#maybe i’m just dumb and this is common knowledge?
knockoffblonde · 1 year
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geeneelee · 11 months
Judit’s Backstory, or: Why She Supports Harry
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while, especially since it’s apparently not common knowledge in the fandom, but Judit has a developed backstory with Harry that can only be put together through reading one of the case files (so perhaps it’s not that surprising that people don’t know).
We start with Joseph Mills: an idiot and a terrible person.
No, he was awful. Awful sense of humour too. The worst jokes you've ever heard. Really rapey.
Harry can find out about him from reading MURDER IN THE HOOKAH PARLOR from his case files. Long story short, Mills mistook an accidental death for a murder and wasted months on it, only for Harry to identify it as a dumb accident in less than a minute.
What’s more relevant to the present-day is this:
Beaten to death by a throng of Villalobos gang-members when him and his partner J. M. (only initials mentioned) answered a call one night. It's a sad story and it isn't really represented in *your* case files. Stop stalling and get to the MURDER AT THE HOOKAH PARLOUR.
Judit’s partner was beaten to death by gangsters, presumably while she watched. Technically, J.M. could be anyone, but basic narrative rules + a few other hints make me certain that it’s Judit. Most importantly, what she says about Harry after his disastrous call to the Precinct.
"We must help him." Minot looks down at her neatly polished black shoes. There is a quiet firmness to her voice when she speaks. 
"I just know we can't give up on him when he's at his weakest. He wouldn't..." The crowd in the room has started fidgeting uncomfortably. Someone's trying to slip out unnoticed.
I’m presuming here that what she’s going to say is “He wouldn’t give up on one of us”. (Side note: judging by the reactions of everyone else, they agree. Pre-canon Harry had his good moments and his bad with the squad).
Judit might be speaking from experience - we know that she’s only been with C-Wing for two months, but why did she transfer? Given how C-wing has been hemorrhaging members, it seems odd. If she was speaking from experience, then the most likely answer is that Harry helped her out after Mills’ death (first on the scene? Provided support? who knows) and Judit, who was now without a partner, decided to follow him to C-wing.
Between her gratitude to Harry and (probably) low standards for coworkers, she’s willing to give him the benefit of the doubt more than anyone else who knows him, although depending on your actions you can burn through the good will - calling her the Horse-Faced Woman and asking if you’ve had sex will make her cold towards you.
She’s also aware of Harry’s drinking problem, but has more hope than Jean does - Jean will shoot down any hint that Harry’s changed, but if he’s stayed sober, Judit will hold onto hope that it’ll stick this time
You haven't been drinking, she thinks. So maybe this time...
(Perhaps it’s just because she’s known him for the least amount of time, but it’s still more hope than anyone else in his unit has for Harry).
It’s easy to miss Judit’s implied past with Harry, and assume her patience is naivety or because she’s a mom (which might be the case in a story written by lesser writers) but it’s something more complex than that, and a tiny hint at the better side of pre-canon Harry.
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vparka · 9 months
Ominis Gaunt x Male Reader
"A Lover's Quarrel" 🔞 One-shot. M/M
Minors DNI.
Word Count: 9,427.
AO3 link
Warnings: Male Reader is a huge simp for Ominis lmao (what's new, tbh?), Blow Jobs, Rimming [Ominis receiving], Masturbation, Face-Sitting, Mouth-Spitting, Cum eating, Use of Y/N, Slytherin M!Reader, Insecure Ominis. Ominis petname is Omimi. Not beta read. Accidental Voyeurism.
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Okay, maybe Ominis Gaunt wasn’t the most knowledgeable person when it was about relationships of any kind, especially romantic ones (his parents were far, far away from being characters in a romance novel) but he did know that worrying about the person you care the most was pretty normal. Especially if said person went his way to make himself an easy kill: running around dangerous places and fighting dangerous creatures and people almost in a daily basis, for what? Nothing worthy of risking his life. Yes, Ominis was mad at Y/N. 
His endearing, lovely and stupid, very stupid boyfriend seemed to enjoy getting on Ominis’ nerves, making him worry sick whenever Y/N wasn’t around him, getting in some mischief with Sebastian, their friend in common and fellow Slytherin.   
Currently, Ominis was fighting to not fall asleep in the History of Magic class, keeping his mind busy... though not in a good way: he was worrying a lot about his stupid boyfriend, who was sitting beside him acting like nothing happened. Sure, being blind since birth made Ominis not notice a lot of things due to not having the gift of sight, but he did noticed things: his body tried to compensate the fact of being deprived of one of his senses by making other ones more heightened; his senses of smell and hearing were better than most people, for example... And he could picture things by touch, that’s how Ominis found out that Y/N was injured. Just yesterday they both were cuddling at the Undercroft after dinner, talking about a lot of things, nothing serious, really... until Ominis caressed Y/N’s cheek, wanting to show love by touching the other Slytherin and then he felt the usually soft skin scarred, plus, he did noticed the little jump Y/N made, a normal reaction when he was hurt. And today, in breakfast, he overheard some people pointing out how Y/N’s cheek was bruised- one student in this class even coming over before the lesson started, offering to cast a spell for the injury to heal to pay back some favor Y/N did to that student. Ominis was livid, now his idiot of a boyfriend couldn’t lie his way to convince him that he wasn’t hurt, he had enough evidence.   
“Ominis, please...” Y/N whispered quietly, trying to not attract Professor Binns’ attention, though the professor seemed completely immersed in his monologue about The Goblin Rebellion. Even though he couldn’t glare to death at the brute Slytherin, Ominis could feel Y/N’s puppy eyes, as Sebastian once described them whenever Y/N plead for the Blond's forgiveness after he got in trouble. “I’m so sorry, truly. I know I am an idiot, but I couldn’t leave Sebastian alone in that fight.”  
Ominis sighed, slowly opening his eyes, focusing on Professor Binn’s voice instead. His heart clenching, he did have a soft spot for both Slytherin troublemakers, but he couldn’t continue let them do dumb things in the name of power, adventure and shit like that. With his own family, the Gaunts, he already had enough for this and the next thirteen lifetimes. Instead, Ominis concentered his magic on his wand, making it scribble down some notes in case of the Goblin Rebellion topic being on their next exam.   
“ Omimi, please don’t ignore me.”   
Not the petname, lord. It was endearing and embarrassing at the same time, Ominis still remembered the time he wanted to get swallowed by the earth that one time Sebastian had heard that petname, snickering and calling them gross for being too sweet, something maybe Y/N could get called because he, indeed, was a sweetheart: always helping others, offering kind words and solutions, Ominis on the other hand... Only Sebastian and said idiot knew him, nobody else... though he was in polite terms with everyone he had talked to during the years. Certainly, you’d never see Ominis doing favors to people who weren’t his closest friends.  
“I’m ashamed-” Y/N continued, but Ominis intervened, having enough of it. They had been in this situation from three days now, with the Gaunt boy refusing to listen to Y/N’s apology.  
“Of having a bruise? Of lying to me? For sneaking out with Sebastian without telling me, again?” The blond Slytherin hissed, now getting a little pissed off. His head was slightly leaning left, his milky eyes lost but staring at the nothingness in front of him, with his posh tone, he spat: “You know, if I didn’t know the both of you had a penchant for trouble, I would think you’re cheating on me with him.”  
Okay, maybe Ominis had never thought of them both sneaking out like that. Before Y/N and him entered a relationship (after God knows how many months it took Y/N to convince Ominis that liking boys was alright, that it wasn’t a disease nor illness –honestly, fuck the Gaunt’s mindset regarding homosexuality. – and promises that he could take care of him, not like Ominis needed it, but it was nice knowing that Y/N supported him in anyway.) Ominis had talked with Sebastian about their Slytherin friend, because, well, Sebastian was cozier with the other boy than with other friends or his cross wands mates. Ominis remembered clearly how Sebastian had snorted, just saying that he did admire Y/N because he was a powerful wizard, but he didn’t see him like that, plus, he had admitted to knowing how ‘down bad’ the new fifth year was when he first meet Ominis through Sebastian, always asking him about the blind boy’s wellbeing and where he could find him, even confessing that Y/N used to ‘look at Ominis from a distance’ which clearly was stalking, and Sebastian did called it like that, but Sebastian found it funny to imitate Y/N’s voice when he gave that excuse.  
Ominis didn’t think Y/N would cheat on him, especially with Sebastian, but he was angry. So, yes. Maybe he was being petty, but he was allowed to, sometimes he got tired of being the voice of reason in their friend group. Sometimes he could use being the asshole in the situation.  
“Ominis, oh my god.” Y/N whispered, totally horrified at the words that escaped his boyfriend’s mouth. Y/N took Ominis’ hand softly, caressing the soft skin. Then, he leaned and kissed briefly Ominis’ cheek, not caring about anyone in the classroom. He had priorities and they were making up with Ominis, he couldn’t stand the thought of hurting the blond. "I would never, I just couldn’t leave him go alone into some ruins. We didn’t tell you because we were afraid-”  
“That my lack of sight would get me dead in the hands of some lower creature that attempted against my life? “ Ominis sneered in complete disdain impulsively. Deep down he knew Y/N and Sebastian didn’t think that about him... but they sneaking out, without telling him because he worried? It did hurt. “This is not a conversation I want to have right now, Y/N. “  
Y/N looked at Ominis with regret, wanting to let the blond Slytherin know that he didn’t think that. Ominis was capable of a lot of things, he was a very powerful wizard with a kind heart. Before he could even open his mouth, Ominis turned to face Professor Binn, completely removing any opening that Y/N could take to talk some more.  
So, Y/N respected Ominis’ decision and didn’t push further for now.   
Maybe later. 
Both boys walked in silence towards Ominis’ dorm room, knowing that his roommates, including Sebastian, were in Hogsmeade, so they didn’t have to worry about others coming in while they talked. Y/N’s palms were sweaty, he preferred having Ominis content and smiling, talking in that posh accented voice of his so sweetly... having him disappointed in him hurt a lot. Physical pain couldn’t compare to the emotional pain Y/N felt whenever Ominis wasn’t happy, even more if it was his fault. Y/N sighed heavily, following the blond boy, and both taking a seat in Ominis’ bed once they were inside.  
It had taken more begging from Y/N’s part to convince his boyfriend to talk about it, but Ominis had finally said yes, only because Y/N had aided him quickly without thinking in Potions Class. It wasn’t a secret that even though Ominis was a damn good student, Potions wasn’t his strongest subject. Before his Wiggenweld potion turned out to be ‘utter rubbish’ as he had once said again, Y/N had run quickly and positioned himself in front of the blond, casting Protego on both of them before the cauldron exploded. The reason of why the hell would the cauldron explode was a complete courtesy of Garreth Weasley, who had been Ominis’ partner and had added an extra ingredient –one that caused Ominis’ allergies– for his new brand potion, which would change the wizarding world by its awesomeness, as the redhead had said. At the end, the cauldron did explode, showering Garreth and the students who were nearby with the viscous badly brewed concoction, completely smelling, but Ominis was protected, no allergy triggered. Some students did give shit at Y/N for only protecting Gaunt, but he didn’t care, Ominis was safe and there wasn’t a needed visit to the infirmary for him. Everything was alright.  
Talk about being down bad...   
Y/N cleared his throat and faced Ominis, whose really handsome face had a deadly-serious expression on. His tender and caring pale eyes had a stone coldness in them, his pretty lips weren’t smiling. Still, Y/N lifted his hand and caressed Ominis’ face beauty marks. It had taken a while to get Ominis used to his touch since he really wasn’t used to people touching him, even less lovingly... but their relationship deepened with time, both showing each other they cared about the other in their own ways, most of the time with body language being the principal since both of them weren’t big with words. Plus... Y/N really liked touching Ominis, such a beautiful creature should be treated with love.   
“Ominis...?” Y/N licked his lips nervously, normally a bruise and sneaking off causing a little trouble wouldn’t make him feel like this, even with his parents... but with Ominis? He knew that the boy didn’t want his friends wandering off where danger could be, even less of them associating with the Dark Arts... which Sebastian and him were doing, for research purposes. And Y/N did understand why: Ominis came from a family of Dark Wizards, and he didn’t support it in anyway, it wasn’t wrong of him to want his close ones off that path where danger and death where in every corner, never knowing if they would be able to be still alive the day after.    
“Heard you and Sebastian traversed a mountain in Loyalist territory. You know... that sort of thing could have got you both killed.” Ominis suddenly said, his voice coming out in a harsh tone, then faced Y/N. Ominis’ face had an angry expression, his icy eyes glaring daggers at Y/N.   
“I, uhm...” He was right. Ominis was right about that, him and Sebastian were in that mountain in royalist territory... fighting royalists since they were in their way- and Y/N did learn an unforgivable curse from Sebastian in that mountain, but Ominis couldn’t know. It would hurt him deeply and Y/N didn’t want that, plus, the blond boy would be so disappointed in him for wanting to learn the curse.  No, Y/N wasn’t a Dark Wizard rising, but he couldn’t deny his thirst for knowledge. He wanted to know the curse because he was curious, not because he was planning to be a Dark Lord or something, that wasn’t him.   
“What are you playing at?!” Ominis’ frown got deeper when Y/N didn’t say anything; his beautiful, beautiful eyes looked at him as if he wanted to kill Y/N, which shouldn’t turn him on right now because, well, duh. This was serious, and an angry Ominis was scary, and Y/N didn’t really want to have problems with him, the blond didn’t deserve that.   
“I’m so sorry, Ominis. It was a stupid move of me.” Y/N voice got soft, then, he kneeled in front of Ominis, hugging the boy’s legs and pressing his face on his lap, feeling his face burn. Ominis was scary and hot whenever he got mad, but he did have this... aura of danger and power whenever he got angry, must be a Gaunt family thing. It reminded Y/N of the time Sebastian had taken Y/N to the Undercroft without Ominis knowing, Ominis had scared the shit out of him when he scolded Y/N and basically threatened him to not say anything about the place when he got out of it.   
That was the moment Y/N had believed in love at first sight.  
For some people the position Y/N had taken may have looked straight of nowhere, but for them... it was a surrender gesture, submissive. Even if they weren’t as lowly minded as past generations, they still had some thoughts about dominance, wanting to make their lover take their affections- especially since they had started to experiment with each other in a more intimate way. Both were competitive boys in their own ways, often colliding with each other about who’s taking the lead, always the gentlemen both. It often was a fun dynamic, other times a gesture like this was needed: like right now, Y/N surrendering to Ominis’ since the blond couldn’t judge himself if Y/N expression was sincere, body language instead taking that role.   
It was truly a thrill to make the other submit, have said other not worry about a single thing and just enjoy what the other gave, talking in the sexual sense. Both were exciting roles, but this time Y/N did surrender first, wanting Ominis to take the lead in this situation. And when it wasn’t sexual, it was because both were hard-headed, wanting to go in their own way and have the other follow it. They had similarities, but there were differences as well, just like any other couple. This time, just like Y/N’s body language suggested, was up to what Ominis’ thought.  
And Y/N was sincere, truly. He was an idiot, but he didn’t regret kicking royalists’ asses, they deserved it. Kidnapping creatures, people, and following their evil plans... that needed to be stopped. But what Y/N really regretted was making Ominis upset, his precious darling worrying about him doing stupid things, Ominis’ anger was justified.   
Feeling the gesture, Ominis calmed a little, but he still frowned. He kept quiet, which made Y/N nuzzle his face against Ominis’ thighs.  
“I love you, Ominis. I get your position, if it were you, I’d lose my head. “Y/N murmured, hugging Ominis’ legs until the point his knees were pressing firmly against Y/N’s chest. He looked up at the blond, his eyes pleading. “Maybe it doesn’t help, but rest assured that whenever I go out, I'm very careful: every time I see how disappointed you are of me... a part of my heart breaks, because you don’t deserve that. If there is a way to make it up to you, please tell me and I’ll do it without hesitating. I swear I don’t do it with intentions of worrying or hurting you, those are things I don’t even want to inflect in you. “  
Ominis’ face softened at the words. Back when Y/N asked Ominis out, the blond boy made Y/N swear that he would be always sincere, because he didn’t have time for a lying bastard who would make him a fool and waste his time. They have gone to the extent of Ominis brewing Veritaserum and making Y/N confess his true intentions, it was a little embarrassing with how long the actual love confession and slightly stalk-ey it was: so sweet, so corny... and shocking, because Ominis couldn’t believe someone, even under the truth-telling potion, would confess romantic love to the younger Gaunt, promising vomit-inducing sweet and lovely experiences and feelings. Usually, Ominis wouldn’t even do things close to that occasion, but when Y/N confessed... the blond Slytherin was beyond paranoid, so sure that it all was a trap to make him pay for his family sins.  
