#max back on their wrecker shit
stars-n-spice · 5 months
it's actually so fucking unfair that I can't have Wrecker over for Korean BBQ and then end the night dancing and singing away to Selena.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Great update, thank you for feeding us we love Temptation Danny 😩 I was thinking of a request following up with it. Daniel loves providing and taking care of the reader, especially post injury, but one day she overhears one of his friends called her a gold digger and she’s hurt by it but doesn’t tell Daniel because his friends are important to him and she doesn’t want to cause problems. So when she needs to buy or get something essential, perhaps she asks Lando to get it for her and she’ll pay it back. Lando refuses and tells her there’s no need to and gets it for her but when Daniel finds out, since there was no bank statement, he loses it because he’s the only man that should take care and provide for you. He gets furious at his friend for making you think you’re not worth it :(
The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {5}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, soft Danny, sexual themes WC: 2.6k F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six Snapshots One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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The weather was terrible for the start of summer and you were finally reminded of why you needed to replace your car that broke down months ago and was towed to the wreckers. Walking was usually your preferred way to move around the small city but with the rain outside growing heavier you would have to borrow Daniel’s Porsche, since you still had some shopping to do for his birthday. Thankfully he was more than happy to have you drive his car and already had the keys hanging from his fingers when you finished putting your makeup on in the bathroom. 
“I’ve been meaning to take you to the dealership, kitten,” he apologised with a kiss. “We’ll go tomorrow and you can choose whatever car you want.”
His smile grew at the excitement on your face and you threw your arms around his neck. “Thank you,” you grinned between kisses.
“Of course, anything for my girl.” He unwrapped your arms before he was tempted to pull you back into the bathroom for a quickie but with his friends waiting for him in the living room he wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of hearing your sweet cries. “Don’t get anything heavy, I don’t need you hurting yourself just when you are healed.”
“Yes, sir,” you saluted, smirking when you saw the look in his eyes before you escaped the bedroom.
“-talk to him, she’s obviously using him-”
“-total gold digger-”
The conversation paused as you stepped into the room and you barely breathed as their condemnation settled over you. Determined to make sure they didn’t see the affect their words had, you plastered a smile on your face and asked if they needed anything while you were out.
Your handbag felt heavier than usual as you walked to the garage and climbed into the Porsche. The Hermes bag had been a gift from Daniel for your first anniversary and the LV wallet inside was another. You had never asked for them, but suddenly you felt guilty for having them. Even the key in your hand suddenly felt like a lump of hot coal, hurting the longer you held it.
Grabbing your phone, you climbed out of the car and started your journey on foot.
“Lando?” you choked as you stepped out in the rain, making your way to the city centre on foot. “Can I ask a huge favour?”
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“You should just ignore them,” Lando said as he pulled his hoodie higher to fight the rain and followed you through the car park. 
“But they are his friends.”
Lando screwed up his face. “Are they? Because if Max spoke shit about the girl I love then I would have to reconsider that. It’s just not their place to comment. Plus, not to flex or anything, but we kind of get paid pretty well. It’s nice to have someone to spend it on since we are pretty much too busy for 10 months of the year.”
You had heard the argument before. The drivers loved to spoil their girlfriends and you had enjoyed it up until now. “Are you going to help me or not?”
Lando sighed and nodded reluctantly at your pitiful pout. “Of course I’ll help you, I just wish you didn’t feel the need to have to.”
“I’ve been meaning to get a new car anyway, I just don’t have all of the money on me at this moment.”
Your savings had swelled since Daniel covered all the bills and had given you cards linked to his bank accounts for anything else you might need, but it still wasn’t enough to buy a car outright and you didn’t want to have to go through the bank process to get a loan.
“I promise it won’t take long to pay you back” you said before hugging him. “Thank you.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to.” You started to argue and he gave up knowing you weren’t going to stop. “Fine. Just pay it back as you can, there’s no rush.”
The Mazda 3 was nothing fancy, and certainly nothing as pretty as the Porsche you had become used to driving, but the hatchback was only a couple of years old and had low mileage. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s…no comment.”
“It’s cute, and you drive a friggin Fiat!”
“That’s unique,” Lando corrected as you pulled the price sticker off the window. “This is something my grandma would drive, and it has a three star safety rating.”
“I only drive around the city so it’s not like I’ll be going more than 30 mph.”
“Well it beats your old piece of crap,” he conceded with a smile to soften the blow.
“Wow, that makes me feel much better.” You opened the driver's seat and grimaced at the overpowering smell of faux cherry fragrance. “Want a ride home?”
His nose twitched at the heavy scent and he shook his head. “I think I’d rather walk on this fine day. Put your windows down a bit before you get high on - whatever that is.”
You took his advice and leaned towards the fresh air from the window as you made your way to the shops before heading home. Daniel was already in the garage when you arrived, a look of confusion on his face as he stood at the hood of his car, leaning against it with crossed arms as he watched the unfamiliar car park in your reserved spot.
“What’s this?” he asked as he opened your door, his brows lifting at the cherry bomb that invaded his nostrils.
Biting your lip, you hadn’t been prepared to see him so soon - thinking you could have carried the shopping bags upstairs without him even noticing you hadn’t taken the Porsche. “My car.”
“Your…car?” he confirmed as he ran his thumb over his lip and circled the compact vehicle. Returning back to your door, he pulled his phone out and checked his bank account, scrolling through the transactions and failing to find the car’s purchase. “Tell me you didn’t waste your money on this, kitten?”
“Not exactly,” you murmured under your breath, knowing lying about it would only be worse. “I borrowed some money.”
“Why would you do that when I could literally buy you any car? Even a fucking Bugatti, if that’s what you wanted.” He kicked the front tire and it shook the whole car, the suspension creaking with it. “Is it even roadworthy? You know what, you’re not driving this.”
“It’s my car, Danny.”
“And you’re my fiancée,” he growled as he took your hand and looked at the diamond ring on your finger. “I’m not gonna have you driving around in a tin can. We’ll go to the bank tomorrow and sort out the loan. You’ll be paying high interest rates for no fucking reason.”
You looked down at your feet and a moment later he curled a finger under your chin until your head was back and he could look into your guilty eyes. “I’m not going to like this, am I?” His hand fell away to land on his hip and he pinched the bridge of his nose with the other as he exhaled heavily. “Where did you get the money, kitten?”
“Somewhere that doesn’t charge interest…”
You could see his chest rising with the deep breaths he was taking to stay calm before he asked through gritted teeth. “Lando? Fuck, I don’t know if I want to hug him or hit him.”
His arms fell slack at his side and his eyes turned down as his fingers itched to reach out and touch you but he held back and asked quietly, “Did I do something wrong?”
The sound you made was unintelligent as you were blindsided by the question. It was something between a ‘huh’ and ‘what’ yet somehow neither. Like a guppy fish, your mouth opened and closed silently before you could even fathom an answer.
“No, god no,” you stammered as you stepped into the wall of his body and wrapped your arms around his waist, wishing he would return the embrace. “Danny, you haven’t done anything wrong. You are the most amazing man I know and you always take care of me, more than I deserve.”
“What does that mean?” he asked as he frowned at the self-depreciation and his instincts went wild. He leaned back against the car and spread his legs as he pulled you between them so you were standing eye to eye. “Kitten, what did you mean by ‘more than you deserve?’ Has someone said something?”
You shook your head quickly but his arms tightened around you, pinning you to his chest so you couldn’t look away. You could feel a heart slamming against its cavity walls but it was impossible to tell whose it was as his eyes wildly searched yours for an answer.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as you cracked under his stare. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, I swear, but I heard Leroy and Davis talking before I left and…you treat me so well, you absolutely spoil me, baby. I just don’t want you to think I’m ever using you for your money, or your car or anything.”
His hold on you relaxed enough that you could bury your face in his chest but you could feel his hands shaking where they splayed across your spine. “They said you were using me?” he asked quietly, the volume doing little to hide the seething tone.
“And…that I was…a gold digger.” You screwed your eyes shut waiting for the explosion to come but his face was blank. He cleared his throat and with a nod he stood up a little too calmly, slipping his fingers into yours and leading the way to the elevator. “But your presents,” you said as he took your keys and locked the car.
“Later, we have a dinner reservation.”
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Daniel was calm, too calm, as he sat beside you in the waterfront restaurant with his hand resting on your thigh. He smiled at the jokes, chatted with his friends and kissed your cheek until the plates were cleared away. Rising with his flute of champagne, he called for a toast and the large table of family and friends fell silent.
For a few seconds all that could be heard was the muted sounds of the kitchen behind closed doors and the rain falling on the roof.
“I’d like to thank you all for coming and celebrating my latest lap around the sun. It’s been quite the year: I’ve made some new friends, started a few side ventures, and best of all, I was lucky enough to start calling this beautiful woman my fiancée.”
He smiled at you as he took a sip of his drink before he turned that smile on everyone seated around the room.
“I’d like to say I’m maturing with age, but I’m not so sure about that, but I am getting wiser. Something I have learned is who my true friends are, the ones there for me through thick and thin, always there with support when I need it. You’re the real MVP’s.”
He raised his glass to Scotty seated on his other side and they shared a chuckle before he looked further down the table to the two guys who had arrived early and spent the afternoon at your apartment.
“Unfortunately, I have also learned some harder lessons this year, like when I have outgrown the company I keep.” He was sedate as he ran his finger around the rim of his glass before putting it down. His fingers spread across the tablecloth as he leaned forward and pinned them with a glare. “I welcomed you into my house, but you can show yourselves out.”
The table was deathly quiet as everyone looked between Daniel and the men he was obviously staring at.
“The fuck, mate?” Leroy exclaimed. “We’ve been friends for years.”
“And they were good while they lasted, but you fuck with my future when you call my fiancée a gold digger. That’s where I draw the line.”
“Oh, shit,” Scotty muttered under his breath. “That’s fucked.”
You watched as all eyes turned to you and you sank lower in your chair at the attention laden with pity by most of them, certainly the F1 drivers and Daniel’s family.
“She’s using you, mate, you just can’t see it,” Davis said as he shifted under the cold glare. “Marry her and you might as well donate half your money to charity.”
You saw Lando kick someone under the table before grabbing Pierre as he bumped the table, ready to stand up.
“Just fuck off, cunt,” Daniel said with a short laugh before he took your hand and pulled you to your feet and into his arms. “And anyone else that thinks the same can leave now too.”
No one else rose when Leroy and Davis did, tossing their napkins down angrily. They shook their heads like they wanted to say more but wisely kept their mouths shut this time.
“Oh, and since you’re both so worried about how I spend my money,” Daniel called out. “I cancelled your plane tickets and hotel rooms that I paid for. Wouldn’t want anyone to think you were using me.”
The atmosphere had thankfully lightened after the strange toast and quick departure and soon the party moved to the club next door. There was already a house DJ there but Martin was going to be taking over for most of the night since his sets were unbeatable.
Taking a breather from dancing, you sat on Danny’s lap, his arms automatically circling your waist as he laughed at something Max said.
“Max had a really good idea,” he said in your ear after the other Red Bull driver left to dance with Kelly. “He’s gonna buy a shitbox too and we are going to get one of those giant blow up balls to play demolition car soccer.”
“But it’s my baby,” you pouted as his laugh warmed your cheeks.
“You’ve had it for six hours, kitten, I don’t think you are that attached,” he teased between the soft kisses he peppered across your neck. “I’ll get you a better baby, a bigger one that’s safer, maybe a tank.”
You giggled at his silliness and combed your fingers through his hair as you bared more of your neck to him and moaned, “I love you. Terrible toasts and all.”
“Love you too, but that was a great toast. I fucking nailed it.” He nipped your shoulder and the crowded club seemed to fall away as he stole all your attention, from his palms sliding up your thighs to his beard tickling your skin.
“I don’t think Scotty will be keen on letting you make one at his wedding now,” you said with a shiver of delight when his fingers reached the edge of your panties.
“As long as I can toast to my gorgeous bride at ours, that’s the one that really matters.”
He pulled back to grin as he saw how affected you were not just by his touch but his words. You always had the same dreamy smile on your face when he mentioned the wedding and he always found a reason to bring it up.
“I suppose you might be able to convince me,” you teased before standing up with your finger hooked between the buttons on his shirt. He downed the last of his drink and followed as you led him down the stairs of the mezzanine floor and into the dark corner beneath them.
Your back pressed to the wall as he hiked your dress up and hid your body with his. “You want me to convince you right here, kitten,” he chuckled as he fingers pushed your panties aside and found you already wet for him.
“No,” you moaned against his lips. “I just want you to fuck me.”
Click here for the next part.
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sourstroll · 1 year
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❀ Welcome To Sourstroll ❀
Hi, I’m Isa, and I run this blog! :]
Read more for my bio, interests, and dni’s! :P
FYI: I follow back from run2max
All works by me are tagged under #sourwrites
(Click the sourwrites tag on this post to navigate all my works!)
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Ults: MV1 + OP81 + LH44
Biases: CS55, DR3, GR63, FA14, LS2, LS18
Wreckers: YT22, AA23, PG10, EO31, CL16, LN4
Currently Obsessed With: Maxiel, Riccastri, Danchal
(I love everyone on the grid but these are my absolute faves!!)
