#Nathan explosion headcanon
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polyklok · 1 year ago
Movies I think Dethklok members would really like
No this is not based on anything I’m just in a mood™ rn
Nathan Explosion
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Mad God
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So, no, I did not have any ounce of an idea of what this movie was about when I originally watched it, and I’m still not 100% sure tbh but an hour and a half of these pure vibes would totally be up Nathan’s alley. The post-apocalyptic setting, all the gore, the details of the various monsters, and I think he would just really appreciate it from an artist’s standpoint as well. This movie would just resonate with him, even if he wouldn’t have a fucking clue what was going on the whole time.
Mary and Max
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I’m, personally, a bit on-the-fence about this movie, but it is undeniably sweet and I headcanon Nate to be on the spectrum so 🤷
This would be, like, his guilty pleasure film. The movie he knows is for kids and is totally not brutal but he loves it anyway. The, “I do not feel disabled, defective, or a need to be cured” really hits for him every single time. He rewatches it at least once every few months, especially when he’s in some sort of emotional slump.
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Another one that just like, like, big Nathan energy, you know? He just seems like a guy to really love loose plots with trippy visuals and strong emotions attached to them. Also, this movie is so completely badass, it is certified metal in his book. He also finds the story incredibly tragic; having the love of your life stripped away from you in such circumstances really tugs at his heartstrings, but in a way that gets him pumped up rather than sad. This is probably his go-to when people ask, “what’s your favorite movie?”
Pickles the Drummer
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Son in Law
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Okay this is my guilty pleasure movie. I usually don’t like stoner-comedy from the 90s, but this movie hits different. Maybe I just find Crawl hot. Anyway, I’m projecting that onto Pickles. He honestly probably finds a lot of crappy comedies to be peak film, and this is no exception. Pauly Shore pretending to be a country boy for a whole movie? Hells yeah. Pickles would watch while high off his mind, laughing his butt off and going to town on some cheez-its or something. And you know what? He deserves it.
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I’m counting short films because I feel like Opal is the movie for Pickles. He’d watch it on a whim, because these are not usually the types of things he enjoys, and then he’d in tears over the emotional rollercoaster he did not agree to go on. Like, he grew up in a neglective household with authority figures that were overly-selfish and projected their own problems onto the youngest one in the house, to which he had to hide within his own brain more often than not just to properly function. And then he just…watched it happen all again in the hypnotic style of Jack Stauber. The Mom’s song had him in gasping tears for a while, the way you get when a movie somehow perfectly captures your own trauma right in front of you. And the ending??? Ugh. Go watch Opal, guys, it’s on YouTube.
Nathan and Pickles both get very emotional about certain stop-motion films, isn’t that crazy?
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Thank you to Lucy for this Letterbox review that I think he would write
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This movie is actually so insane. It’s not scary in a horror-movie way, like it meant to be, it’s scary as in ‘What the hell is happening and why do I understand it?’ Pickles doesn’t like most traditional horror films, as the long, quiet suspense bores him and the sudden jumpscares freak him the hell out way more than they should. But he loves the campy-wacko-type horror that they were apparently making in 70s Japan. It’s just scary enough to get his heart pumping, but the pure silliness of it all overrides that, getting him in a giddy mood and excited to see what happens next.
(No I am not done but tumblr won’t let me add more pictures)
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The start of something great! The start of Dethklok! Woo! The parents have met!
Autumn collection #1! the title is: 'Runaway' bc glam rock and he's a little runaway~ but it's about some reminiscing in september👀
them bitches are driving, not standing in place 100%
This is the last seasonal collection that I haven't done yet, and it's also the season that I was born in! emotional damn, it's almost been a year now.
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suppenzeit · 21 days ago
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the explosion special 💥
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pickleskisser · 4 months ago
hii!! I really liked your pickles headcanons and the part about meeting his family was my favorite! if you have the time could I request hcs for meeting the family for the rest of the boys? if not the rest of them then just skwisgaar would be fine!
remember to drink water, eat a snack, and take plenty of breaks!
(ps can i be spade anon?)
HIIII !! Omg thank you sm I had a lot of fun with it lolz. And yeah I can so do that for you :p fair warning it's very improvised since info on these dude's parents are scarce but I hope it's enjoyable anyways ☆
Meeting the Parents HCs
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Nathan Explosion
The one you have to worry least about, his parents are sweethearts.