Because... why would a justice-seeking, powerful wizard come closer to Ominis Gaunt? Love was a word that didn’t belong in Ominis’ life dictionary. It certainly was to make him pay for the Gaunt’s family actions; it wasn’t a secret that his family was... notorious for their liking of the Dark Arts. Blood purists, Slytherins through and through. Harsh mindsets. So Ominis was sure that these were Y/N’s intentions at first, make him pay, why else would he be so interested in getting hip-attached to him, following the blond all around the castle if not to spy and kill him in the right moment? 
Certainly, that didn’t happen. The thing that did happened was that suddenly the new fifth year student, local star and Jack-of-all-trades was following Ominis Gaunt around the Castle like a lovesick puppy, offering to carry his things for him and sharing his candy, asking to hold his hand so he wouldn’t have to use his wand to guide himself around. It was quite an eventful week, for them and for the gossipers in the castle. After all of these things, he knew that Y/N couldn’t lie to him, especially face to face. He was also terrible at keeping secrets from Ominis, always wanting to tell him the news- Sebastian had gotten quite a laugh when he saw Y/N behavior towards Ominis.   
Ominis could feel the truth in Y/N words, but he just hummed, as if he was contemplating something. He could feel Y/N tensing on his lap. Maybe he was the calm one in the trio of Sebastian, Y/N and him, but he was also a bastard on his own. He wasn’t a softie like a Hufflepuff, he wasn’t rational enough like a Ravenclaw and certainly he didn’t have the ‘I don’t give a fuck if its right’ attitude a Gryffindor had. He liked having power in his hands and being unpredictable, like a Slytherin. He usually didn’t believe in the house stereotype because there were people of all kinds everywhere, but this time... He wanted to feel Y/N’s regret on his face, so he didn’t hold on. Ominis’ hands reached for Y/N’s face, and when the boy saw the motion, he placed his face on Ominis’ pretty hands, closing his eyes in delight and a smile so bright that could kill the sun. Immediately, the blond boy sighed and started to touch his boyfriend’s face, the pads of his fingers analyzing every inch of soft skin, giving the idiot a light pinch on the freshly healed cut on his cheek. The scarred skin he was mad about.  
“Ow, I deserve that.” Y/N’s closed one eye, biting his lower lip when he felt the slight pain of the pinch. Still, he moved impossibly closer to him, wanting to feel more of the touch. Even when Ominis was mad, he was so careful when he was feeling Y/N up... when he wasn’t pinching his cuts. It made Y/N want to cry; the blond was everything Y/N wished for.  
“You’re an idiot, Y/N.” Ominis sighed, then, his left hand grabbed Y/N’s chin and with his right hand, he tapped on Y/N’s mouth. “Do I have to train you or something?” he asked in that posh accent of his, then he pinched his boyfriend’s nose playfully. “Maybe that way you’re not going to run around and get your hard head smacked so much, I know about your weekly visits to the potion’s classroom and infirmary. We should get you a leash, be my guardian dog instead.”  
“Ominis...” Y/N whined; he knew that Ominis was trying to make him feel embarrassed by treating him like a kid, but... he didn’t see it like that. It was almost like... like if Ominis was seducing him, his milky eyes staring at Y/N’s soul, so intense and burning. His handsome face sneering at the thought of training his boyfriend to behave correctly. It shouldn’t happen, but it did... Y/N’s cock twitched at the thought. Y/N closed his eyes, containing a moan at the sinful way Ominis was behaving. “Stop.”  
There was something that inflicted a deep desire inside of Y/N when Ominis talked about Y/N’s missteps. Everyone talked about how Y/N was invincible, always moving in a correct calculated way and his clean victories, but Ominis not only took notice of that, but he also noticed Y/N’s clumsiness, things he shouldn't have done and how he got his ass kicked sometimes. It was... pretty hot, if Y/N was honest.  
Ominis being so... seductive without even knowing was totally unfair. The fight wasn’t even, he had lost without having his turn.   
“Why? Are you finally ashamed of yourself, behaving like that?” Ominis started caressing one of Y/N’s cheeks with his thumb, longer fingers slightly touching his eyebrows.  
“Oh, God. Yes, Ominis. “  
“And why are you ashamed? Of being an idiot? For not telling me? Of being hurt?” Ominis coo-ed cruelly, smiling as if he was having fun. He was, having Y/N on his knees was fun every time it happened. Ominis liked having certain control over Y/N, the fierce, strong and cunning fifth year Slytherin everybody was so fond of, believing him to never get on his knees for anyone. This certainly was a new side of him he didn’t knew about before entering a relationship with Y/N.  
“Of being hard...” Y/N admitted, biting his lower lip but he didn’t do anything else, he wouldn’t dare. The blond was still mad at him and if he dared to assume... he would piss off Ominis even more, and that his heart couldn’t take. “I’m-”  
“Horny dog. “ Ominis hissed, slapping him softly on the cheek. It was a playful gesture that always got Y/N going and Ominis knew damn well about it. They both respected each other a lot, it was a pilar in their relationship, hitting was off limits, except in more intimate occasions and with prior consent asked... but the story about how they found out about it... Y/N hand gotten a little handsy one time in a snogging session, palming Ominis’ crotch on top of his trousers and it had startled Ominis to death, slapping Y/N automatically since, well, nobody had touched him like that, especially in such urgent obscene way. It made Y/N hard that one time, too. Ominis and Y/N had apologized profusely, but they had agreed to take things slowly since their relationship back then was freshly new.   
But now? Since they had started to explore with each other they had become freer to touch the other. Ominis was playing dirty right now.   
“Yes, I am.” Y/N sighed, becoming affected as he stared at Ominis’ covered legs. The blond was slim, but he did have some meat on his thighs, a detail forever burned on Y/N’s mind from the times they fooled around. Such strong legs...  
“Everyone thinks you’re some sort of hero, but do they know how highly inappropriate you are? Here I am, scolding you for wanting an early death, and you start thinking with your other head? Are you serious?” Ominis sneered, not actually believing Y/N’s state, but deep down knowing that it was the truth. Y/N never lied to him. His hands started to look for Y/N’s mouth, then, he tapped on his boyfriend’s lips with two fingers of his right hand, his left caressing his beloved’s warm cheek. So, Y/N was blushing, it seemed. “Open up.”  
Y/N swallowed a whine and did as he was told the moment he knew what this was about. He got into the perfect spot just as Ominis spit on Y/N’s mouth, receiving all of Ominis’ saliva. The blond’s perfect lips were glossy from the fluid, which felt silky once he received it on his tongue. Ominis was furiously blushing at the action, but remained in that regal demeanor of his, seemingly not caring, but his body betraying him. Ominis’ hand was shaking, his milky eyes staring deeply right into Y/N’s own [color] eyes, he could swear that Ominis could see the debauchery of all of it for a second. Y/N moaned as he licked it, wanting to coat his mouth in Ominis’ saliva, once he was satisfied, YN swallowed and licked his lips, staring with wide eyes at Ominis’ calm ones. Y/N’s cock throbbed; he was achingly hard now. It felt so erotic, Y/N couldn’t believe it. Usually, Ominis was pretty shy about these things, not confident enough for something so... dirty and bold, but getting out of his comfort zone to please Y/N in one of his kinks? Ominis was truly a selfless angel.   
Once Ominis felt satisfied enough, his hands retreated from his boyfriend’s face, then he started to slowly stand up... or so he tried, because Y/N buried his face on Ominis’ thighs when he felt that the blond was going to leave the position.   
“Let me eat your ass.” Y/N pleaded against one meaty thigh, “please.” he started to caress urgently Ominis’ legs, feeling them up and groping. Ominis had no business being that tempting, Y/N was very sorry for making him feel bad and worried, such a wonderful creature only deserved to feel positive emotions. He needed to have his mouth all over this angel. “I might die if I can’t.” he added.  
Ominis snorted at the last line, it was ridiculous, but knowing Y/N’s hunger for him... it was quite possible. It still made Ominis shy, knowing about how much his boyfriend wanted him... in that sense too. Since a young age, Ominis had accepted that he was going to be alone during all his life, people didn’t want a burden when they were looking for a partner. With the years, Ominis had learned how to take care of himself, so others didn’t have to. He couldn’t do a lot of things, of course, but he wasn’t entirely disabled, magic helped a lot, too.   
It hurt to admit it, but maybe Ominis was insecure. He knew he was different; people knew that... that’s why Sebastian was his only friend before Y/N came into the picture. He never had and will never know how his family looked, how Sebastian, his friend, looked. How his boyfriend looked. How he, himself, looked. He could try to get an image, if you will, by touching their faces, and his own body, but it wasn’t the same. That was why a lot of people only were in formal-friendly terms with him, just in case they needed something from him in the future, never any close.   
Ominis had come to terms with that fact and was ready to spend his lifetime alone, or that was the plan until Y/N Y/LN one day just popped into the Slytherin common room, being the center of gossip and whispers. The new fifth year who was powerful, mysterious and kind. Fearless.  
Until said popular boy confessed his love to him, to Ominis Gaunt.  
Until said popular boy confessed that he had inappropriate dreams about Ominis Gaunt.  
Until Y/N one night apologized to Ominis because he had touched himself while thinking about him, talking about how gorgeous he was and how he wanted to give Ominis all his firsts.  
Y/N truly was making Hogwarts an experience for Ominis Gaunt, proving him wrong, dissipating his dark thoughts with sweet and hopeful promises and whispers to take care of him, to one day, run away with Ominis where nobody knew them, and they would own a cottage home in the woods.   
Ominis smiled.  
“Abandoning all sense of decorum, are we?” The blond Slytherin teased, feeling lighter now that he heard Y/N desperate plea. He could feel his face heating up, ‘eating his ass’ had said his boyfriend crudely. Such an obscene request, yet he could feel Y/N’s excitement while he waited for Ominis’ approval.   
Usually Y/N was very proper when talking, ever so respectful and never pushy. Never using a crude language. 
Usually, not with Ominis.  
And he liked that. 
“You’re so handsome, Ominis, it’s not fair.” Y/N whined, biting Ominis’ left clothed thigh softly. Ominis could feel the vibration of his boyfriend’s throat when he was talking, Y/N was really leaning into him. “You’re blushing and you look divine, my prince. Can I?”  
Honestly, Ominis didn’t know how they ended up like this, but now he couldn’t deny that the thought of Y/N touching his skin more intimately... it made him throb inside his pants. Also, perhaps spitting into his beloved’s mouth wasn’t that gross as he used to think back when Y/N had asked him to do that while he wanked himself right beside Ominis at the Undercroft.  
Y/N was a creature full of surprises, never ceasing to leave Ominis without words. Biting the insides of his cheek, Ominis decided: he still was pissed off from Y/N’s carelessness, playing around royalist territory that could get him and Sebastian killed... but they could talk later about the matter. The tone in Y/N’s voice was enough to put Ominis in the mood, they still were hormonal teenagers, after all.   
Without saying anything, Ominis blushed even more but he did reach for the button and fly on his trousers, unzipping the expensive fabric slowly. He could feel the rumble Y/N’s groan made against his thigh as unsaid consent was given.  
“You’re killing me, Ominis.” Y/N sighed with desire, immediately pressing his face against Ominis’ clothed crotch, inhaling deeply the boy’s masculine scent once the trousers were undone. He could feel the boy’s clothed hardening member against his face as he inhaled the musky scent deeply, Y/N’s hands immediately got a strong hold of Ominis’ thighs, trying to cover them entirely in the palms of his hands, groping what he couldn’t fit in them. Y/N parted Ominis’ legs with absolute care, nuzzling his face against the blond’s covered private parts shamelessly. He groaned and licked the fabric of Ominis’ boxer shorts, which were peaking slightly from his trousers. Y/N heard Ominis sigh shakily at the sudden touch of his boyfriend’s tongue on his underwear.  
“Y/N...” Ominis whispered, his need to be a bastard to his idiot of a boyfriend subduing. He closed his eyes, shivering slightly as he felt Y/N’s hands touch with such need his thighs, burying his face between them, licking his clothed cock in a highly inappropriate way. To be touched like this with such want made Ominis feel like he was attractive and enough, because there was no other way Y/N Y/LN, local star and sweetheart, highly desirable as a partner in the whole castle, was here, on his knees, wanting to eat Ominis Gaunt’s ass.   
“Can you lay down a little, love?” Y/N murmured, nosing his way from Ominis’ crotch to all the way up to Ominis’ face, where he licked the blond’s cheek, placing a loving kiss after. Then, he smiled at the way Ominis was trying so hard to keep his composure when he was getting just as affected as Y/N was. “May I remove your trousers as well? I really, really want to taste you. Make you feel good, Ominis. My heart is burning with so much desire for you, will you let me? Will you let me to act on my lecherous thoughts about you?” Y/N purred against Ominis’ cheek, kissing his boyfriend’s face repeatedly, small and wet kisses that travelled down to the blond’s neck, where he bit and licked the soft skin, sucking slightly, forming a faint lovebite. Visible enough if you got close to him, not enough to get scolded or detention for misbehaving in school.   
Ominis’ breath hitched at the words and the touch of Y/N, closing his eyes and letting out a small moan when he felt one of Y/N’s hands palming him on the top of his boxers, insistently going up and down, rubbing and sometimes trying to get a grip on the covered and erected hot flesh beneath the fabric.  
“Yes.” Ominis said, out of breath. 
Ominis felt vulnerable, it wasn’t in a bad way, but it certainly was in embarrassing one, because Y/N did see, unlike him. The blond boy could feel his boyfriend’s staring at him, he wasn’t touching him, and he wasn’t saying anything, but Ominis could hear him breathing.  
Maybe Y/N was having second thoughts? Y/N seemed eager to get Ominis on his bed, on all his naked glory. This was the first time Y/N was seeing him like this, the other times they... fooled around a little bit always were in the dark of the night in Ominis’ bed, the curtains drawn and a Silencio charm casted to not wake up Ominis’ roommates. Or they were handjobs or blowjobs inside the arithmancy storage rooms that were all over the castle, boxes containing God-knows-what. Never going more than trousers and boxers down to mid-thighs or shirts completely removed.  
So Ominis, completely naked, lying down on his bed and his feet planted on the bed, with his knees raised, showing everything was completely new. And Y/N wasn’t saying anything, making feel Ominis feel shy and ashamed, his insecurities coming back to him. Didn’t he look good? Maybe Y/N had different expectations about him, but this was him. He couldn’t change himself. Maybe Y/N wasn’t into boys after all, or Ominis himself. Was he looking at Ominis in disgust now that he had seeing him?  
On the other side of the situation, it wasn’t the truth, not at all. Y/N bit his lower lip as he took the sight of Ominis lying naked, his handsome boyfriend was blushing, no doubt feeling shy. That beautiful red tint had expanded to Ominis’ clavicles, a healthy shade on his slightly tanned skin. Ominis, ever so perfect, was lying down, for him. His pretty blond hair, always slicked backwards had some hairs rebelling themselves, staying out of place, even sticking to the boy’s forehead. His chest moved up and down slightly, product of Ominis breathing. Light brown nipples sticking out, wickedly calling out for Y/N’s love, to be bit and wet with his saliva. Then, Y/N’s stare travelled downwards, noticing a faint patch of blond hairs on his boyfriend’s navel, the start of a happy trail leading to the boy’s cock, which rested in a soft bed of short curly hairs that matched the same shade as his head.  
Y/N moaned lowly as his right hand quickly unzipped his own trousers and went inside of his boxer shorts, grabbing his cock and squeezing lightly, in a needy attempt to calm down the throbbing he felt as he continued to take the sight of Ominis. The touch felt heavenly, his [color] eyes not moving from the way Ominis’ own cock was standing rigid, his balls heavy, the skin wrinkled but so soft looking. Then soft skin that led to the boy’s arsehole, which hidden between these glorious asscheeks. Y/N groaned and started masturbating himself, not taking his eyes away. He couldn’t stop himself, while licking his lips Y/N took between two fingers the pre-seminal fluid that gathered on the top of his glans and spread it all over his member, making the jerking motions easier and wet. Without any hint of shame, small ‘oh’s’ escaped Y/N’s mouth, who was still on his knees, but legs parted to make it easier to touch himself.  
