#male reader x turbo
he-goes-down · 9 months
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Very slow request finishing as school is starting up and tests are hectic
might take ages cus i procrastinate
English aint my first language
I go by what im feeling that day for writing requests sorry.
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There Was A Time - GNR
Something Stupid - GNR-shortstory
Estranged - GNR - fantasy -an idea
Shit posts:
Guns ‘n Poese - GNR - might be made in like 2 years time
Gnr mermaids - guide on how to do it - on hiatus for about maybe 2 years max
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Over 40 😥requests in the making (some not shown here cus im lazy)
Chosen by spin the wheel
Although I mostly do smuts as they’re easier to write
- male reader cus im one too
- threesomes, foresomes, whole ass country (jokes)
- harder things like bondage ect
- dont do ships just cus they aren’t my thing
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Axl Rose:
Human Nature
Speedin’ Back To My Baby
Please - in drafts
Big Man With A Gun - in drafts
Wichita Lineman - in drafts
Thriller - in drafts
My Kinda Lover - in drafts
Burning Heart - in drafts
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Love Lies
Cant Fight This Feeling - in drafts
Underwear -in drafts
Give me Love - in drafts
Gimmie More - in drafts
Highway Tune - in drafts
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Duff Mckagan:
Turbo Lover
Break On Through
Need you tonight - in drafts
Within you - in drafts
Sunspots - in drafts
Black Velvet - in drafts
Water - in drafts
Slither - in drafts
S&M - in drafts
Cum On Feel The Noize - in drafts
Crazy in Love - in drafts
For Crying Out Loud - in drafts
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Izzy Stradlin:
Too funky
Run to you - in drafts
Come On Now Inside - in drafts
Big Love - in drafts
Hot For Teacher - in drafts
Girls on film - in drafts
Hard to get away I’m sorry/ get away - makes me wanna die inside from sadness so might take time
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Steven Adler:
End Of The Night
Addicted To Love
Excitable - in drafts
Out Of Touch - in drafts
Bad Medicine - in drafts
(I Just) Died In Your Arms- in drafts
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Wild Child
Pretty Tied Up (wild child pt2) -in drafts
My Best Friend’s Girl - (Turbo Lover pt2) in drafts
Our Last Summer
Sweet Surrender - in drafts
In The Still Of The Night - stumped
Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) - in drafts
V! - vampire W! - werewolf
Blood That Moves The Body -V!IzzyxrxW!Slash
Lullaby - V!Izzy
The Walk - V!Axl
-in drafts
Lovesong -V!Steven
-in drafts
Rock You Like A Hurricane - in drafts
Warren DeMartini - Dancing On Glass
Julian Casablancas - Relax - tryna get thru the gnr ones
Jon Bon Jovi x r x Tom Keifer - Shake Me - in drafts
214 notes · View notes
in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello could I have idw windblade x male human in it windblade is first finding out about humans and falls in love with them
Lets go Windblade!
Hope you enjoy!
Windblade falling for Human Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Hinted romance, Human reader
It was Thundercracker who introduced Windblade to Buddy.
Windblade had gone to Earth in Starscream’s place as something big had popped up and forced him to stay.
Whether there was something that actually came up, Windblade was excited to finally see Earth.
She had seen so many videos and read many data pads on the infamous planet and was ecstatic to finally have a chance to see it with her own optics.
Chromia was less excited than her friend, preferring terrain she knew, but someone had to protect her.
Thundercracker and Buster were the one’s who first welcomed them to the planet when Buddy and Marrissa came in.
Marrissa and Buddy look up at the two new bots. Marrissa: “Welcome to Earth Windblade and Chromia. I am Marrissa and this is Buddy. We will be your human liaison’s during you stay on planet.” Buddy was still looking at the bots. Marrissa nudged Buddy on the side, snapping him out of his trace. Buddy: “Pardon me, I am still new to Cybertronians on the job. As Marrissa said, I am Buddy. If you need anything or have any questions, please feel free to ask.” Windblade: “Buddy, I have a question.” Buddy: “Yes?” Windblade: "Is it true that there are turbo foxes on Earth? I read on the way here that there were.” Chromia and Thundercracker look at her curiously. Not the type of question they thought the City Speaker would ask. Buddy: “We don’t have ‘turbo foxes’ but we do have the smaller organic version of them. Also depending which type—” Windblade: “There’s more than one type?” Buddy: “Yeah, I mean, yes. On Earth we have different types of foxes. If you follow me, I think we rescued an injured one that was caught in a bear trap a couple days ago. If Berny hasn’t released him yet, we can still see the little guy.” Windblade fluttering her wings a bit: “Yes, please!” The jet follows the smaller human happily chatting about the fox. Chromia, Marrissa and Thundercracker: “…” Thundercracker: “You know, that sounds a little like one of the screen writes I have drafted.” Chromia glaring at the human from a distance: “And how does it end.” Thundercracker: “They both fall in love—” Chromia: “Nope.” She marches right behind the pair. Thundercracker: “I bet a tube of wax Windblade falls first.” Marrissa: “Thundercracker! That is highly inappropriate!... Anyways, Buddy already fell for her.”
Chromia was Windblade’s shadow everywhere she went with the human.
She didn’t believe that her friend could fall for someone she just met.
She was smarter than that!
Buddy sensed the hostility coming from Windblade’s companion and tried including her in as many activities as he could.
He had already brought done Windblade’s walls with showing the foxes and some of the more peaceful areas outside the base.
Chromia was a harder challenge, but Buddy was always up for a good challenge.
It came in the form of the indoor racetrack and Cybertronian sized sparring ring.
Buddy was the sole pilot of a prototype mech suit created to help other Cybertronians on Earth if trouble came around.
Apparently sparring was the way to get through to Chromia.
