#i do like to think this link takes his black smithing knowledge and his new fashion skills
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#tloz#princess zelda#link#princess hilda#ravio#a link between worlds#triforce heroes#tri force heroes#loz redesigns round 2#art#my art#redesigns#if you couldnt tell from zelda and mi-dna shit talking in their funny page i dont believe in the#-and they never saw each other again- type endings#they have check ins once a year#the guards have no idea whos dating who#but yes moving on#link gets his own ugly scarf#its dimensional portal colored#he also has little birthmarks around his eye#the teeth on the ravio hat are also earrings#hilda gets to be a goth queen#sheerow is listening very intently#he will tell ravio all the gossip later#i do like to think this link takes his black smithing knowledge and his new fashion skills#and starts making some cool custom armor when hes older#i like to think he made hildas collarpiece#heights go link->ravio->zelda->hilda#too many characters for me to worry if that reads or not lmao#funny page may come later
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i wanna start making comics but like. i dont really know how??? are there any tips that you could give me perhaps?
i've been working on trying to compile a list of resources for people (@aangsfrogs--i didn't forget!) who want to make comics for a long time. It would consist of some of my personal tips and a lot of links to other people's PDFs and youtubes. But that's...a hefty project, so if you had any specific questions for the meantime, my askbox is open!
But, for just beginning, here would be my tips:
Read comics. Read manga and webcomics and cartoons and medical comics. There is so much out there, and reading is such a big way to learn. If you see something you like, take a moment to think about why you like it. Are the expressions or colors appealing? Did it make you feel a certain emotion? Analyze what the artist may have done to get across what they did. (Is it the camera angle? the style they chose to draw in? the paneling? the pacing? the color? etc.) Doing this over time will help you recognize the tools available for telling stories through this medium, and you'll be able to put them in your own work.
Try to think about what you want to make comics about. What moves you? What topics interest you? What ideas or tropes do you love in media or think about often? What do you hate and wish was done better? What characters are you drawn to, or what characters do you want to create? (What about them compels you?) I find it's hard to create an idea out of thin air, but if you start writing down random ideas you have, you'll start thinking about them, and over time, you'll have a bank of things to pull from when you want to create.
Lastly, anatomical skill or knowledge of color does not a comic make! You don't have to know much to begin, and there aren't rules. Just start drawing what is meaningful to you!
This is just cursory and doesn't get into super specifics like paneling or scripts or plotting or colors or thumbnailing or....etc, but I'll try to expand my list of resources and get that out! And, hmu if you have any specific questions on topics!
happy drawing~
Book list under readmore:
Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics and his Making Comics. These books are taught in like, every comic class ever. While not my complete favorite, they do a good job of showing some history and fundamentals, and how easy it is to make comics even if you don't have a lot of drawing experience.
99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style by Matt Madden: Really good if you don't know how to start analyzing comics. (Also it's just a fun visual exercise.) It shows the same short story done in 99 different styles with different emphasis on different moods and points of view.
The PreHistory of The Far Side: A 10th Anniversary Exhibit by Gary Larson and The Calvin and Hobbes: Tenth Anniversary Book by Bill Watterson: Two great books with work from my two favorite cartoonists. They both have writings from the author about getting ideas, developing stories, and being a comic artist.
Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability, edited by Scott T. Smith and José Alaniz and Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation, edited by Sheena C. Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II: These two aren't really about making comics, but they are great collections of analysis about old and new comics alike.
By no means a complete list, but some good ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
There's also the book Webtoon School: Everything you need to know about webtoon creation and story writing. To be honest, I didn't read this completely through because it was a bit more fundamental than I was expecting, but it gives a good cursory look of how to write comics if you're just starting out! It covers some history, how to write stories and arcs, etc.
Also, look to your favorite writers! A lot of webtoon/webcomic artists do tutorials or youtube videos. for instance, velnxi has this great tutorial up I really suggest looking at here.
#how to make comics#mytutorials#comics tutorials#asks#i also want to do a post on how to analyze comics#because analysis is often talked about in english or writing classes#but most dont talk about how to analyze a comic which i think can be a bit different#if people would be interested in that lmk#can yall tell i almost went to school to teach comics lmao. i love talking about this stuff
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The Mandalorian Tarot: Major Arcana
If you’re following me, you know this is a Mandalorian obsessive account. I love the man, I love the show, I write a Mando-fando that is all about pining and touch. I tend to go all in when I have an interest.
Another one of my interests? Tarot. A friend challenged me to Mandalorify the major arcana. And because Jon and Dave know their stuff and are good with archetypes (which is all tarot really is), it was an easy fit.
But. I can’t draw, so I’ve dreamed them in words and included the Rider-Waite-Smith deck illustrations that I would riff on if I could.
(All tarot illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith. All Mandalorian images property of Star Wars/Disney.)
UPDATE! @heathenashtattoos has taken up where I cannot and is making these cards a reality! I will post them individually and come back to link them to this post as we go.

The story of the tarot is the Fool’s journey, the arc of becoming. So it makes sense to me that Din would be the fool. Fits even better, since he has tremendous Fool energy in his himbo tendencies, just rushing forward into situations without a lot of planning--he’ll deal with it when he’s in it--ready to rely on others to show him the way or guide/help him to the next step.
If I could draw: Din on the cliff, with his jetpack on, meaning he has no fear of falling. Instead of the bindle-stick the Fool carries, he’d have his pulse rifle slung over his shoulder. Instead of the dog nipping at his heels, Grogu. And, of course, the landscape would be Tatooine/Navaro-esque.

The Magician is someone who is still learning to bend the laws of magic/the Universe, but very adept with their tools. Since Luke is only a few years into his Jedi training at this time, he makes a pretty good Magician.
If I could draw: Luke in his blacks, holding up his lightsaber. The Jedi symbol would replace the infinity sign.
High Priestess is further along the path of her magic than Magician, and her knowledge is more intuitive, her skills more effortless. Where the Magician is still learning the balance of light and dark, the High Priestess knows the value and pitfalls of both. It was always going to be Ahsoka.
If I could draw: Ahsoka sitting cross-legged in meditation mode, but with eyes open and a knowing smile. Instead of two pillars, she holds her lightsabers up and parallel to each other.
The Empress is the mother figure, the energy in the universe that provides all that is needed and embodies the energy of creation. I can see the argument for Omera being the Empress--mostly because she is a mom and she’s soft and a lot of people see the Empress as a soft female figure, I get it. (And if I were to do a minor arcana, girl would show up as one of the Queens for sure.) But in the end, I gave it to Peli because she’s a recurring character, more relevant in his story, and if Din is the Fool, Peli is more an Empress to him. She’s able to be the provider of his particular needs; services to his ship to get him up flying, contact and location information, and she’s always willing to care for Grogu whenever she gets the chance.
If I could draw: Peli sitting in the dock, against the R4 unit, holding aloft a spanner and surrounded by her pit droids.
The Emperor is all about authority. And all I gotta say about Boba is BIG DICK ENERGY.
If I could draw: Just put him on the Jabba throne and let him lounge like a badass.

The Hierophant is the keeper of traditions and a spiritual guide. As the leader of the covert and keeper of the Way, The Armorer fits.
If I could draw: The Armorer, framed by her forge, holding aloft her tools, with Mandalorian acolytes. Instead of the crossed keys at the bottom, let’s just have a mythosaur skull.
This should be obvious and I will fight anyone who says it isn’t the right thing to do. I will die for this.
If I could draw: I would actually depart from the Smith depiction and just draw them embracing or holding each other by the arms and staring into each others’ eyes. Some kind of glowing background? Maybe the egg tank?
Oh. You thought I was going to say the Razor Crest, didn’t you. Don’t worry, I have plans for our beloved craft, but it ain’t here. The Chariot can be a ride, yes, but it’s about victory. Sometimes it’s about the victory over your inner “beastly” natures. To travel to the next phase in the journey, the Fool must take on the beasts that drive the Chariot and claim dominance over them, and when he does, they will carry him to the next level. Since it’s the victory of the beastly mudhorn that brings Din to his bond with Grogu and becomes his signet, Mudhorn for the win.
If I could draw: Again, I’d probably play on Smith’s imagery, put the charging mudhorn in the middle, and replace the rams with Din on his knees brandishing the vibroblade and Grogu in his pram with his Force hand up.
Don’t come at me about including Cara. I am glad Gina got shown the door and I lose no love on that bigot. But. Cara is not Gina and to cut her out is to cut out Jon and Dave’s creation and I won’t do it. I actually love her a lot--she’s got her flaws, but she’s sassy and strong and solid, and I would happily accept a piggyback ride from her any day. She’s also a major player in Din’s story and deserves a spot in it. Strength comes after the Chariot--once you’ve conquered the beast within, you have confident dominion over it and it becomes a companion or a tool for your use. Cara is one with her toughness, she’s used it to do some good and bad shit in her past, and she continues to wield it effortlessly and fearlessly. She is absolutely this card.
If I could draw: I would put her maybe sitting on top of the downed ATST. I’d replace the infinity symbol over her head with the one on her cheek (Rebel Alliance).

The Hermit is a loner, yes, but in his solitude he looks within, learns from all he’s been through, and becomes wise. He holds aloft a light of wisdom and truth. This was always going to be Kuiil.
If I could drawn: Just our buddy, looking out over the Arvala-7 landscape, holding aloft an in-universe working lamp. No need to get fancy. He would want it to stay simple.
The Wheel is fate. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you’re on top, and sometimes the Wheel crushes you beneath it. You are helpless to its roll and where you’ll land. Storm Troopers are such a sad bunch. They are keepers of Imperial Law on the ground. On a good day, they capture a Rebel or hold off an attack. On a bad day, their Moff just blasts them to make an example.
If I could draw: The wheel would just be the Imperial symbol and there’d be Troopers on and under it. Maybe the one on top is just standing there, looking authoritative. The one underneath has been blasted. Some Wheels have two more figures--one on each side--and I’d add those too. The one on the down-going side would be falling, arms flailing, blaster shooting (if only sound were available, there’d be a Whilhelm scream), and the one on the up-going side would just be dangling by one arm, along for the ride.
Well, it just feels right to make the Marshal into Justice. But it’s not just a literal translation of making sure the right thing gets done and the bad guys are punished. Justice is about wiping away emotion and making decisions with bare truth, looking at every side of the situation and understanding what is really there. And I think Cobb fits this well. He doesn’t want to give up his armor because of what it means for the protection of his people. But he’s willing to consider it, if there’s another way he can protect them. Emotionally, he doesn’t want to deal with the Tusken Raiders, but he does it because he can see it’s the best course of action. He flies into battle with the Krayt Dragon. He gives up his armor without a fight. He makes a fair trade and sees the balance in it because he walks away from the emotion and chooses the best course of action. Cobb Vanth for Justice, errybody.
If I could draw: Cobb in the Fett armor, but with the helmet at his feet. In one hand, a bottle of spotchka. In the other, the Tusken mushroom drinky thing; he’s holding them with equal balance.
The Hanged Man is not just about a dude who’s hanging upside down. (If that was the case, I would have just gone with Gor Koresh and called it a day.) Hanged Man is about changing your perspective to see things in a new way so you can grow. Many times, this growth also requires sacrifice. Over the two episodes we see Mayfeld, we know he goes from Imperial sharp shooter, to traumatized deserter, to merc, prisoner, and exonerated friend. He’s seen some shit, given up a lot, and he’s willing to see how he can be a help to others and find redemption for himself.
If I could draw: Hear me out. Take the image of Mayfeld hanging upside down from the Crest hatch into the prison ship. Mirror that above with an image of him in his Imperial Ground Transport gear. Flip it all upside down so bad Mayfeld up top, good Mayfeld on bottom, images mirrored but inverted, hence “looking at things a new way and getting everything a little topsy-turvey.”

Death is about transformation, so it’s not always the most sinister card. But Death does not discriminate. It comes for us all, constantly stalking, and it will strike you down to serve its needs. You need to face Death to get to your redemption. But really, Gideon is our big baddie here, so why the hell not.
If I could draw: I would forgo the Smith illustration and go for the Marseilles tradition on this one. Gideon and the Darksaber replaces Death and the scythe.
Temperance is the transformation that comes after Death. Once Death has chopped your physical being into pieces with his scythe, Temperance is there to take all your pieces and put them back together into something new and better. It’s also a card that asks you to re-evaluate your priorities and see if you can find better motivations than you previously had. IG’s death and reprogramming speak loudly to me on this.
If I could draw: IG pouring the tea.
Here’s another baddie card that’s all about your worst faults, about excess and giving into the stuff that will eventually kill your soul. The Client holds on hard to the Empire, doing whatever he’s ordered to do to be one of the top dogs. And in the end, it doesn’t matter. Gideon takes him down like he’s nothing.
If I could draw: The client, wearing his Empire bling, with chains around Doctor Pershing and a rough-looking Storm Trooper.
I don’t know about you, but Chapter 14 killed me. And not because the Dark Troopers flew away with Grogu. We all knew Din would never stop at getting him back. But when the Crest was destroyed, it was like someone punched me in the soft parts, and I made a lot of severely anguished noises. The Tower is the most tragic card in the tarot. It’s when forces beyond your control make a very big (and usually negative) impact in your life and everything changes. You are left to pick up the pieces and survive any way you can with the skills and resources you’ve been blessed with.
If I could draw: Just that moment of the ray hitting our beautiful Crest, just as it begins to break apart, maybe with Din, Boba, and Fennec watching in horror in the foreground.

The Star is hope. It comes after the biggest tragedy in the deck to tell you that not all is lost. There is always something there to live for. C’mon, kids. In this series, there was only one choice.
If I could draw: Just Grogu. Maybe drinking his soup. Or maybe he’s levitating his metal ball overhead, reaching up to it with a smile on his face. *coos*
We all like Bo Katan, sure. But remember my Clone Wars/Rebels fiends, she was Death Watch, and they were terrorists. She sided with Maul to take over Mandalore. Sure, she’s come a long way and her path is a bit more honorable now, but she’s got an agenda, which makes her hard to trust. Since the Moon is about more feminine energies and has themes of illusion and deception--things look great in the moonlight, but maybe not as they really are--Bo Katan’s our girl.
If I could draw: Head and shoulders profile, double-imaged so you see her face, but her Nite Owl helmet superimposed in profile over it. Nite Owl signet on the bottom. Possibly flanked by her two Nite Owl cronies.
Everything's sunny when Greef’s around! He’s the feel-good gramps that’s going to make any situation A-Ok! If you’ve got a problem, Greef can sort it out...or he knows someone who can! The sun is always gonna shine on you and take you back.
If I could draw: Just Greef smiling and being cheesy with the halo of the sun around him.
This card traditionally shows the resurrected rising from the grave, ready to be judged. Fennec’s got a lot to answer for in her life, but she is being given a second chance, and my number one girl crush is going to do new and wonderful badass things with it.
If I could draw: I’d either just show her opening her gut pocket to show her new works, all full of aura, with her looking down at it reverently. OR I might do a scene of her being rescued by Boba.

Din’s helmet is the world he lives in. But it’s also a symbol of The Way. The World represents completion, a wholeness of self and being, the end of the journey. And since Din is our Fool, his journey is an exploration of his morals and honor, what it means to walk the way of the Mandalore, and what the meaning of the helmet is for him. He may choose ultimately to keep it on and go all-in on Mandalorian-4-lyfe (Child of the Watch style), or he may understand that the helmet is just a symbol and the honor was in him all along; he can wear it or not wear it and it’s all the same.
If I could draw: The World usually depicts a circle or sphere of some kind, the symbol of perfect completion. The helmet is close enough, so it takes up the center. Traditionally, there are four symbols in the corners that give more meaning to The World, and I would replace them with The Razor Crest, Grogu, the Mudhorn Signet, and the pulse rifle or blaster. These represent his home, his foundling, his clan, and his religion, all of which make up more of the whole; what it means to him to be Mandalorian.
Challenge accepted and faced.
Adira dops her witchy mic….
#the mandalorian#mandalorian#tarot#mandalorian tarot#star wars#din djarin#luke skywalker#ahsoka tano#grogu#bo katan hate gang
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Imagining The Future: Bastille's New Era Analysis
Hello all! The following is taken from the first of my new era update posts on r/Bastillecult. I highly reccomend reading all the posts on there!
Last time I had a few solid guesses with the whole Goosebumps EP transition period, so I figured I would try my luck with this new era. I've broken everything down into a few categories that should hopefully flesh out a sketch of possibilities
Aesthetic: The new logo has a very sleek design. This complete change in aesthetics is very noticable. Bad Blood was filled with literature references, a cozy and nerdy looking dan, and more earthy looking tones. Wild World focused on nihilism, movie references, and an all too realistic dystopian city aesthetic. Doom Days focused on escapism, partying, fucking, and a red and home-y vibes. The lack of color and the clean and sleek look points towards it being a more future oriented era.
Triangle: For a deeper background, I highly recommend reading u/casperwyomingrex 'spost.
The WW era triangle and this new triangle are technically called deltas. While I am by no means a geometry person, I’ve been told by a few math nerds that these triangles are technically not possible in certain plains and spaces, making them impossible. While it is likely that Bastille just needed to explore just slightly outside the normal definition of a triangle to match this aesthetic, the impossible triangle t-shirts hint that there is significance to having “impossible” triangles. This hints that there may be more in common between the WW Era and the Future Era, ie. a dystopian society.
Dystopia: Bastille created an entire dystopian corporation for WW. I remember them saying somewhere they hated the promo and touring process for this album, leading them to switch up the process for DD and the Goosebumps EP. With the record label change and covid shaking up the world, this opens up the opportunity for them to have a redo with this era, especially considering it is a fan favorite era. Many people have pointed out that hint has a vibe similar to black mirror, a sci-fi dystopian show, which would fully support a sci-fi dystopian aesthetic era.
Sound: Though the clip is only 8 seconds long, it gives us some hints about the new era. Bastille once again uses synths for sound, creating a reference to Sci Fi sound effects. The clip mirrors the effect of oscillators to create things like laser sound effects, teleportation, warping, and other “space” noises. I find the juxtaposition of Sci-fi interesting; it was most popular in the early 1900s, meaning Bastille is referencing the past, yet it focuses on the future, which in the lense of Sci-fi, would mean the 2000s and beyond.
In the lens of broadcasting, short interludes are used throughout advertising to the point where many people don’t even think about this. A lot of them are used to hook us in and signify a certain company or thing. In advertisements they are used to signify the company’s presence and to worm the product into our brain. In casinos they are used as a dopamine reward. News stations use them to signify the station. This especially could be relevant in a dystopian society. I’m mentioning this because the clip doesn’t sound full enough to be a song, rather an intro to a news station segment. I find this especially notable considering WW had a news anchor. Looking back, a few videos from wild world could hold significance. This video
has a sci-fi esc clip in the intro.
In Previous Context: In the context of ReOrchestrated, Bastille is no longer letting imposter syndrome or shitty opinions stop them from what they want to do. Meaning they are going full force into the future. There's one specific time during the ReOrch doc where the boys talk about how ReOrch made them realize they could try new shit, even if management thinks it will fail. Dan has spoken in a few interviews now about being excited about collabing (and mentioning relinquishing control to others in the ReOrch doc), a few artists have come forward about working with Dan. While it’s unlikely that every collab we’ve theorized about will go through, Dan Wilson and Ryan Tedder seem to be confirmed in the roster based off of their interviews
When considering the past, a lot of previous songs focus on nostalgia; for example, in Fake it “We can never go back / We can only do our best to recreate.” Post ReOrch and DD, Bastille has worked up enough confidence to push into making their own future, one unlimited by nostalgia and fear.
In the Context of the Goosebumps EP, Inception and Vanilla Sky are both referenced. Both of these movies mark the first time* (to my knowledge
) that futuristic sci-fi has been referenced in Bastille. There is significant overlap with dreaming and time travel, something that could definitely be applied to this era. While it could be coincidental, Bastille has been quite purposeful with using references to add to the era’s aesthetic (see Aesthetic section). Referencing them during a transition period points towards both the literal future (new era) and a new aesthetic.
*Cosmos: War of the Planets and twilight zone have both been referenced but fall into a different category of sci-fi than Vanilla Sky and Inception
In Regards to Distraction Tactics Space Week and WW, alot of it holds very similar aesthetics. This video
from WW also holds a similar aesthetic. Considering DT is linked through space and WW is linked through dystopian this might MIGHT be related.
Hints: It wouldn’t be a new Era without Dan “Soon” Smith teasing us a bit, so here are a few highlights. In this interview
, Dan says “I want to tell you but I can’t! We just want to reflect on the future…” The No Bad Days tweet and the #ToTheSky post likely plays a part in the new era, but the 8 second clip does not have any immediate hints. The art installation in the #ToTheSky post originally caught my interest when it was posted. James Turrel, the artist that created the installation, uses light as a medium to create art. The installation, called the Space That Sees, is described as an “allegory of light that we generate from inside and light that comes from outside: the emergence into space where light comes forth as in a dream." While I have no fucking clue how to interprete this allegory, I imagine space, light, and dreaming will become key players in the new era. A few other notable works of his are the Raethro Pink and Alta Pink, both of which are pinkish purplish white triangles light projections surrounded by inky blackness. The use of Bastille’s triangle logo and a flash of light purple light means there are likely deep ties between the new era and James Turrel’s creations; furthermore, he also acquired a dormant cinder cone volcano to turn into an a museum/observatory using light apertures to observe the solar system, adding further ties to the space and light themes.
Meaning: "You Don't Predict The Future. You Imagine It" I have purposely not used predict in this analysis so I don’t jinx this era. I’ve found a few variations of this saying (You Can’t Predict The Future. But You Can Create It), but all of them seem to point towards creating the future instead of guessing. I imagine not many of my predictions of this era will not be accurate because I am not the one imagining it. I feel like this might also point towards being conscious about what you want out of the future instead of merely guessing where the tides will take you. This could also be like that one story of a kid's drawings turning into real creatures because of the kid imagining it. I feel like “future” and “imagine” point deeply towards sci-fi because of the creative inventions that will take us there. This could also connect to the theory that the survivin’ coin is linked to A.A., and this statement being a motto to help someone escape addiction. Personally, I feel like this clip is the beginning of some sci-fi choose your own adventure video game, but that's my own opinion.
My Personal Crazy Conclusion: It wouldn’t be a post from me without me shooting out some crazy theories. A Light Cult Utopia. That's right. It would be the opposite of WW, meaning it would be new territory for Bastille and it would break a mold (ReOrch doc). It would also give Dan the ability to be more positive then he has been in the past, while also allowing for his normal cynical undertones. Bastille is purposeful with their references, meaning the Jonestown reference in DD might have a bit more purpose behind it. The lighter colors used in the clip would point to happiness. Considering utopias are “imagined” it would fit the phrase in the clip. Sci-fi would also fit into this as being imagined. Considering there are a few space references, I imagine that humans have imagined perfect spacecraft, further fitting sci-fi and a utopian society. Also, Dan collabed with Future Utopia on the track “What’s In A Name?” That's right, what’s in a name? The name being Future Utopia? An entire new era being the name? That right cultists, Dan ”Soon” Smith snuck this under our noses the entire time that bastard.
Summary Statement: This new era will likely bring collabs from an entirely new approach. A Sci-fi dystopian (or utopian) world, one focused on dreaming, light, and space will likely be the aesthetic for this era.
Loose ends: I am only one human, meaning I physically could not rewatch Inception and Vanilla Sky while also researching James Turrel, so there might be a few things I missed in my brief look at them. If anyone would like to read 1984 by George Orwell through the whole dystopian thing, there might be a few connections there.
Based on some things I’ve heard from a little birdy, expect some big non-album projects that tie in with this era and other things….
Special thanks to u/0verjoyed and @ ja9zimm on twitter
#bastille band#bastille#bastillecult#dan smith#kyle simmons#chris woody wood#will farquarson#long post
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Fuck you Tucker Carlson. Racist asshole.
You're a White supremacist asshole, you are a fucking liar pretending to be reasonable, when you're not.
You even had that White Supremacist who wrote the Bell Curve on.
Fuck you and anybody who likes or supports you.
"Carlson claimed that protesters want to “take over your country, cancel your rights, take over our centuries-long tradition of tolerance -- yes, tolerance -- and of free expression.” [Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 6/9/20]" Centuries of tolerance, fucking lies, Jim Crow didn't end until the 1960's.
"Carlson called for protesters taking down Confederate statues to be labeled “domestic terrorists,” arrested, and paraded “in front of cameras like MS-13.” [Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 6/25/20]"
Why keep such statues up and oh yeah he defended keeping Christopher Columbus statues up.
"Carlson argued celebrating Juneteenth is more about finding “another way to humiliate and demoralize Americans” than emancipation.[Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 7/1/20]"
How does this demoralize anybody, first off???? Which Americans are you fucking talking about???????
"The training for learning to fly an airplane isn’t going to change because a Black person or woman is taking it, and there’s no reason to think that non-white men will be given license to fly planes without displaying the knowledge and skill it takes to complete said training. But Carlson—the guy who also doesn’t think women belong in the military, as if the thousands of women who serve in the armed forces wouldn’t likely beat his mother fucking ass—doesn’t believe that because, well, he’s a racist and misogynistic moron."
"Carlson isn’t the only fragile white man who is ignoring the fact that a historic lack of diversity initiatives in the corporate world is the only reason white men think they’re the face of meritocracy. Morgan—the guy who stormed off of a set like a little bitch-baby after being called out for using his platform to give off big incel energy towards Meghan Markle—wrote a whole-ass op-ed piece in response to the United announcement titled, “What’s next for the corporate woke warriors—blind pilots?”"
'Morgan wrote that when it comes to his concerns related to flying, “I certainly don’t care about a pilot’s gender or skin color,” because he clearly doesn’t realize that THIS SHIT ISN’T ABOUT YOU, WHITE MAN—it’s about creating opportunity for women and people of color to get jobs in a white male-dominated field."
"Morgan even went as far as to fake call out a fake double standard and asked why no one is looking to diversify the Black male-dominated NBA. (Yep, British Bill O’Reilly really went there.)"
"The truth is that Carlson, Morgan and every other conservative snowflake who clutches their whites-only pearls at the mere mention of the word “diversity” are just as fragile as they are racist and sexist."
"The world is changing around them and advocating that the corporate world reflect the diversity of the population, and now everything that comes out of their mouths is a variation of: “Won’t somebody please think of the white men?”"
"It’s pathetic, but what else can you expect from people who don’t seem to understand that diversity and meritocracy aren’t mutually exclusive."
