#maybe I should just kill all the higher-ups // chatting
sorcerer-edits · 10 months
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pan and orange damien lavey (monster prom) icons since I haven't posted in a while✨️
been busy and tired, but have these for now 🎶
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0asisbliss · 8 months
How HXH characters react to you cooking for them
Characters included: Chrollo, Kurapika, Pakunoda, Feitan, Illumi, Shalnark.
A/n: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while..😭
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He's fairly surprised, but then he isn't that's what's just expected of you. I mean you love him and you care for him, and you’re just showing that by doing this small simple act.
•May go over and give you small faint kisses on your cheek.
•Asks if you need help with anything.
•Loves it when you cook his favorite foods
•Will steal buy those cute aprons that say corny shit like “Guess who’s cooking?” Or, “Kiss the cook.” He will. Multiple times.
•If you like cooking dishes specifically from your culture he would looove it. Giving you compliments like “Honey it smells amazing”, “Whatever your cooking I’d like to try it because it looks good.”.
•Likes when you bring the food to him too. He’s patiently waiting for you to finish, and you sit two plates down at the dinner table.
•Chrollo has always liked when you two would sit down and chat about how your days went, while eating some type of delicious meal. It’s even better when you cook it.
•Tries to be helpful, but will listen if you tell him you’ve got it.
He already introduced you to his love of seeing you cooking. He never verbally told this though. You found out from him when he came home one day after work to see you in the kitchen stirring up a pot of pasta. You didn’t notice he was home until he was standing beside you staring at you in awe.
•When you noticed that he likes seeing you cook when his eyes sparkled the minute they laid on you once he entered your shared home.
•Tries to help you by chopping up vegetables, or washing meats.
•He helps you season the meats also.
•Or he could just stand behind you and hug your waist while you fry up some meat.
•Clingy. He doesn’t try to be though he just stands there behind you and watches as your stir something in a pot.
•Sometimes you think it’s because he thinks you’re going to poison him. You even asked him.
“Do you really think I’m going to poison you?”
•He did nothing but stare at you, but that was enough of an answer that you needed.
•Man is this man’s chop game astonishing. You give him 3 cucumbers and he has them all chopped up in 3 seconds. Maybe all of that killing has its benefits.
•Will just stand there beside you and watch like a little kid.
•Will ask to help every now and then. When understand if you say no.
Another clingy one. Hugs your waist from behind while he watches you look for seasonings in your cabinet. He thinks it’s cute when you cook for him. He starts to steal buy you cooking supplies, aprons, and ingredients for you to cook more for him.
•He’ll tell you some of his favorite dishes, and constantly compliment your cooking.
•Never to critical. He’ll be honest with you when you ask him about the food. He’ll tell you what went wrong, and right.
•Loves helping you. Will do it either if you ask him or not.
•He always say thank you every time you set the plate down on the table. He likes the little talks you two have while you eat dinner.
•Will listen to you ramble about your day.
Thinks it’s cute when your in the kitchen cooking for her. Will go grocery shopping with you once you pick up the ingredients. Giving you advise on higher quality brands, and other food items.
•She thinks you might hurt yourself while cutting so she cuts everything for you.
•Pakunoda thinks that you both should cook for each other once she sees you cooking for her, so you guys end up taking turns in cooking and watching.
•She finds different ways to help you out. If she’s not cutting something she’s seasoning something. If she’s not seasoning something she could be measuring some type of liquid.
•She’s a foodie. She’ll love anything you cook her. Especially if you cook your cultural foods! (Doesn’t matter where your from)
•Everytime you cook for her she’ll say thank then begin to eat. (She’s so sweet💓)
He usually has his butlers cook for him, but once you ask him to come over as a date he’s hooked. He’ll ask you so many questions. He won’t sit down and watch he’ll stand over you to see exactly what you’re doing. It’s not as cute as when feitan may stand beside you he just stares, and not even blinking.
•He’ll ask questions the whole time.
•He’s also another one that’s good at chopping things.
•He might not look like it but he has a major sweet tooth!
•He likes it when you bake for him just as much when you cook dinner for him.
•Will tell what he likes about the dish at dinner.
•He may never admit it, but he likes it when you invite him over to cook for him.
•He likes the way you smile every time he says something good about the way it tastes.
“Yes darling? Is there something wrong?”
“So? Uhm.. how does it taste?”
“…I like it. Actually it tastes great. You’ve did a good job.”
•He may even pat your head once he gets up, and leaves
That’s it for today lovelies! Have a great day, and remember to drink enough water, eat.
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kayhi808 · 2 months
First Crush - 6
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After the park, all Abby could talk about was her day with Bucky. Even when her eyes were closed, she kept chatting away, past her bedtime. Part of you found it adorable & the other part had you worried. Abby is way to attached for your liking.
Jason was an absent father, but that still doesn't mean Abby didn't miss him or wasn't affected by his death. He died in a plane crash. His daredevil ways that first attracted you to him was the same reason you were alone now. He wasn't brave & heroic, dying for his country or on a mission. He was foolish and selfish, hot-dogging it when he lost control of his aircraft. Most people dropped the subject after you say he died in a plane crash, assuming it was work related. He was stupid. Always chasing the next high. The next rush. He had a wife and baby at home. He should have been thinking of you and Abby.
You couldn't deny the attraction you felt to Bucky, but look at his job. He was an Avenger for God's sake! The bad guys he chases were much worse than your common criminals. The risks were much higher. You were second-guessing you decision in exposing Abby to Bucky. Not that you could truly stop it. Abby was drawn to him at first sight.
"There you are." Bucky enters your office & sits in the chair opposite your desk.
Pushing your lunch to the side, "Hey Buck, did you need something?"
"For the past couple days I thought I'd see you in the cafeteria."
"Sounds like high school," laughing, "I was studying in the library." Bucky frowns at you, "I usually bring home lunch so i eat in my office. It's easier."
Leaning forward, "Well, tomorrow, would you have lunch with me? We don't have to stay here. We can go to this diner around the corner. Their burgers are pretty great." He picks up that you're unsure. "C'mon, doll. I know you want to."
You laugh at his ego. I mean, he wasn't wrong. "Ok."
"I'll swing by around 1p. Is that too late?"
"No, that's fine."
"Then its a date."
"It's not a date. It's lunch." He doesn't say anything, just gives you a look. Its a date.
That night at the gym with Sam, Sam broaches a subject that the others were shying away from. "I saw you leaving with Y/N earlier."
"We went to the diner for lunch."
"So, what's going on with you two?"
Bucky shrugs, "Just 2 friends having lunch."
"MmmHmmm. Do you know what you're doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Y/N's a special breed. She's a single mother. She don't need you wasting her time. You take on extra responsibilities if you start dating her."
"I'm just saying, you can easily find someone else to kill time with. You string her along, she's not the only one you'll be hurting. From what i hear, her daughter is obsessed with you."
"We went on a picnic & lunch. We're still figuring out what this is."
"And that's fine. Just keep in mind she brings more to the table than just herself."
"Ok, got it. Lecture over?"
Sam shrugs and leaves the gym.
"When am I seeing Bucky again?"
"I don't know, baby. He's very busy with work." You feel a little guilty at how badly Abby wants to see Bucky & you've been having lunch with him everyday for the past couple weeks. He's been dropping by your office with his own lunch to spend time with you.
"Can I asks him? I can draws him a letter." You laugh but stop when you see the earnest little look on her face.
"You know what? That sounds like a very good idea. Maybe you can invite him over to watch a movie & then dinner?"
Abby screams, climbing on the couch to give you a wet kiss on your cheek. "Bucky comes to my house??"
You release a deep breath, "Yes, you can invite him here." She runs off to her room to draw his letter. You lean your head back on the couch hoping you made the right choice.
LIke clockwork, Bucky shows up at 1pm for lunch with you. You slide Abby's drawing across the desk to him. He has a smile on his face even before he opens it. When he opens it, his smile freezes and he looks between you and Abby's drawing. You cover your lips with your fingertips while you watch him, trying to suppress a smile.
"Doll, you're going to have to help me out here. Wh...what am I looking at?"
"What? You can't figure it out?" Bucky is put on the spot. "You're lucky Abby isn't here." You tap the left side of the picture. "What's this?"
"It looks like guts and eyeballs."
"I don't know."
"It's spaghetti and meatballs."
"Oh! Ok. So this is us," indicating 3 stick figures in the middle. "And...I need help again. "This isn't brains."
"Jesus! You're terrible at this. It's a bowl of popcorn. Abby is trying to invite you over for a movie and dinner at our place."
Bucky laughs so hard, he has to rest his head on your desk. "So, I'm not invited over to commit a murder, because I don't do that anymore."
"My baby does NOT murder people! I'm not sure I want you over anymore."
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry." He grabs your hand from across the desk & kisses your knuckles. "Please don't take away the invite. I want to come over."
"Will you be free this Saturday?"
"Yes, I leave next week for a mission, but I'll be here on Saturday."
"Ok," you text him your address. "Maybe 3p? It'll be after her nap & we can watch a movie before dinner."
"Thank you, I'll be there." He give you his charming smile & you have to look away. You hope this isn't a mistake.
Next Chapter
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thepenultimateword · 4 months
Your stuff is so good!! You should write a villain x weapon designer civilian snippet :0
Thank you, thank you, friend! Also, I’m loving the idea of that dynamic, so here you go!
CW: Weapons, unconsciousness, knockout gas
“Move and I’ll blow your head off.”
The ridges on the gun's metal barrel dug sharply into Civilian's hand, but they managed to keep their aim and voice steady as they pointed both at the villain in front of them. The criminal was currently backed up against the train doors, hands in the air, gas mask dangling nonchalantly off two fingers.
The villain raised their brow. "What are you some sort of hero?"
"No talking."
"I've never seen you before. I thought I'd met all of the agency's sentinals in white. Though you're not exactly dressed for the position. Maybe you're not--"
"I said no talking!" Civilian barked, taking a step forward and jerking the gun forward menacingly.
"Ok! Ok!" Villain said. They raised their hands higher. “Touch-y.”
On any other day, Civilian would have been like the other passengers, huddled up together in the far corners of the train or pressed back tight in their seats, as if they could disappear by mere force of will. But today, Civilian had been tasked with transporting their newest prototype to the agency for a demonstration. An electro-pulse gun that they’d tested on no less than five watermelons the night before. They were well acquainted with the damage it could do. They’d ripped the thing from its protective case without even thinking.
“I’ve already alerted the heroes to your location,” Civilian said. “So there’s no point in fighting anymore. Stay still until the next station and you’ll be arrested in one piece.”
“You alerted the heroes?” The villain raised both brows high. “How? I jammed the cell signals over the next twenty miles. Unless…” They grinned. “You have some other form of contact. You do work for the agency, don’t you?”
“Have you listened to a thing I've said? No more questions!"
“You’re the one who keeps chatting, darling. What? Nervous?”
Yes. And no. Their body was alight with adrenaline, every nerve a buzzing, quivering charge, and yet at the same time, they were surreally confident, gut numb and mind blank.
Villain pushed lightly off the doors with their elbows, taking a small, probing step forward. “Would you even really shoot?”
“You really want to try me?"
“You heroes make a lot of talk but not much action. What, don’t you have a code? 'Do no harm' or something like that? Besides, you're so cute." Another step forward. "I don't think you've ever been in a fight, let alone killed someone, so why don't you just--"
Civilian aimed the gun at the ceiling and squeezed the trigger. The energy projectile punched through the metal with ear-splitting BANG! The passengers shrieked. Villain knocked back against the doors with a thud.
The wind whistled loudly overhead as the air whooshed over the new gap in the roof, and after that shot, their ears might as well have been stuffed full of cotton, but even if they couldn't quite measure their own volume, they fixed the gun back on Villain's head and drove their point home.
“I’m really trying not to traumatize all these lovely people with the visual of your head exploding, and honestly, I’d really rather not kill you. But if you press me…if you doubt me, you’ll be dead faster than you can question me again.”
Villain gripped their mask abit tighter but their expression remained smooth and their posture loose. They whistled a long low note. “You’re something else, gunslinger. When this is all over, feel free to look me up anytime.”
“Fortunately, I don’t frequent prisons.”
“Me neither." Villain flashed a broader grin, full of white teeth and pocked with a dimple on one side. "Looks like we have something in common.”
The train screeched, the deceleration sending everyone lurching a bit to the right. In that exact moment, when Civilian's gun swayed a few centimeters off target, the villain's free hand shot to their belt.
"Hey!" Civilian shouted, stumbling a little as the train came to a complete stop. Villain tossed something small and round to the floor. Ping! Ping! It bounced twice, rolled a little into the aisle, and exploded in a cloud of cool fog. No not fog. Gas.
Civilian immediately turned their face into their shoulder, tipping the gun even further off target. The whole train car shrieked while Villain calmly pulled the gas mask over their head, obscuring the beginnings of an infuriating grin. Civilian opened their mouth to launch another threat but immediately choked on the sickly sweet gas. It raised around them so rapidly, they could barely see the nose of the weapon let alone, Villain. Not to mention...everything was getting sorta...slanty...
"S-sleepin'gas?" they slurred.
"I was never here to harm any of you." Villain's muffled voice seemed to come from all directions, echoey and distorted.
Civilian fell to one knee. Was it normal to feel like their head was buzzing?
"You made a really cute gunslinger, though. Like a western sheriff. Or an outlaw. Bet you'd be good in a holdup."
The train doors hissed as they opened. As some of the gas slipped free, they caught a glimpse of the Villain's shoulder as they darted out onto the platform.
The gun suddenly felt so heavy in their arms but they forced it up anyway. The barrel tipped to and fro, and their finger trembled on the trigger. They wanted to risk a blind shot, but there could be dozens of people standing outside on that platform. If they hit anyone else...
Their vision blurred, then blackened. They barely managed to set the gun down on the metal floor before passing out over top of it.
When they awoke, they were in the agency medical wing. They recognized it immediately by its obnoxious orange bedsheets and, well, Keith. Sort of hard to miss a giant, shining man in hero-white scrubs.
Civilian slowly pushed themselves upright. Their head throbbed with the movement, and they let out a rogue groan.
Keith turned away from the figure two beds down, covered from head to toe in bruises and now enveloped in their own cocoon of white luminescence.
"Civilian!" Keith beamed, light glimmering off his teeth. "You've regained consciousness! Any pain?"
Civilian rubbed the bridge of their nose. "Just my head... Was I hurt?"
"Not necessarily." Keith pressed both large hands to the sides of Civilian's skull. Civilian closed their eyes as they healer's glow wrapped around their head. Warmth trickled over their face and under their skin, ebbing the pain away little by little. "Just a very large dose of some sort of gaseous anesthesia. Luckily, there have been no long-term consequences so far. The ventilation created by the hole in the roof probably lessened some of the potency. Your handiwork?"
The events on the train rushed back all at once. They pulled out of Keith's grasp.
"Did we get them?" They looked rapidly around their bedside. "Where's my pulse gun?"
Keith stepped back and leaned against the empty bed beside Civilian's. "The gun is in weapons testing, I think."
"And the villain?"
"No. They escaped. We arrived just moments too late before they must have blended with the crowd.
Civlian threw themself back against their pillows with a heavy sigh. "Great."
"You still helped. You stopped Villain from completing whatever they originally planned and provided many citizens with immediate medical treatment by calling us in."
"Oh yeeeeah, I'm sure the whole team was just dazzled by my competence and quick-thinking. Especially when I couldn't hold Villain in place on anything but a moving train."
Keith frowned. "You don't need the title to be a hero."
"Thanks, Keith, that's really nice and heartfelt, and I'm sure you believe it, but seeing how you do have the title, and no one in power here thinks the same, it doesn't really mean that much to me."
Keith frowned but luckily didn't argue any further. Civilian knew they were being rude, but they really didn't need anyone else telling them that they were special the way they were. That they could do good their own way. That being a hero didn't even matter that much. It mattered a whole lot to them. And now they'd practically proven the entire agency right.
"What were they even doing on that train?"
"Robbery?" Keith shrugged. "Knock out the passengers and loot all their valuables."
