#max sbg
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hozaloza · 29 days ago
Do you guys like mlp
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Pre-trauma Ryan with the 3 kiddos he babysat
Let's assume maybe he's 18 here, or 19
Still had his curved horn (Idk if anyone recalls but his horn is straight present au storyline, meaning he lost his spell magic at some poitn....lore)
it was already hard enough for Bruticorns (im mixing the names now...) to learn complex spells since they were bred to fight in war, so Ryan having a curved horn was pretty impressive.
Also I decided Humphrey (blonde kid hc name) will be a parrot lion type griffon bc I say so
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iamumbra195 · 9 months ago
Does Marianna have a job? If so what sort of job does she have? I don't know if she would work because she seems very easily triggered by the mention of her husband's death and her co-workers or supervisors would probably ask after her and her family and she obviously copes by repressing and denying the fact that Ethan was dead so that wouldn't go over very well. But that's dependent on when she began to deny that her husband was dead...
Do you think she wasn't going to work for so long that Taylor and Tyler started to go hungry (based on those panels in Chapter 48)? Do you think Tyler scrounged for food in the fridge and pantry for so long, naively hoping that one day his mom would wake up and be herself again? Do you think that one day Marianna woke up in the morning and got ready for work and Tyler could finally feel the weight lifting off his shoulder for a moment before his mom turned to him with the brightest smile she's had on her face since his dad got sick and asked if Ethan had gone to work before her and it all came crashing down? Do you think that he could only stare at her bright smile and the lively look in her eyes and swallow the guilt that suffocated him as he lied to her for the first of many times to come because he knew that it was the only way to survive and stay together as a family? Do you think he took care of all the household chores Ethan used to cover to keep up the ruse? Do you think he learned to cook just like his dad, even if he didn't really know how to use a knife or use the stove and sometimes burned or cut himself, lying to Marianna about where he got the injuries from?
How many times do you think he and Taylor lied to Marianna about Ethan's whereabouts, even as their guilt and grief grew heavier with every lie? But what else could they do? They were only kids and had no close family that was willing to support them. It was the only way that they could all stay together and protect one another.
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its-to-the-death · 4 months ago
Battle of the Gingers Wave 1 Preliminary Round #47
Whoever gets the most votes moves onto the next wave
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liyaauhr · 7 months ago
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— When Tyler first saw Ashlyn’s hair he had a mini HEART ATTACK and not because the girl had the audacity to just blindly used a KNIFE to cut all her hair off without even thinking but also because of how fugly and uneven it turned out to be. The following day he brought a pair of cutting sheers to the bus and fixed her hair up while scolding and rambling on at her like a pissed off mother in Spanish. Ashlyn was just confused because her Spanish weren’t sufficient to keep up with Tyler’s speed but she was smart enough to know everything Tyler was saying was probably to be repeated to Lily…but he also made a point of smacking her hand away every Ashlyn got impatient and tried doing it herself.
(She started paying more attention to Spanish classes after that).
— Taylor and Aiden are not trusted to do ANYTHING together by themselves. Tyler is the worst Aiden enabler ever, if he has a dumb idea she will try to talk it out of him for 2 minutes MAX and then give up and join him instead (if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em). This once lead to them destroying a whole supermarket aisle while trying ride down their trolleys as fast as possible and then the second incident ensued them getting lost for 3 hours at a theme park (the only reason the rest of the gang found them in the end because Aiden somehow managed to sneak into the theme parks control room and use the mic).
— More Taylor and Aiden (because not enough people talk about these two!!!): They’re banned from playing music in the car. Aiden plays the same songs repeatedly on full blast and Taylor's song choices always end up starting a fight.
— Out of all of the gang the ones who get the best grades are Tyler, Logan and Aiden in that order. Logan and Tyler actually try really hard in class which is why they usually get A’s but while the STEM side of Logan’s grades are shining, the English side? Not so much. He’s working on it though! Somehow Aiden gets As and Bs while paying 0 attention in class. Taylor usually gets Bs with the occasional A, Ben usually gets B’s and Ashlyn’s grades have been slipping because of all the stress in the phantom realm, she used to get Bs and As but now she’s been seeing a lot more Cs and even D’s.
