#idw transformers x platonic reader
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After seeing the ophelia in idw posts I'm really curious about what would Ironhold be like in idw like,
Would they also leave the decepticons? If so, what made them leave? Did their father also shoot them in this universe? Did they realise that their faction had strayed too far from its original goal? Did they defect to the autobots? Would the autobots really accept them? Or do they go neutral?
But if they don't leave, how did they feel about Megatron leaving? In either of those scenarios, what is their relationship with the decepticons? The autobots? Where do they go after the war is over?
I just really like them a lot :D
Here comes Ironhold!
IDW Ironhold
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Mention of injury, Cybertronian reader
They were a young gladiator when they first met Megatron.
A big fan of Megatron’s work, both in the arena and his writings.
Megatron was a bit curious about the young bot who seemed to follow him almost anywhere they were allowed to go.
At first it was a bit annoying to have a second shadow.
But over time he got used to having them try and chat his audials off.
Megatron walks down the corridor. Rapid pedes steps are heard. The young bot starts calling his name. Megatron: “Yes… umm…” I-035: “I’m I-035, sir!” Megatron winces a bit at the word ‘sir’. He wasn’t that old… Megatron hums as he continues walking. I-035 follows closely behind him. I-035: “There is so much I want to talk to you about! Like how did you find the perfect moves to execute a bot? When did you learn? Do you have a teacher? Can you be my teacher!?” Random gladiator bot: “Will you shut it! I think you’d do us all a favor you miserably little—” The bot stops once Megatron’s glare landed on him. The bot grumbles as he purposely bumps into the younger bot. I-035 grumbles a bit at the shove, but quickly replaced by a smile looking at Megatron. Megatron gives them a faint smile as they continue their walk.
Constantly chatting about their upcoming fights and praising his signature death blows.
He didn’t want to admit it, but the younger bot was slowly growing on him.
The older mech even started helping them train.
Megatron found himself going to watch their fights, admittedly impressed and smiling when he saw them execute one of his moves with extreme precision.
He couldn’t feel any prouder of his pupil.
Sadly, their happy times came to an end when Megatron was sent to another arena.
It would be a couple of years before Megatron would reunite with them once again.
Megatron is walking through the crowd of bots at his recent gathering. He spots a familiar bot dragging someone to him. It was Deadlock. Deadlock: “Megatron! Megatron!” Megatron smiles at the new Decepticon. Deadlock: “I want you to meet a friend of mine.” I-035 stares wide optic at the larger grey mech. A smile starts forming. They take their servo out. I-035: “Megatron, long time no, see?” Megatron mirrors their smile and shakes it before noticing the badge on their chassis. Megatron: “I see you chose a side.” The glistening Decepticon insignia matches the light in their optics. I-035: “Just following an old mentors pedesteps, and hoping he might still have some things to teach me?” Megatron chuckles a bit. Megatron: “Maybe this old mentor wants the both of you in his inner circle.” Deadlock and I-035 look at each other in surprise. They look at each other, almost as if having a silent conversation before I-035 turns to the grey mech. I-035: “We’d be honored Megatron.”
It wouldn’t be long before Megatron would give them a ‘proper’ name.
Quickly, the name Ironhold became associated with the causes goal.
The old ones at least…
It would also be a couple of months before the war would have started.
To the Autobots, the name Ironhold was one of the most feared names on the battlefield.
They were infamously known for their efficiency of taking out bots and strongholds assigned to them.
It only made sense being one of Megatron’s most trusted Con’s.
To the Decepticons, it was a bit of a different story.
They were still known for their efficiency and work, but they were a good bot.
Ironhold often looked out for their fellow soldiers and ‘family’.
Throughout the years, they even earned the title as ‘Megatron’s Child’.
They were a bit embarrassed by this at first, but when Megatron soon calling them ‘his child’, they took in the title with stride.
There was no doubt that the two had grown closer, fighting alongside each other as one.
But as the war grew on, Ironhold started finding themselves getting closer with some of the other Con’s as Megatron’s fixation on Prime grew.
It would also be the time where they would begin to have their doubts about the meaning of the Decepticon cause.
It was Starscream who made them question certain things in the cause.
As much as they knew what kind of mech the Second in Command was, they still held some respect for him.
He wasn’t in that position for nothing.
And while his methods and tactics were… a bit much for Ironhold’s taste, they still respected him.
To Starscream, Ironhold was a puzzle.
How could some bot be efficient and ruthless in battle and still find it in their spark to trust and look after others?
He hated how they could be so kind and helpful to others.
This was war!
No one is supposed to be that kind!
Those kind of bots were the first ones to offline during the first DAYS of the war.
Ironhold mainly left Starscream to his own devices.
But Megatron started hurting him caught their attention.
Hurting him as punishment they understood, but not for no reason or on pseudo evidence.
