#maybe declaring my intentions will help me follow through on this
pkmnmaster99 · 1 year
Personal Inktober Masterlist (AKA - picking and choosing prompts because I'm indecisive)
Pumpkin Lollipop: Lantern Light (21), Doppelganger (27), Sweet Treat (28), Glow in the Dark (29)
KHtober: New Outfit (5), Mystery (6), Friendship (8), Heartless (11), Unlikely Duo (12), Keykid (17)
Witchytober: Crystal (1), Cat (6), Cosmic (10), Lunar (14), Solar (15), Doll (17), Library (20)
OC-tober: Oldest (2), Game You Love (12), Species Swap (16), New Outfit (17), AU (18)
Cringetober: Self Insert (2), Creepypasta (13), Song Lyrics (15), Gijinka (25), Video Game (30)
Multifantober: Nature (2), Portal (9), Villain (25), Vampire (26)
RedVioletPanda: Magic (7), Lucky Charm (12), The Mechanic (16), The Trainer & Their Beast (27), Mask (29)
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pucksandpower · 8 months
The Girlfriend Test
Lando Norris x girlfriend!Reader
Summary: no new LN merch is deemed ready for sale unless it passes the girlfriend test (or in which you are Lando’s favorite hoodie thief and the sight of another driver’s brand on you drives him just a little bit crazy)
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You hear the front door open and close, followed by the sounds of Lando rummaging around in the entryway. “Babe, I’m home!” He calls out.
You’re curled up on the couch in his latest hoodie design, a soft charcoal grey number with black sleeves and his LN logo embroidered over the heart.
“In here!” You reply. Lando comes into the living room and smiles when he sees you wearing his new creation.
“Well hello there, hoodie thief,” he says, leaning down to give you a quick peck on the lips before flopping down on the couch next to you. “So I see you found my newest sample.”
You grin and snuggle further into the super soft fleece. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is my hoodie now.”
Lando laughs and tugs lightly on the hood. “Oh is it now? I could’ve sworn this was a prototype I brought home from my design meeting a few days ago.”
“Nope, definitely mine,” you say cheekily. “It’s so cozy I don’t think I can ever take it off.”
“In that case, I guess it passes the girlfriend test with flying colors,” Lando declares. At your confused look, he elaborates. “Oh, I never told you about the girlfriend test? I can’t launch a new LN design until you have stolen it out of my closet. That’s how I know for sure it’s comfy enough for my fans.”
You raise an eyebrow in amusement. “You’re telling me every hoodie so far has passed this supposed test?”
“You got it,” Lando grins. “I’ll leave the samples laying around and if you end up snagging one and wearing it all the time, I know it’s prime merchandise.”
You think back and realize it’s true — Lando’s hoodies have a habit of migrating into your wardrobe. The papaya one is your go-to for grocery store runs. The tie-dye version is your favorite for lazy Sundays. Even the bold purple hoodie he released last month has already earned a permanent place on your desk chair.
“So you mean to tell me this was all part of your master plan?” You ask in mock offense. “And here I thought I was sneakily stealing your comfiest clothes.”
“Baby, if I really didn’t want you wearing my stuff, I wouldn’t make it so tempting to take,” Lando says sincerely, wrapping an arm around you. “But it makes me so happy to see you in my designs, wearing my brand.”
You cuddle into his shoulder. “That’s really sweet, babe.”
“Anything for my number one fan and favorite hoodie model,” he says, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
You snuggle together in contented silence for a few minutes, your head tucked perfectly under his chin.
“So, how was the simulator today?” You ask. “Get some good practice in for Monza this weekend?”
Lando nods. “Yeah, had a really solid session. Tweaked a few things with the setup that I think will help with the low downforce.”
“Nice,” you say. “Maybe another podium this week?”
“We’ll see,” Lando replies. “Ferrari looked quick in Spa so it could be tough. But I feel good going into the weekend.”
“Well, I know you’ll kill it babe,” you say supportively. Lando smiles gratefully and pulls you closer.
“But anyway, enough about F1. How was your day off?” He asks.
You launch into a recap of your relaxed day — sleeping in, catching up on chores, and working on some creative projects you’ve had on the backburner. Lando listens intently, asking questions and commenting on the new songs and recipes you’re dying to try. The conversation flows easily, as it always does between you two.
Before you know it, Lando’s stomach rumbles loudly and you both crack up. “I guess that means it’s dinnertime,” you say, checking your phone. “Pizza sound good?”
“You read my mind,” Lando replies. While you call in the usual order from your favorite local pizza joint, Lando queues up Netflix and scrolls through options for tonight’s viewing.
Thirty minutes later you’re back on the couch, the coffee table littered with pizza boxes and cans of soda. Lando hits play on an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and you settle in, toes tucked under his legs to stay cozy.
You’re only halfway through the episode when you feel Lando’s gaze on you. You turn and find him staring at you wearing his newest hoodie creation, a small smile on his lips.
“What’s that look for?” You ask around a mouthful of pizza.
Lando shakes his head, the smile growing wider. “Nothing really. Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
You tilt your head curiously and he continues. “I have my dream job, getting to race cars for a living. And then I come home to you and … I don’t know. It just feels really good. Like everything is kind of falling into place.”
You set down your pizza slice and cuddle up to him. “Aww babe. That’s so sweet.” You give him a greasy kiss on the cheek. “I’m the lucky one you know. I get to see you living your dream every day. And then I get to be here to celebrate the wins with you and cheer you up after the tough days. It’s pretty amazing.”
Lando wraps both arms around you in a hug. “Love you so much,” he says softly.
“Love you more,” you whisper back, your head tucked perfectly under his chin once again.
The next evening, you’re sprawled across the bed browsing on your phone when you hear Lando come home.
“Honey, I’m home!” He calls out in a sing-song voice. You grin, expecting him to come give you a kiss. But instead you hear his footsteps stop abruptly.
“Babe, what … is that?” Lando asks slowly.
You look up confused. “What do you mea-”
Then you spot what he’s staring at in horror: the soft teal hoodie you’re wearing with an embroidered Enchanté logo across the front.
“Oh this?” You say casually. “It’s from Daniel’s new merch drop. The fleece is so soft, I couldn’t resist snagging one.”
Lando’s jaw drops open. “You … you bought a hoodie? From a competing merch brand?”
You stifle a laugh at how seriously Lando is taking this. “Well yeah, you gotta support your friends right? And I told you how comfy it looked in his posts.”
Lando just blinks slowly, looking utterly betrayed. You almost feel bad for riling him up.
“Babe, come on, don’t look at me like that! You know I’m your number one fan.” You get up and go to hug him, but Lando dodges you.
“Nope. No hugs until that … that enemy hoodie comes off,” he says dramatically.
Now you really have to hold back your laughter. “Lando, don’t be silly.”
But he crosses his arms and sticks his chin up. “I’m dead serious, Y/N. My own girlfriend, wearing another man’s merch!” He shakes his head in despair.
You bite your lip, trying not to smile at his antics. Time to have some more fun with this.
“Well if you’re going to be like that, maybe I’ll just keep it on,” you say nonchalantly, snuggling back into the ridiculously soft fleece.
Lando’s eyes go wide. “You wouldn’t dare!”
You raise your eyebrows challengingly. “Try me.”
You stare each other down for a few tense moments, before Lando huffs loudly.
“Fine then. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” And with that ominous statement, he lunges forward and lifts you up, tossing you over his shoulder.
“Lando!” You shriek through laughter. “Put me down!”
But he marches down the hall determinedly, you still slung over his shoulder. He brings you into the living room and gently tosses you onto the couch. Before you can react, he rips the Enchanté hoodie up over your head in one swift move.
“Lando!” You squeal, trying to reach for the hoodie, but he’s quicker. In a flash, he has the offending article of clothing in his grip.
“How could you bring this … this enemy propaganda into our home?” Lando accuses dramatically. He holds the hoodie between two fingers like it’s contaminated.
You have to press a hand over your mouth to contain your giggles. Lando looks utterly scandalized at the sight of you in his rival’s merch.
“I’m sorry babe, but you left me no choice,” Lando says solemnly. And with that, he crosses the room, opens the fireplace, and tosses the hoodie in.
You gasp loudly. “Lando Norris, did you just burn my hoodie?”
“I had to protect the sanctity of this home! Can’t have you falling for another man’s branding,” Lando exclaims. But you can see his facade cracking as he fights back a smile of his own.
You get up from the couch and poke him in the chest. “You’re absolutely ridiculous, you know that?”
Lando grins sheepishly. “Maybe. But you love me.”
You roll your eyes but can’t fight back your own smile. “Debatable at the moment,” you joke.
Lando pouts and gives you his best puppy dog eyes. “Come onnnn, you know I’m your favorite driver.”
You pretend to think about it for a moment. “Hmm well Daniel does give the best hugs ...”
“Hey!” Lando exclaims and tackles you into a bear hug. You dissolve into giggles as he squeezes you tight and sways you back and forth.
“Nope, absolutely not allowed,” he declares, still holding you captive.
You lean back to look up at him with a smile. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because you’re my girl and I don’t share,” Lando states matter-of-factly. His eyes are soft now as he gazes down at you.
You feel your heart melt a little. You stand on your tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss. “You’re right, I’m all yours Lando.”
His answering smile is dazzling. But then a thought seems to occur to him and a grin spreads across his face.
In one smooth motion, he strips off the neon green hoodie he’s wearing, leaving just a black t-shirt underneath. Before you can react, he pulls it down over your head, enveloping you in soft fleece that smells like him.
“There. That’s better,” Lando declares satisfied.
You snuggle happily into Lando’s worn hoodie, his warmth still lingering in the fabric. Looking down, you recognize it as the exclusive design he wore constantly last season.
Lando’s eyes crease with happiness as he looks at you swimming in his hoodie. “That’s my girl,” he says softly, pulling you close again.
You nuzzle into his chest, perfectly content.
“Am I forgiven for my momentary lapse in loyalty?” You ask cheekily, peering up at him.
Lando pretends to consider this for a moment. “Hmmm, I guess I can let it slide this one time,” he teases back. “But only because you look so damn cute in my clothes.”
You smile and tighten your arms around him. You sway together slowly, Lando humming tunelessly under his breath. The fireplace crackles gently beside you.
After a few moments, Lando speaks again, his voice quiet. “You know I was only joking around before, right? You can wear whatever you want babe.”
You lean back to meet his gaze. His brown eyes are warm but serious now.
You touch his cheek softly. “Of course I know that Lando. Your hoodies might be the comfiest, but they’re not the only clothes I own.”
Lando nods, looking relieved that you understand. “I just never want you to feel like you have to choose between me and your own style or interests.” His voice is earnest. “I want you to always feel free to be yourself.”
Your heart swells at his words. You reach up and kiss him tenderly. When you pull back, Lando is smiling again.
“Thanks babe,” you say. “That really means a lot to me. And same to you, obviously.”
Lando grins. “Of course, it’s you and me against the world! Oh, and McLaren against the other teams,” he adds cheekily.
You laugh and snuggle back into his chest. “Yes, McLaren over all,” you agree, just to make him happy.
“That’s my girl,” Lando says again, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
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dearest-tobio · 4 months
you and oikawa's synchronicity to iwaizumi's announcement only upped the brewing discomfort. iwaizumi responded with a shrug, unconcerned to the damning fate he just signed you off to.
"sorry guys. makki misbooked. you're just going to have to share a room."
"with him?" you exclaimed, ignoring the petulant, whiny protests that escaped oikawa's lips. "iwa, you know that i'd be more than happy to share a room. that's not what this is about. what this is about is partnering me up with the devil incarnate himself."
"hey!" oikawa interjected. "first things first, i'm borderline angelic. second things second, you can't possibly pair me up with—" oikawa took the pause to gesture to you, further exaggerating the displeasure on his features.
iwaizumi sighed, his intentions of staying as far away as possible the conflict apparent on his face. "it's just one night, you two. we'll get separate rooms tomorrow."
"but—stop copying me!”
“you’re the one who’s been copying me. you stop—"
the piercing finality in iwaizumi's voice adjourned your bickering, and you watched as seijoh's ace pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
"one night. don't let me catch you all entangled up in each other tomorrow and saying things like, 'never mind. we prefer sharing.'"
"i won't," oikawa declared, pride dripping from his words. "don't know about my partner over here, though. just might finally fall for my charm."
"in your dreams, shittykawa."
and now here you both were, laying by each other in the same bed.
you had constructed a makeshift wall to avoid the situation that iwaizumi had described earlier, and oikawa had followed suit. running down the middle of the mattress was a haphazard arrangement of pillows, effectively separating you from the setter.
despite the barrier, you knew that oikawa was still awake. he was shifting and shuffling in the sheets, a sign that he was as devoid of sleep as you were.
"can't sleep?"
the silence that came after was imperceptibly awkward: maybe oikawa was asleep after all, maybe he's just someone who moves around a lot when he sleeps—
“me too,” you replied. “i miss my own bed back home.”
oikawa’s laugh chimed through the chilly night air. “same here,” he admitted. “i don’t go out of town a lot for the sole reason that most hotel beds aren’t comfortable enough.”
preparing for the settle back to quiet, you were more than surprised to hear oikawa’s next words. “why do you hate me so much?”
“hate? you think i hate you?”
“well,” oikawa resumed, “we do argue a lot. over the silliest things. you get along ok with makki, mattsun, iwa. just not me. so yeah, i think you hate me.”
you glanced at your fingers, hoping that the nerves in your system didn’t manifest in the deep breath you took. “i don’t hate you, oikawa. you’re just annoying sometimes, that’s all.”
"what am i on other times?”
“hm? what do you mean?”
“if i’m annoying sometimes, what am i on other times?”
it was your turn to break out in laughter, the jubilance contrasting sharply with the late hour. “i don’t know. haven’t thought about it.”
“oh come on,” oikawa prodded, and you could already picture the smile tugging up at the corner of his lips. “entertain me. might help me sleep earlier.”
“ok.” he’ll forget about it in the morning. “i think you’re charming when you want to be. funny. not that bad looking. amazing at volleyball.”
“so you think i’m, and i quote, ‘not that bad looking’, hm?”
you groaned, rolling your eyes at the ceiling. “out of all the things i mentioned, you choose to focus on the one about your looks? typical.”
oikawa chuckles, and you found yourself following suit. a comfortable silence resides between the two of you: peace, at last. 
you turn your head to see oikawa peek under a pillow in the wall you’ve constructed, his chocolate eyes blinking with a smile. “good night.”
“good night,” you whisper back, brimming like a child with newfound secrets.
the morning after, iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki discovers you entangled with oikawa. pillow partition long forgotten, you laid your head on oikawa’s chest, while his hand was delicately positioned on the small of your back.
matsukawa manages a knowing smirk, hanamaki returning it with a version of his own as he immortalises the scene with his phone. meanwhile, iwaizumi shakes his head, recalling the dramatics of the previous day.
"look at these two idiots. 'don’t want to share a room’, my ass.”
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starmapz · 4 months
⭒ star maps will take you to the stars ⭒
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all of my works are listed below! thank you for your support ♡ see also my kinktober 2024 masterlist!
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⋆ shame on me - [complete ✓] gojo satoru x female vessel reader [fluff, smut & angst] ❝ gojo satoru is the strongest sorcerer. when you come along with power to match his own, his responsibility to the world gets the best of him and his first impression is poor to say the least. when he needs your help, by some miracle you're too kind to deny him. or maybe he's just manipulative enough to convince you. either way, you're stuck training his student, a vessel like you. what could possibly go wrong? ❞
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⋆ worship - toji fushiguro x female reader [smut] ❝ after a day out you admit an insecurity to your husband and he has every intention of proving to you just how much you have no need to be insecure. he has no shame in just how willing he is to fuck that thought straight out of your head. ❞
⋆ love & company - biker ryomen sukuna x biker f!reader [fluff & smut] [non-curse au] ❝ you're beginning to lose hope of ever fixing your bike as the moon rises over the horizon when a man built like a brick wall and covered in tattoos stops to help you out. he's standoffish and his words are cold - but as it turns out the version of him you see is soft. who knew this man could ever become your best friend, let alone something more? ❞
⋆ rest in the mourning - heian true form ryomen sukuna x f!reader [angst] ❝ sukuna is a god among men, untouchable by mortals. or so you had both thought. as he fades quietly in your arms, sukuna wonders if curses die with regrets. ❞
⋆ dependency - suguru geto x sorcerer gn!reader [angst] [prequel to cigarettes in the theater] ❝ grief is suffocating. it takes root deep within your bones and constricts your heart. self-blame presses down on your lungs like an unshakable weight. suguru can only hope his presence is enough to keep your head above water and comfort you through the storm of your own panic in the wake of the loss of a friend. ❞
⋆ cigarettes in the theater - suguru geto x sorcerer gn!reader [angst] ❝ the week following the declaration of suguru geto becoming a curse-user, you receive an invitation to meet him for a movie. you know you should decline, but you don't have the heart to do so. what harm is there in sharing one last cigarette with your lover? ❞
⋆ nicotine dream - suguru geto x sorcerer gn!reader [angst] [follow up to cigarettes in the theater] ❝ suguru geto, wanted criminal. you, his accomplice. it's not a life you ever wished for, nor a life you ever dreamed of and night after night you find yourself numb. to the world, to your lover's actions. you're not sure you recognize yourself anymore, but your lover longs to find you and bring you back, no matter what that means for him. ❞
⋆ wolf in sheep's clothing - satoru gojo x monster hunter f!reader [fluff, angst & smut] [werewolf au] ❝ most parents tell their children stories of fake monsters to scare them into staying in bed at night. your father told you stories of real monsters to train you for your career hunting them. it's that career that brings you to a small town reporting disembodied limbs and missing people. it's here that you spend your days flirting with the cute coffee shop owner with stunning blue eyes during the day, while your nights are spent setting traps and preparing silver bullets. of course, life has a funny way of making things complicated, as your day life and night life begin to collide unexpectedly. ❞
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⋆ "how do you know you're soulmates?" - kento nanami x gn!reader [fluff] ❝ in which yuji asks your boyfriend how he knew you were soulmates ❞
⋆ to have and to hold - kento nanami x gn!reader [fluff] ❝ in which your husband kento nanami finds you asleep at your desk ❞
⋆ "do you think i'm a bad person?" - choso kamo x gn!reader [fluff] ❝ in which choso asks if you think he's a good person ❞
⋆ comfort in you - satoru gojo x f!reader [fluff] ❝ in which your boyfriend satoru gojo subconsciously seeks your comfort ❞
⋆ celebrations - heian era true form ryomen sukuna x gn!reader [fluff] ❝ in which ryomen sukuna surprises you on your birthday ❞
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⋆ husband!sukuna - ryomen sukuna x f!reader |non-curse au| [fluff & smut]
⋆ more husband!sukuna - ryomen sukuna x f!reader |non-curse au| [fluff & smut]
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186 notes · View notes
navybrat817 · 1 year
What Happens in Vegas
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You get more than you bargained for when you decide to get married in Vegas. Word Count: Over 2.8k Warnings: Drinking, drunk wedding, accidental marriage, supernatural element, dubcon elements, soft!dark vibes, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I wasn't able to get all 4 birthday stories done, but I hope you lovelies enjoy the ones I plan to share. Here's 1 of 2! ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you for spitballing), but any and all mistakes are my own. Thanks to @targaryenvampireslayer as well for letting me scream about this. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The fluorescent lights of the strip flashed as you stumbled along the sidewalk. Fast paced and surreal, the city that never sleeps offered a little something for everyone. Entertainment, architecture, adventure. While your intention for the evening was to grab a drink with some friends and nothing more, you decided to do something bolder. Crazier. Because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?
“Goin’ to the chapel and we’re… gonna get maaaaaaried,” you sang, squinting as your guy, date, whoever he was, helped steady you. “Who or what was your name again? Randy?”
“That’s not my name. It’s-”
“Randy. ‘Cause you’re a rando,” you declared, making him laugh.
Forgetting the guy’s name should’ve been your first clue to call it a night and go back to your hotel. Randy was cute enough though and bought all of you drinks. When you told him most of your friends were hitched or close to getting married while you were still single, he joked that he’d marry you.
“Fuck it! Let’s get married!”
Which was how you found yourself on his arm heading to a chapel.
