#maybe i should draw him mewing
batcastlesociety · 2 months
Me when I have to bear witness to N!Trevor's 17-year-long mewing streak jawline once again:
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But really why does he look like that. is he okay
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Jesus fucking Christ my guy that jawline could do better damage then your morningstar
(original tumblr post here btw. didn't reblog it becauase i only wanted that first paragraph. idk man)
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dreamcastingdust · 2 years
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silly cats :3
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it flows and it flows and it flows
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cw. selfship-coded, f!reader (no specified anatomy), pre-canon, pre-relationship, childhood friend au, reader eats a defined devil fruit, love as sacrifice, denial of feelings + mutual pining, vulture culture mention
pairing. portgas d. ace x reader
synopsis. as a hydrophiliac, eating a devil fruit is a horrifying thought. as a pirate, eating a devil fruit is an incredibly dumb decision. you'll gladly embrace the horrors and stupidity to keep your loved ones safe.
notes. the way i planned on writing something else for my next childhood friend au installment but this decided it would be making a cameo first whoops. cover comes from monet's impression, sunrise (1872) it just reminds me of ace.
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For its moniker of Faerie Faerie Fruit, it isn’t pretty to look at.
The name itself invokes the imagery of translucent wings, tinkling laughter and pixie dust at your fingertips. The fruit in your hands invokes anything but the aforementioned. No, this fruit seems more akin to invoking something out of your nightmares with its gray and pruny peel. All the more damning is the way the face of the fruit is caved in, like a woman in mourning.
According to the encyclopedia you’d skimmed through, once upon a time, this isn’t even the ugliest the Faerie Faerie Fruit can achieve. That has been allocated to the sickly green Goblin model. Knowing this does nothing to quell how unsettling the fruit in your hands is to look at. A fitting feeling for Model Banshee, the variant of the Faerie Faerie Fruit that had fallen in your hands on this most recent adventure across the Moss Isles.
“You should eat it!” Wallace insisted at dinner with a sharp-toothed grin, holding his keg of beer in your direction. “Then the Spades'll finally have a power holder besides the captain!”
Ace squinted at the good-natured fishman with an offended pout, leaning over as best as he could with Kotatsu on his lap. “So I’m not good enough now, Wallace?” The gray lynx mewed, disgruntled at the movement and Ace settled down. “It’s nice to know how you really feel!” In spite of his words, Ace’s lips were curled into a smile as he snickered. He blended perfectly against the Grand Line’s reddening sky, carmine and vermillion painted against the clouds.
“Won’t it be confusing to have two banshees on the ship though,” you asked with a half-smile in return, nodding in the direction of the strawberry blonde. At the mention of her name, the woman grinned at you impishly.
“Maybe you should sell it to me then,” the ginger nodded in satisfaction at the thought. “Then I really would be a banshee!”
“You want it?” You leaned over with intrigued.
As quickly as she brought it up, Banshee shot it down, “no offense to Ace, but if I’m gonna be a pirate,” she gestured beyond the borders of the Spadille, to the sea itself. “I want the security of knowing I won’t drown if I fall into the ocean.” A chorus of laughter followed as Ace whined that his eating the Flame Flame Fruit had only been an accident. A very unforeseen accident.
In one exchange, you were brought back to square one.
You sigh, unable to help a few chuckles. It’s only luck your time on Sixis Island didn’t result in you losing your ability to swim then when you unknowingly bit into the Flame Flame Fruit. Being the first to bite into it, only Ace received any abilities from it. As much as he hadn’t been prepared to eat the thing, however, you can admit it is an ability that suits him.
Ace is like a flame that draws in anyone lucky enough to notice its glow. You want more and more people to see it and relish the warmth of your friend as much as you do.
That doesn’t mean you want to necessarily join him in the ranks of being cursed to drown should you fall into a body of water. Eat, sell or toss it back into the depths for someone else to discover. Those are the only options for a person who finds a devil fruit.
“You shouldn’t eat it anyway,” Ace told you softly when the conversation moved on to a different topic. “You love swimming.”
You love water as easily as you breathe. It has been one of your best friends since your childhood on Dawn Island.
You remember jumping into crocodile infested rivers.
You can hear Luffy’s sniffles as he clung to you desperately. How Sabo sighed, “Can’t you become one with the water in a way that doesn’t look like you drowned?” How Ace, whose face donned more scowls than smiles at 10, rasped a fist against your head in agreement and ranting all the while.
You recall the cool of the returning tide as you looked for seashells on the beach. Then you’d take each one back to Dadan’s, resting them beside your growing collection of unconventional treasures of mummified paws, empty turtle shells and dissected owl pellets. Seashells and stones were the bones of the sea and earth respectively, your grandfather had told you once, so they belonged with your treasure trove as much as any of your other finds.
I wonder if Dadan’s tossed all that out by now, you wonder vaguely. Well if she does, I hope she doesn’t touch my eggs. Protect ‘em for me, Luffy. You remember the beaming haul of large anaconda eggs you’d painted over after Dadan cracked them open for breakfast. There had been four for each of you.
A yellow egg for Luffy, a red egg for Ace and blue for Sabo before you finally painted one over in your own favorite color. You think Sabo’s egg is the collective favorite of the members of your quartet that remain.
It’s only been 7 months or so since you left your life on Dawn Island but it feels like it has been years. Yet throughout it all, the ocean had been a steady companion.
You love it as an extension of your very being.
And yet…
Sloppily drawn eggs and raucous laughter filling the air when you should have been sleeping flood your mind. Your eyes rest on the creepy fruit resting in your hand once again. You don’t necessarily desire joining Ace and Luffy in the ranks of incurring the disdain of the sea, truly. But-
“Flameo, Hotman,” you say suddenly at the approaching heat and footsteps that announce Ace’s presence before his words can.
Ace grins as he rests his arms on the edge of the Spadille, “how’d you know it was me,” he asks unnecessarily, sea breeze running its invisible fingers through his wavy locks. Your eyes crinkle from how you smile at the sight. 
You nudge him carefully, fingers tightening slightly over the fruit in your hands, “I felt the furnace getting closer and closer.”
Ace snorts, signature grin on his face. It should feel stranger, seeing him smile so much when he tended to frown and furrow his brow constantly when you were children, but it doesn’t. Smiles suit Ace more than any other expression you’ve seen him have in the past. “What are you over here thinking about?” His eyes dart to the fruit in your hands. “Are you gonna throw it back?”
“It certainly crossed my mind,” you admit with a shrug. Maybe if you hadn’t stopped to think about the past, you would have. The fact you hesitated is more than enough of a sign that your heart hadn’t been into the idea. “I changed my mind, though.”
“What does it do anyway?” Ace poked the wrinkly face with a curious finger.
“Banshees are supposed to be some kind of faerie of death,” you think back to your base information you know about the beings the fruit derives its name. “When someone is gonna die soon, they scream and keen to let people know. But that’s about all that’s really known about ‘em. When you think about it, it kinda suits me, huh?” He hums thoughtfully, looking at the thing deeply and you continue on. “Remember when you gave me my first turtle shell?”
The freckled man’s face softens with a nostalgic smile, “Dadan said boys are supposed to give girls flowers not corpses.” You can hear the cranky woman’s voice even now, exasperated at how you excitedly twirled with the item in your hand. She never quite understood your interest in vulture culture but beside the odd complaint, she never discouraged it.
“I thought it was pretty cool,” you snicker in return. “But you probably should default to flowers whenever you find someone you like. I don’t know if they’d be as appreciative as me.” Whoever that person is, they’ll be lucky. You disregard the strange itch in your chest and thoughts of sky blue hair as Ace rolls his eyes with a chuckle. He may think the idea of someone loving him is ludicrous but he’s an idiot when it comes to such notions.
Portgas D. Ace is special and deserves to be loved in a special way. He will be, someday.
With a sigh, you turn so your back is facing the edge of the ship rather than your front. “Anyways,” you divert the topic back to the former. “I have to admit that it’s pretty useful, objectively thinking. There’s a lot of people out there who wanna avoid death like the plague.” Your heart clenches uncomfortably once more, albeit for a reason you can discern.
Ace nods at your words, “it’ll definitely go for a lot when we get to the next island. So try not to accidentally drop it now that you’ve decided you won’t be doing it intentionally.”
“Oh shut up,” you snort but not unkindly.
