#may redesign later
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iheartpeppino · 2 months ago
I made a Vigilante recolor OC for funsies after wondering who might replace his boss fight if he were playable.
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Edited one of The Vigilante's sprites to make this concept. So far, this guy's name is The Sheriff, a.k.a. Sharif Bluecheese. The thing is about The Vigilante, we know he's all about justice, but he's a vigilante. A vigilante might go after innocent people (like Peppino), which is why vigilantism is usually illegal. A sheriff is supposed to punish people for vigilantism...
I gave The Sheriff white clothes to enforce the idea of him being a force of good. The blue tint is inspired by blue cheese as well as The Vigilante's Megaman roots. I also gave him a gold badge and a gold gun.
Admittedly, a blue and white-clad cowboy is something I did for a Toy Story OC many years ago... that guy was far more laid-back and chill than this blue cheeseslime, who pretty much hates The Vigilante for breaking the law and not giving a damn about the reason. The Vigilante would likely try and reason with The Sheriff, as both of them want justice in the end, but The Sheriff is too obsessed with the letter of the law. The Vigilante has to remind him of the spirit of the law and show him what true justice means in order to defeat him.
I admit, this guy is kinda boring-looking so far, but it's a start for a concept, I suppose...
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uncharted-constellations · 6 months ago
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The entire ALBW team
Links about to become Lorules #1 hytopian fabric exporter
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kalivasquezart · 10 months ago
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Members of the Elite Guard, Artificer's personal guard force in my Rain World AU.
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driftsart · 1 year ago
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sageokami · 1 month ago
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hii wanted to redesign tbhk characters, this was from November!!(more under cut)
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moonchemistry · 8 months ago
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GOTCHA double whammy. heres designs for discord AND the princesses. im not certain yet what title the two sisters share in this AU but its definitely not princess.
what i DO know for sure is that these alicorn rulers are the only two of their kind: nopony else has the ability to control extraterrestrials like the sun and moon. Nopony can remember how they came to have wings and a horn, either. For as long as Equestria can remember, it's been governed by the gracefulness of Celestia and Luna, and while the rest of the world may not see the alicorns as their leader, they are undeniably gods for their control over night and day.
discord, still the lord of chaos, is the last of his kind. draconequui reigned over the world before ponykind even existed, until a tragic event that led to their extinction wiped them all out. In an effort to preserve their knowledge and power, they gave it all to an infant Discord. The high concentration of draconequui magic resulted in unfathomable power in Discord’s hands that he had to learn to wield. Surviving the end of the world and seeing Ponykind start to rebuild, Discord was adopted by a generous pony couple and lived a fairly normal childhood, except for his godlike powers and odd appearance. When he grew older and discovered the true fate of his species, he couldn’t cope with the knowledge, choosing instead to wreak havoc on the world to try and find catharsis, ultimately attracting the alicorn sisters’ attention and resulting in his petrification.
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lustrous-dreams-art · 1 year ago
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Christmas Celestefonse designs
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piowasthere · 1 year ago
I have been kidnapped and kept captive, forced to work on a 20yo, Windows 7, half broken laptop, demo ver of my normal program.
Yet here I am - presenting content for your entertainment (maybe)
Call me God.
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I have done like a thousand diff sketches as well
I will have so much work when I get back home lmao *ugly sobbing intensifies*
update there's a Moon ver as well check it out
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quirkyfries · 8 months ago
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Jumped on the twitter meme bandwagon instead of sleeping
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months ago
*subnautica’s your monumentials*
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Behold, my designs of the Monumentials in my Subnautica crossover fic. I have mentioned in a much, much older post that I wished that the Monumentials were a little more unearthly. That they would have a little extra something extra about them that, while they looked like something from Earth, they definitely weren’t and were in fact something entirely different.
I haven’t posted much about my Subnautica crossover with The Deep, not like my HTTYD crossover. It’s mostly because I wanted to wait until I was ready to start posting chapters to start sharing much about it. However, I couldn’t not share my designs of what the Monumentials are going to look like for their limited role in the beginning of the fic (as far as I know, they may pop up later if the plot deems it). I tried to make them still very much themselves, giant versions of actual creatures on Earth. However, they are not from Earth, rather Leviathans from another world, and so their biology would in fact be alien. I tried to make them fitting within the Subnautica universe, but still entirely their own designs and not just copy-paste of a pre-existing creature.
