#matthew casey imagines
chloe-skywalker · 1 year
It's A Girl - Matt Casey
Matt x reader
Kelly x friend reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 420
Requested: Something about Matt Casey and his wife expecting there first child, a baby girl. -@Anon
Summary: There’s a certain someone that really wants to know the gender of Y/n and Matts baby. Can you guess who it is?
One Chicago
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“I can’t wait to get this baby out.” Y/n said as she walked over to sit on the couch from the kitchen. It was nice to have her husband and their bestfriend home after a long week.
“You done y/n/n?” Kelly asked amused at his pregnant friend. He did feel bad for her, the pregnancy hadn’t been an easy one.
“Yes, Severide. I am.” Y/n narrowed her eyes playfully at the salt n pepper haired man sitting across from her.
“Are you still coming over to help set up the nursery after shift tuesday?” Matt asked coming into the living room, handing Severide a beer before sitting down next to y/n.
“Yeah. of course I want to help set up my nephew or . . . Niece’s room.” Kelly smiled, hinting obviously at the certain information he has yet to be told. Kelly has been the most excited besides Y/n and Matt for the baby to come and he’s been trying to get the gender out of them since he knew the couple found out.
Y/n laughed at his antics, before turning her head to face Matt. “Come on Matt, I think he deserves to know. He is an uncle and Godfather right.”
Matt smiled nodding, giddy about finally letting his best friend know the gender of his baby. “Okay, okay. Let me go get the thing.”
“Thing?” he asked with confusion all over his face as he looked at Y/n since Matt left the room.
“Yes, thing. We planned a way to tell you.” Y/n smiled, also excited for Kelly to know the gender of their baby. Matt and her both knew Kelly was going to be very included in their child's life.
Matt came back into the room with a small gift bag with tissue paper coming out the top. Once he handed Kelly the bag he sat back down next to his wife, both smiling at the Squad Captain as he stared at the bag in his hands. “Go on, open it.”
With the encouragement Kelly did as told excitedly digging into the bag. “No!” he looked up towards the couple across from him with pure excitement lit up in his eyes. “Are you kidding?!”
Y/n nodded with watery eyes, loving his reaction. “We’re having a baby girl.”
The rest of the night was filled with so much happiness from all 3 of them. And Kelly knew Stella was gonna be so pissed she didn’t end up coming that night.
Taglist: @padawancat97
340 notes · View notes
halstudandruz · 1 year
Thigh or Nothing
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Matt Casey x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Months after your breakup Matt loses his cool
Warnings: smut (18+), thigh riding, jealous!Matt, edging, swearing
A/N: Continuing to live in my happy world where all my boys are alive and still in Chicago 🫶
“I’m sorry, [Y/N]. We did all we could.” Connor broke the news to you and you could almost feel your heart breaking into two.
“Thanks Connor. I know you did.” You sighed, he gave you a sympathetic nod, picking three beer bottles up and heading back towards his table.
It was the cherry on top of your week. Which was without question the worst since you had become a paramedic 6 years prior. You shouldn’t have asked, you're not supposed to ask and how you felt right this second made the reason clear. Like your entire job was a waste. Which deep down obviously wasn’t true. The lives you saved had outweighed the lives lost, but that fact didn’t always matter. Not when you gave your blood, sweat, and tears to save a child who they would only end up losing on the table hours later. The less you knew of the outcome the better, you could at least pretend they all had a happy ending then. You were glad your partner hadn’t come out tonight. At least then she could live in the dark of the truth, one that you would never tell her. Swallowing the lump in your throat you gestured for Stella who was filling a glass with beer. She handed the beverage to a man at the other end of the bar making her way towards you.
“Can I get a shot? Surprise me, something strong.” You requested just as a body slid into the chair next to you. The only seat still available at the bar. Glancing to your left your stomach only tightened.
“Hey.” Your ex boyfriend gave you a genuine smile hanging his coat on the back of the stool.
“Well if it isn’t Matthew Casey.” The blonde to his left interrupted before you could answer. His attention quickly turned to a girl you recognized from the State Attorney’s office. How you didn’t realize she was sitting there before was beyond you. You had loathed her from the moment she tried to entice Matt into getting a drink when you were out of town after him and Severide had helped them with a case.
“Kaylee, hey how are you?” Matt greeted, and you could see the minute she turned her charm on, turning her body to face him, chest popping out slightly, eyelashes fluttering, and a soft smirk appearing on her lips. You would venture a guess that she had heard about your breakup somehow, not that she cared if he was in a relationship before. Stella appeared back in front of you.
“Yeah, make that two.” You sighed downing the tequila.
“[Y/N].” Stella warned glancing over to Matt and Kaylee who were now laughing. She was your best friend which meant she was also in charge of nixing your bad decisions when it was warranted.
“Just one more.” You looked at her pleading, she knew what a rough week it had been and you knew she was looking out for you but right now you didn’t care. She shook her head grabbing a bottle to fill the shot glass in front of you. “Thank you.” You nodded after feeling the burn down your throat a second time. You could feel Matt’s side eye and chose to ignore it for the better.
Thirty minutes later the shots were beginning to buzz in your bones only furthering your irritation when you watched Kaylee lean whispering into Matt’s ear.
“Hey.” A voice over your shoulder caused you to jump.
“What’s up?” You forced a smile at Severide. You and Severide had become close friends throughout the years mostly due to the grief of losing your partner and his best friend, sticking by each other’s sides through the thick of it, always having him nearby was a comfort.
“Just wanted to check in on you.” He sat down in the seat beside you that had been vacated 10 minutes ago. The one you were about to move to hoping it would lessen your ability of hearing Kaylee’s dare you say pathetic flirting.
“Yeah, I’m good!” You nodded, high pitched voice a little excessive. Were you coping super well? Not exactly. Trying to dissociate tragedies was supposed to come natural to you, just like everyone else in the firehouse and normally you could maybe, but Chicago seemed to implode this week and despite all your best efforts you were fighting a losing battle on almost all occasions. That’s the reason you asked Connor about the little boy from this morning expecting a good report and your spirits to be raised only to be shocked at the truth.
“Mhmm,” he raised an eyebrow glancing over your shoulder at his best friend’s back, “I’m sure that’s true.”
“It’s just like.. does he have to do it right here.” You rolled your eyes, whispering to Kelly, for no good reason since Matt was clearly so enthralled in conversation he wouldn’t have heard you anyway.
“Payback is a bitch, [Y/L/N].” Kelly chuckled, eliciting confusion to appear on your face.
“What does that even mean?” You tried to take a drink before realizing your glass had nothing but ice left, “Gallo,” you summed the dark haired man over holding your drink up.
“You know, [Y/N], I get off early tonight.” Gallo filled your glass wiggling his eyebrows which earned a laugh from Severide. Blake was cute, adorable actually. The kind of guy that would fall at a woman’s feet, make her wonder why she ever spent her life with any other loser. Not someone you wasted a quick hookup on, and right now that’s all you wanted.
“Yeah buddy, see how well that plays out for you.” Severide wore a smug grin, which annoyed you just because he was skilled at getting girls in bed with him didn’t mean he could make fun of the poor kid.
“Ritter gonna be out tonight? Cause I tend to get loud.” You lowered your voice head cocking to the side, a flirty grin appearing on your face, instantly causing redness to form around Blake’s cheeks as he slid the newly filled glass towards you.
“God knows that’s the truth.” Severide huffed, taking a drink of his beer, and your head whipped to him, a scowl appearing.
“Oh fuck you, I had to deal with your hookups on god knows what surfaces for practically a year straight so hush,” You shoved him, you and Matt hadn’t exactly lived together, but you might as well have. You stayed with him practically every night off and since Severide was his roommate he may have been unfortunate enough to be subjected to your pleasure induced sounds every once in a while. “And don’t act like you didn’t like it.” You teased.
Gallo coughed around the drink of water he had just taken, obviously taken back.
You had considered continuing the charade until you heard Kaylee ask Matt if his place was close. Stomach clenching at the words you moved quickly to take a drink, too quickly apparently as the drink ended up in Matt’s lap instead of in your mouth.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” Heat immediately surfaced on your face. You truly didn’t mean to knock your full glass into Matt’s lap. The adrenaline from your jealousy mixed with everything else that week had you completely flustered and the cup slipped right out of your hand, but you knew from the outside looking in it would never look that way.
You could hear Kaylee scoff, looking up to see her roll her eyes dramatically. “Matt I didn’t-“ You flushed taking a single napkin trying and failing to help the mess at all.
“[Y/N], it’s fine. I just..I’ll be back.” He waved you off, stepping towards the bathroom.
“That was convenient.” Kaylee commented harshly, taking a sip of her martini.
“Believe me you don’t want to go there tod-“ You began to stand up, but beside you Kelly squeezed your knee keeping you put.
“Hey, it's not worth it. Trust me.” He encouraged, prompting you to shut up. Was it a good idea to get into a cat fight with an attorney? Probably not, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t tempting.
“Yeah, thanks. I’m going to go check on Casey.” You patted him on the shoulder heading towards the bathroom, throwing the blonde a glare.
“Matt?” You knocked on the door as a warning before pushing it open. The hand dryer on the wall was loudly whirring as he stood underneath it, the handle pointed at his crotch as best as it could be.
“I’m not mad,” he started the minute you appeared in front of the door, “I know you’ve had a rough week and don’t like her and you have every right not to, but-“ at his words your jaw almost dropped to the ground cutting him off.
“You’re not actually implying I did that on purpose.” You scoffed in disbelief, he knew you better than that.
“What am I supposed to think? It was pretty convenient timing, and I watched you down two shots the moment she started talking to me.” He laid his line of thinking out, and it was fair. Did you love seeing Kaylee flirt with him? Not for a single second. Were you trying to get trashed tonight? Absolutely. But regardless you would never do that to him.
“Fuck you, Matt. We both know we do what we need to in order to get through some weeks and sometimes that includes alcohol.” You defended, your face was beginning to heat up in anger at the accusation escalating. Not to mention you were far from drunk.
“Does that include hooking up with your superiors?” He quipped, making your heart drop at the realization he knew what the last few months held for you after your split.
“How do you know about that?” Panic took hold of your chest. Nobody was supposed to know, it could be really bad for both of you if anyone had found out about you and Hawkins.
“I have my sources.” He blew you off, once again hitting the hand dryer on the wall aiming his other thigh at it now. You weren’t dumb you knew exactly who his sources were, and Stella was gonna get an ear full later. She should know full well that anything that goes into her boyfriend’s ears will undoubtedly be in his best friend’s soon after. You and Kelly might’ve been close but he had an obvious loyalty to his partner in crime, “I’m just saying I haven’t felt the need to cause drama anytime you’ve left with Evan or your pick of the night.” His voice was raised even as the dryer dwindled to a stop.
