#idw transformers x platonic reader
in1-nutshell · 1 day
Could I humbly request some more of Sunstreaker and his brand new 5-year old Buddy?
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Made it into a Slice of Life
Hope you enjoy!
Sunstreaker and Buddy the toddler: Slice of Life
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Human reader
It wasn’t their first choice, but after a vote, the bots had decided to spend the day at the beach.
It was either that or another hike and they weren’t eager to repeat what happened last time.
The bots are walking up the mountain. Sideswipe: “I thought this was supposed to be relaxing? This isn’t what I thought when you guys said relaxation.” Prowl: “It was in one of the human brochures.” Ironhide: “Quit ‘er whining. We’re almost there.” Sunstreaker is walking in the back with Buddy walking behind him. Sunstreaker: “Buddy we need to move faster.” Buddy is panting but nods. Sunstreaker: “We’ll get there faster if you let me carry you.” Buddy waves their hand: “I got it!” Buddy steps on a loose rock, falls on their face and starts tumbling backward. Sunstreaker: “Buddy!” Sunstreaker trip over a root and starts tumbling down behind Buddy. Ironhide: “Kid!” Sideswipe already swan diving down the mountain: “Don’t worry Buddy Uncle Sideswipe will get you!” A banged up Sunstreaker and Sideswipe limp back to base with Buddy in Prowl’s servos sniffling from the scratches they got. Ratchet: “… Do I even want to know?” Sunstreaker: “Well—” Ratchet: “No, not yet. Prowl hand Buddy over here.”
The beach sounded a bit safer.
Ratchet and Wheeljack made sure that everyone was well rehearsed in washing before and after coming out of the ocean.
Sunstreaker wasn’t a big fan of the beach, mainly because of the sand, but he was willing to toleratre it for one day.
For Buddy.
The toddler barely got out of the Arc except if it they had to go to school or visits from Verity.
From the parenting books for humans he read, getting outside was important for young humans.
A day at the beach was just what Buddy needed.
Buddy hops out of Sunstreaker’s alt mode and wigglings their toes into the warm sand. Buddy: “Let’s go!” Buddy is about to dash into the beach when Sunstreaker picks them up from their bathing suit and puts them on his servo. Sunstreaker: “Buddy, we talked about the sunblock and the… the… Sideswipe what are the thingy’s called again?” Sideswipe shrugs. Buddy: “Water wings!” Sunstreaker: “Yeah, that. Now let’s get you ready.” Later… Buddy: “Are you sure that it’s supposed to be like this Sunny?” Sunstreaker: “Positive.” Buddy: “Okay!” Buddy waddles onto the beach with a pair of water wings on their arms and another pair on their legs.
Sideswipe was excited to go in the water with Buddy.
It’s made clear to everyone that Buddy was NOT to go in the water without supervision.
If keeping track of them in the Arc was hard, then the vast beach and ocean was harder.
Especially since they still couldn’t swim.
Not like many of the bots could either, but they didn’t need oxygen.
A lot of bots went out to do their own things, whether wadding in the water, collecting seashells, or watching things go around in the beach.
Then there was the small group that played around with Buddy.
It was comical seeing these giant bots attempting to play volleyball with Buddy who was waddling around with two sets of water wings.
There was a mild panic when someone accidentally got sand in their eyes, and they began crying.
So many bots thought Buddy was getting murdered.
Ratchet washes Buddy’s face clean from sand with some water bottles.
Thank goodness Verity warned him about this.
 Sunstreaker put Buddy sunglasses… which they promptly dropped when they started feeling uncomfortable.
Sunstreaker: “C’mon Buddy. Put them back on.” Sunstreaker picks up the glasses and puts them in Buddy’s hands. Buddy pouts and throws them back down. Buddy: “Don’t wanna!” Sunstreaker groans. Sunstreaker: “Buddy. Put them on, now.” Buddy’s face starts turning red. Buddy: “No!” Jazz walks over. Jazz: “What’s the problem?” Sunstreaker: “Buddy doesn’t want to put on their glasses.” Jazz kneels at a pouting Buddy. Jazz: “Is that true?” Buddy nods furiously. Jazz: “Well… I gotta visor on. Its kinda like those glasses. Its better for your optics—I mean eyes, if you wear them.” Buddy pauses for a couple of seconds before grabbing the glasses, blowing the sand off and putting them on. Buddy: “Just like Jazz!” Jazz laughs and pats their head. Sunstreaker facepalms in the background.
Some of the bots managed to convince Optimus and Ratchet to get something sweet for Buddy.
They agreed.
Mainly because Buddy was sweating up a storm and looked flush.
Sunstreaker tried his best in teaching Buddy that the ice cream was to consume and not to wear on their face.
Buddy promptly sat down on a big inflatable flamingo and continued to eat their ice cream.
With Buddy preoccupied Some of the other bots could actually have a break.
They did not see the tide rising or the flamingo slowly floating out.
Buddy was blissfully unaware after eating their ice cream the rocking of the waves made them sleepy and decided to take a nap.
Optimus: “All right! Everyone clean up, we are heading out.” Ratchet: “You heard Prime! Wash up!” Sunstreaker: “Alright Buddy lets—” The flamingo is nowhere to be seen.” Sideswipe: “Hey Sunny we gotta—Primus… Where’s the flamingo!?” The pair spot the flamingo floating peacefully in the water. Sunstreaker: “Buddy!” The yellow mech runs straight into the water. He doesn’t make it far, realizing he could only go out until most of his chassis was under water. Still far from Buddy. He feels something wrap around his waist and yanks him back. Jazz had grappled him back. Sunstreaker: “Let me go! Buddy’s on the flamingo!” Prowl: “How? That thing wasn’t even close to the water when we came here?” Seaspray: “Probably the tides. Don’t worry I’ll get them.”
Buddy wakes up when they hear yelling and nearly falls off (Sunstreaker nearly fainted in the background) but is happy when they see Seaspray next to them.
They gladly hop onto his alt mode, narrowly missing the edge.
Sunstreaker kicks Sideswipe and runs into the water and makes it about chassis deep when Seaspray comes by.
Buddy makes grabby hands at Sunstreaker.
He happily gets the toddler in his arms.
Buddy sleeps the entire way back.
Sunstreaker is now asking Verity about swimming lessons.