Your second clue to go back to your room should’ve been that none of your friends stopped you. Not a single one told you to stay or offered to go with you, which was strange. Not that each of you hadn’t done stupid stuff before. Letting you go off with a stranger though? In an unfamiliar city?
Bitches. All of them. Noooooo. I love my girlfriends. They’re just DRUNK, like me.
You did feel sad for a second. While your friends all had family who would’ve thrown a fit if they eloped or married a stranger, you didn’t. Your dad would never give you away. Your mom wouldn’t wipe her tears as she heard you say your vows. So who cared what you did?
You sure as hell didn’t.
“Here,” Randy said, pulling you toward a door. “This place is supposed to be really nice.”
“OOOOOOOOH. Reeeeeeeally nice,” you said, gasping once you stepped inside.
You expected cheesy decor to smack you in the face, but instead found yourself in a luxurious entryway. Sparkles of gold lined the sleek floor and walls all the way up to the high ceilings. The art depicted landscapes you only had the pleasure of seeing in dreams. The room almost had a glow to it.
Or maybe it's the alcohol blurring my vision.
A voluptuous redhead walked through a set of doors to greet you. Her heels didn’t make a sound as she glided across the floor. Glancing at Randy, you caught him adjusting the front of his pants. Was he drooling? You found it amusing rather than let it upset you.
“Welcome to the Enchanted Valley where all your dreams come true. My name is Natalia. How may I help you this evening?”
“We’re getting married,” Randy answered, though he didn’t glance at you.
“Is that so?” she asked, tilting her head as she turned her attention to you. The gold from the walls sparkled in her eyes as she waited for your confirmation.
Swaying a little, you gave her a two finger salute. “That is so,” you answered before you added, “Do you also do annulments?”
Snorting, she gestured behind her. “Before we get started, you must be at least 18 years old, must not be currently married, must not be kin, and I’ll need to see a government form of identification. As long as that’s clear, you’re free to proceed with your ceremony. Do you have witnesses?"
“No ‘cause my bitchy friends didn’t come here. I don’t even have flowers,” you said, hiccuping a little. “Don’t tell them I call them that. I love them soooooooooo much.”
“That’s just fine. I’ll ask James and Wanda if they wouldn’t mind witnessing this…” Natalia tried to find the word as her eyes darted between you. “Blessed union.”
Randy followed Natalia like a lost puppy into the chapel as he struggled to get his wallet out. “You single?”
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head. “Why am I doing this?” you mumbled, swaying as you dug your wallet out. “Why didn’t I just get a tattoo or something?”
“Because a ring on your finger is easier to remove than ink on your skin.”
“Holy fucking… fuck,” you said as you looked up. “Where did you come from, you… gorgeous specimen?”
You understood why Randy practically eye-fucked Natalia since you were doing the same with the man in front of you. His steel blue eyes reflected the gold of the room the same way the redhead’s had and you were scared you’d fall into an abyss if you stared for too long. His light brown hair had to be the softest you’d ever seen. If you had to guess, he was at least 6’4” with a broad chest and shoulders and didn’t have the audacity to button up his shirt.
Is his left arm made out of gold? Or is it painted gold? How drunk am I? Would Randy object to me giving this god of a man the ride of his life?
“I’m James,” he said, the timbre of his voice causing your knees to wobble as he held up a bouquet of colorful flowers. “I’ll be one of the witnesses for this blessed union.”
“Nothing blessed about it. I don’t even know the guy. But he said he’d marry me and I said ‘fuck it,” you giggled, taking a step forward. Your shoe caught on nothing. Nothing. You just fell forward.
And the beautiful man caught you in his embrace.
“Careful, beautiful,” he said as he helped you stand upright and placed the flowers in your hand. His touch warmed you as he ran his hands along your bare arms. “You would marry a stranger then? With no friends or family here?”
“You smell really good. How do you smell so good?” You said, putting a hand on his chest with a grin. “Friends are busy and I have no family.”
His brows furrowed and you wondered how pathetic you sounded. You weren’t looking for pity. “Did he give you any token of affection?”
“Mmmmm. You know, he didn’t. We don’t have rings or anything.”
James traced a finger along your cheek. “And he dares to call himself a man,” he whispered, tutting when you leaned into his touch. “Doesn’t seem like he's fit to marry such a delectable creature.”
Eat me up, James.
“It’s okay,” you said, hoping the sad feelings of alcohol weren’t about to hit you. It sucked being alone and you knew you’d come to regret this later, but who cared about tonight? “Do you have gold streaks in your hair? Why are you so pretty? It’s like you’re not even REAL.”
“I’m very real, beautiful,” he smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth as your cheeks got hot. “Do I have the pleasure of knowing your full name?”
“My full name? So formal,” you teased, giving it to him without hesitation as you ran your fingers through his hair. You should’ve asked permission before touching his soft hair. You shouldn’t have touched him at all. But logic left your mind the moment you stepped into the city.
James closed his eyes as he repeated your name, making it sound erotic and sensual. You liked hearing it on his tongue. “You will not marry him,” he whispered, opening his eyes. A ring of gold surrounded his pupils before it went away. Maybe one of the girls slipped a little something into your drink to help you relax more.
Whatever it is, I want more of it.
“Tell you what,” you smiled, booping his nose with a giggle. “If you object with good reason, I won’t marry Randy Rando. Deal?”
James smirked after a moment, a darkness clouding his eyes as he stepped back to shake your hand. “Deal.”
Before you shook it, you noticed a gold ring on the floor by his foot. Did he drop it? “Is that yours?” you said, crouching down to grab it. It wasn’t very dignified how your dress rode up, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Here.”
He didn’t take it from you. “It is mine, but do you not wish to keep it?”
You frowned, confused as you glanced at the band. It had some sort of lettering around the solitaire diamond that you didn’t recognize. “This isn’t ‘finders keepers’. It’s yours. It’s nice, but it’s rude of me to take it.”
With a low hum, he accepted the ring back. “There aren’t many who would return something of value,” he said, slipping it on his right pinky finger. “You have a giving heart.”
“Oh, it… It was nothing,” you said, shrugging a little to hide how badly you wanted to preen at his compliment.
I’m really acting like I’ve never seen a good looking guy before.
He kept an intense gaze on you as he slipped a hand into his pants pocket and pulled out a small stone. It would’ve looked like a normal pebble if not for the gold speckles. “I know this may not look special, but would you take this as a token for giving my ring back?”
“Um. Yeah. Sure. Thanks,” you said, tucking the stone into your purse before you selected a flower from your bouquet. “Would you accept this from me?” you asked, wanting to do something nice.
A pleased look crossed his face as he took the flower and inhaled. Your head spun a little. Something felt different, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. “Thank you,” he said, running his teeth along his bottom lip as he fixed the bottom of your dress. “You really are the most beautiful bride.”
“And you, James, you beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, god of a man, will make the hottest groom when you get married.”
“Hey!” Randy shouted from the chapel when James opened his mouth. “We doing this or what?”
Oh, yeah.
“Wish me luck!” you said, giggling as you went through the doors and not looking back to see if he followed. “Wow.”
It was as if you stepped into an enchanted forest. The colors of the room were lush and welcoming, a blend of evergreen and sage. Flickering fairy lights and flowers adorned the dark brown pues. Natalia stood in front of Randy and a slender woman you didn’t recognize sat on his side of the chapel. The lights were playing tricks on you again when she looked at you, her eyes a flash of red as she smiled.
That must be Wanda. And I’m never drinking again.
“Ready?” Randy questioned when you got to the end of the aisle.
How romantic.
“Yeah, I guess,” you shrugged, looping your arm with his as you held your bouquet. “Take it away, Natalia.”
“Dearly beloved,” she began.
Truthfully, you didn’t pay much attention to the ceremony as Natalia spoke. You didn’t question that she hadn’t looked at your identification card or confirmed anything else she named off. It probably wasn’t a real wedding ceremony. You weren’t going to be Mrs. Randy Rando.
Not when James is here. Wait, what?
“If there are no objections,” Natalia spoke, glancing over your shoulder. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“I object,” James announced behind you, making you cover your mouth as you giggled. He did say he’d object with good reason. You wondered what he’d come up with.
“On what grounds?” Natalia asked, smirking as if she expected him to interrupt.
“Because she’s my wife,” he answered.
What the hell did he just say?
“What?!” You laughed louder as you spun around, falling against Randy with wide eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked, barely holding you upright.
James walked down the aisle toward you, a gold shine covering him from head to toe. Pointy ears stuck out through his hair and his eyes had a hypnotic glow as he smiled at you, his teeth sharper than before. He looked like a beautiful nightmare.
Ready to eat you up.
“You can see me as I really am, beautiful, can’t you?” He asked, a melodic lift in his tone that was both sinister and alluring. “Glamour doesn’t work on mates.”
...the fuck?
“M-Mates? We’re mates? What does that even mean?” You asked, looking at Randy for help. His eyes had a glossy glaze to them, like he wasn’t seeing you. Was he in shock? Did he know what was going on? “Dude, snap out of it. Look at his gold skin! And his pointy ears!”
“She can see you,” Natalia said with pride. “Congratulations, Bucky. You’re finally married.”
“Thank you, Natasha,” James smiled, waving a hand at Randy. His nails looked sharp enough to claw through his skin. “Get rid of him. He’s crowding my bride.”
“I’m… I’m way too drunk for this,” you mumbled, your knees giving out. With unnaturaul speed, he made his way to the end of the aisle and caught you.
“Hey! That’s my…” Randy looked confused as he blinked. “Well, she's not my girlfriend, but. Huh?”
“No, she isn’t your girlfriend. She’s my wife. And when you wake up tomorrow, you won’t remember being here,” he said, nodding over to Wanda. “I’d wipe your memory myself, but I’m not letting my mate go.”
“The fuck are you…” he trailed off when Wanda waved her hand, a ball of red light floating in front of his face.
“You sleep now,” she said as the light touched his forehead, not bothering to brace his fall as he collapsed.
“What the hell?” You slurred as Natalia grabbed his ankles to drag him out of the chapel, Wanda on her heel.
“I wouldn’t worry about him since you accepted my hand in marriage,” James said, touching your cheek with a fond smile. “I’m sorry for not courting you longer, but we didn’t exactly have much time, did we?”
“We’re not married,” you argued.
“By Fae law, we are,” he explained as your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. Did he say Fae? “You returned something of value to me that I dropped, which was you saying ‘yes’ to my marriage proposal.”
“No,” you whispered. That couldn’t be true.
“You accepted my token of my affection, which was me pledging myself as your husband. And you gave me a token of affection in return, which was you pledging yourself as my wife.”
The stone. The flower. No. Fucking. Way.
“I don’t understand,” you whimpered as he propped you up in his arms.
“I wanted a bride, so I came here. You’d be surprised how much of my kind has infiltrated this city. We do love our realm, but your people are so easy to manipulate,” he said, gesturing to the room. “Gambling, drinking, strippers, quick weddings. You just throw your hard-earned money away like it’s meaningless. Your currency goes a long way where I’m from.”
“I want to go home,” you said as he tightened his hold on you, even stronger than he looked.
“You didn’t see me at the bar tonight, but I saw you. I knew you were destined for me,” he continued happily as if you didn’t say anything. “And when he suggested marrying you on a whim, I made sure your friends didn’t try to stop you and that your path led here. Don't worry. They're safe. I wouldn't harm them.”
Who is he? What is he?
You shook your head, surprised that you hadn’t gotten sick from how your stomach turned. “I’m not your wife,” you said, trembling when his entire body began to glow.
“You are not just my wife. You are my queen. Even if you hadn’t accepted my token of affection, I wouldn’t have let you marry someone whose name wasn’t worth remembering. You’re mine,” he said through his teeth, angry at you denying him before he took a breath. “My poor bride. A woman with no family and friends who don’t look out for her. You have me now. And you’ll be happy by my side.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, hoping by some miracle a bit of pain would wake you up. But the creature who called himself your husband wasn’t going away. “This is a bad dream,” you whispered, as if lying to yourself would help.
“Oh, my love,” he said in false comfort. “There are no bad dreams in the Enchanted Valley. And this isn’t the Vegas you know where you can simply write this off as a mistake. There is no divorce in my world. Well, your world now.”
“James, please,” you begged as your heart pounded.
“We’re married now, beautiful. Call me Bucky,” he smiled, smothering your protest with a kiss. Heat spread along your lips and flowed through your veins, wrapping around your heart like a vice. It was enough to suffocate you, but fate wasn’t ready to claim your life yet. “Now sober up. We have a honeymoon to start.”
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I couldn't tag Bucky as "fae" without giving some of the surprise away! This idea was inspired by @adayka's beautiful art here. Maybe we can revisit this new couple down the road. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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absolutewhore101 · 1 year
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A/N: my first CM fic! obviously had to make it about my favorite boy <3. based on Gorgeous by Miss Swift herself.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!Reader
Summary: Spencer's just so... gorgeous
Warnings: alcohol consumption, taylor swift references
Word Count: 1.0K
Minors DNI
Another day, another case finished. 
The last case had weighed heavily on all of you - children being involved didn’t make it easy for anyone.
The flight back to Virginia was silent, everyone trying to process the events that had transpired over the last week. It was Emily who finally broke the silence.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I need a stiff drink after that case. Anyone willing to join me?”
Derek was the first to agree, followed quickly by Penelope who (unfortunately for her) had to join the rest of you in the field, and soon enough, everyone was buzzing at the thought of getting drunk enough to forget everything. 
You turned to Spencer who was sitting next to you, asking him quietly if he could give you a ride home later. Spencer never drank all that much when going out with the team, so he’d become your personal designated driver, and he was thrilled about it. 
“Of course.” He responded, just barely above a whisper. “Gotta make sure you get home safe, can’t be down our most valuable team member.” He threw the last part in to offset the true intention of his words - that he would do anything to keep you safe, not because you were on the team, but because you were you. 
Your mind started reeling with the thought of being alone with Spencer, just like it did every single time. You smiled at him before returning to your book. 
“Woah!” Spencer said, watching you throw back another drink. “I know you’re not driving, but maybe you should slow down a little.”
“Oh, Spence,” you started, “I just love how smart you are.” You slurred as you fell into him. “My name’s Doctor Spencer Reid and I can tell you anything about everything.” You mimicked.
Spencer smiled, too flattered to find it offensive. 
“Did you know it only takes 6 minutes for your brain to start reacting to alcohol?” He asked you.
He watched as you thought about it, before ultimately declaring, “I don’t believe you.”
He laughed, “you don’t believe me?”
“Nope,” you said, pushing away from him, “not a single word.” Spencer smiled, watching as you stumbled over to the girls. He could tell from the look on your face and the reactions from your audience that you were making fun of his fun fact. Still, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about it. 
The rest of the night went by in a blur, for the most part. The only thing you really remembered was Spencer putting you to bed and promising to wake you up when breakfast was ready. 
True to his word, you emerged from your bedroom to the smell of pancakes and bacon, and it almost cured the headache you couldn’t ignore. 
“There’s some aspirin on the counter with some water,” he gestured, “I figured you’d probably need it.” 
You smiled at him and walked over to where he pointed, your eyes never once leaving his frame. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that hung off his lanky frame. His hair was all sorts of messy, and he had to keep pushing it back off of his forehead.
You couldn’t help yourself as you gravitated towards him, all but leaning into him as you stood in front of the stove. 
“You okay?” He asked. “Do you want to go back to bed? You look like you're about to take me down.”
You laughed at his comment. 
Maybe he should think about the consequence of his magnetic field being just a little too strong.
“I’m okay.” You responded, playfully cheering as he flipped a pancake. Breakfast was had in silence, and eventually the two of you were making your way over to Rossi’s for “team bonding,” as Penelope had called it. 
As soon as you walked through the door you were being swept away by the girls, following them outside to the patio.
“Did he spend the night?” Emily asked. 
“What happened?!” JJ all but yelled. 
“Ladies, she was drunk. So if Dr. Reid tried anything…” Penelope threatened. 
“Don’t worry, Pen, nothing happened. He put me to bed and then made me breakfast, that’s it.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other as Penelope started to giggle. 
“Did you talk to him?” JJ asked. 
You gave her a confused look. 
“He was in my apartment, of course I talked to him.”
Emily hummed. “Did you have an actual conversation or did you say about 2 whole words?”
You glanced down as you started fidgeting with your hands. 
“2 whole words.” You mumbled, causing the three of them to break into a fit of laughter. 
“Stop!” You playfully yelled at them. “How am I supposed to say anything to his face? I mean, have you SEEN his face?!”
Spencer, who had inadvertently listened to the whole conversation, immediately flushed a deep red, much to Morgan’s amusement. 
“I told you she liked you, wonder boy.” He teased, ruffling Spencer’s hair as he walked away. 
“God, I never would’ve guessed that your type was nerds.” Emily commented.
“Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing!” You retorted.
“I mean, the way you were mimicking him last night made it seem like you thought he was pretty… lame.”
“What? No! I think he’s so cool! It actually makes me hate him… just a little bit.”
The girls laughed, but the conversation quickly ended as the boys started to make their way outside. Spencer quickly found a seat next to you, sitting close enough that you could feel his body heat seeping through your shirt. 
Oh. My. God.
“Now, what were you girls up to out here?” Rossi asked. He didn’t get an answer, only a chorus of giggles from the four of you. 
Spencer hadn’t been home for an hour when his doorbell rang. He made his way over, hoping to open it to find you standing on the other side, but he only found a vase of flowers on his doorstep. 
Confused, he picked them up and brought them inside, trying to find the note card. 
“Carnations,” he mumbled, setting the vase on his counter. 
Did you know that carnations symbolize love and fascination? Of course you did… Anyways, Spence, I just wanted to let you know that you’re ruining my life-
“Wait, what?” He panicked.
-by not being mine. Movies this weekend? -Your One and Only
P.S. you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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dinodontwait · 7 months
Lost but Found!
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x fem!reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers(?), forest au
Summary: Getting lost in the forest was not on your bucket list but who are you to complain if that means you get to spend time with one of the hottest guy you have ever met!
Warning: 18+, smut
Word Count: 1250
This is the first time I'm writing smut so please let me know if there are any mistakes!
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The argument with my friends had started innocently enough, a spark that quickly ignited into a blazing fire. The flames of tension danced around our campsite, fueled by misunderstandings and pent-up emotions. As the voices rose, I found myself entangled in a web of conflicting opinions.
"I can't believe you would do this without consulting us," Emma's accusing tone sliced through the evening air, the warmth of the campfire unable to thaw the chill in her words.
Frustration welled up inside me. "We're a group, and decisions should be made together. I can't be expected to just go along with everything!"
Mia, always the peacemaker, tried to mediate. "Let's calm down and talk about this, guys. Yn, maybe we should've discussed the plans before."
But the tension was already palpable. I felt my patience slipping away, and my voice took on an edge. "Discuss? When have we ever had time to discuss anything? You two always make decisions, and the rest of us just follow!"
In the heat of the moment, I declared my intent to leave the campsite. The argument had reached a point of no return, and I stormed away, my footsteps carrying me into the heart of the forest, away from the echoing accusations and strained friendships.
Lost in my own thoughts, the forest's shadows seemed to consume me. With each step, I became more entangled in the labyrinth of trees and underbrush. Panic set in as I realized I had no idea where I was or how to find my way back.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a dusky hue over the woods, my phone's battery dwindled, exacerbating my isolation. That's when I heard the footsteps. The rustling leaves and snapping twigs alerted me to the presence of someone else. I spun around, heart racing, to see a tall figure emerging from the shadows. It was a young man, and the fading light revealed his face – a kind, reassuring smile softened his features.
"Hey, are you lost?" the guy asked, concern evident in his voice. "I heard you from a distance and thought you might need help. By the way, I am Wonwoo!"
Relieved but wary, I shared my predicament with Wonwoo after giving my introduction. "My friends and I got into this argument at the campsite. It just escalated, and I needed some space to clear my head. I decided to find my way back to civilization, but the forest is disorienting, and my phone has no signal."
Wonwoo's eyes reflected understanding. "I get it. Camping trips can be both exhilarating and challenging. It's easy for tensions to rise when everyone is under pressure."
