#matthew cavendish
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natashasbitxh · 1 year ago
Finally got to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong in West End with Charlie Russell, Matthew Cavendish, Greg Tannahill, Matthew Howell, Harry Kershaw, Clark Devlin, Jamie Birkett, Chris Leask, Ellie Morris, and Jean-Luke Worrell! They were all amazing, I thought I'd share some of my fav bits! (Warning: There's a lot)
• Firstly, programme stuff: the note from the director basically just being Chris and Trevor arguing like a married couple. Chris being too scientific and Trevor having to remind him it's supposed to be festive.
● Them leaving a note asking if anybody was a flying operator as they didn't currently have one😭
• Robert leaving the children of the Cornley Youth Theatre abandoned in a forest with limited food and knives,to prepare for their performance of Lord of the Flies. NSPCC and police had to intervene, 2 of the children are still missing today (Ben McIntyre and Sarah Cordell)
• Jonathon's interview where's he's practically begging the interviewer to take note he was 'fashionably late', when he was actually waiting for 6 hours.
• Jonathon saying (in the interview), he's been focusing on humanitarian work, such as adopting a child from Ethiopia and a child from Vietnam. And then the interviewer just replied with "That is Brad Pitt. Everything you have just said is about Brad Pitt and not yourself."
• In the cast section, Chris Bean writing "I would like to remind my father that there is a spare ticket at the box office for him if he chooses to show up." That's so sad😭
• Trevor's section ended with "trevorzbeatz/YouTube.co.uk" 😭
• Pip (assistant stage manager) just says: "They call me Big Pip up north. Trevor's cousin. Out and about and that. Nice one." Like okay yh me too Big Pip
• They tried to feed the crocodile an alarm clock😭 (RIP Nadia tho😔)
• Annie left a little note saying she's "looking for a man" and then there's some description of what she's (not) looking for
• A page saying welcome to the theatre, but it is still very much in character😭 "Director Chris Bean always fulfils his promise of giving us a show we will remember for a very long time."
•Pre-show antics: one of the assistant stage managers (I'm gonna guess Pip? Not too sure tho) was walking around looking for a hammer. I noticed that he'd act like he was looking around and then when he spotted a child he'd go and ask them. I thought that was cute🥹
• I couldn't see the wires going through the audience cause I had seats up high, but I did see Robert pulling the end of the wire whilst on stage with the help of an audience member
• Dennis was late I think, ran across the stage from the audience with a bag on
• Lucy suddenly ran off stage, Robert not far behind shouting things like "You have to do it!" (And then later on she ran back on stage,but it seemed Robert got caught up in a convo)
• Now onto the actual show, I thought Dennis singing les mis due to his headgear was pretty funny seeing as les mis was about a door or 2 down
• At one point we were clapping for something (can't remember what, but it was during the beginning Darling Family scene), and Max joined in with the clapping. Sandra had to tell him to stop with a pointed glare and a lil hand gesture
• Every appearance with Robert as the shadow was amazing, I know it's simple but I'm always impressed with the rug pull and the way he lands
• During the bit where there's too much smoke and it engulfs the pirates, Trevor comes to the rescue but does hit Chris in the arse by accident, christrev anybody?
• I will forever love Robert trying to get Dennis to pick up the sword, Dennis picking up the boat paddle and Robert going on a rant about how he's been moving his arms for the past 5 mins why would he need the paddle
• During the interval the lights would still go out occasionally, fun touch
• As Jonathan flew up before crashing down, a banner fell down with Robert holding a bean, a reference of his show Jack and the bean
• Before this, I'd only seen the BBC recorded version of Peter Pan Goes Wrong, so I rlly enjoyed the changes. Such as the mermaids, but I RLLY laughed at Robert being the Mr Bumble in Oliver that killed a child. Especially when he went to be Peter Pan before starting to sing 'Food, Glorious Food"
• The whole poison bit was incredible, Harry's improv was on FIRE. We obvs did the traditional pantomime business which made Chris mad, he very much gave teacher vibes as he sat down on the set and said it was our own time we were wasting. He also complained that this was only the matinée and they still had an evening performance to get to. Then he pointed out how somebody in the audience was hissing, "Nobody goes to a show and says 'Yeah it was good but the person in the fourth row wouldn't stop hissing'" (this resulted in a lot of children hissing whenever he appeared on stage). Then when it got to the poison bit, a child was yelling at him to hurry up, causing Chris to go on a rant about how he didn't even want children there, sitting there on their booster seats. After the child yelled at him multiple times, Chris gave up and told the child to open it for him, which they did. Then as he was leaving, we were booing again and he was like "NO NO DONT BOO ME, IT WAS THE CHILD THAT POISIONED HIM." Then as he exited, he said something along the lines of "blame the child murderer." It was insane.