Buddy slamming down on his back in the suit. Windblade and Thundercracker wince at the sound. Chromia walks over his suit. Chromia: “Your form is sloppy and slow.” Buddy: “Yeah, well it’s kinda hard when you’re still getting used to the new framework.” Chromia smirks and offers him her servo. He takes it and lets her pull him up. Chromia: “Despite that, you did manage to get a few good hits.” Buddy: “Is that a compliment I hear?” Chromia: “Please, you’re a decent fighter for a human…maybe we should get a new sparring partner. Windblade get your sword.” Buddy: “What?” Windblade: “What?” Thundercracker and Marrissa: “What?” Buster: “Woof?”
Buddy didn’t stand a chance.
Not that Windblade was a better fighter than he was.
It was that he didn’t want to hurt her, which ultimately lead to him getting his behind slammed on the ground for multiple rounds.
After the ‘fight’ Buddy offered to show them around more places around the base and to see the sunset.
This seemed to be the pattern for the rest of the visit.
Work, sight see, spar, sight see, back to base.
The sight seeing only increased once Marrissa helped Buddy get clearance for certain airspaces.
Windblade had a soft spot for leisure flies around dawn and walks near the bases forested area.
The two were rarely seen apart during the whole visit.
Sadly, the visit had ended too soon for the pair.
Buddy, Marrissa, and Thundercracker waving at the ship as it disappeared out of sight.  Thundercracker: “That was a nice visit. Better without Screamer here.” Buddy: “I will never get how out of the ‘trine’ thing, YOU came out with a semi stable moral compass.” Marrissa: “I second that.” Buddy starts moving to the door. Thundercracker: “You’re not upset that Windblade left, are you?” Buddy blushes a bit before shaking his head. Buddy: “We knew the visit was short Cracker.” Marrissa: “So you aren’t going to miss her?” Buddy: “I didn’t say that. She is a good friend—” Thundercracker fake coughs loudly while Marrissa gave him a knowing smile. Buddy just huffs and walks back to his office desk. PING! Buddy looks down at his tablet to see a message. Windblade: “Can’t wait till I visit again! Miss you already!” Buddy blushes and smiles. Buddy: “Can’t wait either.”
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How Buddy was looking at Windblade when she steps out of the ship.
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turbo-tastic · 10 months
[ . WELCOME . ]
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[ Nobody - Adult - They / Them ]
Hi, I write a lot of Turbo stuff. Requests are always open. Please read my entire pinned before sending in an ask.
- Minors DNI with NSFT content, I cannot stress this enough. All NSFT will be tagged as such.
- This is a Turbo-centric “x Reader” blog. I only write for Turbo as well as potentially King Candy and King Cybug.
- All content will be written to be gender-neutral, however some NSFT content will include mentions of female genitalia unless requested otherwise. I will not write readers with male genitalia due to dysphoria.
- No requests including underaged readers, pregnancy, DDLG kinks, incest, rape (including CNC), cheating or abuse. Please respect my boundaries.
- Angst is fine as long as it doesn’t include the above topics.
- General NSFT is fine.
- NSFT including light BDSM and sadomasochism (including stuff like consensual biting, punching, choking, scratching, etc.) is fine.
- I write fics, imagines and headcanons. If you’d like something very specific please include one of these terms in your request :)
All reblogged content will include creator credits in the tags for easier sorting.
#nobody wrote
#x reader
#art reblog
#writing reblog
#edit reblog
#gifset reblog
[ ASKS ]
[ NSFT ]
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undercoveravenger · 4 years
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Pairing: Turbo x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “So I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a while. I’m a sucker for the “if they want a villain I’ll give them one” trope. So I was wondering if you’d be interested in that prompt for turbo and male reader?”
A/N: This one’s pretty short, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Turbo had known you before the world ended, or at least, he’d known of you. He’d heard the gossip regarding the quiet guy in the theater department that completely transformed when he stepped on stage. Hell, he’d even snuck into the theater to watch one of your performances once and he’d been hooked on you ever since. He had even been planning on figuring out a way to ask you out once the football team won the homecoming game.
Then the bombs hit, and, in the aftermath, Turbo brough all the different breeds of jocks together. He knew of the small factions outside of his control, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about them. No, all Turbo really cared about was finding you again.
Turbo hadn’t always had a grudge against Josh Wheeler. In fact, he’d hardly even known who the kid was before the apocalypse (He was always getting him confused with gay-Josh and other-gay-Josh) except that Wesley and Hoyles loved to torment him.
But then Wesley left and when Turbo went looking for him, he found the both of you holed up with the little nobody and his pet genius and suddenly he understood the phrase ‘blinded by rage.’
He’d seen the startled, deer-in-headlights look in your eyes when you saw him approaching and the quick way you’d scrambled back into the abandoned mall that your would-be tribe had barricaded yourselves into and he’d known exactly what Wesley and Josh had been telling you about him.
Suddenly, all he could think of was showing you that that wimpy skater-boy couldn’t protect you and that he wasn’t good enough to be around you.
Mona had tried to talk him out of it, said his plans were too rash, but he’d already made up his mind. If Josh and Wesley had you convinced that he was a villain, then a villain was just what you were going to get.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Y/N: “Adam, they’re going to kill me.”
Adam: “What? No, they won't.”
Y/N: “Yes, they will. Tommy and Rocky are going to kill me when they find out you're dating me. Then Aisha, Kimberly, and Billy are going to bury my body.”
Adam: “Don't be ridiculous, Y/N. They'll love you as much as I do.”
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thedailyimagines · 5 years
Imagine meeting Turbo in the Post-Apocalyptic Glendale.
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If you guys haven’t watched Daybreak, I recommend it. It’s on Netflix and has really good characters, humor, and storyline.
Turbo Pokaski x male reader (kinda. It’s like the start of something)
“Shit!” The yell what was attracted Turbo’s attention. It had more emotion than what the ghoulies spoke with and seemed almost panicked.
He had ventured out of the semi-ruined Glendale High to blow off some steam, maybe get rid of a few ghoulies that were hanging around the vicinity. Turbo had been lost in thought and gone much farther than he had planned, ending up almost on the complete other side of town.