Though his mom will have an eye on you both the whole time.
I feel like Nathan has a record of getting entangled with people who were not so good for him, so it isn't personal or anything she's just on the fence at first.
Once she realizes you're not like that, though, and genuinely love Nathan and, in turn, treat him how he deserves, she's alllllllll over you.
She's going to want your number, your Skype, your Facebook, everything.
She'll pull out the baby pictures too. It greatly embarrasses your brutal boyfriend.
His dad would be the same, on the fence a little, but he overall trusts Nathan a little more.
He might try to plan a fishing trip, though, and Nathan is going to be all over that, so good luck getting out of that if you viscerally dislike fishing.
Overall, don't sweat it! As long as you treat their boy right, they love you, and you might as well be family now.
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Toki Wartooth
Oh boy. So I'm not sure you could ever really meet his parents?
He doesn't like talking about them. You probably didn't even learn anything about them until late in your relationship.
If you were to hypothetically meet them, well, you're only meeting his mom.
Aslaug would be dead at this point so there wouldn't be much of an option.
Anja is a cold woman with high unachievable standards. So don't take the fact she won't even speak to you too personally.
If you're religious in the Christian sense, you might have a small chance of approval… but then again, you're dating Toki Wartooth of Dethklok, and you had to learn about him somewhere. Goddamn devil music.
Don't even waste your breath. All that matters is how much you and Toki love each other.
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William Murderface
It's not willing on his part at all.
Stella is showing up unannounced, ranting and raving about not telling her he finally got hitched, and he must just want her to die or something.
He's snippy and miserable the whole time. Not miserable in the same sense Pickles was, he's more annoyed than anything.
Stella isn't the most gentle woman. She's abrasive and loud and can be partial to physical violence, but she does care a little bit about her grandson.
She really sucks at showing it, and definitely fucked him up with her parenting style (if his emotional constipation and short fuse didn't make that clear) but she did step up when his parents died instead of letting him go through the system, so.
All this to say, she's giving you a shotgun talk.
William will pry it out of her hands, of course, and curse her out for it, but it's happening !!
After that, though, don't worry, you're family now. Actually, maybe you should worry.
This means that whatever small politeness she whipped up before is long gone, you're a Murderface now, you are going to get treated like one.
Although William couldn't care less about his grandmother's opinion, he cares about yours. So, to see you embracing his family in full stride without getting scared off is more than heartwarming to him.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Again, it's fully unwilling on his end. It would honestly have to be something you want.
I think it's needless to say his relationship with his mom is weird. He truthfully wouldn't mind never seeing her again, especially after the events of fatherklok.
But again, if you really, really, want it then, yeah, he'll take you down to Sweden.
Surfetta doesn't have much of an opinion on you. What you are to her son is no concern to her.
She's most likely tipsy the whole time and disappearing for periods at a time.
The whole thing will feel like a waste of time, and Skwisgaar is stressed.
Don't worry he just needs to play his Thunderhorse for a few hours, and maybe a little bit of laying on top of you with his head on your chest listening to the sound of your heartbeat… just a little.
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toomanythoughts2 · 4 months ago
Here's some miscellaneous Metalocalypse headcanons. I'm gonna put them here just to get them down.
Skwisgaar has flat feet, which will result in leg problems later in his life.
Toki has nerve damage to his back and he can't feel it in places. He has to go to massage therapy for it every week so it doesn't get too bad.
Murderface has long hair, his fro is just so dense. It's as long as Skiwsgaar's hair.
Stella Murderface is William Murderface's paternal grandmother, so his mother is Stella's Daughter-In-Law and his father is their biological son. Murderface's looks skipped his father, so his father and his mother were average looking individuals. The idea that Murderface's looks were the catalysis for his father's mental break were probably intensified because of the paternal skip.
Murderface's mom was very excited for William's birth. She spent a long time getting ready for his arrival. William was a wanted, planned child, whose mother was fully encapsulated in being a good mom. She took so many photos of her pregnancy and had a baby book prepared. Mama Murderface was fully ready to be a mom. When William was born, she fell in love with him. William is probably less than a year when they died, but more than 4 months. Up until their death, his mom obsessed over him, loved him, cared for him. There are so many baby photos of him up until their death, and his baby book ends at the same age of when they died.