"Alone?" Civilian traced the lines of the ceiling panels with their eyes. "They didn't even have a bag. How much could they have gathered if they planned on knocking out an entire train?"
"We don't know they were alone. They could have easily had accomplices posing as civilians throughout the train."
"True... Does the agency have a file on them? Tall, skinny, long black coat, annoyingly perfect eyebrows. Didn't show a power."
"I could look...but I'm not supposed to share that sort of info outside of other heroes..."
"Come on! What was that whole, 'you don't need a title' nonsense?"
"It wasn't nonsense! You are a hero! Just...not a legally sanctioned one."
Civilian sat back up and lowered their voice. "Come on, Keith. I'm not going to do anything; I'm just curious. You don't even have to give me the whole file. Just take a couple pictures of anything you think might also be on the news."
Keith grimaced.
"Please? I was so close today. So close to being what I always planned to be... Just let me chase that high a little longer. Then I'll go back to the weapons lab and never mention it again. Promise."
Keith inhaled a long breath, letting it out in a loud, irritated sigh. "Ok, fine. But don't bring it up to anyone. Ever. And I'm only giving you the first page."
Civilian's insides sank a little; they weren't sure what a first page of a villain file looked like, but they could assume it wasn't much. But they couldn't really be picky, so... "That's fine. Just the first page is perfect."
Keith looked like they had hoped that detail would deter them, but he continued on. "It might take awhile. I'm a hero, but I'm a healer, so no one is expecting me to march into the files room and request info on villains."
"That's ok, I can be patient. I work in weapons, remember? That's like the ultimate test in being patient."
Keith slid a hand over his face. "Ok. I'm also going to need more detail than 'annoyingly perfect eyebrows.'"
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starbabyg · 10 months
Juraj is possessive of his girl.
Pathetically Possesive | Juraj Slafkovksy Smut
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warnings: smut duh, jealous boyfriend, might seem toxic to some, words that make me squirm
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
There are many levels to Juraj’s possessiveness. It all pans out the same way in the end though. First he starts off quietly, maybe some guy is chatting with you. It’s just a friendly chat so he can’t be too mad at you. After all you’re the most interesting person in the world to him, so why wouldn’t other people want to strike up a conversation with you? It starts off with nonverbal cues. Juraj’s hand will shift your legs towards him. He keeps a steady hand on your knees, softly caressing them to show you he’s still right there. You’re so used to it at this point it doesn’t even phase you when you’re preoccupied with something else. Slaf’s love language is physically touch so it was just second nature for some part of him to be attached to you. Juraj can be in a whole different conversation, but every so often he’ll turn his head towards you and the guy you’re talking to. He’ll eye the guy down, then look at his hand on your knee, then back to the guy. Fully intent on getting the guy to notice that he really should exit the conversation quickly. It frustrates him when the guy talking to you is oblivious to the whole thing. If looks could kill the guy would be dead ten times over. His fingers now tap your knee as he becomes more and more impatient. Soon after Juraj will start whispering in your ear in the middle of your conversation.
“Mmm, you smell so good tonight. Is that the perfume I just bought you?” His lips will softly graze your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. If he’s feeling frisky enough he might even inconspicuously nibble at it. “I could just eat you up right here in front of everyone. You smell delicious, probably taste just as good too.” All you could do is widen your eyes and blush as to try not to let anyone know what Juraj is up to. As the night goes on so does his hand. No longer is it on your knee, but making its way between them. You have to squeeze his hand when it reaches further between your thighs. A little higher and he’ll be palming your pussy. Still being bombarded by the guy talking to you, you push Slaf’s hand away. It’s too intimate to be doing in front of people especially in such close proximity. Juraj scoffed, no fucking way she actually did that.
Juraj pulled your seat closer to him, trying to tell the guy to fuck off without actually saying the words. Althoughhh maybe that would have been better in this case. The chair made a loud screech, startling both you and the guy talking to you. The stranger shifted his head and looked at slaf cluelessly. A tad bit awkward much?
“And you must be?” The stranger asks. All Slaf could do was mentally laugh.
“Juraj Slafkovksy. Also y/n’s boyfriend. You know, the girl you’ve been talking to all night,” Juraj responded condescendingly, squinting his eyes and forcing a smile. His arm snaked around your shoulder as he absentmindedly squeezed you.
The guy’s mouth went agape, “Oh? Well you sure are lucky. Just from this conversation alone I can tell she is a wonderful woman. Better treat her right, or else I might have to come and snatch her from ya.” Of course it was supposed to be a joke, kinda, but Juraj never took things like this lightly. Not when it came to you.
“Oh really?” Juraj shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wanting to just get up and sock the guy right in his jaw, “Well we have to go now. I gotta be reminded why I’m so lucky,” Juraj took your hand and dragged you away. Now muttering under his breath, “Fucking dickhead.” You just followed after him in shock, your wrist tightly held in his grip.
“Seriously Juraj? You always do this,” you whined. This wasn’t the first time he had dragged you out of an event. At first it was cute, him getting bratty and jealous and begging you to leave so the two of you could get take out and watch movies together. But this was a few too many times now.
“Well it was either leave or beat his ass. And I know you don’t want to be banned from these events so I think I went with the safer option.” He continued to lead you through the crowd. Every so often muttering ‘excuse me’ to the people standing in his way. If he could tell them ‘move, you’re in the damn way,’ he totally would, but he still had manners even though right now he wanted to throw them all away.
“Juraj please stop. I have to go to the bathroom now. I’m gonna piss myself if you keep dragging me along,” your brow furrowed. You just couldn’t keep up with his fast pace, especially being in heels. His legs were too long and moving too fast.
Juraj rolled his eyes, “Fine we’ll take a little detour.” He changed his course of route and started looking for a bathroom. Still holding on to you he lead you to a bathroom down an empty hall. He motioned towards the restroom as he let go of you. Instead of going into the bathroom you glared at him and crossed your arms.
“I don’t actually have to go to the bathroom. I just got tired of you pulling me around like that. How dare you pull me out of a conversation and do that? That was so rude of you. I’m gonna go back there and apologize.”
“Apologize? To him?” Juraj’s eyes were wide with jealous anger. He couldn’t imagine you softly apologizing to the guy, asking for forgiveness in that sweet voice of yours.
“Yes, what else am I supposed to do?” You scoffed at him with attitude. Juraj couldn’t admit it to your face but you being upset started to turn him on. His mind started racing with a million dirty thoughts.
“Apologize to the person who actually deserves one,” he stepped closer to you and tipped your chin up to look at him. All the anger in him had seeped out, now replaced by love and lust. God how you could change this boy’s mood in a flash.
“You think you deserve an apology from me? I deserve one from you!” You stomped your foot. You could not believe the way Juraj was acting like a complete brat right now.
“I think we should apologize to each other. And I know just the way.” Juraj shoved you into the bathroom and locked it behind him. All you could do was look at him in disbelief before he pushed you against the sink, planting himself in between your legs. Your dress started to ride up your body, the bottom bunching up as his knee rises.
“Juraj, what are you doin—” He laid his forehead atop yours.
“Shhh, just let me say sorry,” he mumbled against your lips. You were taken aback, but hearing those words come from his lips made you melt completely into the kiss. You wanted to be mad, but how could you when Juraj was frenching you so good right now? Add in the pressure of his leg slightly grazing your clit and you were in heaven. Juraj had one hand on your waist and the other behind your neck, supporting you as you started to feel light on your feet. He lifted you up on top of the sink, right on the edge so he could have easy access.
Juraj kneeled down a bit, face to face with your panties, which at this point were starting to soak through. He smirked when he saw the little wet spot that had made its way through. You could just feel your juices pooling between your legs. Which made you upset at yourself because how dare he act like that and think that he could get away with this afterwards? But all those thoughts went away as soon as he pulled your panties to the side and just went in on you. Juraj was usually so gentle and articulate when it came to going down on you. But this time he was fast and swift with it. He gave you no time to adjust as he quickly slurped and flicked his tongue around your clit. Juraj knew just all the right spots to hit. Your legs started to close against him, squeezing his head until he used his brute strength to reopen them and hold your legs in place. You moaned against your palm, trying to conceal your cries. Who knows who could hear you from outside of the bathroom door? It was hard to hide your whimpers especially when Slaf was purposely trying to force them out of you. It’s like he wanted everyone to hear you. He sped up the rhythm of his movements, bringing one of his hands to play with you now. As he lapped up your juices he curled a finger inside of you. Exploring your silky walls, feeling every single crevice inside of you as he tried to find your sweet spot. It was all too much for you. The fast movements combined with the deep pressure, you could just faint from pleasure. It made it all the worse knowing you had to be silent through it all. No matter how much you squirmed and writhed, how much you pulled Juraj’s hair or squeezed his shoulder, her persisted in his pace.
“Oh my god just give it to me already,” you managed to purr out between mewls. From under your hazy lids you could make out that sly smirk Juraj had while he was still latched onto you. It didn’t take any more convincing for him to get right up to fuck you.
Already hard from just the sight of you alone Juraj unbuckled his belt from his dress pants. He pulled down his boxers, appendage springing out excitedly. Oh how fucking good he looked standing there with his disheveled hair and lips plump and slick from your juices. Out of yearning you reached for his dick, giving it a few strokes as you guided it inside. Your head was tilted up, keeping eye contact with Juraj as you watched his face contort with pleasure. His lips parting as his tip slipped inside of you. Brows furrowed as he let out a little wince. It was as if the angle you sat at had made you ten times tighter. If he hadn’t got you dripping wet beforehand it most definitely wouldn’t have been able to slide in. The new angle didn’t just make you tighter, it also had Slaf hitting a certain spot inside of you. And every time his tip hit that spot you wanted to scream as if to say ‘fuck I love you’. It was pure heaven. You were tightly wrapped around Juraj, legs pulling him in so you could feel every single bit of him. Hands clawing at his chest, a button popping off of his dress shirt. More of his chest was exposed and at this point you wanted this man naked. Even while you were drunk on love you somehow managed to properly unbutton the rest of his shirt, pulling him in by the collar for a kiss. Pulling Juraj in closer only made him go deeper, which in result had you biting his lip to conceal the deep moan that wanted to escape.
Juraj on the other hand didn’t give a shit about being loud groaning an “oh fuck” against your lips. His moans were gutteral, reverberating through the acoustic walls of the bathroom. There was no doubt that anyone passing by the bathroom could hear Juraj. His hands were gripped around the flesh of your hips, no doubt going to leave red marks on you that will last a week. Juraj’s head fell into the nape of your neck, muffling his moans as they echoed in your ear. The sound was music to your ears. You kissed his temple, just wanting to love on him any way you could. His echoing moans were replaced by the little nips he was leaving along your neck. You couldn’t help but react to these little love bites, soft mewls escaping your mouth as you held onto the back of his head. Your fingers interlocked with his tousled mane.
Juraj was now going at a steady but stern pace. It was slower than when he was amped up on jealously, but hard enough to make you jolt every time he filled you up completely. You were starting to unravel with each pump fueling your orgasm. It was getting more and more difficult to keep quiet, your pants and squeals starting to gain volume. A couple more strokes and you’ll be a screaming mess.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum,” you panted out breathlessly. You felt your legs giving out as Juraj had to keep them in place. Juraj took that as a challenge. His grip around you tightened, pulling you closer into his embrace. Keeping that same solid pace his strokes got rougher, your eyes rolling back each time you felt him in the hilt of your cervix. At this point you were a mumbling mess, words you didn’t even know you were saying spilling from your lips. To Juraj it sounded like you were saying ‘more, more’, and he gave you just that. He turned a bit selfish, now wanting to chase his own orgasm. Juraj lifted you from the bathroom counter, trying to wrap your legs around him as you went limp in his arms. Steadying your weight he started to bounce you on his cock, the snacks of your ass on his skin echoing through the restroom. You just hummed in content, riding out your high as he rushed to finish himself off. The straps of your dress were now falling off, your breasts exposed as you had been braless. Juraj leaned over and took your left boob in his mouth. Already fucked into bliss this was overstimulation. Your bottom lip perched out as you started to shake from his suckling at your nipple. It didn’t help that he was swirling around your nipple at a fast pace. Your head dropped back, your whole body just losing feeling aside from the shocking stimulation he was giving you. Juraj’s stroked sped up and you could feel his dick twitch from inside of you, which was always a sign that he was close to cumming. You leaned in closer to him, lips pressed against his ear.
“Cum for me baby,” you mewled as you swiped your tongue against his lobe. Just with those simple words you sent him over the edge. Juraj places you back on top of the counter, now slowing down in pace as you felt him spill his load into you. His moans were raspy and low, his breath hitching as he shuddered. All you could do was drunkenly smile as you saw his seed drip out of you.
Finally coming down from his high, Juraj placed a kiss on your forehead as he grabbed some paper towels to clean you up. He patted you dry and he placed your panties back onto you. Giving both of your tits a kiss before slipping the straps of your dress back on your shoulders. Slaf tried his best to make you look more presentable. Wiping the smudged lipstick off of your face. Finger brushing your hair so you don’t have that “I just got fucked” hairstyle. You just sat there on the counter, letting him take care of you as you were too hazy to even think. Boy did he fuck you good. You watched him as he fixed himself up, rebuttoning the buttons that were still attached to his dress shirt. Fixing his tie and buckling his belt.
“Ready?” He asked as you gave him a soft nod. He lifted you up princess style, making sure your dress was nice and neat. Your face made its way into his chest. You couldn’t face anyone from the gala after just getting fucked in the bathroom. Juraj opened the door and carried you out. Telling anyone who asked that you must have eaten something bad and that you didn’t feel good. He had to make sure his dirty nasty girl still had the cleanest of reputations. And it will be the two of yours little secret that Juraj’s possessiveness will always be a turn on that always ends in the two of you fucking.
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goldstargloww · 10 months
canary curse things. thinking about canary curse things
i'm hesitant to say the canary curse has been broken—what, no, of course it has been, jimmy died second instead of first, and the canary curse is all about dying first— okay hear me out i swear i make sense
my thought is that patterns can change. patterns aren't always static ones. just because something new happened this time around doesn't mean the pattern's been broken, it may have just changed its rules a bit.
joel had a pattern of having no true allies up until double or limited life, where it instead became a pattern of being isolated, for example
now, before we get into the canary curse specifically, let's talk about some other patterns
scott and martyn tend to drag themselves as well as their allies up the leaderboard. they both tend to outlive their allies. grian tends to kill his allies. ...i feel like i should put more here but that's all i can think of right now
now, the way i see it, is scott, martyn, and jimmy in particular all have some sort of weight to them. positive meaning they drag themselves and their allies up the leaderboard, negative meaning the opposite. scott and martyn have a positive weight, whereas jimmy has a negative one.
what i think's happened here is that martyn and jimmy's weights have tugged on each other, and as a result, martyn turned yellow and red first instead of much later on, and jimmy died second instead of first.
jimmy's pull is strong, i think, and so he tends to die first every time. just because he tends to die first every time doesn't make that a rule, though - it just makes it a pattern, one that's been broken. the pattern that hasn't been broken, though, is jimmy being one of the earliest to die, and jimmy dragging his allies down the leaderboard with him.
jimmy died first in 3rd life, and dragged scott down to 10th, and scott finally turned yellow right before jimmy died. jimmy died first in last life, and dragged mumbo down with him, and they were a similar color pretty much the whole time. jimmy died first in double life, and dragged tango down with him. jimmy died first in limited life, and joel died quickly after. jimmy died second in secret life, and dragged martyn's color down with him.
martyn, though, doesn't die yet, because of his positive weight. he's often tugged further up the leaderboard, and so while jimmy may drag his color down and martyn ends up first yellow and red, martyn still manages to stay afloat.
martyn is stubborn is the thing, lmao. he stays alive out of spite and just because he wants to, and so he does, and he makes sure he does. now that the stakes are higher and one wrong move could mean losing everything, he's being a lot more careful than he was earlier on.
and let me just reiterate for a second - he's stubborn. once he's got an idea, he's locked onto that idea until he gets it done or literally can't anymore. martyn will drive himself up the wall before he gives up on something and even then he'll need convincing or more likely a distraction. he didn't give up on ren in third life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on trying to kill scott in last life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on getting a diamond chestplate in secret life until he got it despite how much it cost him in the end. outside the life series, even, i'm rewatching rats right now- martyn will try to climb a wall over and over and over until he gets it or something gets in the way. he'll be texturing a model and complain to chat about how painful it is and still decide to spend the next hour and a half getting the damn thing done even though he should've logged off for bedtime 2 hours ago. (yes martyn i am calling you out, enjoy)
and so martyn doesn't die! he's yellow first, he's red first, and all other red names die, but martyn doesn't. because yeah, maybe he's impulsive, but he's in this for himself and himself alone and there's no way in hell he's dealing with a wither and a warden that's just killed three people. (he did try and steal the kill though. martyn do you remember what happened last time you tried to steal the kill, you fell into the void and died)
jimmy isn't as stubborn. jimmy's a lot more forgiving, a lot more lenient, and as much as he's being more aggressive this season, he's reckless about it and impulsive and his reputation isn't helping him here.
jimmy lets things happen to him. as upset as he might act about it, he never actually does anything about it, and it gets him killed. he's afraid to break the rules, he's afraid to make people uncomfortable or upset or hurt, he starts genuinely tearing up at the thought of pulling a bait and switch on skizz, and that's the kind of thing martyn does on a daily basis lmao
jimmy is forgiving and passive, martyn and scott don't forget so easily and aren't afraid to make people upset, grian's somewhere in between.