Megatron launches Starscream across the room. The Seeker landing on his back. Megatron marches over and goes to punch him. The blow never came. Megatron looked to his side to see Ironhold barely holding his arm from harming the Seeker. Ironhold: “Megatron it was not him! The files were not his fault!” Starscream takes this moment to curl up closer to the wall, away from the two larger bots. Megatron: “Someone needs to pay! Or are you offering to take his place?” Ironhold: “What I’m saying is to get your helm out of your tailpipe and find some actual evidence! Not everything that goes wrong here is Starscream’s fault. We are bots who make mistakes from time to time.” Megatron sneers at them. They stand their ground. Their hold on his arm never falters. Ironhold: “Why don’t you go train or take it out on an Autobot if you still need to punch something?” Megatron roughly gets his arm from their grasp. Megatron: “This is the last time you do something like that again. Understood?” Ironhold: “Understood Megatron.” Megatron brushes past them and heads out the door. Ironhold slowly walks up to Starscream and offers him their servo. Starscream tries to get up by himself, but finds it a bit harder to do, so he does take their servo. The pair stands in silence. Starscream: “Some Decepticon you are.” Ironhold rolls their optics. Ironhold: “You’re welcome, Screamer. Let’s get you to the med bay.”
Soundwave was the mech who grounded them to the cause.
Working with Soundwave was a regular occurrence seeing that if Megatron was not involved with planning, it was them.
Soundwave didn’t mind Ironhold, finding them to be one of the only other good Con’s around that was still loyal to the cause.
This would naturally introduce them to the minicon’s.
Ironhold was one of the few Con’s that Soundwave trusted to keep them safe.
The minicons liked Ironhold enough to not cause too much trouble.
Soundwave enters the room. Ironhold has Rumble pinned with one servo to the wall while reading a data pad in the other. Frenzy was duct taped to the opposite wall. Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw were perched on a shelf. Ravage was on the berth stretching. Soundwave: “Ironhold. Explain.” Ironhold without looking up from their datapad: “I told Rumble I needed 3 minutes of quiet to read or else he would get sent to the wall.” Rumble: “I thought you meant like Frenzy!” Ironhold: “Ran out of tape. You had this coming Rumble.” Ironhold puts down the datapad and gently places Rumble back on the ground. Rumble: “You’re lucky I’m such a nice bot and not bringin’ out my pliers on your pedes!” Ironhold: “You won’t do that.” Rumble: “Really? And what makes you so sure?” Ironhold smirks at him. Ironhold: “You like me too much to do that.” Rumble starts stuttering and gets warm. Ironhold starts walking out the room. Soundwave: “You are responsible if he is broken.” Ironhold shrugs and begins to walk out the room. Soundwave telepathically: “Next time, you need to be more direct with Rumble. This horrible flirting is only going to give us all a helmache at the end of the day.” Ironhold feels their entire frame on fire. Soundwave telepathically: “Everyone knows Ironhold. Do not even attempt to deny it.” Ironhold telepathically: “…Please don’t tell Megatron.” Soundwave telepathically: “Try different tactics and we will see.” Ironhold telepathically: “Deal.”
Ironhold’s view on fighting started changing as the war dragged on for years.
Their fighting style changed as soon as they all arrived on Earth.
The Cons just thought it was their way of changing things up a bit, spicing up the old routine.
Ironhold just really didn’t want to hurt the humans.
They had nothing to do with their war, why drag them into it?
Soundwave and the mini’s had caught them saving couple of humans before, but never said anything about it.
Why would they?
It wasn’t like it was hindering Ironhold’s performance.
But they were not the only ones to stop the giant con getting humans to safety.
Many Bot including Optimus had seen Ironhold getting in danger for getting a few humans to safety.
It confused a lot of bots.
Ironhold never once thought of deserting the cause, much less defecting.
They would never betray their family like that… right?
It was a bad day.
Megatron had decided to go after a city of humans that were well away from their targeted area.
It raised a lot of warning signs for Ironhold.
This wasn’t a military advantage or their target, he was doing this for fun.
Ironhold tried to stop him, reminding him of their plans.
He didn’t listen as he rained fire on the city below.
Ironhold did their best to get as many humans to safety until the bots came.
Some of their fellow Cons tried to tell them to let it go, to let Megatron do what he does best.
Thankfully, the Bots do arrive on time.
Everything was getting too much.
The guilt was festering in their tanks seeing the human’s eyes filled with fear, anger, sadness, and so many more emotions.
They had to gently push some who were still in shock from the explosions and the fact that a Decepticon had saved them.
Was this how everyone looked at them?
They didn’t like it.