Name: Isa - they/she - lesbian
Age: 20’s
Requests/Asks: I accept any and all requests for specific pairings and tropes! Although it is up to my own discretion, I try to fulfill all requests!
Yucks: Scat, extremely underaged characters, detailed gore/vore
Yums: Everything else! I have experience in some Dead Dove themes, so I’m down to write for most dd prompts!
About Me: Other than writing, I have a passion for music and singing! I love to draw, collage, and make art out of found items. At the moment, I love listening to kpop and edm/house music!
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DNI (will block if these apply to you)
Zionists please eat shit 🇵🇸
If you’re a minor, please go away!
I have no tolerance for anti-Max, anti-Daniel, or blatant hatred for any of the drivers.
No tolerance for racism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia, or fatphobia. If you’re a republican or anything equivalent to that, go away forever!
Important Links
Summer Of Cum ‘23 Masterlist
AO3: Goldengrethan
Twitter: Sundriedjoonie
Latest AO3 Post: Kiss Me Where I Lay Down, Hands Pressed To Your Cheeks; Max/Charles
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paperanddice · 2 years
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Oh shit, it's a wolf with a bomb on it! They often work with groups of creatures, moving in and activating their bombs once several targets are locked up in melee, willing to detonate their allies if it means getting a few enemies as well. Most creatures they're partnered up with are fine with that trade off.
Outside of dreams, the blood wolf is just a well trained, stronger wolf with a bomb. Likely used by people who aren't druids as shock weapons, sending them sprinting into enemy lines to explode on top of expendable troops. Necromancers and warlords who recruit big forces of people they view as lesser would be a fan. Originally from the Dreamblade base set. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Blood Wolf Medium aberration (bloodcut), unaligned Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 40 ft. Str 15 (+2) Dex 18 (+4) Con 15 (+2) Int 6 (-2) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 9 (-1) Senses passive Perception 12 Languages - Challenge 3 (700 XP) Keen Hearing And Smell. The blood wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Pack Tactics. The blood wolf has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Detonate. The blood wolf activates the bomb it's carrying. At the start of its next turn, if it isn't dead, it explodes, dying instantly. Each creature within 15 feet of the wolf must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage and 14 (4d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save.
13th Age
Blood Wolf  3rd level wrecker [aberration]  Initiative: +7 Bite +7 vs. AC - 8 damage. Pack Attack: The blood wolf gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage for each ally engaged with the target (max +4 bonus). Bomb: The blood wolf activates the bombs strapped to it. At the start of its next turn if it is still alive, it explodes and is destroyed. When it explodes, it deals 1d6 fire damage to each nearby creature not engaged with it, and makes the following attack against each creature engaged with it: C: Detonate +9 vs. PD - 20 fire damage. Miss: 5 fire damage. AC 18 PD 17 MD 13 HP 46
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eriexplosion · 2 years
@dr-paine so that Omega and Wrecker headcanon wouldn't fit in a reply so you get a whole new post about it.
But basically the idea is that Wrecker got his head injury during a demolitions test, where they put one of his batchmates in there while he's disarming a bomb to try to motivate him - and when it was starting to cut too close and he wasn't sure if he'd make it in time he opted to protect his batchmate with his own body over risking their life. (The kaminoans, viewing this touching self sacrifice undertaken by a child that is like 13 human years max, frowned and made a little note in their studies about how unideal such behavior was.)
And they ran the calculations on length of recovery time, amount of time they'd lose on his training, likelihood of survival and determined that putting this boy's head back together was Not Cost Effective and they were just going to terminate him and then review if the batch could still function as a three person unit or if the whole team needed to be relegated to experiment fodder.
Omega, hearing this at the ripe old age of like 10 years old, freaked completely out and asked Nala Se not to and, because she's soft on Omega in her own terrifying way, she agrees to let Omega try to stabilize him as part of her medical assistant studies. If she's able to stabilize him, then they will proceed with treatment.
And that's the story of how Omega got to be wrist deep in Wrecker's blood trying to keep him alive with half his head shattered. Nala Se thinks she was being extremely considerate in allowing this horror show to happen. Omega has seen shit.
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On Supergirl
HBO Max is selling off Justice League Unlimited for spare parts at the end of the month, so I’ve been spending some time working through it. (Still holds up, by the way.) This in turn has led me to also work through a whole bunch of other DC animated content that Warner Brothers has made.
And something that’s been niggling at me, and that made me go look at a bunch of my old comics from the last century and yup, it’s the same deal here... is that DC’s writers think a continual well they need to go to is “Supergirl doesn’t know how to control her powers and is a threat to herself, those around her, and the planet until she learns to do so, and oh periodically fuckers like Darkseid are going to look at a young kryptonian girl and go ‘hey, fresh fish.’“ This is in fact even a major plot point in the upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes movie. There’s often a side order of “Batman, you know, the guy who collects orphans, is openly, almost abusively and malevolently, hostile towards this specific orphan.” Sometimes there’s also “Supergirl’s naivety, inexperience, and ignorance mean she’ll be taken advantage of.”
I get that at this point, this is an established trope with the character going back forty years, to her re-introduction after the Crisis. But like. I don’t recall Superman needing to put up with this shit. Dude crashes on a farm in the middle of nowhere and self-teaches himself godlike power and he’s fine; his cousin has a massive support system and everyone is fuckin’ paranoid they’re witnessing the birth of the next great planet-wrecker.
I’m just saying is all.
(Oddly enough Power Girl, literally the same person, doesn’t get this kind of shit; maybe it’s because she’s been rebooted less often.)
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fandommix · 4 years
The Neighbor (Pt. 3)
Pairing: Marcus Baker x Reader
Plot: Marcus has taken you back to his house after school to let you ride his motorcycle. Things get a little heated when in the moment and you do something very drastic. Hopefully it won’t ruin the newly coming friendship you guys have.
Warnings: Cursing
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The bell finally rang. I grabbed all my stuff and headed out to the hallway. Marcus had told me we’d meet up in front of my classroom. I stood there on my phone texting my friend Julie from my old school, waiting for Marcus to get here.
I saw Marcus coming my way so I told Julie that I’ll FaceTime her later and tell her everything. She wished me luck and told me that I better call her.
“Hey you ready to go?” He said.
“Yup!! I’m so excited I haven’t been on a bike in such a long time.” I said to him.
“Haha well we’ll get you on it as soon as possible. Sorry for the wait, me and my girl were talking after class.” He said as we walked out of the school. Some part of me was sad when he said “my girl”.
“Oh okay that’s fine don’t worry about it.” I said smiling at him. He smiled back at me.
We eventually get to his house. He told me I can wait inside while he gets his bike out. I sat on the couch on my phone, that’s when I heard the door open. I thought it was Marcus but it was Max and Ginny instead.
“Um what are you doing here y/n??” Ginny asked.
“Oh...well after everyone left at lunch Marcus came up to me to keep me some company. We started talking and he mentioned his motorcycle. I told him about dad and everything so he said I could go on a ride on his motorcycle.” I explained.
“Oh okay, please be careful. And make sure mom doesn’t see you, she’ll kill you if she sees you riding one.” She said as she went upstairs. Max waved at me and I waved back. She followed Ginny up the stairs.
Marcus came into the house this time. “Hey you ready to go?” He asked. I nodded my head and jumped up from the couch. We walked out and I saw his motorcycle in the driveway. I got on and started it. He handed me his helmet and I put it on. I rode it off of.m his drive way into the street. It felt so good to be on one again. I drove around for a while and then decided to go back to the house.
“So? How was it?” He asked smiling. I parked the bike right next to him.
“Oh my god it felt amazing. I haven’t felt that kind of rush in so long.” I said getting off and taking the helmet off. I walked up to him.
“That’s great, I’m glad you had fun.” He said smiling down at me. “You looked good out there”. He slowly put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up to him, my stomach filling with butterflies at the second. I moved my hands up to his tall shoulders.
We both lean in till our lips touched. It felt like...not to be cheesy...but sparks. It felt amazing. We pulled away, breathless. I can’t believe that just happened. Shit wait...doesn’t he have a girlfriend? He smiled down at me. Fuck, his smile. It’s so perfect. He kissed my forehead.
Reality speeds back to me. I pull away far from him when I hear howling. I look up and it’s Max and Ginny yelling from Max’s room. My face goes red and I run across the street into the house. Fuck he has a girlfriend. What did I just do?
I walk forward to go upstairs but then my mom said my name. I jumped and looked into the dining rooms she was sitting at the end of the table with her arms crossed.
“Y/n M/n Miller. Did I just see you ride a motorcycle AND kiss a boy or am I mistaking you for someone else?” She said angrily. Fuck she saw me.
“Mom...I’m sorry. I haven’t rode in a while and when Marcus told me about his bike I had to take it for a spin. You know how much I love riding. And yes I did kiss him but it’ll never happen again. I promise. I’m going to my room I gotta do homework.” I said running up the stairs. I couldn’t deal with her right now.
I got into my room and I fell onto my comfy bed. I can’t believe I did that. I’m a home wrecker. Fuck. My phone rang, it was Julie.
“Hey Julie, I just got back home from Marcus’s house. I got tell you what just happened” I said straight away.
“Oh my god girl you have to tell me everything, what did you do?” She asked.
I told her everything. From riding his bike to running away. She reassured me that if no one tells his girlfriend it’ll be fine but it can’t happen again. I told her how it was a 1 time thing and never will happen again. After we got finished talking about Marcus she asked me how my new school was. I told her it was okay but I miss my old school and her. We talked for a bit and then I heard my window being opened, I threw my phone across the room out of fear and grabbed my tv remote in case I need to throw something at someone.
Marcus came through the window, I sighed out of relief. I could hear Julie yelling my name through the phone, probably worried about me. I picked up the phone and said I was fine and that I’ll talk to her later. She was reluctant to go but she finally did.
“What the fuck Marcus?!” I whisper yelled at him. I didn’t want anyone to know he was over or else I would be dead.
“What? I wanted to see you.” He said. I rolled my eyes. He moved closer to me and put his hands on my waist just like earlier. Here comes the butterflies again. He started kissing my neck which made the butterflies in my stomach even worse.
“Marcus we can’t-you have a girlfriend.” I said pushing him away and moving onto my bed.
“Yah but she won’t know, it’s okay. Don’t worry about her.” He said coming onto my bed. He moved a piece of hair behind my ear.
I was slowly moving into him as he was moving into me but then I realized what was happening and shot up and ran to the other side of my room.
“Marcus please. Just go. Please. I can’t do this. If you break up with her then we can, but not right now. We’re friends. And that’s it. Please just go.” I begged and I looked away from him.
He sighed and went out the window. Once he was out I closed my window and laid back down on my bed. What is happening with me? I’m not like this, I don’t kiss other girls’s boyfriends. This town is something else.
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jangofctts · 4 years
(sorry for the format i think but this is loNG WTF IS WRONG W ME ITS INCOHERENT I'M LOCKIN MYSELF UP OFF TO HORNY JAIL I GO) deadass when you nd the boys are days away from being back on coruscant and on shore leave for a minute bc the general got some weird jedi shit to deal with is when u become peak Brat™ like it is so bad even the resident brat fuse can't keep up, the whole squad is screaming, and no one can stop u (yet) like you love teasing the boys but this is next level annoying like lets say max asks u to do something to help him get ready to fuck off for leave and ur just like no💕 i will cause problems on purpose))) he isn't happy and keeps asking while doing other work, realizes he's getting nowhere, and starts w the vague threats “you won’t like what happens if u keep this up” or “you really don't want to do this right now" but u finally do a few things to help before u leave to annoy void bc that man doesn't deal w enough shenanigans apparently...
u help void for a bit but get bored when void is just doing inventory and requisitions asking you how much of this or that nd you start saying "not enough" or "a fuckton" and while he appreciates the honesty it's not helpful but you ask "can't a droid do inventory? they know how to count?" getting a snarky reply of "yeah unlike you" obviously fed up but u continue to annoy him maybe cause mischief w the boys if they're there? maybe get handsy? threaten stupidity? who knows but anything u do is gonna get an exasperated sigh and "i'm gonna tell max about this shit" but what is he gonna do? punish u? [narrator: he, in fact does just that] so this goes on for a while but at some point when you are like 10 hrs out from coruscant max herds u to his quarters but lo and behold it's not bc he needs someone to fix his datapad but bc ur in for the punishment of ur life lol this man must have been planning this since ur first bratty act bc he has a bunch of stuff laid out just for u))) seeing this, u turn on the sad puppy eyes/pouty face and the "but i can be a good girl for u" or "i'm sorry i was just antsy to get back let me make it up to you" but nothing is gonna work now especially when he puts u over his knee.