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harlowtales · 9 days
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Jack is jealous when Y/N goes crazy for another rapper 😡
“You ready baby? Happy Birthday to my girl. Are you excited?” Jack said holding you from behind and kissing your neck as you checked yourself out in the full length mirror.
“Baby you’re wrinkling me!” You said smoothing out where he had bunched up your dress wrapping his arms around you. “But thank you baby I can’t wait!”
“If I was a bad bitch I’d wanna fuck me too!” You said jumping up and down as if you were already at NLE’s show in the front row. Jack surprised you with tickets and because he knew NLE you were going to meet him. Jack just looked at you and walked away. He was a bit jealous if he was being honest. This was all you talked about since you found out like you weren’t dating an even more famous rapper.
“Hey, calm down and don’t you think you should wear something that covers you more baby? What about this jeans and hoodie? It’s just a concert.” Jack tried to reason to make himself feel better. You looked gorgeous and that was the problem. NLE was as funny and charming as Jack was.
“Um no thanks I like this dress but maybe next time.” You said unknowingly kissing him on the cheek. “Let’s go!!!”
“Can we listen to NLE on the way there?” You begged as Jack didn’t like noise when he was driving.
“We’re going to the show isn’t that over kill?” He said starting to get annoyed.
“We’ll listen to older stuff he might not play tonight. PLLLLLEASE” you said pouting.
“Ok fine.” He relented kissing your forehead. You were adorable when you begged.
“Going down a narrow ro oh oh oad, going down a narrow road oh oh oad!!!” You sang NLE’s earlier hit Narrow Road at the top of your lungs with the roof open. Jack was already regretting buying you these tickets. He had to make you go to Gazebo Fest and you complained the entire time of being too hot, hungry, and tired.
Jack wasn’t much for concerts and when he went he usually sat higher up in box seats but because he knew you wanted front row you got front row. Baby gets what baby wants. This was a smaller venue anyway so Jack didn’t have much of a choice. You let out a squeal when you grabbed the barricade and Jack rolled his eyes taking his guarded boyfriend stance firmly behind you where he planned to be the entire time. He looked around and he felt old. NLE’s crowd was about 16-25 so he grumpily put up with pushing and shoving as the crowd built up.
“Yo!!! Oh shit Jack Harlow is here!” He was hearing around him as cell phones quickly came out of pockets and flashed before he could say anything. He wanted a date night feeling with no security and was beginning to regret it. You on the other hand were chatting away with someone beside you about how funny NLE was and his latest shenanigans on IG.
“Girl that red see through top and red leather pants at Fashion Week??? OMG!! He looked SO GOOD!” She gushed to which you nodded and Jack pretended not to hear. That’s when the lights went down a few opening acts you didn’t care much about came on. Jack was concerned you were bored.
“You ok baby? You’re barely dancing” he observed sweetly as he held you tighter. He was bracing himself for your reaction to the main event.
“Just waiting for my man is all.” You said “Saving my energy.” You didn’t yet know you were going to meet NLE afterwards.
After a brief intermission and endless people coming up to Jack the lights dimmed and you started screaming. “He ain’t even on yet.” Jack said dryly and slightly embarrassed.
Then it got pitch black and smoke filled the stage. Through the mist NLE emerged with his signature look shirtless, tatted from head to toe, low riding black jeans. He directed a megawatt, diamond grilled smile to you and winked. “Jack Harlow done brought his girl to see me y’all!!!” NLE said playfully as he darted to the other end of the stage. Jack smiled back but the joke irked him. You on the other hand were mesmerized.
Then NLE did the Slut Me Out trilogy it was a wrap. By this time Jack was hiding how mad he was. NLE had you. He jumped down from the stage drenched in sweat and as he went by the front row he kissed your hand like a perfect gentleman. You sang along just as loud as in the car then it happened. NLE pulled you up on stage and walked around you like his prey as he rapped “Is we fucking or what?” and made his famous humping gestures in the air. You were escorted back to Jack who just stood there in disbelief.
“Having a good time now?” Jack said angrily
“Baby I…Baby it’s all just fun.” You apologized thinking because Jack and NLE knew each other and both always joked around it was all fine. You tried to kiss him but he dogged it.
“I have a surprise for you that unfortunately we can’t back out of now or I’ll look like a punk.” Jack explained as the crowd thinned out after the show and he led you to the backstage area following security that came to get you.
“Wait what’s happening???” You asked incredulously as you were now standing in the hallway in front of NLE’s dressing room door. Jack just stood there not saying a word.
“Baby I am so sorry if I acted way over the top and made you feel bad.” You said as you titled your head up to kiss him. Jack couldn’t resist and felt your butt as his tongue met yours.
“You owe me after this” Jack said giving your butt a light but stinging tap that served as a warning.
“You’re a lucky man legend” you heard a voice say in a thick Memphis drawl. You turned around and there he was. NLE standing there freshly showered with grey sweatpants on and a towel on his head.
You tried not to appear remotely interested in looking down at the package NLE was toting. Jack’s eyes were on you.
“You must be y/n so honoured to meet the princess of Kentucky” he said holding your hand too long for Jack’s liking.
You shyly replied “Um that’s me” fixing hair behind your ear. All mannerisms that Jack didn’t like.
“Oh fuck now she getting all SHY??” He said seething in his mind.
“Sup.” He said to NLE and dapped him up not showing how agitated his was as he felt NLE poured it on thick during his show.
“I hope you don’t mind me bringing this gorgeous prize on stage. I just wanted to make her birthday unforgettable.” NLE said eyeing you
“Preciate you man.” Jack replied stiffly in complete bro mode.
“Oh boy Jack is acting all hard he is PISSED.” You said to yourself. Him and Jack talked shop for a bit off to the side recounting the XXL freshman class they were both in. Jack seemed to loosen up and was smiling and laughing to which you breathed a sigh of relief.
On the way home he was silent in the car and you didn’t ask to play any music especially NLE’s. You reached over and felt his bulge and he responded immediately shifting in his seat as he stared at the road. “That’s right, you know how to make everything up to me birthday girl.”
“Pull over.” You ordered “Imma take care of you like it’s YOUR birthday.”
@itsyagirljaz @jackharlow502
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0097linersb · 1 year
Meddle About Pt.2 (Last)
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Pairings: Haechan x Reader / Jeno x Reader (Briefly Mentioned)
Genre: Smut
Summary:  Mark doesn’t think you or Haechan would have a problem with killing each other, not even bat an eye at it in fact. 
Word count: 11.2k ish
A/N: I love y´all sorry this took so long. ALSO! FOLLOW ME ON MY NEW TWITTER @wooyodefender we can chat there
Part 1
“I don´t get it, you guys already fucked so why isn´t the bet ove-” 
“We didn´t fuck,” You and Haechan corrected a confused Jisung at the same time, except the two of you had very different tones when delivering the message.  
“Are you just letting anyone watch now because I´m intere-” 
“I´m begging you to not finish that sentence,” Jeno interrupted Jaemin, rubbing his face harshly out of stress. You gently touched Jeno´s hands so he would stop stretching his skin, looking out for any future wrinkles on that pretty face. 
The chaotic scene definitely didn´t match your current environment - which consisted of a breakfast place, one of those where the cooks look like they haven´t showered in weeks, piles of waffles, bacon and the shittiest coffee you have ever tasted filling the tables.  The restaurant was full of families with loud annoying kids running around - Maybe Donghyuck could go play with them. It was hell, but hey, that was hangover brunch. 
Maybe it was the universe´s way of punishing you for allowing whatever happened with Donghyuck to... well, happen.  
“I´m just glad the two of you are finally getting along,” Mark tried changing the subject, smiling at his best friends who for the first time looked like they weren´t going to punch each other at any given moment.  
“We are absolutely not,” But you were more than happy to burst his bubble. “In fact, I have never been more disgusted by Donghyuck before.” 
“That´s not what you sa-” 
You interrupted Haechan with a fake smile, using your best customer service voice to not upset Mark so early in the morning as you stabbed your pancakes, “You can shut the fuck up now, thank you.” 
“So, he slept over and no sex?” Chenle teasingly pushed his friend as he laughed in his face. “You really have no game - ” 
“Speaking of which: Mark, please control your bitch, she made me sleep on the couch without a pillow or a blanket.”  
“I should have kicked you out to sleep on the street, you fucking -” 
“Ok, enough! It´s only Monday and I´m still too hungover to deal with you two,” Mark rolled his eyes, rubbing circles into his temples.  
“So, when are you fucking?” Jisung asked, returning to the original topic where his single neuron was still parked at. 
You groaned and buried your face in Jeno´s shoulder, the man gently patting your head to calm you down, “Can we all please stop reminding me of that?” 
“Probably this Saturday or the next,” Haechan ignored you. 
“Do we have it freaking scheduled? Ew.” 
“Why? Did you want me sooner?” The man teased you, an annoying fake pout on his face. “Awn, someone´s eager.” 
Jeno had to physically hold you back from smacking Haechan down after his comment, “I would rather bungee jump without the -” 
“What a cliché, Y/N. You can do better than that-” 
“Let´s not speak on the subject until then,” Mark cut you off, his tone was strict and final. 
Somehow, as if it was even possible, Haechan managed to become even more insufferable after the recent events. Firstly, because now that he knew you were slightly attracted to him – and also knew you were not happy about it - the man had massive leverage on your fights. Secondly, as previously stated, the thought of finding Haechan even remotely alluring had you wanting to take a nap on the highway during rush hour every time you caught yourself even considering his appearance, causing your stress levels to be significantly higher ever since. Lastly, if there is one thing Haechan has always been, is cocky, and now... Oh, now he was just unstoppable, and you hated yourself for thinking it was kind of hot.  
Kind of. 
But as equally annoying. 
Now, you caught yourself staring at the man, lost in thought, more often than you´d like to admit, and he managed to catch you every-single-fucking-time, sending you an annoying wink like he was hot shit.  
Which maybe he was. 
You didn´t understand how he could accept being into you so easily when you wanted to throw up at the thought that maybe you were excited that he was going to fuck you some time soon. Before everything that went down, the two of you would just simply offend each other to your hearts 'desires, but now there was a sudden shift in your dynamic as he started hitting on you nonstop, which somehow managed to annoy you more than when he would call you the most degrading offensive things he could think of - which he could probably be arrested for if anyone from outside your group heard a minute of your conversations.  
“You do know you´re going to die alone and miserable, right?” You asked him Thursday night, after only an hour and a half around him, figuring that was your time-around-Haechan limit.  
“I don´t think I will,” He smiled at you, a condescending tone to his voice as he leaned back against his seat. 
“Oh, I can assure you. No one can put up with you for long enough.” 
“Everyone puts up with me just fine. Have you ever considered maybe you´re the problem?”  
“As if- ” 
“It´s ok baby, I´ll fix your attitude when I fu-” 
“Can you two shut the fuck up and just never talk again?” Mark looked stressed as he reminded you and Haechan that you were not alone at the restaurant table. “I swear to God I´m going to start leaving one of you out from each group hang out.” 
“It would be the best thing you have ever done,” You assured Mark. 
“C´mon, I´d miss you,” Haechan sent you a flying kiss. “You´re nice to look at.” 
“I will stab you in the eyes to assure you never look at me aga-” 
“If any of you say another world I´ll drag you outside by the ear.” 
You did shut up after that because you honestly felt kind of bad for Mark, he genuinely loved the two of you and you´ve been making his life hell by not getting along. At the same time, it´s not like you haven´t tried! When you first met Haechan, after only 5 minutes with him, you were already sure you disliked the man; but you made an effort for Mark, you spent weeks trying to make yourself grow any positive feelings towards Haechan, or just anything that didn´t involve strong wishes of strangling him, but the man never returned any of your efforts, always wanting to hog Mark all to himself and bad mouth you to the man,  so you gave up - 
Donghyuck had really nice fucking hands. 
Which you unfortunately noticed as he places more meat on the grill occupying the center of the table between your friends after Mark made the two of you change seats so you´d sit far away from each other. His fingers were just somehow very delicate and clean but manly at the same time, he had big hands and veins appearing through his skin, his long fingers adorned by rings – Did he always wear rings? Because they were surely doing something to you.   
And with that thought process, you were suddenly reminded those fingers had been inside of you and you had to cross your legs to contain the very sudden and very fast pulsing that started between them. You let your forehead meet the table in a very loud thud as you groaned in frustration. Every day that passed made you despite Haechan a little bit more.  
When the weekend did come, your group´s chaotic schedule didn´t allow you a time window to complete the second part of the bet, although you did meet. It was a common friend´s birthday, a small get-together at his place to celebrate another year and even though there were suggestions that you could finish the bet that night, you were absolutely not about to get fucked on Doyoung´s bed. Also, Haechan had some things to do and had texted the group chat he would be late to the party – Chenle had informed you Haechan had a date and you prayed to all gods out there that he would bring the girl along so he would leave you alone for once.  
When he did show up though, he was in fact, unaccompanied. But the main point was that Lee Donghyuck, had dyed his hair a light shade of brown that had you wanting to swallow down your own fist.  Ok, maybe you could fuck on Doyoung´s bed after all. 
But Haechan´s leather jacket and rings stayed on during sex. 
Fuck, maybe you just needed to get laid, it has been a while. Would Jeno mind taking whatever you had a step further? 
“Hello friends,” Haechan greeted his friends before turning to you. “Hello stalker.” 
“What? Why stalker?” 
“I don´t know, the way you´re looking at me seems pretty obsessive,” He shrugged as he jumped over the couch to take a seat in front of you, who was sitting on the floor. 
“You´re delusional.” 
“It´s ok,” He assured you, accepting a drink from Doyoung who was walking around welcoming and giving everyone attention like a good host. “I like them crazy.” 
“Because that´s the only crowd you can pull.” 
“Let´s remember who was begging me just a week ago,” He winked at you before taking a sip from his glass, you along with all the boys around gagging at his comment. 
“I thought we were forbidden from talking about the subject,” Jaemin informed. 
“I did my best,” Mark sighed. “I give up on these two, just kill each other for all I care.” 
Haechan and you managed to prove once again Mark´s repulsive argument that the two of you were basically the same person when you replied by asking at the exact same time, “Who would you rather survived?” 
“Right now? I hope none of you.” 
“Cold,” You pouted at Mark before turning to the other man. “C´mon, Donghyuck and I are besties, soon he will even give me his computer and his most precious hoodie. If that isn´t friendship I don´t know what is.” 
“You really think you´ll win, huh?” At least Haechan looked amused.  
“I don´t know, did you get your date there today?” 