“I do not care about their skin color, as long as it is white.”
"You know what you call a black woman who flies a plane, Tucker? A pilot. You racist piece of shit."
"ETA - FWIW, I looked up “Daily UK News,” because I wondered who the hell would publish anything by Morgan. It is not a real newspaper. It is basically a fancy link farm. That explains a lot."
"He does realize during WWII the government probably got people killed because they thought only white men could fly airplanes, right?"
"The guy in the middle was my high school principal Quentin “Q.P.” Smith:
He was a fighter pilot that transitioned over to bombers because he grew too big to fit in the fighters. He and a crap ton of black pilots were arrested because they entered the Officer’s club on base. Thurgood Marshall fought and won their freedom."
"My point is ALL of these men were accomplished pilots with minimum undergrad degrees and many with advance degrees in engineering, mathematics, etc. when lots of the white pilots that were allowed to fly (and enter the O Club) were crop dusters, some with little or no education."
"I didn’t mention the literal quota system that limited the number of black pilots that could graduate because they couldn’t have the black guys outperforming the white guys. The Tuskegee program had to wash out better pilots that were allowed to continue in the white ranks."
"If you want a meritocracy you are looking for diversity. White people, more often than most people of color, have connections and resources that get them opportunities that others do not. If you get more women and POCs up in the air my simple hypothesis is that competence will in no way diminish, and may in fact increase. Hopefully UA actually tests this theory and is not just blowing smoke."
White men didn't create civilization you fucking retard. Calling Iraqi people monkeys is bigoted. He automatically assumes that the CBC blames the White man for everything when that is not true.
#fuck tucker carlson#fucker carlson#shareit#share share share#share pls#please share#sharethis#pls share#pls repost#pls rb this#pls reblog#pls rb <3#please spread the word#please spread awareness#please please please#spread the message#spread awareness#spread the word#please spread this#spread this#make this go viral#make the world a better place#make the change#be a decent person#do the right thing#do this now#do this pls#do this please#please do this#signal boooooost
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So many Tears throughout The year
A/N as promised here's chapter 4 of So many tears throughout the year ^^
Shinya was a coward, he was not afraid to admit that; nor was he afraid to call himself that. Instead of confronting Guren he ran, like a dog between his legs. It bugged him that he didn’t have the courage to yell at the prime alpha or to put him in his place.
Instead of speaking his mind and tearing Guren a new one he ran. All because he did not want to be near him. As he lay in bed he couldn’t help but be thankful towards Erwin and Fried for forcing Guren and his friend to leave the club.
Erwin assured him that he will not be coming to the club ever again. Shinya asked if it was okay to not go to work for the next week, just to be on the safe side.
Erwin agreed and told him he could take all the time he wanted he would still be paid and no money would be deducted from his check.
Shinya was happy about that and left home. Crowley and Erwin of course escorted him home; making sure that Guren wasn’t anywhere near the club to follow him back to his home.
Once he made it there safe he laid on his bed and thought about what happened.
Shinya didn’t know what to do, with the knowledge of Guren here he needed to be careful, he had to make sure that Guren and his kids never cross the same path.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to let himself sleep and try as hard as he could to not think about the Prime Alpha.
To bad his mind had other ideas, memories of both him and Guren filled his head. Memories of their time together, the promises they made to one another and of course the first time they had sex together.
Shinya tossed and turned on his couch, sleep will not come easy to him.
The next morning found Shinya making a simple breakfast, that is if chocolate chip pancakes, French toast, with ham and cheese omelets, sausage links, crispy bacon, fruit salad, cheese biscuits, apple sauce with a side of hash browns consider a simple breakfast.
Last night was a disaster, no matter how hard he tried he just could not sleep. Images of Guren filled his mind and once his head started to reminisce on Guren’s naked body Shinya gave up on sleep, once 6 o’clock hit Shinya decided to get up and make breakfast.
Aside from dancing, cooking was one of the things that was able to relax him and whenever he was stressed he would cook and he may or may not go overboard but hey no knew that when he was stressed he over cooked.
“Rough day at work?”
a sweet voice said, startled he dropped his spatula, turning around he couldn’t help but cooed as he saw his baby girl dressed in a white turtle neck shirt with the sleeves stopping right below her elbows, high waist black trousers, with some sandals on her feet. Her hair was done in a simple bum showing off her beautiful blue eyes.

She looked so beautiful that Shinya couldn’t help but walk over to her and wrap his arms around her and give scent mark her.
Zoe giggled as she returned the hug and did the same.
“You look beautiful darling,”
Zoe smiled as father and daughter pulled back.
“Thank you papa, but you didn’t answer my question,” her soft smiled turned into a look of worry as she looked at the table.
“Did something bad happened?”
Okay so maybe someone did know that he over cooked he was stressed.
“Whoa, did something happen at work?”
Make that two someones as Eren came down and saw the huge buffet before him.
“Who do we need to kill?” Yuu said as he grabbed a sausage link and began to eat it.
Okay so all three of his children knew when he was stressed, he over cooked, so much for keeping it a secret.
Taking a deep breath Shinya spread his arms open and all his kids ran into them. He hugged them as tight as he could.
If Guren found out about them…he would try and take them, if Tenri found out…he didn’t want to think about it, the kids were still 15, which meant that legally Guren could come and take them away from him. Hell, even Tenri could do it since technically he was Shinya’s legal guardian.
No, he would not let that happen, his children would never know their father (or sperm donor as his kids refer him as) was in town, besides for all Shinya knew he was only here for the wedding and then he would leave never to return again.
After all, why he would concern himself with a slutty omega when he had a pure one waiting for him.
“Papa, food is burning,” the scent of burning bread filled his nose as he turned to see the bagels burning.
Grabbing his spatula, he pulled all eight pieces off the pan and placed them on the plate and opened the window that was right above the sink.
All three kids looked at him before laughing at their papa.
Shinya turned and saw his kids laughing freely and over all being happy. He could not help but smile as he took in the sight.
He smiled and just enjoyed the joyful sound that filled his kitchen.
After their laughter died down Shinya told them that there was nothing wrong and he was just excited for his little girl and wanted to make sure she had a healthy breakfast.
The brothers looked at their little sister and smiled, they too were proud of her but their alphas wanted to make sure that the youngest member of their pack was safe so they each gave her both a mini taser and pepper spray in case she ever need to use it.
Shinya tired hard not to look upset, Guren was the same way, he would always give the omega something so that he could defend himself in case any alphas or betas with ill intentions would try and harm him.
He always ignored the nagging voice in his head that would always remind him how Yuu and Eren were exactly like Guren and not just in looks either.
Taking a deep breath, he served his kids some vanilla flavor coffee and handed it to each of them. The kids thanked him as they drank it and began to eat their food.
After cleaning the kitchen Shinya gave Zoe two containers, one for Levi to make sure he ate something and another for Zoe for her lunch. Zoe gave her father and Yuu a kiss on the cheek since it was time for her to go, Eren grabbed her bag as the two headed towards the door.
Eren had asked Levi if he could give Zoe a ride to her internship since his aunt worked there not to mention he had to go into work.
Mr. Hover wanted all his models there as he had to talk them about something important.
Levi of course said yes, and since he was always punctual, they knew the alpha would be waiting for them after breakfast, sure enough there was the alpha parked on the side of their house.
Both siblings walked over to him greeting him Zoe gave him the container of food while Eren gave him a kiss good morning.
The drive to her internship was filled with some Kpop song that Zoe begged Levi to play, the alpha would have said no but Eren also begged him.
And most of the times whatever Eren asked he got, especially since he never asked for much.
They pulled up at the building and stopped at the side of the road.
Eren turned and looked at Zoe with a serious expression.
“It anyone…and I mean anyone touches you, harasses you, belittles you, or makes you shed one single tear, tell me and I’ll kick their asses.
“Eren,” the omega whined.
“Don’t ‘Eren’ me little omega, if anyone makes you uncomfortable tell me or Yuu before you tell anyone else,”
Zoe nodded her head, ever since the incident with their papa at his work happened Yuu and Eren have become extremely overprotective with Zoe.
It got so bad that they would not let her be alone with her boyfriend even though Koji has been nothing but respectful towards Zoe and never pressured her to do anything that made her feel pressure or uncomfortable.
“Good, be safe okay,” he then pulled out his phone and handed it to her.
Zoe took it and placed in her pocket.
“If you can’t get to me call Yuu,”
“And if you can’t get to either one of them call me got it?”
Levi knew why his mate was overprotective of Zoe, he understood since over time he came to see her as a little sister and despite his aunt working here he didn’t trust any of the workers especially since he over heard his aunt talking about how some creepy alpha was harassing an innocent omega.
He did not want anything happen to Zoe and will kill anyone if they bothered her.
“Yes alphas,” she said in a timid voice. It wasn’t that she was scared she just knew when to fight back and when to back down, and she knew that this was one battle she could not win especially when both alphas were using their alpha voice.
“Good, now have a good day and please call me when you’re at lunch,”
“Okay,” she lean forward and peck Eren’s cheek before smiling at Levi knowing how if he wanted human contact with anyone other than Eren he’d be the one to initiate it, Levi smiled before leaning forward and pecking her forehead.
“Go, before you are late,”
She smiled as she got out and waved good-bye before heading inside.
Once she entered the building Zoe took in the sight, the building was huge, the floors were so shiny Zoe would beat that she could eat off it.
Smiling she headed towards the elevator since Hanji told her once she entered the building to head straight for the 13th floor. Getting in she was about to hit the 13th button when a man entered the elevator with her.
She turned and made eye contact with him, offering him a small smile Zoe asked,
“Which floor sir?”
“13th,” he said taking in the young girl’s features. Zoe smiled as she hit the button. Trying hard not to look anxious around this man.
“If I may ask, who are you?” the man’s deep voice asked.
She turned to look at him before replying,
“I’m Zoe Smith sir, and you?”
“Guren,” he said looking at the girl, she looked…familiar…something about her made the prime alpha want to grab her and scent mark her which was weird and admittedly a little creepy. Ignoring those thoughts, he asked,
“You’re the new intern right?”
“Yes sir, today is my first day,” she said with another smile. Seriously what was it about this girl that was giving him warm fuzzy feelings, the same feelings that he had whenever he was around Shinoa.
“Hmm…well I hope you know that you will be working with me Ms. Smith,”
“Oh, umm…I thought I was going to work with Hanji in the science department,”
“No, you were hire to work as my assistant,”
“Umm…I thought-“
“You start at the bottom and work your way to the top, if you can show me and everyone else that you are capable of good things then you’ll be promoted, is that clear?”
“Yes sir,”
He turned and gave the girl a soft smile.
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen your portfolio, you have amazing ideas and you and Hanji will be working side by side in no time,”
The praise made the omega smiled and once again Guren was tempted to hug the girl.
“That’s good sir,”
They arrived at their destination and both got out Zoe and Guren stepped out and headed towards his office.
“Alright Ms. Smith, did Hanji gave you a tour of the building?”
“Yes sir,”
“Good, you’ll be sending files to and from other offices, you will also be attending some meetings with me, taking notes for me as well as answering calls,”
“Any calls from my wife are to be sent on hold, unless it involves our daughter I don’t wish to speak to her while I am working,”
“And all emails are to be send to me or my secretary,
“Yes sir,”
“Good now tell me about yourself,”
“Umm…well I have two brothers and father I like science and wish to run my own business someday,”
“I see, is that all Ms. Smith?”
“Yes sir,”
“Alright then, what’s your status,”
“Omega sir,”
“Very well, according to our records you’re the youngest intern we ever hired,”
“Is that good or bad?”
Guren chuckled.
“It’s good, in fact I am impressed with your credentials, especially since you had the highest grade out of all our interns.”
Zoe smiled at the praise and bow in respect.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Alright we have a big meeting and we should start heading out,”
“Of course sir,”
Guren showed her were to put her stuff at, she placed her bad down before grabbing a notebook and pen before showing Guren she was ready.
Smiling at the young girl he gesture for her to follow him.
“Both Zoe and Guren headed towards the conference room, they were the first to arrive and began to get themselves situated.
Zoe was excited and ready for the day, she knew today was going to be good, she could feel it in her heart.
How wrong she was…
#my wriring#so many tears throughout the year#seraph of the end#attack on titan#crossover fic#guren x shinya#guren ichinose#shinya#fanfiction#fanfic
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Alien Tech at the Vatican + The Jesuits + Archons ++
Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye was ‘Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. “Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.” https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1224-emery-smith/ Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.” After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example, Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years. And they have an underground base under the Vatican. So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.” You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago. I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery. Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post. “Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” …. Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican David: But what you’re describing right now is like straight out of a sci-fi movie. It must have been just breathtakingly incredible. Emery: It was the most amazing thing . . . one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, . . . David: Wow! Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican https://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/transcript-cosmic-disclosure-alien-tech-at-the-vatican.html TZ here again: I’m thinking of course directly that I hear Emery say re the special city “, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” …. That ‘their’ plans to create this special city is not for the love of humanity – no – it’s the next stage in their plans to keep the sheeple occupied with something new and fantastic that they have created to keep us happy and still in quarantine and under control etc.…. that’s how they have always done it. It’s all a game to them our controllers – its all under their control and has been – BUT THEIR GAME IS SOON OVER. For the reader to understand just a little more about how the Jesuits work I will take some earlier information provided by Cobra as an example.
Cobra told us very early on, on his blog that the Jesuits had been controlling the ‘show on this planet’ for 500 years. We learned that a certain number of archons had incarnated into black nobility families and the archons were in control of the Jesuits. I must point out that so many are going to be shocked really shocked when all the truth comes out. For a couple of years (2013-2014) when posting, writing my website and blog I was still being fooled by Jesuit bloggers so called whistleblowers and helped to spread their information believing them to be true ‘truthers’ when in fact they were working in disguise for the Jesuits. You have to keep in mind that these wily, manipulative Jesuits are following – keeping control over all developments on this planet which means they always have to be ahead of the game and provide ‘good guys’ and ‘saviors,’ etc. for the next part of their quarantine control. Here an excerpt from one Cobra update called ‘The Jesuit Agenda’ from Nov 28th, 2013. …“The Jesuit plan is to let the Light forces purge the Illuminazi faction (Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Cheney & Co.) and then secretly team up with the Rothschilds to take over the process of creating the new financial system. Their agents are present on endless negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and they are trying to steer the agreements closer to the Jesuit agenda. This is the source of proposals to make the Pope the new M1 (monetary controller). This is the reason why the new Jesuit Pope is promoting the idea of a central world bank. They are also seriously considering the idea of allowing a worldwide debt jubilee so that they would be portrayed as saviours of humanity under the wings of »benevolent« Catholic church. They would then promote the Catholic cult in a renewed, more publicly appealing way, and gradually absorb other religions into it (starting with Buddhism) until they would reach their goal of a global religious mind programming cult, at the same time keeping all past atrocities of the Catholic church under the carpet. Through special compartmentalized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinfo coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources. I (Cobra) have a list of people and groups inside the truther / liberation movement that are either under direct Jesuit control or are manipulated by the Jesuits and it may or may not be released in the near future. The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth. It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy. One of the reasons the Jesuits have created WW2 was to orchestrate a worldwide gold grab to finance their black budget programs to maintain the quarantine status of our planet (secret space program, deep underground military bases). Operation Golden Lily was a Jesuit operation and general Yamashita was a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits:” to read more about this go to links provided below this article.” I would really like to recommend to everyone who is not familiar with Cobra’s early updates to go to this page on my website where it’s all gathered neatly update after update and you will find information about this planet that no other blogs would have been able to provide. HERE IS A LIST OF THE ARTICLES ON THIS PAGE – created in November 2014 The Elephant in the Room/Explosion of Information/True Storm of Disclosure Imminent Cobra’s Three Photos 1A] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS ~ MAY 8TH, 2012 1B] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS CONTINUED ~ MAY 10TH, 2012 2] ARCHONS ~ CURRENT ARCHON SITUATION UPDATE ~ MAY 26TH, 2012 3] ARCHONS ~ ARCHONS INTERFERE IN CABAL SURRENDER NEGOTIATION ~ JUNE 7TH, 2012 4] ARCHONS ~ HISTORY RE ARCHONS + THE VEIL [MATRIX] JUNE 18TH, 2012 5] ARCHONS ~ LAYERS OF CONSPIRACY ~ JULY 15TH, 2012 6] ARCHONS ~ EXPLOSION OF LIGHT ~ JULY 26TH, 2012 7] ARCHONS ~ ETHERIC ARCHON GRID ~ JAN 03RD 2013 8] ARCHONS ~ PLANETARY SIT: UPDATE ~ ETHERIC PLANE ~ OCT 15TH, 2013 9] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS UPDATE ~ JANUARY 12TH, 2014 1] JESUITS ~ THE JESUIT AGENDA ~ 28TH NOVEMBER 2013 2] JESUITS ~ Knowledge of the Dangers of Jesuits was Spread in the 1880’s Through the Work of Helena Blavatsky Channeling Master Kuthumi – Founding the Theosophical Movement 3A] The Jesuits the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and their different roles from 13/09/2013 by TZS 1A] THE CHIMERA ~ APRIL 8TH, 2014 1B] CHIMERA ~ JULY 7TH, 2014 1C} CHIMERA ~ AUGUST 5TH, 2014 1D] CHIMERA ~ 8TH SEPTEMBER 2014 1E] CHIMERA ~ 16TH SEPTEMBER 2014 1F] CHIMERA ~ OCTOBER 7TH, 2014 The Secret Space Program Cont. from my website this is how I present the above list of articles; It has been a widely discussed question on this planet about who the ‘power behind the throne’ really has been. It was not until the 8th April 2014 that we received the final ‘key’ to this truth. Up until that date we have believed that the main archons who created the matrix/veil have been running the show via the core Jesuit group worldwide. We learned earlier about their being archons in physical bodies among the black nobility families. Suddenly we are informed about this other archon group known as the chimera. In later interviews with Cobra we have learned that these two groups of archons cooperate with one another yet keep to their distinctive groups. You will get all the details about these groups here on this page. My personal belief is that the so called ‘elephant in the room’ that Cobra referred to early in 2014 is none other than the Jesuit archon group. Why I maintain this is very simple. The Jesuits through their evil tentacles spread out across the entire globe through a multitude of schools, universities, and institutions of one kind or another and especially in the Catholic and Islamic world have affected the control of just about every subject of interest there is in existence. Of course, these groups alone would not have succeeded in this endeavor if not for the fact that they managed to unite forces with others. They have enlisted the support of various Reptilian groups and have been running affairs through the two main groups/families that we know as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. All of the details as to who controls what within these various groups are supplied here on this page in great detail. Most of the information has come through Cobra and the Resistance Movement – RM. I myself compiled the article about the Jesuits and the warnings given about them 120 years ago from the Ascended Master Kuthumi via Helena Blavatsky from a much longer Theosophical article. I have also compiled and written the article The Jesuits, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. To continue reading: https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/introduction/dark-cabal-rulers PS: I feel that I have to give a personal ending to this information and why I still feel the anger popping up when I consider the Jesuits and their control. I was born in Dublin Ireland. Many will be aware that this country was one of the most Catholic countries on the planet. Everything about my life was controlled from day 1 by the Archon Jesuit controlled Catholic church. I have always had a need of contact with spirit. When there was nowhere to turn I turned to Mother Mary and Jesus. I can say right now that this use of HIS name (Jesu) for ‘their’ control makes me angry. ALSO, do not believe that I am so stupid as to blame the entire Jesuit group. Probably 2 out of 3 Jesuits are good people. I am speaking about the CORE approx. 10% of them who run the show – probably no more than 14-15% of the Jesuits know that this group controls the entire planet! Aged 13-14 or so I became interested in reading about astrological sun signs. One Sunday sitting in the local Catholic church I found myself looking up at the roof of that right winged part of the church. There were 4 corners to that valve and lo and behold there are the four cardinal signs in astrology!! The Eagle (higher aspect of Scorpio) the water bearer (Aquarius) the Bull and the Lion. That’s when things got a bit confusing. We were warned about dabbling in things like astrology by the priests and nuns. Somewhere between 95-96% of Irish schools were run by various orders of priests or nuns. Chi Rho symbol + Alpha and Omega So why on earth were the 4 cardinal astrology signs on the roof of the church? They have a rule you know to show everything ‘out in the open’ yet concealed. By my bedside I have a memorial card from the funeral of my father who died in 2008. My sister and I chose the texts etc. that we wanted on this card to be given to friends and family. One thing that we did not choose was the emblem that is part of the design on the front and back! of this little card namely, the Chi Rho symbol. This is another symbol that I thought s lot about when seeing it in front of me at Sunday mass on the altar cloth etc. trying to understand its meaning. I was thinking maybe the P is for Peace and the X is like the x in the word Pax – peace. I studied Latin at school. But no not! The Chi Rho is the symbol of the archon Constantine the Great the Archon who created the Christian cult,found on coins of that time etc. X 1000’s of other places. See more evidence of this on the link above this paragraph. Here another excerpt from The Event info Page 2 on my website – paragraph heading is the 2nd Khazar Invasion The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great 306-307, converted to Christianity and in 313 issued the Edict of Milan which declared tolerance for the religion. which then led to the Council of Nicaea twelve years later. There, in 325 AD, under the influence of the Archons, Constantine gathered all the bishops, and all of the priests to standardize the religions of the Empire, in what amounted to a hostile takeover of Christianity by the Cult of Sol Invictus. The Cult was the official religion of the Empire and it was thoroughly infiltrated by the worshipers of Baal, who had come to Rome with the Royal families of the Egypt and middle-east when Rome had conquered and annexed them. Using the new Catholic Church, they implemented an empire-wide mind control program based on the idea of Heresy, allowing them to persecute anyone who would not agree their teachings. In the western Roman Empire, by 393 AD people were living in fear of reason and the personal connection to the Source. By this cause, the civil government was without practical direction and became easy prey for waves of Barbarian tribes to destroy the Roman Empire by substituting their armed control of secular law for that of the Empire. The Archon infested church created bishoprics to rule the hearts and minds, while giving the right to extract taxes to the Barbarians. It was at this time that the Catholic Church destroyed all of the Goddess Temples. The archon and reptilian {Khazar} invaders tore down each temple and built archon temples over these sites – with the intention of stifling the energy. *** The purpose of the use of Heresy was to destroy rights of people to think for themselves. Mystery schools, Christian gnostic groups and nature worshipping paganism were replaced with Christian cult mind programming. This programming was enhanced with the creation of virtual reality hells on the lower astral plane, which were then used by the Church to strengthen its position. The Bishop of Milan known as Theodosius the Great {this soul was totally Archon controlled} destroyed all the old mystery schools. He ordered the burning of the Alexandria library and the books were destroyed or put into the Vatican library. Link to this page here; https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event/the-event-2
The last pic describes the ‘acceptable’ church version of why we have the Chi Rho symbol everywhere. Here also from ARCHON update nr 9 (list above) “The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome: In their »map room« inside that building they have shaped the destiny of the world during 16th and 17th centuries: It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator: http://www.senatorfarnese.com/”
Map Room from 16th Century + Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770’s I could go on and on about the wiles of these Jesuits but there is so much more info on the website links I’ve provided above for those interested. However, I just remembered one other link to information about the truth behind the WW2 holocaust from my website: This will truly shock anyone who has not heard of it before so be warned. I worked for many hours and weeks to provide an overview of a much longer article about this subject that Cobra provided earlier on in an update; Synopsis of The Vatican Holocaust Part 1 of 8 “The Great Pentagram of Evil” The Sacrifice of 18 million non-Catholics to the Devil/Satan https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/introduction/important-news PS – again! Finally if I hear or read any more comments whether on PFC or my blog that are in ANY WAY derogatory of Cobra and his non-stop work for the liberation of this planet I will remove them directly. I have lost all patience whatsoever with ignorance, stupidity and downright evil. I am glad that he finally spoke out himself recently. Despite the loss of his beloved Isis to the dark side people continue to try to attack him. OK they just don’t understand and they neither have the time or the patience or the willingness to do the work and discover the truth, so they are a sorry bunch who will eventually wake up. Namaste and Love
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The torso in the Thames: A 20-year mystery
The torso in the Thames: A 20-year mystery
By Angus Crawford and Tony Smith BBC News
It’s the longest unsolved child murder case in the recent history of the Metropolitan Police. Twenty years ago, a young African boy was murdered in a brutal ritual, his head and limbs removed, and his torso dumped in the Thames.
On Tuesday the Met Police made a renewed appeal for members of the public to “be bold” and come forward with any information that may help them solve this case.
The boy’s identity has remained a mystery – he was known simply as “Adam”, a name given to him by detectives.
Over the years, there have been arrests and forensic breakthroughs. But no-one has been charged with his killing.
I have followed the case from the very beginning, even travelling to the place where it’s thought the boy may have been born, in an effort to find out what really happened.
Twenty years on, I’ve been talking to the people closest to the case. Some, speaking for the very first time.
And we have visited Adam’s unmarked grave in a sprawling cemetery in south London.
21 September 2001: The discovery
image source, PA Media
image captionThe body was found in the Thames near the Globe Theatre
It was a passer-by who found the body.
Aidan Minter was walking across Tower Bridge in central London heading for a business meeting.
It was just 10 days after the 9/11 attacks in the US and the city was still strangely quiet.
“The tide was quite high at the time, I thought it was a tailor’s mannequin,” Aidan recalls. He rarely speaks about the case. “Then it came under the bridge, and that’s when I saw the detail – the wounds and the body itself.”
Police pulled the body from the water – upstream – close to the Globe Theatre.
It’s a memory Aidan lives with to this day. “I do think about him. I’ll never forget it for as long as I live.”
image captionAidan Minter (pictured in 2021) found the boy’s torso in the River Thames
The first week
The boy, who was black, may have been in the water for up to 10 days. He had died from having his throat slit. His arms, legs and head had all been expertly amputated. They have never been found.
There were no signs of physical or sexual abuse, and he had been well fed. On the body there was nothing but a pair of orange shorts – something which later gave officers their first breakthrough in the case. The label was “Kids & Company” and the size and colour could only be found in a small number of shops in Germany.
Nick Chalmers, then a detective sergeant, was one of the police officers assigned to the case – the strangest and most complex of his career.
image captionRetired detective Nick Chalmers (pictured in 2021)
“You definitely have a tie to a case, and there’s this drive to find answers. The one thing that has lingered over 20 years is the frustration that we didn’t find all the answers,” he says. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the case, and keeps copies of many of the case files at home
Nearly a week after the body was found, detectives appealed for help from the public on the BBC’s Crimewatch UK programme. About 60 people called in, but there was no breakthrough.
