#sam looks so cheerful in the opening omg
sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 59
Jus in Bello/The Runaway Bride
“Jus in Bello”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died, so…sure
I’m so worried Bela’s gonna die in this episode
Every time this FBI agent shows up I feel bad for him. It’s giving “this’ll be known as the day that you almost caught Sam and Dean Winchester” like, yeah, he detains them for a while but try always get away
Look. I hate John Winchester as much as the next guy, but listening to anyone who didn’t know him talk about him like that?? Ooooooo, no. He was not a good dad, but he didn’t do THAT, agent
What the ACTUAL FUCK?? Ooohhhhhhh the deputy director is possessed by a demon??
So…what IS the game plan here?? Literally on both sides. I get the demons wanted to come in and kill the boys, fine. But why take out literally everyone? I guess the answer I’d get is “why the hell not?” But also why is Agent Henriksen so fucking calm??
Hey. Hey, Sam?? What the hell, man?? All for a rosary?
Dean…why are you this excited about having a hit out on the two of you? Is it the blood loss from getting shot??
OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. He grabbed the rosary to make the toilet water holy water because now HENRIKSEN is possessed!! THE TWISTSSSS!! And now everyone else has seen the demon leave
Best part of the episode so far? Dean and I sharing one braincell. Henriksen wakes up from the possession and the first thing he says is “I shot the sheriff.” I recall that the FBI deputy director is also dead and think “but you didn’t shoot the deputy” just in time for Dean to say that
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That is the correct response, anyway
This poor girl. She’s just a receptionist.
Aw dude…fucked it up for everyone in here. Ok maybe not. It only allowed Ruby in
I wish I could like Ruby. But she is EVERY “writers trying too hard to write a ‘strong female character’ that they’ve written the same character as all the guys they write but cast a woman to play her” I’ve ever seen
I’m mad at Dean right now. This girl’s choice (though based in patriarchal bull shit from her religion) should be respected and not this soft ridicule. It’s still ridicule from him but he’s not trying to be malicious. So yeah…I’m not…not too happy with him. OMG CAN WE STOP TREATING SEX LIKE IT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD?? Like, yeah, I don’t want this girl to die either, but the fact that she’s never had sex is not the main reason she shouldn’t die
I will say the battle coming down to a glorified water fight is pretty great. Followed by a mass exorcism
At least they didn’t have….I was just about to say that at least they didn’t have to kill Henriksen to end the animosity between them, but then the show killed him anyway, along with everyone else
“Been On My Mind…”: some hate flirting between Dean and Bela but otherwise no
“The Runaway Bride”
God....I hate her scummy fiance. I'm so glad the TARDIS abducted Donna.
I love how much they antagonize each other. <3<3<3<3<3 They're so perfect "the what." "the TARDIS" "the what." "the TARDIS" "the what." "it's called the TARDIS" "that's not even a proper word!"
She's taking this all very well after all her shouting. Like, she just found out aliens exist and she's standing next to one in his spaceship that kidnapped her and she says "it's freezing in here with these doors open"
Oh...I wanna hug both of them. The Doctor's wounds are so fresh from Rose's departure, and Donna's so scared and covering it up by yelling at him.
There it is...the moment it's too much (for now)
Okay, but I hope Donna's wedding dress after Journey's End had pockets. I wouldn't get married in a dress that didn't have pockets. You should want better for yourself, Donna
I DESPERATELY want to know what she said when she chewed out the taxi driver to end with "and that goes double for your mother!!"
AGAIN with the masked Santas!!
We need longer seasons again, in general. A 6/8/10 episode season of any TV wouldn't have time for the two kids cheering on Donna and the Doctor from the backseat of their parents' car.
Why are you bad at lying about having a time machine? Can't go back on someone's personal time line.......apparently?? My dude...
Oh...no...the reception. And then everyone's yelling at her like she did something wrong. Sure, her crying is not 100% genuine (or even mostly genuine). But they're also not completely disingenuous. She didn't ASK to be abducted. She spent that whole time TRYING to get back so she could get married. My poor Donna.
I always enjoy the way they turn Christmas staples upside down. The Star of Bethlehem now being the ship the spider queen is on...it's brilliant.
The more Torchwood gets involved in things, the less I like them...anyway, I love how Donna's avoided seeing every alien invasion in the past two years/ever
"I'm a pencil inside a mug?" I love her so much...
There's really nothing left to do other than laugh at the absurdity of it all when your wedding gets ruined because you got abducted and now, you, your fiance, and the alien whose space ship abducted you are riding segways in the secret lower basement of your workplace where you met your fiance.
God. He's so used to Rose absolutely LOVING his manic "I just figured out what's going on and I'm going to tell you as quickly and excitedly as I can and you might not understand but I'll slow it down for you eventually" rants, and Donna does NOT have time for those. She's like "you are literally talking about ME, a LIVING HUMAN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. You better STOP being giddy about this and just tell me WHAT IS GOING ON," but the way she says it is with a literal slap in the face.
Why does the empress of the Racnoss know/care about Christmas? Do the Racnoss have Jesus???
...I hate him. I hate him SO. MUCH.
I just reread the post about Donna not letting Lance and the empress hurt the Doctor. So, I'm crying. She deserves so much better than everyone in her life.
There's something to be said about the Lance/empress vs. Donna/Doctor dynamics. Lance was promised the chance to see what was going on out in the universe if he would work by the empress's side and betray humanity, and in the end she betrays him for her own purposes. Donna and the Doctor were just thrown together, she is promised nothing, and she actually GETS to see the formation of the earth while BARELY getting along, and while they do part ways, they WILL come back to each other, and toward the end of this year, they'll do it again. I'm fine and not crying.
What I'd give to see Jackie Tyler freaking out about this...
Time Lord pockets are bigger on the inside, too?? Unfair
So yeah...again with the Doctor wiping out entire alien races. Gonna be keeping an eye on this. Should it be "Number of Episodes Since the Doctor Potentially Committed Genocide"? Think it might be...
The fact that after ALL THAT Donna still doesn't think Lance deserved to die. Precious. Cinnamon. Roll. Too. Pure. For. This. World.
Number of Episodes Since the Doctor Potentially Committed Genocide: 0
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thebreminfour-blog · 7 years
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Fire, Water, Air, Earth
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
i need more info on bucky and his littles mis matched socks 😭😭😭😭😭
Socks Socks Socks
Bucky x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns used)
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Warnings - None, just Bucky being an old man and reader being a little menace, reader getting their way because pouts go a long way
Notes - At first I was like??? Where did I talk about socks, but then I realized you got that from the random headcaons post, Which can be found here, and I screamed because OMG YAY, I religiously wear mismatched socks, and so thats why I added it in! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this! This is also supper short, I’m trying to get back to writing again, so it’s not my best work, but I do hope you enjoy it!
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and with this blog, SFW
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“Baby?” Bucky calls out, waiting by the doorway for Y/n, ready to go to Steve’s house for dinner. “Baby?” He called again, this time seeming more impatient than he was a few seconds ago.
“Sorry Daddy!” Y/n called back, running down the stairs, stopping to walk when Bucky gave them the ‘don’t run down the stairs we’ve been over this’ look. “‘m ready.” They said, finally getting to the front bench, putting on their shoes.
“No your not.” Bucky huffed, looking at their sock clad feet. “What have I said about your socks?” He asked, folding his arms over his chest.
“That, that they have to match.” Y/n began. “But I -“
“No buts, please go put on a matching pair.” He said firmly.
“‘s no fair!” Y/n responded, folding their own arms across their chest, pouting dramatically as they kicked off their untied shoes off.
“No fair?” Bucky asked, Y/n shaking their head ‘no’. “So who bought the socks?” Bucky asked.
“And who makes the rules in this house?”
“And who can take away your toys if you misbehave?”
“You, but that’s-“
“If you say unfair I will not let alpine sleep in your room tonight.” Bucky spoke before Y/n could finish their sentence, letting them know that he was serious, and not in a mood to joke around.
Y/n silently stood up, walking upstairs to their room to change their socks. Eventually stomping their way back to the bench to put on their shoes, not speaking a word to Bucky, showing their disapproval of the situation.
- - - - - -
“Y/n!” Steve cheered as he opened his front door, Sam and Natasha standing behind him. The group of five ready for their weekly dinner. “Hey Bucky!” He added on.
“Hey Punk.” Bucky laughed, ruffling Steve’s hair as he guided Y/n into the house. “Let’s take your shoes off okay?” Though he was frustrated at Y/n, he knew they often regressed further during car rides, not liking how overstimulating the experience was, so he put his feelings aside to help them take their shoes off.
“Oh, you little meanie!” Sam laughed, looking at the socks Y/n wore. “I thought you would wear the socks I bought you! Not Nat’s!” He said, a bit of hurt lacing his words.
Y/n looked up at him, then reached into the pocket of their pants, pulling out the, now inside out, sock they were wearing before they had to change it. “I tried, to wear bowf.” They said sorrowfully, genuinely sad about the situation. “Daddy s’s no mitchy matchy feets.” They said as they wiggled their feet slightly.
“Buck, you ruin all the fun.” Nat interjected, sitting next to Y/n, grabbing the sock out of their hand.
Bucky looked down at Y/n, tears brimming in their eyes, sure this wasn’t a particularly sad moment, but in their little mind they felt like they had truly betrayed their friends. He grabbed the sock out of Nat’s hand, gently taking a sock off of Y/n’s foot, and putting the once discarded one back on. “Just this once okay?” He whispered, jutting his pinky out for a promise.
“Kay.” Y/n smiled back, pinky promising, and then hugging Bucky full forced before running off to play with Sam.
“They really have you wrapped around their finger huh?” Steve laughed, slapping Bucky’s back playfully.
“Shut it.” Bucky responded, putting the left over sock in his coat pocket, making sure to have it on hand to bring home. Y/n did have Bucky wrapped around his finger, but he was trying to abide by his own rules, but the pout Y/n had was undeniably fool proof.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
Edwards exploit?
Man, what is there to say about this one that hasn’t already been said?
I mean, one day some jamoke is gonna make a video saying that they don’t actually like this episode and that it’s lame, and a big user is going to foolishly give it exposure via bitching about it on Twitter, and the fandom will go up in flames (like, more so than the usual blowup). But me? Nah, even I’m not that contrarian.
Besides, I love it. It makes me happy, though perhaps for odd little bits that aren’t meant in any way to be the focus of the episode. Stuff like
Duck and BoCo’s angry faces
the shot of Edward with Bill and Ben
the shot right before the storm breaks out where Edward goes under the bridge—the curvature of the track there is absurd, but screw realism, it makes the train look so sinuous and pleasing
the sheer blackness of the night in the final scene or two with the brilliant white lights
Also the shot of the train on its way again during the “and he listened happily to Edward’s steady beat, as he forged slowly but surely ahead” line, it’s just such a thoroughly pleasing little bit—I keep meaning to make a good gif of it some day because visually those two seconds are definitely among some of the most comforting in film history. Why must Edward be so friend-shaped. I’m asking really.
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Caption 1: seriously, this one bit of track curves right-left-right-left three times, WHY
Caption 2: "Okay, David, catch me at my good angle! 😇"
Yes, everyone who’s been in the fandom for six months probably already knows the “inaccuracies” in the adaptation, but I’m not too hung up on them. Like it’s very cool that we have so many Trainz adaptations and Exploit!models where people literally destroy their overpriced 2Ps for the accuracy?? and I’m grateful and I’m satisfied with this fan content supplementing the episode. Besides, when I was a kid we only had select episodes from S1-3 on VHS, and man, stuff like Thomas’s bent front and Edward’s siderods taken off—that was honestly pretty metal for us. The Flying Kipper crash was obviously more serious, but as far as, like, “special effects” went? It was these two episodes that brought the macabre fascination, due to the visible damage. I can remember parents commenting on those two details too, in fact I think they brought it to our attention. Like wtf, they broke the toys! Wild! (Then we got into some Season 4 stuff and were spoiled for these more innocent days, lol. Peter Sam’s and Thomas’s head-on collisions took the damage portrayed on screen to a whole new level.)
Also, as I’ve mentioned before, while there are several sentences in the original text that I wish the adaptation retained (Edward being so thrilled when he gets the train moving that his wheels start to slip all over again, omg—my boy!), there are also a couple of cuts I agree with actually. I prefer the happy quietude of some of the moments in the end of the adaptation to the “cheers to the echo” of RWS.