he's pulling ur pants down over ur ass, revealing ur going commando today and u give him the "whats wrong maxy?" over ur shoulder just before he starts ur punishment isn't he sweet? he only spanks you a few times bc ur real punishment is SO MUCH worse and u realize this when he ties ur hands together over ur head and ties ur ankles together too hmmmmm this was more than u bargained for and u keep pleading with max when he takes his armor and blacks off but he keeps saying "u did this to yourself baby" and that he "can't help now" because "u didn't listen earlier like a good girl" but once he gets situated on the bed u know ur in for it. he grabbed some lube from his drawer and slicked himself up while telling u that "u won't be enjoying this part but i think i will" as he takes a hold of ur legs and lining himself up with not ur entrance but between ur thighs right above ur clit bc surprise! this ass and thigh man is gonna go to town fucking ur thighs while just grazing ur clit every few strokes absolutely working u up but no where near enough to get u off just like he planned. max really does love a good thigh fucking and so do u but he's usually playing with ur clit teasing u until he hits home and fills u up right - this time none of that is happening. u keep whining which just eggs him on more to bully u with "good girls deserve my thick cock but u decided to be a brat hm?" and "brats don't get to cum last time i checked" until he loses his rhythm and shutters as he cums all over ur stomach. he slowly gets out between ur thighs and runs his hands through the mess but ur still whiny so he shushes u with cum slick fingers before he gets up to grab his comlink just leaving the rest to get sticky (so rude)
he calls up void nd hear him say "my hip is acting up could u come look at it later?" with "did ur dumb ass do something again? give me a bit i'll head over" in reply with no idea what is waiting for him when he comes through the door. u have no idea how long it'll b until void comes so u keep trying to plead ur case to max telling him ur "sorry for being annoying and bratty i learned my lesson can i cum now?" but getting a surprising "lets see what void thinks" in return. its at least half an hour until void opens the door to see u tied to max's bed and him hovering over u just taunting and playing with u as he sees fit but honestly at this point nothing can really truly shock void now but this peaked his interest. max tries to explain saying "she was being a br-" "a brat i know i didn't think it would end up like this but" void starts as he takes off his remaining armor and ur begging for SOMETHING since max was so mean not even going near ur pussy (again rude) but thankfully void isn't a sadist (today) and starts teasing u by running his fingers through ur folds, playing with ur clit, and starts opening u up for him.
once he gets u good and wet he starts slowly rocking into u while u keep begging for him to give u permission to cum but he says that "brats don't get to cum they just get used))))" and ur thinkin ur definitely not gonna be cumming anytime soon but this mf just goes straight to pound town w the week/month/whatever he's had and the bratting u've done lol and u start clenching trying to get a rise out of him or get him to say something, ANYTHING but void won't give u the satisfaction of hearing his usual dirty talk, no, this is his version of punishment just letting u hear and feel him fuck u faster as he approaches his orgasm not caring about yours (yet) just feeling u tighten around him until he can't handle it and cums deep inside u just staying there for a minute catching his breath and u think void is done but oh lord no he is very much not lol he unties ur ankles and goes straight for ur pussy eating u out and cleaning up the mess he made inside and out, rutting into the sheets and making u squirm like nothing else maybe max wanders back over to you too and helps him out idk i was just having thots (since everyone is whore knee for wrecker rn i remember sending a wrecker ask a million years ago i can send it again if u want also i have a short fuse thing for u so))))) love being a whore)
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ok bye im gonna be checking myself into the fuckin hospital THIS IS PURE GOLD IM
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vesperstalksclones · 4 years
Updated 6/8/21
**I love to make friends and chat! Ask box and DM are always open. Please don't be shy! I want to hear all about you!
**I am generally open for art requests. I don't necessarily have a scheme in place for commission prices, but if you are interested we can chat! Mediums I work in are traditional pencil sketch, colored with markers/colored pencils, and beginner CG.
Please don't be scared off because I have things marked as NSFW or smut, there are tons of safe pieces, especially in my artwork!
*** = Smutty stuff      
****Written in the Rocks
Ohhhh I went fishing for inspiration and boy did I get it! Here be Echo indulging in a dfab reader. Fluffy steamy smutty goodness. AND has the honor of being the first ficlet about his actual first time and also being the first time with the reader.
What Will You Do After Mandelore?
 Rexsoka snippet, taking place during the siege of Mandalore. 
***On Your Knees
Captain Rex X first person female reader, some extra good love for my best boy
***Cody x Reader 
Cody X first person female reader, a little morsel of angst in there - allusion to past physical abuse, but Cody is there to make it better <3
*** Wrecker x Mando Femme OC
Wrecker falls hard for a stoic Mando lady who has built some thick walls for herself. Maybe the love of one scarred soldier can heal another. Unfinished fic, but here is one of the steamy parts 😏
*** Crossing the lines
Rex's POV, solid Rexsoka
When Rex goes undercover to smash a flesh trafficking ring, he gets the shock of his life and things change forever
*** Peppermint Playtime *New*
Gender-neutral reader & Kix
An exhausting grind on the battlefield assisting the 501st's overwhelmed medic results in the reader dispensing some much needed R&R on the handsome soldier.
-Use of nick-name, not (y/n)
Pride & Prejudice & Padawans
Rex & Ahsoka play at the protagonists of the literary classic, but with the apocalyptic vibe of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. Fun and stylized. Rated teen mostly for violence. I promise I'll do some special separate chapters for you naughty kids.
Embracing the Brokenness
Fox has managed to outlive Sidious and has his first taste of freedom. Ever. But the necessities of rebuilding a government have the New Republic calling him and other surviving clones for deposition on their experiences. Why not tear open the old wounds and pour salt in them? And he locks eyes with a certain Pantoran lady for the first time since order 66.
Shanty Central
The Ballad of CT-6969
Fan Art      
(O.o) = Steamy (nudity, sexual themes but no actual private bits shown)
I do NSFW also, but I keep a separate google doc for that. It is very explicit, primarily Star Wars Clones, with a smidgen of Rexsoka.
I know some folks out there have mixed feelings about Rex & Ahsoka as lovers. I absolutely adore them together, but only in their more mature days. I often draw a younger looking Rex with a mature Ahsoka. She is always meant to be, like 17+, so Seige of Mandalore or later. I want my favorite characters to experience love as consenting adults that understand what they’re getting themselves in to.
Link to me on DeviantArt (SFW, Star Wars art + other misc. fantasy/sci-fi/fanart, photography)
Art tutorial - generic clone portrait done in my method
Art tutorial #2 - full body pencil sketch of Zygerrian Rex
A random doodle of Bad Batch Echo *new*
Captain Rex comes to @cheshire-noir 's Birthday Rave
A pissy Commander Wolffe
Cody, suiting up for some practice
Fives & Rex - just some doodles of the boys
Scout Rex
Zygerrian Rex
Rex being sweet and romantic
Rex & Ahsoka go undercover a la Casino Royale
Rex & Ahsoka survived order 66
Rex& Ahsoka, big, warm, squeezer hug
Rex X Ahsoka - so damn happy to see you
Rex, sleeping all sexy like
Cody, punching the shit outta something
Rex just looking bad ass with his DCs
Ezra x Sabine, all growed up
Rex & Baby Chomp Chomp
Fives, the Snacky snack
A very stylized bit of Cody (O.o)
What will you do after Mandalore? - Rex X Ahsoka fluff
Tech fresh out the shower with his hair all messy, being a sexy shit (O.o)
A stylized Rex, all pouty and exhausted and needy (O.o)
Post order 66 Rex & Ahsoka cuddles
A badass sleek clone trooper I did forever ago
Rex’s helmet, tattoo-esque
A fanart I did for Jade-Max’s fic Catalyst, Rex X Ahsoka (O.o)
Rebels era Rex & Ahsoka, such a flirt
Rex comforting a wounded Ahsoka
A smokin’ hot Wolffe with naughty things on his mind (O.o)
Rex having a shitty day
Rex chillin in his downtime, touching up the paint job
My OC clone trooper, Nitro
A stylized sexy Rex; on the back end of a few whiskey cocktails (O.o)
Rex, Ahsoka, & baby Chomp
Rex, The Murder Scowl
Rexsoka Kissy Sketch-dump
A stylized mostly nakey Cody
A flirty Ahsoka
Rex X Ahsoka, a nice romantic kiss (O.o)
Ahsoka, being badass
Captain Rex, pissed off and ready to unleash some shit (blood/wound)
Rex, “I’m no Jedi” but rocking lightsabers like a boss
Rexsoka fluff; Rex has a Lekku fixation
79 notes · View notes
thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #14- Everything’s Coming Up Overlord
Our issue opens up with a prologue.
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Two miles below the surface of the moon, two miners are going at it, as they discuss the merits of their respective tools. As the guy with the pickaxe hits the floor below him, he exposes a bright green light hiding in the ground.
The miners, amazed, make a call to their boss, Momus; the very same Momus who would one day become a Senator and eventually be killed by the Senate for his Decepticon sympathies.
Momus, once made aware of the situation, makes his own call to the Functionist Council, siting that a Code 113- because of COURSE it is- is taking place. The Council responds by shutting down the mine and sending a representative to check things out. The representative claims his name is Three of Twelve, but I know The One Electronic when I friggin’ see him.
The green light, once authenticated, is scheduled for retrieval and “nurturing”. Because Momus is in charge of the mine, and this green light is a super big deal, Three of Twelve grants him the status of Alt-Mode Exempt; he can basically do whatever the hell he wants, free of Functionist meddling. Dang, Whirl should have tried digging one of these things up! Would’ve saved him a lot of heartache.
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Guys, c’mon, it’s Momus! You ought to know by now that he’ll fuck you, but he doesn’t fucking need you. You ain’t getting a thing, and you also won’t have any time to unionize, because you’re going to be dead by the end of the day.
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That green light turned out to be a spark, the sort of “soul” that a Transformer has at the core of their being. That murderous little ball of light is a robot zygote.
…They really let the guy with the well-documented thing with pregnancy handle the reproductive aspect of the world building, huh?
Anyway, it’s time to see what Milne’s take on Last Stand of the Wreckers looks like.
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Wow, that is just the uncoolest line. I mean, wow.
Make note of Overlord’s lips here. We’ll be seeing a lot more of them once the lady robots make an appearance.
Overlord makes quick work of Springer, punching him into the dirt, and we see someone who most certainly was NOT present for the events of Last Stand.
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We do that, jumping to the part where Ironfist explodes Overlord with his mind.
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He didn’t say that! My immersion in this story about giant space robots is broken!
This obviously leads to Overlord being reduced to a flaming skeleton, and he screams at Chromedome to scoot his boot so he can get at Verity. Chromedome refuses, antagonizes the guy who’s at least three times his size, then initiates a scene change with a literal snap of his fingers.
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Lot of good reference material for Chromedome in this issue. Artists take note.
Here is our first taste of mnemosurgery on someone who isn’t dead or dying, as well as our first taste of Chromedome having something resembling self confidence.
Outside of Overlord’s brain foyer, Chromedome stands on a forklift, with both of his horrid, needly hands punched into his patient’s head. Overlord is still very much in the position we saw him in issue #6, hooked up in a full body harness in something called a slow cell.
Overlord, still very sad that he got stood up by Megatron, tells Chromedome to kill him. Chromedome refuses, saying that he wouldn’t even if he could.
Hey, Chromedome. Maybe don’t tell this guy you can’t kill him. Just seems like maybe not the best idea.
Chromedome gets back to work, getting perhaps a bit too comfortable as he pulls himself up a chair from- I dunno, Overlord’s brain aether.
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This really is your element, isn’t it, Chromedome? You’re just straight-up power tripping right now. No wonder Rewind has to literally beg you to not do this.
We jump into another one of Overlord’s memories, where’s he’s getting his shit absolutely destroyed by Megatron in a gladiator fight. We get our first taste of information creep as a concept, which is referred to as eidetic decay here.
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I wanna know what the purple guy with the blue visor’s face situation is. Don’t think we’ve run into anyone like that before. It’s a little concerning, if I’m being honest.
We move on to the next memory, but it looks like “same shit, different day” is a huge part of who Overlord is as an individual, because it’s just more of him getting whaled on by Megatron.
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After this uncomfortably intimate moment, Megatron puts his bucket helmet back on and states that Overlord is finally “ready.”
Ready for what, you might ask?
You remember that obscene sort of fascination of Roberts’ that we keep running into? We’re about to delve into some of that right now. But first- the set up.
We’re in a new memory, in a place called the Foundry, and Overlord’s been stripped down to his robotic skivvies and placed in a large glass tank. Megatron walks up, berating Rossom (of Rossom’s Trinity fame) and saying “to hell with safety protocols, I’m Megatron and I say we make Overlord into a Phase Sixer, meh meh meh.” Shockwave is there.
Rossom’s concerned about this project, because A) they’re going to be using the last of their ununtrium to do this, and B) if it works, Overlord’s going to be the strongest motherfucker ever, and he’ll probably try to kill Megatron.
Ununtrium is something that actually exists in the real world, though it in no way works like it does in MTMTE. Ununtrium is actually an outdated name for the element Nihonium, a synthetic chemical element, whose most stable form has a half-life of 10 seconds. It has no known properties or qualities, because it simply doesn’t last long enough to be studied that in-depth. So why use this element in the story? The answer lies in the placeholder name itself. Ununtrium was named so because it’s the 113th element in the periodic table.
In other words, Ununtrium was used because Roberts is a massive nerd.
Because Overlord’s a Point One Percenter, and in fact that murderous little spark we saw at the beginning of the issue, he ought to be perfectly fine. Shockwave has planted a killswitch in the guy’s brain in case he tries something funny on Megatron.