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Gems - Fortress Maximus
Author Notes: Last fic for today, but I wanted to get the fics I hadn't written for my usual fandoms posted today as a sort of treat for myself. Don't worry, as of next week it'll be back to the usually scheduled fics. I wrote this while listening to "Meet Me in The Wood" by Lord Huron. Reader is human and gender-neutral, I hope you enjoy
Type: Fluff/ platonic or romantic (whichever you prefer)/ gender neutral reader
Word count: 1983
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I watched as the familiar but heartbreaking presence of Fortress Maximus passed me by. Finding him on Garrus-9 had both been a relief and a nightmare in the making. 
What Overlord had done was beyond wrong and Max had scars that would last him for a lifetime. That, added to the fact that he’d snapped, hurt Rung, and thus had himself deemed dangerous was more than enough to worsen his view on both life and himself.
 I hadn’t met him till after he’d been found, but even I could tell that what was left now was a mere husk of the mech who’d kept track of all the inmates of Garrus-9. 
I found myself trotting out the door, following the enormous mech that typically avoided me. I was small compared to most Cybertronians to say the least, but compared to him I was downright miniscule. But, despite that, he always seemed to know where I was. Except for this time.
Currently he was so deep in his thoughts and memories that he was oblivious to my presence.
 I couldn’t blame him, though. Receiving news of Overlord was likely beyond horrifying for the gigantic fellow. 
I had to run full-tilt to have any hope of catching up to him before he made it to his berth-room where he would doubtless stew on his trauma and newfound info on Overlord.
 I couldn’t say that Max would seek vengeance. He wasn’t the type to sneak away and go off on a revenge-driven mission. Instead, he was the type to withdraw from all social contact and beat himself up over things that were anything but his fault.
And that was something I couldn’t stand. I hadn’t known Max long, but I could tell he was a gentle soul who avoided me for fear of hurting me. 
Despite Rodimus’s hypothesis that Max was afraid of humans, something told me that he wasn’t. I’d seen his discreet glances and hidden smiles that were directed specifically at me. 
No one else on this ship was as close to the floor as I was, so who else could it be directed at?
I was panting by the time I’d gotten close enough to hope that he would hear my call. Loud to my ears, but probably close to a whisper for him considering the raw distance between me and his helm, “MAX!”
He turned, despite all odds, and his optics immediately landed on me. He looked exhausted, with his expression holding the kind of fatigue that went beyond weariness and delved straight into his innermost core.
What was worse was that he’d looked that way for days. Even Rung had confided in me during lunch that he was very concerned for his patient/friend. 
Max was worse than he’d ever been and something told me it was more than just lack of sleep.
“Max are you…” I struggled to come right out and question his well-being. 
Max didn’t like for others to worry about him. In fact, he avoided attention as much as he could. 
But right now he just stared down at me. Tried but as patient as ever. Making me feel ridiculous for struggling to ask him a very, very simple question.
I sighed, inhaling before coming right out and asking exactly what I’d come to ask, “Are you alright?” 
He blinked at me, having the audacity to look surprised at my concern. Were it anyone else I might have been irritated. But this was Max. He probably didn’t think anyone, much less the lone human on this ship, cared.
“You look exhausted and… Well, I know something is wrong.” 
He snorted, surprising me with the cynical sound, “Isn’t something always wrong around here?” He straightened, optics scanning the hallway like he was making sure no one else was around.
I mean… He wasn’t wrong. This crew had run into one issue after another. “Well, yeah. But this is sort of worse than usual, isn’t it?”
His optics flicked back down to me, a sort of hollowness to his gaze as he uttered two words, “Is it?”
I almost cringed at his question. Because it was definitely worse than usual. Max was never like this.
 “Max… You haven’t been acting right these past few days and I… I’m worried,” I faltered slightly, hardly knowing what to say but also desperate to do something for this gigantic, but uniquely gentle mech.
There was a flatness to his tone when he answered, “I haven’t been ‘right’ since I woke up back on Garrus-9.” 
This time I did cringe. His words were likely true, and it was to be expected. No one could have come out that unchanged.
But at my reaction, the mech’s expression softened slightly and he shook his head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault and you’re being very kind. You have been very kind this entire time.”
He sighed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly before gesturing to the door, “Would you like to come in?” 
I barely hid my surprise at his offer. 
Max had been shy at best since coming here and my best attempts at befriending him were usually met with polite refusals. Him inviting me into his berth-room could only mean one thing. He really was upset this time. Upset enough that he couldn’t turn away offers of assistance.
I nodded though, following him into the dark room that soon flickered with cold blue light as the sensors registered our presence. His room was surprisingly bare, there was little in the way of personal items. In fact, if I were to be blunt, it seemed cold and impersonal.
“So… What is this all about Max?” He turned slightly, meeting my eyes with a guarded look. He sighed though, seemingly surrendering to the fact that I was here now, and lowered his servo for me to clamber onto.
He was unfailingly gentle when he held me. In many ways, he seemed to be terrified that he would hurt me even though I knew just from his actions that he’d sooner injure himself. He took slow steps, careful not to jostle me as we moved across the room.
He barely tilted his servo, letting me slide off and onto his berth which he sat down on next to me. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I nodded at his answer as I settled in for a long talk with him, “Everything that has happened since coming here or…?” I trailed off, not quite willing to bring up that period of his life.
ButI was spared as he glanced sideways at me, knowing exactly what I meant, “Both.”
I hummed, out of my element but determined to try and help Max sort through his current troubles. If I could get him started talking then hopefully Rung could step in and finish up during their appointments. 
“Did the recent…” I paused, searching for the word. Overlord showing up in our basement was bad enough, now he was loose and seemed to still have an obsession with the mech next to me, “The recent information start all of this?”
Max merely snorted and shook his head, “No. This has been coming on for a while. I suppose I’m lost. I don’t know who I am anymore and I can’t go back to the way I was…. Not now.”
That was… A lot more than I had expected. Max was usually so quiet, I’d never thought he’d actually open up. Much less to me.
I hesitantly reached out, cautiously brushing my hand against his servo that rested next to me and he looked down. He wasn’t surprised, just tired looking.
 I offered a weak smile as I did my best to offer advice and comfort, “Change is natural. Everyone goes through change.”
He smiled at me wryly, “You sound like Rung.”
 I snorted despite myself at his words, “Is that a good thing?”
His smile fell and he looked off to the side, “Well… I kind of wanted to talk to you.” I stilled at his words, realizing exactly how stupid I’d been to try and behave like Rung. If he wanted to talk to his therapist he could have. But he hadn’t. He’d invited me into his berth room to talk to me.
I shifted awkwardly, looking away, unsure as to why he would want to talk to me but resolving to do just that and let him talk to me. Because even if it was awkward I could do that for him at the very least.
If I wanted him to tell me about his scars I’d have to share mine. 
