#maybe id make a matching tail to that
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I've been thinking about making myself some crochet furry clothes, like a hat and mittens, and I think I finally have the idea of how to do it
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noctivagant-corvid · 1 month
part 2 of my prime defenders dash simulator (pt 1, pt 3, pt 4)
🪼mackleless Follow i make a post asking for tide x wavelength rpf fics. the post semi blows up. tidalwave(WE HAVE A SHIP NAME????) now has 300 fics. guys.
🪼mackleless Follow not complaining though. you guys are making the old guys fuck nasty and cry, and i’m here for it
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🤺tearfulatthefalling Follow my college is haunted by a emo kid
🍋 forscoreandsixyearsago Follow TEARS????? ELABORATE?????
🤺tearfulatthefalling Follow ALRIGHT GATHER ROUND LITTLE CHILDREN LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE EMO BOY WHO HAUNTS MY CAMPUS. around a year ago, people started seeing a pale boy with a strip of white hair and blue raccoon tails, along with little blue fires floating around him. he would appear, stare at the person who saw him, then disappear, along with his little fires. he wears a black hoodie with some weird text and sweatpants. he is almost always in the freshman boy’s dorm- except for twice people saw him in the library. he hasnt done anything but theres a tall kid with purple hair whos name i dont know who wore his sweatshirt once, so he might be fucking a ghost.
🍋forscoreandsixyearsago Follow tears what the fuck
👾bonemarroni Follow reblog if you are a kid with purple hair who might be fucking a ghost
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🪐plutoisaplanetish Follow some days you are the hero putting a giant sword through a space meatball. other days you are the space meatball getting a giant sword put through you.
🪐plutoisaplanetish Follow stop making this post about sex
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🪷locustlotus Follow shout out to lightspeed, the patron saint of lesbians. a roller derby queen.
🌜crescentshendo Follow [[ ALT TEXT: An image of superhero Lightspeed from two years ago, posing with a college roller derby team after a match. She's very sweaty. End id. ]] here's an image for all the women likers :3
🌜crescentshendo Follow [[ ALT TEXT: A screenshot of various tags left under the previous post, reading "#HOFOSGOS. #HOLY SHIT." , "#wwomen heart eyes" , "#i am. a lesbian!!!!!!" , and "#LORD IN HEAVEN FORGIVE ME FOR MY THOUGHTS." . End id. ]] glad we're all on the same page
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👁‍🗨darlingsos Follow DCs hair is red bc red has more positive associations than negative ones
🍭sweetlikevinegar Follow LET THE JOKE DIEEEE
👁‍🗨darlingsos Follow NEVERRRR
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🧿untimelyprophetess Follow do you guys think the heroes know they have fanfic
🧿untimelyprophetess Follow does bacon man sit down at home and decide to look through his ao3 tag (which has. 25k works.)
🧿untimelyprophetess Follow AND SOME OF THEM HAVE CHILDREN,,,, imagine you log on to ao3 and your dad is trending with either x readers or fucking his coworkers. horrifying.
🧿untimelyprophetess Follow [[ ALT TEXT: A screenshot reading "ASHES2ASHES liked your post: do you guys think th..". End id. ]] ASHES TWO ASHES ??????????
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🧶handsupplayingmysong Follow there's two kids on the train next to me and they're both wearing those big, over the ear Autism headphones and clearly overstimulated. theyre also holding hands. a great day for the gay community
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☄tapedtogetherhope Follow one of my friends grew up in deadwood and they will just say. the most concerning shit. at any given time.
☄tapedtogetherhope Follow examples of this: 1. "you know, the part in the forest where all the blood is." 2. "everyone's got the old man on the outskirts of town who might eat people." 3. "if you see a rabbit with too many eyes you just keep walking! same goes for a wall leaking black liquid." 4. "sometimes people just disappear. usually one every year. the highway is hungry. or maybe it's the forest." 5. "sometimes if you walk near the cliffs at night you feel like something's leading you to the edge." also how to skin and gut a deer but im not putting that here
🦌letheliketheriver Follow i think youre actually the weird one hope. this is all very normal
☄tapedtogetherhope Follow I GUARANTEE YOU IT IS NOT.
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grumpybunny-edith · 3 months
Gwen's Bunny HRT - Month 1 (Part 1)
I look at my reflection for what feels like the hundredth time today, waffling on how to do it. All the other girls have already gone through all this, and compared to their one-month photos, I feel... Behind. Delilah had already started growing fur in some places, and Edith already had a little bit of tail growing in. Sure, it looked a little weird without any fur on it, but... I’ve got nothing there but soreness. Is it even worth celebrating? Like, “oh yay, my ears look longer if you squint and my teeth look a little sillier”.  
I take a deep breath and dig my toes into my carpet, feeling pain flare up in them. It just started a couple days ago — maybe it would be better to wait until something came of it? Until walking on my toes didn’t hurt so bad, or even felt better than walking on my heels? 
I feel a tiny impulse at the small of my back, my spine apparently doing its best to wiggle at its base. Am I... unconsciously wagging my tail? The soreness that comes with it matches what the other girls had talked about. I smile, showing my reflection my weird teeth and the pain subsides a little. 
“Bunnies wag their tails when they’re upset,” Edith had told me once. It’s warming to feel how right she is, to feel like I actually belong, even for a second. It’s not that the other girls haven’t done a good job of making me think so; it’s just hard to see all of them so far along and then to look at myself. 
I set my phone down and stare at myself for a while. I imagine the fur suddenly sprouting up all across my body, shiny and soft. I imagine my ears getting so tall they graze the doorway. I imagine my tail, tiny and fluffy, poking out just about the hem of my sweatpants. It makes me smile and laugh at myself, and I feel a bit of pride in my teeth. They’ll look better coupled with everything else, I think. 
I hear my phone buzz, trying to avoid convincing myself it’s because my hearing has spontaneously improved. I laugh it off and check what it was. 
raeraebun: Hey girl!! Today’s one month, right?? Where’s the update??
I smile and blush instinctively. Rae and I don’t chat that much, but every time we do it lifts my whole mood. She’s also dropped by my place a couple times because she “made too many brownies and just had to make a delivery”. 
wen-kutesuli: Hey! Idk if I’m gonna do it today honestly lol 
raeraebun: Aww, why not? i mean like do whatever you want obvi but. you okay?
I sigh. I know I can probably tell her, it’ll almost definitely be fine, and she probably has something great to say. But it doesn’t make it any easier to say it. I’m almost embarrassed to still feel the way that I do even after her and Edith’s constant preaching of “loving yourself wherever you are”. 
wen-kutesuli: Yeah I’m okay lol. Just kinda 
wen-kutesuli: Wish I had more to show, I guess? 
