insists on repaying the debt. No, he insists, do you have any idea what debt means to a dwarf?
“Sort-of?” he replies hesitantly, and that honest admission of incomplete knowledge shows a hell of a lot more respect and understanding than any self proclaimed dwarf-expert ever did.
Gets a job as a surface man, hauling rocks into the city. It’s backbreaking work, but, in true Discworld fashion, it’s also one hell of a workout (again the irony of being Carrot is not lost him. he freezes for a minute while hauling a rock cart, when he remembers he's technically Lost Nobility too, in a strict sense, but someone curses at him in the street and he's comfortingly grounded)
And here is where this au slides into a SPECTACULAR romantic comedy, BEAR WITH ME. Because in his time on the Watch he’s already done noir, action adventure, war story, detective who dunnit, psychological horror, but guards guards only allowed him to be a romance protagonist in an extremely limited context.
Give me righteous, twenty-something-looking, can’t-say-he-doesn’t-have-style, young Sam Vimes, not an alcoholic,  being fed three square meals a day by his dwarven forced found family, hauling rocks. He is startled to find him bumping his head on a low hanging bar that he doesn’t think used to be there, eventually realizing that he’s an inch or two taller than he remembers. Huh. Guess all that bearhuggers really did stunt his growth.
Still doesn’t get what some of the looks from women he’s getting are about, sure, he’s dirty but so is everyone else. Fine, he took his shirt off, but it’s hot out, there’s far wrinklier than him hauling heavy loads, get a life. 
Happens to glance in the Ankh one day when it’s particularly slow and shiny and is startled to realize that he might be turning heads for a different reason. Oh. Right, not that he was ever a heartbreaker, but he did alright for himself... when he was a younger and his face hadn’t been broken so many times. Which...it isn't now.
Is mildly disturbed by the revelation.
Especially once things blow over at the precinct and what with high mortality rates, he ends up with getting hired again. The boys are delighted to have him back, nevermind that he’s an odd one, noone is ever quite in your corner like Vimsey, absence makes the heart fonder, no one else works that hard, and he’s not even competition for promotion. All around great guy, we should set him up with somebody and just, no.
It just keeps getting worse! He’s literate! He’s a feminist! He believes abuse victims! He’s got a tragic backstory! He’s unreasonably good in a fistfight! He’s kind to animals! Word gets around that there’s a good man on the watch and he’s just waiting for a good woman to come snap him up. The widower excuse doesn’t hold people off completely, and for some it’s its own sort-of appeal. 
Things REALLY become stressful after he rescues that carriage full of noblewoman.
What’s he supposed to do? Let them get robbed? Or worse? Chasing down and beating up 10 goons is as easy as beating up one, when they’re that stupid, getting separated like that, drunk and distracted, and he knows these streets better than anyone, really it’s nothing. And oh lord he’s Modest too.
I mean, they were genuinely greatful, as genuine as people like that are capable of being, the skill having grown rusty. And then there is something...magnetic about the man. An air of command.
So, soon enough you get Lady Marigold of Marigrave calling on Treckle Road for that gallant young officer who rescued them, she really needs to thank him. And Viscountess Elanor Thitzferal specifically requesting that he guard her at her next soiree. And Baroness Julieta van Shoeholten insisting that he come to her home while her husband’s away, for... manly protection.
Aaaah just zero sympathy from the guys. None. 'It’s become a competition, they’re just trying to see who can get me into bed first, it’s like I’m a piece of meat, you can’t send me sir, the Marquess greeted me in a nightee last time you made me go to—' and 'small gods Vimes are you even listening to yourself, shut the hell up'.