“Get the fuck off of me!” Taking a peek around the corner of the nearest building, Turbo saw a guy trying desperately to beat off ghoulies with a baseball bat. The ghoulies were closing in and very soon, would probably kill the bat-wielding survivor.
Turbo should let the other teen handle it.
The teen was definitely not going to make it out of this alive. Not by himself.
The former football player grabbed a nearby scrap of metal and rounded the corner.
“Ruaaaah!” With a loud grunt/roar, Turbo charged towards the ghoulies, raising his makeshift weapon and bringing it down on the nearest ghoulie’s head. He pulled the one off the other teenager, and soon all the ghoulies were dead. There were faint mumbling noises coming from farther up the street, steadily growing louder.
“More are coming. Run!” The teen took off towards an apartment complex, and Turbo raced after him. The two scaled the fire escape until they reached a door on the third level. The teen yanked the door opened and ducked inside.
The hall of apartment building was eerily quiet, dust motes visible in the faint light coming through the dirty windows. After making sure they weren’t going to attract any unwanted attention, the teen leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.
“Listen, I appreciate the save from the ghoulies back there, but we should probably keep moving. You going to be okay getting back to...wherever it is you’re headed?” Turbo let out a questioning grunt, pointing to the teen.
“My name?” Turbo nodded. “My name is y/n. And you’re Turbo Pokaski, right?” Turbo tilted his head to the side, a silent question of ‘how did you know’.
“We went to school together before...all this. You were kinda a big deal. You probably don’t know me, I was part of the theater and drama club.” Turbo looked around the hall, wondering if there were a bunch of other people lurking, waiting to jump him. Y/n noticed and connected the dots in his head.
“The other theater kids aren’t here. They...they didn’t make it. When the bomb went off they were on a bus to a performance. They were pretty close to it. I went to the football game with a friend of mine.” Y/n brushed the hair out of his face and cleared his throat.
“You should probably get going. I can take you to the back entrance, there shouldn’t be any ghoulies there.” Y/n started down the hallway, and led Turbo to a metal door with a glowing red ‘EXIT’ sign. Opening the door slightly, y/n checked if it was all clear, then opened the door wider.
“Doesn’t look too bad out here. I guess I’ll see you around.” Y/n took off down the street, Turbo watching him go before headed back to Glendale High.
Y/n. Turbo was going to have to keep an eye on him. Maybe recruit him to join the tribe.
I might make a part 2 later, idk yet.
I don’t own the above gif, all credit goes to the owner.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Bite It, Make It Bleed | Donald Pierce x m!reader
Anonymous asked: "Bite me, please, mark me up" with Donald Pierce x male reader?
summary: Donald will never say no to being asked to mark you up and bite you
tws: biting, blood, marking kink, possessiveness, swearing, little bit of grinding, choking, praise kink , Daddy kink
The early morning light streamed through the gap in the curtains, the sounds of cars rushing down the road as people raced to work nearly took over the sound of 'Turbo Lover' by Judas Priest playing on the speaker that sat on the windowsill, and your soft gasps seemed to go in time with the music as Donald sank his teeth into your hip and sucked on the skin; he was insistent on leaving a bite mark, insistent on tasting your skin as you squirmed beneath him and bucked your hips. Harsh breaths, ragged and shaky as you gripped the pillow beside your head so fucking tightly that you heard your knuckles click. The song faded out, and by the same band, the song 'Hell Bent for Leather' came on.
"Donald, fuck..." you could hardly speak, so fucking desperate and all he had done was bite your hips and the insides of your thighs. "Donald..."
"What, baby?" He dragged himself up, hovering over you as he put one hand on the pillow beside your head, the other - his metal one - coming to your chest as he drummed his fingers against your skin. "C'mon, use your words like a good boy."
You let out a shaky breath, bringing your hand up to his cheek and smiling when his hair tickled the palm of your hand. "Bite me, please, mark me up - up here."
Doland smiled, licking his lips as he slowly nodded, a soft growl coming from the back of his throat. "What? So everyone will know you're mine?"
"Yeah," you breathed out, swallowing thickly. "I want everyone to see, I want everyone to know I'm yours."
Fuck. You really did know exactly how to make him fucking weak; the thought of everyone you would see today knowing that you had him back home, that you were his and only his. That no one could fucking touch you. No one could make you squirm and beg like he could. No one could turn you on with just a few grazes of their teeth, just a few sharp bites to your hips and your thighs.
Donald couldn't even stop himself, going straight for your neck and biting down hard, sucking the skin into his mouth as you moaned softly and tilted your head back to give him better access, letting his metal hand come to your mouth as he slipped two fingers past your lips and mumbled against your skin.
"Suck them like a good boy."
You did as he said, making sure to run your tongue along the metal, whimpering softly at how fucking cold it was; but then he took his fingers out and fucking laughed, a soft praise leaving the back of his throat. He moved to bite your shoulder, sinking his teeth in, but then you said something that made him pause as he fucking grinned.
"Fuck... Donald, break the skin... bite me properly."
He was happy to oblige such a thing, biting hard enough to draw blood; the taste of copper on his tongue making him growl softly as he ran his tongue along the bite mark and groaned softly.
"You taste so good," he grumbled, your blood smeared across his lips as he dared to steal a kiss. You could taste the copper, and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning against his lips. "So fucking good."
He moved to your other shoulder, and did the same, biting down hard enough to draw blood and licking it up and letting it slather his lips before he pulled back and started to attack your neck again; biting and sucking and licking at the skin, spurred on by all the little begs for more that you let out. Craving his touch.
Acting like such a good boy for him that he couldn't stop himself as he pulled back, admiring his handiwork for a second. "Shit, maybe I should bring you to the Reavers - show 'em who's your Daddy."
God, that sounded so fucking perfect; being paraded around on his arm with his bite marks, the shape of his teeth, imprinted on your skin from your neck to your shoulders and chest and hips and thighs; covered in dozens of little claims. But you knew you couldn't, not when you had work in the afternoon. You couldn't possibly... maybe another time.
