#matt testro
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movienized-com · 10 months ago
While the Men are Away
While the Men are Away (Serie 2023) #MichelaDeRossi #MaxMcKenna #PhoebeGrainer #MattTestro #JanaZvedeniuk #ShakaCook Mehr auf:
SerieJahr: 2023- Genre: Drama Hauptrollen: Michela De Rossi, Max McKenna, Phoebe Grainer, Matt Testro, Jana Zvedeniuk, Shaka Cook, Benedict Hardie, Xavier Morris, Di Adams, Helen Chebatte, Warren Lee, Googoorewon Knox, Sarah Woods, Katrina Foster, Benjamin Wang, Tara Morice … Serienbeschreibung: Während die Männer im Zweiten Weltkrieg kämpfen, werden zwei Rekrutinnen des Frauenlandheeres ins…
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So I've just discovered that the BBC iPlayer has higher-quality versions of Nowhere Boys than it did before (it probably still has the same things censored which I know some people object to, but that's the version I've got access to and obviously I wouldn't be opposed to somebody else making the original versions available too if they wanted, that just can't be me), so I'm going to replace the ones on the drive with the new, better ones, starting with season 4 because most of that was only available in standard definition the first time around, not the full HD (iplayer full HD, so idk how it compares to objective full hd, but it's definitely better even than the previous hd that seasons 1-3 were in)!
Just wanted to let people know what's going on, because the replacement will take time and it might be confusing if anybody goes on there and finds that there are multiple copies of certain episodes because I've uploaded the new ones and not deleted the old ones yet, or whatever.
Update: I’ve been able to upload Nowhere Boys: the Book of Shadows at last! The link below still works, so now you’ll find all 4 series/seasons plus the movie there. There still aren’t unfortunately highest quality versions of S4, but as I said that’s alright, the versions available are good. And it’s still okay to share these posts and the link.
I had to get the movie from a different source than the episodes, and although it’s still high-quality and mostly HD, there are a couple of places where the quality drops a little or it behaves slightly strangely (fewer since I edited it!). The subtitles for book of shadows are heavily edited by me, colour coded by speaker (or the main/more important characters anyway) and I used non-standard colours to do a colour per speaker, and it might be that this makes them less useful so if this is the case, please let me know and I’ll make a version without colours, or at least with only standard colours. I also don’t know if the colours will even show up, depending on what player you’re using (they only worked for me in vlc player and the embedded player in the subtitle editing programme I used).
(Redo 1 of the Nowhere Boys drive link addition to my last Nowhere Boys post as a separate post in hopes at least one version will find people because the reblog doesn't show up, this one with the link)
If anybody in the Nowhere Boys fandom (or otherwise, it's a good show) hasn't seen some or all of Nowhere Boys and would like to, or has seen it but wants to have the episodes to keep, I now have Series(seasons) 1-4 uploaded to a Google Drive (and I'm working on Book of Shadows/the movie, there's a folder for it but it's not in it yet, it will be when I can get everything sorted with it). Here's the link (hopefully Tumblr won't eat this post):
Nowhere Boys
If this post does get eaten, there will be another post without the link and people will have to message me for it, I guess. Or if there's enough demand I could post it in my bio or something?
Also, if the post doesn't get eaten and people actually see it:
it's okay to reblog this post (and the other versions) if you want/think it will find other fans (or I guess share the link without my post, I'd appreciate if you'd please let me know if you're doing that but obviously I can't make you).
for reasons unknown to me, the video quality of series 4 (apart from episode 1, weirdly, which is as high-quality as series 1-3) is a bit worse than the previous series even at maximum, although still very watchable. If they (by which I mean the BBC because I've got the main series from the iPlayer) do ever post better versions, I'll get them and replace the current ones, but as it is, those are okay and certainly better than nothing/some other sources.
I've included the (English) subtitles with everything, in case anybody else wants them (just .srt files at the moment, although I think I could maybe also get different file versions, like .ttml, if that's wanted/needed for translation/whatever other reason).
I did this for a Twitter groupchat of fans (not very active anymore but if anybody wants to join we'd be happy to welcome you), but I thought it might get to a slightly wider audience here and it wouldn't hurt me to offer it to more people.
