#pseudo geto
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lilacxquartz · 18 hours ago
kissing their true form;
kenjaku x reader
cw: body horror (kenjaku’s brain), kissing, romance, partial fluff, gets slightly sinsister at the end • a/n: a little drabble for a thought that’s been on my mind lately • w.c: 500 masterlist
Throughout the course of their very long life, Kenjaku had never met someone quite like you; someone so open, so daring to challenge what was normal and what wasn’t. Out of all of the bodies they’ve lived in and out of all of the people that they’ve met, they couldn’t take their eyes off of you.
Until you suggested something that gave them pause. It was so bizarre that they asked you to repeat yourself.
“C-Come again?” they strained, their voice suddenly hoarse and their eyes wide, staring at you as if you had lost your mind.
You laughed in response, acknowledging the absurdity of the request you were asking, but your intentions were pure. You didn’t wasn’t to kiss the vessel, you wanted to kiss the last remaining part of them that truly belonged to them.
Trying again, you repeated yourself, “Can I give you a kiss on your brain?”
Kenjaku stared for a moment longer before their hands subconsciously moved to undo their stitches as though on autopilot—as if locked into a trance—thoroughly mesmerised as they reached to part the skull cap that rested over their brain.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” they asked, suddenly seeming almost insecure. Nobody had ever asked such a thing of them before and yet, here you were, being the first to do so.
You nodded, slowly leaning closer, not deterred from the grotesque side at all, not even as the pink flesh glistened and pulsed, nor as the wrinkled seams bulged in the exposed air.
Kenjaku was into this, they absolutely were, but for the first time in centuries—or perhaps ever—they felt insecure around you. You made them get flustered and even embarrassed. They both loved and hated this feeling, but couldn’t quite bring themselves to tear away from you, the morbid curiosity and perhaps, slight arousal, imparising their judgment.
Still, they tried to talk you out of it as you drifted closer. A first for them, given just how openly forward they were with every other sort of oddity in the world.
“I don’t even have any lips,” they started.
“I don’t care.”
“I’m not even sure that these teeth are teeth either,” they continued.
You repeated yourself. “I don’t care.”
“It’s very potentially gros—“
However, rather than hearing those three repeated little words, they were instead met with your lips against their mouth, their mind suddenly blank. It was a surreal sensation, but they tried to manoeuvre their way around the strange situation, working into it however they could. Their tongue pushed against your own, working against the muscle, tasting your skin on theirs, intoxicated by the taste.
They had kissed you so many times before, but never like this and when you finally pulled away, they felt like they had lost something; their heart dropping at the sudden void-like sensation.
They hated to admit this, if even at all, but you—out of all of them—out of all of the countless years and the like—might have been the one person that they were missing all along in their very long life.
(Which meant that they couldn’t ever let you go.)
(Even if it meant subjecting you to unspeakable things to keep you around forever.)
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unclassedguy · 10 months ago
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A man, his twin brother the king of curses, and his 1000 yr old body hopping wife
A loving family
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go-go-gadget-autism · 1 month ago
hellooooo JJK mutuals (nobody) i’m making the prison realm out of cardboard and hot glue which is a sane and totally normal thing to do at 10:30 PM on a friday
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h0lloweye · 5 days ago
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Cop Kenjaku :p
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mullermilkshake · 5 months ago
Pseudo Suguru Geto
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Appearances aren't always what they seem.
“Prison realm. Gate open.”
The giant square of skinless muscle opened, its singular eye wide open, showing you your fate. It glared at you, staring straight into your soul. It convulsed, vibrating like a quivering leaf.
“What- what is this?” You took a step backwards, unable to avoid its gaze, still and unnerving.
“It took so long to find you. You've been quite a nuisance.”
You recognised the voice, but it was laced with uncertainty. Would you dare to turn? Could you entertain the idea of any other eyes than the giant, ominous pupil sat in front of you?
You turned. “W-wait. No way. This can’t be-”
Suguru Geto. 
You saw him die, watching on from the sidelines, his wrist going limp and drawing last breath. There was no way he could have been standing in front of you now.
But he was.
“Long time no see.” Suguru smiled, his hand moved in a gentle wave.
Geto’s eyes were there, but then, they weren’t. They didn’t have the same love they usually had. He looked the same as he did when you last met, but the line of stitches on his forehead said otherwise. 
“It can’t be you.” You said, stepping back a fraction. “I saw you die I- Satoru killed-”
“Satoru isn’t the best at commitment is he?”
Suguru took a step getting much closer now, he was in arms reach. You could touch his cheek if you wanted. But this time wasn’t like those other times. 
“Who are you?”
“You know who I am.”
“No. Even up to Suguru’s death, he never gave me the unease you’re giving me now.”
He chuckled, fiddling with his forehead. “ You were always so clever, weren’t you?”
You gasped, putting your hand to your mouth to stop the sickness. The top of his head came away, clean and precise. His maniacal smile never faltered. 
“That’s exactly what Satoru Gojo said too. It seems I can’t fool everyone.”
A brain. His brain smiled with him, transparent goo dripped down his cheeks like it was being preserved artificially. It looked painful. You heaved and your hand clenched at your stomach in hopes to stop the chain-reaction. 
Everything was fucked. This thing was parading a dead man around you, a carcass of someone you loved. Your retching turned to sobs, you pushed him away but he stayed where he was.
“Where is he, where is Satoru? What have you done with him?!” 
“He’s in a safe place.” He paused, his smile still remained. “Now it’s just a matter of where to put you.”