I nodded, appreciating his empathy. "I thought I could find an exit, catch a bus, and leave this mess behind. But now, I'm lost, and it's getting dark."
Wonwoo gestured towards a path leading deeper into the woods. "Well, luckily for you, my grandparents' cabin is just up ahead. It's a peaceful place, and I think it might offer you the solace you're seeking."
Hesitation gnawed at me, but with no other options in sight, I decided to trust Wonwoo. The path unfolded before us, and as we ventured deeper into the woods, the towering trees formed a natural canopy, filtering the dimming sunlight.
Finally, we reached the clearing where the charming cabin stood. Soft lantern light spilled from the windows, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The cabin itself seemed to blend seamlessly with nature, a testament to the craftsmanship of its construction.
Wonwoo unlocked the door, and the creaking hinges revealed a cozy interior. Wooden furnishings adorned the space, a crackling fireplace taking center stage. Plush chairs were adorned with warm blankets, and the flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls.
As I stepped inside, the rustic charm enveloped me, replacing the tension with a sense of tranquillity. "Thank you" I murmured, genuinely grateful for the unexpected refuge.
Wonwoo disappeared into the kitchen, returning with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. We settled by the fireplace, the warmth seeping into my bones as we sipped from the mugs.
As the fire crackled, I began recounting the events that led me to this point, from the brewing tension among friends to my impulsive decision to venture into the forest. Wonwoo listened attentively, offering a sympathetic ear that eased the weight on my shoulders.
"I visit this cabin once or twice a year," Wonwoo shared. "It's a family getaway, a place to reconnect with nature and find some peace. I never expected to bring someone here under such circumstances, but I'm glad I could help."
The night air on the balcony held a gentle breeze, and the subtle rustling of leaves contributed to the enchanting melody of the forest. Wonwoo and I settled into the comfortable wooden chairs, the moon casting a soft glow upon the world around us. Laughter and shared stories painted the atmosphere with warmth.
As we spoke, the connection between us deepened, the barriers of unfamiliarity breaking down with each passing moment. Wonwoo's eyes sparkled in the moonlight, his laughter resonating with a sincerity that stirred something within me.
A distant growl rumbled through the forest, interrupting our conversation. Startled, I instinctively clutched onto Wonwoo, the abrupt sound sending shivers down my spine. "What was that?" I asked, a mixture of fear and excitement lingering in my voice.
Wonwoo's laughter echoed, a soothing and melodic response to my unease. "Just a forest dweller claiming its territory. They're more afraid of us than we are of them. You're safe with me."
Embarrassed by my reaction, I offered a sheepish smile. "I guess I'm not as brave as I thought."
"No need to be brave when you have someone to lean on," Wonwoo replied, his words carrying a subtle invitation. He took my hand gently, intertwining our fingers.
The atmosphere shifted, a shared understanding passing between us. The night embraced us in its quiet intimacy, the balcony becoming a haven for connection. The moonlight illuminated the vulnerability in Wonwoo's eyes, and I felt a magnetic pull drawing me closer.
Wonwoo's thumb traced soothing circles on the back of my hand, and without exchanging words, the air crackled with anticipation. In that quiet moment, he cupped my face, his eyes searching mine for consent.
"You don't have to be alone in the forest, Yn," he whispered, his voice a gentle promise.
A profound understanding passed between us, and as our lips met in a deep, lingering kiss, the world around us disappeared. I don’t know how we ended up on his bed naked!
He grinned that cocky grin and pushed himself inside me, achingly slowly.
I hissed in relief at the delicious pressure. He pulled out and slid back in again, just as slowly. It felt so good, yet not enough.
"This is torture."
"I know. That's why I'm doing it." He slid into me one more time, possibly even slower than before.
I couldn't take it and glared at him. "Fuck me like you mean it."
He took the bait. His gaze as he looked down at me was hungry. He lifted my ankles onto his shoulders and rose to his knees. He held my hips as he thrust, keeping me where he wanted me as he fucked. It felt divine.
"My god, Wonwoo, don't stop." I am past the point of any self control.
"Shit. Say that again." He didn't pause his steady rhythm, pumping in and out.
"Don't stop?"
"Say my name."
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avatarmerida · 2 months
A Blight By Any Other Name
I posted a preview for this awhile ago but I've been busy and whatver so here it is! It's a slight AU I guess but I'm mostly here for vibes not for explanations. If you see any errors no you didn't!
“Willow please!”
“Amity, I don’t know, it’s risky isn’t it?”
“There’s no way anyone would ever find out!”
“If that’s true then why don’t you just skip it or send an illusion?”
“I just need it to go well enough so my mom will stop bugging me and I’ll never have to do it again,” said Amity. “I’m just no good at these kinds of things and I’m worried I’ll mess it up so much that she’ll make me try again or send me to courtesy lessons with the twins.”
It was the envy of every parent who hoped to gloat about their child. Once a week for a month, the head of the Emperor’s coven would see a hopeful recruit and mentor them. It was a chance to impress them as well as learn from them. There were months that went by with no worthy adversary appearing as you needed to be the best, the boldest and the brightest.
Being rich didn’t hurt your chances either. 
“Why is your mom sending you anyway? Why can’t she send one of the twins?”
“She knows they won’t take it seriously,” Amity groaned. “She wants to make a good impression and she thinks it’ll help my chances of getting into the Emperor’s Coven. But all my antidotes were formed around impressing Miss Lillith, I don’t have time to research the charm the golden guard prefers.”
“And I do?”
“You’re just naturally likeable!” Amity declared. “It will give me time to prepare. Just pretend to be me and make me seem calm and friendly.”
“And what happens if he doesn’t like me or asks me something only you could ever answer?”
“The first visit is always a tour of the grounds, which I’ve studied enough to know anyway,” said Amity. “Just nod and smile and it will be fine! I just… I can’t…”
Willow saw through her instantly. “You have plans with Luz tonight, don’t you?”
“What? No, n-not like ‘official’ plans or anything like that but she mentioned she was doing something and it seemed intentional and so I thought maybe we would-.”
“It’s okay Amy, I get it,” said Willow with a smile. She was adjusting to having Amity back in her life and whatever was happening between her newest and oldest friend might not have been her favorite thing at first but it was growing on her. And who was she to stand between two dorks with crushes? “I’ll go for you.”
“Yes,” she said. 
“Perfect! I’ll grab the concealment stone for you!” Said Amity as she wrapped her friend in a hug. “Oh, thank you Willow! I owe you big time!”
“Yeah I know,” said Willow with a sigh as she returned the hug. “I know.”
The plan was simple: Willow would take a concealment stone and go to the meeting as Amity and secure a good first impression. According to Amity’s research, she probably wouldn’t even need to talk (Willow didn’t know if that meant ‘have the opportunity to’ or ‘be allowed to’ but was too nervous to ask) and by the time they had walked the grounds, the appointment would be over. She had endured worse.
The Golden Guard greeted her at the gate, if you could call it that. He didn’t technically say hello or ask how or who she was or offer any information about himself. He just gave her a nod and told her to follow him.He  spoke only when necessary, and when he did his tone was harsh and condescending. Willow couldn’t help but feel it felt forced. He gave instructions as though it came as naturally as breathing, sounding as though he was both tired and proud of showing her around. She walked three steps behind him, just as he told her to, and nodded and showed faint signs of understanding, just as Amity had told her. It was plain and awkward and everything Amity had said it would be.
The first visit was meant to be nothing more than a mostly silent and distant tour of the grounds,but once they got to the garden, Willow couldn’t help herself.
“Woah! Is that a Phantom orchid?!” She exclaimed, trailing back to get a closer look. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah it is,” he said, stopping to allow her to observe. Usually when someone interrupted him, it was a coven head telling him to shut up or mocking him or dismissing the fact he was speaking at all. But this girl wasn’t ignoring him, she was including him in her excitement, so he allowed himself to allow it.
“And it’s blooming already?” she continued, getting as close as she could. “How did that happen? The full moon isn’t for a few more days!”
“Oh, well Terra figured out that if you add moon dust to the water it will naturally convert the sunlight into the needed chemical to bloom.”
“The water, of course!” Willow said, laughing as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Why didn’t I think of that? It helps the pigment coloration too! Ah! It’s so pretty! Look at the lateral sepal and the dorsal sepal! They’re much bigger than average, it must be cross pollinated to have a wide enough stem to support that.”
He watched as she continued to chatter about the details of the flower, seeing things within things and connecting it to flowers in her own garden. She was vibrant and excited and loud, uncaring if she got dirt stains on her uniform as she got closer to the plant. It was extremely unprofessional.
“You know a surprising amount about plants for someone on the abomination track.” He observed as he knelt down beside her.
“Well, between you and me I’m not really the best at abominations.” Willow replied without really thinking, too enamored by the details of the flower before her to monitor her filter. 
“Oh, well that was surprisingly… honest.” He marveled. 
Oh shoot, Amity probably didn’t want a rumor that she didn’t excel at the abomination track getting back to the Emperor.
“I-I just mean you know in all my studies I-I have sooo many studies!” Willow sputtered. “When I said ‘I’m not the best’ I mean more like uh… like uh…”
“Oh, no I didn’t mean anything by it! No, it’s just that… in other afternoon arrangements I’ve had they always try to talk themselves up, they’d never admit to not doing well at something.” He cleared his throat, uncertain why he cared about offering her peace of mind in her confession.”It’s… refreshing. I feel like you’re the first person I’m actually getting to know.”
Willow smiled. “Well alright then, your turn,” she said, standing back up brushing the lingering dirt off her knees. “Tell me something you don’t like.”
“Wild witches,” he responded instantly, low and dramatic.
“O-kay,” Willow said nervously. “Maaaybe switch gears then, what’s something you like?”
“Catching wild witches.”
“No,” she giggled, shaking her head. “That’s your job, but what’s something you do that’s just for you? Like, a hobby or something you do for fun?”
“I like… to read?” He said after a moment, too embarrassed to tell her he had no time for fun. None of the questions he had gotten had ever been so… genuine. 
“Okay, that’s a start,” she said with a smile. “What do you like to read about?”
He went to answer and she quickly cut him off to say: “And don’t say ‘about how to catch wild witches.’”
“Fine,” he said, cracking a smile she could hear. “I like… reading books about adventures, and history, and the human realm.”
“Ooh, my best friend is a big fan of the human realm,” said Willow enthusiastically. She decided it was best to not mention Luz, lest his line of questions shift back to the wild witch she was known to be staying with. “We found a book about human gardening at the market once and the lack of carnivorous plants over there is very surprising.”
“Yes! Exactly, okay I’ve said that exact thing before!” He replied excitedly, elated to hear his thoughts echoed. “I think it’s because the rain doesn’t boil over there and it makes their foliage more docile.”
“Oh yeah! That’s a good point!” Willow said as their excitement connected. 
“And not to mention the psshahshshlssh.”
“Oh sorry, I didn't catch that.”
“I was just saying how the flowers here aren’t as deedsmdnns.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Willow asked again, his sentiment lost behind his mask.
“Oh sorry, here lemme just-.” He realized the issue and went to swiftly remove the mask, and when he did Willow couldn’t hear a word he said, only her own thoughts echoing behind her wide eyes.
Oh boy. 
He really was just a boy.
And boy he was-
“Hot,” voiced Willow without thinking.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked, moving his hand through his hair, letting a lock spin in front of his face as the rest aired out like a soft halo.
“Er I just mean it must get really hot under that mask,” Willow recovered, the guard none the wiser. 
“Um yeah sometimes I guess,” his voice clear and unmuffled making him seem more real somehow. “It’s just for protection and authority and whatever,” he said with a shrug, as though he was explaining why he wore any other mundane accessory. “My uncle requires that I wear it most of the time.”
“It’s a shame cause you really do have a nice face.”
“Oh uh thank you?” He said, averting his gaze to the ground. If anyone else had said it, he’d roll his eyes knowing it was sarcasm or was about to be followed by some nasty comment. But when this girl said it, he somehow knew it was sincere. He dared to hope she wasn’t just saying it to be polite. 
He wanted to tell her she did too. 
But instead he asked:
“What other flowers do you have in your garden?”
He let her talk about plants for hours. 
Her friends loved hearing her talk about them, of course, but there was something different about the way the guard listened. He hung on her words like she had invented them, but his contribution proved that he was just as well versed in certain aspects as she was. The tiny, mundane details that often caused other people to get lost were equally beloved by the pair. He just loved knowing things Willow quickly learned, and when she said something he hadn’t known before he treated it like it was a revelation and looked for a way to take notes. And when he talked, oh Titan, there was such a fire in his eyes. Willow loved how he talked with his hands as though he was laying out illustrations that only they could see, even more enchanting than an illusion. When he had been talking longer than he was usually able to, he apologized but Willow insisted he continue. 
They had hardly realized any time had passed until they heard Darius call for him, and Willow pulled out her scroll to check the time. They had gone way over the allotted hour. 
“Wow, time really flies I guess,” Willow chuckled, hoping she hadn’t kept him from anything important.
“Yeah,” the guard said, unable to hide the tone of disappointment in his voice as he tried to keep it hidden from his face. He put his mask back on. “I’ll uh, walk you out then.”
When they arrived at the gate, a familiar silence danced between them. But this time it fought, as though being crushed by all the things they had not gotten to yet. She turned on her heel and bashfully offered him her hand, trying to safe face (or, rather, Amity’s face).
“Well, it was very nice to meet you-.”
“Hunter,” he said quickly, as though he was unsure it was proper to say.
“That’s my name, Hunter,” he said. “You can call me that, if you like. It’s a bit less formal.”
“Is that what all your friends call you?”
“I guess? They would if I did, I mean. Have friends, that is.”
“Well then I’d be happy to call you Hunter,” said Willow. “And you can call me…” Woah, she had almost let it slip. She technically hasn’t introduced herself, she hadn't needed to, but she wanted to return the favor. But in what world was Willow a nickname for Amity? “Clover.”
“Yeah it’s uh a nickname,” she said with a nervous laugh. “Everyone calls me that.”
“Oh, like a lucky clover.”
“Exactly,” she said in an airy voice she had never used but he had inspired her twice in one afternoon. She’d think of a believable explanation to give Amity later. 
“Well I felt very lucky to meet you,” he said bashfully, feeling as though he was trying to add something more within the compliment. He could tell she sensed it as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He felt a little stupid but somehow not in a bad way?
“Me too,” she said softly. “I had fun.”
“Surprisingly I also really enjoyed myself,” he admitted in disbelief. “You’re very nice company, Ms. Blight.”
“You know, you’re not so bad yourself,” she said with a smile. That’s something Amity would say, right? She couldn’t place exactly when the shift had happened but at some point she had forgotten she was supposed to be pretending to tolerate him as she found herself genuinely enjoying herself. 
He cleared his throat, kicking at the dirt as he fought against shyness. “Would you want to do this again? I mean, sooner than the weekly arrangement, that is.” He made sure to clarify. “I can plan something outside the castle, maybe show you where Terra has some of her rarer species.”
“Oh, I-I l’d really like that actually,” Willow couldn’t help but say. But that would complicate things even more in many ways. She was supposed to be getting Amity out of this and yet she was committing to more time with him. Plus how could she justify Amity being in two places at once? 
“It’s just… I’m…” but she could hardly say that was the reason so what reason could she give that wouldn’t leave him hurt or suspicious?
He sensed her hesitation. “Oh yeah I mean you’re probably busy, I’m probably busy too anyway.” 
“Yeah, and I know how strict your uncle can be and well you know how my mom is.”
“Yeah, I… sure do,” he said in a way that only someone who knew Odalia Blight but didn’t want to possibly offend her daughter would. “So, is that why you dyed your hair? I heard she prefers it all green like hers.”
“Oh yeah,” she chuckled, knowing Amity’s most comfortable level of rebellion was letting her roots show. 
“I mean, I think it would be lovely on you,” said Hunter shyly. “Green suits you; especially the green of your eyes.”
“Green of my-.” Amity’s eyes were brown and not a brown that would be mistaken for green even in a dim light. 
“And I also think they look lovely with the gold frame of your glasses,” Hunter quickly added, dipping his toes into a more detailed compliment. “Your whole face really is uh… very pleasant. Nothing like Odalia. Not that I’m calling your mother ugly! That’s no, I just meant because I know how you feel about her that I can see you as your own person and that you have features that are unique and that look very…”
As Hunter continued to ramble, Willow caught sight of herself in the reflection of a window. She wore the abomination uniform but it was not Amity’s face that looked back at her now. Her eyes darted to her neck and widened when they saw she had forgotten the concealment stone. 
Her face, her body, her voice had been hers from the beginning. The only thing Hunter didn’t know about her was her name.
“… I guess what I’m trying to say is you’re very beautiful and I enjoy spending time with you,” he managed to get to the point, his tone indicating he realized it as he was saying it. “Not that I wouldn’t if you weren’t but I guess…” he trailed off again and sighed as Willow’s heart caught up to her mind realizing his words were truly for her, as her. 
“You’re just… not what I was expecting,” said Hunter. “And I’m sorry if I didn’t give you the best first impression.”
Her throat felt tight. She hadn’t intended to trick him, not like this. For some reason doing it in her own skin made the lie more hurtful. As spot on as her Amity impression could be, she hadn’t wanted to do the wrong thing and so stuck to what she knew. He just made it easy for her to be herself. He laughed at her jokes and listened to her and looked at her so softly and so attentively and so…and for him to say such nice things… it felt odd but she desperately wanted him to know everything but her name. 
“Well, in my opinion first impressions aren’t always all they’re cracked up to be,” she said. “But I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.”
“Amity please,” Willow said, her voice determined to let her know this was not a request to be taken lightly. “In all the years I’ve known you, can you honestly say there was even a single time that I was not a good friend to you?”
“No,” Amity could not even pretend to search for ammo. “But why do you want to go back so badly? Was it the garden?”
“Well, it’s not just the garden,” Willow admitted sheepishly. “The Golden Guard isn’t as scary as everyone makes him out to be, ya know? We had a really good time and I just wanna see him again.”
“Really?” Amity asked with a raise of her eyebrow. When she arrived to download with Willow, she had expected to have much to apologize and make up for. She would never have guessed that her friend would want to take her place again. “Are you sure there’s not something else going on?”
“Well I also maaaaay have forgotten to wear the concealment stone so he thinks you look like me,” Willow added quickly as though it was a minor setback. 
“It’ll be okay though! I’ll think of something to fix it! I’ll make sure you still get credit or ya know maybe we can convince him there’s two girls with the same name and it was like some kind of mix up.”
“You really think that’ll work?”
“No he’s really smart,” Willow admitted, both in awe and disappointment of the truth. “But not just about coven stuff, he knows so many little random facts. We just talked for hours about plants and books and stuff but it felt like only minutes had gone by.”
“I know how that feels,” said Amity, a blush creeping into her face as she remembered her heart flipping when she and Luz had first discussed Azura and all the tangents they went on. How everything flowed so easy, like they were in a bubble. 
Amity knew what everyone said about the Golden Guard, that he was cold and strict and stuck up. Whispers in the hallways had said the same thing about her, but she knew why. Maybe he needed a friend like Willow for his true colors to show. “Let me know if I can do anything to help.”
So she went back the following week and when she entered the gates it was like they picked up right where they left off. Amity had sent her with an itinerary and talking points but all business left her mind when he entered her view. She saw the tenseness leave his shoulders and his stance become relaxed when she smiled at him. Now that she knew he was seeing her, her heart couldn’t help but flutter a little bit.
“You came back,” he said, unable to hide the fact that he was slightly stunned.
“I did,” she replied. “Is that… okay?”
“Yes, yes of course,” he said. “I’m just… not used to having people happy to see me who know me.”
“Well then, they must know you very well then, huh?”
There was hardly a moment of silence between them. Years of not being able to speak freely if anything frivolous poured out of him once she entered his sights. He collected jokes and anecdotes like inventory, counting the minutes until she was back at the gate greeting him with a wide smile no one else had ever held for him.  He had considered that their unlikely connection was part of a strategy, but the more she shared about herself quickly put that theory to rest. She didn’t have enough intel on him for blackmail and didn’t do enough to talk herself up to make him feel she was aiming for favoritism. It was almost like she didn’t care about the coven at all, she treated it like an afterthought when it came up. Their shared obligation had brought them together but what kept them coming back together was more than Hunter fully understood. He just knew that once a week he could breathe.