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sirireggie · 4 years ago
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jake icons 🐬
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movievillainseating · 4 years ago
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The Gloaming s01e01 pilot, Freddie Hopkins, Matt Testro
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thebreminfour-blog · 7 years ago
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Fire, Water, Air, Earth
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deefaelightwood · 8 years ago
I wrote a nowhere boys ficlet
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The realization hits Jake like a slap to the face.
He's in love with Felix.
How? How in the world did that happen? Has he totally flipped? Did crossing dimensions totally fry his brain?
He huffs out an annoyed breath before flopping backwards onto the sofa and covering his eyes with his arm.
There's only Sam in the room thank god and he's too distracted messaging Mia to pay any attention to Jake's crisis.
He's so glad Felix and Andy have gone grocery shopping with Phoebe, there's no way he could process this with the goth around. With his too long limbs and sarcastic humor and the way every little smirk makes Jake want to fist his hands into his t-shirt and kiss the life outta him.
Oh god, what the fuck is wrong with him.
He groans loud enough this time to catch Sam's attention.
"Dude is something wrong you look seriously bummed?"
Sam's voice sounds nearer than Jake thought and he blinks one eye open to find the younger boy kneeling next to the couch creepily close.
He groans again not believing that he's gonna have this conversation. And he thought magic was hard to believe.
"Have you ever... Had a crush on someone that makes zero sense?" Jake mumbles only just loud enough for Sam to hear.
The brunette's face creases in thought before splitting into a cheeky grin.
"Oh! This is about your crush on Felix!" He shouts happily causing Jake to lunge at him knocking him backwards on to the lush carpet.
The air element giggles, actually giggles before Jake smushes his palm over his mouth.
"What? No! I don't even... What! You think I like Felix!" Jake stutters going bright red in the face and losing all strength letting the younger go and slouching beside him instead, his head in his hands.
"Hey Jake come on, it's totally not a big deal," Sam coaxes gently, he sits up and rubs his hand down Jake's spine hopefully comforting the earth element.
It helps.
"And plus, he likes you too, honestly the googly eyes that boy gives you almost make me wanna barf."
Jake lifts his head to meet Sam's gaze, hope shining in his eyes.
Sam nods.
"Yeah dude, so you've got nothing to worry about." He gives Jake one of his blinding megawatt smiles which Jake returns timidly before both boys scramble to their feet at the sound of Felix, Andy and Phoebe entering the room.
They must look guilty because as soon as Felix see them his eyes narrow.
"Are we interrupting something?" He asks with a slight annoyed note to his voice. Sam smirks and catches Jake's eye, 'I told you so', written all over his smug face.
Jake flushes pink.
"If you boys have stopped the flirting theres still more bags to unpack in the van." Phoebe drones as she wanders back out to the shop wind chimes clinking as the door swings shut.
Felix's face resembles a thunder storm as he throws down his bag and pulls out his book of shadows avoiding everyone's gaze.
"Come on Andy lets get the rest of the shopping!" Sam announces almost too loud using his head to gesture at Felix. Panic overtakes Jake's face.
"I'll hel-"
"Nope, me and Andy have got this! Come on mate." Sam links his arm through Andy's and drags the confused boy from the room whilst Jake glares mental daggers at him.
Oh God, now he was stuck with Felix and his gorgeous everything. Fuck.
Felix can feel the anger coursing through his body, hotter now that his powers are in effect, its like having elemental powers have made his anger worse.
The pages of his book of shadows start to smoke so he throws it onto the bunk bed with a huff.
He finally looks up to where he can feel Jake hovering in the middle of the room looking like a lost kicked puppy.
Felix isn't sure when it happened, he'd always known Jake was hot but fancying someone who made it their job in life to bully you is something not even Felix is stupid enough to do, except.....
It's been a long few months and Jake has totally changed, he's no longer mean and angry and buttheaded, now he's kind and gentle and caring. The grounding force that holds them all together.
Before he would push Andy around, throw balls at Felix's head and call him a freak but now he stands up to bullies and kept a plush unicorn that some kid gave him as a thank you.
Plus he was kind of stupidly beautiful and apparently into Sam if the way they sprung apart when Felix got back was any indication.
