#max: 13
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1: 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z 33/36 (24/26) (9/10)
2: 09 15 19 26 58 62 93 95 97 98 99 aa ad ag ai ak al an ap ar as at av az be bl bu ca ce ch ck cl co cr ct da de dy ea ed ee eh ei em en eo er es et ev ex ey fi fr fy ga gc ge gi go gs gt gu ha he hi ho hr ic id ie if ik il im in io ir is it ke ki la le li ll lo lp lr ls ly ma mb me mi mm mo mp mu na nd ne ng no ns nt nu oe of og ok om on oo or os ot ou ov pe ph po pr ra rc re ri rn ro rs rt ry se si sk so ss st sy ta tc te tg th ti tl to tr ts tt tu uc ue um un ur us ut uy ve vi vo we wh wi xi ye yi yl yo zd 171/1296 (160/676) (11/100)
3: 198 199 626 993 997 aag ady age ain all alr and ant ape are ars ass atc ate ave azd ber bey blo blr bly but car cat cen chr clo com cou cre cta ctg den dev ead eak eat ehe eir emb ene eno ens ent eog era erc ere ero ery est eti ett evo exi eyo fie fre fyi gal gen gim got gue guy has hat hei hen her hey his hro ick ide ied ifi ify ike ill ime imm imp ing ins ion ist kil lai ler let lik lla lle lls log loo los lph lre mat maz mbe mbl mes met mic mmi mor mos mpo mpr muc nap nes nom nsi nta nti ntl num oes oge ogs ogu ome omo omp ond ook ore ort ose oso ost ote oun our out ove peo per phi por pos pre rag rce rea reh rin rns roe rog rom rta sed see sem ses sio ski som sse str sts syl tag tan tat tch ter tes tha the tif tim tin tly tri tte tum tur uch umb unt urn use ver vil vot who wil xis yes yin ylp yon you zda 205/46656 (200/17576) (5/1000)
4: 1993 1997 ains alle alre antl apeo asse atch aver azda beyo blog cars cent chro clos comp coun crea ctag dent devo eady eate ehen embl enes enom ensi enta enti eoge erag erce eroe etim ette evot exis eyon fied frea fyin gall gene geno gimm heir hens here hero hrom iden ifie ifyi illa ills imes immi impo kill lain lery lett like llai ller logs look lose lphi lrea matc mazd mber mblr mbly meti mick mmic more moso mpor mpre much nape nome nsio ntag ntif ntin ntly numb ogen ogue omet omos ompr orta oses osom osts otes ount over peog perc phis port post preh rage rcen read reak reat rehe ring roes rogu romo rtan semb sest sion skil some ssem stri sylp tage tant that thei they tifi tify time ting trin tter tumb turn umbe umbl unti urns used vera vill vote will xist ying ylph yond your 158/1679616 (156/456976) (2/10000)
5: aller alrea antly apeog assem avera beyon blogs centa chrom close compr count creat denti devot ehens embly enome ensio entag entif eogen erage ercen eroes etime etter evote exist eyond freak fying galle genes genom gimmi hensi heroe hromo ident ified ifyin illai immic impor kills lains lette llain llery loses lphis lread match mazda metim mmick mosom mport mpreh napeo nsion ntage ntifi ntify nting numbe ogene ometi omoso ompre ortan osest osome ounti peoge perce porta posts prehe rcent ready reate rehen rogue romos rtant sembl skill somet ssemb strin sylph tantl their tifie tifyi times tring tumbl turns umber umblr untin verag villa votes ylphi 109/60466176 (109/11881376)
6: allery alread apeoge assemb averag beyond centag chromo closes compre counti create dentif devote ehensi ension entage entifi entify eogene ercent etimes evotes galler genome gimmic hensio heroes hromos identi ifying illain immick import letter llains losest lready metime mosome mporta mprehe napeog ntifie ntifyi number ogenes ometim omosom ompreh ortant ountin peogen percen portan prehen rcenta rehens romoso rtantl sembly skills someti ssembl string sylphi tantly tified tifyin tumblr unting verage villai ylphis 74/2176782336 (74/308915776)
7: already apeogen assembl average centage chromos closest compreh countin dentifi dentify devotes ehensio entifie entifyi eogenes ercenta gallery gimmick hension hromoso identif illains importa metimes mportan mprehen napeoge ntified ntifyin ometime omosome omprehe ortantl ounting peogene percent portant prehens rcentag rehensi romosom rtantly sometim ssembly sylphis tifying villain 48/78364164096 (48/8031810176)
8: apeogene assembly chromoso comprehe counting dentifie dentifyi ehension entified entifyin ercentag hromosom identifi identify importan mportant mprehens napeogen ntifying ometimes omprehen ortantly peogenes percenta portantl prehensi rcentage rehensio romosome sometime villains 31/2821109907456 (31/208827064576)
9: apeogenes chromosom comprehen dentified dentifyin entifying ercentage hromosome identifie identifyi important mportantl mprehensi napeogene omprehens percentag portantly prehensio rehension sometimes 20/101559956668416 (20/5429503678976)
10: chromosome comprehens dentifying identified identifyin importantl mportantly mprehensio napeogenes omprehensi percentage prehension 12/3656158440062976 (12/141167095653376)
11: comprehensi identifying importantly mprehension omprehensio 5/131621703842267136 (5/3670344486987776)
12: comprehensio omprehension 2/4738381338321616896 (2/95428956661682176)
13: comprehension 1/170581728179578208256 (1/2481152873203736576)
the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
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Finished up my mini stickers of the whole DBD killer lineup!