With half-lidded eyes, Y/N touched Ominis’ thighs with his left hand, feeling that enticing skin as he continued to drown into the heavenly sight of his boyfriend. Lost in his need to masturbate himself and desire for his icy prince, he had forgotten to say something- had forgotten that Ominis couldn’t see what he was doing.  
“I...” Ominis cleared his throat, then shyly added. “Sorry, uh. L-let me get dressed... I think dinner is soon, we-” The blond inhaled deeply, trying to play it cool.   
Ominis uncertainty woke Y/N up from his cloudy, lustful mind.   
“Merlin, I’m sorry!” Y/N immediately removed his hand off his cock as it burned, opening his eyes in a hurry, he looked at the blond. His eyes were full of guiltiness, he had never been the selfish lover type, he didn’t know what came over to him. Just... Ominis looking like a complete Incubus, alluring him into carnal wishes made him lost it for a couple minutes. He felt ashamed. “Do you want to not continue? Are you hungry, love?”   
“Yes, Ominis. I’m sorry, you look so good, “Y/N groaned and leaned forward, pulling Ominis’ body closer to him. Nuzzling his face against the right thigh, the biting into the soft and warm flesh lovingly. “You look so delicious I had to touch myself for a minute, my cock keeps hurting as I continue to see you, Ominis.” he licked his lips as he explained to the blond. “I’m so wet, it’s kind of embarrassing.”  
Ominis frowned for a second, then snorted.  
Leave it to Y/N to get into a trance of desire, for once not thinking with his upper head, always the smart ass and rational type in most situations- Unless Ominis was involved. Sometimes the blond did believe that his fellow Slytherin was down bad for him.  
“If you’re not having second thoughts...” Ominis parted a little more his legs as he got closer to the edge of the bed, where Y/N was kneeling. Closing his eyes, he sighed shakily and murmured. “I am yours to take.”  
“Ominis...” Y/N groaned and quickly took the blond’s thighs, settling them in his shoulders. Without saying anything else, Y/N quickly acted on his desire. He looked with awe at his boyfriend’s cock, noticing how Ominis’ glans was also glistening with pre-seminal fluid, not quite as much as himself because Ominis, unlike him, didn’t touched himself in front of the other so shamelessly, but it was a nice amount to start with a smooth touch.   
And he did. Y/N took Ominis’ cock with his right hand, his left one instead went to the boy’s balls. With his right hand, Y/N started to touch the blond’s glans, taking the fluid, mixing it with his own and started to properly jerk off the other Slytherin. The grip was firm, but soft, a nice combination. The circumcised erection on his hand twitched at the sudden touch, but Y/N found it endearing. With a loving stare at Ominis’ milky eyes, Y/N got his face closer to the boy’s ballsack.  
His right hand continued touching the other boy’s cock, his fingers occasionally massaging insistently at the opening on the glans, rubbing the fluid all over, then going up and down in a nice rhythm on all the length, enjoying the sight of the foreskin covering and uncovering the hot flesh. Utterly sinful, but enjoyable for both parts. With his left hand, Y/N massaged caringly at Ominis’ balls and with his face, he simply poked his tongue out and started licking the soft wrinkled skin, inhaling deep the musky manly scent Ominis possessed. Y/N moaned, taking one testicle inside his mouth, licking and sucking slightly. His eyes closed as he indulged himself in Ominis, beautiful, sweet Ominis.   
Said boy, Ominis, opened his eyes suddenly at the sensations, all happening at the same time. It seemed that Y/N didn’t plan to take it slow- not that Ominis was complaining, but it was a lot to take at the same time. He could feel his eyes watering and his bottom lip tremble as Y/N continued to shamelessly masturbate him, picking up the pace as more pre-seminal fluid leaked from his glans, making the slide smoother and wetter, the absolute dirty sound of slapping started as his foreskin got wet, obviously Y/N not minding getting his hand a mess. And having his balls touched, licked and suckled... Ominis bucked his hips up when Y/N simulated a bite with lips on his right ball, it felt way too good to be real. A small sob escaped Ominis’ lips, followed by moans.   
He couldn’t contain them anymore, it was the start, but it was an intense start. He couldn’t keep himself quiet even if he wanted to, and he didn’t. Y/N was doing just a great job and he deserved to know that he was making Ominis feel way too good, even if it was embarrassing.  
It seemed that Y/N was enjoying this too, because not only Ominis’ private parts were slick with his fluids, but with Y/N’s too. His [color] haired boyfriend was producing so much saliva as he licked and sucked so much that it was dripping all over, Ominis could feel the liquid going from his balls to the in-between his asscheeks. He couldn’t contain the shiver that ran over his body, neither.  
“Ominis, my beautiful Ominis. You’re so delightful, my beloved. So delicious. “ Y/N moaned as he went lower, kissing and licking from the tip of Ominis’ cock, to his perineum. Sucking every now and then on the veins of the blond’s cock, or his balls. "I can’t contain myself; I need-” with a quick movement, Y/N stood up, lying next to Ominis and pulling the boy on top of him, Ominis’ knees on each side of Y/N’s face, the pliant boy following Y/N’s requests. This position was easier for eating the blond out, plus, the thought of having Ominis actually riding his face... God, his cock already was throbbing at the thought of it, if Ominis got bolder and did that... Fuck, Y/N could cum untouched, he was pretty sure about that. The Slytherin turned him so much, it wasn’t even funny.  
“R-ride your...?” Ominis’ face got beet red, a small stutter escaped him... it was utterly adorable, seeing him flustered. Ominis got comfier into the position, placing his hands on the headboard, he could feel Y/N’s warm breath on his inner thighs. He could picture the position they were in, it was... so revealing, so dirty.   
“Yes, baby.” Y/N purred and placed his hands on Ominis’ hips, guiding him lower until Y/N’s face was practically a breath away from touching Ominis’ asscheeks. Then, once he was pleased with the position, Y/N’s hands moved to the blond’s cheeks, parting them and without saying anything else, Y/N indulged himself.  
He started with a long lick all over Ominis’ hole, Y/N felt his heart clench with absolute adoration when he noticed that the blond had made a small jump at the feeling. His prince was so lovely...   
“W-wh...?” Ominis tried to talk, but he got cut up. Y/N’s tongue started to increase its pace, licking quicker at the puckered ring of muscle, spreading saliva on it and poking the tip, as if he wanted entrance.   
Ominis’ breath hitched, his hands gripping with force at the headboard. It was a strange feeling, having Y/N’s tongue... down there, shamelessly licking in a place where it shouldn’t be... but since when did Y/N followed the rules?  
Plus... Ominis, even though it was a new first, found himself liking the sensation of his boyfriend going down on him orally in there. His face felt burning, but he let himself to enjoy the experience, Y/N did seem like he was enjoying it quite a lot, moaning and groaning, licking and sucking, his manly hands caressing Ominis’ asscheeks, squeezing and kneading them.   
“Ah, ah, ah,” Ominis let out small moans as he felt Y/N quickening his pace. These hands continued to touch Ominis’ ass without any restriction, that wicked tongue licking and insisting on acquiring permission to his insides, the ring of muscles becoming loose but not quite enough yet. He could feel the Y/N’s saliva dripping down his thighs. “Y/N...” Ominis whined, eyes closing firmly, knuckles becoming white thanks to the gripping force he applied on the headboard.   
“Yes, love, moan. Let me hear you, my darling.” Y/N cheekily bit one of Ominis’ asscheeks, his voice dropping a tone, sounding rough from desire. Then he continued tasting the blond, hands parting those lovely cheeks further.  
Y/N couldn’t believe it, this was one of the bests days he ever had. He was lying down, eating Ominis Gaunt out in his bed, said blond boy moaning and looking like a complete meal above him. Y/N could feel Ominis’ thighs trembling, the slight movement of the blond going down whenever Y/N’s tongue did something right, or his hips going up when he got a certain area overstimulated, trying to escape from the sensation his boyfriend’s inflected until Y/N pulled those lovely hips down again, making him take it.   
He could swear that Ominis was a complete sight to behold, Merlin... how Y/N wished he had one of these muggle dispositives, a camera, to capture this moment forever. A dirty reminder of an extremely good day for both of them.  
The known ice prince was here, with him, showing him his vulnerable side and letting Y/N take care of him... Y/N couldn’t be happier, Ominis Gaunt, a truly selfless angel.  
If someone told Y/N that a certain solitary and stoic, awfully cryptic but polite angry boy he met outside the Undercroft would let him do this to him, Y/N would have laughed at their face, but deep inside he would be hurt... because mere months ago, this was a fantasy. A mere wet dream when he was dreaming in the dark of the night... or daydreaming in class, with said boy next to him, not paying him any attention.   
But now... now it was reality, the world was wonderful every now and then.  
With the insistence of his tongue and the slickness his saliva had, he felt Ominis’ hole finally given up, declaring the war lost. Y/N won, and he took advantage of it. As if he were a man suffering from the worst thirst, seconds away from death of dehydration... he grabbed Ominis by the hips and straight up slammed the boy’s ass against his face, moaning when his tongue finally entered inside Ominis’. The warm and soft walls welcomed him, clenching on his tongue. Y/N moaned wantonly; this was heaven.  
At the sudden grab, Ominis for a moment thought that he was going to fall, so he gripped on the headboard tighter until he realized that his perverted boyfriend had basically smashed his face against Ominis’ ass, penetrating him with his tongue. Closing his eyes firmly, Ominis’ face pressed against the headboard, brokenly moaning. His hips trying to escape the weird sensation of wet intrusion, but Y/N keep him in place, his still kneading Ominis’ ass and his tongue doing those obscene thrusts inside and out.   
“ Mmnm, Y/N... you’re... you’re a pervert.” Ominis moaned, coming to terms that he did love this bedroom activity. Y/N was so hungry for him which always got him going... and this? Once the sensation stopped being weird, it felt... good. Merlin, he could feel his hole clenching, gushing the excess of Y/N’s saliva out. “A-ahh... yes, yes, there.”  
“Mmnh,” Y/N agreed enthusiastically, his left hand travelling to Ominis’ cock, starting to masturbate it. Ominis was leaking so much, he did enjoy this. His cock throbbed so much; he wasn’t going to last any longer. Y/N was a man of many talents, indeed.  
It was too much, feeling his ass getting eaten out and being masturbated at the same time, Ominis could feel his balls tightening. His bottom lip trembled, and his thighs were closing unconsciously, without knowing, he started moving his hips up and down, riding Y/N’s face like he wanted to.   
Y/N immediately took notice of it, and he loved every second of it. Ominis was starting to prioritize his pleasure than his composure and it was just... so damn hot. He could feel Ominis’ knees touching each side of his neck, If Ominis continued to close his thighs he could choke Y/N with them... the thought shouldn’t have been that arousing but... Ominis riding his face and choking him with his thighs? Was this heaven? So be it. He was only human; the heavens were glorious for permitting him have this, for having Ominis Gaunt as his lover.  
As the seconds passed, Ominis’ moans increased in frequency and volume, his hips losing that shyness and now properly riding Y/N’s face. It was truly a sight, the blond’s hair was completely unkept, his face was a little sweaty and the blush expanded to his chest. His small happy trail was slick with sweat, and his cock was fully erected, a red tint on his leaking glans. The whole cock was completely wet with his own fluids, heavy balls tightening... and his hole clenching uncontrollably on Y/N’s tongue, completely wet as well, but this time with Y/N’s saliva. His ass had a faint red tint from all the fondling Y/N did on them.   
Y/N continued to lick, suck and masturbate the blond until he felt the boy tensing and letting out a loud moan, followed by a few sobs, immediately, he felt Ominis closing his thighs with an incredibly force. His insides clenched impossibly tight, his lithe body trembling entirely. In that moment Y/N knew that Ominis was cumming, Y/N kept eating the boy out, but his left hand quickly went downwards, going inside his boxer shorts and starting to desperately masturbate himself.   
Ominis was such a beautiful being, so divine and delicious. With a deep moan, Y/N took his own cock on his hand, taking notice of how get he was and starting to jerk himself off: up and down, teasing the glans as he slowly let Ominis go, the blond boy lifting his hips up the moment he felt overstimulated by Y/N’s insistent tongue.  
Ominis sobbed as he felt how his cock shoot the ribbons of cum, his hips escaping his lover’s caresses. He felt his hole gaping a little, the sticky sensation of saliva in there making him feel obscene, along with the feeling of saliva running down his thighs... but he enjoyed it nonetheless, especially as he heard Y/N touching himself, beneath him, no doubt looking at Ominis’ ass, being the huge pervert he already was. The dirty sound of Y/N’s hands touching his own cock at the sight of Ominis... it made him feel the ‘butterflies’ inside his stomach, as fellow students described the feeling of being with someone you loved.  
“So delicious, Omimi.” Y/N groaned he felt himself climaxing, eyes half-lidding as he saw Ominis retreating from the now embarrassing position (at least for Ominis, who was flashing his everything to Y/N), giving Y/N a fantastic view of all his naked, affected, body. There was a healthy flush and sweat traces on Ominis’ body, said boy had his navel and right hand covered in that incriminating white fluid... Ominis’ cum. With his free hand, before Ominis could move further, Y/N took Ominis’ cum-covered had and guided it towards his mouth, not having a single doubt as he took it inside his mouth, licking it clean, digit by digit, and the entirety of his palm.  
Y/N swallowed Ominis’ cum as he continued jerking himself, reaching his climax no long after. His own balls tightening, his wet glans made him feel that delicious burning feeling he got whenever he rubbed so insistently. Y/N’s orgasm approached so violently, quickly, Y/N covered the small opening to not stain the sheets any further... strings of white cum escaped the tip, making even more of a mess on his cock, which now was covered with his own sticky, warm white semen, pooling at the base. How... would it feel to enter inside of Ominis like this, with his cock covered in cum? Would it be easier to thrust in? Would Ominis like it? 
Y/N moaned louder at the thought and continued jerking it until the sensations became too much, stopping once his cock decided it was enough of showing its appreciation for Ominis by emptying his balls. Then Y/N casted a cleaning charm for both of them, wandless magic now being one of Y/N’s talents. He took a deep breath and swallowed a whine. 
Once Ominis felt that Y/N calmed himself a little, he abandoned the position and instead, he lied down next to his boyfriend. Immediately, Ominis hugged Y/N by his hips, sighing as he nuzzled his face against Y/N’s neck, inhaling deeply that masculine scent that he loved so much.  
Y/N took a deep breath and returned the hug, smiling brightly at Ominis.  
“You’re so cute, Omimi.” Y/N kissed Ominis deeply and lovingly, noticing how Ominis’ blond hair no longer was slickened backwards, it was all over the place. He looked so damn cute. Then, Y/N kissed Ominis’ forehead. “I’m sorry for all that happened, I promise I won’t go looking for trouble... purposefully.”  
“I know that you don’t. But do be careful, love.” Ominis sighed, not abandoning Y/N’s neck, instead, he got comfier in there. “I just hate that you hide things like that from me.”  
“I won’t do it anymore, I promise.” Y/N answered immediately, pressing small kisses on every beauty mark on Ominis’ face. “I will come straight to you, I promise, nurse Gaunt. And I will try my best to not get my hard head smacked so much.”  
Ominis snorted but hugged him closer, he seriously loved this idiot.  
Once the couple got their pajamas on, they drew the curtains in Ominis’ bed and cuddled each other, drifting slowly to sleep between whispered sweet-nothings and promises to care for each other. They were that couple.  
Unknowingly to them, a very flustered and red-faced Sebastian Sallow had been an unexpected witness of their whole... love session.  
In Sebastian’s defense, he had been about to leave the dormitory since Ominis had asked him earlier to before he had accepted to talk with Y/N, telling Sebastian that he was going to knock some sense into Y/N’s hard head and things could get ugly, and that he didn’t want to draw Sebastian into a lover's quarrel. But he didn’t leave in time, and when he had heard his two friends arguing outside the dorm, Sebastian had casted a disillusionment charm to sneak out whenever they were distracted enough to not notice the door suddenly opening but... but.   
Everything escalated rather quickly, one second, they were arguing and other... was Ominis flirting? And Y/N acting like he was totally whipped on Ominis’ finger? It was amusing to watch... so he stayed. Sebastian was curious about their relationship now, because they never looked lovey-dovey whenever the three of them were hanging out, saying that they didn’t want to make things awkward. Instead of a couple, whenever all of them were together, they looked like normal friends. So, he was curious and stayed... but then things got heated. Like, really heated.  