But he’s right, this would probably go for a shit ton, not that you know how many berries most devil fruit go for on the market. A devil fruit that grants its user the ability to sense death, however, certainly is above the average.
A smile missing a tooth comes to mind and you have to stop yourself from squeezing additional indents into the Faerie Faerie Fruit. The rough hands of your grandfather covering your own as he shows you how hook a worm follows.
Sabo and Grandpa are gone, there’s no bringing them back.
There are people you love who are still here though, your thumb brushes against the face of the fruit. Indented in anguish as it silently screams for the imminent loss of life. You glance at Ace who is content to stare out at the waves carrying the crew to its next destination. You feel yourself smiling again before you can stop yourself, wistful.
You love the water, it’s as easy as breathing. It’s been your best friend for as long as you could remember.
You remember listening with giddy awe to your grandfather recounting how taking you out the bath as a baby was nigh impossible unless the tub was empty first.
You can hear Makino’s panic as you groggily wake up, realizing you fell asleep in the midst of your floating. Your head hung sheepishly as she scolded you, voice uncharacteristically sharp about the dangers of falling asleep in the ocean. “Heaven forbid the sea king was around!”
You recall the shared panic of Luffy falling underneath a lake’s surface, you, Ace and Sabo diving after him in unison.
If you could become the ocean itself, you’d gladly do so and let your limbs dissolve into it and feel the pulse of every living creature residing within.
Another sigh slips from your lips as you look over your shoulder at the sunset-stained gem the Piece of Spadille sails across. I’m really going to miss being in it. You don’t necessarily want the curse eating a devil fruit will bring, but even if you can’t swim in it anymore you will find ways to still enjoy it.
With solidified determination, you bite into the ominous fruit resting in your hands without a second thought.
At your movement, Ace looks in your direction.
His eyes go from inquisitive to as wide as dinner plates in the span of seconds, calling out your name in frantic surprise. “What are you doing?!” Large, freckled hands reach for you and you side step him immediately before breaking into a run. “Spit it out!”
God this tastes awful, you nearly gag but you force yourself to swallow the piece anyway. Hearing heavy boots chasing after you, you bite into the wrinkled fruit once more. Just in case the first bite doesn’t take.
“Um, [First]?” You barely hear Deuce’s confused reaction. “Ace?”
“Can you stop Ace for me? Thanks!” You call back to the masked man.
“Stop her from being an idiot!” Ace shouts after you.
The Masked Deuce smartly decides being neutral is his only course of action. “You guys figure it out! We’ll, uh, we’ll be over here!”
You could squeal from how close he is but you manage to bite into the foul-tasting flesh a final time before warm arms wrap around your waist, preventing further escape. You swallow instinctively.
“[First]!” You pull against how he tries to grapple your possession from your hands. Try as you might, you aren’t able to get a fourth bite in. You squeeze your eyes shut, not that it does much but it does prevent you from seeing what is undoubtedly an Ace with a frown.
“Can’t spit out anything,” you cry before Ace can start that up once again. It is far too late for the man to do anything about your consuming the Faerie Faerie Fruit. “I already bit into the shit three times!”
“But why?!” Ace asks incredulously. 
“Because it’s useful! I’m not giving this sort of ability up!” You stop wriggling, knowing it is redundant when you’ve already done what you’ve set out to do. “I just,” you open your eyes, downcast. “I don’t want to lose anyone else I care about.”
If you were to ever sense Ace or Luffy’s deaths, it will break you. At least you know in those moments, you’ll be able to do something about it. There doesn’t have to be anymore Grandpas or Sabos, not for you. Not if you can stop it. You’ll gladly eat a dozen more Faerie Faerie Fruits if it gives you any ability to keep them safe.
There’s a pause then a groan of resignation as your feet touch the deck again. I guess there’s no point in eating anymore of this, you look at what remains of the fruit. You aren’t sure exactly how it will change you in ways beyond a newly acquired death ping. You resign yourself to eating the rest regardless.
The silence isn’t entirely uncomfortable but it isn’t comfortable either, it just is. There’s nothing else that can be done about your decision.
“You can’t ever take this back, you know,” his voice is soft.
“I know,” you murmur after the last of the devil fruit has been eaten. “I don’t need the ocean like that anyway.” You will find new ways to enjoy it. Finally you turn to look at the man who has been your closest friend since you were 10. You were practically family. Family, that’s right. Family looks out for each other. You are going to look out for Portgas D. Ace whether he likes it or not, you promised yourself this after you met Old Man Naguri.
Even as Ace looks at you with equal parts acceptance and sorrow on your behalf, you think the sacrifice is worth it. It’s bitter but the sweet in your chest outweighs it.
“That’s one more thing we have in common,” you try to lighten the mood. “Paramecia and Logia differences aside.”
Ace sighs but he gives you a snicker of courtesy, “I would have been fine with us not having this in common.”
“Eeeh, you’ll get over it.” I’ll get over it, you chuckle, turning back to face the horizon. The sun’s almost been swallowed entirely by the sea and there are more things dotting the sky than you remember there being a few minutes ago. Your eyes widen at the ghastly image of whales swimming through the skies as if unaware their time has passed many moons ago.
Whales, stingrays, sharks and unidentifiable fish as far as you can see.
A silent procession across the Grand Line only for your newly acquired eyes. It almost makes you want to cry.
“Is everything alright,” Ace draws you back in, eyebrows knit in concern.
You wonder if Grandpa and Sabo’s ghosts are gallivanting about Dawn Island.
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blues-sues · 17 days
I'm working on crackships I swear... 😭 Have some art in the mean time!
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These are some mew twos! Basically testing how a more mewtish 'two would look but I couldn't decide exactly how to go about it.
I ended up really liking the brown one in the second image as well as the one to the left of it... But also very much enjoying the one in the first image in the top left XD decisions... 😭 They were meant to be ADOPTS!!!!!!! Why do I do this to myself
@phlurrii actually now owns the spotty one in the second image! They clicked with it and I didn't so X3 I think it's a much better home hehe
If anyone's interested in my process for these specific kinds of designs, I saved two wips XD
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Anyway! Most recent art is a mirage mew because we watched the special in a call! (I feel violent towards it when it makes noise grrr)
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A design I have yet to finalize 😢... Sometimes when I'm about to sleep, I'll get sudden inspiration or a sudden design idea so I'll get up and very hastily draw a sketch and give a rough coloring (usually I wait until after lineart to do coloring at all even for new designs... maybe I should do concept sketches first more often instead of just one shotting XD)
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noodel,,, why him so nakey,,, put on pants,,, pls,,,
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Another spur of the moment middle of the night drawings. This one is meant to be a Rayquaza! I'll finish that eventually
Anyways,,, bye bye
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Will’s Creation Powers: A Man, His Dog, and a Baseball Bat
I don’t think I’ve ever made my own concrete creation power post that actually went into detail about this, so let’s discuss how the monsters in the Upside Down perfectly align with Will’s fear of his dad.
Pretty long post and discussions of child abuse under the cut
So right now my working theory is that while Will was being abused by Lonnie as a child, Will’s consciousness traveled to the Upside Down as a place of safety. There, Will subconsiously manifested his fears as the monsters in the UD.
We aren’t told in the show exactly how long the monster have been living in the UD. Perhaps with The First Shadow we will know more, but as far as we know it’s possible they haven’t always been there. We just know that they’ve been there at least before Henry got there, meaning that he at least didn't create them.
Why Do I Think Will Has Creation Powers?
I guess maybe I should explain why I believe that Will has creation powers in the first place.
Let's say you had a character that had certain powers, but you couldn't reveal them until the final season, how would you hint at them so they don't come out of nowhere, all without blatantly revealing them?
Will's art has been a staple of his character since the first season, it's even been used in regards to major plot points. IE Joyce recognizing that El's art in the lab is not Will's art, and Will drawing the tunnels in season two. Will uses art as an outlet for his creativity, but he also uses it to express his emotions, such as hurt, fear, or love.
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We also know that Henry needs Will for something, although what exactly hasn't been stated. I don't personally believe that Will was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, given how much we have been shown in season 4 is actually very calculated by Henry. We do know, however, that Henry wants to destroy the world in order to rebuild it in his image. So how would he gain access to an ability like that?
In season two, we learn through Kali that some power users have abilities that other power users don't have. Kali is able to create visions for other people. We also learn that gate opening in a power unique to El, and the "Vecna Visions" that we see is something that we've only seen Henry do. If Will had a power unique to him, and that power was related to his art, it wouldn't come out of nowhere.