Murderface has multiple photos of his mother tucked safely in his room. He looks at them when he's feeling particularly sad and lost. He'll look back over the home movies she took, listen to her voice, listen to how much she loved him and how she was waiting for him. He blocks out his father in the video as much as he can. He hates him more than he hates himself.
Toki has a hobby grave yard. However, he is not afraid of any hobby and will at least become competent in them.
Pickles still doesn't really understand the internet. He's got the concept but it alludes him for the most part.
Toki's family is actually the black sheep of the majority of the family and Toki is the black sheep within the black sheep.
Toki was on his way to becoming the next Reverend after Aslaug, but the family at large was very wary of this possible development. They avoided Toki at all cost due to his presence with death and his possible future position in the family.
Everyone has neck pain from head banging and windmilling, so they have physical therapy on their necks to keep them strong and to stop any further deterioration.
Nathan has back pain. Like really bad back pain. Him and his father, since they are larger men, have consistent back issues that make it hard to stand for long hours.
Rose is Nathan's biggest supporter. She co-signed on the apartment, she helped get him his first van, she helped pick out stage clothes, she painted his nails. He would read his lyrics out to her (and his dad) at the dinner table and she would help him with lyrics and support his direction. Rose knew that Nathan's life was not leading him to college, but to something else, and she fully believed that he could do anything he set his mind to.
Skwisgaar is double jointed and can pop and crack his knuckles. Murderface and Pickles DESPISE it.
While there are many "Deaddy Bears", there is only one true, original Deaddy Bear. It's the one that got burnt up in "Dethkids" but it came back afterwards. Why? BECAUSE IT'S POSSESSED! ITS A POSSESSED DEADDY BEAR KINDA LIKE THE VELVETEEN RABBIT! TOKI MADE IT BE ALIVE WITH HIS LOVE AND THE TRUAMA! TOKI NEVER QUESTIONS IT AND THE BAND IS VERY WORRIED ABOUT IT!
Murderface has gotten himself stuck in the Iron Maiden before.
There's a lot more wholesome/domestic moments within the band dynamic than their fans or even the label knows about. It's regular shit, like a routine they have worked out with themselves about how to live with each other without going crazy.
They do the "Do you want my broccoli?" "I can take your rice." "Here, take the pepper, I dont want it." kind of switch with their food when they go out. It's just a choirs of plate scraps from one plate to another.
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octokoco · 6 months ago
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is now a good time for me to debut my dethklok headcanon body designs or no
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toysrguts · 1 year ago
its 2:20 in the morning i had a vision
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kattartsblog · 2 months ago
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And now, for no reason at all... Very random headcanons I have about Dethklok!
He's the only member of Dethklok who I think pushes back his cuticles. Has a nail care routine that can only be described as nail salon like. Sometimes helps Nathan with his nail polish.
Skwisgaar's least favorite vegetable is asparagus, it has an earthy flavor he's not fond of
His favorite comic growing up was "Asterix and the Normans" which was about Vikings invading the main character's village
Has a nightlight in the shape of a kitty cat, it also has a feature where if you press its nose, a sea of stars would glow from its head.
I see him as the type to have a small collection of those glass clown dolls. The ones with the porcelain heads and plush bodies.
Tends to gnaw on chewy things, edible or not. The band usually tries to give him sugarless chewing gum so he doesn't chew on pencil grippers or rubbery fidget toys. (Or Polly pocket clothes)
His body naturally wakes up in the wee hours of the morning to use the restroom. He finds it very annoying and has a hard time falling back asleep.
He sleeps with a weighted blanket. It helps on lonely nights, especially helpful after the events of AotD.
He can spit water out of his tooth gap like a water gun. He has a pretty good aim with it much to the chagrin of his bandmates.
Has once purchased dreadlocks extensions, but it didn't work out because they don't have his exact shade of red hair.
He owns those bootleg shirts you'd find in tourist trap stores. He buys one whenever the band goes on a trip or frienderbender
Allergic to dogs, when they had to perform for that pet neutering benifit concert, he had to take a lot of allergy medication. He also kept sneezing a lot during the rehearsal.
As a somewhat hopeless romantic on the inside, his favorite flower is the black rose. Because in his own words "thorns are brutal".
Sometimes, during downtime, he likes to play tackle football with the guys. He had to teach Toki and Skwisgaar about American football and how to play. It's become one of Toki's favorite games to play with Nathan.