• Then, when Peter asked who would try to poison him, Tink/Annie pointed at the child that opened the bottle. I think Chris Leask actually had to turn his head downwards and to the side to hide his laughing.
• I've pointed this out before, but I'm so endeared with how worried Chris was when Annie was unconscious. HE KNEELED THERE HOVERING OVER HER BODY JUST LIKE TOUCHING HER FACE, NOT SPEAKING FOR AWHILE. Adorable. Every characters reaction was adorable...sorry Annie
• I just have to say Francis' Cabaret performance to distract us from Annie was amazing. Loved the audience clapping along as well and the rest of the cast looking absolutely shocked and confused
• I loved that we heard a whole marriage fall apart through Dennis' headgear. I want to know more abt them, the husband that took over to help Dennis sounded sweet
• When Lucy slid down the ship in her wheelchair she was flung out and then caught by Trevor in a sort of bear hug, Lucy's legs wrapped around his torso. Trevor was SEVERELY judging the cast HE WAS NOT HAPPY WITH THEM. They're besties ur honour, I thought it was so cute
• Loved Francis' Cabaret performance again during the big fight scene with the set moving.
• Trevor saying something like "You've got to be joking" when Lucy picked up the book 😭
• I wanted to scream laugh at Chris lying in the bed like an ill victorian child as Lucy closed up the story, and then Dennis choosing to lie on the squished bottom bunk
• As Lucy continued to read, Chris, Sandra, Trevor, Dennis, and Max were all checking up on one another in the background. Hugs, shoulder grabs. Guys, I love Sandra and Chris' dynamic so much, Sandra was making sure he got off the bed alright and then gave him a hug
• Of course the whole end song, Max as the crocodile encouraging us to clap
It was so amazing, everybody was fantastic!! My jaw still aches from laughing so hard! Hope ppl found this interesting cause I always love when other ppl share what happened during their show😭
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kmesons · 4 months ago
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some starcanwreckedpulp character drawing requests from discord! got to try out some new grey brush markers for these.
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wouteke · 8 months ago
Ignore the editing. but i fear alpecin is absolutely NEVER beating the idiot allegations with jasper and mathieu BOTH LOSING WITH A SCORE OF ZERO 😭😭😭😭 mark cavendish dad moment however..
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owchie-wowchie · 2 months ago
Margaret Cavendish 🤝 Paul Matthews Characters in musicals that are connected to a blue glow
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personinthepalace · 1 year ago
Meet the 2023 Peter Pan Goes Wrong West End Cast!
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From pangoeswrong instagram
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kumocuties · 10 months ago
My lil meow meows
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lillipad72 · 1 month ago
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Anne's World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables
Part 1: Introduction (Irene Gammel)
"Anyone who has ever encountered her in one of L.M. Montgomery's novels will never forget her, for she is what we're not - and all that we long for and shall never become." - Jack Zipes on Anne Shirley
Key questions the book wants to answer:
"How do we read this early twentieth-century novel in ways that are relevant for readers of the twenty-first century?
How do the novel’s ethical dimensions fit into our own era?
Can Anne of Green Gables be read as a therapeutic text, capable of counteracting depression?
What is the power and danger of digital encounters with Anne?"
The goal of this book:
To consolidate and expand upon previous scholarship and information by placing Anne in its contemporary context while also exploring the reception and cultural impact, providing new references for future study.
The essays:
'Seven Milestones: How Anne of Green Gables Became a Canadian Icon' (Carole Gerson) "argues that Anne’s longevity is partly the result of a series of ‘institutional, commercial, and grassroots interventions."
'Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves: Ambivalence towards Fashion in Anne of Green Gables' (Allison Matthews, David and Kimberly Wahl) "argues that the text allows Anne Shirley to have it both ways: others want her to be fashionable and ambitious, whereas she wants to fit in."
'I'll never be Agelically Good: Feminist Narrative Ethics in Anne of Green Gables' (Mary Jeanette Moran) "reveals that the novel conforms to a feminist ethical paradigm because it tends to value those ethical choices that preserve or maintain relationships to support the principle that those who nurture others must also care for themselves, and to challenge the assumptions that women naturally care for others or that they alone bear the responsibility to do so."
