#this was somewhat inspired by ask-the-royal-absol’s Singularity event but the circumstances of this are pretty different
ask-lu-two-and-mew · 11 months
Mewtwo stood in the corner, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He felt intimidated by his surroundings and the sheer amount of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. He’d seen, like, three Yveltal at this event already. And he’d never even met the one from his own universe.
His mind began to spiral a bit. What if they hated him? What if they didn’t think he was worthy of being a Legendary? Should he just go home? Would Lucario and Mew be mad at him if they left? Maybe he should just-
“You alright, kid?”
Mewtwo was startled by the voice that seemingly came from out of nowhere. He turned and saw a tall figure standing next to him, looking at him with concern.
“O-oh! Yeah, I’m- I’m good. Just, uh… a bit anxious. That’s all.”
‘Oh, Arc above…’ he thought. This was another Legendary - and a powerful one at that. He could sense their strong aura.
“Ah, I get it. Social events like this aren’t for everyone.” The figure’s voice was slightly raspy, but had a laid-back tone to it. “It’s pretty brave of you to come anyways, though.”
“Oh… thank you.” Mewtwo perked up a bit. He wasn’t expecting the sudden compliment. “It’s especially difficult with so many Legendaries around, to be honest… No offense, of course.”
“None taken. But, uh, aren’t you a Legendary yourself?” they asked, vaguely motioning to the Mewtwo-shaped pin on his suit.
Shit. He forgot about that. “Well, yes… but my upbringing wasn’t as… how do I put this… as traditional as that of other Legendary Pokémon…” He fidgeted with that pin a bit, adjusting it ever so slightly. He held his breath for a moment, waiting for the figure’s response.
“So I’ve heard. Cloning, right?” Despite what Mewtwo was expecting, their tone didn’t have a hint of disdain or malice in it. They seemed like they genuinely didn’t care whether or not he was a clone. Mewtwo nodded and let out a silent sigh of relief.
The figure took a moment to think before speaking again. “But why should that matter, if I may ask?”
“…Well…” Mewtwo was a bit surprised by the question, trying to formulate an answer. “It’s a bit nerve-wracking to know that other Legendaries probably don’t see you as one of them, I guess. It really takes a toll on you.”
They looked at him for a moment before speaking. “…Exactly how certain are you about that?” They tilted their head to the side a bit, clearly curious. “How certain are you that other Legendaries dislike you?”
“I don’t know… 90% certain, I think?”
The figure looked at him with a slightly doubtful expression.
“Okay… like, 85%, then.”
Same look.
Their face didn’t change.
“Okay, fine. I… I don’t actually know if they hate me or not…” Mewtwo admitted. “I just… have a hunch.”
His companion chuckled to themself a bit. “Why don’t you ask them, then?”
Mewtwo was taken aback. “I- I can’t just ASK them that! I can’t even TALK to other Legendary Pokémon very well!”
“You seem to be talking to me just fine.”
“Well, this is different, I guess. You’re not from my world - you’re not one of the people that could potentially decide my fate if I did something to anger you.” Mewtwo didn’t want to admit it, but they did have a point, though. He’d been able to interact with other Pokémon just fine throughout this event - legendary or not. Maybe he could-
“What makes you think I’m not from your world?”
“You’re assuming that I’m from a different universe. That’s not exactly the case, believe it or not.”
Mewtwo froze. He finally realized what they were implying.
“…Arceus above, YOU’RE…”
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Surprise! Kenos (They/He) has joined the Gala and is open for asks!
(albeit late, of course.)
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