— Tyler and Ashlyn get forced to hold hands every time they argue until they apologise. Takes a damn long time for that to happen because it’s Taylor and Ashlyn. Why not just stop holding hands, you ask? Turns out Taylor Hernandez can be a REAL BITCH sometimes.
— Ben is an observer, sometimes when the group hangs out and something interesting happens, he’d sketch it out on his notepad and finish it at home. He also has sketches of all his friends but doesn’t like to show anyone because he’s a perfectionist lol.
— Even though Aiden’s house is the biggest, it’s actually Ashlyn’s house they mainly hang around with because of one thing: her parents. The Banners ended up becoming second parents to literally all of the kids and actually enjoy having them around.
— Adding onto the previous headcanon, Ashlyn’s parents have little details of the kid’s memorised. Like Logan’s peanut allergy, the way the Hernandez twins always linger around to try and help out someway,
— Aiden and Ben have separate rooms but more often than not Aiden usually ends up having spontaneous sleepovers in Ben’s room. Ben doesn’t mind and enjoys the company and Aiden dislikes the memories associated with his room.
— Taylor loves Taylor Swift, Ashlyn hates her for it (if she has to hear love story one more time she will sell Taylor to a phantom).
— Every time they hang out at Aiden’s house Taylor somehow always gets lost.
— They all make a point to show up for eachothers’ personal events e.g Tyler’s baseball games, Ashlyn’s ballet performances, help out at Logan’s greenhouse etc.
— Tyler is a secret romcom lover.
— Logan and Aiden are the resident horror enthusiasts.
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sabrine-bree-the-bravery · 10 months ago
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why is nobody talking about the fact that sbg is getting a tv show 🧍
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starrvlight · 11 months ago
HI!! I’m so happy there’s more people writing for sbg I was wondering if I could request a Tyler x fem reader who he has a crush on for like years but she’s Taylor’s best friend (sorry if this doesn’t make any sense)I hope you have a lovely day/night!!
Tyler Hernandez x (fem) Reader
SBGWARNINGS:some swearing!!
A/N- sorry this took long and sorry if it isn't what you were looking for exactly 😔😔
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Slight scenario(?): You and Taylor have been friends since about preschool, your two have been there for each other in all you ups and downs, for example- when her dad died you where there for her. And- her brother you didn't know him aswell but you were still there for him texting him and making sure him and his sister were doing well.. that when he had caught feeling for you, It was super confusing for him. He didn't care. he loved that warm feeling you gave him when you smiled at him whenever you were hanging out with Taylor. Or when you send thoes ":)" type smile over text when you send a photo of you and Taylor when Taylor made a funny face
Today you and Taylor had planed a sleep over it's been a long while since you've have one with her (prolly a month at max 😭) and you 2 were now on the top part of bunk bed, your hair up in a pony tail and Taylor had her makeup and was putting some on you, it started off pretty good with some simple eyeshadow ,mascara,lip gloss.. and nowww- you have eye liner all your face, flowers hearts the ">:D" faces with red/ pink powder all over you face for "blush" with a whole bunch of other stuff on your face where is doesn't belong you 2 were laughing your asses off, rolling around and covering you stomachs from laughing so hard, as soon as you stoped laughing, you checked the time form you phone and and glance at Taylor "uhh do u have anything to take this off with?" You asked with a chuckle, it was 11:00 pm already?? Taylor glanced over the hall "uhh it should just come off with water" she said and look back at Yu. And help back a laugh "PFFT- the bathroom is down the hall to your right" you nodded " 'ight," you climbed down from the top bunk and began walking to the bathroom,only to bump into Tyler. Your eyes widen and you looked down, embarrassed