#2 alicorns au
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moonchemistry · 1 year ago
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here's what it was all leading up to! my silly little next generation of MLP. more info about them under the cut because i can't help myself
shining armor / princess cadance??? whatever that's called
starlight / trixie / sunburst
derpy / dr whooves
sweetie belle / button mash
pandora is the oldest of the mid gang, jellybean is the youngest
anath is a student/apprentice of rarity, who initially they didnt get along for various reasons (do you notice i made them look as antithetical and unappealing to rarity as possibly) but now they see each other as family and rarity is a huge mother figure for her. rarity saw a lot of spike in anath and that was one of the reasons she started growing so close to her
zap apple wants to be the first earth pony to be in the wonderbolts. his older sister, aurora apple, desperately wants to get away from the family and just do her own thing
it took twilight and pinkie a long time to get together so thats why jellybean is the youngest lol. the poly relationship is twilight x pinkie and pinkie x cheese but not twilight x cheese
klaus is just some guy that pandora thinks is neat
pandora and anath cant stand each other
skyla is kind of in the group by proxy and because shes cousins w jellybean etc etc but she 1. lives in the crystal kingdom 2. kind of feels excluded sometimes because shes kind of just there cus their parents are all friends
on the other hand, lil' cheese and flurry heart are huge friends, despite the fact that flurry heart is prolly like 5 years or so older than him.
flurry heart and bundt cake dont rly know each other but lil cheese and bundt cake have been besties since they were born cus they were born around the same time and grew up together
silly string is trans. i didnt make her cape that color on purpose it was an accident but im going w it lol
silly string is the first pony to ever be born from 3 ppl and shes got some Things cus of it (dont ask me waht those are)
sudzy has heterochromia w a blue eye and yellow eye from both her parents
vanilla sweet is prolyl the hardest to identify here, shes sweetie belle x button mash, just mostly inherited her moms traits
fun fact these are all kind of based on designs I made when I was ten years old (of which will never see the light of day for various reasons)
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casually-salad · 7 months ago
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love an only carry you so far, before the burning in your chest turns from pain to rage, little filly.
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loki-ioki · 2 years ago
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N's true form in my mlp au. Full name is Natural Harmony but still prefers to just be called "N". I have yet to draw his disguised form
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shallowoak · 1 year ago
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Straw Hat Grand Friends!
Bon-Chan Fresh from Twinkle Twirl's Dance Studio, this pony is a master of 'Art of the Dress-Kempo!' (Requested by @lunarforrest)
Princess Vivi & Karoo Next time, she'll remember those friendship lessons sooner!
Koby Wants to be a good royal guard! (Requested by @spirited64)
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demonir · 1 year ago
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Medic pony! Adding onto my list of merc ponies lol
I think he'd try to surgically add pegasus wings onto himself to become an alicorn. for science!
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bootlegdvdmenu · 6 months ago
My hot take is that I hate any and all interpretations of Twilight where it's like "oh she goes CRAZY with GRIEF after her friends DIE."
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quailxcrossing · 7 months ago
horse time :3 everyone come back!!!!
lets just say i . fucking love MLP. so much. making MLP AUs of my characters is one of the most comforting things i could do
I already know there's several characters I will be leaving out, because their cutie marks give insight to some more spoilery things; and there's some AUs I've made where I haven't picked out a mark yet- so this is not an exhaustive list!
also like....it was getting extremely long.
Let's begin!
Turrie - a pale blue daffodil trailed with a stylized stem
Turrie has a LOT of daffodil symbolism. If you see a daffodil, it's Turrie. I use the symbolic meaning of "trust" and "honesty". If Rlioch is holding the daffodil, or if it's upside down, that's bad news. Turrie's concept of truth and trust is something that drives her forward, she has done a lot of actions under her perceptions of others and she frets constantly if she is portraying herself correctly despite how terrified she is of herself. The blue of this cutiemark works into her color palette, of course, but the icy white outline and stylized stem are to give it a "crystalized" appearance. Her perception of reality is steadfast, but easily shattered!