“So, you’re slut shaming me now then? Is that what we’re doing?” You crossed your arms against your chest getting defensive
“Oh, come on [Y/N]. You know I’d never do that. Have all the sex you want, with whoever you want. It’s none of my business. I’d just request that you don’t let your ego cockblock me next time I’m trying to do the same.” He bit back. You knew he was right. He would never actually slut shame you and the accusation was a low blow, but the alcohol was causing annoyance to course throughout your body. Only heightened the second you watched him lean closer to the attorney.
“My ego? Really?” You laughed, humorously.
“Yes, your ego. You were jealous. Go ahead and admit it,” he encouraged and you rolled your eyes refusing to do as he asked, “you think I like watching you leave here with guys wrapped around your finger? I don’t at all, but at least I can admit it.” He took a paper towel from the dispenser. You had no idea why he was furiously dabbing at the mess, it was pretty clear the wreckage was cleaned as much as it possibly could be.
“This is ridiculous.” You huffed, the conversation was going absolutely nowhere. On a normal everyday basis you and Matt had been pretty good at putting your breakup on the back burner. Having to work with each other wasn’t always easy, but you both were handling it well with dignity and respect. Tonight, on the other hand, was different. Tempers were beginning to flare, and filters were flying out the window. All you were trying to do was offer him a genuine apology, but all you were getting in return was underhanded comments. “The only thing I came in here to do was take responsibility and apologize for an accident. I don’t know what your problem is.” You did not foresee this turning into a fight when you got up.
“You are!” He exclaimed, jaw tightening.
“Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?” Your emotions were beginning to boil. This made sense though. Your split was pretty amicable. Too afraid to say something and regret it later. Only having to face it every other day for the rest of your life, but maybe you were being too cautious. Maybe things needed to be said. Maybe mistakes needed to be made.
“You are,” he reiterated, stepping closer to you finally lowering his voice, “do you know how goddamn hard it’s been to see you leave here every week with a different guy? To hear that you’re fucking Hawkins when you’re all that’s still on my mind?” His voice was quivering and it took you a minute to adjust to the sudden change in tension. Surprised at his admission. You had never seen Matt like this. Even when you were together if someone had hit on you or overstepped their bounds he would kindly and calmly inform them that you were taken. Just as you would expect Matt Casey to. But this was something else. Months of built up jealousy, unable to do or say anything about it apparently taking a toll. His hand was gripping the sink so hard his knuckles were pure white, an anguished look in his eyes as he thought about it, and it was undeniably sexy. “I know that I have no right, but good lord, [Y/N]. It is slowly kill-“ You couldn’t even allow him to say another word. You were certain if you didn’t get your hands on him within the second you were going to burst into flames, gripping his face tightly, quickly molding his lips to yours. The rhythm was quick to find, familiarity not too far gone.
It didn't take Matt very long to take advantage of the kiss, pushing you back a few steps against the nearest wall, forcing his tongue into your mouth. Your hand found its way to the hair at the back of his neck threading your fingers through it. It was intense, fire quickly spreading through your body, slotting your hips against his leg, hips moving in desperation.
“Look at you, so fucking desperate. Like you haven’t been fucked right in months.” Matt’s hand rested on your ass encouraging the movement, lips moving down your neck.
It was true. Right after you and Matt had broken up you began frequenting bars, joining hookup apps, going home with a different guy multiple times a week. The problem was nobody matched up to him. There were some decent ones and some really sucky ones too, only concerned about how fast they could get there, skipping foreplay almost entirely, but no matter what without fail it always ended with you craving your ex. The only one to even slightly quench your thirst was your boss, Evan Hawkins so an occasional hookup may or may not have happened. What Matt clearly didn’t know is the agreement you two had, had recently come to an end after learning of a friend’s interest in the Chief. Leading to those hookups to become extinct over a month ago. So, whatever he was offering you were willing to take it without hesitation.
His teeth nipping at your collarbone only furthered your need allowing him to push you down harder on his leg. Leaning closer into him you took ahold of his hand that was gripping your hip trying to move it under your skirt.
“Uh uh uh,” He resisted, “it’s my thigh or nothing, baby.” He wore a cocky smirk, only growing the second you whined a quiet,
“Matt.” A defeated, pleading look appearing in your eyes. While his attitude was angering you slightly, only wanting to reach a high right this second, and you had no doubt his fingers could do exactly that, you couldn't deny how hot this was and how his ultimatum only furthered the wetness building between your legs.
“Show me how bad you need it, princess, but try not to be too loud there is an entire bar of our coworkers 50 feet away.” His thigh tightened as if he was wanting you to go against his warning, a strangled moan on the tip of your tongue, body getting as close to you as he possibly could so his smell engulfed you, a smell you missed having wrapped around you more than you thought.
You whimpered into his neck pushing your hips down harder, and you could feel him steadily growing against your hip. “You’re so beautiful you know that?” He complimented both hands moving to your ass encouraging you to speed up your movements, the friction from the denim winding a coil in your stomach. Your fingers clawed at his biceps looking for as much contact as possible. Head falling back against the wall, your eyes closing tightly, your breathing was starting to speed up shakily with every grind of your hips.
“Matt, I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if it’s enough.” You admitted, the knot growing but only torturing you as you continued to rut against his leg, needy whimpers spilling from your mouth.
“Yes, you can. I know you can. You want me so bad? Make a mess on me first. Be a good girl.” Matt encouraged flexing the muscle in his thigh once again, dragging his teeth down the side of your throat stopping to bite behind your ear, one hand coming up to tweak your hardened nipple over your top and you finally snapped, a breathless moan falling from your lips as Matt helped work you through your high.
“Good thing you already fucked up my pants earlier or else I’d be pretty concerned about the mess you're leaving behind right now. Your panties are going to be ruined.” He wasn’t kidding, there was absolutely zero doubt he would have evidence of this encounter on his thigh if you stepped off right now. He was however wrong about one thing.
“Not wearing any.” You shrugged, letting your leg fall shakily from Matt’s hip.
“For fucks sake.” He groaned pupils flashing even darker, roughly gripping the back of your neck and pulling your lips back to his for a sloppy kiss.
“Yours? It’s closer.” You mumbled into his neck after pulling away to get a breath, biting it playfully. Nodding he stepped back to pull his phone out of his pocket to reserve an Uber and unsurprisingly there was indeed a dark spot staining his jeans, but all you were focused on was the bulge to the right of it, mouth watering contemplating dropping to your knees right there, missing the weight of his cock on your tongue, when he grabbed your hand.
“We’ll go out the back.” He gave you a quick kiss, opening the door to check for anyone before sneaking through the kitchen out into the cold, a car pulling up to the curb just as you made it around the building.
The minute you were in the Uber your mouth was back on his.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’m gonna need an address confirmation before you suck all the air outta his lungs, honey.” A nice older woman, joked from the driver's seat. Blushing you mumbled an apology putting some space between you two. Matt chuckled in amusement, confirming the address on the screen.
“Probably get a lot of this, this time of night huh?” Matt began a conversation hand resting teasingly high on your thigh.
“Absolutely, but I don’t mind. It’s nice to see young people having fun. It’s cliche but you really do only live once and y’all are in your prime years. They go faster than you think. So, as long as everyone is being safe and aren’t actually doing anything disrespectful in my backseat I don’t mind.” She smiled, kindly. The conversation continued for the remaining 5 minutes until she pulled in front of Matt’s apartment building. “Have a good night you two. Be safe.” She winked. Giggling you got out thanking her, approving of Matt’s 5 star review and generous tip once you made it in the elevator. Your hand was clasped in his, thighs involuntarily rubbing together at the tension, having to behave with all your might thanks to the elderly couple who accompanied you.
As soon as the door to his apartment was closed and your shoes were discarded his mouth was back on yours, stealing your breath at the need he conveyed. Untucking your top from the skirt it was discarded on the hardwood, tapping your thighs you took the hint allowing him to wrap your legs around him walking you to his bedroom. It had been the first time you had been back in the apartment since the breakup. Heart aching as your mind flashbacked to Matt swallowing harshly, blinking back his tears, in an attempt to put on a strong front as you walked out.
Luckily, you were quickly teleported back to the present once your back hit his bed, allowing him to pull his shirt off in one movement.
You would never not stare, never could not stare at a shirtless Matt Casey. You had made it a point not to be near him in the locker room recently because it just was not a power you possessed. Not sure how it was a power anyone could possess as your eyes raked over his broad chest, his forearms and hands causing your hips to wiggle slightly. He didn’t let you gaze long though, bending to attack your bare chest. Hand moving between your thighs to learn you weren’t lying earlier, a groan escaping him at the finding. His lips laid kisses all over your breasts, fingers moving to trail down your slit hips immediately jumping.
“So needy.” His free hand squeezed your hip forcing it down, just as he pressed a finger in slowly you let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t enough, you needed more immediately.
“More..” You requested as he curled his finger just right putting more pressure against your waist when your pelvis fought to jerk forward. Obliging, he added a second finger increasing the speed. Your body was begging you to work for it, wanting to rock your hips down to ride his hand but his strong hold was preventing it. A groan fell from your lips the minute his thumb met your clit rubbing soft circles.
“You wanna come on my fingers?” He whispered in your ear, biting it softly. You were breathing heavily, quickly nodding your head yes in response. Your walls clenching when he crooked his fingers once again, so damn close, when he pulled away from you.
“Matt, what the fuck?” You whimpered, squirming under his lustful gaze.
“I don’t think you’re ready yet.” He brushed you off, but the glint in his eye proved how much he enjoyed this and it was clear you were in for a long night, leaning forward he pulled your last piece of clothing down your legs roughly tugging you towards the edge of the bed by your ankles, ending on his knees between your legs, and it was a sight to behold. One of your favorites if you were being honest. You were taken back at the lack of teasing the minute Matt shoved his mouth into your pussy, tongue darting out to lick your clit, a wail echoing from your lips, “You taste so damn good, forever my favorite meal, baby.” He praised nipping the sides of your thighs when his finger circled your entrance once again filling you. You directed all your focus towards keeping quiet as the knot grew tighter with every movement, hoping if you didn’t give him any sign of how close you were you could trick him into letting you come, hands twisted tight in the sheets when he sucked your clit finger curling to hit your sweet spot, but at the last second he pulled away, ripping you back from the brink once again.
“Fuck!” You huffed, hand punching the sheets, Matt chuckled above you,
“You’re so cute thinking I don’t know your body like the back of my hand.” And okay while this sucked, cocky Matt was intoxicating.
He edged you three more times and you were so wound up you feared the second he got in you, you would burst. You were physically panting, tears covering the sheets under your head.
“Matt-please. I’ll fucking call Hawkins right now.” You bargained, and despite the jealously that flashed deeper on his face he grinned smugly.
“You think threatening me right now is a good idea?” His eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know! I just need something, anything please.” Your thighs squeezed together begging for friction. Your eyes traveled down the man’s body, hardness in his jeans more than evident and you reached out towards him, missing the feeling of him in your hand, getting to watch his face scrunch in pleasure with just a flick of your wrist, but he caught your hand.