African connections
Detectives took the unprecedented step of giving the boy a name, and a reward of £50,000 was offered for information leading to a murder conviction.
Tests showed that Adam had been aged between four and seven years old and had lived in Africa until shortly before his death. Traces of cough syrup were also found in his stomach. If he had been unwell, had those who killed him been concerned enough to give him medicine? Or did they use it to make him drowsy before the murder?
Experts agreed that – because Adam’s body had been expertly butchered – it had been a ritualistic murder. Some thought it had been one of the rare so-called “muti” killings found in southern Africa – when a victim’s body parts are removed and used by witchdoctors as “medicine” for a client who wants, for example, to win a business deal or secure good luck.
Other experts believed it was more likely a human sacrifice with its origins in a twisted version of Yoruban belief systems from Nigeria. A perverted offering to the goddess Oshun – a deity typically associated with water and fertility. Subsequent forensic evidence gave more credence to that theory.
April 2002: Mandela’s plea
In April 2002, the police team travelled to South Africa to meet the country’s former president Nelson Mandela. He appealed across the continent for Adam’s family to come forward:
“Scotland Yard informs me that early indications of their investigations are that the boy comes from somewhere in Africa, so if anywhere, even in the remotest village of our continent, there is a family missing a son of that age who might have disappeared around that time… please contact the police.”
July 2002: Breakthrough
In July 2002, social workers in Glasgow became worried about the safety of two girls. They were living with their mother, an African woman in her early 30s.
Council workers found bizarre, ritualistic objects in her home. At a court hearing to take the children into care, the woman – Joyce Osagiede – told a story of cults, killings and of sacrifices.
An observant police officer thought it odd enough to warrant a call to the homicide unit in London.
DS Nick Chalmers searched Joyce’s home and found clothes with the same “Kids & Company” label and in the same sizes as Adam’s orange shorts. Joyce was arrested.
image source, PA Media
image captionPolice displayed a pair of shorts similar to those found on Adam’s torso
Officers were convinced she was an important part of the story, but she was confused and kept changing her account. She said she knew nothing about Adam, but was unable to explain the extraordinary coincidence about the clothes.
Officers weren’t able to charge Joyce. She remained in Glasgow waiting for the results of her asylum claim.
September 2002: Nigerian links
In September 2002, a year after Adam was found, a memorial service was held in London’s City Hall to celebrate his life. It was attended by about 30 police officers, scientists, pathologists and various experts involved in the case.
image source, PA Media
image captionA wreath was placed in the Thames in memory of Adam, September 2002
“Probably the closest thing [Adam] had to a family were the people who knew him because of the investigation,” says Nick Chalmers.
Forensic work continued, and by December it was clear Adam’s DNA pointed to West African ancestry. Ground breaking tests on samples of bone narrowed down Adam’s birthplace to a strip of land around Benin City in southern Nigeria – Joyce Osagiede’s home city.
media captionIn 2002 the Crimewatch team investigated the case. At the time it was believed Adam was Afro-Caribbean.
Pollen samples in his gut showed he had been living in the south-east of England for only a matter of days or weeks before his death.
Also in his stomach was an unusual substance made of African river clay – including vegetation, ground bone and traces of gold and quartz. The presence of ash showed the mixture had been burned before the child was forced to eat it – perhaps that explains the cough medicine, something sweet to wash down the unpleasant concoction?
November 2002: German connection
Joyce Osagiede – the woman who had been arrested in Glasgow but not charged – was deported after the Home Office rejected her asylum application.
Nick Chalmers and his boss Detective Inspector Will O’Reilly travelled with her to Nigeria on a specially chartered private jet. It was hoped she might open up on the flight and reveal crucial information about the murder. But she didn’t. The detectives didn’t get off the plane when they landed in Lagos, and flew straight home. Joyce then disappeared.
Shortly afterwards, German police revealed that Joyce had lived in Hamburg until late 2001 – the city where the orange shorts found on Adam’s body were bought.
More arrests
In London in late 2002 there was what seemed like a major breakthrough.
When police arrested Ms Osagiede, they found that she only had two contacts in her phone – one was for a man called Mousa Kamara. He was traced to a house in London. There, officers found an animal skull pierced with a nail, liquid potions and small packets containing what appeared to be sand or earth. There was also a videotape labelled “rituals” – a drama in which an adult was beheaded. The items seemed to be associated with Nigerian rituals, known as Juju. Detectives also worked out that Mousa Kamara’s real name was actually Kingsley Ojo. With nothing to link him directly to Adam’s murder, he was released on bail.
But there was clear evidence Ojo was involved in human trafficking and so he was put under surveillance. Within hours of being released, he was back talking to his criminal associates organising the illegal entry of Nigerians to the UK. He was considered to be a major player in a gang smuggling people into the country.
image source, PA Media
image captionKingsley Ojo arrested in Stratford, east London. in July 2003
In July 2003, after following his every move and identifying his criminal associates, 21 men and women were arrested in co-ordinated raids at nine addresses across London. That included Ojo.
October 2003: The Doomsday Plant
Botanists at Kew Gardens had been sent samples of plant remains found in Adam’s gut. In October 2003, they came to a startling conclusion. Adam had been fed parts of two different plants. First, there were small amounts of the Calabar bean – sometimes known as the Doomsday or ordeal plant, traditionally used in witchcraft ceremonies in West Africa. At this dosage it causes paralysis, but doesn’t prevent pain. Second, ground-up seeds from the Datura plant which acts as a sedative and causes hallucinations were discovered.
image source, Getty Images
image captionDatura seed capsule
Detectives believed the mixture was given to Adam before his throat was cut. It would have left him paralysed and helpless, but still aware of what was happening to him.
July 2004: Kingsley Ojo jailed
Police had enough evidence to charge Kingsley Ojo – not in connection with Adam’s death, but with four charges of people smuggling and using fake documents to obtain a passport and driving licence. In July 2004, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years in jail – with a recommendation he be deported upon release.
Ojo, who was also known by a number of aliases, had according to investigators headed a “substantial” network thought to have brought hundreds of people to the UK to work in the sex trade, as domestic slaves or for benefit fraud.
Detectives hoped Ojo would still hold the key to Adam’s death.
I learned that in Brixton Prison, he gained a reputation for being a “big man”. He is alleged to have performed Juju ceremonies for money on behalf of other prisoners, one inmate informed the police.
December 2004: Inquest
In December 2004, the inquest into Adam’s death recorded a verdict of unlawful killing. It heard how he died from neck wounds suffered while he was still alive.
2005: Kingsley Ojo offers to help
From his prison cell Ojo contacted the team investigating Adam’s death. He said he had secret recordings of Joyce Osagiede recorded in Nigeria by his associates. He claimed he wanted to help track down the killer and clear his own name.
Officers interviewed him at the end of his sentence, while he was waiting to be deported. He convinced the murder team he could help – and by late 2005 was released and living back in east London, apparently assisting the inquiry.
For more than two years, he fed the police information – at one point claiming that Ms Osagiede was on her way back to the UK. This proved not to be true.
He also accused a different woman of leading the sacrificial ceremony back in September 2001. Police placed an undercover officer in her church for months – but detectives would conclude that there was no basis for the claims.
In December 2006, Adam’s body was laid to rest in an unmarked grave in a London cemetery.
The non-denominational service was attended by a handful of police officers who had worked on the case from the start – including DS Nick Chalmers and Will O’Reilly, soon to be promoted to detective chief inspector.
2008: Kingsley Ojo deported back to Nigeria
Detectives concluded they couldn’t rely on Kingsley Ojo – he was still believed to be using a false identity to commit benefit fraud even after his release from prison. In 2008, he was deported back to Nigeria.
Throughout his deportation hearing Ojo claimed that he had always “done his best” to assist the investigation.
Also in Nigeria, Joyce Osagiede reappeared and was interviewed by police. She finally admitted she had looked after “Adam” when she had lived in Hamburg in northern Germany – and had bought the orange shorts found on his body. But she said no more and vanished again.
After years of trying, I finally managed to track down a woman who actually knew Joyce in Germany. She’s never spoken to the media before.
Ria Matthes, a social worker assessing benefit claims, met Joyce and her two girls on several occasions when they were in Hamburg. She also remembers seeing Joyce twice with a small boy in the summer of 2001 who she now realises may well have been Adam. Which would make her her one of the last people to see him alive.
media captionRia Matthes, a social worker in Hamburg, met Joyce and saw her with a young boy who may have been Adam.
“I think about the case regularly,” she says. “For me he was a very shy – albeit an attentive – child. He was completely introverted and withdrawn. He remained in one spot and didn’t move.”
Joyce treated the boy as if he was a “necessary evil to her” says Ria. “[It was] like she had to drag him along with her because maybe she didn’t want to let him out of her eyesight or like she took him along so he wouldn’t have to be on his own.”
2011: Photo of Adam
For three years, investigations continued but with no new significant leads. But when detectives searched through Joyce Osagiede’s belongings left with a friend in Germany, they found a pile of photographs. One of them showed a boy of about five years old staring straight at the camera – it was taken in 2001.
Det Sergeant Nick Chalmers was sceptical about whether it could be Adam, but he had moved on from the investigation and a new team of detectives had taken over. In early 2011, the photo was given to ITV News, which tried to track down Joyce in Nigeria.
Joyce said that Adam was indeed the boy in the photo – and his real name was Ikpomwosa. She said she had looked after the boy, but had given him to a man called Bawa. For a time it seemed as if the mystery over Adam’s identity had been solved.
But detectives were unable to positively identify the boy or take the investigation forward.
2012: A meeting with Joyce in Nigeria
A year later, we found out why. Out of the blue, Joyce’s brother Victor contacted me from Nigeria. He said there had been a misunderstanding – the boy in the photograph wasn’t Adam, and his name was not Ikpomwosa. He and Joyce wanted to put the record straight.
image captionJoyce Osagiede, in Nigeria
I travelled to Benin City with Nick Chalmers, who by then had retired from the Met. We found Joyce living in a small house in a run down neighbourhood – she was pleased to see us, but at times seemed confused. She was known to have mental health problems.
Joyce told us the boy in the photo was actually called “Danny” – who Nick and I managed to track down in Hamburg.
Joyce also suggested yet another name for Adam. She called him Patrick Erhabor – something we were unable to verify.
Finally, we showed Joyce one more photograph. She instantly identified the man as someone she called “Bawa” – the person she says she gave Adam to in Germany in 2001. The photo was of trafficker Kingsley Ojo. It was the first time she had ever made that allegation.
Nick and I managed to track down Ojo in Nigeria – he would not meet us, but agreed to talk on the phone. He insisted he had no involvement in Adam’s murder. Indeed there is no evidence linking him to the killing.
image source, Facebook
image captionKingsley Ojo
But the former detective believes he may still hold the key to unlocking the case.
Responding to our report, which was broadcast in early 2013, a Met spokesperson said any new information would be “thoroughly investigated”.
2021: Remains a cold case
Since 2013 the investigation has effectively become a “cold case” with no significant new lines of enquiry.
But there has been one major development. I stayed in touch with Joyce’s brother Victor and last year he revealed to me that Joyce had died. One of the last remaining links to Adam, and potentially a crucial witness, now gone.
Aidan Minter, the man who spotted the body in the river, was diagnosed with acute post-traumatic stress disorder. He says he felt utterly helpless, knowing his discovery was somebody’s son.
“It’s the shock of – why is it there? Who did it? That’s the hardest thing. He was a small boy with a personality and it was cruelly taken away from him in some sort of ritualistic murder.”
media captionNick Chalmers is still haunted by the case.
For retired detective Nick Chalmers, the lack of answers is deeply frustrating.
“This was an innocent young child. There are people responsible for his death who haven’t been brought to justice.
“Twenty years on, I wish we knew the identity of Adam – and his parents. In reality, he is a missing child from a family, who probably don’t know he’s buried here in London.”
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This Wayne County, Michigan, program is helping exonerate people for crimes they didn't commit. Now it's going statewide Smith is one of 27 wrongly convicted individuals who have been exonerated through the unit since it was established in 2018 by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym D. Worthy. The unit, like others around the country, was created to investigate whether there is substantial evidence that convicted individuals were wrongly accused and convicted. That many exonerations in that short time frame is “unheard of,” said Maurice Possley, a senior researcher at the National Exonerations Registry, a database that tracks cases in the United States. “It usually takes anywhere from months to years for conviction integrity units to conduct investigations,” Possley said. Last year, just 120 people were exonerated nationwide, according to the database. Now, Wayne County’s unit is serving as the model for a statewide conviction integrity unit to investigate cases in counties that don’t have their own units, according to the Attorney General’s office. “We have a duty to ensure those convicted of state crimes by county prosecutors and our office are in fact guilty of those crimes,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a news release in 2019 when the statewide unit was announced. “Conviction Integrity Units are a critically important aspect of a prosecutor’s office, as the existence of a productive unit demonstrates a commitment to justice. A good unit works to correct past injustices and educate stakeholders to prevent future injustices,” Valerie Newman, director of the Conviction Integrity Unit in Wayne County, said. “From day one, I’ve been trying to overturn my conviction. I think the justice system is broken,” Smith said. “I was blessed, I was blessed that they created a CIU (Conviction Integrity Unit) in Wayne County.” Together, the 27 individuals exonerated by the Wayne County CIU spent 415 years wrongfully imprisoned, according to the National Exonerations Registry. Sentenced to life after informant lied In Smith’s case, CIU investigators determined that a jailhouse informant had lied when he told prosecutors during Smith’s trial that Smith had confessed the murder to him. “That conversation never happened,” said Smith, who always maintained his innocence. It was later revealed the informant lied in order to obtain police favors in his own case. On the morning of March 24, 1994, 18-year-old Smith was at work when he got a call from his mother to go to the police station in Detroit. That is where Smith found himself in the middle of a shooting murder case that occurred that morning, involving the death of Kenneth Hayes. There was no conclusive forensic evidence against Smith. He wasn’t at the crime scene, and no one testified that they saw the shooter’s face during the trial. Still, Smith was sentenced to life in prison with no parole and was convicted of first-degree murder and a felony firearm offense over the murder of Hayes. “I think the police was dead set on getting a conviction (out of me), who better than this Black kid who walks into a police station and doesn’t have a clue?” Smith said. Smith’s case was one of the almost 1,600 requests for investigation that the unit has received since it opened in 2018, according to Valerie Newman, director of the Conviction Integrity Unit in Wayne County, “an average of about 500 cases per year,” she said. The unit, though, is “significantly underfunded” and could do even more if that were not the case, she said. “Prosecutor Worthy has requested additional funding for the Unit but we have yet to receive any increase. Additional funding would allow us to process cases in a more timely manner,” Newman told CNN. Exonerees adapt to life after prison Bernard Howard was wrongfully convicted and spent 26 years in prison before being released in December of 2020. Howard was 18 in 1995 when he was charged with murder, felony, and armed robbery, despite no physical evidence ever linking him to the murder or the crime scene, according to a news release by the Wayne County Conviction Integrity Unit. The investigation by the unit also discovered that Howard was a victim of a forced confession by the police. “Howard was convicted based upon the questionable account of a jailhouse-informant who claimed in testimony that he was recipient of the confessions by Howard’s two co-defendants, which implicated Howard,” Newman said. “The questionable confessions were pre-prepared and pre-typed confessions by detectives which were admitted into evidence at trial.” “The eighteen-year-old, barely literate Howard attempted a handwritten edit to the detective’s typewritten version, which appeared to track his earlier alibi statement about where he was during the killings. However, he said that a detective told him that he just needed to ‘sign the papers’ and he would be allowed to go home, and so he did,” Newman, the Wayne County CIU director, said. Howard was 44 years old when he was finally exonerated. “I feel blessed,” Howard told CNN. He returned home to his children and grandchildren and said it feels “wonderful” to be reunited with them. But it has been challenging to mend the relationship with his children after being absent from their lives for so long, he said. “It’s hard, they are at a certain age and they are grown. If I stay persistent as well, my life will be back on track,” Howard said. Kevin Harrington was exonerated in April after spending 17 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, thanks to a Wayne County CIU investigation. Attorney Imran Syed of the Michigan Innocence Clinic spent 10 years fighting to exonerate Harrington. Harrington was a college student when he was convicted in 2003 of first-degree murder over the death of a man in Inkster, Michigan, despite that no evidence linked him to the shooting. “There was a lot of police misconduct,” during Harrington’s case and trial in 2003, Syed said. “This case was challenging because of how our criminal justice system treats convicted people. Once a person is convicted, the system sees that as a done deal, and it’s very hard to get a court to give another look to the case,” Syed said. Harrington didn’t receive a fair trial, the CIU found. Harrington told CNN he’s “overjoyed” to be exonerated. “I was in jail for 17 years, six months, two days and 35 minutes,” Harrington said. Harrington told CNN he studied the law by reading law books during his time in prison, learning terminology, learning about new laws and policies related to criminal justice, reading his appeal and post-conviction papers, as well as the defenders trial manual. “I was a 20-year-old college student, I didn’t have knowledge about the law, that was a foreign world for me. But I wasn’t ready to lay down and die for something I didn’t do,” Harrington explained. Within 90 days after his exoneration, Harrington created a consulting firm, Justice Group Consulting Firm LLC, and is its CEO. The firm works to connect wrongly convicted individuals and inmates with lawyers and investigators, and to educate people on the law and their rights. “I have a duty to try to help fix the justice system for people that don’t have a voice or don’t know the law or don’t know what to do to get help,” Harrington stated. Pandemic impacts statewide Conviction Integrity Unit’s work Michigan’s statewide Conviction Integrity Unit hasn’t exonerated anyone since it was created, although it is currently investigating multiple cases, according to Ryan Jarvi, the press secretary for the Attorney General’s office. “We have received over 1,200 requests for assistance,” Jarvi said. The pandemic has slowed the unit’s work, Jarvi said, and it has taken time to get things up and running. Only six other states have statewide Conviction Integrity Units: New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Virginia. Before the Wayne County CIU took up his case, an attorney for Smith said courts paid no attention to motions and briefs filed on his behalf. “There were moments that were discouraging for me, when we would file all these motions, pleadings, and briefs, and have the courts not even pay attention to them … they didn’t even want to look at it. Once CIU opened up and Larry applied,” Smith’s case received attention, said Mary Owens, Smith’s attorney since 2007. “It’s an unbelievable feeling of vindication … I just feel absolutely thrilled for Larry,” Owens said. Smith, who had Covid-19 while imprisoned, says his future plans are to serve as a consultant for incarcerated individuals and medically vulnerable prisoners. “I’m angry for the people who are left behind who are going through the same experience I went through,” people who were wrongly convicted, incarcerated and still languishing in jail. Source link Orbem News #commit #County #Crimes #Didnt #exonerate #helping #Michigan #People #Program #programishelpingtoexoneratepeopleforcrimestheydidn'tcommit.Nowit'sgoingstatewide-CNN #statewide #ThisWayneCounty #us #Wayne
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This Wayne County, Michigan, program is helping exonerate people for crimes they didn't commit. Now it's going statewide
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/this-wayne-county-michigan-program-is-helping-exonerate-people-for-crimes-they-didnt-commit-now-its-going-statewide/
This Wayne County, Michigan, program is helping exonerate people for crimes they didn't commit. Now it's going statewide
Smith is one of 27 wrongly convicted individuals who have been exonerated through the unit since it was established in 2018 by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym D. Worthy.
The unit, like others around the country, was created to investigate whether there is substantial evidence that convicted individuals were wrongly accused and convicted.
That many exonerations in that short time frame is “unheard of,” said Maurice Possley, a senior researcher at the National Exonerations Registry, a database that tracks cases in the United States.
“It usually takes anywhere from months to years for conviction integrity units to conduct investigations,” Possley said.
Last year, just 120 people were exonerated nationwide, according to the database.
Now, Wayne County’s unit is serving as the model for a statewide conviction integrity unit to investigate cases in counties that don’t have their own units, according to the Attorney General’s office.
“We have a duty to ensure those convicted of state crimes by county prosecutors and our office are in fact guilty of those crimes,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a news release in 2019 when the statewide unit was announced.
“Conviction Integrity Units are a critically important aspect of a prosecutor’s office, as the existence of a productive unit demonstrates a commitment to justice. A good unit works to correct past injustices and educate stakeholders to prevent future injustices,” Valerie Newman, director of the Conviction Integrity Unit in Wayne County, said.
“From day one, I’ve been trying to overturn my conviction. I think the justice system is broken,” Smith said. “I was blessed, I was blessed that they created a CIU (Conviction Integrity Unit) in Wayne County.”
Together, the 27 individuals exonerated by the Wayne County CIU spent 415 years wrongfully imprisoned, according to the National Exonerations Registry.
Sentenced to life after informant lied
In Smith’s case, CIU investigators determined that a jailhouse informant had lied when he told prosecutors during Smith’s trial that Smith had confessed the murder to him.
“That conversation never happened,” said Smith, who always maintained his innocence. It was later revealed the informant lied in order to obtain police favors in his own case.
On the morning of March 24, 1994, 18-year-old Smith was at work when he got a call from his mother to go to the police station in Detroit. That is where Smith found himself in the middle of a shooting murder case that occurred that morning, involving the death of Kenneth Hayes.
There was no conclusive forensic evidence against Smith. He wasn’t at the crime scene, and no one testified that they saw the shooter’s face during the trial. Still, Smith was sentenced to life in prison with no parole and was convicted of first-degree murder and a felony firearm offense over the murder of Hayes.
“I think the police was dead set on getting a conviction (out of me), who better than this Black kid who walks into a police station and doesn’t have a clue?” Smith said.
Smith’s case was one of the almost 1,600 requests for investigation that the unit has received since it opened in 2018, according to Valerie Newman, director of the Conviction Integrity Unit in Wayne County, “an average of about 500 cases per year,” she said.
The unit, though, is “significantly underfunded” and could do even more if that were not the case, she said.
“Prosecutor Worthy has requested additional funding for the Unit but we have yet to receive any increase. Additional funding would allow us to process cases in a more timely manner,” Newman told Appradab.
Exonerees adapt to life after prison
Bernard Howard was wrongfully convicted and spent 26 years in prison before being released in December of 2020.
Howard was 18 in 1995 when he was charged with murder, felony, and armed robbery, despite no physical evidence ever linking him to the murder or the crime scene, according to a news release by the Wayne County Conviction Integrity Unit.
The investigation by the unit also discovered that Howard was a victim of a forced confession by the police.
“Howard was convicted based upon the questionable account of a jailhouse-informant who claimed in testimony that he was recipient of the confessions by Howard’s two co-defendants, which implicated Howard,” Newman said. “The questionable confessions were pre-prepared and pre-typed confessions by detectives which were admitted into evidence at trial.”
“The eighteen-year-old, barely literate Howard attempted a handwritten edit to the detective’s typewritten version, which appeared to track his earlier alibi statement about where he was during the killings. However, he said that a detective told him that he just needed to ‘sign the papers’ and he would be allowed to go home, and so he did,” Newman, the Wayne County CIU director, said.
Howard was 44 years old when he was finally exonerated.
“I feel blessed,” Howard told Appradab.
He returned home to his children and grandchildren and said it feels “wonderful” to be reunited with them. But it has been challenging to mend the relationship with his children after being absent from their lives for so long, he said.
“It’s hard, they are at a certain age and they are grown. If I stay persistent as well, my life will be back on track,” Howard said.
Kevin Harrington was exonerated in April after spending 17 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, thanks to a Wayne County CIU investigation.
Attorney Imran Syed of the Michigan Innocence Clinic spent 10 years fighting to exonerate Harrington.
Harrington was a college student when he was convicted in 2003 of first-degree murder over the death of a man in Inkster, Michigan, despite that no evidence linked him to the shooting.
“There was a lot of police misconduct,” during Harrington’s case and trial in 2003, Syed said. “This case was challenging because of how our criminal justice system treats convicted people. Once a person is convicted, the system sees that as a done deal, and it’s very hard to get a court to give another look to the case,” Syed said.
Harrington didn’t receive a fair trial, the CIU found.
Harrington told Appradab he’s “overjoyed” to be exonerated.
“I was in jail for 17 years, six months, two days and 35 minutes,” Harrington said.
Harrington told Appradab he studied the law by reading law books during his time in prison, learning terminology, learning about new laws and policies related to criminal justice, reading his appeal and post-conviction papers, as well as the defenders trial manual.
“I was a 20-year-old college student, I didn’t have knowledge about the law, that was a foreign world for me. But I wasn’t ready to lay down and die for something I didn’t do,” Harrington explained.
Within 90 days after his exoneration, Harrington created a consulting firm, Justice Group Consulting Firm LLC, and is its CEO. The firm works to connect wrongly convicted individuals and inmates with lawyers and investigators, and to educate people on the law and their rights.
“I have a duty to try to help fix the justice system for people that don’t have a voice or don’t know the law or don’t know what to do to get help,” Harrington stated.
Pandemic impacts statewide Conviction Integrity Unit’s work
Michigan’s statewide Conviction Integrity Unit hasn’t exonerated anyone since it was created, although it is currently investigating multiple cases, according to Ryan Jarvi, the press secretary for the Attorney General’s office.
“We have received over 1,200 requests for assistance,” Jarvi said.
The pandemic has slowed the unit’s work, Jarvi said, and it has taken time to get things up and running.
Only six other states have statewide Conviction Integrity Units: New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Virginia.
Before the Wayne County CIU took up his case, an attorney for Smith said courts paid no attention to motions and briefs filed on his behalf.
“There were moments that were discouraging for me, when we would file all these motions, pleadings, and briefs, and have the courts not even pay attention to them … they didn’t even want to look at it. Once CIU opened up and Larry applied,” Smith’s case received attention, said Mary Owens, Smith’s attorney since 2007.
“It’s an unbelievable feeling of vindication … I just feel absolutely thrilled for Larry,” Owens said.
Smith, who had Covid-19 while imprisoned, says his future plans are to serve as a consultant for incarcerated individuals and medically vulnerable prisoners.
“I’m angry for the people who are left behind who are going through the same experience I went through,” people who were wrongly convicted, incarcerated and still languishing in jail.
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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 316
Click on the video above to watch Episode 316 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Ah, well, I see it now. Hey, everybody, we are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 316. Today is the second of December 2020, the first episode of the last month of 2020 years, we’re wrapping up the year. So, got almost everybody here. Gonna go ahead and say hello to the guys. And then we got a couple announcements and then we’re gonna get into answering your questions. So let’s see, Marco, you’re appearing next to me. So I’ll start with you, man. How you doing today?
