#max would love the cure tbh
i kinda wish they kept exploring/expanded upon the idea that "madness" ran in the family. FF mentioned that ahura had bad days, and i know there's a few issues that depict bb having something when the tuning fork breaks (though i havent read these so i dont know what exact symptoms hes given)
i kinda wish there was more on agon with it. if illness really does have a genetic link with the boltagons, was he considered "mad" as well? was he able to hide it better? did it have any affect on his decision to expose bb and max to terrigen so early? could he possibly have been trying to prevent them from inheriting it?
some comics say maximus had signs from before bb was even let out. did agon and/or rydna know? did they do anything? oafk makes it seem like he only received any form of support after his parents died (and even that was practically nothing), and many comics don't show him getting any help at all.
was agon just ignoring it? trying to hide it? was it just another thing he told maximus to not speak about? did he receive any (placebo) medication himself?
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btnclmrttn · 9 months
How they react if you send a spicy picture (OPM) (+18)
Under the assumption they have a phone imagine having to email a nude asdghdksvs
(bored and horny tbh I'll figure out the other three boys later 😭)
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💛"Wow, you have no idea what I'd do for some of that right now"💛
If he didn't turn so red in the face he could probably play it off in public if he were to open it. Has definitely cracked his screen on accident over the shock/initial embarrassment of hoping no one saw that.
Always a pleasant surprise when he's alone. He's probably bored anyway. One of the best cures he could have in those moments is "excitement". Exchanging texts and nudes gets him super jittery, and he loves the addictive anticipation.
Building up self confidence slowly, but is rather shy with returning the favor. He doesn't wanna be unfair and not send any at all, but they usually are just body shots, seldom face. Muscles like that though? It's hard to get a bad angle on a body like that
Like 2 saved in gallery max. Would just rather have the real deal, but the couple he keeps is because they're generally pleasant for him to look at. Huge sucker for panties/boxer shots. They don't have to be full nudes for him to get riled up. He can confidently return his own underwear shot as well! (fucking love me a dick print pic ughhh)
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🩵"Oh you're perfect. I would love to see more of that angle"🩵
Around the public he doesn't show visible embarrassment, but he's very quick to pull up his phone. That could be the only obvious tell he's looking at something he doesn't want anyone else to see.
Full attention on you for sure if you managed to send at a time when he was alone. No matter where he is he's quick to respond, but much more detail and thought is put into responses when alone.
Always will return the favor. Has a couple of his own in his gallery if he was ever out and received one. It's only fair in his eyes! They're also never basic he makes an effort to look like the prettiest boy for you and he does a damn good job. Not only is the cyborg body cool, the way he takes pictures with angles and perspectives makes it much more sexy.
Yes he saves all of them it's taking up a huge space on his phone storage that's also photos of you in general. Doesn't really have an urge to get off to the photos or texts because it's never the same or as satisfactory, but he still likes to appreciate them because you're attractive. (Lemme throw in though that he would definitely love to get riled up to your voice/phone sex. He would end up hanging up and showing up shortly if he's over excited)
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🖤"fuckkkkk just you wait till I get my hands on that"🖤
Around people he doesn't get super embarrassed, and couldn't care. Will try to keep his phone close and low key as he studies your body so no one else sees what's just for him. If it's around Bang he might have a fuss or a fumble.
Might take his time to respond, but he's definitely not ignoring you. He's taking that shit in every fine detail he can see like you're a work of art. The pauses between all his messages is just him drooling over you
He'll send back, but not the full deal. Garou can make more of a game out of the tease. Loves sending pics back of his dick print through his pants (usually sweatpants yessirrrr) to show you what you just did for him. Will progress to more skin, like his abs and hem of his boxers, until you get some real nice pictures~
He's got a couple few favorites that never fail to get him off. Any shot from an angle above you will be saved definitely. Although, he ends up not getting completely satisfied taking care of it himself with pictures/texts alone. It's a last resort kind of thing if he knows he can't see you. If he knows your wear abouts, he will just show up.
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polyklok · 10 months
Movies I think Dethklok members would really like
No this is not based on anything I’m just in a mood™ rn
Nathan Explosion
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Mad God
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So, no, I did not have any ounce of an idea of what this movie was about when I originally watched it, and I’m still not 100% sure tbh but an hour and a half of these pure vibes would totally be up Nathan’s alley. The post-apocalyptic setting, all the gore, the details of the various monsters, and I think he would just really appreciate it from an artist’s standpoint as well. This movie would just resonate with him, even if he wouldn’t have a fucking clue what was going on the whole time.
Mary and Max
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I’m, personally, a bit on-the-fence about this movie, but it is undeniably sweet and I headcanon Nate to be on the spectrum so 🤷
This would be, like, his guilty pleasure film. The movie he knows is for kids and is totally not brutal but he loves it anyway. The, “I do not feel disabled, defective, or a need to be cured” really hits for him every single time. He rewatches it at least once every few months, especially when he’s in some sort of emotional slump.
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Another one that just like, like, big Nathan energy, you know? He just seems like a guy to really love loose plots with trippy visuals and strong emotions attached to them. Also, this movie is so completely badass, it is certified metal in his book. He also finds the story incredibly tragic; having the love of your life stripped away from you in such circumstances really tugs at his heartstrings, but in a way that gets him pumped up rather than sad. This is probably his go-to when people ask, “what’s your favorite movie?”
Pickles the Drummer
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Son in Law
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Okay this is my guilty pleasure movie. I usually don’t like stoner-comedy from the 90s, but this movie hits different. Maybe I just find Crawl hot. Anyway, I’m projecting that onto Pickles. He honestly probably finds a lot of crappy comedies to be peak film, and this is no exception. Pauly Shore pretending to be a country boy for a whole movie? Hells yeah. Pickles would watch while high off his mind, laughing his butt off and going to town on some cheez-its or something. And you know what? He deserves it.
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I’m counting short films because I feel like Opal is the movie for Pickles. He’d watch it on a whim, because these are not usually the types of things he enjoys, and then he’d in tears over the emotional rollercoaster he did not agree to go on. Like, he grew up in a neglective household with authority figures that were overly-selfish and projected their own problems onto the youngest one in the house, to which he had to hide within his own brain more often than not just to properly function. And then he just…watched it happen all again in the hypnotic style of Jack Stauber. The Mom’s song had him in gasping tears for a while, the way you get when a movie somehow perfectly captures your own trauma right in front of you. And the ending??? Ugh. Go watch Opal, guys, it’s on YouTube.
Nathan and Pickles both get very emotional about certain stop-motion films, isn’t that crazy?
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Thank you to Lucy for this Letterbox review that I think he would write
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This movie is actually so insane. It’s not scary in a horror-movie way, like it meant to be, it’s scary as in ‘What the hell is happening and why do I understand it?’ Pickles doesn’t like most traditional horror films, as the long, quiet suspense bores him and the sudden jumpscares freak him the hell out way more than they should. But he loves the campy-wacko-type horror that they were apparently making in 70s Japan. It’s just scary enough to get his heart pumping, but the pure silliness of it all overrides that, getting him in a giddy mood and excited to see what happens next.
(No I am not done but tumblr won’t let me add more pictures)
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
EVIL DEAD RISE ; what kind of music you listen to with them
includes ; danny, bridget, kassie (platonic), ellie & beth
warnings ; language, my kinda bad music taste tbh
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either stuff like sneaker pimps, gorillaz, and lil peep or quannnic, the cure, nirvana, paramore
he plays whatever makes you happy, especially if it's something he also likes
probably listens to music to sleep as well
like, hozier, phoebe bridgers, probably movie scores that are calm and kinda relaxing as well
sometimes you guys sit in silence with the music and relish each others company or you're having a dance party in front of hundreds cheering his dj skills on
religiously wears headphones, doesn't matter if they're wireless or not
he's very anti-earbuds bc they don't fit his ears properly LMAOOO
honestly same....
but he's scared it'll make him get hearing loss sooner bc they don't let the sound out a bit so he sticks w his muffs
keeps him warm in the winter 🤷‍♂️/🤷‍♀️
mazzy star, florence + the machine, hozier, blue foundation, seal, james marriott
I feel like she's into calmer kinda music, but not like basic calm music if that makes sense??
I don't think she's an arctic monkeys/tv girl indie/pop/idk fan iykwim
she likes just being in your presence when she listens to music cause she wants to have those songs remind her of you somehow
like if you're on the bus, in the car, she's the type to usually have her earbuds in, probably does the spotify party thing with you LMAO
that way you don't have to share earbuds or anything
danny constantly teases you guys bc your music taste differs but you're totally swooning for her so you always listen to her music lol
taylor swift idk
what do little kids listen to these days??? 💀💀💀
cmon she's like 10 at max gimme a break
she honestly just picks whatever she likes on your playlists if she needs something to entertain her in the car and whatnot
I mean I'm like that too sometimes I just can't stare out the window in silence I need my music lmao
she probably just has default pop radio music taste, she's too young for a phone anyways lmao
gets any actual music taste from her siblings and you though
probably listens to the pretty reckless and halestorm here and there, prefers more pop music though
probably like muni long, normani, hozier, taylor swift, only the plastic hearts album by miley cyrus, etc
mostly a female artist listener
I just get that vibe from her
her and Beth for sure went to a lot of female lead rock bands before her kids + Jay in general
like evanescence, halestorm, pretty reckless, in this moment, flyleaf
she'd still enjoy listening to rock though, just gotta be in a pumped up mood, like doing chores or working out yk
would enjoy dorothy, lacuna coil, etc
she strikes me as a person who plays music in the house/car but never wirh headphones or anything bc she likes to get shit done and when she's sitting down, she's just trying to relax and music gets her kinda pumped up lmao
loves when u show her new songs tho, she loves adding them to her mixes or whatever
she strikes me as a pandora mom
she for sure listens to spiritbox, megan thee stallion (she's a nicki anti I know it, me too), halestorm, pretty reckless, new years day, in this moment, september mourning, eminem, rihanna
a lot of like 2000s-2010s legends lol
I feel like she listens to Megan a lot to pump herself up bc real tbh
cobra ft spiritbox is her all time fav song
holy shit she rants about this song to members of her team for a week straight
gets like 300 plays on it by the time spotify wrapped comes out
she strikes me as a yt music user HELP
she loves introducing you to new rock bands, especially ones w female leads
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I’m posting Cyberpunk Ronance thoughts because it’s my blog and I can do what I want
I’m just, I know the game isn’t the best in the world, but god if the storyline didn’t break me, okay?
