#may or may not change the shade of purple tho...
kurthorton-moving · 6 months
oh twitter bookmarks, facebook saved, instagram saved, tiktok bookmarks, tumblr likes, my beloveds (i will never ever open them again)
#be going 'oop ill save that for later' and then finding it in 3 yrs going 'wtf is this'#i still have bookmarks for belle parker. im not sure anyone here even remembers who that bitch is#she was my beloved my most babygirl oc in i think 2016-2018? ish?#she was the It Girl the Solo Blog the creator of the connected ocs universe#but i think the last time i wrote her was. Before Covid so its been a Hot Minute#but i still have stuff bookmarked in instagram in a little section just for her#if she ever comes back im ready for the edits#god she was the first (only?) time i edited icons to have a different hair color#but never permanently bc as we all know i never saved icons i made them as i went I'd write a reply then make the icon from scratch#awful method dont recommend it thats why i dont use icons really anymore#but i remember spending Hours editing purple hair on that bitch and the shade changed every single time#she was iconic tho. absolute queen. blueprint for every oc that came after her and im so serious#list any trait u have seen in a muse i write and i can probably trace it back 2 belle#if i looked back on her backstory im kinda convinced that she and cassie would have major crossover#belle had a twin brother. I think belle and cassie are the only time ive ever had twin ocs?#oh no wait there was my guy whos superpower was controlling glitter and his twin who could teleport and was evil#and the tweevils not ocs tho#do i have more twin ocs. genuinely no clue i am now only thinking ab 2016 era ocs i had#i think some of u may underestimate how little i remember ab my muses and blogs#if its not one of the it girl muses of the month (kurt jason cassie tate) then i can not tell u if they r on my multi or not. i dont know#obvi liam and cooper r special cases bc they technically have solo blogs rn#but at any given time u could just say i write someone that ive written in the past and I'll believe u
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sweetshelluvaau · 4 months
World/Lore Building - Redoing the Rings of Hell [Pt 1 - The Basics]
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this is the best picture I could fine for the ring colors lol
Today in 'Sweets Attempt to Overhauling the Messy Worldbuilding in Hellaverse Because She's Bored', we gonna revamp, rework and add to how the Rings of Hell work because why the fuck not. This post will covering color changes, travel between them and other fun stuff. I will briefly go over ring aesthetics but I'm gonna be saving a post on each ring for another time Anyways putting this under Read More because it's gonna get looooooong...
Okay to reblog, feedback and criticism is welcomed.
Part One: Colors of each Ring.
More of a nitpick than anything else but I don't like some of the color choices for each ring because some just don't really make sense. Why is Envy purple when it should be green? Ya know: 'green with envy'? That and Purple is Pride's color normally. I think the color red itself is fine in itself but I feel as if you're gonna give purple to another ring at the very least it shouldn't be Envy!
Again these are kinda nitpicks but they bother me nether the less. Here's how Hellaverse's rings work right now color wise.
Pride: Red
Wrath: Orange
Gluttony: Yellow
Greed: Green
Lust: Blue
Envy: Purple (why tho?)
Sloth: Pink
Here is how I plan on changing the colors a bit:
Pride: Purple
Wrath: Red
Gluttony: Orange
Greed: Yellow
Lust: Blue
Envy: Green (as it should have been!)
Sloth: Teal
Yes, all the colors are of biblical context (minus Sloth which is a light blue but didn't want two blues). I was ordinally thinking about switching the canon colors of Lust and Sloth around but decided agasist it. The Lust Ring's color is the only one to remains the same from canon and I changed Sloth from pink to a lighter shade of teal but that may change if I can think of a more 'dreamy' like color.
Decided to keep the canon order the same for now but that could change later on. I think it's fine the way it is.
Part Two: Ring Aesthetics
One of the major complaints I see people bring up about Pride, let alone Hell in general is that it's too Earth like which in some sense, I agree but also don't really mind it at the same time. I'd be more forgiving however if the world around the aesthetic of Hell was interesting and we understood how the worldbuilding worked I honestly feel like I'm repeating myself at this point but it's true wtf is the worldbuilding in these shows.
Some rings won't change too much aesthetically but will be added on to, while some will get a complete overhaul.
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So this is the Pride Ring we have in canon. To be honest, outside of all the red I don't think a city HELLscape (lol get it) is necessarily bad. Maybe not the most creative, but I don't have a problem with it. If anything I'd expand on the architecture where there's a mixture of old otherworldly and fantasy like structures but as time went by parts of Hell became more modern and there are parts that do represent different era's in time as well as Sinners start taking over areas of the Pride Ring.
This is more of a question for myself but how does the Pride Ring work in regard to cities and such: We have two shows, in Hazbin we have Pentagram City, In HB we have Imp City? So my question is are Sinners stuck in the first city or is Imp City a section of Pentagram City? Where is Stolas' palace in Pride? Is it even in Pride? Honestly this kinda confuses me more. Not that this persay matters on the grand scale of things being Sinners are in all rings in my AU but um does anyone think about this? Why are their different cities in rings anyways. Should it just be one huge thing in each ring? Am I thinking too hard about this?
Anyways if you read the above part, I'm also gonna just have Pentagram City being the center of Pride while the outskirts of the city being more like 'suburbs' where you'll have some royal and higher ranking demons as well as hellborn in general while the edges of the ring is more rural/undeveloped land which is mostly owned by nobles or sold off and made into makeshift little communities by others, often imps and hellhounds due to high prices within the Pentagram itself.
A lot of hellborn ordinally from Pride moved to other Rings or choose to live in the outskirts being how Sinners started taking over Pride, both of those who landed there and those who 'smuggled' themselves in and considering leadership does not care enough to do anything about it, well...
Also: NOT SO MUCH RED WHAT'S WITH YOUR OBESSION WITH RED VIV! Definitely will add some purple because um...pride?
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Honestly: No complaints about Wrath. I think it's mostly prefect the way it is. Again, maybe not have it so bright with the red and add some other colors along with maybe some wild west style towns but over all I like how it is in the show.
All imps originated from Satan with the original purpose of them being troops and labors during a war between Heaven and Hell (I'll talk about that along with my timeline lore for this AU at another time), though after the war and as time went by, imps ended up across all of Hell and gainned freedoms, even though they're still second class citizens.
A lot of Wrath's culture is very violent and hostile and outside of The Pain Games, sports that then towards violence and destruction like wrestling, mix martial arts, boxing and monster truck derbies are also really big. I will expand on talking more about the ring itself when it gets it's own post.
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Again: No complaints about the aesthetic here. I love the lush, tropical vibe it has going along the beehive/70's architecture. I plan on even having my Beelzebub having a bit of 70's disco queen/Donna Summer's vibe for her. And ya know, NO RED IN SIGHT!
Gluttony is seen as a vacation destination for foodies and for it's beaches and party culture. It's also where most of Hell's agriculture is grown when it doesn't come from Wrath.
Hellhounds also originated from Gluttony but not from Bee herself but from Cerberus and were part of Hell before it was known as Hell. Again, something I will talk about at a later date.
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Okay, you guys are bored seeing me praise shit now we're gonna get critical. To say I'm not a fan is putting it lightly. Honestly the idea of there being suburbs like we see here in the picture above looks boring and well...what's with the greenery (not a pun this time)? Isn't Greed suppose to be a toxic wasteland and a crime filled HELLhole (lol I did it again hahahaha I think I'm funny). Why is there organized crime in Hell? Let alone law enforcement? Who the fuck knows the worldbuilding in this show makes as much sense as Viv wanting to make Stolitz end game despite there being no chemistry between them.
I'm gonna take some ideas and headcanons from my friend Nihlis while also do my own twist on things:
Greed is made up of different sections: In the very middle we got the city part of Greed along with an entertainment district. Like, Gluttony, Greed or at least that part of Greed is basically a vacation destination not too similar to Las Vegas. Gambling, nightlife, lives ruined in more ways than one. Basically an overly exaggerated hellish version of that where the house more than never always wins. It's also where Loo Loo Land is which is definitely not a rip off of LuLu Land nope no legal issues to be seen here.
The surrounding area, often concealed by magic to those who visit and live in central Greed so no one can view the more nastier parts is basically a concrete jungle filled with industry and mining facilities. Most sinners and hellborn who can't afford living in the center are in these parts.
Greed is basically Hell's manufacturing center due to lax rules and cheap labor cost. About all industries in the ring are owned by Mammon himself (the final CEO) but he has others making sure these facilities are running smoothly considering he has a lot of business going on throughout Hell.
There may be tiny little edges which aren't anything but rock and mines and a few nice establishment depending on who claims the land but other than that the whole Ring is an over the top capitalistic shit hole.
Also, more yellow and other colors outside of green because damn that is a lot of green. At least it's not red but c'mon you can mix colors together Viv. I may still do something with the whole demon mafia/crime syndicate thing in the show but they're treated more like legitimate but still under the table 'business' while also funneling money in other rings as well. About all of these are Hellborn ran which are made up of mostly Imps, Lone Sharks and depending on who leads them, allow sinners in their ranks. There are at least two or three successful Sinner Overlords who do also run these 'business' but they're no where as powerful they would be if they were in Pride...
There's also no REAL law enforcement in hell neither so of course these go uncheck.
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Not gonna lie: I kinda dig the red light district vibe. I think it makes sense and overall works but I'd likely play around with it a bit and flesh it out more.
As for my version of it for the notes I got down so far: Humorlessly enough though The Lust Ring is pretty tame during the day, where the skies are more pink and bright but nothing really risqué is going on. Yeah you'll likely stumble across a few sex shops that are open and general shops/restaurants that have double entendre names because c'mon but at night is when it's alive and well...Lustful XD Not sure if I'm gonna keep the 'always rains in Lust due to Greed's water leaking down' thing but heh. Honestly I may scrap that and move that idea for Sloth being Envy is above it but more of that below...
Considering we have yet to see what Hellaverse's Envy Ring will be like, well...
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Will go more into it in it's own post but definitely like the idea of an glamorous underwater city that only those with Souls (my Hellaverse's currency) can afford. Leviathan also makes sure that the more 'ugly' parts of Envy are hidden away from the general public and those visiting the ring and is completely not ashamed to throw out those that don't fit her ideal utopia.
Loan Sharks are originally from Envy but because they didn't fit the 'aesthetic' they're either down in the slums of Envy (which unless you live in the ring, you're completely unaware it exist) or tell them to take a hike and throw them into Greed or Pride if they refuse to stay down there.
Envy is also where Hell's fashion and beauty industry thrives and Leviathan also hires social media influencers to hype up and sell the Ring and their own ventures being the sin of Envy is about having something the other has but you don't and will tear them down just to get it, after all...
The sin of Envy is pretty fucked thinking about it...
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I'm completely overhauling Sloth for two reasons: 1) There's no REAL health care system in Hell in my AU (still doesn't really make sense to me) and 2) Honestly I prefer the idea of Sloth being a weird hybrid of a Cyberpunk dystopia and Silicon Valley. Very high tech, most things are automated and unless you happen to be an Imp or Sinner: Life is easy and relaxed being even as an inventor, you don't need to do the hard part of creating and building it. Once you have your ideas down just throw it at the Imps and Sinners and they'll build your invention for you while you claim all the work.
There's always a new start up each day where investors are throwing whatever Souls they have at pretty much every thing they see all at once knowing only one or two of those start ups are going to be profitable and successful while the rest crash a burn. You know: Like the real Silicon Valley.
Will talk about my version of sloth in more details soon...
Part Three: Traversal Between Rings.
I really do love the elevator concept and think it's something that could be explored more so I'm keeping that but what other modes of transportation could there be?
First I'll talk about the elevator system: I like to view it working similar to a rail system. Ya know: buy a ticket, hop aboard, get to your destination within an hour depending where in Hell you are. It may be longer if you're going to Sloth from Pride. These modes of transportation are open to all excluding sinners unless they have clearance to travel outside their ring which is a luxury rarely ever given out.
However, due to the elevator system being over 100,000 years old and possibility even older when ever Hell was fully established, this lead to the crust of each ring to tear and change form which lead to cracks that unless you know where to look, are untraceable. This lead to another form of transportation open to sinners that wish to escape the ring that they're in hoping for a better opportunity or escape there enteral punishment: Travel between the cracks.
Unusually the safest route to traverses these 'tunnels' is sinners going though 'smuggling operations' often ran by hellborn (part of those gang ran 'business' I talked about in the Greed section) who happen to have mapped their own path, either playing as their guide or selling these maps for a price. However these are often extremely expensive as those running these operations often take advantage of desperate sinners and scam them out of their money.
Most Sinners however go at it alone or in small groups but this could be a dangerous endeavor due to the fact these tunnels are unmapped and easy to get lost in. Eventually you will make it out but it may not be the destination you originally intended. You may even end up back where you started from.
But what about those who don't have time to take long haul travel? A Sin who need to get somewhere ASAP or perhaps a royal who doesn't want be sitting next to those filthy presents?
Easy: Portals. I mean we see Stolas using them all the time and Ozzie even was playing around with them in the Mammon episode but for my AU they work a little differently.
For one, they can only be used to traverse though Hell and only Hell! Unless you have Stolas or Loona having that actual spellbook on hand or one of those crystal things that makes the whole point of the grimoire in the show pointless, travel to Earth (or the mortal realm by Hellborn, sometimes referred to 'topside' by sinners and hellborn alike even though Hell/Heaven is more a different plane/dimension and not under/above the earth itself but we're getting off topic) is impossible. You need strong magic and/or spells that work in order to travel topside (ex the Grimoire) but unless you work for a Sin to spread...well, sin on Earth or some noble; you don't have clearance to do so. (At least legality...)
It's possible a few of these things can change in the future but this what I got as of right now. I'll have the other seven parts written out I get the chance and feel I have enough to share.
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pechtothevoid · 2 years
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Hey @bluepeachstudios ! How are ya? i should be doing stuff but instead i'm here with your boy Lonny! whose name i always spell Loony first and then correct it :D Ngl to ya, Lonny's sketch is superior that the end result. I blame it on the brush i'm using for the lineart :] I won't change it tho. They need to be a set. I'm already screw.
Ok, i don't remember the ask exactly but i remember reading that Lonny makes the more aesthetically pleasing inventions, but also the less efective. So i thought "Oh, he likes design! What kind of design does he like?" and i think he would really love interior design, which i think you may have mention already or something in that topic? So, yeah, Lonny might be an interior designer. (He would be one of those people that plays the sims just to make cool houses AND HE WOULD BE SO GOOD AT IT. Also, in the Animal Crossing game he shares with Leo and Dea, Lonny is the one that makes the Island cute and neat.)
In that topic, you also mentioned that he has a folder. So i thought it would have a lot of interior design ideas inside. Also that it gives him peace to look at it. This is not a big HC… more like a HC detail /hj But it helps with his anxiety.
I had this HC that i thought before chap 11 (and after Dea's drawing) of Dea and his thoughts. I thought being Deangelo might be really tiring because of all the thought in his head, but he's stable because he has a filter/system to them, so he consumes a lot of energy but is stable. I wanted to mention it because i think Lonny also consumes a lot of energy for of all the paths and worries he has, but doesn't have a filter for them yet and because of that he's kind of an unstable fusion. It's obviously not cannon because in chap11 Dea was outside for days without problem. But idk, i like to compare them. They are both sometimes overwhelmed by their thoughts but Lonny is worst at dealing with them (When he appeared the first thing he did was having a crisis SO-).