Bertie’s little bit at the beginning is pleasant enough but also unnecessary, especially when you consider that this obligatory-cameo-to-meet-a-quota-of-Bertie-appearances-this-season replaces this immortal RWS opener:
Edward scolded the twins severely, but told Gordon it served him right. Gordon was furious.
Like, I am in no way excusing Gordon, but I do think this exchange is interesting context for the following scene. As in I don’t think Gordon really believes what he’s saying; when he’s piqued he sees everything in the most negative light; when he’s in a good mood all the sudden it’s “my dear Edward” and all that. Gordon said it himself to Sir Handel—he has a lot of feeeeeeeelings. Nobody understands that. ;)
Another small detail in this notorious scene that I think gets overlooked is Duck saying “You’re all jealous!” For one thing, I think he means they’re jealous that Edward got this job; the comment implies one of those standard tiresome arguments in the preceding week about who would get the enthusiasts’ train and then who should get the enthusiasts’ train. And I dunno, the thought amuses me. Perhaps because a few hours later in the storm Edward is audibly thinking that the whole gig was entirely overrated. (I feel like next time this sort of thing came up Edward would’ve been all like, “BoCo, do you want it? We don’t want a repeat of last time.” And BoCo’s all *affectionate eyeroll* “No one goes to the island of Sodor for a diesel-hauled railtour, Edward.”)
Now, for all I’ve overanalyzed the effect of the opening “station scene” and how the changes affect how people read the character dynamics, I must still give the TV adaptation major props—their changes make this scene far more interesting and just generally watchable. I mean, though I do enjoy the realistic sidings of the RWS illustration, the TVS blocking of the "action" here is iconic:
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Plus omg, the drama of it all, everyone talking about Edward while he’s just struggling to get that train started is a fascinating hook. (Certainly the writers of the show never got over this dynamic!) And, I have to admit, although it changes the characterizations a little, it’s not any huge stretch to have Gordon, Henry, and James be that shameless. It doesn’t distort the reality of RWS canon the way that Season 5 and beyond… *waves hand helplessly in the general direction of the mess*
However, and I wondered this even as a kid before I’d read any RWS, but in that scene why doesn’t Duck give the train a push to start? He’s Thomas and Percy’s successor at this point, so isn’t it part of his job? Always bugged me a bit, but then again these days I am amused to rationalize this and to imagine that Duck considers preventing the big three from bullying others to be among his duties, and in fact sometimes he gets so into it that he forgets some of the more bread-and-butter things. Yes, his old mates on the Great Western might be appalled at his new priorities, but then they didn’t have Gordon Henry and James to deal with, now did they??
Right, so like half of this post is now about the station scene... but honestly that’s fair. It’s worth saying again: The adaptation did a really good job with that. They take some pretty below-average obligatory set-the-stage RWS dialogue and somehow turn it into quite a memorable little scene. *tips hat respectfully*
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baroquebucky · 3 years
heyyyyy jess, my fave person ever, so like, you know bucky is king of my heart so pls can i request bucky x reader being like, in a new relationship, yk not being together for a while and they’re both still so shy but obviously in love. extra points if we can get sam and nat teasing them hehe, i love you!!!!
a/n: omg ofc ilysm !! sorry this took so long I’ve been so busy i barely have time for anything i hope this is okay !! :-( request some bucky stuff pals !
From the moment you met bucky you were immediately taken by him, from his mannerisms to his casual pet names. You were a blushing mess and you would find yourself trying your hardest to not make your crush so obvious. No one ever talks about how exhausting it is to hide your feelings for someone, you needed an outlet. So of course you did what anyone in your shoes does, you shoved all your feelings for him in a tiny box, writing pages and pages on end of how you felt and stuffed them all in one box.
The said box was well hidden you had thought, stuffed away 4 inches behind your secret stash of candy and other miscellaneous snacks.
“y/n can i have some chocolate i broke my arm yesterday you have to say yes” Sam had mentioned, arm still in a sling and Bucky rolled his eyes, looking at you with a small smile, you flashed a grin to Sam and sighed loudly.
“well had you listened to me in the first place your arm would be just fine” you shot back, getting up from your spot next to bucky and walking towards your room. “well?” you raised you brows and Sam grinned, excitedly getting up and trailing behind you.
As you reached ur room you stopped him and made him wait outside to keep your hiding spot a secret, but you hadn’t realized he was peeking through the cracked door and knew just where to find your snacks. You handed him his favorite chocolate and he walked away, a smile on his face and a mischievous look in his eyes.
It wasn’t until you had gone out for a walk that Sam snuck back in to steal some cashews from you, and he saw the shoe box behind the container. He raised his brow and as best he could wiggled the box out with one hand.
He flung it open and read through the letters, eyes widening as he read about how you felt about Bucky, he felt himself smiling as he read how much you cared about the super soldier, loved him even.
Then a twang of guilt and sadness and he realized you hadn’t told Bucky for some reason, but why? Sam didn’t think twice before giving everything to Bucky and walking out a smile on his face and feeling as if he had done the best thing in the world.
You were confused as to why Bucky wanted to talk to you so badly when you got back from your walk, and then your heart fell when you saw the familiar shoe box on his bed.
“w-where’d you get that?” You questioned, face heating up as he shook his head, “that doesn’t matter y/n, do you mean it? what you wrote?”
Hindsight Bucky was a love sick puppy all around, and his face at that moment said it all, he would do anything for you and had you not been panicking and planning your life in Venice as a secret spy under the alias of some obscure name, you would have realized your feelings were reciprocated.
“maybe” you whispered.
the two of you stared at one another for a couple seconds before he simply dropped the papers in his hands, took one stride towards you and placed his hands on your face, brining you in for a kiss that you gladly returned.
So there the two of you were, sitting on the couch giggling with each other and looking at lego sets to build. Bucky had an arm around you and you were cuddled at his side, a smile on your face as he debated on which lego set to get for the two of you.
“you know we could just get both right” you mumbled, looking at him as he stared blankly at his phone before turning to you, a smile growing on his face.
“are you serious?” he asked you, cheering as you nodded, he quickly dropped his phone and swept you up from the couch, spinning you around and kissing all over your face. The two of you were so caught up you didn’t see sam enter the room.
“oh great, now you guys are gonna be doing that all over the compound” Sam groaned, sitting on the couch and turning on the tv.
“you know this is technically your fault” you spoke as Bucky set you down, Sam furrowed his brows and began to protest.
“i did not say ‘hey she likes you now go kiss all over the whole compound’ that’s his fault!” He pointed at bucky who smirked at him.
“had you not been so nosy we wouldn’t be dating!” You shot back and Sam huffed, mumbling something before going back to watching tv. You and Bucky were whispering something and giggling and Sam groaned once again, “okay but can you at least try to be quiet” and Bucky blushed slightly, turning to Sam and shaking his head.
Sam rolled his eyes, letting out a loud sigh and turning his attention back to the tv.
“we can go right now to buy the sets, it says they’re in stock and i think it’s gonna rain later too” you spoke, quickly locking your phone and going to put on some shoes and Bucky quickly followed you, making Sam laugh at how clingy the super soldier was.
“okay yeah we can do that” he smiled, picking you up midstep and taking you to your room, giggling to yourselves the whole way there. He set you down on your bed and he kissed your forehead before going to his room to get his own shoes.
bucky loved holding your hand, in the store, while paying, on the drive back and walking into the compound together.
Quickly you cleared the coffee table and set the first set down, Bucky nervous since he’s never built a lego set before. You could tell he was nervous and you nudged him slightly.
“don’t worry, I’ll show you” you smiled, kissing his cheek softly, causing him to blush and turn away quickly.
Both of you smiling like idiots as your hands brushed reaching for the same piece, giggling everytime one of you dropped a lego on the floor.
Sam rolled his eyes at the sight of the two of you, getting up to leave when he bumped into natasha, she had a small smirk on her face.
“what’s got you all mischievous looking” he questioned, raising a brow. Nat waved Sam off and smiled at how happy the two of you looked, essentially playing with pieces of plastic. Natasha walked into the living room and slipped into the kitchen, she could hear your shy giggles and Bucky’s light chuckles from the kitchen.
“it’s about time the two of you got together” she spoke after drinking some water and walking back into the living room. Both you and Bucky turned to face her, your face burning red and Bucky had a small smile on his face.
“w-what do you mean i don’t think it was obvious” you spoke, looking at nat and back at bucky and she only shook her head with a playful smile on her lips.
“please, you for one blushed at anything he said” she began talking to you before swiftly turning to Bucky, “and you started actually dressing up instead of wearing sweats everyday” she laughed, wondering how everyone could’ve been so blind to it.
“well Sam didn’t know!” Bucky smirked, natasha thought for a second, shrugging her shoulders and nodding in agreement.
“touché barnes” she smiled before leaving the living room, stopping for a second and looking at the two of you, “I’m happy that you guys found each other” she spoke before heading out, leaving both of you a blushing mess.
suddenly it all become very real to you, bucky was right there, you were dating him. you were with him. A smile overtook your lips and you bit your bottom lip softly to try to hide the smile. quickly clearing your throat before bucky could see how soft you were, continuing to assemble the lego set.
Bucky on the other hand was sweating bullets, trying his best to impress you by how fast he could finish his part of the lego set, nervous with how effortlessly you pieced everything together. He noticed the small smile on your face and the way you were biting your lip, the way you do when you try to hide your smile. He grinned at the sight, assuming you were trying to hide the smile from him he acted like he didn’t see, his ears growing red at the thought of telling you how much he loved your smile.
You spent the evening finishing both the sets, the soft patter of rainfall hitting the window as the two of you admired your work, smiling ear to ear.
“now what, we finished that faster than i thought” you frowned and Bucky felt his heart sink.
“i thought you wanted to finish it fast? i tried hurrying because i thought the point was to finish it quickly?” his brows furrowed and you couldn’t stop the way your heart melted.
“oh buck” you giggled leaning over and kissing his cheek, “that’s not the point but thank you for trying your best anyway angel.”
Bucky turned to putty, his shoulders relaxing and a smile on his face, pink dusting his cheeks as you stared at you lovingly, “angel?” He questioned softly and you widened your eyes.
“I- i mean i can call you something else if you want! I don’t know why i said that i just-” you began but he cut you off.
“I love it doll” he reassured you and you blushed at the name he’s called you all this time, still affecting you just as much as the first day he called you it.
The two of you were love sick puppies, there was no doubt about that. Sam and Natasha didn’t tease the two of you much after the first few weeks of your relationship, happy that you and Bucky were so good together.
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kassies-take · 4 years
She’s Home
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Summary: Reader and Lena haven’t seen each other in almost a month due to different work schedules.
Warning: Fluff
A/n: Lena Luthor deserves this
Lena Luthor x Reader, Baby Danvers
Word Count: 1350
“I miss Lena,” you melted on Kara’s couch. Your back parallel to the floor.
Alex kicked your hip and you fell into the floor. “She left for Germany two weeks ago, she’s coming back today.”
“I know but I haven’t seen her in a month. I was in Japan. Andrea insisted I should be the photographer to cover the events in Akihabara with Obsidian North’s launch there. And when I came back Lena was leaving.” You sat up messing with the Uno cards in your hands.
“Lena tells me you FaceTime her everyday,” Sam placed down a blue skip.
Sam transferred back to National City to help Lena at L-Corp, with the addition of getting tea from the rest of Superfriends. Ruby didn’t mind the move. She loved being with a family that loved her and welcomed her and her mom, Metropolis was really only her and Sam. Ruby however opted out of New Years wanting it to celebrate with her friends.  
“Yeah but that’s different than getting to hold her and -”
Alex threw a pillow at your head. She pointed with a glare and with her hand that held a beer bottle. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
“I was gonna say kiss her,” you threw the pillow back onto Alex’s head “but now that you’ve said that I mean hearing her moan my name as she digs her nails into my back.” You smirked and raised your eyebrows at Alex.
Alex groaned and downed the rest of her beer. J’onn and Kelly laughed as Nia cheered. Kara squirmed in her seat as Brainy sat confused.
“I don’t get it, what does Lena have to do with scratching your back, I have some spots I can’t reach.” Brainy looked around the room.
“Let’s end this conversation please. I do not want to hear my baby sister and my best friend,” Kara fiddled with her glasses and cleared her throat.
“Yeah well Alex started it.”
Alex raised her middle finger up to you “At least I can hold and kiss my girlfriend.” She said as she kissed Kelly.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“With what shutter speed?” Alex mocked.
“With ISO and burn your damn eyes!” You threw your cards at Alex.
The plane dinged alerting its passengers. We will be landing in 30 minutes, it is currently 14:13 and 59°F/15°C in National City. Thank you for flying with United Airlines and welcome to National City.