Fuck his life.
Trust Felix to fall for the most unattainable person in existence.
"Felix, erm are you okay," Jake stutters making the goth jump, "I mean, you look kind of, upset." He drags a shaky hand through his golden curls and a pang goes through Felix's chest.
Felix's anger, (jealousy, his brain supplies,) dissipated at his sad expression and before he can even think he word vomits; "Are you interested in Sam? Like... Andy's interested in Ellen?"
The question hangs heavy in the air.
Jake's jaw drops in surprise and his big beautiful eyes widen to saucers before he's suddenly laughing.
Confusion swirls around Felix. What was so funny?
"Man, you think I like Sam?" Jake asks still chuckling slightly, his shy facade suddenly gone as confident Jake takes its place as he crosses the room and sits way too close to Felix.
Not like he's complaining. Felix would give anything to feel Jake's long muscular body against his own.
"Sam is way too straight for me to even bother, plus I kind of have a crush on someone else."
The air between them is charged with electricity and Felix can barely contain the hope that something might happen.
He's been fantasizing about kissing the elder since they first ended up in this fucked up universe. (If he's being honest with himself, he's thought about it before then aswel.)
He licks at his lower lip nervously and Jake's eyes instantly drop to watch.
"So, who's the person you have a -omfp."
He never gets to finish his sentence as suddenly Jake's leaning forward, bracing a hot hand on Felix's upper thigh and slotting their mouth together in a kiss that totally short-circuits Felix's brain.
He lets out a whimper that would of been embarrassing if it didn't cause Jake to shudder and push even closer, tangling his fingers into the hair at the back of Felix's head so he could deepen the kiss.
He feels like heaven. God the restoring demon could kill him right now and Felix wouldn't give a single fuck.
He seriously hope Jake's not messing around cause now he know what it feels like to kiss the elder boy he's never stopping.
"About time boys." Phoebe's voice startles the two boys apart, Jake angling his body protectively in front of Felix making the younger feel all warm inside even as they both flush red in embarrassment.
Phoebe grins and goes to speak just as Sam enters the room, he spots Felix's mussed up hair and Jake's red stained lips and instantly puts two and two together.
"YES!!" He shouts fist pumping the air. "ANDY YOU OWE ME A FIVER!" He runs from the room with the echos of Andy's, 'No way, they kissed already? No fair', following him out.
Phoebe shakes her head fondly, "Alright, no hooking up where I might walk in on you and theres a box of condoms in the upstairs bathroom. Have fun." She winks and leaves the room.
Jake and Felix are the colour of tomatoes.
"Well that wasn't embarrassing at all." Felix mumbles burrowing his face into Jake's neck. The elder chuckles and wraps his arms round him.
"So, we're doing this then?"
Jake pulls back slightly to meet Felix closed off expression.
He leans down taking his pointy chin in a gentle grip. "I'm in if you are goth boy."
Felix's answering grin is brighter then his fire, and if when he leans up to press their lips together he accidentally scorches a pillow, well, Phoebe probably wont even notice anyways.
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dedicated-to-apollo · 8 years ago
I've just Finished watching Nowhere Boys on Netflix and I swear if you blog about them then like/reblog and I will follow you!!
I wouldn't usually do this but it's such a small fandom and I have a need for more content!!
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So I've just discovered that the BBC iPlayer has higher-quality versions of Nowhere Boys than it did before (it probably still has the same things censored which I know some people object to, but that's the version I've got access to, and obviously I wouldn't be opposed to somebody else making the original versions available too if they wanted, that just can't be me), so I'm going to replace the ones on the drive with the new, better ones, starting with season 4 because most of that was only available in standard definition the first time around, not the full HD (iplayer full HD, so idk how it compares to objective full hd, but it's definitely better even than the previous hd that seasons 1-3 were in)!
Just wanted to let people know what's going on, because the replacement will take time and it might be confusing if anybody goes on there and finds that there are multiple copies of certain episodes because I've uploaded the new ones and not deleted the old ones yet, or whatever.