If you care about Cyberpunk spoilers (not including the show), do not read any further
I think there’s a lot of different ways this au could be played
I think Nancy being V makes good sense if you look at V’s characterization as this badass, ambitious person who ends up in a shitty situation but keeps fighting because it’s all she’s ever known. Bonus V and Nancy and GUNS and general badassery. In this version, perhaps Robin is Johnny—chaotic mess of a human who’s life went to shit, although I see her being less of an overall bastard. Robin in aviators? Robin in aviators. The banter between them with Robin literally stuck in Nancy’s head and apologizing over and over for literally being a sentient brain tumor? Kill me now. Bonus, Barb is Jackie, the good natured friend who helps Nancy and gets killed early on as a consequence of her and Nancy’s ambition. As much as my sad little heart loves angst, I like to think the ending could be twisted, like maybe they find Robin’s body so her engram can be put back into it and Nancy can survive. I just don’t want the ending to be sad, damnit. Panam could be Max maybe? Hmmm. Or maybe El.
I’m also fond of the idea of Robin as V, however, and it boils down to the V/Johnny relationship. Picture with me for a moment: Eddie as Johnny. He fits the bill too well. Bastard of a rocker boy who did drugs and has pretty hair. He gets stuck in the head of one Robin Buckley, and it’s instant wlw/mlm hostility (but it morphs into solidarity, I promise). In this version, I think Steve is heartbreakingly Jackie. Their personalities line up too well. Throwing a bone to the Steddies tho, Steve could be Kerry and all the Johnny/Kerry moments become Steddie. Then Barb could still be Jackie? Or Steve is Jackie and Barb is T-Bug, RIP. Who is Nancy, then? Well, I think Panam or Judy are both excellent options. Just think, Nancy Wheeler, the tech genius who reports and edits brain dances on the side, an ex member of the baddest girl gang in Night City, the Moxes? Sick. But! Nancy Wheeler, badass mercenary who strikes out from her clan on her own to follow ambition and independence, but eventually coming back as a leader. Tbh I’m leaning more the Judy route, as much as I love Panam. The underwater date? Nancy finally being vulnerable, showing Robin her flooded home? Memories of Mike—long since moved away—and her family? Nancy saving Robin from almost dying because of Eddie’s damn chip? Robin being so soft with her afterward? Nancy giving Robin her key? Also Nancy is a vengeful woman and the whole Clouds arc would be something she could do, I think—and Robin helps because ofc, it’s Nancy. THEY’RE GAY YOU’RE HONOR. And, because of course I’m choosing the ending where you leave with the nomads, Nancy leaves Night City with Robin, and she promises to help Robin find a cure (and they do because fuck you ambiguous game ending). I’m thinking this is the ideal scenario for me.
Or the above but it’s Eddie as Johnny, Nancy as V, Robin as Panam, I like that too.
Chrissy is undoubtedly Misty in any version, only she’s not dating the Jackie character because she’s a lesbian in my mind and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands. Maybe Vickie is Victor (heh, Vic, same nickname) and they have a little tension going on with Chrissy’s Esoterica being right outside Vickie’s Clinic.
Maybe agent Owens as Takemura? Henry is Yorinobu, Brenner is Saburo. The female agent who’s name I can’t remember is Hanako. I feel like these all fit scary well.
Ofc Hopper is Saul, you can’t tell me he doesn’t fit that role damn near perfect. Most of the rest of the Hawkins crew are probably Aldecaldos as well. I’m thinking Jonathan is Mitch and Argyle could be Scorpion (I know that one is a bad fit but fight me on it, Jargyle boyfriends and also Scorpion/Argyle gets to live because it’s my au and I can do what I want). Thinking about El as Panam more now actually, her stubborn personality and whatnot. It’s vibes, okay? It’s 1 am, let me enjoy my brain worms.
Beyond who’s who: think about Nancy Wheeler with mantis blades. Need I say more? She’s a badass with a katana and throwing knives, and REALLY scary good at hacking. She has a professional cyberdeck and all the best tech. I think she’d be a Corpo background V. Don’t put her in hand to hand combat though, she is small and will get her shit wrecked.
But! Robin Buckley would have less tech. She doesn’t trust it—maybe she’s a conspiracy theorist, sue her. She’s a Nomad background V, and she is really good with bigger guns and weapons that require less finesse. I’m picturing her with a trusty baseball bat and a shotgun that she alternates between. When she does hack, it’s usually cameras and whatnot for stealth missions—but we all know she’s bad with coordination and most stealth missions turn into guns blazing missions. Oops?
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freakinfriends · 1 year
music taste headcanons for each member of spiral?
Hey there! Maybe one day I'll attempt to make a playlist even though I'm sure it won't be thorough enough but I'm too lazy.
So other than what's already been established in canon on the long gone Daria site. Which is that Jesse and Trent got their start doing angst-driven power pop and Weird Al covers. (Which is totally never something I'd have thought they'd be into myself tbh but I kind of love it.) And that their musical influences are: "Jane's Addiction, Morrissey, The Doors (the band, not the movie, which sucked), Cocteau Twins, Zappa, NIN, Nirvana, Gregorian Chants, thunder, the Banana Splits." (Again. Weird choices but I'm into it.)
Trent: Anything alternative. Doesn't matter what kind of alternative. Mostly 80s/90s bands. Punk, industrial, grunge, rock. Other than the above bands some other examples include: Alice In Chains, The Prodigy, Korn, Soundgarden, Sex Pistols, The Ramones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Primus, The Stooges
Jesse: Jesse and Trent have a lot of overlap. They basically share one brain cell. Jesse is more likely to include classic rock and sappy 80s hair ballads like 'More Than Words' by Extreme. (Also the Banana Splits on that list was 10000% Jesse and nobody convince me otherwise. He also wants to know how they found singing chipmunks for Alvin and the Chipmunks and how many they had to audition. It takes them a really long time to try and convince him that they didn't actually record singing chipmunks.) Also he really likes bands that have cool music videos.
Band Examples: Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Slaughter, Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, Prince, Pearl Jam, Van Halen, Whitesnake, The Misfits (Both the actual band and the Jem version.), early No Doubt
Max: Max tends to listen to the really loud and aggressive stuff. Thrash metal, punk, industrial, nu metal. Some examples include: Alien Ant Farm, Anthrax, Linkin Park, Ministry, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, NOFX, KMFDM, Rage Against the Machine, Def Leppard, Guns N Roses, AC/DC
Nick: Nick is said to have a side gig as a DJ. So he is the one member of the group who has to stay up to date on a lot of Top 100 radio hits and the kind of music the rest of the band probably would refer to as sellout music. He pretends he doesn't like it but actually doesn't think it's all bad. Max catches him humming Mmmbop a few times and gets pretty mad about it. (It doesn't fit the era but I feel like if there was a Spiral in modern times, the rest of the guys would still have the same music taste even though it's outdated and Nick would be a Swiftie on the down low especially given his ex was also big on writing folksy breakup songs.)
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Introductory Post! (My God I can't believe I'm doing this)
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Hi! I'm Clarissa! Briar is fine too. I go by She/They. When I was young I used to scavange through ask blogs and other things on this website, and today's the day I finally made an account.
Interaction Rules!
My Interaction Rules can mostly be found in my carrd but the gist is that I am really shy and introverted, so please be patient with me. Tone tags are appreciated! But please use tone tags when joke flirting with me (I can get confusing signals lmao)
Obivously, don't interact if you go against any minority, don't interact if you support problematic people, don't interact if you sexualize any minors/alternative fashions, and don't interact if you are a proshipper. (Again, check carrd for more details)
Touhou: Imperishable Night is my favorite game, while my most favorite character is a tie between Marisa Kirisame, Reimu Hakurei and Alice Margatroid. Fun Fact that famous Bad Apple video is what got me into Touhou in the first place.
Pretty Cure: I got into the entire franchise just last year and I'm currently watching the entire seasons from start to finish (By the time I'm typing this I'm in DokiDoki Precure). The OG and Max Heart have my heart while Cure Black and Cure Blossom are my favorites. I also love the All Star movies cause I'm a big sucker for crossovers.
Sailor Moon: I watched Crystal and the Eternal Movie on Netflix, and I'm currently reading the Manga! I would get into the 90s anime since I seen so many clips on Youtube (its so funny) but considering how many Precure episodes I have to watch, I can't. (Maybe someday!) I love Hotaru Tomoe. Can't say the same thing for Mamoru Chiba (especially during the first arc of the manga/crystal UGH-)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The intro slaps and I'm also currently in the middle of watching the series. I know all about the dark themes and enjoy the symbolism even if I dont get it at first. (I could ramble about how the show is amazing tbh)
Ib: One of my favorite games of all time, please tell me people remember this game.