The narrative is interrupted for a moment as Chromedome chastises Overlord for being kind of sleepy in his memories. Then Chromedome lets something slip that he probably really shouldn’t have.
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With the contingencies in place, it’s time to get the Phase Sixer show on the road.
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Well, there it is.
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Oh, and a bit more.
Overlord thanks Rossom for all his hard work by crushing his skull, and thus the story of how he became a Phase Sixer draws to a close.
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Megatron, you had literally zero reason to say that. This is how you can tell Roberts wrote this scene to fuck with people.
Back in the white void, Chromedome’s patting himself on the back over a job well done.  In the background, Overlord’s smiling.
It’s never a good thing when Overlord smiles.
If Chromedome had just kept things professional and didn’t keep bringing up their shared history, Overlord wouldn’t be able to have another flashback- this one’s got Starscream and Thundercracker in it! No word on where Skywarp’s gotten to. Skywarp doesn’t get a ton of attention in IDW Transformers.
The three of them are bombing what appears to be a wasteland, on word from Decepticon intel that there’s something worth looking for in the area. Turns out, intel was right.
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Chromedome, suddenly antsy, pulls them out of the memory, demanding to know why this is happening. Overlord just smiles.
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Oh, hey Brainstorm. What brings you to the New Institute?
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Chromedome, your war crimes are showing! Turns out Mnemosurgery and Shadowplay are the same fucking thing.
As Chromedome assists in what appears to be an empurata in progress, he’s shot in the gut, as present-Chromedome screams and reaches for himself.
Overlord and company release Soundwave, who is in no way grateful for the assist. They leave quickly, Overlord taking Trepan as a souvenir, because that’s just the kind of guy he is. He kidnaps people.
As Chromedome in the past lays bleeding out on the floor, Chromedome in the present decides it’s time to share his feelings.
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Prowl did Chromedome a solid after Zeta came into Primehood, and got him an internship at the New Institute. The one time Prowl was nice to his partner, and it’s to hook him up with a job that can and will kill him the more frequently he does it.
Chromedome was so good at poking people in the brain, he got a nickname out of it. That nickname? Chromedome.
Yeah, his real name is Tumbler.
Chromedome remembers himself, and the fact that they shouldn’t be seeing any of this, because Overlord is the patient and he wasn’t there for this info dump.
Overlord’s still smiling.
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Overlord may be a lot of things, but he’s no dummy. He took Trepan with him to learn mnemosurgery, in an attempt to learn the secrets of the Achilles Virus Shockwave planted in his brain. He didn’t complete his training, because Megatron caught wind, but major smart boy points to you, Overlord.
Now he’s going to use his own mnemosurgery skills to bust on out of here.
Chromedome, Overlord has been killing fools since literally before he was born, and you basically handed him a rope to hang you with.
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There he is, Cybertron’s #1 Bastard Bachelor! Of course he’s involved with this!
All that stuff Rung told Fort Max in issue #6, about Overlord’s spark being in a whiteout vacuum? A giant ruddy lie fed to the public, to give High Command a chance to figure out what they were going to do with him.
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Prowl, they are MARRIED, you giant space ass.
Prowl has a theory that Phase Sixers aren’t born, but made. We as the readers, of course, already know this, but we’ve got to know where we’ve been before we can figure out where we’re going. He’s invited Chromedome to his office to ask him to mnemosurgery Overlord up and get the secret Krabby Patty formula Phase Sixer recipe.
Chromedome, doesn’t want to do that, though. He wants to live in a peaceful world, where Rewind doesn’t have to worry about his impending, work-related death.
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How exactly mnemosurgery kills practitioners is never exactly explained. I, however, have a theory.
We’ve already established that if you inject enough times, you start getting crossover with your patients’ memories in your own brain. We’ve seen it happen with Chromedome in the Annual, and it was vivid enough that he wasn’t sure if the memory of committing suicide by way of Gideon’s Glue was his own or not.
Because Transformers are very similar in bodily functions to humans- because this isn’t hard sci-fi- it stands to reason that more than just memories reside in the brain module. The brain controls movement, organ regulation, chemical balances, all that jazz. 
Where does the line for memory get drawn? Who’s to say that bodily functions wouldn’t start bleeding through the connection? If you can have memories bleed through and have to double-check with someone on whether or not they’re yours, who’s to say that it can’t happen with other parts of the brain? Like programming for your robotic organs? If a patient clearly remembers how hard their fuel pump was going during a stressful situation, does that stress response translate for the surgeon’s body type, or does it stay at what it had been for the original brain? 
If Chromedome’s fuel pump starts going at a rate designed for a guy the size of Fort Max, it’s probably going to explode. 
Getting back to the story at hand, Chromedome says “thanks, but no thanks” and is walking out of the room, when Prowl does something kind of stupid:
He starts threatening to blackmail the guy who has pointy mind-wiper fingers and doesn’t really like him all that much.
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This is one of the larger seeds involved with a dropped story plot, in which it would have been revealed that Chromedome had been part of the mission that led to Dominus Ambus’ disappearance. It was seeded very early on in MTMTE, but never came to fruition, mainly due to the fact that Roberts didn’t want to give Chromedome and Rewind’s relationship that much of a trench to jump over. I mean, how would you even handle that, finding out that your current husband was complacent in the disappearance of your first husband? It’d be messy. Way too messy to be wrapped up cleanly. There’s other aspects of that plot thread that I’ll cover later on, but trust me when I say it would have needed its own spin-off series to be properly handled and resolved. A spin-off series that it wouldn’t have gotten.
As it currently stands, the interpretation of what exactly Chromedome did that would warrant him getting cagey here is wide open. Was he involved with the Ostaros situation in Sins of the Wreckers? Did he have a past with a Decepticon that Rewind wouldn’t have approved of? Was he a Decepticon at some point? Does he not like dogs? It’s up to YOU, dear reader!
Prowl’s threat goes about as well as you’d expect.
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I mean, really, what did you THINK was going to happen?
Chromedome wipes the memory of making the threat, as well as the information that made the threat possible, then leaves, and Prowl is none the wiser.
Overlord’s not done yet, though. He moves on to the next memory, which involves a giant, naked human. Chromedome enters Brainstorm’s lab, while he’s hard at work on the holomatter avatars. Brainstorm has stolen Perceptor’s sniper sight and is wearing it on his head. Why does he have it? What purpose does it serve him? Who knows!
Drift is accompanying Chromedome on this little visit, and thus the identity of the mystery door-whisperer from issue #12 is revealed.
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Watch out for his hands, Drift.
The mystery of the oddly threatening medical drone is also revealed- Brainstorm had them all loaded up with a speech recognition program that would alert Drift whenever Overlord was mentioned.
With introductions to Project: Total Insanity out of the way, it’s time to get technical.
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Five seconds for Overlord is thirty minutes for the rest of the Lost Light. In theory, if he somehow broke loose from his bindings and escaped his cell, they’d have plenty of time to scramble the troops and get ready for him.
Let’s see how that theory works when applied to real world testing, shall we?
Overlord gets the code to the cell, thanks to this merry little jaunt inside Chromedome’s brain he’s decided to take, rips free of his bonds, and makes his exit. Chromedome, temporarily paralyzed and mute from the strain of doing such a long deep reading on Overlord, can only watch as he walks out the door, making a promise to find Rewind first when he starts killing everyone on the ship.
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Oh man, this next one’s gonna be a doozy.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
The Greatest Show
Never Enough - Part 1
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A new series- all chapters are based on each song from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont
Warnings: Swearing, sarcasm 😉, smut
Tags - using combined tagged list, if you want to be removed please let me know 👍🏼
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816
“Hi Brett.” Maxwell could tell she was nervous, hoping that she was strong enough to stand her ground and dump the man that had made her life miserable. No one should have to go through what she had been through. She was petrified of the man- afraid to leave him incase he actually killed her next time. Thinking back to the last incident- he had wished that himself and Bertrand had just dragged her out of the States.
Arriving at the hospital, the two brothers had heard from their cousins friend Daniel - a concerned phone call made them immediately catch a flight to New York. Keeping Amber’s identity hidden from those in Cordonia- it didn’t help them at all. If they had informed the royal family about their family member needing their support they had hoped that they would have allowed them to use the royal jet in these types of circumstances. However they chose not to.
“Hey Daniel, thanks for letting us know? Where is she? Is she okay? Where’s that arsehole?”
“Maxwell calm down. Speaking like that isn’t going to help the situation.” Bertrand was furious- but knew how to keep an stoic expression.
“He became jealous, and broke her arm. Left her in the street- witnesses said she screamed ‘you’ve broken my arm- I need to get to hospital.’ He apparently called her stupid- and that she was attention seeking. The two women who brought her in stayed with her and contacted me. When I arrived the staff said that she was shaken up- petrified, they tried to fix her arm by forcing it back into place but it wouldn’t work. She had surgery immediately and it’s fine.”
“Well it’s not too bad then.”
“Bertrand are you fucking crazy? That bastard broke her arm!”
“What I meant to say, it’s not as bad as it was the last time we was here when she was admitted with a traumatic brain injury. It could have been worse. He could have potentially killed her. What have the police said?”
“That’s the bad news. She is refusing to press charges. He has this hold over her, it’s so frustrating. No one can get through to her. We’ve all tried.” Daniel explained sadly, the two brothers knew Amber’s friends were all trying their best to keep her safe. Walking into her room, she looked as if she had seen two ghosts.
“Wh-What are you doing here? I’m fine!”
“Of course you are Amber. When are you going to wake up? He’s dangerous. You need to come back with us.”
“I... I can’t. He said if I ever left him....”
“If you left him what? He should be in prison. Why the fuck aren’t you pressing charges?”
“He said if I ever left him he would hurt those close to me. I’m scared Max, I’m so scared. But I’ve made my bed- I’ve forgiven him time after time.”
“Cut with the crap! You leave him, stay with us at Ramsford- your friends can get an injunction put out against him. We can look after you. You need to think about yourself- who knows you may find someone else who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
“I’m collateral damage. Who the fuck would touch me? I always choose arseholes, I think I’m just destined to live that way.”
Overhearing Brett shouting down the phone, Maxwell snatched the phone off her- putting it on loudspeaker, forgetting about the other people in the cabin.
“What is your issue you arsehole? Think you’re all big and hard talking to a lady like that?”
“Who the fuck is this?”
“This is your worse nightmare buddy! Amber just wants to say au reviour, adios, ciao. Come near her again and I’ll break your fucking neck!”
“Amber are you fucking this douche behind my back?”
“No he’s my fucking cousin! You and I are over Brett. I’ve forgiven you so many times, all the promises about changing, loving me. They were all lies.”
“Amber baby.”
“Don’t Amber baby me. You had your chance and you blew it.”
“No one splits up with Brett Parker! Get your fat ugly body back to New York now! Or I’ll come and collect you myself.”
“She is not fucking fat nor ugly you dipshit. She is beautiful. You just couldn’t see that you had a fucking diamond in front of you. Someone else will grab her with both hands and treat her like the fucking god damn goddess she is!”
“Who the fuck do you think you are! No one talks to me like that!”
“Goodbye wanker.”
“Amber, I know where you are. Watch your back! You are mine.”
“No. I am my own person, I don’t belong to anyone. Go and search the whole of Canada for me then. You are in my past, and I am looking forward to my future without you in it! You thought you could really make me moan, I had better sex all alone. See, I don't know why I liked you so much. I gave you all, of my trust. I told you, I loved you, now that's all down the drain. You put me through pain, I want to let you know how I feel. Fuck you, I don’t want you back.” Abruptly hanging up the call, Amber was surprised with herself- feeling relieved. Maxwell whispered I’m so proud of you- you are a true Beaumont. ‘High fiving’ her he held her tight comforting her.
Olivia overheard the phone call, gesturing for the others to become mute- they all listened gobsmacked. Mainly due to the anger that Maxwell had released, he was always the happy lord, the dopey one- they had never heard him react this way before never mind hearing him swear so much without breathing for air.
“Shit! Who is she on the phone to?”
“Her boyfriend!”
“She has a boyfriend?” Leo asked surprised.
“Not anymore by the sounds of it. Shh. Act normal!” Olivia suggested, wanting more gossip from Amber- she knew she would have to wait as it could be raw. Focusing her gaze towards Drake, she raised her eyebrow. Noticing the look, he wanted to know what was going through the duchesses mind.
“Just spit it out Liv, I know you’re wanting to say something.”
“Funny. She kisses you. Then she dumps her mystery boyfriend. Are you a home wrecker Walker? Are you going to swoop her into your arms now she’s free and single?”
“No I am not going to do that. He’s a wanker towards her. She doesn’t deserve that!”
“Okay, whatever. Keep that denial inside that commoner heart of yours. What are the sleeping arrangements anyway?”
“Well I thought you and Amber share my bed, Liam and Leo take the spare bed and myself and Maxwell will share the sofa. I’ve drawn the short straw so you should all be grateful.”
“Excuse me?”
“I shall be sleeping with Liam in the spare bed. Whilst we are behind closed doors away from the other bitches I shall be taking this opportunity to stay with Liam. You guys decide what you are doing between you all.”