Now the sight of his best friend spitting on his other friend was forever burned in Sebastian’s mind and... the whole thing.   
He couldn’t believe he had just watched Y/N lick Ominis’ ass, and Ominis enjoying it, then both getting really into it. It was... hot. Sebastian had never thought that gay sex was hot, but his own cock seemed to disagree now, his own trousers pathetically tented and begging for release.   
Ominis and Y/N shall never know about this. 
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froggibus · 1 year
Stay A While - Jason Todd/Red Hood
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Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff w a shot of angst
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: you’ve always been one to suffer in silence, shutting yourself in your apartment for the duration of your episodes. but Jason Todd doesn’t want to sit idly by and watch you suffer alone, even if it annoys you
CW: depressed! reader, mentions of depressive episodes, negative thoughts/self talk, Jason is overbearing, mentions of insomnia, reader struggles to eat, some violence (out on patrol), the rest of the family kinda sucks in this lmao
this is for the people who followed me expecting Batfam/DC content and didn’t unfollow when I didn’t post any for months 😭 I love y’all. also idk the idea of soft! Jason makes me so emotional. also I WOULD LOVE SOME DC OR BATFAM REQUESTS!!! if there’s anything you want me to write I will gladly do it 🫶🏼 (also let’s ignore the fact that this is like my 3rd angsty post in the past few days oops)
It was common knowledge around Wayne Manor that disappearing into your room (or apartment) for a few days meant something different for everyone. Usually, it wasn’t anything to worry about. 
Sometimes it would be Tim finally sleeping when he’s pushed himself too far. Other times, it was Dick working a case and refusing to leave until he knew what to do. For Bruce, it usually meant he was injured and trying to hide it from everyone. 
Jason was still finding these things out little by little, so when you suddenly disappeared into your apartment, he was worried. 
“Honestly, it’s nothing to worry about,” Tim tried to ease his mind. “Y/n tends to retreat when things get bad.”
“And you guys are okay with that?”
Dick shrugged, adjusting the ice pack he had pressed to his forehead. “We tried the first time it happened. After a while, we realized that alone time is the only thing that really works. If y/n needs help, y/n will reach out.”
And the topic ended there. Or at least, it did for Dick and Tim. Jason couldn’t stop thinking about it though—did they really just let you suffer in your apartment all alone whenever you had an episode? The thought made his skin crawl. 
He’s had a few bad episodes over the course of his life, and while he managed to deal with it alone, he didn’t think that you should have to. 
Maybe that’s what led him to your apartment at four in the morning with a bag of takeout. 
You open the door dressed in your pyjamas despite not having slept a wink. You're almost surprised to see Jason standing there with the paper bag. Didn’t everyone know to let you ride it out on your own? You thought they decided to stop bugging you ages ago. 
Still, you don’t think it was fair to slam the door in his face, and instead welcome him inside. “What are you doing here, Jason?”
“Just thought I’d check on you,” he sets the bag on the counter. “Haven’t seen you in a while and wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
You squint at him. Did he really think you were that dumb? You figured he would have asked Dick or Bruce right away if you suddenly fell off the face of the earth, and they would have told him about your situation. Jason and you had never been particularly close, either, so why was he here?
He raises his hands in defeat. “I just want to make sure you’re taken care of somewhat. Alright? I’ll leave you alone after that.”
“I mean, I’m fine aren’t I?”
Your words come out harsher than you’d like, but you can’t help but be annoyed at the sudden intrusion. Not to mention the implication that you can’t take care of yourself. 
“You clearly haven’t slept in a while so we both know that’s some bullshit.”
You sigh. He’s right, after all. You can’t remember the last time you slept, let alone for more than a few hours. Though used to staying up late on missions and patrols, you never went this long. 
“I just have a lot on my mind, I guess,” you admit. “But I can take care of myself, Jason. So while I appreciate the concern, you can leave.”
He doesn’t protest, instead grumbling to himself while you show him to the door and effectively kick him out of your apartment. He stands outside the door for a while, wondering if he should try harder. 
He decides against it, and thinks he’ll just have to check on you again tomorrow. 
You almost feel guilty unpacking the takeout he got you, but then again, there weren’t many days lately where guilt and stress didn’t weigh heavily on you. As soon as you felt that familiar flood of negative thoughts and emotions, you knew it was time to withdraw. Still, through all of your episodes, you were yet to experience one quite this bad. 
It’s nice that Jason checked on me, you think to yourself. At least someone thought of you. Sure, you’d told the others countless times over the years that solitude while you sort through your thoughts was imperative, and it was true. Regardless, it was nice to have someone check on you, even if it was annoying. 
You dish yourself a plate of Chinese food and sit down on your couch, looking out at Gotham city through the window. It’s a dim, rainy night and the weather does nothing to help your mood. You find yourself picking at your food, having only a few bites before packing it up and leaving it in the fridge. 
You didn’t eat much, but it’s a start. 
Jason tries to push back the thoughts of you on patrol the next night, but he can’t. He just thinks of the bags that line your under eyes and the way your voice cracked when you said you were fine. 
It’s only when he damn near loses an eye to a stray bullet that he realizes he can’t ignore it anymore. He ducks around a corner, ready to head back to his bike. 
“Hood, where are you going?” Nightwing calls after him. 
“I gotta go check on something!”
Red Robin scoffs, “y/n is a big kid, Todd. Just leave it alone.” 
He shakes his head at the younger boy. He wants to argue with him but for once in his life, Jason Todd bites his tongue and turns the other cheek. 
When you open the door, you’re unsurprised to see Jason Todd standing there in his Red Hood suit. “Jason?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, walking past you straight into your apartment. “I’m back.”
“I—welcome back?” You close the door behind him, spinning around on your heel and raising an eyebrow at the man in your living room. 
“Look, I know I said I’d leave when I knew you were taken care of but I don’t—you’re not. Like, seriously, y/n, just talk to me.”
You sigh and take a seat on the couch. “Do you really want to listen?”
“Yes,” he says and sits down next to you, dropping his helmet on the cushion next to him. “If it helps you, I’ll listen til my damn ears bleed.”
His words are almost enough to bring a smile to your face, the muscles twitching almost painfully. You nod slowly, drawing your knees into your chest. 
Jason analyzes your body language, seeing just how vulnerable and small you really are despite your usual front. He knows to tread lightly here. 
“I—,” you tug on your hair slightly, trying to think of how to verbalise it. “Have you ever been so tired, like beyond tired, that you can’t sleep?”
He goes to speak, but thinks the better of it. You don’t need to hear about his own problems right now, but the truth is he has. He’s been where you are before—guilt and misery weighing so heavily on him that he can’t breathe. 
“I don’t even know what triggered it. I was fine one day and then all of a sudden….” You gesture to your current state in hopes he gets the idea. “I really hate feeling like this,” tears prick at your eyes and your nose stings with every word, “but I’ve never really found a way to make it stop and—and—“
Jason is almost as surprised as you are when he sets a gloved hand on your shoulder. “Y/n,” his voice is soft, “it’s okay to feel this way.”
His touch helps ground you and you manage to take a deep, shaking breath. “I don’t want you to see me like this, Jason,” you say quietly, voice so soft he almost doesn’t hear.
“There’s no shame in the way you’re feeling.”
“I know that I just—can you just go? Please?”
He opens his mouth to speak, to argue with you, but thinks the better of it. You look so soft and sad and vulnerable. He doesn’t want to push his luck and push you further away from him. 
He grabs his helmet and stands up. “Have a good night, y/n. I hope you manage to get some rest tonight.”
You watch Jason Todd walk out of your apartment door for the second night in a row. 
Jason is surprised when his phone screen lights up with your picture while he’s on patrol. The last person he’d expect to call him at two in the morning was you, especially considering he hadn’t heard from you in a few days. 
He tried to come and visit you the next night, but he couldn’t bring himself to knock at your door. Y/n’s tough, he thought to himself. You don’t need his help. 
He can’t pick up the phone in the middle of a fight, though, and has to wait until the henchmen are in a pile on the ground. He doesn’t even retort to Damian’s comment on how long it took him to take them down—his mind too focused on you and what could possibly be wrong. 
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, pressing redial on your number. Please be okay, he thinks. 
You answer on the third ring, your voice sounding soft and defeated. “Jason?”
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“I-I just…” you sigh into the phone and Jason’s heart clenches at the sound. “I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
Jason considers this for only a second. “Alright, I’ll be there in 10.”
He hangs up the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket, making the walk back to his bike. 
“Todd?” Robin says in his earpiece. 
“Pipe down, brat. I have more important things to deal with tonight.”
“More important than protecting the city?” Nightwing says over the comms. 
You have no idea, he wants to say. But he doesn’t, opting to turn off the ear piece and focus on getting to you as quickly as he can. He said he’d be there in 10 minutes, but he’s at your apartment door in 7. 
You’re waiting at the door when he knocks, a blanket over your shoulders, curled in on yourself. As soon as you open the door, you’re wrapping your arms around him. 
His suit is damp from the rain, soaking into your pyjamas and making you shiver. Still, you don’t let go of him. It���s been a particularly rough day, and you needed some company to combat the thoughts filling your head.  
“Miss me?” He jokes. 
You say nothing, content to hold him as close to you as possible. He rubs your back gently before wrapping his arms around you and half carrying you back into your apartment. 
He closes the door behind him, awkwardly adjusting to hold you up with one arm. Not that it’s much of a struggle for him, considering he’s a lot bigger than you are. 
He’s torn, he doesn’t want to let go until you do, but he wants to talk to you and figure out why you needed him so badly. Lucky for him, he doesn’t have to make that choice because suddenly you’re pulling away from him and tucking your hair behind your ears. 
You look anywhere but him. “Um, thanks for coming…”
You try to think of something to say after that, anything to break the ice and explain yourself and not make this a huge waste of time for him. Before you can speak, though, Jason goes first. 
“You don’t have to explain it to me if you don’t want to,” he says. “I know it’s hard.”
You nod slowly, every movement of your body feels sluggish and heavy. You got a few hours of sleep the other day, but only out of sheer exhaustion. Now, it seems the exhaustion is catching up. 
“I’m just gonna…sit down,” you plop onto the couch cushion and pull your knees into your chest. You pat the cushion next to you, inviting him closer. 
Jason takes off his helmet and jacket, laying them on the kitchen island before sitting next to you. “Have you slept much?”
You shake your head, resting your cheek on the cushion and looking into his eyes. “A few hours the other day but…nothing since.”
“Did you want to try while I’m here?”
His eyes are soft, a jarring contrast from his other features. It’s almost as if he’s pleading with you. 
“Y-yeah, okay,” you slowly rise from the couch, your damp pyjamas clinging to your body. You usher for Jason to follow you to your room. 
You dig through your drawers, looking for a pair of clean pyjamas. You settle on a t-shirt you stole from Dick ages ago and a pair of sweats you used for training. Jason looks away while you change, trying his best to respect your privacy despite the way his face heats up. 
You crawl into your bed, trying to rearrange the messy comforter to cover your body. “Do you…is it okay if you lay with me? It only has to be until I fall asleep.”
Jason knows he’s pushing his limits, his heart racing at the thought of being in bed with you. He shakes the thoughts away—this is completely innocent. He’s just taking care of you. 
“Yeah, I can stay a while.”
Jason lays down next to you, his broad frame taking up more than half of your bed. Your breath catches in your throat at his proximity, and his warmth draws you in. Somehow, for the first time in days, his presence is enough to let you relax. 
Jason lays with you for some time, just staring at the back of your head while you cuddle your pillow. You must have fallen asleep at some point, because your breathing is even and your body is relaxed. 
He smiles, it’s the most calm he’s seen you in days. He knows you’re sleeping now and he can leave, but he doesn’t want to. What if you wake up and he’s gone? He doesn’t want to risk upsetting you. 
You roll over in your sleep, your head landing perfectly under his arm and on his chest. His breath hitches in his throat at the contact. He tries to adjust his body to make it as comfortable as possible for you to lay on him. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, cradling you within his own body. Jason can’t help but think to himself in this moment that he’ll take care of you no matter what, even if you can’t take care of yourself. 
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hey ^^ could I request a Larissa x fem!reader where the reader is bratty all day so when the school day is over Larissa shows reader where and to whom reader belongs. Of course smut and maybe small aftercare? You can use any kinks you see fit for their dynamic (I’m kinky person so I don’t mind anything really xd)
thank you and hope you have wonderful day <3
My brat 18+
*Authors note~ my last request (was at the time I wrote this) and I'm all officially caught up for my darling Larissa Weems <3 two new requests but here's some long awaited smutty goodness*
Trigger warnings~ brat r / dom l mommy kink overstimulation oral toys punishment praise/degrading fucked dumb
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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Yours and Larissa relationship was common knowledge around the walls of Nevermore. At first it was staff members only but soon enough the students started to put two and two together and came up with four. Truthfully neither of you mind the school knowing, all they knew was that you and their headmistress had the kind of love written about in books and seen on movies. The type of love that you dream of wishing to someday have as your own. Then again that being said, they knew what you showed them what happened behind closed doors would always remain private, just for the two of you. And that's how you liked it.
This particular day you had only morning classes and truthfully you were bored. Larissa was busy as usual, not able to give you the attention you wanted, no needed. You weren't above playing dirty to get it either and that's how you formed a plan to gain it. You would break every rule the two of you had agreed on. Every. Single. One. Oh and when she found out you were in for the night of your life. Or so you hoped.
By the end of the day Larissa was hanging on by a thread, you had sent over pictures, voice notes, detailed texts that looked more like essays of what you desired her to do to you and even gone into your toy box to add to the pictures. Safe to say she was truly in need of playing with you, but clearly that's what you were aiming for so naturally she had to make you wait. To achieve that she stayed later than normal in her office after sending you a simple text, one she knew would absolutely drive you wild.
Arriving to your shared chambers she found you exactly where she'd told you to be. You sat on the edge of the bed, head tilted downwards in submission, stripped bare for her. She praised you as she stepped off also. She instructed you to lay flat on your back and she made quick work of restricting your arms and legs. A blind fold neatly placed over your eyes, ensuring you couldn't see a thing. "Now what was it you said earlier my love? Please remind me" she murmured into your ear before retreating to admire her handy work. When you failed to answer her question she brought her hand down against your thigh, delighting in the way it instantly reddened as you yelped out "fuck mommy I said I want you to treat me like a toy and use me till I can't say anything but your name. That I'd be so good for you mommy, touch me, do anything you please just god mommy" you finished reminding her of a few of your texts to be cut off with a moan as her fingers teased your soaked core.
"Such a pretty slut all laid out for mommy aren't you? My toy to use isn't that right?" She purred before moving to grab something. You were left anticipating what would happen, just which of your fantasies would she be acting on today? The answer was given quickly as you felt the vibrator being strapped to your aching cunt. Only when it was secured did Larissa move away from you with a final kiss and get settled in, perfect view of you. She wanted to watch every little reaction you would have as she edged you over and over. To watch you come so close to getting some release before she cruelly ripped it away from you.
With a simple click of the button she was able to do exactly that. You were edged 5 times for the amount of times you had sent pictures of yourself to her that day. By the time she switched it off and untied it from you, you were desperately begging her to give you something, anything just more. She couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic her toy was. "Oh darling, look at you, look at how needy you are for your mommy?" All you could do is whimper at her, "please."
"Oh my pretty whore, your needy cunt is leaking all over the sheets, is that all for me?" She purred coming up to free you from the blindfold. "All for you mommy, all yours" you whined still unable to move your limbs to get what you wanted from her. She moved to help your head tilt forward to see just what a mess you were making, the sight alone causing you to whine for her "mommy touch me"
"Oh no, I was going to give you what you needed, but my slut has lost her manners" she reprimanded you while moving to straddle your head. "Now you're going to be my good little whore and please your mommy and prove you deserve to cum" she commanded before lowering herself onto your mouth. Just like the eager slut you truly were you immediately started to use your mouth, exactly how you knew would drive her wild. You were instantly rewarded with pleasured whines and mewls. You couldn't help but moan at the taste of your lover, the vibrations around her aching pussy only aided her climb to the edge of climax.
Although you were pleasuring her she remained in complete control, ordering and controlling your every action. That fact drove you absolutely wild. "Such a good slut for mommy darling make me cum all over they dirty mouth of yours" was moaned out from the women above you, spurring you on despite the fact your tongue and jaw were tiring you were determined to please your lover. It wasn't long until you were rewarded by a loud high pitched moan and wetness flooding from her core. You made sure to lap up every last drop before she removed herself from your face, laughing at how you were trying to dart your tongue around your chin in an attempted to get the slick that coated your chin.