"I have work, later."
"Fuck your work," Donald hissed, rolling his hips against your groin to draw out the softest of whimpers of his name. It always did sound like a prayer coming from you. "Baby, you're gonna spend the day with me, and I'm gonna show you off to fucking everyone. Show 'em all that I'm your Daddy... you wanna do that?"
You nodded, which earned you his metal hand wrapped around your throat, pressing you into the mattress as he snarled, reminding you to use your words; fuck, you didn't even think twice as you bucked your hips and asked him to choke you harder. "I want that... I want you to show me off, but... fuck, please choke me harder."
Donald nodded, licking his lips. "Atta boy."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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zenitsuharadagoku · 3 years
My Blog.🌟🔥⚡️⭐️
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Let’s do this
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In case my header Bio decides to not work I am a Guy with He/Him pronouns (Age 27) who likes/Loves multiple Animes). This is a safe place my safe place it can be your safe place for however long you are here as long as you follow some rules 🙂. This is A non-Judgement Zone
Male Reader only Blog
No homophobia - Follow these steps back up and keep strolling
No Racism or hating anyone based on their Beliefs
No hating or shaming anyone based on their Tastes or hating my Tastes if you do why are you still here
I do not own any of the animes or series I will be writing for. All I own is fanfic ideas and other stuff I post for fun. Creators of pictures/gifs I use will be credited if I know who they are. Otherwise their will be a part that says pictures/gifs owned by there creators. And if I forget to put it it will be here Always.
I do know about Tv tropes so you can request a certain trope in a request (you need to clearly state the trope completely) tvtropes in my opinion is like a giant spider web where you can lose yourself in I lost a trope I was reading a long time ago all I remember
Is that it had something to do with animals.
Anon/Non Anons see my submissions managers
Anon hate will be sent to
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I have to burn this.
Anon/Non-Anon love to
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If any Anon/Non Anons want to send me helpful video links(tutorials) constructive advice see
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(Picture by Maxiuchina22 Deviart)
So that is how you do that.
Also if anyone is kind enough can someone send a link or step by step on how to do a cut on a post like you see on NSFW POSTS I WILL BE GRATEFUL
I do follow several Blogs that are NSFW posts I like will be on my likes posts section be careful while interacting please if you do not like NSFW.
For The moment I will not Write pure NSFW AS reading it and writing it are two very different Things, I will do implied NSFW THROUGH.
There Will be GRAMMAR ERRORS PLEASE BARE WITH ME if you want to be helpful through send grammar video tutorials if you want?
Requests are open ⭐️
Reblogged Masterlist
When I take requests be patient as I work and sometimes the mind wants to but the body is
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Fandoms I will write for
Dragonball all dragonball media and if I do not know the character I will read on who they are
Demon Slayer
Record of Ragnarok all characters except Aphrodite as I am indifferent to her existence .
Will only do Eve fluff. All Tokyo revengers Guys and platonic Enma.
I also got permission from Poketubers Birdkeeper Toby to write fanfiction of Pokémon Tempest his YouTube series ( which belong to him and all his collaborators, Editors,Animators and artists) and HoopsandHipHop and his YouTube series Pokemon Cardinal (Which belong to him and all his collaborators, editors, Artists and Animators). When I write My fanfiction of these two series it will be tagged by the name of the series and their YouTuber name also stories which have elements of their series. I also asked poketuber Mr.Buddy and Poketuber PragMagiks if I could write fanfiction about their Pokemon fakemon regions and characters and got permission to do so.
I also write for Pokémon Xenoverse a very cool Pokémon fan game. I have so many Ideas on how to combine elements from Tempest, Cardinal and Xenoverse.
Pokemon generation one to 8 . If you got a character from the anime I will do my best to write for them even if they only appeared in one episode ( have to tell me Their name) Also platonic trainer x Pokemon or Trainer x Pokemon angst. All Pokemon Movie characters.
Seven deadly Sins All characters except Chandler cause he killed my two favorite Characters Gloxinia and Drole . Also will not write For Elizabeth as to me she is meh. Also will not write for the Demon King because he killed Cusack The one who made my day when he killed Chandler.
I will Write for Beyblade Metal fusion, Masters , Fight . Beyblade Shogun Steel and Beyblade Burst evolution,Turbo and Rise. And Beywheelz.
Samurai Jack , BOB’s BURGERS, THE GREAT NORTH. Regular Show oooohhhhhhhhhh .
We bare bears . Platonic Male human reader or Male animal romantic Reader.
Saint Seiya and Saint Seiya Lost Canvas . Not Athena as she in my opinion could have done more for my Saint Seiya Boys.All Avatar the Last Airbender characters except Ozai and foaming mouth guy.
Castlevania- only Trevor, Alucard, Dracula, Hector, Cho. No Sypha I am being petty cause she Killed Cho my fave .
Nezha both movies . Both versions of the main characters.
Fairy Tail Males + Erza cause she is Scary she might find me. Yu Yu hakusho all males only.
Genshin Impact -Diluc, Kaeya and Childe.
Inuyasha Male Characters only plus Kikyo cause she deserves better.
Blood of Zeus . Bleach
Teen Titans 2003-2006 version
Justice league animated movie verse and Young justice beast boy -Conner - Kid flash wally .
Thundercats 2011. Note only platonic Cheetarah . Crushes for the Kits. The other characters are fair game even mummra (for him definitely not romantic).
Fire Force all Males plus Platonic iris.
Lion king x Male platonic human Reader and Romantic reader if the Reader upon true love kiss becomes an animal or mufasa turns them into a animal or They ask the Ancient spirits of Evil to turn them into an animal.
Some other rules. I can do head cannons ,one shots, sfw scenarios . Be specific in your requests. If you say male Anime character and Male reader I will write what comes to mind.