Update: I’ve been able to upload Nowhere Boys: the Book of Shadows at last! The same link still works, so search my blog for nowhere boys and you’ll find it, and now you’ll find all 4 series/seasons plus the movie there. There still aren’t unfortunately highest quality versions of S4, but as I said that’s alright, the versions available are good. And it’s still okay to share these posts and the link.
I had to get the movie from a different source than the episodes, and although it’s still high-quality and mostly HD, there are a couple of places where the quality drops or it behaves slightly strangely (fewer since I edited it!). The subtitles are heavily edited by me, colour coded by speaker (or the main/more important characters anyway) and I used non-standard colours to do a colour per speaker, and it might be that this makes them less useful, so if this is the case please let me know and I’ll make a version without colours, or at least with only standard colours. I also don’t know if the colours will even show up, depending on what player you’re using (they only worked for me in vlc player and the embedded player in the subtitle editing programme I used).
(Redo 2 of the Nowhere Boys drive link addition to my last Nowhere Boys post as a separate post in hopes at least one version will find people because the reblog doesn’t show up, this one without the link)
If anybody in the Nowhere Boys fandom (or otherwise, it’s a good show) hasn’t seen some or all of Nowhere Boys and would like to, or has seen it but wants to have the episodes to keep, I now have Series(seasons) 1-4 uploaded to a Google Drive (and I’m working on Book of Shadows/the movie, there’s a folder for it but it’s not in it yet, it will be when I can get everything sorted with it).
No link on this version, so hopefully Tumblr won’t eat this post, but you can message me for it, or search 'nowhere boys' (or tag variants '#nowhere boys' & '#nowhereboys' or even, if none of that works, the names of most of the main characters and actors) on my blog (or click/press on those tags from this post maybe?) and hopefully one of the two versions with the link, either the reblog to my original happy vaguepost or the very similar counterpart to this one but with the link instead of this paragraph, will show up for you! Or if there’s enough demand/it would be easier to find, I could pin the post with the link, or post the link in my bio or something?
Also, as this post hopefully won’t get eaten and people will actually see it:
it’s okay to reblog this post (and the other versions) if you want/think it will find other fans (or I guess share the link without my post, I’d appreciate if you’d please let me know if you’re doing that but obviously I can’t make you).
for reasons unknown to me, the video quality of series 4 (apart from episode 1, weirdly, which is as high-quality as series 1-3) is a bit worse than the previous series even at maximum, although still very watchable. If they (by which I mean the BBC because I’ve got the main series from the iPlayer) do ever post higher-quality versions, I’ll get them and replace the current ones, but as it is, those are okay and certainly better than nothing/some other sources.
I’ve included the (English) subtitles with everything, in case anybody else wants them (just .srt files at the moment, although I think I could maybe also get different file versions, like .ttml, if that’s wanted/needed for translation/whatever other reason).
I did this for a Twitter groupchat of fans (not very active anymore but if anybody wants to join we'd be happy to welcome you), but I thought it might get to a slightly wider audience here and it wouldn't hurt me to offer it to more people.