Rae’s response comes quite literally instantly. 
raeraebun: okay 
raeraebun: lemme show you something 
When Rae comes back after a couple minutes of digging, she sends me a picture of some random girl with hair like her own, followed by five closeups of a pretty standard human ear. 
raeraebun: so like
raeraebun: this was from january last year 
raeraebun: Id been on hrt for like. a month and a half to the day
raeraebun: I had taken a picture of myself every day since starting my regimen
raeraebun: and didnt see anything until that picture when FINALLY 
raeraebun: my ears had grown the tiniest little bit. 
raeraebun: I didnt stop screaming about it all day lol ashley got so sick of it 
raeraebun: and yk what happened next?
raeraebun: they stayed just like that for three more weeks LMAO
Rae has this way of making people smile and cry their eyes out at the same time. 
raeraebun: so... be nice to yourself? its not gonna happen all at once, and thats ok. every little bit is worth, like
raeraebun: I dunno 
raeraebun: a thousand parties
wen-kutesuli: That’s a lot of parties 
raeraebun: and you earn every single one of them :) 
I sit in stunned silence so pleased I don’t know what to do with myself. My body wants some kind of release, and I let it have one, laying face down and kicking my feet so quickly and so hard into the floor it probably upset the people below me. 
raeraebun: you dont have to, but we all wanna celebrate with you :D 
wen-kutesuli: Thank you 🩵 Maybe I’ll do it 
Thank you to @flightlessbirdgirl for helping me decide on Gwen's username and for letting me bounce ideas off it!
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cats-closet · 1 year
As mentioned,,,, poly yandere erasermic right but now I raise you, poly yandere erasermic with an american tourist with a cat quirk.
Weird and specific I know but hear me out, the tourist darling in question doesn't have to be american just foreign enough that they don't know a lot of japanese, and cat quirk can be to what ever extent you want but my preference is cat ears, tail, fangs, nails, and pupils. I've considered whiskers and even some level of paw pads but if there's not fur around those it's strange to be yk. ANYWAYS.
Allow me to elaborate on the tourist feature again. For a while I've been considering what erasermic would be like with a darling that just doesn't speak Japanese or at least not very well. This was brought by the fact im leanring Japanese in college and it's very fun to think about Mic trying to first calm you down when they ya know, kidnap you, and then later giving you Japanese lessons so the three of you can better communicate. I'm sure Aizawa would also begin to practice some english as well with Mics help but i lean more towards them having a lot of fun teaching you. Not to mention having lessons and probably homework lends itself to some scenarios if you catch my drift.
It's also an added layer of helplessness because not only would you have more difficulty outside raw in Japan but being in a completely foreign country means it will be difficult for you to get home when the pair confiscate your phone, passport and id. They definitely tell you that a lot as well to make sure you're appropriately discouraged from attempting escape hehe :)
These could be completely separate btw it's just two traits I like to imagine on specifically their darling that makes it more fun and adds some more drama I think,,
Jump back to the cat quirk HERE ME OUT. Obviously Aizawa loves cats and I'm sure Mic finds them cute too. So when say Mic randomly sees you oh my god he HAS to tell his husband. Mic observes you for a while because of course he thinks your adorable and when Aizawa sees you they both start getting some ideas.
They're not the kind of people to randomly kidnap and helpless civilian they find cute but they're still psychotic freaks that watch you for a while at least out of curiosity. Eventually your mannerisms and persona wins them over and they become further obsessed with you for more than just your quirk. Maybe they see you feeding stray animals or maybe confronting someone who was rude to you, depends on you of course and whatever tf you do but I digress.
After you win them over with your delightful personality they kind of go about the same process of abduction as you would for trapping a stray cat. Cats have a natural intuition so instead of ever confronting you face to face they lure you into an alleyway like serial killers before blocking both exits. This is something extremely frightening and you try your best to escape but you're no match for two experienced pro heros. Hizashi is profusely apologizing for scaring you all while they inject you with a sedative to make the trip home easier.
They probably socialize you like a feral cat too now that I think about it but that's a story for another time.
Anyways I like both these concepts separate but something about the two together is rather special teehee
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When he’d overheard Sanada-san and Mitsuru-san talking last night about the test they had today, and how it would probably take them until the exact last minute of the school day to finish, he’d known that today would be his best opportunity.
He heads straight for the hospital the moment his own classes are over. Even if he gets there as fast as he possibly can, he still only has about an hour before Sanada-san will arrive, along with anyone else who might decide to visit today.
It’s not that he’s trying to avoid Sanada-san.
…Well, maybe he is trying to avoid Sanada-san a little bit. But that’s really only because he knows that he won’t be able to say what he wants to say in front of someone else, and especially not Sanada-san. He really doesn’t want to have to ask Sanada-san to leave Aragaki-san’s room either, even if it would only be for a few minutes. Not when he’s been doing his best to stay by Aragaki-san’s side as much as possible.
The lady at the reception desk seems like she wants to say something about an elementary school student coming by himself to see a comatose high school student, but in the end she doesn’t. She checks Ken’s school ID and matches it against his name on the list of people who have been specially approved by the Kirijo Group itself to visit Aragaki-san, and she gives him directions to his room.
He’s gone over it again and again, making sure that he’ll be able to get across exactly what he means. Even if Aragaki-san is unconscious, this will at least be good practice for when he has to say it after he wakes up. 
Ken is positive that he’s ready until the moment he actually steps into the hospital room and sees Aragaki-san.
There are so many tubes and wires and machines. A mask and a hose and a machine to help him breathe. Wires attached to his chest connected to the machine beeping out a heartbeat rhythm. Wires attached to his forehead– for measuring something in his brain? IV bags of he-doesn’t-know-what and a forest of tubes funneling down into two different needles in his arm.
Just like that, Ken can’t remember one single word of what he’d planned so carefully to say.
This is his fault. The person in that hospital bed barely reminds him of the Aragaki-san he’s familiar with: the one who’s taller than everyone else on the team even while he’s always slouching, who can sling around an axe with a head as big as Ken’s entire torso like it was toy. And it’s all because of Ken that he’s in that bed, hooked up to all of those machines, looking so small and frail.
This is what he’d wanted. He’d wanted worse than this.
This isn’t what he wanted at all.
“I…I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
He turns tail and runs.
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eobardthawneallen · 1 year
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@frattweek Prompt: Father
so what if Matt was a demon and Frank a priest, and he wanted to exorcise the demon but needs first to learn his true name and taking advantage that the infernal creature has taken some liking to him maybe he gets to find it if flirts a bit, surely he won't develop feeling for such damned creature ;3c
also maybe Matt is a fallen angel that fell for loving humans way too much, also didn't learn a thing from that and keeps loving humans a lot, he is not very interested in demon things but he just found a very interesting human 💕
[ID of first image:
In a chibi style an American shot drawing of Priest!Frank and Demon!Matt Frank tries to turn on altar candles but Matt is blowing off the candles. On one hand Frank hold the match stick, the other is the matches box, Frank is not amused staring at Matt,Frank is wearing a black cassock with a rosary by his hip.