When I write I picture the male Reader as a Anime character from another anime and Assign them a Name see my Shinmon Benimaru ( Heracles)Male reader and my Son of Ares posts. In your requests you can specify what Anime Character you want to look like through have to tell me their name and which Anime They are from ( As in complete anime name I am bad with abbreviations) It helps me better immerse myself in the scene
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This is Fanfiction please do not complain is characters are out of character or act different as fanfiction is where cannon goes to be defeated and where your favorite characters live (Drole, Gloxinia ,Lu bu, Heracles whyyyyyyy) . Big chance I will get lost in the prompt sent to me it’s just how I am bear with me please. I also will write Monster Reader only Werewolf-Vampire-Centaur and Octocpus person like Ursula from little mermaid. I will do Soul mate Au and other Au I will do Omegaverse just not full on smut but I will do implied smut. No Sport Au as I am very unfamiliar with sports. Also while I do read Yandere I will not write it as I have seen enough of it to fill an ocean.
I have the right to deny a Request if I feel uncomfortable please respect me and my Blog.
Be kind please have some manners . Rule breakers will have to talk to
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Ice bear will handle this. And to
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(Gif belongs To Rukia-Writes )
Heracles will blow away rule breakers.
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bonkie-barnes · 3 years
pls pietro x male reader!! one where they both cuddle at night and they make out just fluff and a little bit of smut idk 😭😭
pietro maximoff x gn!reader
word count: 1k
A/N: hi anon! sorry this took a while, i am procrastinating lots of school work rn. also, i do not write anything nsfw, sorry! but i hope this is a suitable substitute for you. requests are open, please feel free to leave something!! as always, i try to remain gender neutral, but if there's something i need to fix, pls let me know!! thank you and i hope you enjoy :)
- - -
Life moves quickly when Pietro is around. The speedster was constantly on the move. Whether it was training, a mission, or simply fun and games with some of the other trouble makers on the team, it seemed he always had energy to spare. That was one of the things you loved most about him. Life was never boring.
Lately, though, you had been feeling a little left in the dust, so to speak. Pietro had been super busy with training and missions. Spending time with you had not been at the top of his list. Granted, he wasn’t doing it on purpose. You were really proud of him for all he was accomplishing, you were just missing him a little.
Currently, you're sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen eating some lunch. FRIDAY had just announced to you that Pietro and some of the others would be returning from their latest mission soon.
Deciding to make him some food, you get up and start preparing ingredients on the counter. You get so lost in finding the perfect cooking playlist that you don’t even hear the ding of the elevator as it reaches your floor.
One second you’re standing, both feet on the floor, the next you’re swept off the ground by a pair of familiarly muscular arms. A shriek leaves your mouth before your brain can catch up with what is happening.
“Pietro! You’re back!”
“Hello, my love. I missed you,” he gives you his signature smirk.
“I missed you so much,” you sigh. More than you’ll know you add on in your head.
Pietro delivers soft kisses to the top of your head as you snuggle further into his chest.
“Gross. Get a room.”
You hadn’t even seen Wanda enter the room.
“Oh shush, sister. I had to deal with you and Vision for the whole mission,” Pietro replies teasingly.
You giggle lightly at him before separating yourself from him. “For Wanda’s sake,” you reply to the indignant look on his face.
Wanda lets out a small laugh and a mumbled thanks.
“Hey, so I was thinking we could watch a movie or something tonight,” you say to Pietro in what you think is a nonchalant tone, but judging by the look on Wanda’s face, you sound more desperate than you wanted to.
Before Pietro even has a chance to respond, Clint runs into the kitchen with excitement comparable to that of a golden retriever.
“Turbo! You ready to try that prank?” he asks while grabbing an apple out of the bowl on the counter.
Pietro grins so widely, you’re surprised he doesn’t permanently hurt his cheeks. “Absolutely old man.”
The feeling you get in your chest at being brushed off by your boyfriend drowns out the argument currently ensuing about Clint’s age. You really don’t ask for much. All you wanted was some time alone with Pietro, but he doesn’t seem to want the same.
“Okay cool...I’ll see you later then,” you mumble to no one as you walk out of the kitchen, seemingly unnoticed.
Wanda, however, notices. Deciding to take matters out of her idiot brother’s hands and into her own, she flicks Pietro on the forehead.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“You’re an idiot. I don’t even need telepathy to know how left out Y/N feels by you, but the mind reading certainly helps,” she scolds him.
“What are you talking about?” he asks, affronted.
“They just wanted to spend some time with you and you totally blew them off just now,” she responds.
“Go to them, idiot,” Wanda smirks.
"Good luck, Sonic!" Clint teases.
With that, Pietro speeds out of the room to find you. It doesn’t take him long to find you sulking in Tony’s stupidly extravagant movie room, wrapped in a fluffy blanket.
“Hey you,” he says softly.
You quickly wipe away the tears that had silently escaped. “Oh, hi.”
“You mind if I join you?”
“Don’t you have pranks to be participating in?”
“There’s someone more important to hang out with, actually,” Pietro assures you.
Your only response is lifting the edge of the blanket for him to join you underneath. He rushes over and sits down so quickly you jump.
“Pietro!” you say amidst giggles.
“There’s that lovely smile of yours.”
You blush as you hide your face in the blanket.
“So what are we watching?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“Some stupid rom-com, I think,” you reply noncommittally. “We can change it if you want.”
“No, I’m invested,” Pietro tells you with a smirk.
You roll your eyes before curling further into his side. It’s nice and peaceful for a few minutes, until you’re interrupted by your stomach growling. You chuckle, embarrassed.
“Let me help you out with that,” Pietro suggested.
Before you had any chance to say anything, he had sped out of the room and back, arms full of your favorite snacks. His grin when he excitedly shouted ‘For movie night!’ in response to your questioning look made you fall even more in love.
The rest of the night is spent watching movie after movie, the both of you making funny comments about the characters’ decisions. Slowly, the comfort from Pietro’s arms and the warmth from the blanket lure you to sleep. He only notices after you fail to laugh at his comments.