Simultaneous to this, (again this is several years into the timeline) swamp dragon accessories come into style. Which means abandoned swamp dragons scrounging on the street. Vimes takes one back to his apartment, blows his paycheck on dragon medicine, and eventually, heart in his chest, brings it to the Ramkin estate. The sunshine orphanage doesn’t even exist yet and he’s just standing outside the gates like an idiot, what is he thinking. Turns around, but her carriage is pulling up and—
well. they meet. it's cute. he's never felt so young. he's never felt so old, too old for her, too poor—
and certainly her thoughts linger too long on the awkward, kindly, handsome young commoner, but is it any wonder she doesn't quite connect it to the stern, dangerous, sexy young guard the ladies seem to be in some quiet, cuthroat competition over?
i have this gorgeous, absurd scene in my head in which Vimes is strong armed into standing guard at some high society soiree and one of the pushiest ladies insists he dance with here, or, if he prefers, if he's not confident about his skills, he can dance with her in-private at her home and he’s like [grinding teeth, looking for a way out, seeinf one] “I would be honored to dance with you.”
Steps right into some ultra-complex dance with multiple partner swaps (she never thought he'd pick this one, devilishly intimidating to one not strictly trained, and you barely spend anytime with your first partner).
But he does alright. Better than alright, for a common man, sometimes misstepping but his hands and feet always end up where they need to be. Raises several eyebrows part way into the song because he's throuwing in some slightly scandalous, no innovative, extra lifts and twirls that wouldn't become fashionable for another decade or two. Who even is that guy? Some out of towner? No, no he's in a guards uniform...how very strange.
Gets to Sybll and she's used to embarrassment during these dances, she tries to get out of them when she can... but can't always. Men awkwardly skipping the lifts, or worse, trying and failing. But him — oh it's him, the one who helped little Erold, and looked at her like—like—well like she was someone beautiful. And he's doing it again, and he's strong and there's a quiet moment where she's in the air, they lock eyes, and the rest of the room melts away.
And then the partners change again, the moment ended.
Just...living throught it all again. To the left, a dance he almost knows the steps to, throwing others off balance with erratic moves , honest mistakes, and delibrate stepping on toes. Improvising. Ruining. Improving. Getting far, far too much attention.
Hes almost excited when the first assassains start coming after him. It's like a hobby.
Everyone tells him he should get a hobby.
Interactions with young vetinari...I don't have the energy to write it all down, the slow circling in on each other, both burning with the need to fix the city, save it, their city.
needless to say he ends up fired again, life under real threat after offending some high lord.
Conveniently enough he has an employment opportunity- bodyguard to fucking Vetinari on his 'grand sneer.' The bastard knows vimes isn't what he seems, though sam is pretty sure that he doesnt know the exacts.
Vetinari hypothesis:(the ghost of keel? Keels son, with some hereditary curse? Or a larger spirit of justice possessing a string of unrelated souls? He knows things he shouldn't- mind reader? Fortune teller? Havelock once arranged for a wizard to bump into him on the street, the magical fool gave an odd double look and then muttered something about destiny looping in on itself giving him a headache. Destiny? Lost noble? And hes far too familiar with sybyl, one of the few bearable noblewomen in this city. And his thoughts on guilds, when havelock can trip him into speaking... Most of all, if hes reading him at all correctly (for all the mystery hes not that hard to read, unless thats a very clever cover) then it seems that behind those dark haunted eyes is Respect. Loyalty. For vetinari. What an interesting man. A puzzling asset. An intriguing threat. )
Did I mention the timeline is changing, healing slowly around the place where it was torn? Healing enough around scars to perhaps get some flexibility back, with some painful stretches and...massaging of said scar tissue?
And hes heading to unresting uberwald, a place where a werewolf pack still hunts humans and, truely unrelated but perhaps equally exhausting, an eldritch spirit of vengeance just might be looking to stretch its legs in a hapless vessel?
Opening drabble Vimes Vetinari Meta (Unwell) Scene from the Uberwald Grand Sneer
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
just read the new mutants issue where Charles chose to stay behind in space and my god the juxtaposition between Charles trusting Erik and Erik joining the hellfire club and wondering at his own trust worthiness. I wonder how much of Charles decision was him ultimately trying to avoid the fact that his first class had seemingly betrayed mutant kind and not be willing to face them and how much of it was Dani and Illyana's reaction to him having Karma mind control Illyana. the fact that Illyana was depending on him to ease her mind through limbo and in choosing to stay he forced karma to do it instead, probably fucking up their relationship in the process.