There were some close calls (like referring to herself as an only child once) but luckily Willow knew Amity well enough that she could quickly recover any slip ups.It actually made it easier for her to visit on the days they weren’t technically meant to. Amity was a known sucker for extra credit, so of course she’d insist on more time with the coven head who was meant to be mentoring her. Though she did not say much when their time consisted of less mentoring and more of overly competitive games of capture the flag and listing fun facts at each other. 
He asked her why she was on the abomination track when she so clearly was suited for the plant track and she said her father thought it was best for her, which was both in character and not a lie.
When they would get off on a tangent that he could not relate to official coven business, she smoothed it out by claiming the fact that they were meeting under the arrangement of her mother and the emperor made whatever they ended up doing official coven business. So he enjoyed her company without guilt, which allowed him to feel the new, confusing nerves all the more. 
Despite the purpose of the arrangement being to help see if she would be a worthy addition to the coven, she never once asked about it. She asked about him plenty, but it was almost as though she had forgotten she was there on business.
A few weeks into the arrangement, Hunter was pacing at the gate waiting for his guest. It wasn’t like her to be late, in fact she usually came early so they’d have more time together. Every other candidate had reached a point when they stopped coming back, his drills were too much or his voice too annoying, or sometimes they neglected to give  a reason all together. Granted this round had been different, he couldn’t deny he hadn’t been following usual protocol or checklist, but he felt that they both believed it was different in the best way. He had never been nervous like this before, he was nervous every day they were to meet. But it was a good nervous, he didn’t know how else to explain it. 
His heart leapt when he finally saw her land on her palisman. He straightened his spine and ran his hand through his hair as she walked to the gate, lacking her usual pep.
“Hi, sorry I’m late,” Willow said forlorn, trudging in.
“It’s fine, I totally wasn’t worried you weren’t coming or anything,” said Hunter nervously, barely hiding the truth within. His face became serious as he noticed the disdain did not leave her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she sighed, trying to force a smile. “This girl at school is just out to get me. Whenever she sees me she finds something to make fun of, and normally I can ignore it because I know she just wants a reaction out of me but I woke up already not feeling great and I dunno I guess it just got to me today.”
“What kind of things does she say?”
“That’s the worst part too, like the things she says aren’t even true or clever but she just keeps saying them,” Willow sighed. “Like she needs me to know how much she believes I’m a loser and that I’ll always be weak. It’s like she needs to make sure there’s someone worse off than her otherwise she can’t feel good about herself.”
“I’m surprised anyone would even try to mess with you, you know considering your status.”
“Oh yeah, as a Blight.”
“Oh well yeah but I mean just because of your ability in general,” said Hunter. “You’re a very powerful witch.”
“Yeah,” he said with confidence. Willow knew he must be fully informed of Amity’s academic strides to have secured her time with him, the Blights had a reputation in every aspect a person could. “I mean, it took Terra weeks to figure out how to get that seed to sprout and when I gave it to you you did it in minutes.”
“I didn’t even do anything really, I just held it to my heart because I was so excited. I just got lucky.”
“Yes but your first instinct was to be kind to it, Terra would never try something like that,” said Hunter. “Your magic comes from a genuine, caring place. It’s not for show or power and that’s what I think makes it so strong.”
Willow just stared at him.
“What? Did I say something weird? Is there something on my face? Why are you-.”
She wrapped him in a hug.
“You didn’t say anything weird,” said Willow. “It was just what I needed to hear. It was so sweet, thank you Hunter.”
“Yeah well I-if you what I can make that girl spend a night in the dungeon,” said Hunter, still unsure how to respond to her genuine words sometimes. His arms were pinned at his sides as she rested the side of her face on his chest. He didn’t know what to say but he didn’t want her to think him not talking meant he wanted her to let go.He didn’t know what this was but he knew he didn’t hate it. “We’ll see if she tries to mess with you again after that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she giggled, looking up at him. “But you know what would really make me feel better?”
“Watching you try your first slice of fairy pie!”
He gasped. “No way!”
She giggled at his expression as she released him to skip over to her bag. “I told you my dad makes the best so I saved you some from my lunch!” She rushed back over to him with the carefully packaged slice she had perfectly crafted for him. Hunter took it and eyed it skeptically.
“Alador made this?” 
“No, he- er yeah I know right?” Willow gave the best nonanswer she could. 
“And there’s no like… abomination goo in it?” he asked, only half joking as he looked it over. 
“No I promise; I helped make this batch myself.
“Well it smells and looks really amazing,” Hunter said, feeling his mouth start to water. “But I can’t take this from you. Besides, I have my own piece of bread that I shouldn’t let go to waste.”
He went to fetch it from the table: the stale, pale slice of bread he had every encounter, the emperor’s idea of a snack. If you asked Willow, it shouldn’t be any person’s idea of edible.
“Well how about we swap then?” Willow offered. “My friends and I do it all the time! Try something new. You have the cake and I’ll take your bread so it doesn’t go to waste.”
“Are you sure? It hardly seems like a fair trade to yo-,” before Hunter could finish objecting, Willow snatched the bread from his hands and licked it.
”Now you have no choice.” She said plainly. 
He was stunned and flustered and embarrassed all at once. He never knew how to explain the things she did or how he felt about them. He knew she didn’t care about impressing him, yet she did it without trying. She didn’t care how it made her look. She wasn’t trying to bribe him. She did nice things for him because they would help him, there was no favors or ulterior motives lurking within her actions.
She placed the cake in his hands, making it clear she would hear no more on the matter.
The cake was everything she said it was, which meant it was everything his normal snack wasn’t. This was rich and vibrant and sharp and sweet in a way Hunter didn’t know was possible. He both wanted to savor it and devour it as quickly as possible. Willow’s reaction was less entrancing, as she tried to fake a smile as she marveled at how something could taste sour and salty and somehow flavorless at the same time.
When she managed to stomach it, she turned to see his reaction and was surprised to see him looking despondent despite the extra frosting she had added to the treat that she had been sure would delight him.
“What’s wrong? Does it taste okay?”
“No, I mean yes I mean it’s just… you had a bad day and you still came to see me,” Hunter said.
“Yeah, I mean I had a feeling I’d be late but-.”
“No it’s not about that, it's just… well. it would be a perfectly valid reason to not come by,” said Hunter. “If you weren’t feeling up to it or something, it would be understandable. But then when you did, you end up making me feel better.”
“That’s what being friends is,” she said simply, trying not to smile too wide at the stray bit of frosting that was smudged on the side of his mouth.
“We’re friends?”
“Yeah,” she said, trying in vain to bite into the stale loaf. “What else would we be?”
“Well I … I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. He wanted to ask what other things they could be. “I guess I’m just… glad to hear you say it.”
“Well then,” she said with a smile, scotting a bit closer to him to wipe the rogue bit of frosting from his cheek. “I’ll be sure to say it more often.”
“Cool,” he said, breaking off a piece of the pie to hand to her,she accepted if for no other reason than she needed the stale and somehow sour aftertaste from her mouth. She would definitely be bringing him more suitable treats going forward. 
“And besides,” she said with a smile. “Seeing you made me feel better too.”
On the off chance it should ever come up, Willow and Amity also met weekly to go over the meetings, Willow filling her in on any talking points that Darius might mention or Odalia might ask about. Of course, Willow did not tell Amity everything that went on at their encounters, she certainly kept the fluttering feeling in her chest to herself and the growing collection of heart doodles in her notebooks didn’t seem to come up. Willow just guaranteed that she was doing the Blight name justice and that her mother would be pleased with the report that may find its way back to her. She wasn’t sure how Hunter reported things, wondering if there were any portions he also kept to himself.
“... and then he mentioned the trial exams and “
“And what else did he say about those? Did he give you any clue about the new format?”
“Uh, maybe?” said Willow with a shrug. “Then I showed him a cute picture of Clover and he showed me a trick that he and his palisman have been practicing where he spins and then they both-.”
“Wait, he has a palisman?”
“Oh, shoot!” exclaimed Willow, sitting back up. “You can’t tell anyone! It’s a secret, oh but he’s so cute! Him and Clover get along so well. Oh my titan, I took the cutest picture of them playing when Hunter was telling us about-.”
“Hunter? Who is Hunter?”
“Oh,uh the er golden guard,” Willow said, feeling shy for some reason. “That’s his name. Is that a secret too?”
“I’m not sure,” Amity said. “But I guess it’s just surprising he lets you call him that. But I guess that means the meetings really have been going well huh?”
“Yeah,” Willow sighed, admitting a photo she had taken of Hunter and Flapjack when he wasn’t looking. The bird was looking up at him with so much love and happiness and Hunter gently stroked under his chin, smiling as the sun framed the scene. His jawline was sharp and his eyes were soft, he looked so content and comfortable and cute and- she was starting to suspect this was not a platonic way to look at a photo for five minutes straight as she totally forgot Amity was talking to her.
“...but it’s not like it’s guaranteed or anything, I mean I’m sure he would’ve mentioned it to you by now but we have a few years before it’s an issue and by then my mom might have dropped it, I mean Miss Lilith said I was on track to join the coven but that might not even be something I want by then and-.”
“What? Oh my titan Amity I’m so sorry I… I wasn’t paying attention.”
Amity rolled her eyes endearingly and laughed. “No worries, I was just saying how my mom was excited when she found out the Golden guard had taken over the coven because she thinks she can talk the emperor into an arrangement.”
“Like what kind of arrangement?” Willow asked, scrolling through her collection of photos as she sipped her drink.
“Like one like she and my dad have I think,” said Amty, wrinkling her nose. “A business marriage to try and get me ahead but like that wouldn’t guarantee anything and besides it would be totally-.”
She was cut off by Willow nearly choking to death.
“Hey, woah!” she patted her friend’s back as she caught her breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she said after she managed to catch her breath. “I… um…Amity, are these meetings supposed to be like a… courtship?”
“Um I guess but my mom knows that I-.”
“Does Hunt- I mean, the golden guard, does he know?”
“Um maybe? I'm sure my mom isn’t the first person to try it, I mean it’s like the oldest trick in the book.”
“Amity, why didn’t you tell me I was basically going on dates with him this whole time?”
“Because my mom is always thinking of something new to get ahead and it never works out the way she- wait, why does that matter?”
“Because what if he thinks that I think we've basically been going on dates that I don’t actually like him I’m just trying to jump ahead into the coven and- why are you looking at me like that?”
Amity offered her a knowing glare before the dots connected and she pointed her finger at her friend and declared dramatically. “You like him!”
“You do! You like him!”
“I- maybe? I might? Kind of?” Willow knew she couldn’t deny it, she also kind of didn’t want to. “I mean sure, we have a lot in common and he’s really smart and funny and then I found out he was cute and I guess I just-.”
“Wait, cute? You saw his face?”
“Yeah, is that a big deal?”
“Well I don’t think he wears the mask because he wants everyone knowing what he looks like,” said Amity. “He must trust you.”
“Great,” groaned Willow, flopping onto the bed. “He trusts me and I’ve been lying to him since the moment we met.” Her voice was muffled by her pillow. Amity sighed and went to pat her back to reassure her but hesitated, not as skilled at comforting others as she wished she was. She cleared her throat and tried to offer a positive thought, but thankfully Willow cut her off as she continued to voice her thoughts.
“The ironic part is I really do feel like myself around him,” she sighed, rolling over to be heard better as she hugged the pillow to her chest. “But if I tell him now he might not believe me or he’ll be upset and then you’ll get in trouble on top of it!”
“I shouldn’t have  put you in this position in the first place,” said Amity solemnly.. 
“I’m honestly kind of glad you did,” Willow admitted bashfully. “I… I really do like him.”
“Well as… unorthodox as your meeting was, I’m happy for you,” said Amity. “I’m sure he likes you too.”
Willow couldn’t help but blush, feeling giddy to finally be open about her crush. She had missed talking crushes with Amity.
“Which probably isn’t ideal since he thinks you’re me, huh?”
“Yeah that’s… probably not great.”
“I mean, he may think you’re a Blight but he knows inside you’re a Park,” Amity offered proudly. Willow simply offered her a look. 
“Was that too much?” Amity winced.
“It was a little cheesy,” Willow admitted with a chuckle. “But you’re right. I care about him and  don’t want to hurt him. So I think I know what I have to do.”
Amity could tell that knowing the right thing to do also meant Willow wouldn’t enjoy doing it.
Willow did not go back the next week.
Or the week after that.
She couldn't help but feel like doing so was leading him on. Even though she knew she felt… a certain way about him,there was no scenario she could think of that didn’t end with him feeling heartbroken or foolish. The Blights were known to be busy, she hoped he’d assume she’d been held up with school or other obligations.
But instead, he broke his own heart because she was too polite to do it.
Which is how he found himself at the Blights’ door.
He waited patiently as the abomination servant fetched Odalia, who greeted him with a smile that lacked sincerity and brought to mind a vampire. How had such a cold place brought forth such a warm person?
There was no turning back now, he would not be scared off by the unfortunate circumstance of her upbringing. Hunter removed his mask knowing it naturally lent authority to his tone and he wanted to assure that this came not as a demand or something official but a personal request from the heart. He had rehearsed it in the mirror for hours, imagined and planned different scenarios of varying grandness but he didn’t want it confused for a spectacle.
“Mrs. Blight, I’ve come here to ask for your blessing,” he said, certain and nervous in a way that made the contraction feel welcoming.
“Blessing? Blessing for what, exactly?”
He took a deep breath to better brace himself and his heavy eyes were serious and sincere as the words entered the world outside his bedroom for the first time.
“I believe I am in love with your daughter.”
“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised,” she replied with a smug gleam in her eye. “The Blights shine so brightly, of course the emperor’s right hand man can see that clearly. Allow me to fetch her.”
Hunter straightened his spine as Odalia touched her broach and in a moment, Emira appeared beside her.
“Oh, uh I-I’m sorry I meant your other daughter,”
“Oh,” said Odalia. “Heh, my apologies.” She touched her broach and Amity came trudging in beside her sister, trying to keep her composure when she discovered the reason why.
“Oh, uh I guess I meant your other other daughter,” he clarified once more.
“Edric?” Emira said with a raise of her eyebrow.
“Amity,” said Hunter. “Though I know she prefers to go by-.”
“This is Amity, your grace,” said Odalia, bringing Amity forward. “I understand if you didn't recognize her. I know the purple hair is rather unappealing, but we can change it if it isn’t to your liking.”
“No, no that’s not-.” He sighed. “Are you sure there’s no one else here? Anyone who might go by Clover?”
“‘Clover?’” Emira repeated. “Isn’t that the name of-.”
“Um, ya know I think we just need some privacy,” said Amity, nearly jumping out of her skin as she ran to take Hunter’s wrist. “Excuse us won’t you okay byeee!”
Hunter followed her until they were out of earshot, then stopped to demand some  explanation. His confusion bordered on anger, slowly shifting to hurt.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re not in love with me.”
“Well duh,” scoffed Hunter. “I’m in love with Amity.”
“No, no you’re not,” she sighed. “I mean, you are but the Amity you think is Amity isn’t really Amity because I’m really Amity.”
 She went and pulled out her scroll and turned to show him a photo. “This is her, right?”
He looked down and saw it was her… whoever she was. She was bright and beaming, smiling the smile he knew meant she had been laughing. 
“Yes,” he said. For a moment, his heart dropped as he considered the notion that she had seen him coming and fled the house in order to avoid this conversation. “So if she’s not here… what’s going on?”
Willow had drafted dozens of letters she didn’t know how to send. No matter how she worded it., the truth just didn’t seem good enough. And now she had let time pass, maybe too much time. But she didn’t know which she was more afraid of: hurting him or admitting she had been hurting him all along. But realistically what did she think would happen? He was essentially a prince. Her reputation labeled her as half-a-witch. Their worlds were never meant to collide, he would be bored of her or outgrow her soon enough. He would never demote himself to her world.
Then she saw him at the end of her garden path, walking to her front door.
No mask, no armor, no walls. Just him. Her heart raced and sank and hid over and over. Was he here to arrest her? To yell at her? To save her? Suddenly, she didn’t care. After weeks that felt like lifetimes, seeing him just made her come to realize how much she missed him. 
He knocked.
She quickly fluffed her hair in the mirror by her front door and took a deep breath before she slowly opened it for him. She didn’t know what to say, if she should greet him, hug him, or if she should have pretended to not be home. Once their eyes met, the words flooded out.
“I’m sorry,” she said with wide eyes. “Are you mad? It’s okay if you are, I’d be mad too. You should be mad, I lied to you. I had a good reason to, I know it’s not an excuse because I kept doing it even after Amity asked me to stop. I just liked you and spending time with you and I promise I never lied about that and I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how and I-.”
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“I- what?”
“Your name,” he said breathlessly. “Your real name.”
“Willow,” she said. “Willow Park.”
“Willow,” he repeated, like it made the air taste sweeter. It suited it, it felt like it should be so obvious that it was the perfect word to describe her. It was elegant and whimsical and simple in a way that managed to capture all that she was in mere letters. It had music in it, like reciting a fond dream. 
“Well Willow Park,” he said, the name dancing on his lips like prayer as he extended his hand to her. “It’s an honor to meet you.”
She took it. “The pleasure is all mine, Golden Guard sir,”
“Please call me Hunter.”
“Okay,” she said nervously. “Even though I actually don’t have the status of a Blight? You’re still okay with me calling you Hunter?”
“Yeah, I mean that’s what my friends call me.”
“Okay cool,” she said, feeling nervous around him for the first time in weeks. She brushed her hair behind her ear, feeling like he was waiting for her to say more. “So um h-how did you find me?”
“Oh, Amity- the real Amity- told me,” he explained. “When you stopped showing up I went to Blight manor to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m sorry I worried you,” she said softly. “I wanted to explain but I didn’t want to get Amity in trouble and I didn’t want to lie and it was just easier this way. It’s cowardly, I know. But I was worried that if I went to tell you and saw you I wouldn’t be able to go through with it.”
“Oh, okay,” he voice wavered and he cleared his throat to try and hide it. “I uh- t-that’s good to know then. I was also  worried that maybe I had done something to offend you.”
“No of course not! Why would you think that?”
“Well the last time I saw you we um, or rather I lingered in our embrace,” he said, his face reddening with every word. “And I was worried that it may have been inappropriate that you could interpret it as unprofessional.”
She had noticed, but she would have sworn she had been the one lingering.
“That’s definitely not the reason.”
“So then you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” she said with a smile. “I’m the one with things to apologize for.”
“Weeeeell that’s not entirely true,” he said with a nervous laugh. “Since we’re admitting things, you or rather Amity I suppose, didn’t need to keep coming because… my uncle stopped requiring it after the second visit. So I… I kind of lied too.”
“And why would you do something like that?”
“Because I liked spending time with you,” he said. “And I would like to see you again,” he cleared his throat to try and summon his confident tone back. “Outside the castle walls.”
Willow smiled. “To do what?”
“Well, uh I know the… situation of how we met wasn’t entirely… ideal “ he continued. “And I eh- hold on, this changes my speech a little.”
“You made a speech?” she said, knowing he made speeches for the most important matters in his life. “For me?”
“I heh yeah I did,” he said with a chuckle. He knew she wouldn’t mock him, her teasing was always gentle and from a caring place. She helped him see the humor in himself, that allowed him to relax for at least a moment.“I… it’s so weird. I had no trouble telling Odalia Blight how I felt about you.Titan, I loved you even when I thought you were a Blight, I considered it the closest thing you had to a flaw and even then I-.”
He looked up and saw her gentle expression was gone and now she looked stunned. Not upset, just surprised. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, worried he had misread the situation. 
“You just… you just said you loved me.” Willow said as though letting him know he had misspoke. 
“Oh! I mean yes, I did,” he tried to save face. “I did say that because… well… it’s not totally untrue. I mean I was researching dynamics within a friendship and found many of the aspects present in our interactions but then there were other… feelings that were slightly more advanced than ones expressed within a purely platonic relationship. And one day after you left I suppose my face was still rather flushed when a scout saw me and they accused me of being in love and I… I don’t think they were wrong?”