You were excited to be home and a little bummed that Lena would be flying out to Germany. Once the plane landed you immediately ran through with your camera bag and passed the baggage claim area knowing you could get your luggage later. 
You and Lena had taken a few trips together for you to know where her private plane would be boarding. Unfortunately the exit that led to Lena’s private jet was not accessible without confirmation.
Your girlfriend was so well put together. You could see the bun on her head that you knew pulled on her scalp. She wore a red blouse with black dress pants, a blazer matched with Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses and her red lipstick.
You knocked on the glass hoping she would spare a glance your way. Fortunately that caught her attention as she walked onto the stairs to the private jet. You blew multiple air kisses towards Lena’s direction and finished with a shimmy and a heart above your head.
The CEO threw her head back and held her stomach. Her eyes immediately grew wide as her arms reached for the rails to catch her balance. She had a hand on her heart, smiled genuinely and moved to blow you a kiss.
You waved until the private jet doors closed behind her. You immediately received a text from your girlfriend reading
Beautiful 💕:I’m sorry we couldn’t physically be together before I left but I’m glad I got to see you. I love you so much.
You: I love you too beautiful. I miss you already.
Beautiful 💕: Kara’s waiting for you outside. Welcome home love.
Your’s and Lena’s apartment was lonely without the other. When you were in Japan, Lena stayed with Kara and while Lena had been away , you stayed with Kara.
Kara lowered her glasses and turned towards you. I think you should get it.
“Why?” You asked as you stood up.
You didn’t get an answer when you opened the door and was met with the most beautiful woman in the world. The second of shock quickly disappeared as you pulled Lena into a hug and spun her around.
“You’re home!” You placed several kisses on her cheek. “God I missed you,” you whispered and kissed her lips.
“I missed you too,” Lena whispered back and kissed you once again.
“So glad you’re home, I would’ve been stuck kissing a pillow like Kara at midnight.” Lena laughed as a pillow flew towards your head.
“Okay annual New Years tradition. One thing you are thankful for this year, what you are looking forward to for next year.” Alex cracked open a beer. 
You pulled Lena towards Kara’s kitchen island and poured her a glass of wine. The green eyed beauty already settled into her spot on the corner of the couch. You made your way over and heard the little snippet from Sam. 
“I hope she isn’t a full teenager next year.” Sam sighed.
“She’s turning 16 next year?” You questioned. 
“It’s so fast, definitely looking forward to teen angst next year.” Sam said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. 
“We can help with that when we can,” Kara smiled. 
“I’m sure Eliza had a handful with Alex and (Y/n).” J’onn chuckled. 
“Nuh-uh just Alex, all I wanted to do was to take photos whenever, where ever.” 
“I recall you moved out and stayed with me for a month because mom wouldn’t let you get a camera.” Alex smiled.
“I’m sure you all had your rebellious teen years but no one beats mine,” Lena smirked. “Should’ve seen Lillian’s face when I dyed my hair, got piercings, tattoos, and listened to punk rock.” 
“You all are making this harder on me,” Sam groaned. “Lena you go next.”
“Well I know I say this every year but I am really thankful for all of you. Luthors don’t have good relationships with family and we certainly don’t have friends. You guys make me feel like I’m home.” Awws echoed around the room as everyone stood to enclose the Luthor in a hug. “I am looking forward to more vacations.” 
“Woah, Lena Luthor taking vacations!” Nia cheered. 
“I think we are all grateful for each other,” You said and received hums in agreement. 
“And what are you looking forward to?” Kelly asked. 
“Is it a little selfish to wish it all stayed the same. I have the girl of my dreams,” you kissed the crown of Lena’s head. “an amazing family, a new amazing job.”
“New job?” Brainy questioned. 
“Oh! I’m taking a break from Catco for a bit, I got a job as DP in a feature film called ‘Control’.” 
“Is filming going to be here in National City?” Alex asked.
“Most of the shooting will be done in Vancouver and some other places as well.”
“OMG! Is that why Lena is taking so many vacations?” Nia squealed. 
Lena blushed. 
“I told her before I went to Japan.”
“Of course, I will still be able to work, I think it’s nice to just enjoy being with my girlfriend.”
“I will cheers to that,” Alex kissed Kelly.
“I don’t mind either, home is wherever Lena is. She’s home.” 
Superfriends continued to celebrate their achievements the past year and to opportunities the next year brings. By midnight everyone, including Kara, was drunk or at least a little tipsy. Everyone was on their feet counting the last seconds of the year. When the ball dropped, Alex and Kelly kissed, Brainy and Nia kissed shortly, and you and Lena kissed while Sam, J’onn and Kara hugged each other. 
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golbrockstar · 4 years
Hide and Seek
Colby Brock x Reader
Request by @assistant-carolyn-potts-91​ : Hiiii, could I get a Colby x reader where they're doing one of Sam famous hide n seek games. The reader and Colby decide to hide together in a closet or somewhere tight. Sam is close and the reader almost makes a noise so Colby decides to kiss the reader to make sure they stay quite. But it didn't work so Sam finds them kiss. But they are the last ones found so everyone sees it and questions them. lmao. 🥰🥰 thank you sooo much and I can't wait to read what you write!!!
A/N: Omg this has been sitting in my inbox for so long and I feel like it’s so bad. I’m so sorry! I haven’t had much motivation to write lately, but here it is I hope you like it! I used pretty much word for word stuff from Sam’s Slender man hide and seek so if some of his statements seem familiar that’s why. Also I totally stood in a closet for a little bit to get a feel for this 😂 
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You drummed your fingers on your knee as you waited for Sam to finish setting up for his video intro.
Colby nudged your side and you turned towards him. “This is your first time playing, right?”
You nodded with a smile. “Yeah. I think it’ll be fun.”
“I’ve only done it a few times and it’s definitely fun,” Amber said, peeking out from the other side of Colby to look at you.
You smiled at her, gratefully. You’d met her first and she’d introduced you to the rest of the trap house, who welcomed you with open arms. They were fun to be around but you’d only participated in this kind of large group stuff a few times.
“Not to brag or anything but I’m a pretty good hider.” Colby said, cockily.
“Are you?” You replied with a teasing smile. “Well, game on, Mr. Brock.”
Amber winked at you and you felt your face heat up.
She had been shipping you and Colby ever since you met him and probably beforehand. The sneaky girl.
“All right, guys, we’ve got all the contestants here for hide and seek.” Sam said, causing some of the group to cheer and you to sit back from Colby. (Can’t ever be too careful with his fanbase) “So it’s hide-and-seek, I’m gonna be seeking and all you guys are gonna be competing for a prize. As usual, anywhere in the house is fair play, anywhere in the backyard is fair play. I’m going to give you guys 5 minutes. You can only move one time throughout the entire place. Ready, set, go!”
You all jumped out of your seats and ran in different directions.
You watched the others run around and you bit your lip. You’d been in the Trap House before, sure, but never enough to know where the best hiding spot was.
“Amber!” You whisper-shouted. “Amber, where do I hide?”
She turned to you with a grin. “I don’t know! I’ve only been here a few times. Ask someone who lives here!”
Liar. She’d been here plenty of times.
You suddenly felt a hand slip into yours, intertwining your fingers, and you looked over to see Colby smiling at you.
“Come on, you can come hide with me.”
“Thanks,” You replied, letting him pull you through the house until he stopped at a broom closet.
You looked at him skeptically. “There’s no way we’re both gonna fit in there.”
“Yeah, we can, come on. It’ll just take a little squeezing. And Sam will never think to look in here.”
You relented and entered the closet first, pressing yourself against the wall so Colby could fit in easily, too.
He followed your lead and shut the door softly behind him.
You weren’t chest to chest, but it was tight. For one, it would have been snug, but for two it was almost too close for comfort.
Colby didn’t seem to mind, though. He rested his head back against the wall and settled his hands on your waist. His rings touched the bit of exposed skin where you shirt had ridden up, making a chill run up your spine. Your stomach flipped and you were glad it was dark so he couldn’t see the way your face heated up at the contact.
Colby pulled out his phone for the ‘Colby and Y/N cam’. He leaned really close to your face and pressed record.
“Hey, guys, it’s Colby and Y/N and we’re hidden in one of the closets by the door. Shhh.” He said before pressing a finger to his lips, you following the action with a smile.
He stopped recording and leaned back, putting his phone back in his pocket. You missed the feeling of his body heat right next to you.
You shifted and put your feet against the wall just next to his legs, pressing yourself into a sort of inclined position.
What were you doing? This was going to make his fans go crazy. Maybe you could find another hiding spot before Sam was done counting. Colby would understand, right?
The boy in question chuckled and, as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could see him grinning.
“What’s so funny?” You whispered.
“Nothing, just-” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It feels like we’re in high school and our friends just dared us to do a seven minutes in heaven.”
You laughed quietly, putting a hand over your mouth to stifle the sound, but you could feel your face getting hot again.
You heard Sam knocking on the front door to start his seeking and you sucked in a breath.
So much for finding another spot to hide.
You and Colby stayed silent as he announced. “Ready or not!” in a high-pitched creepy voice.
It was oddly scary. You felt like you were in a horror movie as you listened to Sam’s footsteps shuffle right passed the door.
Colby seemed to sense your distress and squeezed you shoulder lightly in reassurance.
You smiled at him, thankful for the gesture, but it did nothing to slow the rapid beating of your heart. If anything it increased it.
You waited a little while longer until you couldn’t hear Sam’s voice or him moving around before you started talking again.
“I think we might be in the clear,” Colby whispered, smiling.
“Yeah, thanks for helping me out, by the way,”
“Of course, I’ll always take any opportunity to be with you,”
You laughed, awkwardly. Unsure of what to say in response to that. “Uh, thank- thank you.”
You fell into silence. It wasn’t awkward, thankfully, just strangely comfortable for two people who hadn’t known each other long.
In a burst of confidence, you grabbed his hand from its place on your waist and played with his fingers.
You spun his rings around and ran your fingers over his, trying to memorize the way they felt.
Colby was staring at you, his expression unreadable.
There was a crash from nearby that made you both jump and you were about to scream before you felt a pair of lips on yours, 
The scream was swallowed, but the impact of the kiss pushed you backwards and your head banged against the wall.
Colby’s lips were surprisingly soft. It felt cheesy, but it really did feel like two puzzle pieces. It made your stomach flutter.
Before you had a chance to really enjoy the kiss (or even kiss him back), you heard the door swing open with an overly loud screech.
Colby practically flung himself off you and smacked his head on the opposite wall, cursing as the pain exploded.
There was a series of gasps and surprised "ooooh”s coming from outside the closet.
You turned towards the group.
Sam was just picking his jaw up off the floor, Reggie’s face was hidden behind the camera, and Amber was positively radiating joy.
Everyone else was stood around them, acting similarly.
You didn’t think your face could get any redder and Colby’s cheeks were slowly growing more pink as you both stood in shocked silence.
“Well, congratulations, you two. Not only have you won hide and seek, but you’ve also been caught on camera.”
You buried your head in your hands and Colby laughed. 
“Do we need to close the door back up?” Amber teased.
You peeked through your fingers and glared at her.
Colby smiled, winked at the camera, and closed the door.
Your jaw dropped as you were enveloped into darkness again.
“You are not allowed to put that in.” Colby called through the door.
“Aw, come on. That means we have to do a fake-out one now!” Sam called back.
You giggled.
“I’m here.”
His hand found yours in the dark and pulled you into his arms.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“I’d really like that.”