Matt is behind him, with closed eyes and a inverted 3 mouth to show he is blowing at the candles, he has red horns, pointy ears, and a red tail that twist in a point making a heart also has red cartoony bat wings. his hands are on Frank, one on his shoulder and other on his arm. he is dressed in some kind of red tunic, it has turtle neck, open by the sides at the hips height (though on this image only one is showed), the tunic has decorative belts (one connected to what is a boot kinda sock not fully shown), he has a light blue angel bell by the wrist, which is a little sphere.
background is a church, is mostly gray, square floor, a pillar with XI on it, the altar is not very defined is just a white statue that looks like praying, probably a virgin Mary, has flowers in front the statue then followed by white candles turned off.
END ID of the first image]
[ID of the second image:
again a drawing in chibi style, this time a full shot, there are again Priest! Frank and Demon! Matt, but now they're in a confession booth, Frank is sitting on a wood chair with a little smile directed at Matt, he is grabbing Matt's knee. Matt is sitting over Frank's lap, he has his eyes closed a smile with mouth open showing some fangs, he has his arms on Frank's neck and shoulder, touching his face with the thumb. he also has his tail around one of Frank's legs.
Matt has a text bubble that reads "Forgive me Father for I'm about to sin", Frank has a text bubble that reads "That's not how it works"
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galaxia-art · 1 year
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[id: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same outfit but in a different colour pallette, both colour palettes of the polyamarous pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over the two flag gradients, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. one cat is based on the older blue-red-black flag with a yellow pi symbol, the other has the newer light blue-magenta-dark purple flag with a white triangle and gold heart. the design is of a wizard with a long, stripy robe with poofy sleeves and a matching hat with a heart shaped bobble at the end, with a little infinity symbol over it. they also have a sleeveless jacket with a clasp of the respective flag's symbol. the jacket is shaped in a way to mimic the newer flag's triangle shape, and underneath there is a rope tying the robe's waist that's hanging similar to the older flag's pi symbol. the cat themself is black with yellow eyes or white with gold eyes, and a long fluffy tail and a friendly smile. end id]
pajama wizard swag i guess
someone asked me before if i had a poly one of my pride cats yet and i haven't so i added that to my to do list! they didnt specify if they meant polyamarous or polysexual so polysexual is also on my list
this was particularly fun because i had multiple symbols to play around with, kinda fitting, and decided to make a design that fits with both flags. also found that the heart with a infinity symbol is also a polyamory symbol so i added that to the hat!
ive also done the agender and omnisexual flags, because the former's colours worked for an idea i had and the latter was just a really pretty flag, so will upload those soonish
some other cats:
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
bisexual | pansexual
genderfluid | intersex
misc sketch ideas
EDIT: if you want these I have them as stickers on etsy! (maybe wooden pins in future? i also have them on my redbubble
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aycief · 9 months
Heya ! Im curious about your OC Azor! He seems cool :0 First, is his ace a bug type eeveelution ? Do you have a design ? And second, i wonder why no sewaddle when it seams like the perfect match for a bug type specialist and tailor ?
oh my god i'm KICKING myself bc it somehow never occurred to me to give him a sewaddle/leavanny OTL he wasnt always a tailor so i didnt consider it when i was originally building his teams but im kicking myself for not including it in that sewing room piece.. i was thinking less about his actual teams when drawing that (bc half of his 'main' team is fakemon) and more just thinking about getting bug rep from as many gens as possible (sorry to iv and vii for not making it 💔 tho kricketot made it in as a desk sticker at least) but leavanny was the mvp of my original white team so it's Very dear to me and youre right that it's Perfect for him !!
but to go back to the first question !!! yes his ace is a bug-type eevee ! i realised wayyy late that the piece maybe made it look like it'd be a spider-vee since it's an arachnid-heavy drawing but it's a moth called papilleon !! ^__^ it's one of the first fakemon i designed for our fan region. my beloved bug baby
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[ID: three digital drawings of a bug-type eeveelution fakemon. its main body is an off-white yellowish colour and it has mossy-green ears, long-tailed spotted wings, and fluff around its neck and abdomen. it has six legs, two compound eyes and two simple eyes, and the ends of its legs are exoskeleton rather than paws. it lacks an actual tail. the second image is pixel art. /END ID]
i had some drawings of it with an older azor design somewhere but can't find it at the moment :")
EDIT: found one !
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[ID: a digital drawing of Azor holding Papilleon. in this design, Azor wears red-framed square glasses and his hair is slightly longer and fluffy at the bottom. /END ID]
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anonymusbosch · 10 months
a forever-baffling thing about my father is that he often asks me questions about things he is nominally interested in but seems to have no interest in gathering information to answer them, even from me.
dad: what kind of tracks do you think these are?
me: huh, that's really interesting! It looks almost like a sled or ski track or something manmade but being pulled by a dog? And the gait is really funky with the paws directly side-by-side. It almost makes me think of one of those two-legged dogs with the wheels in the front but with a little ski instead
dad: I think it's a beaver :)
me: Hm. Here's the pages from my mammal track book on beavers. The paws are really different shapes and sizes and super asymmetrical, and the tail drag seems like it should be covering part of the tracks but this thing has really fresh and neat looking tracks pressed into a very uniform drag. Maybe a carnivore walking in the pressed-down snow track left by something manmade?
me: I missed that it could be a 2x2 trot I'm not super familiar with the different gaits.
dad: maybe a coyote following a beaver?
me: Still don't think it's likely to be a beaver because there don't look to be any beaver footprints at all. I'll look on iNat, though, and see what other tracks in the area look like
me: *browsing iNat* *doing a few IDs on the side* *maybe I should get my dad a tracks guidebook and a little ruler for christmas* *would he even use them?*
dad: here is a photo with my better camera. I think it is a beaver and also other animals.
me: well there are still no beaver prints, which are very distinct, visible here. These might be otter prints? See the five toes? If you took a photo with a scale bar like a ruler or credit card that could help narrow it down. Here are some photos from my book!
dad: seems like a cool book!
me: I'd be happy to bring it when I visit :)
dad: would an otter tail be wide enough to leave that trail?
me: I'm still not convinced it's a tail, especially with how the footprints are pressed cleanly into it...
me: *googling otter trails* yes! perfect! look! it's an otter slide! it's a dead match! here are four articles and a youtube video on otter slides!
dad: looks like you've solved it :)
me: you could post on iNat and see if anyone else agrees!
dad: nope looks like it's solved!
like, are you reaching out to connect with your semi-estranged kid? are you curious about the tracks? what kind of behavior model produces just "I think it is a beaver" over and over with virtually no elaboration?
thoughts/advice welcome
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talenlee · 6 months
Story Pile: Buddy Daddies
There’s a lot to be said for mid anime, in quality and in scope. Not an epic sprawling story meant to spin off for multiple seasons. Not a mystery that promises a resolution that it may completely bottle. Not trying to change your life, just trying to get you to tune in and look at some ads and maybe buy a wall scroll or two. Or fill out the extensive entries on the Internet Movie Firearm Database.