“I… uh. I lost track of myself too at one point after coming here.” I was tense as his head swiveled so he could stare at me with wide optics. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at him, instead opting to lift my shoulder in a self-conscious half-shrug. 
“I guess that when I came aboard I hadn’t realized how much my home had been a part of me….” I could feel his silent stare, prodding me to continue so I did, feeling more and more awkward the second.
“Being away from Earth has been difficult and when….” I inhaled, encouraging myself to keep going, “Well… when you lose track of yourself it can’t help but be hard.”
I shook my head, because hard wasn’t the right word. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze, “In fact, it's beyond hard. It feels impossible sometimes. You learn things you don’t like about yourself and you want to change but stay the same all at once.”
I felt myself quail slightly under the weight of his stare, “At least… That’s how it’s been for me.” 
His gaze softened and he nodded, “It is.” 
Silence fell after his answer, and I really didn’t know what else to say. I could only hope he’d take the opening I’d given him to talk about his troubles.
He looked away, venting loudly as if he were preparing, “I don’t know if I’m a coward, weak, or a fool.” He looked back towards, sympathetic sadness lingering in his optics, “But I do know I’m not as brave as I thought.”
I felt myself smile slightly, a somber expression, but the best reassurance I could muster in this oddly raw moment. “I think you’re brave. You’ve lasted far longer than I would have under some pretty impossible pressure.”
I hesitated in the face of his slight smile, not sure if I could or should continue. Perhaps my current thoughts would sound stupid. But I forged onwards anyways, keeping a smile on my face as I continued, “You know, back on Earth they say diamonds are formed under pressure and that we see new parts of ourselves when things are at their worst. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us.”
He smiled, a little bigger and a little brighter this time. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d seen hell and came back out. Fire-forged, but scarred and wounded. “Maybe.”
I smiled back at him, feeling a little bit more genuine with this smile before looking away and allowing myself a quiet exhale. 
I was relieved that he seemed to feel a bit better and mortified that I’d shared what made me feel so shallow. I wasn’t the only one away from home after all….
“For what it’s worth,” His words dragged my startled attention back to him. I’d thought he was done…
“I think you’ll make one of the loveliest of all the gems Earth has ever made.'' I blinked up at him and he looked away, coughing slightly into his servo.
 I felt myself smile and nudged his other servo again, immediately gaining his attention, “Thanks Max. But I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
He grinned, a truly genuine one this time, “No reason I can’t do the same for you.”
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stickytrigger69 · 1 year
Fluff with IDW Thundercracker with human girl reader
IDW Thundercracker x Human Female Reader
Reader is a human female
Readers features are unspecified
Hope you don't mind, but I've gone with platonic
It summer time
Customer service jobs really are the worst, but it was all you could grab, all that was available. And at least the two you were able to snag give enough to pay rent and all that but also at the cost of your sanity. How rude some people can be is often boggling to you. The best part of your days, though, is when you get a chance to spend some time with your best friend on the whole planet. Thundercracker is a fun person to be around with lots of inspiring qualities. He provokes your own creativity to flow so you both like sitting in peaceful silence or in a deep conversation about the arts. Like today.
Today was a little rough, so all you wanted was to spend some time with him, maybe watch a movie. But it seems he's having a very inspired day. Your heavy eyes struggle to stay focused on the film he wanted to watch with you. It's a philosophical film with lots of undertones and sub-plots and messages that he loves picking at. He usually doesn't talk during movies like these, but this one is really spurring him on, and thank goodness it does because if he wasn't talking, you would have fallen asleep ages ago. It makes you smile when he gets excited when he discovers something new about the story, the gasps, and the small personal notes he mutters under his breath.
Buster is asleep on your leg. He and the blankets and the large cybertronian are warm and comfortable. This is your happy place. In the middle of the woods with the two people you love most on this planet. Thundercracker knows you had a hard day, so he was mostly doing all this to distract you. He has your favorite snacks and pillows all set up and the prjector and screen. His interest in the human arts is one of the many things you two can bond over.
Just about every aspect of humanity is artistic and full of creativity and beauty, so he always has questions to ask. He keeps you on your toes and your mind fresh with his constant want to digest as much knowledge as he can about everything.
"Oh my, do you see it?" he asks as he notices something in the background.
"Hmmm, oh, yeah. What do you think it means?" you ask, seeing the color play, reds and oranges hinting at a mood change in the film.
"Something is changing..." he whispers and then is enveloped in the story once again, making you smile.
"You gonna make a movie like this some day, TC?" you ask tiredly.
"I don't know, do you think I'd be able to?" he asks quietly.
"I do, actually. You're really smart, and I feel like you could make a masterpiece that could put several A24 films to shame." You compliment before yawning making him smile. "The one you've been working on is really good already." Your eyes threaten to close.
"It could be better, though." He complains.
"Whatever. You're a baddie and a talented baddie at that. You and I are the baddest duo in the world." Your body shakes with his as he chuckles. You always say that, 'Oh, we're a couple of baddies, and nothing's gonna stand in our way.' Or whatever else you like saying. You're so aggressive with it. He said he was ugly once, and you threatened to kick his aft.
That's one of his favorite parts of your friendship. You're so supportive and caring in a way no one he knows has been. You seem to actually like spending time with him no matter how odd he is or if he's in a mood. You make him want to seek you out for support. If he needed to talk on cybertron, no one actually listened. Skyward was there, yeah, but he just. He wasn't like you. It's hard for him to explain. He knows he's tried before. He looks down at you; you've fallen asleep. Your little head rests comfortably against the glass of his chest. He likes thinking about you, how you're a reject in your own society like he was. He wonders what his life would have looked like if you were there and not Skywarp and Starscream. If you were a cybertronian.
He turns off the projector. He holds onto you and Buster while he moves around, looking for a comfortable spot to lay down. When he finally finds it, he pulls you and Buster up to rest in his neck. He stares up at the stars, keeping his hand around you and Buster. He didn't notice when he fell asleep, but he does notice that when he wakes up, you're not in the crevice of his neck where he left you. His hand is empty, and he's by himself. He looks around to make sure he won't step on you or something. Just a blanket and some pillows, not even Buster is here.
He's not sure what time it is, but looking at the sun's position and reading his body temperature from his HUD, it's almost lunchtime. Where did you go? He stands and tries to poke his head above the trees. He scratches his head and then rubs his cheek. Suddenly, he feels a paper pull away from his face.
'Went swimming.' A little pink post-it note with a smiley face drawn on it is stuck on his index finger.