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changminurheart · 3 years
Have you thought about your moots as tbz?
hi anon! hope ure doing okay !!
sangyeon - @mavericsohn - elle
elle is always looking after me omg, always !!! they’re always checking in on me in my inbox and reminding me to take care. their energy is just unmatched, thinking of comfort? soft? homey? that’s not even a word but talking and being with giselle just feels so damn easy like i dont need to worry about what to say or to do they literally are the entire vibe and idk who could better fit sangyeon than giselle. sangyeon is giselle. giselle is sangyeon. they are one.
jacob - @tbzhub - codi
codi is the sweetest!! honestly the embodiment of jacob like the angel his is too. codi has always been the nicest to me i’m seriously in awe. codi’s taught me kindness and the way codi makes me feel makes me is the happiest and i wish i could make someone feel that indescribable warm bubbly way too and i just know codi gives the bestest hugs ever. codi and cobie scREAMING IT SOUNDS SO PERFECT but theyre literally the softest humans ever and i will protect the both of them with my entire being.
younghoon - @0429a - sam
sam isn’t active rn but she is quite possibly the greatest person to ever exist. she’s literally light- sunlight so sparkly and glittery and i need her for that dopamine. she’s just like younghoon- the vibes are immaculate. they’re both funny as hell even if its unintentional or corny (thinking of that time sam went along with my cat jokes and i smiled so damn big) she’s beautiful inside and out just like younghoon is and seeing her on the dash makes me wanna cry bc shes so kind and sincere and like younghoon she just can’t be real. she can’t.
hyunjae - @cloudykyu - mani
oh god. where do i start. the clowns. KIDDING I LOVE YOU BOTH. you’re both so silly omg, the vibes are literally everywhere. you and hyunjae would literally be a mess together in the best way, you’re the same person its so scary?? thinking of the loudness, the jokes, the passive aggressiveness and the childish energy that you both give off ive said this before but mani does give me big sister energy. shes always hyping me up and is so ready to fight at any given point (think hyunjae and eric) i love her i’m in love with her and she’s my best friend- also too much prettiness that i cry. you all should see her private story on snap oh my god she’s chaotic but chill, the most down to earth and sincerest person i’ve ever had the best fortune to know. she’s unapologetically her own person and i respect that the most about her. her passion her sticking to what she believes is right and i admire that so hard, love u girl <3
juyeon - @odxrilove - dori
dori dori dori, we’ve interacted a few times before i’m posting this and it gave me shy awkward vibes bc i just wanted to be your friend but didnt know how bc im super awkward too omg could cry but youre so sweet !!! youve always been so damn kind to me you make me want to sob rivers. the effort and time you put into everything you do, you work so damn hard that i’m so proud of you n cheering you on!! just like juyeon omg he’s always so gentle and careful and can be clumsy and you really give off that energy, you and ju both underestimate yourselves and i’m here to let you know how amazing you both are <3
kevin - @armysantiny - minmin
you’re like my twin i’m not even kidding from the moment we had the same name and the same bias list and then living in the uk too? had me screaming because youre the coolest person i know, you’re so down to earth so intuitive and openminded. kevin can be intimidating too when you first see him but once you hear him speak you just never want him to stop and thats how it feels with you love, i just want to listen to you all the time and i will, i’ll always be here to listen to you min so thank you for being brave and opening up little parts of yourself that i love entirely <3
chanhee - @choiberry - honey
OH MY GOD EVERYTHING ANOUT YOU IS JUST SO PRETTY ACTUALLY SCREAMING RN youre so funny !! and honestly being on your blog feels like a museum everything is so aesthetic and im like that kid with grabby hands touching everything wanting to like everything, just like chanhee you’re both like premium. clearly too good to be true i feel undeserving. you’re so kind to me too and i’m always in awe because i did see ur reblog of project sugar daddy btw and i havent responded to it yet just bc i sit there and stare all giggly at it instead bc me?? you?? youre friends with me?? seriously i feel like youve been eating glitter and liquid gold or smth that you and chanhee are just like beautiful. absolutely stunning. im so :o
changmin - @stealanity - matty
MY FAVOURITE PERSON ALIVE AS MY BIAS, i’m actually matty biased idk if you can tell i try and keep it lowkey 😮‍💨 ur so talented babe and i will always scream on and on about this !! changmin is honestly the love of my life that every single part of him even what he thinks of as his flaws are my favourite things and its the same, the love i have for changmin is the same love i have for you. the excitement i get coming on tumblr bc i know youre here, the way i wanna cry when we talk bc it feels again like this doesnt feel real and i dont deserve this, youre my favourite writer and you inspire me so damn much with anything you write and its so crazy bc i feel like changmins oresence is just so soothing and he has no idea who i am but somehow he just knows how im feeling and how it is and thats so you, i just feel like you already know whats going on before i do and youre there, youre always there for me. youre my comfort girl matty and fuck im crying writing this because you and changmin both mean the absolute world to me. you’re both so warm and i have never felt so safe with the both of you.
haknyeon - @moonieric - ducky
ducky is honestly so fucking cute. she sends me snaps of her day and apologies babe if i see them and dont answer sometimes i genuinely do just forget but it just warms my heart to see you having an absolute blast and surrounded by all your friends the energy really is there and its beautiful. youre just like hak in the way that seeing you happy makes me the happiest, you and hak are just both chill and content with what you have and are so damn creative like the art snaps you show me? and your presentations? im so incredibly proud of you and hak and the ability you have like your energy just screams individuality like you are your own person the way hak can differentiate himself from the group too. i just love you both so much omg and so so proud of you both !!
sunwoo - @luvrbin - jel
jel. hi heh im so shy rn omg im just going to say this straight out okay YOURE SO COOL QUITE POSSIBLY THE COOLEST PERSON I KNOW LIKE HELLO YOUR WRITING YOUR MEMES YOUR ENERGY YOUR VIBES i know weve only interacted a few times but that means youre my best friend now okay? OKAY! but yeah, youre like the duplicate of sunwoo and its so scary because youre everywhere?? i always see you on my dash and i stare longingly thinking i hope jel is happy and life is treating jel well (rhymes ha) and then i panic and stop bc like sunwoo is always staring and i feel like youre staring at me rn and im getting shy see??? this is what im trying to say sunwoo is so good at flustering everyone and i JUST FEEL LIKE YOURE TOO GOOD FOR ME TO EVEN BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS YOU IM GETTING FLUSTERED
eric - @hvae - vae
i honestly dont even know where to start. eric is special. vae is special. eric is pretty as hell. vae is pretty as hell. eric is so damn talented. vae is so damn talented. the e in eric stands for extrovert and the e in vae stands for exceptional bc somehow shes just good at everything (mf was born perfect omg) but heres the thing!! vae doesnt need to be excessively loud for her presence to speak volumes, i love speaking to vae shes one of my favourite people and one of my first friends (passed the word moots at this point) it felt like i knew her from the beginning even though i didnt? it just feels like weve always known each other she just gets me omg and literally talking to her ive never felt so safe and welcomed and relaxed in my entire life and thats just the impact of her and eric’s presence like i wanna show them both my good side only but its like they already know every version of you and appreciate you more and vae’s so sensitive and intuitive to everything around her in the sense like she understands and so does eric you know like he knows when somethings up. we dont even have to talk for ages like weve been two months and it still felt the same when we texted again. she’s the constant in my life the way eric is in deobi’s life and the way hes always thinking and looking after deobis yeah well thats me to vae, theres no one i wanna talk to more and love more and learn more about in my entire life than her <33
this was so fucking long but ty anon for asking ! i’m socially awkward and have more moots but we havent spoken in a long ass while bc i suck at being active so the above are moots that im the closest too !! love u friends !! <333
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loveyhoneydovey · 3 years
SFW Alphabet with Joaquín Torres
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Note: I've been dying to write something like this so I decided to do it with my baby first. Might do Sam next
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x GN!Reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s a very affectionate partner and especially shows his love through physical affection and acts of service. He wants to feel useful and do his best to make life easier and more enjoyable for you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the type of best friend that’s not physically there often, due to the nature of his job. However, when you do get a chance to spend it feels like he’s never been gone. He completely focuses on you, asks for updates about your life and checks if you need anything. He’s so chill and he’s got the type of personality that has you at ease. You first met him at a mutual friend’s wedding, you both got a bit tipsy and decided to hang out with each other and that was the start of a beautiful friendship
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
YES!!! As I previously mentioned, he loves physical touch and cuddling is one of his favourite ways of showing affection. He loves being the small spoon and he’s not ashamed to say it. He says it’s because you make him feel safe and makes him feel like he has a home to go back to after all the shit he sees
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wants to settle down for sure, eventually. Before meeting you, he thought that would come later, but you definitely made him rethink. I don’t think he’s the best cook, but I think he has a few of recipes of food his mom made him when he was younger. Those are the ones he learned to perfect. As for cleaning, because of how strict his life is at the army, I think he allows himself to be a bit messy at home. Definitely messy and not dirty. You both try to split house chores evenly.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he’d be honest and would do it in person. Ending a relationship that played such an important part in his life is definitely heartbreaking, but he thinks he owes it to himself and to you to put an end to it before it gets worse. He’d rather end things on semi good terms than letting it sour and go nowhere.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He always told himself, when it came to relationships, he’d go with the flow and see how he felt about long-term commitment. He’s a m*ilitary boy, so I think he kinda (unintentionally) follows the stereotype and proposes quickly. Although in his case he does it because he’s truly in love with you and doesn’t want to wait longer than he has to make you his. He’d propose after about a year and a half I’d say.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Have you seen him? He’s the gentlest sweetest baby in every way. I think the fact that he sees so much violence and horror during his deployment pushes him to be more gentle in other aspects of his life. More specifically with you and his family. He wants you to feel like you can come to him for anything whether it’s when you’re feeling down or when you’ve cut your finger on a piece of glass. Either way he’ll treat you with kindness, but not like you’re breakable.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
omg he LOVES hugs. Again, due to the nature of his job, he doesn’t get a lot of physical affection, which drives him crazy. So when he’s home, you can expect him to attack you with hugs all day long. Doesn’t matter if you’re washing the dishes or brushing your teeth. He’ll come up from behind and wrap his arms around your waist, while putting his chin on your shoulder. If you’re facing him, he’s going to engulf you and wrap his arms around you. His hugs are warm and comforting and make you feel safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
oh real quick, but actually so do you. I actually headcanon that you two say it at the same time by accident. You both were probably nervous because it was after like two months, but end up laughing it off cause you were so in sync.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He understands the root of jealousy is mostly insecurity, so he doesn’t get jealous often, because he’s secure in his relationship with you and is actually pretty confident with himself. Of course, it happens occasionally, he’s only human. However, you both always thought that feeling jealous sometimes wasn’t bad, but what could lead to issues was the way one could act on it. So, whenever he feels jealous he takes a moment to collect his thoughts if he needs to, then you’d both talk about it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are often playful and sweet. He doesn’t like to take himself too seriously and neither do you, so you keep things light and playful, but that doesn’t mean it’s not passionate. On the contrary, you feel his love for you with every kiss he leaves on you skin. His favourite place to kiss you is on the nose, because of the way you scrunch it and giggle after he kisses it. As for where he liked to be kissed, soon after you started dating, you found out he loved being shirtless which allowed you to notice he had a beauty mark on the upper part of his right shoulder. From that moment, you developed a habit of kissing it and it made him melt, so it became his favourite place to be kissed.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh the BEST. For some reason he attracts them. You told him it was probably because he was a child himself and he flipped you off. You actually think it’s because he’s so cheerful and happy, and he treats them like they’re his friends. You’ve caught him having full on conversations with your friends’ babies who couldn’t even speak yet. And once you had kids, he did the same thing with them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Whenever possible, you have lazy mornings where you alternate between sleeping, having lazy morning sex and snacking. If it’s a regular morning, he usually has to leave before you, and every time you’d try to distract him and make him stay a bit longer. He’s so used to your “five more minutes, please” that he started waking up five minutes earlier.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
This man has a whole skincare routine before going to sleep. If you also do, then you both complete your routines side by side in front of the bathroom mirror. He might read a bit before bed (and you try to sneakily take a pic of him in his glasses cause you think he looks so cute), or you’d both talk about your day and maybe cuddle a bit before turning off your lamps and getting some sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’d open up slowly, there was no pressure between the two of you and he took his time to share the more difficult parts of his life. Now if you open up to him about something defining or traumatic that happened in your life, he might open up faster to let you know you’re not alone, but also to reciprocate the trust you put in him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty patient most of the time and tries to not let himself get angry over little things, however he’s still human. So depending on the gravity of the situation, he might get angered quickly if he sees something upsetting happening, however, he’s very careful with the way he reacts. He knows something done in anger can lead to regret and guilt, so he thinks before he acts and speaks.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I think he’d remember an important date like your birthday, he knows around what time your anniversary is, but I feel like he would forget which date it is exactly. He’d remember the most random facts about you, like the kind of stuff where you think he was paying attention, but he was listening subconsciously.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Cliché, but it was during your honeymoon. It was the first time you had referred to him as your husband and it made his heart swell with pride. The love you held for him was so obvious when you looked at him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s protective when he needs to be. He’s not overbearing and trusts that you’re capable of taking care of yourself most of the time. He will step in if he feels like a situation is escalating (let’s say if you’re getting physically or verbally harassed) and he will put himself physically between you and whoever’s trying to harm you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Omg listen this baby puts so much effort into making your dates enjoyable. He plans out full picnics with cute cakes and charcuterie boards and that doesn’t stop as your relationship progresses. Any gifts he gives you usually have a meaning behind them, and he doesn’t always buy them, sometimes he makes them himself. As I said, he is a bit messy in his daily life, but you two actually have a chart with who’s supposed to do what and that’s how you share your chores, and he does mostly follow it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of leaving some important stuff until the last minute. It works out in the end, but it causes him an unnecessary amount of stress.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
… have you seen the amount shirtless selfies Danny takes? I think Torres is the exact same. So, he does like to take care of his looks, especially when he sees the effect it has on you. And he has to stay in shape either way, due to his job
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think he’d be heartbroken and might feel incomplete for the first few months, but as time goes one, he begins to feel whole again and learns to feel self sufficient.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He wants to learn another language fluently someday. He wants to help people and he thinks there’s no better way than being able to understand their needs in their native language to be able to help
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes or smoke. He doesn’t mind if his partner’s a smoker, but he probably wouldn’t be around them while they’re smoking.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
This boy sleeps in the weirdest, funniest positions. Like you’d go to sleep in a normal position side by side, or with your back to him, then when you’d wake up you’d find him in a new position every time.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
not to go full fluff central but omg can you write a one shot about matthew hanging out with his kids?? i see him as a girl dad and he would 100% play dress up with them and they would be wrapped around his finger and itd be so sweet it could cause cavities lmao i just want that man to have children so bad
ugh yes i want him to have kids so bad and YES he 100% is a girl dad i definitely agree. this was super interesting to write tbh bc i did it from his perspective but i'm glad i did and i'm glad you asked for it bc we love a saccharine one-shot! also i'm so bad at names for characters i'm sorry lol.
