From The Ground Up ~ Part 4
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My Blurb:  Sorry for the delay, this one got away from me. I had hoped to post it last week but *shrug* life. Enjoy! Taglist is always open!
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Drew’s been in the wrestling business a long time and seen his fair share of Alpha & Omega drama. He’s certain when he finds his Omega this won’t be a problem, until the scent of cherries and orchids fill his senses and Cassidy Riley strolls into his life and he realizes a real relationship has to be built from the ground up. 
Pairing: Alpha Drew McIntyre x Omega OFC Cassidy Riley 
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics
Status: In Progress
Tagging: @pioched​​ | @ashes-writing​ | @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore​ | @thebookwormcat
Read First: From The Ground Up Masterlist
Also Check Out: My Whole Masterlist 
I groaned when knocking on my door roused me from sleep. I waited a minute to see if they went away, huffing when they knocked again. Untangling myself from the sheets I stumbled to the door flinging it open without looking to see who it was. I stared at the hotel employee standing by a cart with a shocked look on his face as he took in my bare legs. Belatedly I realized I was only wearing a t- shirt that didn’t make it much past my boy shorts.
Pulling the shirt down I cleared my throat, “Can I help you?”
He stuttered before replying, “Your room service order.” He gestured to the cart covered in trays of food. 
“I didn’t order room service” I replied, earning a confused look as he pulled out an order form from his pocket.
“Cassidy Riley, room 337?” He read before looking at my room number with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yes, that's me, but…” I was cut off by the door across the hall opening and Drew stepping out. He looked wide awake and was already dressed in a shirt and jeans. The smile on his face gave way to a flash of desire as his eyes raked over me turning into a scowl when he saw the server. He moved quickly, nearly shoving me into the room to block me from the view of the poor server who looked terrified in the face of Drew’s hostility. 
“That will be all” Drew growled before grabbing the cart, pulling it in and shutting the door to my room. I stared warily at his back as he seemed to be struggling to control himself, his hands flexing. “You should put pants on.” His voice was low and I shuddered before turning to my suitcase, pulling a pair of sweats out and retreating to the bathroom. 
I struggled to tamp down the rush of desire that had swept through me when I opened the door to my room. The sight of my mate, in just a shirt, hair rumpled had nearly been my undoing. It did nothing to quell the fantasies that had haunted me all night of her long legs wrapped around my waist while I claimed her. The rage followed next when I saw the server looking at what was mine, it had taken everything in me to not pin him against the wall. His fear was enough for now. 
Cracking my neck, I surveyed Cassidy’s room. Her scent was everywhere and I breathed in deeply letting it calm me. She was neat, the only mess being the blankets and pillows sprawled across the bed. Don’t think of her in the bed Drew. I chided myself before getting to work on breakfast.  I pulled the desk out from the wall and placed the armchair on one side, with the office chair on the other side before arranging the plates on the desk. 
Cassidy emerged from the bathroom a moment later looking more awake. She had brushed her hair back into a ponytail and pulled on a pair of sweats. She stayed by the door but looked at the food and I faintly heard her stomach rumble at the sight. I pulled the armchair out and gestured for her to sit, “I thought we could have breakfast together but I didn’t know what you liked.” I smiled when she laughed but took the seat I offered. 
“So you ordered the whole menu?” She grinned at me when I shrugged and handed her a plate. “Well you should know, I’m allergic to those.” She pointed her fork at the bowl of strawberries and I grabbed them quickly heading towards the door. Opening it I saw Pete walking down the hall and shoved the bowl in his hands. He looked at me for a second before shrugging and continuing down the hall after popping a strawberry in his mouth.
I hid my laugh as Drew helped the older lady to her new seat. It hadn’t been much effort for him to sweet talk her into trading him seats so he could have the one beside me but now she wouldn’t stop talking about what a fine man he was and how I was so lucky to have a strong alpha looking out for me. I had definitely seen her grope his butt when he reached for her bag and she was clearly trying to go for it again. I bit my lip when he finally plopped into the seat next to me and tried to look innocent when he looked at me and rolled his eyes. 