I’m good man. What’s happening?
We got a little bit of rain today in Costa Rica. But we’re middle of the in the middle of the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. You can’t tell which is by base. It’s so good. Because it’s always sunny and warm in Costa Rica.
Fortress of Solitude, right is part of POFU. You’re finding your Fortress of Solitude where you want to be, instead of where you have to be. So this is part part of by far, not at my profile yet, not by far. But since it’s a work in progress. This is where I’m building my Fortress of Solitude. This is where I want to be
nice man. I’ve totally adapted that from you. You know, I think the tofu thing by itself is great. You know, we all talk about that a lot. But I like your Fortress of Solitude idea. And I’ve kind of taken that and I’m definitely working on that for myself. So not there. This is not where I want to be in the end. But working on that, and I’m looking forward to getting that done sooner rather than later.
Hey, let’s see. Next up. Hernan you are on the hit list. How you doing, man? Good, man. I’m good. I’m excited to be here and to live a rainy here too. It made like 1000 degrees today with 1,000% humidity, you know, typical when Osiris is definitely here. But it’s good, man. It’s really good. I’m excited to be here. Excited to be in this forum and sharing, you know, platform with all of you guys. So cool. All right, Chris, how you doing today?
All kind of the other way. Here. Like, I think it’s minus four degrees outside. nice and cozy warm on the chimney. Like everything is pretty sweet here. So yeah, like the only thing missing here is pretty much like, the ski slopes are opening up and you can actually go skiing, but we’ll see when that’s gonna happen with all the corona bullshit. All right, man. And back in Virginia. Bradley, how you doing? I’m well, man. Happy to be here. I’ve been working on ton a ton of stuff. Got a lot of projects kicking off right now. So getting ready for New Year. So gotcha. Yeah, I just saw a post from Bradley in the mastermind group. He’s got some secret stuff brewing over there. So I know you’re kind of feeling people out there for some more training that you’ve you’re working on. right for your own agency? Yeah, yeah, it’s a full full on method. So and I’m looking for some volunteers in the group to help help me develop it. But if not, then I’ll I’ll do it on my own. So we’ll see. All right. I’m just wanted to say to for anyone watching, you know, let us know, I love checking in with the guys. I mean, I talked to them once or twice a week, you know, we have a meeting with you Hump Day Hangouts, but let us know how you’re doing. Obviously, we can’t bring everybody on and you know, turn this into a get to know each other. How’s the weather where you’re at show, but if we could we would we just don’t have the time. So drop us a note. And let us know how you’re doing in the comments if you’re watching us. Yep. Oh, go ahead. My say yeah, man. Yeah. And if you’re new to us, the first of all, thanks for watching, we’re glad you’re here, you’re definitely in the right place. A lot of times, we get asked, hey, what’s next? Where should I go? Should I go join your Facebook group? You know, what training should I pick up and one of the best places to start is find out how to shield your sight. All right, we picked the word shield on purpose, you’re going to hear this a lot. But not only can you build your site, but you don’t have to worry about algorithm updates, again, with the SEO shield training. And you can get that and the SEO SEO calm, right, the word de seoshield.com. Now, if you’ve been watching us for a little bit, or if you’re just coming on board, and you’re an agency owner or consultant, it’s like most of us wants to get more clients wants to get better clients, you want to grow your revenue and scale your team, then to x your agency is what you want to check out even find that 2xyouragency.com.
And last but not least Bradley touched on it. And so the guy was talking a little bit about our mastermind and some training that’s going to be coming up there. But that’s more for certainly not if you’re just getting started. But if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business or agency, or you have a business and you want to learn how to employ all of this stuff or train your team members, then you want to join that community. As far as getting real world info like Bradley sharing his exact templates, how he’s doing things in his agency, how we are each doing things in the real world with Semantic Mastery and our own businesses. You can find out more about that at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, as always MGYB.co, we just had a killer sale going on over Black Friday, Cyber Monday. With some amazing deals, we had a lot of people take advantage of those to get some some great discounts on the SEO shield packages, as well as link building tons of other good stuff. But if you haven’t checked that out yet, go over to mg y b.co. Again, the three get done for you SEO shield syndication networks are way as drive stacks of walls. Now the expansions for all of you who have our last drive stacks, tons of other good stuff. So just head over there. It’s where we points. Not only, you know, just people watching Hump Day hangouts is where we go to get our own services, where we tell mastermind members to go, it’s where we refer clients. So definitely take advantage of that. I have a quick announcement, I’m gonna be starting my charity webinar series, let me see probably on Monday, the 14th. And for so for every Monday, following up, so that would be the last three weeks in December and the first three weeks, in January, at the very least, we might have to push a date here and there, depending on who’s available, because what I’m going to do this year, and I’m gonna have I’m gonna have guest speakers, Mike Pierce has already confirmed from no fucks given he’s gonna come in and talk to the guys and give them a little bit a little bit of game, I’m gonna be reaching out to other people. And last time, it was fun, I had a lot of people give a bunch of stuff away, Steven Kang kicksta, why no, Jeffrey Smith, you guys donated. And so we’ll set up the what each one of us will give to the people who attend.
And once I have the list, and once I have everything ready and the dates already set, I’ll make another announcement. But just so you guys know, all it takes is a donation. I’m not asking you how much you know how I say it, right? Your heart is going to tell you whether to give and then your wallet will determine how much it is that you give. So there you go. If whatever the donation is, we’ll set it up so that you get included in the in the email list so that you don’t miss any of the following webinars. Yes, they will be recorded. We’ll have question and answer. So everything that’s working right now, and will work into the future is what we’ll be sharing. Awesome. And Marco, can you tell people for the newer people who may not know what the charity is about? You tell them the background on it.
So this, this is what the third year that I’m doing? The webinar series or the fourth year, I can’t remember. But it’s it’s a charity here in Costa Rica, where we do we go into the worst of the worst places that you can imagine. And what we try to do is we try to provide an education for the kids, meaning that from first grade, all the way to whatever. And if you want to go to the university, we have grants and we have scholarships, we have everything set up so they can get go as far as they want. And as a matter of fact, a lot of the companies here Intel included Procter and Gamble and DHL and a whole bunch others. They have a program where once the kids are trained where they’re no longer kids, they’re young adults don’t take them, they have jobs waiting for them. But I mean, the really difficult part of this is getting them through, especially now with COVID. I mean, you can imagine, we used to tutor them, we used to be there with them. And now it’s getting really difficult, we still support them, we still give them the tutoring, although it’s online, Intel provided computers for them, so that we can help some of them. We have a lot of people collaborating, but I mean, these are people who have nothing. Literally, no running water, no electricity. I mean, just nothing not not even the basic shit, like I mentioned before.
The next let’s say wash your hands. And this is not just for COVID it’s for everything’s just good. Hi, do you wash your hands, and you avoid a whole lot of diseases. If people have no running water, they don’t have any money to eat. How the fuck are they gonna buy soap to wash the fucking hands, man? Come on, man. And so understanding this and understanding the need, that there is why we do it. I try to get people in this so that they can contribute. And so it’s really good because we give a lot of good shit away, not only from us, but just the knowledge that we give away. is ridiculous for I mean, for whatever your wallet says. You can give it here.
Outstanding. Well, yeah, we’ll definitely have some more announcements about that. We’ll be sure to notify people by email too. And then, yeah, let’s just keep people aware of it. And we’ll start Marco whenever you want to start that will start sending out the signup link.
Cool. All right, guys, any other? I think that did on my end, though, any announcements before we jump into questions?
All right, we’re good. Let’s do it. Look at her Nan’s all bouncing around off the walls.
Oh, he’s barking definitely.
It’s late in the afternoon for me. I don’t have that kind of energy. I don’t know what the hell you get it.
Alright, let me grab the screen.
How Do You Get A Sitemap For A Google Site?
Okay, you guys see my screen? Good to go. All right, cool. Looks like the first question came from Bobby. He was asking about how to get a sitemap for Google site like this. And I can tell that from the URL that that’s the old or classic sites, or their Sitemaps. In the new ones new versions. Marco, is not yet it should be.
You know what the URL structure is? No.
No, no, no, I don’t know what it is. But I mean, it’s there. Okay.
Um, yeah, Mike, I don’t know if you could do like a site colon operator and look for sitemap. I don’t know if you could do that or not? You probably could. Right? Check. Good. Yeah, you could use a site colon operator to find the sitemap URL. Just take your Google Site route, essentially? Well, you need the whole URL. But you could do that from the homepage. So site colon operator search with the site’s dot google.com, like the whole URL of your Google site, from the homepage, essentially, and then put in quotes sitemap beyond that it should pull up. So if it has one.
Have You Ever Seen A Manual Penalty From Using The Google Stacking Technique?
All right, next question was from Bobby says, also, have you ever seen a manual penalty from using a Google stack technique? No, I have not. I’ve never seen one Marco, have you? No.
Manual? No, not I’ve never seen any penalty, you could conceivably conceivably get a manual. But I guarantee you that Google will go into all of the other websites that it has on its list the millions and millions, before it goes into a G site, unless you’re just calling a lot of attention to like you’re outranking some of the big boys and they come and complain. Somebody might come looking. But I mean that the things that people propose, or they talk about are so unlikely.
It’s so unlikely to get a manual right now, because of that me people are paring back staff, they have millions and millions of websites that have to be manually gone through. And that actually the manual team is limited. Google has unlimited resources, probably. But I mean, think of the number of teams that they have to do all the different things, the likelihood of that happening. I mean, goal, the day that you get hit manually on a G site, go play the lottery.
Yeah. The unlucky lottery on that day, apparently, AI is the name of the game these days. Yeah. Well, what about from a main site that’s using a money site that’s using the SEO shoot, I’ve never seen a manual penalty there either.
I haven’t seen a manual in so long. And you know, where you actually get the notice in, in, in Search Console, that for whatever reason, either for linking or whatever it is, right? And then you can just go and fix it. You just go and change it.
It’s not the death penalty. the death penalty is when you when you get the index just saved as a PDF. And it’s done. Yeah.
Do You Get An Automatic Upgrade To Battle Plan 4.0 If You Have 2.0 & 3.0?
All right. Next question is from looks like Keith Goodwin’s super spun article, Keith. He says, Hey, guys, I have battle plan v2 and v3, do we get on an automatic upgrade to v4? From what I understand from previous releases? or new versions? No, but we keep it very, very inexpensive. For that reason. Is that correct? Adam?
You’re still here? Yeah, sorry, is answering a question on the site. Can you run that by me one more time? Keith Goodwin was asking, Hey, I have about I have battle plan v2 and v3. Do we get an automatic upgrade to be four? That’s a hard No. How copy over getting it? Yeah, no, we keep the price low on purpose. You know, we used to sell it for like $100. And, you know, we thought, hey, let’s lower it. Let’s make this easy. You know, we put the time and effort into upgrading it. We want to pass that along to you guys. So you can get the get your hands on it. But yeah, just go to battle plan dot semantic mastery. COMM And grab the updated version.
Do we have v4 out?
Yeah, yeah. v4 is the current version. Oh, that’s the current version. Okay. I didn’t know. Yeah, I’m sorry. Because I know we talked about updating, updating it again. So I didn’t know what version we were on. I got it. Yeah, we generally what is it? We’ve altered a little bit, but generally once a year is what we try to do. And so keep Yeah, you can go in or, you know, we’re gonna we don’t have a date. You know, we’re not gonna it’s not like we’re releasing one in December or anything, but we generally release it in the springtime, but there’s no guarantees. We don’t set a date. We just do it when we feel it’s time to update.
Yeah, I think it’s an order and in the coming months for sure. So. All right. Well, there you go.
What Are The Advantages Of Using Google Tag Manager?
The next question is from Ashwin. He says what is Google Tag Manager, a Google Tag Manager is a great way to like deploy scripts and things like that on sites from one Google like with a Tag Manager dashboard makes it really easy to change things and deploy things without having to login to the site, it’s really cool because you can specify certain scripts to run on certain pages by just selecting, you know, designating which page URLs you want it to fire on in Tag Manager, it’s in the trigger section.
There’s tags and triggers and all that anyways, Tag Manager, if you want to know what Tag Manager is just go do a search, what is Google Tag Manager, you can read a ton of articles about it, Google’s own articles or articles from others. But it’s a really cool system. I use it for a lot of stuff, analytics, Google ads, remarketing pixels, you know, JSON LD with for structured data, in certain situations. Technically, JSON LD should be actually on the page itself, instead of like through a third party script. At least that’s what Google’s best practices, documentation states, but it will validate and it will be it’s okay to do it within a Tag Manager. And in certain cases, I’ve needed to do that, for example, I use a particular theme for a handful of sites that I manage, that doesn’t have a homepage, like the homepage is built by the theme itself. And there’s nowhere to inject code into the homepage, even with plugins like header footer plugin, because there’s just like, it never gives you a, like a homepage, you know, option. If there’s no homepage. So that’s one of those unique circumstances where I’ll install JSON LD structured data through Tag Manager, but it’s a really cool system. I like it, I use it a lot. If you want really good training on Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, by the way, I saw that you asked about that as well. Yes, I also usually install analytics, through Google Tag Manager, all of Google’s products work, play very nicely with Tag Manager, they’re all designed to do so so. And for example, like in Google ads, when you set up remarketing, or conversion tracking, or anything like that, it’ll, you know, give you the conversion ID and it’ll give you the information that you’re supposed to add to the site. And it can be a snippet of code, or it can just give you the conversion ID, for example. And with Tag Manager, all you got to do is copy and paste the conversion ID into the correct tag or trigger field will tag field really. And so it makes it really easy. And the same thing goes with analytics, you just copy the analytics, Universal Analytics code, or identifier, or now it’s the G for analytics, which is it’s slightly different. And all of that integrates really well with Tag Manager. So but what I was starting to say was, if you want to check out some really good training, go to measureschool.com. Think this guy’s name is Julian, this young guy here.
And it’s measureschool.com. He also has a YouTube channel, if you just go to YouTube and search for measure school, you’ll find his YouTube channel, he’s got a ton of free videos on there. He’s got a ton of great things categorized via playlist. So I know he’s got one on there for Tag Manager. I know because I’ve watched a lot of the videos in there to learn how to use Tag Manager and all this stuff is free. I mean, he’s got some paid courses. But if you want to get real deep into the weeds on how to set up analytics, and do all kinds of crazy cool stuff with Tag Manager, he’s got some paid trainings too. But I’ve never had to go that far, because that is just way too geeky for me. I use it for kind of basic stuff. And I’ve learned everything that I needed to learn about Tag Manager from this guy, measure school, both from his YouTube channel Plus, you can opt in for like a free training course that kind of stuff. So I would highly recommend you go check it out. Any comments on that, guys? Yeah, be careful with an insert header plugin, because some of those will do it site wide. And if you’re talking about schema and and and analytics, where you’re looking to control flows, especially through your pages, you want more control that you want individual page and post control if you’re working in WordPress, and for that, I recommend Jeffery Smith’s plugin, the ultimate SEO plugin is fantastic. Because it has that header inserter plus insert that header plus module code sorter plus code inserted plus but you go page by page, post by post, and you can insert the additional code that you want without affecting the rest of the website. So you know, that’s especially good with schema right now where you where you’re supposed to do page by page and post by post, whatever it is that you’re doing. You’re supposed to add your structured data for that specific page calling in everything else. Not inserting everything site wide. That’s what Google is recommending. Yep. And in this case, we recommend following what Google says to do.
Yeah, and code and server plus, inside the SEO Ultimate Pro Plugin also allows you to inject code in the tag pages, category pages, like it’s awesome because you can do some really cool stuff. There’s also the global content manager, which is also pretty powerful. So there’s just a lot of really cool things you can do with that plugin. So
Will The SEO Shield And Other MGYB Products Work For Non-WordPress Sites Like 3DCart?
moving on next one is from Layne I think, Orlando, I don’t know, whatever from this person. Will the SEO shield and other MGYB products work for sites that are not built using WordPress? Yeah. You know, we talk about WordPress, often because that’s like industry standard. That’s what most you know, 95% of people use. But the SEO shield methodology really has nothing to do with WordPress, it just that’s typically what we use for self hosted sites. But it’s it you know, what we talked about for a methodology for getting results, it helps to have, you know, an RSS feed so that you can do content marketing, your syndication network, and that kind of stuff. But again, it doesn’t have to be WordPress, it could be any type of site. And if you don’t have an RSS feed for a particular type of site, you can always install WordPress or any type of content mark, you know, CMS, right? content, whatever, a CMS on a sub domain, for example, or a subdirectory of the root domain that you could then generate an RSS feed from, but as far as, you know, the SEO showed and semantic mastery methods and all that it has nothing to do with WordPress, it could be any type of site, there’s just certain benefits that WordPress does provide. But it’s not required. Any comments on that?
not mean that that’s perfect. The SEO shield is a way to shield your money site, whatever that money site is whether you choose it to be a G site, an HTML site, PHP, whatever it is, it doesn’t have to work. But it can be Joomla. I mean, we’ve done it, we’ve thrown around anything and everything that we can, I mean, that’s what it’s for. It’s to shield whatever your project or your product or your Project Online is. It’s not just for a WordPress site. And as far as the second part of this question, where schema is limited.
If you can access the code, you can insert schema, and there should be a way to, to insert code through the through the host, the files in whatever hosting service it is that you’re using. So you shouldn’t be limited there.
I don’t see why that would be limited, you hire someone to do that. Go to Fiverr, go to Upwork. Go wherever you need to go to get someone to come into the website and look around and see how you can insert schema, because I’m telling you for e commerce, it works really well getting schema in there and getting everything structured correctly for the bot works wonders in e commerce. Yeah, and to comment on that we just talked about Tag Manager in the previous comment, if you’ve got a site like that, in my opinion, it would be way better to install the container code from Tag Manager. So with Tag Manager, you get container code, one goes in the HTML header, and another one goes in the body section that right after the opening body tag, those two, so it’s two container snippets of code, right, that make up the container. And so what I would suggest doing is installing that globally across the site, because then you can inject code to specific pages like on a page by page basis, you can, you can get really granular inside of Tag Manager where you can manage that right. So in other words, all you would need is to have the container code installed site wide by the webmaster or whoever is managing the website on that whatever platform it’s on.
But then you can manage which code is deployed on which pages from inside of the Tag Manager dashboard. So you don’t have to worry about accessing the site at all. That’s one of the beauties of using tag managers the fact that you don’t have to go in so that’s, that’s great. If I’m, if I’m working on a site that or working on a project that has a site that has like for a client that has a webmaster, well, they don’t want me in there poking around on their site, you know, the webmaster doesn’t want me in there poking around the site. So I, I will send container code for Tag Manager to them and say, okay, install this sitewide like this will be global tags. And then from there, I can just, you know, do what I want to do on a page by page basis using Tag Manager. And it works, it works well that way. So I would encourage you to check out Tag Manager and then have that installed on that site, it will give you a lot more control over what schema you can add. Again, I know best practices state you’re supposed to have for schema especially it’s supposed to the code is supposed to reside actually on the page not be injected from a third party script like Tag Manager, but it will work and it will validate and in certain unique situations like what you’re just describing, I think that would be the better route to go. Right.
Are Mass Page Site Builders Still Working From An SEO Standpoint?
Okay, moving on. The next question was are mass page builders mess page site builders still working from an SEO standpoint, tools like SERP shaker for local and ones for aggregating and embedding videos in the post? If so, where would you recommend using them? Thanks. Yeah, I mean, there’s still, as far as I know, they’re still viable. They still work.
I don’t do those I haven’t in many years now, or at least a few years. Because, you know, it requires a ton of building those, like building a bunch of them sites, because some will just start to work well, like the they’ll naturally start rising in the, in the SERPs, and others won’t. And, you know, the majority of them just don’t really ever do much. Some do. And it’s, I don’t know what the rhyme or reason is behind some of them working. And some of them not, I used to do a lot of that stuff back in the day.
You know, I even had built a team of virtual assistants. And we like we were full time at building sites Monday through Friday, 40 hours a week. And you know, we’ve built hundreds and hundreds of those sites, just to get a little bit of results. And the problem is that I see with them and again, I know there’s a lot of people out there that use this strategy, and they do well with it, I got tired of it, because Google often will deindex, those types of sites like they might even start taking off indexing well, and start, like, you start generating traffic and things like that. And all of a sudden, Google comes by just slaps it, either deindexes it or just tanks all of a sudden, and it’s got an algorithmic penalty. And there’s really no way to recover that. And so, you know, I just got tired of rework. I like to build assets that have longevity, that I build them once work on them one time, you know, or ongoing work on them, you know, on an ongoing basis, and they continue to produce results, whatever the desired result is. And with mass page sites, I feel like it’s, you’re always in danger of losing them. And I know, because we had, at one time 675 mass page sites wiped out all at once that we had taken weeks to build that many. And just overnight, they all disappeared, they were all deindexed. And that was really the end for me of building mass page sites. Because I said, That’s enough. I’ve spent too much money, too much time, too much effort on this for it to be all wiped out in one fell swoop like that. So I stopped doing it. Are they still viable? Sure. I know, there’s a lot of people that are still using those types of strategies or methods and getting results with them. It’s not something that we want to do or we would recommend doing, but it’s, you know, you have to make that decision yourself. comments on that? Yeah, the land solutions network is part of the mass paceville. website. It’s a it’s WordPress, for the pages and and for for the blog. But then it’s targeting. I think it’s every city over 2500 people in the US. And it’s alive and well. And we get leads.
Which whichever ones I’m not interested in, I’m turning a mole.
We just lost Marco.
Is everybody else here still? Yeah, I’m here. Just want to make sure it was him and not me.
Yeah, so I mean, again, Mark has got the LAN solutions dot a network, I believe is the domain for that. And that’s for the his land buying business. And so yeah, he’ll use it even even in certain certain circumstances. I just I prefer not to.
They can work though. There’s no question. So a mass video sites, I would do that before I would build like mass, like, you know, WordPress page sites, or, you know, I know there’s HTML page builders as well. But if I was going to like populate auto blogs using video content, I think that has a bit more longevity. Or it’s less likely to get d indexed or to catch a penalty. Because, you know, a lot of times, you’re just you’re publishing video content, you know, republishing video content, and that depends on how spammy the the text part of the page is, you know, because that that thing that has a big, big effect on it as well. So, but again, it’s not a strategy that I that I use, so I can’t really advise you on the best way to use that. You’d have to go to a group that where there’s, you know, users heavily into that type of stuff to give you the advice on the best practices. Okay.
I guess Marco is getting lost power or something.
Can We Upload Video Files Into The Amazon S3 Bucket?
Hey, guys, can we upload video files in the s3 bucket? If so, will the index and SERPs interested to get your opinions on this? Thank you. Yes, you can upload video files into an s3 bucket because it’s just a file, right? You can upload any file into a bucket. And if it’s in a bucket that is you’ve set to give it you know, to pop for public access, or at least for read only public access, then yeah, that the URL can index.
I’m not sure though, I haven’t tried that in a while. I think if you upload a video file and you click the URL, it opens like a video player and kind of like a lightbox I believe. It’s been a while since I’ve done that, but I know you can absolutely upload a video to an s3 bucket. And if it’s set to public, then yes, the URL can index. There’s no question. So,
Does Allowing iFrames On Blog Pose A Security And Affiliate Marketing Issue?
Next is, if you have a blog, allowing iframes can or if you have a blog, can allowing iframes to be an issue for security or affiliate marketing? Yes, it can be, um, there are, I know this because recently I had a, one of my lead gen sites for whatever reason, the host that site was hosted on enabled iframe blocking, or what they call an x x frame breaker or frame breaker or whatever you call it, market knows the proper terminology for that, but it’s, it was on the server side to where, you know, if I tried to embed my, my WordPress site, into other sites, for example, an idx page or or the G site or anything like that, it would, it would, you know, be a broken image, image, right, an image of a broken image, and it so essentially saying it was a broken iframe. And so that, when I contacted the host about it, I said, Hey, you know, I’ve had this site for many years, and I’ve never had an issue and all of a sudden, now, the iframe, if I try to iframe it or embed it into another site, it’s broken and won’t work. And they, they basically said that they had enabled an iframe breaker on the server side, because of security issues. That’s the extent of my knowledge on it potentially being a security issue is that I’ve seen it with one of my own sites and contacted us. And they explained that it was a security issue, and that they were not going to disable that x frame breaker or whatever, iframe breaker on that particular server. So I ended up having to migrate that site to another host altogether, which is what I did.
So I don’t know about affiliate marketing. I think there are some issues with that as well. But I don’t know, because I just don’t do affiliate marketing. Maybe if Mark comes back on, we can come back to this question. But I can’t help you with that. As far as for security. I know that can present some issues, but I don’t know. I don’t know what they are, because I’m not a, you know, server or WordPress security type of person. So sorry, sorry, I can’t give you a better answer on that.
What Are Some SEO Quick Wins We Can Apply When Onboarding A New Client?
The next question was when onboarding a new client, what are some SEO quick wins that we can apply? Apart from schema and basic on page fixes to get some quick results? Also, with the MGYB video embeds be suited for a brand new branded YouTube channel? Or would you wait a little while first? Okay, from the first part of the question is what are some SEO quick wins we can apply?
Well, I found the best results, the quickest results through Google Maps. And, you know, by working on the so if it’s a project that has an associated Google My Business profile, I’ve been able to rank maps listings way quicker than organic rankings. And that’s just because for many years, I didn’t even focus on on organic rankings at all. Now I do now I focus on both maps and organic rankings because the proximity filter for Google my businesses, you know, for GMB is essentially, is a lot tighter. So in other words, it’s harder to get a maps listing ranked in a three pack outside of the immediate physical area of the business, right? didn’t used to be that way. But now that that’s the case, it’s harder to get that you can still do it, but it takes consistent effort over time, that’s the local GMB pro method to get a maps listing to rank in, you know, maps three packs outside of its immediate physical area, right. So that’s what we call the proximity.