“Tonight’s about you baby, and making you wonder why you’d ever want someone else to put their dick in you.” He winked, his words actually surprised you. He was never this territorial over you, but it lit an even bigger fire inside of you. “Tell me what you want.” He ordered hands resting against the edge of the bed.
“You, right now. Anyway you’ll give it to me.” You wasted no time in answering, batting your eyelashes.
Smiling he finally pulled his jeans and boxers down allowing the bulge in his pants room breathe, tip red and dripping, moving to hover on top of you, he teased his cock through your wetness appreciating the way your cheeks flushed, his pupils dark not allowing you much time to drool, “Condom?” He asked, seemingly forgetting until this point not used to having to use them with you since you were on birth control, “I’m sure Severide has some.” You could see the hurt in his eyes from having to ask, and it made your heart ache in turn, but you shook your head,
“I’ve made everyone else wear one.” You explained, hooking your legs around his hips and his relief was obvious.
“Ready?” He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, a welcoming softness in a tension filled room.
“God, yes.” You wiggled your hips attempting to angle him in.
At the confirmation Matt thrusted deep into you pulling a gasp out of you at the roughness. You could vividly remember the first time Matt and you had sex. Gentle, intimate, loving after years of longing and avoiding the inevitable between you two. Completely different than right now. You wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow you found marks from the Captain’s fingers around your hips pulling you towards him feverishly, everytime his dick thrusted forward into you, and it was exactly what you needed. It took a whole two seconds for you to fill the room with moans, allowing him to manhandle you from the start. He maneuvered your legs from his hips to his shoulders enabling him to go deeper, screaming when he thrusted his hips the perfect way, “Matt-oh my god,“ your body was tightening embarrassingly fast.
“Yeah, baby?” He gritted, and you were extremely impressed at how well he was keeping his composure tonight.
“You’re so fucking good.” You complimented through ragged breaths, eyes tightly shutting at the growing pressure.
“Go and fuck whoever you want, but you’re always gonna end up back here, baby. Cause nobody can fuck this pussy better than me, huh? Tell me I’m right baby girl, you don’t come until you do.” He bargained, pulling out so just the tip was in you, slowing down his thrusts. You didn’t want to give in, to give him the satisfaction regardless of it being the truth, but based on how he was acting tonight you really believed if you didn’t confirm his suspicions he wouldn’t let you come, and you just might actually die if that was the case. Literally whining, tears springing to your eyes, your feet dug into his shoulders in an attempt to make him go deeper. So fucking close, your muscles hurt from the strain of being so tightly wound time and time again, “Sweetheart, I can come just like this right now if you want me to. Be like every other guy you’ve been with recently. Is that what you want?” His tone was dripping in arrogance and his shallow thrusts were successfully torturing you. How this side of him could be completely infuriating but completely erotic at the same time was beyond your comprehension at the moment. You had never been so distraught, allowing your pride to go out the window without a second thought.
“Matt-“ you felt the tears starting to run down your face, “please. It’s you- it’s yours. Need you, always need you. Please let me come.” Your breathing was ragged, hips doing their best to entice him closer, pull him in on their own accord.
“Good girl.” He praised leaning down to kiss the tears away softly, “you’re so damn pretty.” He smiled genuinely, studying your features.
“Fuck me, Captain.” You smirked, although enjoying the snippet of fluff. Laughing, Casey returned to his previous position.
“Remember you asked for it.” He teased throwing you a wink before flipping you over on your stomach, ramming into you harder this time. The bunch of nerves you had felt plenty of times tonight already quickly returning full force, Matt was finally starting to lose his cool, grunts falling from his lips.
“Fuck, [Y/N].” Looking over your shoulder you could see his eyes were between your legs intently watching where you two met, a sight you wish you had the ability to see.
“Matt-“ a broken sob fell from your lips, “so close.” You were attempting to move your hips with his but the brutal pace he had set was hard to match. He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you up against his chest. Pressing the fingers from his right hand against your clit, rubbing soft circles.
“Go ahead, gorgeous.” He encouraged into your ear kissing the back of your neck, seconds later your body practically convulsed finally letting go, back arching off into his chest, a loud moan echoing in the room. Matt having to hold you up completely as you worked through your high. He followed soon after filling you with warmth every time his dick twitched. A feeling you missed more than you’d like to admit.
You lay in silence after collapsing on the mattress, legs shaking, Casey’s head dug into your neck trying to resurrect his breath, heart beating rapidly against your back. The intensity finally dwindling, causing an unwelcome sob to break out of you at the sudden change of environment. Matt’s head shot up at the sound.
“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong? I’m sorry, was it too much?” Matt’s body went rigid concern lighting his eyes, as he took your face between his hands.
“No, not at all. It was incredible. I’m sorry, I’m being ridiculous.” You tried to brush him off, a wet laugh coming out, attempting to get out from under him and off the bed.
“No, come here. Talk to me.” He repositioned you so you were now laying on top of him against his chest. Holding you tightly.
“It’s just…I’ve had the most terrible week. Truly awful and all I’ve wanted, all I’ve craved every single day was a Matthew Casey hug.” You sniffed, shaking your head embarrassingly. His arms tightened around you at your confession, dropping a kiss against your head, and the familiarity did exactly as you assumed it would, tension releasing from your body, relaxation taking over in its place.
“Baby, I’ll I’ve wanted to do this week is give you a hug. I’m right here. I’m always right here. No matter what, I’m yours, baby, and I will wait however long it takes for you to come back to me and realize that I’m the guy for you.” His hand was trailing soothingly up and down your back.
“I’m just scared, Matt.” You had never given him a true reason for leaving, claiming you just didn’t know if you felt right in a relationship at the time.
“Of what?” He asked.
“Having to watch you run into burning buildings has never been my favorite regardless of how good you look in bunker gear, but..after Otis it’s just been unbearable, and I just thought maybe if I broke it off it would get easier. It would just feel uneasy like with Kelly or Stella rather than crippling.” You explained, emotions getting the better of you as you thought back to losing Otis and having to watch Katie crumble.
Chloe had the same thoughts and luckily for Cruz she learned to accept it, but she also didn’t have to physically witness it. She didn’t have to worry every time Boden’s face ticked with concern when he didn’t like something. Didn’t have to count down the seconds waiting for him to reappear in the smoke when Boden pulled them. Didn’t have to beg your shaking hands to stay steady and focus on the patient when you heard an accidental pass alarm.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me this?” His voice was so calm, so full of sympathy.
“What were you gonna do, Matt?” He wasn’t going to stop being a firefighter and you’d never want him to.
“I don’t know.” He admitted, “Has it worked?” It was a question he didn’t want to ask, but one he needed an answer to.
“Far from it,” you shook your head swallowing more tears, “I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it, losing Otis, watching everyone fall apart maybe it’s something I need to talk to someone about, but regardless it’s just made me realize god forbid something did happen I’d be so pissed I didn’t spend everyday with you that I could. I love you with my entire being Matthew Casey, and I think it’s pretty clear that’ll never stop.” You finally looked up at him.
“This is the dick lust talking isn’t it?” He joked after a beat of silence allowing you to laugh, smacking him in the chest. “I promise I will do everything I can to always come out for you.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear closing his eyes to kiss you on the head.
“I think jealous Matt is my new favorite Matt.” You grinned eyes sparkling.
“Hawkins is just lucky his face is still intact.” He growled, only confirming your new opinion.
“I’m hungry.” You attempted to steer off the topic, accompanied by your stomach rumbling.
“We did put in quite a workout.” Matt joked kissing your cheek, “I can order some pizza let me just see if Severide is home.” He jumped up to put a pair of sweatpants on, throwing you a Chicago Fire sweatshirt of his basking in his scent overwhelming you.
“God bless him if he is.” You winced thinking back to his comment in the bar earlier. Throwing the piece of clothing on as Matt disappeared into the hallway.
Two minutes later the man in question appeared in your doorway, arms crossed against his chest, a cocky look on his face.
“You seriously need to learn these walls aren’t soundproof.” He quipped, forcing a blush on your cheeks.
“You know what? You had to have seen the trail of clothes when you got home you knew what you were getting into.” You defended, shrugging.
“I’m just kidding, I got home like two minutes ago. Figured I’d give you some time when neither of you happened to come back to the bar.” He laughed when you rolled your eyes, walking to sit on the bottom of the bed, “I’m sorry for telling him about Hawkins by the way. I was just trying to kick his ass into gear.”
“Alright, it’s ordered, 35 minutes.” Matt announced as he reappeared in the room, climbing back into his bed beside you pulling you into his side.
“Casey, your girl almost took down an attorney today. Who by the way wasn’t very happy when you never returned.”
It was a perfect end to a not so perfect week.
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Distraction - Matt Casey | 18+
requested: yes
word count: 2,204
warnings: smut [unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk, lowkey think some of it counts as a breeding kink? I don't actually know???]
a/n: ... jesus christ
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[“You’re the worst type of distraction, you know?” ]
Matt was probably the most supportive boyfriend you had ever had. He’s had your back since your first day at 51. He wasn’t a lieutenant yet but he still had enough pull at the house that he was able to get some asshole off your back in the first hour.
And since then he’s been at your side. You were a paramedic, so it wasn’t like the crush that had grown between you two was against the rules. And you didn’t even get together for… a while. For lack of a better word. But once you guys were, it was the strongest bond anyone had seen.
Nothing but loyalty, trust and support. Especially now. You’d had enough of being a paramedic. Not knowing what happened to patients after you brought them in. Not being able to use the copious amount of medical knowledge you had in the field. All of it was so frustrating.
So you decided to go to actual medical school. Which was going well. No you weren’t the top of your class but you were pretty high in the ranks. Half of the younger students ignored the embarrassment they put on themselves to ask for your help, knowing that as a paramedic you must have known a fair amount of stuff.
Which you did. But that wasn’t without the excessive cramming you did in between shifts. Like right now. Matt had been asleep for a few hours by now, expecting you to join him by the time it hit midnight.
It was 2:30 in the morning now.
And even though you knew you should go to bed, you couldn’t. Not when you still didn’t know what the hell to look for on an MRI. “Baby, why are you still awake?” Matt’s groggy voice was followed by the scuffle of his feet across the floor, making their way down the hallway.
You glanced over at him, a pen tucked behind your ear and hair tied up loosely. It was neat before but strands were slowly falling out of it the more you tilted and turned your head. His voice made you jump slightly, eyes too focused on some highlighted words in your textbook.
“Huh?” He sat on the couch behind you, gesturing to the skewed papers. “Oh, studying. Go back to sleep,” You gave him a soft smile, feeling his arms go around your shoulders, pulling you towards him.
Matt placed a kiss to the top of your head, “Come to bed with me,” He muttered, his hands sliding down your arms to push a different pen from your hand, grabbing it in his. You laughed softly, feeling him kiss from your cheek to your jaw.
Lightly you hummed, giving way to him, “You are the worst type of distraction you know that?” You muttered, twisting your hand to hold his. Matt nodded faintly, leaning more to kiss your shoulder.