'Too Headless and Impulsive: Re-reading Anne of Green Gables through a Clinical Approach' (Helen Hoy) "argues for the possibility of reading Anne Shirley as a psychological case study."
'Reading to Heal: Anne of Green Gables as Biblio-therapy' (Irene Gammel) "argues for reading Montgomery’s fiction within the important context of bibliotherapy, or the use of books in the treatment of personal and mental disorders."
'Reading with Blitheness: Anne of Green Gables in Toronto Public Library's Children's Collections' (Leslie McGrath) "examines how Montgomery’s literary reputation endured wide swings of critical opinion"
'Learning with Anne: Early Childhood Education Looks at New Media for Young Girls' (Jason Nolan) "looks closely at Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series, Anne’s Diary, and New Moon Girls as prominent examples of how Anne of Green Gables and the work of Montgomery in general have been taken up as locations for formal and informal learning, through the identifi cation of Anne as variously a marketing icon, as an ideal young girl, and through the way Montgomery constructed learning environments within her novels."
'On the Road from Bright River: Shifting Social Space in Anne of Green Gables' (Alexander MacLeod) "studies the ways in which the characters inside the novel, like the readers outside of the text and the real-world visitors to the Green Gables National Park site in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, are all engaged in a complex process of reading and rewriting social space"
'Anne in a "Globalized" World: Nation, Nostalgia, and Postcolonial Perspectives of Home' (Margaret Steffler) "explores the impact of the novel and character both outside and within Canada, arguing that the attraction of Montgomery’s work continues into the twenty-first century because it resonates with conditions in contemporary lives and culture, specifically the emotions and activity involved in migratory patterns of losing and creating home"
'An Enchanting Girl: International Portraits of Anne's Cultural Transfer' (Andrew O'Malley, Huifeng Hu, Ranbir K. Banwait, Irene Gammel) "shines a light on the crossover points from one culture to another, identifying cultures that have ‘appropriated’ Anne for very different purposes"
'What's in a Name? Towards a Theory of the Anne Brand' (Benjamin Lefebvre) "draws on film and cultural theories to consider paratextual Annes in terms of authorial ownership, control, and narrative pleasure"
'Mediating Anne' (Richard Cavell) (afterword) "closes off the book by providing a jumping-off point, looking forward to future research exploring the global Anne."
hi hi hi! I just discovered this book from 2010, which is a collection of essays on Anne of Green Gables, and I thought I might go through each essay and share my thoughts on the pieces! If anyone else has this book or access to any of the essays (some of which I think you can find online) I would love to discuss them with you! xoxo lily
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stitched-mouth · 1 year ago
Don’t read if you haven’t finished the fourth and finale season.
Wow, um. This hurts, saying goodbye to Sex Education.
When the show first came out in 2019 I was still in school and in my third year. I was all over it when it came out, something sex related based in a British secondary school really spoke to me. I loved Otis immediately and Eric (wasn’t so fond of Maeve) they made me keep watching.
And I’m happy I’ve ended the show and still love Otis and Eric and now even like Maeve a little.
Sex Education is a big reason for why I’m so comfortable writing smut now. And the main reason why I’m… studying to be a sex therapist. Well maybe not a therapist, but I do want to do something with sex education career wise. For those that don’t now, I am doing an apprenticeship at a sex clinic in London. It mainly focuses on testing for and treating STIs but it also offers sex therapy services (which thanks to NHS, you have to jump through hoops to get).
I think I didn’t like Maeve in the beginning because she reminded me too much of myself, I was the snarky punky mean girl when I started the show and I hated seeing someone with my shitty personality on screen. I was mean because I was scared to be nice and I think I realised Maeve was the same by the end of season 2 and started to like her. I liked her even more because we started maturing together, at the same pace I feel.
Anyway, I’m really happy with the way the show has ended.
Maeve and Otis are soulmates but a lot of times in life, soulmates don’t end up together. Usually because they are too different or going different places and I felt like Maeve and Otis were too different way back in S2. I’m sad they didn’t end up together but also happy they didn’t. They would both have to change themselves completely to be together and I think if they did that they would start hating each other. So it’s better to end things when they are good so they can always look back and smile.