I only did the Monumentials that have actually shown up in The Deep, so the starfish and whatever that whale looking one on the Scepter weren’t designed (i am in denial about it being a whale. Until canon proves me otherwise, it’s not a whale. My brother and I have fought on this and my pride’s at stake now). I also almost colored them, but then I started to get picky, which I wasn’t aiming for with this project, and so quit. Maybe I will later because Subnautica plays with bioluminescence and I am a SUCKER for bioluminescence.
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hearts4pearlescentmoon · 1 year ago
Me when two of my interests combine to form something that kind of makes sense :
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I feel like I could have done better with the lettering but other than that I love it
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disagoogibility · 3 months ago
DISABLED & Stylish! Series
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A series I'm making on disability/disabled characters AND fashion!
Because we can be cute or attractive, we can be fashionable, while being disabled!
If you have any ideas for a character + a fashion style/aesthetic or a subculture, please comment it.
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This is Odalis! a "Fairy Kei" inspired OC.
He/they. 18
Diabetic Retinopathy (A type of blindness) & Diabetes type 1.
Always with his white cane,
Their most common symptoms are hunger & extreme thirst, unintentional weight loss, tiredness, along with being completely blind.
Reader, and really likes gardening, though he will need his parents' help time to time.
He may take his time while reading books in braille, but they love it, also likes audiobooks & podcasts.
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daedalverselore · 11 months ago
May've read through some of this blog's posts again and remember you mentioning or implying? in one of them that Flurry Heart does exist here, but wasn't born an Alicorn for obvious reasons so I'm kinda curious now if she's a Unicorn or something (Guessing Unicorn? But hey, surprise me!)
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Nope, you're absolutely correct- Flurry Heart- aka Princess Mi Amore Fantasia Heart is a unicorn. She only has 1/4th pegasi DNA from her mom's side so they knew it would be unlikely that she'd be born a pegasus.
So what happened in the Crystalling , you might wonder? Well, all the family and royal sisters were greeting Flurry, when her Aunt Twilight Sparkle- running very late- teleported in. The baby unicorn absorbed and somehow managed to duplicate the advanced level spell the second she was out of her magic-constricting romper!
Flurry was teleporting all over the palace with no rhyme or reason to where she was going, terrifying her family who kept on worrying she'd end up inside an oven or a wall with no way to breathe. When she poofed on top of the Crystal Heart and stayed still it was almost a relief- until it toppled over and broke.
The loud noise made the baby cry, thankfully distracting her from teleporting long enough to put the magic constricting romper back on. But the events of the story continued very similarly from then on.
Flurry Heart never ascends to Alicornhood, but she does eventually inherits her mother's throne as Crown Princess. She is very talented in magic and love divination- the later being something her "Aunt" Ludustella teaches her.
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yonker-tonker · 2 years ago
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saw a post and it inspired me want to create my own es whee.
I endeavored so i hope he looks similar to the es style! I kept in my one armed whee headcanon bc I thought it would fit the show.
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dexalyys · 1 year ago
just read through psf and i love it!! dyou have an idea for where/when the reboot will be? :O
i’m honestly not sure? i’d say definitely some point this year, though it’ll largely depend on how various irl stuff pans out for me—finding a job, managing college work, etc—but i’m thinking sometime around june maybe ? when it comes to the official re-release anyway (which, in case i forgot to mention or anyone’s missed it, will be hosted on comicfury ^_^)
though as a disclaimer, i wouldn’t say this is set in stone …. i’ve got plans to redesign the main cast again (incl. new individual refs) (i hate making refs) and there’s a handful of things i want to rewrite. primarily ch1 in its entirely, which i’m planning to split into two sides, with side A being bunbear-focused and side B being seasnake-focused prior to either duo actually meeting :3c
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cait-sith · 1 year ago
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Poppy dreamer
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