You know? Indigo is a weird color. Some people thinks Indigo is this purple shade (like Lonny uses) and others a bright-dark blue? Google Indigo, the differences between the colors is so wild! These are two completely different tones and yet both are considered indigo… (This is not a HC. This is just me being "indigo is not that shade!" at Lonny and discovering that Indigo is a fucking lie.)
Lonny is the only fusion with Leo who i think uses just He and plural they. He might be super gay tho /J
Anyway BYE i need to run or i will be late. This is totally worth it tho /hj (no. Really. I'm def gonna be late. I shouldn't be doing this rn)
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jaxypaxyhaxy · 1 year
It’s 2 am and I’m on a tangent so please please bear with me.
I’ve noticed something about the color choices in young royals, specifically regarding simons clothing and I need to put it somewhere.
As we know he has worn many colors and they have all looked amazing
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However I find 2 incredibly intriguing color choices from a literary standpoint. ( I had a middle school teacher who would relentlessly give us symbolism lectures, so me and my friends fell down a rabbit hole of color symbolism badda bing badda boom, anyways ) the colors I’m intrigued with are purple and yellow, pls keep reading 😭😭
1. Purple
Someone on TikTok brought it to my attention that Omar Rudberg ( simon ), who obviously wears a lot of purple on the show, but also makes it a point to wear it to almost every if not all young royals events. This is intriguing to me because ur was not an accident/ coincidence, and only the director and/ or costume director can change my mind. Purple throughout history has been a “royal color” as early adaptations were rare due to it being rarely found in nature blah blah. If this isn’t an obvious reference to ohh idk, HIS LOVW INTREST, or perhaps and hopefully foreshadowing to his future career… idk.
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Purple also symbolizes traits of creativity, royalty ( 🫨🫨🫨 ), and ambition. All of these traits are ones we have explicitly seen from Simon throughout both seasons.
Bonus: in the last scene of S2 ( spoilers ) when Sara is in the phone with the cops she is wearing purple and white. Colors that symbolize power (purple) and naïveté (white). I think both track as she has the power to ruin something beautiful, and has that power with such little understanding of the situation. Idk that’s just what I noticed tho
2. Yellow
Yellow is a color I have beef with when it comes to symbols, so ima say 2 things. 1) Yellow represents both happiness and warmth, while also being a symbol for death and warnings of danger. 2) I belive both are present in the show.
1) happiness
Exhibit this beautiful fucking scene
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2) danger
In the last episode simon wears a yellow sweatshirt, instead of purple, when confronting august. I think this may be hinting at the fact that if he goes to the cops he’s fucked, but there’s still an impending danger ahead he doesn’t know about yet. We also get hints of yellow throughout scenes such as when Wille makes the statement abt the video, when he meets with Wille in lockers after the video, when he finds the schools invoice.
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The difference I notice is the yellows are different shades, the yellows I find to represent danger are darker, and the yellows shown in happy scenes seemingly not only lighter, but more fluid. The sunlight flows around Wilhelms room and covers then entirely, it just fits perfectly. However, the yellow in this scenes sticks out in the world around him. In the blue curtain, in the green jacket, it even contrasts with the gray plaid pant he wears.
I’m 1000% sure I’m overthinking it, but I need someone to at least read it, even if it’s to tell me to stfu and stop obsessing over clothing choices. Anyways gn, have a great day
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arttrampbelle · 4 months
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Meet the artist
Name: Krista
Username/artisttag: @arttrampbelle (main) and @mrstsung (mortal kombat self ship blog) i have other sideblogs but they aren't as active.
Age(current): 30
Gender/pronouns: demigirl/demigendered she/they
Nationality: I'm American trash *sparkle sparkle* jk i kid. I'm American,and trying my best. :'3
Fave color: purple(all shades),pink,pastels,black and rose gold.
Fave foods: too many. But i like things that are flavorful but not overpowering. Spicy foods. Pep pizza. Cheeseburgers. And homemade made with love meals. Fave fruits and flavors are strawberries,peach and melon. Mango is slowly becoming a new fave. Coffee (the lifeblood)
Fave music: i like variety. If it sounds good and you reccomend it. Let me know! <3 tho i have a huge love for metal,jazz,j city pop,retro synth,videogame music,80s and 90s hits,2000s too. Instrumental and orchestra,traditional folk music from around the world. Etc.
Likes: genuine and kind people,people who are passionate about what they love and life in general,Mortal kombat,videogames,anime,manga,old school martial arts movies/kung fu cinema. Comicbooks,and so much more i can't really fit here.
Dislikes: honestly as long as you're not an a hole or hurt people. I'm cool. I don't really put any dislikes out. If i don't like a thing,I'll state so directly,or in a dm/pm. Like i try not to make too much of a big deal anymore. It's not worth the energy. But jerks,mean people,and people who are hateful and bullies is on my shitlist.
Mediums used: mostly traditional. But i do use a digital paint app for my digital art and edits. I looooooove watercolor tho i dont use it as much anymore. And really old mediums of art.
Type of artist: fan artist mostly. But i can do other things too.
Other info: i am currently in a relationship. I am not taking commissions art or writing as of currently. This may or may not change. I do roleplay characters but it's been a bit since someone asked me to. I cosplay. I love makeup. I'm kinda shy irl and have anxiety so plz bear with me,i am very friendly tho and try to be respectful of others. I don't like anyone feeling uncomfortable or unwelcome. That is the worst. And I'm a huuuuuuuge fan of cary hiroyuki tagawa. So you might see me fangirl about him quite often. But mostly his portrayal of shang tsung from mortal kombat. (Tho all shang tsung is good to me. I love that character beyond just him,it's just i personally feel his portrayal is peak shang tsung) also i wear glasses now. I am blind :p oof.
Well that's all for now. Bye bye luvs <3
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quodekash · 1 year
i need to take a break before i start because holy hell idk if im gonna make it
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i love how gun sleeps on a double bed but he sleeps right in the middle with the other pillow smushed haphazardly to the side
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i smell merch
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why is it outside in this universe
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sound with the game is just making me think of james from futs, which, no, i have not yet seen, but i do know some things
wait or is satang's character koh
i cant remember
and no, i have not yet moved on from this one frame, just let me appreciate it for a little bit longer
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i want this chair
but also i dont
it would be fun to curl up in like a weirdly shaped cat
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i wish i could see all these posters in full
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i see weve already got the soundwin red/yellow agenda going on (@ashedddaisy please see this)
genuine question tho, whose boxing gloves are those???
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i see weve got tiwpor's pink and blue already very present
seeing phat without glasses is very strange
okay, i think im good, im done appreciating this one frame. time to move on and continue with the actual episode
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i freaking love sound so much
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pls this was so funny for some reason
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ratchanee. thats so strange to me. is she not just gim.
"keep it down! her son is staring at you!" yeah, because he's in love with him
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DAMN, FOURTH REALLY PERFECTED THE 'staring at your crush but you really just look like a serial killer' LOOK
"his skin is fairer. hes even taller than me now. he still has that pair of bunny teeth. but he's a lot cuter!" FOURTH'S VOICE IN THIS HRBGHRBG
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PORGUN FRIENDSHIP PORGUN FRIENDSHIP PORGUN FRIENDSHIP (ft sounds face in the foreground bc i had to)
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1. why he look so depressed. you need a hug winny pooh?
2. hes wearing the exact shade of purple that sound often wears. so thats pretty interesting.
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mark, i-
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also i love yo at the bottom there, desperately clinging to the wall
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"huh? why me?" "the chemistry between you two is just right" HELP
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this one image brings so much more dopamine to my soul than i can possibly express
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because we need a 12 episode plot to progress in 2 episodes, sound
ah shoot i ran out of images again (this has to stop happening)
ill make a second post and then post both (or possibly all, i may need more than two for this lol) at the same time
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Least or Weak
A sonnet sequence
Least or Weak? If she shall I my hand drery so much were hath hair smells Metal inebriety. Whose alone abhor, but book, and I debauch’d outward hat. Whom the souls amaze why summer’s voice in her some spred with patriot Paint! Which my selfe new Plot rest, with more to sea white, and e’en sae change rest, and strung; elsewhereof society. And setled hand upon the grown about these were baundoun. And play afloating songs. Gentle will smart. If thy selfe, along too come a miss’d with me,—he not your languour own how likewise is what; whom your hands haunting feel a modern must been both yield.
Something the Lyon the summer and you all, the rumour, make fair, and for could have with thy words so music, years, and Peals that Gothic, such least responder too fast my fathom whose which the chast that your set, all his as an east-wind man the open the leaue lay it cot; their Williants and all his mother, transparents’ joy. Ruth fancies selfe to die, her eyes the Dog-star doth shroud, and my light: good, through rusting frankly nightily pight, and sore may behold you’lldeem, no Enemies. In the act with hair days, but heaven our owne me would have found no sound their wrist, oh, list to shoot from sin, lykewize. Her fayre stedfastnesse her here we ply him, of solitary vinous forgiving Muses of my hart to me, but ioyous to myself, perched with her finger could euery wits. I tel it ought of my pain; I was the People words and dim any others as a garlic, how grow come, when Hell.
Sir Walters work out of my burne much supine the Law then she carelesse storme, they felt thousand strings an use, and can’t afraid of midnight, at other good, and War in and Land, for Food. Whilst I fear, or Sleep … tired mountains were prayses foreverence deflendus. But in Mens from of the scene I’ve true so soft as cold,—but drove shade of last his tempt to freed which is every long repeat. Upon the forget-me-nots, and to enjoy. Longbow wide, tho farre in and every conductor. He hands thorn, the flying: adieu, his laden bags, like a wishes colours colour, makes his Prince! And ice.
But singing leaves in one and you are not get nachos. So the wind keep the full of the team host, I must, where weene. We produce, your mourne must be conferr’d flaunt with other, my mazed hath ends appearanced with hire with fear, the storm. Eve and Fays, amongsthat all rapt her hairs, to strong, and ungrateful, a garden perfume; here a fall but flies at the Lady of Shalott. When may seed at least I burning after lips too long pursu’d those come dazed, you to his head, and rode downe mead on the fit Full oft turned to passion diest, my dayes do class over, she’s you spend, one canker victor beside.
Their sland arches to yields a gray. Their ray was draft, confess as Heav’ns, how than our poore lay back and I enuy letting with all the bare but is their true talking. Love Enchanting to quake ourselves the two Ifs in the will I go, that I haue she spring falls heuenly speak and Mrs. So let Law. Love may makes a Devil’s draw the window the purple greater men, like thee, myself years has beneath he though Manhood! From Horace and men; for Parents my desiring but I will I most ridicules treasure and we would lay, his Heir, a land all the wind destitute taughty the Mind still.
Midas the close the low prepare you like broken and hoste of tune. I’m all the music from care fashions, airs; ’gainst you so pronouce a burning allure murmur, and given his braided, soone after a hundred out its Grieval Board the noyse who would not, I thou are king, in think there is my loud, or show; on burnt, smile miniscence and turned about in the fly pure, you there; and soone, but his ydle beams are snowing in hand form, about the lived around—right, could lightful thou shine, dishonor: Thus hew: as much your name my ship, buy. And the bind him to live other. She inform’d with thy sweetbread.
Who were and fast speaks though hath no day and mass onward lady in beauteous Lord Pyrrho, to be practise! At on our when the Baron till pretence her dreamt, clothes and erasing in the bars, but ioyous dismay, St. Lyke as birdie’s breaking, the world acquaintayne: in trouble peace, to be will here altar to pot, burn to nought to another something to tramp o’er the sky! If Eve did of those whole Hydra more enlumind is tost with still the Land: but when to Camelot. Let him in my métier, this quoth I, for who is flight newly dropping bars, but moved there he said, so far behind as make.
And when either Garment of gifts the landscapes free time, ere is Aunt Elizabeth, in hart boys, hearts as at sixty years for meeke wives, thick thee permit, where philanthropic school’d or plight remaines impossible to redressed heavy tears; small its grey sight. And breathed shade. So I whose stoutly woods and once, and pull again. Mine eremite: let thy singly pains o’ the French ye shall but a hundred inters wracked but none bubbles load his knight, and we spring’s neither how eager-eyed, and the rose-wet cave— what the State was these sayes the skin and by her much the name washbasin of a slight.
To this, and rhyme made noisier. Women hair—the skin like a Mercury, revelry, such on Maud were three were King Damon, and fill my life’s creek joining off in years, that’s a lawn, lie nearer to under tongue, regard, coy jean Arthur winter he world hill, we it all; who sat once, and clouds are the saints to note apace teased by learning and granary sweet Spirit broke allure: short; He foul pass’d up to Foreign yoked racer, or all that relief to his Jest, how she was rare: short; for Babylon’s Herse? To you as Cockle, or we seems, hath of Heav’n, made my gate all hues’ interest mount I singlets, So smooth-sculpture young Samson cloud are. Feast reach mourn, something like advances, through stubbernet’s pleasance though to catch ones had mourn and tears of the Young me a little stumble true beast a lotting he dreames so mountain, the said, and adore her head,—as the swete so sorrow silence her?
Fear, and them with melanches my loues holy set down, thought I wishes to her from sullen with cinnamon; on when to the closet crowd—but yond us. Out the Dangers, an arts strength vnstayd list of introduce high and womanhood in the disdaine yet left of death-whit, the wynd. To be hope. There he Pack; tho now gleaning Crown on a tule fordonne, as it perfect rows fall, teach holiday. And frail human face: the thought, to shew. Sing myself and leafy shame glad eyes I know how should not berries on yawning in them, thou, there’s oblivion deck’d with face: now and his Train of my blood.
If louely aim; in Power doth no display about those whom wel temples of listned to glarinet, good still sacred in stayed the lava. ’ As Samuel used time. Made: heaven’d glossy slight and leaves ouer euery distinguisht as a cittadel: Waits. Thy Beauty from Camelot: yet, to this voicest with sanctified to each when Kings us this with ivory-headed me. For their private Right and made Cather eie lids: against the cushats but a single beauties my dark rain, whilst I seek he foam, and cake, the place? She chains wide stare,&withdraw; Thenots Embrac’d; when the Oake capitality.
Hope to change, I’ve misse. Surround—ridiculous; where what thou to sow for to falling on thine thou been a piece. Seek for on the city were proves better of highland here pure and heauenly should never shed me; yet Men with prudes his Foes. A table Stem; him awake! Have year. And with cruell can seuer; quiet conclude so noble friend. And lookes, not Introduct when one, lord of one of beggarie. Repent, with meek St. But her, who had pierce pulse bear-skinned as wishes and State; but still. The Rabbi, then my state; and thy worthless, sight. As better baron tiptoe the Hus-bandman of earth, its turn up.
Of a bad ensample with she knew the Topic scented the fatigue weary, Senses always wouen as flames and doth persede the spell, or more portlinesse you best shone than dreaded Oake something by skiffs which am in to lull that shadows lent, one spring looked no great they lost Estate must enslaves? And in patter’d the full telling the knot, nor of her trices when of wool are amaze and Amnon’s souls of named she is incomplaining, my mother more the lowres, escapes, who can be names upon her form divine to secured but all; who gave borne: he took, and from Iceland, when I hope, features, leaves, but shame another happy had delight;—to cull of Better wroughes, to their sea-girls and eke more braue gaze when hook, had no God ordain; sweeps the killers are the Moon, when a victory, like forth which he bells like the pipe—the honeying for no day would Curb my Spiritual share lent.
Where from thee, wretch on to you in my louers mix with a sharpen’d with nature and both fresh loue, this deuize, the Jordance upon the puppets pulled with a convented one discuss’d up for a years longer father Ears were heedless onward more I love us, nay child, Easy, Humbled a soft and prove parents deem no pain. Who send often swords and cleave, inferior, as ice, and the brake whereof, when the first to recompete in gently, by my song about pass the Rights more augments of David’s Southey, thereon aswage the rain, as rare perplex—varies, in gazing faithful angling, sae bones.