summary: Matthew has a day off with his two daughters!
content warnings: none! literally just fluffy fluff with a side of fluff.
word count: 2.1k
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when Matthew wakes up to the press of a crayon on his forearm, he nearly startles. his head jerks up to see his daughter, Juniper, trying to draw on him. her hair is neatly braided and the other side of the bed is empty, indicating that his wife has already gotten up.
"good morning, sweetpea." he says to Juniper with a tired smile, wincing when she tries in vain to draw on him. wax on skin doesn't work that way.
"it isn't working, Dad." she pouts. she throws the purple crayon onto the bed and stares at him. she's got dark lashes framing huge, beautiful eyes, and a gap between her front teeth. she pried out the baby tooth a week ago-- seven years old and already determined to take it out herself-- and has been showing it around the house like a trophy.
"maybe we can try with markers after I get up." he suggests. she peers at him with an impatient expression.
"fine." although the word is venomous, she crawls up the bed until she's tucked beneath his arm and he kisses the top of her head. Matthew smiles to himself as he holds her, happy to have the whole day to spend with his kids. he hasn't had a day off in forever.
"should we make breakfast for you and your sister?" he asks cheerfully.
"yes!" she leaps up to stand on the bed, jumps around a little bit on the cushy mattress. "come on!"
"okay, okay," he chuckles, throwing off the covers. "let me brush my teeth first, sweetheart."
"I'm coming with." Juniper is insistent as she follows him. he takes out his toothbrush and toothpaste while she paws through her mother's makeup drawers and skincare. she grabs a bottle of perfume and examines it carefully. "what is this?"
"let's be careful with that." Matthew turns from the mirror, where he can see the rat's nest of hair on his head while he brushes his teeth, and gently puts the glass bottle back on the counter. Juniper crosses her arms.
"what is it?" she repeats. her father finishes up, then lifts her into his arms like she's a sack of potatoes.
"it's your mom's favorite smell." he clarifies. after kissing her little cheek, he walks into the kitchen with Juniper's arms wrapped around his neck. she clings to him like he is everything in the world, and he realizes that this is one of his favorite parts of the day. whenever he holds his daughters, he feels the kind of joy that simply can't be replicated. his heart overflows for them.  
"morning, sleepyhead." Y/N looks up from the counter, where she's biting into a piece of toast and talking excitedly to their other child, Autumn. Matthew grins at the sight of her, so beautiful when she's laughing with her daughter.
"morning." he's smitten.
"I have to go in a minute, but I figured you'd be able to handle a day with them?" she comes over to him and kisses his lips, saying the last part softly. Juniper leans her head on her father's chest, staring at her mother with those enormous eyes.
"with these two devils?" Matthew nods to the girls. "of course."
Y/N shakes her head with a laugh and gives each of her daughter's foreheads before grabbing her purse.
"bye, Mama!" Juniper and Autumn say in unison.
"bye, my angels. I love you very much." she smiles warmly, ruffling Autumn's silky curls before touching Matthew's arm tenderly and heading out of the kitchen. he watches her go, waits for the sound of the lock clicking into place, before he looks conspiratorially between the remaining household.
"who wants pancakes?" he smirks. their ensuing squeals are affirmation enough.  
"Dad, can I show you my ballet tutu?" Autumn surprises Matthew by grabbing onto his leg while he's making pancakes. Juniper is standing on a stool beside him, watching and helping to flip the flapjacks.
"nobody wants to see that, Autumn." Juniper scowls impatiently at her younger sister. Matthew turns to his little one and smiles.
"I would love to see your new tutu, sweetheart." he says. Autumn gives the other girl a triumphant look before running off to her room. when Matthew looks at Juniper, she blushes. "be nicer to your sister, Juni." he says gently.
the little scolded creature crosses her arms over her chest and turns her gaze to the pancakes. she knows she's not supposed to be mean, but sometimes Autumn is just so annoying. Matthew can't even pretend to stay mad for long, however, and offers the spatula to her.
"do you wanna flip it?" he smiles.
"yep!" Juniper quickly slides the utensil under the pancake, her father's hand guiding hers to make sure she doesn't accidentally burn herself. she's a smart girl, but she's inherited his lack of coordination (and his nose). they giggle together at the sound of the batter slapping the pan.
"dad, look!" Autumn tugs on the leg of his pants and he glances down to see her wearing a bright pink tutu over her leggings. his jaw drops open in wonderment, tinged with a smile.
"oh my goodness!" he gasps, hoisting her into his arms and burying his face in her curls. "you look just like a princess!"
she giggles. Matthew turns off the stove for a moment to spin her around in his arms before setting her down again and crouching to look at her. "can we see your dance routine after breakfast?"
Autumn nods shyly. he holds her tiny hand in his and kisses the back of it before standing back up. Juniper waits for him on her stool. they get back to cooking, both girls chatting about anything and everything while their father listens intently.
once they set the plates out on the table, Juniper volunteers to distribute forks and knives, and soon they've got a whole spread of golden brown pancakes, whipped cream, and fruit. they heap their dishes with food. the girls have a tendency to take more than they can actually eat, but that's okay. he loves the look of excitement in their eyes when they drizzle syrup over everything.
"nice job, kiddos." he nods, impressed, like they've made the whole meal themselves. both siblings grin back at him proudly. "let's dig in!"
he's hungry. Matthew cracks a couple jokes while they eat, pokes Autumn's stomach when she gets full halfway through her third pancake, and then both he and Juniper watch her do her ballet routine for them. she spins, twirls, smiles as she finishes the dance by throwing both arms into the air like she's won an Olympic gold medal. in his eyes, she has.
even Juniper is supportive and claps with a smile at her sister's achievement. although she teases and can be a bit too harsh with her younger sibling at times, the truth is that she's proud of her. it's evident in the way they play together in the summer, running around beneath the sun while Matthew and his wife sip on glasses of iced tea.  
"brava!" he cheers when she skips back to her seat at the table. "a royal performance!"
"dad, can we have more whipped cream?" Juniper eyes the canister on the table with hungry eyes. he mulls this over for a second, enamored with the fact that she is so clearly his daughter. down to her features and mannerisms, her tendency to crawl onto the couch and watch the scary movies with him that she probably shouldn't be watching at her age. Autumn looks more like her mother, sweet and optimistic. a dreamy expression on her face.
he grabs the canister from the middle of the spread and pops the cap off the top.
"only if you don't tell your mother." he laughs. Juniper shakes her head vehemently like a half promise and opens her mouth as he puts a pile of whipped cream in it. he does it to Autumn next, then himself. they lean back in their chairs, rubbing their bellies with satisfaction.
"yummy." Juniper grins.
"whipped cream is the best topping in the world," Matthew says matter-of-factly, passing down a pearl of knowledge that will stay with them forever. "don't ever let anyone tell you different."
the three of them clean the dishes together, blowing suds all over the room while they listen to Sam Cooke and dance. the house rings with their laughter and the sounds of feet hitting the ground in rhythmic elation, the kitchen their personal concert hall.
if he could only bestow a few life lessons on them, one of them would be the importance of listening to old music.
Matthew wishes that he could spend all his days with them, making breakfast and hearing their crazy ideas. the world is so full and open to them, he sometimes finds himself thinking about how they're going to conquer it. they've got a grittiness to them that they could only get from their mother-- an absolute sureness that stiffens their little spines-- and an imagination that could fill books with stories. he wants to paint for them, do everything for them.
but for today, they head to Autumn's room and play dress-up with the enormous chest of costumes by her bed. should he work on not spoiling her so much? maybe. he doesn't care. she's absolutely adorable when she hauls out princess dresses, doctors' jackets and stethoscopes, other disguises. he thinks she's going to be an actress; she loves to take on different jobs and throw herself into them, walking around the house ordering that her next patient be brought in or for someone to prepare her microscope. her mind is full of ideas.
Juniper pretends to be disinterested in dressing up, but she gives up the act once Autumn hands her a tiara to wear and pours her imaginary tea.
"what flavor is this?" Matthew takes a sip from his miniature cup, fanning his mouth like it's hot. "it's divine."
"it's normal tea, you cuckoo bird." Autumn giggles. she sets the teapot down on the plastic table.
"I'm a cuckoo bird?" he pretends to be offended. "you're a cuckoo bird!"
"no I'm not!" Autumn protests, but Matthew is already wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his lap. he tickles her sides.
"you're the cuckoo bird!" he repeats through her fits of laughter. she squeals and kicks with joy until he sets her back on her feet.
"your hair is crazy." Juniper scolds. Matthew sighs and runs a hand through the unruly curls. they always tease him about it, and somehow it never gets old.
"probably because this one messed it up with her claws." he pokes Autumn's side and he suppresses a gleeful smile.
"Dad, you need a tiara, too." Juniper points to the empty spot on his head. "Autumn, get him one."
the younger sister looks like she's going to defy her sister's bossy demand, but decides against it and runs off to grab another bejeweled piece to place on her father's head. it's comical, the way the tiny thing sits.
"thank you, sweetpea." he smiles at his youngest, pinching her cheek before glancing between the two of them seriously. "how do I look?"
"silly." Juniper giggles. she straightens it out on his head and he wrinkles his nose.
"hey! boys can wear tiaras, too," he defends with mock attitude. "now, can I have more tea, please? I finished mine already."
"of course." Autumn stands diplomatically and pours him a new cup while they pretend to snack on baked goods. Matthew tells them about the new movie he's directing, dipping into his storyteller voice and wiggling his fingers with every mention of a spooky plot point. the girls sit at rapt attention, hanging on his every word, despite the fact that he's got a miniature tiara on his head.
they adore him, and every second he's there, they revel in it. they love their mother, too, of course. but days with their dad are just... different. he lets them eat whipped cream by themselves and tells them stories, kisses their foreheads and dances in the kitchen with them. they always have fun together, no matter how dreary the day is. and those feelings won't change as they get older; he's their rock, their security. he always will be.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour Day 279
There’s Something About Mary/Oxygen
“There’s Something About Mary”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean race to locate Mary after realizing an ongoing rash of hunter deaths across the country is no accident
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I figured that the opening death would be a hunter, so I’m totally good. Pissed of that it seems to have been Eileen…even more pissed off that the BMoL seem to have themselves their own hellhound. Crowley, get your shit in order, man
Ohhhh, oh, Sam. He really did like Eileen. They were cute and a little flirty and she was a damn good hunter ☹️
Oh hey, Crowley. You should probably get better demons. These ones just aren’t doin their job
I’m not convinced this is actually Mary…shapeshifter?? Maybe? Nope, brainwashing. It was Mary. Probably
There was no GOOD way to break it to Mary all the hell John put their boys through, but this was probably the worst way to find out. Fuck you, BMoL lady
CROWLEY!! YOU GAVE KETCH THE HELLHOUND?!?! I’m so mad about that
He cuddles with the hellhounds?? You’re right, Luci, it strikes me as odd as well
I'd say I can't believe the head of the BMoL is pitting Ketch and Bevel (lady from the start of the season) against each other, but I actually totally can
Eileen sent them a letter, scared that she was being watched by the BMoL and asking to bunk with themmmmmmm. I'm even sadder that she's gone
Mannnn, things are not looking good for my man Crowley. I'm as fickle as any demon on this show. My loyalty to a king of hell relies on who's being the most fun and cunty at the moment
They're insufferable. I hope they both die (Ketch and Bevel).