You’re roused from your slumber as Pietro carefully lifts you from the couch and into his arms. He is quick to shush you in attempts to get you back to sleep. He softly kisses you along your forehead. The feeling you get in your chest at his actions makes you feel on top of the world.
You wake one final time as Pietro softly sets you down on the bed. He moves to leave the room before you let out a needy sounding whine.
“I’m only going to clean up the room, love. I’ll be back before you know,” he assures you quietly.
You nod and roll over to get comfortable. Pietro returns within the minute and gets into bed with you. Without hesitation, you move so that you are lying on top of his chest, hugging him like a koala.
“Thank you for today,” you whisper into the pleasant silence.
“Of course. I’m sorry for leaving you out lately. I didn’t realize I was doing it.”
You assure him with a kiss to his shoulder. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean to.”
“I promise we’ll hang out more often now,” he vows softly.
With that comforting reassurance, you succumb to sleep once more, safe in the arms of the love of your life.
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monscastle · 4 years
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► junior in highschool
► really indecisive
► currently into one piece and kpop!!
► i like editing & learning choreographies
► i love to cook and eat
► i am single as a pringle
► huge multifandom
► cis female & bisexual
► latina :]
► my favorite movie's are:
mulan (the animation, I haven't watched the new one yet)
the emperors new groove
mcqueen 😭
and all marvel movies unless stated otherwise
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► why do i write for male readers?
because there is very little content for them.
simple, i've written for male readers for almost three years now, and i have many people give me feedback on it. i don't write that stereotypical shit, cus it's typical and annoying to read the same thing over and over.
plus, there are enough x female writers out there. male readers and gender neutral readers need love too. (actually all of the lgbtq+ community needs more content ...)
i've had people complain on how they read a good fic and then get stabbed with a pronoun they don't use or have, so i try my best to provide content for those people who need reassurance on never feeling attacked with a wrong pronoun.
► will i write smut again?
not sure, i think not though, at least not through requests. i'll do it willingly and without someone asking for it...
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old blog: @atinylandtostay
collab blog: @eatyourchancletas​
networks: @enhypennetwork​
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peachfyzzy · 5 years
♥ masterlist ♥
leone abbachio x reader short fic: turbo ♥
guido mista x reader short fic: 1, 2, 1, 2 ♥
jotaro kujo x reader short fic: bowling's a sport? ♥ 
jean pierre polnareff x reader short fic: jazzy ♥
rohan kishibe x reader short fic: deprived ♥
bruno bucciarati x reader: savior part 1 ♥
diavolo x reader x doppio: at first i was afraid, i was petrified: part 1 part 2 part 3 ♥
bruno bucciarati x reader: distracting the capo ❥
leone abbacchio x reader: banana strawberry smoothies ❥
mingling with the baddest: leone x reader: part 1 part 2 ❥
poly bruabba: car lovin’ ❥
guido mista x reader x bruno bucciarati: interrogation ❥
prosciutto x reader x risotto: old friends  ❥
bucci gang bedroom playlist ❧
when jotaro falls in love ❧
jotaro with a small lover NSFW: ❧
poly jotakak headcanons ❧
risotto being called ‘darling adorable little charming delightful ravioli’ by a s/o headcanons ❧
abbacchio being called lamp chop by a s/o headcanons ❧
abbacchio reacting to a male s/o that cries alot ❧
Self Ship Week 2019: 
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undercoveravenger · 4 years
Heart In Your Hands
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Pairing: Turbo x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Omg you do daybreak fics that so cool could you do a turbo x male reader and he can’t stop thinking of him because he cares about everyone”
A/N: Not going to lie, I’m surprised that no one has requested Turbo before now. He’s pretty, buff, and has daddy issues. That’s tumblr’s whole type, isn’t it? That said, please send more requests for him once requests open again!
From the moment the explosion had gone off, Turbo had been quick to establish himself at the top of the hierarchy of survivors. Even as the teens that had survived the start of the apocalypse broke off into factions and started tribes of their own, he ruled over them all the same way he and his friends had towered over the rest of the school before everything went to hell.
Sure, now feeding traitors to Ghoulies had become the new equivalent to football games and his ex-boyfriend had abandoned him to go off on some strange samurai redemption quest, but at least Turbo still had you.
If he was being honest, Turbo hadn’t known you existed before the start of the apocalypse, but after it started, he hadn’t been able to stop noticing you. 
The first time that he could recall being distracted by you was one night at American Ninja Idol, where you were watching on with your arms crossed and a distinct frown on your face while all of the other spectators cheered as this week’s victim was dropped into the Ghoulie pit. He’d admired the way the firelight highlighted the muscles in your arms and shoulders, and he’d made a mental note to convince you to join the Football team if things ever went back to normal, but otherwise put your disapproval out of his mind.
The next time he remembered you catching his attention was when Josh Wheeler and his accomplices had escaped the Jocks. He’d seen the way you watched the brunet as he made his escape, not making a move to stop him, despite how easy it would be with the loaded crossbow that you carried. He’d watched the way your jaw tensed as you watched Josh and he had wondered why you looked so angry as you watched him flee. Josh Wheeler’s name ended up on Turbo’s “Must Die” list that night.
There was the day that he saw you tightening the bolts on the American Ninja Idol Ghoulie pen, just because you’d noticed that they looked loose and didn’t want to risk anyone getting hurt if you could help it. He’d had the entire fence replaced two days later and couldn’t give Mona a satisfying answer when she had asked him why.
Then there was the time you were the one chosen to bring his breakfast to him in the former principal’s office and you’d wished him a good morning before ducking back out before he’d even gotten the chance to try to force out a rough hello.
And the day after that when he learned that you’d been the one to make his breakfast since Sam Dean had gotten sick and you’d asked what you could do to help out so she could rest. He’d had Mona take the blonde medicine so you wouldn’t have to do so much on your own after that day.
Eventually your presence in Turbo’s head had grown so powerful that he’d even considered making you perform in American Ninja Idol, if only to get rid of you and be done with it, but the ache in his chest at the thought of not having you around any longer was more than enough to chase that thought from his mind in mere seconds. No, what he needed to do was talk to you and figure out why exactly he couldn’t get you out of his head.