Lonnie the Demogorgon
I’ll start with Lonnie, which will lead us to all of the other monsters. He is the main perpetrator here. kaypeace21 has a ton of theory posts on her page that goes into a lot of detail, I reccommend checking them out since it’s my main source of inspiration for this theory.
In my mind the coding between the demogorgon and Lonnie is pretty clear. Lonnie was mentioned as a possible suspect as to who Will could be with. The demogorgon eats its eggs. Lonnie is the predator that is hunting down and hurting his family. Demogorgon literally means “deep father.”
I wanna point out this scene too. Will is talking to Joyce through the wall and he says “It’s coming!” in reference to the demogorgon. It’s not the very next scene, but the next scene with Joyce shows Lonnie arriving at the Byers home.
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Chester the Demodog
When the demogorgon appears outside of Will’s house on the night he vanished, Chester barks at the door. (Notice too how Chesters head is positioned right next to a plant, similar to how demodogs have flower shaped heads) When Jonathan goes to see Lonnie a little later, there’s a dog barking in the distance.
Perhaps, whenever Lonnie would come home, maybe after a night of drinking, Chester would bark signaling his return? Maybe Will associates Chester barking with his father?
One of the demodogs, formerly D’Art, was being kept as a pet by Dustin. Chester was Will’s former pet, who seemed to die before the season where demodogs are introduced. D'Art also killed Dustin's other pet, Mews, creating another dead pet correlation.
The Baseball Demobat
This one might seem like the biggest stretch, but if you pair it up with the other two it may not be that far of a reach. We know from season one that Lonnie used to bring Will to baseball games, baseball games that Will didn't even like going to. I propose in a theory here that baseball games may be associated with a particularly bad memory for Will. We see that Will did hold on to a baseball bat, which he uses to destroy Castle Byers with.
The demobats have long tails, similar to the long hilt of a baseball bat.
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In season 4, when being attacked by the demobats, Steve grabs one by the tail and swings it to the ground like a baseball bat. Steve is also a character who was seen using a bat before in season 2.
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Proposed Timeline:
When Will is a young child, he is abused by his father (possibly on his birthday?)
Will consciousness travels to the Upside Down, and possibly links with the Shadow Monster
Through a fear response, Will creates the monsters in the Upside Down as he associates them with the abuse of his father
Will, however, doesn't remember this abuse (similar to how El doesn't remember the massacre of the lab)
In season 5, Will will likely have to confront these missing memories and his powers will reawaken
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savethevamps · 1 year
Reasons We Love Top Tanin
Earlier today I posted a breakdown of the scenes in which Top was SA, now I wanna give him some love because Top Tanin is a sweetheart damnit!
Also, what I said in my other post applies here too, we can discuss Top as a character, but blatant and random hate is unnecessary.
With that being said, here’s a list of Top’s best qualities:
1. His confidence! The first thing I loved about Top was how confident he was, you can tell just by the way he walks that he knows he’s the hottest guy in the room. Not to mention how sure he was in his pursuit of Mew, he never let himself get discouraged and always had an air of easy confidence no matter what.
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2. How slow to anger he is, without being a pushover. We’ve seen Top get berated on more than one occasion, and he’s never been shown as angry in most of these confrontations. Besides looking slightly annoyed, he’s usually seen as being calm and sometimes even amused.
3. His quick remarks and comebacks. As I said, Top is no pushover! He’ll let people go on about whatever they feel, but not for too long, and he especially won’t ever let them think they have the upper hand. I love how he gets when people try and behave as though they’re above him, he always knocks them down a few pegs (as he should).
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4. The pride he takes in looking his best. Top is well dressed, well groomed, and he just seems to take the best care of himself. He has a routine that he seems to do religiously, and he always dresses his best which adds to that air of confidence he carries around. Like I said before, he knows he’s the hottest in the room, and that comes from his own knowledge that he takes good care of himself. (I need a Top focused episode so I can watch his everyday routines in detail)
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5. His general idgaf-ness. Top is not the type to get involved in drama, or care about what other people are doing. He’s not a gossip, and he stays in his own business until someone drags him into their own. We don’t see him pay attention to rumors spread by others, most likely because he knows how untrue they can be, but also because he doesn’t care enough to pay attention to it.
6. His willingness to grow and be better. Top is not resistant to change, he can evaluate his life, see what’s not working, and actually do something about it. If he’s wrong, he says he’s wrong without any excuses and holds himself accountable. When his boyfriend explained why he wasn’t comfortable with him doing drugs, he listened and decided to stop asap. He never went back on that, even if maybe he’s been tempted. That just shows that he’s always willing to hear genuine criticism and use it as a way to grow. Anyway I can talk for days about this so let’s move on!
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7. How artistic he is! Top is a very creative guy it’s amazing, he’s constantly shown to be a talented artist. Every time we saw Top with Mew, he was drawing and being the artist boyfriend everyone begs for. I also love the fact that we were able to see him in his element at the hostel, the scenes were brief but they definitely showed how serious Top takes his artistry as far as his career is concerned.
8. How he cares for his significant other. We all know Top is #1 in the boyfriend department, and I don’t think that’s something that’s new! I’m pretty sure that although his past relationship(s) have been brief, he has taken care of them and met whatever needs they have. A good example of this is the fact he learned about how Mew gets his experiences from books and decided to take him on all these new, and creative adventures/dates to help him have real life experiences. He definitely will adjust to his partners needs in other to make sure they’re always fulfilled and happy.
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9. How gentle he is. Top Tanin is a gentle guy okay? He’s definitely someone who would rather use soft touches than rough ones. He rarely raises his voice, he speaks softly but with enough assertiveness to make you listen, and he talks to his boyfriend so sweetly.
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10. Him being a blatant sweetheart! I started this post just to talk about this, Top Tanin is the world’s sweetheart. He’s kind to people he doesn’t know without expecting anything in return. The way he would constantly reassure Mew? Sometimes he’d do it subtlety, other times it was obvious. When he gave Nick that advice about staying away from Boston, look he definitely had no reason for doing that, other than him just being a sweetheart. His active listening, he always gives his full attention even when he may not like what’s being said.
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So what did we learn? Top Tanin is a Sweetheart, with some pretty likeable (cough loveable cough) qualities! These qualities should be appreciated more in my opinion! More people should see how good this guy is! I’m screaming this from the rooftops constantly, let’s all scream it together until Top hears us.
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thewayuarent · 1 year
I feel like if I didn’t see the next week preview I would’ve been totally fine (maybe a bit irritated) with Ray right now. Like when I saw them with Mew I was like “yeah, you both are stupid”, but whatever. I mean it’s not like them with Sand discussed anything about their relationship, so I didn’t have any hard feelings towards him. I know, Sand being sad affects people but honestly speaking Ray has every right to go after Mew.
But. But. But. The fucking audacity he has here is just drawing me to the point of anger. Ray, honey, what the actual fuck? And just the way he tells it aaaaaghr (his face looks so punchable here I can’t and I’m against violence)
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Also - yes, you can have feelings for whoever you want. Take those feelings and put them deep inside and don’t fucking make them Sand’s problem you selfish bitch.
So yeah, this is my problem. Maybe I should stop watch previews it doesn’t help me being logical at all.
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hay1ock · 1 year
Happy fucking birthday, indeed. Only Friends Episode 6 was absolutely insane. And I loved it.
So, what did we learn from this episode? That’s right, don’t get LASIK.
Like, if Mew hadn’t agreed, Top wouldn’t have bumped into Sand, wouldn’t have pissed off Sand, who then wouldn’t have… etc etc.
But lucky for us they did, because this episode was hella entertaining.
What follows is nonsense, my descent into insanity as I ramble myself in circles, go off at many a tangent and fail to keep my thoughts in any sort of order 😵‍💫
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So, Top and Mew. Just when I actually started to like them as a couple shit hits the fan. Them by the pool just hanging around discussing Mew’s mums was the first time I felt as if I could get on board their relationship. I mentioned before how their scenes always left me feeling anxious. There was always this push and pull, a sense of doom, and, I don’t know if sleazy is the right word, maybe, I don’t know, but they left me feeling a little bit icky - I think it was the giving up drugs for sexual favours scene that really got me.