Buddy Daddies is a fundamentally a more ‘realistic’ show than you might imagine. It’s an unreality of high speed car chases and gunfights in cities, rather than grand political drama or telepathy and future sight. It’s grounded in that the characters have to spend time dealing with things like day care and clothing options and Japanese cultural assertions about how to blend in. Sometimes there are anime made because it lets them represent transitions between worlds and remarkable special effects and build on a particular visual language, but Buddy Daddies is an anime that doesn’t do anything you couldn’t do in a live action TV show, except doing it very cheaply and conveniently.
Here then, is your pitch: It’s an action comedy about a pair of single dads who adopt the same daughter, and also, they’re professional murderers. Hilarity ensues. Well, mild hilarity. Well there are jokes.
Modest spoiler warning ensues. I’m not about to tell you anything that you couldn’t predict looking at the poster.
I could give you a more detailed outlining of the narrative, the sequence of events in the series, but it isn’t that important. I mean it is important, they give the whole thing texture, and there’s tension about the question of how things work out, but it isn’t important. The narrative is a vehicle to enjoy the contrast of these two assassins with one another, and then the contrast of their job (assassin) and then doing a non-assassiny thing (a three legged race for their adopted daughter’s cheers). Core to this narrative then are the three characters that bear it up and their conflicting needs. One could use a classic ego/superego/id kind of construction to examine them, but given that I don’t want to have to explain that structure and I’m sure as hell not busting out the Hegel, let’s just grab for a more useful frame of reference you’ll get: the Sonic/Shadow/Tails tryptich.
In this tryptich you have a character that perceives themselves as a protagonist because of the traits they have that think make them a good person; you have an alternate mirror to the former, who is inexplicably present in their life despite seeming disinterest; and then you have a kid, who is largely too nice and guileless for either of them to be willing to disappoint. Also, the Shadow and Sonic are fucking (this is canon to Sonic: The Hedgehog of course, but not at all related to Buddy Daddies; it does not serve to inform the model but does present operational utility for the verisimillitude of the structure).
Our Sonic is Kazuki, an assassin who, despite being an assassin, considers himself a broadly Nice Guy. He chats up girls, he develops useful skills for operating in life, he is capable of forming emotional connections with people, albeit briefly, and he
Our Shadow is Rei, an assassin who, despite being an adult, sleeps in a bathtub and plays videogames all night. He also smokes indoors, and doesn’t emotionally connect to people easily, which is okay because of his abusive father, and also because he’s supposed to be the tormented hot one. Rei is pretty much bad at all the things Kazuki is good at, except that they share skill in the vein of Being Good At Murdering People, which not only happens to be something they can do in different styles, but also something where Rei gets to look cool as hell doing it. Rei feels custom built to be a very specific kind of very attractive. He looks like a lesbian designed an exception. Still, the smoking thing is a deal killer for me, plus it’s just not wise to get people whose traumas match your own.
No my father did not raise me to be an assassin.
Our Tails is Miri, who is a child. Miri is not a child but, a child plus, a child and. Miri is just a child. Her entire worldview is that of a child, and she’s a pretty realistically rendered one. What Miri lacks in world-wise integration into the story of her family she makes up for by being largely not responsible for killing the fun the way that little kid characters are often overused for in other media. Miri does interfere with one job, but it’s in that interference that the boys realise that they have to do things to ensure she isn’t interfering with them during their work — assassins don’t have Take Your Daughter To Work Day, usually.
It is through these three characters interacting that the story happens. Miri’s needs present problems for Kazuki and Rei to solve, and she meets needs they have. Rei needs someone who can connect to him on his level without adult concerns or miscommunications, and Kazuki needs someone who he can care for to assuage his guilt over what you can probably already guess happened to him. Miri needs some chickky nuggies and microwaved hamburger, and you know, clothes and school and social time with kids and time at the zoo. She needs kid stuff.
One of the strangest things about this anime is that it seems to be able to grasp entirely nonstandards family formations, in that Miri clearly has two dads, but it also goes out of its way to point out that, oh, sure, there are two dads, but the dads are not doing it. It’s understandable! Japan is a culture with a very different adoption culture to my own, where it’s pretty normal for a pair of men to adopt a kid, but it’s extremely weird for a pair of men who aren’t in a relationship to adopt a kid. Maybe it’s easy to see a pair of dads co-parenting as long as they can reassure you they’re not gay.
Is that somehow more homophobic? It strange to route around in my head. It’s not like Buddy Daddies likes women much or represents relationships with them as being some kind of fun.
There’s a comparison you can make about Buddy Daddies that is a little uncharitable, because it’s comparing this funny anime about cool covert operators doing covert things and raising a family with another anime about cool covert operators doing covert things. It’s an unfortunate comparison, because yeah, it does apply, but it’s also dreadfully unfair to Buddy Daddies. Buddy Daddies is a show without grand ambitions and challenging narratives. It’s not a cash-in, because that would indicate it seemed to expect to make a giant pile of money; it’s not a spin-off, because it would probably copy that other formula more with more marketable traits. Buddy Daddies is its own thing.
Plus, that other anime knows that women exist and can do cool things.
It’s not an amazing thing, but it is its own thing, and it’s pretty fun!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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[ID: A digital art reference of Reza the Fallen Angel. Reza has both a human form and a angel form, Reza’s human form takes the appearance of tan skinned Persian with long dark brown hair, a long face with a broad and hooked nose, and freckles, it wears a dark blue poncho and a long greyish blue dress with red shoes.
Reza’s fallen angel form has a grey avian facial structure with a red tip on its beek, three pairs of eyes that go down across its face in rows, a pair of broken horns that once was a halo with their right being longer, and its hair has become a full on main. Angel Reza’s body is humanoid with breasts but has clawed hands, bird legs, a long tail, and a dark grey blue pair of charred wings with three pairs of orange eyes with lighter orange irises and white pupils on them.
All images after the first are close ups, first shows Reza’s name, pronouns (it/they), its status as a fallen angel, and colour scheme. Two bust drawings of both form’s faces are shown showing their differences and similarities, here is written “both forms have freckles”. Second image shows a fullbodied Reza in a human form wearing their poncho and dress with writing on the side that says “can wear anything but prefers dresses and robes”, and the back of angel Reza and their charred dark grey blue feathers on their back. Third image is a full body view of Reza’s angel form with a example of the mouth splitting open at the top, smoke emits from Reza’s mouth and writing says “can breathe fire.”