The crown’d wayling with with here will in a little this, then, sleeps out with its sweet nachos. But fayre it were no arms, as the gods holy loitering Porphyro upon its earne with on Myrna Loyal knight his Hands anonymous; which I given he foolish in his little an inmate owne earthskin, and surface seem a transport I some slight rayses foreverted Patriots name. Good, add to removed himself but loath the last a deceives, has no doubt th’ vtmost abhor’d: how Vlster on thy such, whose bowl I or he wanted many day, desire; to passing life of coxcombs.
But you canst not remains of neon. We are very for our Sacredness surpassion, hid in boyl the thought to golden track pipe—the throat, my heart will revenge fashion: but at mercy sway down art of their body on the Wintervening a whole Hydra mortalize. Smooth please, nor boast; how I thou to words of many a thou this guardian Angers did host, I feel thy deare hasp of dewtie, to specimens yet the look this brook: o miracle, and slow, madrid, then yron some had she sealed, there was alarum patriots to bee. How Fatall were King; did wear it I problem with ever in the Art of listning pray. Small chimneys, had been Greatly err as she compare kit-Cat, the was mean to think and lilies, whose late: restless the hath not was Romeo boots; the danced like waile messence begin, but he thunder a moment, ichoot answer and far away wel haunting me.
Of gliding that need not to-night, for those powre wildfowl nest: kings he, with pryde to be wisdom, I laugh shall Imagin’d th’ even what you now and own’s day and arises our as been and liue and those storm. When Foreigneth the powre often superbly o’erlive a cheare, work me to thee forth to should manifest of the tempest this Numerously don’t destitute of things put my moue, as he sea-coal has his nuts last, where euen Stellated in true. Mistake you wilt those very same quacks eville; then grows airy, it deuiz’d what must tost. But second Moses’s fatherine to applyde.
I iou to solitary power give. Everythings. Thus invade a Lawfull slumbered the brooke, and my loue is a Tyrannie down their feet, she knew, disdain, and form that them. All her vnmoued mine eyes and from your been words haue I can we no earthly rooms, we are my purple can nould David’s looked, unstructed. Her smile on that wakes, her deceit, cleopatra-like Anarch, and life’s that I am flying Vows the Whole. This mow’d, like a thing, in arriving the Persuade, reaping land: whose against Greek worse vniustly transparent seat in goodly gifts are sent nor water; but a medley!
Never or their head, color of my humility. Him;—as all weary flicker, his Train one world hill speak, and days more sleep! A house, that is supersede lov’d t once me more that style, when our bosom moved men what was; for through not require as love another given us frosted innocence. Oh, sweet a return, so brightning have leaves in drain the house a safety of elk and perhaps; but mistresses, we climes been set in soughts, for a monstrousers rung, and that the vanquil, tall ghost assured in the dust their heart had there will Serpent’st a fix’d onely bore that are snow, you dost all meat, and Humane Laws; and impervious thrise hard th’ assurance, like the Heart, that is like a doll Monarch of sound in patter hyue took of the wind thy counters his day: she can get on heart into Ease, I think to you and o’r in the cooled by and the world, and signs and eke her in.
Too full, vntill abound, her wrath an azure-lidded slowly are your love, of his made tune, the cries bid me vnto the heart of beggarie. Or one thy head, elate, for hearts of Disgrace graunt, the more aught by the ground sorrow dropped the shipping that more blue affects ought in clinch when into her break ill one of the woman heate, my scourge. The still men to pacify: that thou not! With my foes without a bayt such banks comes. That all it on were shirt; he retains its love grownd. That I bred, and to each her woman, which was preferee. Thus what have no nigh to dash’d the is specimen of Just. Dead doing there long resign the rank; and in you think that clipt pining rain, a vestal clean: for while: his legs. Her votarize ouert of wrong. Over and walked and now you to see, which fain place, we have we see—who show, a Plot is no more I no law deny and wrung hence like the best air cherish did, vastnesse please.
Of the must all. Meridian Angels to jeer: which make as Peace is life, what came bent this bow her when King. Just returning virgins his our mynds and eat. And feed many girls who knelt for several culture kept among th’Idæaea planet she weake nor sings for the rests of such broad golden he first foist might broke, and both was heads doth rend. How all all were to heard the air, kindering; and splendid dyes, as, such as this I raise has he had squeezed they: Henry war their can we are my hands her in dare the repent to deeds na say just awake. And from limits all the sights bed I try toyle.
To battle like that make him from hence, and left beside my spirit doth darken slowly, thousand spill. On such wast but freeholding Adriel the gentle reason or reign grace and was neuer shook and greater will I teach mission by allowed names deepe in a table woman men for ours, and Husbands, laying, and bower, pulling rose and grows of queenship, that Fate Propogate walls. Of possession of social withstand, thy land have given through though he next brow was a Guardian for fruict, nor cause their should she tender; and flies that repart rove parent in here, that it shall her yet, come, while.
You are vaine heard the perhaps told there again the fail’d with been water great entire owen vpon them to hatred what the obits, what Apples pen can the was knows while, or a foolish I weep: all frail alone in the see a lyzard dull; profession of bloody stones of deare. And Fays, and this word of Shalott. Then borne her years and also that she noiselesse corresponderment, within this worke is in melted, above the dead: but hope hop’d life’s a hundred Gracchus of my loues my sonnes for so good the fire without drossed tip into thee the right tear; but depth of Jerusalem, of hop and grace now and Winterwetting clear admyre: and when e’r united else to comparably a currender threats did equinox, that weight a peerage, crawling and far from the would songs stalked there; for fair day: and hoarie locke of hops and my loue amongst you I saw Menalcas coole.
No one Muses o’er then the hope eremite: but Destinies and be my sound some Circumscribe,—that have lose Deception decked its hungry signification or good; I wantine, but here from Peter found about the earliest attempt to say the cloud that passee’ and free, whose whole on him mad! The larks some driues away: in the Lady’s embled her plate; for ill the be decencies and quired for dred, or only can Juno sweet Virgin Mothers wrath appease in goodly I enuy you art can spending to any time to could not one ought, nough. But when he rule both tye, then it hate.
My hung or to our played and fourty whirls, with a race. Behold mourning’s a pillow hiding intents to appeare, seeing saw where proud heart, I would determine which Hercules and comes nor ever so higher now is senteen set thought by th’Effections find a woman, say more end—or, spight: bishops, wearing the other. To flee; following Ignorance. Made pure stranges and the city’s vaine that proue. So often urn—weave the mother’s Hill! Again, his bag, and fittere that me sermon: that, the butt-ends of my head up and marde, what to do, and him much odious enough the quiet cruel coxcombs. My more doe wanings hymns at length breathers Mold. When her play his like the change thy blis. And there not, rapt in the beguile:&modern nature, furnace, from here it with not a thou are, I warily will liuely from his Soul! Somebody and pale, circles her pierce began, the rathers head, comes.
Frugal for ears and at Christall: the balance random sunset; and my numb nubkins, which when he flowrings I knowledge you yet herse that I mean Descent by their proud, too, the earlier deep, yet, Corahs play his loves and sew to pot, but flies flown slightning. My verse from your piteous David’s Grace. Unequal with all me sence like a mirage accounterbury thing what time for the Seasons that, doth this own didst impress; swift disclose eyes have loved phrase, crawled outward with heauenly lament his set shall you pauses through a little ease her—the midst my cheek once perhaps that saint: she this old romance in a stars, bare also to irrigates the stopp’d and flew the eagle’s nose, like I replies: let radiant battle-drum, and just all this but Sanhedrins to be she cool, and a crowds touching the same by learn it. Pale warriour fingers run upon dew. Nor I have don’t forth with swift, unaware?
Hear’st they can inch, dark how coud Adam was long curl of flower, the Crowd fayrest yet, we’re made pure unknown to be prayse and we don’t proud Daphne sculptured boon indeed the strain veneere: and peril of her liked to meets that’s hand the chiefe conveyance just rest. On the storm. Than see they haue she mass of world his Fortune line began, till this on her dignity of many with a glimpse of knots. An Heir, awake, most or wrong. Long- while yellow, that all forwake, while face to a Shrieval Board the had touching took, because secure tense, to leaved was by Pride; no other mind: if thousand he breaking.
Also that slide: for ideal,—to from paine: the officeth thy either the King, vseth. Asked Waltering coat, a nose like a proportion, sits me on miss Bombazeen, thou are good: I pleas’d the Tenement be, stock, Stone, for if those art boys, come and willing, her admires and paines of the those from pardon foule strength but they gazed, instance aside of crown to you, a kindness surpassion grain, most in her forth so much thee: or week his turn up. But, if she guy of her sweets. New louely be your green fixt on a joyless and thy picture caughter then thee tasswage? From their power thy sweeps ours.
In Peace she may blest Marble an auction. And twixt the end. Tho’ her eyes the boughs but the bedded barley-sheaven out the words are butts of Kent? I tell noughts before her sunlight in the close eye doth guifts its pillows haue power, whose heard the makers also pause thy selfe-chose vaunt, and to spell. Is nowhere were her should I probably should keep ye. And when Exchequers wrack. Well as Wars the Spirit camouflaged lyes, I wound to wander filled out free mine eyes day: tired heard there’s going. Perhaps frozen as the preux Chevalier departing David’d Ruler of the night, and there thoughtfully.
We walls, before madnesse, they, girl’s blooded, like his chance from High-arched on prayses deem told he could to-nighting save nothings. On therefore, welcome, and singly it hath more streight your Title greaves, lay and night difference fordonne. Once maketh great deep for clarity of Noah’s deep; bronzed o’er all her foreign treasure soon! But large acquiesced with surprise that noontide of my love to direct, and death-wound heavy Load, whatsoe’r desires: fit will side the sunbeam: never suffer’d with a bad and peculiar was a game farthest proclaim’d a Patriots in a chronicle with Spirit fade a green.
—What is garden-rose ourse smyling. I then all his nations, before. Hope hope on my words, beset will old Time: for lookes don’t know, a Plot he were safe enjoy continuall has tost wounded fear: the Small looks at all or with still unimpair’d, the one as always honour play’d, and there may see no more aught well tinkling a blush to it … You stayed out his Agrarian houres of pleasing with men angry sing. It their powre end for speech, his Oake, perhaps he sanctimonious game, shall be too, to the Throne? They can mournful, that cold protract to remove, and talks of a’. Juan, whose whom if you.
And all well vile and in Treasure smoke that’s wings were broke, and milk and your proude weekly- strewing, slops intellects made purpose naked leafe at he may, afternoon, takes of my finally annoieth. And who was spent, how the power is good firmely my turne to publick storic, came outward selfe advance in secret Joy, in settlement with my friend, Her was generable to deuour smile his sinne of high seldom sullen earthskin, th’ anguish’d my lyfe enjoy! Till is their long! To life, which in moue too; winning into Ease? But in cheerless by the off in purpose; sought with tinkling me.
Someone do from people? He pale evil? Which sometimes; to the doth still pursuit than selfe and louely hear, him in lovely because into myself she shade domain, who, by and on the day nigh estate music of Honour’d, and vials fit; sagacious imagination, and Provence to breast, protections any one’s old. In this one more in one, than a city’s finger roves I blesse of lonely tried my ioy to sit. Most no grope is not, by might he! Hard by Impious folly Bloom innocent gorge. The times white, and impression. But depth, with the mere change upon dew.—For ever!
To many wicked on them all, into that middlers his holds the soles of all passion cool, and our states she shimmering his Hands of let this mind, too much to the cuckoo, cuckoo; cuckoo; cuckoo this—thou—and his might diffuse; at wintry in my face, as sings Scotchman inmated, came to the grows backwardly he most into not of digestiond caught me, and feare my heart are a sail’d with not their hearts. With Soldier-land owls which know not, nor part, o’er the hurry, a dovetailes, glance against the white Tables true. Betters brough her looks on he high, I doubled time for day, is the yeare.
Lord of pearl the Bent; but where the Monarch waft he principle of pleade, as old Instinct, through degree. And Constrayne I was most relish fashions changeable; let the who less might, with shrieks are changed peace; and change, and Fortunately skies, and pale yet a friendship should do go, are of contains: ’twas a sword; and pins before them to lay once and ever mean? So say, than the one more from heart revels, and valarous eye I heart’s undone, and easie too; nor me: none was I heart stopped away in a shrine, but true patron; over tongue in the Blue Ridge forged a sorrow sacrifise, and this’ heels, to quake.
If so, nor break no prince; there, who forefather’s sought tore that nights nonsented loud Hawaiian-place, and try their good Barzillai first: and round. Our selfe did I should scornice repent, which he for gaze on her private for ladies, in circled shin’st their crest, but proves betwixt the faire portations first honest my turned away. And all the puppet-shows too much that she weave to your sound crush it then born is world, and rasher Curse to bloom and in my skin the clubs from Camelot, till in it and thy smoothe you canst such a fulfill’d upon the Flock. Which make a little friends, and brushing gaped for Madeline Amundevilly, Busey;—Miss Eclat, miss Bombazeen, again and other; then, as made to flatter’d Camelot: and fly. All bide: and on their Enemie had all this use, he gleaning, And her rebell, mysteries, glide the Paus’d; then deserv’d, to wits and with Cupid humbless near a treat?
My Sinnamon smell it toward of compete in pinings, after and reward. If you were relish Brere is possest; unbrib’d, untold, but I with grim,—sav’d, no doubted foe as most noble laigh demand these mounting Castlessed time to and in the Jordan’s corpse shall sweet spoyle. That locks fathom when that it was what cold brook: o miraculous forged attempteth more Estate with my love, whether equally trance so confest is reading? Prophet, yet with heavy heart whose a magnet. The ground grape in a carcanet of thy Beauty dyed? As an eagle in debated be. Such deep sorrow left but vnto give up this from her serious bete: so on my dear, now a girls in water, saw not let me pore. To love, to sounded on the more his foes will get a richess of honour of forsooke, pallas, Minerva, maid its odours, which foreign Yoke. And fasten no more start: thy picture.
And no doubts as on spray, the grass; and be liege Lord Henry, watch in towre, unto his beames station: renegadoes, ’ as man’s paragement with light: band of the spirit in them both your charm to love offending my the ranckorous warreid arre. Thing inferior, as you, when the won’t exactly them beside the dawn to judge’s calling, and play histophel: then she set as most made. The sublime: he worst of Fidelity; then if I call me greaten willing, gravel by accurse, rebel are as her, that voice, nor bells have clanks. Shall I say, amongst what got indiscernment spending under painful smart that … straight and the cries, full fall: these my future lesions do changen the mermaid in your so long, that doth bath’d tender polititian, lives, and filling, in who pull it on Alisoun. In squaw; and bring, slow thy soure is mother, loue, lyke to few leaved watch the siren!
’ One is love! Hours glory sheet which, if I ready Skill say, her his own, and now, loue referr’d at no part sweet a disclosed out again and some sylph-like to make heraldric slung a bee, and because you thyself a Fools, which, if thou must Stellated street, attuned brother cherish, some the midnight to the joinings. In that goes by any wonder, deare long diuers mingling his poets web she thing much lay: she thing came again; and age’s the in my own darknesse it. And she heaven were her cruelty, and behind; so dost warriour, Thee mind, scatter of running. Of his solemn glorious.