The main problem with the relationship for me has always been Top, and to be honest, his interactions with others this episode still left me uneasy and ready to jump back off the TopMew ship. The way he acts makes me feel like he’s treating Mew like a possession, I talked about it in previous episodes but I felt it again here, both in his conversation with Sand and then during Ray’s confrontation and how he wrapped his arm around Mew as if in ownership, that he’d ‘won’ a prize. He certainly plays up to what you’d think a rich hotel owner’s asshole son should be at times.
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Now I can’t decide if Mew is just as bad in terms of being control driven - he has his list, which I don’t think there’s anything wrong with. I mean a non-drug user would probably rank kinda high on my list too. Top is definitely changing himself but it feels like there’s always something Top gets out of it. Giving up drugs = sexual activity, No sleeping around = a relationship and eventually Mew’s virginity. I don’t know. I mean they’re not exactly big asks of anyone looking to be in a 2 person, exclusive relationship. Top is just overtly possessive, at least to me as the audience and I guess to Ray at times. BUT THEN, he can be incredibly sweet around Mew like the notebook of drawings was a really lovely and personal present, and the way he was looking after Mew after his LASIK… it’s just… there’s something about him that irks me, even trying to forget the additional stuff we know about him and Boston, he makes me uneasy.
And now that ending scene between these two we have THE reveal and the lead up to it. I thought it was absolutely brilliant the way Mew seduced Top and lulled him into this vulnerable state to then bring out the recording. Book was great as Mew here. You can feel his building frustration, at first to get Top to tell the truth, then how he started thinking it was a plan to make a fool of him, to him feeling he isn’t good enough for someone like Top - the supposed top-tier.
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But, Top? I can not believe he was still trying to hide the truth about his recent encounter with Boston, at first only referring to the fact they had hooked up before ever knowing Mew. I genuinely believe he loves Mew, maybe he thought he could salvage things by not confessing. Despite my feelings about Top I do have some sympathy for him. He fucked up, he told Boston it had been a mistake. I do feel like he was trying to be a better person since then. I don’t know what would have happened if he’d confessed sooner. I’m still annoyed at him for wrongly getting on his high horse over Ray and Mew, and instead of talking to Mew somehow saw a kind of ‘revenge’ sex as the appropriate reaction, but yeah, I’m a little bit sympathetic. A little. I don’t know how things will go from here on. Can there be a future for them? And how will Top cope with his sleep issues if he’s back to being alone?
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Next up Nick. Well he finally got himself a photo. Probably because it was from a day out not a post-sex selfie. There wasn’t much story-wise that was just about him, but he certainly had his moments with Boston. In isolation, not gonna lie, they’re kind of good together like the scene on the pier. That moment though with Gap showing up. The hypocrisy from Boston about videoing people without consent, literally moments after Nick had just called him out for recording Ray and Mew, and also outing Ray loving Mew…💀
Despite what Boston and his dad discussed in front of Nick, he seems to keep falling for Boston’s sweet words and intimate touches. Nick’s no angel, but I feel really bad for him. He just keeps getting pulled back in. I don’t know if he still had any intention to use the recording with Boston’s focus seeming to be solely on him at the moment. He had been getting Boston’s undivided attention, or at least Nick and we assume so. I don’t think it’ll take Boston too long to get to the bottom of things when Top tells him about Mew having the evidence, especially considering Top knows that Nick knows about him and Boston hooking up, and saw Nick and Sand together at the apartments, throw in Boston knowing about Ray and Sand, that Ray confronted him, and then his outburst alluding to it in the bar, and the chain is complete. It’s going to hurt.
And so onto Boston. Was nice to get to know a bit more about him and his dad, well I say nice, but Boston definitely had a ‘look’ on his face when his dad kind of brushed off his love of photography (almost made me feel for him lol - no but it must be hard to have something you love poo-pooed), and it did feel like he was trying to make his dad ‘proud’ of the fact he’s playing the field and not settling down. I guess I understand (Understand Boston? What am I saying lol) where he’s coming from in terms of not getting attached to anyone if his intentions are to go to New York, which I think for arty, photography stuff would probably be a good fit. But, the way his words work on Nick and some of the moments he shares with him, I do wonder if deep down he would like something more significant than a bunch of fwbs and fuck buddies. He’s jealous his friends are moving on. Maybe not Mew so much as he had his ‘innocent’ virgin status, but from Ray’s speech it sure sounded like Boston told him a lot about his conquests, whether that was to rub them in Ray’s face for some reason, or he thought he had himself a ‘slutty brother in arms’? Who knows.
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When Ray came to confront Boston, Boston sure managed to turn that conversation around quickly. He’d been casting glances at Ray all day as Ray seemed continually over everything going on within the friends group. When they clashed again he was able to twist things and make Ray doubt himself. And while I’m sure deep down Ray would love to be Mew’s knight in shining armour and them ride off into the sunset in love, I’m pretty sure he knows that will never happen. But Boston poked at him, put that doubt in his mind at how his intentions would be viewed - that he would be accused of doing it to get Mew, that he would be as ‘evil’ and be the one destroying Mew’s happiness. Boston is definitely clever with words. I’m looking forward to seeing him kicked into the pool next episode.
And now for Sand and Ray. Sand really showed he has a greyer side to the straightforward, work hard for everything guy we’d gotten used to the last few episodes. Top really got to him, lauding over him that he’d ‘changed’ and got himself his new man, the fact he could get anyone he wanted, ie Sand’s ex. I can’t imagine a guy stealing your lover and in no more than 3 months (based on what we know of Top’s longest relationship) he’s already moved on from that person… I’d be furious and wondering what the hell was the point of all the heartbreak? Honestly, having seen the trailer, breaking his phone to get his hands on Boston and Top’s audio was no where on my list of reasons for Sand stamping on his phone lol. But that was a pretty smart idea. Not sure what Nick noticed on his phone afterwards, maybe the lack of a phone call, or something to do with the method Sand sent himself the audio file. But I don’t think it’ll take him too much to figure out what Sand did when he learns of what’s gone on beyond Ray’s outburst.
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I’m sure Sand thought it was an amazing idea handing the file over to Ray. He certainly lit the fuse on the powder keg that is Ray. Him saying about how great it is Mew has Ray at his side? - manipulation skill unlocked lol. I don’t know what he thought would happen or if there was anything more to it than getting back at Top but I’d like to think he wasn’t trying to get back at Ray for liking Mew by making him the bad guy. At the very least, it seemed Ray getting on that mic and making a huge scene was not quite how he’d seen it going.
Going back to Sand meeting with Ray. I felt so bad for Ray. It really felt as if he’d turned up with hopes he and Sand could maybe have a conversation about Mew, maybe even about the two of them. Instead, he was shut down not once but twice more by Sand saying he was fine with Ray liking Mew, echoing the same sentiments Sand had shared on the night things kicked off with Boston that it’s ‘nothing to do with him’.
Was it just me who thought Ray wrapping his hand around the cue ball was damn hot? 🫠 Honestly, the choice of fingers he wears his rings on too, I just… ahem. Anyway, what was I saying? Yeah, him grabbing the ball and basically telling Sand to get to the point was seriously a moment. I’m not 100% sure how he felt about Sand’s words after that, whether he felt as manipulated as Sand’s little side-eye suggested he was being, but clearly at the end of the evening Ray was absolutely done with everybody at that party. And to be fair, I kind of agree. (Also, I’m going to assume Sand renamed the file to Top & Boston - as much as I’d like to assume he knows Boston’s moans cos I’m a NeoKhao getting out the friendzone even just once enthusiast. I’d give him assuming the other voice is Top as Sand said it concerns Mew lol)
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And so, we reach the party. The awkward conversation at the table had me like 💀Cheum has always been vocal in her praise of Top - I think I said on episode one about how Top had probably been viewed as this top tier prize to win/be fucked by, and Mew had likely been a breath of fresh air - honestly, I felt a bit bad for April the way Cheum was so besotted with the awesomeness that is Top lol, and then we shift to thanking God Boston, and then apparently forgetting Ray existed for a moment as she got excited everybody was paired off with someone. Even Boston. Also, this friends group need to have better nicknames for each other, what with Ray the Burden and now Boston the Heartless Slut. I know people call each other all sorts when they’re friends, even seemingly offensive names, but sometimes people need to read the room lol. It seems anything but playful banter at times. Following being forgotten, we then have April pointing out Ray is in fact single. I was sat here thinking, please stop poking at him. It was only adding to the tension and left me wondering at what point Ray would actually snap. Even without the added knowledge of Boston and Top, if I was Ray I’d have been seriously considering if it was time to find some new friends, preferable ones that enjoyed activities away from places that serve alcohol. Because no sooner has Ray been pointed out to be a loveless loser, we have Mew opening their conversation in the bathroom by asking if he’s drunk already.