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Goat- a bright cyan explosion
Ah my little boy...i dont have a lot of clear shots of his cutie mark outside of this base edit I did with Turrie! (base by elementbases on dA)
Goat has always had a strong throughline of his...personality, and truly what could be more of a special talent than Goat's ability to blow things up and start from scratch! Love a guy who can self-sabotage and totally face no consequences what so ever!
Its also a little nod to that I always associate Goat with fast-moving pyrotechnics, and his cyan accent is one I don't commonly see associated with him- he's just so RED!!! the cyan feels more intimate, more private on his design-a good indication of the facets and twists this guy has! look how happy he is to be held by Turrie
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AUI (???)
I actually...do not have a clear image of Aui's CM. that's kinda crazy to me. i was gonna leave him out, just like i know i'm leaving a lot of important characters out, but mostly, i just wanted to share this image..... just let this one pass. look at them.....god. yeah he's an alicorn i don't care..........
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Runo - a pink cresent moon with clock ticks inside
ft. Indigo! He is too little to have his cutie mark yet!
Runo was SO happy to have a pink cutie mark. I could not deny him that, despite it not being naturally reoccurring anywhere else in his palette.
The moon was a clear choice- Runo's connection with the moon/nighttime/the time of rest has always been around. Nighttime is commonly associated with "dark times", especially in MLP (looks pointedly at Nightmare Moon- god the Nightmare Moon story must make Runo sob so hard) but Runo's character has always found solace there. Time away from the rush and stress of the waking world, a time he can rest and recoup!
Speaking of time...this guy has a tricky relationship with time, doesn't he? Never enough of it, or are too much. He ran out of time at multiple critical moments, and nowadays he feels like his kids are growing up faster than he can handle, but his childrearing in his early 20s took forty years off his life, if not literally at least emotionally. The song Time 2 by half-alive is just....a very good Runo song. i have always carried time motifs with him, as so moons.
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Peony - a small book with a purple flower growing from the pages
ms peony!!!! ok her's a bit more straightforward, less interpretive dance - she's a book editor! she's really really good at it!! it is her job to make stories thrive, to find their good pieces and pull them out and snip the bad roots off. She loves what can be found in the written word and learning about other perspectives. she is trying her best to grow herself too- both as a person (pony?) and in her own creative pursuits.
this is more Christmasy themed drawing, but she's just so cute.....
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Francine - a pine tree and two drops of water
eugh. sorry
this was one of the first hints i dropped a while ago that Francine was a swimmer! that is where the water drops came from. they also remind me of teardrops, and the two of them is indicative of her two foals, and perhaps....there is more. perhaps. the tree is remnant of her homeland in the forested Pampel, where she kept dragging people back to. that sounds a lot more murderous than it is, but it is terrible regardless.
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Mauve - ice. cream. he likes it. god if i do anything else I'll feel so fucking sad.
Machwell- whatever Genius Lyrics says that Glass Animals meant when they were singing about pineapples in Pork Soda. cmon, could it possibly be anything else????
Niran - (this is Vega's dad btw. he is hidden/hidden) isn't he cute <3
Ernest - hockey! of course it is hockey. that man loves hockey so much- he used to play it! so yeah its a special talent
Reed Forret- fixing shit n tools and wrenches yeeeehawwww
together they make...the elements of harmony (kindness, loyalty, laughter, honesty, generosity)
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I gotta start more lightning rounds. okay okay lets go with some MORE!!!!
Maple (quill feather and green inkmark) and Cranberry (ampersand)
Maple's represents her storytelling, penmanship, and journaling! The quill feather is indicative of the importance of her wings, and the connections she has with the Valkyries. wings are VERY important in Tuesday
Cranberry's is similar- her penmanship and calligraphy! Crannie is a mailwoman and takes a lot of care for letters, and finding them incredibly important to her. Handwriting (hoofwriting) is major for her.