I love him, this is crazy, how much of this is him trying to runaway and how much is this him not trusting himself to fix things and how much is it just him trusting Erik?
i keep trying to put into words my exact thoughts about the sitch but there really is a lot for one issue aintit... oh charles you and your brain...
#snap chats#thats why we have tag rambles AHAHA#ok so to tackle things one at a time charles ultimately deciding to stay in space despite his expressed want to return to earth#obviously it was when lilandra pointed out if her sister took charge of the shi'ar then the universe- earth included- would be in peril#charles notes his position as a losing one: whichever choice he makes he loses#he goes to earth then the universe could be at stake/he stays in space he loses his kids#of course charles COULD just put his faith in the starjammers but is that a risk he wants to take ? evidently not#charles' reoccurring flaw is he's willing to sacrifice personal relationships for the greater perceived good#even lilandra acknowledges this- that charles' homesickness for earth was an inevitability just as she is indebted to protecting the stars#so now his ruptured relationship with illyana and co- esp right after comforting a split illyana last issue#we've seen charles act more coldly/rashly when he's about to lose people (i think of his first death with the og5 mostly)#i mean it's a key part to charles' chara that he doesn't favor mind controlling others and im sure he has the same regard for his students#he's aware of the damage it can do and in this instance- for one reason or another- he orders it to be done regardless#im sure he does this as a form of defense: if his kids are upset with him they won't feel too bad about losing him and it'll be less painfu#obviously we still see sam wish charles farewell and wish for him to come back soon but yk.. worthy attempt..#and it's not as if charles wants them to hate him ENTIRELY.. he's still touched by sam's goodbye no.... fickle man he is..#i dont think charles is totally afraid to confront the og5- its what made him want to return to earth with the nms initially#tho again.. could his decision to stay in the stars be influenced by that? that maybe he ISNT prepared to confront them like he thought?#who's to say... not me i dont got that psych degree yet..#erik being charles' trusted confidant definitely made his decision easier on top of that: i mean is he needed if he has a substitute#i think charles DOES wholly trust erik: charles really doesnt approach his x-men half heartedly. from his pov ofc#if he didn't genuinely believe in erik's potential he wouldn't have picked him; hes a comforting thought when charles decides to depart#'although i'm gone erik understands me and my goals enough to continue my work as good as i would have so i have nothing to worry about'#which. yk. makes the whole White King thing kinda awkward VJAELVJEAKL charles you fool#i have no idea how this saga ends though... tbh im only on ish 45 of NM i just read 50 and 51 to get context for this ask#so i can only wait and see how this saga turns out... once i finish reading house of m/secret invasion stuff jvLKEJKA#idk im tired and rambling dont pay attention to me.. ramblin bout charles' brain is a good day for me regardless if i make sense jVLAJ
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azurefaire · 11 days ago
concept for a pepper ann amphibia au, i'm going to call it pepper ann-phibia
what the shows have in common are both dysfunctional trio of friends and a main character with a similar name, but thinking on how it would work is truly interesting. the characters all have different household lives, and considering their friend dynamic it is truly interesting.
it's based on the blink and you miss it pepper ann cameo from amphibia and the line from the guardian on people who misused the stones. the story also would take a lot of cues from early amphibia in order to fit the roles better. this also is sorta dark for pepper ann, but i really like the idea of this story. especially a "failed timeline" so here you go. not satire. pull up a chair. mostly a rough idea. OKAY a very rough idea. there is several timelines to this story as well.
ridiculous ted talk: crossover au addition. makes more sense when you've seen both series
the story: late 90s/mid 00s. in the summer of 8th grade, pepper ann pearson wins an all expense paid trip via sweepstakes to somewhere in california and is allowed to bring her friend's nicky little and milo kamalani.