But now because of that, because it’s tighter, I’m also working on organic rankings as well. And so I found it to be easiest to rank the maps three pack, and its immediate area, right? If it’s a service area business, and I’m just making some assumptions here, I don’t know it could be a storefront business, whatever, but I’ve always found GMB ranking to be easier than organic rankings and that’s only probably because that’s all I focused on for many years. But typically you can get results quickly there something else would be press releases press releases typically rank very quickly. So if you want to get some now that’s not you know, it will benefit the root domain or the the website that you’re trying to promote as well. But the the press releases themselves can rank quickly. And so if you’re trying like if you’ve got a new client and something that you want to do is to start you know, getting them some exposure while you’re working on getting their site to rank or even their Google My Business profile to rank, then, you know, publishing press releases fairly consistently, which I always recommend you do consistently anyways. can work well, right. It’s important that you would put the brand name into the company name in the especially for your first couple of press releases to put the brand name in the press release title. That’s the most important part of the press release is the title. So put you
No, I like to do brand plus keyword Association as much as possible for all press releases. Sometimes I will just so in other words, like, you know, whatever the company name is plus their primary keyword, you work that into the title. If you’re having us do the press releases through MGYB, which is press advantage, then you can request that when you place the order PR title, like that’s what I do, my bloggers whenever they order press releases for, you know, my clients and such, is they tell them what the title should be, right. So you just put that in your instructions, the PR, I say PR title, but you could say, you know, press release title, whatever, and then specify what you want it to be just as long as it’s not spammy. You want it to read well, but also, like I said, to put the company name plus the main primary keyword, or whatever keyword it is that you’re trying to rank for. But that starts to build that brand plus keyword Association. Plus, if somebody like a client goes and does a brand search, they’ll start seeing the press releases ranked. And not just from what not just one press release. But oftentimes, you’ll see like even the same press release, ranked multiple times on page one for a brand search, because it’s been published on multiple news sites, right. And so you’ll end up getting that same press release to rank multiple times because it’s ranking on different sites. So I don’t know if that makes sense. But I like to use press releases as an integral part of what I do for for client work and for SEO. And so we’re constantly publishing press releases, and that I found that to be a really quick win. Lastly, obviously, YouTube videos tend to rank really well.
You know, for especially for brand search, not so much I found for like, you know, local keywords, they’re getting harder to rank for that on page one, but, you know, YouTube videos are but for brand searches, they typically rank well. So that’s something else you could do is just have a nice video created. I just had, I can’t share it here, guys, because I you know, I don’t want to share one of my projects, but I just had four different videos created on Fiverr for one project, trying different providers, video producers, to try for lead gen, I’m working doing a lot of YouTube ad stuff right now for lead gen for local lead gen. And so I just wanted to try like split test multiple different videos in types of videos, and I found a really good provider, or several, a couple of really good providers, in fact, but I found like a inexpensive animated video maker for just like 60 bucks that was including us, or the Fiverr fees. It’s like 60 bucks, and I had it in like 48 hours the video back and it turned out really, really nice. So what I’m saying is go to Fiverr and look at video.
You know, I look for video ads, because I’m usually used running them on YouTube ads, but look for video ads or something like that and search for video ads or whatever in fiber. And you can find some good providers there. For inexpensive that again, you can pass that off to the cost off to your client. But YouTube videos also something and here’s the other thing. Remember with press releases that I just mentioned, you can embed at Google My Business map. So that can help your Google My Business profile to rank or the GMB profile for your client or whatever to rank. You can also embed YouTube videos now. And not all of the pickups or the syndication points for the press advantage network. But a lot of them do so like again, if you do those three things, right, if it has a GMB the project or the client, and you get a video made, and then you publish press releases where you’re embedding the GMB map and the video, it’s going to help all three to rank right, the press release the Google My Business profile, and the video. And ultimately, it can help the website to rank too. So that would be what I would suggest him any comments here, guys.
That was more SEO questions. So, um, run ads. That’s a Google and usually, you know, while you are, while you’re waiting for your SEO to kick in, like one of the recommendation is to start a YouTube campaign or a Facebook ads campaign that will give the client some quick wins while you wait for the attic again, so that the SEO to kick in. So that’s that’s usually what I do. I agree.
Yeah, I’m doing a ton of ad stuff for you know, I was mentioning this to my partners yesterday during our corporate meeting. But you know, Google, Google ads, the audience targeting options have gotten incredibly, so much better. They’ve gotten way better than they used to be. And it’s changing all the time. The last time I was in there, messing around with custom audiences was about six or eight weeks ago, up until this past week. And just in this past week that I’ve been in there a lot have been doing a lot of ad testing and stuff, and that the audience targeting has gotten even better, like in other words, years, there’s more options and what used to be called custom intent audiences now it’s called custom audiences and you can actually, there’s another thing called combined audiences. So like
There’s a ton of stuff that you can do in there, it’s very inexpensive YouTube is.
And if you get your targeting, right, you can get a lot of clicks from YouTube to your website as well, I’m probably going to be doing a significant update to our YouTube ads branding course, and January or February timeframe. And we’re going to end up relying or I think, I think, actually January and I think we’re going to end up relaunching that with the updated stuff because of all the new targeting options. And I’ve got a lot of data now that I can share, like from my own ads account. And it’s a really, really good option because you can get some very inexpensive traffic that is from an audience, a relevant audience. And it’s inexpensive and that’s another like Hernan said, that’s another great way to get some exposure for your client.
Would The MGYB Video Embeds Be Suited For A New Branded YouTube Channel?
All right, he says also would the MGYB video embeds be suited for a brand new branded YouTube channel? Or would it be would you wait a little while first? Okay. Yes, you can do it. You can absolutely embed do an embed gig on a brand new YouTube video or new video that’s on a new YouTube channel.
A few years ago, I switched my my methodology or lead my thought process on on just doing, you know a ton of backlinks and embeds to videos in, you know, again, you can brute force using traditional SEO tactics with YouTube still, right. So with backlinks and or embeds, you can still get really good results. There’s no question. But I always like to try to kind of create a balance between backlinks and embeds and traffic or engagement signals, which again, you can set up YouTube ads or Google ads for you to where you can get, you can set your audience or define your audience. There’s in market audiences, there’s, you know, there’s already predefined audiences available inside of Google ads, or you can create custom audiences. And either way, you can essentially select a relevant audience that your ad will show to your video will show to on YouTube as an in stream ad, right. So that’s a true view ad, which is a TrueView in stream ad, which is those ads that play during either before or during another YouTube video. So if you set up your targeting right now you’re getting relevant eyeballs, and especially like if it’s for local, you can set geographic targeting. So now the the views to your video are coming from a relevant audience within a relevant geographic area, right. So in other words, their local IP clicks. So it’s very powerful to focus and get you can rank YouTube videos on engagement signals alone, we know we’ve done it a million times. Now, that’s more of a YouTube algorithm thing. But even in Google, like so Google search results. There’s, you know, a big part of YouTube videos ranking in Google search results is engagement signals. So I like to set up Google ads for videos that I’m trying to rank which I really don’t try to rank videos anymore, because I just I get results from the Google Ads themselves. But what you know, when I do try to rank videos or when I have in the past, I try to do a balance between backlinks and embed gigs and engagement signals so that it looks more natural. Here’s what here’s my point, if you have a brand new video that has very little views on it, and now all of a sudden it’s getting thousands of embeds and 10 thousands or 10s of thousands of backlinks. And the view count isn’t correlating with that amount of activity and backlinks and embeds. Does that look fishy? Of course it does. It smells like some SEO, right? Smells like an SEO is working on trying to rank the video. So I like to do a more like natural approach in that I start buying views essentially from YouTube ads or Google ads, which is the only way that I would buy views for videos. I wouldn’t spam views anymore, guys, that’s just stupid, because you can buy inexpensive traffic from relevant audiences that are likely to become leads or convert or whatever anyways, but I’d like to start buying traffic to the video first. And then once it starts to receive views on a consistent basis, then I’ll order the embed gig and start building backlinks. Because the way that you know, think about a video that goes viral, a video that goes viral, it starts getting a shit ton of social media shares and views before it starts to get a bunch of backlinks and embeds. Does that make sense? And so because it starts to go viral first before people start linking to it. So that’s kind of what I like to do is model that and so I start to buy views to it. And once the view count starts to rise consistently, then what I do is do the embeds in the backlinks, which tends to work really well. Again, you can still brute force stuff with the old trick, traditional SEO methods, but I like to do a more natural approach to it. And I’ve been doing that for several years now and it works well. So
Do You Recommend Buying Expired Domains When Using SEO Shield And Other MGYB Products?
Alright, we’re gonna keep moving. That one went a little longer than I planned. Alright, adds up and says, Oh, I’m sorry. The next question was, do you recommend buying buying buyer domains or should I just create a new new domain in regard to using SEO Shield and other products? I like to do new domains, there is obviously a little bit of a benefit, sometimes SEO benefit of buying an expired domain that had good metrics that was relevant, that kind of stuff. But, you know, there can be some, you know, some authority built into the domain domain, but I like to use new domains. Personally, that’s just the way I do it, especially branded stuff. You know, there’s a ton of different type of domain extensions now. Um, so I don’t even just worry about.com dot nets and.org anymore, right I’ve gotten really good results using care domains dot real t domains, dot services domains. So the chance that you can get
dot gay, you’re not gay, there’s there’s a dot gay extension now I keep encouraging her not to get her non Vasquez gay.
He won’t do it, though. It’s like 30, some hundred or 30 $200 for that damn domain. I know, I’ve looked it up for him.
Nobody’s bidding against them. Yeah. Anyways,
all jokes aside, there’s a ton of domain extensions now. And I’ve had good results with them. So it’s likely that you’ll be able to find whatever brand name you want to create for your project. Or if it’s, you know, if it’s a client, whatever their brand name is, you could probably get that domain or a domain with a unique extension that would fit that brand. That’s what I recommend doing. I just like to start from scratch. I know there is some benefit from using expired domains as long as they were clean. But I prefer to have something that I’ve branded with a unique brand, if that makes sense. Okay.
Does The Nitro + Link Building Package For The SEO Shield Increase Authority And Not Generate Traffic?
Next question. There’s a lot of questions we’re gonna run out of time, I’m gonna roll through the next few ad says you guys just finished up a Nitro plus link building package for my SEO shield. The point of me ordering the link building was to increase authority and create link juice following the SEO show properties and the drive stack links not to generate traffic, correct? Yes, that is correct. The link building is about the SEO, which should in turn, if the SEO is doing well, and your site starts to rank, right, then you should start receiving traffic from that. So the link building is not about traffic.
Can some traffic come from it? Sure. But that’s not ever the point. Right? The point is to help the site to rank, which in turn will start generating its own relevant traffic from people finding it through searches. So yes, you are correct is not to generate traffic, it’s for essentially just powering up the properties so that they can rank and start generating organic traffic. It says I’m just trying to confirm or better understand that link building has very little if anything to do with traffic whatsoever, it elevates my website by creating a web of links a footprint, yes. And that’s essentially what we’re talking about. Well, the the backlinks aren’t necessarily like to create a footprint, that’s what the SEO shield is for is to create an entity footprint and you want to expand that footprint as much as possible. That’s why we talk about like syndication networks and trying to get branded profiles on as many properties as you can, that’s, that’s expanding your branded entity footprint. That’s a good thing. So and then the link building, it just kind of helps to power those nodes up, right? If that those those semantic nodes up. And that’s kind of the point that we were trying to do with link building. Okay.
confirm this is true, and the traffic is bullshit. No, traffic is not bullshit. Traffic is part of art, right? activity, relevance, trust and authority. And so that’s that’s traffic is, is really what we want, right? Isn’t that really what we’re after? We’re not we’re not after rankings, rafter traffic, relevant traffic. Think about that. That right? I mean, rankings or rankings are just the precursor to the relevant traffic, which is what we desire, right? If we get something ranked, we’re going to get the traffic that we desire, so traffic’s not bullshit. I wouldn’t ever count on traffic from link building gigs, though I can tell you that like that’s not that’s not the that’s not the objective of link building. The way that we do it. It’s not to generate traffic, it’s to push rankings, right or to help increase authority which can push rankings which can then generate traffic from organic search. Right. So that’s what I’m trying to convey here. traffic will come from the buoyancy of ranking because of the link building. Thanks for the better explanation. Yes. So you do understand too many questions. Hey, Brad prospecting, and that was that’s the name of this person asking the question, not at the last question.
Are You Still Using Dubb?
So too many questions asks, hey, Brad prospecting question. Are you still using Dubb? I haven’t heard you talk about it in a while. If not, what are you using? Cheers? Good question, and No, I’m not. I thought it looked it. It looks to be a great platform, they have a lot of really cool features and everything else. Part of the reason I’d signed up for dub originally was because they had email marketing, like, you know, essentially, you could do emailing and everything using their platform, the dub, embedded videos in the email, through their own through through the dub platform. In other words, you could set up SMTP and add emailing from inside dub, as well as automations. Well, I purchased the upgrade for the automations. And the automations just wouldn’t had did not have the functionality that I needed them to do for my prospecting campaigns. So because of that I cancelled the service, it was a great service, but it didn’t have the functionality that I needed, I was able to get the functionality that I needed, using the high level cam platform instead that go high level platform.
And then from there, I just did my old school embed methods. If I’m going to send video emails, I just use the same methods that I did in the past, but I needed specific triggers and actions, like trigger links, and if and you know, stop on reply, or if on reply, move to a new campaign, you know, all that kind of stuff. And the automations inside dub worked at Advanced. And I tried to actually connect dub through like Zapier to something that would give me that functionality. And that added a whole nother level of complexity that I didn’t need when I could accomplish everything I needed under the go high level platform. So I abandoned dub cancelled my subscription, and moved everything into the high level platform, which is what I’m using now for prospecting, almost exclusively. It works really, really well. And I covered all of that and the POFU Live 2020, which the recordings are available for that. So if you want my prospecting method and exactly how I built it inside of the go high level platform, I’ve got process docs, I’ve got the scripts for my emails, the scripts for my voicemail drops the scripts for my SMS text messages that are all part of the automated prospecting machine that I built. That’s all. You can see all of that in the poku live 2020 recordings, which are still available. So check that out.
What Are Some Things That We Should Be Doing Regularly To Strengthen The Entity?
Next is a Brady, I believe aside from a shield, links, and schema, what are some other things we should do be doing regularly to strengthen the entity assuming content has been published on blog, plus, branded rang, thanks again for your help.
Being getting more profiles on other platforms, so branded profiles and an interlinking them, right, so cross linking to as many profiles as you can creating semantic hubs or so social and or semantic hubs. That’s important. Powering up those entities is always important.
Get Wikipedia links, like from Wikipedia itself, not like just wiki links, right? There’s a ton of wiki link builders out there, I don’t know how valid those are anymore. Other than just for spam links, which has its place. But Wikipedia, you can go to MGYB.co and order Wikipedia links that helps, citations, there’s just a number of things that you can do anything that you can do to strengthen an entity. Right, right. So again, that’s getting creating more nodes on the web for that entity and then connecting those nodes right and so that again, that’s just increasing your brand’s entity or entity footprint. Does that make sense? And so there’s the press releases all the stuff that we talked about consistently guys, those are what you do to increase the entity.
baby What’s up? He says, What the fuck one of the two the one with too many questions BB is not me. Yeah, you That’s funny. I think that’s probably why you use that name like too many questions BB was to poke fun at you anyway um he actually took the time to create such a user
I think it’s kind of funny man remember they say what is it mocking is the highest form of flattery or something like that? Imitation is the is the highest form of flattery. Yeah,
there you go. Hopefully by the way, Adam did you drop the link to the POFU Live recordings while I was talking about did and I just saw someone else was asking about SEO ultimate sound grabbing that too if you come across. Okay, cool. All right.
Can You Outrank Someone With Similar Content?
So BB’s questions are Can you outrank with somebody same content as his and that the post and your website is written after the competitors was published? Yeah, you can, you can piss somebody off that way.
I know that, but with the same con if you because if you outrank somebody with their content on your domain, or on a another website, they’re going to be pissed, right? And not only that, because, you know, you shouldn’t be just copying and pasting somebody else’s content. And even if you’re mad at somebody, like I think there’s, I just don’t do negative SEO stuff. I just don’t do it and I guess outranking somebody with their own content.
But on your domain isn’t really negative SEO. But to me, that’s still like, I just wouldn’t do it. I just don’t do shit like that. I don’t do. I don’t know that that’s what you’re doing maybe I’m just saying that sounds like the only time that I would ever even consider something like that as kind of a revenge like a revenge thing, but I don’t recommend doing it. And not only that, but it’s likely that that person, you know, they can send a, you know, copyright infringement notice to you, I just wouldn’t do it. You always ask the weirdest questions. Maybe I got to tell you.
I don’t know what what you’re trying to do all the time. But you’ve always got some very interesting questions. So I wouldn’t do it. You can it be done? Yes, you can. You can absolutely do that. But I just I wouldn’t do it. Kind of a devious question. But just for understanding your RSS feed posting is related to that. Okay. Yeah.
You know, it’s interesting, there’s been times where I’ve published content on my money sites, and then I’ve mirrored that page onto a G site, and the G site outranks the money site, and it usually it’s usually temporary. But I’ve had that happen many times where the G site will actually outrank the money site. But that’s why I always embed the money page into the G site page at the very top so that if somebody lands on the G site, as opposed to the page that I want them to land on, they’re gonna see the page anyways, does that make sense? And then typically, over time, the money site page will end up push, you know, outranking, that the G site page, but sometimes that happens. So yeah, I mean, you could just use a G site alone, and spam the shit out of it with the content that you’re trying to rank. And typically, I mean, it’s oftentimes you can outrank a competitor that way.
What Is The Rule Of Thumb For Schema?
What is the rule of thumb about schema? Right as little as possible per page or right as much as possible page, in my opinion, more equals better, as long as you’re not spamming it.
The more thorough or detailed you can get in your schema, as long as it’s relevant, the better. And, and I’ve been testing a lot with that lately. I mean, just again, to poke through live recordings, there was a lot of schema training in there. And I realized how weak my schema game was, when that was at the end of September, and I’ve spent a lot of time since then studying and implementing much more thorough schema in my own projects and client projects. And I’ve seen some significant results from that.
I would highly recommend that you use an app like this schema app.com. By the way, if you guys want to learn a ton about schema, besides joining the heavy hitter club, there’s also some really good schema training schemaapp.com. You know, for they’re, of course, they’re always referencing this tool to help you build the schema. But there’s a lot of good training in there for gaining a better understanding of like connected data items, for example. And like all that kind of stuff. There’s some really good training here. Maybe not some of the Ninja stuff that we teach in the heavy hitter club. But there’s some really good foundational training for schema and how to develop it in the schema app site. Okay.
Jim says Will you share your link for SEO ultimate pro? Yes, I think Adam already did.
Should I Launch The SEO Power Shield First Before Launching The Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
Tim says I just made the first purchase from you guys. And I bought one SEO power shield one press release in one multi tiered syndication network with one Nitro kit high competition. Wow, that’s a good purchase. Tim, thank you for that. And we hope that you get a lot of benefit from it. He says My question is, should I launch the SEO power shield first and then wait until the work has been completed and then launch the multi tiered syndication network? With the one night Oh, you know, what I would recommend doing first, Tim is, you know, have the syndication network built first before you order your SEO shield, which by the way, if you ordered an SEO power shield that comes with a syndication network, again, go back and look at the sales the sales page of the product page for SEO shields, and you’ll see the SEO power shield includes a syndication network, which should be your branded syndication network, just so you know. And the reason we do that is so that when you order the SEO Power Suite, you get all of the major components of what we teach in one order, and then they’re developed and built in the proper order. So with an SEO power show that starts with the syndication network, then it does the RYS Drive stack and G site and then the ID page. Does that make sense? And it’s in that order. And the reason we do it in that order is because your branded syndication network should be included the syndication network profile URLs should be included in that the shield SEO shield build, which is the RYS Drive stack in G site, and you know, the idx page. So if you if you ordered all these things separately, then I would have the syndication network built first. Right and then you want soon as that is built, you can order the SEO shield and you want to submit the URLs from the syndication network, in as part of the SEO shield build instructions, right you have your money site URL, your GMB assets, if it’s for local, also your profile URLs from your syndication network, and any of your major social media properties, Facebook pages, you know, anything like that LinkedIn, all that stuff. You want to include all of that in the SEO shield build. Okay, but again, if you ordered an SEO power shield, it comes with a branded syndication network. So I’m not sure why you would have ordered those separately. But um, hopefully that makes sense, guys, it’s five o'clock, we’re out of time. So
yeah, where does it all go all the time quickly. So sorry, I don’t have any more. They’re gonna wrap it up. But we will see you guys next week. All right. Thanks, guys. Bye.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 316 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 316
Click on the video above to watch Episode 316 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Ah, well, I see it now. Hey, everybody, we are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 316. Today is the second of December 2020, the first episode of the last month of 2020 years, we’re wrapping up the year. So, got almost everybody here. Gonna go ahead and say hello to the guys. And then we got a couple announcements and then we’re gonna get into answering your questions. So let’s see, Marco, you’re appearing next to me. So I’ll start with you, man. How you doing today?
I’m good man. What’s happening?
We got a little bit of rain today in Costa Rica. But we’re middle of the in the middle of the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. You can’t tell which is by base. It’s so good. Because it’s always sunny and warm in Costa Rica.
Fortress of Solitude, right is part of POFU. You’re finding your Fortress of Solitude where you want to be, instead of where you have to be. So this is part part of by far, not at my profile yet, not by far. But since it’s a work in progress. This is where I’m building my Fortress of Solitude. This is where I want to be
nice man. I’ve totally adapted that from you. You know, I think the tofu thing by itself is great. You know, we all talk about that a lot. But I like your Fortress of Solitude idea. And I’ve kind of taken that and I’m definitely working on that for myself. So not there. This is not where I want to be in the end. But working on that, and I’m looking forward to getting that done sooner rather than later.
Hey, let’s see. Next up. Hernan you are on the hit list. How you doing, man? Good, man. I’m good. I’m excited to be here and to live a rainy here too. It made like 1000 degrees today with 1,000% humidity, you know, typical when Osiris is definitely here. But it’s good, man. It’s really good. I’m excited to be here. Excited to be in this forum and sharing, you know, platform with all of you guys. So cool. All right, Chris, how you doing today?
All kind of the other way. Here. Like, I think it’s minus four degrees outside. nice and cozy warm on the chimney. Like everything is pretty sweet here. So yeah, like the only thing missing here is pretty much like, the ski slopes are opening up and you can actually go skiing, but we’ll see when that’s gonna happen with all the corona bullshit. All right, man. And back in Virginia. Bradley, how you doing? I’m well, man. Happy to be here. I’ve been working on ton a ton of stuff. Got a lot of projects kicking off right now. So getting ready for New Year. So gotcha. Yeah, I just saw a post from Bradley in the mastermind group. He’s got some secret stuff brewing over there. So I know you’re kind of feeling people out there for some more training that you’ve you’re working on. right for your own agency? Yeah, yeah, it’s a full full on method. So and I’m looking for some volunteers in the group to help help me develop it. But if not, then I’ll I’ll do it on my own. So we’ll see. All right. I’m just wanted to say to for anyone watching, you know, let us know, I love checking in with the guys. I mean, I talked to them once or twice a week, you know, we have a meeting with you Hump Day Hangouts, but let us know how you’re doing. Obviously, we can’t bring everybody on and you know, turn this into a get to know each other. How’s the weather where you’re at show, but if we could we would we just don’t have the time. So drop us a note. And let us know how you’re doing in the comments if you’re watching us. Yep. Oh, go ahead. My say yeah, man. Yeah. And if you’re new to us, the first of all, thanks for watching, we’re glad you’re here, you’re definitely in the right place. A lot of times, we get asked, hey, what’s next? Where should I go? Should I go join your Facebook group? You know, what training should I pick up and one of the best places to start is find out how to shield your sight. All right, we picked the word shield on purpose, you’re going to hear this a lot. But not only can you build your site, but you don’t have to worry about algorithm updates, again, with the SEO shield training. And you can get that and the SEO SEO calm, right, the word de seoshield.com. Now, if you’ve been watching us for a little bit, or if you’re just coming on board, and you’re an agency owner or consultant, it’s like most of us wants to get more clients wants to get better clients, you want to grow your revenue and scale your team, then to x your agency is what you want to check out even find that 2xyouragency.com.
And last but not least Bradley touched on it. And so the guy was talking a little bit about our mastermind and some training that’s going to be coming up there. But that’s more for certainly not if you’re just getting started. But if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business or agency, or you have a business and you want to learn how to employ all of this stuff or train your team members, then you want to join that community. As far as getting real world info like Bradley sharing his exact templates, how he’s doing things in his agency, how we are each doing things in the real world with Semantic Mastery and our own businesses. You can find out more about that at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And last but certainly not least, as always MGYB.co, we just had a killer sale going on over Black Friday, Cyber Monday. With some amazing deals, we had a lot of people take advantage of those to get some some great discounts on the SEO shield packages, as well as link building tons of other good stuff. But if you haven’t checked that out yet, go over to mg y b.co. Again, the three get done for you SEO shield syndication networks are way as drive stacks of walls. Now the expansions for all of you who have our last drive stacks, tons of other good stuff. So just head over there. It’s where we points. Not only, you know, just people watching Hump Day hangouts is where we go to get our own services, where we tell mastermind members to go, it’s where we refer clients. So definitely take advantage of that. I have a quick announcement, I’m gonna be starting my charity webinar series, let me see probably on Monday, the 14th. And for so for every Monday, following up, so that would be the last three weeks in December and the first three weeks, in January, at the very least, we might have to push a date here and there, depending on who’s available, because what I’m going to do this year, and I’m gonna have I’m gonna have guest speakers, Mike Pierce has already confirmed from no fucks given he’s gonna come in and talk to the guys and give them a little bit a little bit of game, I’m gonna be reaching out to other people. And last time, it was fun, I had a lot of people give a bunch of stuff away, Steven Kang kicksta, why no, Jeffrey Smith, you guys donated. And so we’ll set up the what each one of us will give to the people who attend.
And once I have the list, and once I have everything ready and the dates already set, I’ll make another announcement. But just so you guys know, all it takes is a donation. I’m not asking you how much you know how I say it, right? Your heart is going to tell you whether to give and then your wallet will determine how much it is that you give. So there you go. If whatever the donation is, we’ll set it up so that you get included in the in the email list so that you don’t miss any of the following webinars. Yes, they will be recorded. We’ll have question and answer. So everything that’s working right now, and will work into the future is what we’ll be sharing. Awesome. And Marco, can you tell people for the newer people who may not know what the charity is about? You tell them the background on it.