and hold back you laugh "holy shit-!" He whisper yelled "the fuck happened to you?" He whispers You trembled holding back you laughter since you were near Taylor's and Tyler's mom's room and u didn't wanna wake her "me and taylor- w-were -Pfft- massing around with makeup " your voice was all high pitched and wobbly since you were holding back you laughter then he look at the bathroom and Chuckled "Pfft- I can tell- the bathroom's right there- here" he whispered as he put his hand on you lower back leading you to the bathroom, then grabbing you a clean face towels from the drawer and gave it to you "uhh here used these-" he said, having an amused smile in his face as you tried hiding your face from him, only for him to take pictures of you it was so adorably funny he needed to photos, you took the towel and dampened it under some water, and rubbed your faces, Tyler stood there at the door frame, leaning against it as you kinda harshly rubbed your face with the wet towel, trying to makes sure the makeups doesn't stain you skin and Tyler chuckled, trying to hide the small blush on his face, after a bit You finished cleaning your face and drying it, they you and Tyler walked off, smiling and he tears you on his you looked like a tomato you laughed and nudged him playful "yea yea- whateverrr" you chuckled and saw Taylor- she was out cold- you took a picture at her face and smiled, chuckling gently and you glanced at Tyler who was already laying down on the bottom bunk, then he glanced up at you and said "buenas noches princesa" he said with a smile, then blushed slightly realizing what he said,and turned over and cover himself with blankets,.pretending to sleep.
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askhatchetfieldhigh · 3 months ago
*scuttles in*
Here everyone take a plushie of your favourite character!
*scuttles out, hitting my foot on the way*
-- Ruth!
*looks down at her Jesus plushie* Jesus is not some fictional character! He is a Lord and savior!!
~ Grace Chasity 🙏
Oh... C3po... thanks?
**Peter Spankoffski
*holding an Ashlyn from sbg plushie* How the hell did you know I like School Bus Graveyard?
> Steph
The FUCK is this!? *its fucking goofy from Mickey Mouse.*
~~ Richie :3
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amyyythestarry · 2 years ago
Idk what it is about regular mentally Ill teenagers dealing some out-of-worldly stuff while still trying to balance the normalcy in their lives type of series, it’s just so good to me! I love it!
He’s just so, abnormal but secretly just normal I guess.
I hc that he has adhd or some neurodivergent disorder ( Definitely not because I’m neurodivergent 😀/jk )
But seriously it’s so hard to look at those teenagers and be like, yeah they’re total neurotypical!
Ableist dni please.
I also really like Ashlyn though, she’s my only kin in the book, like actually.
Ashlyn x Aiden to the max, I knew they were going to be a ship the first time they interacted.
Also Ashlyn x Taylor, Ashlyn x Tyler, those are good ships too. I like their dynamics.
But I’m trying so hard not to inspire TBHK Camp au by SBG ( I most likely will 🤭 )
But anyways read it, if you come across this post and don’t read it then you’re missing out sm.
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aseriesofunfortunatetexts · 2 years ago
ok so i only got into asoue a few months back but scrolling through ur blog is so interesting, mostly because like. what are you SEEING in the denouements. not in a mean way, in a “they got basically nothing in canon and i am very curious as to what’s going on in your head” way. i would love to know how you perceive them
don’t get me wrong i understand getting attached to minor characters more as much as the next autism riddled person but again i am very curious
[insert obligatory how dare you, they're the most precious boys ever! joke here]
Before we begin, I'm actually not autistic, so you can't use that as an explanation. I've been tested a lot through my life, due to other mental illnesses, and I always score so low it's almost uncanny. Hyper-fixating on nerd stuff is my One Thing that gives me points in tests, but that's it. So no, that's not the reason I like minor characters.