Read more on my Ao3! <3
Minors DNI —-
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scuttlefishy · 5 months ago
i really like this clip from the stageplay lalalalalaaaa. mahitos smile when hes on the ground...single tear falls from eye i love him so much
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pathetic-pierrot · 8 months ago
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Worst family imaginable
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dingostrash · 1 year ago
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Tragically I love this horrible found family more than you can imagine
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numelfanclub · 5 months ago
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lilacxquartz · 5 months ago
part 9 of 19 of kinktober: brain riding
kenjaku’s brain x reader
plot: kenjaku would like to try something a bit different with you — themes: oral sex, brain riding, gender neutral pronouns for kenjaku, f!reader, coercion, potentially body horror — a/n: if the idea weirds you out, this is your warning to click out, otherwise read on <3 — w.c: 800ish
kinktober masterlist • main masterlist • ao3
“Come on, I promise it’ll be fun,” Kenjaku teased, dragging your fingertips along their still freshly sutured incision, “it’ll be unlike anything like you’ve ever experienced before.”
You stammered in slight uncertainty, narrowing your eyes into a concerned stare; studying the liquid that trickled out of their partially undone form. “I-I don’t know, this might be too weird… even for me.”
Kenjaku could only smile as they pulled you back down over their body, urging you to straddle over their frame. They didn’t want to pretend with you anymore—at least not since you last saw their technique and surviving form—so this was simply… the next big step forward.
“Trust me,” they coaxed, lowering their voice into a breathy whisper, “I promise it’ll be fun. If you’re that scared, you can sit a little lower over my vessel’s face and we can work our way up.”
You could only blink as your mind paled at the thought, still struggling to imagine just how this could possibly go. Admittedly, this was something that you had never once anticipated before and yet here you were, giving into the impossible.
“Alright, just… just give me a moment, okay?” you replied in a strained tone in an attempt to calm yourself down.
They simply stared up at you as you straddled over their stomach, their arrogant grin slowly widening with each passing second.
“Do I just… hover over the brain, or?” you asked in a resigned tone.
They tilted their head back in anticipation. “I’ll tell you when, how’s that?”
A whole flurry of troubling thoughts swept through your mind the more you tried to talk yourself into carrying the act through. For one, you felt suddenly… insecure? What could the view for them even be from that sort of angle? Given that your thought process could be easily reflected on your expression, they pulled you down ever so slightly by tugging at your wrists to at least, reassure you.
“Don’t worry about it too much,” they murmured, trying to pad you forward on your knees, “I can promise you that my eyes will be closed if that’s what’s bothering you,” they lied, wanting nothing more than to revel in the view.
You tilted your head in half disbelief, not quite believing them. “R-really?”
They hummed with a confirming nod, finally getting you to hover right where they wanted. With a quick pull, they cast aside the skull cap for now, propping it over to the bedside table before shooting their tongue up towards your clit, hoping to steal a taste while you were still adjusting.
A slight yelp escaped your lips as the rest of your body tingled in a pleasurable shudder; your legs settled parallel over the soft, fleshy mass felt almost softly foreign when compared to any other area of flesh. The tissue was alarmingly supple and left you feeling a little afraid for them.
“A-and you’re sure that this doesn’t hurt you?” you asked in a somewhat innocent tone, genuinely concerned for their safety.
They lightheartedly laughed in response to you, their tone of voice adopting a nonchalant edge, “Well, it might mess up my vision a little but don’t worry, I can fix all of that later. Besides, my brain is firmer than the average person’s, so you’re not damaging a single thing.”
Kenjaku technically meant that first part in a joking manner, but they partially regretted their jab a second later, knowing that you wouldn’t take it in the way they hoped and would very likely hesitate to let yourself go fully.
To counter this, they attempted to pull you down a little closer; their brain tongue greedily lapping up wherever it could feel, the rest of the rosy matter slightly pulsating as it did so as the subtle movements almost caused them to tremble.
Continuing, they licked at your folds whenever you slipped up and tried to steady yourself. Your clit was the primary focus, but your lacking confidence was something that they’d have to train you out of in the future; which was already pre-planned in their mind. Working with what they could, they flicked at your skin’s swollen peak, pushing you towards a quickly building climax. Perhaps it was both the fear and the arousal and the unknown; all three things combined to overwhelm you into a heated mess.
In a way, it was surely frustrating due to the host’s body responding with want and need, pooling tingling pleasure in between their legs. They couldn’t stop now however—not when you were so close—so instead their tongue zigzagged at an almost hurried rate, sending rising shocks of shuddering bliss through your body, forcing you to eventually coil and flood in a seeping release that trickled into their cerebral lips.
As you finally stilled your grinding process, you sat back over their chest and then rolled over to your back, your body involuntarily flinching slightly at the cap they used to secure back over their brain.
“I’m never letting you live this down by the way,” they teased, already planning the next moment they’d do this with you again (and again and again.)
And to your surprise (not that you’d admit it to them), you didn’t feel completely opposed to the idea.
related art piece
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unclassedguy · 10 months ago
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My wife came back from the dead and has been acting strangely, but it's all ok because she's chill!
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derseprinceoftbd · 9 months ago
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shepardshepard · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween from Shibuya 🧠 🔪
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devi-hydra · 2 months ago
Goofy ass headcanon chart
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oworite · 7 months ago
shock (?
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kakukat-lucky · 11 months ago
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The sketch:
I made the sketch traditionally and finished it digitally if you want to know
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