So this, this is what the third year that I’m doing? The webinar series or the fourth year, I can’t remember. But it’s it’s a charity here in Costa Rica, where we do we go into the worst of the worst places that you can imagine. And what we try to do is we try to provide an education for the kids, meaning that from first grade, all the way to whatever. And if you want to go to the university, we have grants and we have scholarships, we have everything set up so they can get go as far as they want. And as a matter of fact, a lot of the companies here Intel included Procter and Gamble and DHL and a whole bunch others. They have a program where once the kids are trained where they’re no longer kids, they’re young adults don’t take them, they have jobs waiting for them. But I mean, the really difficult part of this is getting them through, especially now with COVID. I mean, you can imagine, we used to tutor them, we used to be there with them. And now it’s getting really difficult, we still support them, we still give them the tutoring, although it’s online, Intel provided computers for them, so that we can help some of them. We have a lot of people collaborating, but I mean, these are people who have nothing. Literally, no running water, no electricity. I mean, just nothing not not even the basic shit, like I mentioned before.
The next let’s say wash your hands. And this is not just for COVID it’s for everything’s just good. Hi, do you wash your hands, and you avoid a whole lot of diseases. If people have no running water, they don’t have any money to eat. How the fuck are they gonna buy soap to wash the fucking hands, man? Come on, man. And so understanding this and understanding the need, that there is why we do it. I try to get people in this so that they can contribute. And so it’s really good because we give a lot of good shit away, not only from us, but just the knowledge that we give away. is ridiculous for I mean, for whatever your wallet says. You can give it here.
Outstanding. Well, yeah, we’ll definitely have some more announcements about that. We’ll be sure to notify people by email too. And then, yeah, let’s just keep people aware of it. And we’ll start Marco whenever you want to start that will start sending out the signup link.
Cool. All right, guys, any other? I think that did on my end, though, any announcements before we jump into questions?
All right, we’re good. Let’s do it. Look at her Nan’s all bouncing around off the walls.
Oh, he’s barking definitely.
It’s late in the afternoon for me. I don’t have that kind of energy. I don’t know what the hell you get it.
Alright, let me grab the screen.
How Do You Get A Sitemap For A Google Site?
Okay, you guys see my screen? Good to go. All right, cool. Looks like the first question came from Bobby. He was asking about how to get a sitemap for Google site like this. And I can tell that from the URL that that’s the old or classic sites, or their Sitemaps. In the new ones new versions. Marco, is not yet it should be.
You know what the URL structure is? No.
No, no, no, I don’t know what it is. But I mean, it’s there. Okay.
Um, yeah, Mike, I don’t know if you could do like a site colon operator and look for sitemap. I don’t know if you could do that or not? You probably could. Right? Check. Good. Yeah, you could use a site colon operator to find the sitemap URL. Just take your Google Site route, essentially? Well, you need the whole URL. But you could do that from the homepage. So site colon operator search with the site’s dot google.com, like the whole URL of your Google site, from the homepage, essentially, and then put in quotes sitemap beyond that it should pull up. So if it has one.
Have You Ever Seen A Manual Penalty From Using The Google Stacking Technique?
All right, next question was from Bobby says, also, have you ever seen a manual penalty from using a Google stack technique? No, I have not. I’ve never seen one Marco, have you? No.
Manual? No, not I’ve never seen any penalty, you could conceivably conceivably get a manual. But I guarantee you that Google will go into all of the other websites that it has on its list the millions and millions, before it goes into a G site, unless you’re just calling a lot of attention to like you’re outranking some of the big boys and they come and complain. Somebody might come looking. But I mean that the things that people propose, or they talk about are so unlikely.
It’s so unlikely to get a manual right now, because of that me people are paring back staff, they have millions and millions of websites that have to be manually gone through. And that actually the manual team is limited. Google has unlimited resources, probably. But I mean, think of the number of teams that they have to do all the different things, the likelihood of that happening. I mean, goal, the day that you get hit manually on a G site, go play the lottery.
Yeah. The unlucky lottery on that day, apparently, AI is the name of the game these days. Yeah. Well, what about from a main site that’s using a money site that’s using the SEO shoot, I’ve never seen a manual penalty there either.
I haven’t seen a manual in so long. And you know, where you actually get the notice in, in, in Search Console, that for whatever reason, either for linking or whatever it is, right? And then you can just go and fix it. You just go and change it.
It’s not the death penalty. the death penalty is when you when you get the index just saved as a PDF. And it’s done. Yeah.
Do You Get An Automatic Upgrade To Battle Plan 4.0 If You Have 2.0 & 3.0?
All right. Next question is from looks like Keith Goodwin’s super spun article, Keith. He says, Hey, guys, I have battle plan v2 and v3, do we get on an automatic upgrade to v4? From what I understand from previous releases? or new versions? No, but we keep it very, very inexpensive. For that reason. Is that correct? Adam?
You’re still here? Yeah, sorry, is answering a question on the site. Can you run that by me one more time? Keith Goodwin was asking, Hey, I have about I have battle plan v2 and v3. Do we get an automatic upgrade to be four? That’s a hard No. How copy over getting it? Yeah, no, we keep the price low on purpose. You know, we used to sell it for like $100. And, you know, we thought, hey, let’s lower it. Let’s make this easy. You know, we put the time and effort into upgrading it. We want to pass that along to you guys. So you can get the get your hands on it. But yeah, just go to battle plan dot semantic mastery. COMM And grab the updated version.
Do we have v4 out?
Yeah, yeah. v4 is the current version. Oh, that’s the current version. Okay. I didn’t know. Yeah, I’m sorry. Because I know we talked about updating, updating it again. So I didn’t know what version we were on. I got it. Yeah, we generally what is it? We’ve altered a little bit, but generally once a year is what we try to do. And so keep Yeah, you can go in or, you know, we’re gonna we don’t have a date. You know, we’re not gonna it’s not like we’re releasing one in December or anything, but we generally release it in the springtime, but there’s no guarantees. We don’t set a date. We just do it when we feel it’s time to update.
Yeah, I think it’s an order and in the coming months for sure. So. All right. Well, there you go.
What Are The Advantages Of Using Google Tag Manager?
The next question is from Ashwin. He says what is Google Tag Manager, a Google Tag Manager is a great way to like deploy scripts and things like that on sites from one Google like with a Tag Manager dashboard makes it really easy to change things and deploy things without having to login to the site, it’s really cool because you can specify certain scripts to run on certain pages by just selecting, you know, designating which page URLs you want it to fire on in Tag Manager, it’s in the trigger section.
There’s tags and triggers and all that anyways, Tag Manager, if you want to know what Tag Manager is just go do a search, what is Google Tag Manager, you can read a ton of articles about it, Google’s own articles or articles from others. But it’s a really cool system. I use it for a lot of stuff, analytics, Google ads, remarketing pixels, you know, JSON LD with for structured data, in certain situations. Technically, JSON LD should be actually on the page itself, instead of like through a third party script. At least that’s what Google’s best practices, documentation states, but it will validate and it will be it’s okay to do it within a Tag Manager. And in certain cases, I’ve needed to do that, for example, I use a particular theme for a handful of sites that I manage, that doesn’t have a homepage, like the homepage is built by the theme itself. And there’s nowhere to inject code into the homepage, even with plugins like header footer plugin, because there’s just like, it never gives you a, like a homepage, you know, option. If there’s no homepage. So that’s one of those unique circumstances where I’ll install JSON LD structured data through Tag Manager, but it’s a really cool system. I like it, I use it a lot. If you want really good training on Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, by the way, I saw that you asked about that as well. Yes, I also usually install analytics, through Google Tag Manager, all of Google’s products work, play very nicely with Tag Manager, they’re all designed to do so so. And for example, like in Google ads, when you set up remarketing, or conversion tracking, or anything like that, it’ll, you know, give you the conversion ID and it’ll give you the information that you’re supposed to add to the site. And it can be a snippet of code, or it can just give you the conversion ID, for example. And with Tag Manager, all you got to do is copy and paste the conversion ID into the correct tag or trigger field will tag field really. And so it makes it really easy. And the same thing goes with analytics, you just copy the analytics, Universal Analytics code, or identifier, or now it’s the G for analytics, which is it’s slightly different. And all of that integrates really well with Tag Manager. So but what I was starting to say was, if you want to check out some really good training, go to measureschool.com. Think this guy’s name is Julian, this young guy here.
And it’s measureschool.com. He also has a YouTube channel, if you just go to YouTube and search for measure school, you’ll find his YouTube channel, he’s got a ton of free videos on there. He’s got a ton of great things categorized via playlist. So I know he’s got one on there for Tag Manager. I know because I’ve watched a lot of the videos in there to learn how to use Tag Manager and all this stuff is free. I mean, he’s got some paid courses. But if you want to get real deep into the weeds on how to set up analytics, and do all kinds of crazy cool stuff with Tag Manager, he’s got some paid trainings too. But I’ve never had to go that far, because that is just way too geeky for me. I use it for kind of basic stuff. And I’ve learned everything that I needed to learn about Tag Manager from this guy, measure school, both from his YouTube channel Plus, you can opt in for like a free training course that kind of stuff. So I would highly recommend you go check it out. Any comments on that, guys? Yeah, be careful with an insert header plugin, because some of those will do it site wide. And if you’re talking about schema and and and analytics, where you’re looking to control flows, especially through your pages, you want more control that you want individual page and post control if you’re working in WordPress, and for that, I recommend Jeffery Smith’s plugin, the ultimate SEO plugin is fantastic. Because it has that header inserter plus insert that header plus module code sorter plus code inserted plus but you go page by page, post by post, and you can insert the additional code that you want without affecting the rest of the website. So you know, that’s especially good with schema right now where you where you’re supposed to do page by page and post by post, whatever it is that you’re doing. You’re supposed to add your structured data for that specific page calling in everything else. Not inserting everything site wide. That’s what Google is recommending. Yep. And in this case, we recommend following what Google says to do.
Yeah, and code and server plus, inside the SEO Ultimate Pro Plugin also allows you to inject code in the tag pages, category pages, like it’s awesome because you can do some really cool stuff. There’s also the global content manager, which is also pretty powerful. So there’s just a lot of really cool things you can do with that plugin. So
Will The SEO Shield And Other MGYB Products Work For Non-WordPress Sites Like 3DCart?
moving on next one is from Layne I think, Orlando, I don’t know, whatever from this person. Will the SEO shield and other MGYB products work for sites that are not built using WordPress? Yeah. You know, we talk about WordPress, often because that’s like industry standard. That’s what most you know, 95% of people use. But the SEO shield methodology really has nothing to do with WordPress, it just that’s typically what we use for self hosted sites. But it’s it you know, what we talked about for a methodology for getting results, it helps to have, you know, an RSS feed so that you can do content marketing, your syndication network, and that kind of stuff. But again, it doesn’t have to be WordPress, it could be any type of site. And if you don’t have an RSS feed for a particular type of site, you can always install WordPress or any type of content mark, you know, CMS, right? content, whatever, a CMS on a sub domain, for example, or a subdirectory of the root domain that you could then generate an RSS feed from, but as far as, you know, the SEO showed and semantic mastery methods and all that it has nothing to do with WordPress, it could be any type of site, there’s just certain benefits that WordPress does provide. But it’s not required. Any comments on that?
not mean that that’s perfect. The SEO shield is a way to shield your money site, whatever that money site is whether you choose it to be a G site, an HTML site, PHP, whatever it is, it doesn’t have to work. But it can be Joomla. I mean, we’ve done it, we’ve thrown around anything and everything that we can, I mean, that’s what it’s for. It’s to shield whatever your project or your product or your Project Online is. It’s not just for a WordPress site. And as far as the second part of this question, where schema is limited.
If you can access the code, you can insert schema, and there should be a way to, to insert code through the through the host, the files in whatever hosting service it is that you’re using. So you shouldn’t be limited there.
I don’t see why that would be limited, you hire someone to do that. Go to Fiverr, go to Upwork. Go wherever you need to go to get someone to come into the website and look around and see how you can insert schema, because I’m telling you for e commerce, it works really well getting schema in there and getting everything structured correctly for the bot works wonders in e commerce. Yeah, and to comment on that we just talked about Tag Manager in the previous comment, if you’ve got a site like that, in my opinion, it would be way better to install the container code from Tag Manager. So with Tag Manager, you get container code, one goes in the HTML header, and another one goes in the body section that right after the opening body tag, those two, so it’s two container snippets of code, right, that make up the container. And so what I would suggest doing is installing that globally across the site, because then you can inject code to specific pages like on a page by page basis, you can, you can get really granular inside of Tag Manager where you can manage that right. So in other words, all you would need is to have the container code installed site wide by the webmaster or whoever is managing the website on that whatever platform it’s on.
But then you can manage which code is deployed on which pages from inside of the Tag Manager dashboard. So you don’t have to worry about accessing the site at all. That’s one of the beauties of using tag managers the fact that you don’t have to go in so that’s, that’s great. If I’m, if I’m working on a site that or working on a project that has a site that has like for a client that has a webmaster, well, they don’t want me in there poking around on their site, you know, the webmaster doesn’t want me in there poking around the site. So I, I will send container code for Tag Manager to them and say, okay, install this sitewide like this will be global tags. And then from there, I can just, you know, do what I want to do on a page by page basis using Tag Manager. And it works, it works well that way. So I would encourage you to check out Tag Manager and then have that installed on that site, it will give you a lot more control over what schema you can add. Again, I know best practices state you’re supposed to have for schema especially it’s supposed to the code is supposed to reside actually on the page not be injected from a third party script like Tag Manager, but it will work and it will validate and in certain unique situations like what you’re just describing, I think that would be the better route to go. Right.
Are Mass Page Site Builders Still Working From An SEO Standpoint?
Okay, moving on. The next question was are mass page builders mess page site builders still working from an SEO standpoint, tools like SERP shaker for local and ones for aggregating and embedding videos in the post? If so, where would you recommend using them? Thanks. Yeah, I mean, there’s still, as far as I know, they’re still viable. They still work.
I don’t do those I haven’t in many years now, or at least a few years. Because, you know, it requires a ton of building those, like building a bunch of them sites, because some will just start to work well, like the they’ll naturally start rising in the, in the SERPs, and others won’t. And, you know, the majority of them just don’t really ever do much. Some do. And it’s, I don’t know what the rhyme or reason is behind some of them working. And some of them not, I used to do a lot of that stuff back in the day.
You know, I even had built a team of virtual assistants. And we like we were full time at building sites Monday through Friday, 40 hours a week. And you know, we’ve built hundreds and hundreds of those sites, just to get a little bit of results. And the problem is that I see with them and again, I know there’s a lot of people out there that use this strategy, and they do well with it, I got tired of it, because Google often will deindex, those types of sites like they might even start taking off indexing well, and start, like, you start generating traffic and things like that. And all of a sudden, Google comes by just slaps it, either deindexes it or just tanks all of a sudden, and it’s got an algorithmic penalty. And there’s really no way to recover that. And so, you know, I just got tired of rework. I like to build assets that have longevity, that I build them once work on them one time, you know, or ongoing work on them, you know, on an ongoing basis, and they continue to produce results, whatever the desired result is. And with mass page sites, I feel like it’s, you’re always in danger of losing them. And I know, because we had, at one time 675 mass page sites wiped out all at once that we had taken weeks to build that many. And just overnight, they all disappeared, they were all deindexed. And that was really the end for me of building mass page sites. Because I said, That’s enough. I’ve spent too much money, too much time, too much effort on this for it to be all wiped out in one fell swoop like that. So I stopped doing it. Are they still viable? Sure. I know, there’s a lot of people that are still using those types of strategies or methods and getting results with them. It’s not something that we want to do or we would recommend doing, but it’s, you know, you have to make that decision yourself. comments on that? Yeah, the land solutions network is part of the mass paceville. website. It’s a it’s WordPress, for the pages and and for for the blog. But then it’s targeting. I think it’s every city over 2500 people in the US. And it’s alive and well. And we get leads.
Which whichever ones I’m not interested in, I’m turning a mole.
We just lost Marco.
Is everybody else here still? Yeah, I’m here. Just want to make sure it was him and not me.
Yeah, so I mean, again, Mark has got the LAN solutions dot a network, I believe is the domain for that. And that’s for the his land buying business. And so yeah, he’ll use it even even in certain certain circumstances. I just I prefer not to.
They can work though. There’s no question. So a mass video sites, I would do that before I would build like mass, like, you know, WordPress page sites, or, you know, I know there’s HTML page builders as well. But if I was going to like populate auto blogs using video content, I think that has a bit more longevity. Or it’s less likely to get d indexed or to catch a penalty. Because, you know, a lot of times, you’re just you’re publishing video content, you know, republishing video content, and that depends on how spammy the the text part of the page is, you know, because that that thing that has a big, big effect on it as well. So, but again, it’s not a strategy that I that I use, so I can’t really advise you on the best way to use that. You’d have to go to a group that where there’s, you know, users heavily into that type of stuff to give you the advice on the best practices. Okay.
I guess Marco is getting lost power or something.
Can We Upload Video Files Into The Amazon S3 Bucket?
Hey, guys, can we upload video files in the s3 bucket? If so, will the index and SERPs interested to get your opinions on this? Thank you. Yes, you can upload video files into an s3 bucket because it’s just a file, right? You can upload any file into a bucket. And if it’s in a bucket that is you’ve set to give it you know, to pop for public access, or at least for read only public access, then yeah, that the URL can index.
I’m not sure though, I haven’t tried that in a while. I think if you upload a video file and you click the URL, it opens like a video player and kind of like a lightbox I believe. It’s been a while since I’ve done that, but I know you can absolutely upload a video to an s3 bucket. And if it’s set to public, then yes, the URL can index. There’s no question. So,
Does Allowing iFrames On Blog Pose A Security And Affiliate Marketing Issue?
Next is, if you have a blog, allowing iframes can or if you have a blog, can allowing iframes to be an issue for security or affiliate marketing? Yes, it can be, um, there are, I know this because recently I had a, one of my lead gen sites for whatever reason, the host that site was hosted on enabled iframe blocking, or what they call an x x frame breaker or frame breaker or whatever you call it, market knows the proper terminology for that, but it’s, it was on the server side to where, you know, if I tried to embed my, my WordPress site, into other sites, for example, an idx page or or the G site or anything like that, it would, it would, you know, be a broken image, image, right, an image of a broken image, and it so essentially saying it was a broken iframe. And so that, when I contacted the host about it, I said, Hey, you know, I’ve had this site for many years, and I’ve never had an issue and all of a sudden, now, the iframe, if I try to iframe it or embed it into another site, it’s broken and won’t work. And they, they basically said that they had enabled an iframe breaker on the server side, because of security issues. That’s the extent of my knowledge on it potentially being a security issue is that I’ve seen it with one of my own sites and contacted us. And they explained that it was a security issue, and that they were not going to disable that x frame breaker or whatever, iframe breaker on that particular server. So I ended up having to migrate that site to another host altogether, which is what I did.
So I don’t know about affiliate marketing. I think there are some issues with that as well. But I don’t know, because I just don’t do affiliate marketing. Maybe if Mark comes back on, we can come back to this question. But I can’t help you with that. As far as for security. I know that can present some issues, but I don’t know. I don’t know what they are, because I’m not a, you know, server or WordPress security type of person. So sorry, sorry, I can’t give you a better answer on that.
What Are Some SEO Quick Wins We Can Apply When Onboarding A New Client?
The next question was when onboarding a new client, what are some SEO quick wins that we can apply? Apart from schema and basic on page fixes to get some quick results? Also, with the MGYB video embeds be suited for a brand new branded YouTube channel? Or would you wait a little while first? Okay, from the first part of the question is what are some SEO quick wins we can apply?
Well, I found the best results, the quickest results through Google Maps. And, you know, by working on the so if it’s a project that has an associated Google My Business profile, I’ve been able to rank maps listings way quicker than organic rankings. And that’s just because for many years, I didn’t even focus on on organic rankings at all. Now I do now I focus on both maps and organic rankings because the proximity filter for Google my businesses, you know, for GMB is essentially, is a lot tighter. So in other words, it’s harder to get a maps listing ranked in a three pack outside of the immediate physical area of the business, right? didn’t used to be that way. But now that that’s the case, it’s harder to get that you can still do it, but it takes consistent effort over time, that’s the local GMB pro method to get a maps listing to rank in, you know, maps three packs outside of its immediate physical area, right. So that’s what we call the proximity.
But now because of that, because it’s tighter, I’m also working on organic rankings as well. And so I found it to be easiest to rank the maps three pack, and its immediate area, right? If it’s a service area business, and I’m just making some assumptions here, I don’t know it could be a storefront business, whatever, but I’ve always found GMB ranking to be easier than organic rankings and that’s only probably because that’s all I focused on for many years. But typically you can get results quickly there something else would be press releases press releases typically rank very quickly. So if you want to get some now that’s not you know, it will benefit the root domain or the the website that you’re trying to promote as well. But the the press releases themselves can rank quickly. And so if you’re trying like if you’ve got a new client and something that you want to do is to start you know, getting them some exposure while you’re working on getting their site to rank or even their Google My Business profile to rank, then, you know, publishing press releases fairly consistently, which I always recommend you do consistently anyways. can work well, right. It’s important that you would put the brand name into the company name in the especially for your first couple of press releases to put the brand name in the press release title. That’s the most important part of the press release is the title. So put you
No, I like to do brand plus keyword Association as much as possible for all press releases. Sometimes I will just so in other words, like, you know, whatever the company name is plus their primary keyword, you work that into the title. If you’re having us do the press releases through MGYB, which is press advantage, then you can request that when you place the order PR title, like that’s what I do, my bloggers whenever they order press releases for, you know, my clients and such, is they tell them what the title should be, right. So you just put that in your instructions, the PR, I say PR title, but you could say, you know, press release title, whatever, and then specify what you want it to be just as long as it’s not spammy. You want it to read well, but also, like I said, to put the company name plus the main primary keyword, or whatever keyword it is that you’re trying to rank for. But that starts to build that brand plus keyword Association. Plus, if somebody like a client goes and does a brand search, they’ll start seeing the press releases ranked. And not just from what not just one press release. But oftentimes, you’ll see like even the same press release, ranked multiple times on page one for a brand search, because it’s been published on multiple news sites, right. And so you’ll end up getting that same press release to rank multiple times because it’s ranking on different sites. So I don’t know if that makes sense. But I like to use press releases as an integral part of what I do for for client work and for SEO. And so we’re constantly publishing press releases, and that I found that to be a really quick win. Lastly, obviously, YouTube videos tend to rank really well.
You know, for especially for brand search, not so much I found for like, you know, local keywords, they’re getting harder to rank for that on page one, but, you know, YouTube videos are but for brand searches, they typically rank well. So that’s something else you could do is just have a nice video created. I just had, I can’t share it here, guys, because I you know, I don’t want to share one of my projects, but I just had four different videos created on Fiverr for one project, trying different providers, video producers, to try for lead gen, I’m working doing a lot of YouTube ad stuff right now for lead gen for local lead gen. And so I just wanted to try like split test multiple different videos in types of videos, and I found a really good provider, or several, a couple of really good providers, in fact, but I found like a inexpensive animated video maker for just like 60 bucks that was including us, or the Fiverr fees. It’s like 60 bucks, and I had it in like 48 hours the video back and it turned out really, really nice. So what I’m saying is go to Fiverr and look at video.
You know, I look for video ads, because I’m usually used running them on YouTube ads, but look for video ads or something like that and search for video ads or whatever in fiber. And you can find some good providers there. For inexpensive that again, you can pass that off to the cost off to your client. But YouTube videos also something and here’s the other thing. Remember with press releases that I just mentioned, you can embed at Google My Business map. So that can help your Google My Business profile to rank or the GMB profile for your client or whatever to rank. You can also embed YouTube videos now. And not all of the pickups or the syndication points for the press advantage network. But a lot of them do so like again, if you do those three things, right, if it has a GMB the project or the client, and you get a video made, and then you publish press releases where you’re embedding the GMB map and the video, it’s going to help all three to rank right, the press release the Google My Business profile, and the video. And ultimately, it can help the website to rank too. So that would be what I would suggest him any comments here, guys.
That was more SEO questions. So, um, run ads. That’s a Google and usually, you know, while you are, while you’re waiting for your SEO to kick in, like one of the recommendation is to start a YouTube campaign or a Facebook ads campaign that will give the client some quick wins while you wait for the attic again, so that the SEO to kick in. So that’s that’s usually what I do. I agree.
Yeah, I’m doing a ton of ad stuff for you know, I was mentioning this to my partners yesterday during our corporate meeting. But you know, Google, Google ads, the audience targeting options have gotten incredibly, so much better. They’ve gotten way better than they used to be. And it’s changing all the time. The last time I was in there, messing around with custom audiences was about six or eight weeks ago, up until this past week. And just in this past week that I’ve been in there a lot have been doing a lot of ad testing and stuff, and that the audience targeting has gotten even better, like in other words, years, there’s more options and what used to be called custom intent audiences now it’s called custom audiences and you can actually, there’s another thing called combined audiences. So like
There’s a ton of stuff that you can do in there, it’s very inexpensive YouTube is.
And if you get your targeting, right, you can get a lot of clicks from YouTube to your website as well, I’m probably going to be doing a significant update to our YouTube ads branding course, and January or February timeframe. And we’re going to end up relying or I think, I think, actually January and I think we’re going to end up relaunching that with the updated stuff because of all the new targeting options. And I’ve got a lot of data now that I can share, like from my own ads account. And it’s a really, really good option because you can get some very inexpensive traffic that is from an audience, a relevant audience. And it’s inexpensive and that’s another like Hernan said, that’s another great way to get some exposure for your client.
Would The MGYB Video Embeds Be Suited For A New Branded YouTube Channel?
All right, he says also would the MGYB video embeds be suited for a brand new branded YouTube channel? Or would it be would you wait a little while first? Okay. Yes, you can do it. You can absolutely embed do an embed gig on a brand new YouTube video or new video that’s on a new YouTube channel.