Mad Father: Same vein as Ib, again please tell me people remember this game.
Lolita Fashion: I have a few skirts and blouses (still need to get a petticoat lmao). I particularly like Gothic and Classic Lolita Fashion.
The Garden (OC World): My Toyhou.se is pretty bare bones about the world, and partially making this Tumblr is to talk about more about my OCs (in general). Either expect very long blocks of text or half-lazy art (thats what I see my art atleast).
Editing: Besides drawing, I also make video edits! Check out my Instagram to check them out (My instagram page also links to my tiktok page so check that out if you want).
Honorable Mentions! (/other interests that do kinda count but they aren't really that big)
Doki Doki Literature Club!: Monika is Best Girl
Undertale/Deltarune: Yes, I was an Undertale person during that big boom. I also used to hate Chara, but now I love them and believe that Chara and Asriel deserve the world.
Monster High/Ever After High: They were my childhood. I really don't mind GEN 3, and I actually find it fascinating (we don't talk about GEN 2).
Portal: The first game I bought on steam, and played both of them. We need more content (not a 3rd game, just new content).
BFDI: Also a childhood show I grew up. Something about objects competing for an Island really stuck with me.
Alright, that's enough typing. I'm not even sure if this is too long but it feels like it. If this didn't repel you from me, feel free to stick around!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I promise to plant kisses like seeds on you body, so in time you can grow to love yourself as I love you." -Tyler Knott Gregson
Magnus Bane. The boy from nowhere. The fact that this boy went from this, to making this way everywhere he went... I just...fuck😭
Please I love Raphael so much jdvskdbdid I need him to give me advice like, everyday
Their meeting is just😭SCREAMING AND CRYING!! I am love them!!! Magnus wanting to call him Alexander since the first time, Alec always wanting to know more about him and wanting him to stay and MAGNUS BEING HIS FIRST AND WANTING MORE!!!
Eating raisins is consider a love language and I will be thinking about the way Alec ate them for Magnus even in their first meeting and-
I think Magnus kinda killed Alec that day with his flirting. I would have died right there tbh
Their first meeting and they have seen each other shirtless already smh. You knew something was up from that moment!!
Ok but Magnus always reassuring him that it's ok to want something.... My heart is full and my anxiety cured
Alec getting scared of something happening to Magnus the same way it happened to Max. It's ok. I don't have a heart anymore :)
If he doesn't let you walk him to his dorm just so he can spend time with you and then walk YOU to your dorm even tho he has a fucking car... Then what's the point????
“I’m saying who we are matters more than anything,” Jia corrects. “So, use it to your advantage.” Jia is my president. I only answer to her. And to Aline because she is cool as fuck! Fuck Bridgestock!!
Maybe he should do something different on his off day. Go out? Meet some people? Yeah. No. That sounds awful. MOOD AS FUCK
Alec wonders if Magnus will ever truly feel at home anywhere. Just with you, love...
They really said we are going to talk and figured this shit out but first let's fuck huh? Now I know where Max got it from....
Magnus is hard to hold onto.
He is like water. He slips away.
But Alec holds on.
He holds on for as long as he can.
Then he lets go.
This being kind of a parallel for the divorce... I'm in awe
Magnus is a cutie and he is the reason I believe in beauty!!!!
“We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out together,” Alec promises. “We’re good at that.”
“Figuring things out?” Magnus asks.
“Doing things together,” Alec smiles.
Communication is hot and beautiful and sexy!!!
God,I love Anjali and the way they are all a little scared of her... ✨women✨
Rafael moving in with Anjali makes me feel like a proud parent 🥺🥺 but also omfg she is right!!! They are soo dramatic!! It's not even that horrible and yess I have been there done that!!! But is all fine anyway, they can be horny on the meantime :)
I'm love Jace and Lexi and we should all appreciate them😎
They are indeed weirdos, but you'll learn to love them💙💙
That family session was pure chaos and I wouldn't trade it for anything!! But poor David, he always gets dragged into this jdhdidbdkkd
Alec and Anjali are both two hopelessly in love simps and ready to change the law for the one they love!! But don't ever tell her I called her that bc I'm scared of her :))
Favorite bits as usual:
“Are you saying I won’t fall?”
“No,” Luca shakes his head. “I’m asking what’s the big deal if you do fall?”
"The Lightwood-Banes defy probability. Don’t let a number hold you back.”
Oh, if only I had someone in my life that made me tamales😭😭 I know how to do them,but still!
The great meaning that opening the window has, and the way it reflects that he is okay, he is going to be okay. The window has been bolted shut for far too long, and finally it let's all the light pass💚
Why do you never find a taxi when you need one? I don't know, taxis never come when you need to be hit by one smh
Going from "I can't live without him" to "I can live without him, but I don't want to because I choose him every time" makes me feel a lot of things😭
God the parallels of their first meeting and the first time asking for a date and this time!!!! HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS SHIT??? THE PARALLELS AND THE WAY THEY ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE BUT AT THE SAME TIME THEY ARE STILL... THEM??? FUCK I LOVE IT!!
I can't even mention my favorite parts from here, I just loved all of it and the way it shows how much they have changed and how they are not in a better place to try again and take things slow and to they way they prefer....
“Alec,” he smiles at Magnus gently. “But you can call me Alexander.”
Magnus exhales softly. “Alexander.”
“One day, I’ll put that ring back where it belongs,” Alec whispers.
Thank you so much for this story. The way it makes me feel things I can't completely put into words always amazes me. Never stop Dani💚
Epilogue here we go!!!
Chapter 40 was SUPER intense with parallels and I had so much fun writing it.
Thank you so much for always being there for me.
Noah: dani im one of your fave mutuals right?
me: noah you are one of my fave people ;)
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years
Would you care to share your feral thoughts on The Quarry with the class? 👀 🐺
OKAY OKAY OKAY spoilers ahead ofc (mostly just for the ending mac got, which is all playable characters live, no infected other than nick and at some point ryan, all cured at the end, sylas dies, innocence proven. but also some mention of infected dylan) and trigger warnings for like. canon typical violence (blood, amputation...) and i say some mean things about nick lmao
okay so let's start with my strongest character opinions:
Dylan <3 so smart so dumb so iconic. He is both a himbo and a genius nerd and I love him so much. I think he's the best character along with Kaitlyn, his lines are great, he's the only one who's not stupid in unbelievable ways (why was he the only one who thought Nick's leg needed to be cut off? it was so obvious.) but rather in pretty relatable ways (wanting the gun despite being a terrible shot, never trusting his intuition, the whole radio sos thing...) and I think his character is a perfect guy in horror! And the fact that he wants to get laid doesn't stop him from actually trying his best to survive! (*cough* jacob *cough*) Kaitlyn <3 gaslight gatekeep girlboss except she doesn't gaslight, like ever. she doesn't need to. says she's the smartest? true. says she's the leader? true. says she's the best shot and the only one who can use a gun? true. says she's the hottest? true. also LONDON TIPTON LONDON TIPTON BRENDA SONG I LOVE YOU. Jokes aside, Kaitlyn is one of the first times i've seen a woman in a horror game feel real and in a positive way too. I particularly liked how clearly she expresses her feelings about people.
I hate Nick. Like, not for getting infected like a dumbass, or because you can't just cut his damn leg off and let him suffer or bleed out. Nah I hate him because Abi deserves better. Their romance looked so cute at the start. And then you hear him talk with Jacob about it... which was uncomfortable at best!! And then Truth or Dare happens. I think Emma kissing Nick was a good thing, because we got to see that Nick is your good old typical untrustworthy man. He did not need to put that much effort into that kiss- and I know he says he just likes helping Emma make Jacob jealous, but that's stupid. Jacob did not need that much effort to be made jealous, Nick was overdoing it when he very obviously should have held back out of respect for Abi's feelings (which are supposed to be requited!!). All in all he's cheater material. But I can live with that. The worst part is that he's just a dick tbh. In his final moments before turning, the most raw version of himself is an asshole, being aggressive to Abi like it's her fault that he's pathetic? My guy, I know you want to date her and feel like she's not taking you seriously but get over yourself. Also imagine, you feel like you're dying, you're in horrible pain, you can barely think coherently and you ask for reassurance from the person you love... and when they give it to you you don't believe them and get mad over it? I can't possibly imagine being that much of an ass I'm sorry. And don't tell me turning makes everyone an aggressive cunt. Max visibly tries to stay away in the jail cell before the aggression takes over, and Dylan saves Kaitlyn's life! Nick's a dick. One letter away.
Abi's a well-written simp. Okay I, too, hate the "I can fix him" stereotype but Abi's just... such a good version of it. I find it perfectly coherent that this woman who started with pretty low self-esteem and originally refused to say she had feelings for Nick turned to resilient devotion the moment she got invested. It would not have made sense for her to fight to live like other characters do, otherwise. She's a pretty simple character, living for the chance that she can save someone else just by advocating for them, and I think that's nice! Because. Let's be honest. Who in their right mind would want Nick to live if not for Abi's constant "we must save Nick" bs? I wanted him to drown. Stan Abi for being a better person than I am.
Ryan's an ass. Love that for him. That's it that's the opinion.
now my thoughts about the capybaras werewolves:
Why are they not furry. Why do their hair, skin, clothes, everything, just explode in a spray of blood then everything comes back except their clothes???? The werewolved should be fully clothed but it's all drenched in blood.