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Our salesponies!!!
Cradle (coins under a rainbow), Bartenn (coins with hibiscus flowers), and Slavavas (speech bubbles) are all ponies who've got something sell you.
Cradle's represents luck, finding fortune (they are quite a barterer for what they want) and generally just. having an awesome time.
Bartenn's talent also has to do with being a great retail guy, but the hibiscus flowers = hawaiian tees = often associated with relaxation, vacation. i mean, basically every day is an endless vacation for him, right? isn't that what he wanted?
Slavavas's talent is talking people up and accidentally swaying or charming or seducing or making and accepting a trade offer for something he didn't even know he had. he just talks too much
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A pawprint pair!
Jemma (green and dripping pink paw print) and Georgiana (brown, yellow, and blue pawprint)
Jemma's special talent is....well. magically turning people into animals in an extremely painful and violating way. her cutie mark was earned the first time she was able to do this, and all she can think is "god god god no please god no sweet celestia please if you've ever loved me, you'll take it back!!"
Georgiana is just :3 creature :3 animal husbandry! they couldn't work with horses, as they ARE a horse, so I imagine they work mostly with other dangerous livestock, and have a knack for calming even the fiercest timberwolf! ft. Foliose as a birdie! Foliose would also make a cool timberwolf
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The last little set!! Then I will let you go.
Esperanza (golden butterfly with heart in the center) Esperanza is the queen of the butterfly effect, and of the butterfly's symbolism of messages and rebirth! I can't even. get into it. you know. you know....
Maiceo (???) its a piece of floss through a needle next to a bobbin pin. Maiceo always dreamed of being a tailor, specifically one who made the intricate lace patterns they now adorn themselves with. of course, this didn't work out, as they became Hierophant and had no time for hobbies. and of course, the whole getting cursed and parasites thing. their dream is of days long past.
Magic (A little pink heart outlined with another pink heart) Its supposed to look like her Ty heart tag! Plushies!!! of course that is her special talent :3 her collecting and care and upkeep of her dear stuffed animals! She is just a girl so full of love for her community and wants everyone to keep better with a little animal friend :3
Ruse (her golden sword with moth wings growing from the handle) Oh Ruse, Ruse and your moth-iness...I've read moths are symbolic for the afterlife, for guidance, for the literal "heading for the light" but also positive transformation! like i can't even overstate how perfect all of that is for Ruse. it mirrors Esperanza's butterfly symbolism so much....her sword is obviously very important to her, swordfighting is her talent and also her golden sword is a literal physical manifestation in the real world of...something. you'll see! maybe
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if there
was asked to talk about my MLP AU cutie marks....oh yes. oh yes i will do this. later
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hauntingrabbits · 10 months ago
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Batman my little pony AU. Part 2 here, Part 3 here
More info on these under the cut!
1. Sundown Mane/Batpony (Bruce Wayne)
His backstory & general situation is pretty much identical to every other batman out there so I wont get into it.
Other notes:
-His cutie mark is a masquerade mask that I tried to make vaguely bat-shaped. The general public sees his Cutie Mark through the lense of his reputation, and he leans into it heavily to obscure the truth. In interviews, he presents it as being tied to hosting galas (it’s the reason he started hosting those huge masquerade balls in the first place) and/or his fashionable looks, but in truth it’s far more representative of his stealth and disguise capabilities, as well as his masked night time hobbies as a whole.
-He’s not an actual bat-pony in any way, the bat wing appearance is just the costume (intentionally designed that way for intimidation, battle, and obscuring his identity further). Though most citizens assume he’s a true bat-pony, other rumors range from him being a vampire, to an Earth pony with false tech-based wings, to a magically disguised alicorn, to a spirit of the night.