I hope this is a trick on Mary's part and not that the brainwashing is working. Attack that man, Mary. You did it before.
"you certainly don't know me. you wouldn't want to" yeah, no shit. I've been bored with you for a WHILE.
The shock of her pulling the gun, momentarily pointing it at Ketch but then pointing it at herself...hated that so much. should have just kept it at Ketch. Mary, no. I get it. You're in a really bad situation and actually shooting him would not make anything better (and would probably make it worse), but NO
you don't get to make promises to her, you foul wretch of a man
I don't like guns, I'm typically a fan of evil women, but seeing Sam pull a gun on Bevel (even though he didn't shoot) had me cheering in a way that surprised me. I just fucking hate the BMoL.
omg. Crowley didn't even realize he was being controlled...
Does he have one more trick up his sleeve? Crowley...nah. you transferred your soul somewhere else. I know you did. I know you're not dead. There was literally no fun lighting when you died.
I want her to be playing the BMoL again...Please, shoot them. No...
Yeah. I knew the rat was important.
So, to wrap up. Sam, Dean, and Bevel are all locked in the bunker that doesn't have water and is quickly losing oxygen. Mary is still with Ketch (which I fucking hate). Crowley is seemingly dead, but I'm pretty sure he's possessing the rat that was right by him before Lucifer stabbed him. Lucifer is free and out looking for his soon to be born son. And I miss Castiel.
Plot Description: The Doctor, Bill, and Nardole discover that their spacesuits are trying to kill them!
Nooooo, she was so in love with her crewmate, why'd they all have to die??
What does the Doctor ACTUALLY teach at this university??
Oh, Nardole. He hasn't figured out the Doctor always lies yet. Of course he can go to space whenever he wants no matter what he tells you the TARDIS may need to get there
No, Bill, you're right. You SHOULD be floating if you're in space.
Ohhhhhhhh, I've figured out why I actually do like Nardole, now. He fits right in with my current favorite genre of Disney characters. I went through my princess phase, not sure I'll ever fully leave my villain phase, but my current favorite is the crotchety sidekick: zazu, cogsworth, sebastian...the ones who don't want the main characters to have any fun or be in any danger ever, no matter what.
Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh I hate capitalism in space (also on earth, but I get so annoyed when it's in space too.) First sometime tries to maximize work time by decreasing the amount of time we sleep and now they're literally charging for every breath you take. Someone is. I don't know who, but I hate them
I don't trust this disembodied voice the gang is trusting. I trust him only marginally more than I trust the AI for the suits
Did they run out of plots at the end of Moffat's run? Because this is giving the two parter under the lake with the ghosts. But that one at least had some fun time travel fuckery
I hate that Bill's suit is acting up more than anyone else's. I know she'll be okay and she has more episodes, but no. no. no. no. no...do not give me a Bill almost-death. Illegal.
The things the Doctor will give up for the people he loves.
Is Bill only still alive because she can't pay to literally die?? Is that what the Doctor is getting at here? I don't like this episode. I didn't want to watch Bill nearly die twice
I do like that Twelve is more receptive to hugs though.
Oh. Interesting. I mean, I am with Nardole here that what the Doctor did was too risky, especially now knowing he's still blind and that will upset WHAT/WHOEVER THE FUCK IT IS THAT'S IN THE VAULT. But that is very much just on top of almost getting Bill killed twice, for me.
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fuzzy-melonlord · 3 years
This is so long but. Otp prompt generator with imperium couples
Asher holding a sobbing Lust. Lust cries themselves to sleep with their face buried into Asher.
Lust hurt their ankle and is laid up with a cast and crutches. Asher is sitting next to them, doodling little hearts on their cast to cheer them up.
Lust tucking Asher's hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Asher helping Lust dry and brush their hair after a shower.
Wrath and Sam sleeping together. Wrath wakes up first and contemplates waking Sam with a kiss.Wrath leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. Sam opens their eyes and says, 'Well if you won't do it, I will.'
Sam absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm Wrath uses, so they keep stealing kisses from Wrath.
Sam goes over to Wrath’s home after staying up all night. Even though they do their best to stay awake, they end up falling asleep while cuddling Wrath. Sam is quite embarrassed (and half-asleep) when they wake up, but Wrath doesn't mind.
Wrath teaching Sam how to kiss, and Sam ends up kissing Wrath really quick, nervously asks 'Like that?' and leaves Wrath silent and flustered for a moment.
Sam reading in bed while Wrath rests their head on Sam’s shoulder, sleeping.
Christian and Pride trying to hide their relationship. However, it turns out everyone knows they're dating.
Pride and Christian go to a fair/amusement park and Christian wants to go on the roller coaster and Pride agrees. Later, Pride regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Christian for dear life.
They are on a ferris wheel, and everything is going great - until it gets stuck at the very top. For thirty whole minutes.
Bonus, some I liked as found family prompts so i got some of those with pride and lust
Lust holding Pride’s hands when they are shaking.
Lust calming Pride down when they have a bad dream.
Lust screaming over a picture of Pride from long before they met. Lust describes the younger Pride as a tiny precious child, then looks at Pride, and says 'Well, you're still a tiny precious child'.
All of these are so fucking accurate omg.
@bruh-im-aggro @ofthecosmos
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 4- Read Between the Limes
Pairing: Bucky x reader (book shop AU)
Word Count: 2,267
Summary: You and Nat scope out the new bar on the lower East side. It’s a fun night with a surprise twist. 
Author’s Note: Hey loves! I’m excited about this chapter because my little surprise is here, it’s nothing crazy but it was fun! Thank you all so very much for coming on this journey with me. I know it’s nothing out of the ordinary but I hope it makes you smile! All your kindness and support really means the world to me! Thank you all for reading! Much love ❤❤❤
Warnings: fun girl’s night, flirting, sexual tension, alcohol consumption, sexy Bucky, fluffy sweetness :)
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Read previous chapters here: 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
You stare at your phone for the whole ten-minute cab ride. Your thumb hovering over the little arrow. ‘Hey Bucky, just wanted to wish a good night, I’m heading out with Nat, we are trying this new bar downtown😘😘 ,’ followed by the picture you sent to Nat. The grunt of the driver pulls you from your thoughts and you startle, “oh, sorry! Here you go,” you say handing him the cash and throwing your phone in your bag, “thank you!”
The second you ring the bell Nat’s voice comes through the intercom, “get up here, your drink is getting warm!” The familiar buzz of the door has you grinning as you walk up the steps to the second floor, Nat’s music easily heard in the hallway.
Busting through, you dance your way to her in the kitchen, her hand already holding out a drink. “Cheers!” You clink your glasses and take a sip, the cool liquid a burning contrast as it slides down your throat. “So, did you send it?!?!” she asks, her eyes twinkling as she looks you over. “I was staring at my phone the entire way here but never pressed send, I even had the whole message typed out!” She giggles, taking another sip, “well, maybe after another drink you’ll feel more like sharing.”
The two of you finish your drinks, enjoying the small buzz as you dance around the apartment. Around 9 you decide to head over to the bar. “Wait!” Nat squeals, “we have to take a picture!” With a smile you reach in your bag, searching for your phone. You pull it out, tapping the screen, “SHIT!” Nat runs over, “what, whatttt?!?” You scroll through your messages, your heart beating rapidly in your chest, ‘hey, doll, wow, you look gorgeous😍🙌 , I’m not gonna lie, I’m very jealous of Nat right now.’
Nat screeches in your ear, jumping up and down, “omg, you said you didn’t send it!” You look up at her with wide eyes, “I didn’t! My phone must have still been on when I threw it in my bag before. Omg!” She lightly smacks your arm, “omg, what!?! He obviously loves it! What else did he say?”
Looking back at your phone you scroll down, ‘have a great time beautiful, text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe ❤.’ If you weren’t leaning on Nat you might melt right to the floor, “he is SO SWEET!” “Well, what are you going to respond with?” Turning to her you shrug, “I have no idea, what should I say?”
She arches a brow, smiling wickedly, “gimme.” You hold back for a moment but finally give in, handing her your phone, “let me see it first, promise?” “Of course,” she answers, typing quickly. Nat hands you back your phone and you read her reply, ‘thanks ❤, thought you might like it and I’m sure you look gorgeous too😍, I’ll definitely text you later…’
“I don’t know Nat, what if he thinks I’m just drunk or something,” you argue, biting your lip. “So, I mean, you’re only slightly buzzed and let’s be real…you think he’s gorgeous right?” Your lips turn up into a smile and you feel your face heat, “yes, so gorgeous!” With one last deep breath you press send, screeching and throwing your phone back in your bag as if it’s on fire.
“Let’s go! I need another drink!” Nat grabs her bag and pushes you out the door, locking it behind her. You hail a cab and give the driver the address while Nat tells you more about the new bar. You feel your bag vibrate, your body tensing up as you squeeze Nat’s hand. “WELL! LOOK!” Slowly taking your phone out of your bag you light it up, Bucky’s name on the screen, “shit, shit, shit!”
Swiping up you stare at your phone, reading and re-reading his response. ‘You’re making it really hard for me to focus on anything else but you right now, I can’t wait to see you again ❤.’ “Y/n! I swear to god if you don’t speak, I’m gonna strangle you!” You look up and just hand her the phone, unable to talk. Her screams get louder as she reads, “omggggggggg, he seems so perfect. I can’t wait until you see him again too!”
The two of you erupt into a fit of squeals and giggles, earning an eye roll from the driver. Mouthing an “I’m sorry,” in the mirror you throw him some extra tip money and jump out of the car. The new bar, called ‘Attaboy,’ is already packed, a small line forming at the door. “I love these hidden gem places! I’m glad we came,” you say, smiling at Nat.
Your wait on the line isn’t long and as soon as you enter the bar you like the energy. It’s dimly lit with several swivel stools at the counter, the brick walls and dark wood giving it an old time feel. You and Nat find an open spot at the end of the bar and you sit, swiveling yourself toward her with laugh, “what are you gonna have, is there a signature drink we should try?”
Nat pulls up something on her phone, holding up her finger. Your phone vibrates in your bag and you pull it out, seeing Bucky’s name on the screen. With a wide smile you open his text, ‘tonight must be my lucky night because you look even more gorgeous in person 😇😍.’ For a moment confusion takes over, your brows furrowed and an audible “huh” passing your lips.
Looking up, Nat peeks over your phone, “what does he mean, in person?” At the same moment, your ears are caressed by an all too familiar voice, “what can I get you beautiful ladies tonight?” Swinging forward your eyes land on Bucky, his hair neatly tucked behind his ears and his button-down shirt fitting snuggly over his chest and arms.
“Hey,” you breath out, your eyes wandering over him, “what, what are you doing here?” Bucky stares at you for a beat then turns to Nat, “hey you must be Nat, nice to meet you, I’m Bucky.” She grins, shaking his hand, “so nice to finally meet you Bucky, I’ve been hearing a lot about you.” He laughs, throwing you a wink, “all good things I hope.”
Leaning over the counter he brings your face to his, kissing the corner of your mouth like he always does, “hey to you too.” You’re thankful for the counter hiding your legs as you squeeze them together to stop yourself from letting out a moan. “So, to answer your question, I work here. Sometimes. My friend owns the place and on nights when he’s short staffed he calls me in. Since it only opened a few months ago he is still working out schedules and all that.”
“What are the odds,” Nat drawls, eyeing you both with a smirk. “I didn’t know you could bartend?” you say, “any other secret skills I should know about.” His eyes dance with mischief as his mouth tips up into a smile. He opens it to speak but Nat beats him to it, “why don’t you make us a drink first and we’ll tell you what we think.”
“Deal, two of my specialties coming right up,” he says before walking down the bar. You watch, leaning over the counter to catch a glimpse of his ass, “holy hell he looks hot,” you blurt out. “And that kiss on the corner of the mouth, oof,” Nat says, nodding her head in agreement. “I know, I’m literally on fire right now.”