“Well I agree with you Liv. But I also vote that I share the sofa with Maxwell, ohhh that leaves Drake and Amber in his bed. Great plan guys.” Olivia and Liam spat their drinks out, laughing at Drakes reaction to Leo’s suggestion. No need to thank me Walker, Leo said whilst winking.
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me you’re family. I love you. And right now I am so fucking proud of you! We need to celebrate with the others.”
“First things first.” Maxwell looked confused at Amber, before watching her remove the SIM card, snapping it in half- and throwing it away in the trash bin. “Now I’m ready to celebrate.” Kissing her on the forehead, he now knew her future was bright and she could come alive. Walking back into the room, Amber and Maxwell witnessed Drake and Leo sat down covering their ears.
“HEY! WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THAT?” Maxwell shouted.
“LIAM AND OLIVIA THEY’VE ONLY BEEN UPSTAIRS TWO MINUTES.” Amber burst out laughing, ignoring the two love birds she blanked the repetitive moans that echoed through the walls. Eventually there was silence.
“Guys, you can remove your hands. I think there will be a new crown prince or princess on their way sooner rather than later.”
“Thank fuck for that. At least when we are in Lythikos tomorrow their rooms will be miles away from ours. Max I’m started to feel tired, what about you?”
“I’m fine me buddy. I’ve had an unexpected adrenaline rush!”
“Really you look tired?” Maxwell looked confused before seeing Leo tilt his head towards Drake then to Amber. Ohhh he’s trying to set them two up- good thinking playboy.
“Oh actually I am feeling tired. What’s the sleeping arrangements?”
“Drake and Amber are taking his bed.”
“No we aren’t. Amber is taking my bed. I am staying with you two.” Amber began to feel awkward, mainly due to Drake giving up his bed for her- but also due to tweedle Dee and tweedle dum setting them up.
“What do you think about this Amber?”
“Erm... I’ll sleep on the sofa... with Max... it’ll be like good old days. You and Drake share his bed.”
“No thank you. I’d rather sleep in the lake.”
“See ya then.” Drake smirked, knowing matchmaker Leo wouldn’t succeed with his plan.
“Amber just take my bed. To shut them up. Please. I’ll bring your bag up for you.” Not wanting to argue, she just nodded. Walking up to the bed room, she smelt Drakes scent- immediately feeling intoxicated. Shortly after Drake arrived with her bag.
“Are you okay? We overheard your conversation on the phone. I’m not being nosey, I just want to know that you are okay?”
“I’m fine. Better than fine. I feel relieved and free.” She sighed. “I’m going to go back to New York once the social season has ended, get my belongings and move into Ramsford.”
“Erm, why did you split up with him? Liv blamed me. I don’t want you getting hurt because of me. It was just a kiss.” Just a kiss, he regrets it.
“I’ve wanted to split up with him for years, just never had the guts to do it. It was just a kiss?” The last sentence she questioned, as a rhetorical question- not really wanting to know the answer.
“You deserve so much better, I’m glad Maxwell had your back. It was just a kiss, I shouldn’t have allowed you to kiss me.”
“I know I do- I was just blind to see it before. That kiss meant something to me, even if it didn’t to you. I can’t stop thinking about you- maybe you was part of the reason for me splitting up with him. I now understand how much of an idiot I’ve been.” Shit, she wanted that kiss as much as I did.
“Do you mean that? You are not an idiot- don’t think like that.”
“I meant every word.” Closing the distance, Brett was already forgotten- she desperately wanted Drake in her arms. Drake cupped her cheeks, resting his forehead against hers. Feeling his hot whiskey breath linger against her, she felt as if her heart was skipping beats. Drake had decided to make the first move this time, placing his lips onto hers- the kiss was gentle and loving. Wrapping her arms around his bare skin- she was lost in his soft touch. Breaking the kiss, they held onto each other- fixating their eyes on each other’s.
“Just another kiss huh?” Amber asked in a sarcastic manner.
“Another fantastic kiss, from a beautiful girl.”
“Another fantastic kiss, from a handsome commoner.”
“This ‘handsome’ commoner, must leave the sleeping beauty to gain her beauty sleep.”
“Because, Leo’s suggestion would become a reality. I don’t think I could stop myself from touching you- hugging you, kissing you.”
“What’s so wrong about that?”
“Amber.... you’ve just split up with your boyfriend.”
“He doesn’t deserve that title. It’s fine Drake. I’ll just go to sleep. Goodnight.”
The morning after, Liam and Olivia headed downstairs- she needed to make her way over to Lythikos before all her guests arrived. Leo was sat drowning black coffee to keep him awake- he could kill his little brother for keeping them awake.
“Where’s Walker? Amber?”
“They went for a walk before. Drake slept with us- the couch was already crowded enough. I swear I could hear you two up all night fucking each other in my subconscious.”
“It must have been your subconscious, because we only had sex once we had gone upstairs. Little Liam became too tired much to my disappointment and wouldn’t cooperate.” They all looked at each other- all wondering the same. Drake and Amber returned from their walk to a silent welcoming.
“Shouldn’t you be in Lythikos?” Drake questioned.
“Did you enjoy sleeping on the couch Drake?”
“It was very uncomfortable.”
“Hmm, you see Leo believes that myself and Liam was having sex but it wasn’t us. Do you have ghosts in this cabin or could you provide us with an answer for that?”
Amber and Drake looked at each other, that look provided the friends with the answer that they were all impatiently waiting for.
“He doesn’t deserve that title. It’s fine Drake. I’ll just go to sleep. Goodnight.”
“Amber, I’ll make a deal with you.”
“Go on...”
“I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”
“I’d like that. I feel safe with you.” Drake smiled, knowing he wanted to hold her- call her his, he would have to compromise and resist temptation. Drake led her to the bed, sliding into it- she soon joined him. It wasn’t the first time for either of them- but the silence between them showed that they were both nervous sharing a bed. Both laying down facing each other, locking eyes with each other for a slight moment- both feeling content. Amber snuggled into his embrace- placing one hand on his bare chest. Her eyes gave him permission to wrap his arms around her holding her protectively as their skin touched.
“Thank you Drake, goodnight.”
“What for?”
“For being you.” Shaking his head he laughed, kissing her on the forehead he had hoped that she would fall asleep soon as his cock wouldn’t control itself. Believing that she looked sexy even in his shirt- he couldn’t quite believe that a girl like her was in his bed.
“Night.” Pulling him towards her, she decided to kiss him- he was her drug and she was intoxicated. Unlike the previous kisses, this kiss began gentle but soon turned demanding- their tongues entwined in a kiss. Breaking the kiss, Amber rolled on top him- both breathing fast their heartbeat increasing with every movement. Drake reached up, running his fingers through her loose curls. Pulling her down onto him, he crashed his lips back on to hers- natural instinct led his hands touching her back under the shirt.
“You are beautiful... Amber...” Rolling her to the side, he hovered over her as her head sunk into the pillow- hearing her moan made him want her more and more.
“Drake... I....”
“I’m falling for you. When the ladies were talking about you at the Derby I felt jealous- I don’t know why? Ever since I met you, I wanted to kiss you. To feel you. To be in your arms. I know I was with Brett- but he isn’t like you. You’re amazing. I’m so lucky to have met you. I crave more of you every time I’m with you. I’ve always thought I was collateral damage because of him- that I’d never move on and love anyone.” Sighing, she wasn’t sure if he wanted this. Sure he had kissed her, but was it just heat of the moment. “What I’m saying is, I want you to touch me- if you don’t want that.. I’d rather know now so I don’t make a huge fool of myself.” Caressing her cheeks, he smiled at her softly.
“You are not collateral damage! He was the one with the issue- he is a jerk. I was jealous when Liam kissed you at the lawn party. Do you want to know something else? It’s pretty embarrassing.” Amber nodded, not knowing what he was going to say. “The first night we met... I was thinking about you whilst wanking.”
“What was you thinking about?” She asked seductively. Drake thought she would kill him for admitting that- laying next to her, facing her- he took a deep breath.
“I was thinking about how beautiful you are, picturing that gorgeous smile of yours. Imagining what you looked like naked even though you gave me a preview, imagining my hands cupping your breasts- kissing your whole body. Believing that it was your hands on my cock.”
“Like this?” Rubbing his bulge- he moaned as it became more erect. Smirking at him, she sat up and removed her shirt discarding it onto the floor. Guiding his hands towards her bra- he gulped.
“Is it what you imagined?” She had always felt low self esteem regarding her body due to Brett.
“No better. You are so beautiful. I’m falling for you too. You are too damn irresistible.”
“Don’t resist then. I want to feel loved. I want you Drake.” Without responding to her, he kissed her neck tentatively- removing her bra, kissing every inch of her breasts before sucking her nipples.
“Remove your trousers Walker.”
“Yes ma’am. Only if you remove those panties.” Standing up, she bit her lip as he did what she had commanded. Standing up- before they knew it they were both naked admiring each other’s bodies. Jumping into his arms, he caught her holding her tight- not breaking the kiss, he carried her over to the desk sitting her on the edge. His hand roamed up her thigh- before his thumb circled her clit in a tantalising rhythm, making her become instantly damp. “Drake...” she moaned, smirking he slipped two fingers inside her- beginning slow, his speed soon increased. Feeling already weak at her knees, she hadn’t felt this way in years- reminding herself to thank her cousins in the morning for bringing her here. Feeling her juices leak onto his fingers- he decided to replace his newly coated fingers with his tongue. “Holy shit. Drake! That feels.... so..... good.” After plunging his tongue in deep, he came back to her level- licking his lips. “You tasted so good baby.” He whispered in her ear. “Is little walker ready for a treat?”
“Damn right he is, but you don’t have to.”
“Oh I remember you have two hands right?” Winking at him, she didn’t give him the opportunity to respond. Slowly rubbing his hard cock, she was impressed with his package. Wrapping her fingers around his shaft- she rubbed up and down. Changing the rhythm every so often, he moaned her name, coming out of his trance- Amber removed herself off the desk. Kneeling on the floor, she decided to suck and lick his testicles before moving towards the tip of his cock, she used her tongue and deepthroated him, his cock was now all wet and slippery. Increasing her speed, she felt him pulsate inside her mouth- knowing she was pleasing him as he did her, she didn’t want anyone else in her life.
“That feels amazing. Amber...get on the bed. I can’t keep this in any longer.” Standing up, he carried her over to the bed- laying her down gently, he admired her.
“Do you want me to get a condom?”
“I’m on the pill.” Searching her eyes for reassurance- she guided him towards her entrance. Rubbing his manhood gently against it- he eventually entered her slowly. Holding his position, allowing her to time to get used to him, their eyes fixated on each other.
“Oh Drake.” Slowly thrusting in and out of her, he wanted to make her feel loved. Arching her back, he increased the speed- neither of them able to contain the pleasure and moans.
“Amber, you feel so good. Damn, you’re incredible. I don’t know how long I’ll last.”
“I don’t care, I’m about to cum.” Ambers body began to jerk, shudder in response to her climax- making Drake feel close himself. Feeling the rush of his sperm racing through him- he growled holding her as he released. As Amber felt the warmth of his seed, she softly smiled at him as he collapsed next to her. He turned around to her as they laid next to each other panting- both attempting to catch their breath. Pulling her on to his chest, he kissed her on the forehead.
“Yes.” She looked up towards him as she fluttered her eyelashes.
“That was... wow. Incredible. I’m so glad Max and Bertrand brought you here.”
“I’m glad too.” Sharing another kiss they both feel asleep- content in each other’s arm.
“So you slept together then? I heard you two? That’s a relief, I thought I was going crazy!” Drake pulled Amber into his embrace, looking at her adorably. He couldn’t foresee what his future would look like- but this girl had given him hope.
“What you see in him Amber I will never understand. Has he got a big cock or something?”
“That is something that only I will know Duchess. I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Liv, I don’t know what Liam sees in you. But hey, I never questioned it.”
“Touché Walker. Amber do you want to come to Lythikos with me? Leave these lot alone.” Amber looked at Maxwell, who nodded.
“I’ll explain to B. Don’t worry. We’ll see you up there. Liv take her to the boutique when you arrive.” Drake escorted her to the bedroom, he wanted to give her a goodbye kiss away from prying eyes.
“I guess I’ll see you at the ice queens duchy then.”
“Damn right you will.” Kissing her on the lips, he left it lingering- wanting to saviour every second.
“So erm... I’ve been thinking... once the social season is up. How would you feel about going on a date?”
“You want to date me? Let’s avoid fishing though.”
“I Lo- I like you a lot Amber. Deal, no fishing.” Feeling herself blush, she needed to meet Olivia- not that she wanted to after their night together.
“I like you too Drake Walker. See you soon. Don’t keep me waiting.”
Continue here
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polyhexian · 4 years
now that im looking at fort max yell at whirl it brings up something that was driving me nuts the entire time i read lsotw... why isnt whirl there?
like, in the comic, there are four new recruits brought on this extremely dangerous mission, SPECIFICALLY to replace four absent wreckers. one of those is whirl, and unlike sandstorm who is deep cover, the reason WHIRL is not here is... spring left him behind. and the only reason he gives is “hes become something of a liability lately.” but the more i think about this statement the more it confuses me.