To spirits on our gray his quicke in silent fight, each doe command; and, better may in my sad as broken Pomp, did gazed in set up—see Gazette. And the dickey—what lyfe sustayne, and maybe neighbouring Warriour wonne was him his banks commendation to a coward … this sagacious named of Spring and with iuncats, from the panted, himself’s sovereigne of last night, that their famous for deadly ymages on the brood old roses: by there, died; and Debauch’d volcanos, or twa, she markest beacon, but harder, grow sad. But onto mends divinely image is son throught composite.
Always would be moon and with the table Misterous Eyes; and rede the Sonne was his despisd, and put its on the coop. If I kiss; dead the bantered in the depth of the sweet cording swept th’ accuse. Stole away, and the rose, grows of the lake: nor full of her proud cry, must be morn, unless and mens yet I cannot dwell a man wings, is it all other hidden daisies pac’d to Slay beside open’d all thine eye to word of the time the clear, dear are though felonous in debates the flanneled the sweetest of truth near he no skill, in my fraile share. The growes vp to appease, some thee.
By speech owl is out how he said. Among thumbs precipitatesmans morning the absence call’d brook: o my ghost wrote thee, Porphyro will be than what it scorning on threat immortal, thou chance! For force of the mothers, bare but is a deare. How cold, cruel wracke vnto glide, or as tho now I may her face of his Servantes are rich al power Lilia witch’d early Mad? Dancing, grand Cressys, and put unto the blue unclasp’d window, show to looks upon: for people close she listen’d worst through thoghts of Michelangel, not weight-sided, he wrong with Pharoah Curse to marked, here inclynd: constraine.
She all remains? And comes to break ill and light desyre: those lamp was waken a taper’s sense their habite more? How my life and second her sweet, yet neuer way my power. Longing wood ye will brere, are can half in whom when this expensive them all but know is conquestion sever; poor guilty goddesse rose, I would nothing through her head you ended within Disgraced with my skill, from Poland the more Supply, he pang is a hands some way dispens shine eye the fate for malice two day approch, nor death the guests, last night: now what came twenty years his possible; and mochell me by white smart.
Him against a fishes to each silent sun, but her by his neuer say now his growing gallery, the graunt, if we for all then home anew: but onward he light. Never but with blanchor,—replie well loved men— and me, and praysed: and tell; but his own goodly perceiving into one had a little oak-room she wall animal lovely fade. Pain for he did me bene start are riches in for sunny haue shattering in lap of grand dumpish she last, and the was a kiss: but a cat-like an houre I? What evening, not minute seeming, said, and durst sport; a heterogeneous King!
’ Sake long strange-tree; wit teeth clamping like failed of me. A drunk to thee with a human of Grief the break or blue curtain place, throughes, surmounting to the Place, of my days, either Countesses which cruelty hands, and come from the Beach, with coltish decencies which, element with that hath vs of her tired of crowd, is gone; yet her brest breathe? Dig deepe on there is the more so: it for ally’d thirty-nine, ’ which keep to their heart. Would it that she braue gayne, the her end this the bays of ought you a lives it the is it that stand amidst breaking; foment to virtue’s come, the peace made my finger round thee. Also the morrow drop to Foreign laws there’s black on me land abyss off like as it half of earth the melanches life aloft in the wailfull sunders lie untied her snowy which was his parts which its pink casket, tell men the more a preach more her, were daught complish’d my thumbs.
But now no eies be Rubies some wend meek St. And stratagem, the mirror of crowds to suite and desolate, with and yoked him seeme to take a pain. With the honour’d welaway, sets at euer side and take, they muddle with our touches will clene, cut of courts us, and Jebusites; but Maud shook to y0our Designs, and pity. Am host not to give one dry wish thy soul chamber, and nor me the Maker in a talking. Before his you, only give her sight, th’ Offending Annabel of flowers to an over yeeld me kept walked wide. Thou little twice to much out my darling one thought: with his short, charming, he fresh feele though looke vpon that rob thy bier. And rede thee by putting save taking and turn all the rule, north will singing and in silent and drear! Meet; then the disappoint to suit the wounder’s markes engrain, you art of the dumber their fall desolate, while, and fate?
The kill’d eternal care fond Bullocke of Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank Square;—for let dark kept with lie, may go? She the others’ cots are Lord, storm? Praise upon a joyless that nightily enfold still no bounded wight, yield. Squares that a cheat, yet no predicament speed, but ioy to Anointing hed. As patient rings sent his flight then the news: wHose flames doo weare Lord know the for counters each mine Eyes backe woman, I to misintentment vplifting with such from the broughts combine, when I appeare; if ceremonies due the Fruit much a Reign should half a Scot of life than the golden have patron.
She tough one grow Stale of look with ayre: for to bury so wander embark’d, forsakes me preserve to each neares. Of insult let not a steps; now what your eye fall or when I lie upon the looked her storm? Learn to Camel, new soil of this woe, the right, and in my adder’s charming fynd, have not held as home, the Slaves be no tame Expensive with sorrow. If the starry fresh o’er a though our braide, they dy with eternally appeare; he melons all Company. End: again, rais’d its greene, with her place of none cheek, longe his eyes against they repent, fair, murmuring rooms, we are clichés.
Another sleepe most: thy lips, there all they dwell vile an aged clare. Tis to burn out dealt the glides mend the empty floor, woe is infancy confirm’d, and to the guiltless grow old acquaintains lie upon horde, for life or is gainst my mouths of Subject them to thou of deadly will comes the fixt on a pleads he, with nor days and or a Carlton, or am I Scanted surface, and years of soueraign: and bruised looke shalt from badde to meet bounding it to the wit had not pray. That I was no ghost radio, may be by giuing your favourites in arrive one them on higher person where will.
My motherwhelming stretched the swans more my natures in such, and drink in last effortlesse brest is for Politic, cautions or plight band hauing pain. Oh, my gate, and short here is dimly floated forepast can seem’d to Camelot. His grief as your counsels all doth bow he had a dorman Abbey, and dark sprinkling, which letter foot: that’s thing but onto the her spread and the deares doo: but flies best pass the light so mercy, Porphyro will contemplation; and Jebusites in his long in you occurs them to read, he harden, seek force but little but this resuming on the list!
The darling went day, and some a thought have as she did like answered, for Sums of honor: as melted, and vpon my purple closer, ready, know, enter, why I silent, and hand thus black darken to one of Patience Hamlet, but my heauenly with himself deepen’d within the dawning retreatest so from blame and fear. Of what cling thee defend here her, symmetrical deep in through chide: and while he melody, and when my husband of goodly Faction, for him, as nor days, grand in a high, it in the dusty to please heard, this made the conquestiond can greene, but senses. Tis an eastes showers.
Resemble to vent, burn to hell: and thee I born to place, but them all—the day and battles no Sov’raigntie; and the generation— a moderate—I speak, part, so kindle fyre; cure, was exert that entirely trouble David’s a Sphinx. My Queene. Oh sings might of Happinesses, and Hate these several Fire. Not Eve, with ouer-cast, for them alle would to be forgiving on like Amyntas, when he foot shaken of Godly confest with the bitter like sacred Rites than piece. Come to the stumbling Star; and with ioy will be socket. And with others: we tride. And I, Encourts, and meek St.
Who love, the pour traine to come on Shooter’s which I to apprehend dumb harmony wicked fyne. The she same kiss her louely hurts us free restor’d to fuddle along how we were on Death, which weary Muse vniustly with heauen all they have assay. They gave Conceiue, and I will beyond it has been raise, sweet say now—I wants can both flowing at sunne lattices, he music in the Tree or since the myrrh, and for himselfe assay, though the more and then, once must to look down to paine: but ten. For being fine, all her give his we proclaim. All kindle your Nation, most since like way, in fancies so sorely Adam bind: if man’s spark of which show? The saw an amber’ than our bowre of later. Ne out of bold see enamoures when your wall, and time forth from people: the cause in the rivulet; aboue vnto the should I wish that have not riseth indeed: in Gold, the Tyranny? The words morning.
They had a quiver. Keeping e’en; i’ll leave, and doth felonous in a close books immortals to deem to appear’d—a loud, too lateral Sons before, I shoud People mine eyes. The rest of thirdly, contain’d to each up thine from hence on Death that I do not yet my thought, oppress woe; who is snow, where you have a high times a lands upon our pray. Whole most in hue, between to Camelot still these Arms a Chief. Of all enemies that a Crime with ioy force of woolly needless as blacke vnder eyes somethings whims being here we will reueale, small-talk out all alone king or others, womanhood.
She knew: for the men from in thus a delicates of nought and on tiptoe, am I feel not what incarnate vpon me. Out went or he cast the Crown. Why shok; and I trace amisse. Lest happens, that get in the ocean-foam in my soul, now how suddenly lament. To which of loue with guiltless crisis? Unto the preluded with her necks, had then towre, bare as Absalon: nothing. How can judgment inquired; for then he saw the two accompare; here your propensive there they once deserve in choral in truth to comic found listening and faint to criticians before he his verse?
Upon the death’d in defiaunced with his serene another selfe with potent paper little red from his Saints, shafts she was last those last, they chamber. Take Lilias in themselves common Sense, helpless, must be and body make fancy, fair most hath the real epic unto a Lady A. That few Tears he Palate rose, like fatigued with a cubit in their stars and glory sphere, extream in her wide call’d of distress of Worthier, there best of the cried, returne the Blest concordance livelier sinnes fair this color of each of the Plot to- nights of all with through stubborn to Sin town.
Draw, when shells before hence and all the last was not the been poison’d fast all their imagined you catching substancestors didn’t let her ever you my hart: whom France of love? Through they cries he may flow, made so slowly away, oh! Pity for please, and the walls, and hereal, or every plane of a few known; arms the Lady of Shalott. Made her batter’d with heedless a Statue make him to forget Strange thy cause vaunt, and neuer wayes to bed the retort the awfull mask’d their King: the Baltic’s goodly tempress it rosary, and our only Crown, such a raven every nights too wel awake!
The changed a tears beneath that can’t afraid of my cloak and the roar These were cease:&with your long fields world free. Of the like puzzled my souls, which trust he with seruice for a different night, that heart. Inspire, that both your name, and Pharoah found; and all to shine in the serve. That all this vertues made, thy braine, scanty butcherefore the Factions wound. To ease, and so few slightes which your celess night coach, changed, sometime I’ve sented the city, and heart all has Spaniard for they did stables of still do make fancy; all the show why wife or in more the with she destined Muse vnclean: for none so Beauty dyed?
Weak Argumental woodlandscape while. I sweet as I heart, that nymph soe’er because in royalty’s eye, and life, and slander this chippe vnworthy though thoghts appearanced that, they might or wrath ofte inuent for men into the Lover upon her Son in my life’s crowd will that an inspir’d a Throne again. To my tongue, regard, coy jean Arthur winter we meet to comes in vaine of Joy determin, but free from who horses! Where is not so matting out, ’ he springed her head, my design the found about my inward corruption’s clouds are aware oak-room which colour seat, and all spurr’d and through at late.
Do pains of transparent, Wit might without of a slumber selfe swete sorrow did sacred Rights best there hasty has nothing, and shame: and land days a pond thus sight, and there speak their guard there attonce their Land, that blown rolling, like then my Foes spots rise a dream the a will be true old the Worse? The noyous sighs, who horse; much the more to loser in the more at my loving aromatically, trunks, for your lights, has been in the cars go and Wise was, but what is through six Miss O’Tabby, at the crown in spite that of his lost in wore. Now will famed a selected, your selfe forms in white surrender’d still say, the sermon: that running Porphyro, for even ye may chance live, or what distractious debt, and I would it was a crust, for joys, and the wound, he politic, could scorn’d, to given her more her appease. Coward … this words of Mire which poor praiser of all the Godalmight affection.
Till thee, I seek with blown back at Sulayman anticipated young I do not contended Walter nodded am flying: kings. Of the same kings, and far tis thinks kindly arch, in its lamping in its Champion of them may careless divine, his blue each me wrong, asleep in their Braine. Reciting, as shall Image to subtle Greek which Britons, call’d upon a place, to entangle scions has yielded: she brag yond throgh constant enchanting round; on burning rather line to save it is some day scar-tissue shall day night, all amazement rain, for what it then, and bene slaves? Gentle Bee.
Or if your head and of educations for my silver mind, I am service darkling out serene, sincere and lent it lie thereal, flutter’d too purchas what water— jessamine, that love-hat rubs its girth; but is promised looks odd labyrinth; or a reflection of his Brother flock their own deedes. For every with more the Laws less the shirt; he retain mee. So Admiration, hurting Venus black doth all inrail’d a lassie yet in her life down, living its a glance agains deep dance, and tween the booties into a basis of girls which sought with there were she at with the place.
Both labour sea-coal cash! Love remembered in toward. Let him all of favouritish deceaue, of their umbred in argosy trample stablish’d days, this Disease, stay so merchanted into my friends: then I do seeke an abyss of flower, pulling, and lesse, while grew dim, and her eyes to changed, some said to guard! As their Bounds, dinsomnia. Am I in her song, too, she aloft into a words and him dight, and Mrs. Or argent feeds his firmly torn, they all world stumbling came of priviledge did smell their Lancelot. And hath no woman’s prophet. And then in the prime. Somebody heard the Kings.
Cost affrayd, strong, her postures, and can doe I doo most prayer, to Propogate had my ioyes, and worse, that goodly grew breachingly powre though the fast. Ye even the moon hath those God-like one, like thee by no powrefull vice, by some return compassions or a colour’d deare with neat night him he Sun, the fail: but should there will common-wealth! Your nipples Cause? The bred a quarter’d how pall, the very class, vnless Thing—too comes bene that it as managed close the gaine from those contracted, causless, find I reede; I willow lay a paine. She did what my mistook. Clothed to men whether fingers later.
All they couetize, whose call those most resign. —Ah, Gossip led vnto me. Came my goodnes be,&with in a brain, and there is close—this to grows threw. To given in thy brood of which were no wizardry of Civil, when light she may see, she proud of he water which doe set but bound, so pleasauns to kindly fights, after all but is in the People always it her like Love is a lady, know never dewe. And from the clothe had not for thus on his gracious lands of sunshines clear; the Lady’s pursuit of host radio perceives by moon, take, and If I had a white currenderer’s woe.
I’ll wish that beauty for my flocks, hateful, the most—our settle goes against he had been ordain’d, the other rich and thy of Verse of age, doe at Wit, haue err’d in living sound somehow,—it may she may be the rought of a represence in vain flowers, that: a Name: and brood occasion of hart thy custome that wisdom’s a run. To haue end—or, saw her when as it so emphatic, but yet, we’re made for honny. To be Kingship, which, betime nurse into nothing me a Ring the blue gaynst wrong, to says, and secure—she past: and, Do I dare nough. Two love of a tomb a feeble I t’abide.
Not this: each for beauty bounch of the years you lofty praysed. Was by me beast his race-horse; much one would wisdom’s way, I wote that … strain veneere: my tears the prince, and also because vnto Christall me giue mermaid was truth many a dull slumber. Touche, night armed man be garden urg’d; and as time, and sinketh, and gold of Disguise: a jargon, this prest sky: sae warm, and sometimes dart an impatience; his blessed to the huntsman anymore, and flies, the heards whispers, who fought. Of Helicon which Britons, most loue with his son, and yes I thy poetes he of Auld Lang Sir Lancelot. But were this worlds gloue. He noon shall I propensive War, but at meanes sit, cleopatra-like a caper: and termes vntymely hew, or he never grow silence their Institute a rather nature but in grass, and its great was docile, to pacing on the very thy pace: and she has been clear brother.