She knew they were young and being in love was something major and brought with more time but Titan she couldn’t deny that she loved hearing him say it. Despite his feeling causing him to be teased and confused and uneasy, he trusted her enough to share it unfiltered. 
“You mean a lot to me too,” she said, trying to balance the sentiments dancing between them. “
“Sorry if I’m talking a lot I just feel like when I don’t see you I save all the things I want to say and they just like flood out because I just feel really safe around you and I know it was only a week but I really missed you, like I miss you every time sorry if that’s weird or-.”
“It’s not weird,” she said, taking his hands in hers. “It’s definitely not weird.”
“Yeah okay,” he chuckled, trying to hide his blush as he couldn’t help but focus on how soft her hands were. “So it’s… okay? I wanted to do this right and not seeing you at Blight manor kind of threw me through a loop. I just pictured it happening a certain way.”
“How did you picture it?”
“Well, worst case scenario you turn me down because it was just something you did for your family and you secretly despise me.”
She giggled, not to make fun of him but because it seemed like an impossible scenario. “And the best case?”
“Well I… I guess this is probably better than the best case,” he said. He balled his fists at his sides and bit his lip, feeling entirely out of his element. 
“Hunter,” she began gently, finding solace in the fact that they felt out of place together. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Yes,” he said, dramatically exhaling unaware he had been holding his breath in the first place. “Oh thank Titan I’m so glad you said something because I did not know where I was going with that.”
They laughed, falling into a comfort they had both missed dearly. 
“So… can we start over?” she asked. “No lies?”
“Sounds good to me, Willow,” he said, getting used to the excitement that came with saying her name now. “So since we’re being honest, do you actually have any interest in joining the emperor’s coven?”
“Not really,” she admitted, sucking her teeth. “Is that okay?”
“Well, technically I’m only supposed to socialize with potential recruits,” said Hunter, pretending to be distraught. “So it looks like I’m going to have to find a way to convince you.”
“Hmmm, that might take awhile though.”
“I’m prepared to arrange as many meetings as necessary to try and enlist you,” he declared in a new version of his ‘official’ voice. “The emperor’s coven can’t let a recruit with your potential get away so easily.”
“So what do you have in mind?”
“Well, I’d love to take you to the botanical gardens we talked about,” he said. “Perhaps one of those flyer derby matches you mentioned or that bakery I pass by on patrol.”
“I’d really like that,” she said with a smile.
“So we… have a new arrangement?” he asked, extending his hand to her before adding just because he liked saying it: “Willow?”
“It looks like we do,” she said, shaking his hand. “As long as you’re prepared to give the speech you wrote for the Blights to my dads.”
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simplyraeblue · 21 days
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misery loves company (denki kaminari x reader)
ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP !femreader he was only supposed to get your number. you were supposed to stop rushing into things. but when there's undeniable sparks, neither of you kept to your word. WARNINGS/TAGS: fluff, swearing, fem reader word count: 2,680 A/N: this can be read as a one-shot, but I plan on starting another MHA mini-series, this time starring Denki! this can be read as a one shot as well, and eventually there with be an MDNI. idk, I feel like he doesn't get as much love, and I adore the man. there will be eventual smut, but I love cutesy Denki fics. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this WIP I will happily start one! ♡︎
part one | part two
this was quite possibly the worst night of his life. literally, he might die. Denki Kaminari was no stranger to getting his advances shot down but getting ghosted? whole new ball game.
so, for tonight he’d drown his sorrows with booze and his friends.
Kirishima, with quiet efficiency, slid another beer towards him. Kaminari grabbed it with a swift motion, lifting it to his lips and chugging it for perhaps a bit too long. “whoa, man, slow down,” Kirishima advised gently, placing a steadying hand on Kaminari’s shoulder.
“not a chance,” Kaminari shot back, tipping the bottle back again with determination.
“let him get plastered,” Bakugo muttered from his stool at the bar, a scowl on his face. “the idiot’s going to be a blubbering mess by the end of the night.”
“yeah, I’m not dealing with that,” Sero chimed in, crossing his arms in an x. “last time you puked on my brand-new carpet.”
Kaminari pouted, resting his head in his hand. “aw, come on. I’ll just get you a new one,” he said, though his voice carried a hint of defeat. he hadn’t planned on getting so drunk tonight, but he definitely needed something to numb the pain. the number of couples surrounding his group didn’t help matters.
Kirishima clapped his hands on Kaminari’s shoulders with enthusiasm. “maybe you should get back out there and start playing the field! one girl shouldn’t get you down.” he suggested, his face alight with a wide, encouraging smile.
Sero, grinning and holding up his drink, joined in. “yeah, we can make it a little game! like maybe if you get a girl’s number, we’ll buy you a drink.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “I’m not paying for anything. he barely knew her for a week,” he grumbled, his tone making it clear he was less than enthusiastic about the idea.
Kaminari appreciated his friends' support, but he wasn’t sure he had the courage to try. his heart was still too raw, and he didn’t think he could handle rejection right now.
“how about… trying with that girl over there?” Sero suggested, pointing across the room. “to the left a little bit – yeah, right there.”
Kaminari turned to follow Sero’s outstretched finger and saw you. you were seated with a group of friends, laughing and enjoying your drink. the sight of you made his breath catch. you wore skin-tight jeans and a crop top that left little to the imagination. as if that wasn’t enough to make him nervous, the way you tipped your head back and laughed made his heart race.
“no way, she’d shoot me down in a heartbeat,” Kaminari pouted as he looked at you, feeling a pang of self-doubt. you were far too attractive for him, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d reject him instantly.
“if you’re too chicken, I’ll give it a shot first,” Bakugo said with a smirk, clearly enjoying the challenge. Kaminari could see through Bakugo’s strategy—it was a classic move, and it was working.
before Bakugo could even push himself off his stool—his intention clear as he started to rise—Kaminari abruptly stood up and shot him a sharp, determined look. “I’m going,” he declared, his voice resolute. his friends erupted in cheers, their support ringing in his ears as he steeled himself and began to head towards your table.
just as you were a breath away from him, you stood from your chair unaware of his approach.
you told your friends you were heading to the bar for another drink. as you turned to navigate through the crowd, you collided with someone. “oh, jesus, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed, catching yourself on their arm as you stumbled from the impact.
Kaminari’s hand instinctively gripped your upper arm to steady you, and as you looked up, your eyes met his. up close, you were even more striking than he’d anticipated. your gaze was intense, making his heart skip a beat and sending his thoughts into a whirl.
he struggled to find the right words but managed to ask, “don’t worry about it. were you heading to the bar?”
you nodded, feeling a blush creep onto your cheeks as you assessed him. he didn’t seem like a creep—actually, he was quite cute and appeared genuinely friendly. not a bad start, you thought.
even though you had hesitated to come out with your friends, frustrated from yet another man ghosting you, you were suddenly very grateful they dragged you out. you always let your feelings cloud your judgement and lead you into a man’s bed – not that you were complaining – and your relationship didn’t go beyond physical. no dates, no call back, nada.
“let me buy you a drink. I’m Denki Kaminari,” he said, extending his hand towards you. you took it, noting the friendly gesture of a handshake, which was a refreshing change.
“only if it’s a really good drink,” you replied with a smile, “I’m y/n l/n.”
Kaminari grinned back and led you to the bar. as you walked, he glanced at his friends, who were giving him thumbs up and nods of approval, except for Bakugo, who watched silently with a raised eyebrow. Kaminari pondered his next move—buy you a drink, use a pickup line, and hopefully get your number? the pickup line seemed like a good idea.
once at the bar, Kaminari addressed the bartender. “I’ll have a refill on the Kaminari tab and whatever this pretty lady wants.”
you raised an eyebrow at the pretty lady comment but couldn’t help smirking. “I’ll have the same as he’s having.”
“what if you don’t like it?” Kaminari asked with a playful glint in his eye.
“meh, alcohol is alcohol,” you shrugged. as you were about to continue, you noticed three men behind Kaminari grinning and openly staring at the two of you. “um, are those gawking guys over there friends of yours?”
Kaminari whipped around, his glare cutting through the group. as soon as the men realized they’d been caught, they shuffled around, trying to look busy. Kirishima, however, made the scene even more comical by nearly toppling off his stool in the rush to appear occupied.
you couldn’t help but laugh as Kaminari sighed. “yeah, those three dumbasses are my friends.”
“they seemed pretty interested in us,” you teased, your eyes following the scene as the black-haired guy helped the redhead back onto his feet, both of them sporting bright red faces from their earlier stumble.
Kaminari scratched the back of his neck, a gesture that betrayed his unease. he worried that his friends had made things awkward or that you might find one of them more appealing—he suspected Kirishima might be the more attractive one in your eyes.
“well, actually—” Kaminari began, fumbling a bit, “—they were watching to see if I’d get your number. they’re trying to cheer me up.”
you turned your gaze from the boys back to Kaminari, noting the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks. it must have taken some balls to admit that to you. you decided to offer the most sincere support you could: honesty. “if it makes you feel any better, my friends dragged me out tonight to cheer me up, too.”
Kaminari’s eyes met yours, and you saw a flicker of hope in them. as the bartender set your drinks down and moved on to the next customer, you grabbed your bottle while Kaminari took hold of his. he raised his bottle in the air with a hopeful smile. “misery does love company, doesn’t it?” he said, offering a toast.
“I’ll cheers to that,” you replied with a smirk, clinking your bottle against his. as you took a sip, you tried desperately to not make a face at the taste, not wanting to bruise his ego but the beer tasted like actual piss.
Kaminari noticed your sour expression and grimaced. “don’t like it, huh? it is kind of a cheap beer,” he said with a regretful chuckle.
“no, no, it’s fine,” you insisted, trying to downplay your reaction. but as you took another drink, your attempt to mask your distaste failed, and you ended up coughing uncontrollably. Kaminari’s hand immediately flew to your back, patting it gently to help you recover.
“oh god, I’m so sorry,” he said, his face reddening with embarrassment. it seemed like every attempt he made to salvage the situation only made things worse.
as your coughing subsided, you managed a laugh. “Kaminari, it’s okay. really. just… an unexpected flavor is all.”
“shit,” Kaminari muttered under his breath, clearly frustrated. his gaze shifted away from you, and you followed it to see the blonde guy from his group striding over.
“oi, dumbass! are you trying to choke her with your cheap beer?” Bakugo called out, his tone light but clearly annoyed. a moment ago, Kirishima and Sero had begun a heated debate over who should intervene, but Bakugo decided to take matters into his own hands, clearly eager to see Kaminari squirm.
“Bakugo, chill—” Kaminari began to protest.
“ah, you must be the asshole of the group,” you interjected, pointing at Bakugo. he turned to gape at you, clearly taken aback by your boldness. Kaminari’s jaw dropped, his eyes widening in surprise as he realized you were standing up to Bakugo.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” Bakugo demanded, his eyebrows knitting together.
“well, every group has its types,” you explained with a confident grin. “you—” you gestured towards Bakugo, “—are the asshole. I’m guessing the redhead is the gym bro, and the black-haired guy is the quiet one.”
as if on cue, Kirishima and Sero waved at you from their seats, a slight smile on their faces.
“and what do you think this idiot is?” Bakugo asked, his hand firmly landing on Kaminari’s shoulder. you noticed how Kaminari stiffened under Bakugo’s touch, as if silently pleading you not to answer.
you took a moment to think before responding. “I’d say he’s the good-looking one.” you weren’t exactly lying, but you had a feeling your choice of words was going to get under Bakugo’s skin.
the effect was immediate: Bakugo’s cheeks flushed a deep red, while Kaminari’s face lit up with a pleased grin. Bakugo, flustered and without a retort, merely scoffed and turned on his heel, heading back to his friends. Kaminari, still grinning, let out an appreciative whistle next to you.
“it’s really rare to see someone stand up to him like that,” Kaminari remarked, his gaze lingering on Kirishima and Sero, who were laughing heartily at Bakugo’s expense.
you turned to him with a mischievous smile. “so, they’re waiting to see if you can get my number, right?” Kaminari nodded, his expression a mix of hope and curiosity. “well, what if you could offer them something even better?”
“b-better?” Kaminari stuttered, his mind racing in a thousand different directions as he tried to understand what you meant. among those thoughts was a particularly inappropriate one that he quickly shut down.
“mhm,” you murmured, moving closer to him until you were standing face-to-face. “what were they planning to do if you got my number?”
“buy me a drink,” Kaminari replied, a hint of confusion in his voice.
“that’s it?” you laughed, shaking your head. “men. you’re not thinking big enough.” as you pondered how to make their reward even more enticing, Kaminari fidgeted nervously in front of you, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Denki—” you said his name softly, causing him to catch his breath. “they might end up buying you a lot of beers tonight.”
before he could fully grasp what you were hinting at, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. you hadn’t expected a quick kiss to feel this… electric. but when your lips touched his you felt a spark run through you, igniting every bone in your body with excitement.
Kaminari stood frozen for a moment; his eyes wide as he processed the unexpected kiss. the contact was brief but charged, leaving him tingling and slightly dazed. as you pulled away, you could see the realization dawning on his face.
“you… you really just—” Kaminari started, his voice a mix of surprise and delight. he fumbled for words, trying to catch his breath and process what had just happened.
you chuckled softly, enjoying the flustered look on his face. “yep, I did. and now, you might find tonight to be a lot more interesting than just a few drinks.”
Kaminari’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and he ran a hand through his hair, trying to compose himself. “so… does this mean I’m not just getting a number?”
“exactly,” you said with a teasing glint in your eye. “if they want to keep this party going, they might have to up their game.”
Kaminari’s eyes watched his friends as they pumped their fists in the air, clearly thrilled by the kiss they had just witnessed. his heart swelled with affection as he saw your amused reaction to their antics. in that moment, he thought you were truly amazing.
“they might not end up paying after all,” Kaminari said, glancing toward Bakugo, who still looked determined not to spend a dime. “Bakugo seemed pretty intent on not footing the bill.”
you tilted your head with a playful smile. “hmm… not even for two kisses?”
before he could respond, you reached up and gently cupped his face with your hands, pulling him down to meet your lips once more.
as your lips met his again, everything else fell away. forget the drinks, forget the stupid game his friends wanted him to play, he didn’t care anymore. Kaminari melted into the kiss, his hands instinctively rising to cradle your face. he savored the warmth and the electrifying sensation that surged through him.
this kiss was different—it wasn’t just a fleeting touch. the desire to deepen the connection surged through both of you. you felt a rush of passion as his hands settled on your cheeks, and you tightened your grip on the front of his shirt, pulling him closer. your bodies pressed together, the intensity of the kiss growing with every passing second.
“get a room!” someone shouted from behind you, and you and Kaminari broke apart, instinctively giving his friends a middle finger in unison.
the simultaneous gesture made you both burst into laughter. “do you think that was enough to get them to buy out the whole bar?” you asked between giggles.
“don’t know, don’t care anymore,” Kaminari replied, his hands lingering on your face. his thumb lightly traced your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine.
you blushed at the tender touch but managed to smirk. “forgotten all about your little game from that kiss?”
“I forgot about the game the moment you told me your name,” Kaminari said, his eyes locking onto yours with a look of sincerity. seeing your grin made his heart race with exhilaration.
“wanna get out of here?” you asked suddenly. realizing that your offer might echo your old habits, you quickly added, “we could go get ice cream?”
“ice cream sounds great,” Kaminari agreed, a wide smile spreading across his face.
let his friends’ minds wander and form their own assumptions, Kaminari thought. he was determined to get your number by the end of the night, because if he didn’t, he’d be driven mad trying to track you down in every bar afterward.
you swiftly gathered your things from the table and gave a brief explanation to your friends - who looked at you with puzzled expressions. returning to Kaminari, you grabbed his hand, feeling a thrill of excitement. as you headed towards the door, you glanced back at his friends and shot them a playful wink, followed by another cheeky middle finger.
each of their jaws dropped in surprise as Kaminari shrugged with a smug grin, clearly pleased with the turn of events. hand in hand, the two of you walked out of the bar, leaving behind a buzz of curiosity and speculation in the group of boys.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ taglist: ------- if you want to be added to the tag list for this WIP, comment below! if you'd like to be added to any of my tag lists send a request via the "ask me anything" on my page! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Link to Bakugo x reader here (word count: 2,328) Link to Kirishima x reader here (word count: 902) Link to Shoto x reader here (word count: 1,800)
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life-at-hogwarts · 1 year
In the shadow of death (Ominis x GN!reader)
Pairing: Ominis x reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, fluff, mentions of animal abuse,
Word count: 3.3k
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Summary: It’s the day of Noctua’s funeral. After spending the night in Ominis’ room, the two of you have to act normal in front of his family.
“I’m sorry. This was entirely inappropriate. It has just been a hard day and I needed it.”
“Glad to be of help,” you replied breathlessly, your head still spinning from the kiss
Author’s note: Oof this one took me way too long. Possibly inspired by TVD. Also after obsessively researching the Gaunt family tree I have decided I am going against headcanon and Ominis is the older brother in this one instead of Marvolo.
Part 1     Part 2
Also I finally managed to set up an AO3 account if you prefer to read it there
Your face was still flushed from the last kiss when you made your way back to your room, sneaking through the quiet corridors completely lost in thought, smiling to yourself as you relished in memories of last night. It felt like a dream, how could that have been real? Two days ago, you had just been friends and now the taste of his lips still lingered on yours. The strangest thing was that it did not feel odd at all. All you could think about was doing it again. You had almost reached your room when Sebastian blocked your way, leaning against the wall with a stern look on his face.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Your cheeks were burning, and you avoided his gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve known Ominis for a long time. He doesn’t let people in. I’ve never seen him open up to anyone but Anne and myself, but for some reason he trusts you. So, for all our sakes, I hope you understand how much that means and honor it. If you do anything to hurt him…”
This took you by surprise. You had expected him to tease you and make fun of you but not this. Of course, you knew how close these two were, but you had never seen him this protective over his friend. If anything, he was usually the one who put him in danger.
“My intentions are pure, I swear,” you assured him solemnly and held his gaze.
“Good. He deserves the best. I’m putting my trust in you.”  After a short pause he added, “But be careful around his family. Don’t let them see what is going on between you two. They’ll use it to hurt him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Love is a weakness. Don’t think they won’t exploit it.”
You wanted to ask what he meant by that, but Sebastian was done talking and moved out of your way. You could feel his eyes following you when you walked down the corridor and finally disappeared into your room. That was odd, you thought to yourself, I have to find out what that is about.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt did not attend breakfast which made this meal more pleasant for everyone and even Ominis seemed somewhat relaxed with only his siblings around. You had seen Marvolo around in school, but Ominis avoided him as best as he could, so you did not know much about him. He was a year younger than the three of you, but no one could tell by looking at him. Marvolo took after Erebus, even some of his mannerisms were the same. You had to be careful around him. Metis on the other hand was much younger, probably around ten, and seemed like the least threatening member of the Gaunt family. You sat down next to her and gave her a little smile.
“Are you a Slytherin too?” she immediately asked.
“No. I’m not,” you started, but before you could elaborate Metis interrupted you.
“Mother said you are a half-blood. Maybe that’s why you’re not in Slytherin.”
Again with the pure blood mania. You suppressed an annoyed sigh and tried to stay polite. She was still a child after all.
“You know the sorting hat doesn’t really care about that. It’s what inside of you that counts.”
“Well, I am going to be in Slytherin like my brothers and everyone else in my family. It is the best house,” the little girl declared proudly.
Before you could answer, Marvolo chimed in, “Of course you will. You’re a Gaunt after all, our bloodline is not muddied with muggle blood.”
“Marvolo! Metis! That’s enough! Apologize right now. You are being rude to our guest,” Ominis hissed through gritted teeth, visibly irritated by his sibling’s behavior. Marvolo only glared at his brother defiantly and you could sense the tension building up between the two.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Anne!” Sebastian exclaimed and impetuously ran to his sister pulling her into a hug. It was a welcome distraction from the tense situation. Ominis shot his brother another angry look, before getting up to greet Anne. They hugged each other affectionately, then he asked, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for you, of course. I’m so sorry about your aunt.”