Why does everyone turn at different speeds? It takes Nick hours, even longer for Laura, but Dylan turns immediately??? My best attempt at an explanation is that it's based on how likely they are to turn someone. I mean, if fucking rabies could turn into a very well-evolved nightmare that optimises infection in horrifying ways, why can't the werewolf curse (which has A LOT of rabies symptoms) be even better? We know Dylan would never bite someone, so there's no point in him staying human long enough to be with others. Nick, however, would've bitten Abi in front of that pool, because the way he's just absolutely pathetic gets people's guard off (like rabid animals being particularly docile at first) even when he says the creepiest shit about being hungry. Laura can and will take every risk and sacrifice anyone, or do any risky thing, so she could (and does.) bite, so keeping her human gets the infection to spread. But that's just my terrible theory. I don't actually think they thought this through.
aaaaaand the plot:
Predictable plot twists. AS THEY SHOULD I'm here to get spooked not to solve a goddamn nonsensical mystery. I'm so thankful that none of the lore is surprising. Glad the hag is everything literally everyone thought she was. Happy it was werewolves whose curse is transmitted through bites. Overjoyed to see Laura and Max survived the prologue and Laura was bitten.
The ending. Look I know it was rushed. But the Sylas bit was boring as fuck lmao. Also the podcast... let me just say nothing. Nvm I'll talk. I do think the characters were funny, and I liked their back and forth, but I wish we could've seen them.
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vancilocs · 1 year
i feel its only appropriate to ask for sims coupels, gimme blaidd and samrad and kitty and max <:3c 28 onward
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screaming crying i miss them so much
How would they describe each other?
Life partner and other half, inspiration
Evil bitch (affectionate), deadbeat wretch (semi-affectionate)
What's their go-to takeout order and movie night combo?
Order a pizza pie (they've always wanted to try it) and watch vampire movies
The ritual is to fight for an hour about what they want to eat until either gives up, then fight for an hour about what movie they want to watch while Lucis eats their food
What are their nicknames for each other? (If any)
Darling, love of my life, blood of my veins, beat of my heart
Bitch, kitten, kitty cat
What's their first dance song? (If they have one)
yes. i mean blaidd promised to dedicate a song to samrad and i'm fairly sure he did
surprisingly soft
How are they intimate with each other in a nonsexual way?
Blaidd taught Samrad to play the piano, they played other instruments together, cooked with ethically sourced blood, listened to music, cuddled, played with the cats, looked after their child and garden, painted
Cuddling and kisses, not fighting over petty things
What do their families think of their partner?
Vix adored Samrad, Alfonso agrees with everything she says always forever. Vlad and Oni liked Blaidd too, everyone was happy.
Max's parents were both dead and Kitty was never close with his siblings, Kitty's mom was NOT happy with her choices, her dad was fairly neutral but neither ever liked Max, I don't think Kitty's half-siblings really liked Max either. Tbh neither really did Lucis
What are their favorite couple activities for each season?
Cuddle up next to the fireplace and play music during winter (and you're no longer vampires so you suddenly feel cold), clean the manor and plant a garden in the spring, manage the garden and paint during summer, rake leaves and harvest during fall
Throw snowballs at each other in winter, throw mud at each other during spring, throw water balloons at each other and draw obscenities on the other with sunscreen when they don't notice in the summer, fool around in leaf piles during fall
Who wakes up and falls asleep first?
Sleeping's tough for both because vampirism (even after they're cured, it lingers), it varies heavily
Kitty was a criminal who worked the night shift, she slept late
Who initiated the first kiss?
Samrad because do you really think Blaidd had social skills
Kitty, get it
What was it like?
Enthusiastic. Fangs got in the way
They were teens they just bonked their teeth together
What do they love most about each other?
Blaidd likes being seen and getting attention, Samrad has that to give in heaps. He enjoys Blaidd's calm and peaceful aura, especially when at the piano. Also so cute how he's like with the cats
The other is damn sexy. But Kitty enjoys how hard she can butt heads with Max, he gives her a challenge and doesn't back down, meanwhile he likes a woman he's slightly afraid of
Who worries and who calms?
Blaidd is the worrywart
Neither has worried about a damn thing in their life. Except about Lucis
Do they have any jealous tendencies over each other?
Only when Libby or Litty had taken Samrad's spot in Blaidd's arms
Nah, but both are somewhat concerned about Lucis because that boy can and will destroy any relationship he wants
Who is the most physically affectionate?
Kitty, but like an annoyed cat would
Which one of them did you make first?
Blaidd was born in-game as heir no. 21 and I decided later that he would marry Vlad and Oni's son, so I created Samrad (I didn't want to get rid of Samhain oops)
Max is a Sims 4 premade, he's existed since the beginning. Kitty was born as heir no. 13 in the game.
How long have you been playing with them (or making edits with, etc.)
I added Blaidd to the Frost family tree on 29.3.2022, so he was born around that time, maybe even on that day. I added Samrad to the family tree on the 30th though and I kinda doubt I played through Blaidd's entire childhood in one day. I might have though, I speedran that shit. The last time I edited them both was on 12.4. so I guess they died around that time.
Kitty was added on 26.11.2021, last time edited on 10.1.2022, I guess that was her life
How long have they known each other?
Since young adults
Since teenagers
What age did they meet?
Maybe around 35-40 years old, but given that they were vampires their aging halted at maybe 20? Not in a hurry. Blaidd spent some 15 years just sitting in the empty manor playing the piano and sometimes snacking on his friends with permission
like 15
Who takes longer to get ready?
Samrad, listen the hair needs braiding
Kitty, the eyeliner needs to be sharp enough to kill a man
How did they meet?
Blaidd visited the big city and ran into another vampire busking, wowza
They were in a club together, causing mischief
What is something they have given the other that has a lot of meaning?
A child Painting from Samrad, mortality from Blaidd?? His life goal was to find a cure and he made two
Slap Stolen jewelry from Kitty, an engagement ring from Max
Who's more of the "protector" in the relationship?
As powerful as Vix is, she didn't really teach Blaidd to be that kind of vampire, meanwhile Samrad's parents are a bit more attentive and also very powerful. He also has a little sister so he is both protective and capable of an ass-whooping
Both try to protect each other, both insist they don't need protecting. Kick his ass baby I got your flower
What is their dynamic playing board games and video games? (versus each other and/or on the same team)
Gracious winners and losers, work extremely well together when in the same team.
Screaming, crying, throwing hands. Even when in the same team. Lucis wins. After subtly getting them to fight in the first place.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
I'm going down a rabbit hole with Billy content right now.
I can't, my heart's going to burst for this guy.
Okay, question: How would your perfect ending for ST look like? You can ignore any canon death you want to erase
- 🦙
hmm I hadn’t actually thought about how I’d like the whole thing to end!
idk I guess ideally speaking I’d love for it to be a reasonably happy ending, like first and foremost I’d need my baby Eddie to come back, idec how it’s done, I just need him back, and I need Hopper to come back as chief of police and create some kind of cover story that clears Eddie’s name so he’s allowed back into normal society again
then I’d love to see Kali make an appearance again tbh and her and El basically team up and combine their powers, or Kali somehow gives El her powers, and then uses it to kill Vecna, and also somehow cure Max bc she deserves her happy ending with Lucas
basically I just want everyone to have a happy ending tbh, like they’ve all been through so much they all just deserve some peace and security knowing that Vecna is dead and the upside down is finally gone
but also I low-key think it’d be super cool to see Vecna influence / take over Will bc of their connection and then the gang basically had to defeat Will who has suddenly become the next big bad, like that would beautifully tragic imo
- hope
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blondedmuse · 2 years
max mayfield x fem!reader
warnings: none
author’s note: max deserves a big sister so i wrote this
word count: 542
Steve begged you to be on what he called "babysitting duty" so that he didn't have to be a chofer for Dustin and his friends. And while they definitely did not need one, they were all incessant on carpooling with Will because his mom wouldn't let him bike.
Now, because it was Steve, you said no. Multiple times. But again, because it was Steve, he's wasn't exactly one to back down from a challenge and his begging just got too annoying to physically tolerate.
So, here you were parked outside the arcade, waiting on Dustin and his friends like a mom waiting for her kid at the end of a school day. What was probably more embarrassing was that you were maybe thirty minutes early and had nothing else to do for the day.
While waiting, you spotted Max sitting outside in your rearview mirror, which was unusual considering the kids would rather stay ‘til closing than ever leave early. And since you seemingly had nothing to do besides wait, you decided to walk over to her.
"The boys are being jerks," Max told you as you sat down next to her on the edge of the concrete sidewalk outside of the arcade.
"Did you give 'em a piece of your mind?" You asked and she nodded.
You smiled. "Do you want me to give 'em a piece of mine?"
She shook her head. "No...I'll just wait until Billy gets back."
"Well, you can wait with me in my car of you’d like. The sidewalk sucks to sit on."
"Only if you don't mind, do you?"
"Absolutely not. I need a girlfriend like you while spending time with these goons," You laughed. "You can even go through my music collection."
Max didn't say anything but nodded, smiling to herself while heading to the passenger seat of your car. She couldn't bring herself to say it, she was more than grateful to have you around. To her you were the sister she never had—and what you’ve heard from Lucas, “like, the coolest, ever.”
“My cassettes are in the glove box,” You said and she opened the small compartment. “Find one you like.”
Your collection wasn’t too extensive, but there were a few cassettes falling out here and there while Max rummaged through and you watched as she marvel at the music. Your collection ranged from The Rolling Stones to The Cure and Fleetwood Mac and needless to say Max was impressed.