A few years ago, I switched my my methodology or lead my thought process on on just doing, you know a ton of backlinks and embeds to videos in, you know, again, you can brute force using traditional SEO tactics with YouTube still, right. So with backlinks and or embeds, you can still get really good results. There’s no question. But I always like to try to kind of create a balance between backlinks and embeds and traffic or engagement signals, which again, you can set up YouTube ads or Google ads for you to where you can get, you can set your audience or define your audience. There’s in market audiences, there’s, you know, there’s already predefined audiences available inside of Google ads, or you can create custom audiences. And either way, you can essentially select a relevant audience that your ad will show to your video will show to on YouTube as an in stream ad, right. So that’s a true view ad, which is a TrueView in stream ad, which is those ads that play during either before or during another YouTube video. So if you set up your targeting right now you’re getting relevant eyeballs, and especially like if it’s for local, you can set geographic targeting. So now the the views to your video are coming from a relevant audience within a relevant geographic area, right. So in other words, their local IP clicks. So it’s very powerful to focus and get you can rank YouTube videos on engagement signals alone, we know we’ve done it a million times. Now, that’s more of a YouTube algorithm thing. But even in Google, like so Google search results. There’s, you know, a big part of YouTube videos ranking in Google search results is engagement signals. So I like to set up Google ads for videos that I’m trying to rank which I really don’t try to rank videos anymore, because I just I get results from the Google Ads themselves. But what you know, when I do try to rank videos or when I have in the past, I try to do a balance between backlinks and embed gigs and engagement signals so that it looks more natural. Here’s what here’s my point, if you have a brand new video that has very little views on it, and now all of a sudden it’s getting thousands of embeds and 10 thousands or 10s of thousands of backlinks. And the view count isn’t correlating with that amount of activity and backlinks and embeds. Does that look fishy? Of course it does. It smells like some SEO, right? Smells like an SEO is working on trying to rank the video. So I like to do a more like natural approach in that I start buying views essentially from YouTube ads or Google ads, which is the only way that I would buy views for videos. I wouldn’t spam views anymore, guys, that’s just stupid, because you can buy inexpensive traffic from relevant audiences that are likely to become leads or convert or whatever anyways, but I’d like to start buying traffic to the video first. And then once it starts to receive views on a consistent basis, then I’ll order the embed gig and start building backlinks. Because the way that you know, think about a video that goes viral, a video that goes viral, it starts getting a shit ton of social media shares and views before it starts to get a bunch of backlinks and embeds. Does that make sense? And so because it starts to go viral first before people start linking to it. So that’s kind of what I like to do is model that and so I start to buy views to it. And once the view count starts to rise consistently, then what I do is do the embeds in the backlinks, which tends to work really well. Again, you can still brute force stuff with the old trick, traditional SEO methods, but I like to do a more natural approach to it. And I’ve been doing that for several years now and it works well. So
Do You Recommend Buying Expired Domains When Using SEO Shield And Other MGYB Products?
Alright, we’re gonna keep moving. That one went a little longer than I planned. Alright, adds up and says, Oh, I’m sorry. The next question was, do you recommend buying buying buyer domains or should I just create a new new domain in regard to using SEO Shield and other products? I like to do new domains, there is obviously a little bit of a benefit, sometimes SEO benefit of buying an expired domain that had good metrics that was relevant, that kind of stuff. But, you know, there can be some, you know, some authority built into the domain domain, but I like to use new domains. Personally, that’s just the way I do it, especially branded stuff. You know, there’s a ton of different type of domain extensions now. Um, so I don’t even just worry about.com dot nets and.org anymore, right I’ve gotten really good results using care domains dot real t domains, dot services domains. So the chance that you can get
dot gay, you’re not gay, there’s there’s a dot gay extension now I keep encouraging her not to get her non Vasquez gay.
He won’t do it, though. It’s like 30, some hundred or 30 $200 for that damn domain. I know, I’ve looked it up for him.
Nobody’s bidding against them. Yeah. Anyways,
all jokes aside, there’s a ton of domain extensions now. And I’ve had good results with them. So it’s likely that you’ll be able to find whatever brand name you want to create for your project. Or if it’s, you know, if it’s a client, whatever their brand name is, you could probably get that domain or a domain with a unique extension that would fit that brand. That’s what I recommend doing. I just like to start from scratch. I know there is some benefit from using expired domains as long as they were clean. But I prefer to have something that I’ve branded with a unique brand, if that makes sense. Okay.
Does The Nitro + Link Building Package For The SEO Shield Increase Authority And Not Generate Traffic?
Next question. There’s a lot of questions we’re gonna run out of time, I’m gonna roll through the next few ad says you guys just finished up a Nitro plus link building package for my SEO shield. The point of me ordering the link building was to increase authority and create link juice following the SEO show properties and the drive stack links not to generate traffic, correct? Yes, that is correct. The link building is about the SEO, which should in turn, if the SEO is doing well, and your site starts to rank, right, then you should start receiving traffic from that. So the link building is not about traffic.
Can some traffic come from it? Sure. But that’s not ever the point. Right? The point is to help the site to rank, which in turn will start generating its own relevant traffic from people finding it through searches. So yes, you are correct is not to generate traffic, it’s for essentially just powering up the properties so that they can rank and start generating organic traffic. It says I’m just trying to confirm or better understand that link building has very little if anything to do with traffic whatsoever, it elevates my website by creating a web of links a footprint, yes. And that’s essentially what we’re talking about. Well, the the backlinks aren’t necessarily like to create a footprint, that’s what the SEO shield is for is to create an entity footprint and you want to expand that footprint as much as possible. That’s why we talk about like syndication networks and trying to get branded profiles on as many properties as you can, that’s, that’s expanding your branded entity footprint. That’s a good thing. So and then the link building, it just kind of helps to power those nodes up, right? If that those those semantic nodes up. And that’s kind of the point that we were trying to do with link building. Okay.
confirm this is true, and the traffic is bullshit. No, traffic is not bullshit. Traffic is part of art, right? activity, relevance, trust and authority. And so that’s that’s traffic is, is really what we want, right? Isn’t that really what we’re after? We’re not we’re not after rankings, rafter traffic, relevant traffic. Think about that. That right? I mean, rankings or rankings are just the precursor to the relevant traffic, which is what we desire, right? If we get something ranked, we’re going to get the traffic that we desire, so traffic’s not bullshit. I wouldn’t ever count on traffic from link building gigs, though I can tell you that like that’s not that’s not the that’s not the objective of link building. The way that we do it. It’s not to generate traffic, it’s to push rankings, right or to help increase authority which can push rankings which can then generate traffic from organic search. Right. So that’s what I’m trying to convey here. traffic will come from the buoyancy of ranking because of the link building. Thanks for the better explanation. Yes. So you do understand too many questions. Hey, Brad prospecting, and that was that’s the name of this person asking the question, not at the last question.
Are You Still Using Dubb?
So too many questions asks, hey, Brad prospecting question. Are you still using Dubb? I haven’t heard you talk about it in a while. If not, what are you using? Cheers? Good question, and No, I’m not. I thought it looked it. It looks to be a great platform, they have a lot of really cool features and everything else. Part of the reason I’d signed up for dub originally was because they had email marketing, like, you know, essentially, you could do emailing and everything using their platform, the dub, embedded videos in the email, through their own through through the dub platform. In other words, you could set up SMTP and add emailing from inside dub, as well as automations. Well, I purchased the upgrade for the automations. And the automations just wouldn’t had did not have the functionality that I needed them to do for my prospecting campaigns. So because of that I cancelled the service, it was a great service, but it didn’t have the functionality that I needed, I was able to get the functionality that I needed, using the high level cam platform instead that go high level platform.
And then from there, I just did my old school embed methods. If I’m going to send video emails, I just use the same methods that I did in the past, but I needed specific triggers and actions, like trigger links, and if and you know, stop on reply, or if on reply, move to a new campaign, you know, all that kind of stuff. And the automations inside dub worked at Advanced. And I tried to actually connect dub through like Zapier to something that would give me that functionality. And that added a whole nother level of complexity that I didn’t need when I could accomplish everything I needed under the go high level platform. So I abandoned dub cancelled my subscription, and moved everything into the high level platform, which is what I’m using now for prospecting, almost exclusively. It works really, really well. And I covered all of that and the POFU Live 2020, which the recordings are available for that. So if you want my prospecting method and exactly how I built it inside of the go high level platform, I’ve got process docs, I’ve got the scripts for my emails, the scripts for my voicemail drops the scripts for my SMS text messages that are all part of the automated prospecting machine that I built. That’s all. You can see all of that in the poku live 2020 recordings, which are still available. So check that out.
What Are Some Things That We Should Be Doing Regularly To Strengthen The Entity?
Next is a Brady, I believe aside from a shield, links, and schema, what are some other things we should do be doing regularly to strengthen the entity assuming content has been published on blog, plus, branded rang, thanks again for your help.
Being getting more profiles on other platforms, so branded profiles and an interlinking them, right, so cross linking to as many profiles as you can creating semantic hubs or so social and or semantic hubs. That’s important. Powering up those entities is always important.
Get Wikipedia links, like from Wikipedia itself, not like just wiki links, right? There’s a ton of wiki link builders out there, I don’t know how valid those are anymore. Other than just for spam links, which has its place. But Wikipedia, you can go to MGYB.co and order Wikipedia links that helps, citations, there’s just a number of things that you can do anything that you can do to strengthen an entity. Right, right. So again, that’s getting creating more nodes on the web for that entity and then connecting those nodes right and so that again, that’s just increasing your brand’s entity or entity footprint. Does that make sense? And so there’s the press releases all the stuff that we talked about consistently guys, those are what you do to increase the entity.
baby What’s up? He says, What the fuck one of the two the one with too many questions BB is not me. Yeah, you That’s funny. I think that’s probably why you use that name like too many questions BB was to poke fun at you anyway um he actually took the time to create such a user
I think it’s kind of funny man remember they say what is it mocking is the highest form of flattery or something like that? Imitation is the is the highest form of flattery. Yeah,
there you go. Hopefully by the way, Adam did you drop the link to the POFU Live recordings while I was talking about did and I just saw someone else was asking about SEO ultimate sound grabbing that too if you come across. Okay, cool. All right.
Can You Outrank Someone With Similar Content?
So BB’s questions are Can you outrank with somebody same content as his and that the post and your website is written after the competitors was published? Yeah, you can, you can piss somebody off that way.
I know that, but with the same con if you because if you outrank somebody with their content on your domain, or on a another website, they’re going to be pissed, right? And not only that, because, you know, you shouldn’t be just copying and pasting somebody else’s content. And even if you’re mad at somebody, like I think there’s, I just don’t do negative SEO stuff. I just don’t do it and I guess outranking somebody with their own content.
But on your domain isn’t really negative SEO. But to me, that’s still like, I just wouldn’t do it. I just don’t do shit like that. I don’t do. I don’t know that that’s what you’re doing maybe I’m just saying that sounds like the only time that I would ever even consider something like that as kind of a revenge like a revenge thing, but I don’t recommend doing it. And not only that, but it’s likely that that person, you know, they can send a, you know, copyright infringement notice to you, I just wouldn’t do it. You always ask the weirdest questions. Maybe I got to tell you.
I don’t know what what you’re trying to do all the time. But you’ve always got some very interesting questions. So I wouldn’t do it. You can it be done? Yes, you can. You can absolutely do that. But I just I wouldn’t do it. Kind of a devious question. But just for understanding your RSS feed posting is related to that. Okay. Yeah.
You know, it’s interesting, there’s been times where I’ve published content on my money sites, and then I’ve mirrored that page onto a G site, and the G site outranks the money site, and it usually it’s usually temporary. But I’ve had that happen many times where the G site will actually outrank the money site. But that’s why I always embed the money page into the G site page at the very top so that if somebody lands on the G site, as opposed to the page that I want them to land on, they’re gonna see the page anyways, does that make sense? And then typically, over time, the money site page will end up push, you know, outranking, that the G site page, but sometimes that happens. So yeah, I mean, you could just use a G site alone, and spam the shit out of it with the content that you’re trying to rank. And typically, I mean, it’s oftentimes you can outrank a competitor that way.
What Is The Rule Of Thumb For Schema?
What is the rule of thumb about schema? Right as little as possible per page or right as much as possible page, in my opinion, more equals better, as long as you’re not spamming it.
The more thorough or detailed you can get in your schema, as long as it’s relevant, the better. And, and I’ve been testing a lot with that lately. I mean, just again, to poke through live recordings, there was a lot of schema training in there. And I realized how weak my schema game was, when that was at the end of September, and I’ve spent a lot of time since then studying and implementing much more thorough schema in my own projects and client projects. And I’ve seen some significant results from that.
I would highly recommend that you use an app like this schema app.com. By the way, if you guys want to learn a ton about schema, besides joining the heavy hitter club, there’s also some really good schema training schemaapp.com. You know, for they’re, of course, they’re always referencing this tool to help you build the schema. But there’s a lot of good training in there for gaining a better understanding of like connected data items, for example. And like all that kind of stuff. There’s some really good training here. Maybe not some of the Ninja stuff that we teach in the heavy hitter club. But there’s some really good foundational training for schema and how to develop it in the schema app site. Okay.
Jim says Will you share your link for SEO ultimate pro? Yes, I think Adam already did.
Should I Launch The SEO Power Shield First Before Launching The Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
Tim says I just made the first purchase from you guys. And I bought one SEO power shield one press release in one multi tiered syndication network with one Nitro kit high competition. Wow, that’s a good purchase. Tim, thank you for that. And we hope that you get a lot of benefit from it. He says My question is, should I launch the SEO power shield first and then wait until the work has been completed and then launch the multi tiered syndication network? With the one night Oh, you know, what I would recommend doing first, Tim is, you know, have the syndication network built first before you order your SEO shield, which by the way, if you ordered an SEO power shield that comes with a syndication network, again, go back and look at the sales the sales page of the product page for SEO shields, and you’ll see the SEO power shield includes a syndication network, which should be your branded syndication network, just so you know. And the reason we do that is so that when you order the SEO Power Suite, you get all of the major components of what we teach in one order, and then they’re developed and built in the proper order. So with an SEO power show that starts with the syndication network, then it does the RYS Drive stack and G site and then the ID page. Does that make sense? And it’s in that order. And the reason we do it in that order is because your branded syndication network should be included the syndication network profile URLs should be included in that the shield SEO shield build, which is the RYS Drive stack in G site, and you know, the idx page. So if you if you ordered all these things separately, then I would have the syndication network built first. Right and then you want soon as that is built, you can order the SEO shield and you want to submit the URLs from the syndication network, in as part of the SEO shield build instructions, right you have your money site URL, your GMB assets, if it’s for local, also your profile URLs from your syndication network, and any of your major social media properties, Facebook pages, you know, anything like that LinkedIn, all that stuff. You want to include all of that in the SEO shield build. Okay, but again, if you ordered an SEO power shield, it comes with a branded syndication network. So I’m not sure why you would have ordered those separately. But um, hopefully that makes sense, guys, it’s five o'clock, we’re out of time. So
yeah, where does it all go all the time quickly. So sorry, I don’t have any more. They’re gonna wrap it up. But we will see you guys next week. All right. Thanks, guys. Bye.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 316 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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My second promised prompt for my 400 Follower Celebration. Hope you like it!
For: My 400 Follower Celebration. Halloween themed prompts.
Prompt: By @escapist-capsule: "Corpse Bride inspired (sort of) Sansa is about to marry Joffrey but she is nervous about her vows, goes to woods to practice but when she says them loud and puts the ring on a branch Petyr shows up telling her she vowed to love the lord of underworld. She probably freaks out at first but he shows her that Joffrey is basically human living demon and she chooses Petyr over him. ?"
Tags: Petyr x Sansa, Halloween, Hades/Persephone Parallels, Marriage, Canon AU, Godswood
Title: Come, Steal My Heart, My Soul, My Body (read below, or on AO3. Link here.)
Summary: Sansa seeks the godswood for comfort for her impending marriage to Joffrey. The Lord of the Underworld answers her prayers.
Come, Steal My Heart, My Soul, My Body
It was cold, the chill slipping beneath her clothes and into her bones, soothing her stuttering heart in its icy embrace. The moon hung low in the sky, its light barely visible through the trees that ran thick in the woods just outside of Winterfell. Still, Sansa could see well enough, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness that many found oppressive, but felt rather freeing to her. The dark held no terrors that the light did not. There were more ways to cloak a crime than the absence of light.
She was to be wed tomorrow, to a boy she barely knew. He was from a good family, his father close with her own, and quite handsome besides. They were to be married in the Sept, joined for all eternity in front of the Seven, for though her family had kept to both the old gods and the new, her husband to be and his family had long ago parted from the old ways. Sansa had always been drawn to the Sept rather than to the godswood, more like her lady mother than like her father, but tonight she sought solace from the old gods, her prayers unanswered by the Seven.
Until tonight, she’d been thrilled with the prospect of marrying Joffrey Baratheon. Never had she imagined that her life would truly be one to record in the songs, though she had hoped and prayed it might be. He looked every bit the part of her knight in shining armour. But as the day waned, her nerves slowly got the better of her. And she remembered the moments that had collected rust on that perfect vision, the hints of something horrible lurking beneath Joffrey’s handsome exterior. She wondered if perhaps the life that awaited her might not be a song, after all.
Afraid to voice her concerns to her family, Sansa had gone to the Sept, craving reassurance. Finding none, she turned to the only source of comfort left to her, the family godswood, and the heart tree that connected the living with the old gods.
As she approached the weirwood, its pale bark almost blindingly white against the black of night, the wind picked up, rustling the tree’s blood red leaves. Sansa shivered and pulled her cloak tighter around her body, the reaction born not only from the cold but from the mysteries that always clung to these woods. The old gods were listening. She could feel it.
Drawing close enough to touch the roughened bark, Sansa reached out a hand to the weirwood’s trunk, taking in a deep breath to steady her nerves. Closing her eyes, she prayed, asking for whatever assistance the gods might give her. She imagined that they could hear her pleas, that their words would come to her, drifting along the soft breeze that was playing with the loose strands of her flame kissed hair.
“We are one and the same, you and I,” she murmured. “Pale of skin, haloed in fire. A face that does little to show the depths of our character. Though you may grimace to the world, I see the kindness in your heart, just as the smile upon my lips fails to reveal the uncertainty within. I ask that you guide me along the path I am meant to take, for you know better than I.”
The air was quiet, but for the faint sounds of leaves caught along the breeze, her own shallow breaths, the thrum of her heart. Sansa strained her ears for a sign of the knowledge she hoped would come, but if the old gods were whispering, it wasn’t to her. Choking back a sob, she closed her eyes in hopes of stemming the flow of tears, and hugged the tree, the bark scraping against her cheek.
The tears never came, her family’s heart tree providing the comfort she needed despite its silence. She sank to her knees, still holding onto the trunk, drawing strength from the contact. Her mind slowly settled, the kinks unknotting in her thoughts and in her body, until she’d finally regained her calm. Perhaps she ought to be marrying in front of the heart tree, rather than in the Sept. While the Seven had done little to soothe her heart, the heart tree’s solid presence had quieted her anxieties, at least in part.
Sansa opened her eyes, calling up an image of Joffrey, seeing them wed in her mind’s eye. Her nerves still fluttered, but less so, and she rose to her feet, still picturing the scene. They would say the vows much as they would in the Sept, but here in front of the heart tree instead.
A septon stood in front of her, his voice steady and sure. “In the sight of the old gods and the new, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.”
Sansa fumbled in the pocket of her cloak for the ring she’d taken earlier, from her parents, the ring she was meant to give Joffrey. In a flight of whimsy, she reached for a nearby branch, imagining that it was Joffrey’s outstretched hand, that one of the twigs was his waiting finger. Squeezing her eyes shut tight, her heart in her throat, she said the words as she slipped the ring onto the twig, trying to hear Joffrey say them right along with her. “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
As she spoke, she heard another voice, soft and gravelly, speaking the same words. “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
The realization that she’d not been merely imagining the voice only struck her once she’d finished her vows. Startled, Sansa opened her eyes and gasped. She was no longer holding onto a tree branch, but a man’s hands. A ring glinted on his left ring finger, and on her own finger was a second ring, though she hadn’t noticed the slip of cold metal along her skin. She watched, astonished, as both rings transformed before her eyes, turning silver, set with jewels shimmering in the moonlight, sparkling white and ruby red.
Feeling dazed, Sansa slowly trained her gaze upwards, taking in the man before her. Dark stubble flecked with grey peppered his jaw, thickening at the point of his chin and above his lip. His mouth was turned upwards on one side in a half twist of amusement that caught her off guard, though his eyes betrayed nothing of the thoughts within, vibrant greenery entwined with smoke. Though his hair was nearly as black as his cloak, silver temples glittered in the moonlight.
He was older than her, to be certain, but not so much as to warrant the grey, she thought. And though he wasn’t like the knights her heart normally yearned for, there was something about him, an allure she couldn’t quite define. Those eyes gripped her. That smirk bewitched her. His voice had charmed her.
Whoever he was, he had ensnared her heart in a moment’s glance, their spoken vows binding them together for all of eternity. She’d said the words with him, however intentionally so, and now she was his and he was hers, until the end of their days. She should have been terrified, bound to man she’d never met, had absolutely no knowledge of.
And yet she wasn’t.
He was the answer to all of her prayers. Sansa had asked the old gods for assistance, and they had provided. She was free from her obligations to marry Joffrey, having now wed another. A man whose very aura exuded power, even as it inexplicably comforted her.
Sansa stared at him, marveling at the planes of his face, enraptured. She knew she should say something, but her tongue had failed her, so she simply tightened her hands in his and waited, patiently, for him to break the silence.
He was most obliging.
Freeing one hand from her grasp, he raised it to cup her cheek. “What a fine Queen you’ll make, sweetling.”
Sansa leaned into his touch, though her gaze never strayed from his. “Queen?” she whispered.
He nodded, mouth quirking again. “Oh yes,” he murmured. “For I am the Lord of the Underworld. You will rule by my side, and truly, it will be for all of eternity.”
Her breath caught. He certainly had a wicked sense of humor. “Do not tempt me with such sweet lies, my lord. I am already yours.”
His smirk grew. “Though lies may drip from my lips like honey, that shall never be the case with you, my love.” He took a step closer, lips a hair’s breadth from her own. “And my lady wife has no need of such formalities. You may call me Petyr.”
Sansa licked her lips unconsciously, her tongue just barely grazing his mouth as she did so. She was trembling, though not from the cold, which had hardly seemed to touch her since Petyr had appeared. “Petyr,” she breathed, closing her eyes as she anticipated the kiss that was sure to come.
His lips were soft against hers, a light brush, drawing a whimper from her throat. Petyr chuckled at the sound and released her hands, reaching instead for her waist, pulling her closer, before he kissed her again. Sansa clutched at his shoulders instinctively, lips moving tentatively against his, her head spinning, her whole body throbbing.
She hardly knew what to think, of his words, of the way he had suddenly appeared, stealing her heart, and her soul. All she knew for certain was that she wanted this, wanted him. The details hardly mattered, so long as he kept kissing her so.
When Petyr pulled away, Sansa stared at him, chest heaving. She felt as though she were drowning, but pleasantly, exquisitely so, and she wanted nothing more than to be pulled back under the surface. His eyes gleamed as they found hers, mouth lifting in another smirk, and he stepped further away, raising an arm to gesture at their surroundings.
Sansa’s eyes widened, and she gasped, caught entirely off guard. No longer were they in the godswood, but in a cavernous hall, carved completely from black onyx, veined with silver and polished to a high sheen. Thousands upon thousands of white crystals hung from the ceiling, draped in a manner reminiscent of cobwebs, their dull lights reflecting up and down the hall so that it seemed that she and Petyr were adrift in an endless sky of stars. At one end, atop steps that rose to a dizzying height, and in front of an enormous mirror that made the room seem to stretch on forever, stood a pair of thrones. They were carved to match the room, so that whoever might choose to sit upon them would appear to be floating in mid air, among the stars. The thrones were identical in all respects save for one, ribbons of red threading through the one on the right.
She really was to be Queen. His Queen. And of the Underworld, no less.
And Petyr, he was her king. Her husband. Her love.
“What do you think, my love? Does it suit your tastes?” His voice was low, but the gravel in its timber still echoed along the otherwise empty hall, rattling her bones, her heart.
Sansa nodded, still awestruck, from the room, from how she’d come to be here, from him. “Very much so,” she whispered.
Petyr stepped closer, lowering the hood from her cloak. As he did so, she felt a tingle in the air around her, along her skin. She glanced down in surprise to see that her dress had changed, its fabric turning silky and smooth, it’s color an inky black, rare gemstones of sapphire blue and ruby red smattered along her neckline, down her hips, along the hem and the train, which pooled on the floor like liquid in her wake. An intricately woven shawl was draped about her otherwise bare shoulders, strands black and gossamer fine, mimicking the cobwebs of light up above. Diamonds dotted the shawl in abstract patterns, much like prey caught in a web, though far more precious than something whose only worth to the spider was sustenance.
Her hair tumbled loose about her shoulders and a gentle pressure atop her head told her that she now bore a crown, though she could not see its design. Sansa tore her gaze from her new finery to see Petyr’s attire had changed as well, altering slightly to match the magnificence of her own, a cloak sweeping from his shoulders to the floor, velvety black with silver accents. A crown rested atop his perfectly coiffed hair, wrought from silver, its writhing twists reminding her both of bone and of the limbs of the weirwood tree where they’d met, pillars of onyx in varying heights set about the rim
Petyr offered his hand to her, and together they ascended the steps, a journey that took far less time that she might have expected, considering their height. He led her past the thrones, to stand in front of the mirror, and her breath caught as she took in her reflection. She looked absolutely stunning, tall and poised, and somehow older, wiser, a new aura of power clinging to her with a presence that seemed undoubtable. Her dress hugged every curve, the contrast of the dark fabric with her pale skin heightening the appeal of both, and her hair seemed even more vibrant than usual, a halo of fiery curls that held a light of their own. Perched in their midst was her own crown, a delicate latticework of silver vined crawling ivy, with brilliant blood red flame tipped leaves, each its own masterpiece, the gems glittering from the light refracting around the room.
She’d never felt more beautiful, than in that moment.
Sansa tore her gaze from her own reflection to take in her new husband’s beside her, and was pleased to see how well they complemented one another, and the clear pride shining in his eyes. Wordlessly, he took her hand once more, leading her around to the pair of thrones. He stopped in front of his own, hand still clasped with hers, and with a meaningful look that prompted her as to his intentions, they each took their seats, together.
Suddenly, the room, previously empty but for them, was packed with souls. Sansa fought not to show her surprise as she took in the fathomless sea of people, who, as one, knelt on one knee before them. Heart pounding, her gaze swept over the crowd, taking in the sheer number of people she was meant to rule over.
She’d never felt more powerful, than in that moment.
When Petyr spoke, his voice was soft, tone measured but still eerily commanding. “Rise before your new Queen, the Lady Sansa.”