We know that Nathan has a bit of an insecurity when it comes to the bit of belly ponch he's got. So he's been trying to eat a bit healthier. Dark chocolate soy milk is a guilty pleasure of his.
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yaoiklok · 1 month ago
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Pickles the Drummer Doodily Doo. She is high af btw she doesn’t know who tf she’s kissing
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skeletons-and-roses · 4 months ago
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Some sneak peaks at the animatic I’m making!
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bogmonstergeneral · 1 year ago
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y’all gonna make fun of me if i post my teeth references
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louisblue02 · 5 months ago
since it’s canon that Nathan’s parents have a cat I think to think that every time he visits immediately he just passes his parents to go find that fat orange bastard
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terabyte-teddybear · 2 months ago
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autistic menace (by @2syves) dethklok + charles icons
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marshmcore · 3 months ago
❄️Dethcones: Icy and Brutal!✨❄️
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Happy December!!! The band is posing for a European ad for Dethcones after it helped prevent WW3.
Finally got to draw their different body types and is so much fun :)
(Been seeing many MANY renditions of the original, and WOW what a great opportunity to indulge)
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toomanythoughts2 · 7 months ago
Theory on Toki's Photos and How They Represent Family and Identity
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I got inspired by @liqu0ricepizza Post about wanting to know more about Toki's photographs in his room. I also love all of the photos in his room and love looking at them. So, I compiled a little theory on what the meaning behind those photos represent.
In short, I believe that the way the photos are arranged represent the timeline of Toki's life, his identity, and his family. The theory goes down the line of photos from left to right and I explain my reasoning for each of them. I also look at the times where the photos change!
As always, the main theory is below the Keep Reading!
The Overview
Toki is the only one in the band that seems to have photos in his room at all. But the thing that I've noticed is that these photos will change sometimes depending on how close up the shot is! These 5 pictures below is what Toki's pictures usually looks like. It always follows the same pattern;
Single shot of his mother
Group shot of his parents
Single shot of his father
Empty small frame
Single shot of Toki playing guitar
Group shot of Dethklok
Single shot of his father
My hypothesis is that this is the order in which Toki sees his life story in reference to his family and identity.
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These are the stills that I believe the photos on Toki's wall come from.
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From the left, we start with his mother. A mother is the start of life. Toki was born from this woman so it would make sense that this is where his life began. But it's also a long, narrow shot with an obvious missing person to her right. That place is suppose to be for Aslaug. Even in his photographs, his presence is always there, even when he's not present.
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Then to the double shot. Take notice that in the double shot, Toki placed them so the opposite parent is placed next to their spouse from the other photos. The single shot of his mother is hanging next to her husband in the second photo, where as his mother in the double shot is next to his father in the single shot next to her. This speaks to me as a way of acknowledging they are a duo. They are not meant to be separated, and that Toki always witnessed them as a team. They are his parents!
The middle photo also conveys to me that this how Toki saw his parents as a toddler. Toki is still too young to be completely separated from his mother, but the labor and abuse began shortly around this timeframe. He was expected to be a working individual as a family member and his father knew that. His father is the one that put him to work.
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Then to the single shot of Aslaug. Pay attention to the fact that his portrait is tall and narrow, with no free space on either side. His photograph is meant to be powerful. He is still Aslaug with or without his wife. His presence does not necessarily mean that Anya's presence has to be there as well. This could speak well to the type of dynamic that Toki witnessed as a child between his parents. His father was his own person, someone who command a room. He was a reverend. Reverends have to be able to control their congregations and lead them to their salvation, no matter the cost. His mother was just a part of that following. And Toki sees that.
I believe that this is when Toki started getting severely abused and forced to work through horrible conditions. There was no need for his mother, her job as caretaker was over. For now, his life was under his fathers rule and no one else. He is his father's son.
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Next to them is the small empty picture frame. I have a few theories.
This picture frame represents the lack of acknowledgement as a child in Toki. He was not seen, just like how there is no photo present. He did not see himself as a part of the family in context to his parents. He was theirs to use and then throw away when they got angry. There are no photos of him because his parents did not see him as a family member, only a tool. So the empty frame represents the lack of identity in the family structure. That's why it's so small. It's a frame meant for a child's picture. The child should always be smaller than the parents, lower than the parents. Notice how it's below the top of their heads? It's a way of respecting them. The empty frame is Toki, both psychically as a missing childhood picture and metaphorically as an empty shell of a person without a role to play.