“No way! You have Paralleled Lines by Blondie and is that…Three Imaginary Boys!?” The glint in her eyes was full of admiration and you couldn’t help but be in absolute awe.
“Yeah, you want it?” You offered her the album.
“Well…yeah. But it’s yours! I’m not just gonna take it from you.”
“You wouldn’t be taking it from me if I gave it to you.”
Her eyes widened. “Wait, really?”
“Yes, really, I have a job, I could easily get another one,” You said truthfully. “Besides, I want you to have it.”
“Are you sure?”
Max grinned from ear to ear, giving you a big Thank you. She loved that she had someone like you because you were there for her when no one was; and you were like, the coolest, ever.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Character Profile: Thaddeus Thawne (Inertia)
In my last character profile, I talked about Match, Conner Kent’s evil clone. Today I’m going to talk about Inertia, Bart Allen’s evil clone, because it feels neatly symmetrical and also because I ship it. So here we go!
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Wookit his evil little face!
To explain Thad, I have to delve into the history of the Flash Family quite a bit, which I will...attempt to make both succinct and coherent. It starts with Barry Allen’s long-lost twin brother. Due to convoluted circumstances, he was given to a couple called Thawne at birth, who named him Malcolm, and the Allens were told he was stillborn. The Thawnes turned out to be abusive criminals and Malcolm had a miserable childhood, so when he eventually learned that a) he was adopted and b) his twin brother had a charmed life and was a superhero, he was pretty pissed. He became the villain Cobalt Blue, fought Barry all of one time, and went away forever. He sucked.
But! This kicked off a full millennium of generations of Thawnes hating all Flashes, a tradition which would of course peak in the 25th century with Barry’s greatest enemy: Eobard Thawne, a.k.a. Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash (who somehow doesn’t know he’s biologically related to Barry, but whatever). The hate was still going strong by the 30th century, when Barry and Iris relocated to live there for even more convoluted reasons I’m not going to get into.
When Barry died during Crisis on Infinite Earths, Iris was already pregnant with twins, who she named Don and Dawn because she’s a monster. They inherited their father’s super speed and grew up to become the heroic Tornado Twins...and Don fell in love with a woman named Meloni Thawne, the first non-asshole Thawne ever. They got married.
Meloni’s dad wasn’t too happy about this and also happened to be President of Earthgov, so he was able to use his influence to send Don and Dawn on a mission that got them killed. But now Meloni was pregnant, and she eventually gave birth to Bart, who also inherited super speed. However, he couldn’t turn off the speed, and thus was aging at an accelerated rate. He was placed in virtual reality while scientists looked for a cure, but eventually his Grandma Iris realized that said scientists, who worked for Thawne, were just studying him for funsies and would let him die of old age before curing him. So she kidnapped Bart, brought him back to the 1990s for Wally West to fix, and that’s how we get Impulse.
But! Grandpa President Thawne still had copies of Bart’s DNA. Of course he was gonna make an evil clone!
And so Inertia was created from Bart’s DNA, spliced with “pure Thawne DNA,” whatever that means (sounds incest-y, tbh). Unlike Bart, who aged at an accelerated rate, Thad was gestated slowly in nutrient fluid over centuries, while being programmed with all the knowledge and skills he’d need to destroy Bart, the last of the Allens. With the help of his sentient robot headquarters, CRADYL, he travels back in time to find and destroy Bart.
Bart, of course, thinks he’s made a new friend. Bless his heart.
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Their first super speed fight is inconclusive, since Thad bails once Bart gets the upper hand. But, he tells CRADYL, it was only a reconnaissance mission.
Later in the series, Bart’s beloved mentor and father figure, Max Mercury, gets very sick. His connection to the Speed Force has been disrupted, and it’s killing him. The only way to cure him is for him to be literally carried into the Speed Force by another speedster so that it can heal him.
Now, nowadays speedsters pop in and out of the Speed Force like it’s Starbucks, but at the time this was an incredibly rare, difficult, and dangerous undertaking. Only Wally had ever entered the Speed Force and returned, and he was busy. But Bart is determined to master the combination of speed and focus it requires to enter the Speed Force and save Max.
While Bart trains to enter the Speed Force, he also becomes more serious, doing better in school and being more effective as a superhero. However, he also becomes meaner, more violent, and his dog suddenly doesn’t like him.
...Because he isn’t Bart. He was replaced by Thad, who plans to kill Max in the Speed Force, then kill the rest of Bart’s loved ones, and finally Bart himself. But when he discovers how nice it is to have friends and live in a loving home, he contemplates just...taking over Bart’s life and enjoying it.
The only problem is, Bart’s loved ones don’t love him. They love Bart.
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Thad takes Max into the Speed Force and reveals the truth, but doesn’t really know what to do when Max reacts with compassion:
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Max basically offers to adopt Thad and teach him how to be not evil, but when Thad realizes that this plan involves, uh, you know, not killing Bart but having Bart also teach Thad how not to be evil, he is offended and furious.
He’s about to kill Max when Bart shows up in the nick of time and desperately tries to save Max, even to the point of leaving himself vulnerable to Thad’s attacks. Thad is baffled by this self-sacrificing behavior, and we get one of the best pages in the whole series:
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Thad realizes that he’s never been loved. He never even met any of the other Thawnes. He was just a weapon programmed to enact their vengeance, something that would never bring him happiness or fulfillment. Devastated, he runs away, and that’s the last we see of him for a long time. (Oh, and Bart saves Max and I cry every time.)
This story (“Mercury Falling,” go read it, it’s amazing) was unfortunately the last time Thad was written with so much nuance. When he next shows up again years later, he’s basically a one-note supervillain and much more vicious.
He crops up first in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, which was Bart’s short-lived run (ha) in the role. Basically, due to Speed Force shenanigans, Bart had aged up to about 20 years old, Wally had disappeared, and every other living speedster (at this point really just Jay Garrick and Jesse Quick) had lost their speed, which meant that Bart pretty much had to become the new Flash.
Thad is also powerless, so he resorts to using the very dangerous drug Velocity 9, which grants temporary super speed. He also starts working with other villains:
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Mostly he just kidnaps Bart’s girlfriend a bunch, but there are hints that he’s playing a longer game.
In the middle of this, though, he also shows up in Teen Titans, as part of a team of evil Titans led by Deathstroke, as I mentioned in the Match profile.
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It’s a truly terrible story all around, and also doesn’t really match up at all with what was happening in The Flash: Fastest Man Alive at the same time, but I guess we’ll handwave that? Anyway Thad’s super mean, he’s dating a teammate named Sungirl who has no personality other than “evil,” the good Titans beat them, I am falling asleep describing this. (Also, Sungirl is never mentioned again. Sorry, Sungirl.)
Back in Fastest Man Alive, Thad’s plan finally comes to fruition: with the help of the other Rogues, he’s built a giant machine intended to steal the Flash’s super speed. What he doesn’t tell them is that a) this isn’t the Flash they know and hate, and b) he plans to take that super speed for himself.
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The Rogues are reluctant to kill Bart, who is barely more than a kid, but when it seems like he’s about to get his powers back, they panic and, well, yeah. Kill him. It’s very sad.
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The Rogues panic harder because oh shit they killed a baby superhero and the Justice League is going to eat them for breakfast. They’re turning on Thad (who is hilariously like “Whoops, well, whatcha gonna do?”) when things get even worse for them: Wally returns. And he is PISSED.
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UGH I LOVE THIS MOMENT (shoutout to Karl Kerschl, best drawer of Bart and Thad (and Kid Flash Wally) out there!). Is Thad regretting his actions here? Is he hoping that somehow it was undone, that his almost-brother is back?
But nope, it’s Wally, who can’t bring himself to avenge Bart by killing another child with his face. Instead, he steals Inertia’s kinetic energy, leaving him completely frozen...and then displays him in the Bart section of the Flash Museum. It’s so fucked up, good lord Wally what is wrong with you.
A little bit later, in the unreadably stupid Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge, Zoom frees Thad, who as you might imagine is significantly more unhinged after what was basically torture, and immediately goes on a killing spree. Zoom tries to make Thad be his assistant and Thad refuses, but also changes his name to Kid Zoom. Also he kills a baby. It’s EDGY and COOL, get it??? Ugh.
In a fight with the Rogues, they manage to freeze him in place and then all fire on him like they did on Bart, and Thad dies the same way Bart did:
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I think you can tell from the art here how truly awful this comic is.
A couple years later, the Titans fight another Inertia, but this one isn’t Thad (who is still dead) and we never learn anything about him, because it’s Flashpoint time!
The New 52 version of Bart bore absolutely no relation to the pre-Flashpoint one, so Thad couldn’t exist. After Rebirth restored a lot of previous Flash continuity, Bart included, Thad finally showed up again in a single issue from 2020, where it turns out he’s been stuck in the Speed Force since...literally who the hell knows?
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These panels are so, so funny to me. I like to imagine Barry is holding Thad by the scruff of his neck in that first one, like he’s a feral kitten.
Anyway, this is the last we’ve heard of Thad! He is still in the Speed Force, and with Infinite Frontier it’s anyone’s guess how much of his history is still in continuity. Personally I like to leave out the murder spree and baby killing. They are just very boring to me, you know?