I’m sad my favourites didn’t return. I wonder if the actors had other projects or just decided it was time to leave, maybe it was both. No way Netflix didn’t want them back.
It’s sad though because those arcs were never finished.
I was happy with the new characters though. Abbi, Roman, Aisha just to name a few. I love how diverse they are and how Netflix is always trying to be inclusive and this is one of the rare cases where Netflix didn’t make it feel so forced.
The Covent felt like real people (maybe a little old to be teens though - they all felt like early to mid 20s and college graduates) and Cavendish felt like a real college. I’m sure I’ve come around a few Cavendish like colleges in the UK.
It was nice to meet Joanna and have some sibling rivalry in the show since I felt like it was somewhat needed. Sadly I don’t have much to say about Joanna, maybe they could of gone more into her.
Ruby got the send of I wasn’t really expected but am ok with. I was hoping she’s get back with Otis but by the time I felt like Otis and Maeve broke up, it was clear Ruby had moved on. Which might be good for her, honestly. But I wasn’t too happy to see her go back into the popular crowd in the end. Feels a little like Gretchen Weiner’s style ending, which was worse but, Ruby needs to learn how to survive outside of clique. But she did get over Otis so baby steps.
Eric deciding to be a pastor felt very random but ok. He has always been very religious but still running a Church felt like a U turn. I think they were saying Eric wants to make some very much needed to Christianity which I kind of understand. But the scenes with him and ‘God’ were weird af and I hated them. Felt like they were really pushing to us watchers that Eric loves God which we already know. Maybe I didn’t get it?
He knows he needs to go celibate to be a pastor right? Or is that one of things he’s going to change?
Cal, loved them so much this season. I didn’t really feel them in S3 but I did this time and I love them. The way they were written was perfect. I’m not non-binary and yet I still felt like I could relate A LOT to them.
Was Carl’s Mum in The Sandman???
Jackson finding more about his ‘sperm donor’ was great. I don’t know for sure so feel free to debate this with me, but I think a lot of kids who were adopted or made with a donor could relate, even if that wasn’t the real case for Jackson. And I also feel like kids who were lied to about where they came from could also relate. As well as kids who were abandoned as a kid. I know a few people who never met their fathers because their fathers never wanted anything to do with them and I feel like they’d love Jackson’s arc this season.
Adam… I’ll always love Adam. I don’t know what else to say, Adam is the best.
And I’m really happy that Micheal is clearly growing and showing so much progress. Don’t know how I feel about him getting back with Maureen though, they both seemed to thrive when apart. It’s sweet they still care for each other and having the odd fling is fine but getting back together feels like a big no no to me. And even if the fling is sweet, Micheal really needs to lose his romantic feelings for her, which is probably going to be next to impossible for him if they keep hooking up.
But the show made it clear they are getting back together… so.
Maureen… we needed more of her this seasons. It felt like she was just Adam’s Mum and Micheal’s ex this season and I hated it.
Loved the guest appearance of Miss Sands and Mr Hendricks, but I really wish we got more than that from them. However I understand that the show is supposed to focus on the teens and it should but still.
Aimee is still cute af. Loved her photography arc this season. Her and Issac grew on me and I’m glad they got together. And I’m happy Aimee really wanted to be sensible and sensitive about getting with Issac, I mean getting with your friend’s ex is a huge thing and a major red flag, but they handled it really well.
I can’t believe we didn’t even get an update on Ola and Jakob this season, what the fuck?
And still… fuck O… just a little though. I felt A LITTLE something the last episode for her but still. If only there was another season, I might of like her after some character development.
And technically she won the election but tbh by the time it happened, I stopped caring. Connor winning and then refusing it because “y’all problems are too much for me” was funny af. But it was obvious he wasn’t really interested in sex therapy from the beginning though. I thought he was doing it to try to get with Ruby but was also not so surprised when it was revealed it was Jean.
Also, why tf would Ruby even pick Connor in the first place to compete against O and Otis???
Anyway, goodbye Sex Education. I’m really gonna miss this show. I’m feeling so melancholy. Thanks for everything, Sex Ed.
If you’ve not watched up to 25 minutes of episode 5 and don’t want spoiler, don’t continue. I don’t cover everything here but still.
Still watching Sex Education, on episode 5, and O just came out and I hate her even more.
I really hope no one says Otis outed her. And her asexuality doesn’t explain what she did to Ruby.
Fuck O, there’s no hope for me liking her now. I’m literally red in the face and getting a headache from anger.