“To be fair you have a nice butt” The giggle burst out of me and he chuckled as well. I had become more comfortable with him during breakfast and our conversations flowed without too many awkward pauses. I was beginning to think maybe the other night had been a fluke and he wasn’t going to be a caveman. 
“I’m glad you think so.” His eyes searched mine and the giggle died at the intensity of what I saw. I found myself leaning towards it when the stewardess began her safety briefing with a loud announcement and I jumped back. 
“So what do you usually do on plane rides?” I asked softly when the stewardess finished. 
“Sleep,” Drew admitted with a grin. “I’m a great napper. What about you?” 
I laughed at his response. “I don’t usually sleep, I get too nervous something might happen. I mostly read. I always keep a couple books handy.” I held up my bag. “Plus I can use it for defense if an Alpha gets handsy.” I raised my eyebrow at him and he put his hands up. 
“No one will touch you without permission if I'm here. Not even me.” he added gravely and I nodded, believing him completely. “What do you like to read?” He asked after a moment. 
Shit! “Oh…um.” My brain scrambled to think of a response that was anything but what the contents of my current books were. “Just you know…books.” I motioned with my hand as I felt the heat rising in my face. 
He looked at me curiously before quickly reaching into my bag and snagging one of the books. I was nowhere near fast enough to stop him so I covered my face with my hands instead. His breath hitched beside me but he didn’t say anything and I peeked from between my fingers to see the look on his face as he studied the cover before flipping it over to read the back. 
I paused, I may as well tell him, it was out there now. “I like to read historical romances…preferably the ones set in Scotland.” I lowered my hands and glanced at him nervously. He was still studying my well worn copy of Highland Wolf by Hannah Howell.
I stared at the book I had snagged from Cassidy’s bag, hope blooming in my chest as I took it in. She was embarrassed beside me, I didn’t need our bond to know that. The misery in her tone and the blush that crept up her chest and face gave it away. She snatched the book away when I turned towards her, stuffing it quickly back in her bag.
“The irony is not lost on me.” She muttered, crossing her arms. “Hannah Howell is my favorite, she specializes in medieval Scotland.” 
“I feel very qualified to be your Alpha all of a sudden,” I grinned, making a mental note to get her opinion on my ring gear from now on. 
She groaned before shoving my arm. “Can we talk about something else? Anything!” 
“Aye, fine.” I laughed at her glare when I turned my accent up a notch, noticing how it made her cross her legs tightly. “How did you end up in WWE?”
She relaxed at the question, “I moved to Florida hoping to be a news anchor. I was on at like 4:00 in the morning on a tiny station for awhile, which as you saw, I am not a morning person, didn’t end up working out. I hopped around to a few different things, waitress, secretary until I met Kayla. We hit it off right away, she introduced me to Byron and they convinced me to apply as a backstage interviewer.” She shrugged, staring out the window. “I was comfortable doing that and I love to travel so when they offered I accepted. I haven’t looked back since.” 
The rest of the flight continued in a similar fashion. I learned she was a few years younger than me, born in July. She was surprised that I had a degree in Criminology but nodded approvingly when I told her it was because my parents wanted me to have a back up. She told me about her family; her parents were true mates and she had one older brother who was an Alpha but hadn’t found his mate yet. A wistful look appeared on her face when she told me about how her parents had always encouraged them to wait for their true mates before settling down. She blushed when she realized what she said, looking down at her lap. 
I grab her hand and press a soft kiss to her wrist, enjoying the small gasp that escapes her. “My parents were true mates as well, if it wasn’t for me and my sister, my dad wouldn’t have made it after mom passed.” I breathed in Cassidy’s scent, letting it combat the pain that always came with talking about my mom. “She would be thrilled that I found you after all this time.” 