“I know, so let me distract you more, in bed, and you can pick this back up tomorrow. When you’re more rested, and relaxed,” He slid his other hand over your shoulder, squeezing softly. It was damn near impossible to say no to him. Actually, completely impossible.
Matt was addicting. His touch, his words. Everything. He always has been. The first kiss you ever had sparked something deep inside you and since then it was like you were insatiable when it came to him.
Being at work was hard enough to control yourself, and his office only went uninterrupted for so long before someone knocked on his door so quickies were nearly off the table. Nearly. But at home, and when he was lazily kissing at your neck like he was now?
How could you even imagine declining his sweet offer?
You shifted onto your knees, turning to face him, pressing your lips to his. Matt’s hands abandoned yours, instead swooping around your waist, gently holding onto you. “That a yes?” He questioned smugly, already knowing the answer. He was well aware of the pull he had over you.
It was balanced perfectly, your presence having the same effect on the lieutenant as he on you. You hummed softly, pushing yourself up and off the floor, not without leaning forward to give him another firm kiss.
Moments like this made you thankful he was the type to only sleep in pajama pants, his chest bare for you to run your hands over. “Mhm,” Now impatient, you grabbed his hand, pulling him up, feeling him bump into your back as he followed you back into your bedroom, textbook and studies at the back of your mind.
You turned back to him the second you heard the door click behind you, hands finding the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. Any sleepiness that was in his body when he woke up was now gone, completely replaced with you, your lips and your body.
“You can’t just,” You firmly kissed him, “Come out there,” Another kiss. “And distract me.” And another. Slipping words in between them. Matt’s hands on your hips pulling you closer.
He reciprocated each kiss, his tongue fighting to slip into your mouth each time, slowly he pulled away, not caring about the line of spit that connected your mouths. “Seems I can though, doesn’t it?” His cocky words driven by the horniness that was clouding his mind, the ever growing bulge in his pants pushing the sarcastic side out of him.
Usually you were able to wrangle him in, get things done but when he started talking back? That’s when you knew to just let him do his thing. Cause damn was he good at it. “Is that so Lieutenant Casey?” You ticked an eyebrow up, overly softly gazing up at the blonde man.
Matt nodded, your tone catching his breath, “Mhm,” He nudged you back, slowly getting you to the end of the bed. “Cause look where you are,” His lips pressed to the bottom of your neck, “With,” Matt nipped right below your ear, “Me.” His breath sent a chill down your spine.
You closed your eyes, tilting your head to the side, letting the man kiss back down your neck. His hands slid up your sides, under your shirt and pulled it off. Matt turned you, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap.
Slowly your hands went over his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his waist. His arms wrapped around you, leaning up to catch your lips again, pulling you into a deep kiss. It was slow but heated, all of the lust and passion wrapped into each twist of your lips together.
Each brush of your tongue against his made him grow more and more, grinding his hips up into yours. “You can take my clothes off you know,” You muttered into the break he took to catch his breath. Matt’s eyes found yours, loosening the grip on you to lean back onto his palms.
“Or you can do it for me,” He mumbled, eyes dragging across your bare chest and the pajama pants you had put on hours ago. Your cheeks burned as you lifted from his lap, making a show of pushing them off, going to return to your spot when he held his hand out in expectancy.
You tilted your head slightly, Matt raising his eyebrows at the floral underwear you still wore. Oh. With a slight smirk you pulled them off, tossing them to the side, accepting Matt’s grasp as he brought you back towards him.
“That’s my baby girl,” He muttered, his hand going to your hair while his other gripped your hip, rocking up against you. Lightly you moaned, head leaning back as he did it again. His bulge rubbed right against your clit, making you pull your lip between your teeth.
Matt wanted you to beg. You knew that and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of it. So instead, you leaned forward, kissing along his collarbone. Aka his hot spot that always, always did the job in getting you what you want.
And it did. As you sucked a mark into the spot just above his collarbone he stood, his arms tightly around you before he gently placed you on the bed, standing back up to pull the rest of his clothes off. In seconds he was back over you, his hand on your cheek.
“You want me to get you ready or do you think you can handle it?” Matt asked softly, his other palm pressing over your chest sensibly, just lightly running his thumb over your nipple as he spoke. You couldn’t wait any longer than you already were so, even though you weren’t sure you could, you nodded.
“I can handle it,” You put a hand on the side of his neck, holding onto him as he nodded, slotting himself between your legs.
Even when you’d done this million times, the warmth of Matt’s skin always made you twist and turn, the anticipation of feeling him grew like a hot air balloon in your stomach. “Okay, tell me to stop if it hurts too much.” Even in his lust filled mindset his first thought was always you.
No matter what, Matt did what he could to make sure you were having as good of a time as he was. So his eyes trained on your face as he pushed in, soothingly running his thumb across your cheek as your face screwed up.
Matt wasn’t big by most means but he was big enough to stretch you out, sending a burning sensation through your thighs every time he entered you. The pain never lasted long, usually subsiding within the first few seconds. But that was also after he’d already fingered you.
This was probably the first time he went in without the foreplay and honestly, you might have regretted it a smidge but the second the pain subsided the doubt went out the window and a moan left your lips.
“You alright?” He asked softly, yet to move his hips.
“Mhm,” As soon as you nodded Matt pulled back, slowly rolling his hips back into you. Your eyes were still squeezed shut but as your body loosened, he continued to move. With Matt it was always, well, at least usually, sensual. He liked taking his time.
Liked moving that one way that had your toes curling as you tightened your legs around him. And this was no different. Strategically he thrust into you. His hands grabbed your hips, pulling them as close as he could get as he leaned down to kiss you.
His lips always felt amazing, even more so when he was deep in you and hitting every spot perfectly. It was like his kisses could coax an orgasm out of you the same way his tongue around your clit could.
Something about Matthew Casey was just so perfect that he molded perfectly to you every time, every night. Your hands grasping his face tightly pushed his movements to grow faster, losing himself in the heat of your body, wet skin slapping together roughly as each moan went right to where you two were connected.
“God I love you,” He muttered roughly into your ear before biting at your lobe, his eyes fluttering shut. Matt was trying his hardest not to cum yet, making sure you were first was also something he always did. Very gentlemanly, of course.
Your head went back as he spoke, your eyes darting across his blissed out face. “I love you,” All of your emotions managed to come out when you were together, and this was no different. The serotonin or dopamine or whatever it was that spilled into your brain was always met with Matt’s touch and love.
Matt’s hand slid between your legs, slowly rubbing at your clit the opposite of his thrusts, relishing in the way his name slid off your tongue at the newly added sensation. “I love you so much. My girl,” He spoke, knowing his loving words and tone always made your stomach pull into knots. “Gonna be with me forever, hm? Always with me. Gonna get married,” His fingers sped up slightly as you gazed up at him, eyes locking.
“Gonna have my babies. Have a family. Always going to be mine, huh princess?” His last couple of thrusts sent you overboard, eyes failing to stay on his as they squeezed shut, backing lifting off the bed as you saw stars.
Matt took the opportunity to wrap his other arm around you, fingers slowing until they stopped, allowing himself to focus on working you through your own high and finally releasing inside of you. His chest rose and fell quickly, gently pulling himself out and off of you as your hand trailed up his arm and to his face.
“You better make good on those promises.” You muttered, stroking a thumb across his face. Matt tilted his head slightly, mind clouded by his orgasm, all he could think about was you.
Softly he hummed and you smiled softly, keeping your eyes on him. “Marrying me.” He leaned down, catching your lips in his once more, slowly moving against them.
"I plan to."
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Wanna join Matt's tag list?
tags: @winchesterszvonecek
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persage · 2 years
'Cause my boy Otis deserves better
Summary:When you spend your time at 51, you draw Otis on the sly. Everyone notices it, except him. Until fate gets in the way
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Word Count: 2.5 k
Maybe it's the way he moves his hands. Maybe it's how he moves the dark curls from his face. Maybe it's the way he wrinkles his nose when he's tired after the shift and starts working at Molly's, tirelessly.
Or it's the way he writes, with his head slightly tilted to the left.
It could be just the way the light fits between his features and makes him pure, bringing out his light skin stained by many small moles. Perhaps it's his dark eyes.
You really don't know. You just can't help but drawing him.
You'd like to draw his eyes after you've seen them even closer and realized how deep they really are, because you're sure they are, more than anything else in the world. Or, again, maybe it's the way he curls his lips as he smiles.
It's probably all together and he doesn't even realize it while a few meters away you're crouched on a chair, in a corner of the 51, almost invisible and your hand moves over a sheet and captures his image, without mistakes or smudges. You could be drawing Brian with your eyes closed by now.
"Are you still here?" Your half-sister, Leslie, asks, noticing you. You've been spending a lot of time at the 51 lately (and equally at the Molly's) officially because you're soon to be Boden's new secretary, secondly to spend time with Lesley. What you didn't expect was to find yourself spending most of your free time observing Brian, scribbling his face here and there, forcing yourself from time to time to portray other colleagues as well so as not to arouse suspicion. "Let me work Lesl" You reply, letting the pen run across the paper noisily. "Our Little Artist" Kelly teases you, ruffling your hair.
"When will you set up an exhibition with our portraits?" Herman asks, chuckling. "That wouldn't be a bad idea you know" Mills replies, winking. "Think about it y/n" You smile uneasily.
"I should find better models" You reply as Cruz and Otis - Brian - shake their heads. "Listen to the nonsense" Your eyes meet and you smile at him and he reciprocates before the siren of the imminent call forces him to leave. You sigh.
He fascinates you just like he torments you, you long for him and at the same time you are afraid to get to know him better. There's something sweet, genuine about him and you admire his courage and his work, but at the same time you're terrified because deep down what do you have to offer? What can make you interesting to him? You're just a failed student who needs to work here to make some money, a failed artist who has lost her inspiration, who can't help her sister in a difficult moment, who didn't get a degree, who can't control the emotions.
"You never color it" Boden has noticed one day, admiring your drawings. "I think it would ruin it" You have replied. The truth is that you are convinced that to do this, especially when it comes to Brian, you should need to see the color gradations of his skin, his face, his freckles or his eyes. It is incorrect to portray a subject and complete it inaccurately. You will use color on his drawings when and if you can see him at very close range. Closer than the Molly's counter or the 51. For now you settle for pencil or pen.
Sometimes you dwell too much on his well-defined lips. It's one of the parts you like to draw the most, after the eyes. Then you look at the finished drawing and wonder if you are experiencing something that will never happen, or not experiencing it at all. And with every call they come back with wounded expressions from a difficult intervention and some new scar on the body or the soul ans you wonder if it really makes sense to waste all this time.
It must be said : fate works in a curious way at times.
You're -again- drawing Brian, he's wearing his uniform and he's approaching the truck laughing with Mouch. The 51 is quieter than usual today and there are few calls, an unusual thing but you don't mind. You smile when Brian turns to face you and pretend to be focusing on someone else, momentarily terrified that he will think you're crazy. You place your pen on the table in front of you, tie your hair into a spooky ponytail, then start over with the care you reserve for important things. Brian  sighs, turning back in your direction, Mouch's hand on his shoulder as he shakes his head repeatedly. You wonder what they're talking about, you get the distinct feeling that it's you, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Stupid little girl.