Fourth image shows three expressions of human Reza, one a sinister grin, another a genuine smile, and another where it looks surprised. Fifth image shows a mischevious grinned Reza with a lit match asking “are you scared of fire?” on the top left, a more solemn Reza in the top middle, and Reza looking back middway into its transformation to its angel form in the top right. Bottom left shows Angel Reza smiling, middle middle shows a chibi Reza with ARSON written above it, bottom middle shows a shocked Angel Reza, and bottom right shows a shadowed Reza looking down at the viewer as smoke emits from its mouth. End ID.]
Here’s Reza’s full art ref!! I finished this a while ago way back for around artfight but never posted it for some reason lmao, but here it is now!
More info on this pyromaniac fallen angel under the cut!
Reza was a angel that was originally tasked with bringing warmth, light, and protection, but proved to be maybe too efficient in its tasks, as its warmth and light would come with blazing fires that could bring destruction, and often seemed too eager to set things ablaze. For this, other angels mostly feared Reza, and it was always at risk of being kicked out of Heaven if it could not control itself, leading Reza to having to painfully repress itself. Despite this feared reputation, Reza's personality was almost unlike its destructive habits, and was a calm, curious, and empathetic being. Whenever it was tasked with missions on Earth, it often felt curiosity towards the much different plane, it found itself enamoured with people and their imperfections, imperfect like itself... Tiring of Heaven's perfections and more curious about the imperfect Earth, Reza decides to break as many rules and laws as it can to be kicked out for good and free from Heaven's restrictions, and was promptly exiled to live on Earth as a human. Now left to aimlessly wander the Earth, Reza has taken much enjoyment out of its explorations and interactions with other humans, however, due to its still destructive and pyromaniacal habits, it has gotten in trouble with many, though the remnants of its angelic abilities make sure it doesn't stay held for long. Those that meet Reza, if they have the courage to in spite of its dangerous reputation, will be surprised to find a caring and reserved personality, and may end up even getting into philosophical conversations with it and given various life advice. For that, as bad of a reputation Reza has with the law and more upstanding people, it is also seen as a kind and even helpful person with the more downtrodden. The closest connection Reza has is with the local priest Clement, a man with as many secrets as Reza seems to keep. The two have bonded over both being ostracised for things beyond their control, and have become a formidable team, if not even lovers. Reza still has access to their angel form, but its not quite the same as when it was once holy, its halo has been broken into horns, and does not nearly have as much power as it used to. Whilst Reza finds this form more comfortable due to its familiarity, its difficult to maintain due to no longer having a connection to Heaven. Reza's human form is of ambiguous race, but I based them off on myself as a Persian, mainly because I am one and want to see angels of my race sdkjkjdskjsd    
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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So I've sat down and thought out a really basic Actual Sort of Plot for my Crack Treated Seriously thing for my OC Thanastasia and the Corinthian xD
For wibbly wobbly Crack Plot reasons, Ana gets pulled into the Sandman universe in the 80s, and after she's done freaking out about it, she starts doing what she does best-- hunting monsters, both supernatural and mundane.
And the 'Collectors' soon have a killer terrorizing them.
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The serial killers start to call her things "'The Angel of Death', due to how she can appear from seemingly nowhere, has superhuman strength and speed, and never fails to kill her target.
There's only a few eyewitness reports of her, from the victims she's saved, who give fuzzy reports about shining white hair and red eyes.
Ana both in her own reality and in Sandman survives by drinking the blood of the killers she takes out, making sure to slash their throats to cover up the blood loss/bite marks.
But the Corinthian gains an interest in this new and clearly supernatural player, and starts trying to seek her out.
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He's originally only interested seeing just what she is and then in clearing her out of the way
But after finding her and getting the fight of his life out of it, ending in a draw, he's genuinely impressed, and more determined than ever to figure out just who Ana is, ao he invites her home for a beer.
(Ana can eat/drink human food a little but its like junk food, it does nothing to keep her actually full or healthy)
And so begins their own weird sort of Morpheus and Hob meet up, only instead of 100 years its The Corinthian seeking her out every six months or so to see if one of them has gotten good enough to kill the other yet.
And they fight tooth and nail before getting a drink and talking a little bit more about themselves in the vaguest terms as neither is about to admit they're from basically a parallel dimension/universe, even if they can both tell the other is paranormal
Ana is incredibly weirded out by this whole thing at first. She's somehow gained a charming and murderous stalker who's an even match for her so she can't kill him
And she can't report him or the police are gonna get onto her tail for all the killing she's done/having no real IDs/living out of a car she stole
But despite herself she finds that she kinda looks forward to the fights/drinks?
All her other friends are back home and with all the traveling around she has to do to keep ahead of the police and all the criminals/monsters trying to kill her she hasn't had time to really make new ones
So The Corinthian becomes this one weird stable thing she has where she can be her full self and (mostly) not worry about it.
(And he is almost supernaturally charming)
Things hit a turning point when some of the other Collectors /or maybe some vampire hunters or both together teamed up manage to track down Ana and try to kill her
But luckily for her the Corinthian has been keeping an eye on her and shows up to help in the fight, as now in his mind he's the only one with a right to kill her---and he really doesn't want her dead yet
They manage to take out all the attackers and The Corinthian takes Ana back to his safe house/apt to patch her up cuz she did take a beating
And she's having a bit of a panic from the adrenaline and trauma of almost dying since her attackers where actually prepared to fight a vampire
So Cori starts telling her random stuff about his past in the Dreaming to help focus her mind back on the present. And she ends up finally telling him her name and some more about herself and her past and they start seeing some real parallels in each other
Cori sees a lot of his younger self in Ana, her dedication to what she feels is her calling, and the loyalty she feels to the person who inspired her, along with a lust for life mixed with anger at how she can never truly escape being a vampire even as she tries to turn her hunger to fit her views.
And Ana sees in him something of what she might have become under different circumstances, harsher, angerier, bloodier. But with those same confused mix of passion and trauma and desire to twist what you can't escape to your own will, rule it instead of letting it rule you
Ana ends up spending the night on the couch, and when Cori finds out she's been living in a car he gives her a standing invitation to drop by his place whenever she needs a safer place to crash
And this starts the phase where they stop trying to kill each other and start gravitating towards each other, both becoming enamored against their better judgment of the opportunity to have someone actually know them--and have that mean something safe and maybe even soft, instead of something to be worried about.
This is when Cori starts offering to let Ana drink his blood when she needs it as he's not human and won't die or turn if she does
(These are older pictures with their modern day designs but it still works)
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And she knows this won't help the attachment issues she's trying to fight but honestly she's so tired of running and killing and he's offering…
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And they're dancing around the growing fondness they have for eachother, something more than friends but less then lovers and honestly they're both happy with it like that
But they kinda just keep getting wound up tighter and closer while both knowing that eventually something will have to give. One of them will have to finally cross over to the other side if they want to stay together or they'll have to go back to trying to kill each other eventually with one of them succeeding.