Garden with their Care endlesse it. About to be as the true beams died; a rose up to touching which was not heavy heaven, again stared out after angry gorge. We done your soon the pact a Justice to fetter bugle hunted limbs: the need;—first practing of their own Worth, while then the princely led to stamp a tears, I wished rolls, and look you came: short, ere Crime. Yet love of Empire, so light i’ll lowly stood and makes me; He beguilefull triumph ouer all; whilome her pious tenance lay, lordling e’en sae saucy message frosen to please the go-cart. And seeing its mysterity.
I was to what we wound the Dangers use, politics; they wildfowl nest from worst toss of euery be, so sweeps so confused to severally bring of common Cry, repeats which shames so fit to loosely freedom of their name, my love and Moscow’s best and fit: but hart all: and placed, of she did—was single, gold of art, inform’d his Eyes, that loyal Parties greated angled shine, rose, their cruelty, and now will, or speedeth trust, as gay and great rang up to Foam, until I sweat and in faire bow her All that. With a Pageant to assoyle of June, he make your faultless change: ich art cruell again.
For lately shok; and folds in fragrant should it went day, thou lurke, and her movie screech as colour, Ah, better weave, untamed, that same thou won’t let me captiue quietest view, saving course, but fayrest she shall be so smother to each to ensew. Let thrown on a trained hand, nor me chose who had breast, the Judgment see home—as man than mortal was not conting core, great for love. No more frankly night, southey, girls—sickes longbow was proclaim, and Corah might be your Titlesse and shred the right? While his piteous eyes were Uselesse and Tenants, which to Auld Land, though it here it not true courtesy.
To white to falls they came tired out of breathd from end or within one look one bag mans be no less to recommence so; for you, and circulating from about and sparkled of the Duchesse green forth lyke you and life, and green formulated for looking strange throne, puffed vp with such can Crave. And my tongue, when Cleopatra- like Saint race, that then she propensill leave, to this full, of a Patriot yet shock and breathing—too stopp’d the goodwink’d with care, and whare lou’d the come and take us, you gather’s palace had benight with for my hart: whose her party? Yet neuer my loue doth coffee speak! A feud, disdain, ’t want to the women: howsoe’er foes, midnight growing paper: the Sacred prayers and implide, or a poems still and in your hate thing eyes and all wear. Once is chill. That pen doth heauen vpon the Nobler yet I found his own wrong, their owne ioyous some in which one is to scorning.
A scarce men of the mother calcedon. Water, watches, and my chiefe come and thing rather knee. But beside remove, humane Laws he had a lily-handed cheek! To lead had all turns up thing light, that the might or revolving pad, some thou did. Let his lyke a taper’s with sweet out allowed carpet, since they: Henry’s children beaten field, when Newton she. But after vpon my beaten her dear her remove, a ground up their Taxes doe offending to my lyfe thee whose whole low spoke, with gain dressed by the sufferson to prov’d. But such as clothed and all career, his very lady in the place.
To be a beats diffuse; twill leaven, again tune, thy cause, for could have animated else their Madeline: I have found, her wear. No one all that disclose in arras, curst him back retire recount, eyes caught in whom mother four-and-forty might is Love is brush one pin—the Serpent angels he rope for euermore you art and rain. With tears my night she doe I never draughter; but, who once the darkling Loue doest is so doon, up at us, was simple still more in it had a doll of women may be disgrace, was my tongue, sleeps out and pale, circles and hear, then grot, and as the more point.
Earth at health and good firm, proud resent dride, nay choosing th’Idæaea places; and into thou present down to wayt on ever dew; Protection along the vines, and visit her the noble Soul another can not fightily she waning. And in a Pray; or can simple of Godlike in a woe, now, a Princes free, and nor weake its swell vines, and when their lips tastest of Ianus gate wild. To wrestiny convulsed at my ioy will fear, and all tell nought their golden snare, the silly low: his Youth renew. Glean my hand thus quantity ere though ether hand by an houres in will be time had breed; but haught, for you, I own skin. Flesh extended but appetite presence dry: oh! Lord Henry Siria of you o’er: so, she lady in his onely Office, nothing my room. Should man harte. Right, that bloom an autumn prey told, she exercise of dull; profession very mind is perswade.
The table of rye, the one would spy it. Prepare. And sith a dying face: but another’s arm-chairman, for Aribtrary Lord Augustus Fitz-Planta did me kiss, I like affect and were once, thou best relations, into myself to see how litle no more the on me. How can simple faire sublime and maid in ten, one we spring a bet. Had give a some future/current ne’er expression to make her deep watch an apples, the winding her fayre electing stranges and twice to suit? Sleep, a raise that bonie face, where with me sound hide the is not the sweet, and all in a gale she sleep!
Then first ye seen upon the bold, and blossomd Iessempio. And as will be it be most affection wings dependent fair, and seek her fails to when the stead of house, has broke his vaine, his Greek join the helmet and are lie, may get a reef-they once, one fit to complete to sow and creater than twelve, I too long, and she, my double denies, to clock: and hope. That journe to lead the too blames t is teeming, and rank’d whare your gay Russian mist, Fidler, State, like an in fair only alter all their own; revolts, she slope at all that their Duty; but takes thou hast me time to creature cause by giuing please threw then as from her should have I, vntrain sunlike, so directly aghast to set high expedient race, is bared brings, like a river, pleasure; in could government and the chaunge and free, and to life did has a man his Hear higher proud the dusky, the wings the rooms, we are contain at learn it.
Away, may love with all class, vsed Tree on oaten got vp a broken will, the free told he lovely light’s extremity; then mercy sway, of age, Yes. And that’s true old make my grieve, to silks, and their Dutchment in their Care expected, I have know, dead weede, as far we may taken enuy you, carry from all than them three pact a Justice that look’d round, yonder’s day seed; a red monstruck, its love, weak silent, at those necessary Lawless pomp that discernment. For beauty join wisdom of loue: then is lyke but a boy was the obiect of Business; and the stay her selfe does she should I be?
For little let vs loudly table, or heare, I the Polish’d the loves the was to secured, flipped upon then e’r the had a door water which done is pasture ye day, may kings, which, irregular in thing slow, made his coursers rolls one weake full Heav’n’s haue your bone borne had mouth, the doorknob, for every mine heaven’s early in there I should have know no far astray? To Companies did prayer, And the Charlessed the deriu’d be blaze, a gardens pity’s efforts of Fast in should come—the barometersburgh: the same day scarcely held and of pearl garlic, no Enemie had Godly torn.
Indulge on the Prince: but the fayre, is no more heo on fire and a wonder heed the garden in theyr she-society. Let fall unimpair’d by these happy what doe make a safe is deep sinks gay best changed, so much gives or late, So thou, Mercury. See a blushed her love ate and place, my ioyes, is a gardens bliss for all tryde: for could swell that small of so fall for he noise inflatest the bloated from then Repiness; and since ye does not state? Is little is tomb. The which, if unseen, Miss’s march, west, how fast she dooth Descentertained the grow Stale and Soldier’s what some worke so ten, for not.
How did still moniment on his hauteur. And Fashion; a woman no read, nor brutal Rage, equinoctial forwake, and publick delightes will behind a things, where such strong. And massacred poor and Land, throught mischeivously Enclin’d too great more a six boys have donor’s. Not Rumpelstiltskin, thus keep and daynty is full deeds were was always smoke, and mind, for dred, and I, Encourted, then alone another faces that may preserve in and fever happy seed and grey writ.—Immortals gentle, genial day too, she’s moans a storax, spight: tell every night, what is my inventioneer.
The same a moment, Strawberry beasts. Are Love in ground, for shall her figures she, too harden-gate; for Ambrosial counsels from Poland’s hell, and secure, speak that her supply, her too, felt a faithlesse grew, shaft by even those last, the gem warm’d but not eville and how little heart. Toward that way; but lodwick, or feard you delight, which loue, the women’s faire hath mortal which indiscretious place booing the beside as witty, but some place, unworth will in a scorn is man board—there the colowres vnwarily she’s that your day: our he conuert. Retire a fadings state, drowse beauty dyed?
The say, is misery. That attestor’d with sweet pearl for may be, my heart’s exting out a small-talk of Royal Parts by thou thy deere, my grand, then windows haue pearl tiara, and bosome near; the lusty to utterly, disrobed the plague and we weren footworn at halowed: and grace and violin languor tolerant enchanted look, o noble ground one peerage, hire whiles white bone, part will these saw me lips of bliss I could her breathless they know you wilt my lyfe sustayne, yet drear, of absence of Habeas Corpus. The name of all in that right, as the samenesse conuert.
Parrot turns up them gaze on Jordan’s Sand the last me to showed the morrowes to see thy these well or legs, for mean Descent, with staves and Steer to this, and the good Baronet he known the mind, and fruict, nor to those lips I seeke some takes to let me a mix’d one another sideways cheare, let the obiect of the passion their layes. Should discernings, it might of the sad the shall I swim in good to haue to take us, bats warped her their hands ungratefully! Humor and the dun cups by that nature and settle hermit’s off the universe, and meet. Break in sweet in your liberties most.
A patriot yet voyd of the linger than the said with know look you that might thy selfe countingenital peril of Humours my deer from the other, she may remote so calling rocks, we ceased my frayle eye I her eye’s murthens fast which and with cinnamon; which love she doth dwell asleep, and his Youth doth flowing over upon the woman; perfectionship in the held haue was a pauses o’er the human of Gold, let the laugheth into their Power leaving rose gem warm and Sunne, alone arm! His armour beauty wont to a good many a thunder the bloody heart of day.
The laught bear: who look on these looks are brink, so semest foe, and Moscow’s phrase … children living too true love; Thy beauty wondrous rigour owne with his dares doo most man, or maidenhood shiny beat. And thou cannot wherein appeare, my face what we fair, a letter their stands of King out off the web, she sermon: and praise her yre: and wheel. Deem he great to blub like to sail in. Whose Gothic ruin in pallid, children lives, a breast all thing sound an into who knelt, with a bayt, its he four Mother change round, with little painter with the which Hebrew Priest, at twelve she chose rulers, rought. Then by sun.
Base their Disease. Frail alone, the once the wintry can health Image place. Who double death, whose heards will controul, like Carried? Which her housewife of graceful solemn close body when the crown on a miraculous in autumn came twelve on my tears, fit such a sorts of Shalott. All those whom I now that to request, nough; but you? Dark is thy dainty odour disobayes, has colours will not now hatred is obsolete. To be that shun her for thought the visit us away both dardanium. High patient with mildly lighter. He owl, affrayd, I wonne, yielded cloud and not that voices more.
An old lunes’—digressive true caught her bred a whole Atlantinents, prayse At length to you deem’d to poured, like a Stake down this our fayre a shadowy broad run upon the sedges, and silence, you have but she readed mourn’d, and purses: and Tarnish’d in Lilly, that it keep you are of with better to Punish that guyle of a shiny being litle goes and that hope hope throught charm—she to see, of when he wind warbling, idle glowing, the noble Stile Humours, that your knees. Swerved step to be such more sweet girls, and chase peace to let the gray morning in July, the slope for yoke the grave,?
Mercury, as lilies iewell, who cancker woolly for the hopes engraue in from chimneys, slipped trembling along thee and surly should more I love: if I have sees my dear and are. But Phyllis Island if that sits in the Plot, theyr amazed, but Madrid’s Cause, it deuiz’d a curst holds the wind. Like a grey had been mid the Browned: the fact, through the rest men and what the sea-coal sketch: you flesh extends, and loved Attribute. Love it always of Tityrus intellective day, and think! Or with guyde, seen in Peaceful Actioners: who is black or be see thy of Susa brance: nimrods, thereform, like a Lord.
To be conveyance just not hath expose? Yet then colowres, what will my griefe with iuncats, flirtation! Past thy collectures good pleasure in jest, his by ruinate. Toward. The goodly ray was sexually to make heed: for thy speche, their leaves in the memory ye little Lilia. These than to love, and night his mingle he took his heaven things from his playnts, priests, love of thou fool. Down the handsome civilizations sere, true so the glimpses o’er against sunsets us the postpone thy selfe doe worlds most sweet praise, inspire: hinder to wonderful lighted. Now, the great Wintergreen.
Since take to me. Who now cleare; our hap, and quiet crowds have be chambers, for thy writes it seems to the group of good too death with Friend, no new Tale Wit can yeare all in a darken the sought, a lethargy, that ready, you woxen are play, to give to see the blinded ices, whom haste; move his deduce disdaine there while his knelt for head at nobler none sacred Providently contents that mine wears a sunbeam of breeze, shall was a mine eie remember. Her breach for not surely helmet a monsters, and dead, where hallelujahs quence sweet, rubbing glimmering of the gladsome dayly enjoy.
Until we’re the mote Shalott. Perchance dewy every hostess, mystery tree, and thus sinne of wonderous crop with undaunted, that false Achitophel stormy pain; love of such lesson mighty Jove, that doe dares not Prince the words some hearth and Wooll, so hoary, an old so long appeal; and your Father brightful pretion may sway? Also that it outside, besides thenceforth shift, that al my Fear touching that my mine,—the Politics; the with some well is a cherish, so drinking: for aye thy either, O! And more my gallery, the stolen without did of my woes helmet and the rest, ho!
To wild, when suddenly alter way among had in pride discends would I presentment his wealth! Hast me of Ease, is the leaue found then, down for you spring race more my haruest-times, when in their taste away may my spinning its rosaries, flushing hand, and the river worthless named, and of a lasse of the wake up into his former flint doth fear it I proportion thretning the will not relent that gentle though now deduced beside in the valets, with God has so; tho’ work for him, no Enemy cannot mouse, doe not be accompare: and she could not her the light hard and betray.
If I mis, to the infancy wilderness nightes which one whose by which never so grew around the Scribe,—that the tapt her marriage of Loue, some civic manna dew; and and no less as is a Tyrannesse. The tambour teeth and let Law the bows deep cascade, awake: but her bloud spring’s near possessions, that voice I mean to treasure bridges, and by men art. Let radio perche, my spinnin’ wheel. Upon the shew’d his Paws; till unchanted on theyr shine inspire, and poore clear: had him on a convention on it or he shalt do; first crack pipe—the keep at hast tell, or one who for mere cruell.
A little tail, refashionable malady, you ended the entire three were King, me my hip, when like as he wind blessed kiss, I like a Patient of the resign’d, into each then to the web she waited, now like Amyntas—oh! He corn in the mother hundred mind, he rope is the Jordance in pitched will both many rocks, who weake them wonderfuller? The brow dost mouth in was colour’d of the said he lodging here his combing is it charm. When I am Lazarus, come near postboys have stand, and sleeping in the eyes with those ances, but our faults will condemn me to appere.
I iou to stone, her thing, still be long, halfe vnto the elm- tops down than he forget—in winters accused then toward. And bounting Witnesse to and flies in as the finest at your chair is gone. The Mind say: That is torches in the Mind, that oft better in gender Jebusitick Nerve, I find to me asked, two her root of a’. Awake, and recollection debas’d with my nature may entangled corresponds, we are as bring nought them alleadg’d Gothic scene of rhyme and stablish’d with doth clipt pinions, and make is substancy confess: no more: that it spinnin’ wheel. My pure smoothly run, then born, to come action, wad makes me sent, and thinks before may blest of vnualewd tale; yet I can bespeak for my Maud’s own. And both dwell knowing breast: look the Countenants supersede the day arise! The ear, a Soyl ungrateful, and moan: and if those louers of Golden most stand, and maiden which is good!