In your distracted state, Larissa had time to complete strap up and join you back on the bed, teasing your entrance and coating it with your own slick. "Such a dirty girl for mommy hmm, you're so wet you don't even need lube darling" she hummed out in a teasing manner knowing exactly how needy you were. She loved how you lay there still tied up completely at her mercy and ever so desperate for her. Your whines of need were certainly getting uncontrollable even though you were trying to hide them in an attempt to behave. "Beg" she purred into your ear, you immediately let out a string of desperate pleas, only to be cut off turning into moans of pleasure, by feeling her length pushing into you and stretching out your dripping cunt.
It was almost as if Larissa could feel how your walls milked the fake cock for all it was worth, her thrusts becoming frenzied with every whine and whimper you released. Your hips bucking uncontrollably to meet her ruthless thrusts begging for harder, faster and deeper. This time she gave you the permission you needed to let go and you did. Over and over again as she forced orgasm after orgasm from your tired body. "Mommy can't no more, please mommy" you whined pathetically knowing nothing would stop the women from achieving what she wanted. "No darling, you wanted this now you're going to shut up and take it like the filthy whore you are for me" she commanded while untying you and flipping you over before slamming back into you. She knew it wouldn't take much to throw you over the edge one more time, and with her pace and a quick bite to your shoulder, you came with a loud cry. She gently brought you down from your high loving just how blissed out you were. Half hooded eyes, shaking limbs, mouth gaping open as you tried to formulate a sentence. Here, like this, Larissa was sure she'd never had such a beautiful women in her bed. And neither did she want anyone other than you bellow her.
After disappearing to gather a cool wash cloth she immediately started to clean you up as you whined and whimpered in protest. "Hush darling, im just cleaning you up my love I promise, no more okay? You did such a good job for mommy, such a good girl for me." She reassured quickly hurrying to be able to join you in bed and hold you close. That was how you drifted off to sleep, blissfully fucked into a dumb state and snuggled up to your love. For you there wasn't any better way to end the night.
Word count ~ 1578
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
OMG I DIDNT KNOW YOU DID HOGWARTS AUS!!! Could you please do a Slytherin jooyeon x Hufflepuff reader- enemies to lovers? You can do this whenever, make sure to take care of yourself and not burn out ily ❤️❤️❤️
Aww 🥰 ily2 and make sure that you take care of yourself too :) Here's your request!
Lee Jooyeon
Summary: It was a common occurrence for the Slytherin and Hufflepuff houses to not get along, so it was no surprise that Slytherin Jooyeon and Hufflepuff you were always bickering.
Warning:grammar, still rusty Harry Potter knowledge, so if there and incorrections I’m sorry
Harry Potter AU
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photo not mine credit to owners.
“How can you possibly complain about being a favorite student?” Jooyeon groaned, yet again the both of you were fighting. For the record though you weren’t even initially talking to Jooyeon. Why would you? You solely hated him and wanted nothing more than to just ignore his existence, but alas he always finds a way to pester himself into your life. Just as he’s currently doing right now. You were simply explaining to Jungsu how you found it unfair that your Ancient Ruins Professor favors you. When Jooyeon’s annoying voice interjected.
“It’s not something your self-centered self would understand,” you uttered plainly as you began walking away from him.
“It’s better to be self-centered. Caring about others will only get you hurt,” he called after you.
“Aww are you worried I’ll get hurt?” you turned back with a foe appreciative tone. You see Jooyeon freeze for just a moment before scoffing.
“As if! I was saying caring about your classmates is dumb,”
“Then let me be dumb,” you say, turning and fully walking away from him this time.
“Must you always fight with him?” Jungsu asks tiredly after witnessing your little quarrel. 
“You know I’d rather stay away from him, but somehow always finds me and says stupid things,” you explain just as tired.
“Maybe he likes you,” Jungsu nudges you with his elbow.
“That’s not even close to funny. Don’t say nonsense like that,” the mere thought of Jooyeon liking you alone makes your stomach turn. 
Your friends aren’t the only ones tired of your and Jooyeons’ constant bickering. His friends are equally as tired.
“Can’t you just leave the Hufflepuff alone Jooyeon? This has been going on for over a year. Aren’t you bored?” Seungmin quizzes Jooyeon.
“I just don’t get what people think is so great about them. Didn’t you hear the Ancient Ruins professor favors them? That dude is literally one of the strictest professors and an even harsher grader. It’s so hard to pass that class, but the professor favors y/n? Why do they deserve to pass that class easily? I’m so much better. It should be me and to make it worse that Hufflepuff isn’t even grateful they think it’s wrong that they’re favored.” Jooyeon ranted.
“You know what I regret asking,” Seungmin sighed. 
“You know what? I’m gonna get a higher grade than them on the next Ancient Ruins test. That’ll prove that I’m better,” Jooyeon proclaimed. 
“I guess you better get to studying then. The next test is in two weeks,” Seungmin said. 
“Two weeks!?” Jooyeon partially shouted. “I got to go,” he quickly said before basically running off.
You were currently at Honeydukes with Jungsu and Hyeongjun enjoying some drinks. 
“Hah!” an all too familiar voice shouted. You look at the direction of the shout, greeted with Jooyeon holding up his Ancient Ruins test that was marked with an “O”. 
“How’d you know I was here?” you asked. Never thinking he would show up to bother at a place outside of school.
“Doesn’t matter. What did you get?” He dismissed your question. You reached into your school bag and reluctantly pulled out your own test paper that was also marked with an “O”. He glares at your paper before walking away. 
“What was that about?” Hyeongjun questioned. 
“I don’t know, let's forget it happened,” you said, taking a sip of your drink.
It’s been a few weeks since your run in with Jooyeon at Honeydukes. Thankfully that’s the last interaction you’ve had with him. It does feel slightly odd though. You’ve gotten used to frequently squabbling with him. Oddly now you're finding yourself wondering if he’s ok. You blame it on your caring Hufflepuff nature cause certainly there is no other reason for you to worry about him. You hate him or hate might be a bit of a strong word, but you definitely dislike him. 
“Y/n do you want to go watch the quidditch match?” Hyeongjun broke your thoughts. 
“Who’s playing?” You ask.
“Gryffindor versus Slytherin,” he responds. Jooyeon was on the Slytherin quidditch team. Maybe that’s why he’s been out of your hair. He was probably preparing for the match.
“Yeah let’s go,” you respond standing up. You guys made your way to the stadium where you met up with Jungsu and Jiseok. You all sat beside one another exchanging some small talk while waiting for the match to start. However you weren’t really paying attention to the conversation taking place. Instead your eyes found themselves wandering around. Only stopping when they landed on Jooyeon. So he is ok you thought. 
“You know I didn’t really expect you to come y/n,” Jiseok voiced. 
“Gunil’s playing for Gryffindor, so thought I’d support him,” you said.
“That’s why you were staring at Slytherin?” Jiseok asked you, raising a brow skeptically.
“Just checking the competition,” you casually stated. 
You tried. You really tried to focus on Gunil and his playing, yet your eyes seemingly had a mind of their own. They’d be focused on Gunil as you seemingly had to force them to do, but only some moments later you caught yourself staring at Jooyeon. You absolutely couldn’t figure out why. Before you were happiest when he was out of your sight, but now all you wanted was for him to be in your sight. 
The match eventually ended with the Slytherins taking victory. You didn’t know how you felt. You do remember the smile on Jooyeon’s face as they claimed victory though. 
Even the days after the quidditch match Jooyeon is still yet to bother you. Was he avoiding you? You began to think, but what reason would he have for doing that? Better question, Why do you care?
Only a few steps after exiting the classroom for Care of Magical Creatures you feel a body collide with yours causing you to drop your textbook. 
“Watch it Hufflepuff!” A voice shouts. You look up seeing it came from a Slytherin, it only makes sense though. 
“You watch out!” A voice that you hadn’t heard in about a month shouts. 
“What?” The Slytherin sounded offended.
“You bumped into them so you watch out,” Jooyeon said, the last words sounding harsher. The Slytherin scoffed before walking away. Jooyeon was now by your side as he knelt down, picking up your textbook and handing it back to you. Jooyeon just helped you?
“Are you ok?” Jooyeon asked, scanning you over.
“I feel like I should be asking you that since you just helped me,” Jooyeon scratches the back of his neck at your words.
“I just really don’t like that guy. He’s such an asshole,” he explained.
“Congratulations,” you say randomly.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“The quidditch match last week. You guys won, congrats,” you elucidated.
“Right. Thanks,”
“Um I’ll see you around?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but it did.
“Yeah. I’ll see you around?” It came out as a question for him too. 
Jungsu and you were crossing through Central Hall. Jooyeon and Seungmin were passing through as well. When you and Jooyeon noticed each other, you waved.
 “I must be dreaming,” Jungsu said with disbelief. 
“What?” you ask him.
“You and Jooyeon just waved at one another?”
“Yeah, we do that now,” you informed.
“What? Explain! Right now,” he ordered.
“Wait let’s go to the common room first,” 
Thankfully the common room was empty when you got there. Leaving you and Jungsu in privacy. 
“Me and Jooyeon are civil now,” you began.
“What! How? That’s- huh?” Jungsu couldn’t process this information.
“I know, it’s odd for me too,” you stated. “You know how after Honeydukes he started ignoring me?” Jungsu nodded. “Well at first I liked it, but then I found myself worring about him,”
“No way,” 
“I know but I’m not done yet. I actually went to that quidditch match to see Jooyeon,”
‘I knew you were staring at him!”
“Yes, I was, but at the time I was very confused about why. I couldn’t figure it out. Then a few days later this other Slytherin bumped into me outside of the Care for Magical Creatures Class and he helped me,”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” He asked offendly.
“Because I didn’t understand my feelings. We had our first non-arguing conversation then. At the end I asked if I’d see him around cause I wanted to see him around.”
“No wait, are you saying?”
“I think I like him,” you confessed.
“What are you gonna do now?
“I don’t know,” you truly had no clue. Understanding these new found feelining was difficult.
Seungmin and Jooyeon were currently in Jooyeon’s room having their own version of the conversation you and Jungsu just had.
“Care to explain why you just waved at Y/n?” Seungmin started interrogating Jooyeon as soon as he closed the door.
“It’s a new thing that we do,” Jooyeon answered.
“Why’s that exactly?” Seungmin pressed.
“We get along now,” Jooyeon told.
“How? I thought that was impossible,” Seungmin says, completely shocked by what Jooyeon just informed him.
“Remember when I was determined to do better than them at Ancient Ruins?” Jooyeon asked to which Seungmin nodded in response. “Well we got the same score and it pissed me off so much that I decided I was gonna ignore them for a few days. I was gonna be y/n free, but then I found myself wanting to see them,” 
“Seriously?” Seungmin is astounded. 
“That realization made me really confused. Why would I want to see the person that I hated? I spent way too much time thinking about it, about them. Then I saw them at the quidditch match. Everytime I looked at them they were looking at Gunil. I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I wanted them,”
“To look at you,” Seungmin finished. Starting to realize where this was going. Jooyeon nodded, confirming Seungmins thoughts.
“A few days ago this one guy from our house bumped into them and yelled at them to watch it. It made me so furious. Before I even knew what I was doing I was yelling at the guy that he should watch out. After that we had an actual conversation and it was nice. They even congratulated me on winning the match. By the end we said we’d see each other around,” Jooyeon finished. 
“So what are you telling me is?”
“I like them,” Jooyeon confessed.
“What are you gonna do about it?” 
“Don’t know yet,” It’s not like he could just walk up to you and tell you.
It appears you and Jooyeon took saying “See you around.” too literally, cause that’s all you two did, see each other around. You guys haven't actually talked since he helped you. 
“Y’know you guys can actually talk to one another? You don’t have to hopelessly stare at each other,” Jiseok tells you. A lot of students were just chilling in The Quad, including you and Jooyeon.
“I don’t know what to talk to him about,” you say.
“You could tell him you like him,” Jiseok spoke. All your friends were sick of you two at this point. First it was constant fighting, now it’s pathetic pinning.
“No I can't, that'd be weird to just say it,” you said. Jiseok and Jungsu exchange looks before nodding.  Before you can even question them they’re already pulling you by the arms and dragging you over towards Jooyeon. Whose friends were also dragging him towards you.
“Just talk to each other please, we're all tired,” Gunil told before they walked off leaving you and Jooyeon to yourselves. 
“You wanna take a walk?” you suggest timidly.
“Yeah sure,” he responds with a small smile. The pair of you exiting The Quad and beginning to walk around the outside of Hogwarts castle. It didn’t take long for silence to surround you. 
“Y/n?” Jooyeon broke the silence.
“Yeah,” you responded.
“I need to tell you something,” he appreises.
“Ok go I head, I actually have something to tell you too,” you notify him. He takes a moment before speaking.
“I like you,” he confesses. A sense of relief is the first thing you feel, but happiness is quick to follow it.
“I like you too,” you confessed back with a smile.
Now you and Jooyeon walk around Hogwarts holding hands as a happy couple. You still have quarrels though. Except now they are lovers quarrels and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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commenter2 · 5 months
Radio Killed the Video Star review
Time to see Vox and Alastor go at it then after that, see Sir Pentious interact with the Hotel staff for the first time. Spoilers as always.
I know there wouldn’t be a story if this happened, but how come Charlie is still allowing Angel Dust to work for Val when she is trying to redeem him? It’s counterproductive, so you think she would have given Angel an ultimatum. Maybe later in the series, but after seeing previous Helluva Boss episodes, soon Angel will willingly quit to actually try and redeem himself for his and more so Charlie’s sake.
So Vox is in charge of electronics. He better not be in charge of videogames as that is taken by my OC, Ratchet. But for real it would be boring if Vox owned everything electrical. I wonder if existing Overlords could lose titles for things when someone better appears? That works as I have it written down that my OC beats Vox and Val to save his friends and then becomes the Overlord of videogames in the aftermath.
I know it’s a common thing, but it is surprising when a string bean like Val has the strength to literally tear people apart.
Vox’s VA is good (glad they didn’t go for a Mark Hamill like voice, that SHOULD have been a Lucifer thing) but I’m not liking Velvette’s as I always pictured her having a youngish vlogger/influencer kind of voice. It’s also seems like this updated version of her doesn’t like Vox whereas in the pilot it seemed like she had a crush on him. Hey unlike with Stella, at least this won’t hurt the series. It’s also interesting that Velvette also has a career in fashion, adds more to her then just being a social influencer.
So Vox has the ability to hypnotize people. Interesting, and another example of how both demons and sinners can have powers not related to their profession and such. Good to know as I can see this leading to some fun ideas.
Velvette can change a person’s clothes. I had a similar fun idea about her having such an ability to do that to herself along with changing her hair instantly given her doll like appearance. For all we know, this could be canon.
More moth sinners.
Obvious Helluva Boss reference.
Val confirmed to be the dumb one of the Vs. Hey at least that joke from the ADDICT video about him no knowing basic math seems to be canon XD.
The thing with Vox’s eye reminds me of this show called Daria, as I recall it having a character with a gag where when he got mad one of his eyes would get noticeably bigger.
Again Alastor’s voice changed while he was talking. The line about “what will the papers say” had less radio static then usual and sounded more normal. There must be a pattern, but we won’t know until we get more examples.
This was spoiled a bit for me but yeah both Al and Lilith had a time of absence of 7 years. This could mean many things like they’re working together or against each other. Only time will tell but now we got the 2ndmystery of the season, or part of the series’ grand mystery.
Insert “Vox using pic from one of Viv’s tweets” comment here.
I’ll admit, I didn’t see the reason behind Alastor and Vox’s rivalry starting because he said no to Vox’s offer to join the V alliance. I like it.
Trailer shot. A bit of a relief that this isn’t happening during the finale.
Vox owns techno sharks, but I’m more curious about where that adorable land shark he has as a pet is. Hopefully that wasn’t written out.
Heh, Val is adding rhinestones to his gun.
Also Velvette changed her hair! I’m now counting this and another one of my HH ideas being canon.
Angel got one of Al’s minions to develop feelings for him, and he doesn’t seem to like it. Talk about karma XD.