If she’s supposed to make me punch my TV then the actress is doing a great job.
Also where the fuck is Lily and Ola? And are they trying to set up Joanna with Joy’s possible father? Is there going to be a big reveal? I’m scared about Joy’s father…
Also poor Yacob(?).
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aimeedaisies · 1 year ago
List of attendees to the service of Thanksgiving to the late King Constantine of Greece on 27th February 2024.
🇬🇧 Queen Camilla
🇬🇧 Princess Anne
🇬🇧 Sir Tim Laurence
🇬🇧 Princess Beatrice
🇬🇧 Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
🇬🇧 Zara Tindall
🇬🇧 Mike Tindall
🇬🇧 Lady Sarah Chatto
🇬🇧 Daniel Chatto
🇬🇧 Prince Richard, The Duke of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Birgitte, The Duchess of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent
🇬🇧 George, The Earl of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Sylvana, The Countess of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Lady Helen Taylor
🇬🇧 Prince Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Alexandra of Kent
🇬🇧 James Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Julia Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Marina Ogilvy
🇬🇧 George, The Marquess of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Clare, The Marchioness of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Penny, The Countess Mountbatten of Burma
🇬🇧 Lady Alexandra Hooper
🇬🇧 Thomas Hooper
🇬🇧 India Hicks
🇬🇧 David Flint Wood
🇬🇧 Amory Wood-Hicks
🇬🇧 Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
🇬🇧 Sarah Ferguson
🇬🇷 Queen Anne-Marie
🇬🇷 Crown Prince Pavlos
🇬🇷 Crown Princess Marie-Chantal
🇬🇷 Prince Achileas-Andreas
🇬🇷 Prince Odysseas-Kimon
🇬🇷 Prince Aristides-Stavros
🇬🇷 Princess Maria-Olympia
🇬🇷 Prince Nikolaos
🇬🇷 Princess Tatiana
🇬🇷 Prince Philippos
🇬🇷 Princess Nina
🇬🇷 Princess Theodora
🇬🇷 Matthew Kumar
🇬🇷 Princess Alexia
🇬🇷 Carlos Morales
🇬🇷 Princess Irene
🇪🇸 King Juan Carlos
🇪🇸 Queen Sofia
🇪🇸 King Felipe
🇪🇸 Queen Letizia
🇪🇸 Infanta Elena
🇪🇸 Infanta Cristina
🇪🇸 Juan Urdangarian
🇩🇰 Princess Benedikte
🇩🇰 Prince Gustav
🇩🇰 Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
🇩🇰 Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Countess Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇩🇰 Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇯🇴 Queen Noor of Jordan
🇯🇴 Prince Hassan
🇯🇴 Princess Sarvath of Jordan
🇧🇬 Prince Kyril of Bulgaria
🇷🇸 Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia
🇷🇸 Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia
🇩🇪 Bernhard, Margrave of Baden
🇩🇪 Stephanie, Margravine of Baden
🇩🇪 Landgrave Donatus of Hesse
🇩🇪 Hereditary Prince Ernst August of Hanover
🇩🇪 Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langeburg
Other notable attendees
Nicholas Soames (Conservative politician)
Rocco Forte (British Hotelier)
Hugh Cavendish, Baron Cavendish of Furness (Former member of the House of Lords)
Grania Mary Caulfield (wife of Baron Cavendish of Furness)
John Kerry (United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Lady Susan Hussey (Lady-in-Waiting)
Sir Jackie Stewart (Racecar Driver and good family friend)
Alexandra von Fürstenberg (American Socialite)
Dax Miller (Alexandra von Fürstenbergs husband)
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prettyqueerwitch · 1 year ago
My Spiritual Book TBR's
This is mainly for me to have a comprehensive list but also might help others in finding books to read!