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th-2067 · 4 years ago
BombMovie!!! ดู 2067 ภาพยนตร์เต็มรูปแบบ 2020 ‘HD’ (HDgoogleDrive)
ดูหนังออนไลน์ 2067 (2020) มู่หลาน HD ===<<< 2067 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย hd >>>===
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การเดินทางสู่อนาคตของชายคนหนึ่งเพื่อช่วยโลกที่กำลังจะตาย.ภายในปี 2067 โลกได้รับความเสียหายจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศและมนุษยชาติถูกบังคับให้ใช้ชีวิตด้วยออกซิเจนเทียม ความเจ็บป่วยที่เกิดจาก O2 สังเคราะห์กำลังคร่าชีวิตประชากรของโลกและความหวังเดียวในการรักษาก็มาในรูปแบบของข้อความจากอนาคต
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ประเภท: นิยายวิทยาศาสตร์, ระทึกขวัญ
ดาว: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Ryan Kwanten, Leeanna Walsman, Deborah Mailman, Matt Testro
ผู้กำกับ: Michael Rymer, Denson Baker, Marianne Jade, Kate Croser, Jason Taylor 
ดู 2067 ภาพยนตร์เต็มรูปแบบ 2020 2067 เต็มเรื่อง 2067 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย ดู 2067 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ออนไลน์ 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง hd ออนไลน์ ดู หนัง ออนไลน์ 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ดู หนัง 2067 ดูหนังออนไลน์ เต็มเรื่อง ดู หนัง 2067 2020 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย 2067 2020 hd เต็มเรื่อง 2067 2020 เต็มเรื่อง 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง hd 2067 เต็มเรื่อง ออนไลน์ หนังใหม่ 2067 2020 hd เต็มเรื่อง หนัง 2067 2020 เต็มเรื่อง หนัง 2067 2020 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย หนัง 2067 เต็มเรื่อง หนัง 2067 เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย 2067 2020 เต็ม เรื่อง ออนไลน์ 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง hd ออนไลน์ 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ลิขสิทธิ์ แท้ full hd 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ซูม 2067 ดูหนังออนไลน์ 2067 hd เต็มเรื่อง ดู 2067 เต็มเรื่อง 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ออนไลน์ พากย์ไทย ดู 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ออนไลน์ พากย์ไทย ดู 2067 2020 เต็ม เรื่อง ออนไลน์ พากย์ไทย 2067 หนัง เต็มเรื่อง hd พากย์ไทย 2067 หนัง hd เต็มเรื่อง ดู หนัง 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง hd ดู หนัง ออนไลน์ 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง hd 2067 หนัง ออนไลน์ hd 2067 หนัง hd ซูม 2067 หนัง ซูม 2067 หนัง hd พากย์ไทย 2067 ดูหนังออนไลน์ 2067 ดูหนังออนไลน์ เต็มเรื่อง 2067 ดูหนังออนไลน์ movie2free 2067 เต็มเรื่อง 037 2067 เต็มเรื่อง pantip 2067 เต็มเรื่อง full hd 2067 เต็มเรื่อง facebook 2067 เต็มเรื่อง ซูม 2067 เต็ม เรื่อง ภาค ไทย ซูม #2067 #หนัง2067 #หนัง2067พากย์ไทย ทเน็ท (2020) 2067 พากย์ไทย ดู หนัง ออนไลน์ "เทเน็ท"เต็ม เรื่องฟรี เทเน็ท (2020) 2067 เต็มเรื่อง ภาพชัดระดับ Full HD เทเน็ท (2020) 2067 หนังเต็ม เทเน็ท (2020) หนัง เทเน็ท (2020) ดาวน์โหลด เทเน็ท (2020) หนังเต็ม ดูหนัง เทเน็ท (2020) เจ้าสมุทร เต็มเรื่อง 2067(2020) Thaisub - ดูหนังออนไลน์ เทเน็ท (2020) เต็มเรื่อง เทเน็ท (2020) เต็มเรื่อง ภาพชัดระดับ พากย์ไทย hd เทเน็ท (2020) 2067 - เว็บดูหนังออนไลน์ HD
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robertrabiahactor · 4 years ago
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"An impressive line-up of guest stars including Gary Sweet, Alison Whyte, Genevieve Picot, Matt Testro, Robert Rabiah and Nicole Nabout also join Jack for this thrilling and moving conclusion." 🎬
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naijawapaz1 · 6 years ago
Matt Testro Dating, Girlfriend, Net Worth, Earnings, TV Series, Age, Wiki-Bio
Matt Testro Dating, Girlfriend, Net Worth, Earnings, TV Series, Age, Wiki-Bio
Australian actor Matt Testro Born Name Matt Testro Birth Place Australia Height 6 feet 1 inch Eye Color Dark Brown Zodiac Sign Aquarius Nationality Australian Ethnicity White Profession Tv Actor Net Worth $400k Weight 71 kg Age 23 years Dating Satya Mai
Last Updated on March 6, 2019
Australian popular Tv personality Matt Testro rose to fame because of his outstanding…
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cluboftigerghost · 8 years ago