While it is sad seeing Angel get bummed out when Charlie said she likes that Pentious is someone (to her knowledge) that is actually trying to redeem themselves, he does deserve it given all the times he’s mocked the idea and of course embarrass Charlie in the pilot. At least after hearing this, it’s possible this will be the first step to eventually make him actually care about trying to be better, if not then to make Charlie like her more than Pentious.
Cute KeeKee moment.
I said this in my Tumblr post about the Husk, Niffy, and Sir Pentious “trailer”, but we can all agree that Niffty’s crush on Pentious shouldn’t be a permanent thing due to how creepy it is.
I do hope throughout the series, we do learn how Lucifer feels about certain things, especially those that use him as a topic. I’m sure the “Devil’s Dandruff” is in the list of things he hates.
“character who made bad life choices, getting jealous and is thinking about going back to doing said bad choices” cliché.
It is interesting that the artist are still using Val’s smoke (which I’m also guessing represents pheromones, though apparent some moths can make perfume to attract mates) as a symbol for Angel’s addiction.
And here comes the old trope of “people believing the new guy instead of the other character, when said other character was trying to save the day”. Wait they’re actually breaking away from a usual trope? YES! I haven’t seen that happen in Vivzie’s works in forever! Heck they did it twice in this episode if you count the twist with Al and Vox’s rivalry origins.
Even as PJ Charlie wears a suit like outfit while Vaggie’s is in a more dress like outfit. It actually reminds me of the outfit of her old design. Also is Charlie wearing high heel slippers!
Though I am a bit skeptical of Pentious’ quick change of heart, it is nice to now see Charlie have a patient that will try to be a better person. Again could this lead to a rivalry between Pentious and Angel and then one day having Angel actually wanting to try and change.
Also like I once brought up somewhere, I wonder what is going to happen when Pentious runs into Cherri when she arrives to see Angel.
Oh thank god they ended that thing with Niffty. Let’s hope it never happens again.
Wait are they just going to leave that Vox camera there? Never mind, looks like Al will take care of it offscreen.
Hey Vox fans, here is something I bet you haven’t heard in the news, apparently the biggest radio company in the U.S. filed for bankruptcy a little over a week ago. I wonder how Al and Vox would feel about that and what that discussion would lead to!
This was a simple, but good episode. One pro of it was that we got to see and learn more about the Overlords, specifically the Vs, which makes sense considering Val and Vox's connections to the main cast. We also got to learn a bit about Overlords and how much say they have.
I think the best thing in the episode was the pretty surprising twist that Vox wanted to team up with Alastor.
The only negative is again with the ending quickly having Pentious joining the hotel. I know the story is going to be a bit rush here and there given the season only has 8 episodes, but I feel like there should have been a moment where Pentious says he really wants to be better.
Maybe during the song he says he did like Charlie’s positivity while during the exercises, and her offer of a second/real chance has made him want to try and be better, or at least enough she he won’t end up like Vox. Heck maybe he says something related to Alastor’s portion of his own song and realize that trying to stay up with trends/being popular isn’t always that great, possibly making him and Alastor get on better terms, as I can see Al hanging around with anyone just because they hate Vox.
What were your thoughts on the episode?
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
hey there! i’ve been looking around for resources since i’m sort of dabbling in hellenic paganism. i really really like your blog so far, so i wanted some advice from you.
i think the greek pantheon is something i’m super duper interested in, and there’s some deities that i’m super drawn too, and some not as much. but i understand that each deity does something different - can i venerate/worship all the deities, but work more closely with others? will this offend the other gods/goddesses? i’m just starting out, i apologize if this is stupid, but i’m really curious. i don’t want to offend anybody, but i know they all have different domains and only working with a select few and not the others feels awkward to me.
i also have a second question, if it’s not too much to ask: any good resources for someone just starting out? other blogs, discord servers, youtube channels, maybe even books, and most helpfully, websites! i really appreciate that you took the time to read this and i hope you have great day!! thanks so so much :]
Thank you for your question!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. Remember there are no dumb questions so if you have anything else you want to ask, pls do!!
Firstly, you can definitely venerate multiple deities but work more closely with others (and it will most definitely not offend anyone). This was actually an extremely common practice in Ancient Greece. Some deities were more significant depending on the area you lived (or the identity you possessed), so although you may have acknowledged the main 12, you would have worked closely with only a number of gods. I would like to gently suggest that you should do what feels natural to you and not worry too much about making mistakes or offending anyone. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and is bound to happen eventually. As you gain more information, your opinions and practices will change so just focus on acquiring knowledge.
Some resources:
Understanding Greek Religion by Jennifer Larson- this is a more academic text so it may not be for everyone but it has a lot of important information in understanding how the ancients viewed worship and interacted with the gods
The Homeric Hymns (and other primary sources)- reading primary sources (especially the oldest sources) are super important because they are what many later sources reference. You can find them all online!
Theoi.com- I will link this below but this is good if you are focusing on a particular god/gods. I use it as a jumping off point for finding references.
Let’s Talk About Myths Baby- (podcast available on Spotify and Apple) retellings of the Greek myths from a feminist perspective. The host is witty and entertaining and I’ve found that she breaks down the myths in a way that is easily understandable.
Tumblr- there are a ton of accounts on here which provide resources and give their own personal takes on information. One of my favs is @olympianbutch but there are so many on here!
I don’t want to overwhelm you with sources but these are a few different types which you can explore since you are just starting out. Also if anyone wants to share their favourite sources (or their perspective), then pls do!
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17boyzz · 2 years
young love - joshua hong
seventeen as romantic tropes - high school sweethearts
some high school au, idol joshua x gn!reader ish?
you started dating joshua the summer after freshman year. the two of you were young, dumb, and foolishly ‘in love’.
you met him in your guitar class elective, him being assigned as your partner for the semester. he was the same as he is now; sweet, gentle, patient, and always knew how to bring you to comfort using his words. he always made you feel safe and secure, even just as your guitar partner. you cheeks would heat up whenever he got a little closer and gently arranged your fingers on the fingerboard to form the right chord, taking your other hand in his to help you strum.
“see? isn’t it easier?” he giggled, watching you repeatedly strum the new chord you learned to play.
it had been like that the entire semester. you were falling - had fallen - so deeply for joshua hong, you couldn’t handle it anymore. you had absolutely no idea if he felt the same, but it being the last day of school before summer break, you decided to go for it.
“h-hey, joshua…” you sat next to him in your assigned seat.
“hey y/n, what’s up?” he asked, instantly noticing something off.
“oh nothing, i just had something i wanted to ask you, you know, if you’re fine with it”
“of course i am. when have i never been okay with you asking questions?” he smiled, giving your shoulder and friendly pat.
“i don’t know, well, okay… i was wondering if you like, i don’t know, maybe wanted to go out with me?” he asked quietly, but you know he heard it because of the way he looked at you, the same way he looks whenever he’s processing what you say.
“i thought you’d never ask, y/n. of course i do” he smiled widely, taking your hand in his.
“text me a date, time, and place. i’ll be there, i promise”
that was the very beginning. you lasted through the summer with him becoming your boyfriend, and all your friends were surprised at the beginning of sophomore year when you finally told them about the relationship.
people change throughout high school, it’s a common knowledge. but joshua, joshua on the other hand, he didn’t change one bit. okay, that was a lie. throughout the years you dated him, you watched him grow into himself, grow into a better person. he became even sweeter, kinder, and overall and lovely person to be in the presence of.
“you doing okay over there, babe?” he asked from the foot of your bed.
“yeah, good enough i guess. chemistry is just kicking my ass, though” you sighed, throwing your pencil down.
“oh, i think i still have my sisters old chem notes from when she was in 10th grade. let me find them” he instantly turned to his bag and dug around, and you watched him with a gentle smile on your face.
“oh i found them - here! hopefully these should help. my sister was really good at note taking” he hands you the obviously old papers with colorful and organized vocabulary and definitions.
“you’re the best, shua” you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“i try. also, you missed” he gives you a cheeky smirk.
“missed? what did i miss?” you asked, only a little confused.
“i said… you missed” he points towards his lips.
“joshua, i’m not having my first kiss with you in my bedroom over chemistry homework” you folded your arms, and he rolled his eyes.
“whatever, i tried. i’m going to kiss you this week, you’ll see” he sent you a cheeky wink and went back to his homework, leaving you to ponder upon what his plans were.
he kept his promise.
the boardwalk was oddly empty for a friday night, though most people do tend to visit and leave at sunset. you and joshua though - it was nearing 1am and your phone buzzed with missed calls and texts from your parents, but you couldn’t care less.
he held you under the stars, gazing out into the pacific. your head resting comfortably on his shoulder, the two of you sharing body heat.
“y/n…” he called gently, making you hum and look up at him. he held eye contact, and it wasn’t awkward like it had been with others. it was gentle, loving, and comforting. he brought a hand to rest on your jaw, tilting your head up just a little more, eyes dropping down to your slightly parted lips, anticipating his next move.
he leans in slightly before speaking, “can i kiss you?” you feel his breath on your lips. you could only mutter a small ‘yes’ before he closes the gap. it was perfect, the perfect first kiss. it felt like a fairytale, even though neither of you knew how to kiss back then.
“i love you, joshua. don’t you know?” you pulled back to whisper, leading to his small chuckle.
“i think you’ll need to tell me again, and maybe just a couple more times after that to be sure. i love you more, y/n”
junior year is when joshua left. you respected his dreams of being a kpop idol of course, who were you to stop him? joshua was so in love with you, you knew that if you asked him, he would stay for you. you knew that if you asked him, he would give up his dreams to stay for you. joshua would do anything for you, it was your selflessness that made him happy.
“i passed the audition” he announced, holding your hands in his.
“oh my, that’s good, isn’t it? i’m so proud of you, shua” you smiled, taking one of your hands to cup his face.
“i’ll have to leave, you know? leave you, leave the school, leave this all behind” his voice had dropped to a whisper and he instinctively leaned into your palm.
“i know, shua. i know” you brought your other hand to his other cheek, bringing him in to rest his forehead on yours.
“i don’t want to leave you, y/n” he mumbles, pressing a short kiss to your lips.
“i don’t want you to leave either”
“what’s up?”
“if you want me to stay… just say the words and i’ll stay” his arms wrap around your waist.
“shua… we both know what i want…” you sighed, knowing joshua was going to be a little stubborn about this.
“then i’ll stay”
“no, joshua. you should go. i want you to go” you pushed, shaking your head a bit.
“you… want me to leave?”
“shua, don’t get me wrong, okay? i want you to stay. i love you, i love you so much and just thinking about being away from you breaks me inside. but, this is your dream. i want you to be happy-“
“but you make me happy”
“i know, josh. but, people come and go. the opportunity to chase your dreams doesn’t come everyday. once you’re out there and famous, you’ll have everybody falling at your feet. people like me come and go. dreams stay, and i want you to chase your dreams. i don’t want to be in the way of your dreams”
“if i have to be the one to do the breaking up, then i will. i’ll still see you off at the airport, but you need to start thinking of yourself now. just know, i’ll always support you, okay?” you pressed a small kiss to his nose, and he nodded.
“joshua hong”
“i’m breaking up with you”
and that was it. the best relationship you started and ended. you never met anybody else better than joshua. no matter how many dates you’ve gone on, nobody ever stood a chance to joshua. but you’re happy.
now, you’re able to turn on the tv and see your high school sweetheart on tv, happy, and living his dream.
it hurt. it hurt so bad breaking up with him. it hurt seeing him off at the airport, the last time you ever saw him; in person at least. but you’re happy.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Okay so this one comes with a bit of backstory so congrats your getting anon lore
I am the child of somone with a traumatic brain injury and chronic migraines so the Steve has migraines and a traumatic brain injury headcannon is very important to me
One thing that I have never seen addressed (possibly because people don't know about them) are aphasias now there are very sever ones of these where people lose almost all ability to talk but that's not the kind I think Steve has that usually comes from a stroke
No I'm talking about aphasias that cause him to switch words and not relize it. (Example my father at the beginning of quarantine kept saying killer teens instead of quarantine)
Now there is alot of angst potential here around people not realizing and just thinking he's dumb. Steve not remembering words and getting things mixed up without realizing it. Not one of them would think anything else. Until he finds it on a list of side effects his doctor gave him. And while sometimes they can laugh about it other times he just get frustrated because he's trying to communicate and he can't properly
I also feel like Steve when he has bad days he puts things in the wrong places (my family has found dry goods in the refrigerator before so I'm thinking cereal in the fridge might be something he does)
There are also times when he can't be around anyone (he loves them but they make it hurt I'm not going to make it too sad I'm gonna say this is a once like a three month thing for Steve this really depends on the severity of the brain injury and individual situations)
He also is more sensitive to air pressure even if it takes him a while to figure out what it is
This is just one thing that I'm really happy to see a Fandom address because it is so personal to me. I lived from ages 7 to 18 with someone who had a tbi and it's nice for head injuries to be acknowledged
anon thank you so much for telling me this and sharing your ideas. I can completely see what you are saying and you are right, this is something that goes unaddressed and I’m guilty of that too. I work in adult health and social care and have worked in rehab in tbi wards and the community.
Aphasias are so common in this area and are so personal from person to person. Ataxic movements (decreased muscle control and tone) and sensory processing issues can look minor but hugely impact a person. I’m not saying any of this to try and educate you, you’ll have a much deeper knowledge than I ever could, I’m just hoping to highlight this to anyone reading who doesn’t have experience with brain injuries.
If you ever feel like writing Steve with a tbi I’ll happily read it and promote it because it is important. Maybe he has secret hopes of ‘spontaneous recovery’ that is talked about all too frequently. Maybe he has aids and adaptions to his house to make his life easier - grips for door handles when his own grip is playing up, memory aids insides the doors of cupboards to tell him what goes where, a grab rail or chair in the shower because he’s fallen one too many times and after Eddie finds out he talks to Steve and they agree that this might keep him a little less bruised.
Everyone is sensitive to him but sometimes that’s just too much, he wants to be treated like normal, like he isn’t mixing words up more than he ‘should’, that he can take a whole morning to remember the word for spoon when it’s sitting right at the edge of his brain but he can’t make it come out.
It’s hard, even on good days it’s hard and yeah, he has to seclude himself from the watching eyes and ‘how are you feeling today Steve?’ Like he has to give a daily update. He knows they care which is why it hurts all the more, he used to be the babysitter, the protector and now he feels that the roles are reversed.
What Steve doesn’t realise is how much he’s still doing for everyone. Never stopped doing for everyone. Checking in with them, asking how their games/rehearsals/projects/assignments are going, trying to find out if there is anything they need that he can get for them. Steve is still hugely his old self, he just can’t see it.
Sometimes he just can’t contain the anger or sadness or frustration at himself. He knows this is part of it. Has been told that mood processing can be impacted. He takes himself away when he thinks he is being ‘too much’ but his friends don’t let him. They pull him back in and hold him close, letting him know that they love him, all parts of him and that isn’t going to change
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posebean · 1 year
Summer Rain: Sick in the Rain 1
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Writer: Beanosei
Season: Spring
Characters: Niki
Niki: Nee-san~ I’m just being plain dumb? Why are you calling me dumb now, too? What did I do to deserve this treatment~
Disclaimer: This chapter includes Anzu heavily as a character. She is her own character here, but it's still Niki directly addressing her as "Nee-san" in order to stick to the Enstars story format as much as possible.
Studio, 2 days after 
Niki: Is this where you wanted the camera? A little to the left? Okay!
Niki: There, all moved just like how you wanted.
Niki: I don’t need to help out? Oh, no no no, it’s fine. It’s the least I can do to help, Director-san! I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to meet your expectations.
Niki: Nahaha, it’s not like I have much else to do. I can just take over a side character role if you need that.
Niki: The rest of my unit is still here, and I already called off from Cinnamon for the filming period. I might as well help out in any way I can.
Niki: Come back~? I’m sorry Director-san, anything but that. I can cook snacks for the crew, I can help with props and such. But I really can’t act. I’ve been holding the whole team back, it’s for the best~
Niki: You haven’t found a replacement yet? Oh…
Niki: Definitely not Kohaku-chan…What about Himeru-kun? Or we can try asking someone else from the agency? Maybe Vice Pres has someone in mind?
Niki: You asked Himeru and Himeru refused? And you really don’t want to have to talk with Vice Pres again? Honestly, understandable from an outsider’s perspective, nahaha.
Niki: Vice Pres can be a little much at times, but he’s very fun once you get to know him~
Niki: I’m your only hope? You give me too much credit, Director-san. I’m just a chef~ If you want good food, I’m your best hope. You don’t come to me if you need a movie made~
Niki: Oh, is that your phone ringing?