-If Batman were actually to be a pony I think he’d 100% be an earth pony, because his big thing is relying on skill and tech rather than power and he has the whole “normal guy amongst gods” thing going on. HOWEVER. There are actual bat ponies in this show. How am I not supposed to utilize that somehow for the guy whose name is BATMAN? Also with Sundown I think being a Pegasus just fits the playboy personality front he puts up. I don’t know why, its just vibes.
-I think he just doesn’t fly much while patrolling as batpony, instead using his wings for extra jump or for intimidation and cover like with his cape. They’re probably steel-tipped or something too. He doesn’t rely on flight for advantage and trains entirely grounded because he doesn’t want to be dependent on flight and find himself lost if his wings are ever incapacitated.
2. Apollo Honeyscales/Two-Face (Harvey Dent)
Fascinated by the Equestrian legal system and craving a more organized society than what was offered by his generally disorderly and solitary fellow Chimeras, Apollo moved to Gotham to pursue higher education. Unfortunately, ponies are often intimidated by, if not downright terrified of Chimeras, so though Chimera cultures usually give each head equal social weight and three individual names, Apollo quickly adapted to instead try to present himself as pony-like as possible. He used a singular name and pronoun for his whole body, presented the less intimidating, herbivorous-looking goat as his “main” head, and eventually even took to having a faux Cutie Mark applied for media and court appearances. Prior to the attack, the lion and the snake head were never seen talking in public, and even in private the only ponies to have heard them speak were his close friends Sundown Mane and Glider Gold.
After being attacked with acid in court, Scales succumbed to injury and had to be amputated, while Honeybite was left alive but severely scarred. With this event, Apollo’s and Honeybite’s already fragile mental states from years of pony society othering them, the weight of their job, and personal repression finally snapped in their grief and anger, leading Honeybite to fully take the reins and create the criminal persona of Two-Face. Attempts from both Sundown and Glider and to reach out since have been unsuccessful.
Other Notes:
-According to the wiki only one chimera shows up in the whole show so. I made stuff up. -Chimeras typically being solitary is based on the fact we only ever see one in the show. This solitary nature would make it hard for them to have a widespread legal system at all, let alone to enforce it; thus Apollo’s original fascination with the foreign pony legal system. The Chimera in the show also has individual names for each head, each with a slightly different style (the goat following pony name conventions with the name Pumpkin Cake, the tiger following a slightly more violent version of pony name conventions with the name Sweetkill, and the Snake bluntly just being named Snakey). I tried to follow similar conventions for Apollo. I was most happy with the name Scales, because it followed the blunt snake naming convention while also sort of doubling as a scales of justice reference. Apollo is just a reference to Harvey’s nickname in some of the comics, and Honeybite is just for fun.
-His perfectly split coat is unique even among other chimeras, and as Apollo he was generally considered attractive and “exotic” by Equestrian media outlets.
-The temporary Cutie Mark application was done professionally. (Surely ponies have perfected this art, right? Like this has to be something pony society does and has services for, right? Ponies covering up embarrassing Cutie Marks, blank flanks covering up an embarrassing lack of a Curie Mark, Ponies getting Cutie Marks done for costumes, theater, movies, etc… you get it.) Apollo’s choice of a faux Cutie Mark is meant to serve as both a way of further integrating himself into pony society and a proclamation of his legal skills.
-Apollo was a genuinely great lawyer. Ponies on defense were often so preoccupied at the terror of having a lion and a snake silently stare them down that they wouldn’t realize it was actually the goat they should’ve really been afraid of until their entire case had already been ruthlessly torn to shreds.
3. Glider Gold (Gilda Gold)
Even prior to their relationship and subsequent engagement, Glider had long been Apollo’s closest friend and confidant. She saw the way his job and keeping up his image was tearing him apart long before the acid attack, and she deeply regrets not trying harder to get him the help he needed before it was too late. Multiple news outlets have been trying to get an interview with her and their efforts only increase every time Two-Face shows up in the news (despite Sundown’s efforts to dissuade them). She hasn’t been the same since the attack and Apollo’s disappearance, losing interest in her work and finding her friendship with Sundown heavily strained as they both feel the weight of Apollo’s absence.