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I know Mew cares about Ray, asks him to stop drinking and doing drugs, and there’s only so much Mew or anyone else can do if Ray isn’t ready to help himself or accept help from others, but I don’t know, people expect him to be drunk, to be a burden, and I just feel like there comes a point where Ray, or anybody else, would just give up and act as expected.
(Possibly triggering stuff ahead as I refer back to episode 4)
Focusing on the conversation between them. It felt very ‘final’ and echoed a similar weight to it as the scene of Ray in the bathtub. The thanking him for being his friend, the hug. It might not have been so much the same thoughts right then as we’d had at the start of episode 4, but I think he probably believed somewhat in what Boston had said, he would be the bad guy, people would only view his intentions through the lens of him loving Mew and trying to split up Top and Mew, and in turn Ray loses Mew completely. So it really did feel like a goodbye. I don’t know if Mew got those vibes too, like he felt uneasy and that’s why he insisted Ray shouldn’t drive home, that he was worried about him, but for me there was this heaviness surrounding Ray.
We now know that Ray changed his mind and told Mew the truth about Top and Boston. He knew Mew might not like it and see his intentions in a bad light, but I’m glad he went through with it in the end. As he said later, no one else was saying a damn thing. I see people hung up on Ray being jealous, but I feel above everything else it is about Mew’s, and only Mew’s, happiness. When it comes down to it he’d rather tell him and risk being the villain, so long as Mew is okay. And so we shift to Ray taking the mic. I interpret him doing this out of a mix of things - frustration that even well into the night (despite Mew’s noticeable shift in mood when we catch sight of him again) everybody was singing and dancing as if everything was perfect, and to me, I feel like he was mad Mew hadn’t acted, not mad at Mew though, mad for Mew. That the person he cherishes the most seemed to have let Top and Boston’s behaviour slide, seemed to be accepting it when in Ray’s eyes he deserves so much more. And so fueled with alcohol, disappointed in almost everyone, he hit self destruct on each and every one of his relationships.
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I enjoyed Khaotung’s performance and delivery. It hurt to see Ray that way, that look after being hit by the only person he considered to have shown him any care, and as he scanned the crowd, saw how everyone was looking at him. I feel like Mew punched him for a few reasons. Sure he might have had a plan for Top, he also seems someone to like order, have control and Ray was taking that from him, but I also like to think he was trying to stop Ray from going too far, snap him out of his tirade. If he got into an actual fight with someone like Top whose family are rich and the fact Top hates Ray, I could see Top pressing charges. I feel like Mew was in part saving Ray from himself and from saying or doing anything that he couldn’t take back, or might reap serious consequences.
I do, however, support Ray calling out everyone’s bullshit (plus it’s a tv show so it’s damn entertaining lol), even Sand. Their relationship started as a transaction and all he’s heard from Sand recently is they are nothing to each other. The moment outside by the car, I feel that if Sand hadn’t yet again denied they were anything to each other, Ray may well have stayed. Instead, his expression drops and he pushes him away, calls him a whore. Sand had ‘whored’ out his time, that’s how they had started, and Ray maybe assumes that’s all they had ever been. So, having burdened his friends once more, severed his connections to them, I don’t think Ray cared what happened to him after getting in that car and driving away. Luckily Sand did, motivated by caring for Ray, for anyone that could be caught in the fallout, and of course by his own guilt for putting Ray on this path in the first place.
I can’t wait for the next episode.
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Oh my goodness. If you read all of that you’re a real trooper lol. I swear I start these the night of the episode and yet I’m still adding extra ramblings all through the week lol. I do enjoy it though. It’s kind of therapeutic to just get it all out. Stress relief 😆
Previous ramblings.
Episode 5 | Episode 4 | Episode 3 | Episode 2 | Episode 1
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
For @emmalovesfitzloved Clace Christmas present shopping in NYC- what does that look like? Who are they getting for what? What are they getting Malec’s kids? What r they thinking of getting each other? Era can be post engagement or already married
"Well, well, well," Jace said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. It was warm, lined with wool and fleece, functional in the way that he liked and sexy in the way that Clary appreciated. "Looks like we're in for quite the day."
Christmas in Times Square was always a ridiculous affair. One time, Jace and Clary had run into a homeless guy dressed as Santa, and when they bought him a paper cup of cider he'd turned out to be an Eidolon demon that thanked them with a surprise attack. Another time they had almost squared down with a group of teenagers who were trying to climb onto a bus selling Christmas-themed trinkets. Clary had giggled at them, clearly remembering all of the shamefully stupid antics that she and Jace had gotten up to at their age, and the kids had glared daggers at them in a way that made Jace wish he could attack. "We're not going to fight some kids, Jace," Clary said, yanking him away by the hand. "We're way too old for that."
"But what is I want to fight?" His voice was a lazy drawl. "What if I want to feel alive?"
"Then you can start by finding the perfect gift for your new fiancee," she said. A small smile played on her lips, and Jace thought about how he wanted to kiss each of her freckles individually before dragging her into one of New York's many nooks and crannies before...
Well. He shouldn't let his mind get that carried away.
"I do have a great gift for you," Jace said, and it was the truth. Why wouldn't she love a little Swarovski crystal shaped like a wolf? "Who I don't have a present for, though, are Magnus and Alec."
"Or Max and Rafe," Clary said, and Jace hummed his agreement.
"I, for one, think we should get Max a coloring book," Jace said. "All kids love coloring books. Demon Drawing, you know."
"Or we could get him some kid's comics," Clary said. "I think both he and Rafe are at about the right age for some Pokemon. Maybe even Yu Yu Hakusho, or Tokyo Mew Mew if they're down to break gender stereotypes."
"I think you're a genius," Jace said to Clary. "That's way better than black-and-white pictures of demons."
"I mean, a Pokemon manga is basically that with a twist," Clary bumped Jace on the shoulder. "Have you ever seen Grimer? Muk? Ditto?"
"I barely know what Pokemon are," Jace said with an air of superiority.
"I would say I pity you," Clary told him, "but I don't. I'm pretty excited for you, actually because as soon as we're done here, we're definitely going to go back home and binge-watch the Indigo League."
"I have no idea what that means," Jace said, and Clary grabbed his hand and dragged him off in the direction of Newbury Comics. "Here," she said, "I'll give you a sneak peek."
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years
When Midas gets older, will he and Randy be nearly indistinguishable in mew form without color?
I've actually been thinking about that a lot lately. I try to draw Midas with some differently shaped features, namely his eyes, arms, tail, and cheeks. I've been considering making some guide sheets that showcase their distinguishing features, especially when Midas gets older.
I've recently found myself wondering if anyone has any trouble telling my Mews apart without color. So far nobody's said anything, which I take as a good sign. But you're right that Midas and Randy will have a very similar shape later on. Maybe I should start drawing Midas' rings on him or something.
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buddienotes · 1 year
since the latest ep when mew asked top "are we officially a thing now?" i've been wondering where their relationship actually stands and if it's a case of mew waiting for top to ask with all the words "will you be my boyfriend?" (very situationship style) or if there's a reason for all these confusing hints they have been dropping? because analyzing backwards it's kinda confusing. look at these, in chronological order:
here he states it himself, and they're just starting so maybe that's right
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here it's cheum who's saying that, so maybe she just sees them as boyfriends, but none of them (topmew) corrects her (and on the ep above mew seemed very adamant about correcting whenever someone said that so)
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then, boston states that mew is always saying they're not boyfriends yet, like i mentioned (the corrections). in this ep in specific, i thought these were very purposeful, to make it clear that when top and boston happened, mew didn't consider him a boyfriend yet, but then we move forward
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here it's top himself stating it so maybe he already sees mew as his boyfriend even if they didn't "make it official" with all the words (or maybe he just wanted a jab at ray); but mew doesn't correct him, so does he agree? (he actually shows a reaction when top says it tho, but i can't tell if it's bc of the use of words or the frustration with top vs. ray)
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then once again it gets confusing because now it's mew with the word again and at first he accuses top of not introducing him as a boyfriend. so did they get official in the meantime? he doesn't seem the kind who would expect it otherwise, but maybe it's also a point made with the previous one, like, if in front of ray he says mew is his boyfriend, why doesn't he say the same in front of beam?