When Mona had dragged you away from the kitchen where you’d been helping Sam prepare dinner for the tribe, you’d been certain that Turbo had finally had enough of your aversion to violence. This idea was only solidified as you were dragged into the remodeled principal’s office, where the burly King of the Jocks himself was waiting for you.
You were pushed to sit in the chair across the desk from your tribe’s chief, left to look uncertainly between the two as you waited to hear why you’d been brought before the chief. 
Mona and Turbo seemed to be caught in a staring match, clearly each having their own idea of how this would play out. Eventually Turbo’s second in command crumbled, heaving a sigh and turning to face you. “I’m not sure what’s going on with him, since all he’d tell me was that he needed to see you, but if you try anything funny, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
You nodded slowly and Mona turned on her heel, slamming the door to Turbo’s office on her way out and leaving you alone with him. You kept your eyes lowered as you took in the gravity of your situation. You were on your own with the one man who could kill you with no repercussions. “Did I-” you started slowly, finally forcing yourself to look up at him and wincing a little when your eyes locked with the eyes of his mask. “Did I do something wrong?”
Turbo’s brows furrowed. Was that what you’d thought? That you were going to be punished for something? He shook his head slowly, trying to figure out how to explain himself to you. He reached up slowly, making sure you could see that he wasn’t hiding a weapon, and removed his mask, dropping it at his side thoughtlessly. “Don’t-” he cut himself off, one hand coming up to clutch at his throat for a moment. He’d forgotten how much speaking hurt. “Don’t need… to be… scared…”
He had to look away when he saw the look on your face. He’d seen it before; the first moment of shock when someone saw the burn scars mapping out where the explosions had scorched half of his face shifting to disgust when they realized what a monster the explosion had turned him into. Turbo didn’t want to see you looking at him that way too.
“Why are you trusting me with this?” You murmur, slowly pushing yourself to your feet and approaching the brunet. “Turbo, why did you ask me to come here?”
He hesitated as you came to a stop in front of him, dark eyes slowly raising to meet your (e/c) ones. He opened his mouth but couldn’t seem to force the words out, so instead he took your hand in his with surprising gentleness and pressed it against his chest, right above his heart. Turbo held it there for a few seconds before letting go, his fingertips brushing along your forearm as he released you.
Your eyes darted from his stormy eyes to your hand, blinking as you realized what he meant. “You… you like me? But I’m a guy? I thought you were straight so why-” You were quick to backtrack, nervous that he’d take it as a rejection. “It’s not a bad thing! I’m just… surprised; I didn’t think you would like someone like me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he rasped, holding your gaze. “I like you for you.” He dragged in a wheezing sort of breath, speaking so much clearly paining him. “Guy or girl or neither or both. It doesn’t matter.” His hand came up and pressed yours more firmly against his chest. You could feel his heart beating under your palm and suddenly you understood why he’d done it. He was showing you that his heart was beating for you if you wanted it to be.
In that moment you knew what your answer had to be, so you slipped your hand out from under his. His eyes hardened, though you knew it was only because he didn’t want to be hurt. The look faded, washed away by his near-palpable relief as you took his hand in yours and pressed it over your heart, the same way he’d done to you.
A wide smile broke across Turbo’s lips, pulling a little painfully at his scars, but he didn’t mind, especially as you leaned in and kissed him for the first time. Sure, he knew he had things to work on to try and be good enough for you, but he would do it. For once he was sure he had given his heart to the right person, and he would not let you down.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Kitty Cats
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Summary: One of the people participating in a photo shoot takes a liking to the reader’s kittens...
Pairing: Fake James Dean (aka Jensen) x reader
Word Count: 900ish
A/N: That EW photoshoot gave me all kinds of ideas...
“Look at the itty bitty little kitties,” said an abnormally high male voice as you walked back on the photo shoot set. “You’re so teeny weenie.”
“Ah, the man who growled at my kittens earlier is the one giggling like a school girl,” you said, poking on his shoulder. He stood up and grunted, straightening his back while you bent down to the carrier. “Hey Macho Man, you want to feed one?”
“O-Okay,” he said a little nervously. You plucked out your littlest guy and handed him to the guy you'd been calling fake James Dean in your head all morning, thanks to that fur collared coat. 
“This is Turbo,” you said, the kitten so tiny in his hand you couldn’t help the smile on your face. “He needs to be bottle fed.”
“Bottle fed?” asked fake James Dean, watching as you closed the carrier back up to the other two that were eating from their can. You pulled a bottle of milk from your bag and shook it up for a moment before putting it in his free hand.
“Just hold it up and...” you said, Turbo quickly getting his mouth around it and started to suck. “There you go.”
“He’s the runt of the litter I’m guessing,” said fake James Dean, smiling at the kitten as it drank, getting stray milk all over his hand.
“Yeah. He’s been your co-star for the individual stuff so far. He’s tiny but he’s pulled through a lot and he’s going to be just fine,” you said, scratching the top of Turbo’s head.
“You know there’s that expression to never work with kids or animals,” he teased, smiling adorably at the kitten.
“Animals I can handle pretty well. A good handler basically puts the one’s more comfortable in front of the camera, like Turbo for instance. He adores you so he gets the time to shine,” you said.
“What happens to Turbo at the end of the day?” asked fake James Dean.
“My friend Bethany is adopting thing one in there, my mom is taking thing two. Turbo’s finishing up getting back on his feet fully so as soon as that happens, I’ll find him a good home,” you said.
“Can I have him?” he asked, your face scrunching up. “I’m normally not a cat guy, like at all, but he’s kind of cute and awesome.”
“How so?” you asked.
“Well he got me talking to you for starters,” said fake James Dean, giving you a big smirk.
“I’m sorry, I don’t date models. No offense, I’m just...not into that kind of guy,” you said.