“What date?” 
“Chenle said you were on a date.” 
“He told me he had a date,” Chenle corrected. 
“You mean I hanged out with a friend so she could dye my hair?” 
“Same thing,” Chenle shrugged. “Didn´t you already fuck her before?” 
“Yeah, but that doesn´t make it a date. We were at her hair salon – Wait,” Haechan stopped mid-sentence to look at you. “Awn, are you jealous?” 
“Donghyuck, I´ll put this the nicest way that I can so Mark doesn't have a nervous breakdown: Why the hell would I be jealous?” 
“I don´t know, there´s really no reason for it. If you want me just say so and I´m all yours-” 
“Ok, I can´t take this anymore. I know Mark asked us to not talk about it and I was very happy to oblige but I have some matters to discuss,” You interrupted Haechan. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Go for it, see if I care.” 
“Let´s make a rule that when we reach the 4 minutes mark and Donghyuck has already lost, we have to stop everything immediately.” 
“We can´t do that,” Jeno carefully informed you, already prepared for the murderous glare you sent his way. 
“And why not?” 
“Since we couldn´t bet on the same thing you two, we bet on how long Haechan would take,” Jaemin explained.  
Oh, right. You remember very clearly betting on 6 hours because it was simply not going to happen. Jaemin, who went for the 12 minutes mark went as far as asking you to have at least some faith on his friend.  
You could argue that now that you and Donghyuck had some form of sexual encounter, he already knew your body a bit better and that was kind of cheating, but then you reminded yourself that none of the guys knew what actually happened that night after the club and you´d rather leave it that way, so you simply sighed in defeat. It´s not like Haechan did much besides literally putting is fingers inside of you, so you guessed that didn´t really count either. 
“Cheer up, princess. You´re about to have the time of your life,” Haechan smirked at you and you answered him by chugging your drink in misery. 
For the rest of the night, you tried avoiding Donghyuck like the plague because if you thought about how his rings would feel around your neck one more time, you would be forced to punch the guy and cause a scene – You liked Doyoung enough to not do that on his birthday. It wasn´t a full-out house party, but there were enough people around to make it possible to stay far away from Haechan, at least for a while, until he decided he didn´t want to let you have a peaceful night after all. 
And so you drank. 
“Daydreaming about me?” He sat next to you on the couch. Jeno had left you alone for a single second to grab more beer for fuck´s sake. 
“You wish.” 
“I do, in fact.” 
“Can´t you find literally any other girl to torment?” 
“But it´s so fun annoying you, though,” He smiled. “You look hot when you´re mad.” 
“Take your degradation kink elsewhere, thank you very much.” 
“Will do, wanna come with?” 
“Are you serious right now?” 
“C´mon. We don´t have to fuck, you´ve been staring at my thighs the whole night, you could just ride them-” 
“Oh my god, leave me alone.” 
“Well, let me tell you something,” He informed before turning his body in your direction so that he could lower his voice, suddenly deep against your ear. “I appreciate your act, it´s cute, really. But there´s no one looking. If we go somewhere, we can come back, and no one would know a thing. You could stop pretending you haven´t been clenching at the thought of my fingers the whole week and I could do all the fun things I´ve been thinking about-” 
You could sense his smirk at the way your body violently twitched. It was only once, but it was one time too many.  
“Oh. Wanna know what things?” He teased. 
You could just stand up and leave. But you didn´t really want to? 
 So you simply crossed your legs and took a deep breath to try and sort your mind out. 
His chuckle hit the sensitive skin on your neck, “I´ll take that as a yes.” 
And then his palm found your thigh once again, holding it from the inside like it was his, “I know we can´t actually fuck, but I think there are things that can be even more fun, don´t you? You know what I can´t stop thinking about ever since I´ve seen your pretty little pussy? How much I want to eat you out. You sound so good, I´d love nothing more than have you sitting on my face for hours-” 
You took another shaky breath, nails digging deep into your own right thigh, “Donghyuck.” 
“I will go to the kitchen get another drink and you will let me.” 
He laughed once again but retrieved his hand from your body, “You know where to find me.” 
And unfortunately, you did, because later, after a few more drinks and 1 very frustrating hour of trying to focus on anything else other than your panties sticking to your skin, you found yourself grabbing Donghyuck´s arm to get his attention while he talked to some guys you didn´t know. 
“Yes, princess?” 
You ignored the pet name and everyone´s eyes on you for your own sake, “Can you please follow me?” 
His cocky smile had you immediately regretting your impulsive choices, “Always.” 
You groaned but accepted when he grabbed your hand and motioned for you to lead the way, which you did, practically running up the stairs so none of your friends would see you before getting the two of you inside a bathroom and locking the door.  
“What do you want?” He amusedly raised his eyebrow at you, his body leaning against the bathroom sink now that you were alone and the music wasn´t so loud. 
“Don´t pretend to be dense,” You called him out before pulling him down by his shirt so you could smash your lips together.  
He smirked into the kiss before getting into it, wasting no time pressing you against the bathroom door as his tongue entered your mouth to match your desperation. When his hands found your hips to pull you closer, a moan escaped your lips and he groaned, his grip on you tightening enough to bruise your skin. 
Your hands in turn found their way around his neck, pulling harshly on his hair so he would get the message and just do something before you regretted bringing him here. You didn´t need foreplay this time, you already had hours of your very creative mind flashing images and trying to drive you crazy, all you needed was someone´s fingers inside of you  – And maybe they had to be Haechan´s. 
Thankfully, Donghyuck somehow got the message and pulled your thighs up around his waist, so he could carry you over to the sink as you two practically devoured each other, like air wasn´t something necessary for human survival, but his lips sure were. You used your legs wrapped around him to grind his crotch against yours and he groaned at you, “Don´t play dirty.” 
“Then do something.” 
“What do you want?” 
“You know what I want.” 
“Do I?” He played dumb, suddenly stepping away from you like that was just perfect timing to be a fucking little tease. “I can go grab you a drink if that´s what you mean-” 
“Good luck with that boner out there.” 
“Yeah, gonna find someone I can actually fuck.” 
“Oh my god, just fucking finger me please,” You groaned in surrender, letting your head hit the mirror behind you in frustration. 
The biggest smirk filled his face as he closed the distance between you in satisfaction once again, eyes shining in victory, “That´s what I like to hear. Good girl.” 
“Don´t be condescending.” 
“C´mon, I know you like it,” He teased before his lips met yours once again. 
He bit your bottom lip to be annoying before licking inside your mouth so you would let him do his thing – And since you had already thrown your dignity out the window an hour ago on Doyoung´s very elegant couch, you just let him. The man must have gathered how desperate you were from the way you were kissing him back, because he simply found your panties under your skirt and slid them right off with no ceremony, before his palms were pulling your thighs open and he found his place in between them. 
“Hand,” He ordered. 
For once, his voice didn´t sound like he was teasing you or playing around. It was just a plain order looming over you and you liked it, being able to forget who you were and who was standing in between your legs, your hand raising in front of him without even knowing what for. You watched in shock as he took two of his rings out and put them on your finger, before moving to the next one. 
“Leave them on,” You quietly pleaded, kind of ashamed of yourself for liking the idea and not believing you actually said that out loud. It just escaped.  
He smiled at your tone, “I´d love to, but these would really hurt.” 
“It´s ok, I´ll leave the ones on the other hand,” Haechan assured as he finished putting all his rings on you and his mouth met yours once again. 
You always kind of expected that for a kiss to be good and effective, it needed to have a build-up, to start slow and make its way up – But Donghyuck had a way of reminding whoever he was kissing of how needy he made them in just a few seconds. His mouth was working so good against yours that it was almost a pity that you had to break the kiss to gasp as you felt two of his fingers gathering slick around your slit and when he felt like his fingers were lubricated enough, he slowly pushed them inside of you, you had to close your eyes and let your head meet the mirror again to process the feelings. 
You see? He didn´t even have to do much and you were already so worked up, clenching around his fingers and hands holding harshly onto the sink. You were honestly scared of the power Donghyuck had over you and what he would do if he ever found it out.  
When you opened your eyes, Haechan was watching your face attentively before moving his fingers slowly. He looked so fucking good with his new hair and dark eyes that even this rhythm to get you used to being filled got you biting on your bottom lip to keep your whines inside.  
He noticed that and smirked, “C´mere,” 
And so you complied, lips chasing his until your tongues met once again. 
You had a theory that it´s not that Donghyuck was good in bed, you were just really horny. Your thought process made a lot of sense considering he never actually did anything to you besides looking hot while you actually did all the job – But you could throw your whole theory in the trash next to the sink once Haechan sped up his fingers. 
You bit his lip to keep yourself grounded at the fact that the man in between your legs actually knew what he was doing and did it really well. 
And you meant well enough that if he fucked anything like he fingered you, you were kind of screwed (at least when it came to the bet). 
“It´s loud outside, don´t worry,” He smiled once you let go of his lip, noticing you were having a hard time keeping yourself together  - and you really tried pretending he didn´t have the perfect rhythm, that his fingers weren´t hitting all the perfect spots, that his kisses down your neck as you caught your breath weren´t doing wonders for you, but it was a really hard task considering he was in fact making you feel all sorts of new things in this short amount of time. 
When Haechan felt like you still weren´t letting yourself go, he bit harshly on the side of your neck and you couldn´t force inside the gasp that left your mouth. 
“You know I won´t let you cum until I´m satisfied, stop being stubborn.” 
“M-maybe you´re just not doing a-ah- good job.” 
“Oh, sorry. My bad,” He apologized, but the smirk on his face, once he stood straight, didn´t match his tone nor his words. Suddenly his thumb was on your clit, drawing circles as he pumped his two other fingers inside and you almost came undone at the way he cockily winked at you when a loud moan escaped your lips.  
“Oh, fuck-” 
“Yeah, that´s more like it.” 
“Just shut u-up,” You groaned as your nails found his shoulder, digging into his skin to try and keep yourself grounded as he sped up. You honestly didn´t feel like you would last very long under his ministrations and that just wouldn´t do.  
“Want me to stop?” 
“God- No!” 
“Awn, look who´s finally not being a bitch.” 
“Donghyuck, I swear to god-” 
“What? What will you do, huh? Cum around my fingers? Threatening. Maybe next time do it on my tongue.” 
You really didn´t need the imagery right now.  
You closed your eyes and your forehead met his chest as you felt your high approaching, trying to conjure all your willpower to not cum and give Donghyuck the satisfaction of doing it so fast, but it was no use. Haechan had some kind of magic fingers and when his free hand found your neck and you could feel the cool rings pressed against your skin, along with his lips brushing against your open ones that just couldn´t keep quiet, you were done for. 
Your whole body trembled as your cursed during the longest and hardest orgasm of your life, breaths mixed together. 
Once you regained your sanity, you just had to suck Haechan off in return after that. 
 It was good manners after all. 
You would be indeed lying if you said the bathroom incident didn´t occur more than once. Thankfully, you only allowed it to happen 3 times other than that one – 3 was a good number, you could forgive yourself for slipping 3 times. You could even argue that since he had already fingered you once, if he did it once or twenty times, it was the same thing, so it was not like it was going to impact on the bet.  
Yeah, you knew it was bullshit but who cares. 
The first time it happened, just like at the party, you were drunk. It was during trivia night, Donghyuck´s team was winning, and you were very unhappy about it. It´s not your fault that Mark was stupid and ended up on your team! By the time you got to the final questions, you were practically raging and somehow managed to beat them after getting 4 questions right in a row (once you got Mark distracted with something on your phone). After managing to rub your win in Haechan´s face in every way known to mankind, he got annoyed enough to drag you to the bar´s bathroom and “get you to shut up” as he so kindly put it. 
The second time you couldn´t use alcohol as an excuse, although you could say you were high on the adrenaline of playing ranked matches online. It happened when you and Donghyuck were playing Valorant and after you cursed at him for the 30th time about sucking over the call, he finally snapped and told you to come say it to his face – Which you did, because he really did suck. What happened once you were in his house, in his room, was completely unexpected. No one could have guessed he would end up fingering you as you played another ranked match on your account, right? 
The third time would have looked strangely like a 90´s parent trap kind of movie if you weren´t genuinely annoyed by the situation. You had invited Mark to watch the new horror movie at the cinema, Mark had agreed. Donghyuck had also invited Mark to watch the new horror movie at the cinema, Mark had agreed. Mark had also thought it was a good idea to not show up and not let either of you know about the other, resulting in a very angry surprise meeting at the movie theater´s door. 
“I´ll just sit very far from you,” Haechan had groaned. 
“Don´t be ridiculous,” You rolled your eyes, grabbing his arm and practically dragging him to your seats. 
“Awn, you´re scared. Aren´t you?” He teased once you were sitting down, finally processing why you weren´t putting the many rows of distance between you two yourself. 
“Yeah, very much. Now be quiet.” 
“I will have to inform you I am scared too.” 
“Oh, that´s just great. Do you even have anything to offer in life at this point?” 
It was kind of expected that he would finger you during the movie after that. 
“And who the fuck is that?” Donghyuck asked dumbfounded after you appeared in front of him, arm laced with another man´s. He earned an elbow on the ribs by Jaemin for his comment. 
You rolled your eyes and apologized to your date before turning back to the very rude person in front of you once San reassured everything was ok, “Donghyuck, I know you were raised by animals or something, but here in the city we normally greet people when we see them.” 
Haechan´s reaction must have been genuine shock because he was quick to apologize and give his hand out for San to shake as he introduced himself, even if he didn´t look anywhere close to happy.  
“Oh, so this is San,” Donghyuck raised his eyebrows in entertainment.  
Your date gave you the cutest smile once he heard those words, “You talked about me?” 
You were not about to let Haechan ruin this for you and tell San that all you said about the man was that he didn´t fuck you and that was the exact moment that resulted in the stupid bet that will end up with the man in front of you fucking you instead – So you simply smiled at San, “Of course.” 
“I didn´t know we could bring dates,” Donghyuck sent you a pointed look. 
“You´re supposed to bring dates to these kinds of things, Hyuck. I´m sorry you couldn´t find anyone to put up with you.” 
“Did your boytoy bring anyone?” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
Both you and San gave him a confused look, not sure who he was talking about. Jaemin rolled his eyes and grabbed his arm to drag him away but he didn´t budge. 
“Jeno,” Donghyuck clarified.  
Oh, you see what he was doing. 
And you were not about to give him the satisfaction. 
“Jeno brought Karina,” You informed calmly, not playing his game. “As expected.” 
“I see,” Haechan nodded before turning to your date. “Good luck filling the position then.” 
You couldn´t even say you were surprised, of course he couldn´t let you have anything. 
“Enjoy the party, Donghyuck,” You rolled your eyes before dragging San as far as possible. 
“Well, that was something,” Your date tried to break the ice when he saw you breathing out in annoyance. 
“I´m so sorry,” You sighed, calling over the waiter with the champagne tray. “Donghyuck´s insufferable.”  
“Well, now I have to step up my game to fit the boytoy job description,” He smiled at you, getting two glasses from the tray and handing one to you.  
“I´m sorry about that too,” You smiled in gratitude over the rim of the glass.  
“It´s ok, it´s a position I´m more than happy to fill. Specially if it will make your friend even more jealous.” 
“Oh, don´t worry. It´s not like that, I can assure you. He simply has something against my happiness, which is ok, because I also have something against his.” 
“Yeah, I don´t think we´re close enough for me to comment on that so cheers,” He laughed, raising his glass in your direction. 
You clinked glasses and laughed too; you loved a self-aware king.  
Turns out San was a really great guy and you were happy you had invited him to be your plus one to this fancy party thing. He complimented your dress and makeup every hour, he got you new drinks whenever the ice on the ones you were holding started melting too much, he got along with your friends, he looked absolutely stunning and most importantly, he kept you entertained. He also didn´t back down whenever you were at the table with the whole group and Haechan tried teasing him, politely putting the man back in his place – which really, was more attractive than anything.  
“Things going well, huh?” Jeno asked as you two met at the bar. San was in the middle of an excited discussion about music with Jisung, so you offered to get the drinks this time. 