Available on etsy!
#Dead by daylight#Crush.png#Im so sorry but i am going to be tagging fucking all of them#The Wraith#Philip Ojimo#Evan Macmillan#The Trapper#DBD Anna#The Huntress#Max Thompson Jr#The Hillbilly#Sally Smithson#Herman Carter#DBD Doctor#DBD Nurse#Michael Myers#DBD The Shape#Danny johnson#Ghostface#freddy krueger#sadako yamamura#DBD Onryo#Hux-a7-13#The Singularity#DBD Dredge#The druanee#DBD Unknown#DBD Oni#Kazan yamaoka#tarhos kovács
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#verstaliban i adore u dhjdjds#he said it couldve been 13 points gap but its 10 😭#norstappen#max verstappen
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somebody needs to study the gargantuan levels of cunt carlos used to serve at tororosso .. this is literally the peak embodiment of "the devil's favorite prince", "il diavolo rosso".
he is lucifer, the morning star.
he is the planet venus.

#the first pic... POP OFF THE FALLEN ANGEL BY ALEXANDRE CABANEL#carlitos#carlos sainz jr#toro rosso#the devil's favorite prince#no shit he had a chokehold on all the paddock and he was barely a rookie#little panicked gay max did not stand a CHANCE#the blush... the freckles.. big shiny puppy eyes.. no wonder someone so beautiful gets hated so much#he looks unreal#truly wicked face card wHAT ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT#13 yr old lando i get you....#formula 1#f1
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1: a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w x y 23/36 (23/26)
2: ac ai al an ap ar as at au av be bl bo bu by ca cc ce ch ci ck co ct de do ds dy ea eb ed ee el en ep er et ex fe fo fr fu ge gg gh gi gu ha he hi ho hr ht hu hy ic ig il im in io is it ix ki kn ks la lb le li ll lo ls lt ma me mi mm mo mu my nd ng no nt ny od of og ol om on oo op or os ot ou ow pa po pp pt pu py rd re ri ro se si so st su te th ti to ts tt tw uc ul um un us ut uy ve wh wi wn wo xa xf ym yo ys 138/1296 (138/676)
3: acc act ain alb all ano any app aun ave bee blo bod bum but cal can cci cco cis cki cks cou ded don eav ebl ebo een eli els elt epo ept ere ett exa fel fol for fro fuc ged get gge gho ght gim gul guy hap has hat hau hav her hic his hos hri hun icc ice ich igh ill imm ing int ion ith ixf kin kno lar lbu lea lic lix llo log low lse man meb mic mmi mor mou mus nde nds ngu not now nte nts nym ody ogg oll ome ony opu ord ore ost oth oun ous own pai pon pos ppy pti pus reb ric rig rom sep sic sin som sou sts suc ted tha the thi thr tin tio too tti twi uck ula und unt use usi uys whi who why wic wil wit wor xac xfe ymo you 156/46656 (156/17576)
4: acco aint albu anot appy aunt been blog body call ccis ccou ckin coun eave eblo ebod elic elix else epon epti etti exac feli felt foll from fuck gett gged ghos gimm gula guys happ haun have here hich host hric hunt icci ight immi ingu inte ixfe king know lbum leav licc lixf llow logg many mebo mmic more mous musi nded ngul noth nted nymo ogge ollo omeb onym opus osts othe ound ount pain pony post ptio rebl rice righ sept sing some soun suck that ther this thri ting tion ttin twic ucki ucks ular unde unds unte unts usic whic wice will with word xact xfel ymou 113/1679616 (113/456976)
5: accou ainte album anoth aunte blogg ccoun cking count eblog ebody elicc elixf epony eptio ettin exact felic felix follo fucki getti ghost gimmi gular happy haunt hosts hrice hunte iccis immic ingul inted ixfel leave licci lixfe logge mebod music ngula nothe nymou ogged ollow omebo onymo other ounde ounds ounts paint ponym ption reblo right septi singu someb sound sucks there thric tting twice uckin unded unted which xfeli ymous 72/60466176 (72/11881376)
6: accoun ainted anothe aunted blogge ccount counts eblogg elicci elixfe eponym eption etting felicc felixf follow fuckin gettin ghosts gimmic haunte hunted ingula ixfeli liccis lixfel logged mebody ngular nother nymous omebod onymou ounded painte ponymo reblog septio singul somebo sounde sounds thrice ucking xfelic 45/2176782336 (45/308915776)