“I’m not a model,” he said with a smile, Turbo starting to act up when he finished. You got his bottle back and him situated back in the carrier with his siblings, fake James Dean pursing his lips. “I’m an actor.”
“Sorry, you seem really sweet and everything I just...every sweet guy who’s done this schtick with me before turned out to be a self-absorbed ass,” you said.
“Jared!” you heard the guy shout, the tall man you’d seen earlier coming around a corner with a grin. “Jared this is...”
“Y/N,” you said, crossing your arms with a smirk.
“Y/N, this is Jared. We’ve been filming our show together for the past thirteen years. Now Jared, would you please tell Y/N how I am not a self-absorbed ass,” said fake James Dean.
“You want me to lie to this nice woman?” said Jared, a big grin on his face as fake James Dean’s jaw dropped. “Stay away from this one, Y/N. He just stares at pictures of himself when he’s not busy being a diva on set.”
“Dude!” said fake James Dean. “Tell her how dorky and nerdy I am!”
“He’s so full of himself, I’d steer clear if I were you,” said Jared with a big laugh, fake James Dean stepping closer before Jared ran away.
“I’m sorry he’s a toddler,” said fake James Dean with a sigh. “I-”
“I know he was joking,” you said. “If anyone has a show for thirteen years they certainly aren’t a diva. Plus it’s probably a good idea I get to know Turbo’s potential new dad.”
“I’m really just doing this to get to the kitty,” he said, biting at his bottom lip.
“Which one?” you asked, his eyes wide before he burst out laughing. “Good to see you can enjoy a dirty joke.”
“I can enjoy a lot more than that,” he said. “How about I meet you at the Main Street bar at eight and we can go over how good a fit I might be for Turbo...and possibly you...”
“Alright, I’ll see you around fake James Dean,” you said, his head nodding with a smirk.
“The name’s Jensen but I’ll definitely take that nickname. See you around sweetheart.”
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classicintp · 7 years
(this post contains spoilers for the Canadian-New Zealand obscure post-apocalyptic film Turbo Kid [x])
Turbo Kid is a post-apocalyptic movie on Netflix that pays homage to 80’s budget cinematography and comic-book culture, and in it the young male protagonist meets the archetypal Manic-Pixie-Dream-Girl (MPDG) who plays that role down to textbook description. I try not to judge movies and books too harshly with this trope, but every moment in the movie with her had me cringing at how blatant that character was written until the twist.
Her name is Apple, and I didn’t give that much (or any) consideration (despite my inherent interest in paying attention to plot details to discover foreshadowing, ironies, and so on) because it’s a post-apocalyptic world; I can easily believe this character surviving alone in the wasteland is named something so unconventional.
Come to find out near the end (and here’s the spoiler, as an additional warning) she’s an Apple™ Friendship android, her programming designed to exist solely on guiding its user through coming-of-age issues. The tension relieved was intense! I really wanted to like this movie and for its entire duration up until that point I could not figure out how to convince myself that the character was just another homage to that era’s prolific tropes. I could try to argue that she was the writer’s or director’s intentional, but talented expression of the trope (like what John Green was given too much shit for when readers missed the point) in satire or to teach a lesson about character tropes.. but despite how overtly-MPDG she behaved, it still felt too genuine, too much like an unintentional result of the subconscious fantasies of the author of that character for his protagonist. But that was clearly me being heavily biased through my story standards.
Even though I felt all the clues before that reveal should have made it obvious for me, even though I personally feel it’s not the most unconventional or complicated way to make a MPDG legitimately work as a GOOD character, the idea was very creative to me and not expected. I was very delighted.
I am by no means saying it’s one of the best movies of all time, but it’s definitely cult-classic material, and a must-watch if you aren’t sensitive to the cheesy “gruesome” over-the-top gore it mirrors from budget 80s action movies or the high body count expected from post-apocalyptic films in general.
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manipapa-blog · 5 years
Acer Spin 3 Convertible Laptop 14 inches Full HD IPS Touch 8th Gen Intel Core i7
Acer Spin 3 Convertible Laptop 14 inches Full HD IPS Touch 8th Gen Intel Core i7
Acer Spin 3 Convertible Laptop 14 inches Full HD IPS Touch 8th Gen Intel Core i7
  Product description Style:Laptop
Acer Spin 3 SP314-53N-77AJ Touch comes with these high level specs: 8th Generation Intel Core i7-8565U processor 1.8GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 4.6GHz (8MB Smart Cache), Windows 10 Home, 14″ Full HD (1920 x 1080) Widescreen LED-backlit IPS Multi-Touch Display, Intel…
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ipguru · 8 years
[8 Pack]Micro USB Cable PowerLine MortyMart 2A Quick Charge Metal-Plated Connectors High Speed USB 2.0 A Male to Micro B Sync and Charging Cables for Android, Samsung and More(8 Pack Black 3FT)
[8 Pack]Micro USB Cable PowerLine MortyMart 2A Quick Charge Metal-Plated Connectors High Speed USB 2.0 A Male to Micro B Sync and Charging Cables for Android, Samsung and More(8 Pack Black 3FT)
Do not miss this chance to get this product on most reasonably priced worth.
Fast Cost : Help increased charging present as much as 2A for Fast Cost USB 2.zero allow units
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Machine match: Most Android and Home windows telephones, tablets and units together with Samsung / Nexus / HTC / Motorola / Nokia / LG / Sony / OnePlus / Blackberry / PS4/ Xbox / PS Vita / Nintendo DS / GPS units / battery packs / bluetooth audio system / wi-fi keyboards / cameras / camcorders / video games consoles / onerous drives / e-readers / printers
Superior Development: Sturdy TPE coating, Metallic-Plated Connectors and heat-resistant cable head guarantee most efficiency with a rated 8000+ Bend Lifespan
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from [8 Pack]Micro USB Cable PowerLine MortyMart 2A Quick Charge Metal-Plated Connectors High Speed USB 2.0 A Male to Micro B Sync and Charging Cables for Android, Samsung and More(8 Pack Black 3FT)
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