" Someone has a crush" it's a voice behind you. The worst voice you could hear in this situation: Joe Cruz. Brian's best friend, roommate, his other half.
"Of all of us Otis? Why?" Cruz sits across from you, a hand under his chin and an inquisitive expression on his face that does not hide his happy grin. And you're terrified, now there's no way Brian won't know about it now. "I don't have a crush. I draw all of you Cruz" you reply, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"Yeah sure. You draw me once in a while, once of Herman, maybe three times of Kelly because it's particularly handsome, but I'm sure most of them are about Otis." You shake your head.
"What makes you think that?"
"I've been watching you Little Shay. You know, it's pretty obvious. You're not as good as you think at hiding." You open your eyes suddenly and feel your face get hot with embarrassment. Brian's eyes are still fixed on you and this with Cruz's words short-circuit you.
"If I were you I'd make a move" You need some fresh air. You get up and head for the exit, forgetting the notebook with your drawings on the table in a hurry.
When you come back for it, an hour and two cigarettes later, it's gone.
Two days, seven hours and a new notebook later, your half-sister has abandoned you at Molly's, a beer in front of you to finish and the light chatter of the last remaining customers. Someone sits next to you and lets their chair clatter to the floor. You don't turn around and stay focused on the beer because you know all too well who's next to you. Your senses alert, your heart furious. Brian.
"It's amazing" the voice is warm, but slightly high in pitch and secretly insecure. You shrug. "Thank you" you reply. Your brain is so muddy that you don't even wonder what it's referring to
"This is yours" now you look up and you see it. Brian's hand just reaching out to give you back the notebook. You stare at him dumbfounded. You admire the way the light falls on his face, how he smiled lightly and the lips you've always drawn so carefully, even more beautiful at that non-distance. For several seconds you don't say anything, but you stay still to study him, to study his colors, his embarrassed, sweet expression. Everything seems to stop to you.
"Otis, can you close?" Question Herman before leaving the pub, making you awaken and ashamed at the same time, realizing what you're getting into. You take the notebook without saying a word and start to get up and leave, but the boy's hand stops you, gently grabbing you by the wrist. It is soft, despite the hard work his skin is not rough. His warm skin seems to burn yours, leaving invisible marks.
You look at his fingers wrapped around your wrist, then at him, his dark eyes still fixed on you. He lets you go slowly, almost reluctant to break the contactn and you realize that he has the power to make you sit back, without saying a word.
"Sorry," you say sheepishly, looking away and letting your hair fall in front of your face to cover the blush on your cheeks.
"You shouldn't apologize" He replies, continuing to observe you. You feel his hand approaching your face, his fingers lingering near your hair, and you know what he's about to do, and you wish he would. You would like to him slowly pull your hair back, put it behind your ear, to let his big fingers slide against your skin and you would like to tilt your head to one side, to let yourself go to that contact. But he doesn't.
After a few moments he pulls his hand away, thinking maybe he's going too far.
Sure, your notebook is filled with portraits of him, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"You're good" He whispers. "You're really good little Shay, you shouldn't waste such a talent." You just smile, let a sheepish chuckle leave your lips. Brian doesn't say it, but he feels like he's never heard a better sound in his life. He wonders how he didn't notice it before. Of course, as soon as you arrived at 51 he immediately set his sights on you, but he never really did it with an intention: partly because you are Shay's little sister, partly because he never thought he had any chance despite what Cruz said.
In short, Cruz doesn't always have brilliant intuitions when it comes to women.
Maybe Dawson's jokes could have enlightened him, sure, but anyway...Brian has never been a phenomenon with girls, in a barracks full of men like Kelly Severide why would you have to look at him? And instead you looked at him all the time, drew him so much that it filled entire pages, tracing his features with a pen and making him look much more handsome, bold, courageous, appreciable than he probably was. Because you see him this way.
"At first I didn't know whether to come to you or keep the notebook," he admits. "Then I thought it was a good excuse to talk to you."
"You don't need an excuse to talk to me Brian" you answers automatically, without thinking. He smiles, feels his heart melt in his chest. Hardly anyone calls him Brian, especially at the station.
"I needed to find the courage" he murmurs, clearing his throat. "It's easy in the barracks, between one joke and another but talking... I mean for real... It is different. Especially with someone like you"
"Someone like me?" you raise an eyebrow as he smiles. He is impossibly beautiful as his cheeks turn pink.
"An interesting girl, a curious one. An artist y/n"
"You're the only one who thinks of me like that. Artist."
He shakes his head. "That's not true, we all think so and if you start showing your drawings the whole world would do it" You shyly grab his hand which is still on the table.
"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." He hold yours back and intertwines his fingers with yours. He seems made to hold your hand, he seems born to grab you, to keep you close. And you wonder if hugging him gives the same effect, if even his lips are made to kiss yours.
"Listen, y / n ...." he takes on a serious tone of voice and you almost worry.
"Why have you never colored me? I mean, do you see me in black and white somehow? Does my aura tell you something? I'm not an artist, so I don't really know how these things work, but it scared me to death. Do you see me in any strange way?" he looks nervous
"Is that what worries you?"
"What else should?"
"I mean you find the notebook of someone who drew you too many times to count and you're worried about the fact that I don't color you?" you use a hint of sarcasm, realizing this confuses you.
Part of you feared there would be a different reaction, not anger knowing Otis, but at least a detachment, a rebuke. Anyone else would have been upset, but not him, he seems happy. He studies you carefully.
"You think I haven't seen you?" Your eyes widen and total silence envelops you. "What?" You're the one who doesn't understand now.
"Do you really think I haven't noticed that you spent your time looking at me and drawing me?" he shakes his head, amused by your shocked expression  "You've been going on like this for months, aren't you going to pretend that you don't believe me?"
"I..." You can't say more. He laughs and you look at him, and then start laughing , because Brian has written "liar" on his forehead. "No, you didn't understand a damn thing my dear Brian" You retort.
"Oh I don't, but Cruz does. It was just hard to believe"
"And why?"
Brian doesn't answer, he caresses his goatee thoughtfully and you understand that you won't get the truth. Not yet. "Because you're beautiful y/n, people like you fly too many meters higher then me. In short..."
"I've looked at you from the start, Brian." You confess, this time without shame, your will to make him happy is stronger than any embarrassment. You know he needs to know it, to realize his value, for once to be the protagonist, the hero of your story, of your drawings, of your life. Him and no one else.
When silence returns, he turns to you again.
"So? Why didn't you color me?"
"I've never colored you because... I had to see you up close, really close, to be able to color you the way I want" you simply reply and he opens his mouth to say something, but he can't formulate anything, not when you continue. "Modigliani painted empty eyes, without pupils, because he couldn't paint what he didn't know: the souls of the people he was portraying. He only painted those of his partner Jeanne. I suppose it's the same for me. I can't color you without knowing the your true colors, without knowing what undertone your skin is or the paths that the veins form on your body."
Without realizing it, you've started to run your fingertip along his wrist, where the vein pulsates under the skin.
"Do you think." His voice is hoarse, scratched with emotion and excitement. "Do you think you'll give me the chance to let you find out?" He asks shyly. You nod with a slight smile.
"Are you asking me out Brian?"
"I'm asking you for dinner, then let's see what happens."
"Only one?"
"Maybe more than one"
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rockingtheorange · 4 months
When you announce a rwrb sequel, this is who you hurt. If you even care 😔💔
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Surgery- Jay Halstead/ Matt Casey/ Kelly Severide
Summary: Your boys before and after you have a diagnostic procedure. You have anxiety, but you have the best support system.
Mentions: Maggie Lockwood, April Sexton, Wallace Boden, and Crocket
Warnings: nausea, talk of needles, basically an anxiety attack
In order for you to have someone with you at all times for the few days after your diagnostic laparoscopic procedure, Matt was working on shift today, but Kelly and Jay were by your side. Jay had managed to get two days off to be with you on the day of your surgery and the day after, and Kelly had managed to get this shift off.
Though you knew lots of the doctors and nurses at Med, you were extremely nervous. Maggie promised to be with you through pre-op, Dr. Marcel had convinced Nat to allow him to do the procedure rather than an OB, and April was going to be your post op nurse. Kelly and Jay were going to be with you when you woke up, knowing that you panic when coming out of anesthesia, so everything seemed to be planned out perfectly. Your nerves were just giving you a really hard time.
“I don’t want to do this.” You said, practically pleading with Kelly and Jay. “Please. I’ll do more tests and even do blood work, but I don’t want to do this.” you had tears streaming down your face as Maggie walked around getting you all prepped while your boys tried to comfort you.
Jay was stood next to your head and Kelly was sat next to you on the bed. Both boys were on the same side so that Maggie had room to work. Jay had a hand massaging the back of your neck as Kelly held the hand that Maggie wasn’t preparing to put an Iv in.
“Baby. It’s gonna be okay.” Kelly said, locking eyes with you. “You’ll be asleep before you know it and then we will be right there with you again. Then we can go home and call Matt. He might even have some time to come see you for a few minutes.” Kelly tried to reason with you, but you shook your head and turned to Jay instead.
Jay’s eyes were showing slight amusement but mostly sympathy. All three of you had masks on, so you had to read his eyes. “Sweetheart.” Jay sighed, shaking his head. “You know I don’t like needles or hospitals any more than you do, but this is going to help you. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.” Jay said, leaning down and pulling off his mask long enough to place a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m gonna numb your hand. Quick poke.” Maggie spoke up, already inserting the needle. The boys shushed you as Kelly cradled your face and wiped the tears that began to spill anew. “All done. Just let it get numb and then I’ll insert the Iv. You won’t even know it happened.” Maggie said, rubbing your arm.
The boys watched as your face grew pale and glanced at each other. You had your eyes closed as you focused on trying to take deep breaths. You didn’t say anything until the IV was in place. “Feel sick.” You muttered, just loud enough for the boys to hear you.
“Mags. She’s not doing so hot.” Kelly said, catching the charge nurse’s attention.
Maggie whipped her head in your direction and started giving out orders. “Deep breaths Y/n.” Maggie soothed, jogging to the Iv cart. “Jay, pull down her mask for me.” Maggie grabbed an alcohol cloth and tore the packet open as Jay pulled down your mask. “Sniff this. I know it’s weird but trust me.” Maggie said, holding the packet to your nose.
You looked at her strangely before sniffing the swab. It was odd and a first for you. Maggie coached you through a few more breaths before she pulled back. “Better?” Kelly asked, rubbing your hand. The color had began to return to your face at this point.
“Yeah.” You said with a slow nod. “Still a tiny bit nauseous but definitely better.” You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, nuzzling into Jay’s hand that had found its way to your forehead where his thumb was rubbing soothingly against your hairline.