Ignoring the fact that this actually feels like a weird thing to have to explain at all, I'm gonna go ahead and answer anyway:
I have no idea. As in I don't know what happened initially, but I have a couple of theories. Firstly, I'm a whole ass Adult. Like, mid-thirties at this point. That means I'm more or less uninterested in creating content about the kids, because I do dick jokes and write smut and I don't personally feel like combining those with young characters. The Sugar Bowl Generation is where it's at for me. And if you've been around the fandom for a bit, you will have noticed that people who are into the SBG have to do quite a lot of legwork to keep ourselves stimulated. Our enclosure is pretty low on natural enrichment tbh.
That means you have to create your own fun. A puppy that's been left at home too long will inevitably start chewing on the furniture. A fangirl (gender neutral) will start conjuring up elaborate headcanons and characterizations and theories and dynamics from more-or-less thin air. It's the way of the world. Remember how Mystrade was a huge thing in the Sherlock fandom, despite them never interacting in canon? Yeah, it's a bit like that. There's a certain freedom to be found in it.
Only we do have some crumbs! Just spend half an hour at @snicketsleuth, and see how much you can string together from them. That's a very mixed metaphor, sorry. But my point stands.
The Denouements are a pretty niche focus, I'll give you that. However, what we have is so interesting to me. Like, the fucking Spotter's Guide that @lyeekha made actually goes a long way to explain my initial infatuation. I love some deceit and mystery that can be unravelled by careful observation of micro expressions, you know? It's very satisfying.
And I just love them, you know? I can't explain it better than that. I'd drop in the fact that I'm very physically attracted to Max Greenfield in the role(s), but I'm pretty sure that's obvious. And it doesn't matter nearly as much as my fascination with the essence of the characters that I've so carefully cobbled together from scraps I found on the trash heap of canon (how's that for a metaphor though?)
Does that help at all?
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the-hate-keeps-me-warm · 10 months ago
I have a habit of mixing my interests, and school bus graveyard and battletech are no different so we're gonna be discussing what mechs the sbg kids would pilot and why
Starting with everyone's favorite creature
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Now I'm not the best at character analysis, however, a few major traits Ashlyn has shown are leadership agility and independence, so I decided to choose for her the WVR-6M Wolverine shown below. The Wolverine is a 55-ton medium mech with a max speed of 86 kph and the ability to leap 150 meters. It is certainly agile for its size and function, and adding to its flexibility, it is able to turn 360° around on its Torso, guarding the Wolverine from Flankers for its weapons. The Wolverine carries a large laser, giving it a strong punch against other medium mechs and a deadly one against lights. It backs this up with two medium lasers, one mounted in its arm and one mounted in the head, letting it peel armor off with efficiency. To follow up with its deadly short-range missiles firing from a 6-tube launcher like Ashley, the Wolverine can be overwhelmed if forced into tight situations for too long due to its hot running weapons and jump jets. Finally, the Wolverine is a command machine often used by selfless leaders who dive head first into the thick of combat, willing to put it all on the line for honor, glory, or a paycheck. if you thoughts to share or questions to ask please share!
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Notes:the mech pictured is the 6R variant and thusly carries an autocannon in its arm instead of the large laser and doesn't have the arm mounted medium laser
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hozaloza · 1 month ago
No one asks for mlp au
but I did
( Benlyn!!) In this AU, Ben is slightly fearful around pegasi since trauma. However, with the help of being around Aiden (Who's half a pegasus), and the others (3 being common pegasi while Logan's just kind of there, being a "Civil Unicorn," ) he's been able to overcome this fear. He even sometimes approaches Ashlyn and observes her quietly, wondering why she's so small (She just looks confusingly back)
I think it's a cute dynamic </3
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And tweedle dee doo and dum!! (Humphrey, Max, and Piper are the hc names) I ultimately decided Humphrey would be a Griffon, Max a bat pony, and Piper was already gonna be a kirin unicorn since Charlie is one. They're all so dumb looking
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lee1504 · 1 month ago
bored so headcanons about how the sbg kids text
ashlyn: short, gets to the point, formed sentances if really needs but otherwise just 2 or 3 words max
aiden: texts with a lot of spelling errors/mistakes (either on purpose or not), sends random screenshots or memes he finds funny, texts the most, most active in gc
taylor: has own conversations with aiden in the gc (even if it's about random silly stuff that's not relevant to the current topic) uses all caps whenever she feels like it, second most active in gc
tyler: rarely texts (but does if completely necessary, otherwise he doesn't even exist in the gc lol), he sees the messages but never responds unless it's tay or ash (girl's boy fr)
ben: sometimes texts like a boomer/millenial without realizing it (punctuation, ..., etc), one of the people who sends reminders but hw but doesn't really care much unless it's due the next day
logan: also like ash (short texts), can get into rants, sends paragraphs/long sentances instead of seperate text bubbles, also reminds abt hw when feels like it
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citrus-lamb · 10 months ago
introduction !