You didn’t know Anne very well, but you liked her. She was confident and forward, and you liked the effect she had on Sebastian. When she was around, he was different, less angry. He almost looked happy. Seeing the three of them together, you caught a glimpse of the bond they shared and couldn’t help but feel a little left out. Sebastian picked up on this and quickly declared, “I’m going to show Anne around, if you don’t mind. I need some time to catch up with my sister.” With that the two of them walked towards the door. Halfway through, Sebastian turned around, made sure Ominis’ siblings weren’t watching, and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making you blush.
Since neither one of you particularly wanted to return to the table, you quickly followed them out of the room. “You’re cute when you’re blushing,” Ominis whispered in your ear, and you shuddered when you felt his hot breath on your neck. All you could think about were his lips on your skin, but he had already pulled back. He kept his distance on your way up to his room, and you didn’t attempt to move any closer. Whenever he moved around the house he seemed to be on edge, and you wondered if he was afraid to bump into his father again. After what you had seen last night, you understood why he kept his guard up at all times around here.
“I just love how welcoming your siblings are. Makes me feel right at home here,” you remarked dryly, as you entered his room.
“Welcome to pure blood aristocracy,” he sighed and tiredly rubbed his face.
You waited a moment, contemplating whether or not this was the right time to ask about Sebastian’s cryptic words of caution. When Ominis didn’t say anything, you went for it. “Sebastian warned me about your family. He said I should be careful around them because they’d use it to hurt you. What did he mean by that?”
“He is right. Don’t show them that you care, or they will use it against you,or more likely, against me.”
You couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something you were missing and dug deeper, “I’m afraid I don’t understand. What is this about?” As soon as the words had left your mouth his eyes darkened, and you knew that it must have been something bad. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me.”
Ominis exhaled deeply and closed his eyes before answering. “No. It’s okay. You should know.”  Then he searched for your gaze, took another deep breath and started to speak, “I used to have a pet snake. Balthazar. He was my best friend and I loved him to death. My parents would use Balthazar to… incentivize me to do stuff I didn’t want to. They used my love for him to make me compliant. One day, I refused to do whatever it was they asked me to. They made me watch as they tortured and killed him. That was my punishment.”
“That is barbaric!”
“Then you know why you should be careful. I have seen them use the Unforgivables on people and I’m afraid they wouldn’t hesitate to cast them on you to teach me a lesson. My family is dangerous. I mean it,” he said in a grave voice.
“Understood. I will refrain from snogging you in front of your family then,” you responded wryly, earning yourself an exasperated sigh. “Hey. Loosen up. I will stay with Sebastian and Anne. Don’t worry, I understand that it’s not a joke,” you quickly added. You didn’t doubt that Erebus was capable of doing these things.
“Good. I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you,” Ominis murmured and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Later, all of you made your way to the small graveyard at the back of the Gaunt estate. The guests started arriving soon after. There was no crying at this funeral, only grim faces and women pointedly dabbing their eyes with handkerchiefs. Even though Noctua had disappeared years ago, this felt very odd, and you uncomfortably shifted in your seat. Nothing about this felt authentic. It was all one big show for the guests. Every wizarding family of high standing had come, you recognized representatives from the Blacks, the Malfoys, the Carrows, the Lestranges and the Notts, as well as some politicians you knew from the Daily Prophet.  You doubted that any of them had known, much less cared about Noctua. The only one who was truly devastated by her loss was Ominis, but even he did not show it. Forced to sit with his family in the front row, he did an excellent job in doing what everyone expected from him, accepting condolences with a solemn nod, displaying his grief the appropriate way. It pained you that he had to go through this by himself, but you had promised to keep your distance in front of his family.
After the service people broke up into small groups, some staying to pay their respects, others already heading towards the house where the wake would take place. Ominis finally broke free of his family and joined you and Sebastian, who was in conversation with another boy your age. When he saw Ominis come towards your group, the boy sneered, “I see the prodigal son has returned.”
“I heard you managed to find Slytherin’s scriptorium. Didn’t think you had the stomach for it. You were such a pansy when it came to getting your hands dirty,” he scoffed.
“How is your bedwetting problem? Did you finally manage to get it under control? I feel sorry for your roommates,” Ominis asked loudly, a wicked smile on his face. You snorted, trying to hold back your laughter and Sebastian almost spit out his drink. The boy shot you an angry look and stormed off.
“My cousin. Always manages to push my buttons. Obnoxious little prick,” Ominis sighed, and it took all of your strength to not laugh out loud. The way Ominis could tear into someone without ever losing his composure never ceased to entertain you.
Anne joined the three of you, looking awfully pale and excused herself from the wake. Her eyes were glassy with pain and you and Sebastian quickly escorted her back to the house. Now that you saw her like this you understood Sebastian’s insane quest to cure her. It was awful seeing her trying to hide her pain and it must be even worse for Sebastian to see his twin like this. You couldn’t imagine what type of person would do this to an innocent girl. She collapsed into a soft chair and quickly sent her brother away to get a glass of water. Then she turned to you and sighed, “Sorry, you had to see me like this. Damned curse. I hate being this useless.” Not knowing how to respond to this you gave her an awkward smile and waited for her to continue. “I miss Hogwarts, you know? I miss messing around with these two dickheads. I’m glad they have you now. Someone has to keep them in check.”
“I didn’t mean to take your place. Sebastian is relentlessly searching for something to lift your curse, so there is still hope that you can come back,” you quickly replied, and couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.
“That’s what worries me. I know my brother. He doesn’t know when to stop. I’m afraid he will go down a dark path if he doesn’t accept that some things cannot be changed. Please promise me you won’t let that happen. Don’t let him loose himself. Promise me.”
“I promise I’ll do what I can. I just don’t want to take away his hope.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that you’re looking after both of them. I have never seen Ominis so smitten. You’ll be good for him, I can tell.” You froze and stared at her in terror. Were you this transparent? Did everyone know?
“Oh, come on. Did you think Seb wouldn’t tell me about this?” she laughed, the same mischievous glint that you knew so well shining in her eyes. When Sebastian came back the two of you were laughing and exchanging stories about your adventures and some color had returned to Anne’s face. Solomon was on his way to pick up Anne and bring her home and while you waited with them for the arrival of their uncle, more and more people made their way back to the house as a light rain had started to fall. After a quick chat with the headmaster Sebastian had decided to go to Feldcroft with his sister and uncle and spend the night at home, leaving you to attend the wake by yourself.
Feeling a bit lost you entered the hall where everyone had gathered for the wake and searched the room for Ominis who was nowhere to be seen. Before anyone could invite you to take a seat at the table you quickly slipped out of the room again and went looking for him.
You made your way back to the place you had last seen him and sure enough your instincts proved to be right, and you found him standing alone at the freshly dug grave. He didn’t move when he heard you approach, and you quietly took your place at his side.
“How is Anne?” Ominis asked softly.
“Better. Solomon took her and Seb home. They told me to apologize on their behalf and hope you understand.”
“Of course. I’m just glad Anne is alright. Thank you for staying,” he said, reaching for your hand and interlocking your fingers before he continued, “I’m glad I came. Despite everything, I’m glad I could be here for Noctua. I know she died a long time ago, but I needed to bring her home. Even if my father does not seem like it, I think he loved her very much. She was the only one who could challenge him, and he wouldn’t mind. I wish you’d met her. Just to see that not all Gaunts are…well you saw how they are.”
“She sounds like a great person. I’m sure she would be proud of you.”  For a moment you stood like this in silence, watching the rain fall onto the grave.
All of a sudden, the silence was broken by a clap of thunder so loud it made Ominis jump, and the sky came crashing down in a sudden downpour. Lightning cracked over your heads, painting the sky in a shade of purplish grey and the trees on the edge of the property bent over under the sheer force of the wind ripping through their branches. You tightened your grip on his hand and started to run for cover, pulling him with you. Sensing his hesitation, you slowed your pace but to your surprise he took the lead, running even faster. You weren’t running to escape the rain anymore – it was too late for that anyway – you were running just for the sake of running. The wind lashed rain painfully hard into your faces but for some reason you didn’t mind. By the time you reached the nearest building you were both soaked and out of breath, giggling like small children.
You tugged on Ominis’ arm, trying to get him to follow you inside the barn but he didn’t move. Instead, he lifted his face towards the sky and closed his eyes, looking at peace. It seemed like for a moment he had forgotten about everything that had happened the last few days and a weight was lifted from his shoulders. He stayed like this for a while and you just watched him, admiring the way his shirt clung to his body and the water dripped from his hair. When you moved closer you could see the raindrops in his long eyelashes, catching the dim light like small diamonds. Gods he was beautiful. What you would give to capture this moment in a painting to be able to hold on to it forever. If only you could make him see himself the way you did. Was this what it feels like to fall in love?
Finally, he opened his eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he breathed in a ragged voice.
“I can’t help it,” you retorted, but forced yourself to back away from him only to be pulled back in with one swift movement. Ominis’ lips crashed against yours hungrily and you buried your fingers in his wet hair, all too eager to give in. There was a ferocity and desperation in the way he pressed his mouth on yours, quite literally taking your breath away for a second. You could taste the rain on his lips and deepened the kiss, taking the lead as your hand moved to his throat. He leaned against your touch, before pulling away abruptly, as if he had come back to his senses.
“I’m sorry. This was entirely inappropriate. It has just been a hard day and I needed it.”
“Glad to be of help,” you replied breathlessly, your head still spinning from the kiss. You had never felt like this before. He didn’t want to kiss you, he needed it, and you felt the same way. Every fiber in your body was longing for him, for his touch, for his taste, his smell. You wanted to lose yourself inside of him, erase all borders until you didn’t know anymore where you ended, and he began.
Ominis turned his head sharply, his entire body alert, and brought you back to reality.
“Did you hear that? Who is there? Show yourself.”
The barn door was cracked open. Ominis marched towards it, his wand in front of his face, determined to find out if anyone was in there and you quickly followed. A small silhouette emerged from the shadows and flit past Ominis running towards the house. Metis. “Well, that’s not good. Let’s not freak out, alright? No one listens to little kids; we can talk our way out of this,” you said, and to your surprise Ominis only let out a frustrated sigh and nodded. Still, on the way back to the main house he was sure to keep an appropriate distance between the two of you.
No one said anything when you returned to the wake, in fact no one even seemed to have noticed that you were gone in the first place. Ominis joined his family at the head of the table while you took a seat between Professor Black and some ministry officials, feeling aggressively out of place. Fortunately, everybody else had eaten by now and some of the guests were leaving already. You couldn’t wait to get out of there and by the looks of it, Ominis felt the same. Metis was nowhere to be seen. After another hour that felt like an eternity Professor Black was finally ready to go and insisted on escorting Marvolo, Ominis and you back to Hogwarts. You took the floo network directly to the headmaster’s office, all too eager to leave the Gaunt estate, and its inhabitants, behind.
Black quickly dismissed you with the instruction to go straight back to your respective dorms and Ominis was quick to make his way down the winding staircase. You wanted to follow him, but someone grabbed your elbow, forcing you to stay. “Hey, half-blood. Welcome to the family,” Marvolo whispered in your ear, so quietly that only you could hear. When you turned around to look at him, he gave you a vicious smile, that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
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From The Ground Up ~ Part 2
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My Blurb: This one is a lil shorter but I needed a little more setup before the next chapter that will have a special guest that you hopefully recognize from one of my other stories! I’m always looking for feedback and reblogs are worth gold!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Please do not repost without my permission.
Summary: Drew’s been in the wrestling business a long time and seen his fair share of Alpha & Omega drama. He’s certain when he finds his Omega this won’t be a problem, until the scent of cherries and orchids fill his senses and Cassidy Riley strolls into his life and he realizes a real relationship has to be built from the ground up. 
Pairing: Alpha Drew McIntyre x Omega OFC Cassidy Riley 
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, aggressive men, shirtless Drew
Status: In Progress
Tagging: @pioched​​ | @ashes-writing​ | @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore​ | @thebookwormcat​
Read First: From The Ground Up Masterlist
Also Check Out: My Whole Masterlist 
My chest pounded as I headed to the ring, thunderous applause ringing in my ears. A dull pain in my head started the moment I stepped away from my Omega and worsened the further I got from her. I took a deep breath and shook it off. It would be fine. It was a normal part of the connection, especially since I hadn’t claimed her yet. After I declare my intent for the Intercontinental title I will take her to dinner then back to the hotel and then we can make things…official. My dick twitched at the thought and I grinned at Gunther standing in the ring. 
Coming back through the curtain I was waylaid by Saxton trying to get an interview about my return. I kept my answers short while I searched the area for her, frowning when she was nowhere to be seen. 
“She’s in medical, after you…” Hunter’s voice trailed off as I headed down the hall towards medical, ignoring whatever else he had to say. Dammit I told her I would be right back, she should have known that meant to stay put. People scrambled out of my way but I barely noticed, too intent on following the trail of her scent. 
I groaned as I came to, blinking at the bright lights, hand immediately going to the dull pain in my head. “Easy there, Cass. Slowly.” Shannon, one of the backstage medics' voices, cut through the fog in my head as she helped me sit up. 
“What happened?” I groaned, looking around the room to see we were alone. “How long have I been out?”
“Maybe 5 minutes, it’s normal to be overwhelmed when the first connection is made with your mate. He shouldn’t have left so abruptly, it would have helped.” She smiled kindly at my confusion, while she checked my pulse. “World travels fast around here, but I imagine Drew will be back here as soon as his segment is over. Do you want to change? Kayla brought your bag and Byron has taken over your interviews tonight.” 
I nodded, taking a deep breath as it all came rushing back to me. Drew McIntyre is my Alpha. Shannon left, closing a curtain so I could have some privacy. I pulled my clothes out of my bag, quickly sliding out of my dress and into the comfier outfit. I had just pulled the sweater over my head and sat back down when a door slammed followed by Shannon’s alarmed yell. 
The curtain was ripped back abruptly to reveal the heaving Scotsman. He looked like he had run across the arena…shirtless and angry, my brain blanked when I realized and I gulped as he stepped closer. 
“You shouldn’t have taken off while I was gone. I need to know where you are.” He growled, causing me to narrow my eyes.
Indignation shot through me at his words, I barely registered the pain in my head had ceased completely. “Excuse me? You can’t just order me around! I can go wherever I want!”
“I told you I would be right back. You should have waited for me. Something could have happened to you.” he stepped closer, flooding me with his scent.
I stared at him in shock, “Something did happen! I was unconscious! You left me!” I jumped to my feet prepared to poke him in the chest. I wasn’t prepared for the wave of dizziness that hit me and I stumbled but he grabbed me quickly. He stared at me with a puzzled look before glancing around the room, seeming to finally realize where we were. 
I heard more people enter the room and Shannon talking to them in a hushed voice but Drew’s broad chest blocked my view. He sighed, seeming to lose some of his anger. “Let’s get you to our room, you can lay down and we can talk more.” 
I reared back, my mind hanging up on the word “our”, surely he didn't think… “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Dammit self let go of his bicep.
“Yes you are, you are mine, you stay with me.” his grip tightened around my waist as I tried to pull away. 
“You don’t even know me!” I argued, attempting to look around him. 
One of his hands gripped my chin, raising my face to look him in the eye. “You are my Omega, your place is with me.” My thighs clenched at his words delivered in his deep brogue but I fought the desire. 
 I swallowed thickly, determined to prove my point. “What’s my name? Say it and I'll go with you tonight.” 
His mouth opened confidently then closed as a dismayed look slowly took over his face. I could almost hear the wheels grinding and I fought back my own feelings of disappointment as his grip on me lessened the harder he thought. 
“I’m not some loose Omega, Drew. I may be yours by fate but I want more. I want to be…” I struggled to find the right word when his gaze shifted to mine. “Wooed.” I finished lamely, gritting my teeth to keep the sudden tears at bay.
“Wooed?” He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 
I shoved his chest, finally breaking free of his grasp. “Yes, dammit! Wooed!” I stared at him a moment, then grabbed my bag and turned toward the exit. Seeing Sheamus and Ridge standing solemnly with Shannon I nodded to them and headed out the door.
“Let her go Drew.” Sheamus grabbed me as I turned to head after my mate. The dull pain grew again in her absence. Ridge blocked the door shaking his head at me and I growled, turning and punching the bed.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped, seeing I wasn’t getting past both of them. 
Ridge relaxed but didn’t move from the door. “Word travels fast around here, we were friends in NXT, thought we should check on her.” He puts his hands up in a placating manner when I stand and glare at him. “Hey, we were just friends, I have Lucy.”
“It doesn’t make sense. Why would I need to woo her if she is meant to be mine?” I snapped. Glaring when Ridge and Sheamus looked at each and burst out laughing. 
“Welcome to the world of women, your whole life is about to change.” Ridge patted me on the shoulder. 
“Did you even bother to see why she was here before you went full caveman on her?” Sheamus asked, still trying to stifle his laughter. 
I deflated, sitting on the bed and thinking about what had just happened. Now that the rage had subsided I could see that she had been alone and changed her clothes. “She said she was unconscious when they brought her here.” I muttered, starting to feel like the caveman Sheamus had accused me of being.
Shannon approached with a clipboard in hand. “She blacked out after you went to the ring. Probably just overwhelmed from the connection, though you shouldn’t have left her so quickly. She will be fine though. Assuming you pull your head out of your ass.” She finished with a raised eyebrow before walking away. 
“Fuck, I screwed up. What am I supposed to do now? Wait for her to calm down?” I started pacing. 
“I guess you are going to have to “woo” her. I knew that kilt would come back and haunt you.” Sheamus chuckled. “I warned you that finding her was the easy part, you can’t force the rest. Fate only does so much, You have to build the rest from the ground up.” 
“You’ve already shown her the possessive side of being an alpha, they don’t swoon at that though.” Ridge added, “I’d keep Lucy strapped to my side but she would hate me for it. She already knows I can protect her, she likes knowing I can be caring, soft and all that stuff too.” 
I nodded, listening carefully “From the ground up, I can do that. Thanks lads.” I clapped them on the shoulder before heading out the door.
“It’s Cassidy” Ridge shouted and I turned back to him with a questioning look. “Her name is Cassidy Riley.” he shrugged and I nodded before continuing to my car.
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atypical-irritant · 1 year
There's something I want to get off my chest relating to some more recent events in my life, mostly centering around undiagnosed chronic pain symptoms experienced cocurrently with a history of trauma and diagnosed PTSD.
Now, I'm well aware of the phenomenon where past trauma will manifest itself into physical symptoms, though admittedly I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics. My awareness has mostly been accumulated more by surprise than anything, as I've found it increasingly difficult to find a doctor that doesn't see my history of trauma and immediately jump to the conclusion that any of my physical symptoms must be some form of somatic trauma manifestation. And while I'm not of the opinion they're entirely wrong, as it does seem possible these symptoms could very well have some form of somatic origin or relation, it does feel like they've skipped a step or two in this process.
See, there's this nagging discomfort within me where I can't help but notice how often doctors neglect to actually rule out any possible physical causes before declaring more physical symptoms as being caused by unresolved trauma. More concerningly, once they've come to this conclusion it's as if all efforts to actually ease or treat these symptoms stop entirely. The whole situation feels very dismissive and often leaves me at a loss for what to do next. It's one thing to go through the usual steps of due diligence and rule out any other possible causes then consider the likelihood of these issues being somatic in nature, but to look at someone's symptoms and their mental health history then decide off maybe one blood test and a follow up that "clearly this must be mental" feels, at best, lazy and at worst? Outright insidious.
I've been in therapy for many years now and have devoted the majority of my focus to treatment for my mental health. Frankly, things in that department are much better than they were years ago, yet the advice typically given when discussing concerns with how often I'm finding difficulty doing simple tasks due to pain is to continue therapy (which I'd given no indication I was ever intending on stopping nor do I have that intention) and work towards being less stressed. Nevermind the fact being physically limited and in pain in and of itself is stressful! I'd be fine to just accept that these issues are merely somatic in nature if that avenue of thinking didn't leave me exactly where I started; frustrated and struggling to get by.
I mention this as, recently, there's been a new obstacle added to all this where a neurology clinic actually refused my referral, after my PCP agreed it'd be a good idea to rule out any possible neurological causes for what I've been experiencing, until after I have gone through another neuropsychological evaluation. As having had one less than 5 years ago was apparently not recent enough for their liking. They specifically wanted a new one to rule out any psychological factors attributing to my symptoms, which even the neuropsych found puzzling. I can see why; this situation is usually the other way around.