7: account another blogged ccounts eblogge eliccis elixfel eponymo felicci felixfe fucking getting haunted ingular ixfelic lixfeli omebody onymous painted ponymou reblogg seption singula somebod sounded xfelicc 26/78364164096 (26/8031810176)
8: accounts eblogged elixfeli eponymou feliccis felixfel ixfelicc lixfelic ponymous reblogge singular somebody xfelicci 13/2821109907456 (13/208827064576)
9: elixfelic eponymous felixfeli ixfelicci lixfelicc reblogged xfeliccis 7/101559956668416 (7/5429503678976)
10: elixfelicc felixfelic ixfeliccis lixfelicci 4/3656158440062976 (4/141167095653376)
11: elixfelicci felixfelicc lixfeliccis 3/131621703842267136 (3/3670344486987776)
12: elixfeliccis felixfelicci 2/4738381338321616896 (2/95428956661682176)
13: felixfeliccis 1/170581728179578208256 (1/2481152873203736576)
My post is getting reblogged by gimmic accounts this fucking sucks
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which f1 drivers are best at mcc games?
obviously, max verstappen thrives in ace race. he spends most of his life on the practice server practicing. one time charles beat his personal best and he had to be forced to log off after spending 32 consecutive hours playing.
george is the resident battle box try hard. he WILL rush wool and everyone else hates playing against him for that reason.
buildmart is oscar's bitch. i can absolutely see james vowels trying to make a spreadsheet for alex and logan a la technoblade but this would backfire massively. oscar is also a contender for hole in the wall because of his ping, but buildmart is his happy place. playing buildmart also pisses off lando which is funny to him.
valtteri bottas coming in with the steel chair. he'd never played minecraft before zhou introduced him to it, but he studied it intently and is the only member of the grid to perfectly recall every single crafting recipe.
kevin magnussen is a master of team games, but he is exactly what you need for grid runners. he doesn't take the lead, he does what he's told and he gets it done. no matter the cost or moral implications.
oscar and danny are both good at this (aussie ping ftw) HOWEVER yuki tsunoda is short and therefore so much better at understanding how to get through the holes. it's just part of who he is. maybe he's glitching, maybe he's cheesing, but god dammit he's winning.
you may think war criminal fernando alonso would enjoy sky battle / survival games the most. and he does. however meltdown is his absolute favourite. does he lose by 2 coins every time he plays? yes. does he enjoy getting to shoot everyone - including members of his own team? absolutely.
parkour tag just gives me logan vibes. he's just a little guy. he just likes jumping around the corners and tagging members of the opposite team. he is ruthless but constantly overlooked by opponents and that makes him even more dangerous.
lewis is THE parkour warrior. he made the original PW look so easy they had to blow the whole thing up. he still dominates, no one can stop him. no one wants to stop him. everyone is afraid of him.
nico hulkenberg is one of the few people on the grid that actually knows how to use an elytra. he is the only person that enjoys RSR and he wins by such frightening margins.
#f1#formula 1#guys i need the summer break to be over#minecraft championships#mcc#max verstappen#charles leclerc#lewis hamilton#george russell#lando norris#oscar piastri#fernando alonso#yuki tsunoda#valtteri bottas#alex albon#logan sargeant#kevin magnussen#nico hulkenberg#charles lando and alex are in the reblog sorry tumblr wouldnt let me do 13 pics in the og post
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idk why but I've been just insatiably horny the past couple of days. I'll go like. a month at a time without getting off but so far I've cum three times today alone and I think I'm gonna go again before the day's done
#ik this rookie numbers#my max in one day is 13 times#but that was pre e#i should have a pretty pet to take all this out on tbh tbh#or an owner that can fuck it out of me#either is nice.