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but then the next minute he says this "if i'm going to have a boyfriend" so he doesn't have one yet? are they still walking on this thin line?
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and finally the latest ep, after that whole date and what it seems like mew letting it go of his fears ane accepting his feelings for top and a move from top himself (he posted the pic, making it public) he asks this "are we officially a thing now?" so were they STILL NOT before this? or does he have the feeling that for top it was still not a thing because he hadn't make it public yet, considering he never introduced him as a boyfriend before?
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at the same time that it doesn't seem to be that deep for me to be overthinking and analyzing, it also feels like these lines were there for a reason and i can't pinpoint exactly what at the moment. are we going to find out later? or is it already there and i'm just not seeing it?
maybe it's also to show that mew is reserved and wouldn't call what they have before he was sure of it, and this was all a development, but then there's those confusing moments in between... but maybe that's also the point - how when we're in this type of "situationship" it's hard to draw the line between something serious and official or not.
anyways i'm just babbling instead of doing the assignments i should be doing but i can't stop being intrigued by topmew and i need to knowww everything about them on deep levels so if anyone wants to add anything i'm all ears
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slashersgirlypop · 2 years
Grilled Cheese Chapter 6.
(September 1st, 1978)
            I huffed, bored out of my mind. Yes, I was still scared of the big, strong, stabby man, (who I just started to call Mask-Man), but I also was locked in the closet for a great majority of the day. If I had to guess, I had been in this closet for maybe five or so hours? Maybe more? All I knew was that when I knocked on the door, asking for at least some food, a slice of cheese was shoved at me. He only let me out today twice to use the restroom. I heard him leave about maybe an hour after locking me in the closet and then come back four hours later through the back door.
            Some point during the day, before he left, I heard Miss Petunia come down the stairs. I don’t know what happened, but it didn’t sound like there was any sounds of pained meows. I did hear her begin to eat food, so thankfully the stoic and silent Mask-Man does have decency to at least feed her.
            “Excuse me? Sir? Mr. Mask-Man-Person? Are you, uh, just planning on keeping me in here forever? You know, I got a job and friends who might be wondering where the hell I am. Also, it’s really boring in here. I counted all the brush-hair-things on the broom in here fifteen times. I’m worried I’ll go crazy, so, can I be let out?”
            As expected, I got no response. I groaned, slumping against the door, sliding down until my butt hit the floor. I began to light bonk my head against the wood. Alright, time to use the annoying-hostage-girl approach.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me oOF-,” I huffed, falling on my back once he opened the door. I stared up at him, my head between his shoes, him looking down at me. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I hoped he looked annoyed by my successful antics.
            “Mra?” Miss Petunia chirped from Mask-Man’s shoulder, looking down at me curiously. My mouth slightly opened in betrayal at my cat. While I was locked in the dusty old closet, my beloved pet was buddying up and getting all cozy with my captor. The audacity of pets, I swear.
            “Alright. So, are we just gonna have a staring contest, Mask-Man? Am I allowed to come out? If you’re planning on a staring contest, it’s not really fair on my end because you could be blinking and I’d have no way to tell with your mask and all.” Shrugging, I looked up at the man. He just stared at me before walking away, leaving me on the floor.
            Groaning, I sat up, feeling my joints cracking in my back. I hoping he wasn’t planning on locking me in the closet tonight, because that would not be comfortable to sleep in. Speaking of which, where did he sleep last night?
            I turned, jumping as he just stood behind me.
            “How are you so fast and quiet, pal?” I asked. Wordlessly, he thrusted two objects into my chest. It was a notepad and crayons. Did…did he want me to draw or something? Then, Mask-Man pushed me not too gently into the family room, where the TV was on, playing cartoons. He shoved me into a chair before walking over and plopping down on the couch. Miss Petunia mewed softly at him as if the gently chide him before hopping off his should and walking over to me. She laid at the bottom of my chair, her head on my foot, and she began to purr quietly.
            Mask-Man said nothing, only focusing his attention on the animated figures. Honestly, this is not how I would imagine a kidnapping or hostage-taking-thing would go. It could be worse; I could be dead. At least my only reason to be alive is that I make him food.
            I began to absentmindedly draw on the paper, getting lost in my thoughts. I didn’t want to be his cook forever, and eventually someone other than Mr. Steinberg is going to wonder what happened to me and come check on me. Mrs. Gracie most likely will send one of her boys to check on me, like she did when I was sick with the flu and had to take off work. Until then, I have to figure out how to play my cards right and not piss off this guy to the point of killing me. Despite my numerous other escape attempts, I knew I could get out and get help. But how is the question? He’s always there, he’s quieter than an ant, he can kill me probably with one hand, so what would I do-wait. My crayon skid to a stop on the mane of the badass centaur I was drawing
            Does he know I have a gun?
            Earlier, when I thought he was just some kid pulling a mean joke, I did mention it, but I don’t know if he thought I was bluffing or not. I hope he does think I’m bluffing. I could use the gun and force him to let me out, or even kill him. I frowned at that idea. I don’t really like the idea of taking a life, even if he did kill people, but if I must…
            I stood up, stretching my arms, his head turning to me. He began to stand up as well before I sighed.
            “I’m just going to make myself some food, Mask-Man. No need to patrol and act as my guard. I’m not dumb enough to try to escape again,” except that I was, “so just, chill out. I’m just hungry because all you gave me was a slice of cheese.” He paused before slowly sitting back down, his head still pointed at me. Then, he slowly turned his attention back to the screen.
            Taking deep breathes as quietly as I could as I walked kitchen, my eyes zeroed in on the drawer where the pistol was. Casually, I approached the pantry, which was near the drawer, but unfortunately in sight of the family room, meaning Mask-Man could see me. It also just occurred to me that I had no idea how to use a fucking gun. It couldn’t be that hard, right? Just aim and shoot. I mean, I think it was loaded, although I wasn’t sure.
            After pretending to peruse the pantry, I took a deep and shaky breath before yanking open the drawer and grabbing the gun. I gripped it with both hands and pointed it at the man, who now was staring at me, standing up.
            “You know what this is, buddy? It’s a fuckin’ gun. I didn’t wanna do this, but I had no choice. Let me go,” I ordered, trying my best to look intimidating despite the man practically being a giant compared to me. He merely stared at me, before taking a step in my direction, which I yelled at.
            “H-HEY! No! Don’t take any steps towards me, you mask-guy-man. Stay there! I will shoot! Don’t try me!” He proceeded to take several more steps, despite my warnings. When he was within five feet of me, I closed my eyes and aimed the gun at his head.
            “I’m sorry, but I warned you!” I pulled the trigger, wincing and bracing myself for the inevitable fact that I will be staring at a corpse when I opened my eyes.
            Click. My eyes whipped back to the gun, wide. It’s in that moment I realized that it, in fact, wasn’t loaded. Fuck.
            He grabbed the gun and wrenched it out of my hands, throwing it aside, staring down at me.
            “Shit, oh shit, I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I’m sorry! PLEASE!” I pled, shrieking as he grabbed my hair, no doubt pulling out strands as he dragged me to the living room, my scalp screaming in pain.
            He sat down on the couch, yanking me over his lap, making me lose my breath. He grabbed my jeans and yanked them down along with my panties, exposing my ass to the open. I began to writhe, desperately trying to get off him. He was going to rape me, he was going to fucking rape me-
            I gasped in pain as I felt his big hand come down of my right cheek, the pain bursting out. I didn’t have time to process what he was doing though because he continued to spank my ass, no doubt leaving bruises at a relentless pace. I began to sob around thirty, dangling miserably from his lap.
            My ass felt like it was on fire. He didn’t stick to a pattern, he just spanked. I never had felt so humiliated in my life.
            By the time he was done, I was a sobbing mess. Snot was dribbling slowly out my nose onto the carpet below, tears also staining the carpet.
            I choked on air when he cruelly gripped my left cheek, digging his nails into the skin. I just let him, feeling defeated. I didn’t know how to react. I was just grateful he was done.
            He shoved me off his lap and onto the carpet. I yelped, before continuing to sob, my rear exposed to the air still.