“Let me call Dr. Marcel and let him know that happened. You also get very nauseous and anxious coming out of anesthesia, right?” Maggie asked as she walked to the door and began typing on her handheld.
“Yeah. That’s what my mom says anyways. I was super little when I had my only other surgery, so I honestly don’t remember.” You said, shrugging slightly.
“Well, let me go get you a patch that Crockett normally recommends his patients in your predicament, and I’ll be back to put it on just before you go into surgery, okay?” Maggie said, smiling at you and your lovers.
You nodded and smiled back before pulling your mask back up. Your boys said an audible thank you as you all settled in to wait your turn.
———skip procedure to recovery———
As I slowly started to regain consciousness, I felt a weight in both my hands. I grunted and tried to move only to be unable to do so. It sent me in a panic and my eyes flew open as I gasped in a huge breath. I could hear the heart monitor beeping loudly as chairs squeaked and both my boys started talking to me.
“Shhhh shh. It’s alright. Breathe.” Jay said, leaning over and pressing the call button next to me. The room was small, just cut off by a curtain for privacy.
“April!” Kelly said loudly, stepping back a bit away from me to not startle me more, but looking for our friend.
The curtain swung open as April shuffled in, coming to mute the monitor that was next to Kelly. “Do you want me to push some anxiety meds?” April asked Kelly as he was the closest to her at the moment.
Kelly shook his head and turned to you, rubbing a hand through your hair. “Give us a second. Let her get her bearings.” Kelly didn’t want to disorient you further, so he knew that he and Jay had to calm you down soon.
Jay wiped the tears that were falling down your face as Kelly spoke to April. Jay kept up his comforting words and soon had your full attention. “Hey sweetheart. It’s alright. We’ve got you. It went well. You with me?” Jay asked, locking eyes with you.
You nodded slowly, reaching for him. Jay allowed you to pull him closer and kissed you softly on the nose before connecting your foreheads. “Home?” You whispered, breathing in time with Jay as Kelly soothed your hair down and held your hand.
“Soon.” Jay whispered, kissing your lips softly. “Think you can drink something for me?” Jay asked, pulling back to examine your face.
“Sprite?” You muttered, turning to look at Kelly and April.
April smiled and nodded her head. “I’ll go grab that really quick. You guys good?” April asked, giving Kelly and Jay a quick look. Both boys nodded and April took off.
“Call Matty?” You whispered, looking between your two boys.
Kelly smiled softly as Jay smirked. “Of course baby girl.” Kelly whispered, kissing your forehead. He pulled his phone out and dialed Matt, talking to him for a very brief moment. “Someone wants to talk to you Case.” Kelly said, drowning in your puppy dog eyes.
You smiled and took the phone. “Matty?” You whispered, giving a water smile at the sound of his voice.
“Hey princess. How are you feeling?” Matt asked, pacing his office.
Tears slid down your face as you croaked out your answer. “‘M okay. Miss you.” You sniffed, looking down at the blanket in your lap and picking at a piece of fluff on it.
Matt sighed and scrubbed his face. “Baby. I know. I miss you. When you’re all settled and I get some time, I’ll swing by with the truck and come snuggle you for a few minutes. Sound good?” Matt asked, trying to bargain with you. He hated when you cried and he knew this was hard on you.
You nodded, even though you knew he couldn’t see you. “M‘Kay.” You muttered. “Be safe.” You said, needing to end the conversation before you full out sobbed.
“I always am Angel. Let me talk to Kelly, okay? I love you.” Matt said, stopping his pacing as he caught the picture of the four of you on his desk. It really pained him not to be there, but he knew you would need him in a couple days, so this was something he was willing to do in order for you to get the care you would need.
“Love you.” You whispered before handing the phone back to Kelly.
Kelly smiled and walked a few steps away as he spoke to Matt. Jay leaned down and kissed your head and wiped more tears from your face. April returned as Jay had finally got you settled against him. It took some slow adjusting, but you managed to convince Jay to sit in the bed with you and hold you. He was desperate to calm you down, so he complied once he made sure he wouldn’t accidentally hurt you.
April smiled at the sight of the couple. It was rare to see any of the four alone with just a certain part of the couple. You all liked to stick together, all being better as one, but the sight in front of April was heartwarming. You were curled into Jay’s side as he quietly shushed you and fiddled with the blankets as he attempted to warm you back up and sooth you. Kelly was off in the corner, speaking quietly on the phone with his back to his lovers, missing the exchange but focusing on convincing Matt that you would be fine.
“Hey sweetie. Drink this and if you can keep it down, these knuckleheads can take you home.” April said, handing the small sprite to Jay for him to hold.
You carefully took the straw in between your lips and took a few cautious sips. Jay pulled back when you stopped for a second, worried about you immediately rejecting the beverage, but sighed in relief when you smiled and took the straw back, slowly drinking your favorite drink. April waited until you were done and took the can as Kelly walked back over.
“Getting cuddles already I see.” Kelly teased lightly, coming and kissing your head and then Jay’s forehead.
“Yep. Hate to see our girl cry. Had to do something.” Jay said, turning and kissing your cheek. “She just finished a sprite. If it stays down, we can go home.” Jay filled in Kelly as you snuggled deeper into his side.
Kelly nodded and looked to April. “Can we get her dressed?” He knew you felt extremely exposed under just a hospital gown and blanket. You had made that clear while you were in pre-op. He was desperate to get you comfortable.
April smiled and nodded. “Of course. There is a bandage on the incision site. She’s gonna be sore for a couple days. Just go slow, okay?” April coached, handing Kelly your bag.
“Of course.” Kelly confirmed with a nod.
“I’ll be back in a bit. Just holler if you need anything.” April said, smiling at you before she left, shutting the curtain behind her.
Jay held back a laugh as you immediately tugged at the gown, pulling it off yourself. You were in nothing but underwear, which Jay and Kelly had slipped on you when you came into post op. Kelly smirked and shook his head as he pulled out Jay’s Army hoodie and handed it to its owner to be put on you. Though, if everyone were honest, the sweatshirt now belonged to you. After Jay carefully pulled the hoodie onto your form, Kelly shimmied a pair of Matt’s CFD sweatpants onto your body before he covered your feet with your favorite fluffy socks.
Kelly stepped back and admired his work as you snuggled back into Jay’s side. You had the most content look on your face as Jay brushed the flyaways back. “Comfy?” Kelly asked, a hint of humor in his voice.
You smiled, kissing Jay’s chest. “Very.” You nodded, closing your eyes. “Home now?” You asked, not bothering to look at either of your boys.
Kelly and Jay both chuckled. “Let me go ask April.” Kelly said, leaning over to kiss your cheek before leaving.
“I love you. You are so brave.” Jay said, kissing your forehead and then your nose.
“Only cause you both make me feel safe.” You said, opening your eyes as Jay searched for yours. You fell in love with Jay’s eyes. They always told the truth and looked at you with such adoration. You were his sun. The boys were his stars, but you were the center of his universe.
“I told you we would never let anything bad happen to you sunshine.” Jay said, smiling brightly at you.
You began to answer when Kelly walked in. “Alright! April said we are good to go. Now, it’s hospital policy to be wheeled out in a wheelchair, but I figured you would rather be carried.” Kelly said, smiling as you nodded enthusiastically and threw yours arms up with little grabby hands.
Kelly and Jay laughed at your response. Jay helped you make quick work of getting in a position to where Kelly could grab you up. Though he was quick, both boys made sure to be extra careful with you. You waved to April over Kelly’s shoulder as Jay led the way out of the hospital and back out to the truck.
~~~~~ back home~~~~
Once Jay pulled into the driveway, Kelly gently unbuckled the two of you and pulled your sleeping body into his arms once again. Jay opened the door and led you both into the house. You remained mostly asleep until Kelly sat you down into a familiar set of arms.
You practically jumped up, tears immediately slipping down your face. “Matty?!” You screeched, shoving your face into his neck as you sobbed and held onto him as tightly as possible.
Matt chuckled as he cradled your head and rubbed your back. “Hey princess.” Matt whispered, kissing the side of your head. “Shhhh. It’s alright baby. I’m here now.” Matt shushed, rocking slightly to help sooth your sobbing form. The drugs were making you overly tired so you were overly emotional.
“Glad you could come home.” Kelly said, leaning down to kiss Matt before backing away and letting Jay do the same.
“I was a mess. I couldn’t stand her crying.” Matt said, looking between Kelly and Jay with a questioning look. “What’s got her so worked up?” Matt asked his best guys.
“It’s the meds. She’s been teary eyed since she woke up.” Jay said, walking into the kitchen to get you some food and some Gatorade.
“She needs to eat and then she can sleep.” Kelly said, grabbing a few tissues out of the box and sitting down next to you and Matt. “Baby. You gotta slow down.” Kelly said, rubbing your side.
Matt kissed your head again and pulled back slightly. “Baby girl. Let me see your beautiful face.” Matt whispered.
You pulled back slowly and looked to Matt and then Kelly. Kelly reached up to wipe your face before holding the tissues to your nose. “Blow.” Kelly instructed, and you did, but followed it with a whine. “What is it baby?” Kelly asked.
“Hurts.” You mumbled, putting your hand on your stomach.
“I know princess. I know.” Matt said, rubbing your back. “But Jay has some food here and something to drink. Think you can manage something and then we can see about taking something before we nap?” Matt asked, putting his hand on the side of your face as a stray tear escaped.
You nodded, sniffing as you allowed Matt and Kelly to adjust you to sit between them on the couch. You smiled as you saw Jay, who was balancing a tray with your favorite food, your favorite flavor of Gatorade, and a slew of medications.
“Dinner is served.” Jay said in his best fake French accent. Everyone burst out laughing as Jay laid the tray in your lap. “Need anything else while I’m up?” Jay asked you, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
You shook your head and dug into your meal, starving after not eating all day. You were more than content. You had all your men and your favorites in front of you. Even with the discomfort you were feeling, your soul was happy.
Jay smiled and nodded before settling on Matt’s other side. “Glad you’re here. Her crying for you broke my heart.” Jay said, snuggling into Matt’s side.
Matt smiled and kissed Jay on the top of the head. “Broke me too. Kelly tried to convince me that she would be fine, but I couldn’t focus so Chief sent me home.” Matt said, running a hand up and down your back.
You leaned into Matt’s touch with a sigh. You were exhausted and in pain, but you were so glad that you had your boys.
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
XMAS BINGO; Cozy Up By The Fireplace w/ Matt Casey
— ❄PAIRINGS: Matt Casey x F!Reader
— ❄FEATURING: Matt Casey, Y/n, [son’s name]
— ❄SYNOPSIS: Y/n comes home to find her husband and their son on the couch
— ❄WARNINGS: fluff, errors I missed, sick, just the common flu.
— ❄w/c:252
— ❄AUTHORS NOTE: please note Xmas requesting is closed. But you can request non-Xmas things for One Chicago.
— ❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.
