kittycarabiner · 16 hours
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mmmmm catgirl lesbians who love to bite and scratch and play with you like a toy
catgirls who make you dress up like a mouse for halloween so they can tease you all night
catgirls who rip your clothes to shreds and grind against your thigh, refusing to give you an ounce of pleasure until they're satisfied
catgirls who rub their rough tongue against your clit until your thighs snap shut around their head
mhm... catgirl lesbians
- this post is 18+ wlw: minors/men dni-
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kittycarabiner · 1 day
kitty idk what you put in your monster fucking fic but oh my god i’m obsessed. you were so descriptive and that really made my imagination run. i love your writing and i’d love to get more of said monster x reader content🫢🤭
i put love into it 😁😁😁 the lesbian kind
i'm so glad you enjoyed it teehee... ive been a big monster fan for a while now, but the lack of wlw monsters drives me crazy!!!
everytime i see a lack of what i want, i say, someone needs to step up! and it is me🫡 im always on it
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kittycarabiner · 2 days
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kittycarabiner · 2 days
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seeing as you all devoured my monster women post... how about a little fic :3
warnings: smut (minors/men dni), wlw content, fem!forest monster x sub fem!reader, monsterfucking, size difference, claws, cunnilingus, stalking (but you like her), consensual!!
- this post is wlw 18+ : minors/men dni -
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you lived on the outskirts of town, close to the woods and wilderness just outside your window. while you'd heard tales of 'dangerous' creatures in the woods, you merely thought they were fantasies, myths.
but she had been watching you, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch you up. you were so pretty, so small, so... sweet.
she admired you from afar, salivating at the thought of finally having you in her clutches. you were so cute and clumsy with how you'd nearly drop your keys before getting in your car. or how you'd desperately try to turn the light switch on with your elbow when your hands were full.
it only got better when she watched you one night, taking note of your little nightly escapades while getting yourself off to a post about monsters of all things. you were absolutely perfect for her, weren't you.
and perhaps, that was why there was no surprise when she finally revealed herself to you, and you were simply in awe.
you stared up with wide, bright eyes, curious to know more about her. she was pretty, tall, and well-built. her own eyes were almost like voids, pulling you in. but you didn't seem to mind that so much.
you eagerly took her outstretched hand when she offered, taking note of how small your hand was in hers, yet how gentle she was, guiding you deeper into the woods.
she brought you to her home (of sorts), though she had made it cozier, emulating your own home. it was rather sweet, despite her lack of human-knowledge, she wanted to please you.
watching you walk right in made a purr rumble in her throat, pleased her soon-to-be mate accepted her nest.
her hand rested on your lower back as you explored her home, though she was more than eager to bring you to the coziest part, with blankets and pillows she had "borrowed" from homes near the outskirts of the woods.
she grinned, showing off her sharp teeth for you as she laid you down beneath her, hair cascading down around you like a shadowy waterfall.
her clawed hands caress your cheeks, gripping your chin and sweetly mumbling to you while undressing you.
stripping you bare before her, she indulged in your form beneath her, completely exposed. she pinched your nipples, delighting in the sounds it pulled from your throat, leaning down to experimentally circle them with the pointed tip of her tongue.
they hardened beneath her touch while her free hands snaked down to spread your thighs, inhaling deeply, enjoying your scent as she let out a pleased hum.
she kneeled before you on the soft bedding, watching you pant as she leaned her head down towards your core. she was dutiful in her soft licking, wanting at the same time to be gentle and take you right now.
she held you spread open, her thumb carefully stroking your clit while her tongue explored lower, prodding at your hole as you squirmed. you were unable to move much beneath her grasp, only just now realizing her sheer strength.
her tongue slides into you as she whines into your cunt, stretching you out as your back arches up, a soft gasp spilling from your lips as your slick leaks onto her tongue.
her purrs grow louder as she eats you out, licking up everything that leaks from you, indulging in your taste. your hands grasp at the bedsheets, instead grabbing at her hair, feeling the rough strands beneath your palms as your hips desperately try to grind against her tongue.
she urges an orgasm out of you, her nose rubbing against your clit, yet she doesn't stop. "hold on-!" you gasp, head tipping back when her tongue pushes all the way in, tip grazing your g-spot.
you cry out for her, all the while her purrs rumble against your sensitive pussy, drawing another orgasm out, yet she keeps going.
when she finally finishes with you, she cleans you up dutifully, lapping up the mess she's made all over your thighs as you tremble, out of breath and completely fucked out.
she leans up and over you, eager for praise as you tiredly brush a hand over her cheek. "so good... felt so good." you smile happily.
as you try to sit up, she pushes you right back down, cooing at you and curling up around your back, pulling you flush against her with a hand on your lower abdomen.