Marked ♡ means I own the book
• Witchery by Juliet Diaz
• The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
• Witch, Please by Victoria Maxwell
Currently Reading
To Be Read
♡ The Altar Within by Juliet Diaz
♡ Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
♡ Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
• Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes
• Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, & Sages by Judika Illes
• Moon Magic by Diane Ahlquist
♡ The Moon Book by Sarah Faith Gottesdiener
♡ Magical Healing by Hexe Claire
• The Long Lost Friend by John George Hohman
• Hex and Spellwork by Karl Herr
♡ Witchcraft Medicine by Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Christian Rätsch, and Wolf-Dieter Storl
• How to Study Magic by Sarah Lyons
• Love is In The Earth by Melody
• Radical Remedies by Brittany Ducham
♡ Spiritual Ecology by Multiple People (Llewellyn)
♡ A Witch's Shadow Magic Compendium by Raven Digitalis
• The Witch at The Forests Edge by Christine Grace
• Six Ways by Aidan Wachter
♡ Honoring Your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise
• Year of The Witch by Temperance Alden
♡ Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
♡ The Book of Candle Magic by Madame Pamita and Judika Illes
• The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton
♡ Folk Witchcraft by Roger J. Horne
♡ Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
♡ The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
• Spells for Change by Frankie Castanea
• Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison
♡ Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
♡ The Little Work by Durgadas Allon Duriel
• Entering Hekates Garden by Cyndi Brannen
• Entering Hekates Cave by Cyndi Brannen
• Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort
• The Book of Spells by Ella Harrison
• Plants of the Devil by Corinne Boyer
♡ Besom, Stang, and Sword by Christopher Orapello, Tara-Love Maguire
♡ Inner Witch by Gabriela Herstik
♡ Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
♡ The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
• Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn
• Astrology for Real Life by Theresa Reed
♡ Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom
• The Trotula by Monica H. Green
• Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
• Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community by Crystal Blanton, Taylor Ellwood, and Brandy Williams
• God Against the Gods by Jonathan Kirsch
• Pure Magic by Judika Illes
• Folk Magic by Mari Silva
• Witches Herbal Primer by Amy Cesari
♡ New World Witchery by Cory Thomas Hutcherson
•Magical Folk Healing by DJ Conway
• The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick
♡ Lady of The Night by Edain McCoy
♡ Spellcraft for a Magical Year by Sarah Bartlett
♡ The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook by Catlín Matthews
♡ Natural Magic by Pamela Ball
♡ Rebel Witch by Kelly-Ann Maddox
♡ The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
♡ Mastering Magick by Mat Auryn
♡ In-focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram
♡ The Complete Grimoire by Lidia Pradas
• The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes
And that took a while but we're done! Will probably update this as I go <3
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anniesfarce · 2 years ago
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[id: "Bartley Booz as Dennis (March 17 - April 9), Matthew Cavendish as Max, Bianca Horn as Jill, Harry Kershaw as Francis, Chris Leask as Trevor, Henry Lewis as Robert, Ellie Morris as Lucy, Charlie Russell as Sandra, Jonathan Sayer as Dennis (starting April 11), Henry Shields as Chris, Greg Tannahill as Jonathan and Nancy Zamit as Annie. The company is completed by Ryan" end id]
been a little curious about why jonathan sayer isn't starting in peter pan goes wrong until april 11, since he obviously flew out there for tech this week! i guess he's busy?
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onesourceofbadinformation · 2 years ago
i saw peter pan goes wrong and it was one of the best nights of my life and here is everything that is different from the bbc recording/some stuff i want to remember/make note of
the preshow bits were so fun. i couldn’t see it all bc i was in the mezzanine but:
jonathan was going around chatting with people. chris came up and took him backstage, but he kept popping back out to talk
at one point both trevor and jonathan were climbing over the front rows. unclear why
trevor was drinking a beer
you could see max and dennis and sandra poking their heads around from the stage. max kept waving
robert was onstage trying to get the lights to work. they were doing something with a cable—they had the audience involved in feeding the cable back through the audience. again, couldn’t really see due to being in the mezzanine
one of the backstage people (actor, not for real) (im pretty sure she played annie in one of the broadway runs of the play that goes wrong!) was going around asking people if they had found a hammer. she made me check under my seat :) eventually she found it and lifted it up onstage to show everyone. everyone cheered for her :) then she pretended like she was going to throw it into the audience. good bit queen
at one point neil patrick harris was visible on the stage behind jonathan and jonathan seemed to think the cheers and applause were for him. good bit. in general i think the show is perfectly cast but greg tannahill is really a revelation. so perfectly charming yet smug
ok preshow bit over.
chris was even more sopping wet and pathetic than in the bbc version. he slipped on a puddle of “medicine.” he stabbed himself in the leg with scissors. he strangled himself with his own tie. he drank hand sanitizer
he was forced to drink hand sanitizer when he was [AGE AMBIGUOUS]
(cecco was supposed to hand hook a spyglass, rum, and a pistol. he handed him a rolled-up map, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and a program of “six” that nph tore into the shape of a gun—a “six-shooter.”)