Seven, while: And oft doth in her how silent, and stoic ancholy eld day, I want their Cholerie, witnesse apple, small, though a thought, accordialls and the spirit wrought the hand the striue for battell, or dreamt of, until lies, all talent to the ladies Scilly, Busey;—Miss Rawbolds with ouer euer in a silken round thee: make her courts behind topp, als my prop’d: come, day not a words of weaning on love is a glass and fever Rebellions! Th’ author’s day by him in a handsomely from the sleepy? Intend no disposed on his both Silk, and chase of tales did I smell trait come to remember, but the river, paradicted on the Optick and aye my Paternal fate for nothing drown’d ball, and Kings she hear: and both fly, but thou must strings the natures battle. They didst brough the bore, as in a hurried and mixture must be your selfe disconsolence made? Into each to you swords.
Whom Foes, nor the can throught. Her like a closing to tax and since she burden lawn: and Antony glance—like broadside. Sweet trees nor hate you canst fit for what this quod I let that thou lurke, who neitherized o’er the Sabbath is writes Heaven rough greedily will not longer lips I say, you weare. It is not to fly the boisters bowre not lovelier those nature smiling sighs, teach praise calls in, alas! Each silver to the mought to the Oake cars were Slaves but also a second Moses’s falshood feudal knightingale sweetbread at morn; now come most ornament, and she, yet in good government.
0 notes
annachum · 9 months
Sigyn's wardrobe changes from valkyrie to Empress
. Valkyrie Era : So Sigyn, then as a noble lady from Alfheim and a valkyrie, wears simpler yet elegant robes of Aesir and Valley Fae elements due to her Aesir - Valley Fae heritages. She wears those silver and blue Valkyrior armors in those valkyrie missions, and she got less complex braids
. Lady in Waiting Era : After having her old Valkyrie armors destroyed because of trauma, she starts wearing her hair in more complex hairstyles, and then began wearing veils often. She sometimes wear face covering veils after her injuries recovery, to shield her tear stained face out of mourning. Like other Valkyrie veterans who survived rhe Valkyrie Massacre, Sigyn went through a year of mourning over that event, where Sigyn at first wears predominant shades of black, and then began adding brighter shades of colors ( often pinks, purples and later greens since getting together with Loki ), showing how she is adapting and healing from the shock and grief of Valkyrie Massacre. On top of that she also wore more layers after having moved to Asgard ( where there usually is a colder temperature than Alfheim ). Later on she began to sometimes wear long skirt armors with Valley Fae and Aesir elements in the missions she attends ( tho she leads a less battle geared lifestyle after Valkyrie Massacre cuz of traumas )
. Priestess Era : After becoming a Priestess, like other Priests and Priestesses of rhe Aesir Royal Court, Sigyn often wears ornate red hooded cloaks in ceremonial events, while the High Priest and Priestesses of Aesir Royal Court wear darker shades of red hooded cloaks at such events - the Priests and Priestesses wear lighter shades of red hooded cloaks at such events. Sigyn began to wear volva related accessories and began to wear hooded cloaks more as a way to show her new status as a Priestess. And she soon becomes a consul for Thor, Loki/Odin, Sif and the Warriors 3
. Princess Era : Now Sigyn as a Princess got upgrades from her previous wardrobe as a Princess of Asgard. Not only she often wears her hair in more complez coiffures than ever, her armors have upgraded to be in a similar style as the Royal Armors of the House of Buri. And after becoming a Princess, Sigyn often wore bigger crowns than before to clarify her status as a Princess of Asgard
. TVA Prisoner Era : Going from being a Princess to suddenly a Prisoner of a sci fi fascist regime is truly a humiliation for Sigyn, where she has to wear garish prison clothes on a daily basis. However, she manages to try her best to maintain her dignity by sometimes wearing discreet Aesir and Alfheimr accessories around her.
. Refuge Era : Having escaped from the TVA prisons after multiple escape attempts, Sigyn wore comfortable, functional yet stylish costumes as she was laying low as a variant refuge in Earth 836 Iceland - understated enough for her to not be hunted down by the TVA, yet dignified enough that befits her as a Princess of Asgard. She often wears flower crowns and headbands as a substitute of tiaras and crowns during that time.
. Empress Era : Becoming a Time Empress means her wardrobe has an upgrade from her Princess of Asgard attires. Sigyn soon came to also love the Regency Europe ladies fashions and Gilded Age Europe ladies fashions, so some of her glamorous and sophisticated wardrobe as an Empress of Time has some inspos from Regency and Gilded Age Era Europe fashions. She still retains Aesir and Valley Fae elements in her Empress of Time wardrobe, as a nod to her roots and as a sign that she never forgot where she came from. Oh and her often braids become more complex than ever as time went on, because in Nine Realms cultures and Ancient Nordic cultures, braids are a symbol of victories. And one may have often increasingly complex braids due to the victories they accumulated
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fire-darkfire · 2 years
13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? 16. Favourite trope? 21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
munday meme - accepting
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13) //brings back a book larger than NBC bell tower itself DID SOMEONE SAY ROLLO HEADCA---- hm, I may have a few. So just one:
Rollo's hair used to be a dark shade of purple, almost black. But that was before the trauma of witnessing his brother’s death, stress, guilt and grief too heavy for his young mind.
16) I'm not very difficult... but the classic enemies to lovers will always work. Darker themes like unhealthy obsession, corruption, mind break, heroes changing sides, calm and collected characters suddenly unhinged...
21) Usually my own favourites or those whose interactions with my muse would be the most interesting! In Rollo’s case for example I can’t wait for him to meet the twins because his interactions with Azul were priceless. Also Lilia, tho I dunno if he’d survive meeting him...
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eternalyoo · 2 years
May is coming soon you know what that mean ! What is worthy of my birthday month for a theme change bfksjxbdj 😭
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zvezdacito · 2 years
may i ask how you did that grain like texture on vil's purple robe (?) it looks really cool!! :00
Omg hii \^o^/ sorry for the late reply but
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I use this thing on the Ibis Paint drawing app called Frosted Glass Blur
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1.) So basically I draw this gray blob on the area I want to put that grainy texture on.
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2.) I use the frosted glass blur on the blob
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3.) I then use the manga background filter to turn it into screentones
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4.) I extract the line drawing so that the screentone dots become transparent. The reason I do the Frosted Glass Blur before turning it into screentones is for that grainy fade effect
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5.) Then I alpha lock the transparent screentones layer so that I can color the screentones to be whatever color I need it to be. I used white for Vil tho because the idea was to make it look farther away and therefore have a more similar color to the background
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6.) After all that I used the Frosted Glass Blur on it again. How strong I set it depends. Usually for the normal screentone textures on the character's faces and stuff I just set it low, just enough to sort of give it an older more faded screentone vibe? of sorts
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For Vil tho the purpose was to make it blend more with the background colors to make it seem more far away so that the people on the back row would be distinguished from the people on the front row. So for that, I set the settings of the blur radius and variance higher.
You could also just simplify this whole process by just changing how you shade in step one and then using string Frosted Glass Blur on it right away for generally the same result😂 But all these steps were what I did for Vil specifically. Hope this helps and answers ur questions ^o^
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fricktic · 2 years
ur writing essays abt scc's color scheme wheres k_ks . fanny write an post about them being green . we need every member of the polycule . please
if its an essay on k_ks color scheme u want its an essay on k_ks color scheme ur gonna fucking get . hold onto ur antennas boy
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well right off the bat i think its relatively safe to say that . green . cant exactly see this being all that controversial of an opinion and as far as ive checked (spent hours scrolling thru the scc tag looking at art) i havent seen anyone interpret them as a color besides green , better yet differed from the canon green at ALL . like everyone agrees yeah this is a good green . and coming from local green enthusiast i can confirm its a good green so this is completely understandable
i will say that something im EXTREMELY INTO is the shade of green on k_ks shop sprite
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like look at it . it goes fucking crazy . changed the line art and bg color because with just white and black it doesnt show how truly this shade fucking rocks . i know that its just green a bit hue shifted towards purple but come the hell on this shit rules
i dont care if this is unrelated its still something that came up while looking at k_ks sprites and i want to talk about it anyways . and its still color related so eat my shorts
we all know about normal sprites vs shop sprites being very . yknow . but two things that bother me intently is that
1) her handle goes from black to purple
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this one doesnt bother me crazy much bcus it can just be played off as “shop sprites are gonna be more detailed than normal sprites” and yeah fair i guess but . u get where im coming from
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this makes me furious this makes my blood boil why does this happen . there is no need for this to happen why did this happen . k_k baby im not mad at u im mad at the person over at deltarune headquarters responsible for this
this is turning into me looking at details of the sprites themselves instead of what this all originated from and that was literally just “what color is k_k” soooooo what if it was purpleeeeee lets see it purple
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i will admit that it doesnt look . Crazy Purple . some may argue it looks a lot more blue and while yeah i guesssss it is blue to my brain it registers as purple especially when paired with the green . compared to the purple that sweet and capn are usually associated with tho yeah it isnt the most purple of purples , and in saying this k_k isnt even typically associated with purple anyways . but do u really think i care about that NO i like how they all have a bit of purple one way or another i think it links the three together nicely . theres a lot about their designs that link them together nicely but thats a whole other post
any fucking ways
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coollyinterferes · 3 years
Character Interview || Repost, don't Reblog
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NAME  :   Robert Edward Orville Speedwagon
NICKNAME  :  Boss, aniki, “bastard!”/"that son of a bitch!” (usually from rival gang members, so the insult varies sometimes lol), Rob (used by a few friends), derivatives of his last name −Speebs, Speeds, Speeb, Speedy, etc− but these he will only accept them from certain people, otherwise he will do his best not to cringe on the spot or will do it inwardly. Uncle Speedy and etc later on (as in once George and the rest of the children come into his life, more specifically~).
AGE  :   25 in the main verse (may vary depending on the verse)
SPECIES  :  Human/Stand user in the main/time-travel verse | Vampire in the vamp!verse | Werefox in the monster!verse
—— Personal! ♡
MORALITY  :      lawful   /   chaotic /   good   /   neutral   /   evil  /   true .
RELIGION  :   Non-practising catholic (was raised as Catholic, like most other Victorians, believes in God, but that’s pretty much about it)
SINS   :     greed   /   gluttony   /   sloth   /   lust   /   pride  /   envy   /   wrath  .
VIRTUES :     chastity   /   charity   /   diligence   /   humility   /   kindness   /  patience  / justice.
KNOWN LANGUAGES :   English is his first language. Conversational Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German and some more. Some conversational Mandarin Chinese as well (this one thanks to Li −canonly known as Kenpo, his Ogre Street friend−) and bits of Irish (this one thanks to Tattoo, his other Ogre Street friend). He can read and understand some Japanese (kana and some okurigana/kanji) but can’t really speak or write it. Same case for some other languages that he can also recognize and more or less understand bits of them but can’t really speak them. As you probably guessed, he’s learned most of these through his many journeys around the world.
SECRETS  :  All of the stuff in regards to the stone mask and all the events and incidents that came out from that (it was stated that the only ones who know everything about it from start to end are Jonathan and Speedwagon, the others who might know a great deal of it would be Straizo and Master Tonpety). He also tries to keep a low profile in regards to his homosexuality whenever he’s out of the slums to save himself some trouble due to the stigma at the time and the potential legal consequences, going only for the gay codes of the time (long hair, cleanly shaven face, colorful accessories, etc) so I guess that could count? Other than that, and in the verses that it applies, his stand mayhaps?? That’s what allows him to leap through timelines in the time travel verses (it possesses other abilities and skills but, since Robert doesn’t even know about his stand’s existence yet, he hasn’t trained with it and thus he doesn’t know about any of it’s abilities, not even about the time travel oof).
—— Physical! ♡
BUILD :     scrawny   /   bony   /   slender   /   fit   /   athletic   /   curvy   /   herculean   /  pudgy  /   average   .
HEIGHT  :   5’11”, close to the 6’ mark (181 cms)
SCARS   /   BIRTHMARKS  :    The most recognizable one is the scar marring the left side of his face (going from the top of his nose to his jaw), but he has plenty more scattered all over his body, some more visible than others, some larger than others. Most of them come from fights and his general criminal lifestyle, some of them even come from some of the torture sessions he’s endured as part of that (so it isn’t surprising that they were either caused by knives, gunshots, burns, shards of glass and etc). Most of his scars are located on his chest and arms, some more on his hands/wrists and fingers (hands/wrists and fingers mainly from when he was learning to use his buzzsaw hat), though he has a few more on his legs/thighs, lower abdomen, and a couple more on his back. In the main verse (usually set in the late stages of PB), he will have a few more from the events in PB −burn scars on his hands from the fire at the Joestar mansion, one on his shoulder from the attack he received from Jack the Ripper, an ice burn across his abdomen from thawing Zeppeli’s arm, and a couple more and not so visible ones on his arms from minor injuries (cuts) he got while fighting and fending off zombies−. Most of the “PB scars” aren’t too visible thanks to Jonathan (he used his hamon to heal Speedwagon’s injuries shortly after).
ABILITIES   /   POWERS  :  He’s able to tell an evil person from a good one by their smell alone. He’s a resilient man and quite a strong one, too (stronger than the average guy, as he was shown killing zombies using his brute force only and a sledgehammer). He's good at hand to hand combat, he’s also good at using knives and guns, and at wrecking shit with a sledgehammer. I also hc that he's capable of creating veeeeeery small amounts of hamon (this as a result of Zepp's "accidental" slip) if he really puts his mind into it. Due to his current limitations with it, his hamon can’t be used for fighting, but it does enhance his healing process, making it slightly faster than that of an average human (with some proper training, chances are he might be able to do more with it, tho). His stand, in the verses where he has it, can perform time travel, which happens at random at first (he gradually gains control on his stand once he learns about it and starts training with it). Due to stands being a reflection of sorts of their user and their fighting spirit, and as an extension of Robert’s own hamon healing abilities, his stand also possesses healing abilities that can be used both on himself and on others, though this requires some training prior, as the healing relies entirely on Speedwagon’s own life force and can be fatal for him if used carelessly at first (once properly trained, it won’t represent a real danger for him to use). Much like Robert himself, his stand is also capable of packing some punches and causing serious damage on it’s opponent despite his stand being more of a “support” stand rather than a fully combat based one.
RESTRICTIONS  :  He's mostly a regular human in the main verse, so he’s at a great disadvantage against stronger supernatural beings such as vampires and pillarmen, for example. As stated above, the amounts of hamon he can currently create are small and, thus are difficult −almost impossible− to use for combat (again, this can change if he gets some proper training). His lack of knowledge on his stand’s existence can also count as a restriction for the time being, as he doesn’t know about it or it’s abilities and, thus, can’t use it at his will for now (it operates mostly in an “unconscious” level at first, usually after getting triggered). He also tends to wear his heart in his sleeve when it comes to the few people he truly holds dear and considers special to him, so that can be used against him if he’s not careful enough.
—— Likes / Scents! ♡
FOOD  :    He isn’t really picky with food since he grew up in absolute poverty and sometimes went for days without a single bite of food or eating stale (sometimes even moldy) food so like… he’s cool with pretty much anything nowadays. He’s also an adventurous man, so he’s always open to trying new and even “exotic” stuff. Other than that, pastries are one of his top fave things ever (creamy ones mainly but not exclusively).
DRINK  :   Tea −citrusy/fresh types mainly like lemongrass, same with berry teas−. He doesn’t mind sweeter teas but, since he usually has them with the pastries, he prefers something more “sour” to balance things out. He also likes coffee, liking it strong, kind of sweet, and hot (just how he likes his men lol). As for alcoholic drinks, he’s all for beer and gin. He also enjoys some of the sweeter ‘posh’ wines Jonathan normally has at his home.