“Very, actually.” 
“Think things are finally going to escalate tonight or are we thinking boyfriend?” The man teased. See? He could tease you just fine because you knew he actually cared.  
“We still haven´t even kissed, so I don´t really think I´m about to get railed,” You laughed, lowering your voice a bit so the bartender and people around wouldn´t hear your vulgar words as you waited for the drinks.  
“Well, you can always call Haechan over to complete the bet.” 
“I´m not that desperate.” 
“By the way he looks like he´s going to murder San anytime, I think he is. Always knew all this tension between you two had to be something more.” 
“Yeah, I wouldn´t dwell too much on it. Sometimes people just don´t like each other, Donghyuck´s just bothered he´s not the center of attention tonight.” 
“He´s bothered he´s not the center of your attention.” 
“Guess I´ve spoiled him too much, huh? How´s Karina, anyway?” 
“Still working on wooing her.” 
“You wooed her the first time you talked to her, Jeno. Don´t worry, she wouldn´t be here if it wasn´t the case.” 
“Well, since it didn´t work on you my game has been a little off balanced.”  
You laughed at his teasing but didn´t have time to reply as the bartender came back with your two drinks and Jeno´s. The two of you thanked the man and made your way back to the table and Jeno was right, Haechan did look like he wanted to murder San. Once his staring was getting too much, you kicked him under the table and he simply gave you an annoyed look before turning his attention back to your date, who was oblivious to the stares. Or at least pretended to be. 
Tired of Donghyuck´s attitude, you asked San if he wanted to dance and he was more than excited to stand up and offer you his hand like a real gentleman, before leading the way to the dancefloor. Sadly for you, the fancy ballroom didn´t offer any ass shaking music, but San being the dancer he was, had no trouble leading you in his arms. 
“I do have to say things are spinning a bit,” You laughed, commenting on your many drinks. 
“Yeah, I think that last Whiskey was a bit too much. Are there really that many chandeliers or am I seeing things doubled?” 
“I think both.” 
As expected, San didn´t rail you that night. But he did kiss you goodnight once he dropped you off at home and your heart was happy enough with that.  
Haechan also ignored you the week following the gala, you even tried sending him an invitation on Valorant when you saw he was online on Saturday but he never answered, same when you sent him a slightly offensive meme on Whatsapp, expecting him to offend you back.  
Well, guess you were living the dream.  
When the next weekend came around with no acknowledgment from Haechan, you figured he finally had enough of you and was over with your little frenemies routine, meaning the bet was also over. You were fine with that. What you weren´t fine with was with the fact that he got you used to having the best fucking orgasms of your life and now you were left high and dry.  
Life also wasn´t as much fun when you didn´t have anyone to try and beat at everything.  
So with no thoughts in mind, you put on your hottest outfit for group outing that night, even going as far as putting on the skirt Haechan always teased you about because you knew he liked it too much. You kind of expected him to not show up after icing you out for weeks, but there he was when you got to Jaemin´s house and he simply treated you as if absolutely nothing had happened. 
“Awn, wore this skirt for me?” He asked as soon as you sat down next to him on the couch.  
You were so surprised at him suddenly referring to you after weeks, that your eyes were wide when you asked, “You talking to me now?” 
“I was never not talking to you.” 
“Donghyuck, of course you were.” 
“Was not.” 
“Was too.” 
“Yeah?” He entertained; his face petulant. “And since when am I supposedly ignoring you?” 
“Since the gala with San, you-” 
“Oh, I see. You want me to be jealous so you´re projecting.” 
“That´s not- What in the gaslighting?” 
“Don´t worry, princess. I wasn´t ignoring you, was just busy.” 
“I saw you online when I was playing Valorant.” 
“Yeah, I saw your invitation. But you see, you´re just really bad and I was playing with the guys from college.”  
“So you two talking again?” Jaemin interrupted. 
“See?” You told Donghyuck as you pointed to your other friend to prove your point, downing a shot of tequila as frustration started to build up on you. 
“Just shut up and drink,” He rolled his eyes against his own shot glass. 
Well, guess you could say things were normal after all. 
“So, the bet,” Jisung brought up and everyone around the table groaned. “What? It was supposed to end like weeks ago, I kind of impulsively bought tickets to a Monster Truck show counting on that money!” 
“As if you would win,” Chenle attacked. “But he´s right, we really need to get this over with.” 
“We don´t need to do anything. Very easy for you to say when you´re involved nowhere near the actual completion of the bet.” 
“I could fuck you to end this already,” Chenle shrugged.  
“We´re doing it tonight, just shut the fuck up,” Donghyuck groaned, downing another shot of tequila. Yeah, he looked even more frustrated than you. 
“And how are we going to do this when you´re not even talking to me?” 
“Are you serious right now?” He looked murderously at you bringing the topic up again and you became small under his eyes. Since he started hitting on you, Haechan had stopped actually being rude and insulting you and you kind of missed him feeding your ego. Maybe you complained enough he stopped, maybe he didn´t want to fuck you that badly anymore -  
“Wait, are you dating the girl from the salon?” You asked when the possibility crossed your mind. “Because we´re not fucking if you´re da-” 
“What?” He looked at you like you were the world´s most stupid person. “Why would I- Oh, wait, so the bet is off in case one of us starts dating?” 
“Guess you´ll have to tell your new boytoy you just lost your friends a lot of money.” 
“What? We´re not dating, we´re just – Oh, so you are jealous.” 
“I´m disappointed.” 
“At what?” You asked in disbelief, already swallowing another shot. You noticed Mark tried to say something, maybe stop the two of you from starting a fight, but you also noticed how he shut himself up before saying anything.  
“At how easy you just drop everything to get with some dude. I thought you were a worthy opponent -” 
“Donghyuck, this isn´t a game.” 
“No, this is a bet.” 
“Oh my god, just admit you have a star problem or something. Can´t handle not being the center of attention for a night? Is it too much for you? Go cry about it and leave everyone alone.” 
“Guys-” It was Jeno who tried this time but you were quick to shush him. 
“Not you acting like you didn´t came running the second I wasn´t down your neck.” 
“So you were ignoring me!” 
 "Yes I was fucking ignoring you. I don´t like you, I guessed that was established.” 
Yeah, you knew that. But it kind of stung now. 
A bit. 
“Is this some kind of foreplay?” Chenle asked. 
“Ask Y/N, I bet she´s getting off on this,” Haechan rolled his eyes, another shot finding its way down his throat.  
“Oh my god, chill. What got your panties in a twist?” You rolled your eyes too, more Tequila passing your lips because you couldn´t let Haechan drink more than you. 
“I can´t even tell if they´re really fighting or not anymore,” Mark raised his hand in defeat, a deep sigh leaving his lips.  
“You´re the one suddenly all sensitive. Homeboy didn´t fuck you good or are you just pmsing?” 
“You know what? Let´s go to the room and end this right now so I don´t have to put up with you ever again,” You half-suggested half-ordered. 
 No one said a word after that, noticing how Haechan was actually really mad. Jaemin didn´t even whine about you two using his room as you had expected he would as his friend stood up and made his way down the hall.  
“Wish me luck,” You rolled your eyes before downing another shot and following Donghyuck. 
When you got to Jaemin´s room, Haechan was already inside, so you quietly entered and closed the door behind you. You were thankful for Jaemin´s colorful lights because the blue room got you relatively calmer than you would be if you had to face the man in front of you in a normally lit room. 
“We´re not fucking until we have an adult conversation for once,” You informed, leaning your body against the door. 
“There´s nothing to talk about.” 
“Of course there is.” 
“I know we have this playing around thing but I´m really not in the mood.” 
“And I´m not in the mood to be fucked like this, so what´s wrong?” 
“Why do you need something to be wrong? It´s not like we ever treated each other well.” 
“Yeah, but you kind of did for the past weeks -” 
“Yeah, because I wanted to fuck you. Why? Did the princess fall in love?” Haechan gave you a fake pout. “I said you convinced me you were hot enough to fuck, not to date.” 
“I can assure you that´s not the case. I just don´t enjoy this whole childish act, we never liked each other but you don´t need to suddenly be a bitch about it.” 
“Guess I learned from the best.” 
“So you want to not fuck me anymore and call off the bet? Is that it?” 
“I guess. It wouldn´t really be fair now that we had someone else meddling in, would it?” 
“What the fuck are you even talking about, Donghyuck?”  
“I just wasn´t aware we were allowed to have sex with anyone else during the duration of the bet -” 
“Oh my god, you´re still talking about San – Oh. – Oh! Hold on! You´re mad because you were counting on me to be untouched and desperate or something so you could win the bet!” 
“Dear lord. I had you moaning like a whore around my fucking fingers and you think I need to count on something to get you anywhere? You really are stupid.” 
“Since you suddenly care about the integrity of this bet so much I will let you know that San hasn´t fucked me yet, so that´s all cleared. Now, if you could be a dear and go inform everyone you want to cancel everything so I can in fact go get railed by said man, I´d be really happy.” 
He answered everything you said by crossing his arms and scoffing, “As if.” 
“Oh I see how it is, wanna up the bet? See who gets me there faster? I bet my League account with all the legendary skins that San can beat you.” 
Well, that was enough to get Haechan practically throwing you against the door, a loud bang echoing through the apartment. You knew playing with his competitive nature would work. 
“Are you really that desperate for me to fuck you that you´re trying to get on my nerves?” He asked, voice more like a growl and face mere inches apart from yours. 
“You´re not the only attention whore in town,” you teased.  
“I told you all you had to do was ask, baby,” He smirked before smashing his lips into yours. 
Excited that this was finally happening and with the few shots in your system, you were more than happy to return the enthusiasm, hands now finding their familiar place in his hair as he pressed you harder against the door. As always, Haechan´s lips had you whining for more in no time, his hand expertly exploring your body as if you had no more time left in the world.  
Oh, right.  
The bet. 
“Get on the bed,” He rasped out after he felt you starting to grind against him.  
“You´re making me do all the work?” You teased, just wanting to be annoying. 
He stopped and stared you down in silence, thumb finding its way to your lips as he watched your face lost deep in thoughts, something in his eyes started to crumble down and it got your anxiety to start coming out. Not wanting to give him the time to process whatever he was trying to, your mouth engulfed his finger as you sucked on it. A smirk filled your face as you saw the way Haechan´s jaw clenched at the action, so you gently bit his thumb before letting it go. At least your distraction plan seemed to work out. 
“Honestly, fuck you,” the man sighed but his words had no bite as his lips found yours once again. You were so distracted by his tongue inside your mouth that you almost jumped when you felt him slowly slide the straps of your top down your shoulders. The sudden change of speed getting your brain to malfunction.  
Now, you were not generally sensitive around your boobs but there was just something that happened to you whenever it was Haechan touching your skin that had your back arching when his fingers accidentally brushed against your nipples when he was dragging your top down, goosebumps erupted up your body in a single second. A weak moan left your lips at the surprising feeling and the man answered it by rubbing the pad of his thumb over your right nipple, his tongue in your mouth not doing much to keep your noises inside at the way your core violently clenched around nothing.  
Donghyuck´s lips left yours to find their place on your neck, where he left wet hot kisses while you did your best to not squirm under him. The man made his way down your shoulders, to your collarbones, the top of your boobs until his soft lips found your nipples too - He looked up at you so smugly once you hissed at the sensation of his tongue circling the left one.   
You kind of found a new appreciation for his insufferable cocky face. 
“The timer,” You managed to breathe out, voice shaky.  
“Go ahead baby, I trust you with that chore.” 
An annoyed whine left your lips because honestly, you were not in the right headspace to be given any tasks - But as Donghyuck´s fingers dug into your waist to hold you still as he left marks on your boobs, you managed to get your trembling hand inside your pocket and get your phone out.  
“Don´t start it until I tell you to,” He ordered, looking up at you before dropping down to his knees and honestly, the view was enough to keep you from arguing. He could win the bet for all you cared. 
The man in front of you unbuttoned your shorts and gently pulled them down your legs, kissing up your thighs when he made his way back up. Your whole body was shivering as he approached where you were pulsing and you violently shook as he left a kiss right on your center over your lacy panties, his hot breath against your wet skin forcing a moan out of you.  
You hated that your body could simply not react normally to this man.  
Your knuckles were white from gripping your phone so tightly as he licked and kissed you slowly over your panties like he had nothing else to do for the rest of his life, it was hard keeping your moans inside and he didn´t even really touch you yet.  
“Yes?” His eyes met yours from between your legs and you seriously wanted to scream.  
“Do something, please,” Your voice sounded so broken. 
The man chuckled at the way you dropped your attitude so fast, “Well, since you asked so prettily.” 
His fingers found the seat of your underwear, dragging it to the side as his face approached your core once again, now with nothing in the way. 
“I´ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” 
“Then fucking get to it,” You whined, the back of your head hitting the door in frustration. You hadn´t completely forgotten the bet was supposed to include no foreplay, but you were so desperate to feel his mouth on you that you could make an exception.  
Another low chuckle left his mouth before he got straight into work. If you thought his fingers were magic, you didn´t even know how to begin describing his lips.  
“Oh my fucking god,” You moaned, not even sure you had said it out loud or the words were just repeating themselves over and over inside your head. 
He kissed your clit, sucked on it and his tongue lavished you and all you could do was try your best to hold your sounds in because your friends were right outside and they didn´t deserve the show. Your free hand found its place tangled in Haechan´s hair and the whimper he let out at the way you tugged on it got you almost reaching the edge. 
He fucking whimpered.  
A high whiny breathy groan. 
That man was going to be de death of you. 
You were about to stop him, push him away because you were already so close, but he could probably already guess that by the way your body was twitching and you were pulling harder on his hair, so he leaned away after a final chaste kiss to your clit. He cleaned his face with the back of his hand as he looked up at you, appreciating the view of your semi-wrecked form. 
Donghyuck on his knees was such a pretty sight.  
“Get on the bed and start the timer.” 
Your legs were wobbly but you obeyed this time, eager to finally get fucked -  
Yeah, you were excited to be fucked by Donghyuck, so what? It was about time you accepted defeat and indulged a bit in your sexual taboos - Haechan himself being most of them.  
You sat down on the edge of the bed, not trusting your voice to ask how he wanted you. Also, this was his part of the bet, he would have to work for it for all you cared. You pressed START on the timer and tossed your phone away somewhere under the pillows, watching as the man approached you.  
“It´s annoying,” He said once he stood between your legs, his hand holding your jaw to tip your head up so you were forced to look him in the eyes. 
“What is?” 
“How hot you are.” 
“The timer is running.” 
“Are you going to start dating San?” 
“Do you really wanna talk about this now? Donghyuck, why-” 
“Maybe I really was jealous.” 
“I didn´t like seeing you with him. At the time I blamed my ego or whatever, but now thinking about you with him it´s making me mad - I mean, maybe it is my ego.” 
“Are you thinking about another man when you´re supposed to be fucking me?” 
“Can you shut up for a second?” 
“Is this your idea of a confession?” 
“No, Y/N. I´m not saying I´m in love with you, I´m just saying I realized I was jealous and I´m not sure why.” 
“Ok, can you figure that out after you finish fucking me, please?” 
“Yes, actually.” 
“I´m so hard.” 
“A romantic,” You roll your eyes. 
“No, it´s just- You have a weird effect on me.” 
“I- I know. I feel it too.” 
“Nah, I´m just that good.” 
“Ok, I take it back.” 
“I´m clearly joking.” 
“You´re clearly being annoying.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Come do it.” 
And so he did. Donghyuck bent over and his lips found yours once again as he gently pushed you back down onto the mattress and climbed on top of you. You wasted no time wrapping your hands around his neck to try and pull him impossibly closer, your fingers once again tangling themselves into the hair in the back of his neck and tugging at them. The way his hips automatically rutted against yours in reaction made your vision blurry. Man was not kidding when he said he was really hard.  
“Like hair pulling, huh?” You teased once the two of you let go of each other to try and catch your breath for a second.  
“You should try and choke me a bit if you´re curious,” He winked at you playfully.  