"Swimming?" He asks himself before looking in all directions. Oh, the lake. He starts towards the right. Eventually, the large lake comes into view, and you and Buster are in the water.
"Hey, sleepyhead," you wave at him, "come get in with us. It feels so good." Your hands swirl around in the water.
"Gross, no, I'm okay." He sits at the edge of the water watching Buster run around.
"Ugh, 'gross', dude, c'mon. It's so fucking hot today, just get in, it'll cool you off." You mock him before scolding him.
"I don't care. Water is gross." He stretches his arms out.
"You're gross. Pussy." You insult him.
"Who?" He asks.
"Who what?" You're confused.
"Cares." He yawns.
"God you're such a bitch." He laughs at you. "Well, if you're jot getting in at least, let me jump off your hand into the water."
"Won't you die?" He smirks.
"Yeah, but at least it'll look cool." You giggle. He shakes his head and reaches for you. Before you even ask, he just lightly tosses you in the air and watches you spin around before landing in the water with a loud slap. When you resurface, there's a look of pain on your face, and it makes him chuckle.
"Ooooww, my ass, dude." You laugh awkwardly. "No warning or anything?" You swim to the edge of the water and walk out. The left side of your thigh is all red from coming into contact with the water.
"Oh Primus, that looks bad." His hand goes up to his mouth.
"You think?" You ask sarcastically and start pulling on his foot. "Now you have to get in, come on." He just watches you struggle before sighing deeply.
"Okay, okay, I'll get in." He stands, but before he actually starts getting in, he picks you up again and jumps in.
After a while of jumping around and being splashed by tidal waves, you're both just chillin' on the surface of the water. Just wading and sun bathing.
"Shit! I didn't put sunscreen on!" You sit up on his chest so fast it makes you dizzy. You quickly scan your arms and legs and rub softly at your face. It doesn't feel warm and sensitive like sunburn does but still, you're worried it's too late to put some on. If you got burned it will really suck. And it turns out, you did in fact get burned. The bridge of your nose and the height of your cheekbones are a reddish brown and your arms and legs are the same color.
"Does it hurt?" Thundercracker asks as he pokes your arm, sending heatwaves up towards your neck.
"Ow man! Yes, it does!" you exclaim.
"Awww, sorry 'bestie'," He mocks you, "here." He hands you a tub of ice cream.
"Where did you get this?" Confusion twists your face.
"Buster." The dog wags his tail at you.
"There's campers nearby aren't there?" You ask only for the cybertronian to shrug. With the shake of your head you pull the safety tab off and then remove the lid. "Were you able to steal some silverware at least?" You chuckle to yourself. You get up and go over to TC, to dig through his chest.
"What are you looking for?" He watches you confused.
"This." You hold up a little red swiss army knife. "I hid it in there along with some other stuff."
"Like what?!"
"Stuff." You shrug folding a spoon out of the tool. You sit with a sigh. "Thanks TC. I love hanging with you and Buster, you always make me feel so much better." You eat a big spoonful of ice cream. Even though he feels the same he's a little concerned about what else you've hidden in his subspace. With a hand on his chest he smiles softly. Whatever is in there, he'll cherish it when you're not around.
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loveofbots · 1 year
Headcanons where reader gets their wisdom teeth removed because mine are and I’m VERY nervous about it
Human!GN!reader, can be read as platonic or romantic
Warnings: mention of surgery
- he’s already very scared of doctors, so you going to get your teeth removed? Yikes. Luckily, this guy has seen enough sit-coms to know what you’ll be like once you’re out of it.
- soft foods, painkillers, blankets and lots of water. As much as Swerve usually likes pulling of shenanigans with you, this time he’s gonna be the responsible bot and make you stay put. Swerve will keep you entertained though, don’t worry!
- if you need to hold his servo going in he’s absolutely fine with that. Honestly he’s holding yours more because he’s afraid of the doctors office.
- solid words of encouragement. “You’ll be fine. You’re in safe hands. I’ll be right outside so you can find me afterwards.”
- honest to Primus he asks Ratchet how you’re doing like 58 times. He cares so much about you.
- Swerve refuses to let you walk, you either get carried by him or ride in his alt mode. Cares for you for the next three days. Takes time off work actually, but all of the Lost Light care about you, so Trailcutter can deal with not having a drink for a few days.
Tailgate (ft. Cyclonus):
- oh no, oh baby. He’s just as nervous as you are. But he tries to remember to put on a brave face for you. Please excuse him if it slips, he’s just so caring about you.
- definitely tries to cheer you up beforehand! And downloads a bunch of silly movies you guys can watch after. He’ll even make Cyclonus watch with you if that’s what you want.
- he gives you a big hug before you go in. “This is your protection hug! It will make sure nothing bad happens to you while you’re in there!”
- afterwards, if you’re feeling down, he’ll do his best to just hold you. Luckily Cyclonus had the foresight to predict this, so had blankets, water, and soft foods ready for you.
- you’re definitely having a sleepover in his habsuite. No questions, Tailgate’s anxiety would not let him sleep if you were in your own hab. So for a few days, you get to hang out with Tailgate and Cyclonus!
Fort Max:
- he knows you’ll be ok, but he understands why you’re afraid. Being on an operating table reminds him of Garrus-9. Even though he knows that’s not the case, he can’t help the inkling of doubt.
- to combat this, he employs a few strategies. One, he creates a little timeline for your recovery. He doesn’t know much about oral surgery, so he has First Aid help him out when creating a recovery plan. Once it’s all mapped out and gone over with you, this big giant lays it on thick.
- hugs galore, he wants you to feel safe. Kind reassuring words. “It’s alright, it’s just a small procedure and you’ll be right back in my arms before you know it.”
- he would walk in with you if you needed it, but he leaves you with a comfort object so you never feel alone. When you come out, he’s all ready for you. Massive hands would cradle you as he gives you an ice pack for the swelling. And he even got you some soft human foods.
- encourages you not to speak much. He know it must be uncomfortable, even with painkillers. So instead he offers you a book or a tv show he can watch or read with you, happy that you’re with him and resting.
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lovefazedforsoundwave · 6 months
Warnings: nsfw
NSFW =🌡, Fluff = 🔆, Normal=🎐, Other = 🔱, platonic = 🎋
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Jetfire smut🌡
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IDW 1&2
Senator Shockwave — part 1🎐
Yandere shockwave — Here 🔱
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Soundwave x reader — smut🌡
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None yet, ❓️
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Oc X megatron, platonic 1 & 2 🎋
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Overlord smut (not done yet,!)🌡
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Sg LOVER!Soundwave nfsw 🌡
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And rules.