This represents the time where Toki was kicked out. The empty frame is there because Toki had no family except himself while he was living on the streets. He had no one to count on or be protected by. The frame represents that loss of time, loss of structure, loss of identity, loss of everything. Take note that it's in between his father's picture and then a picture of himself. It's small because it could represent the amount of time he was lost for or the way it made him feel while he was lost. Either way, it's a representation of loneliness and fear, put out into a world that doesn't care about him. Toki had no one but himself, and he has no photos of himself during that time. So he has nothing to put there.
Take note that all four of these photos hang over nothing. There is nothing under them but empty space and the floor. This could represent a fear of putting things that he loves near his parents. He had nothing but a straw doll to his name as a child. It could be fear holding him back from putting anything near them, even though they could not take them away. He had nothing.
(The closet I could find a source photo of this photo is his figurine from the mystery boxes and a few stills, but nothing cut and copy like the rest of the photos.)
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Next we have a picture of Toki playing guitar as a grown up! This represents individual freedom and identity within himself. He knows that he can count on himself to be his own family with his own passions. His guitar playing granted him life, a role, an identity, a passion, a skill. Playing guitar is one of Toki's greatest passions! It's also a full body shot! Toki is proud of his photo, he wants to show that he can be valuable in his own right as a guitarist!
His dinosaur toy is blocking him!
This could represent his childlike tendencies blocking fans, the band, and viewers from see his true potential. The head of the dinosaur is completely blocking his guitar, preventing the viewer from seeing him play. His suppressed childhood is preventing himself from fully being recognized as an accomplished guitarist and a full fledge member of the band. This is also the only photo where is above his bookshelf of trinkets. His dinosaur, his globe, his skull, his books, his ship! These are those childhood fantasies he wished he could explored when he was an actual child. Why couldn't Toki just get a long shelf, spread everything out and that way the dinosaur wouldn't be blocking his photo? Because he can't put anything under his parents. So because of his parents abuse in his childhood, now his freedom to explore those interests take over his identity, until all you can see are his things. This could represent his looming Age Regression within the series and his child-like tendencies and naiveness.
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Next to that is a photo of Dethklok. Now this is his family!
He cares and loves these people. He has an identity with the band, though sometimes it's overshadowed, it's still there. This is also the only group photo that Toki is in! He has a home and a family here, he has met the end of the road. It's close to his bed, surrounded on all sides with his things. It's not blocked by anything and in fact, it's overtop a lamp. It's in the spotlight! For all purposes, that should be the end of it all. The happy ending. He has a family, a role, an identity, the spotlight, the focus, the fans. Everyone loves him, respects him somewhat. It's as high on the wall as the decor will let it. He thinks highly of them, of himself.
But his life isn't that easy.
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The last photo is a single shot of his father, close up on his face, looming over Toki's bed. The picture is sightly lower than Dethklok's photo but it's larger. It's a reminder, that despite all of it, he is still his father's son.
His past will always be there to haunt him, his father's presence will always linger over him. It's domineering, it's haunting, it's terrifying. It's meant to strike fear. It's right in front of a robot with a axe, positioned right over top Toki's head where he sleeps. It's a control tactic, a reminder that Toki's life was always in his father's hands. He held the whip that tore his back, he stands behind the axe above his sleeping head. Aslaug is not letting Toki go. The damage that he has done to Toki is immense and complex. No might how high he gets with Dethklok, his father will always be closer, more demanding. And Toki will always be his victim until he learns to stop giving him that power.
Now, when you get close up shots, the pictures change!
Changed Photos
This represents the inner feelings of the character in the shot.
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In "Fertilityklok", Toki is looking at the fertility calendar Caroline has given him. The close up shot replaces the Looming Father picture above his bed and the Dethklok photo. His father's picture has been replaced with Dimneld, who Toki sees as his father-friend. He loved and cared about him dearly. I view this as maybe Toki wishing he could talk to Dimneld for advice on what to do. Or, it could be him relating the idea of becoming a father to the only father-figure he knows that was kind to him. Could he be like Dimneld? Can he be a good father? What is a father?
And then you have young Toki. This could speak about young Toki's aspirations toward a family. Is this really what you wanted? Or it could represent the idea of bringing in another Wartooth into the world. Would they turn out like him? Or maybe that Toki still views himself as a child and that he is unable to make this life long commitment. Either way, Toki's photos depict his feelings toward the calendar.