Other notes:
-I wasn’t even going to draw Gilda originally because she’s such a minor character in Batman stuff but as I was writing out Apollo’s background she nudged her way back in. I like her too much.
-This version is based on her very first iteration where she was a sculptor. Her green coat is a reference to that version’s accompanying Two-Face (also his first iteration), who had green scarring.
- The choice for her to be a pegasus was mainly just to go with her silly name, but I do think being a pegasus would be beneficial to a sculptor. No ladder required to work on high details just fly up there.
-I am not immune to the bruce/harvey/gilda agenda
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gummygoatgalaxy · 5 months ago
Rainbow's fam
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More of my Princess Dashie au!!
More of my au where Rainbow Dash is a trueborn alicorn princess but grows up disguised as a regular pegasus pony.
In this au, Rainbow has 2 moms, Celestia and Daring Do (its silly but i always viewed Rainbow Dash as related to both)
Trans MtF Celestia my beloved
First post of my au:
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shirecorn · 2 years ago
Shirecorn's Ponyverse Masterpost
So for the last 2 months I've fixated on doing redesigns based somewhat loosely on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've had so much fun filling in the gaps and extrapolating until my version is less of a redesign and more of an AU.
"Ponies" are three species of sentient hoofed creatures that populate Equestria. They worship giant goddesses that fill the sky and ferry the moon and sun across the world.
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#Shire draws mlp - drawings only. Leaves out the lore
#Skyscraper gods lore - drawings, posts, and asks that expand on the world. Talks about biology, genetics, ritual, society, politics, religion, but mostly creature design and magic.
#Skyscraper Gods - Art, asks, posts, and fanart! Everything to do with both my little pony canon and my version of things. Includes drawings without lore, and lore without drawings. This is the tag to browse to make sure you see it all
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In progress: Discord
○ The Mane Six ○ All Alicorns,
○ Rarity ○ Fluttershy ○ Flutterbat ○ Applejack ○ Pinkie Pie ○ Pinkie Pie Pegasus ○ Rainbow Dash ○ Twilight Sparkle ○ Raritwi ○ Spike
○ Princess Celestia + Princess Luna ○ Princess Cadance + Shining Armor + Flurry Heart ○ Sunset Shimmer ○ Sunburst ○ Apple Bloom + Scootaloo + Sweetie Belle (Cutie Mark Crusaders) ○ Big Macintosh/Ochard Blossom (she is a woman) ○ Granny Smith ○ Mr & Mrs Cake + Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake ○ Maud Pie + Mudbriar ○ Trixie Lulamoon + Starlight Glimmer ○ Cozy Glow ○ Zephyr Breeze ○ Escape Room Guy + Dusty Pages ○ Berry Punch/Berryshine ○ Vapor Trail ○ Bulk Biceps ○ Tempest Shadow ○ Flim and Flam ○ Queen Chrysalis + Thorax + Ocellus (Changelings) ○ Autumn Blaze (kirin) ○ Rain Shine (kirin leader) ○ Sky Beak (hippogriff) ○ Starcatcher and Skywishes (G3)
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○ The 3 pony species ○ Breeding/genetics ○ The 4 Alicorns stories ○ Gods of non-pony species? Seapony god? ○ Unicorn Horns: Starlight physics, Different shapes, Alicorn horns, Horn colors, ○ Where did Spike come from? (1) (2) ○ Your daughter has won the favor of God (fic) ○ Nightmare moon playlist ○ Cutie marks are cultural not physical: (1) (2) ○ Starlight Glimmer's hometown and her cult ○ Alicorns don't fit inside buildings ○ Discord is a headache to behold ○ Government in the world of gods ○ Gender and matriarchy ○ Scootaloo's flightless disability ○ Equestria Girls Vs Skyscraper Gods, existential horror ○ Pinkie Pie breaks the forth wall because she hopped worlds once ○ Vampire fruit bat ecology and virus ○ How ponies caught it
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○ Using Skyscraper Gods as inspiration (2) ○ Why I like expanding on MLP: its simplicity ○ MLP Creature designs are already good ○ If you don't like my designs ○ I'm just having fun: (1) (2) ○ Mane 6 doodle to finished design ○ After ponies ○ Designing based on birds and animals ○ Starcatcher dove
Shitposts and Doodles
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I hope you enjoy seeing my MLP creations as much as I enjoy making them!