hello! my name is nerola, but you can call me nero. i'm a bit new to tumblr but i'm excited to post writings and ocs!
currently, i'm willing to write for 3 fandoms--that being Project Sekai/Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage (which i will refer to as pjsk), Genshin Impact, and School Bus Graveyard (which i will refer to as sbg). i'm taking requests currently. what i will and won't write below the cut!
what i will write
hurt/comfort (i love these requests it makes me so happy)
one shots (an actual story with 1k-5k words)
head canons (bulleted list with 500-1k words)
mentions of S/A or other types of abuse (not done by the character requested)
mental and physical disorders (i will research as much as possible, but if i get anything wrong please correct me)
LGBTQIA+ ships
trans characters
x readers
character x character
multiple characters
i take 3 characters max per request!
anything legal!
what i will not write
sexual content
mental or physical disorders i can't get enough information on
anything i am uncomfortable with
character x oc
anything illegal
these things can change in the future, so be sure to check in before you request! i hope to see some requests soon :3
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mrs-weirdo · 1 year ago
I wanna write so bad rn but I'm way to tired lol,
Never staying up till 4am again, 3am is max I guess lol
Although it's not allllll my fault, but eh
I also fast passed the next SBG episode, but u was like, half asleep, so I'm just gonna re-read it again Tuesday lol,
I also got my fiend to start reading it!!! But last I heard from them they were reading a gay one off webtoon lol
Anyways, ima go read I guess!
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youngjusticerulez · 2 months ago
Young Justice and SBG.... That's actually not that bad
(for people who have no idea wtf YJ is it's a superhero show about Justice League's sidekicks forming a covert team, it's on HBO max)
combine your first real fandom with your current one to create a terrible, terrible au
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the-firebird69 · 1 month ago
We know that this is a tough day for our son and daughter and meeting every day here is awful they're trying to get news as to what's happening to leaders and schmucks bothering them and things of that nature it isn't very easy to get those things that information and it is tricky at times I'm trying to do it and they're blocking it and he wants to know about the case in Georgia and that is the loser and he is in charge with the election tampering and he wants to know of course what the status is so we went ahead and started to try and do that to get it to him and it became a chore then it became impossible so backtrack and to try and release other things and then get to it they just don't seem to want to comply there is only a small amount of news but yeah it goes against Trump and there's some other stuff that the imbecile puts it on his news stations and we have to ding him is trying to Dean our son and we will I'm sick of this hefty f****** loser I tell you that much so things are happening like that all the time with him we're going to a condition red where is this guy is had enough and he is an enemy and is to be terminated and it has been that way for a while but now we are doing all sorts of things and we are going to start doing a lot more.
--one thing is our son says that he's got an SBG like an original car or it's original enough and that he's making his own chassis and praying we want to get together with him to try and help out so now he's saying that the Honda NSX is a perfect vehicle and that his car is much faster and we know it is the Honda NSX maxed out with just a few changes is about 240 mph with the same chassis in the same motor doing exhaust same top end to spare the motor from damage the top speed is about a 285 an hour it's not a huge leap but it is realistic in that the vehicle can actually handle it. Now that's one idea these cars are not massively expensive so he's going to try and look one up
Thor Freya
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