 The sound of the door opening, made Matt look up. Seeing his wife walk in the door. [Son’s name] was asleep. Cuddled into Matt’s side fast asleep. The fireplace was lit with fire. Giving them warmth as well as a blanket that was on them.
You walked closer to him, till you reached the back of the couch. Leaning down and kissing Matt.
You pulled away from him. Smiling at him.
“Hey,” You spoke softly.
“Hey, y/n,” He softly spoke.
“How is he?” You ask. Gently touching his forehead with the back of your hand. He was a bit warm.
You ran your fingers through [son’s name] hair gently. Worrying about him.
“He is doing okay, still throwing up,” Matt spoke. Looking at you. he could tell you looked tired.
“I got some new medicine for him,” You spoke.
Matt smiled at you. he shuffled over a bit, making space.
“Why don’t you cuddle with us,” Matt spoke. Giving you a pleading look.
“You don’t need anything to drink or eat?” You asked.
“No, I just want to cuddle with you and our son,” Matt spoke.
Making you smile. You took your bag off and put it on the floor.
Going around the couch. You went to Matt’s side. The one [son’s name] wasn’t hugging. Matt moved the blanket, so. You could sit beside him.
You snuggled into Matt’s side. Closing your eyes. Matt pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head, before resting his head on top of yours…
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danv3rsm1nd · 2 years
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Imagine goofing off at Firehouse 51 with Matt during down time on a shift.
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alittlefrenchtree · 4 months
Given the way he’s barely (not at all) holding back his smile when he talks about Henry changing taste and style thanks to new acquired freedom, i’m going to assume this answer isn’t based on Nick’s imagination but on real talks he already had with Matthew and Casey so it does logically confirms new look for Henry in the sequel and i couldn’t be more excited about it to be honest. Also, poor Alex, if you thought your husband was hot before that, oh boi you’re in for a freaking ride
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meraki-yao · 1 month
This is something I thought of suddenly: So when the Actors-on-Actors roster came out, I didn’t have that much of a problem with Taylor being paired up with Joey King. It was kinda odd to have two close friends who are now doing very different projects put together, but they were happy and watching Joey King fangirl over RWRB was fun.
But now that I think of it, it was such a missed opportunity not to put Taylor with Jonathan Bailey. 
(Gonna preface this by saying I know far less about Mr Bailey than Tay, I skimmed through Fellow Travelers, Bridgerton S2 is on my to-watch list, and as a fan of Wicked the Musical I have complicated feelings about the movie adaptation)
The thing that is so often brought up with RWRB is that it’s a queer rom-com, it’s a queer love story with a happy ending. The relationship itself does not need to be sacrificed. In fact the whole Kensington confrontation is proving exactly that: they are in a position and point in time where they don’t have to give up on their love and relationship for the sake of other aspects of their lives, they can “find a way to love each other on our own terms, no one else’s”. Many people, including the core four of the movie (Matthew, Casey, Taylor, Nick) have said that this is something that made this movie stand out from other queer productions, something that the world needs. 
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Fellow Travellers is almost the exact opposite: it is exactly about the periodic queer struggles. It is about the lavender scare when any queer members of the US government were deemed national security risks, and were subsequently dismissed from their stations. It is about the AIDS epidemic that led to the devastation and discrimination of queer communities. It is about a closeted man who chooses to submit himself to a lavender marriage, but who also can’t let go of his one true love. If RWRB is the idealistic future that we’re trying to build, then fellow travellers depict the dirty, gritting, tragic reality of the past. 
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And here’s the thing, as Matthew said, both types of queer stories are important, both kinds of queer stories need to be told. We need to acknowledge the bad parts of the past, as a reflection of society, as a reminder of history and the progress made, but we also need to imagine the wonders of a better future, as a target for society, as a vision for the progress to make. 
And it would have been so interesting to hear the conversation on this contrast between the main leads of two very different queer projects. 
Additionally, another thing they can compare is queer intimacy on screen, because again, the intimacy of the two projects are vastly different: RWRB made a deliberate point in creating a more gentle, vulnerable, and quiet intimacy in the Paris scene, with the focus being on the characters’ face; Fellow Travellers’ intimacy is far more explicit and wild, much sexier if you will. Again, both have their place in media and the queer community: sex can be wild and fun, but sex can also be sacred and soft. It would be really interesting to hear the similarities and differences between the two experiences, especially since Taylor has done more explicit stuff in Minx (in a heterosexual on-screen couple) and Jonathan has done more vulnerable intimacy in Bridgerton (also in a heterosexual on-screen couple)
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There are just so many parallels and points that the two could have talked about! So although I’m still fairly okay satisfied with the Taylor Actors on Actors we got, this is such a missed opportunity to talk about the importance of different types of stories in the queer community.
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squadmuse · 2 months
A MATT CASEY X HALSTEAD!OFC FIC (Charlotte Halstead Casey)
A/N: so this has been an idea that I’ve been slowly working and developing for about a month now and @deanstead has been such a great & lovely helpful mutual through it… hope everyone enjoys this, as I am so excited about it!!
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A cool October sun was high in the sky above the bustling city of Chicago that morning, and luckily Dr. Charlotte Halstead Casey found herself alone on the rooftop of the city’s Gaffney Chicago Medical Center to enjoy it.
A lifelong Chicago resident, her green eyes watched from high above as if she were a mere bird, looking down as cars rolled down the roads and people walked up along the sidewalks. Rush hour had been over for a few hours now, so it wasn’t as busy as it would’ve been as people hurried even more to reach work or school. When Charlotte had arrived for work the night before, the noisy city had been cloaked in a dark twilight with little to nobody wandering around.
Glancing down at her hand that was encircled around a travel mug filled with warm decaffeinated coffee, Charlotte grinned as the sunlight hit her diamond engagement ring and matching wedding band. It had been nearly six months since she had married the love of her life, Matthew Casey. He had dropped her off at the hospital last night with a kiss goodbye and a warm hug too. Matt was very much everything she had ever dreamed about.
It wasn’t often that Charlotte found herself working the night shift in the emergency department, but it had been a case of seniority needed and a call from Goodwin herself. Luckily, she hadn’t been working the day before and had been relaxing at home while Matt worked on one of his construction jobs in Wicker Park.
Looking back out at the metropolis that she called home, she sighed. It looked like it was going to be a slow day in Chicago, and luckily a quiet night too, as Goodwin had signed her up for night shifts for now on. Taking a gulp of her drink, Charlotte let herself be lost in the tranquil atmosphere around her on the roof, waiting for the moments to fly by and for caffeinated coffee once again.
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Charlotte had been so lost in her daydreaming mind and her imagination running wild like a hummingbird would, that she did not see the figure that had appeared on the rooftop paradise that she had claimed for herself that mid-morning. Her green eyes were fluttering shut and there was a soft smile dancing on her soft lips which made her look as serene as the view that surrounded her.
With soft steps that were not unlike his soft wavy hair, did the lone figure make his way to where Charlotte stood alone. There too was a soft smile painted upon his face, like there was upon her own, and as he found his way to be at her side high above Chicago, the man placed a lean arm around her shoulders as if he had done it many times before.
Charlotte’s eyes shot open as if they were bullets firing from a pistol at the sudden touch and her wide eyes pivoted just as fast to face the figure beside her and a chuckle slipped from both their lips as she punched him jokingly on the chest. Her older brother Will Halstead grinned as she did so.
“Even after all these years, you still react to the slightest touch, Tater,” he chuckled, ruffling her dark hair, not unlike all those years ago.
Charlotte rolled her eyes at his comment and his childhood nickname for her, which seemed to be sticking around even as they were adults. Trust Will and Jay, her other older brother, to find out her name was also the name of a potato species when they were kids. She was grateful they at least didn’t call her Tater Tot.
“Well you still happen to have the coldest hands in Chicago, so we’re even Billy,” she grinned back as she used her own childhood nickname for her eldest brother in return. A louder laugh than before erupted from her lips as Will grimaced.
“You know you’re the only one I’ll ever let call me that?” said Will as he leaned on the railing beside his sister. His brown eyes followed the sights below like Charlotte had done before. “Jay is the same, only you get to call him Jayjay.”
A broad smile appeared on Charlotte’s face at his comment. Smugly, she nudged Will in his side. “That’s because I’m your baby sister,” she said mirthfully. It was true, ever since she had been born all those years ago in 1988, Charlotte had been the apple of her brothers’ eyes and spoiled rotten by two Halsteads. “Y'know, Pops is the same.”
Will nodded as he glanced at her. “That’s because you’re his little girl,” replied Will with a soft smile. “Pops didn’t expect to have a little girl, even Mom thought she would have another boy.”
Charlotte giggled as she shook her head. Thank god her parents had not had another boy, the old house back in Canaryville probably wouldn’t have survived that. “Remember the time when I refused to do the tap class Mom signed me up for and how I wanted to go to the ice hockey club with you and Jay?” said Charlotte quietly as she reminisced.
“How could I not?” chortled Will, his soft auburn curls jiggling with the movement of his head. “Mom was stunned, wondered where her little girly girl had gone!”
Sighing, Charlotte remembered that too. Theresa Halstead had been aghast about her only daughter wanting to act like her older brothers and not do all the girly things she was finally getting to do now she had a daughter. “I think I got pulled from the peewee team after Jay punched Eddie Lynch after he made me fall and break my arm,” said Charlotte, thinking about that moment with her brother.
“Yeah you did, I think Pops had a bust-up with Coach Murphy over all of that,” added Will as he turned to lean his back against the railing and so did Charlotte before taking another sip of her coffee. “I think that was when Jay switched to soccer, and you got into gymnastics?”
Charlotte nodded. She had got into gymnastics after that fiasco, at least it was all girls in her club in Bridgeport. “Yeah it was, Mom didn’t want me roughhousing with the hockey boys like I would with you and Jay at home,” she chuckled. It was true, and she still did have a tough side to her, having grown up a Halstead in Canaryville. “You just kept to your baseball, which Pops loved.”
“South Side pride, it’s in our blood little sis,” laughed Will as he threw his head back looking up at the fall sun. “I think it was Pop’s proudest moment when I won the high school baseball award.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes at the statement, which was the understatement of the century. Patrick Halstead was probably the biggest baseball fan in Canaryville and had been absolutely ecstatic about the prize at the De La Salle Institute, to the amusement of Will, Jay, Charlotte and their mother. Usually, Pat Halstead was a man of few words and even less emotion.
For a while the two siblings stood in silence, and the only sound was that of the lively city many floors below.
It was nice like that, just the two of them on a quiet day in October.
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After minutes of watching the city and clouds go by, Will quickly grasped his sister’s travel mug and took a sip from it before spitting it back out.
“Serves you right,” giggled Charlotte as she took back the mug from Will, who was glaring at her with lighthearted disgust.
Will nodded, rolling his eyes in playful annoyance. “I see you’re still on the decaf?”
“Yup, you know I’m off it.”
Again, Will nodded his head in agreement as he knew that. “I know, I just hoped you had hot cocoa or something? Something that is actually nice!”