a couple people in the front row came in late and chris stopped what he was doing to stare at them disapprovingly for a full ten seconds
later, when we booed him, chris called out the people in the front row, saying “don’t boo me, latecomers!”
instead of “pantomime”, the running joke was “family show”, and we just booed captain hook instead of “oh no it isn’t”/ “oh yes it is.” we did do “he’s behind you” though. and somebody did “do you need a hand.” i kind of do wish americans had the cultural context of pantomimes so we could do more of a call and response. also i think chris bean saying “oh yes it is” with increasing frustration is very funny. YES IT IS. OF COURSE IT IS. anyway it was still really fun to boo him
robert was the one who said it was a family show. “look how many children there are in the audience! child. child. ugly child”
chris bean, later, during the poison scene: “don’t boo me! robert was right, you are an ugly child!”
there was a whole undersea scene in the lagoon involving black lights and fluorescent fish and mermaids and such! typical goes wrong jokes (mermaid loses its head, jellyfish legs get tangled, fish fuse together to look like a dick and balls)
speaking of mermaids: max and dennis came out in mermaid costumes involving roller blades. matthew cavendish appears to be a pretty talented roller blader
i liked matthew cavendish’s performance as max! different then dave hearn but not in a bad way! there were no “snap snaps” but i actually prefer that, because it feels like a dave hearn thing. this guy was doing his own max, who was a little less of a ham and more a guy who is just having a silly time. i think dave’s max is a little smarter than matthew’s. dave’s max knows he’s fucking with chris—matthew’s max does not. i like them both.
when jonathan fell, a giant banner of “jack and the bean” (starring robert) also fell down, and chris yelled “intermission”
later, during the stage revolve bit, we see a banner of “rapunzel” featuring sandra’s ill-timed haircut
robert did the mr. bumble bit. hilarious bit of robert lore.
nph said something like “i fear that thing and the ways it may hurt me” re: the chair. he also climbed into it through the hole in the back. good chair bits. him being knocked unconscious during the final scene was just excellent. man fucking flew through the air
during annie’s electrocution, he “stalled” by (poorly) playing “being alive” on the recorder
during the poison scene chris had a little girl in the second row open the poison bottle and then said “you poisoned peter pan.” then annie pointed at the little girl later when jonathan asked who would do such a thing
robert’s “audition tapes” were played throughout during the sound cue errors. my favorite was his “uptight englishman” audition tape, which was basically “eughhhh im chris bean and i get to be the director AND the captain and i have thin reptilian hands” (at which point lucy reached out to feel his hands). also they played a bunch as we walked out. apparently robert has over 1000 audition tapes
during chris’ pan pipe “take one” recording, he called out something like “mother, have you seen my pan pipes instruction manual?” i just like the chris bean parents lore. raymond bean—racist?
trevor getting hit by the plank and hanging lifelessly was even funnier in person
when the boat was rocking back and forth chris got fucking LAUNCHED
when they made lucy “walk the plank”, she got absolutely hurled out of her wheelchair and trevor ran out to catch her. national hero. she clung to him like a koala. it was really cute. the audience cheered for him #trevorsweep
on the pirate ship, after “dennis you’re wearing the wrong costume”, dennis delivered an entire fight between a married couple. carl and jerry i think their names were? but i heard “she” at one point so maybe it was a “gerri” situation. one of them walked out. some lines i can remember (im probably misquoting, but this is the gist) “i’ve wasted years of my life with these people” “if you walk out, you’re not just walking out from this company, but from this marriage” “our marriage is a sham! you know it, i know it, even the kids know it” (to dennis) “hey little buddy. how you doing? i’ll be taking over. let’s take it from: aye, captain hook”
the final revolve bit was INCREDIBLE. i didn’t know where to look. when the stage started spinning faster and more out of control! sandra getting hit by the door twice! robert on fire again! the pirate pile-up!
by the time the stage stopped spinning, chris bean was just despondently lying on the top bunk. absolutely fantastic.
i feel really sad that this is probably the only time i will ever see the original mischief cast in…anything, since i don’t live in europe. i also feel really lucky that i got to see the original mischief cast!!! it was amazing! i was smiling the entire time! i kept having moments of “oh god this is really happening”
i tried to get my program signed but i was too far back in the crowd. Sad! but i did see chris leask, henry shields, greg tannahill, and matthew cavendish.
overheard at the stage door: a child asking his mother, “which is the guy whose pants fell down?” chris leask and greg tannahill were out. both of them had a pants incident. brilliant show 10/10 now THIS is theatre
harry kershaw as francis. you are my white whale. you know what they say you know what they say…put your trousers in the cabinet </3
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i got this t shirt. i will treasure it forever and always.