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moonchemistry · 7 months ago
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watching equestria girls was painful but it did show me the SunLight. and now i am hooked. so here's some sunlight and some other pony ships with the mane 6 that i enjoy! as well as a quick color test for the pie family siblings. there'll be a proper family tree later, but for now, feel free to guess who's who >:)
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aziuuu · 1 year ago
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Mlp redesign #3
Them the alicorns
I thought it would be cool to give the sisters 6 wings/3 pairs of wings (biblically accurate alicorn) - as they're possibly born as them or just more ancient and powerfull idk
Then the alicorns made by them have only 4 wings/2 pairs
Well, then I changed the canon and now it's an au I guess:
Twilight became an alicorn at the time of the battle with Tirek when the princesses as a last resort gave her their power.
Celestia didn't want to make more alicorns (but she did consider it with Twilight, as she turned out to be quite amusing)
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my-quirk-is-fred · 1 year ago
Pinkie’s Senses AU lore:
1. Before Celestia sent Nightmare to the moon, Nightmare cast a spell on Celestia that made her unable to control her powers, hence why Celestia needed Twilights help a thousand years later.
This spell also has been chipping away at her mind.
2. Celestia is not an alicorn…
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dragonridernoobie · 11 months ago
Page 1
Single Mother Reader (Optimus, megatron)
Pregnant Reader (Shockwave, Starscream)
Blind Reader (Optimus, Megatron)
Pregnant Reader (Optimus, Megatron)
Predicon Reader X TFP Kids
Sister Reader (TFP autobots)
Granny reader predicon (bayverse optimus, ratchet, Bumblebee)
Mother Figure Reader (Optimus, Megatron)
Emotionally Didatched Reader (TFP Autobots)
Reader Wanting to beat up child (Optimus, Soundwave, Shockwave)
Predicon Reader (Predaking)
Forgetful worrier reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Megatron)
Demon Reader (Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, Smokescreen)
Demon Reader part 2 (Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave, Breakdown, Knockout)
Demon Reader part 3 (Megatron, Soundwave, starscream, shockwave, Knockout, Breakdown)
Demon Reader part 4 (Optimus, Bumblebee, arcee, ratchet, bulkhead)
Demon Reader- (Starscream) (NSFW)
Model Reader (Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, Breakdown, Knockout)
Mechanic Reader (TFP Ratchet) (NSFW)
Predicon Reader TFP(Autobots/Humans)
Esméralda Reader (Megatron, Starscream)
Readers Pet Owl (Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, Ratchet)
Predicon Reader (bayverse optimus, megatron, sam)
Mutant Reader (Optimus)
Maximal Reader (Optimus, megatron)
Nervous Reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Soundwave)
Gladiator Reader (Megatron)
Zombie Apocalypse Reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Wheeljack)
Nifty Reader part 1 (Optimus, Ratchet)
Nifty Reader part 2 (Optimus, Bumblebee, megatron, Soundwave, shockwave)
Avian reader (Ratchet, Optimus, Wheeljack, Megatron)
ADHD Reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead)
Neotenic Reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Smokescreen)
Physically Hurt Reader (Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Soundwave, Starscream)
Kidnap Reader Son (Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead)
Dark conscience reader (Optimus, UltraMagnus, Megatron, Starscream)
Hiccup problems (Bayverse TFP, ROTB)
Snakes (Optimus, Ratchet, Wheeljack)
Mentally Tierd Reader (Ratchet, Wheeljack, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave)
Helpful Reader (Ratchet, Shockwave, Starscream)