An ache in my stomach started the second we made it to my gate in Atlanta. Different than the pain in my head when we are apart, this one settles in at the mere thought of us being separated. The next show is in three days and didn’t allow us enough time for us to both travel to both our homes to restock so we decided we would have to split in Atlanta. After that it would be a couple weeks of full time shows and travel leading up to SummerSlam. We had made plans to facetime tonight a few hours after we both landed. Him in Tennessee and me in Florida. It would have to work for now, he was willing to wait until I was ready and while my opinion was far better then it had been the first night, I was still wary. 
My flight left first and we had made it to my gate just as the first call was made to start loading. Drew pulled our suitcases to a stop before grabbing my arm and gently turning me towards him. “I need to ask you a favor.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked, he was looking around anxiously like we were about to be attacked. 
“Can I scent you? I know it’s only a couple of days, but it goes against every one of my instincts to let you get on that plane without me. I have waited too long to find you.” His words are a plea and my heart softens at the look in his eyes. He’s respecting my boundaries by not going full caveman but he’s still an Alpha. 
I step closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my face to his chest inhaling his scent. He stiffens for a moment before wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me tighter. I’ve always been tall and somewhat gangly for an Omega who are usually shorter with softer edges but Drew fits against me perfectly and Kiya’s words flash through my brain. Made just for you, right in front of your face.
The second call for my flight rings out and I smile up at him as we pull apart. “Looks like you’d better hurry.” Drew grins before gently rubbing the inside of wrists against his neck and a shiver runs through me when he places a lingering kiss on the mating gland on my neck. 
He smirks when he sees the glazed look in my eyes as he pulls away, quickly unzipping his hoodie and wrapping it around me. “Just in case, be safe.” 
I smile at him before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You too, I’ll talk to you tonight.” I feel his gaze on me as I hand over my ticket and head across the bridge. I give him one last glance as I turn the corner, the ache in my head already starting to grow. 
The ache grows as the plane gets further from Drew and I can almost pinpoint the moment his plane takes off in the opposite direction halfway through my flight. I bury my nose in his hoodie and breathe deeply letting his scent comfort the ache some but it doesn’t last. Even trying to read is useless, the characters all appear as Drew in my head and during a spicy scene I realize an Alpha a couple rows away is eyeing me. 
By the time I arrive back at my apartment I'm exhausted from the travel. I quickly text Drew that I am home before unpacking my luggage and starting some laundry. I sigh in relief when I find a full bottle of wine and quickly grab a glass and my laptop, setting up camp in my living room until it’s time to Facetime Drew. 
Flipping through Netflix doesn’t help me relax so I settle for calling my mom instead. As expected, she is thrilled when I fill her in about finding Drew and over an hour later I have to remind her that he will be calling soon and I have to go. 
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slavhew · 4 months
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Keep forgetting to post this
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mispelled · 3 months
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I like alpha trudy I think she's cool
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zishu-arts · 3 months
i gave him a haircut
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crimson-cassowaries · 5 months
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It's been a while since I've posted, don't have much to post so here's some things I haven't posted yet
The siblings ever, toxic yaoi, and the husbands
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bastardnoodle · 2 years
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alpha kids slay
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princeyam · 7 months
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height difference
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nekropsii · 11 months
I personally hate the beforan trolls because it seems like they were made just to parody the audience of like 15 year olds online in a way that makes it clear the author HATES them. They’re one dimensional and not a single one of them is a good person in any way. Do you feel this way? I just hate reading the beforus part because it feels so hostile to the people reading it.
Hi, I don’t mean to be rude, but this is the funniest possible fucking ask to send to the literal sole and only Alpha Troll analysis blog. Are you new here?
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nerdyfins · 2 months
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nice day out for decapitation!
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From The Ground Up ~ Part 2
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My Blurb: This one is a lil shorter but I needed a little more setup before the next chapter that will have a special guest that you hopefully recognize from one of my other stories! I’m always looking for feedback and reblogs are worth gold!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Please do not repost without my permission.