Thad could be a really interesting, fun, tragic character if DC went back to his original characterization, but to do that they’d have to also start writing Bart regularly and with nuance, so we might have a long wait ahead of us. In the meantime, I highly recommend the delightful that of the hunted by @irolltwenties​ if you are intrigued by the thought of Thad/Match. Also, @cryptocism​‘s Thad art brings me so much joy. AND SOMEDAY I WILL WRITE FIC (besides his spoilery appearance in this one). SOMEDAY.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
DID theory part 3: St novels/comics/spotify list analyses
*read part 2  of DID theory-first! You’ll be lost otherwise, seriously XD. First, I’ll say -I find the ST comics/ books as canon as the st movie inspirations . I don’t consider the books/comics ‘literal canon’ (cause they contradict the show ( like Max and billy meeting a year before s2  in runaway max - but meeting as little kids in s3,  or El’s age being wrong in suspicious minds, in the d&D comic Will’s friends instead of him /Jonathan building castle byers, etc) . 
So I think we shouldn’t take it  literally - but more like the st movie lists - filled with foreshadowing/symbolism and other eastereggs (That the Duffers may have told them to add). So here’s some more (possible) alter / DID hints...
‘Suspicious minds’ novel
- Brenner  equates k*lling rabbits to h*rting kids. And he’ll hurt (kid) Kali (the bunny in the analogy) if Terry tries running away from him . I wonder if Lonnie used a similar threat against jonathan? Jon could be giving only a partial truth to why he cried for a week (about the bunny story)?
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-Kali “hops” like a bunny then talks about tigers obsessively (linking her to rabbits/tigers similar to the other alters/Will/Lonnie). Terry also imagines tigers and kali says to Alice they can all be tigers together.
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- one of the only male psychic experiments (who can see the future) is gay
- Terry is into lord of the rings, like Will. Has her and her boyfriend dress as sam & frodo (m/m ship). Terry calls her and her friends “the fellowship”.
-when Terry/Alice were injected with d**gs -they hallucinated rainbows.yikes.
- Alice (like Lonnie) is a car mechanic. She can see the future like Will the wise and says “monsters of course my mind has them as long as they stayed in there, everything would be alright? Wouldn’t it?” (in her visions she saw the demogorgan).
 (completed) graphic ST novels (by Jody Hozer) so far  (+ other st comics).
*Jody Hozer writes all the graphic novels (every novel is 4 chapters each) - the will byers comic, number 6 comic , into the fire comic, and at the moment she’s writing the d&d series and the summer camp series (which isn’t done yet). Then there’s the occasional 1 chapter st comics not written by her.
- Number 6 has (the ability to foresee the future like Will the wise/Alice) and has an ab*sive dad. 
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When having a nightmare of the demogorgan ...she says as she wakes up “screw you dad” (another hint the demogrgan -aka in d&d means ‘deep father’ ...is Lonnie).
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- when number 6 and others run they say they’re’ “rabbiting”(which yes technically makes sense but I found such an uncommon phrase odd.)
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- The (summer camp and d&d graphic novels aren’t completed yet) but they establish d&d creatures are based off  real life people the boys don’t like in real life. Or that d&d is used as an outlet to explain true events from their pasts -but they just give the true stories a d&d fantasy slant.
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- Which brings me to the halloween oneshot(not by Hozer),taking place before s1. Will tells a scary story told to him by Jonathan, and originally told to him by Lonnie. Says the boys have to keep it a secret cause it was something he was never supposed to tell to anyone. Mike says he has to finish the story he started. It’s about a “ch*lld-eater” monster first attacking a boy near the quarry (like where Will was found) and  attacking kids in a library (where Will was also found in s1).When the child sees the sheriff she bangs on the library door begging for help-he ignores her , walks away, and tells the other cops to never speak of what they saw as she screams for help. Because the previous sheriff was in kahoots with the monster. It def had some ... uh questionable imagery too 0_0
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The vine in the mouth is also like the one in Will’s mouth (when Joyce found him in the library).And of course Dustin asks whether or not something like that could be covered up.
- In the “bully  comic” (about troy) also not by Jody. We focus on Troy and his ab*sive dad (who encourages him to fight/ditch his best friend). The dad has a drinking problem (gets fired), calls Troy a “mess” , pushes him, and constantly encourages Troy to be vi*lent/macho. He pretty much tries sabotaging the relationship Troy has with his friend (which I could see Lonnie doing in the future with byler).The dad/troy is framed similarly to when Billy gives Max a ride home-  after both ab*sers give bad advice saying not to hang out with their friend (after witnessing them fight in the school parking lot). Dad also laughs about almost k*lling a squirrel (a trait we see troy mimic)- and we see El feel guilty about k*lling a squirrel in s2. At the end of the comic- Troy (like Will) after making up with his bff james- moves leaving his best friend behind.
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-  (into the fire) Twins: (one was normal with no powers living in the real world and the twin with fire powers is trapped in a dark sunless “cold” world styled like a psych facility/medieval fantasy) . pics in link.She hated her reflection cause it reminded her of being betrayed by her normal non powered twin who left her behind in the ‘cold’ place. She’d call herself a ‘hunter’ who would defend herself and attack others to never be hurt again. Her powers being unleashed were described like opening “a door.” And she loves her twin deep down and just wants friends . And fire twin goes to the “other side” to reunite with her reflection and find happiness in the real world. *also there’s sunflower/bunny symbols which she lights on fire-which can relate back to Will/Terry/Lonnie etc. The twins = Will & Will the wise (mf)
Mirrors also connect to Will and Will the wise via the canon spotify playlists too.
Will playlist (song: mirror in the bathroom)-Mirror in the bathroom Please talk free.The door is locked -Just you and me.Mirror in the bathroom recompense for all my crimes of self defense.Cures you whisper make no sense!Drift gently into Mental illness.
Demogorgan playlist ( from perspective of Will the wise aka the mf) (song: are you dead yet? )-”polluted soul through a mirror I behold.Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor. tearing me apart. but I don't care anymore.Should I regret or ask myself are you dead yet?Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth. The fiction you live in blindfolds your eyes. Disclosure, self loathing, this time you've gone too far.Or could it be, my nemesis, that you are me?
(*st ‘into the fire’ comic. the fire powered twin’s thoughts echo the song)
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*I think this foreshadows the later plot points of mf (will the wise ) and Will interacting via mirrors. The fire-wielding twin and the non powered twin had a lot of mirror imagery. Including the fire powered twin (Who denies reality/and imagines herself in a fantasy world) punching her reflection because it reminds her of her non-powered twin. Here’s some cover art from the novels showing how much they emphasize mirrors.
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*And in s4 movies Black swan - “the black and white swan twins (two halves of the same person-Nina)” had creepy mirror imagery. In long kiss goodnight the women with DID talks to her “ (supposed)dark 1/2″  via a mirror (in a dream).  in ‘the visit’ the teen girl who’s dad abandoned her when young-  refuses to look in the mirror (and it’s never explained why she hates her reflection). So yes I think we’ll see this in s4 or 5. We already see the mf take on the appearance of Billy when talking to him.
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- Will in “zombie boy” comic is afraid he’s a monster.
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also lets appreciate the lil byler moment of Mike and Will being the only zombies and mike comforting him. honestly , though, the characters were pretty out of character for most of this 1 ch comic (until the end) tbh.
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- in the “d&d comic” mf is  (possibly) described as a “protector” (aka like how i said the mf is probably a perpetrator alter- which are misguided protectors).
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*update now that it’s finished... hinting Will created everything subconsciously.
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‘Runaway Max’ novel (before s3)
(I didn’t get time to read this book unlike ‘suspicious minds’ -so can’t show screen shots of everything others talked about. May read it eventually)
-Max compares Billy  to ‘her monster’ and a ‘shadow’ that will attack anyone that comes close (mf parallel).
- Dart k*lled a cat,  El’s papa tried to force her to k*ll a cat. And Billy when seeing a d*ad cat lights it on fire for a “viking funeral”. A connection to WW (who has fire powers) and El & dart.
-Max and Billy both are into cars and bond over fixing them (similar to Lonnie’s interest in fixing up cars). And since Lonnie tried to brag to Jonathan about fixing a car up and Will is into tech it wouldn’t be a stretch that Lonnie and Will were into fixing cars together (like Max/billy who would hang out at a autoshop in Cali) .  Similar to Will ,max says hanging with Billy wasn’t always so bad- which made things more confusing to her.
- Max compares Billy being beat up by Neil: to ‘punching a pocket of a baseball glove’. This is interesting since this book was pre-s3 which was when they established the connection of billy and his dad to baseball (similar to s1 saying  Lonnie taught Will baseball).
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-Billy’s friend is a nice ‘music snob’ . He tries distracting Max with music while Billy is burning the cat. Which reminds me of Jonathan trying to distract Will from their parents fighting in the next room-with music
- Max’s bio dad is a criminal who takes her to shady bars, and Max fears he’d ‘get bored of her’. Max also ran away from her mom to her dad’s 2x.Which reminds me of Jonathan thinking Will ran to Lonnie’s in s1.
-Max mentions how Billy misses his friends after moving out of Cali. And he starts acting even worse-after the move. Which will probably be the case for Will (at least a bit) when moving to California.
-Billy tells Max Neil isn’t his ‘real dad’ either because Neil can’t be a father to anyone.
-Billy also tells Max who (at the time ) is 12 years old not to act “easy” and breaks her best friend’s (Nate’s) arm over  someone joking he was Max’s boyfriend and also cause Nate tried to get in between Billy bullying Max. Eventually all her Cali friends ditch her cause they’re afraid of Billy.And Ugh- why could I see Lonnie doing something like this in the future with Will/his new friends. 