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what will I do?:
Non con
Hard Kinks,
Weird kinks
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image-thot · 1 year
This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Open (always open for spike and op men measurements)
Writing Requests open for Transformers and One Piece requests.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Brief Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character
Dick, Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2024
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
One Piece
Dick mesurements - Kaido, Katakuri and King
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them 
Dark overprotective/possessive 
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4, 
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader 
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
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Hello, everyone!!! My name is Mardi and I'm taking HEADCANNON requests!! (DON'T REQUEST ONE SHOTS)
I'm not making a masterlist. Just search for your tag. #jjk x reader or #transformers x reader
• I only write 'x reader' content. So please do not request ocs.
• All requests should specify if it's a gender-neutral reader or one of a specific gender/sex. If you do not specify the gender of the reader, I will just by default make the reader gender neutral.
• I'm okay with writing angst. Such as cutting, suicide, self harm, past abuse, ect. I'm a little bit iffy with cheating, because I feel as if most of the characters wouldn't cheat on you. But I'm perfectly fine with them helping you through a breakup.
• Please specify if you want a human or Cybertronian/Omnic/Curse reader. If you don't, I'll just make them a regular human. Or skip it.
• For each ask, I will write a minimum of up to 4 characters per ask.
• You can personalize a request, but DO NOT make it painfully obvious.
• Do not request oneshots. I will post oneshots simply whenever I feel like it. As of right now, I'll only take headcannons or questions about the characters.
• if I do not like your request, or if it makes me uncomfy, I have every right to deny your request and/or delete it.
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𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕀 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣
• Mercy
• Reinhardt
• Mauga
• Reaper
• Ramattra
• Zenyatta
• Sombra
• Widowmaker
• Junkrat
• Dva
• Echo
• Mei
• Ashe
• Bastion (Platonic)
• Ana
• Bumblebee
• Optimus
• Megatron
• Hot Rod
• Dino
• Jazz
• Sideswipe
• Optimus
• Mirage
• Niah Diaz
• Wheeljack
~ Transformers Prime
• Optimus
• Bumblebee
• Arcee
• Wheeljack
• Rachet (The literal girlboss)
• Bulkhead (platonic)
• Ultra Magnus
• Megatron
• Soundwave
• Starscream
• Shockwave
• Predaking
• Knockout
• Breakdown
• Dreadwing
• 5t3v3 + T0M + G4RR1
• Hardshell + Insecticons
• Arachnid
• Basically everyone. If I didn't name them, request anyways. I'll update later.
~ R.I.D 2015
• Bumblebee
• Jazz
• StrongArm
• Grimlock
• Soundwave
• Fixit
• Sideswipe
• Steeljaw
~ Transformers Animated (TFA)
• Bumblebee
• Rachet
• Bulkhead
• Blurr
• Prowl
• Jazz
• Longarm
• Megatron
• Starscream
• Blitzwing
• Lugnut
• Shockwave
• Blackarachnia
• Rodimus Prime
• Whirl
• Megatron
• Chromedome
• Rewind
• Poly!Chrome&Rewind
• Elita One (G1 AND Idw)
• Any and all characters. Except Mahito.
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jazzy-man13 · 11 months
Request rules/info
Hi there, I'm a life-long Transformers lover that sometimes writes stuff. On the off chance that anyone really likes my writing and wants to make a request, here's the information you need!
side note: I'm incredibly inconsistent and there's absolutely no way of telling when I'll get your request done. That doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, I'm just acoustic
Continuities I can/will write for:
Transformers mtmte/Lost Light
Transformers Armada
Transformers Cyberverse
Transformers Prime
Transformers Earthspark
Transformers rid2015
Transformers g1
Transformers wfc/foc
Transformers rotb
Transformers idw comics (I know some of it, not all)
Continuities I will write for in the future once I've finished watching/reading them:
Transformers animated
Transformers energon
Transformers rid2001
Transformers beast wars
Transformers shattered glass
Transformers Titans return
Transformers netflix wfc trilogy
Transformers prime/combiner wars
Transformers bayverse
Transformers rescue bots
Transformers victory
There's probably more that I'm forgetting, I'll add them later if I remember
What I will/can write content wise:
Robo-gore (probably not too intense)
Romantic scenarios
Platonic scenarios
Trauma (might deny if I'm uncomfortable writing it)
I will probably add more to this list- if there's anything not on here, feel free to ask!
What I won't/can't write:
NSFW (suggestive flirting/dirty jokes are fine)
Minor x adult ships
Any ships I'm uncomfortable with
Basically anything that falls into proship categories
Again, I'll probably add more later!
Types of ships I will/can write:
Character x reader
Character x Character
I will not do ocs or you personally x canon characters, just because I have difficulties with that. I could change that in the future, who knows-
Types of readers/features I can write:
gender neutral, masc, fem
Trans/any type of genderqueer
Specific pronouns
Autistic, adhd, ocd, etc.
Specific body types/features
Specific races/ethnicities
Non human/cybertronian
Any combination of these
Note: I have very limited experience in writing, and even less in specific reader types. I will do my absolute best to represent your request accurately, but please let me know if you have any specific part of said request that you want me to include! I never want to unintentionally offend or misrepresent someone <3
Scenario request do's and don'ts:
DO be specific in your request (what character(s) you want, the situation, headcanons or one shot or smt else, etc.)
For reader fics: DO describe your reader, do you want the reader to be male? Female? Neither? Human? Non-human? Bot or con, or smt else? (or you can leave it up to me, I usually default to gn cybertronian readers)
DON'T request smt like "autobots react to reader with blonde hair"- that's a bit too vague, and it isn't really a scenario
DON'T request non-transformers related fandom crossovers, chances are I probably won't know it
Remember that I write these for fun, I'm not obligated to do anything for you- be sure to respect the rules and my boundaries <3
Also- I love writing for uncommon blorbos and ships, I especially love femme bots and underrated characters- send me your silly little uncommon blorbos to write <33
(Vehicons/drones, titans, and Elita-1 are my personal special little blorbos)
Again, if there's anything you want to request that isn't on here, please ask/request it anyways! The worst I'll do is change your request to fit the guidelines, or just say nah
Have fun requesting!
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zeonomicon · 1 year
Guidelines for Requests
Hello, I write one-shots and headcanons for Transformers. Below, you can find a list of what I will do, but it is not comprehensive - so feel free to ask if you're uncertain (or you're just really itching for a particular scenario).