“You for real?” You really tried teasing him, but you´re the one who ended up choking around nothing and looking at him like he hung up all of the starts in the sky himself. 
He didn´t answer you, his lips catching yours as his hands found the hem of your panties, pulling them down your legs the best he could without breaking the kiss, which was not hard considering you were eager to help.  Ha, who would have guessed. 
You felt Donghyuck fitting himself between your legs once again, his whole weight supported by his left hand as he snaked his right hand in between your bodies. You felt his fingers circling your clit and you whined, trying to push him away, “Hyuck, no. I´m already clo-” 
“Just let me stretch you out a bit,” He explained, his same finger now finding its way inside you. Now, that´s something you had already experienced a few times before, but every time Haechan had his fingers slowly pumping inside of you, it felt like the first time all over again.  
“Oh, dear lord,” You whined, trying to hold back your orgasm because that would be simply humiliating.  
“I could literally cum just because of the way you keep clenching around my finger.” 
“I´m close-”  
“I know, baby. I can feel it. But you can hold it in for me, right? I want you to cum on my cock.” 
“Fuck. Donghyuck-” 
“Yes, princess?” 
“If you don´t add another finger right now-” 
“Anything you ask,” He smiled down at you, complying with your request - which you immediately regretted because if one of his fingers was already too much, you were definitely not prepared for two. Your nails dug into the skin of his arms without you even realizing, but you needed something to ground yourself. He was fingering you so slowly and yet you wanted to scream at how good the drag along your walls felt.  
When he judged you were ready, he retracted his fingers and you breathed out in relief, finally not having to use your full mental capacity to focus on not cumming.  
“We should go on a date sometime,” He stated in a matter-of-fact tone, like you were discussing the weather on a nice little walk. 
“Lee Donghyuck, what are you-” It was hard talking when you were still trying to catch your breath.  
“Indulge me.” 
“You´re not helping yourself win the bet.” 
“I don´t give a fuck about the bet, I´m already happy proving you wrong.” 
“And how are you doing that?” You knew the answer to that question, but you wanted to hear him say it.  
“Because baby,” He paused to give you a soft kiss on the lips, " this exact moment, we´re chatting to give you a break since you can´t even handle being fucked just from my fingers inside of you.”  
Maybe you loved his voice, especially when saying lewd things.  
“You´re not so much better,” You rolled your eyes, squeezing the bulge in his pants and earning a groan in response. “Now, can you please undress?” 
“Undress? How fancy,” He laughed, but his hands were already undoing his belt. 
“Do you always talk this much during sex? Maybe we should gag you.” 
“Careful with your promises, I might come demand their fulfillment.”  
“Just fuck me, Donghyuck.” 
“Never wanted anything more,” He smirked after he finished taking his pants off. 
He kissed you once again, but you were quick to break away, sitting up to pull at the hem of his shirt and he complied, raising his arms so you could take it off.  You pulled Haechan closer, kissing down his neck and ecstatic with the little whines he let out, especially as you started lowering the kisses to his chest. His skin felt burning hot against your lips and you wanted to stay there forever.  
It came as a surprise when he grabbed onto your waist and manhandled you, spinning you around, so you were now with your back pressed to his chest. His hand found your neck to hold your head as he chuckled darkly right against your ear, “I appreciate the attempt, but today I´m in charge.” 
You moaned as he used his knee to force your legs open, his hand leaving your throat to push your back down the mattress. You didn´t even have time to react or support yourself with your arms, your left cheek meeting the bed sheets as you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance.  
You pushed your hips back without even realizing, just wanting Donghyuck inside of you once and for all. But to no one´s surprise, it was just teasing you that he wanted. 
“You´re so fucking wet,” He marveled, rubbing his tip up and down your folds. “Just like you always are for me.” 
You wanted to retort, but you also wanted his dick inside of you – today, preferably. So you just whined impatiently and arched your hips a bit more, “Donghyuck!” 
“I want to hear the high oh mighty miss I´m-always-right begging for me to fuck her.” 
“Not good enough.” 
“Donghyuck, please fuck me. You won ok? I need you. I don´t care. Just please, fuck me,” You could seriously cry.  
Maybe you weren´t used to not getting things your way. 
“Tell me you´re mine.” 
“Am I?” 
“Yes, but I need you to know it.” 
“Fuck me well and I might be.” 
“Good answer.” 
You could tell he was smirking as he finally slid inside of you.  
“Oh god,” You moaned. You had been waiting for this for months! 
“You can call me Haechan.” 
“You´re not as funny as you think you are,” You breathed out, your hands gripping onto the bed sheets as he waited for you to adjust for a second.  
“Maybe, but I am about to give you the fuck of your life.” 
“Why are you still talki-” 
Donghyuck didn´t let you finish the sentence, his hand that was caressing your lower back now grabbed onto your waist for support as he took his dick out before pushing it back in. He took absolutely no time to find a rhythm that drove you crazy, and as expected from mister tease himself, it was a slow one, but with that, you could feel every single vein and piece of skin dragging against your walls, every single pulse and twitch of his cock. 
“Fuck,” You moaned, closing your eyes harshly to try and focus on something other than the way the man you hated was about to make you cum in approximately 20 seconds just from teasing. 
“I´ve been imagining fucking you for years,” Haechan groaned. 
“Then fucking do it properly,” You cursed between gritted teeth, sentence interrupted by a gasp when his cock hit something inside of you that had you involuntarily clenching around him.  
“You can´t take it.” 
He was probably right, but you wanted him to anyways. 
“Maybe you just can´t do it.” 
Haechan´s answer was a laugh; his movements didn’t stop as you felt something grabbing your hair and pulling you up, your back once again against his chest, “I wanted to have my fun, but I guess that´s not something you´re familiar with.” 
His movements then sped up, his right hand finding your clit and rubbing circles on it and his other hand moved to your favorite place, your neck.  
He was absolutely right. You couldn’t take it.  
You were pretty sure you were being loud, but you couldn´t even be sure because your mind was in another dimension.  
“Happy now, princess?” He groaned against your ear from the effort of how he was harshly fucking into you.  
“Yes, oh my god. Don´t stop – Ah-  I´m so close.” 
Your body was shaking at this point, you threw your right arm back to latch onto Haechan´s hair for any sense of stability as you felt everything beginning to turn white.  
“I thought you would put more of a fight,” His hand around your neck tightened. “But I love seeing you like this, so no complaints.”  
You heard his voice but his words didn´t register, leaving your mind as soon as they entered because you were so so close.  
“Tell me you´re mine.” 
“I´m yours.” 
“This pussy is mine, only mine.” 
“Only yours.” 
“Good girl.” 
Never in a million years did you think you would let Lee Donghyuck say those words to you, and never in a million years did you think those exact words would trigger the most earth-shattering orgasm of your life. 
“Oh fuck, oh my god. Hyuck”-   
He didn´t let up, fucking you all throughout as you were moaning and twitching, his fingers never losing speed against your clit, his groans from the way you kept squeezing around him were enough to almost give you another orgasm back-to-back as he let your cheek gently hit the mattress once again.  
“If you keep calling me that I might cum soon too.” 
You didn't even mind the overstimulation, your ears were still ringing, you were still gasping for air but he didn´t stop, in fact, he only begin fucking you harder. Another high started building up and you weren´t even done with the first yet.  
You barely registered when he pulled out for a second to flip you around, finding his place in between your legs once again, which you automatically wrapped around his hips as he pounded into you.  
“Fuck,” He groaned, looking into your eyes. Sweat was running down his forehead and neck and you so desperately wanted to pull him closer and lick it. “Maybe I was jealous, can´t stand the thought of someone else seeing how pretty you look like this.” 
“I want to ruin you for any other man. Fuck, you feel so good.” 
He was close too, you could feel his cock twitching inside of you and how he lost control once every few thrusts. Your nails scratched his back enough to draw blood but he seemed to enjoy it, his head dropping down your neck and a whine leaving his lips. The vibration against your skin got goosebumps erupting once again all over your body and you felt yourself at the edge again.  
You stopped caring your friends were right outside about 10 minutes ago and Donghyuck just never did - Oh, right. He probably wanted Jeno to hear it all.  
“Hyuck, ah- I´m close.” 
“Me too, baby.” 
You didn´t think it was possible for him to go any faster, but he did. Now supporting his weight on his two arms, Donghyuck drilled into you and his lips met your neck, leaving wet kisses and sucking on it to leave as many bruises as possible.  
Man really had a possession problem. 
You couldn´t take it anymore, as the man bit a particular spot on the side of your neck, you closed your eyes and let it hit you. No man had ever been able to make you cum just from penetration alone and your world was suddenly turned upside down with your second orgasm of the night. Donghyuck probably did manage to ruin you for any other man.  
Fuck him. 
With your body spasms and the way your walls started clenching when you came, Donghyuck followed right along with you. He had his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed as moans left his pretty lips - Haechan was insufferable but he was also the hottest man in the world, you were going a bit crazy.  
You felt warmness hitting your insides as he slowly stopped his motions and started trying to catch his breath. You watched with hazy eyes as his chest stopped heaving and he opened his eyes to stare right back at you. 
“Hello beautiful,” You smiled at him, breathing somewhat closer to normal even if you were still shivering.  
“I figured it out,” He smiled back at you.  
“You´re still inside of me.” 
“And I plan on being for a long time.” 
“Is that a threat?” 
“I want you to go out with me.” 
“Awn, someone has a crush.” 
“Maybe. Let´s have a date and figure it out,” He shrugged. “Maybe we will end up killing each other, maybe we will end up boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe we will end up fucking – No, we´re definitely fucking either way-” 
“You just want to keep staring at my boobs.” 
“That too.” 
“And you´re still inside of me.” 
“You never said yes.” 
“We´ve known each other for many years, Donghyuck. What makes you think we will start liking each other now?” 
“I guess I already like you and even when hating each other we still had fun, you get me, I get you. Let´s not overcomplicate it.” 
“Ok, let´s give it a try.” 
“You just want me to fuck you again,” He joked. 
“That too,” You smiled. 
“Oh, fuck.” 
“What´s wrong?” Donghyuck asked worriedly, tightening his belt after the shower you took. 
“The timer.” 
“Oh, yeah. Was too lazy to turn it off,” He shrugged. 
“But the bet-” 
“I told you I didn´t care about the bet.” 
“That´s because I won.” 
“That´s because I let you win.” 
“So you´re just giving me your stuff like that?” 
“Nop, because many rules were broken and that makes the bet invalid.” 
“I never agreed to that.” 
“So you really want my computer? Yours is perfectly fine, I know it because I´m the one who assembled it!” 
“No, but I do want your hoodie.” 
Donghyuck stared at you in silence long enough to make you uncomfortable before shrugging, “Fine, as long as I can fuck you in it. Now go outside and tell our dear friends the bet was canceled.” 
“Shouldn´t we just lie? I kind of feel bad for Jisung.” 
“If I agree, I get to choose where to go on our first date.” 
“Let me guess, your bed?” 
“What do you take me for?” He fake gasped. 
“Do you really want me to answer that? Because then I don´t think there will be a first date.”  
“Look who´s all mouthy now, not only 15 minutes ago you were-” 
“Don´t you dare.” 
“Oh, I dare.” 
“Just give me your hoodie and shut up.” 
“You´ll go out wearing it.” 
“What- Why?” 
“I want Jeno to see it.” 
“To see that I won the bet?” 
“No, that you´re mi- You know what I mean! Must you always be so annoying?” 
“You´re the one begging me for a date.” 
“Don´t complain if I end up making you sit down and watch all of the Fast and Furious movies.”  
“That would still be more pleasant than having a conversation with you.” 
“You know what? Then I´m taking you to a fancy restaurant and forcing you to look at me all nnight.” 
“It´s a nice view,” You smiled, calling a truce for the time being.
Donghyuck accepted the white flag and smiled back.  
Maybe this could work out. 
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trubbishrubbish · 1 year
Having some Martina thoughts. Spoilers for the whole game below.
So, chapter 4 reveals that Martina was still alive, The execution that was supposed to kill her was stopped by Makoto and Martina no longer loves Yomi. But a lot must have happened in the background before this point, mainly when Makoto stopped the execution and what happened immediately after.
For starters, Yomi is very surprised to see that Martina is still alive, this gives me the impression that Yomi assumed his execution order was already carried out and Martina should be dead.
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Why didn't he double check with any of his peacekeepers to confirm that the deed was done beforehand? Perhaps he was too distracted dealing with the master detectives in chapter 3-4, or maybe Yomi cared so little for Martina that he didn't feel a need to check if she did die. If you toss trash into a garbage bin, do you really need to see if it's actually in there? That was likely his mindset.
Yomi issued the order the night after the Aetheria Academy case. The next morning all of chapter 3 occurs than the day after that is chapter 4. So about two days have passed since he issued the order, and he was surprised to see Martina alive the night of the second day. So, Yomi expected her to be crushed in that presser machine as soon as possible.
With that in mind, when did Makoto stop the execution? Was it before meeting Yuma in Kanai Tower or after Yuma leaves Kanai Tower?
The amount of time that passed between the submarine exploding and Yuma waking up in Kanai Tower is unknown but since chapter 3 starts on the morning of the first day than we can assume a few hours have passed. During that time, a peacekeeper under Makoto's jurisdiction found Yuma floating along the riverbank, probably not too long after the explosion. He radioed the CEO about this found detective and Makoto ordered them to bring Yuma to Kanai Tower.
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Makoto said Yuma was in "tatters" when found by the riverbank, so maybe Makoto stayed up those few hours taking care of Yuma so he would not die. Then, when Yuma is fully healed, Makoto waited until he woke up and walked outside the bedroom so the two can chat.
In other words, Makoto was preoccupied that whole night so he did not have any time to stop Martina's execution, that means he did it after Yuma left Kanai Tower.
But wait, how did Makoto know about Martina’s execution just in time to stop it? I don’t think Makoto has any secret cameras in Yomi’s office that recorded the conversation and Makoto stumbling upon this execution himself is unlikely. The only way is a peacekeeper that knew about the execution personally telling him about it. But what peacekeeper would notify Makoto? The peacekeepers respect both Yomi and Martina but since Yomi outranks Martina, they have no issue sending their second-in-command to death. Whoever this single peacekeeper is, they have to be more loyal to Martina than Yomi and have a personal liking to her that motivated them to report to a power above Yomi.
And I think I know who that guy is.
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That’s right. The chubby peacekeeper who was very excited about getting punished by Martina was the one who told Makoto about her execution. News of Martina’s execution would spread among the peacekeepers and the Chubby Peacekeeper would likely hear of it at some point. Since he admires Martina so much, he didn’t want her to be killed, regardless of Yomi issuing the order, so he told someone higher up than Yomi that could stop it. A short time later after Yuma leaves Kanai Tower, Makoto hears about the execution from the Chubby Peacekeeper and swiftly heads over to the presser room and puts a stop to the process, saving Martina.
Supporting this, the Chubby Peacekeeper is there accompanying Makoto in the lab. Among the Peacekeepers that are loyal to Martina, him being there can’t just be a coincidence.
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Maybe becuase he helped in saving Martina's life, she wanted him to be there when she confronted Yomi.
Now the last question. What happened immediately after Makoto stopped the execution order? Very simply, Makoto had a conversation with Martina, obviously in a different room away from the presser. Martina was no doubt traumatized and utterly terrified to almost be killed in an inhumanely cruel way and it be by someone she thought she loved. Makoto being a homunculus of the "world's greatest mind," therapy skills could be among his repertoire. Whatever they talked about together had major changes in Martina's behavior and relationship with Yomi.
Firstly, Martina has recognized that all the unlawful and brutal actions she committed as vice president of the peacekeepers were wrong. She feels guilty doing them and wants to resign from her position as atonement.
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This is a decision she made herself. Makoto didn't suggest this and was ok with Martina still being vice president.
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In addition, Martina is heard helping in the clean-up and reconstruction of Marunomon District after the flooding incident. Martina decided the best way to make amends for her prior actions is to personally help Kanai Ward and the people recover. Even in places that she wasn't involved in.