So I had to sit through another 5 hour long neuropsych evaluation, now featuring quite a few more questions relating to rumination about one's health, hypochondria, and just a general over-preoccupation with being sick or wanting attention. As much as I'd like to sit and say it was all without any intended malice, the overall experience felt incredibly insulting and unnecessary. I'd thought there'd be no harm in a second test (perhaps even a benefit as, during the previous evaluation, my system was in what we consider a period of "plural discovery backpedaling" due to conflicts in our home life at the time), but I hadn't considered the toll being extensively questioned in that framework would take on some of my other alters.
I can understand wanting to rule out the possibility of mental health issues causing things, but this whole process has been ridiculous. And it's not even new! That it took our partner system months of insistence for us to even consider getting our physical issues addressed comes directly from years of skeptical looks and flippant answers from past medical providers. At this point, we expect no less and the strain that comes with fighting to communicate our concerns isn't worth the high probability of being dismissed.
But I'm beginning to think this is much more fucked up than it initially seemed. Yes, we have a history of mental illness. Many people do and that does not suddenly lower all chance of the root issue being NOT mental health related. In fact, I'd argue having physical issues more often brings about mental issues than the other way around, especially if they're chronically unaddressed. I may be nuts, but I should not have to become subject to psychological interrogation before anyone bothers to check for physical causes.
And honestly, just because something doesn't have a defined mechanical cause doesn't suddenly make it irrelevant. There should be better supports for those who do have somatic symptoms due to chronic stress because, last I checked, pain still registers as pain regardless of the perceived validity of why it's there! I'd be less bothered by the straight jump to psychological causes if that routinely didn't end with vague recommendations to do what already is obviously not helping well enough.
As a somewhat related sidenote, if that neuropsych eval even vaguely implies some sort of attention seeking behavior out of all of this, I'll happily go feral on their asses. I'm beyond tired of jumping through these hoops and playing the good, understanding patient while struggling with issues affecting my ability to manage even basic tasks reliably. The last thing I have interest in is the superficial attention of some random asshole with a medical license, but even I know when something is above my skillset.
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jockbrannigan · 11 months
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Have a cookie
In which an exasperrated Jock is calmed by Vivienne's steady nerve and cookies.
-Jesus fucking Christ! This prom was really throwing things back to high school for Jock, complete with a distressing run-in with the resident bully. Jock had used up all of his bravery for the night and he needed to get out of there and get home. He was reeling so hard from Zack roughing him up that as he tried to make his retreat from the prom, he didn't realise he was about to collide with a woman who looked way too classy to be here.-
-He caught himself just in time, waving his hands out either side of his body to balance himself and prevent himself from falling into the woman-
"Sorry! Excuse me! I wasn't looking- Sorry!"
Vivienne Astor
-reaching out to cinch her grip on the young man's arm as he flails, her well-toned strength making it not too onerous to keep him upright- Calm down. What are you rushing around for? Is somebody chasing you? -peers behind him, into the dim- This place seems almost lawless.
-At least she didn't shout at him for nearly knocking her over. Jock took a breath in the hopes it might steady him-
"I'm sorry. I just- There was this guy and I pissed him off and he kinda sorta threatened me and pushed me around and I ain't good at fighting and-"
-Another breath and a stronger intent to follow her initial instruction of calming down-
"I don't think he's chasing me but I really don't wanna see him again."
Vivienne Astor
That seems reasonable. Here, have something to eat. That'll ground you. -she holds out her own plate of nibbles, bits of roasted squash and apples and nuts, some acorn flour cookies- Don't worry, I'll protect you from this guy. I'm Vivienne. I'm quite new here and I wouldn't mind the company. -in truth, she could give or take the company, but it would likely make this young fellow feel bolstered if it seemed he was needed-
-Jock blinks at the offered plate as his brain takes an extra moment to process what is required of him. He takes a cookie and nibbles on it. He looks at the woman with wide eyes, evidence of his panic still to be found there-
"Thank you. I'm Jock. I'm new too. Only been here a couple of weeks. Still learning how things work. Turns out: not everyone is as friendly as everyone else."
Vivienne Astor
That's something that exists everywhere, Jock. I take it you prefer to be one of the friendly sort? -Vivienne eyes him as he eats the cookie, still seeming faintly rattled around the edges- If you've only been here a short time, what on earth could you have done to upset this person? I hope they won't pursue it.
"You don't prefer the friendly sort?"
-He lets out a snort before taking a few more nibbles of the cookie, which is helping to ground him but the adrenaline is still rushing through him-
"And all I did was point out he shouldn't destroy the smoke detector and then he got up all in my face and maybe I antagonised him a bit but I didn't deserve to be thrown around and then pinned on the floor."
Vivienne Astor
-tuts in sympathy- Poor little creature. It does sound like your bully has a bit of a temper. Did he manage to hurt you? Or is it more your nerves that are shaken. Here, have some squash, it's candied, you'll like it.
-He barely finished the cookie when the candied squash is put into his hand. Dutifully he takes a bite and sure enough, Vivienne was right: he did like it-
"More the nerves. You're being very kind. Thank you. Though I'll understand if you'd rather go and talk to someone who isn't sulking after getting beaten up."
Vivienne Astor
I don't think you're sulking. But you shouldn't presume how other people would rather spend their time. -Vivienne's tone tends towards authoritarian rather than scolding, but she does hear how it might sound and pauses after that declaration- I don't ... intend to be short with you, Jock. I suppose it's been stressful getting here.
-He's still nibbling away at his candied squash as Vivienne corrects him. He nods as he takes it in, storing this information away to be remembered during future social interactions-
"I don't think you've been short with me. I get it. The whole world is stressful. It was before the virus anyway but now it's like the stress took something like steroids and it's angry about it and making us all suffer for it... Or something!"
Vivienne Astor
-her mouth curves into a smile at Jock's prattling, and she gives him a more measured look this time, like his own moment of consideration- Or something. What do they have you doing here in town, Jock? I understand that we're all meant to figure out vocations for ourselves, in this new steroid-jacked reality.
-Not many people appreciated his prattling but Vivienne appeared to be one of the few.-
"Oh, me, I'm one of the Inventory Managers, helping keep track of supplies and such. Do you know what you might be interested in doing?"
Vivienne Astor
-sighs, not finding much appeal in the job Jock's selected for himself- I haven't got a clue. I'm not accustomed to much manual labour. Or general labour. I can cook but not with the limited pantry available here. But that's likely a usual part of settling in here, hmm? -she eats one of the squash pieces herself- Do you like it? Inventory management.
"I think one of the Council has, like, a list of available jobs. If none apply to your skillset, maybe they adapt something for you?"
-Jock wasn't sure if that would actually work but it wasn't his job to decide that. Vivienne appeared to be a capable and self-assured person. She'd find something that suited her, he was sure of it-
"Yeah, I like it. I like keeping things in order and knowing what we have and what we don't have and stuff. I'm not the best at describing it and making it sound exciting but it works for me."
Vivienne Astor
Yes, that's a good suggestion. They can adapt something for me. -she smiles, pleased at this notion of the Council arranging their current jobs to make one specifically that Vivienne cares to do- You've described it fine. Did you consider it part of your job as inventory manager, confronting that bully about the smoke alarms?
-He smiles when Vivienne does, his ego puffing out a little for managing to impress her somewhat. But it falters when she directs the conversation back to what had happened with Zack.-
"I consider it part of my duty to the community to keep everyone safe. Smoke alarms are there for a reason, right? And it ain't for some asshole to come along and rip them from the wall."
Vivienne Astor
-she can see his reluctance to dwell on this, which makes it that much more enticing- That's very commendable. Is that the common view around here, have you noticed? Working for the good of the community, even if there's people here liable to attack you for doing the right thing? That seems somewhat paradoxical, to me.
-He couldn't tell if she missed how uncomfortable he was talking about Zack again or she didn't miss it and pushed on anyway. He decided that regardless of which was the case, it was good for him to confront it, much like he would've in therapy back in the days before the virus-
"So far, the majority of people seem to wanna help others. I can list a bunch of people who live here and how they help others, way more than the other kind of people who, like you said, attack you for tryin' to do the right thing. So far though, Zack is the only asshat. The good outweigh the bad, for sure, in my experience at least."
Vivienne Astor
-the change in her posture is immediate; Vivienne draws herself up, her grip on her plate tightening- Zack. Of course it would be. -her expression flickers through a few rapid variations, coming to rest in something neutral, placid but understanding- Zack is my husband.
-His eyes go as wide as possible as soon as she confirms she's married to Zack-
"He's your what? You married him? Why?"
-Again, his eyes bug out when he realises his potential error. He shakes his head and scratches the back of his neck-
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. But of all the people you might be married to, I never pictured it being Zack."
Vivienne Astor
-Vivienne shakes her head, gathering herself- It's all right. It's a natural reaction, in fact. We've been married for... -she startles, looking shocked; she hasn't actually thought about it for a while- Thirty years. I know what he's like, but only up to a point. -she hesitates for a moment, but -- what can it matter, now? with all the Astors gone, and Jock hardly looking like a society reporter?- They were a cold family, the Astors. Zack and I had a marriage of mostly convenience.
-Jock is reassured he doesn't need to remove his foot from his mouth this time around. He's gonna need to watch it though if he doesn't want to end up on Vivienne's bad side too-
"Wow. Thirty years is impressive though. Most people who marry for love don't even last that long, y'know?"
Vivienne Astor
That's ... I've never looked at it that way before. -Vivienne chuckles slightly, nibbling at one of the fried apple slices- Are you with someone, Jock? Or were you?
"Nah, I don't have anyone. It's just me. Before the virus and after. Which is probably for the best consider my-"
-he waves his free hand, the one without a piece of candied squash in it, in the air-
Vivienne Astor
Issues? -she perks up, chewing faster on her apple- You can't just drop that and not elaborate. Don't worry, I'm very discreet. I just also happen to be nosy.
-He considers how much to tell Vivienne, considering her connection to Zack. But ultimately he decides his issues were all documented in the town's records as part of his admissions process. Anyone with access to those records would be able to find out how deep his issues go, if they really wanted to. So he starts counting them out on his fingers.-
"There's the agoraphobia, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the C-PTSD, the ADHD and there's probably more but those are the main ones."
Vivienne Astor
-she nods- Ah, yes, I see. And are you finding that the people here are equipped to provide support for you?
"There's a therapist here in Redwood apparently. I haven't met them yet but if they're willing to work with me, that'll go a long way I think."
Vivienne Astor
That's fortunate indeed. It's good that you'll find the help you need here.
-After finishing the piece of candied squash Vivienne had handed to him, he wipes his hands on his pants.-
"And thanks for feeding me and letting me ramble at you. Appreciate it."
Vivienne Astor
Stay out of the way of any more grumpy fellows and smoke alarms if you can help it tonight, Jock.
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
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Theo has been working with the Catalyst all this time. Below is their conversation, in case you would like to read what Theo has been up to all this time...
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you sense that I'm here. You've suffered greatly due to the negligence of those you love, but I can make it up to you. I can feel what you've been feeling. Your need for revenge that has been dwindling. No. Not dwindling. Shifting into something more and I can help. You want your life back. You want the position that was rightfully yours. I can gift it to you and more. You'd like to be mayor, wouldn't you? You've pictured yourself in the role instead of her. It's yours. I simply need you to do a few little tasks for me first. The first being to tamper with the Wishing Tree. Your task is to submit an ill-intent for each of the fae at Lunar Cove. When filling out the survey, please specify which ill-intent will be gifted to which fae in particular and be sure to make them as eerie and foreboding as possible. (Note: You will continue to receive tasks like this leading up until the next event at the end of June. We ask that you please not post any of these tasks on the dash as of yet, but please don't delete them from your inbox either. During the June event we will reach out and ask you to post all of the tasks that Theo has been sent by the Catalyst so that the rest of the members can see what Theo has been up to this whole time). And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
TASK #2 - MAY (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I see you have successfully completed task #1. You are one step closer to gaining what you desire most and the positions that are rightful yours. But, first, I have another little favor to ask of you. As the original and true Clan Leader, this should be a walk in the park for you. All I ask is that you speak to the following vampires- that spiteful wife of yours, Meena Raja-Moore, the hunter who would be better off dead, Kadir Aksoy, your wife's little underling, Kenji Matsui and the two newest members of the clan, Carmen Delgado and Julian Chandler. Find out what is most precious to them in the world and relay it back to me. I'm looking for the one thing they would be devastated to loose. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Theo is conflicted about second task. The Catalyst_
I see you haven't yet decided whether you want to go through with this second task or not. You're not sure as to whether you can trust me or what I am planning, so allow me to extend an olive branch. I have no plans to nor will I take what is most precious away from your vampires. I am simply looking for leverage. I'm looking for what may be a good way to distract them in the future so that you can help give me what it is I truly desire and I, you, in return. But, if you'd prefer not to rat out your own kind, future leader, just say the word. I can turn my attention onto the witches instead. Your vampires will be safe for now and, if you continue to complete the rest of the tasks I ask of you, I may go easy on them when my own plans come to fruition. Though I am curious as to whether you truly want me to go easy on all of the clan. You're honestly telling me you wouldn't want to see the hunter who tried to kill you and is currently bedding your wife suffer? Not even a smidge? How about that wife of yours who declared you dead so that she could claim what was yours? Remember, Theodore, I am here to fulfill your deepest desires. But, if becoming Clan Leader and Mayor of this town and getting revenge on those who wronged you isn't what you truly seek then maybe I was wrong about you. Maybe its the current Mayor I should have set my sights on all along...
What the vampires would hate to lose:
Kadir: Meena currently since Kadir already lost James and his family
Meena: The Clan and father’s ring or the house
Ken: He doesn’t have an object as such, at least nothing to the point where he’d be devastated since he doesn’t have many things of value anyway, but the book that Leyla gave him would rank pretty high on the scale of things he’d hate to lose. Sentiments, of course, have never been his thing but now knowing that his brother is alive and in town, the fear of having something happen to Ko is re-lit which is the same in regards to Leyla as watching her almost die set about many many feelings in him.
Carmen: The Clan
Julian: Possibly Nesrim or Ralph since he has a connection to them? Was thinking Jas, and that might be true too, bc he did just die for her lol (I have a thread going but haven’t progressed enough to ask about it which had been the plan.)
TASK #3 - MAY (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... while you're still completing Task #2, I have a 3rd task for you. This time I ask you to interact with the witches. I need you to speak to the following being the free spirit among the coven, Mason Mahir and the entire Reed Clan. That means Poppy Reed, Arlow Reed, Jasmine St Claire and the ressurrected among them, Devrim Yener. Find out what their biggest regret is. What is the one mistake that they'd hate to have to relive. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Mason: He’s a simple kid who purposefully goes through life without many regrets, the aim is to live life to the absolute fullest so regrets are hard to come by. Even when Fever Dream broke up, they knew it wasn’t their doing, so while that day is one Mason would hate to relive he knew it had to happen. But if pressed he’d take you to the and whisper regretfully that on more than one occasion he spent rent money on games.  
Poppy: Leaving her siblings and messing up on the relationship she had with Meena
Linden: Probably regrets his entire relation with Elodie seeing as how she used him for magic 
Jasmine: Having the dark magic kill her mom
Devrim: Not telling Poppy about things.
TASK #4 - JUNE (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... while you're still completing Task #2 & 3, I have a 4th task for you. This time I ask you to interact with the werewolves and we're going to step things up a notch. I want you to spy on all of the wolves. This means Caleb, Frankie, JC, Kitty, Mateo, Nico and Safiye. Find out who they'd want to protect most in this world. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Caleb & Mateo: The boys would protect each other
Frankie: She’d absolutely protect her family first
JC: Most probably the entire pack. Nico being the main if it has to be one person
Kitty: Since her family is in town, it could be them? Or whoever she considers to be a close friend since she already lost one
Nico: Jasmine first, then the pack since he’s Alpha and all
Safiye: Her sisters
TASK #5 - JUNE (BREAK-IN AT FAE HQ) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you're still spying for me. But, I have a more pressing task to give you. As you may have noticed, break ins have been popping up around town and now every Council Headquarters, except for the Fae Court, is guarded. This won't do. I need the Council to lower their guard just enough so that they don't cancel the town-wide event that is coming up. This is very important. The event must go on as planned. That is where you come in. I want you to stage your own break in at the Coalition Headquarters. It will be a tricky task given that the Pack will be stationed outside, but given your super speed, I have no doubt you will be able to get in and out unseen. Though, be a doll and make sure to wear a disguise in case someone spots you. Once inside the Coalition HQ, I don't want you to take anything. Instead, I want you to vandalize the property. I want you to stage the break in to seem like nothing more than the works of some angry fae whose harboring resentment against the Council. Make it seem childish. Spray-paint profanity if you'd like. How you choose to vandalize the property is up to you, but it should present the break ins as nothing more than the acts of frustrated civilians and, on your way out, I want you to leave clear evidence behind, pinning the vandalism on Anna Donnelly. Once the authorities believe that the break in is nothing more than petty vandalism, the case will be declared closed and remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Theo stages a break in at the Coalition HQ. Theo will enter the building wearing a disguise, vandalize the inside of the Coalition HQ and zip out of sight before anyone can see him, making sure to vandalize the property between precisely 11p to midnight. What mask will you have disguise will you have Theo wear? It can not be a black ski mask, so please pick any Halloween mask you would like to use though we'd advise staying away from masks of any political figures, celebrities etc. Examples of masks could be Bugs Bunny, Betty Boop etc. It should be distinct and seem like something Anna would pick out / be used to help frame Anna. How would you like Theo to vandalize the Clan HQ? And how would you like Theo to frame Anna? What evidence/object will Theo leave behind in order to frame them? The evidence/object Theo leaves behind in order to frame Anna will need to pin Anna to the crime without a reasonable doubt, so feel free to make this evidence specific/detailed to the fae in question.
The first time when the thoughts in his head had a different voice to his own, Theodore had considered for a moment if he had well and truly had lost his mind. He ignored them, cast them aside with heavy shakes of head but as they grew louder, overpowering his own regular ideas with offers on temptations and rewards, it did not take long to get behind the notion the Catalyst was projecting. Though the overall goal was not something he had been made privy to, a promise of what was rightfully his was not one Theo would let slip by him. There had been challenges here and there, questions into why he was doing this, for what purpose but information was precious so when the time came to hand over for his own hesitancy should not have been a surprise. Debate lasted only a short while, questions met with silence had Theo wondering if this was all a farce and nothing he was being offered would come to fruition but it took highlighting incidences that Theo was willfully ignoring to bite the bullet and surrender – anger after all was a powerful motivator and the Catalyst seemed to be pushing all the right buttons. 
He shook hands with everyone, a smile here, a polite laugh there – it was going rather well if he were to say so himself, despite not having an official title to flaunt about maintaining that air of importance was not something that needed to be faked, charm afterall came naturally but he was not entirely oblivious to the side glances and stiff smiles he received in return, Theo hardly cared and if anything it seemed more reason to side with the Catalyst and get what he had wanted from the beginning. 
When the latest task buzzed through, Theo, accustomed to the routine now, hardly even blinked but a private little smile did grace his lips at the name that was mentioned this time. Anna had been a pain in the neck since forever, mouthing him off at every chance she got be it to his face or to others, it was irritating beyond belief and now was his chance for payback, his retaliation  for her audacious yet downright foolish act of stabbing him. This would be easy. And to an extent it was. The specifics on what to do and where didn’t bother him in the slightest, with the break-ins already happening around town, like mentioned, this would just be another in the mix, another the current council failed to prevent, his issue really was in the how to do the things mentioned had him silently pause in though – childish vandalism was interesting but given the timeframe and the preciseness needed for execution, questions took the back burner and soon forgotten in the flurry on things needed to be done. What was vandalism if not destruction? 