Will Write
Armada (Unicron Trilogy)
Ask Vector Prime
Beast Wars II
Covenant of Primus
IDW comics (2005 and 2019)
Earthrise/Kingdom/Seige (Netflix War for Cybertron Trilogy)
Generation One/G1
Rescue Bots
Robots in Disguise 2001
Robots in Disguise 2015
Super God Masterforce
Alternate Universes | Faeformers, Humanformers, Merformers and more, go wild.
Valveplug, Suggestive, etc.
Reader Insert | Cybertronian, human, unidentified space monster, it's all good with me. Just be sure to let me know what species, gender/pronouns and other details you want the reader to have.
Character x Character | Rarepairs especially welcomed.
Platonic, Familial, Non-ship
Specific Scenarios | Have a really detailed idea, but worried it's too specific? Don't be, I'll hear you out.
Continuations | Want to find out what happens next? Want no more, and drop me a request!
Your Obscure Blorbo Who Has 3 Sentences on TFWiki
Less Likely to Write
Autobots | Sorry, guys. You can request them, but I'm a filthy Decepticon apologist through and through, and those bastards will always be my priority.
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aerkame · 2 years
My brain is gonna oof lmao
ISTG my brain is coming up with too many Transformers concepts that I can not focus on one or the other or even finish requests without getting a new idea so I’m just gonna make a list of ideas on here and update along as things go.
also please yell at me in messages if I take more than a week to do an ask, I really mean it, I have notifications on for messages so I will see it and get a reminder to do that ask.
Finish Vehicon reader series (series now, no longer a one shot)
TFA neutral or just young seeker reader insert
Metal monsters AU headcanons
TFA Megop fic (Sherlock themed sort of), it must have Nightbeat as a detective or I will die.
IDW-G1 Starscream x Autobot prisoner (potentially a one shot, depends how it goes with the story)
Swindle x reader
Lovecraftian TFP everyone x reader (all one shots)
IDW Blurr x reader (pre-war or just no war)
TFA Megatron x monoformer reader
TFA Lockdown x Seeker reader
TFA Yoketron x reader (platonic, not romantic)
TFA, TFP characters as humans eating grill cheese (one shots)
IDW or TFP Megatron learning about how humans get strong in their own way (mentally and physically) from a ripped reader
Merformers fanfic inspired from Ponyo, Optimus is definitely an overprotective father
TFA Starscream x femme Autobot reader (a flier)
G1 Starscream x Neutral/rogue reader
Ayo if anyone has any ideas they want added on here just tell me :U
also brb, making another grilled cheese, first one was pretty good ngl
TFP Sythen Ratchet(crazy Ratchet on space steroids) x vehicon reader
- unrelated to Transformers/ originals -
Bular's Bane part 2 (Trollhunters)
Dark lord x reader (reader is not the "hero", but they are the one to defeat the dark lord, might be a series, not one shot)
Welcome Home horror fanfiction
Edit: I'm alright, just exhausted. 👍
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in1-nutshell · 2 days
Heyy!! Chromia's menteé getting bullied by other guards when she isn’t around and Starscream finding out! How will Star react? What would he do? Maybe a Hug happens????
I have her new name on the Canon Name List.
Hope you enjoy!
Aquila and the Bullies
SFW, Platonic, Bullying (we don't stand for bullies. Justice for Aquila!), Cybertronain reader
Aquila knew taking this job was going to be filled with hardships.
Something she was well versed with.
She didn’t become Chromia’s mentee overnight, she worked hard to earn that title, and even more to gain a good reputation to guard the Leader of Cybertron.
Chromia and Aquila in the sparring ring. Windblade and Starscream are watching. Chromia: “Faster! Strike my openings!” Aquila: “I’m trying!” Chromia: “Do you think Starscream’s enemies are going to give you a free pass? Hit me!” Aquila manages to strike Chromia’s backstruts while flipping her onto her back. Windblade: “Ooh!” The younger bot quickly pins Chromia down with her spear. Aquila: “Gotcha!” Chromia gives a smile. Chromia: “Good, but…” Chromia flips Aquila onto her back, shoving her shield in the back of the younger bots helm. Chromia: “I’m still the master here.” Aquila lets out a strained chuckle as her mentor gets off and helps her to her pedes. Aquila: “But I’m getting better!” Starscream: “You must be at your best!” Bumblebee at his side: “You can’t even do that.” Starscream: “Shut it!”
Aquila had met her fair shares of ‘nonbelievers’ and ‘traditionalist’ around the Senate floors.
Even fellow Senators had doubted her ability to protect the leader of Cybertron.
She simply stayed quiet and held her post.
The youngling was getting paid to protect Starscream, not listen to some one doubting her ability to protect.
… okay she was also getting a small raise for listening to Starscream’s rants and practice speeches.
Turns out Starscream greatly counted on the youngling’s view on certain things.
Starscream inside a changing room. Starscream: “I’m coming now.” Aquila sitting in a chair looking half bored. Aquila: “Still here.” Starscream exits the changing room with a violet cape. Starscream: “Well?” Aquila: “…Might want to go for a shade darker. It’ll bring out your frame better.” Starscream: “Knew it!”
The guard slowly learned to work with the youngling, which they had to admit, was almost as skilled as they were.
Some even made friends with the youngling during their breaks and nights off.
They were rare but worth it.
On occasion the other guards would forget about Aquila’s age and go for more ‘older’ settings.
It was all good with Aquila… as long as she didn’t get caught.
At Blurr’s… Aquila looks around a bit nervous. One of her friends bumps her shoulder a bit. Guard 1: “What’s with you? You’re acting like you’ve never been to a bar before.” Aquila: “I have. But this bar…” Another one of her friends pats her helm. Aquila swats it. Aquila: “Hey we’ve talked about that!” Guard 2: “Easy there, Eagle eyes. Your off duty, relax.” Aquila still looking around. Aquila: “Why did the group choose this bar? There are so many other places.” Guard 1: “You scared of drinking?” Guard 3: “Maybe, but don’t worry, we got you your favorite engeron variation instead of engex. Don’t need—” Aquila: “Chromia!” Guard 3: “Yeah we don’t need Chromia ruining the fun.” Aquila: “No! I mean Chromia!” The guards look over and see Chromia and Windblade marching up to the bar counter. Aquila’s optics widen when she sees Blurr at the bar. Aquila: “I thought you said Blurr wasn’t at the bar!” Guard 3: “Guess not.” Aquila spots Chromia and Windblade marching over to their direction. Aquila looking at her friends. Aquila: “If I make it out of here alive, I will beat every single one of you in training.”
Besides the occasional hiccup here and there, work life was pretty good.
…Unless you counted on one certain bot.