- Creepily Max says Billy doesn’t fool around with her like other girls not because of her age or being family. But cause she wasn’t ‘attractive’. This whole excerpt gave me the heeby jeebies,on so many levels, honestly.  Almost like he’s jealous- and controlling her cause he doesn’t want Max to have any love interests. Maybe i’m just missing the context? But ugh... excerpt:
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Will byers secret Files
-Hopper gets scared by a pumpkin-scarecrow. And in Will’s canon journal when talking about the mindflayer and his nightmares draws the same scare-crow , Hopper saw. There’s also a lot of s4-5 foreshadowing in the book... but that’s a post for another day.
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Darkness on the edge of town (Hopper novel)
*didn’t get time to read this (except the preview)
 I think it’s more foreshadowing for future seasons though- cult/supposed ritual k*llings, people being wrongly blamed for those crimes-like the hellfire club , most likely.  (similar to the guy number 3 in the number 6 comic)  saint john in the novel also has the same brain control powers as 3- similar to the mf. .” When a blackout plunges the boroughs into chaos, Hopper must escape the the mobs in the streets to make sure his family is safe and stop Saint John from fulfilling his prophecy.” I already talked about here- how the next few seasons would start having more religious symbolism/a future apocalypse (based on what we’ve seen in the show/s4 movies). Although, i think there’s quite a few differences between (the novel’s) saint john and Will the wise. Hopper is also a star wars nerd like the boys (alter hint)
Canon spotify songs (posted after s2/before s3) hinting at DID/ alter /lonnie stuff-
Will  and Will the wise (aka the mf) being an alter
*Used Will and the demogorgan playlist (which i think has perspectives of Will the wise aka the mf, demogorgan, and Lonnie).
Besides the mirror songs previously mentioned...
Will (cold inside)-Doctor the problem's in my chest.My heart feels cold as ice but it's anybody's guess?Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mind. Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mindWell it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside. Darker in the day than the dead of night Cold, cold, cold, cold inside...Counselor give me some advice Tell me how hard will I fall if I live a double life?
El (ghost)-your ghost, the ghost of you.It keeps me awake.My friends had you figured out.Yeah they saw what's inside of you. You tried hiding another you.But your evil was coming through... living in the shade Your cold heart makes my spirit shake.
El (monster Lead me home)-I don't know what, what I was afraid of, I was afraid oooof...Monster take me somewhere...We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.Where there is no place to hide.Stranger on the other side We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.
 The’ innerworld’/  other hints Max, El, Hopper, and Billy are alters of Will’s
Max (Logical song)-I know it sounds absurd. Please tell me who I am, who I am, who I am, who I am?
EL(Buzzcut season)-I remember when your head caught flame It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain ...nothing's wrong when nothing's true. I live in a hologram with you Where all the things that we do for fun . Play along (make-believe it's hyper real) But I live in a hologram with you.
Billy (broken bones)-Broken bones.Stay alone. If I see only what I believe -reality's bound by what I conceive
Max (Why can’t i touch it)-Well, it seems so real.I can see it.And it seems so real-I can feel it.And it seems so real-I can taste it.And it seems so real-I can hear it.So why can't I touch it?
Hopper (breakers)-Just to keep me from losing my mind .It's so easy to drown in the dream.Oh, and everything is not what it seems This life is but a dream.Shatter illusions that hold your spirit down ...From the inside, so it seems.Oh, I'm telling you it's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a It's all a dream.”
Max (comfortably numb)-When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.
Max (Kids aren’t alright)-Still it's hard Hard to see Fragile lives, shattered dreams...What the hell is going on? The cruelest dream, reality.
El(team)-Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams. And you know we're on each other's team
Hopper (denial twist) ( just change ‘she’ to ‘he’)-Just because she makes you feel wrong she don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy!Take a tip and do yourself a little service...by playing a different role Ya, by playing a different role, oh.The boat ya you know she's rockin' it.And the truth well ya know there's no stoppin' it.So what, somebody left you in a rut and wants to be the one who's in control.But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder.How the hell she can be so cold?So now you're mad, denying the truth.And it's getting in the wisdom in the back of your tooth
El (the story)-You see the smile that's on my mouth.It's hiding the words that don't come out.And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed.They don't know my head is a mess.No they don't know who I really am.And they don't know what I've been through
El (hero) ( pretty much alludes to El being a construct of Will’s mind similar to his juju zombies in the d&d story he wrote )-Who knows what you'll find when you look inside (billy’s mind)?Haunted beach (billy flashback), roll the dice.The zombies in the corner aren't amused (d&d ref).Play the part of the blushing bride...Out of view, cloaked by night...My spirit dims, but I feel the force"No longer in my hands,"  (loses powers) .I say to you .I could've been a hero, I could've been a zero.Could've been all these thingsI could've been nothing, I could've had something.Could've been all these things.And if I am unable, tell him that I'll try but underneath the table will spin the wheel and hope for gold. Oh, and where it stops, nobody knows.
Max (it’s real)-I don't know who's behind the wheel.Sometimes I feel like I don't know The deal.But when I tell you how I feel-Believe me when I say It's real.I skated on a frozen Sea.It's real as far as I Can see?
Max (Halloween)-Because your role is planned for you there's nothing you can do.
El (White rabbit... alice and wonderland/lonnie ref)-And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall...When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.
demogrogan(Dimensions of horror)-Gaze upon the ancient face you dread (lonnie)... Passing through the doors, into Dimensions Of Horror. Haunting visions from the past, rise once more.Realms of darkness, terror, death and gore.Scream in fear, your sanity is lost
demogorgan (SCHORCHED)-Terrorizing madness. Vivid dreams. internal. Hallucinating the unknown. Abstract entities prey.Through superhuman abilities.Fragments of memory erased.
demogrogan (Calling from a dream)-the shadow king...seven spirits (7 ref) Swarming around his head.Close your eyes.Listen to my call. Our bond will bring us together again.I will wait for you. For our hearts still beat as one.Listen to my calling from a dream. (integration?)
 Maybe a coincidence or a hint at Will having both male &female alters?Billy (dude looks like a lady)- What a funky lady...Oh, he was a lady.Dude looks like a lady. Hopper (turn the page)-All the same old cliches,"Is that a woman or a man?" Max ( rebel rebel) (this was on her her pre s3 spotify list + post s3 “wrapped list”)- you got your mother in a whirl, doesn’t know if you’re a boy or girl? 
*trigger w*rning ahead for dark themes like s**ual ab*se
demogorgan (my children)My children I never loved them.Why feel that way when their existence is my business?My children...feral vessals of my selfinterest...So don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.Don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.My children they're right behind you My children they're gonna beat you.My children if you let them Oh, oh, my children.
demogorgan (black dahlia-window):  I’m not quoting the lyrics you can just look it up.  it’s messed up.Based on the 1st person pov of Gilles de Rais -k**ler and p*d*rest who also kidnapped a cleric.
Will (creature comfort)-Some boys hate themselves.Spend their lives resenting their fathers... hate their bodies .Stand in the mirror (another mirror ref) and wait for the feedback.Some boys get too much, too much love, too much touch.
Jonathan’s Playlist- We’re happy family: “Eating refried beans (poverty). Gulpin’ down Thorazines (pills for a mood disorder). We ain’t got no friends (s2 ref). Our troubles never end. Daddy likes men. Daddy’s telling LIES.”
Jonathan’s playlist-Enter sandman: “Don’t forget my son. Sleep with one eye open. Gripping your pillow tight, Exit light, Enter night. Take my hand, we’re off to never-never land. Something’s wrong, shut the light, heavy thoughts tonight. Dreams of LIARS and of things that will bite, yeah. Hush little baby don’t say a word, and never mind that noise you heard. It’s just the beasts under your bed, in your closet in your head.”
Jonathan (The killing moon-guy sings this)-So soon you'll take me up in your arms. Too late to beg you or cancel it. Against your will!He will wait until you give yourself to him...In starlit nights I saw you.So cruelly you kissed me... unwillingly mine.
jonathan (haunted)-You and I both know that the house is haunted And you and I both know that the ghost is me. You used to catch me in your bed-sheets just a-rattling your chains.Well back then , it didn't seem so strange...In the midnight hour..I was busy trying to charm that snake. When the sun came up we had no place to hide...You and I both know that the house is haunted  yeah you and I both know that the ghost is YOU! You used to walk around screaming, all slamming all 'dem doors Well I'm all grown up now and I don't scare easy no more But you and I both know.
Hopper (Confession)-Now I'm on the low Confession, to a virgin ghost Admission, force you know.
hopper (Tomorrow ) Yeah, and back when s*x and amph*tamines were the staples of our childhood physique.
Max (Last caress)-I got something to say.I k**led your baby today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as it's de*d.Well I got something to say.I r*ped your mother today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as she spread. (Lonnie pov? Neil?messed up song to be on Max’s list)
hopper House of the rising sun- And my father was a gamblin' man Way down in New Orleans... And the only time he's satisfied Is when he's on a drunk
Max Poor relations-An attitude, no patience, he's paper thin.Talking over everything you have to say...Don't correct the things he said, what's the use?Can't handle violence.Can't handle violence.Learning to love the abuse you can't live without.Your familiar oppression, your daily injustice...That loser man that belongs to you, he's ruling you.
el (sweet dreams are made of this)- Some of them want to use you ...Some of them want to ab*se you.Sweet dreams are made of this...Hold your head up.Keep your head up, movin' on.