Summary: Drew’s been in the wrestling business a long time and seen his fair share of Alpha & Omega drama. He’s certain when he finds his Omega this won’t be a problem, until the scent of cherries and orchids fill his senses and Cassidy Riley strolls into his life and he realizes a real relationship has to be built from the ground up. 
Pairing: Alpha Drew McIntyre x Omega OFC Cassidy Riley 
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, aggressive men, shirtless Drew
Status: In Progress
Tagging: @pioched​​ | @ashes-writing​ | @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore​ | @thebookwormcat​
Read First: From The Ground Up Masterlist
Also Check Out: My Whole Masterlist 
My chest pounded as I headed to the ring, thunderous applause ringing in my ears. A dull pain in my head started the moment I stepped away from my Omega and worsened the further I got from her. I took a deep breath and shook it off. It would be fine. It was a normal part of the connection, especially since I hadn’t claimed her yet. After I declare my intent for the Intercontinental title I will take her to dinner then back to the hotel and then we can make things…official. My dick twitched at the thought and I grinned at Gunther standing in the ring. 
Coming back through the curtain I was waylaid by Saxton trying to get an interview about my return. I kept my answers short while I searched the area for her, frowning when she was nowhere to be seen. 
“She’s in medical, after you…” Hunter’s voice trailed off as I headed down the hall towards medical, ignoring whatever else he had to say. Dammit I told her I would be right back, she should have known that meant to stay put. People scrambled out of my way but I barely noticed, too intent on following the trail of her scent. 
I groaned as I came to, blinking at the bright lights, hand immediately going to the dull pain in my head. “Easy there, Cass. Slowly.” Shannon, one of the backstage medics' voices, cut through the fog in my head as she helped me sit up. 
“What happened?” I groaned, looking around the room to see we were alone. “How long have I been out?”
“Maybe 5 minutes, it’s normal to be overwhelmed when the first connection is made with your mate. He shouldn’t have left so abruptly, it would have helped.” She smiled kindly at my confusion, while she checked my pulse. “World travels fast around here, but I imagine Drew will be back here as soon as his segment is over. Do you want to change? Kayla brought your bag and Byron has taken over your interviews tonight.” 
I nodded, taking a deep breath as it all came rushing back to me. Drew McIntyre is my Alpha. Shannon left, closing a curtain so I could have some privacy. I pulled my clothes out of my bag, quickly sliding out of my dress and into the comfier outfit. I had just pulled the sweater over my head and sat back down when a door slammed followed by Shannon’s alarmed yell. 
The curtain was ripped back abruptly to reveal the heaving Scotsman. He looked like he had run across the arena…shirtless and angry, my brain blanked when I realized and I gulped as he stepped closer. 
“You shouldn’t have taken off while I was gone. I need to know where you are.” He growled, causing me to narrow my eyes.
Indignation shot through me at his words, I barely registered the pain in my head had ceased completely. “Excuse me? You can’t just order me around! I can go wherever I want!”
“I told you I would be right back. You should have waited for me. Something could have happened to you.” he stepped closer, flooding me with his scent.
I stared at him in shock, “Something did happen! I was unconscious! You left me!” I jumped to my feet prepared to poke him in the chest. I wasn’t prepared for the wave of dizziness that hit me and I stumbled but he grabbed me quickly. He stared at me with a puzzled look before glancing around the room, seeming to finally realize where we were. 
I heard more people enter the room and Shannon talking to them in a hushed voice but Drew’s broad chest blocked my view. He sighed, seeming to lose some of his anger. “Let’s get you to our room, you can lay down and we can talk more.” 
I reared back, my mind hanging up on the word “our”, surely he didn't think… “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Dammit self let go of his bicep.
“Yes you are, you are mine, you stay with me.” his grip tightened around my waist as I tried to pull away. 
“You don’t even know me!” I argued, attempting to look around him. 
One of his hands gripped my chin, raising my face to look him in the eye. “You are my Omega, your place is with me.” My thighs clenched at his words delivered in his deep brogue but I fought the desire. 