He was a fellow Senator and for some strange reason, despised her.
Aquila had lost count on how many times she had tried to recount ANY time she may have offended the Senator, but none came to mind.
It was as if her entire existence was like rust in his undercarriage.
She tried to be as polite and well mannered as she could whenever she addressed him, but he always made sarcastic remarks about her that were borderline offensive.
Aquila couldn’t really do much about the situation.
She was just a guard.
Not to mention that if he got even more angry, it could reflect to Starscream.
She had seen enough times the Seeker fall asleep at his desk and complain about how he was truly trying to make things better on Cyberton.
Aquila needed to make sure that any relations were good, even at the cost of some of her dignity.
She was willing to do that to see this leader make good changes to this planet.
 Starscream was not blind by this mech’s words.
At first, he thought it was just going to be like the other Senators.
They doubt, then learn to, at least, tolerate Aquila’s presence.
But the longer this went on, the more the words started intchying his plates.
Why didn’t she stand up for herself?
He knows that she is perfectly capable of giving a verbal or pgysical beatdown to this Senator.
The question is why hasn’t she?
Bumblebee: “You know she can exactly attack a Senator, right?” Starscream scoffs. Starscream: “If she wasn’t such a coward then maybe she would hit him.” Bumblebee sighing. Bumblebee: “Think of it like this. Your personal guard gets caught hitting or beating a Senator in Iacon. Word reaches out to everyone else, and you know they are going to think she started it. She would be looking at a job termination if they don’t do a trial and it would make you look bad in the process.” Starscream: “… You’ve made your point.” Bumblebee nods. Starscream: “But that doesn’t mean there are… other ways to deal with this pest.” Bumblebee: “Wow, this is a sight. Starscream actually caring for someone without personal gain?” Starscream: “N-no!” Bumblebee: “Your wings say otherwise.” Starscream: “Shut it!”
Starscream was surprised that Chromia and Windblade hadn’t heard about Aquila’s confrontations with this mech.
The more he told them about it, the more he was starting to question why he thought telling Chromia who the mech was a good idea.
As much as murder was an option, he still needed Chromia around.
To teach Aquila of course!
The next day Aquila was getting ready to head to work when she got a call from a fellow guard’s member to turn on her screen to the news.
The news talked about the Senator being accused of workplace misconduct, inappropriate behavior, and found with several com lines to highly wanted bots.
Starscream at his office groaning a bit. Bumblebee: “Doesn’t that feel nice? Helping someone out?” Starscream glaring at the ghost. Starscream: “The only things I’m feeling is a helmache—” SLAM! The Seeker jumps but calms don seeing a heavy panting Aquila. Starscream: “You know you’re not supposed to slam the door!” Aqulia doesn’t say anything and closes the door. Starscream stands up with his servos on his hips. Starscream: “What? No greeting? Where are your—” He stops when he feels a pair of servos pulling him into a tight hug. Starscream: “…manners…” Aquila just holds him. The Seeker makes no move to remove the youngling. Starscream: “I didn’t do it for you, you know. It was out of my best interest to get rid of the waste of space.” Aqulia gives him a watery smile and finally let’s go. Aquila: “Of course sir. Umm, sorry about the sudden physical contact. It won’t happen again.” Starscream: “Give me some warning next time. Now shoo! Its your day off and I don’t want to see you. Go bother Chromia or Windblade.” Aquila bows out of respect and leaves the room. Bumblebee: “… I wish I had a picture of that.” Starscream: “SHUT IT!”
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straynefelibata · 10 months
Hi! I've been wanting to start a writing blog now and I've finally gathered the courage to post something so here I go:)
Fandoms I'll write for:
IDW Transformers
More than meets the eye/Lost Light
Transformers Prime
What I'll write:
Reader Inserts
Gn & F reader
Matchups (be specific on fandom)
What I WON'T write:
Heavy gore
Angst (unless it has happy ending)
Character x Character (unless its character x reader x character)
Au's (For now)
Male reader
Character limit is 3 since I'm still a beginner:)
#stray writes - my writing
#stray draws - my art
#stray talks - me rambling
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Quick rules post!!
I take requests for both drabbles and headcanons about a whooooole lot of transformers continuities. There's no hard limit on how many characters in one ask, but remember that the more characters you ask for, the longer it will take. An ask might not always get done in a timely manner, and I hold the right not to respond if I'm uncomfortable or if I simply have no answer I could think of.
Sometimes I post nsfw, it will always be given the #valveplug tag and marked as mature.
Addendum: I post a lot about my little fan project called Wayward sparks, feel free to block that tag if you're just here for the canon stuff. But if you really wanna know more about it you can ask 👉👈
Specific will and won't do lists are under the cut
Know 'em (things I know really well and am comfortable writing for)
-Beast Wars
-Rescue Bots (the original version)
-Robots in Disguise (2001)
Sorta Know 'em (haven't seen/read/played it all, but I'm familiar with some parts. Ill probably write for them but it's not a guarantee I'll know everything and everyone)
-IDW comics
Don't Know 'em (i have no idea what's going on here yet, I will not currently write for these because I'm completely unfamiliar, though that may change in the future)
-Unicron Trilogy
-Fall of Cybertron/War for Cybertron games
-Beast Wars Second/Beast Wars Neo
-anything from that weird stretch between g1 and beast wars honestly (Headmasters/pretenders/whatever the hell else happened in the dark ages)
-marvel comics
-dreamwave comics
Hell (please don't remind me that these exist I am so tired)
-Beast Machines
-War for Cybertron: Kingdom
-Robots in Disguise (2015)
-Rescue Bots Academy
Subject Matter
Will Do
-canon x reader
-canon x canon
-canon & reader (platonic)
-canon & canon (platonic)
-poly ships
-human reader
-cybertronian reader
-other species that don't fall into human or bot reader (just specify, please)
-sticky, spark, tactile, EM field, and/or plug n play interfacing
-mass shifted/holoform bot
-medical kink
-belly kink/stuffing/vore/hunger kink
-consensual somno
-breeding kink
-honestly I'll do most kinks, if youre not sure feel free to ask. Freaks are welcome here
-darker themes not listed in the won't do category
Won't Do
-canon x oc
-yandere (not because I object to depicting abuse, when done responsibly, i just hate how horribly out of character the entire trope requires you to be)
-bestiality/feral (this does not apply to characters simply existing in a beast mode, but it does apply to beastformers or cassettes who do not speak and have shown no indication that they can consent)
-scat/watersports/emeto/foot stuff
-raceplay/detrans kink/anything with clear harmful political overtones
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spaciin · 1 year
Hey, I'm Spade and I run this multifandom ask blog, I've been inspired by a few blogs and thought it would be cool to try it out myself. I don't know english that much so it's sorta weird sometimes but I'll try my best. I'm on summer break so this blog may be more active.