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We move on to "Dethcamp" where Nathan is putting a stack of clothes in Toki's room while he's off to camp. In this episode, Nathan takes on a very parental role for Toki. He is his band-dad the most in this episode. Now, in the background, three photos change. The small frame become a close up of Aslaug, Toki's guitar playing picture become another double shot of his parents, and the photo above the lamp is the same Young Toki photo.
I think that this is Nathan's feelings about Toki and his emotions upon finding out that Toki is as camp with Magnus.
To Nathan, what he knows about Toki is that his parents rule over him. The scars of their abuse are etched on every part of Toki's body and mind. Nathan has stated that Toki's father is a "piece of garbage" and does not push Toki into talking about him. He does not like Toki's parents at all. But he knows that they are a huge part of his character.
The photos behind him represent how he thinks about Toki. He thinks of his past, of the pain he has gone through, the fact that his parents will not leave him alone. It's overbearing and apparent. Even the empty frame is full, something Nathan views as Aslaug's fault (Toki's missing identity as a child and the loss time in which he was kicked out.) He recognizes Toki's shit childhood and his homelessness before Dethklok was Aslaug's fault directly!
The photo of Toki playing guitar as also changed. Toki's child-like presence is tainted and caused by his parents. All of his interests are a way for Toki to take back control of a lost childhood, something Nathan blames on Toki's parents.
Then you come across young Toki in the Dethklok photo frame. It's above the lamp, in the spot light. This is how Nathan views Toki, a child. Above everything, Toki is still that lost, small, innocent child that somehow found his way into his band and into his life. Toki is canonically seen as the little brother of the band, but this is "proof" of how Nathan really sees him. To him, Toki's identity is a child.
This shot depicts Nathan inner emotions as he sees the pamphlet. He is remembering all of the things Magnus has done to him and the band and how that relates to Toki's parents. They are bad people, hell bent on hurting one person, the child, Toki. Immediately after this scene, Nathan high tails it to Pickles room to get him to get Toki.
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In "Diversityklok", we're introduced to a new photo and a remix of an original photo. We all know the group photo from this episode. So first, I want to point out that the group photo is on a completely opposite wall to the rest of the photos. It's directly over the body of his bed in a personalized photo frame, in a spot that has not had a photo before. This a completely new photo.
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This represents the amount of care and thought that went into this photo frame, but also the amount of care and thought that goes into how Toki views his family and band. He loves them a lot, but they don't seem to love Toki (at least metaphorically in the photo.) He is in the background, obviously not told about this photoshoot or even with an ice cream. The episode is about Toki's role in the band, thus in the family, being ignored and pushed out. He's losing his identity and family. Despite all of Toki's work toward building a perfect family, he is still not enough for them.
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Then we get to the photo above Toki's bed. It's the same photo but instead of Aslaug's normal dead stare, he is looking directly at the photo in Toki's hand with an angry expression. It's his looming presence once more taking over Toki's life. How it's all coming full circle and that no matter what, he will always that little boy in his father's clutches, unable to find a family that cares about him.
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This also could be his father's anger influencing Toki's own anger toward his family. Toki is his son, a very angry and controlling man. He's taking lessons from that anger, smashing the photograph on the floor after this. The point of this episode is Toki creating his own club, the Special Persons Invites Club. Toki is the leader of said club. You know who else was a leader of a "club"? Aslaug. The reverend. His father.
In Season 4, this is the beginning of Toki seriously questioning his position in the band, looking for outside community (Camp, Magnus, Rockso), his feud with Skwisgaar as lead guitarist heightens, try's to shape himself into whatever another band member (Murderface) needs him as so they don't throw him away (Dethsiduals, Breakupklok), and him physically separating himself from the band at the funeral. All of that then follows Doomstar Requiem, which proves to Toki that his family and identity is the band!
The photos in his room, the ones that stay and the ones that change, are clever ways for the viewer to interpret Toki's life and the mindset of the people in his room. Obviously, there's a thousand reasons why those photos could be on his wall, but I think this makes the most sense to me.
Ok bye :)
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klokateer15647 · 5 months ago
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Day 08. A Fave Headcanon AND Day 25. Inspired by a metal song
My new favorite headcanon is that Bloodbath is a post-aotd song, which Nathan wrote after talking to Murderface, as it tells of William's self-perception
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