Bucky comes back with your drinks, setting them down, “enjoy ladies. If you’ll excuse me, I have a few more orders to take, but I’ll be back to check in.” Picking up your glasses you clink them together, taking a sip. The smooth liquid goes down easily, leaving the refreshing taste of lime and something spicy. “Wow, this is really good!” you tell Nat, taking another sip. “It really is! He definitely knows what he’s doing…” she trails off, giving you a look. “I KNOW!” you yell whisper, trying to contain your excitement, “I cannot believe we came to the one bar I had no idea he would be working at.” Laughing over your glass you spot Bucky heading in your direction. “So, what do you ladies think?”
“It’s delicious, Bucky,” you say, the alcohol giving you some courage as you crook your finger and motion for him to come close. Kissing his cheek and giggling at the feel of his scruff tickling your lips you whisper, “thank you.” His jaw clenches as his eyes roam over you, the tension thick, “you’re welcome, I’m glad you like it.”
Another patron calls for his attention and he excuses himself, walking backwards with his heated gaze fixed on you. You watch as he finally turns toward the person, once again squeezing your legs together and muttering “fuck” under your breath. “You’re telling me. Shit the tension is nuts between you two and what? This is the third time you’re hanging out?”
Wringing your hands together under the counter you look to Nat, “it’s bad Nat, I feel like I won’t be able to control myself the next time we’re alone. But what if he thinks it’s too fast! He’s such a nice and sweet guy, I don’t want to rush it.” Nat stops your hands, holding them tight, “listen, I know I’m no expert but it’s clear that he is seriously into you, just go with your gut, he doesn’t strike me as a love ‘em and leave ‘em type.”
Nodding, you take another sip, realizing you’ve finished your drink. “Shit, those really do go down easy.” “Can I get you ladies another?” Nat’s eyes widen slightly as you both turn to see a very handsome man standing behind the bar that isn’t Bucky. “Hi, I’m Sam, the owner.” He holds out his hand to Nat and she takes it with a giggle. “You must be Nat and y/n, Bucky mentioned he had guests.”
“Hi,” you say simultaneously. He laughs and you can tell Nat likes him already, her entire body now shifted his way as she asks, “we would love another, please, they were delicious.” Pulling your line from earlier she gives Sam a sultry smile, causing you to giggle. “Thanks, Sam,” you say as he motions for Bucky. “I see you’ve met Sam,” he says as he skillfully handles the bottles of liquor. You can’t take your eyes off Bucky as his forearms flex under the weight of the bottles, his tongue darting out to lick his lips every so often as he concentrates on mixing your drinks.
When he finishes up and places the drinks down you look to Nat who is clearly smitten, leaning over the bar and having an intimate conversation with Sam. “He better be a nice guy,” you joke, eyeing Bucky over the rim of your glass. He throws his head back with laughter, “he is, I promise.” “When do you get off tonight,” you ask him, your body thrumming with anticipation.
“He’s gonna be done in the next 10 minutes, y/n, then he’s all yours.” You and Bucky turn to Sam, his wide grin making you both smile in return. “I am?” he asks, surprised but happy. “Yea, I feel like hanging out behind the bar tonight and now that I’ve got the most beautiful company, I think I’ll be alright.” Nat giggles, giving you a look that says it’s all ok and she’s fine.
“Great! Then, I’ll see you in about ten minutes doll,” Bucky says before leaving to close his tabs. Sam pulls you into the conversation, telling you how the idea for the bar started and how he met Bucky. About ten minutes later Bucky emerges from the back, “wanna go for a walk, it’s a beautiful night.” Giving Nat’s leg a reassuring squeeze, you grab your bag, “I’d love to.”
You say goodnight to Sam and Nat as Bucky’s hand reaches out for yours. Slipping off the stool you leave the bar, the cool night air welcoming on your heated skin. With your hand in Bucky’s you walk around the corner. “It really is a beautiful night,” you say, swinging your arm. He stops, twirling you into his chest, “nothing is more beautiful than you are though.” You’re rendered speechless, his lips so close to your own. When he speaks you feel the warmth of his breath, “I’ve been dying to kiss you since the moment you walked in the bookshop. It’s all I think about.”
You’re not sure what happens in the next few seconds, but he has your body pressed against the cool stone of the building, his thumb brushing over your lips as he leans in closer. “Bucky,” you breathe against his mouth. His fingers smooth over your jaw, gently tipping it back as his lips connect with yours.
He tastes sweet, stealing your breath with every movement of his lips and your head feels dizzy.  Your fingers clutch his shirt to steady yourself. Every cell of your body is electrified as Bucky’s hand smooths over your cheek and down your neck, his tongue pressed to the seam of your lips and, at your grant of access, delves inside. You reach your arms up and wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer until there is no space left between you. Shivers run from your head to your toes before you pull away to breathe and the moment you do, all you want is more.  
@aesthetical-bucky @book-dragon-13 @eurynome827 @amandatar-06 @nd1998sc @captainchrisstan @vherriepie @godofplumsandthunder @fire-flv @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @irishflutiegirl @metal-armed-cuddly-dork @devynsdiary @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewelofwinter​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littleredstarfish​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelgirl7​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @flyawaybay @nano--raptor​ @the-wayward-robot​
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tomthesoftie · 4 years
i was wondering if you can do a tom x reader where they are dating but no one knows yet until Harrison, the twins, Tuwaine all have their suspicions so they planned to flirt and throw compliments at her during dinner time together to get a reaction out of Tom and he gets super jealous and upset during the whole thing until he finally snaps?
their suspicions
a/n: i finally posted after such a long time omg... sorry for going on a short hiatus, just been stressed recently,,, anyways, i’m trying to work on the requests before i start anything new... also! i want to create/start an actual permanent taglist so if you want to be added to it, comment on this post or send to my inbox or use this: google forms for you to input for users! enjoy jealous!tom xx
pairing: best friend!tom x reader
warnings: jealous tom, fluff, flirtatious harrison
You and Tom began dating in November of 2019. Before that, the two of you were close friends, stuck at each other’s sides all day and night.
Tom wanted to keep the relationship a secret from everyone, including his best friends and family.
At the beginning, no one noticed the change. Your closeness from before hadn’t changed as much, at least when you were around others. When the two of you were alone, you would have intimate moments together, giving each other chaste to passionate kisses and holding each other close. Cuddling was an exception, seeing as you already cuddled before you became a couple.
It wasn’t until quarantine that people began to notice a difference between you and Tom.
“Where’s Tom? He was supposed to help us make dinner,” Harrison asked, standing shirtless in the backyard while taking off his boxing gloves.
“He isn’t much help, though. Besides, we’ve got Sam,” Harry shrugged.
Sam laughed and patted Harry’s shoulder, “Thanks, mate.”
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” Tuwaine stepped outside of the house, looking around the backyard.
“No, what’s up?” Harry’s brows furrowed.
“She promised she would help me choose a movie for tonight,” Tuwaine frowned.
“Isn’t it strange that they’re both missing? This isn’t the first time, too,” Harrison said suspiciously, crossing his arms.
“Maybe they’re just hanging out. They are friends, you know,” Sam said while scrubbing the grill.
“I don’t know. They’re getting a little too friendly,” Harrison squinted at Tom’s window.
Tuwaine, Harry, and Harrison had newly risen suspicions while Sam stayed mutual. Sam didn’t want to invade either of your privacies. Although he always sensed a connection between the two of you, he never pushed your relationship any further than friends. If the two of you wanted to date, then you’d make the decision on your own.
You were cuddled in Tom’s arms, still hazy with sleep. You must’ve fallen asleep while watching a movie with him.
“Darling, you gotta get up,” his hoarse voice whispered from behind you.
“Mm, no. I don’t wanna,” you whined, eyes remaining shut.
“But you gotta. The boys’ll notice if we’re missing for too long,” he placed soft kisses to the side of your neck.
You tilted your head to give him easier access to your skin, “Let them, I don’t care anymore.”
“Darling,” he pulled away from you. He slid out from under the covers and off the bed. He walked over to the other side of the bed where you laid and sat beside your limp body. “Get up or I’ll tickle you,” he threatened. You laid under the duvet, ignoring the man hovering you. He threw the duvet off of your body and slid his hands into your shirt. His fingers began attacking your sides.
Laughs broke out of your pink lips, “St-Stop it, Tommy.”
“Then get up, princess,” he continued his assault.
“F-Fine, ju-just,” you gasped for air, “stop,” you squealed loudly.
“Alright, love,” he pulled his hands out of your shirt, smiling at your squirming figure.
“You’re mean,” you frowned at him, flipping over to get more rest.
“Y/N! You have to get up or I will carry you downstairs,” Tom said sternly.
You hummed, cuddling with yourself.
You felt his hands firmly grasp your waist, and a moment later, you were over his shoulder. You squealed and slapped his back, demanding him to put you down.
“Nope, I told you I would carry you down if you didn’t cooperate,” he lightly smacked your ass.
“Thomas Stanley Holland! Put me down this instant,” you said strictly.
He ignored you and carried you all the way down the stairs. Finally, he placed you on your feet and pushed you towards the backdoor. You glared daggers at him, flipping him off before stepping out of the house. He chuckled behind you.
“Y/N! I was looking for you! You promised you would choose out a movie with me to watch,” Tuwaine exclaimed as soon as he saw you. “What happened to your hair?” 
You heard snickering from behind you and saw Tom, Harrison, and Harry smirking at each other. 
If only looks could kill, you thought.
“I’ll be right back. Tom wouldn’t let me sleep and carried me here, thus the mess on my head,” you said, not truly knowing how bad you looked.
You walked back into the house, still able to hear Tom’s terribly hidden chuckles.
As soon as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you freaked out. You hair was practically a nest on your head. All your clothes were wrinkled, and your mascara was smeared over your eyelids and eye bags. 
You decided that taking a shower was most efficient way to fix your predicament. 
“So, Tom, what were you and Y/N doing earlier?” Harrison smugly.
“Oh, we were watching a movie,” Tom shrugged nervously.
“Just a movie?” Harry’s voice arose.
“Well, we did fall asleep...”
Harry and Haz winked at each other and whispered, “Sleeping.”
They heard the door slide open and close, following the quiet steps from your flats.
“Damn, Y/N/N, what’re you dressing up for?” Tuwaine chuckled.
“Dress up? This is my casual outfit,” you smiled at your friend.
“Casual for a date night,” he added, then gasped, “Are you going on a date tonight?”
All of the boys, including Tom, looked at you.
“What? No,” you laughed, flustered, “I’m staying with you guys tonight. Bros over hoes, am I right?”
‘So that means you’re single, right?” Harrison spoke up.
Tom’s gaze snapped over to face his best mate.
“Y-Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You laughed nervously.
“Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look, whether you look like a mess or not,” the blonde moved closer to you.
“Thanks, Hazza,” you blushed, replying awkwardly.
Harry and Tuwaine eyed Harrison confusingly. Harrison winked at them, and they smirked at each other in realization. 
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight, though you look breathtaking all the time,” Tuwaine intervened.
“Maybe I should take you out tonight,” Harry grinned at you, “After all, you are single, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, I am.”
Tom ears were tinted with a bright red. 
“Leave the girl alone, guys,” Sam finally said, attention still on the food on the grill.
“Buzzkill,” Harrison sang.
Harry and Tuwaine laughed.
“You can sit by me tonight, if you want that is,” Harrison whispered in your ear as he walked by.
You felt extremely hot and embarrassed. Your cheeks were surely as red as Tom’s ears. 
Sam had finished making the meal, so you had to choose a seat.
“Y/N, come sit here,” Harry patted the seat beside you.
“No, Y/N/N, come sit with me,” Tuwaine smiled warmly.
“Ignore those divs. The space on my lap is lonely, you should come give it some love,” Harrison smirked.
The comment made your pink once more, and you hid behind Tom. Tom was shaking with fury and jealousy.
“She’ll be sitting beside me,” Tom said sharply.
You shyly sat beside your boyfriend, gaze glued to the floor.
“So, Y/N, I’ve been thinking,” Harrison began, “We’ve known each other for a while now, and I’ve always felt this connection between us. I was wondering if you wanted more in our relationship.”
Sam audibly sighed but continued to eat his meal.
Your eyes widened. You only ever saw Harrison as a brother, just like Harry, Sam, and Tuwaine.
“I- um...” you began, only to be cut off by the brunette beside you.
“No, she doesn’t,” Tom growled.
You felt his hand grip your thigh, and his lips attached to yours. He passionately kissed you, biting your bottom lip for entrance. You gently pushed him away, embarrassed at his display of affection.
“Ha! What did we tell you Sam! They are dating after all,” Harry cheered happily.
“What?” Tom asked cluelessly.
“They thought that you guys were acting suspicious, so they came up with this “plan.” I told them otherwise because, unlike them, I respect your privacy,” Sam glared at the other boys.