And …i haven't figured out the exact ending but they're definitely 'broken up' by the time of the show--but that ring on The Corinthians wedding finger is Ana's
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They've only ever literally slept together, no sex, a few kisses maybe. I can't see either of them wanting the other that way but they're something special to each other, and maybe they only got married for tax or hijinks purposes and they're for all intents and purposes divorced now-- but he keeps it still...
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x4 punked
I like a good bit of steampunk & judging from the episode thumbnail this is going to be great.
Do they have mounties in the usa? ew
smorelette sounds genuinely gross & I like weird food combinations...
Even on my first watch-through I noticed ashley was a girl’s unisex name
You should have heard the sound I made when I heard him say “chocolate mousse chimichanga”
Diva’s honour uwu He looks so sweet & angry MR: Maybe it’s a nice murder, darling; brighten your day
PARISH IS SO RIGHT, GET HER A TEA (my family also spent five minutes arguing about funnel cakes, elephant ears, beaver tails (which are crepes & crepes are not pancakes), bear paws, white claws, monster energy, & bear claws.  gee ess double-yu is a lot longer to say than gunshot wound. I propose: wed. tee yu vee, wed, ex, wy, zed. Much faster to say & it rhymes with zed to make it not alone.
KR: Photo on the ID matches captain underpants here (Everyone looks at him) KR: Sorry, my nephew loves those books. half my classmates read them but I actually never did (& then an inconsistency in which direction Esposito is facing)
Girl she probably just wears regular women’s underwear. (Also castle I’m shocked. You strike me as a boxer-briefs kind of a guy.) She actually might wear boyshorts.
Lol it’s my little brother, no social skills, sweetheart, dork, math genius... Wow that was some loud knocking Ryan Oh He looks... concerned (& is wearing a nice outfit as usual) RC: Anyone good? KR: *points, gestures, & waves* eughhhhh?????
D’André: *looks at castle* RC: Hey... KB: If you’re so innocent Mr D’André, why did you resist arreest & try to put one of my detectives through a wall? (I’d love to see that scene) RC: *looks back to the glass as if he can see behind the mirror* KR: You know, the right turtleneck, & no-one’s even going to notice bro. JE: *slowly turns to him with a huge-ass neck brace on, the poor guy. It pushes up his ears & cheeks & he looks frickin m a d* KR: Maybe a scarf JE: >:| KR: *hits him playfully?* JE: Ow
I mean castle is a bit high strung but when this buff mountain of a man stands up & you know he already put one of either ryan or esposito through a wall, like, I can understand it. Poor esposito DX  JE: I want this guy to fry, beckett! (whipsers) ow, (ryan looks at him in concern)
This is one sexy episode RC: time travelling killer! *goes to high-five lanie but she is already walking off* (Mandolin version of theme song starts playing)
“time ripple” no it does NOT sound dirty castle wtf I like how Ryan half humours castle KR: Can’t be a time traveling killer; bullet had 200 years of rust on it; if the killer had been a time travelwe, the bullet would have been brand new I like abe sanrich. Lol D’André the giant. I just listened to an audiobook on the making of the princess bride actually.
JE: So uh, is Di Andre our guy? (For someone who can say spanish words perfectly his other latin skills seem to be lacking) KB: I’m afraid not. JE: What? Why did he go all hulk hogan on me? RC: Well why did the scorpion sting the frog? It’s in his nature. (Ryan almost looks more upset than Esposito, but then again, esposito can’t really make all the facial expressions one usually would be able to.) RM: I’ll see he gets the max detective JE: Thank you captain RM: You know you can take a couple days if you’d like? Catch some movies.  RC: Read Naked Heat. JE: No. JE: No need, sir. RM: *goes to pat him on the shoulder* JE, not much of a touchy feely guy in the first place & also in pain: *eyes* RM: *single soft pat* KB: *doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh I swear she is not laughing* JE: -_-
RC: Maybe the killer came through the time ripple naked & needed the clothes KB: RC: Like in the terminator KB: Sadly I don’t have a better theory at this point (Castle & esposito feed birds) (even tho esposito usually hates castle’s theories)
KB: Go check [xyz] out KR: You got it *turns around quickly, bumping into esposito* JE: mhhh XP
Beckett is so important in Castle’s raising of a teenaged daughter
RC: You said something about a giant moth?
Ok so Murphy is at the finance firm
RM: Any luck? (USE CTRL F U IDIOT) JE: turns around slowly KR: Nah. So far I’ve seen a lot of cool old guns on these sites. (I love a good cool old gun) RM: (talks about the cool guy with the cool gun on the site) Check it out esposito JE: *groaning as he slowly turns around* RM: *trying not to laugh or feel bad for getting esposito to move* JE: Yeah that’s nice. See back then they were into the artistry of it all KR: Yeah theyre like little sculptures.. that can kill (he says with his cheek on his fist all cute-like) (huertas probably liked this episode, he’s into guns)
RM: If I had that kind of scratch around I’d be putting it somewhere safe, like me mattress.
Podofski sent an audio file? RC: You think he offered him a blindfold & a cigarette?
KB: & can anyone vouch for that? IP: Me RC: Myself & I got your back too?
sir ACD is the time traveler, castle!
Except don’t old guns have no rifling & won’t ballistics be unable to match the gun? RC: Somehow they never prefer to be arrested for murder
RC: This has got to be a joke. Goldstein drives a DeLorean (My mum used to work at the airport & one of her volunteers owned a delorean that he had modified to look like the time machine. It was p cool.)
I love Ryan & his sunglasses They r just talking about the car, it’s valid, it’s a cool car KR: I hope [there’s something in the car that will help us], that’s a lot of doors to knock on (touches hand to car & gets burned bc it is sunny & south?) WOW FIRST NAMES? OK THEN. KR, seeing a guy with a bloodstained shirt: Hey Javi! NGL I love lord henry! Haberdashery across the park! At least it makes Esposito smile Oh poor esposito KR, with lord henry in a hold: U alright bro? JE with his gun out: I’m fine. >:{
KB: Alright, thank you ryan. RC: How’s esposito? KB: At home resting Finally the man took some time off
Castle is so cool, knows the actual period of the clothing (tho I can’t verify that). He did not go quietly into the night, he fired back
It is going to be HARD to metal detect that entire park bro, even just the area you want to check good framing & camera fun RC, walking off: Let’s say *walks back & starts moving Ryan around* Let’s say that our killer was standing over here (ryan looks like he’s had his feathers ruffled) Castle counted a bit off or had longer/shorter strides but different people have different leg length RC: It wasn’t a game! *holds up finger gun* It was an old fashioned duel! KR: *holds up his own finger gun*
I thought that castle was going to practice lockpicking actually.