He just ignored me, as he normally did.
ye, sorry if you aren't normally a crier, (y/n) got a bit of a traumatic experience. I was basing her reaction off what I would do in this situation, and I would just fuckin sob and feel weak. MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HANUKAH/ HAPPY WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE!!!! See ya, my fellow slasher sluts.
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sophswritingthings · 1 year
Longstar AU — Chapter Three
    Longtail turned to see a WindClan patrol, headed by Mudclaw. His eyes narrowed, unsheathing his claws. He bared his teeth at the hostile WindClan warrior, the brown tom doing the same back.
    “Calm down, both of you,” Deadfoot padded up from behind him. “Fireheart,” He greeted the ThunderClan deputy with a dip of the head. “What are you here for?”
    “I need to speak with Tallstar,” He mewed, dipping his head back. “It’s urgent.”
    “This way, then,” Deadfoot flicked his tail, turning tail toward the WindClan camp. Longtail and Fireheart padded behind him, leaving the rest of the patrol behind. “What’s so urgent you're upsetting my patrols?”
    “It’s.. kind of only for Tallstar's ears,” Fireheart meowed softly.
    “I’m his deputy,” He hissed. “I'll find out sooner or later.”
    “Bluestar is planning an attack on WindClan,” Fireheart murmured.
    “Wrongly, I might add,” Longtail mewed, padding beside Deadfoot.
    “.. Yes.” Deadfoot narrowed his eyes, “What could we have done to upset Bluestar? As far as I know, nothings happened with borders or anything.”
    “We know,” Fireheart sighed. “Bluestar's a bit.. under the weather. She’s not thinking straight. She thinks WindClan is stealing prey,” He said, holding Deadfoot's yellow gaze. “We know she’s not right. We just don’t want any blood to spilled over nothing.”
    “I agree with you,” Deadfoot mewed as they slid into the camp, making a beeline for Tallstar's den. “Tallstar.”
    “Deadfoot,” He greeted, stretching his paws. “Fireheart. Longtail.”
    “Fireheart needs to speak with you,” Deadfoot curled his tail over his paws, “I'll leave you two to talk. Longtail, you can come with me.”
    “.. Er, alright,” Longtail mumbled, following the tom out of the leaders den.
    “So, are you and Fireheart close, hm? You're the one here with him,” Deadfoot glanced at Longtail.
    “.. Not really,” Longtail shrugged. “I don’t think he trusts me much.”
    “Why would you think that?” Deadfoot brushed his tail across Longtail's flank.
    “I dont.. I don’t know.” He whispered, obviously lying. Oh, he knew why. But he couldn’t say that. They don’t need to know ThunderClan is struggling anymore than they already know. And Tigerstar.. well, he’s definitely a struggle.
     “Maybe you should just chat with each other,” Deadfoot shrugged, rising to his paws. “That’s what I’d do, anyway. Well, I have a mate to visit. See you at the gathering tonight, Longtail.”
     With that, the tom padded away, stopping at a gray speckled queen and a jet black kit. Longtail's ears flattened, Deadfoot seemed to have such a good place in the clan. Deputy, a mate, a kit. He envied him, really.
     “Alright, we’re all good now.. well, hopefully.” Fireheart padded from Tallstar's den, with nervous twitch of his whiskers.
     “.. What did you do exactly?”
     “I’ve arranged a meeting between Tallstar and Bluestar,” He mewed as they excited the camp. “If Bluestar agrees to go, that is..”
     “The way she’s acting doesn’t seem she will,” Longtail murmured, flicking his tail with irritably.
     “Let’s just.. leave that in StarClan's paws, and hope she will,” He took in a deep breath, padding ahead of Longtail. He flattened his ears, padding after the tom.
     “There you two are,” Whitestorm greeted as they reentered the camp, “Where were you, hm?”
     “Just for a bit of hunting,” Fireheart replied before Longtail could speak. “Didn’t catch anything.”
     “Aw, too bad,” Whitestorm flicked his tail, “Well, I’ll see you later. Taking out the sunset patrol.” With a dip of his head, he padded out into the forest with an entourage of cats behind him. See, now he'd make a good deputy.
     “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the High Rock for a clan meeting!”
     The yowl startled both tom's, drawing them toward the High Rock. Fireheart took his place on the High Rock, and Longtail waded into the crowd, settling beside Mousefur.
      “These kits have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed,” Bluestar mewed, her meow raspy. “Ashkit and Petalkit will be known as Ash’Paw and Petalpaw until they have earned their warrior names. Dustpelt, you will mentor Ashpaw and Sandstorm, you will mentor Petalpaw.” The two warriors padded from the crowd, touching noses with their new apprentices.
      With no other words seemingly to say, Bluestar jumped off the High Rock and bounded into her den. At least she did something right, Longtail rolled his eyes. Still can’t make our apprentices warriors, though.
      “.. Longtail?” As the crowd faded, Swiftpaw padded up to him. His yellow eyes were clouded, his ears flattened and his tail drooping. 
      “Is.. something wrong, Swiftpaw?” Longtail mewed, surveying his apprentices worried expression.
      “Why is Cloudpaw becoming a warrior, and not me, Brightpaw and Thornpaw..?”
     Longtail stared at Swiftpaw, his green eyes wide as the moon. Since when was that happening? Suddenly, his eyes flared with anger, narrowing his eyes to slits.
     “Where did you hear that?” Longtail growled.
     “C-Cloudpaw said that’s what Fireheart said,” Swiftpaw mumbled, shifting his paws nervously in the dirt. “Am.. am I not good enough to be a warrior?”
     “Of course you are!” Longtail yelped, “You all are. Not just Cloudpaw. I'll be right back.”
     With that, he turned around with a flick of his tail. He noticed Fireheart talking to Sandstorm, bounding across the clearing.
     “Something wrong, Longtail?”
     “Why in StarClan is your apprentice becoming a warrior, and not mine? Or Whitestorm's? Or Mousefur's?” He growled.
     “Listen, it wasn’t my choice, Bluestar—“
     “I do not give a rats-tail about what that crazy cat thinks!” Longtail bared his teeth, Fireheart unsheathing his claws. “You are our deputy, Fireheart, you need to be trying your best to do what’s best for the clan. And as of now, we need more warriors. You should be trying to convince her, and guide her to make the right decisions! But here you are, holding prejudice against me, Darkears, Dustpelt, even. I thought.. maybe you would be able to show the clan we were trustworthy, seeing how hard you had it when you got here. But I was obviously wrong.”
     “Save it,” He hissed. “You obviously think that I’m just like Tigerstar. That I’m plotting with him, that I’m still on his side, I’m a spy—whatever you think. You thought I would attack you, Fireheart. My own clanmate. You think I’m disloyal, I can see that,” His eyes narrowed. “Darkear's was right. You and the rest of the clan we'll never see us the same again, will you?”
     “Nobody sees you any different, Longtail,” Fireheart murmured.
     “Don’t lie to my face,” He growled. “Have fun at the gathering, Fireheart. I’m not coming. My clan obviously doesn’t want me there, seeing as I could share secrets with ShadowClan.” Ears flattened and tail tucked between his legs, he turned toward the warriors den. 
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randalbf · 5 months
The day it all started, April 13th. When a bored EdwardSiccorHands25 changed the world.
April 13th, 9002. EdwardSiccorHands25 had broke his 20 century long edge streak. It was a hard time for the Edward Scissor hands lover, he was in quite the rage. He needed something to get this horrible loss off of his fried mind. So he started to draw. Admittedly, he is very bad at drawing people. So he started drawing heads. Then little bodies. He soon came to a creation of John Eggbert. John Jelq Eggbert.
Somewhere in the East Coast of Pennsylvania, a man named Dirk Clax(er) was around. Surprisingly, he was created by EdwardSiccorHands25, but was manifested into life. He recently lost his munting Buddy after they got grossed out when Dirk said they should munt their grandma. Dirk, defeated, went out to find someone alike of him. He went on his favorite site for chatting and Getting Good with Friends, Pesterchum.
“HEY! any MUNTERS looking for a MUUNTING BUDDY?” He soon got a reply from a user named “jelqking200” saying, “yes! I’ve been waiting for this. We should meet up.”
DIRKCLAXMAX800 . . . “oh hell yeah. Where?”
jelqking200 . . . “come over to [EH], there’s a place by there.”