The first thought I had is the obvious one. whirl is erratic. chaotic! destructive! but hed been a wrecker for AWHILE now. him being Like That was NOT a new thing. and again, like- this is the garrus 9 mission. WHIRL has been in a garrus prison. surely theres SOMETHING useful in that knowledge for a prison mission. and, again- he was replaced with a newbie, all of whom died. wait, i think guzzle lived. 3/4 whom died. so like. what could have been bad enough to leave behind whirl and bring a new player along despite the risk?
because i cant believe it was just... springer was getting tired of whirl being whirl. that seems deeply unlikely. “hes become something of a liability lately” so he wasnt before. whats CHANGED? is he being MORE destructive? how so?
the only things i have to connect to that are tangible is that whirl was present for when impactor killed squadron x and didnt do anything but, again, he was not the only one. that COULD be connected, though. next up is rotorstorm- rotorstorm WAS on this mission... whirl WASNT so it didnt come up int he comic itself, but, it IS in bullets that rotorstorms old teacher nearly beat him to death, and that teacher turned out to be whirl under a different name- i guess its POSSIBLE that theres a connection? maybe part of rotorstorms intake or... application... or whatver, springer realized this “jetstream” was whirl and he THAT was what made whril a “liability” that he was like. this would put him back in prison and off the wreckers? im not sure. 
honestly i have been OBSESSING over this line trying to figure out if this was one of those retroactive foreshadowing drops jro does where he plants a seed and maybe picks up on it later (this line is from bullets, specifically, not the comic proper) or if theres legitimately something im supposed to be able to figure out, pieces at my disposal i can put together, or if theres straight up nothing and im being crazy and hes just not on the g9 mission because springer was sick of his shit. i dont know. im going mad
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Im sorry but can I send an emergency ask?A year ago i was baker acted when i tried to kill myself, and ive gotten much better since then. But my im not close with my sister, and the other day she was yelling at me and said that all the problems my family has is because of my selfishness and “craziness”, and that i should just go away and finish the job. Im really hurt by it, cuz i felt so proud of my progress, now i feel like crap, how would the LL bots react to liaison in a similar situation?
*I know how you feel in a way. My sister is often emotionally and verbally abusive towards me, despite knowing about my mental history, so I recognized myself in this one. I just wanna tell you that I think you are an incredibly strong person to have gotten so far and is so willing to get better, not everyone can do that.*Rodimus is so furious at your sister that he almost burst into flames right there and then. How dare she!? After all you’ve been through! But as much as he wants to give her a piece of his mind he knows that you need him right now. So he takes you to his habsuite, proceeds to roll you into a blanket burrito and then just hold you. You know she’s wrong, right? It’s not your fault and her blaming you like that is wrong and totally uncool. She’s a real buttfart. He then proceeds to call her all the childish insults he can so he can make you laugh. Yeah, forget that meanie and just have fun, you deserve it.
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus stares at her for a few seconds before the biggest frown ever appears on his face. He then asks her, with the coldest and most emotionless voice you’ve ever heard from him, to never talk with you again unless what she’s going to say is an apology. You are one of the strongest and most capable people he knows and while you may have had problems in your past you managed to overcome them. When the two of you are alone later he will pop out of his armor and just hold you in his true form. He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t have to. Sometimes words are not needed.
Megatron’s plating flares and for a fraction of a second he’s the decepticon warlord again, full of hate and malice. Your sister must have seen the look on his face and decided that she didn’t want to die and ran away. Megatron turns back to normal and collects himself. As much as he wanted to hurt that hateful person he would not have done it. So he directs his attention to you instead and gently reminds you that what she said is not true. Trust him, he’s heard enough lies in his life to be able to see right through them and your sister is the worst liar he’s ever seen.
Drift looks at your sister in a way that only an ex-decepticon can do, optics cold as ice and full of disgust. Then, with an overly polite and sweet tone, he smiles while asking your sister to kindly go to the Pit and stay there. Seriously, he is pissed. How dare she? After all you’ve been through, after everything you’ve overcome? Drift doesn’t hate a lot of people but she just became one of them. He makes sure to comfort you, holding you close and whispering how wonderful you are into your ear. You are just so wonderful and strong, he adores you so.
Swerve sputters for a moment, his mind racing before he lets out a loud “WHAT?” cause he just cannot believe what she just said. Then he starts ranting. And he rants for a long time. Most of what he says doesn’t even make sense because he’s so angry that the words just mix together and become nonsense. Then he abruptly stops because he remembers that you are more important than that prick, picks you up and runs away. You know what this calls for? Movie night and cuddles. And he’ll tell you how perfect you are the whole time while kissing you.
Ten loudly gasps before a series of angry tens flow out of him. You don’t know what he’s saying but you don’t need to be a genius to see that he is upset. After he’s done telling her off Ten picks you up and leaves your sister, stomping angrily as he does. But the moment your sister is out of sight and earshot he starts fretting over you, extremely worried. He might not be able to vocalize how he feels but he can show you. He brings you in for a big hug and nuzzles you. He’s not letting you go for a while.
Skids is like “nope, fuck this, I ain’t gonna stand by and let you treat my wonderful s/o like this” so he takes you in his arms and flees to the vents. Well, not exactly fleeing, more like strategic retreat cause he ain’t letting this go. But right now you need his comfort so his vengeance will have to wait. Luckily he’s kinda prepared for this kind of scenario so there’s a hidden part of the vents where he’s stacked a bunch of pillows, blankets and snack. It’s your own little safe haven. So if you need to talk, talk. Feel like crying? The cry. He’s got tissues. And he won’t leave until you’re feeling better.
Riptide calls her a Unicron’s afthole before picking you up and leaving. He might have wanted to stay and yell at her but he knows that you are more important than her and needs his full attention. He takes you on a walk around the ship since he knows it’s easier to talk while walking and right now you probably need to talk. Hey, s/o, your sister is a real jerk, you now that? Hopes her nether regions rust over, or whatever the human equivalent of that is. You want a hug honey? Cause he’ll give you as many hugs as you want. And kisses. And if you want you can hold hands and cuddle!
Rung pauses for a second before taking of his glasses and outright begins glaring at your sister. He is mad, incredibly so, but he doesn’t yell as he tells your sister just how utterly wrong she is. He can see right through her, see all the little insecurities and fears that she has and a few carefully selected words is enough to send her running. Good, now that she is gone he can focus on you. He will take the day off just so he can spend it with you, comforting you and making sure that you won’t go into that dark place again. You’ve come so far and you are so strong, don’t let inconsiderate people drag you down, he knows you can do it.
Whirl is fucking ready to fight. Where is that bitch? He’ll punt her into a black hole! After he’s done comforting you of course. Hey, fleshy, you know that “sister” of yours was lying completely, right? She just wanted to be mean and get a rise out of you. Trust him, he does the same shit to others all the time, though he would never say something that low. Besides, nothing that she said was true. She’s only jealous cause you got together with the hottest Wrecker of them all and she didn’t! And you know he cares about you, right? He cares about you more than he dares to admit.
Fortress Maximus stomps down hard on the ground so it starts to shake, making your sister fall over. Then he leaves with you in his hands, not even bothering to look back at her. Mostly because he knows that if he did then he would start yelling and he knows that you don’t need to hear that right now. He’s really upset though and keeps muttering to himself while holding you close to his spark. Max does his best to comfort you and talk about your feelings but if you’d rather talk to someone else he understands. Just know that he’s there for you, ok?
Tailgate picks you up, cradles you to his chest, points to your sister and says “I never want you to speak with me or my wonderful wonderful s/o ever again”. Then he takes his hoverboard and flies out of there, with you still in his arms. He’s huffing and puffing the entire way back to your habsuite where he proceeds to sit down on the bed, drape a large blanket over the both of you and just cuddles you. Don’t listen to her s/o, she’s just a big ol meanie! A smelly pile of old energon! And… And it’s not your fault, any of that. You are not selfish, you are the most kind and incredible person he knows!
Cyclonus is, oh boy, he is NOT happy. Not one fucking bit. That sister of yours better run and run quickly cause right now Cyclonus is ready to stab a bitch. When he calms down he asks you how you’re feeling and it doesn’t matter what your answer is because Cyclonus will pick you up and carry you for the rest of the day. He doesn’t say a lot but he makes sure that you don’t feel bad and if he notices that you’re starting to get sad he will say something to cheer you up. All in all he acts like a guard dog. For your feelings. He will bark at those bad thoughts till they leave.
Chromedome gets seriously pissed. For a bot without a visible face he sure looks mad. Subtly he brings out the needles in his fingers, scaring your sister off. Yeah, she better run. Not that he would hurt her but he would scare the crap out of her. Then he turns his attention to you and oh boy he does a complete 180. He goes from angry murder machine to worried kitten in 0.3 seconds. Are you ok? Do you need a hug? Something to snack on? Whatever you need he will get it.
Rewind may be tiny by cybertronian standards but he’s still taller than any human so when your sister starts bullying you he stands up and looms over her threateningly. You know, he catched this entire conversation on camera and he can easily put it up on the internet so everyone will know what she said and what kind of person she is. So, she should probably shut her mouth and leave before he accidentally releases it, yes? Yeah, he thought so too. After this Rewind will absolutely pamper you cause you didn’t deserve to hear that and he fucking loves you.
Brainstorm gets eerily quiet at first. Then, slowly, he points a gun at her and tells her she’s got ten seconds to get out of his sight. He starts counting down. Your sister decides not to risk anything and runs off. Without saying a word Brainstorm picks you up and starts cradling you. His wonderful, amazing s/o. Please don’t believe her. You are fantastic, extraordinary. And if he ever lost you he wouldn’t know what to do (probably go back in time again). He absolutely refuses to let you out of his sight for the rest of the day and he takes every chance he gets to cuddle you.
Perceptor glares at her for a solid ten seconds before he tells her to leave and never show himself in front of you or him ever again. Pure bloodlust seems to radiate off him and she heeds his warning and runs off. Once she is gone he returns to normal though there’s a visible frown on his face. You know she’s just saying that to get under your skin, right? Not any of it was true. If anyone is selfish then it’s her since she can’t seem to think of anyone but herself. Do you… do you need to talk? He might not be that good at it but if you need him he’s there for you. So don’t… try anything stupid. He will always be on your side.
First Aid starts shaking out of frustration. He clenches and unclenches his servos and nearly cries in anger as he tells your sister how wrong she is. And if she believes what she said then she is the dumbest person he’s ever met cause none of that is your fault. Sometimes people feel like nothing matter, like they are empty inside and those people are the strongest because no matter what they continue to live, to love the people around them and try to get better. First Aid is still shaking as he embraces you. Please don’t ever let people like her get to you. He couldn’t stand losing you.
Ratchet explodes and starts yelling at your sister. He absolutely destroys any of her attempts to explain herself and once he’s done yelling at her she orders her to never, ever show her face around her again or he will eject her into the cold vacuum of space! He’s still pissed when she’s gone but he calms down for your sake. He is very gentle as he hugs you and he hugs you for a long time. Forget about her and what she said, ok? She’s a toxic person and will only bring you sorrow, believe him, he knows. You are not bothering anyone and he loves you more than anything else.
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parkji-hoons · 7 years
KCON AUSTRALIA EXPERIENCE!! Okay I’m home and I finally have time to write this and it’s gonna be suuuuuuupppperrrrr long bc a lot of crazy shit happened to me alksjfsfdhkjsfh also sorry no gifs bc I don’t have time rn but I will later in the week I promise!!! Also if anyone has any questions about the whole thing Im gonna open up asks for a few days so just hmu (I swear though if y'all send hate I’m gonna delete it so)
Day 1
Okay admittedly day 1 was really boring for me since I didnt go to the concert that day and had no artist engagements or anything (also the convention itself was really shite like I lined up almost an hour and a half for a small ass room that I barely stayed 5mins in) also the entire thing was very disorganised and I wasted a lot of my time tbh. But then I went to meet up with some mutuals (shout out to @minhwangs @yoonjsung @jaehwn ily guys) at circular quay and it was so lucky that the moment I stepped out of the train station they were heading my way and we met up real quick. Then they told me that I literally just missed seeing WJSN and like I was ofc sad but I also didnt really stan so I didnt really mind that much. We stayed in that spot just talking when I noticed a group of girls lining up to get ice cream and boiiii these girls were literally GLOWINGGG then Debbie (@jaehwn ) noticed me looking behind her and she was like holy thats WJSN and they all literary just walked past us like the angels they are. THWY WERE LIKE NOT EVEN A METRE AWAY FROM US AND THEYRE LITERALLY SO SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE OHMYGODD THEYRE SO CUTE LGJWJHSJASJ. Also a lot smaller than I expected but GDI wowowowowow and yeah that was basically the start of my lucky streak.