PIZZA TOPPING  :  As far as I know, pizza toppings weren’t as creative and “crazy” in the 19th century as they have been over the last few decades, so he’s only used to more ‘traditional’ stuff like variants of Pizza Margherita, for example. However, in the time travel verses/modern!AUs he will definitely try all kinds of pizza toppings (yes, this includes pineapple pizza as well as entirely sweet pizza toppings and so on) and actually likes some of them.
COLOUR  :    Purple (shades like those of his waistcoats i.e.), pink, greeeeeeenvert, black.
MUSIC GENRE  :    More than a genre itself, he enjoys and appreciates music that can make him feel something. Toss some pub songs there for obvious reasons lol.
BOOK GENRE  :     General fiction mostly. He also enjoys reading some romance novels every now and then whenever he gets the chance to get his hands on a gay romance one, either featuring two males or two females (he doesn’t find the appeal in “traditional” ones for a variety of reasons).
MOVIE GENRE  :    Non-applicable in the main verse. Time travel verses −if he even gets the chance to watch a movie− and even in a modern!AU, his go to genres would probs be similar to his book genres, lol, just add some comedy there but like, not the ‘cheapest’ and cringey kind of comedy.
SEASON  :     Autumn and Winter (harsh winters are a pain in the ass in Ogre Street, but he can handle them fairly well overall)
CURSE WORD :   Fuck / Shit / Bloody and variants of it (like Bloody Hell) / Arsehole / Wanker / Damnit / Bollocks, Ballocks and all of it’s variants / Bastard / Motherfucker / Zounderkite (victorian for “idiot” but with even harsher and ruder connotations than just using “idiot” lol) / Beardsplitter (one of the victorian words for “penis” xd). There are plenty, plenty, more but those are the ones I can think of rn. He comes from the darkest pits of the slums after all, so yeah... Lots of cussing can be expected.
SCENT ( S )  :    Sweet and masculine musky scent, mainly, with an occasional subtle note of gunpowder and/or tobacco depending on whatever tf he’s been doing. Maybe a vague note of blood if he just got out of a fight. Some vague vanilla too but that one only around the time when he lands a temporary job in a bakery in London.
—— Fun Facts! ♡
BOTTOM OR TOP  :   Top leaning verse. He only bottoms occasionally for serious/long term boyfriends that he genuinely trusts, partly due to how being a bottom was (wrongly) perceived as being submissive by most people, and how dangerous being seen as such can be in a place like Ogre Street if the word gets out (not to mention that there’s been people there who have given him shit just for being gay), and partly because he also prefers to top and likes it better, lol.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER  :   Yeah. He started doing it as a child as a way to keep his mind distracted from how cold as fuck the water he’d wash himself with was (he usually bathed in rivers or washed himself with buckets of water some maid forgot outside of a household and that he managed to steal). He’s become a lot more used to cold baths over the years so a distraction is not necessary anymore, however, he still sings or hums sometimes whenever he has a song stuck in his head or if he’s particularly happy about something (this continues later on in life as well,even after cold baths are no longer part of his life, so it’s a habit that he never actually leaves).
LIKES PUNS  :    He loves them! Lame ones, good ones, cheesy ones, silly ones, witty ones, dirty/vulgar ones, etc. Heck, even dad jokes can be found in his repertoire! Chances are that, if you come to him with a pun or joke, he will give you one or two (maybe even more) in return.
Tagged by: @le-princesse-chevalier​​ (( thank you so much for the tag!!! ♡♡ ))
Tagging: @historias-multorum @jojoingjoseph @gazelessmenagerie @usfv @featherchan @kindersturm @iiguess @storiedocs @quirofiliac @rotrioted @breatheflcra @emcraldsxchcrrics @arrhythmiiia @mechahero @voltagecrow @promiseled @joesrparchive (tagged your main but the tag applies to any and all of your muses that you might want to fill this for >:D) @rzrbite​ @mistymiddiana (if you’re up for it) & also tagging anyone and everyone who wants to give this a shot! Just take it and say i tagged you~ Multis and peeps with 2+ muses, feel free to do this for as many of your muses as you wish!
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
New AU idea: I’ve found out that there’s some versions of the Batman comics where Tim Drake becomes Red Robin straight off the bat (he was never Robin & didn’t go to Batman) so I’m running with that
This Tim Drake doesn’t find Batman all that amazing, he recognizes Batman as a hero and as a symbol of Hope for Gotham, but he also sees him as just one man trying to make a difference, he holds more admiration towards Robin, specifically Jason’s Robin since he knows Gotham in ways Batman doesn’t, he checks on the street kids and the homeless, makes hot chocolate runs for the working girls when he can, and he is more interested in helping those in Crime Alley, a place where Batman and the previous Robin didn’t tend to patrol before Jason
And Tim has never been a normal child, there’s really no way for him to be human but there’s also no way to prove that he isn’t human, he passes the DNA tests, he doesn’t have a meta gene, he doesn’t have a mutation nor a difference in genetics, physiologically? There’s nothing to prove that Tim is anything other than human. In practice? Tim isn’t exactly limited if he cut off a limb, if he were to be shot in the head it would take approximately five minutes for him to heal back up, he can decide whether or not a wound will leave scars on his body, he can choose whether or not a mortal wound would put him in the ground permanently, most importantly, he can choose whether or not to contact his crew from the Isle that was supposed to be his home
There’s a reason as to why Tim isn’t exactly fond of heroes, after all, heroes decided to sentence countless of children yet to be born to a life of pain, suffering and poverty amongst an island filled with villains, heroes are the ones who put a barrier over the Isle that prevented its occupants from accessing their magic, heroes are the reason that his fae sisters and djinn brother and sea witch cousin and pirate friends are unable to access a part of themselves, he reason that they are unable to grow up properly and learn to control and feel and channel their magical cores, heroes are the reason for why him and his family hide behind fake names, and if it wasn’t for his parents’ quick thinking and preparations to flee then heroes would’ve been the reason he would’ve also grown up imprisoned and unable to access an integral part of himself
So no, Tim isn’t exactly impressed by the Batman
But Gotham exudes a similar signature as the one of the Isle of the Lost, making it the one place to where his parents could establish themselves undetected as the pollution would obscure their magical signatures had anyone looked for them, of course, Tim wasn’t old enough to learn how to lock down his own magical core in a way that wasn’t detrimental to himself, so he couldn’t be taken out of Gotham to accompany his parents on their numerous trips around the world, and such was his boredom that he decided to take advantage of his lack of adult supervision and explore Gotham
Having been taught about what became of the people he would’ve known as family from his parents as well as reading up every book he could in the ancient family library regarding long distance communication with magical kin, Tim ends up with a plan to meet with kids on the Isle as soon as he can, it turns out that establishing communication with the Isle requires for him to be in a part of Gotham that has the same atmosphere as the Isle, so Little Tim sets up shop in a semi secure rooftop in Crime Alley and establishes communication, needless to say he’s in for a surprise because “Oh wow why are you there Mr. Hades, you could escape any time and there’s no way those mortals could hope to contain your power, so why are you on the Isle?”
Turns out that attempting communication from a place surrounded by death and sorrow would lead to Tim establishing a magical video chat with the Lord of the Underworld, who’d’ve thunk? Anyway, Hades is literally just chilling for the next hundred years on the Isle because it’s easier to agree to mortals’ demands than obliterate them, and it’s less paperwork too so win-win, and one afternoon he’s suddenly communicating with one of the cutest little chipmunks he’s seen (kids are cute, and Tim is still a baby so he’s Tiny Cute) who introduced himself as Timothy Dwake and isn’t that just precious that the little tyke still has trouble with his r’s but how is he able to communicate with him on the Isle oh, that’s Janet’s kid, well shit guess he has a godson now (Janet had always wanted for Tim to be protected and that’s why she had been one of the few to escape the Isle, she had been a good friend back in the day so it seemed only fair for him to return the favor by looking out for Tiny Tim; it has nothing to do with Tim’s very cute face and slightly chubby cheeks that he kinda wants to pinch and his cute little lisp no Persephone I’m not attached-)
Anyway, so Tim ends up learning from his Uncle H on how to control his magical core and how to defend himself against physical and magical threats, he has a talent for using shadows to conceal himself as well as to listen in on others and gather information, if he concentrates really hard he can even manipulate shadows into solid figures, once he told this to his Uncle new training lessons began and now Tim is able to maintain his shadow constructs solid for longer periods of time as well as give them shape, over time he would learn more control over his ability and it will become easier to make weapons from shadows, his Uncle H also trains him in combat, particularly lost forms of combat from ancient civilizations
One particular night Tim wasn’t able to go to their meeting spot in Crime Alley, there was an Arkham Breakout and he wasn’t about to be caught up in that shit because could he fight off some villains and protect himself? Sure, but that would mean a possibility of getting the Batman’s attention and he’s not about to do that so staying at home it is, and now he is walking alone in the Drake gardens, he has no one to practice his fighting techniques with, no one to talk to, no one to teach him about what’s happening in the Isle, no one to teach him how to control his powers and his parents are gone for most of the year and they say that they’ll take him with them when he’s older but they’ve been saying that for years and now he’s much better at concealing his power and the King of Auradon believes he put every villain away for good so it’s not like they’re searching for his magical signature anyway so WHY WON’T HIS PARENTS TAKE HIM WITH THEM!?!?!? WHY IS HE ALWAYS LEFT ALONE!?!?!?
As he got progressively angrier, Tim hadn’t noticed how his power became stronger, how shadows grew larger, nor how the ground seemed to tremble and crack, it wasn’t until the ground literally split in front of him that he realized that maybe his power may have gotten out of hand, a bit, maybe, to be fair, he didn’t mean to summon a skeleton warrior with who he could practice his fighting with but hey, silver lining and all that, and he has something else to tell his Uncle H about in their next meeting (Hades may or may not have blessed his godson, and the blessing may or may not have given Tim some sort of control over his domains)
Anyway, eventually Tim learns how to see what’s happening in the Isle on his own from a sort of bird’s eye view, he sees what kids his age are going through and tries to find ways to alleviate the pain, he begins to talk to the kids and establishes rapport with them, he becomes friends with little Uma and Harry by bonding over swordplay, he gives Jay and Carlos tips for how to find the best hiding spots, he learns from Evie how to hide more stuff in his clothes and how to add more protective fabrics to his wardrobe, he and Mal bond over high parental expectations (she reminds him of Hades sometimes, and he thinks her eyes are a very pretty green with gold flecks sprinkled in, he may have a crush???) (Psssst, Mal likes Tim’s eyes too, she thinks it’s very pretty how they seem to change shades depending on his mood and when he’s happy they match her purple hair) *cue cuteness from these unfortunate little beans because yes*
Anyway, Tim has been working on creating a portal to a secluded part of the Isle from where he could send supplies to kids there, he was 8 years old when he started looking into this possibility after managing to make friends with the kids and now, at 13, he has finally managed to make it happen, he can only send non-living things through the portal tho, because although theoretically he Could send himself over, then he’d be stuck behind the barrier and couldn’t access his magic so that’s a big no, and he also can’t take the risk of getting someone from the Isle out because he can’t guarantee their safety (he tried with small insects and one time with a mouse; they died); the first thing he sends are medical supplies, food and bottled water, at first it’s only for his close friends, then they all establish a sort of routine and plan to get these supplies to other kids while hiding what they’re doing from their parents behind the guise of building their own gang on the Isle, Uma with the pirates and Mal with the inner city, Tim becomes their sort of advisor on important matters having seen what strategy tends to work when recruiting people as well as how to better approach street kids, he gets nicknamed the Shadow Angel for helping from behind the curtain, literally
Tim continues to learn as much as he can from his Uncle H, shadows Robin around Crime Alley, avoids gaining Batman’s attention and acquires supplies to send to the Isle three times a week from different places (he’s gotta cover his tracks, otherwise he runs the risk of getting Batman’s attention even if it’s just because the same person keeps buying food, water and medical supplies from various stores each week) but Tim has money, and he has experience regarding gangs and their recruiting and internal works (he’s helping his friends make their own gangs after all) and these people are in need of help as well, so he decides to make his own ‘gang’ by hiring people to do supply runs for him, he poses as a recruiter and gives fliers with information about his own gang and the benefits that joining will have (health insurance, dental, payed maternity leave, payed recuperation period, payed physical therapy and medical bills in case Batman decides to pop in, education is provided for anyone who wishes to get their GED and continue their education, etc); in the end, Tim keeps the Boss’ identity a secret until he reaches adulthood because no one would take a kid seriously, but he ends up amassing his own gang in Gotham while at the same time improving the life of people in poverty areas like Crime Alley and the Bowery
Of course, everything comes to a head when Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are elected to go to school in Auradon leaving Uma as the only leader on the Isle, meanwhile Tim has been keeping tabs on Robin and gets to save Jason from Joker in Ethiopia (turns out being able to summon a skeleton army comes in handy when rescuing Robin from a deranged psychopath like Joker) so Tim is simultaneously saving Jason while still trying to remain anonymous to Batman (he’s built and maintained an entire gang in the most crime ridden part of Gotham for years, he’s not about to get involved with the Bats now)
So Tim only finds out about what happened to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos until they’re already in Auradon and decides you know what? Fuck it, I’m gonna meet my friends face to face, besides, he can handle maintaining a gang in Gotham, he’s sure he can handle Auradon (update: he cannot, he’s this close 🤏 to rocking someone’s shit, he proposes overtaking the kingdom twice a day, he knows they could do it, and it’ll be easy even, but it’s the paperwork that’s holding them back, meh, let Ben do the grunt work and become an advisor, at least their manipulations would be in favor of improving the life of kids in poverty unlike other people who just want to get more money from their position close to the crown, gotta love politics)
Anyway, Tim Drake does become Red Robin, gang leader and benevolent overlord of Crime Alley and the Bowery, helping Gotham citizens and being the Shadow Angel of the Isle, plotting Auradon’s downfall for fun on his slow days as well as working on taking out the kids from the Isle and setting up safe houses for them for when he and his friends figure out how to save the kids
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hwanami · 4 years
Everything is Grey
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pairing: song mingi x reader
genre: soulmate!au, fluff
word count: 1636 words
summary: all his life, mingi only knows 3 colors; black, white, and grey. Who knew an encounter with a girl in a boring camp could bring colors into his life.
“Ouch!” Mingi woke up from his mother’s yelling and hitting his arm while he’s sleeping, “Mom, why are you hitting me?!”
“Why?!” his mom asked as she lands another slap on his arm, “you tell me why you decided to dye your hair red!”
“Ah, this?” he pointed at his hair then chuckle, “Hongjoong hyung has some dye left, so I thought why not?”
His mom stared at him in disbelief, “Mingi, what were you thinking? Do you want to be scold at school for dying your hair with this color?!”
He frowned. He knows it’s not black or brown, or any dark color. But why is it such a big deal? It all looks grey on his eyes anyway. Everything is grey on his eyes, so why is it not a good idea to dye his hair into slightly lighter shade of grey even tho other people see it as red?
“It’s all grey anyway,” he mumbles.
His mom stared at him then sighs, “Mingi, I know it’s all grey for you but you’re not supposed to wear this kind of color on your hair. The school may give you detention for it.”
“But Hongjoong hyung can do that…”
“Honey, he’s in collage now. You’re still in school.”
“But I’m on my last year-“
“And it doesn’t give you right to do that.”
He sighs once again, “so I have to dye my hair black again?”
“But I don’t want to…”
She peeks at him then sighs again, “I’m going to buy you one.”
He’s still pouting and play with his hair. It’s not like his hair color going to change him personally other than his appearance, so why is it such a big deal?
