vityacristo · 3 years
Art and baked is good!
…what’s spelunking? 
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Hell yeah it is.
Deep cave exploring, in reality. But I like to think deep diving into abandoned buildings could also be spelunking.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Literally suck them, doll, and they may just buy you whatever you like anyway. 
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In a normal circumstance, I would, but I am a committed man now. And he isn’t keen on sharing.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Do you… need money? I could give you some…?
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No, starlight, I don’t need money. I got enough for food, drugs, and bills. I’m doing fine. It’s just the unneeded fun crap I can’t get right now.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Good enough? 
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Yeah. That five finger discount takes some effort!
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vityacristo · 3 years
But will they let me dress up? Every time i see people working there, they’re just in jeans and that’s not fun.
Particular taste as in….?
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That’s why you try to work towards close! It’s those night owls that really now how to dress like it’s Halloween!
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vityacristo · 3 years
Yeah, it’s cool! I like dressing up the best about it because I like to do that anyway with cosplay and LARPing. And the candy. Can’t forget that!
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God- if it weren’t for my boyfriend, I’d buy enough candy to survive for the year, but he’d be on my ass about his ‘balanced diet’ crap.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Is that where you’ve been living? 
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Nah, I’ve been in an artistic, baked hole, not an empty Macy’s-turned-Spirit Halloween... although I do love spelunking in abandoned buildings.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Not sure they’re really the sponsoring type, love. Maybe an employee discount if you get friendly enough with one of them. 
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...I’ve used my sexual wiles for less, so I may just try that, sucking an employee discount out of someone may be a good middle ground.
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vityacristo · 3 years
I think that’s pretty cool! They know my at my favorite boba place because I’m there a lot, haha. I take it Halloween is your favorite holiday? 
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Oh yeah, it’s the best one. You can get really macabre and no one questions because of the holiday!
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vityacristo · 3 years
I don’t think they’d be allowed to give you free things since it’s a national company and not just a family run thing, you know?
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Well, everything is free if you’re good enough, but I like Spirit ever since I heard about them back home, so I’d rather not do that.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Yes. 1000% yes. Can I go with you there? Also, how do you know these people and do you think they’d let me dress up and work there too?? AND You should share the free cool stuff with me!
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I think if you just submit an application, they’ll take anyone, so...
I’ll only share if I get first pick, I have a particular taste.
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vityacristo · 3 years
…Don’t you have, like, a lot of money…? …What do you need free things for?
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My family has money, I don’t. I’d rather not suckle their teet for Halloween gear.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Genuine question, no funny answers; if the cashiers and staff at the Spirit Halloween know you by name, is that a good thing? Do you think I can get cool free shit because of it?
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vityacristo · 3 years
Well… I’m sure there’s somewhere around to get Russian booze… but I could personally attempt at making syrniki… if that would be of interest to you, of course! You could even assist me if you wanted. 
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...Sure, why the fuck not. I can show you some tricks, that might be as close as we can get to making perfect syrniki.
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vityacristo · 3 years
It’s not a bad thing.
Well… I’m not allowed to use the stove by myself, so I don’t cook. But I guess people who do cook do it because they like it?
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Still, if you’re trying to save money, I feel like that’s a lot of money you wouldn’t have to spend…
There is no way you are enough of a himbo that you aren’t allowed to use the stove.
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I’m not trying to save money, I just have that car, that is it. It isn’t even my flavor of car, I prefer motorcycles, it was more of a middle finger grab than anything. Monty loves the damn thing, that’s for sure.
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vityacristo · 3 years
It’s not like I have to get that close to you to smell you…
Well, that’s a good thing! You need to take care of yourself. Duh!
You still have to pay for gas and stuff though.
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...Great, that’s assuring.
Okay, I guess, yeah, but it is so much damn harder than just grabbing a bag off skittles at the liquor store on your way out. Monty is trying to teach me how to cook for myself, but by the time I get everything out to make something, I’m too mentalis exhausted to do it. Seriously, where do you get the energy to make it yourself?
Gas and maintenance is way easier to pay for than the car flat-out.
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vityacristo · 3 years
Tell that to Russia of 6 months ago; we’ve been talkin’ for 5 minutes. He would’ve said at least 3 things to try to make me sock him in the jaw by now.
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...I mean, if you really want me to, I could go for it, but honestly, as long as you and Monty don’t fuck with each other, I could give a crap about you.
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