Niki: I guess you’ll be going back to check on the others. Don’t worry, I’m fine here! I’ll make sure this camera stays in place and doesn’t budge at all~
Niki: (Nahaha…Director-san is understanding but still a little pushy~ As expected of an industry professional.)
Niki: (sits down in a chair, watching the filming in the distance)
Niki: (While they’re looking for a replacement for me, the other three are filming the scenes that they can. They’re still working hard, way better at this than me.)
Niki: ... I wonder why Himeru-kun rejected the role?
Niki: I’m a little glad-
Niki: (Wait- why am I glad? This movie is going nowhere without a second lead!)
Niki: Ugh…too much thinking. Need to get some food into my stomach ♪ Let’s see, I should have a leftover granola bar in my pocket.
Niki: Eh?
Niki: Oh right. I finished it two hours ago.
Niki: … Guess I’ll just wither away and starve here until everyone’s done…that shouldn’t be that long, I hope.
Niki: ...!
Niki: (Hmm? What’s that…delicious yet familiar smell? Almost like…that bread that I really love~♪)
Niki: Ah! Nee-san, fancy seeing you here.
Niki: Are you here to check in on the filming? If Vice Pres is pushing you around dumping work on someone else when he’s supposed to be the one handling our ragtag group, feel free to complain~
Niki: You’re here out of your own will? Really Nee-san, your arrival is too convenient to be a coincidence. Someone must’ve told you something~
Niki: Himeru-kun and Kohaku-chan? What did they tell you?
Niki: That me and Rinne-kun are being stupid and need someone to straighten us out because whatever they’re trying isn’t working? Ehhh~ They’re wrong Nee-san, everything is sorted out.
Niki: Ignore the fact that we’re at a standstill in all of the main scenes~ They’ll find a more experienced replacement quickly. They’ll be able to re-record everything and all the scenes that we missed at twice the speed compared with what we could with me as the second lead.
Niki: Oh, you have something for me?
Niki: Nee-san! I knew I smelled my favorite bread ♪ How did you know it was my favorite? It’s not really common knowledge, and it’s a little hard to get a hand on it normally.
Niki: ... You ran into Rinne-kun over there and he told you to give it to me? Oh…I see…
Niki: (Stares down at the bread in his hands)
Niki: He looked sad? Even while filming? Huh…
Niki: But he was so excited when we started…what changed?
Niki: No way, it can’t be because I quit. Even Rinne-kun understood, I did it for the good of the movie!
Niki: Some of the most important things are left unsaid?
Niki: …Nahaha, Nee-san. You’re really saying Rinne-kun was having fun…and enthusiastic…because I was there with him?
Niki: You’re really giving me too much credit. Maybe he was, but that was because he had someone to pick on~
Niki: You doubt that? Geez, why is everyone saying that? Is everyone saying that I, the one who knows Rinne-kun the most, don’t actually know him that well?
Niki: Not at all?
Niki: Nee-san~ I’m just being plain dumb? Why are you calling me dumb now, too? What did I do to deserve this treatment~
Niki: You’re joking? But you also mean it too? Nee-san…
Niki: I know that, I know that Rinne-kun cares for me. But that’s in the same way he cares about Kohaku-chan and Himeru-kun! And how he cares about his brother, his juniors, and everyone. He’s a very caring person, you know? He just doesn’t like to show it often~
Niki: It’s different? Very different?
Niki: Haha Nee-san, how are you so sure? I'm even starting to wonder if I really do know Rinne-kun…
Niki: You’re saying you have something else for me? Ah, what’s this CD for? Oh, I see, that’s why you have a laptop with you~
Niki: Eh? Nee-san, I put the CD in but it’s a blank video with just a black screen. Is this some sort of secret message or something?
Niki: Turn the volume up? Oh, it is muted. Let me do that-
Computer: ♪
Niki: (This…song…)
Niki: (It’s a completely different feeling… and the key is shifted… but…)
Niki: (It’s there. It’s definitely there. This instrumental, wherever Nee-san got it from…)
Niki: (It has the melody of mine and Rinne-kun’s duo debut song. Heartbeat Honey Drop.)
Niki: (The song that we started with. The song that symbolized the beginning of our journey to chase our dreams. Dreams…that we have at our hands right now, as Crazy:B.)
Niki: Nee-san, where did you get this? Do you know what it’s for? What it’s…from?
Niki: It’s a secret where you got it from? Ehh~ Oh? It’s the instrumental for a scene from the movie?
Niki: You don’t know what it’s from? You only know that I recognized it from watching me listen to it? Haha, you could say it’s nostalgic for me. In some way.
Niki: But if it’s for the movie…how on Earth did Director-san get ahold of that song…we weren’t popular and I doubt you’ll even find anything besides Crazy:B stuff when searching us up-
Niki: (Oh.)
Niki: (There’s only one way this could’ve happened. The only other person that knows that melody by heart.)
Niki: (The one that’s been there by my side this whole time. Waiting patiently, always there for me. The one that broadened my world, dragged me against my will into a world of blinding lights.)
Niki: (I didn’t forget this tune, but it did fade away behind all the new things we’ve experienced. But Rinne-kun…Rinne-kun, you kept it with you this whole time, chasing after me for so many years…)
Niki: (Nahaha, I guess everyone is right. Maybe I am a little dumb. Why else would Rinne-kun do all these things, only want to be a lead if I was the second lead, only be able to put his all in when I’m there, somehow get the Director to repurpose a song so special to us…)
Niki: Nahaha, Nee-san~ You’re saying that Rinne-kun only looks at me in that soft way? Haha, he’s such a sap. 
Niki: It’s cute how loyal he is, even if it comes to the detriment of other things, nahaha.
Niki: (Sighs) It really can’t be helped. Nee-san, can you tell Director-san that I’ll do it? I’ll finish the movie, play the second lead like what was originally planned.
Niki: Nee~san. Why are you smiling at me like that?
Niki: Nee-san you are so sly. You are as sly as Rinne-kun is sometimes. You planned this. You definitely planned this, knowing what would happen. I don’t know with who, but you definitely had an accomplice…or accomplices.
Niki: Nee~san stop smiling at me like that you’re gonna make me cry~
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Really now Celine?
And i dare someone to try to defend them because as much as i wanna call myself dumb and not understanding of this field, some shit is just basic knowledge and common sense.
So as you know Tae left earlier for Paris for Celine which is supposed to be good right? It is not. 
Besides the whole point of how they’ve been treating his ambassadorship in a very shady way, promoting a trio instead of giving each of them the recognition they deserve, the fact that their staff reached out to me previously to tell me they have no idea about when will their next shows even be : 
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Translation : 
“Dear Madam, dear Sir
I’m Stéphane from Maison CELINE’s customer service and i thank you for your interest towards our “house”
Following your request, i regret to inform you that we never know about our next shows beforehand.
I thank you for your understanding and thank you for your interest towards our “house”
... Ok.
Not going into the other details that i’m pretty sure other people talked about previously but right now? I don’t know if people realize that France is basically a war zone right now, i don’t really give two fucks about politics especially not those of a country i don’t live in but to give you an insight i’ll be sharing some links for you : 
Now fine i can say maybe in South Korea they’re still not well informed about this even i didn’t get the news until hours later but what about Celine? Aren’t they in France? A simple fucking “We’re reaching out to you to let you know that it might not be too safe for you to visit for the moment” Does Tae’s safety not matter that much? 
What’s so bad about missing a show? Or reporting a photoshoot’s date? I’m at loss of words really because this is way too shocking knowing how little people seem to care about one’s well-being. 
I really hope and pray he’s safe throughout his whole stay.
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oraclekleo · 11 months
Kleo I’m dumb dumb and forgot to add the 🌻 emoji to my entry so I’m resending I’m sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️
(Good thing I wrote it on my notes lol)
Omg finally it’s my moment! Yeonjun is one of my favorite Korean artists… His story resonates with me a lot, and he’s also a Virgo, which apparently isn’t very common for idols? So I’d love to participate in your “kompatibility” event ❣️
(When I first read the event’s name I chuckled because it reminded me of the Krusty Krab from SpongeBob lmao I’m so sorry)
I’m actually 26, just in case because I don’t remember if I’d told you in previous asks 🤔
3 random facts about me:
* At the moment I have 6 cats and a dog. Years ago I had a bunny and I’ve rescued and released a few birds too. I love animals, and i definitely want to support or even establish an animal shelter in the future! 🐾
* For 10 years I’d been taking the MBTI test and got INTP-T every. single. time. (with very extreme % in each category too). Last year was the first time that I got INTP-A (assertive instead of turbulent), and when I retook it a few months ago I got INFP for the first time! I was so happy because, to me, it feels like all the inner work I’ve done is paying off. After taking the test 10 more times, for statistical validity, I came to the conclusion that my T and F are quite balanced, so I consider myself an IN(T/F)P now 💁🏻‍♀️
* Next semester is my last, so as soon as I do my internship, I’ll be done with university! It has taken me 9 years to get a degree I was “supposed” to get in 5, so I’m VERY ready to finally close the academic chapter of my life 🌚 I don’t ultimately regret having taken extra time though, because now I realize I had A LOT of growing up to do, and this definitely helped with my self-journey ✨ (what I do feel kinda sad about is maybe not realizing I loved dancing so much because I definitely could see myself doing that professionally, but that’s life lol)
When I first came across your blog I was actually intimidated? Like you definitely give off a vibe that takes no bullshit and commands respect… After reading your content and interacting with you, though, I think you’re a very sweet soul, and feel very comfy here. You are obviously good at what you do, and you’re not selfish with your knowledge and skills, which I’m very thankful for 💕
Thanks for your patience 🛐
Thank you for participating in my event!
"When I first came across your blog I was actually intimidated? Like you definitely give off a vibe that takes no bullshit and commands respect… After reading your content and interacting with you, though, I think you’re a very sweet soul, and feel very comfy here. You are obviously good at what you do, and you’re not selfish with your knowledge and skills, which I’m very thankful for 💕"
Lol! Thank you! Yes, people often tell me that I'm intimidating at first sight but actually grow kinder and sweeter the more close we become. 😂 I'm glad you like my blog and I hope you have plenty of fun around here in future. 😉
Let's go to the thing we are here for. I didn't intend for the reading to be very 18+ but it turned out that was so first the warning:
18+ content ahead!
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Lili-fcv + Yeonjun (TXT) Compatibility Reading
Cards: I The Magician, XVIII The Moon, XXI The World (Tarot in Wonderland), Knight of Pentacles, King of Cups, 8 of Swords (Tarot of Casanova), 16. The Knight (Oracle of the Roses), 2. Taurus (Starcodes Astro Oracle)
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Right from the start, all those major arcana cards denote a rather powerful connection or better say an attraction. While the Knight cards (both the tarot and rose card) symbolise chivalry and romance, the Taurus is here to remind you of what your bodies desire.
You and Yeonjun might actually create quite a power couple. You somewhat inspire and encourage each other to dig deeper and explore within your souls, to cast light to the dark corners of your minds and to bring your most obscure fantasies to the spotlight. Yeonjun is likely to become unusually devoted and obedient to you, following any order you give.
As for sexual chemistry, I can see a lot of restraint here. Edging or bondage might be your thing. Because Taurus rules the neck and voice, you might also experiment with choking or with gag. Your foreplays are endless, you are likely to drag the anticipation and lust into extreme. The cards suggest Yeonjun being more likely a sub here so it’s likely he might want you to properly tie him up, gag him and give him an erotic massage, playing with him for hours. He derives pleasure from waiting and having to endure the tension for as long as possible. You on the other hand might have fun listening to his moans and, as the Magician card suggests, teasing him in multiple ways using a variety of methods or toys.
Thank you for reading!
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Welcome to the Forgotten Realms | Hawkins Crew
Prompt: Going Inside a Book/Story
Words: 3166
Fandom: Stranger Things
A/N: Writer’s Month is over, but I’m still going to try and finish this, just three more prompts to go. I’m drawing from my limited knowledge of DnD 5th edition and light research on 1st edition, so if some of it isn’t accurate, how many people would actually know the difference between 5th and 1st? Also, while trying to wrap up the ending, it gave ‘Welcome to Jumanji’ vibes and I pictured a Nigel character popping up, but still looks like Rhys Darby. Lol look at me creating lore for a world that I might not visit again. Or won’t I?
Summary: The older group decides to play DnD, much to Eddie’s delight. A sudden storm cut off the electricity in the middle of a session, but when they looked around to find that they weren’t in Hawkins anymore.
Eddie rubbed his hands together gleefully like an evil mastermind as his new friends finished their character sheets. He had minis that he had painted in his spare time that were close enough to what they wanted their characters to look like, each of them standing right in front of each player. 
Nancy was more familiar with the mechanics since the kids usually played in the basement, having picked it up quickly and helping the others when they needed it. Jonathan had admitted that Will spoke about their campaigns but never really broke down the mechanics unless he asked him. Robin was catching on, piecing her character together in no time. That left Steve who was frowning at his sheet before sliding it over to Eddie. Dustin had actually helped him build his character beforehand, but he wasn’t sure how to play him.
“Does this look… right?” Steve asked after filling out his character’s backstory.
Eddie leaned over, eagerly scanning through his character sheet and smiled. “Steve, Stevie, Steve-O. I feel like you’ve thought this character through before.”
“Ah, well,” Steve muttered sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with his pencil. “Henderson’s always wanted me to play with them, so… the roleplaying part is kind of… I don’t know.”
Steve nodded. “This is why I didn’t take drama, man.”
“Well, you should have, or else you wouldn’t be having this problem,” Robin said, giving him a pointed look. “And maybe you would have been less of a douche in high school.”
“Thank you so much, Robin, I appreciated your needed input,” Steve replied sarcastically.
“Hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere,” Eddie said, patting Steve’s shoulder. “This is everyone’s first game, so we’re gonna take it easy and learn how the game works together. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. DMs love questions, unless they’re dumb.”
“I guess Steve can’t ask anything then.”
“You know what, Buckley, I’m not going to be driving you around anymore.”
“Nice try, dingus. This whole time you still drove me to school and work when you thought I had a license. There’s no way you’re going to suddenly stop giving me rides.”
“Anyways,” Eddie interrupted, “Superior Wheeler. Big Byers. How are your characters coming along?”
“We’re just about finished,” Nancy said.
Jonathan nodded. “Yeah, we figured that it’ll be easier if our characters know each other so we’d have someone to bounce off on.”
“It’s a very common method to do and helps with backstories,” Eddie said, nodding in approval. “What race and class are you?”
“Nance is a high elf ranger and I’m thinking of being a drow rogue.”
“Interesting. Very interesting.” Eddie folded his fingers together and rested his chin on them. “Drows are usually lawful evil aligned, but for my campaigns, I’m not too strict on those things as long as it creates a good story. To have a high elf and a drow know each other, that’s really interesting. Buckley.”
Robin held up her character sheet and shook it. “I think I’ve made it more complicated than it had to be. I made a Forest Gnome Wizard. It’s complicated for me because I just realized how many spells I have to manage. But we’re just level one, right? So, it shouldn’t be that bad for now, but, like, I’ve done this whole backstory that is too similar to Batman.”
Eddie nodded sagely. “Many players, no matter how seasoned they are, have done this. It’s an easy trope to fall on, but if you add your own twist to it, it could work.”
“What if when she talks to animals, instead of the high pitch tone people use, it’s gruffy like a heavy smoker?”
Jonathan snorted. “Is your voice going to be okay after that?”
“See, I made it harder on myself than it should be.”
“What if you made your character’s normal voice high pitched and when you speak to animals it's at a normal pitch?” Steve said, holding back a smile.
Robin scrunched her face. “That’s even worse.”
“I am not going to sit through a two hour session with that voice,” Nancy said firmly.
“Thank you, Nance.”
“Oh! Why didn’t I think of this?” Steve said, facepalming. “The kermit voice!”
“No! I told you to drop that already!” Robin shouted. “What’s your character anyways, dingus? I bet it’s boring.”
Steve glared at her from across the table. “Human Paladin,” he muttered.
“See. Boring.”
“Hey, now. We haven’t started playing yet,” Eddie tried to mediate. “If everyone’s ready, we can begin.” He held his hands out, eyeing them all. When they all nodded, he clapped his hands. “Alright, let me set the scene for you, adventurers.”
“Uh, guys, I don’t know if we should be going in a super scary tower without a plan,” Robin pointed out.