Max (Alternative ulster)-They say they're a part of you.And that's not true, you know.They say they've got control of you.And that's a lie, you know.They say you will never Be free, free, free
max In bloom-”Sometimes at night I let it get to me.And last night it had me down and feeling NUMB...And thinking back upon those days Way way back when I was young.I was such a little shit.Cos I was always on the run.Well you know just what they say-Just like father then like son.Don't delude me with your sympathy.Cos I can do this on my own.And this will be the last time-That I break down and wanna crawl to bed. “(since Billy has a playlist I found this song choice being on hers instead of his interesting- in fact almost all of Max’s songs are from the 1st person perspective of a boy unlike the other gals.)
Max (comfortably numb)-The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably NUMB.
hopper (numb)-Honey, here I go again Down that crooked road of sin.My momma locked me out again And hung me high to rust under the rain I am NUMB( 8x)....Little bluebird at my window Sing a pretty song for me Don't you know that you can fly, fly, fly away Don't you know that you can leave I am numb.
other psych songs
Hopper (life of sin)-Every morning when I rise I look in the mirror (another mirror ref) and despise the sight of everything and all that I've become. The level of my medicating some might find intimidating But that's alright cause' it don't bother me none.
 Max (Moon over marin)- “Dive in my scalding wooden tub (connects to mf/el)...There, wasn't that a nice visit?Don't forget, a psychiatrist is on duty twenty-four hours a day in the blue room...Drink plenty of water when you take these.Now you can relax.” ( I wonder if stranger writers saying to “drink plenty of water” is secretly a line said by a psych person in s4?)
Max (Feeling ok)-My doctor says that I should take it -At least I won't have to keep faking.I know, someday I'll find it-Where I, I least expect it.Today I know I feel ok.
Max ( Going gets tough)-.No home since the fire.Me and the ash can't settle down...So I sink another round-Placebo for pain.And there's no one for to blame . I refuse to accept-That my work is all in vain...Still always remembering .When the going gets tough .That the labor of our love-Will reward us soon enough.
 Max (Comfortably numb)-Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on now-I hear you're feeling down.Well I can ease your pain .Get you on your feet again.Relax // Now I've got that feeling once again.I can't explain . you would not understand.This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb.I have become comfortably numb //Okay (okay, okay, okay)Just a little pinprick.There'll be no more, ah .But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it's working, good.That'll keep you going through the show.Come on it's time to go// Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
Explanations of Why the mf  (WIll the wise)behaves the way he does
demogorgan (ww) (Cowards starved)- friends think of me as a priest.I had to show them that the weakest hands Can still make impressive fires. (aka MF = will the wise)
demogorgan (ww) (Unmerciful):I will be reborn...Tranquil demeanor.Now devoured.Surfacing malice...I can't reconcile the torment others bring unto me.I will not take any reproach.Turning the other cheek.Relentless hatred consumes.Control released.Absolved of all compassion.I am free .Look into my hate filled eyes and tell me What do you see?Surging aura of my rage Paralyzing you in fear.
Demogorgan (ww) (bodies-Beaten why for (why for)?Can't take much more.(Here we go, here we go, here we go).One, nothing wrong with me,Two, nothing wrong with me.Three, nothing wrong with me.Four, nothing wrong with me.One, something's got to give.Two, something's got to give.Three, something's got to give now...You're all by yourself but you're not alone...Driven by hate consumed by fear.
demogrgan (ww)-Orbs used as transmitters carry electromagnetic beams from above (affecting magnetic fields in the show).Silence, manipulated, tortured ...How immune is your system of suffering?Its in the blood of suffering (familial ref).Its in the blood.
 Demogrgan (Monster)-I shoot the lights out..Whoa, just another lonely night...None of who you get it, ain't nobody cold as this.A zombie (will ref) with no conscience .Everybody knows I'm a motherfucking monster. Everybody wanna know what my Achilles' heel is? Love I don't get enough of it.
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spirantization · 3 years
so i saw spider-youth because i live in a small town whose cinema gets like 20 people per screening max eyyyy
the spoiler-free version is that i loved it, lots of fun, would recommend if it's safe to see where you are, and i was quite happy that it was my first theatre-going experience in 2+ years.
spoiler thoughts under the cut:
are we absolutely sure that was a real movie and not a collective fever-dream
it's not even that it was the worst-kept secret because i don't think anything actually leaked, it's just that every single person who watched the trailer immediately said "lmfao yeah tobey and andrew are gonna be in it"
i loved it. A+. 10/10. 5 stars.
i was a teenager during tobey mcguire's era as spider-man and remember seeing them in them all in theatres (especially 3, in which there is a scene where spider-man jumps and lands in front of an american flag and the entire audience burst out laughing). informative media tbh. seeing tobey back as older, wiser, youth pastor spider-man was *chef's kiss*
and i ALSO love andrew garfield's awkward stalker ragey spider-man, and he was beautiful here. he got his 3rd spider-man movie. he got closure for gwen's death. he got to put a lab coat on over his spidey suit to show he is the Smartest. the amazing spider-man was amazing.
genuinely surprised with how much screen time they got. i thought it would be a cameo for each of them, that they'd show up for the fight at the end and a brief little heart to heart. i was not expecting, but was delighted to receive, them being major fixtures in half the runtime.
oh yeah and the matt murdock cameo was fun too. honestly i'm shocked he still has a law practice
andrew spider-man catching mj, and then almost bursting into tears, was the greatest emotional beat of the movie. he couldn't save gwen but he saved mj. baby's first parallels. i want to reblog 500 gifsets of that scene.
i actually thought for a second they were going to kill off tobey spidey and i was prepared to be so sad. but then my man was like "oh don't worry lol i've been stabbed before nbd"
plot what plot. no one cares about the plot. we are strictly about the spider-men being brothers in this house
okay one plot thing: so all the villains were grabbed from their universes mere moments before their death... and then got cured in this universe... and then got sent back exactly where they came from... to immediately die... it's a little dark guys
i'm sorry peter parker is contractually obligated to lose one (1) parental figure on screen per trilogy
i think the ending was the strongest thing they could have done for spider-man at this point in time. i love tom holland as peter parker, but one of my biggest complaints about this iteration was that they were making him iron man 2.0. he had the fancy suits and the tech and the backing of the avengers, and it all felt really wrong. spider-man isn't about having nanotechnology, it's about a friendly neighbourhood spider-man who makes a suit in his bedroom and goes out to fight crime because he has a responsibility to help people. returning peter parker to those roots was 100% the smartest thing they could have done. sorry nobody knows who you are anymore peter, but narratively it was your best option. i don't know whether tom holland will come back as spider-man in some form, but if he does, this feels more like where he's supposed to be.
plus dr. strange can cast another spell to make people remember peter in about 5 minutes if they want him back. the stakes don't carry over from movie to movie. they're made up.
this movie is probably going to make 500 billion dollars and i'm not surprised. how often can you take three actors from three different spider-man trilogies, all made within the last twenty years, put them in one movie, validate all of them and tell everybody everything is completely canon? they captured lightning in a bottle with this one.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
This chapter was a goddamn roller coaster. It felt like reading 20 chapters of lbaf together. THERE IS SO MUCH TO UNPACK FCKN HELL I NEED TIME TO PROCESS
1. MUNDANE ILLNESS HAS BEEN CURED? um what? I’m with Alec in this one. It seems so good to be true but if it is then OMG MY BABY HAS BEEN SAVED YALL. Alec’s been cured before Magnus’s PoV- seems like a great decision. we would not have survived his double grief.
2. I was thinking about the traitor thing a couple of days ago and I did kinda see this as a possibility. BUT PLS STOP ATTACKING THE LB FAM. They have suffered enough. They barely had time to grieve their son, celebrate Alec being cured, now they have to fucking win a trial for rafael’s funeral. I’m in pain- GO ANJALI. This was truly horrible I want rafe back
3. Okay I get where Magnus and Alec are coming from 100% but that was still a shitty thing to do. specially considering the way warlocks feel magic, it’s like a part of themselves. It tethers them to the world i FEEL SO SO SO BAD FOR MAX. poor baby. was that a dumb thing he was about to do? Hell yes! did he deserve the magic thingy? Nope. ITS HARD WHEN YOU CAN UNDERSTAND BOTH THE SIDES WTF.
4. MF ASMODEUS. (i feel like Asmodeus might give Max his magic since max doesn’t have any rn by manipulating him? last chapter mentioned him giving his powers to Magnus so seems like foreshadowing tbh).
:- so angel disease has been cured, Alec is saved, council is still filled with fucking assholes, rafe doesn’t get a proper funeral, necromancy and razing raziel plans are cancelled, max is in edom without his magic? SEEMS LIKE ANOTHER DAY FOR LBAF-TMI GANG.
anyways- greatest hits from this chapter
I love love Gigi.
Gigi and Alec’s interaction aaaghhhhhh. Max.
Jace hiding max and raf in duffel bags.
Alec thinking about talking to his kids about love. Can you imagine the convo tho??? Alec, max and rafe being absolute simps over their partners and Magnus sitting in a corner exasperated but with heart eyes. “But Max has lost David. And Alec lost Rafael”. thanks; it’s not like I forgot about their deaths.
Jace and Alec. Jace talking about David. Blue eyes.
“My son is dead. Is that justice enough for you”
Jace literally making max an accomplice in his plan and then telling him that it’s a one off thing and max shouldn’t get any ideas will never not be funny. Like bro???????? pot meet kettle????
There is so much more I want to say. Me @ lbaf future chapters.
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1. Another great list. You are good at this.
2. Jace is an idiot baby. We've been knew.
3. I love Alec talking to his kids about love. I can't wait for you to read a scene related to this!!!
5. Your gif game is something else bro istg
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