lydia pearson (pa's mom) is allowed to chaperone them and comes on the trip being so far from hazelnut, but understands that this is for the kids special trip. so she spends a lot of time at the hotel taking advantage of the perks and gives them all cell phones, emergency contacts, meeting spaces etc
nicky's birthday is coming up on this trip, and she usually spends her birthday at home with family. not having any parties, though she's secretly always wanted a special birthday party, a surprise party especially. pepper ann and milo want to do something special for her or get her a special gift. knowing how obviously nicky wants to have a cool birthday- its written all over her face. unfortunately, nicky is really hard to shop for gift wise even with tips. after searching a long time on their trip the music box appears. given everything that happened in seventh grade with frog dissection it was a good inside joke, and hey! nicky likes music right? the motivation comes from a simple gesture of kindness from characters who can often be unintentionally selfish. nothing weird is happening, they are just celebrating nicky's birthday right?
when celebrating nicky's birthday, pepper ann gives her the gift and she while attempting showcasing all the uses it can have ends up transporting them all to amphibia.
the twist is, is that they all end up different places and take on different roles in amphibia. in fact, calamity powers end up being split between the characters and the role of sasha and marcy is split between nicky and milo. and each gets a piece of heart wit or strength. this causes an instability, which causes the three stone deity/guardian with the help of other dieties to "erase" this timeline, something the guardian had nevef had to do. in some timelines they are aware of the power split and try to fix it, but they were never meant to wield the gems to begin with.
pepper ann: you'd think pepper ann would end up in wartwood, but she actually starts the story in newtopia to contrast her hometown. she also has no access to the calamity box. however, no one in newtopia is kind to take her in at first and she struggles a lot. she ends up wandering around for a while and finds found family in "carmello", a young stern frog shopkeeper estranged from their own family who is the only one who takes her in. carmello's real name is... weed, like the amphibia pilot. cause its funny to me she tells him "i cant call you that!" i imagine lol. but i also like the idea of a frog trying to assimilate in newtopian culture so let's leave it at that. eventually, they leave newtopia in sight of wartwood. in hopes of finding the others and for better opprotunities. we also see the friends of carmello and an arc of carmello reconnecting with their old friends and new opprotunities. her lesson is to be less selfish but also to listen to others. she has mostly heart powers, but also strength. when she has to work on her powers, they all need to be evenly seperated to work because otherwise the powers are unstable. her journey is from newtopia to wartwood in act one, which speaks to her own desire to get out of his mess.
milo: takes the role of marcy as she was in pre production. he's a wanderer, lost in the lands of amphibia relying on whatever he has for survival and also meets up with other survivalists... who do it for fun... he has powers of wit, but does he really deserve it? after all there is no "creativity" calamity gem. he becomes a master of witchcraft in the rural woods of wartwood. he takes a bit of heart in his powers, sometimes acting up in unexpected ways. he makes creative breakthroughs with natural materials.
his journey leads to him to find nicky, who has been made into a soldier of the toad army. milo is tested when alone, but meets unexpected friends. he learns to listen and to slow down and be mindful, even if that doesn't come easy or naturally to him.
nicky is the least adjusted to amphibia out of the three. she believes it to be a dream and tries to rationalize being there a lot. she is captured by the toad army and the calamity box is seized from her. when proven useful- let out of prison and recruited to the toad army were she is a capable but loyal soldier. but on her face, she is dazed and confused- almost in a dissociative trance like state. eventually nicky is able to desert the toad army and cross paths with milo and is able to eventually reunite with pepper ann. even though she is sasha here, grime is not her ally.
nicky goes through a lot throughout the journey, as the duel roles sasha and marcy. she has the desire to be controlling but wants the best for the friendship overall and wants to protect herself. but she has very little loyalty to the others she meets and struggles to trust others. she eventually is taken advantage of by the newtopians and andrias with the desire to get home overtaking everything else. she will eventually be assimilated to the core, but she certainly isn't as trusting as marcy. nicky, who in many ways has been sensitive- going emotionally numb would be a prominent part of the story.