Smile grew wider as he sped to the location, getting to the headquarters was a breeze, quite really, it was a nice soothing spring wind that aided his travel. Careful to move into the shadows, Theo donned a masquerade mask – not being entirely sure on Anna’s fashion tastes in such things, or at all really, he had figured she was the one for theatrics this was fitting enough and he had seen these sort of tacky things at On Pitch when he had to brave a visit to the establishment earlier in the day to swipe her lanyard and a poster that was lying about the place figuring why not add more to the mix. Comfortably slipping into Town Hall and into CONS HQ – the rule only Humans being able to enter had always been just a suggestion to him. Despite not having to take anything, Theo took a moment to flit about the place shuffling papers here and there making a show of finding something and in turn stumbled upon a list of questions, one he figured they planned to ask Wilhelmina, Theo promptly ripped that up – “sirens” had to stick together right? 
With a quiet chuckle that was further muffled but the fourth chime of the clock tower, Theo set to work. He didn’t plan for much, spray paint like suggested was ruled out in favour of a knife that he put to use to cut up upholstery and others in the place. It was cathartic in a way, however brief, the act of destruction was calming and there was high chances he could’ve kept going if he had not planned to be in and out before the clock struck twelve. Discarded the knife, a pretty thing - gold hilt and shiny metal, it might not be the one Anna carried on person when she stabbed him, but daggers and knife were her M.O and that wasn’t a secret. But he was often surrounded by idiots in this town, so to the knife he added in the lanyard that was in fact carefully placed to look like it had been accidentally dropped, and to the mix of ripped papers of the questionnaires he tore the edge on the flyer – little piece but enough to make out musical notes and the some of the letters On Pitch. There was a part of him that thought if Anna was careless with her crimes, she definitely made it obvious that it was her at times and maybe this would be the case to because not wanting to let the siponed powers go to waste, Theo scrawled, in her handwriting, a note that the had scrunched up and again “accidentally dropped” which read: ‘Bea won’t but I will’  
He greeted the tenth strike with a satisfied sigh.
By the time the clock chimed eleven Theo was already out of the building. 
Midnight set on Lunar Cove, blanketing everything in inky blackness, and Theo, creature of the night blended into the shadows pleased with a job done. 
Mask: Masquerade mask
Vandalism: Cut up upholstery and other things 
Frame Anna: a knife, her lanyard (hoping she uses one??), a poster/flyer for On Pitch
Note for the wolf: That reads ‘Bea won’t but I will’ – in reference to Bea not doing anything, I’m assuming the general public are aware that Bea and Anna don’t get along.
What Theo didn't know when Theo vandalized the Coalition HQ was that the Catalyst had sent someone to simultaneously vandalize the Clan HQ at the same time Theo was vandalizing the Human's headquarters. Now is your chance to have Theo react. You have the opportunity to write a message from Theo to the Catalyst. If Theo would be fine with the Clan HQ's vandalism, then you can feel free to ignore this task. But, if Theo is upset over the fact that the Catalyst intentionally left out how the Clan would also be vandalized, now is your chance to communicate that to the Catalyst via the Main's submit. You can draft whatever note you'd like being Theo's response via his thoughts to the Catalyst and submit it to the main. We will not post Theo's response until the event when all of the tasks are leaked. But, if you would like to have Theo give the Catalyst a piece of Theo's mind, we can have the Catalyst react in the next task they will give him.
Interesting that you had another in on our scheme. Though I must say breaking in the Clan HQ was not something I expected, that came as a surprise and though I don’t feel any have caught onto my dealings with you, it was somewhat good in a way to see the vandalism. A nice wake up call for Meena to realise things ought to be handed back into my care. But, this other person has now piqued my interest as I know them to be behind the other break-ins, which I tie to you now. I’m sure you must’ve also offered them something in return, I'm hoping it’s for my cause and not some other lofty wish ordinary folk may have. You made a promise to me, remember, I do hope you keep it.
The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... Have a little faith. A promise is a promise after all. I see you've been running the Game of Wits. You've done alright pulling the wool over your neighbors eyes thus far. Can you keep it up? I promised you power and revenge and I plan on upholding my end of the bargain. But, before I do, I have a few more favors to ask of you. I know you like to ask questions and I will give you your answers in due time. But, for now, I need you to poison the fae. This time it will only be you who will be receiving a task. You're my right hand now and if you do a good job, maybe then, I'll reveal to you who my second is. You can choose how you'd like to weaken them all. Maybe you'd like to put grounded up iron dust in their drinks? Or maybe you make sure that bits of iron are woven into their hair at the hair braiding station or into their costumes or crowns? etc. But, either way, I need their magic to be weakened for what I have planned to come. Once the fae have been poisoned, your task will be complete and, remember, you must get in and out unseen for- the Catalyst has plans for you.
How would you like to poison the fae? You can pick the same way for all the fae or tailor different methods to specific fae, but Theo would have been informed by the Catalyst that all of the tasks so far, pinning the blame of the break ins on the fae and the misfortunes from the wishing tree, have all been to have the fae on edge and off their game. The fae are the one species that would be able to undo the chaos the Catalyst has planned for the Ren Faire and, with them weakened, there will be nothing standing in their way or in Theo's way on in acting his revenge.
anna & rangi - since they are picking up rubbish throughout the event, assuming they'd be wearing gloves of some sort, when they went off on a break, iron wire was looped into the base of gloves, hidden enough so they wouldn't see when they put it on but after they do it'd form like a cuff. // if that doesn't work then - a thin layer of powder can coat the inside so when they go to wear it would burn them slightly but also if they took them off the damage would already be done.
bea - not sure if the fae queen would wear a crown for the faire, if yes, then theo would tamper with it to have some sort of embellishment or part of the base be made or coated with of iron just to tie it back to the bad wish of 'unworthy is the head that wears the crown' // but if not then second option would be to spike her pastries/food with iron powder and hope she ate what she made.
billie - he would've have seen people bring her food and water and the easiest thing for him to do is to poison the food so the next she was brought a snack/drink it'd have a special ingredient of iron!
dilan - her outfits have flower crowns, so theo probably took a crown from the booth to thread iron wire into it and switch out the one dilan has.
kui - he mostly likely knew kui would be close to their booth helping people with costumes so theo might have just sprinkled iron powder on their work bench so they'd touch it at some point
leyla - iron based arrows so if she touched them it would hurt (but her show is friday which isn't the last day...) // would she have her face painted? if yes, then there's iron mixed into it, if not, then the old classical of iron in food!
again assuming this is for the last day - if the play is the same day as the costume contest (both are under saturday on the post) can i say that theo could have compelled (or even just told) some poor shmuck to throw around "pixie dust" over everyone but iron dust is mixed in it so it still shimmers like glitter but the fae that participated or are around the stage would have some fall on their skin which would weaken them/hurt them? but if any of the above are not plausible, and if the iron has to be ingested then go with their food/drink being spiked with iron powder - all of them had to have eaten something is my safest assumption.
The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you're likely wondering why I asked you to poison the fae. You don't like to not be in the loop, I see. But, patience is a virtue, my dear, and now it's time for your patience to pay off. Though, first I need you to finish the job that was initially started. Your task is to break into the Coven Headquarters while everyone else is distracted by the joust. Hidden within Poppy's office in the back of the Poison Room, you will find the Supreme's grimoire. Fetch it for me. Once you've received it, bring it to and hide it within the old oak tree located at the border of town beside the welcome sign. After the grimoire has been safely delivered to me, your task will be complete and, remember, you must get in and out unseen. But, just in case someone manages to spot you, I've sent up a failsafe. After the intermission of Midsummer Night's Dream, the entire town will fall asleep. If you are spotted, you'll simply need to stall until then and we'll be home free. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you. At the start of the performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Theo will break into the Coven Headquarters. He will sneak in through the door to HQ in the back of the Poison Room and steal Poppy's grimoire. Only on his way out he will be spotted by Kadir. With his identity revealed, he will be left no choice but to speed away. He will zip through the Pendulum playhouse, using the play as cover, escaping through the back door and making it to the forest where he can dump the grimoire, before finding a safe place for himself to await further instructions from the Catalyst. Where will Theo hide?
Theo is hiding at the Moore Mansion, when everyone enters the dreamscape he'll be in his quarters and probably in bed.
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I knew I could count on you. Thanks for the grimoire. You helped me obtain what I desired and now I will help you obtain what you do, starting with your revenge. The entire town outside of those pesky little fae are about to enter a deep slumber where they will be forced to live out their worst nightmares. Thanks for the tips by the way. Your notes on what the Lunar Covians fear came in handy. But, I could hardly leave you out of the fun. So, now it will be your turn to enter the Dreamscape. Only rather than live out a nightmare, how about you help orchestrate that annoying hunter of yours, Kadir's? Now that you are physically safe from harm's way, I will send your mind into his nightmare. It seems the Clan Advisor is torn between his two loves- a fae named James and your wife, Meena. So, why not make the choice easy for him? Inside his dream, you will present him with a choice- he can choose to be mortal again with the fae or stay a vampire with Meena. But, after he makes his choice, he'll have to watch his other love die. Think of torturing him as your first of many rewards. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Safe in his hiding spot, Theo will enter the dreamscape. He will play the role of the 'game show host' as he presents Kadir with the choice- to chose which one Kadir's loves he should save and which should die. Kadir's nightmare is only a dream. He will not actually receive mortality from it, but for Kadir it will feel real. Though depending on what Kadir picks, Theo may also have to watch Meena die. Will Theo be willing to put Meena through that as a way to torture Kadir or will Theo be conflicted? Feel free to write out the thread with Alex and Becca and play out Theo's actions in whichever way you decide. As the plot drop also explains, because Theo has entered Kadir and Meena's nightmare, the nightmare is blocked from any fae from being able to enter to help them out. Feel free to have Theo take advantage of this fact.
Theodore Moore.. Theodore Moore... Those pesky fae might have managed to free the Lunar Covians from our dreamscape, but, the real nightmare is just beginning. My final task for you is as follows- I want you to head back over to the Pendulum Playhouse. They'll still be waking up and in a daze which will give you the perfect time to strike. Kyle will enter the Pendulum first with the instructions of causing utter chaos. His task is to be the distraction, while I am giving you the chance to have all that you desire. You seek power. You seek to reclaim your position as Clan Leader and you seek the position of Mayor. I was hoping you'd be able to achieve all of that and more in a more subtle capacity, but that annoying hunter of yours, Kadir, had other plans. So, how about we take it by force, shall we? Your task is to kill the Madam Mayor, your ex-wife, and the one who claimed the Clan from you. She is the one who is standing in your way. Kill Meena Raja and your deepest desires will be yours. Only this task just so happens to come with a fun little twist, for me anyhow. You enjoyed being the host of the Game Show, didn't you? Well, now you're in my Game Show. You've made a habit a questioning my tasks over the past few weeks and I don't particularly enjoy being questioned. So, now is your chance to prove your loyalty to me once and for all. Kill your wife and I'll uphold my end of the bargain. You'll live on as the revered and feared leader you always wanted to be. But, fail to accomplish the final task I have for you and you die. You're either with the Catalyst or you're against the Catalyst. It's her life or yours, dear Theodore. Will you live or will you die? The choice is up to you.
Our Discord Event will begin tomorrow. The event will start with the townspeople waking up from their dreams. A few minutes into the discord event, we will post instructions on the group detailing Kyle and Theo's grand entrances. Kyle will enter first with the doors of the Pendulum flinging open. Then we will post the instructions for Theo's entrance. Have fun coming up with exactly how you'd like to have Theo make his dramatic reveal. While Kyle is causing chaos/fighting the Lunar Covians, that will be Theo's cue to attack Meena. Only Theo won't be able to go through with killing Meena in the end and Meena will be the one to kill him instead. Once Theo enters, you will be able to plot out Theo's death with the others in the GC, deciding who Theo will fight and attack before Meena kills him. Similarly, you and Becca can plot out if/how Meena will get hurt in the process before Theo meets his end. If you have any questions, you can also always reach out in the discord tickets during the discord event itself.
You just couldn't do it, could you? And why? You could have been the one still alive right now, only you choose her and for what? To die at her hands? To become a walking stereotype? The a-hole of a husband no one wanted around, killed off by his 'widow'? I wish I could say I expected more from you, but the truth is I didn't. I knew you'd betray me in the end. It's always the power hungry ones who can't seem to realize when they're the pawn on the board. Not the king. I guess we can say that it was fitting fate for you in the end. Farewell, my traitor. It's been swell and before you go, mind passing along a little message for me? Tell what is left of the Council, the Catalyst is coming and, if you're not afraid yet, you will be.
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sixthweyoun · 2 years
[semi-plotted starter for @constable and eventually also for Julian once the intro's out of the way]
Almost there. Just need to reach the Founder's office, and he'll— he'll help me, just like he helped that defective Weyoun. Just need to find him, tell him I'm looking for work, he'll— no, shut up, you deserted, you should have died with Rondac III, but you dishonored your purpose with that escape—
Vanath tightened her hood. Being recognizable as a Vorta so soon after the end of the war couldn't possibly be a good thing. Even with how hungry she was, and how disoriented she was, she had enough presence of mind to know that.
She flagged down a passing civilian. Tall, reddish hair, probably a man. Human or possibly Bajoran, she couldn't tell from this distance. "Excuse me, sir, I'm in need of— I've only just arrived, would you be so kind as to—"
He approached, and she saw the nose ridges as he came into view. So my second guess was right, she thought, noting the lack of an earring. If he'd been wearing one, the gentle chimes of moving metal would have alerted her. "You're in need of directions?" he asked.
She lowered her head. Not out of respect, as she would with a Founder, but because it would be dangerous for her to let anyone see her eyes. "Yes," she said quietly. "I'm trying to find the... the constable's office." The title was unfamiliar to her. It felt wrong in her mouth, in her very bones. "I'm looking for work, and I, well, I heard he could help me find it."
That wasn't a lie. She had heard that he could help. She'd heard that the Founder had risked his own life to save the life of a Vorta who had been declared defective, slated for termination, and chose to escape rather than face his punishment. Such a blatant violation of the order of things— it inspired her, and scared her, at the same time.
The Bajoran nodded. "Oh, Odo's office? Sure, just keep going straight on this floor, past the temple, it'll be right next to that Klingon restaurant. Don't know how he stands the noise," he said. "My daughter was one of his deputies during the war, can you—"
The good news was that the office was much closer than she thought. The bad news was that this stranger was getting a little too friendly. She had negative interest in his family troubles, especially not at the moment. "I'd love to help with whatever that is, but things are a bit urgent right now. Maybe we'll see each other around, if I stay." She gave an obligatory smile that probably looked out of place on her very much not diplomatically specialized face, then darted off, ducking and weaving through the crowds before finding herself at the Founder's door.
Upon being allowed entry, she removed her hood and bowed in full ceremonial fashion. She didn't want to only go halfway, she wanted to make a good impression. "Founder, I present mys—" she began, then paused, "wait, why's it not translating right?" She shook her head, then decided to carry on as if it were and hope that the spirit of her intent came through. "Founder, I present myself to your custody and offer my service. If it is your will, let me follow you above others, and follow you I shall, from the first to the last."
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grumpyoldsnake · 2 years
Liveblog: Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski
Context: I caught bits and pieces of several scattered episodes of the Netflix Witcher series while at my parent’s place, and have had my curiosity piqued! I’ve already read The Last Wish since then; you can find my thoughts here.
I'm posting my thoughts about this book short story by short story. Part one is here!
Disclaimer: Names might be misspelled, and most quotes will be paraphrased. I’m reading via audiobook at work.
A Shard of Ice
I do really like that more often than not, fights aren’t perfectly easy or clean for Geralt. They take effort!
Goodness he is very upset with the muck, isn’t he. Poor guy.
Oh hey we’re back with Yennefer. I wonder if this is post-dragon incident or prior to the falling out that had her upset during the dragon incident? (There’s no particular indication that we’re jumping back in time, but then. There doesn’t often seem to be, with these stories. 😂)
Definitely post-dragon
Damn this guy--Istredd?--is a jerk
Ohh okay hey. This whole ‘witchers don’t have feelings’ thing is something I’d been wondering about, actually! I've wondered where it came from and whether or not it was just straight up fanon.
So let's talk about it!
Andrjez was very careful to thoroughly debunk this in the narrative well before letting the mage say this shit and before letting Geralt get all tangled up about it. I feel like that's pretty clear and intentional?
Pretty sure most of Geralt echoing the mage’s words is pure, dripping bitterness and sarcasm.
Like seriously we just followed Geralt being anxious and grumpy all morning, we just saw him being upset by people’s comments, we’ve seen him glad for a friendly face in the previous story, we’ve seen him genuinely desperate to help Jaskier, we’ve seen him lonely and regretful and longing to talk to someone, we just saw him genuinely disgusted by his work…
Actually yeah. Fuck. Let’s talk about that disgust specifically!
Because it actively stood out to me on its own merits just in that first scene as seeming like a strong reaction, and now… now it seems like it’s the one claim that Geralt maybe does believe to at least some degree, is echoing more genuinely.
And. Look. Completely different scenario, reversed direction, but… I can’t help but think of many unrealized ace-spec folk’s experiences, looking around at allo society and allo people’s actions and thinking, ‘Holy hell, surely they’re all just… exaggerating? Playing it up? Does no one have any self control?’
Because we genuinely don’t share and can’t imagine that intensity of feeling on that particular subject.
But no! Attraction is a real thing that people do genuinely feel, and quite strongly. Even if I just have to take their word for it.
And some people do have self control despite those feelings, and some people don’t.
And. I can’t help but think of that now, that type of disconnect in communication and experiences; the conclusions you draw based on what you see and how people act vs. what you feel.
Geralt sees his actions—his work, slogging through the muck despite his disgust—and he hears people express their disgust and their unwillingness to do the same, to the point where they declare he must not feel the same as them if he’s able to do the work… and maybe he believes them, on that front, to at least some degree. He believes that the disgust they feel must be so much stronger than his.
(Spoiler: I don’t think it is.)
(Disclaimer/context: I think that I do genuinely have a somewhat muted disgust reaction, or at least that I am not as disgusted by certain things as other folk are. There are things I’m willing to clean or approach and that genuinely don’t bother me all that much, but that send other folk away gagging.)
(Which is why Geralt’s reaction in the first scene struck me so strongly — my hindbrain went, ‘it’s just some trash and decay…? If you’ve already decided to commit, if you’ve had a few moments to desensitize, why is it still bothering you so much?’)
(Admittedly I’ve never literally submerged myself in that sort of thing but like. I’ve watched Dirty Jobs. People do!)
(Also admittedly I literally run away with my heart in my throat from people vomiting. The joys of phobias. 😂)
(Extra grumping: If it isn’t clear, I’m also obviously of the firm belief that some people feeling some things more or less strongly than others—or not at all—is a completely normal thing!)
(And that telling people what they do and don’t feel is an exercise in futility and misjudgment.)
Huh. Interesting how averse Yennefer is to the word mutant.
I don't... much like the shard of ice metaphor? Or don't get it? Or...
Okay so look, at this point it's probably pretty clear that I do not often connect with or even clearly understand more... idk. Flowery? Indirect? Ways of presenting things.
That's a personal taste thing and a personal reading comprehension thing and I can admit that, hah.
I’m also not even certain that I’m putting it right because like. The Broken Earth Trilogy? FUCKING GORGEOUS, one of my all time favorites, and goodness if its narration and storytelling isn’t complex and confusing in some ways.
It has been too long since I first drafted these notes, and I read this last part of things without much time to write, so:
^ I no longer know what that note was reacting to. xD
Fucking hell girl quarrels
^ This can be just a general complaint on its own I think, hah.
So look it's just. Like. Yennefer obviously has some poly leanings, but this is not a poly *situation,* and I'm not sure how to talk about it, but. I have. Feelings? Mixed feelings.
Oh! Hey! Hey!
This is very sad but I am finally confident in one (1) instance of guessing what the unspoken thing was. They aren't able to say to one another whether they love one another.
Glad I can pick up on it when it's *this* blatant at least :'D
And it's... character wise, this is honestly pretty interesting? I just. These two are so... *fractured,* they're both so doubtful that they can feel or be anything positive to one another or to themselves, and that very doubt is itself creating some of what they're afraid of, and it's.
Yeah. Interesting.
There's that story! I might need to reread this one in print, give it some closer attention without wandering off into my own musings, hah.
I really liked some things in it; I obviously liked some of the worldbuilding & character *info*.
I just didn't much like -- idk, the tone? All that much. And I still have issues with how Sapkowski handles women and romance and Yennefer's motivations. :')
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