“Hey, decaf coffee is actually nice!” retorted Charlotte as she playfully shoved her brother to the side, making him stumble slightly. It wasn’t a lie, she had been surprised to find herself enjoying it.
Will shook his head and stood upright. “If you say so, Tater,” he replied before turning to face Charlotte with a more serious expression upon his face and his deep brown eyes fixated on her as he was reading her innermost thoughts. “How was your shift?”
Shrugging her shoulders, Charlotte sighed in response to her brother. “Just the usual stuff, I was only called in because Ethan is sick, and you worked the day shift.”
“Yeah Maggie had said about that when I arrived earlier,” said Will with a sigh, himself as he reached out to rub Charlotte’s shoulder affectionately. “I hope you still took it easy though.”
Charlotte took a large gulp from her mug before smiling at her brother. Even now, after all these years, Will was still the ever protective brother he had always been in her life. “I can still do my job, I’m not incapacitated.”
“Oh I know you’re not, and you’re a more than capable attending, but you’re carrying my unborn niece or nephew, so I’m not just big brother Will, but Uncle Will too, gotta keep two eyes out for you now,” he stated, gesturing at the round bump that was protruding underneath her ED scrubs.
It seemed Baby Casey was already under the watchful gaze of their Uncle Will, not just their mommy and daddy.
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After a while longer up on the rooftop together, Charlotte found herself traveling down in the elevator with Will at her side. The two of them were not short on conversation topics as they traveled down the hospital building floor by floor.
“—I can’t believe he actually said that to you!” exclaimed Will angrily as the elevator stopped on the cardiothoracic floor. “You’re Noah’s superior.”
Charlotte shook her head, as neither could she when it happened. “He completely ignored my instructions and advice,” she stated wearily, remembering the interaction between herself and Noah Sexton, who was a resident in the department. “I think Connor is going to talk to Goodwin about it, he had to take the poor guy up to surgery to repair the mess.”
“Good, I’ll make sure to talk to him later about it,” scowled Will as the elevator started to move again. “You don’t need idiotic residents, especially now.”
Charlotte sighed in agreement. She didn’t need the added pressure and stress of someone like Noah Sexton working under her. With her pregnancy, it had been paramount to her and Matt that she stay as relaxed as possible, even in a stressful job (although he also had a stressful job too). Their baby would always come first. “Just don’t make a big deal out of it, Will. I’m off for maternity leave in December and then off for a few months. Maybe when I come back he’ll be off to some other hospital!”
“Fingers crossed, but I’ll say something to April,” stated Will, as he glanced at his sister worriedly. He knew their nurse friend would happily pull up her younger brother about his behavior and actions last night.
“Is she working today?” asked Charlotte as she felt the elevator move without stopping. It seemed not very many people were using the lift this morning.
Will nodded. “Maggie said so,” he replied as they finally reached the first floor and were met with the emergency department before them as the doors opened up. “So what are you going to be up to today?”
Charlotte shrugged her shoulders as the two doctors walked across the room. Much like she had thought before, it seemed like it was going to be a quiet day in Chicago. “Probably just napping and organizing baby things, Matt is on shift today,” she told her brother.
Will hummed as he held open the glass door to the doctors’ lounge for his sister to walk through before him.
“Maybe you could go visit Pop?”
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kiddbegins · 11 months
Swallow - Matt Casey | 18+
requested: ... no
word count: 894
warnings: smut [oral - m receiving, slight praise]
a/n: god, its me again...
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["Swallow" + "You can do better than that."}
There was really no place you’d rather be than on your knees for the one and only Matt Casey. Something about kneeling in front of him, just being able to use your hands or mouth on him and sometimes just fully giving yourself up for his use, just, made you feel warm inside. For more than one reason that is.
And he adored looking down at you just the same, his pupils usually blown, the blues of his eyes overtaken by the black. The two of you did try to keep the activities down at work. He was your lieutenant, your relationship wasn’t out in the open, things had to be professional. But sometimes he just couldn’t restrain himself. And in all honesty, neither could you.
Like now, his door locked and shades drawn, lips attached to his. Your hand was slid under his shirt, his at the base of your neck and lower on your hips. Matt had called you in under the guise of talking about a call from earlier, instead his hands moved to your shoulders, tightly.
With just a gentle push from the man, you slid to your knees, looking up at him through your lashes, heart racing. You knew better than to try anything without him telling you to, one of the few traits of his that leaked over from his lieutenant position into your love life.
A faint smirk plastered onto his face as he locked eyes with you, “You’re always so compliant.” He muttered, undoing his belt and his pants before sitting on the end of his bed. It was true, at least half the time if he said to do it, you did.
He wanted you to ride him? Okay. Wanted to fuck you on his kitchen counter? Say no more. Any thoughts and ideas he had of his own, were 9/10 met with agreement. “Go ahead.” Matt murmured, and as soon as he gave the go ahead your hands reached out, pulling his slacks down just enough to gain access to his boxers.
Looking up at him again, you let out a sigh, running a hand over the ever growing bulge that was dying to break out of the fabric. He shifted up slightly, urging you to pull the last bit of clothing down. Your hand went around him the second his length was free, pumping slowly with your mouth watering at the sight.
The look on your face wasn’t unnoticed by the man, well aware of the way you practically craved having him in your mouth. One of the things he loved about you was the fact you were definitely more of a giver than a receiver. 
Lifting up onto your knees more, you dragged your tongue up and around his shaft, feeling his hand run up the arm you had planted on the bed next to him. Just slightly you wrapped your lips over the tip, sucking gently as you looked up.
Matt bit back a moan, the feeling of your warm mouth sending a shiver up his spine, “You can do better than that.” He muttered, biting at his lip when you shifted down in response, taking more of him in. 
He would have praised the new feeling if he had any faith that the words would come out level and not make their way through his door and out to the bunk room that currently had at least a couple of sleeping firefighters in it.
Your hand went to the base, squeezing just slightly enough as you pushed down, feeling the tip hit the back of your throat before bobbing slowly. Both of you adored your ability to move so slowly and detail-oriented that it dragged things out.
Spit pooled in your mouth, dripping its way down as you worked your tongue around him. Thankfully any noise that came from it was low enough that Matt didn’t have to worry about getting ridiculed tomorrow.
“God,” Matt breathed out, his head falling back slightly. He squeezed your arm tightly, bucking his hips up. You let him shift up, thrusting a few times as his hand went from your arm to your hair, the usual ponytail the perfect grip.
Each thrust hit the back of your throat as you relaxed your jaw, letting him push further in, a low groan growing in his. “God, you feel s’ good.” His voice raspy as he looked down, watching the way you took each movement perfectly, hands grabbing onto him tightly.
His hips faltered, his orgasm quickly approaching as he stilled, your lips once again latching onto him. Each bob of your head, swirl of your tongue and soft suck of your mouth pushed him further, a moan bubbling in his throat as he came, spilling onto your tongue and sliding down your throat.
As he finished you pulled off, the blonde leaning forward and swiping his thumb under your lip, pressing it into your mouth briefly. “Swallow.” He firmly spoke, your heart hammering as you listened, nodding.
You opened your mouth after, showing that you had in fact listened to him. “Good girl,” Matt leaned forward, pressing a rough kiss to your lips, moving along with them before pulling back, eyes darting across your face, “now get up here so I can repay the favor.” He spoke tightly, pulling you up quickly.
“Yes lieutenant.”
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Join Matt's taglist here!
tags: @winchesterszvonecek, @halsteadbrasil, @wnbweasley, @firetruckstuckley
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rwrbmovie · 4 months
AwardsWatch: 'Red, White & Royal Blue' Director Matthew López and Author Casey McQuiston
In the aftermath of the resounding triumph of Amazon's 'Red, White & Royal Blue,' @landolakes1987 spoke with the film's director and screenwriter Matthew Lopez, alongside the book's author and co-screenwriter, Casey McQuiston. McQuiston, who revealed that the realization of their novel hitting the big screen remains surreal, emphasized the awe-inspiring fidelity of the adaptation to their imaginative vision.
Director Matthew Lopez candidly shared his immediate connection to McQuiston's work, expressing an irresistible impulse to bring their story to life on screen. With a heartfelt admission of "love at
first sight," Lopez's passion for the project shone through.Describing the journey from inception to collaboration as akin to capturing lightning in a bottle, McQuiston's sentiments echoed the profound impact of the LGBTQ+ project.
🔗 #emmys fyc
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An Incomplete List: Twenty
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"What about me?" Henry says. "Christ, Alex. The whole bloody time."
They made sure to include this, even if they changed their ages and the specific event they met at; Matthew (and probably Casey too) made certain that we knew from the very beginning of their hooking up that Henry loved him all along. And he was fucking brave enough to tell Alex up front, and Alex was just as courageous to ask.
I love this so much. It's one of the things that truly came with their growth, by aging them up and them having even more experiences. Not that our Alex and Henry in the book, or anyone their age cannot love that deeply or begin a beautiful forever relationship at their ages, but this part in particular for me dug deeper than it did how it was set up in the book. They didn't just meet at a sporting event, they met at something that is an event that helps do good in the world. I really have always just loved that.
But I imagine the scene took place very similarly to how it did in the book, as Alex basically tells us as much, but older Henry had to have been even more scared of it, that after all that time, and with the grief from his father's battle with cancer and then death bleeding into his heart, to see Alex, to love him, the whole bloody time, it had to have been another level of jarring because he had to have started to think that he wouldn't ever feel the way he did about Alex, with anyone. Even if he desperately wanted to, as much as he was afraid of it.
Sorry, Henry, love. You have never been casual with Alex, and the fact that you thought, after admitting to wanting him for years, that you could be, you're just as dense as you are intelligent for that.
And Alex, you're no better. Being called out by Nora for your years-long obsession with Henry and your clearly blatant need to be dicked down by him. You may have only noticed your love for him at the DNC, but also, it took you a month after the damn Prince of England kissed you to even start to examine what it meant aloud. So, no pass for you, darling.
An Incomplete List: Things I love about HRH Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz #1 The fact that they love each other all along.
(yes, these are supposed to be posted on different days, but apparently tumblr has given up on my que schedule) :(
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Stuck in the hospital and the first thing I find is Chicago Fire.
This won’t be too bad after all.
I’m sure I’ll be posting some fics tonight as I keep getting woken up.
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idealuk · 9 months
A truly belaboured observational post about Red, White, And Royal Blue.
(Reposted with out ironic typos)
Do you know what I love about the differences between the book and the movie? The fact that Alex and Henry fucked in the book and dated in the movie. Now, don't get me wrong, they fall in love equally in both and have sex in both. What I mean to say is (pun unintentional) the novel uses sexual experiences to mark milestones in the deepening of their feelings for each other whereas the film implements relationship experiences to mark those same milestones. I just think that goes to show how brilliant Casey, Matthew, Ted, Taylor, and Nick all are at what they respectively do to highlight that distinction considering the constraints of a film's runtime limits vs. the imaginative freedom of writing your own novel.
I've been trying to put this in to words for months.
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