you might be thinking nicky is so fitting for marcy so why give her the role of both marcy and sasha? especially since she's not really strong. nicky does have strength in many areas, she has a lot of arm strength but presumably doesn't have a lot of core/body strength. she's also an overachiever who uses a treadmill and exercises often. nicky was also raised with very high standards to the point of absurdity, her arc would focus on this a lot. her arc would focus on her advocating for her needs, trust, and self sacrifice, and her bonds with her friends. the "betrayal" from andrias would be cruel fate, but eventually nicky would be rescued from the core sooner than marcy was. overall it would be a very different true colors. very much so.
but honestly, even if she's smart- brilliant- she resists the core. nicky is not a fantastical character like marcy, she has a hard time imagining things for herself
overall i love the idea of a marcified sasha, which fits nicky a lot. its like if u put anne sasha and marcy in a blender. thats nicky little
the story would focus on these characters overcoming their own barriers in their relationships. for them to realize where things however there's one important part of this tragedy
in the last episode, everyone sacrificed their all to save amphibia. in every version of this timeline, even the good ones where they able to stop the invasion and- nobody was able to sacrifice themselves and stop the calamity to amphibia that happened in the ending. sacrifice, for these kids was wrong- and the gems themselves found the wrong host. the guardian realizes the error and diverges the timeline with the help of other cosmic deities. the original kids are alright and they are able to reset and get a normal gift for nicky but versions of them end up in sort of a cosmic liminal space and in some timelines there are "artifacts" of them, like ghosts that appear in some timestreams with slight difference. (thats what the cameo of pepper ann is)
there is no timeline "loop" and no one is affectively dead, but sometimes the timelines still leave their mark on the others. the kids who never went to amphibia might have dreams of there. needlessly depressed 7th graders meet the weirdest dream i ever had 8th graders.
here's some of the things i would like to explore in the story:
pepper ann is a very silly human world. so putting them in a "serious" version of the frog show is the obvious choice. surreal dark fantasy like what inspired the series of amphibia. still weird tho
nicky and milo's dynamic with them working together and milo and pepper ann coming together for a friend in need
do the characters fight? badly in the beginning. they do what they can, and eventually get training. and then when things get tense they do fight. many verbal arguments and intense moments
the relationship issues stemming from a lack of openeness and codepedency for social survivial, about how their percieved by others...
reunion with pepper ann and nicky...
milo and nicky switch weapons, nicky gets the crossbow and then milo gets the swords.
when they all return to newtopia, milo and nicky are able to enjoy themselves and have fun a little. pepper ann is happy for them, but sad because this place was incredibly isolating and hurt her friend.
yunan and olivia having a dynamic with the trio. both yunan and olivia being really annoyed with pepper ann even with character development but liking nicky and milo a lot
no sashannarcy cause this is freaking pepper ann and milo is soley platonic but like... nicky crushing on pepper ann like sasha does for anne.
no lief no plantars or they are reimagined. different origin for calamity box. possible fake calamity box in the main story timeline
what does pepper ann have on her when coming to amphibia. does she have her skates?
pepper ann, never keeping a journal before makes one for amphibia. nicky, never keeps a journal makes one too. milo in some ways never really had a journal but does write things down in places
calamity box used like a pawn by the older characters instead of the characters themselves just being the pawns. like people are attempting stealing it and stuff. the calamity box isnt just a metaphor for the relationship and way home but for their childhoods
we see the families worried, questions.... investigations... the community is really worried about everyone. 3 kids going missing on a prize vacation trip... not good. i just realized what conclusions could be drawn but i didnt want them to be in hazelnut sooo... hazelnut is a quieter, dreary, grey place. one thing to be old and die, another to be young and go missing
there's a timeline where lydia teams up with dr jan to try and go there save them all some how. but we don't see what happens. there is a "main timeline"
do the characters get punished for buying a gift for their friend? no, but in hazelnut sometimes your punished for like... breathing. so like yeah. that's the catalyst for wanting to bring them to amphibia. after all, to know someone is different to understanding them. and bad things happen to good people sometimes...