Day 2
OKAY THIS IS WHEN SHIT HAPPENNNNSSSSSS. Honestly I felt so so so unlucky tbh bc my friend and I fell asleep on the train and ended up missing our stop and went to god knows where so we were late and shit but like still relatively early but yeah we got there at around 9ish and I went to go collect my benefits cuz I got p1 but yeah I got red carpet for that night, an up10tion audience, a WJSN audience and a monsta x hi touch. Honestly lowkey disappointed I didnt get any wanna one but like I was grateful for the rest anyway (plus hi I love Monsta X) but my friend got a wanna one audience and she said she would give it to me (bless her). After that we went around trying to find people who wanted to go see WJSN or up10tion bc like even tho I like those groups Im not SUPER into them so I’d rather just give them to really big fans of them you Know? I literally made two peoples day but not asking for money or a trade for them to see their bias groups and literally they were so shocked I didnt ask for anything but like i just wanted it to go to someone who actually REALLY liked the group you know since I didnt really know know them (bc like if someone got wanna one hi touch but didnt like them as much like I’d love for them to give it to me bc theyre my bias group you know?). I also went around trying to trade my MX hi touch for wanna one but it was literally impossible but I also didnt really mind bc I love MX soooooooo. After that I met with Debbie again and she also didnt get wanna one benefits and we tried for so long to swap but no one would but like ehhhhh we both were gonna see MX so. We kinda just went in to the queue for the convention after that but not even to like go see the convention but for the kcon goodie bags that we were supposed to get and holy that took so damn long lrnekabjhwjhw after that I was like checking fb if anyone was wanting a MX hi touch for wanna one and someone posted that they would trade it but also wanted some money but like max I would go would’ve been $50 so I sent an offer and PRAYED to the gods no one else would make a higher one AND THEY ANSWERED MY PRAYWRS MAN SHE AGREED WITH THE TRADE AND I JUST OHMYGOD I WAS GONNA MEET WANNA ONE I WANTED TO CRYYYYYY AND I WAS LIKE DEBBIE THAT MEANS YOU CAN GO TOO BC I STILL HAD THE WANNA ONE AUDIENCE AND WE WERE LITERALLT SO SOSOSOSOOSOSO HAPPY I WAS SO LUCKY OHMYGODDDDDDDD.
Meeting Wanna One
OKAY SO HERE’S WHERE SHIT REALLY WENT DOWN. So while Monsta X was having their m&g ofc all of the people going to the wanna one m&g were like ‘let’s line up’ and at this time it was like 1pm-ish? WE WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE QUEUEING UNTIL LIKE 3.45PM AND ENTRY WAS ACTUALLY AT 5PM SO I LITERALLY WAITED IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS IN 35 DEGREE DIRECT HEAT I ALMOST DIED HOLY. But I made quite a few friends in line and we got up to a ton of shit (may or mayn’t have turned one of the security guards into a wannable….his bias may or may not have been daehwi…(bonus: we gave him a banner and at the actual m&g the same security guard was standing by the door where wanna one was gonna come through and he was holding the banner akajflkjshflkj it was really cute). 
Anyways, so after 5hours we finally went into the room and holy shit I managed to get front row somehow??? rip though bc I was on the opposite side of where jihoon was but LIKE STILL FRONT FUCKING ROW?!??!?!?! HOW LUCKY AM I WTF.  So after getting inside we had to wait another 30mins until they actually you know, came but during that time they were playing the album so everyone just jammed (except for when always was playing in that case everyone sobbed while singing) but yeah after 30mins WANNA ONE CAME OUT AND JUST HOLY SHIT THEY ARE LITERALLY SO BLOODY GORGEOUS IRL AKJLDFNLKASFJGN I CANT EVEN DESCRIBE BUT I WAS AWESTRUCK I COULDNT FILM IT PROPERLY MY HANDS WERE SHAKING THE ENTIRE TIME BUT THEY ARE LITERALLY STUNNING. 
OKAY SO NEXT IS THE GREATEST FUCKING MOMENT OF MY LIFE AND NOTHING COULD EVER COMPARE TO THIS MOMENT. EVER. IT WAS TIME FOR ME TO MEET JIHOON (if y’all new and don’t know I have literally been screaming about holding park jihoons hand since pd101 days and my hands are literally shaking at me remembering that I HAVE HELD HIS HAND MISSION FUCKING ACCOMPLISHED I CAN DIE HAPPY). Park Jihoon. Where do I start? he is literally so so so so pretty. I almost melted and I think I stopped breathing when I looked into his eyes I’m not even lying idk how I was able to function BC HE LOOKED STRAIGHT BACK INTO MINE. BY SOME KIND OF MIRACLE I MANGED TO JUST BLURT OUT ‘I LOVE YOU!’ TO HIM AND I ENDED UP KIND OF TAKING A HOLD OF HIS HAND INSTEAD OF JUST HIGH FIVING AND JUST HE SEEMED REALLLLLY SURPRISED AND HIS MOUTH KINDA DROPPED? LIKE HE JUST SEEMED LIKE HE DIDNT EXPECT IT BUT AT THIS POINT I NEEDED TO START MOVING TO DAEHWI OR ELSE THE SEVURITY WAS GOING TO RUSH ME BUT LIKE A SECOND BEFORE MY HAND LEFT HIS JIHOON WAS LIKE ‘ I LOVE YOU~~~’ AND BOI. I. FUCKING. DIED. I COULDNT THINK STRAIGHT LIKE DID HE JUST SAY THAT? DID HE ACTUALLY. JUST TELL ME HE LOVED ME? HONESTLY I STILL DON’T BELIEVE IT HAPPEND AND IM JUST AKFGHJLKAJFHGNEJRFEBH???!?!?!?!??!?! The only thing that actually confirmed he said it was daehwis face bc he like looked at jihoon sorta shocked too like mouth dropped type thing and just ohmygod I could go on and on but I won’t bc theres still 8 members left lisfhiesfjcoiehnf.
alright so next was daehwi. STILL had his mouth opened by the time I fully got to him but he managed to smile at me and I was like ‘ HOW ARE YOU?’ bc he is my son and I need to make sure he’s doing well you know? and he was like ‘I’m good!!’ but I think I took too long bc security sort of pushed me a bit to go quicker (props bc I was still like not moving bc wtf jihoon) but yes jinyoung HIS HEAD REA;;Y IS DAMN SMALL BUT HE IS REALLY HANDSOME LIKE WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW YOU ARE SO CUTE LIKE WTF. 
At this point security actually pushed me to move on but they did it like while I was already starting to say HI to Daniel but since I was pushed it like came out louder than I expected (like a hiIIii) and Daniel was so startled he literally took a step back before just smiling at me and it was so funny bc jisung low-key laughed at him and it was really cute. 
With Jisung I was like ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING’ bc he needs to know he is appreciated like YOON JISUNG WE ALL LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU BOI PLS ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT but he like did that pouty face thing that he does when he wants to show that he’s grateful/touched idk but like he squints his eyes and pouts and nodded his head at me and SQUEEZED MY HAND LIKE HOT DAMN JAKFJFMERJ. ALSO CAN I JUST SAY THATT THIS BOI IS SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME UP CLOSE LIKE HE LOOKS SO DAMN GOOD ON SHOWS AND FANCAMS AND SHIT BUT HOLY SHIT UP CLOSE IT’S LIKE X1102399014839573827569287 LIKE HE IS GORGEOUS DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE OKAY!
NEXT UP WAS SUNGWOON AND HE’S NOT THAT  SHORT GUYS LIKE COME ON (side note: most of them were actually shorter than I expected but since I expected sungwoon to be like SHORT he was taller than I expected lmao) but by this time security was like HURRY TF UP so I was just like hiiiii and he just smiled at me and I did the same with jaehwan and he smiled and was like ‘HI HI’ and just akljfghlkajfhgimerhfiefm jaehwan wtf. 
up next was the bias wrecker. Park Woojin. ngl I planned on pretending to high five woojin b4 dabbing to prove I don’t swerve but before I could I was like hii!!! and he fucking grinned at me and showed off his snaggletooth and BOIIIIII HE IS SO FUCKIG CHARMING WTF. ALL THOUGHTS OF DABBING LEFT MY MIND AND I ENDED UP GRIPPING HIS HAND BC I WAS LIKE I NEED SUPPORT IM GOING TO MELT OTHERWISE BC PARK WOOJINS SMILE IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ( I swear I didn’t swerve….maybe for like 0.0005s). last but not least mr. hwang minhyun. HIS. VISUALS. ARE. SO. BEAUTIFUL. HE WAS DRESSED ALL CUTELY AND HE WAS SO PROPER LIKE HE WAS DASHING AND BEAUTIFUL WOWOWOOWOW WHEN I GREETED HIM HE SMILED AT ME AND BOWED AND SAID HI BACK ADN IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT. after that I kinda…..skipped off stage…I was so high man I was on cloud 9 I literally could not believe that all happened in a span of like max 2 mins and I feel like I was going to collapse but hands were still shaking so much alkjhifrbhureih. 
ANYWAYS after my mini break down, I gathered myself and went back to join the crowd and listen to their ending speech thingo (by this time I was at the back rip but still pretty close) We weren’t allowed phones while meeting them so I shoved it in my bag ad wasn’t able to video this but when they were about to do their last greeting all of the fans started singing happy birthday for guanlin and it was literally the cutest thing to watch their reactions bc they were all so shocked!! LIKE GUANLINS EYES WIDENED AND ALL OF THE OTHER MEMBERS SUDDENLY LIKE SNAPPED THEIR HEADS TO THE CROWD THEY WERE SHOOKT AND IT WAS SO CUTE BUT THEN THEY ALL STARTED CLAPPING ALONG AND SMILING REAL BIG WHILE WE ALL SANG AND WHEN IT ENDED THE MC (KEVIN FROM UKISS) WAS LIKE AWWW HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GUANLIN WHEN IS IT? (something along those lines) and guanlin was like lol it’s today but yeah after that heartwarming scene they did their greeting and left and we all started leaving too bc most of us needed to go line up for the red carpet.
Red Carpet
Yo lemme tell y'all the line for the p1 red carpet was sooooo fucking long like holy shit HOW WERE ALL THESE PEOPLE GONNA FIT IN THAT TINY ASS ROOM and since I lined up so late bc the queue started really early and the wanna one m&g ended late I was towards the very back and I couldn’t really see anything (sad) but yeah basically only sf9, up10tion, WJSN and Monsta X went and a lotttt of fans got mad bc wanna one didn’t go akjsfmejfhoisenfu but it wasn’t like we could do anything about it like ??!??!?!! but I get it esp if they didn’t get to attend the m&g but yeah I can’t talk about it much bc I couldn’t see much rip soz it’s pretty like simple tho? they introduce the act, the act gets on stage then stays there for a bit introduces the group then leaves and the next group comes in and etc. what kinda sucked tho was like lining up to get into the concert venue bc of everyone pushing and shit it was so damn annoying.
CONCERT TIME YO. Okay first off, THOSE OPENING ACTS LIKE SHOUT OUT TO YOU GUYS YOU WERE FUCKIGN AMAZING HOLY SHITLJAHKCFJME ALso I’m really sorry but the SF9, Up10tion and WJSN parts of this are going to be really short mostly bc I wasn’t actually that big of a fan (like I only really knew their titles songs and didn’t even know the members names I’m so sorry!!) of those groups b4 this concert so I don’t know much and can’t talk a lot about them but what I can say is IVE BEEN CONVERTED BC THEIR STAGES WERE FUCKING AMAZING!!! ALSO SHOUT OUT TO THAT DUDE FROM SF9 WHO KEPT WAVING AT ME AND THREW A HEART AT ME BEING A HYPER PERSON IN THE CROWD LIKE BOI IDK YOU BUT YOU MY BIAS. But literally they all performed soooooo damn well and just WJSN is after my heart (esp when they played secret).