And they rose, in unison, keeping their heads bowed, eyes lowered, in reverence. Another beat, and they vanished, leaving the newlyweds alone once more. Sansa turned to look at Petyr, smiling shyly as he squeezed her hand.
“And so my new Queen begins her reign,” he murmured, raising their joined hands to place a kiss across her knuckles.
Sansa watched as his lips skimmed her skin with rapt attention, her heart hiccuping. It suddenly occurred to her that this was her wedding night. Though she’d of course been preparing herself for what would come, she’d not been expecting to have to worry until tomorrow evening. Of course, she hadn’t expected a lot of what had happened today. And yet everything thus far had most pleasantly surprised her. Perhaps she had nothing to fear.
“You look frightened, my love. Not regretting your decision, I hope?” Petyr asked, though he looked more amused than worried.
She shook her head. “I did not entirely wish to marry Joffrey. Something felt amiss, the more I came to know him.”
His lips curled. “I don’t doubt that. There is much evil, in the world above. Your intended, however, seemed to attract it in excess. You would have suffered greatly, in his hands.”
Sansa bowed her head, shuddering to think of what Petyr might have meant. Beside her, Petyr shifted and reached over to cup her cheek, lifting her gaze to meet his. “Do not think on it, sweetling. You’ve escaped that particular fate.”
“And why did you spare me?” she asked, voice trembling.
His hand moved from her cheek to card through her hair. “You chose me, as much as I chose you, tonight. I heard your prayers, and I saw your fate, should I not answer them, as well as every moment you’ve lived from birth, and I knew you would be my Queen. The path was written for you already, we had only need follow it.”
She felt the truth in his words, deep in her bones, and this knowledge made her heart soar. Reaching up, she caught the hand still toying with her curls in her own, placing a kiss on his palm. “I am very fortunate, it seems. Few marry for love, in this day and age. And yet, though I met my husband only this very night, I see the truth in my heart.”
Petyr’s eyes darkened, in a manner more befitting of lust than danger, and Sansa bravely pressed her lips to his palm once more. Never breaking eye contact, he rose to his feet, pulling her up with him. Her limbs felt shaky as he guided her back to the mirror, then stepped through the glass as if it were water, his hand clasped in hers ensuring that she followed close behind.
Slightly disoriented, she took in the room around her, which, judging from the enormous bed dominating the space, was a bedroom. Like the room they’d left behind, its decor was dominated in black and silver, deep red rose petals drifting from the ceiling in a gentle rain, coating every surface with their velvet touch. The petals caught in the folds of her shawl, in his cloak, in her long, flowing hair, delicately adorning their already captivating magnificence. Behind her was the same mirror she’d just traveled through, and Sansa reached out to touch the glass, flinching slightly as her fingers passed through it.
He chuckled. “There are stranger things than that yet to come, Sansa. The Underworld is entirely unlike the world above. And as the King and Queen, we can do as we please, to bend reality to our whims.”
She turned to face him again, pondering this new revelation. “You’ll teach me?”
“Oh yes. Soon, you’ll no doubt be my equal, as such,” Petyr replied. “But time enough for that later, don’t you think?”
Before Sansa could begin to imagine what it might mean to be his equal, and as Queen of the Underworld no less, his mouth was on hers, and all thoughts contrary to the need stirring in her veins were blissfully quiet. He’d stolen her heart, and likely her soul as well, and now he was intent to steal her body. And, like the others, she’d willingly give it. He could have everything she had to offer, if only she received the same in return.
Notes: I see this as an AU, set in Westeros, where Robert never became king (so Joffrey isn't royalty), and Petyr died that day during the duel, at Riverrun, only to become Lord of the Underworld.
Also, they might not have rings in Westeros, but in this AU they do :P
Hopefully you liked it! I'm really happy with how this story turned out :D
#petyr x sansa#game of thrones#fanfiction#my fanfiction#one shot#400 followers#prompts#come steal my heart my soul my body
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Dream life
Sometimes you have a dream that is so vivid and so long that it feels like you lived through a whole part of your life. But when you wake up, it’s gone. You know that you dreamt and that there were important things happening. But you are left with a pale and blurry afterimage, with the unpleasant knowledge that it was there and you have no way of recalling that dream.
"... I hope your flight home wont get delayed as well, honey. I miss you." she huffed through the phone, conjuring a smile on my face. "I really don't think there are thaaat many people trying to smuggle syringes onto planes, usually they're smart enough to hide drugs without things that the metal detector could pick up, right?... " ... and sometimes you have a rich idiot flying first class who didn't think twice about bringing his questionable material in the carry on luggage. "Honey, I know how you don't like it if things don't work out as planned, you don't have to hide it." True, but usually Darleen wasn't as miffed about it as she sounded now. Hopefully that annoying quirk of mine didn't rub off on her. "It's okay, really, I got here a bit late, is all. I'll sleep now, try to ignore the jetlag and in two days I'll be home." First a shower though, the long flight had left the back of my shirt all clammy. I had already gotten rid of it, and was busy getting out of my socks by now. "And then we have a whole month to ourselves. I can't wait!" even the smile in her voice was audible through the headset. Her eyes always sparkled when she smiled, it made me miss her even more. "I promise I wont leave the house again then, or at least not without you, okay?" she laughed a bit dirty and I imagined her shaking her head at me. "You're stupid and silly, husband. I sent you an E-mail with the contacts of the rental service your car is at. Be good and get some rest now, I got a lot of stuff to prepare still for when you come home. Pick something small and black and sexy, you know." "Thanks luv, have a good night." "Love you, lovebug." "Love you too, sunshine..." she hung up and I sighed.
Since a few months she had started helping out with my business trips and it was such a huge help. And made me feel even worse whenever I left her home alone. Not that she'd be bored or locked up, she had plenty of hobbies to occupy herself with, and her own job was quite demanding too. Articles and predictions for the various business magazines, that had saved our stocks a few times already. Taking that econometrics course was the best idea I had in my life... at least the best in my social life... She was pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t tried to flirt with her, so she had started to flirt with me to find out whether I was gay or just shy, she thought I was cute when she found out it was the later. I was also there to pick up business stuff, not girls, but there was no reason to say no to her, really. I wasn’t going to find a girlfriend on my own any time soon and if she decided I was a good catch, why convince her otherwise? She was smart and also attractive, which according to everyone who saw us together was... less likely than winning the lottery. Which is pretty rude, because there were a lot of both smart and attractive women in my informatics course. Then again, intelligence and humour ARE attractive to me, so I might be blurring the line between physical and mental attractiveness... But Darleen, she knew she was attractive, still chose me, and was so modest. She was the nicest and kindest and most charitable person I ever met. Always offering her help, laughing at my jokes, never pressuring me into anything and just... hanging out at my place or letting me code at hers. And holding my hand at those very exhausting dinner parties and business soirées, drawing attention to herself when she noticed me getting overwhelmed. And the attention was like sunshine and water to the flower of her beauty, she blossomed and I was enjoying my time there much more, watching her being happy. It gave her such a glow. I always felt like I wasn’t good enough for her, she liked the stage light and I preferred working behind the scenes. But she assured me, we were perfect for each other, our somewhat different personalities complimenting each other. Opposites attract and such. It was her who gently nudged me to pose the question when I was worried she’d say no. Our wedding was beautiful, I cried when I saw her. She looked like a goddess in that white and golden dream of a dress. And so far our marriage was perfect, nothing like those clichés you’d expect. We didn’t have kids yet, but we still had a lot of time for that. We both had our jobs and loved each other possibly even more than before. Even worse so, that she took the time to arrange my business trips for me, with her own career booming. She had an impeccable sense of style and luxury, always knew the best places to book, for my somewhat anxious ass.
My toes greatly enjoyed the warmth of the heated bathroom floor in this hotel. Everything was spotless, even between the tiles. The air freshener was a small mister attached to the heating system. Sprinkling salt-water onto a hot stone. It smelled like actual ocean, instead of a chemical perfume breeze. My nose rejoiced... The mood lighting and warmth of the shower made me drowsier than I expected with a local time of 3 pm. I really needed that month off to get my biological clock in order again. Thanks jetlag.. Stumbling out in the most comfy bathrobe, and just sitting down to wait out a dizzy spell, I discovered that the bed was a soft, warm fluffy cloud. I was out like a light...
Naturally I woke up in the middle of the night, firing up the laptop and working for a few hours, until the breakfast buffet was open. Afterwards, since the air was still pleasantly cool before the midday heat, I dropped my laptop in my messenger bag and decided to head for the city. People ignored me, I was just another pasty faced British tourist. I checked out the rental service Darleen had picked out for me. It was easy to find, since they were also the main taxi service in the area, so their advertisement was all over the place. She even had booked a car already, just like I liked it. Nothing pompous or fancy, with a good grip on the streets, and easy for me to feel comfortable in, what with the different side the wheel was on here. I would come back there later to get the car, if I even needed to, the conference centre was only about two hours to walk from the hotel, according to google and the nights here supposedly were pleasant, I could easily walk there and after the expo closed, walk down and marvel at the night sky... For now I seemed just fine without the car, strolling down the boulevard and trying to get some sun on my limey skin and a little souvenir for my lovely darling. I made a point out of never coming home empty handed.
They had beautiful summer dresses in the windows of some shops, also bleached white straw heads with fake hibiscus blossoms on them, but Darleen didn't like it when I brought her clothes home as gifts. She usually didn't like the flowy style I tended to pick. She did like swimsuits and beach wear but again, our styles deviated, so that was not an option either. We should definitely come here for vacation though. She loved trying on different, form fitting outfits for hours. And while I was not a fan of shopping for myself, I sure do loved watching her enjoying herself... Luckily for me she did like to accessorise her dresses with jewellery. So that coral reef- styled golden necklace with a blue topaz in the gold smith' shop window would hopefully be a good gift, especially with the matching earrings they offered me for a top deal. Such tiny and delicate things, weighing almost nothing and yet so valuable. Sometimes it was saddening, that I didn't have the kind of style that went well with accessories and bling... They went into the messenger bag too, and I spent the next hour in a little café with a fruit smoothy in the shade.
The heat was getting to me, but the expo was only a short walk from where I was now, so still enough time to marvel at the local knick knacks before heading into the air conditioned building and checking out the competition and new gadgets on the market. My presentation didn't start until 8 and distracting myself by trying out VR headsets to strap your phone in and the newest augmented reality funsies helped to keep me from worrying too much. Naturally the prestigious plans of many internet and phone providers, especially in the mobile branch were advertised with great effort. The age of faster, better, bigger was definitely what they aimed for, and I was part of it. You spent the first three years of your career building and improving and fine-tuning apps and coding to make electronic transactions and advertising available to the broad public. Comfortable and save with the click of a button, social networking to link thousands of developers and establishing a broad connection for easy micro transactions. And then you spend the next five years trying to code ways to battle the incredible amount of fraudulent transactions, misuse, ad subscription traps and letterbox companies. Collecting and sighting data to weed out problematic third party providers and as soon as you do, they come back under five new names. Like a digital hydra of pop-up ads. It was an exhausting field of work, especially if your company was among the leading three to have created and worked on those issues. Our booth was swarmed, both by competitors, affiliates and of course delegates from companies interested to work with us in the future.
There were set dates I had to be at the booth for important meet and greets and I believe I handled those well, having switched into a more formal business attire and smiling professional, even if my bracelet told me to move from coffee to water because my pulse was through the roof... I managed to get some air in between, take a deep breath and check out the booths of other companies as well. People didn't know my face, they recognised the logo on and the name on my conference ID. I made regular detours to our booth to drop off the various promotional gift and VIP bags. I did love the lanyards and the pens, lanyards were just... they had a certain fascination to them... I couldn’t explain it. Playing with the closing mechanism was calming... And the pens were very useful since I kept losing mine or breaking off the little clip when fidgetting with it in skype calls... So I could never have enough of those. It seemed wrong to buy them just because I couldn't be bothered to keep proper track of them...
I broke two behind the podium at my presentation, but my voice didn't waver. I had rehearsed it and prepared for deviations and questions that might throw me out of the loop. I knew what I was talking about 100%, that wasn't the problem. But my heart was beating in my throat. This conference room was huge. Almost a theatre. And live streamed online. If I had gotten any tan from my brief stroll outside today, it went unnoticed, my hands were ice cold and my face probable pale as a sheet, but well, I was always pale. When I was done answering questions on the stage and only had the 3 or 4 people come up to me, my legs were a bit wobbly. Soon it would be over. There was the obligatory shaking hands and being offered more business cards, while the rest of the audience flooded out of the hall already. I smiled, I listened, I explained. Took a sip from my waterbottle, contemplated some answers to slow my voice and politely rejected an invitation to a local sushi bar to wind down with some other CEOs. I just wanted to get back to my hotelroom and hear my wife and then drop dead.
Our representatives at the booth didn't mind me hanging around there while I called the rental service to ask if they could send someone to pick me up. My wife had paid the car in advance they told me, they didn't have any limo service available at such a short notice. She had made sure to instruct them that I was to be given this car and none else, and that i preferred to drive it myself. She was right. I usually did not enjoy being chauffeured around like a pompous billionaire. And I saw no sense in driving a sports car, since I wasn't a speed devil. Or a Maybach, since I didn't want the car for attention. Just driving from A to B. A comfy, save car was all I ever wanted. But I was exhausted from socialising and the climate was poison for my cold blooded British sensitivities. Not to mention that my jetlag still told me it was long past my bedtime. I'd be a hazard on the street like this. They refused to send a taxi because Darleen had been quite clear with her instructions and made it sound like she had threatened them with a non-fulfilment lawsuit if I were to be given any other car. Which, frankly I doubted, because I had never seen here in a state that was more than mildly annoyed. But they agreed to send one of their drivers to pick me up with my designated car. Which was all I asked for really. I was warned that I probably needed to wait a bit since he was new in town and didn't know the best routes yet. It gave me time to tie the gift bags together with lanyards and lug them to the parking lot. Where, surprisingly enough, the young man was waiting already.
He greeted me with a smile, when he saw that I was roughly his age. Even told me he had expected some old, wrinkly bald guy, not someone he'd have a beer and a game of Mario Kart with. I felt flattered and relaxed. If there was something that made me more uncomfortable than socialising with people, it was socialising with people who treated me like a raw, golden egg. Businesspeople were chummy sometimes which was okay, if it wasn't too unprofessional. But people whose services I paid for often ended up being weirdly respectful, almost terrified of me. I guess it made sense, there were some higher ups in my contact list with a rather short and moody temper, who had never delivered pizza or worked in customer service themselves. I would be rather save than sorry before escalation a customer as well... My driver was chill though, I gave him fifty bugs in advance to help me load my goodies into the trunk and not tell anyone about me curling up in the backseat in a fetal position to get some sleep on the way to the hotel. He laughed and slapped my shoulder, handed me the emergency blanket from the expired first aid kit (there was a second up to date one too, thankfully) and then turned to a radio station playing smooth tunes to lull me in. He promised to drive slow, so my pretty head wouldn't get bumped by the road too much. That made me feel flattered too, but in a weird way... He was really nice, I made a mental note to leave an awesome review on yelp for their company and maybe find a way to get him some extra credit or hook him up with someone from our resident office, if he wanted to change job. But my body sensed the chance to boot down and I slept like a baby the moment he switched the backseat light off.
I don't know what happened, it was probably a really weird and unconnected dream. Even though I thought I was awake for a moment at least. It was like several things happened at once, and my head just processed them too slow. I thought I was woken by one incredibly loud bang, like a blast - at the same time... pressure on my ears and intense silence but also a high frequency tone whistling unnervingly. My body was pressed deep into the seats, maybe we had bumped into something, but the force felt unreal... especially my upper body, my head, pushed back, I was being smacked right in the face, breaking my nose and jerking my head, like my brain being smashed against the back of my skull---
The dream stopped and I woke up, sorta, my legs were heavy and tired and I couldn't breeze, there was stuff all around me and it was hot everywhere, I choked on air and the smell off iron and burned rubber and then choked on liquid stuff in my throat and nose. I couldn't see, and I couldn't get up. I could move my arms but my legs didn't obey me. I think it was loud around me, but it sounded like someone was covering my ears with their hands. There was biting, cutting wind near my face sucking more heat in my direction from the other side and the urge to move away from there. My eyes were burning and watering too much too see, and I wasn't sure which way was up or down, it seemed to change all the time. I tried to crawl towards the cold. My legs barely helped propping me up, at least I wasn't hurt. The car door was open and I pulled myself closer to it, letting my weight drag me out, hands grasping for hold in the grass beneath, trying to pull my legs out. I felt a jostle and a sudden tug of gravity and then more blows to my side and front and back and my head spin and then the movement stopped but my head still spun and my face was in dusty muddy ground that tasted of iron and then I continued to sleep and the dream stopped...
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Hey Mikell ya old fart, can you tell us some of your rowdy adventures as Agent Cowboy?
His name was Albert Smith, and he was the Spirit of Peace. So, I killed him.
Well, that’s what he claimed anyways. Called himself Brother Earth, and said the hippies were his children, his idea. I’m not sure why anyone would want to claim that, so I’ve never really doubted him.
I was still an agent then, back in the Sixties. They called me the best of the best, though I like to think I didn’t have a swelled head. Like my Father before me, I fought against a horde of self-named terrors, people and creatures who had come into some modicum of power through freak accident, or sometimes, hard work, and sought to use those powers to subjugate the human race. It was before my younger brother died, but after we’d had to lock up the youngest.
It was an… interesting time. The Foundation had stopped trying to make deals, or live alongside these monstrosities, and started putting them away for good. No more seeing what we could use, now was the time to put things away, and put them away hard. If we couldn’t contain them, they had to go, for the safety of mankind.
I can remember some of them, when I stop and think about it. The ones that they sent me to… finish. I was the Foundation’s hired gun, their executioner, walking up and down in the world, and meting out justice to those who deserved it. The names of the dead read like a list of late night horror matinees. The Shrieking Sister. Crawling Mentality. Danny Devious, the Deadly Diva. The Winter Wolf. All of them had been powers and principalities in their own right. All of them brought low under the barrel of my gun.
I had a gimmick. I hate to admit it now, in a time when we strive to not stand out. When one agent needs to be as bland and unobservable as any other. Some days, I regret the need for it, the need to iron out the strident personalities, but it helps, you know? If it feels like you’re facing down a monolith of uniformity, you start feeling burnt out quicker, and find it harder to keep fighting. I understand why the Council did, but sometimes, I miss the quirky ones. Hell. They’ll take my hat from me when they pry it from my cold, dead hands, no matter how much they whine that it doesn’t fit the theme.
My gimmick was a whole southern theme. A long slow drawl, a tendency to slur my speech, and, of course, the proper accouterments. My deed name was known to show up in the most unusual of places, and very few people linked the Southerner who could wear a suit to the Foundation's terror. I could blend in damn near anywhere, and immediately make friends. Even if I had to kill them.
I got the order to take out Brother Peace on a day like any other. If I recall correctly, I was relaxing at the ranch, a hard won break after dismantling the Scarlet Ghoulade. I remember, I was surprised that I was being offered the mission by Six. Usually, I got orders from a handler, or occasionally, my father. Six was the second member of the Council I had met, and he didn’t impress.
Six was a big man. Fat. The kind of fat you get by never doing anything. He was dressed in a silk black suit, and sweating in the heat before the choppers rotors had even stopped moving. If it had been a normal agent, or my usual handler, I would have given him shit for landing so close to the cattle pens, scaring my stock, but one look at this guy was more than enough to tell he had no sense of humor.
“Agent Vivid?” he asked, like he would’ve disembarked without knowing exactly who I was. I nodded my assent.
“That’s one of the names they call me. Can I help you mistah…” Letting my voice trail off, for him to fill in the blank.
“Six.” He said it like he expected a reaction from me, like I was suddenly supposed to kowtow before his great and mighty self. I shrugged, and stuck a dogeared cigarette in my mouth, taking the time to strike a match and light it. When he saw I wasn’t going to respond, he continued. “I am here with a mission of, utmost importance. We have a rogue asset that we need you to remove, immediately.” Always with the double speak, and weasel words. I just nodded my head, ready for him to continue.
He shoved a manila folder into my hands, clearly uncomfortable under my gaze. “Everything you need to know is here. The target is unrecoverable. It is to be removed with extreme prejudice, do you understand?” He wrung his fat hands together, more nervous than a hen at a meeting of Coyotes Anonymous.
I flipped through the briefing, picking up the important bits, here and there. Absently, as I took a drag on my smoke, and mostly just to annoy this man who was grating on my nerves, I drawled. “He.”
“What?” He looked at me like I was a bit of dung on the bottom of his shoe. I wasn’t going to tell him he’d already stepped in a pile when he got off the bird.
“You said it.” I flipped up a picture of the soon to be deceased. “Target’s a he.”
"Ah, no, Policy change. We've found it allows our researchers to experiment with less sense of guilt."
I pondered taking a stand. Doing something brave and stupid, like shooting a hole in his stupid coat, or spitting in his face. It’s the type of thing my admirers will tell you I did do. Sadly, I’ve always been a Company man, so I just lazily saluted, and stalked off. I could hear him blustering behind me, like I should have given him more, but I didn’t really care that much. I heard the chopper take off as I was grabbing my to-go bag. Thank god. I was happy years later when the fat man got torn apart. Less happy when they picked me to replace him.
I didn’t pack much. I never do. I’ve always been a little impetuous. Not planning, that’s the plan. The paperwork said Smith had run away from Site 19. Well, walked away. His particular little reality twist was that no one could take violent actions in his presence. Guns didn’t fire. Bombs didn’t explode. People refused to wield knives. He’d been real good at keeping the D-class in line, until something made him run.
Repeated readings of the info packet gave me no reason behind why he should run. Guess it didn’t really matter, but I do like a little inside knowledge of who I’m working on. Info said he’d found himself a little commune in California, and quickly risen to Godhood, at least in the eyes of the hippies there. I don’t normally fit in to hippy culture, but that was easy enough to fix. Let my hair hang loose, don’t shave for a couple of days, switch my jean shirt for a leather vest, and bam, instant hippy. The cowboy hat may have been a bit off, but I never worked without it. And of course, my trusty ivory-handled six shooters. I never go anywhere without them.
Getting into the commune was easy too. Just a matter of walking up to the gates, and saying I wanted to study with the master. I wasn’t the only one. Hundreds of people had started flocking to this place, having heard that Brother Earth was the new Guru of True Peace, or some shit like that. The guys at the entrance just waved me in, not worried about guns, or anything else.
I listened to Smith preach for a while. It wasn’t anything new, or different. A couple of times it sounded like he was talking about the Foundation itself. The Walls of Ignorance, the Jailers, the usual tripe you hear from those bastards in the Hand. I figured some of them had slipped into his retinue. I didn’t care. It wasn’t my job to look into that stuff.
Instead, I walked the camp, finding all the ins and outs. His sleeping place, the gardens, the quickest path away. It looked pretty simple. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder. I knew I could kill him at any time, and walk away in the confusion, but…
So, I snuck into his tent that night. People were in and out all the time, asking his favor, kissing his ass, sucking his dick. All the girls wanted to screw him, and all the boys wanted… much the same. Everyone gets tired, and he was no exception. Round about the time his close people were sending everyone away, I was slipping into the back. So when the good Brother Earth finally got around to heading to sleep, I was already sitting in his bed.
“I’m sorry my child,” he said, with a sleepy smile. “I am already exhausted, I need no company tonight.”
“But the Foundation misses you, Albert,” I replied with cool aplomb.
He paused then, looking me over, really taking me in. The sleep left his eyes, but he didn’t seem worried. “So. The Hand Sinister of the Council Itself. Come to drag me back to your den of depravity and evil, hmm?”
I arched an eyebrow at him, smirking despite myself. “After watching you and your followers, I believe you have the market cornered on depravity, Albert.”
“Brother Earth!” he hissed. “I am Brother Earth. And I am not going back. I have seen what they have done to those poor, deluded fools, and I will not be part of it.” He strode towards me, glaring down at me in a poor attempt to intimidate me. “And you can’t make me go back.”
“I’m not here to make you go back, Al. They don’t want you back. They want you dead.” He waved me off, as if I was inconsequential. “I’m just curious as to why you ran in the first place. You must have known they’d kill you.”
“I ran because… Because I am the Spirit of Peace. I was born on this world to help mankind grow, to turn their back on their murderous ways. I am here as a promise, that the Earth has not forgotten her children, that we can live together. We do not need to kill each other to survive, we can work together!” He stabbed a finger at me, glaring imperiously. “And you can do nothing to stop me, Hand Sinister!”
I hated that name. Of all the code names I had, that one always struck me as the dumbest. Hell, just calling me Left Hand would’ve been better. I was frustrated, and bored, so I shot him in the foot.
He dropped to the ground, shock written on his face.
“How… how…” He gasped, unbelieving. I grinned, absently stroking the handle of my revolver. I could have told him the guns were special made, I could have let him know who the bone that was inset in the handle was actually from… But I don’t monologue. I simply lowered my gun to press against his forehead. He shivered, clearly afraid, his eyes crossed to look at the gun barrel.
I noticed some of his people pushing into the tent. They froze, staring dumbfounded at the scene, and I ignored them. The biggest one stepped forward, then stopped, the veins standing out on his neck.
“I know! I know what they do to the D-class, I saw what they fed them to! I would not be that thing, not anymore! Kill me if you must, but-” And I shot him. I’d heard enough, and he was just going to keep ranting, hoping someone would save him. Better to end it now, when I had what I needed. The big guy dropped to his knees, tears in his eyes. The rest of his followers ran in terror, expecting to be next. I couldn't help but pat the big man on the shoulder as I left. After all, he did his best.
I left the same way I came in. No one stopped me. I could hear the wailing rise as I passed through the front gate. My admirers would have said I smiled, but death is never something to smile about. I heard they enshrined him, hoping the peace effect would linger. Good luck, I say.
Six was grateful for my actions. Gave me a raise. And the standard admonition not to talk about it with anyone.
When I became O5 in his place they told me what they did to the D-class. I didn’t like it any more than old Albert had. The difference is, I didn’t run away. I did what I always do. I studied the problem. I set pieces in motion. Everything I’ve done since then, the increase in containments, the Keter breach in 19, the up scaling of the MTFs, and, yes, even Pandora’s Box, all of it has been towards the goal of removing something most of the Council still sees as a vital necessity.
And you are the last part, the very last piece I need. A very special blood flows in you, Miss Argent, my brothers blood, and, more importantly, you’ve had all the training you need. So tell me.
Will you take up my guns?
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