she intends on keeping you here with her for a long, long time ♡
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kittycarabiner · 3 days
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does anybody else ever think about wlw monsters 🥺
monster women with thick/long fingers and tongues to prod into your sticky cunt
monster women with sharp teeth to nip at your thighs to keep you still beneath them
monster women strong enough to hold your weight mid-air while they fuck you with their tongue
monster women with huge cocks/straps, with spines, knots, veins, etc that rub against you and perfectly nestle into your g-spot
monster women who groan and grunt when you suck them off/eat them out after, tasting yourself on them. their clawed hands digging into your scalp, restraining themselves from bucking against your cute little mouth
monster women who purr and cuddle you up against their chest afterward, keeping you nice, warm, and content
- this post is 18+ wlw : minors/men dni -
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kittycarabiner · 3 days
people really underestimate the excitement of having sex with someone inexperienced. guiding them through it and witnessing their reactions to sensations they've never felt before is nothing short of out of this world
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kittycarabiner · 3 days
Where are my sensitive subs at? The ones who can't handle multiple orgasms or too many fingers? That gets off on my eyes burning into her as I focus on pleasuring her. Who reaches out her hand for the little ounce of assurance. Yes, my pretty darling. You're doing so, so well for me. As she gets all red and shy for me, struggling to keep her eyes open. All she could think about was my hands all over her body. Treasuring every inch of it. It's okay, baby. Let go for me, you've been such a good girl for mommy. As I coax her into giving me one final orgasm.
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kittycarabiner · 4 days
Ah yes, the 3 genders. Male, female, and “what the fuck are you, a cop?”
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kittycarabiner · 4 days
yes i’m back ik you must think i’m utterly pathetic for asking for more. i must be begging atp. but hey either i’m a needy lesbian who’s desperate for scenarios or i love your writing and it has me smiling behind my screen. or both… i did my job and looked through your kinks and i saw roleplay. got anything for me? thank you pretty kitty <3
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it always makes me happy to hear people enjoy my writing!!! 🫶 i love to write and have smutty thoughts... bonus if people enjoy it with me
i do have this one consistent roleplay idea, but it might not be up your alley 🥲 i really like the idea of playing out student and professor (obviously just pretend with my partner)
wearing a cute little skirt so i can tease her, being spanked over her lap, fingered while she tells me to "be quiet, unless i want everyone to hear what a needy slut" i am.
to have her fuck me over her desk, pretending it's her office, my panties shoved into my mouth or her hand covering my lips.
to have me grind my cunt against hers on her desk chair while she kisses me, tongue sliding over mine while i claw at her back and shoulders, leaving pretty marks for her to look at
but let me know if it isnt your thing 🎀
-this post is about wlw sex : minors/men dni
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kittycarabiner · 5 days
hi pretty kitty <3 idk i was wondering if you could write a little scenario involving praise + degradation and overstimulation. doesn’t have to be long. be creative with it yeah? i’ll take anything you can do it cutie
omg my first ask 😇 yes ofc hopefully this format is okay!
i just loveee all 3 of those. i couldn't help myself 🎀
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let me kneel at the door, waiting for you to come home like the sweet little kitty i am
greeting you with wide, excited eyes, lips opening for you to slide your fingers over my tongue, teasing the back of my throat to hear me gag.
tell me what a pretty little slut i am for you. how i'm just so pathetically eager...
unbuckle the belt of your dress pants, yank me by my hair towards you, have me eat you out while i hold onto your thighs desperately :(
praise me for doing so well, for using my tongue perfectly on you. that i'm the perfect whore
whisk me away to the bedroom, fucking me with the same fingers i've already slicked up with my spit. hold me down, keep me from squirming away while i whine your name.
wrap a hand around my throat, never fully squeezing, just a gentle reminder while you slide your strap into me. grab my hips, pull me down towards you over and over again, like i'm just your plaything
remind me how pretty i am, how good i am for you. push me over the edge countless times because you just love seeing me completely fucked out beneath you.
you love the way my cum runs down my thighs, how it's leaked onto you. and you can't help but want to see me like this all the time ♡
- 🪻 this post is about wlw sex 🪻 - minors/men dni
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kittycarabiner · 5 days
the fully clothed butch x naked femme dynamic thing... it hasn't left my mind since the day i found out about it
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kittycarabiner · 5 days
another day, another 8 hours of unpaid labor😃
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kittycarabiner · 6 days
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put a leash and collar on me... put a pair of fluffy kitty ears on, too.
help me slide a tail plug in for the first time, letting me cling to you and bury my head in your neck out of embarrassment
leave nothing on me but those cute little thigh highs with pawpads while you stay fully-clothed, hovering over me
call me "sweet girl" and "pretty thing" in a condescending little coo. cup my face, and stroke my cheek with your thumb
stretch me out with your fingers first, i'm a sensitive pet, as you always say
make me cum for you while i tell you it's too much and it feels too good :(
fuck me on all fours, your strap buried inside of me while your hand pushes down heavy onto my back, forcing me into a perfect arch <3
teasingly push the plug deeper into me just to hear me squeak and watch my feet feebly kick against the mattress
someone come do all this to me :(((
-🪻 this post is about wlw sex 🪻- minors/men dni
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kittycarabiner · 6 days
they can't stop you from thinking about gay sex on company time
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kittycarabiner · 7 days
I take midwest emo bf very seriously
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kittycarabiner · 7 days
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kittycarabiner · 8 days
really in the mood to bend some pretty little femme over my desk and fuck my strap deep into her dripping pussy while my hands are holding her hips in place to get it as deep as possible. need to make her a whiny little wet mess 🫦
god I should not feel this horny at work, but please feel free to come make me even hornier🫣
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