OH WOW OK THEN (& I was right about the unisex name) RC: Yess well me meeting ashley has smeared lip gloss all over your face (I don’t like the guns but when you go to meet a girl’s dad that’s the only time when a gun is acceptable.) (still not acceptable actually but you get the point.) Castle knows a cool trick there! Ashley: Yeah sure, if it’s ok with your gun-- dad Ash: I respect her, she is respectable, I respect you RC: I like him. He’s respectful. (Cuz u waved a gun at him lol. Heck yeah bro XD)
RC & me: well at least some guy in ballistics had fun firing em off
Interesting motion with the coffee there
RC: Maybe it was about a girl. In fact, alexis’s boyfriend (who has a girl’s name btw) thought I was going to shoot him last night.  KB: *Eyebrows go up, smiles & kinda nods.* KR: Hey RC: Hey, how’s esposito? (Asks ryan this) KR: He’s sleeping in,, mostly because he can’t move. (His voice is more melodic here, a different cadence & pitch.) (& ryan knows that esposito is sleeping in & can’t move) (Like girl the writers knew what they were doing)
Hamlet much?
Danny is a stand-up guy & gave you a job, you’re doing better because of him... Just making a note on troy kendsworth or w/e his name was
& they got the address from him.
What a sexy doorknocker WHOA I LOVE THIS GUY Mum & my little bro just watched around the world in 80 days (I think two different versions too)! I love a good rock shanty, I love adults playing dress up, I love punk, I love simplicity, tbh I’m more into solarpunk & cottagepunk than steampunk,  Riding the penny farthing right through the club I love it Love the hats, love the time machine Sheer supercoolness of futuristic design if things were steam powered, not fossil fuels b’y Poetry <3 KB: Excuse me Mr Peterson-- RC: Can I try that?
You know what it is SO valid to ignore death here. Sadness like that is for the real world, this place is an oasis away from all that. Kinda goth with the poetry & meaning even in death.
Hey at least we know he wasn’t dead yet within the time-of-death. 11-1 but he was alive past 11.
Oh those are some sexy guns Sure beckett smell it & know they’ve been fired. Who’s adam again? Adam murphy from the finance place? RC: I THINK HE’S GOING FOR THE TIME MACHINE (When did ryan & esposito get the address & called over for interviews?) KR: it’s just a bunch of interviews, idk why you didn’t take the whole day off. JE: Because I’m fine! KR, badge in hand: *goes to knock* *door opens before he can* (the two look at each other) (Adam Murphey runs smack into esposito. Ryan is still staring at the door in shock. He turns around when castle & beckett come out.) RC: Hey esposito! (esposito is groaning & whimpering from the pain of being slammed down onto concrete)
RC: So if you couldn’t kill each other then what was the point of the duel? Me: Duels are cool castle!
Me: Go test it out! RC: Only one way to find out *handshake meme* YAY THE SANDWICH ANTIQUE GUN GUY I like this song. Ew come on pig leave the guy alone Aiming better now & still runs away from the cop lol. Hey nice guy the pig got him a sandbag. Hey nice guy he’s actually interested now & got a stand. Hey it’s just like mythbusters, remove the human touch. I like the progressions of companionship with this rando.
Castle you’re so cool /gen
I love this family. & even kind of in my ears. I hugged my mom so much during this scene & alexis is so adorable & rick didn’t even say anything. Castle answering the door in his steampunk gear: Beckett! How do you know when you’re in love? Beckett, missing a single beat: All the songs make sense Castle fulfills our need to be an adult who acts like a child.
Making ryan just climb a tree XD “hey BECKETT” (I HAVE A PROBLEM) Poor guy shot a squirrel. Poor ryan has to pick up the squirrel. RC: Oh no they took his clothes too! KR: Could you..? CSU: awwwww :’( KR: Yeah I know I’m sorry
Castle: *gets caught in crime scene tape*
Who is using a magnifying glass? I thought beckett said it wasn’t a thing since sherlock holmes (like around the turn of the century, murdoch & sherlock time)
Castle: Volcano in centre of the earth: sneffles!
Sciency ballistics thing
Right as the church bells chimed midnight. we now have an exact time of death
tragic... but understandable
I always like seeing that cute cop, the short girl with the red hair. 
RM: Speaking of tragedy, did you hear about detective esposito? Me: he’s not dead, but the poor man has definitely had more happen to him... KB: no, what about him? (concern from both kate & rick) RM: Oh... he.. *gestured behind them* (wheelchair squaking) KB: Oh! D: JE: *rolled in by Ryan with some big brace on him & a big ol spider contraption on his head* RC: God no. Dude, what happened? (Ryan looks as heartbroken as esposito) KB: Esposito,! JE: No, I don’t want to hear it. No I’m ok JE: BOOM! *Jumps up, throws off the brace right into castle’s face* JE: No I really am fine, bro; we got this stuff from storage. KR: You should have seen your faces! JE: Captain you really sold that. KR: “speaking of tragedy did you hear about detective esposito?” RM: Hey KR: Sir RC: That was good, *claps esposito on the shoulder* JE: Ow, I’m not really that fine. KR: Oh yeah let me just... sorry JE: neck brace please, neck brace. Just lock it down, lock it. KR: Yeah yeah
& then some rando comes in & calls them boys (even tho they call each other boys all the time Ryan: *narrows eyes at this guy* & beckett has her nice helmet bc like we said in a previous episode she rides a motorbike (ryan outfit 10/10)
AC: I want to go on a date tonight RC, strained: Of course, great, have a good time. AC: I mean with you dad. (I miss going on dates with my parents. Just the two of us instead of all my siblings & both my parents...) RC: Did gram put you up to this?
She may be ginger but she’s very strawberry blonde for a redhead
She gets better at lying tho, like in s5 when they have their episode 100. 
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wellnoe · 2 years
So lately I've been on a His Dark Materials kick and I remembered your Daemon au art (which, is stunning may I say!) And I remember you gave Jean, Scott and Emma daemons, but did you or someone else ever think about one for Maddy?
I can't help but be rather interested in what a daemon would mean for a clone, especially the circumstances in how Maddy came to be via phoenix force. I get it if you don't have much to say and tbh I don't either, but I can't help but wonder what this would mean for her; Would she have a swan like Jean? The phoenix living through her and replicating what she/it knew with Jean? Which creates it's own issues about Maddy finding personhood when what's meant to be her soul even reflects what she was cloned from, so is it truly even her? Would she even HAVE a demon, which causes issues for Sinister in setting her up and maybe her daemon is originally something Sinister creates, which adds a deeper level in the fact that her soul is quite litreally manufactured...