The highlight performances for me though were definitely wanna one and monsta x. wanna one mostly bc like hi you my bias group also THEY ARE FUCKING GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO MAN LIKE DAEHWIS LIVE VOICE HOLY SHIT ALSO JAEHWANS VOICE LIKE WE ALL KNOW IT’S GODLIKE BUT HEARING IT LIVE LIKE WTFFFFFFFFF. I LITERALLY COULDNT EVEN RECORD ANYTHING BC MY PHONE DIED AND I WAS REALLY SAD BUT LIKE HOT DAMNNNNNNNNNN THEY WERE AMAZING. ALSO WHEN THEY WERE GETTING INTO POSITIONS FOR BURN IT UP THERE WAS LIKE A SPLIT SECOND OF SILENCE AND I SCREAMED OUT ‘PAARRRRKKKK JIIIIHOOOOONNNNN’ SO LOUD THA T THE GIRL NEXT TO ME MOVED AWAY AND JIHOON LOOJED UP I WAS SHOOK (I apologised so much to the girl and she laughed it off but still moved away rip) also I’m not even gonna talk about piñata time bc there was too much shit going on there and my friend got decent fancams so I’ll gif later but SOMEONE TELL JIHOON TO STOP SOMEONE TELL GUANLIN THE FLOOR IS DIRTY SOMEONE TELL ONG NO AND SOMEONE REMIND JISUNG THAT HE IS THE CUTEST BEAN EVER (also stop park woojins sexy dance 2k17 thanks) but minhyun waved at me during piñata time and I love him for it. We also all sang happy birthday to guanlin again and I will never ever get tired of seeing that boy all happy and smiley I hope he enjoyed his birthday with us!!!
okay so after monsta x it was like the part where all of the groups come out again and shit and I ended up front row of the very side and wanna one came and stood there and I was legit right in front of Daniel woojin and jaehwan and the girls around me were trying to get their attention and were screaming their names and shit and I was like hmmmmm what should I do?? so I like made a heart with my arms like hands on head type heart and kinda just started stoically at woojin NOT THINKING HE WOULD NOTICE ME BUT ALKJHLCEKJNFSEJFHGBOSUIB HE FUCKING DID AND IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST AWKWARD AND FUNNIEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE HOLYSHIT IT WAS LIKE WE MADE EYE CONTACT AND HE STARED FOR A BIT LIKE WTF AND I FALTERED AND GAVE AN AWKWARD SMILE AND HE STARTED TO LAUGH A LIL AND I DIDN’T NOTICE BUT DANIEL SAW TOO AND HE TURNED TO WOOJIN AND THEY LAUGHED TOGETHER THEN OUT OF NO WHERE STARTED DOING THIS WEIRD DANCE THEN AFTERWARDS I NOTICED JAEHWAN STARING AT ME WITH COMPLETE JUDGEMENT ON HIS FACE AJMIRENJFOEGHU THE DICK BEFORE I WAS SHOVED AWAY BY A GIRL NEXT TO ME BUT YEAH THAT HAPPENED WOOPS.
basically it was one of the most amazing days of my life I not only got to meet and high five my ult bias group and see various amazing performances by all of the artists, I also was able to make new friends and meet my mutuals here and it was just sososososo amazing Im literally so grateful for everything and everyone and I was just realllly lucky I hope everyone gets to experience this bc I’m so happy rn and I hope everyone will be this happy at least once in their lives too!!!! and just I literally not even two months ago was totally convinced id never meet jihoon and hold his hand but IT HAPPENED so anyone who tells me it won’t happen to them I call bullshit bc I was literally saying that a month ago and it fucking happened to me so it’ll happen to you guys too I’m just saying!!!
also if you read up to here you’re a legend and I love you :D
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loco4scandal · 8 years
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Black Sails 4x5
This episode was quite the nerve wrecker for our couple. After two episodes with no dialogue, they definitely made up for it here.
- Silver seems to see the handwriting on the wall. He’s starting to truly doubt whether they can win this war.
- Silver is madly in love and it’s clear he wants to take his Bae and head out before shit really hits the fan. He wants to lead his men, but it’s starting to become clear that he doesn’t want to do that at the expense of a potential life with Madi.
- Silver was floored by Madi siding with Flint over the gold. Madi had her reasons. She explained to him that he didn’t see what she did at The Underhill Estate. Therefore, he can’t possibly understand how the alliance is fractured. Silver told her that “she sounds like Flint” and it seemed to again back Billy’s claims of her “being consumed by Flint”.
- Silver asking Madi “would I be enough” was so heartbreakingly beautiful. This woman is his world and now he’s scared that she doesn’t 100% feel the same way. I think she does. That pain she felt when she thought he was dead proved that. The way she suffered proved that. However, she is a Queen. She’s serving her people’s needs and that need is freedom. At the moment, I don’t think she can contemplate her own happiness when her people are dying in a war she led them into. That being said, I think Ruth’s words will be prophetic here. That scene wasn’t dropped in for no reason.
- Israel is really the right hand you need. He repeated what Madi had already told Silver. You will have to choose between Billy and Flint. This was important because it shows that Madi isn’t trying to cause discord. Israel stated to him that most of the “folks ain’t loyal” and he’s right. He gave him what he didn’t want to hear, but he needed to hear it.
- Billy brought this on himself. He sacrificed the slaves, would have sacrificed his 20 brothers, Max and even Madi. You can’t really feel sympathy when a double crosser gets double crossed.
- Silver and Madi’s makeup in the end was everything. I’m a fool for a good forehead kiss and Madi seemed to be back in “tether” mode and remembering that he needs her too.
This episode was tough. Our faves aren’t as aligned as they normally are. They had their first official spat, and maybe stepped out of the Honeymoon stage a little, but War can do that. However, in the end, I’m convinced that Silver will stop at nothing to keep his love safe, even if it’s from her own desire to save her people. And that Madi, will see the wisdom in Ruth’s words as well. Sometimes Living to fight another day is winning.
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thanksjro · 5 years
Last Stand of the Wreckers, Issue #5: I Sure Hope You Didn’t Go and Get Attached to Any of These Characters…
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We ended on a cliffhanger last issue, so let’s see what the lads are up to now.
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Hm. That’s not great.
Overlord’s just ripped Guzzle in half for the fun of it. If you’re wondering why everyone’s outside now, it’s because he exploded the torture chamber so hard when he came in, it no longer exists. Kup doesn’t appreciate having one half of the Big Gulp duo torn in two, so he goes in for the attack. This doesn’t work out very well for him, as he has his head crushed between Guzzle’s upper and lower halves. This whole situation is a non-issue for Overlord, and barely distracts him from his goal of having Megatron show up to kick his ass. Impactor tries to have a big hero moment by shooting Overlord in the eye with his harpoon hand-attachment. Again, very little effect on Overlord; it doesn’t even seem to register on the same level as getting a little soap in your eye.
Back over with Ironfist and the Big Conundrum, Verity’s arguing that killing Impactor will kill the Wreckers- as a team, not in the literal sense. However, time’s running out, and Perceptor really doesn’t seem to be bothered by the idea of not having Impactor around.
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She gets smaller every issue, I swear.
Verity makes her case to Ironfist, trying to play off of his fanboy status; the Wreckers are a symbol of hope, one that Ironfist himself created with his datalogs as Fisitron. Killing Impactor to make things easier for themselves destroys the illusion of a cohesive unit who can always be counted on when the chips are down. Too bad ol’ Ironfist knows Things™, and it’s actually Perceptor who’s swayed by her argument, which is interesting, given that he was about to vote Impactor into an early grave a minute ago.
Perceptor wasn’t always the cool, efficient sniper we see him to be in Last Stand of the Wreckers. He used to be a regular old science nerd, and a relatively talkative one at that. He wasn’t really built for a four million year war.
Then all that talking got him shot and he was left for dead.
He made some changes after that, both in body and personality.
Could his own experience with being forsaken by his peers for his flaws perhaps be influencing him here? Or am I, a reader and giant dork, just trying to justify a very quick backtracking on the narrative’s part, most likely due to page number limitations?
So they decide to fight. Then Pyro suggests they run. The “they” in this case doesn’t include himself. You remember how Optimus Prime’s big character quirk in every continuity is self-sacrifice? Yeah, we’re hitting on THAT portion of Pyro’s hero worship. It’s not exactly what he was hoping for in death, but it’s what’s got to be done at this point.
The others run off, and Pyro shoots the control to the door, bracing for one hell of a fight.
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Holy shit, I forgot they had Fort Max with them! That scared the crap outta me.
There’s one last look at our hero before we go, and it…
Well, it sure is something.
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Yikes. That’s a series wrap on Pyro!
Now it’s time for us to learn about what really happened on Pova. Turns out the files Ironfist had access to weren’t exactly virginal.
First things first, it was raining, and Impactor is kind of a dick. I mean, we already kind of knew that from what we’ve seen of the guy in the present day story, but this little scene really takes the cake. Springer had to basically beg him to stay with him; none of that “I’m not leaving you behind” nonsense. And the whole “shoot Springer through the midsection” idea? That was all Impactor. Springer doesn’t have a way to dampen the pain the way Impactor suggests, and doesn’t even get a moment to brace himself as he’s blasted more or less in half.
When Springer regains consciousness, he’s treated to the sight of Impactor and Prowl having a little chat. It turns out there’s a problem, and that problem’s name is bureaucracy. Pova is a protected planet, declared off-limits by the Neutrality Agreement, so any Cybertronian war business is pretty much null and void there. The fact that the Wreckers are there at all could have disastrous repercussions if the Decepticons catch wind of this and tell the Povians. They’ll have to let Squadron X go.
But it looks like Prowl forgot that Impactor’s a bad boy who doesn’t play by your daddy’s rules.
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He walks into where they’re holding Squadron X, chained together into a circle on their knees, with their arms pinned behind their backs, locks the door behind himself, and executes every last one of them as Springer bangs on the door trying to get him to stop. This, obviously, puts a bit of a damper on everyone’s mood.
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Even Whirl’s bummed out, and you just know that guy loves a good ‘Con-killing spree.
I guess the moral of the story here is Impactor kinda sucks.
Speaking of Impactor, Overlord’s currently stomping him to death as he holds Springer by the face. It’s honestly almost tender, the delicate placement of his fingers. It also reminds you that Overlord is literally twice the size of Springer, who, as a triple-changer, should already be on the tall side. Overlord is a big dude.
Springer’s still doing okay, because he knows that even if he doesn’t make it, the rest of his team will, and they’ll save the day and get all those Autobot prisoners off Garrus-9.
Ha. Haha. Oh, Springer, you naïve fool. You forgot that this was hell, didn’t you? Overlord already took care of the Autobot prisoners.
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Someone really took their gun to that hanging guy on the left and said “fuck this dude in particular.”
Then the calvary arrives! With guns! And art tangents!
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Surely things are looking up now!
Ironfist throws Springer a gun that’s about as big as he is- where did he get that?- and Springer proceeds to light Overlord the fuck up.
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You don’t get the B-word pass at IDW unless you’ve already had your series truncated and the entire universe is about to get ended for a reboot. That’s just how it goes.
Of course, even the big boy gun isn’t enough to do much to Overlord outside of annoy him, and Springer gets his face ripped off for his troubles.
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Now it’s just Ironfist and Verity left, and Overlord is very much looking forward to doing very bad things to both of them. Ironfist has a gambit though! That gun Springer had was actually firing deterrence chips into Overlord’s body, and now he’s just chock-full of the things. And since Ironfist has all of Aequitas in his head now- including the detonation codes- he can do this:
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He blew Overlord’s lips clean off! The evil truly is defeated.
However, using this newfound power has costs- Ironfist is knocked clean out by a sudden pain in his head, eyes flaring and fizzing as he hits the ground, leaving Verity alone with Overlord’s flaming, animated endoskeleton.
Yeah no, he’s still not dead, and he’s still not fucking over Megatron, lamenting on how he just isn’t sure how he’ll fight him, now that he’s little more than robot bones. Verity has to be the one to break it to the guy that Megatron’s dead, and Overlord takes it about as well as he can.
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I’m sorry Overlord, but at what friggin’ point were you promised ANYTHING from Megatron “Peace Through Tyranny” of Tarn? You were threatened, but that’s a little different than a vow to get revenge. Hell, that’s not even on the same level as as pinky-promise. What a baby.
Impactor ends the pity party by shooting Overlord with his alt-mode’s weaponry and then does a little something for Springer… by not ending Overlord. Nope, looks like the death of Springer finally let him see the error of his ways, and they’re going to bring Overlord in to stand trial, because while the guy deserves to die, Impactor doesn’t deserve to kill him. Maybe if more Transformers took this little idea to heart, they wouldn’t still be at war four million years and counting.
Impactor goes to radio for a ride, and Ironfist wakes up. It looks like everything’s going to be okay now.
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Or not.
Yep, those weird brain-seeking bullets Ironfist had loaded into all the guns he brought on the trip were perfected after a disastrous prototype testing accident. THE accident, if you will. Prowl knew about this, and used it to his advantage, throwing Ironfist on the mission, with the intent that he’d be used to unlock Aequitas. Topspin, of course, caused the plan to change a bit, but it all worked out in the end.
Also, Springer isn’t dead. He’s pretty messed up, but he’s not dead. They’ve got Ratchet on it, it’ll be fine.
And thus we arrive at the debriefing, between Prowl and Ultra Magnus. Magnus is questioning just why Prowl had this mission sanctioned in the first place, if he was so very against the Aequitas trials while they were happening. The answer is simple: propaganda. If the Decepticons were to find out that the trials involved nothing but Autobot war crimes, and lots of ‘em, it would be the ultimate blow to the Autobot forces.
Ultra Magnus thinks that they should go public with the information, but Prowl disagrees. The only copy of Aequitas is left with Prowl, and while Ultra Magnus would like to trust that he wouldn’t destroy this info, the end result is left a mystery.
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But you’ll have to read the sequel series to see just how that all turns out.
If Ironfist is dead, just who is writing up this narrative framing device for the issue? Why, it’s none other than Verity Carlo, using the power of the internet. I guess she has access to the Cybertronian internet now. Wonder who hooked her up with that. Probably not Ultra Magnus. Maybe Percy did her a solid as a thanks for surgically removing Overlord’s will to live.
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Whether you want it to or not, I suppose.
This miniseries is a little dark, ain’t it?
Verity went to all the trouble to leave Earth and hide in the escape pods so she wouldn’t be abandoned, only to end up right where she started, with a heaping spoonful of PTSD to pair off with all the disappointment and lack of friends in her life. She watched a lot of people die on Garrus-9, and she’s in no way battle-hardened like one could argue the other surviving Wreckers are. All she has at this point is a blog she inherited from a nerd who accidentally committed a slow-burn suicide. I hope Perceptor will keep in touch with her, at least, seeing as he’s the only one who was also there and isn’t dead.
That’s the end of the miniseries proper, but not the entirety of the story. Up next, we’ll be looking at all the fun little extras Last Stand of the Wreckers came with.
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