*bows and falls off the stage head first into the audience*
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coquelicoq · 2 months ago
fmk is so hard because i never want to marry any of them. i get that that's how it works and i don't want to kill people either (or fuck them??? aroaceacidal represent ig) but marrying people even in the realm of thought experiments is so hard to wrap my mind around that it makes the game quite stressful. there is only one person i've ever wanted to marry and that person is fictional character meng zhi from nirvana in fire. from now on i am only playing fmk under the stipulation that he can be one of the three people.
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roboraindrop · 8 months ago
Js I could show him real true love and devotion like nobody else could and I think that would be very appealing to him
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sysig · 3 months ago
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Just Desserts continental northern map made using this method! :D (Patreon)
#My art#Just Desserts#The JD residents all live on the northmost landmass in the middle green area - which I've been calling The Basin#It's a fairly flat area that has a very extreme mountain range to its north#They jut up extremely and then clifface on the coastline - keeps the Basin very protected from high moisture!#I've mentioned before how the JD universe doesn't really have summers - I mean that's Partially true#The Basin only experiences three seasons but the more south you go the more seasonal variation there is#But Residents can't stand the heat - even ones that are pastries that would require heat to bake don't fare well day after day#So none live in warmer climes! Other things do tho :)#It's funny to me how piecemeal this idea came together haha#The map-making trick is hecka cool! And it was definitely the push I needed but there are other bits of this that fell in line first#Most especially the fun little idea that I've doodled here or there and talked about in bits and pieces#Of how since the residents are candy that they mine teeth like cavities haha - it's canon now! >:3c#The northern mountains are the silhouette of the lower half of a human jaw! And with how they jut up - the mountains are shaped like teeth!#The Basin is the basin of the mouth/jaw where the tongue would normally be - the tasty bit haha#And residents do have a calcium-mining industry up there - and if the deposits happen to form in a specific shape well ♪ Hehehe#I'm still parsing what I'd like the mineral to Do exactly - it's more likely to be a building material than a food item but hmm#Why would they have such a need for it! Something more to consider#For now it's just a fun idea that finally got put to reality hehe ♪ And it was a fun thing to work on! :D#I'm not sure yet of what other landmasses might be around - maybe this is the whole world! - or what other fauna and flora there is#I'm back on thinking about Elemental Magic so there's that lol I can't help it#I'd like for the JD universe's magic system to be a little more defined :) Every little step helps!#See if you can identify the other silhouettes I used! :D
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 1 year ago
yaz voice: i keep thinking,,, i keep thinking abt the.....future affecting the past of it all. the "if he runs out of time the hostile action would end and a time machine would know", "im fine because you fixed yourself", and "because it's not a grave"
like if it were me. if it were me. i still would have gone with the villa diodati conundrum. "save the poet, save the universe" what do we do when the poet IS the universe. "watch people burn now or tomorrow" like the distinction exists? like tomorrow isnt yesterday?