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Someone on YouTube reanimated one episode of the 70's Monkey Magic show and released it a few days ago.
artists took a segment from "Catfish, Saint, and the Shape-Changer" the 14th episode from the 1978 series Saiyuki or better known as "Monkey". It is nearly 50 years old and while I shall say the English voices are a lil dated the artists have captured the charm and humor that made the series so popular in the first place! It is creative, it is inspiring, it is so glorious to see so many different artists show how much Xiyouji means to them and how they see this funny and strange group of monks together on their holy pilgrimage. It really captures just how beloved not only the show was but how even today JTTW is for any generation and transcends time to still be going strong after 400 from Wu Cheng'en's official release!
If you have 30 minutes to spare, please give it a watch! This an ENTIRE episode so please enjoy!
I'm putting some of my favorite shots but sadly I can only fit 30 but look at these DESIGNS and in ANIMATION!! Seriously this is all worth it! From beautiful to funny give it a look!
#sun wukong#anon ask#anonymous#anon#jttw#journey to the west#xiyouji#ask#zhu bajie#tang sanzang#sha wujing#lmk#monkey#saiyuki#lego monkie kid#black myth wukong#monkie kid#japanese saiyuki#1978 jttw#jttw78#on was on the floor WHEEZING#THESE ARTISTS DO NOT HOLD BACK#from being beautiful#TO JUST PLAIN HIRLARIOUS#I can't believe the show was this funny i just needed the right medium to see it#I COULD STOP LAUGHING#even if we did get the scriptures what good are they when the pigs completely illiterate!#BURN WUKONG GET BAJIE#Hey please put a picture of your favorite part in this as well! show the love!#I got through 13 mintues before i reached my max 30 photos
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My two all-time favourite freaks...
#y'all better pray I'm done with this sketchbook before I go insane and start drawing very not PG-13 stuff with any and all the War Boys...#mad max#slit#nux#mmfr#war boys#mad max fury road#my art#traditional art#fanart#ballpoint pen
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hillbilly being a tinkerer and helping hux with self-repairs maybe? idk its an image that's been in my head for a long time and i always thought would be cute.
Chainsaws are a direct upgrade from scythes, trust me.
#dead by daylight#dbd singularity#hux-a7-13#the singularity#daily singularity#day 27#dbd hillbilly#max thompson jr
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Android 21 offers some "critique" for the new Red Ribbon regarding Cell Max, much to Hedo's dismay
#android 21#hedo#gero#android 13#dragon ball#dragon ball manga#dragon ball z#dbz#dragon ball super#dbs#dragonball z#dragonball#dragonball super#dragon ball fighterz#cell max#magenta#android 20
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More dbd sticker designs!!
Available here!
#Gonna do some test prints over the weekend!#Dead by daylight#Do i dare tag everyone...#Dwight fairfield#Claudette morel#Jake Park#Meg Thomas#Gabriel Soma#Renato Lyra#Leon Kennedy#Jill Valentine#Ada Wong#Phillip Ojimo#The Wraith#Evan Macmillan#The trapper#DBD huntress#Max thompson jr#The Hillbilly#Sally Smithson#The nurse#Michael Myers#Danny johnson#Ghostface#Hux-a7-13#The Singularity#The Dredge#The unknown#Kazan Yamaoka#Pyramid Head
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I think this sums up how we're all feeling right now
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic dream team#genuine shame this is apple only cause i was really excited for this#my mom has an iphone 13 pro max so maybe i can convince her to try apple arcade#though once i beat the game i'll probably just cancel the subscription afterwards#sonic meme
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heres the video of max n GP testing some new setups in the last laps of the Chinese sprint race
#hes sooo 😩😩😩#the new sprint format is soo good for him the fact he used the sprint race n him n gp were testing things#then changed the setup even tho he dunked 13s but it wasn't enough#i hope that was his baku 2023 moment again#will make my eyes 👀 on his onboard for the next sprint race if hes leading he might do the same again#what a goat#max verstappen
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The reel
#13/10/2024#miles kane#Max Kane#not Maxie being tinier than the throw pillow 🫠🫠🫶🏽#damnnnn Miles in a turtleneck#Jesus fuck that song combo is NOT good#Miles do you need a hug or ten ?!#Maxie running around#Love that all the comments are just love u’s and hugs
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To infinity... and not beyond! Because that would be mathematically impossible!
#mst3k#mystery science theater 3000#joel hodgson#mike nelson#dr. erhardt#max#tv's son of tv's frank#j. elvis weinstein#patton oswalt#doctor mordrid#mst3k season 13#gizmoplex
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