DIRKCLAXMAX800 . . . “okay”
And so Dirk got ready.
Dirk met John at his house. John looked like a total nerd to him. Dirk looked like a total nerd to John. But they got along just fine, deciding who was going to be orally connected to the corpse.
The pair were making their way to the burial site of their victim. But they came to a realization that the coffin was already unburied. Dirk lifted up the lid, and which lay the dried-up-already-munted body. Blinking and looking at John, who adjusted his (dumb) glasses. Dirk closed the lid and walked away.
“yeah, looks like it was already munted. We could maybe edge to it though…” Dirk said, trying to reassure John. John shook a bit. His (stupid) teeth biting his lip. “No! I can’t start a new edge streak on this. I could maybe Clax..but I’d belt rope…” Dirk shrugged. “fair.”
During this, a red pill floated and glowed above the open hole where the casket once was. Dirk convinced John to leave after telling him they could goon together later. Dirk looked at the pill. For a moment, he thought he should run. But the Clax blood in him said no. He must reach pure Brainrotina.
Dirk felt his eyes widen as he gained new, forbidden knowledge. He felt his brain melt as the pages of a previously written comic named Homestuck, familiarly named like Goonstuck, flashed before his eyes. A voice talked to him.
“In the beginning, [EH] made gooning, claxxing, jelqing, and munting. These were the four laws. The four respects. If you could goon, you could Clax. If you could Clax, YIU could Jelq. If you could Jelq, you could Munt. If you could Munt, you were the highest of them all. This all changed when Mewing was created by the filthy, ungrateful goonstuckians.
They fought and fought amongst each other. Who could looksmax more? Did I mog James from church? It was catastrophic. Until EdwardSiccorHands25 came.
He made the turn from looksmaxxing to edgemaxxing. Never stop edging, he would say. No matter if it hurts, don’t let yourself belt rope, he would shout. Millions of edge meetings. 100s of gooners dying from losing their edge streak.
EdwardSiccorHands25’s lasted 20 centuries. Long after Muntiaon was created and torn down. Long after Earth was renamed Looksmaxxing Planet. He had seen it all. And you, Dirk Clax Strider, were created by him. And so was John.”
Dirk’s head was spinning. He hadn’t heard of this place. He yearned to be there.
“where..where is EdwardSiccorHands25?” Dirk said, a little quiet.
“DIDNT you look in the casket?” Dirk suddenly gained his normal site again. He immediately ran to the casket and saw the dried and munted body of EdwardSiccorHands25. Not just end of an edge streak, but the start of Pure Brainrot…true Goonvona.
April 13th is the death and start of Goonstuck - The Brainrot Saga.
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forcebookish · 1 year
Something really small that bothers me. Is that to me. Mew is extremely autistic coded?
Like maybe it’s because I’m autistic. And game recognizes game. But there’s something about him that feels familiar to me.
So when I see some of the criticisms of him as being “emotionless”, “selfish”, and “cruel” it feels like. Really shitty.
Because I don’t know what show they’re watching. But Mew is like. Really caring? He’s constantly checking in with his friends to make sure they’re okay? He apologizes when he is wrong? Just because he is blunt and careful about his boundaries doesn’t make him cruel? Like I genuinely am confused by the takes I’m seeing about him.
But given how people tend to view how autistic people as emotionless robots it doesn’t surprise me people haven’t tried to understand him.
I saw someone say he’s evil because he doesn’t care about anyone. And I just. Fuck off with that.
There’s also the fact that he kind of feels like he’s on the asexual spectrum to me. Which are also a group that people call emotionless robots. And like. That’s a whole other thing.
This has no point. But like. Can we not demonize every character that expresses emotions in a way that is different from the norm?
that's a really interesting perspective, anon! i'm maybe?? probably??? autistic, definitely have adhd (which you may know some experts suggest is part of the spectrum), and i also recognize a lot of myself in mew. it's one of the things that makes it kind of hilarious when i see people say that they're "like mew" and that's "why" they hate top, like... you know that mew likes top, right? you know that mew sees the best in him, right? lol
it's really frustrating to see so many people not even try to understand him when he's always been upfront and straightforward about his feelings. like, is he supposed to be squirrelly or over-the-top? why can't a guy just be honest? where is the evidence that he doesn't care for his friends when he's constantly talking about how much he loves them (even when they don't deserve it😡)? this fandom has such a bad habit of not believing characters when their words and actions match up, like!!! how do these characters have to act for you to believe them!!!!!!!
and i think you're right about mew being ace! i wish i could find the tweet again, but p'den (one of the writers) literally said he was "probably demi," and if you watch how uninterested and unaffected by gap he is - plus the fact that he couldn't have sex with top because he didn't know him well enough - that totally seems the case.
and even if he weren't ace, there are plenty of people who aren't who also don't want one-night-stands and prefer dating over having sex with strangers, draw a line when it comes to hooking up with friends, and are careful about their virginity/who they date. it should be a super easy concept to grasp, but i think people just see what they want to see.
thanks for popping in, anon! i hope it's at least a small comfort that there are people like you who get and love mew for who he is💗
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ask-lu-two-and-mew · 11 months
Mewtwo stood in the corner, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He felt intimidated by his surroundings and the sheer amount of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. He’d seen, like, three Yveltal at this event already. And he’d never even met the one from his own universe.
His mind began to spiral a bit. What if they hated him? What if they didn’t think he was worthy of being a Legendary? Should he just go home? Would Lucario and Mew be mad at him if they left? Maybe he should just-
“You alright, kid?”
Mewtwo was startled by the voice that seemingly came from out of nowhere. He turned and saw a tall figure standing next to him, looking at him with concern.
“O-oh! Yeah, I’m- I’m good. Just, uh… a bit anxious. That’s all.”
‘Oh, Arc above…’ he thought. This was another Legendary - and a powerful one at that. He could sense their strong aura.
“Ah, I get it. Social events like this aren’t for everyone.” The figure’s voice was slightly raspy, but had a laid-back tone to it. “It’s pretty brave of you to come anyways, though.”
“Oh… thank you.” Mewtwo perked up a bit. He wasn’t expecting the sudden compliment. “It’s especially difficult with so many Legendaries around, to be honest… No offense, of course.”
“None taken. But, uh, aren’t you a Legendary yourself?” they asked, vaguely motioning to the Mewtwo-shaped pin on his suit.
Shit. He forgot about that. “Well, yes… but my upbringing wasn’t as… how do I put this… as traditional as that of other Legendary Pokémon…” He fidgeted with that pin a bit, adjusting it ever so slightly. He held his breath for a moment, waiting for the figure’s response.
“So I’ve heard. Cloning, right?” Despite what Mewtwo was expecting, their tone didn’t have a hint of disdain or malice in it. They seemed like they genuinely didn’t care whether or not he was a clone. Mewtwo nodded and let out a silent sigh of relief.
The figure took a moment to think before speaking again. “But why should that matter, if I may ask?”
“…Well…” Mewtwo was a bit surprised by the question, trying to formulate an answer. “It’s a bit nerve-wracking to know that other Legendaries probably don’t see you as one of them, I guess. It really takes a toll on you.”
They looked at him for a moment before speaking. “…Exactly how certain are you about that?” They tilted their head to the side a bit, clearly curious. “How certain are you that other Legendaries dislike you?”
“I don’t know… 90% certain, I think?”
The figure looked at him with a slightly doubtful expression.
“Okay… like, 85%, then.”
Same look.
Their face didn’t change.
“Okay, fine. I… I don’t actually know if they hate me or not…” Mewtwo admitted. “I just… have a hunch.”
His companion chuckled to themself a bit. “Why don’t you ask them, then?”
Mewtwo was taken aback. “I- I can’t just ASK them that! I can’t even TALK to other Legendary Pokémon very well!”
“You seem to be talking to me just fine.”
“Well, this is different, I guess. You’re not from my world - you’re not one of the people that could potentially decide my fate if I did something to anger you.” Mewtwo didn’t want to admit it, but they did have a point, though. He’d been able to interact with other Pokémon just fine throughout this event - legendary or not. Maybe he could-
“What makes you think I’m not from your world?”
“You’re assuming that I’m from a different universe. That’s not exactly the case, believe it or not.”
Mewtwo froze. He finally realized what they were implying.
“…Arceus above, YOU’RE…”
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Surprise! Kenos (They/He) has joined the Gala and is open for asks!
(albeit late, of course.)
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