so we make them face the child. the doctor loses this one, right? too beholden to their rules. lost with shelley, will lose with the child. because there is no way to win it. not with the rules of the universe theyve clung to up to this point. not without play
so theres a child that needs to be saved but the doctor cant do it because it will take the foundation out from under the universe. she Can Not interfere. she fails to be the doctor when it comes to herself. but yaz is there. doctor's doctor. wont accept this. saves the child
the universe crumbles, but this or tecteun's revenge the outcome is similar except. the universe that crumbles if you save the child is the timelords' universe, their imposed histories, their laws, their logic. nothing makes sense anymore. it's terrifying. gotta let go gotta let go gotta let go. you HAVE to play. play or perish. please it's not that serious. it's just identity! funniest game there is. listen to the master; tag, youre it
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dullahandyke · 10 months ago
didnt even touch on the sandra lynn stuff int he tags of the last post bcos if i talk about her im liable to explode. get behind me, middle-aged divorced woman proficient in archery
#wasnt around for sy as it aired but ive seen the remnants of the liveblogging and its so foul#the genuine misogyny....#saw someone claim gilear was a better parent than her and i had to turn off my computer#i know we all love gilear and hes been tbh redeemed by comedy where sandra lynn doesnt get that#but like. be serious.#that tonal shift in difference of how gilear and sandra lynn are received is wicked interesting to me#and like pre-emptive disclaimer this isnt Gilear Problematic I Want Discourse. im just thinkin thoughts here#the way fy episode 1 gilear actively left his wife n daughter and calls her a demon even if he doesnt mean it that way#but then fig/emily takes an interest in him and from there hes a radically different character whos just kind of. pathetic.#im hesitant to call it flanderization because initial gilear only got like 10 minutes of screentime before wet cat gilear took the stage#but like. in ep1 both faeth parents are shown as equally flawed and on an even narrative playing field#which is then upset as fig latches onto gilear as a comedic force and hes not as much 'dad with tense relationship to daughter he disowned'#as 'guy the pcs do bits with'. esp in fy he doesnt do much but let fig live in his apartment sometimes#(and if u rlly wanna analyse u could say something abt her basically taking care of him instead of the other way around)#this then rlly impacts sandra lynn! bcos now fig has One tense parental relationship to rest all her angst on#and where gilear gets bits. sandra lynn really doesnt get much spotlight until the prison sequence#and the lack of focus on sandra lynn Is lampshaded in-universe and i like the resolution#and then u get to sy where sandra lynn gets as much spotlight as gilear but she doesnt have his comedic shield#so instead she has the dramatic spotlight and both the story and the characters are weirdly obsessed w her sex life#and yeah i know im an aro autist maybe i take cheating a bit lightly. but its in the same category as the 'zelda is mad at gorgug' shit#shes made a spectacle but because shes not gilear and society has notions about sex she gets judged for it#like something abt gilear disowning fig getting dropped while sandra lynn is scrutinised so much rlly rubs me the wrong way#she is FLAWED that is what THE JAIL EP WAS ABOUT!!!#she is TRYING arguably more than GILEAR but she doesnt have the absolution of rule of funny to fall back on#i go insane. i go insane#post not mentioning jy bcos i havent seen it. once again middle-aged divorced women proficient in archery get behind me ill protect u
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cloyingcadaver · 6 months ago
#╳┆ dayne speaking ┆◜ ooc ◞#fuck it. I will be adding t.gcf muses here when I inevitably switch back into rp mode#but probably by request and with plotting only. or maybe just drabbles to start.#I’m leaning towards xl and hc both of course & im currently feeling incredibly protective of them.#but mq is so tempting…#also I drafted the fucking. DMT trip coffin fic but somehow managed to make up a cultivation path to go along with it#mostly because - like everyone else - I am still trying to wrap my brain around the logistics of xl being trapped in a coffin for a century#and I’m fascinated by the theory that the brain releases DMT before death + how that coincides with -#near-death out of body experiences#plus the effects of psychedelics on the brain + spirit#especially in a sandbox where the universal flow of energy is a more tangible concept#it’s crack treated seriously#I don’t have to do angst all the time…… I do have a sense of whimsy#actually don’t look at me#im skulking around in the darkest corners of fandom#also maybe it’s just bc I haven’t read ff in like…. 7 fucking years but some of the fics in this fandom have blown my fcking mind wide open#there are things I can never repeat that have been permanently branded into my brain chemistry#and that’s saying a lot considering …. I’m me#not saying I didn’t enjoy it. only saying what the fuck (affectionate)#surprised and delighted to be out freaked#part of me is taking it as a challenge tho. unfortunately for everyone#me seeing the weirdest shit imaginable: I must step up my freak
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hotvampireadjacent · 9 months ago
Kohaku is just like me fr.
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Funny Broomfie maid, I mean, of course.
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gooodomens · 1 year ago
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years ago
Last one, but I'd also like to know what Aur thinks about his relationships with both Sivel and Violetta!
@soulsxng // mentioning @lunarxdaydream || Ask my muse questions about their relationships || Accepting
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The wry smile alone seemed to speak lengths. Where to begin? Where to end?