S/O being flirted with (Ratchet)
Best Friend Reader (Smokescreen)
Captured Reader (Megatron, Knockout)
Angry Reader (Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown)
Deaf Reader (Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown)
Orange Cat Energy Reader (Megatron)
Reader X Megatron (Megatron) (NSFW)
Predacon Reader Part 3 (Bayverse Transformers )
Predacon Reader Part 4 (Bayverse Transformers)
Mixbreed Reader (TFP Megatron)
Reader X Knockout (TFP Knockout) (NSFW)
Predicon Reader (Bayverse JetFire)
Angle Dust Reader (TFP Ratchet)
Artist Reader (Megarron, Knockout)
Married Reader (Undertale Sans) (NSFW)
reader stargazeing (Undertale Sans)
snick reader (Undertale Papyrus)
Abused reader (Underswap Papyrus)
Serial killer Reader (Underfell Sans)
Reader x Bitty (Underfell Sans, HorrorTale Sans)
Threesome Reader (Horrortale Sanse, DustSans) (NSFW)
(Y/N) dancing in love land (Dust sans)
Error X (Y/N) (NSFW)
Adventures Reader (Undertale Sans)
Hellhound Reader (Mammon)
Musician Reader (Charlie MorningStar)
Reader (Romantic) (Angle Dust)
Legend of Zelda
Human Reader (Ganondorf)
The legend of the Gerudo King and Human (Ganondorf)
Human Reader (Zelda)
Meta Human Reader (Superman/ClarkKent)
Mutant singer Reader (Jason Todd)
My Little Pony (Gen 4)
Alicorn Reader (main 6)
Teenage Mutant ninja turtles
Master Splinter X neice reader
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karmacupcake · 6 days ago
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These are Ponies that are featured in my au's on TikTok. Find it by searching "The Black VeinBlight: Friendship is Dead." The following listed are:
1. Celestia (Princess)
2. Luna (Princess)
3. Cadence (Princess)
4. Twilight (Princess)
5. Flurry Heart (Princess)
6. StarDust (OC/Princess)
7. Alert (Friend's OC/Unicorn)
8. NightWolf (Friend's OC/Unicorn)
9. Karma (OC/Alicorn/"Narrator")
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skyscrapergods · 1 year ago
Nono no. I love this au with heart and soul. And the lore and story is the kind of stuff I DO. it's amazing and refreshing seeing someone else do the same.
But I have to beg and pled for more sunburst/sunset content.
You made to things that made me question them
1: sunburst wasn't an accident, so he did something to earn godhood.
2: idk if you ment this in any literal sense but you said sunset was the child of the sun- like Celestia? It sorta makes me think she was one of the 'Flys' celestia interacted with.
Also as I'm here making the ask I'm wanting to clarify somethings like is shining armor and twilight still siblings because from my understanding they couldn't be.
First is was luna and celestia,
Than twilight
By twilight being a god Candace asends noting she's the youngest of the known gods.
And she still has flury heart.
But there's also the unaccounted sunset and sunburst
Which from the information provided I'm making the educated guess that sunset is older than Candace maybe older than twi.
But sunburst is the true youngest before flury.
This is not counting discord and the other mystery gods in the sea.
1: Sunburst was not an accident, nor did he earn godhood. 2: what makes you think Flies is about Celestia?
Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle are indeed siblings. The first alicorns were Celestia and Luna, they ruled together for a time, faced enemies and forged friendships. Then Luna was banished to the moon. Celestia ascended Cadance about 80 years before current events, so she was an alicorn long before twilight and Shining Armor were born. Nightmare moon returned, ascended sunburst, and was then defeated by twilight and her friends. Luna and Celestia ascended Twilight together. Then Flurry Heart is born.
There are others that history has buried. Forgetting is a powerful thing.
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