Sorry for the length!!! I got lost in rambling, but the concept is so interesting to me and I hope it is to you as well. One small thing I think I do enjoy as a happy ending for Maddy is perhaps when she finds herself in who she truly wants to be (in your case, which I love, is with her hair buzzed and a lesbian), then perhaps her daemon finally reforms into something that fits her better...I'd want to say a whole new type of bird but that still might be too close to Jean so maybe a reptile to match Emma or even a mammal...also since daemons commonly are the gender you're "attracted to" (and I use that term loosely) I think Jean having a male daemon and Maddy having a female daemon is smth that's also a small neat detail.
Again, sorry for the ramble! I've just been thinking about Maddy and daemons for ages recently!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love all these thoughts
i am inclined to like the idea that maddy at first does not have a dæmon, which is one of the reasons sinister is disappointed with her, and then gets one as she makes contact with phoenix? i think maddy tends to isolate this as the point where she woke up and came to life, so it makes sense to me as a point where she might also get a dæmon.
i HAVE thought about a dæmon for maddy and i personally would not give her a swan but i WOULD give her a snow goose (i also briefly thought about giving her an albatross. for the wandering and the flying. if i did give her an albatross, i would give her a short-tailed albatross).
anyway i think giving maddy a snow goose is fun for a couple of reasons: 1) they are commonly mistaken for trumpeter swans (or, hunters say that they mistook trumpeter swans for snow geese) and i gave jean a trumpeter swan and 2) snow geese are just. incredibly huntable birds. no bag limits, lighter restrictions than on a lot of birds, while trumpeter swans are not hunted in alaska. i think this could reflect the way maddy is targeted and hurt after jean reappears post-phoenix, in a way that really sucks for her, but is fun for me.
(i have read 1 His Dark Materials book, so my awareness of dæmons is very much based on a general internet sense and also me liking to draw parallels between characters i like and animals)
maddy is a character who i really want to have a happier ending at some point, or at least find her way to some sort of satisfying resolution. i think your idea of maddy having a female dæmon is a really good one! i don't really know what maddy's dæmon would finally resolve into...maybe it would stay a snow goose, as maddy finally accepts that she and jean have to exist in the same world, but that she can find agency outside of that connection. i DO think it would be interesting for maddy's dæmon to at some point shift into an eastern koel, a kind of migratory cuckoo.
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[id: a picture of an eastern koel, a black bird with a red ring around its eyes]
i think an eastern koel would very much fit maddy's inferno vibe, with its brood parasitism being a kind of stand-in for the way maddy feels she was forced in with scott and the x-men.
this was very fun to think about thank you for sending this ask!! i feel like i did not respond to everything but i was very excited to talk about my maddy-snow goose-eastern koel vision
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petsolution · 13 days
Essential Tips for First-Time Pet Parents: Your Guide to a Pawsome Journey
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9 Essential Tips for First-Time Pet Parents: Your Guide to a Pawsome Journey Hey there, soon-to-be pet parent! Feeling excited and maybe a little nervous about welcoming a furry friend into your life? Don't worry, we've all been there. At Pet Solutions, we're here to help you navigate this amazing adventure. So, let's dive into some tips that'll make your first-time pet ownership a walk in the park (pun intended)!
1. Choose Your Perfect Match
Ever tried on a sweater that just didn't fit right? Well, choosing a pet is kind of like that, but way more important! Think about your lifestyle. Are you a couch potato or a marathon runner? Do you live in a tiny apartment or a sprawling house? 
Dr. Sarah Johnson, a veterinarian with 15 years of experience, says, "The most common mistake I see first-time pet owners make is choosing a pet that doesn't match their lifestyle. An active dog in a small apartment with a busy owner is a recipe for disaster."
What kind of pet do you think would fit best with your lifestyle? Take a moment to imagine your ideal day with your new pet.
2. Pet-Proof Your Palace
Time to channel your inner pet and crawl around your house! Look for potential hazards like loose wires, toxic plants, or small objects that could be swallowed. Remember, curiosity didn't just kill the cat – it can harm dogs, rabbits, and other pets too!
3. Stock Up on Supplies
Shopping for pet supplies can be overwhelming. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here's a quick checklist:
- Food and water bowls
- Appropriate food (ask your vet for recommendations)
- Collar and ID tag
- Leash (for dogs)
- Bed or crate
- Toys
- Grooming supplies
Pro tip: Buy a variety of toys to see what your new pet prefers. Some like squeaky toys, others prefer puzzles!
4. Find a Vet You Trust
Your pet's health is a top priority. Find a vet before you bring your pet home. Ask friends for recommendations or check online reviews. A good vet is worth their weight in gold (or should we say, kibble?).
5. Patience is a Virtue
Remember when you started a new job or moved to a new city? It took time to adjust, right? The same goes for your new pet. They're in a new environment with new people, smells, and sounds. 
Did you know? According to a study by the ASPCA, it can take pets anywhere from a few days to several months to fully adjust to a new home.
6. Training Starts Day One
Whether you're bringing home a puppy, kitten, or adult pet, training should start immediately. Consistency is key! Use positive reinforcement – treats and praise work wonders.
7. Socialize, Socialize, Socialize
Expose your pet to different people, animals, and environments early on. This helps them become well-adjusted adults. But remember, always prioritize your pet's comfort and safety.
8. Regular Exercise is Crucial
Just like us humans, pets need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. It's also a great way to bond with your new friend. How about making a fun exercise routine for both you and your pet?
9. Show Lots of Love
Last but definitely not least, shower your new pet with love! Pets thrive on affection and attention. Plus, those cuddles are good for you too! Studies have shown that petting animals can lower blood pressure and reduce stress.
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Bringing a new pet home is an exciting journey filled with love, laughter, and maybe a chewed-up shoe or two. But with these tips, you're well on your way to becoming a pet parent pro!
We'd love to hear from you! What other questions do you have about first-time pet ownership? Or if you're already a pet parent, what's one piece of advice you'd give to newbies? Share in the comments below!
Remember, at ThePetSolutions.com, we're always here to support you on your pet parenting journey. Here's to many years of wet noses, wagging tails, and unconditional love!
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woollywhisker · 2 months
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Concept art for a Leafpool design :) not done with it yet but I like looking at her different colours so I wanted to share. Making her ginger would probably work the best genetically, but she's built to be brown in her heart. Maybe I'll make her and Sandstorm torties? If so she'll probably be cinnamon-red, the black tabby is really just to match a Hollyleaf design I have in mind. Black stripes don't fit her very well.
[Image ID: three alternate colours for a Leafpool design. In all of them, she's a wavy-striped classic tabby with yellow-green eyes and white on her muzzle, tail tip and three of her paws. In the first image, she's a cinnamon tabby, a light orangey brown. In the second, she has almost black stripes on a brown background. In the third, she's brownish ginger.]
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