"Neither my father nor my tutors ever prepared me much for interactions with other royalty, of which I am certain has shown clearly through my dealings with the Luminary and the Empress." A bit of self-deprecation shone through in his smile. "I am stumbling through the dark, and my only guiding light is my desire to protect my people.
"I had wished at the beginning to have a positive relationship with the both of them, and perhaps that was my naivety speaking. But now, I wonder if such a thing were ever possible, or if by virtue of our personalities and goals there would have always have been some sort of clash. ...It does little to wonder about 'what ifs' now regarding complicated matters." Matters that were made all the more complicated when his gentry were intimately involved in the mix.
Did he regret any of his actions? Looking into Sivel's past, his ire at Violetta? No, they were things he had thought necessary for Seelie, or for himself. His only regret would be the way in which he had dragged Iomhar into his schemes.
"Do I believe there is any salvaging whatever remains of these relations? Not particularly, and I have come to accept that. We do not have to be friends, but so long as things do not devolve to war or violence then I will be fine with it."
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cryptvokeeper · 2 years ago
I can’t draw for shit but I am locking in the concept of a spidersona from an Atlantis-esque New York that is flooded due to climate change and rising sea levels that’s based on Desis and Diving bell spiders
#I say locking in AS A JOKE multiple people can have the same idea Ive already seen multiple diving bell spider people and they’re all lovely#A real oh boy two cakes moment yknow#Anyway tag rant time#[blank] Parker a high school student living in the lower levels of a flooded New York#Where buildings were air sealed and protected but in poorer neighborhoods not very well#Seals will crack and leak and it’s not particularly uncommon to find out your neighbor drowned in his sleep because his apartment flooded#So they develop a web fluid that can seal the cracks and can harden underwater and works better than anything currently on the market#Cheap to make too#Word gets out and they’re invited to their universe equivalent of oscorp or alchemax or whatever that’s above the water in some skyscraper#And big corporation does as big corps do#wants to buy the rights to the web fluid and sell it back to people who need it to survive at a horribly inflated price#Parker doesn’t like that obvs and on the way out gets bitten by a radioactive spider#And Spider-Man plot progresses from there#I’m thinking big corp tries to steal the web recipe (either through break-in/espionage or maybe some hired muscle intimidation)#and either way the uncle Ben stand-in dies in the crossfire#Powers include the usual super strength climbing walls etc#Also can stand on the surface of water and hold breath a really long time#And can make airtight webbing with their web fluid that can make air pockets#Their superhero suit is a repurposed diving suit#….it only now occurs to me this may be in poor taste due to recent events#Sorry I got underwater shit in the brain#I wonder why#Anyway#theyre part of the spider society but only technically#They’re kinda mid compared to other spider folks so they Don’t really come into play much unless it’s an aquatic mission#Miguel raises the alarm for miles and theyre like “yeah? Ok well if he jumps into any pools lemme know”#Also like. Water and electricity powers do not mix so only spiders without that ability can come help them in their universe#And not all web fluids are waterproof#And most normal webslinging is kinda hard with the drag underwater…#They may or may not be kinda lonely
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tvrningout-a · 2 years ago
after sending a few more asks, i'm doing a lil reading, and i'm gonna check his comic background, but according to his movie fandom page!! miguel speaks japanese on top of english and spanish and i know the dude's busy as it is, but i just like the idea of him being able to speak to chiyo and yuzu in their language and maybe helping them with english a bit. chiyo's good at it, but she's learned from school and tv, so practice would be nice, and yuzu probably doesn't know much english other than the bits she retained from high school and college. i imagine there would be tech to help get around language barriers, but i know both of them would rather be able to communicate on their own.
i don't usually focus on lil details like that for the sake of not complicating threads, but!! that won't stop me from thinking about it and rambling a lil bit :' )
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not-heavenly · 2 years ago
just realized the reason it seemed more fun as a kid when men taught was because they didn’t have the primary voice and so it didnt seem like they were talking down to us
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