“Haunted, too,” Steve added.
“Yeah. Super scary haunted tower.”
“The guy at the tavern said that something strange is happening here. There’s people going missing and no one has ever used this tower in years until now,” Jonathan said.
Nancy nodded her head. “Exactly. Seeing light in the tower around the same time the first disappearance happened? There’s got to be a connection. We have to at least try.”
“Okay, so what do we know about this tower?” Robin looked down at her character sheet, then at Eddie. “With my wizardry background, would I know anything about this place?”
“Roll me a history check with advantage. You’re quite studious and one of the top of your class,” Eddie said, pointing at the D20 in front of her.
Robin nodded, shaking her hand and tossing the dice carefully. She grimaced, then rolled again, the corner of her lips turning up. “That’s an unnatural 20 for history.”
“Good. Yes, you have heard a considerable amount about this ancient wizard’s tower during your studies. He was a promising wizard that grew his power at an exponential rate. The academy was once proud to call him their own, but now they use him as a cautionary tale.”
Everyone leaned forward as Eddie unraveled the lore of the tower’s creator, Nancy furiously taking notes and Jonathan jotting down what stood out to him. Steve sat, memorized, as Eddie’s soothing voice wrapped around him, painting the picture in his mind. Robin nodded along with his words, pausing when she saw Steve staring at Eddie intensely, marking that down in her mental notes for later.
“He realized that the academy was limiting him. The prospect of harnessing dark magic grew more and more tempting by the day, haunting his dreams at night. It became too much when the academy was attacked. Their mistake was thinking that if they shielded their students from the darkness, they would never be harmed from it. As it were, you cannot protect yourself from something you have no knowledge of. The students fell one by one, overcome by power that they could not understand.”
He paused for effect, a thunderstorm with bad timing rumbled outside, causing the lights above to flicker. They all stiffened, looking up until the lights steadied. The younger kids were at Sinclairs, so they weren’t worried about them galavanting. After their stunt last time with the whole Vecna thing and running from the police, the parents of the Party made it a point to take turns having movie or game night at their houses. This also encouraged the older kids to spend more time together.
Eddie exhaled slowly, seeing the others doing the same as they tried to get back to the game. “Until, finally, our wizard fled into the restricted section of the library and poured through its knowledge. He casted a spell so great that it destroyed all of his surroundings, killing every enemy and every friend. There he stood, in the middle of the rubble, without a scratch on him. Though, he felt his blood boiling, his veins turning black, nails extending into claws, and his eyes bleeding. For a moment, his heart stopped. Within that moment, the power of the darkness took over and flooded his body with unsurmountable power.”
“Who is he?” Robin asked quietly, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
Eddie’s brown eyes scanned over the players as he smirked. Just as he opened his mouth, the power went down. There was a collective gasp around the table and shuffling as they reached over to each other to ground themselves.
“The backup generator isn’t kicking in,” Nancy said.
“You guys have a backup generator?” Robin asked incredulously, feeling Nancy stand up next to her. “Where are you going?”
“My dad was so paranoid about Russians stealing electricity all over the country that he bought this expensive generator thing,” Nancy explained, “He’s kind of late on that, though. There should be extra flashlights and candles somewhere over here if the kids hadn’t gotten to them yet.”
“Here,” Jonathan said, flicking on his lighter. 
He found Nancy and helped her look through the cabinets for the emergency supplies. Their eyes adjusted to the dim light, not finding anything familiar in their surroundings. Nancy frowned, reaching out to touch one of the side tables. Her fingers touched something and she tugged on Jonathan’s sleeve to come closer. She had found a candle and he quickly dislodged it from the table and lit it up.
“What the hell,” he muttered, touching the wall that was no longer covered in wallpaper, but cold stone bricks. “Guys?”
He turned and saw that Nancy had done quick work in finding the other candles, handing each of their friends one. Steve scanned the area, scanning the dark corners of the room before announcing that it was clear. Robin ran her hands along the walls until she found a wooden torch hanging from a metal sconce. Eddie, being tall enough to pull it out, brought it over to her to light up.
Now, with a brighter light source, the party could see what had become of the room. Eddie stumbled back with wide eyes, convinced for a moment that he had fallen asleep on the couch of the Wheelers basement and would wake up at any minute. Steve stepped towards the table that they were playing at, frowning as he lifted the object that was now on his chair. A sword. A frickin’ sword.
“We’re not in Hawkins anymore,” Eddie mused, looking at Robin.
“No shit,” she muttered, “What is this? This isn’t the Upside Down. No creepy vines or particles in the air.”
“It’s like we were taken into a dungeon,” Jonathan said, joining Steve at the table where he found a traveler’s pack and knives at his seat.
Nancy looked at the new items on the table, their character sheets and minis gone and replaced with their character items and clothing. She gingerly picked up her new crossbow, testing its weight and how to hold it. She turned to Robin who was flipping through a book filled with runes that she couldn’t understand. Robin’s blue eyes widened, her jaw dropping as she scanned through it.
“I understand what this is,” Robin said in disbelief, “I can read this.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie muttered, “Are we in the game? Not the type of level of immersion I was imagining. I was thinking more like LARP or something, but…”
His eyes caught the sight of a thick leather book, replacing his DM notes and Monster Manual. He ran his fingers along the embossing of the cover, a shiver running down his spine as a whisper tickled the back of his mind. So, the others were their characters, he presumed. Steve was a paladin, Robin a wizard, Nancy a ranger, and Jonathan a rogue. He usually played a bard, but this? This screamed warlock. So, who was his patron?
 A noise from above jolted everyone from their state of shock, Steve taking position in front of the group with his great sword held at the ready. Nancy grabbed the nearest bolt and took a minute to figure out how to load the crossbow.
Footsteps neared the top of the stone stairs ahead of them, a warm glow leaking underneath the wooden door. Steve gripped the hilt and planted his feet in anticipation before the footsteps moved away. He exchanged a look with Nancy and Jonathan before moving towards the stairs. Robin jerked forward.
“Be careful, dingus,” she hissed.
Steve grimaced and gave her a nod, making his steps light as possible as he ascended. As he drew closer to the door, he began to hear bustling and chatter outside, like a bar or something. He turned to look at the group with a frown, lowering his sword to peek through the crack of the door. It was a bar. Well, some medieval bar. Tavern, as Eddie would describe it.
He made his way back down and described what he saw. They agreed to go up together, changing their outfits and packing their things before moving. With all the weird shit that they had dealt with throughout the years, they knew it was best to just roll with it and find out what’s going on to stop it. Steve was at the front again with Eddie, Robin, and Nancy in the middle, and Jonathan at the back. They pulled over the hoods of their cloaks and walked out, the sound of the tavern hitting them full force.
“Ah, adventurers!” A man with a full blonde mustache exclaimed, getting up from his table with arms spread open. “I’ve been awaiting your arrival. I am Sir Arthur Calthorn.”
“Have you?” Eddie asked, stepping forward.
“Oh, yes, indeed, Edmund the Banished. I’ve sent a letter to your guild for aid. Have you read it?”
“Guys?” Nancy held out a piece of parchment that appeared in her hand towards them.
“No fucking way,” Eddie muttered as Robin took it from her. “This is the exact letter I wrote out for you guys at the start of the game.”
“So, what? We gotta deal with this evil wizard again?” Jonathan asked.
“Precisely, Pentaxl, known by many circles as Ghostwalker for his quiet deposition and silent and quick movements. Nance Swifttaker, the deadliest and most precise shot of all the realms, a pleasure to see you as always. Magenta Silvertongue, genius polyglot and one of the most powerful spellcasters to ever grace the academy.” The man, Calthorn, nodded over to Nancy and Robin before clapping a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “And the brave Steven Oathkeeper, slayer of beasts and protector of man.”
“Why do you guys have cool introductions?” Eddie whined under his breath. Nancy smacked him in the shoulder, shaking her head.
“You must help us with the darkness that threatens to spread throughout the Forgotten Realms. If the darkness spreads, then all of humanity is lost.”
“Cool. This isn’t crazy at all,” Steve muttered, sharing a freaked out look with Robin.
“And what realm are we in exactly?” Robin asked.
“Abeir-Toril,” Eddie answered before Calthorn could say anything. “One of many planets that exists in the Torilian System or the Realmspace.”
“Sharp as always, Edmund the Banished,” Calthorn said, snapping his fingers.
Eddie grimaced. “Don’t call me Edmund.”
“We need to get back home,” Nancy said, bringing back the situation at hand. “We’re not from here.”
“Of course, Miss Swifttaker, but in order to return to your homeworld, you must complete this mission,” Calthorn said, nodding to the letter. “And a key will be granted to you to take you back. Now…”
He clapped his hands and the group was teleported outside of the tavern where horses and a carriage awaited them. They looked around at the bustling and seemingly thriving city that they found themselves in, a steady traffic of carriages through the main road, market stalls lining the other side of the street, layers upon layers of districts passed that, leading up to a grand building in the middle.
“Now, come along,” Calthorn urged, climbing into the carriage. “We will be needing to meet with the counsel before you five set off.”
“Uh, normally I wouldn’t get in the car with strangers, so what’s the call here?” Robin whispered.
“He said that we will be given a key once we stop the darkness or something,” Nancy said, “And it’ll take us home. Unless we find some other way to get back without having to deal with all of this… whether it’s some kind of dream or whatever, we just have to keep moving and stick together. That’s all we can do for now. If we gain more information about this place, we’ll know where to go next.”
“See, this is why Wheeler, sorry, Swifttaker, is the leader,” Eddie said with a grin. 
Jonathan nodded sagely. “So, who’s going in the carriage with the guy?”
“I’ll take one of the horses,” Steve offered, “I’m assuming that carriage can only fit four people, so…”
“I’ve got the crossbow, so I’ll take the other horse,” Nancy said.
“Okay, cool, but do you guys really think that we’ll be attacked in the middle of the city?” Robin asked, looking around. “Do you guys even know how to ride a horse?”
“I learned when I was little,” Steve said with a shrug.
Nancy nodded. “Me, too. It was during a rare Wheeler family vacation.”
“Ugh, rich people,” Eddie teased with a roll of his eyes. “I guess us peasants will take the fancy carriage, then. After you, m’lady.” 
He held a hand out to help Robin in and did the same for Jonathan, much to his amusement, after Jonathan squeezed Nancy’s hand and kissed her on the forehead. Eddie turned to Steve and smiled.
“Guard the carriage for us, won’t you, big boy?” he said with a wink.
“I don’t know, am I getting a kiss on the forehead, too?” Steve played along.
Eddie’s grin widened. He leaned forward and planted an obnoxiously wet kiss on his forehead before patting him on his reddening cheek. Nancy raised an eyebrow at Steve who looked dazed until she nudged his shoulder. Once everyone was in the carriage and the other two on the horses, the group set off for what Calthorn called the Guild Quarters.
“God, I feel like I’m going to wake up any minute, having fallen asleep because of how boring the campaign was,” Robin said, her eyes darting around out the window.
“Hey, you guys were totally enjoying it!” Eddie protested.
Jonathan sighed. “Just when I thought I’d seen everything.”
The carriage merged into the traffic, being carried away towards the center of the city. Nothing looked familiar to anyone except Eddie, who’s eyes kept getting impossibly bigger the deeper into the city they traveled, seeing the map he made come to life right before him.
“Well, whatever is happening, hopefully this is a cool send off for you three before you leave for college, huh?”
Eddie turned away, feeling something pinch in his mind. A low growl echoed through his brain, a cold feeling like tentacles wrapping around him made him flinch.
“Eddie,” a familiar voice purred.
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Ok so I still can’t get the drawing so I’ll see if the drawing program works tomorrow ig-
anyway maybe I’m a bit dumb for not knowing this before but I just found out that Diavolo and Simeon don’t like each other???? Was this common knowledge??
No worries at all! I'm honestly happy just chatting with you
Wait really??
I mean, in hindsight it makes sense, but huh. I had no idea.
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A Roundtable Discussion on Heavy Metal (and Melanie)
A few days ago, my boyfriend sent me a link to Lil Pump’s recent smash hit “Pump Rock x Heavy Metal” saying, and I quote, “DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS.” But it’s hard to not forcefully contaminate myself to music that is atrocious to make the good music all the more worthwhile. That’s how dedicated I am to my love of music.
Besides, I was meaning to explore this on my own anyways after hearing Lil Pump’s glorious, glorious weird scream-grunt noise on an Instagram story. Let’s review whether or not Mr. Gucci Gang is able to elevate two of rock’s most iconic subgenres to the modern age.
“Bob” help us.
The intro is, fittingly, the most stereotypical take on punk rock possible, and is probably most similar to what disconnected old farts think all punk rock sounds like. Mediocre Generica was the title of a (much more sonically interesting, if guilty pleasurable) Leftöver Crack album, and it fits here. Upon further reserach, last.fm tagged this song as rock, metal, nu metal, rap metal, drone metal avant-garde, beatdown hardcore, AND crossover thrash, so maybe my aural analysis is subpar. Maybe all this time I was actually the musical equivalent of one of those people who gets repulsed by eating anything better than McDonald’s and I had no idea. If so, I feel ashamed.
In this striking vein, I’ll give the rest of the song some credit: the production is actually interesting! Sonically, it’s more interesting and attention-grabbing than a lot of the more recent music I’ve heard, with an intense throbbing bass line that I particularly like. Too bad it’s got Lil Pump singing over it. I love having to hear scrawny men with awful hair sing about emo bitches and having a dagger dick, which is extremely disturbing. He calls himself a narcissist in this song, which makes sense with how self-indulgent and oblivious to common sense the lyrics are. As a complete outsider to the whole “emo rap” or whatever scene, I’m kind of fascinated by the repeated motif of wrist-slitting throughout the song - if this song is declaring itself “heavy metal,” does this mean that all those sensational news reports from the eighties about how those poor teens were beckoned to kill themselves because a Judas Priest song told them to, were actually true? It’s hard to overlook lyrical content when someone has such an awful voice.
This song seems to have been created for people who enjoy the concept of punk rock and heavy metal, but don’t have much knowledge in anything beyond the sloganeering and looking like you have street cred. I doubt Lil Pump has much knowledge past that regard either, or has any interest in going beyond it in his music.
I had been meaning to write this post for a short while, but I kept getting busy. But yesterday morning, the Instagram algorithm similarly offered me another current music faux pas that my masochistic brain just had to subject myself to, and I just had to get something about it out there. This time, it was a paragraph Melanie Martinez had written explaining one of the songs on her new album, because her fans are apparently too dumb to be able to come to their own conclusions about the meaning of her songs. She says:
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This is obviously the best thing to be reading while you’re preparing breakfast. Funnily enough, Lil Pump also alludes to period sex in his previously mentioned song.
I read the lyrics, which I refuse to link because they’re stupid, and I listened to as much of the song I could stand, which wasn’t very much. It sucked. You know when you only read the lyrics to a song and you come up with your own musical accompaniment in your head? I knew it wasn’t going to be as good as my brain’s assumptions, but I was stunned. You would think that an artist who is supposedly going through some radical image change would make music that similarly pushes boundaries, not just something created solely to be covered on a ukulele. It was one of the most mild mannered, unoffensive sounding songs I’d ever heard.
As for the lyrical content, it is sad to me how Melanie could not even come up with a basic metaphor to convey her idea. Like Little Pumperton, who uses the usual guns-and-cars flexing to communicate masculine hood prowess, Mel resorts to the most basic, blatant concepts to get across her point of being...a woman who exists and does things, I guess. As a cisgender young female, I technically should be on this song’s side, but it only comes off as condescending. I don’t need something that is completely natural and familiar to me explained to me in such, er, explicit terms. (“Womb shedding.” Gag.)
If I’m somewhere near the target audience for Melanie’s music in terms of my age and sex, then I’d say we deserve better. Young women can think for themselves and don’t need to be spoon-fed a fourteen year old’s concept of lyrical depth in order to feel “empowered.” Neither do young men need watered down portrayals of material wealth, hoe-wrangling, and glorified self harm. In today’s world, everyone fears being misunderstood. But the answer to that should not be undermining people’s intelligence and spoon-feeding them lowest common denominator nonsense. People should be allowed to bring their own interpretations to the songs they listen to and not have everything spelled out to them. Nuance and complexity are good things, and they should be present in what we see, read, and listen to. We should be encouraged to think critically about what we consume.
If we don’t, then...well, I guess we let songs like these take the world by storm.
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