001 . RULES
You can request almost anything, as long as the topics aren't heavily gore, heavily sexual, or offensive subjects, I'm fine with angst and sometimes touchy subjects. I will also remove requests that make me uncomfortable or it's hard to write for me like please NO mpreg, mechpreg, child death/abuse, animal death/abuse, etc.
I will write them as scenarios or HCs, I won't do match ups tho.
Please select maximum of 5 characters in any fandom.
The only Transformers continuities I do are Prime and Animated but there can be exceptions if I know the character! (Even minor characters in IDW like Skilz, Flamewar, etc.)
Interactions between all the characters are fine too lol
Please check if the inbox is open before requesting, I will close my inbox if I get too many asks.
I will read every ask I receive and try to answer all of them even feedback is welcome.
I'm a bit wary of personal questions but you can ask.
Optimus Prime (Prime & Animated)
Ratchet (Prime & Animated)
Arcee (Prime)
Bulkhead (Prime & Animated)
Bumblebee (Prime & Animated)
Wheeljack (Prime)
Smokescreen (Prime)
Ultra Magnus (Prime)
Prowl (Animated)
Megatron (Prime)
Soundwave (Prime)
Starscream (Prime & Animated)
Shockwave (Prime & Animated)
Steve (Prime)
Knockout (Prime)
Breakdown (Prime)
Jazz (Animated)
Sentinel Prime (Animated)
Blurr (Animated)
Jack Darby (Prime)
Miko Nakadai (Prime)
Raf Esquivel (Prime)
Sari Sumdac (Animated)
Uzi Doorman
Serial Designation J
Serial Designation N
Serial Designation V
Wally Darling
Frank Frankly
Julie Joyful
Barnaby B. Beagle
Sally Starlet
Howdy Pillar
Eddie Dear
Red Guy
Yellow Guy
Blue Guy
Tony The Talking Clock
Masterlist 001 [coming soon]
004 . TAGS
The tags are simple, no fancy fonts, emojis, and stuff. The fandom name, characters tag are the names above, the genre/trope (angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.), trigger warnings '#[trigger] tw', reblogs are under '#spades shares', ooc stuff are under '#spades rambles', important posts are under '#important' or '#announcement', and additional tags like [fandom/character] x reader, platonic/romantic, original characters, and all are in small letters. [example: transformers prime, steve, angst, unrequited love, hanahaki disease, death tw]
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chrome-mind · 5 years
Ultra magnus gets after the (normally very polite) liaison on the lost-light, and the liaison just says "your not my dad. I don't care." reactions from bots of your choice?
Megatron blinks, thinking he’s misheard, but the way you’re staring down Magnus proves he hasn’t. He looks to Rodimus next to him, who seems equally as surprised and has stopped his vandalism of the desk. Ultra Magnus himself looks unsure, if a bit flustered. The problem seems to be shelved for later, since Magnus awkwardly tries to resume the meeting without another comment. The rest of the meeting consists of the liaison meeting every moment of eye contact with stone cold apathy and Megatron and Rodimus attempting to ignore the heavy tension in the room.
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cloudraker · 3 years
☀ - Headcanons 
☁ - Drabble
☂ - Angst
♥ - Valentines event
Matchups are under their own tag and sorted by character
Holiday-specific requests are under their own tag
Lost Light crew playing Slime Rancher - ☀
Whirl, Fort Max, Drift, and Rewind+Chromedome with a female human s/o that likes chin scratches - ☀
Rodimus, Swerve, Ratchet, and Rung cuddle headcanons with an overwhelmed human - ☀
Fortress Maximus with a witty S/O -  ☀
Fortress Maximus relationship headcanons -  ☀
Rodimus with a competitive S/o -  ☀
Nightbeat with a sidekick S/o -  ☀
Cygate and Chromedome/Rewind adopting a child - ☀
Fort Max, Ultra Magnus, Drift, and Megatron being climbed by a human - ☀
Coming out to Ultra Magnus and Rewind - ☀
Megatron with a former gladiator S/O - ☀
Tailgate and Swerve with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂ 
Megatrons S/o gets mnemosurgery’d - ☂
Rodimus, Drift, and Tailgate being shown Just Dance - ☀
The Day Ahead - Spinster x reader -  ☁
And They Were Roommates - Chromia x reader -  ☁
Repair Bay -  Nickel x reader -  ☁
Return to Sender - Prowl x reader - ♥/ ☁
Doctors Note - Nickel x reader - ♥/ ☁
Anonymous Request - Nightbeat x reader - ♥/ ☁
Transformers G1
Soundwave with a parental S/o -  ☀
Ironhide with a transmasc S/o -  ☀
Skywarp with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Coming out to Optimus and Hot Rod - ☀
Mirage and Red Alert with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂
Transformers Animated
Bumblebee with a goth male S/O -  ☀
Wreck-gar with a friend who makes art out of recyclables -  ☀
Lockdown whos S/o was reincarnated -  ☀
Sunstorm and Mixmaster with a glass artist S/o - ☀
Rodimus with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Blurr with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Transformers Prime
Decepticons reacting to a small predacon - ☀
Knock Out, Breakdown, and Starscream hearing their S/o speak for the first time -  ☀
Ratchet being shown a plush version of himself -  ☀
OP, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Dreadwing, and Soundwave with an S/o with a tattoo of them -  ☀
Arcee marriage headcanons -  ☀
Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee with an S/o who cosplays -  ☀
Arcee with an S/o who’s Optimus’ younger sister - ☀
Autobots with a tall teammate - ☀
Skyquake with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Airachnid and Arcee with a female S/o - ☀
Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Airachnid meeting their thought to be dead S/o - ☀ 
Ratchet, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus meeting their though to be dead S/o - ☀
Platonic Breakdown headcanons - ☀
Arcee being comforted by her S/o - ☀
Ratchet, Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a military S/o - ☀
Predaking with a reincarnated predacon S/o - ☀ 
Soft Arcee headcanons - ☀
Bulkhead and Ratchet with a male S/o who likes their alt mode - ☀
Decepticons with a sparkling  -  ☀/ ☁
Transformers Cyberverse
Shockwave with a gender neutral s/o that’s interested in his robots - ☀
Megatron with a chubby S/o -  ☀
Coming out to Cheetor - ☀
Megatron with a shy S/o - ☀  
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