Bingomation is an online community project aimed at showcasing work by brilliant animators and motion designers. 90 animators each chose a bingo number and were tasked with creating a 5 second, looping GIF visualization of the bingo call associated with their number. To see the full project go to http://ift.tt/2tnjNgi Founded by Hayley Akins, Tom Kilburn and Chris Egglestone Curated by Hayley Akins Edit by Janka Troeber Music by Wesley Slover (Sono Sanctus) Sound by Howard Sinden Contributors- 1 Adam Wells 2 Andy Williams 3 Brent Clouse 4 James Taylor 5 Alexandra Davy 6 Austin Saylor 7 David Stanfield 8 Justin Carrington 9 Oscar Martinez 10 Anton Karmanov 11 Tom Kilburn 12 Charlie Minnion 13 Jason Symson 14 Sua Gape 15 Irene Feleo 16 Laura Nash 17 Emma Hrling 18 Judd Hertler 19 Anna Balanca 20 Fredric Furstenbach 21 Qais Sarhan 22 Hayley Akins 23 Jez Pennington 24 Justin Carrington 25 Chris Meadmore 26 Lorna Wilson 27 Daire O Suilleabhain 28 Ewan Warburton 29 Karolina Czabaj 30 Traci Brinling 31 Matt Jameson 32 Rafael Marques 33 Paul Conigliaro 34 Jez Pennington 35 Dan Kelly 36 Stephen Minty 37 Christian Secaira 38 Simon Testro 39 Gareth Wells 40 Tenan Esteban 41 Marta Azana 42 Kristjan Part 43 Emily Knight 44 Sonya Robine 45 Dan Chernett 46 Dave Weinstock 47 Rohit Iyer 48 Jeremy Rech 49 Heather Crank 50 James Millington 51 Felippe Silveira 52 James McGuirk 53 James Ward 54 James Armstrong 55 Lizzie Lay 56 Kyle Martinez 57 Mike Brookes 58 Steve Kirby 59 Robert Lomas 60 Jon Massey 61 Samantha Jackson 62 Niall Mccormack 63 Margaret Elizabeth 64 Alex Stanlake 65 Leon Nikoosimaitak 66 Gabi Fang 67 Matt Wilson 68 Melvin Le Riboter 69 Daniel Lto 70 Ricardo Mendes 71 Ninalou Giachetti 72 Jason Jantzen 73 Jeri Bailer 74 Zih Rong-Lu 75 Tom Winnicki 76 Molly T 77 Al Boardman 78 Jez Pennington 79 Matt Gilligan 80 John Flores 81 Alex Neild 82 Drew Jackson 83 Silvia Carrus 84 Zach Christy 85 Will Adams 86 Kam Cheng 87 Becky Gilby 88 Oliver Sin 89 Kevin Snyder 90 Karl Dodds
0 notes
So I've just discovered that the BBC iPlayer has higher-quality versions of Nowhere Boys than it did before (it probably still has the same things censored which I know some people object to, but that's the version I've got access to and obviously I wouldn't be opposed to somebody else making the original versions available too if they wanted, that just can't be me), so I'm going to replace the ones on the drive with the new, better ones, starting with season 4 because most of that was only available in standard definition the first time around, not the full HD (iplayer full HD, so idk how it compares to objective full hd, but it's definitely better even than the previous hd that seasons 1-3 were in)!
Just wanted to let people know what's going on, because the replacement will take time and it might be confusing if anybody goes on there and finds that there are multiple copies of certain episodes because I've uploaded the new ones and not deleted the old ones yet, or whatever.
Unreasonably excited to discover that all of an Australian kids show (I call it that but it's honestly more like whatever the tv equivalent to YA is) that is probably still one of my faves (and a comfort show despite, or maybe because of, the fact that I haven't seen series 4 yet and I know probably my favourite character returns but not in a good way) is on BBC iPlayer now so I can finally watch it all even though I'm very much an adult. But that doesn't matter because I have to see it how it ends and I'm really glad that it's all there because I want to rewatch it anyhow (plus I was already around 15 when it started so I've been invested since it was age-appropriate and I don't see why I should deprive myself of the ending. (Although I'm surprised it's taken so long for the BBC to show it unless they already have and I missed it, the earlier series were shown here only a year or so later, as far as I know and if I'm remembering right, and series 4 aired in Australia in 2018)
Yes, this is about Nowhere Boys (obviously, she says, even though that won't mean anything to many people)
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