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briarglenrp · 6 months ago
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+ 2 fresh ROMANTIC connections have fluttered into our midst, a delightful twist in the ever-enthralling tapestry of society!
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zooterchet · 2 years ago
The Scarecrow's Journey (The Steam Shovel is Not the Mother)
I eliminated four IRA writer cells, three IDF cop killer squads, and five dole Devolution targets (Likud).
Plus a Vietnam War agitator cell spectrum of lead agencies.
France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Israel, Britain.
I pick ECT proponents.
Three criminals out of the Near East, Nestorian Jews, all RIAA Soviet.
One cop killed, by an MI-6 clear squad.
Cuban Catholic mission operation, the takedown of slave traded farmers, a Japanese mission objective.
USAF Hunter S. Thompson eliminated, for the Dalai, and Saudi Arabia.
Menino assassinated for Obama, through Matthew Lennox, on issue of sperm steal for retarded.  Defunded.
Seven golf games blown; Will Morgan, Matt Lennox, Zach Savell, Sarah Ferguson, Jennifer McDade, Ben Carl.
Kennedies trapped by Bruces, Batman 2022.  Mordred print.
Five Likud removed, cell leader Hillary Clinton, snatched, for Benjamin Netanyahu. 
German Intel cell sabotaged, into cavendish, weeping angels.  Warlock hunt on Josh Moen complete, for frame of Cam Hollopeter with Calvinist hate crime to cover for Josh Moen's rape of Cam's girlfriend.
Trainspotting iinduced on Harvard, for torture of rabbit; mourning war, Wampanoag red moon.  Good omen, on cursed ground; Hockomock Swamp.   
Prequels, Sony, Blast Hatchet, as my Nietzschean works.
Taiwanese corrections, psychiatric confinement, replaced with McDonalds O'Neill, Dan Monahan's objective.
Elon Musk shut down, Harrison family objective.
ULTRA into Pueblo though Dachau, second mission, Facebook, leading first mission, Colbert Report.
Gotham City MUSH, was a register of Hopkinton OSS personalities, scaled through IDF training registers, captured by US Navy Montreal, Leo, for Sony, M3.  It's "Gotham".
0 notes
atlanticcanada · 2 years ago
Boots on the ground: Tens of thousands in P.E.I. for Cavendish Beach Music Festival
The biggest outdoor music festival in Prince Edward Island is well underway.
Friday was the second day of the 2023 Cavendish Beach Music Festival in Cavendish, P.E.I.
Between 20,000 and 25,000 people come through the gates each day. Many of them come for the whole weekend from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and beyond.
Traffic was flowing well on the Confederation Bridge for much of the day Friday, despite it now being the only way to get to P.E.I. while the ferry on the island's southeastern shore is out of commission.
The ferry closure hasn’t impacted numbers at the music festival though, with a steady stream of people coming into the venue all day.
“It’s going pretty smoothly actually,” said Ben Murphy, CEO of Murphy Hospitality Group and Whitecap Entertainment. “We have a lot of people that’ve been with us, and working here a number of years, and it is very much a team effort here.”
Cavendish itself is a popular tourist destination, but the festival ranks among one of the biggest days of the season.
“This is certainly the most people in one part of the community at any one time,” said Matthew Jelley, mayor of the PEI Resort Municipality. “Between the Canada Day long weekend, the August long weekend, even that last week of July, there’s some really busy days in Cavendish, but this is certainly one.”
The festival adds the most business for accommodations and merchandise, with more kid-focused attractions doing less well.
Organizers are expecting the biggest day to be Saturday, with high hopes they’ll sell out.
“Tomorrow night will give it a good run, I think, if the weather holds off, said Murphy. “We always have the last minute weather watchers, so we’ll see how tomorrow goes.”
In addition to site security, there’s also an increased police presence in the area and on island roads keeping an eye out for impaired drivers.
Organizers say there have not been any serious incidents so far.
For more P.E.I. news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/O5CdR9w
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nottinghillhq · 2 years ago
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claudia doumit (agnes allen)
matthew macfadyen (richard cavendish)
0 notes