 I swallowed thickly, determined to prove my point. “What’s my name? Say it and I'll go with you tonight.” 
His mouth opened confidently then closed as a dismayed look slowly took over his face. I could almost hear the wheels grinding and I fought back my own feelings of disappointment as his grip on me lessened the harder he thought. 
“I’m not some loose Omega, Drew. I may be yours by fate but I want more. I want to be…” I struggled to find the right word when his gaze shifted to mine. “Wooed.” I finished lamely, gritting my teeth to keep the sudden tears at bay.
“Wooed?” He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 
I shoved his chest, finally breaking free of his grasp. “Yes, dammit! Wooed!” I stared at him a moment, then grabbed my bag and turned toward the exit. Seeing Sheamus and Ridge standing solemnly with Shannon I nodded to them and headed out the door.
“Let her go Drew.” Sheamus grabbed me as I turned to head after my mate. The dull pain grew again in her absence. Ridge blocked the door shaking his head at me and I growled, turning and punching the bed.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped, seeing I wasn’t getting past both of them. 
Ridge relaxed but didn’t move from the door. “Word travels fast around here, we were friends in NXT, thought we should check on her.” He puts his hands up in a placating manner when I stand and glare at him. “Hey, we were just friends, I have Lucy.”
“It doesn’t make sense. Why would I need to woo her if she is meant to be mine?” I snapped. Glaring when Ridge and Sheamus looked at each and burst out laughing. 
“Welcome to the world of women, your whole life is about to change.” Ridge patted me on the shoulder. 
“Did you even bother to see why she was here before you went full caveman on her?” Sheamus asked, still trying to stifle his laughter. 
I deflated, sitting on the bed and thinking about what had just happened. Now that the rage had subsided I could see that she had been alone and changed her clothes. “She said she was unconscious when they brought her here.” I muttered, starting to feel like the caveman Sheamus had accused me of being.
Shannon approached with a clipboard in hand. “She blacked out after you went to the ring. Probably just overwhelmed from the connection, though you shouldn’t have left her so quickly. She will be fine though. Assuming you pull your head out of your ass.” She finished with a raised eyebrow before walking away. 
“Fuck, I screwed up. What am I supposed to do now? Wait for her to calm down?” I started pacing. 
“I guess you are going to have to “woo” her. I knew that kilt would come back and haunt you.” Sheamus chuckled. “I warned you that finding her was the easy part, you can’t force the rest. Fate only does so much, You have to build the rest from the ground up.” 
“You’ve already shown her the possessive side of being an alpha, they don’t swoon at that though.” Ridge added, “I’d keep Lucy strapped to my side but she would hate me for it. She already knows I can protect her, she likes knowing I can be caring, soft and all that stuff too.” 
I nodded, listening carefully “From the ground up, I can do that. Thanks lads.” I clapped them on the shoulder before heading out the door.
“It’s Cassidy” Ridge shouted and I turned back to him with a questioning look. “Her name is Cassidy Riley.” he shrugged and I nodded before continuing to my car.
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
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WWE RAW (JUNE 17, 2024)
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apricotstop · 2 months
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👁️ 👁️ I am so normal about him.
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conceptofjoy · 7 months
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my favorite 50 yr olds
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5qui99l3draws · 8 months
*does the 3D equivalent of doodling a big sparkly eye in the margins of your class notes*
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transgender-louie · 6 months
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i forgot to make a post during spring break so take this comic i threw together in THREE HOURS im still mad about that .
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0l-unreliable · 9 months
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Prince Dirk is a man who takes post-divorce glow-ups very seriously but he's also super chill about it all. The most chill. If he got any more chill he'd be at risk for hypothermia.
this design comes from an idea I had where Dirk and Jake marry in a move to tie Prospit and Derse together politically (and out of love I guess) and it goes tit's up after about a decade, resulting not only in a capital 'S' Situationship but growing hostility between the two kingdoms
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