“We’re his best mates though, why wouldn’t he tell us?” Harry whined to his twin.
“Ask him,” Sam shrugged.
“We wanted to keep it a secret from everyone to avoid drama. You know how the press gets,” Tom sighed.
“Besides, we liked the secrecy and privacy we had, but it feels relieving now that you guys know,” you spoke after a while, finally calmed down from the situation.
“Sorry for the flirting, just trying to get results,” Haz chuckled.
Tom glared at his best mate.
“Once you divs get a girlfriend, you’ll understand why they did what they did,” Sam said slyly.
Harry, Haz, and Tuwaine yelped at the smirking twin with anger.
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undercoveravenger · 4 years
Heart In Your Hands
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Pairing: Turbo x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Omg you do daybreak fics that so cool could you do a turbo x male reader and he can’t stop thinking of him because he cares about everyone”
A/N: Not going to lie, I’m surprised that no one has requested Turbo before now. He’s pretty, buff, and has daddy issues. That’s tumblr’s whole type, isn’t it? That said, please send more requests for him once requests open again!
From the moment the explosion had gone off, Turbo had been quick to establish himself at the top of the hierarchy of survivors. Even as the teens that had survived the start of the apocalypse broke off into factions and started tribes of their own, he ruled over them all the same way he and his friends had towered over the rest of the school before everything went to hell.
Sure, now feeding traitors to Ghoulies had become the new equivalent to football games and his ex-boyfriend had abandoned him to go off on some strange samurai redemption quest, but at least Turbo still had you.
If he was being honest, Turbo hadn’t known you existed before the start of the apocalypse, but after it started, he hadn’t been able to stop noticing you. 
The first time that he could recall being distracted by you was one night at American Ninja Idol, where you were watching on with your arms crossed and a distinct frown on your face while all of the other spectators cheered as this week’s victim was dropped into the Ghoulie pit. He’d admired the way the firelight highlighted the muscles in your arms and shoulders, and he’d made a mental note to convince you to join the Football team if things ever went back to normal, but otherwise put your disapproval out of his mind.
The next time he remembered you catching his attention was when Josh Wheeler and his accomplices had escaped the Jocks. He’d seen the way you watched the brunet as he made his escape, not making a move to stop him, despite how easy it would be with the loaded crossbow that you carried. He’d watched the way your jaw tensed as you watched Josh and he had wondered why you looked so angry as you watched him flee. Josh Wheeler’s name ended up on Turbo’s “Must Die” list that night.
There was the day that he saw you tightening the bolts on the American Ninja Idol Ghoulie pen, just because you’d noticed that they looked loose and didn’t want to risk anyone getting hurt if you could help it. He’d had the entire fence replaced two days later and couldn’t give Mona a satisfying answer when she had asked him why.
Then there was the time you were the one chosen to bring his breakfast to him in the former principal’s office and you’d wished him a good morning before ducking back out before he’d even gotten the chance to try to force out a rough hello.
And the day after that when he learned that you’d been the one to make his breakfast since Sam Dean had gotten sick and you’d asked what you could do to help out so she could rest. He’d had Mona take the blonde medicine so you wouldn’t have to do so much on your own after that day.
Eventually your presence in Turbo’s head had grown so powerful that he’d even considered making you perform in American Ninja Idol, if only to get rid of you and be done with it, but the ache in his chest at the thought of not having you around any longer was more than enough to chase that thought from his mind in mere seconds. No, what he needed to do was talk to you and figure out why exactly he couldn’t get you out of his head.
When Mona had dragged you away from the kitchen where you’d been helping Sam prepare dinner for the tribe, you’d been certain that Turbo had finally had enough of your aversion to violence. This idea was only solidified as you were dragged into the remodeled principal’s office, where the burly King of the Jocks himself was waiting for you.
You were pushed to sit in the chair across the desk from your tribe’s chief, left to look uncertainly between the two as you waited to hear why you’d been brought before the chief. 
Mona and Turbo seemed to be caught in a staring match, clearly each having their own idea of how this would play out. Eventually Turbo’s second in command crumbled, heaving a sigh and turning to face you. “I’m not sure what’s going on with him, since all he’d tell me was that he needed to see you, but if you try anything funny, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
You nodded slowly and Mona turned on her heel, slamming the door to Turbo’s office on her way out and leaving you alone with him. You kept your eyes lowered as you took in the gravity of your situation. You were on your own with the one man who could kill you with no repercussions. “Did I-” you started slowly, finally forcing yourself to look up at him and wincing a little when your eyes locked with the eyes of his mask. “Did I do something wrong?”
Turbo’s brows furrowed. Was that what you’d thought? That you were going to be punished for something? He shook his head slowly, trying to figure out how to explain himself to you. He reached up slowly, making sure you could see that he wasn’t hiding a weapon, and removed his mask, dropping it at his side thoughtlessly. “Don’t-” he cut himself off, one hand coming up to clutch at his throat for a moment. He’d forgotten how much speaking hurt. “Don’t need… to be… scared…”
He had to look away when he saw the look on your face. He’d seen it before; the first moment of shock when someone saw the burn scars mapping out where the explosions had scorched half of his face shifting to disgust when they realized what a monster the explosion had turned him into. Turbo didn’t want to see you looking at him that way too.
“Why are you trusting me with this?” You murmur, slowly pushing yourself to your feet and approaching the brunet. “Turbo, why did you ask me to come here?”
He hesitated as you came to a stop in front of him, dark eyes slowly raising to meet your (e/c) ones. He opened his mouth but couldn’t seem to force the words out, so instead he took your hand in his with surprising gentleness and pressed it against his chest, right above his heart. Turbo held it there for a few seconds before letting go, his fingertips brushing along your forearm as he released you.
Your eyes darted from his stormy eyes to your hand, blinking as you realized what he meant. “You… you like me? But I’m a guy? I thought you were straight so why-” You were quick to backtrack, nervous that he’d take it as a rejection. “It’s not a bad thing! I’m just… surprised; I didn’t think you would like someone like me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he rasped, holding your gaze. “I like you for you.” He dragged in a wheezing sort of breath, speaking so much clearly paining him. “Guy or girl or neither or both. It doesn’t matter.” His hand came up and pressed yours more firmly against his chest. You could feel his heart beating under your palm and suddenly you understood why he’d done it. He was showing you that his heart was beating for you if you wanted it to be.
In that moment you knew what your answer had to be, so you slipped your hand out from under his. His eyes hardened, though you knew it was only because he didn’t want to be hurt. The look faded, washed away by his near-palpable relief as you took his hand in yours and pressed it over your heart, the same way he’d done to you.
A wide smile broke across Turbo’s lips, pulling a little painfully at his scars, but he didn’t mind, especially as you leaned in and kissed him for the first time. Sure, he knew he had things to work on to try and be good enough for you, but he would do it. For once he was sure he had given his heart to the right person, and he would not let you down.
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request a Sam x short!civilian!fem!reader oneshot where she works at a cafe. Sam, Steve, & Buck decide to go to the cafe to get themselves + Avengers, coffee. Sam quickly takes a liking to Y/n (& she to him), He of course sweetly (& cheekily) flirts with her. She’s very shy, so he easily makes her really flustered, blushing a lot, shyly smiling, giggling a bit. (omg so I’m shy... this is so me rip 🤧). Sam ends up frequenting that cafe from that day forth, one day asking her out
author’s note || Sam is literally the biggest ray of sunshine. he makes my heart explode with love. I hope you like it! sam is such a cutie 
warnings || lots of fluff, swearing prolly
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You sigh as you pull your apron tighter around your back. You look around to see the shop mostly empty as you rested your elbows on the counter. Today really hasn’t been your day. You’ve dropped two coffee’s, had three costumers yell at you, your coworker called you annoying, and you were starting to have a bad headache. You looked over to see your coworker tapping away on her phone and you roll your eyes, what a help she is.
Yeah, today definitely wasn’t your day.
You sat up and wore a fake smile as the door dinged, letting you know that customers were walking in. Three men, who you immediately recognized, waltzed and stopped in front of the counter.
Captain America, the Winter Soldier, and the Falcon were all right in front of you. Your eyes widened but you tried to be as calm as possible. A smile slowly reached your face as you noticed Sam’s stare.
“Are you gonna order, bird brain?”
“Bucky, be nice.”
“What, Steve? He’s suddenly not speaking and staring at the woman in front- ow!”
Steve whacked the back of Buck’s head and his hand went to rub it, glaring at Steve.
“What can I get you?”
A giggle escaped your mouth as Sam just continued to stare, his smile turning into a grin at the sound of your voice. Bucky smirked and watched as the two of you couldn’t keep your eyes off each other. He nudged Sam, interrupting his gaze.
“Oh! I, uh, I-I would like, uh, a latte please?” He was a stuttering mess, his hands were sweaty, and he was playing with his fingers. Bucky stifled a laugh, prompting Steve to hit him in the back of the head again, only a tad bit lighter. 
You took the other’s orders and they moved to the side, getting out of the way. You started making their drinks and getting the pastries they wanted. You walked over to grab a croissant and couldn’t help but hear the conversation.
“Damn, Sam, your lady charmin’ is off.” Sam just rolled his eyes at the stupid brunette cheekily smiling at him. He was right though, normally he would be such a charmer. He would give one smile and flirty sentence, making the women hooked. However, this time, you were the one that hooked him.
He had never seen anyone quite as beautiful as you. You were frowning when they walked in, your eyebrows were furrowed you looked miserable. And yet, you were the prettiest person he’s ever seen. Your hair is tied up by the cafe’s policies and your apron was tight around your chest and abdomen. 
You could be the last person he stares at and he’d be perfectly content.
“I don’t know, man, for some reason when I look at her it’s like all thoughts escape.”
“Oh, I can think of a few reasons.”
“Really, Steve? You? Bucky, you’re rubbing off on him.”
You call their names when their order was ready and Sam stalked up to you, charm and all. He opened his mouth to speak and you grin brightly at him, causing him to stutter again.
“Hey! would y-you, uh, I mean, um...thanks.” He quickly darted out of the cafe as fast as he could to not make a bigger mess of himself. Bucky and Steve had bursted out laughing, slowly walking out of the cafe.
You were a little bummed that he darted out of there but you figured this wouldn’t be his last visit.
Ever since that day, Sam had been at the cafe every single morning. Slowly but surely, he was getting used to talking to you. He was smoother and stuttered less until you’d shout his name and greet him with a smile. That would always make his knees weak and leave him a flustered mess.
He’s usually make some excuse in the office that he, “couldn’t concentrate with Bucky’s blabbermouth,” so he’d always go to the nearest cafe; which was yours.
Bucky would always. just smirk, knowing his true intentions and yell at him to ask how you were doing. Sam would grumble but he would always leave with a smile on his face.
Today was no different, he sat in his normal seat with a coffee and laptop on the table. He’s been gearing up to ask you out for weeks now but every time you saunted up to him, all flustered like he was, everything was out the window.
He’d just stare at your fiddling fingers, your nervous tapping foot, and your adorable smile. He was a goner, totally whipped. He hasn’t even asked you out yet.
His heart starts beating rapidly as he sees you walk over to him, two pastries in hand. You sit down in front of him and set the pastry down, scooting it over. He quietly thanks you and you nod, taking a deep breath.
“What’s wrong, doll?”
“I have something I want to ask you.” He raises an eyebrow, expecting the worst, but nonetheless, you speak. You suddenly got so nervous, your eyes couldn’t meet his one bit. He looked at you concerned but was slowing catching on, were you going to ask him out?
“I-I uh, I was wondering i-if you, um, wanted to go out-”
“But you didn’t even-”
“Yes.” He paused, taking a good look at your adorable nervousness and beautiful face.
“I’d love to go out with the prettiest girl in New York.” You giggled, taking a bite out of the pastry as you cheered in your head. Your co-worker had told you that your crush was requited but you had your doubts. Not anymore.
“Not the whole world?” He almost choked on his muffin as he thought he was in deep shit now. He stared at you wide eyed but then focused on your sly smile and playful eyes dancing around him.
“Wow, you really let me choke on my muffin, didn’t you?” You started laughing as he grinned before throwing a piece of his muffin at you. You gasp and narrow your eyes before taking a piece of your pastry and throwing it at him which ultimately turned into a food fight.
“Are they...having a food fight?” Bucky snatched the binoculars from Steve’s hand and looked inside of it. Through the window, you two had bright smiles and laughter while you threw food at each other.
“Oh, he’s whipped. I like her already.”
Masterlist // Permanent Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah @kitkatd7 @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan
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