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Secondly, Martina no longer loves Yomi. Makoto helped her come to terms that Yomi was abusive to her and he never truly loved her. Martina will probably still have lasting trauma from Yomi that can't be quickly undone after one therapy session, but Makoto did give Martina enough strength to face her abuser in the critical lab and shut him down.
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Makoto realistically didn't need Martina here to get Yomi arrested. The file was enough, but Martina being here regardless speaks volumes. Two days ago, Martina was at her absolute lowest, completely alone and scared and knocking on death's door. And now she is face to face with her personal demon and confidently told him off and arrested him. Such a feat would not be possible without Makoto's support and being surrounded by people who actually care for her. She didn't even flinch when Yomi screamed at her.
Makoto didn't just want to stop Yomi's reign in Kanai Ward, he wanted to give Martina a chance to bolster her coincidence and get closure from her abuser.
Lastly, Martina wanted to show that she has grown from being Yomi's "right hand." She was able to arrest her abuser which is a powerful moment for sure, but that wasn't enough for Martina, she wanted to prove that she isn't just over him, she became better than him.
In the past chapters, the peacekeepers had an authoritarian rule over the citizens. They could arrest anyone over a crime when convenient and strike fear into the citizens to keep them from rebelling. A common phrase from the peacekeepers when arresting a person is:
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Even Martina says this same line, and with an extra bit about begging for mercy to the corporation.
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This type iron fist ruling is no doubt becuase of Yomi. He wants Kanai Ward to bow to him. He doesn't want any inconvenient truths get in the way of growing in power. He is willing to shoot people who so much as disagree with him publicly. He trains the entire peacekeeper branch to uphold this fear mongering dominance.
Martina had this similar mindset as Yomi, but once she talked to Makoto she wanted to remove this mindset from her person. That's why when Yomi is being arrested, Martina says this:
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It's quite amazing that Martina is willing to treat Yomi far kinder and fairer than he did with her. This was a decision she made herself, I don't think Makoto required Martina to only arrest Yomi in a fair way. I believe Makoto would have approved of Martina shooting Yomi dead right then and there if she wanted. Remember, Makoto killed Fink the Slaughter Artist for "knowing too much" even though I doubt what he knew had anything to do with Homunculi. Makoto isn't above silencing people quickly. But Martina wanted to prove both Yomi and herself than she has become a better person than him. She has become her own person without any influence from her abuser.
In conclusion, I am so amazed and happy that Martina was given the chance to not only live but to heal from her abuser. Makoto coming in to save Martina wasn't done to help him take down Yomi, it was a selfless act to save a women who needed help and Makoto provided that help. All so Martina can have a future where she is happy and healthy.
Also fuck Yomi Hellsmile.
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muselixer · 1 year
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2023!
part one: january - march apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, and capslock-implied yelling :)
“Am I okay? Maybe. Probably not though.”
“Well she deserves to look old.”
“Got spotted throwing it back...”
“I have never wanted to be someone else as badly as I want to be that bitch.”
“Should I be the most vampiric person in the Petsmart today?”
“Accidentally became a femboy again.”
“Femboys are a dime a dozen and simultaneously so rare.”
“Ooh, look at me, I answered a fucking question.”
“This is only proving that I either have a hyperfixation or a problem.”
“Ugh, it smells like a bathroom in here.”
“He scarred those poor people for life, and he’s my idol.”
“That man has never shotgunned anything in his life.”
“Okay, so I didn’t realize how midnight it was.”
“My teeth feel like there’s an Apple airpod in my mouth.”
“We can only commit crimes Tuesday to Thursday, after hours.”
“Ahh, Cheez-Its. My one true love.”
“Grease Lightning thought automatic cars were cool.”
“I was having loud reactions in my home. That were not voluntary.”
“I feel like a Waffle House that closed due to weather.”
“My humor is that of a roach.”
“I would Toot Canal him so hard.”
“Eat shit, lint-licker.”
“We all know ‘draw background’ killed your grandma.”
“Lo and behold, guess what you did boy. You died.”
“That man read Fifty Shades of Gray and thought it was based on a true story.”
“The way my arm just bent is NOT fictitious.”
“The things I’d do to be in a microwave right now.”
“Actually, YOU should shoot MY ass― That was bad, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not ACTUALLY meth because what the fuck, but it’s like meth’s goody two shoes cousin.”
“I have no defense but I also have no shame.”
“Wait a minute, I want free money just for being gay.”
“I was less depressed, but significantly higher.”
“No no, you have my permission to call me a slur.”
“You have the reaction time of a sandal.”
“Sorry, you’re saying I can’t think catboys are hot?”
“I used to have a last name, but she took that in the divorce too.”
“Oh, HA, the AI called the wrong person a Jew!”
“I don’t even lose an hour of sleep, I lose an hour of being awake.”
“Those are my brain cells. They are dying.”
“Deadass built like a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 NPC.”
“I need to go home. I’m about to be so mean to an optician.”
“I need to eat my fucking keyboard, I’m so sick of these people.”
“The written language is a light switch and my ADHD is the Spongebob Nosferatu flickering the lights.”
“Violence isn’t an emotion, but it is now.”
“The worst part about dying is that I lost the spaghetti.”
“If it’s gay to be time-efficient, then I don’t wanna be straight.”
“I shat in it for flavor and then pissed to fill it up.”
“He got bitchified.”
“I’m ready to finally be a bitch.”
“Oh, so we’re seeing Star Wars characters now?”
“I wasn’t bullying you. You were just suffering in my regime.”
“Who needs art when I have infinite rizz?”
“He can’t tell you he likes you all the time? Lame.”
“Reason has left the chat.”
“Fuckin’ dump a gallon of bleach and ammonia into a toilet and just lock the doors.”
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slayerkitty · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thanks to @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @twig-tea for tagging me!
The categories are :
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL: Oh man. Um. It might be the song that plays at the beginning of Wedding Plan, during Prapai and Sky's wedding, Battle of the Hymn Republic.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute): "Do you like grilled fish?" Pharm to Dean in UWMA, after they almost kissed, while standing in an aquarium.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad): "Keep looking at me like that and I'll kiss you til you drop," Wat to Tine, 2Gether. This line wouldn't be nearly so cringe-y or bad if said kissing had actually happened. It could've been hot. Instead it ends up feeling silly.
Most stupid decision made by a character: Pharm's grandfather/Korn's father keeping the loaded gun Korn and In used on themselves in what looks like a cookie tin-like box on his bookshelf for 30 years where anyone (*ahem* Pharm *ahem*) could find it.
Worst plot line: Chains of Heart - Din as Lue kills the man who tried to kill him and Ken years ago and instead of having a conversation with Ken about why he took on a new identity and pretended to be dead, etc, HE JUST LEAVES AND THEY NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN.
The most problematic show you've watched: Tharntype.
A show people love but you find bad: Tharntype.
A show people find bad but you will defend: Bed Friend. For all it's issues, it's themes around trauma, sex and mental health were amazingly well done.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it: Unforgotten Night. It's awful. It's also campy and unpredictable in places and there's a m/m/m threesome, so...
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated: Chains of Heart. Something about it hooked me though it's not a well done show, lol. Plus it spawned our Chains of Confusion weekly chats, which I loved.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny: Why R U? It turned into a fanservice sexfest toward the end (thanks, Covid) but I can't even be mad because Zee and Saint went for it and I respect that.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character: Dinosaur Love. I watched for the chemistry between the mains and Chalarm.
A bad show that you would still recommend: Ummm... this is complicated because I think it would depend on who was asking. If it's a show with tropes I know the person asking would like, I would maybe recommend it with the caveat that it's bad, LOL.
The character that ruined a show the most: Pluern-Plang from Together With Me. Oh, I don't even know where to start with her. Also, Dr Bright, same show. UGH.
Most awful character that you hated: Uea's mother in Bed Friend. I actively wanted her to die and that is just not who I am.
Most awful character that you loved: Vegas, KinnPorsche. Oh, I have complicated feelings about him but overall I loved his character for just being evil and unapologetic.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like: I couldn't think of an answer for this, LOL.
A hero that should have been a villain: Joke, Hidden Agenda. He should have been a stalker.
A morally bad character you're into: Literally every character in KinnPorsche, pretty much. I love them all. Morals? Those characters don't know her.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into: I also couldn't think of an answer for this one. One will probably come to me later, LOL.
The show that disappointed you the most: Hidden Agenda. I am still feeling that burn. Chains of Heart also goes here. I still like both of them, I just had higher hopes for more.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons: Tharntype.
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sorcerer-edits · 1 year
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bisexual rin and yukio okumura icons (blue exorcist) to kick off pride month.
happy pride month to everyone! 🎉
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dovahbee · 2 years
Subject(s): Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, Garrus Vakarian, Jane Shepard, Jeff Moreau
Location(s): Normandy SR2, Omega Nebula
Mode(s): text, group communication, screen captures
20:15- [Tali has added Jane Shepard, Garrus Vakarian and Jeff Moreau to a chat]
20:15- [Tali named the chat Saren Hate Club]
20:16- [Jeff Moreau changed their name to Joker]
20:16- [Jane Shepard changed their name to Shepard]
20:17- [Garrus Vakarian changed Shepard’s name to Jane]
20:18- JANE: fuck off
20:18- GARRUS VAKARIAN: are we not on a first name basis, Jane?
20:18- [Jane changed Garrus Vakarian’s name to Assangel]
20:18- TALI: why do we put up with him
20:18- JOKER: he’s a diversity hire
20:18- JANE: his Cerberus dossier called him a ‘tactical genius’. shoulda guessed he was a smartass
20:18- ASSANGEL: words hurt
20:19- TALI: Gabby and Ken are driving me crazy they need to just KISS ALREADY
20:19- ASSANGEL: do quarians kiss the same as humans and asari?
20:19- JANE: yup
20:19- ASSANGEL: personal experience, Jane?
20:19- JANE: i use this crazy thing called the extranet, you should try it some time
20:19- JOKER: are you two gonna kiss?
20:19- JANE: in his dreams
20:20- ASSANGEL: you know… the other day Shepard told me about this extremely enlightening human game
20:20- JANE: no garrus
20:20- ASSANGEL: they call it ‘fuck, marry, kill’
20:20- TALI: humans are quite simple creatures aren’t they?
20:20- ASSANGEL: indeed
20:21- JANE: alright, i see how things are
20:21- JOKER: Aria, Sparatus and Udina
20:21- JANE: nope
20:21- ASSANGEL: fuck Aria, marry Sparatus and kill Udina
20:21- TALI: switch Aria and Sparatus
20:22- JANE: Sparatus is such an uptight asshole (like most turians). could never marry that guy
20:22- ASSANGEL: well… i hope so. if you know what i mean
20:22- JOKER: nice
20:22- JANE: hah ur gay
20:22- ASSANGEL: is anyone on this ship straight?
20:22- TALI: Zaeed maybe
20:23- JOKER: you really think that guy remembers all his sexual encounters?
20:23- TALI: maybe Grunt?
20:23- ASSANGEL: ive never heard of a gay krogan
20:23- JANE: you ever asked one?
20:23- ASSANGEL: Shepard, i didn’t even know krogan were capable of higher thought processes until I met Wrex
20:23- JANE: god you’re the worst
20:23- TALI: xenophobe
20:23- JOKER: i would actually argue that he’s a xenophile
20:23- JANE: why’s that?
20:23- ASSANGEL: please don’t
20:23- JOKER: big guy asked me for human/turian porn recs
20:23- TALI: HE WHAT
20:25- [Assangel changed their name to Garrus]
20:25- GARRUS: you’re terribly mistaken
20:25- JANE: joker, thank you. i owe you one. think t’soni would want this info?
20:25- TALI: already sent it
20:25- JANE: i think this is the best day of my life
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all-for-the-simps · 2 years
Star Trek: DS9 characters x male reader
Scenarios based on oneliners, and quotes from my old, discarded fanfics… Part 2
{My original lines will be a different colour and no, I’m not giving you any of the original context–]
[All of these can be perceived as romantic, platonic, or familial etc, etc, everything is up to you.]
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
[If any of these are out of character, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing ;-;]
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1 -
*Y/N was hired as an expert for a mission on Bajor.*
Sisko: “So, how much do the Bajorans know about this place?”
Y/N: “What do you mean?”
Sisko: “Well, this. How much does the average Bajoran know about it?”
Y/N: “To the average Bajoran, this is just a unit in school. Maybe a big project at the end of the year.”
Sisko: “What about you? How much do you know about the origins and history of these caves?”
Y/N: “Sir… I’m an archeologist. It’s kinda my job to know my history.”
2 -
*Y/N is Bajoran and fought in the Resistance during the Cardassian occupation.*
Kira: “I didn’t know you fought back then.”
Y/N: “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”
Dax: “So, about that one battle. How did you live?”
Kira: “Last I heard from that battle, no one survived.”
Y/N: “Well, I’m alive, aren’t I?”
Dax: “Then how did you do it?”
Y/N: “Well, a guy stole my gun and I spent half the battle killing Cardassians with a rock until I stole a sword.”
Kira: “You did what?--”
3 -
*Nog, Jake, and Y/N just hanging out like the bros they are, watching old movies.*
Jake: “These old movies have really bad character development.”
*Y/N and Nog groaning because Jake’s said this three separate times.*
Jake: “What?”
Y/N: “You’re a nerd, Jake.”
Nog: “We know you’re a writer, you don’t have to shove it in our faces.”
Jake: “Well, the writers should be better at their jobs!”
*At the same time.*
Nog: “Humans.” 
Y/N: “Men.”
Jake and Nog: “... Y/N, you’re a man–”
Y/N: “I said what I said.”
4 -
*Y/N and Bashir during a mission in space. Their shuttle had been attacked and Y/N is tending to Bashir’s wounds in the shuttle.*
Bashir: “You don’t have to do that, you know? I am a doctor.”
Y/N: “Shut up. People who take care of others still need help.”
Bashir: “Ow!”
Y/N: “I know, I know. Sheesh. This cut is really deep and the bloody thing that would fix it exploded with the replicator. Why did we put the medkit back there?”
Bashir: “It’s fine, Y/N. I can do it myself. Stop worrying about me.”
Y/N: “Well, I do worry so shut up.”
Bashir: “Your ankle is twisted and you won’t let me look at it. Why are you helping me when I should help you first?”
Y/N: “This wound will get infected if I don’t clean it. Which is what I’m doing, so suck it up.”
Bashir: “Ow! Leave it alone. I can deal with an infection.”
Y/N: “If you wanted to die, you could have just said.”
5 -
*Y/N (Bajoran officer) meeting Dukat and Damar for the first time.*
Dukat: “Ah, you must be the man that spoke to us over communications.”
Y/N: “I am.”
Damar: “Are you going to take us to our quarters?”
Y/N: “You once ran this station, I think you know where the quarters are.”
Dukat: “Now, now, Lieutenant–”
Y/N: “I’m sorry, I can’t chat much right now. I have to get back to work.”
*Y/N glares at each of them and walks away. Kira sees him in a hallway and walks with him.*
Kira: “What did you think of them? Every time I see either of them, especially on this station, I want to kick them.”
Y/N: “... I’ve got a hitlist now. They’re on it.”
Kira: “Y/N–”
6 -
*Y/N and Garak, high on sleep deprivation and lying on the floor.*
Garak: “What goes on in that head of yours?”
Y/N: “Like usually?”
Garak: “Yes. Sometimes you can be very silly and casual and other times, I wonder if you have as much of a dark past as I do.”
Y/N: “I wonder about that too.”
Garak: “About yourself?”
Y/N: “Yeah.”
Garak: “... Can you elaborate?”
Y/N: “No.”
Garak: “Fine, then.”
Garak: “Y/N?”
Y/N: “Yeah?”
Garak: “You once said that you thought you could never achieve anything… Yet, you have achieved a higher understanding of how you live your life.”
Y/N: “And?”
Garak: “Surely that’s a significant achievement as of in itself.”
Y/N: “So?”
Garak: “Well… How did you do it? How do you live your life?”
Y/N: “What do you mean?”
Garak: “You always succeed and then deny yourself any rewards.”