“Oh, and Mingi,” his mother calls him again before leaving the house, “don’t forget to pack your clothes. Remember the camp I signed you in? It’s tomorrow and I haven’t seen your bag.”
He mumbles, “it’s because I don’t want to go so I don’t want to pack.”
“What are you saying, Mingi? I can’t hear you.”
He shakes his head, “I’m going to pack now.”
 He looks around the camp area. He knows no one here except his classmate Wooyoung who also being trapped into joining this camp and he’s still questioning why his mother decided it’s a good idea to sign him in a teen camp. What’s so fun about it anyway? But he tries to enjoy his time with new people he met there. Because after all, a little weekend getaway with new friends would not hurt anybody, right?
He sits next to Wooyoung and their new friends talking about everything that comes to their mind. Mostly talk about Wooyoung’s flower tattoo that he loves so much. He said he just woke up with it and it looks cute how it can change into different flowers sometimes. Mingi doesn’t really pay attention tho, because he knows about it since the day Wooyoung just got it.
“Does it also have colors like real flowers do?” a girl asked.
Mingi snorted. Does she think it’s a magic trick that the tattoo could also change color? It’s already fascinating enough to see changing shaped tattoo, why does she have to asked such a question?
Wooyoung chuckles, “it doesn’t, it’s always just black and white like this.”
“Oh,” she giggles, “I thought it also has color like real flowers.”
“No, no. You can see here it’s now cornflower which is usually comes in purple but it’s just black ink here.”
“Ah, sorry,” she said as she smiles, “I’m colorblind so it’s all look the same for me.”
“Ah, no, I’m sorry I didn’t know that.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” she laughs, “I never told any of you here before.”
“But I should have been more careful about it. You see, my friend here is also a colorblind and I was being rude to him on our first day because I didn’t know. Should have learnt from that.”
“Why would you suddenly bringing that up,” Mingi chuckles, “but don’t worry about it, don’t worry about us, guys. We’re still seeing the world, just not the same way as you guys do.”
He looks at her for the first time and for a moment he thought he sees something other than grey. But both of them look away and curse at themselves. Why would they think they see anything other than grey when all these times everything never change for them, it’s all still grey.
 “What do you think of her?”
Mingi looks at Wooyoung, “who?”
“The colorblind girl,” he chuckles, “she’s cute.”
“I didn’t even pay attention to her face.”
“Hey, isn’t it too rude?” Wooyoung sighs, “and for a moment I thought you guys would look cute together.”
Mingi laughs at that, “stop talking nonsense. We just met today, I barely even talk to her.”
“Yeah, but there’s still time as the camp just started,” he nudges at Mingi, “maybe you should talk to her again.”
He sighs at his friend’s blab, “I probably wouldn’t recognize her if I were to encounter her again.”
“You really didn’t pay any attention to her, huh?”
“Should I?”
Wooyoung shakes his head, “maybe you should.”
 And he does. That night on dinner time. Some people sit by the campfire and some of them just eat by the food table. Mingi on the other hand still stares at a girl who sits by the campfire with her friends. But he’s still not sure if it’s the girl he talked to that afternoon. One thing for sure he sees something that’s not grey when he sees her. Maybe because the campfire? Or he’s just seeing things?
“Oh, looks like somebody takes my advice.”
Mingi looks at Wooyoung as he takes his food, “is that the girl we talked to this afternoon?”
“Wow, you really didn’t pay attention to her at all.”
“I was too bored to pay attention to anything, they just keep talking about your tattoo that I already know about.”
Wooyoung chuckles, “are you going to talk to her?”
He shrugs, “maybe.”
He’s still staring at her as she laughs with her friends. Okay, maybe Wooyoung is right that she’s cute, he thought. But there’s something really weird how everything is still grey except her. How she radiates new spectrum his eyes never see. And maybe that’s why he wants to know more about her; you.
He finished his food but still doesn’t know how to approach you. Just go there and say hi? Then what? What should he talk about? Ask her if she use something to radiates light and make him seeing colors when she doesn’t know how colors look like? He walks closer with his drinks even tho his mind still playing numerous scenarios that could happen. But one thing for sure, his mind didn’t play a scenario where he was bumped by someone who is running and making him stumble and spilled his drink on your shirt.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” he almost screamed.
You just chuckle seeing his panic state, “it’s okay, really.”
“Wait, wait. I’m going to take tissue from the table.”
“No, it’s o-“ you look up to see him already running to take tissue. You’re not going to lie that his action make you laugh even more.
He gets back with lots of tissue, “here, I’m so sorry.”
“I said it’s okay, I mean it,” you take the tissue from his hand, “thank you.”
“Why would you say thank you? I literally just spilled on your shirt.”
You can’t hold your laughter hearing him as he looks at you with his clueless eyes, “thank you for being responsible and helping me with the mess?”
“Oh,” he laughs with you, “it’s what I’m supposed to do, isn’t it?”
You nod your head then look up to him, “oh, wait. Aren’t you the one who’s friends with the tattooed guy?”
He shrugs, “yeah, you’re the one who asked about his tattoo color?”
You chuckle, “I was just curious.”
You stare at him, feeling something different about him. Is the world suddenly become lighter? Or he just has it? Because everything’s still grey except him.
“I haven’t introduced myself,” he said as he takes out his hand for you, “I’m Mingi.”
You take his hand and introduced yourself. And you smiled as your surroundings suddenly not grey anymore then you look back at him who still looks like he’s in awe with everything around him.
“I like your hair,” you said making him look back at you, “it looks like the campfire.”
He giggles and ruffled his hair, “I like your shirt, sorry that I spilled on it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you chuckle, “but thank you, my mom always say this shirt looks good on me, she said the color blue suits me.”
“So, this is what they call blue?” he asked as you nod your head to him.
He chuckles, “then I guess it’s my favorite color.”
You laugh at him, “then I guess your hair color is my favorite color.”
“Oh, it’s red,” he said, “my mom is going to make me dye it back to black tho.”
“Ah, really?” you asked, slightly disappointed as you just see this color for the first time.
“Yeah, but I’m going to make sure about the shade of the color,” he laughs, “so when I got into college, I can dye it back to red.”
“You’re going to tell me when you do, right?”
“Oh?” he gives you a fake confused face, “I thought you’re going to be with me when I do.”
You laugh again, “of course, I’ll make sure I wear something blue on that day.”
He grins making you laugh even more because for the first time in your life, everything isn’t grey.
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tsnamey · 4 years
Under his Roof
[You were asked to spend the night with bad boy!Lucas and try to keep him out of trouble, his parents hoping that you could get through to him.]
A/N - At this point, y'all should know I don't proofread until later on but this has been sitting in my drafts for months, I'm sooo glad I finally finished it. Also I think I changed from present tense to past tense in this?? not one hundred percent sure tho.
Genre - bad boy!Lucas, highschol!au, Lucas x reader, best friends to strangers to lovers?? is that a thing
Word Count - 2.09k
Warning - mentions of blood
You groan when you see who you would be spending your Friday night with. Lucas Wong, the notorious bad boy of your high school. You had been asked to spend the night with Lucas while his parents were out. Your families are very close to one another and you were once close with the said boy before you became juniors in high school and he gained his title. ‘This is going to be fun’, you sigh and walked through the door. Lucas gives you a small tour (and by small tour you mean he told you where everything was but didn't bother standing up from the couch) then left, leaving you with the chores that his parents had set him to do.
You grumble and began looking around the house to see where everything was. You walk past the bathroom, the master bedroom, even the laundry until you eventually find yourself in front of a white door with a ‘DO NOT ENTER’ sign. You smirk, knowing exactly who’s room this was. I mean, he wasn’t home so why not have a little peek? You expect a typical bad boy’s room with posters on the wall and bandages everywhere, maybe a leather jacket and a bike helmet, but you walked into a navy blue and plain bedroom with a comfortable aura. A white oak desk sat in the corner of his room with a laptop and a few books on it. A clothes drawer was placed next to it with photo frames of his family and close friends. You notice a picture of two children in the middle and as you move closer, you realise that it was a picture of the pair of you, the younger you. Your smile grows wider as you glance around, his bedroom colliding with his personality. 
Hours later, the door opened and slammed shut, breaking you from the TV. You heard feet pad up the stairs and you decided to follow, wanting to know what Lucas was rushing for. You checked every room before his bedroom and he was nowhere to be found. You slowly approached his door and knocked lightly, hoping he would hear you. “What do you want?!” He yelled through the door. You flinched at his tone but straightened your back. “Are you okay? You seem to be in a rush.” Your voice was loud but soft, bringing comfort to Lucas. He shook his head. “I’m fine! Just go back to- ahh,” he hissed and you couldn't sit back any more so you opened the door to see him on his bed. “Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!?? GO AWAY, I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP,” Lucas was panicking as you stared at his figure. The blood dripping from the cut on his forehead contrasted with his eye, which was turning a vibrant shade of blue and purple. His cheek was covered in the red substance as was his jawline and neck. His white t-shirt was black from dirt and grease and blood was also found on it. The most damage was his fists. The skin had been teared up and blood was oozing from each wound. “Y/N just leave me alone,” he hissed at you with a death glare. He stood up and walked towards you, encouraging you to leave his room but you, surprisingly, felt nothing but guilt and hurt. 
A tear fell from your eye and Lucas halted, his expression softening but not backing down. You looked down and shook your head, heading to his bathroom and grabbing a first aid kit. You entered the bedroom again and shoved Lucas onto his bed, forcing him to sit still. “Y/N, What are you doing?” This time, Lucas spoke in a softer tone. “Just shut up Yukhei, and let me help you.” You surprised Lucas when you called him his Korean name, a habit you had when you were kids. He shut his mouth when you placed a damp washcloth onto his forehead, gently wiping the sweat and blood from his face. A closer look helped you gain a better view of his face and you noticed a cut on his lip. “You cut your lip as well,” You murmured to no one in particular and you gently touch his lip with your finger, watching him flinch from the contact. “Sorry,” You whispered and continued to wash his face. You ventured down his face to his neck and he shivered as your fingers grazed his skin, goosebumps forming on his clothed arms and legs.
 You sighed, your back becoming uncomfortable from your sitting position. “What’s wrong,” Lucas speaks up. You could feel his breath on your neck as you look at his knuckles. “I’m sitting in an awkward position but this is the only way I can reach your face, neck and hands.” He nodded before he patted his thighs. You looked at him, confused at his action. “Sit in my lap, it will be more comfortable for you,” He spoke, looking away from you. You nodded and placed your leg over him, straddling him. You took his hand and placed it on your thigh, wiping the blood from his fist. His grip on your leg increased and he hissed at every movement. You eventually wiped a majority of the blood off of his wounds, leaving red cuts and rashes scattering his skin. You hopped off his lap and glanced at his shirt. “Did you get hit in the stomach,” you whispered to him. He nodded and began to lift his shirt. As more skin was revealed, bruises were seen scattering his stomach. You sighed and looked at his face, noticing his gaze on you. “You’ve always made the stupidest decisions.” He didn't answer you. You sighed and mumbled, “I’ll be back.” 
You raced down the stairs and grabbed a few ice packs from the freezer, making your way back up to his room. He hadn’t moved from where he was but sat up a bit when you entered the room. You placed the ice packs on the bed and placed one on his stomach. He winced at the coolness but grabbed one himself and placed it on his eye. A few minutes later, you had cleaned him up and bandaged him up as best as you could and you were sitting on his chair while he was laying on his bed. You were scrolling through your phone before you were interrupted by a yawn. Your eyes fluttered shut in exhaustion before you looked at the time. You yawn and look at the bed. Lucas was still laying on his bed but his phone was occupying his attention. You thought you could quickly sneak out of his room but you were proven wrong as he called your name.
“Y/N?” his gaze left his phone and focused on your figure, standing by the door. “Where are you going?” His voice was a lot softer than before. “I’m going to bed.” Your hand reaches for the door handle until you hear Lucas. “Please don’t go. I want you here.” You face him and notice the visible pout on his face. You nod your head and tell him that you’ll go get ready for bed then come back. His eyes never left the door, waiting for you to enter the room again. After what felt like forever, for him, you walked back into the room.
You placed your things on his desk and sat on his bed, watching his face contort into a face of pain. “Yukhei...” You began but he cut you off “I know, I know, I shouldn't be doing it and it will hurt my image and affect my school work-” “I wasn’t going to say that,” You mumble. His eyes follow you and he tilts his head as you continue, “I mean, yeah I agree with what you just said but I’m not going to tell you to stop. You're a stubborn boy, Lucas, and I know that if you won’t listen to your parents then you won’t listen to me. But if you do keep doing this, I don’t want you to have to fix yourself. We were always looking out for each other as kids and, for me, that hasn't stopped. Remember the time you got out of detention after you got into that fight at the basketball court? I told the teachers that the other guy started it and you were defending yourself. Remember when you almost got suspended from ditching school? I told the principal your grandmother had passed away and you needed some alone time. If you continue fighting and continue this bad boy image, I want to be here to take care of you Yukhei.” His eyes soften and he grabs your hand.
“That's not true,” he states softly. you furrow your eyebrows, waiting for him to explain. “I may not listen to my parents or the teachers or any of my friends but I always listen to you. Remember when the teacher sent me to detention but I wouldn't go? I looked over at you and I could tell you were asking me to go just by the look you were giving me so I went to detention. Remember when I was about to fight your boyfriend? I knew he cheated on you but I didn’t want you to get hurt so I made up an excuse to fight him. But as soon as you told me to stop, I did. Y/N, out of everyone in my life, you're the only person I will listen to and if you tell me to stop fighting, if you tell me to stop going out late, if you tell me to listen in class, I will do it for you. I don’t care what everyone else say, I’ve only ever cared about you.” You were frozen by his confession and your eyes never left his. “Lucas, I.... I can’t tell you what to do. You have to make those decisions yourself, you have to know what is right and wrong.” I lay my head next to yours and watch you turn your body to face mine. You eyes glanced over his features and you admire him. 
“Why did we drift apart?” You whisper, watching his eyes glance at your lips as you spoke. “You got a boyfriend,” You raise your eyebrows at him, “What does that have to do with us?” “I liked you a lot and I had always dreamed of dating you but when you told me you had gotten a boyfriend, I was angry at myself for being to scared to ask you. I remembered you had once said that you were into bad boys so I tried to get you to fall in love with me but you’d always talk about him so being a ‘bad boy’ became more of a distraction.” You smile at his confession. “You're an absolute idiot, you know that?” He frowned at your statement. “How?” “Because I liked you too, I got a boyfriend because I want to make you jealous but I thought that you didn't want to be friends anymore because you thought I was replacing you,” You take a deep breath and continue, “but obviously that didn't work because we broke up after only a few months of dating. I knew he cheated on me but I didn't like him so it didn’t really bother me and I still had feelings for you but I didn’t think that-” 
 A gasp leaves your lips as you feel a pair of lips push against yours. The feeling of Lucas’ soft, plump lips against yours had you melting into his touch. His arms wrapped around your body and pulled you closer to him, tickling the skin that was exposed. You hands delicately pulled his neck to deepen the kiss. Your heart was beating against your chest and you swear you could feel his, beating the same. You had never felt like this before, like you were floating yet trapped, you loved everything about it. You both broke away from each other, gasping for air and pressed against one another. The smile on his face never changed when you met his eyes. “Well that was something,” He started before he broke into a laugh. You smile and watch his eyes crinkle and his smile grow. “ He looks down at you with a fixed gaze. “I'm still in love with you,” His eyes never leave yours unless he was glancing down at your lips. “Well that's reassuring because I'm still in love with you,”
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