Y/N: “The feeling of victory is more valuable to me than human rewards.”
Garak: “... No wonder you’re broke.”
7 -
*Kasidy takes Jake and Y/N on a freighter ride.*
Jake: “Kasdiy! Slow down!”
Kasidy: “Why don’t you have some fun? You’re kids, you need to let loose before it’s too late.”
Y/N: “I’d rather not risk my safety, thanks.”
Jake: “Don’t you think you’re going a little too fast?”
Kasidy: “No.”
Jake: “I feel sick.”
Kasidy: “You can’t be motion sick from this.”
Jake: “Oh, I can be.”
Y/N: “I agree. I’ve almost thrown up three times.”
Kasidy: “Tsk, really, you guys?”
8 -
*Dax and Y/N sneaking around the station late at night.*
Dax: “This is the best idea you’ve ever had.”
Y/N: “And I’ve had some really good ideas.”
*For further context: Thes two idiots decided it would be great if they broke into Quarks to steal a bottle of alcohol.*
Dax: “Sh!”
Y/N: “I know, I know… I got it!”
Dax: “Ok, let’s get out of here.”
Y/N: “Odo is going to kill me if he finds me here, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
Dax: “Didn’t you get caught for breaking into Garak’s to try on clothes last week?”
Y/N: “Yes. I was bored and it was 3 am.”
Dax: “Wish I had been there.”
9 -
*Y/N’s first time on the station, specifically the Promenade. Y/N’s sitting with Quark, looking around.*
Quark: “How are you finding DS9 so far?”
Y/N: “Kinda grey. I think it needs something but I like the Promenade.”
Quark: “That’s why all the shops have bright signs. It’s good for attracting customers AND it brightens the place up a bit.”
*Insert a comfortable silence as Y/N marvels at the place.*
Y/N: “Wow, this place has a good fucking vibe--”
Odo, *appearing out of nowhere*: “No swearing on the Promenade.”
Quark and Y/N: “?????”
10 -
*Y/N has a thing for Bashir, but won’t admit it.*
O’Brien: “Come on, Y/N. It’s obvious.”
Y/N: “What is?”
O’Brien: “You are.”
Y/N: “No, I’m not. No one can read me.”
O’Brien: “Yeah, not in a million years, mate.”
Y/N: “Miles–”
O’Brien: “There he is. Now, go up to him and say something.”
Y/N: “... No.”
O’Brien: “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
Y/N: “Wait–”
O’Brien: “HEY, JULIAN!”
Y/N: “Don’t!”
Bashir: “What’s up?”
O’Brien: “Y/N’s had something on his mind for a while and I think it’s time he tells you.”
Y/N, *through gritted teeth to O’Brien*: “You’re gonna find yourself crawling out of this with a beat-up ass if you don’t shut the hell up.”
Bashir: “??”
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[Transcript Begin.]
[The video begins with two people running across a desolate parking lot. The camera shakes, never focusing on one target. Through the moving video, one individual is visible, the other holding the camera and sometimes showing their own footsteps. Heavy breathing is heard through the other small sounds such as clothes ruffling, footsteps, or accessories hitting against each other.]
Tom: Stupid brat all she had to do was listen.
[The video zooms in on the man, a cigarette lit in his hand, He soon releases a puff of smoke before the two individuals get closer.]
T: Can I help you two?
Madeline: Yeah, yeah! I have one question.
T: And what is that? I'm on break, so hurry up.
M: Yeah, so, why don’t you want your child to be happy?
T: Let me guess you know Mari… Let me tell you something. I want her to be happy, that's why I'm doing this.
M: You used ‘her,’ you do know your own child’s pronouns, don’t you?
T: Yes, she/her, the pronouns chosen for her at birth. Why don't you fuck off?
M: I’ll give you one last chance, mister.
T: Buzz off, you weirdo.
M: You asked for it.
[Madeline cracks her knuckles, then lands a punch straight into Tom’s face.]
[Tom attempts to punch back, but misses due to the pain.]
M: Crazy how you can’t hit a 17 year old. Come on, I have less experience than you!
[Tom attempts to punch again, he hits the air.]
M: You’re all bark no bite are you? Try harder!
[Tom throws a third punch, He hits Madeline in the arm.]
M:You couldn’t aim a little higher?
[Tom tries to slap Madeline, he misses. Madeline then counters by kicking him in the stomach.]
[A crash is heard from behind as someone smashes in a window nearby, the person climbs in and falls to the floor with little to no grace.]
M: Getting robbed and beat up? Skill issue.
Edgar: I’m not here to fucking rob you, not like I would, this place is ass!
E: Doesn’t matter, I have a crowbar, dickhead!
M: No but actually, who are you?
[Edgar lifts his left hand and opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it and just points at his hand instead.]
M: Oh! Hi Edgar!
T: So, your name is Edgar? Let me guess, another one of Mari's friends?
E: You could say that, yeah. Anyway, uh. Who’s winning?
[Tom attempts to punch Edgar, but he misses again.]
E: You’re really bad at punching people.
[Edgar swings his crowbar at Tom, it connects with his ribs, causing him to hunch over.]
T: Damnit! y'know if you kill me… Mari won't have any parents.
M: They don’t need your good for nothing ass!
E: Also, isn’t it your fault they don’t have a mom? They mentioned that at the Denny’s.
T: That bitch was gonna let Mari live in her own stupidity. I had no choice!
M: All I'm hearing is Blah..Blah..Blah. No choice? What does that even mean?
E: There’s always a choice. You just didn’t want to consider the other one.
M: Damn.. Guess we have to kill you now! You had a chance.
T: She’s crazy, why would I let my daughter date someone who doesn't have enough brain cells to understand how not to get kidnapped, let alone that you can't change gender.
[Edgar laughs, and takes a step towards Tom.]
E: I’m getting real tired of hearing you talk, Tom.
T: Same here, jerk.
E: Just call me a bitch, dude, this isn’t a children’s show. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.
T: How about you go die with that sarah kid then you bitch, lord knows if Mari lost two people she cared about maybe she would finally come home.
E: Tom, Mari tried to throw themselves off a bridge after your little chat in the Denny’s. If they lost anyone else, you’d lose them forever.
T: Whoever stopped her should have let her jump. That brat is dead to me.
M: What the fuck is wrong with you.
E: Well, they’re dead to you, big whoop. Guess what? You’re just dead.
[Edgar swings the crowbar at Tom’s neck, there is a sickening crack! As Tom’s neck snaps, and he falls limp to the floor.]
M: Oh shit..
E: Oops. Uh, okay, what now…
Olive: Skill issue!
M: Let’s leave him bleeding out! Just like, clear evidence or something!!
E: I’ll put a few pieces of glass near him, maybe… Wait, put that rock next to him as well.
M: Alrighty then.
[Madeline places the rock next to Tom's head while giggling. They then pick up a couple of shards of glass and shove them into Tom’s neck, leaving some around the body as well.]
E: Now it looks like an accident. We should probably skedaddle.
M: You just killed someone and you say skedaddle? Corny ass..
E: Well, what other words am I supposed to use?
M: Leave? Get out? Anything other than skedaddle?
E: It sounds better.
M: Okay bro. I'm surprised you didn’t call me homeskillet yet.
E: I completely forgot about that… I still could, honestly.
M: Don’t.
[Edgar chuckles, hesitating before speaking again.]
E: Whatever you say, homeskillet!
[Madeline groans, and puts her hands onto her face, throwing her head back as well.]
E: Well. Um. We probably should leave before someone reports this.
M: Alright. We’re going to go get drinks.
E: I would say you’re too young for that, but I just killed someone, so it would be a bit hypocritical to tell you that underaged drinking is against the law.
M: Exactly, alright, let’s head out. For real this time.
E: Alright, see you later. I guess.
M: See ya!
[Transcript end.]
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aceontheline · 1 year
Helluva Good Time (Maybe) (Pt. 1)
((OC here: https://www.tumblr.com/aceontheline/725110040623775744/helluva-boss-oc-amy?source=share))
I was only meant to attend this house party tonight, so I texted back my friend, Damien, in a hurry. He stated that it would be a small get together, but I knew what that really meant. Either way, I didn't mind. Parties of any size are usually fun for me anyway & it means I get to go out and socialize... When I'm usually just stuck behind a cubicle all day long. Monday through Friday, 9-5 as per everyone else's usual grind. I get ready with some nice looking makeup & cute clothes. An off the shoulder top with shorts & a cat eye makeup look. I put my hair up in my usual messy bun and head out the door. Damien gives me a quick call to ask me where I'm at and I tell him I've just stepped out of my house. "I'll be there in a few, chill your jets bitch" I say in a joking tone. Damien chuckles, saying he's just a little overexcited, commenting about how it's been a while since I've actually gone out to a party with him and our usual crew.
"I know. But unlike the usual crew, I have a bit of a higher paying job now. It kills me, but it's honest work" I say, walking along the sidewalk. Damien's house wasn't too far in the Gluttony ring, so I didn't want to waste gas.
"Fair enough, I guess. So I assume once you get your check that you'll want nothin' to do with us?" Damien asked.
"Don't be stupid. I'll still love y'all to death. I'll just only be able to go to parties on weekends. Like a regular adult" I reply in a sly tone.
Damien hangs up on me once I step foot onto his driveway. There is MORE than a few people there already, so I just make myself welcome. I'm talking to a few random people at the party and enjoying myself for a little while, before getting somewhat tired. I sit down on the couch with my drink in hand as I watch everyone mingle and dance about. Suddenly, I feel the space next to me sink a little. Someone just sat down and I don't know why I don't want to look. However, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's rather frantic and nervous. I turn my head and see an Imp. He looks somewhat familiar but I can't entirely place him. He asks me what time it is, saying he has to get home soon. "It's like 8:00 pm" I reply. He wipes the sweat from his brow, seeming relieved.
He said that he honestly thought it was much later in the evening already, as it felt like time was moving at such an incredible speed. I asked him if he had taken any drugs that could've caused this. He firmly shook his head, insisting that he already has done one too many at some point in his life, not wanting to risk anything more. Shit, why was that funny? Why did I just laugh at that? And why was he looking at me like he thought it was... Cute? He gets closer to me and asks me for my name.
"My name's Amy. And you are-?" I ask with pleading eyes.
"My name's Blitz. The 'O' is silent" Blitz says, his eyes trailing around the room a bit, then back to me.
"Good to meet ya, Blitz! Have ya at least had a drink or two yet?" I follow up, genuinely curious.
"Yeah, maybe like 2 screwdrivers. No wonder my head is already kinda fucked up, huh? What about you?" Blitz asks.
I shake my head, saying that I just got here not too long ago. Blitz takes me to the kitchen and orders two shots for me. My friend, Jasmine, is working the bar. She makes excellent shots, so I know that if I have too many of hers that I'm done for. I take two and shoot them back quickly. Blitz seems... Impressed. He takes me back to the living room area and we chat for quite a bit, before moving outside so our conversation felt a little more one on one. After a long while of us just talking, eating and drinking, the two of us parted ways for the time being. Blitz gave me his number, saying we should hang out sometime. I joked that he may not even remember me tomorrow, to which he replied with: "We took a selfie together and I barely had like 5 shots. I'll remember ya"
I smiled softly as he walked away back to his place for the night. In the meantime, my other friends were all partying it up. I joined them after a quick deep breather. We all had an amazing time and enjoyed each other's company. After the party was over, I helped with some of the cleanup and then went home at around 1:00 am. I took a quick shower then scrolled on my phone for a bit. I looked at that selfie that Blitz and I took together, smiling. He was an eccentric guy, I could tell. I didn't get much information about him at the time. However, I could tell that we were going to hit it off in one way or another.
It was a lovely looking Saturday morning, so I just texted my friend Caitlyn to see if she wanted to meet up for some coffee and a chat. She agreed, saying that she wanted to get a shower first. I changed into some cute clothes once more and then stepped out of my house. I saw a few friends on the way and quickly caught up with them before heading straight to the coffee shop. I knew how Caitlyn liked her coffee, so I waited to get a text from her saying she was on her way. Once I got conformation, I ordered both of ours and then sat back down. I didn't wait too long... Caitlyn and her boyfriend, Frankie, arrived. I greeted them both with a smile on my face, apologizing that I didn't get Frankie a coffee, as I thought it'd only be Caitlyn.
"Oh, you're good. Almost no one gets my order right anyway. And I ain't in the mood for a coffee. Just wanted to swing by. How you doin' by the way?" Frankie asked.
"I'm good! I finally scored that office job, so I'm getting paid well enough now" I reply, beaming.
"Oh that's great! I'm so happy for you! Tyler scored a gig too. He's a cop now" Caitlyn stated in her typically bubbly voice.
Suddenly, the door swings open again. Blitz! I smile and wave at him, asking him to come sit with us. He smiles in return, saying he will momentarily. Caitlyn and Frankie exchange looks of "Holy shit, is that-?" I ask them what's up. "That's Blitz. Leader of I.M.P. How do you know him?" Frankie asks. My jaw drops briefly... Holy shit, THIS was the guy I recognized. Blitz comes and sits down right next to me, putting an arm around me and asking me if I was coming here because I was hungover. I laugh, insisting that it would take more than 4 shots to do that to me. Blitz smirked, stating that "We'd have to test your limits at some point"
I smirk. Blitz pretty much dominates our conversations but it's welcome, as he's quite an interesting conversationalist. After our scheduled hangout was over, Caitlyn asked if we can do this again sometime. I agreed to next weekend on Saturday. Blitz said he was free on that day too, insisting that he hangs out with us. Caitlyn seemed reluctant but said that was fine. Before I could leave to go back home, Blitz took my hand and asked if I wanted to head out with him. Not really having much else to do, I agreed. He took me back to the Pride ring, in Imp City. We hung out for a good chunk of the day, never really leaving each other's sights. We talked a bunch and just enjoyed each other's company.
Once the day was nearing a close, I already felt my eyes getting a bit heavy. We were watching T.V, when I suddenly felt myself cozying up to him. My head leaned on his shoulder, to which Blitz didn't really dignify with a response. He sort of just let it happen. After a while, I asked if he could take me home. He agreed to, only if I fronted some gas money. I sighed, pulling out my wallet and giving him some. He seemed genuinely shocked, implying that he was sort of joking.
"Oh, I can take the money back then-" I jokingly reply.
"Oh hell no, I could use that" Blitz said, taking the money out of my hand. He opens the front door for me. "Get in. We've got quite the way to go" he continues.
I smile softly, getting in the front seat of his van. He put some music on the radio and was jamming out for a moment, making me giggle softly... Shit. Did I find him cute? No way. We literally JUST met. "Don't do that to me, Brain" I thought, jamming along with him to distract myself. We enjoyed each other's vibes from the moment we left the Pride ring. Once we arrived in the Gluttony ring, and to my house, I opened the door and then hung over his window. "See ya later, Blitz. Maybe tomorrow?" I ask, filled with hope. "Why not? See ya here. Same time tomorrow" Blitz replied, rustling up my hair a bit. He drove away shortly after that, as I walked into my house. I held my phone close to my chest, sliding down the door.
"Fuck. I do like him. And we literally only hung out for one day. Damn it... I don't even know if he's in a relationship. Or really much else about his business... Ya know what? I just have to ASK him. Don't play games though. Just let it build up though, so you don't fuck this up" I say to myself, in a stream of consciousness.
I tell all of this to my friend, Damien. He strictly advised me to follow my own advice, unless I wanted it to go down like any of my previous relationships, where I fell to deeply and quickly in love. I sighed looking at that text... Thinking of the 3 exes I've had before and everything I did to keep them around much longer than I needed. I, then, laid down in my bed looking up at the ceiling and just vibing to some music for a bit. Then I succumbed to my usual routine of putting on a long form video while I cleaned up around my house a little, then played some video games for a bit. After all that, I had some late dinner and then went to bed shortly after. I guess I attempted to think of Blitz, but I had to push down my own thoughts for right now. Otherwise, they'd go out of control. I fell asleep shortly after putting on some relaxing music to help me go to sleep a bit faster.
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