Ironhold spots Megatron aiming his fusion canon at an injured Autobot trying to shield some humans with his frame. Ironhold: “MEGATRON!” Ironhold pulls back his arm as the shot was fired upward. Megatron turned to them confused and enraged. Megatron: “Ironhold! What is the meaning of this!” Ironhold: “This isn’t even our target Megatron! We are nowhere near it! Why?!” Megatron gets his arm back. Ironhold: “We need to regroup if we are going to make it—” Megatron: “No.” Ironhold slowly realizes that this action was indeed because he wanted to. Ironhold: “These humans have done nothing for our war. Why drag them into it?” Megatron sneers at them. Megatron: “Is that insubordination my child.” Ironhold winced at the venom in their normally endearing nickname. Ironhold: “Megatron—” Megatron: “Speak again and I will terminate you myself.” Ironhold and the Autobot behind them optics widened. Ironhold stood in front of the Autobot and humans protectively. Ironhold: “If this is what the Decepticon’s stand for, I will not—” BANG! Ironhold’s frame fell on top of the Bot and humans limp, with a smoldering hole in their chassis. The battlefield had gone quiet. Megatron starts walking back from the limp frame. Megatron: “There is no use for traitors in my ranks.”
The Con’s follow their leader in shock.
Optimus and Ratchet race to the bot under Ironhold’s frame.
To their surprise, they were still online, barely managing to keep themselves from crushing the bot underneath them and the humans.
Ironhold looked at the Prime and bowed their helm.
Expecting death.
They did not expect him to tell the doctor to patch them up.
They were taken to their base where Ratchet could properly treat them before being taken into a different room for interrogation.
Ironhold half expected Prowl or Jazz to be in charge of this part.
They did not expect Optimus himself to come in.
No one heard what took place inside that room.
But after 3 days, Optimus had announced to the others that Ironhold would be joining their ranks.
This surprised a lot of bots.
Many simply refused to believe a Con as rotten as they were could never be an Autobot.
It was a rough transition.
Ironhold staying close to Optimus and Ratchet at all times before slowly integrating with the others.
They wanted nothing to do with the former Con and they did not blame them one bit.
Their saving grace came in the form of a familiar bot.
Ironhold is looking down while sitting in the corner refueling bit by bit. Smaller pedes come into their view. Ironhold: “If you are going to dump sludge on my helm again I—oh, it’s you.” It was the injured bot they had saved on that fateful day. He had a smile on his face. A kind one. It had been a while since they had gotten one of those. The bot sat down in the seat next to them holding his own cube of energon. Ironhold: “Don’t you have friends you’d rather sit with?” Hot Rod: “I was hoping you’d be one of them. I’m Hot Rod by the way.”
The conversation was a bit awkward at the beginning, mainly taking in the form of a friendly interegation before the bot left.
Ironhold was a bit surprised that the next day Hot Rod had returned to the same spot.
He even brought Bumblebee to chat with as well.
Slowly but surely ironhold started integrating into the ranks.
Ironhold knew that there were things they did that would forever stay in the minds of these bots… but they were grateful enough to call some their friends, dare they say family.
That word was a sacred one now.
The bot swore to only give the title to those worthy of it.
Truly worthy.
They made a mistake before they do not intend on doing it again.
It would be a while before Ironhold would return to the battlefield.
Mainly as a precautionary to the Cons and to the Bots getting used to them.
Thanks to some frame altercations, a fresh paintjob, and an energetic Hot Rod by their side, Ironhold soon began fighting for the Autobots.
Did it hurt to see the faces of their former ‘family’?
Did it hurt to see that they did not recognize them?
Did it hurt when they shielded their new friends from fusion blasts and fire?
Oh, most certainly.
On a happier note, Drift had also defected meaning they had one extra friend.
It took a lot of effort for them to start making amends, though it was mainly centered around trust.
As said before, as big and ruthless as Ironhold could get, they were still a good bot.
Timeskip after the war…
The war was over.
The Decepticons had lost.
Ironhold was at a lost.
For the first time in their life, they could stop fighting.
It felt… weird.
The sight of Cybertron made them sick to their tanks.
Too many painful wounds had been reopened.
Especially after what Megatron had done…
So, they did the next best thing, they were one of the first to sign up on Rodimus’s crew.
Ironhold is standing next to Rodimus on the bridge as the ship is starting to take off. Ironhold: “Engine’s are almost ready. I think you should take a seat Captain.” Rodimus makes a face at them. Rodimus: “Hold, what did we talk about titles?” Ironhold: “Its only out of respect Rodimus.” Rodimus: “Well, here’s an order, you can ONLY call me by my name.” Ironhold chuckles a bit. Ironhold: “Understood… Rodimus.” Rodimus: “That’s better. You know what ‘Hold, I don’t see this day possibly going wrong.” Ironhold gives him a serious look. Ironhold: “You shouldn’t say that Rodimus.” Rodimus: “And why?” Ironhold pinches their nose: “Because when someone does say that, something immediately goes wrong.” Rodimus: “You really believe in that—” BOOM! Cue the quantum engine fiasco. Ironhold accidentally falls on top of Rodimus due to the shaking. Ironhold: “I TOLD YOU!” Rodimus just wheezes as he tries to get off from underneath their giant frame.
#transformers x reader#maccadam#bot buddy#idw transformers x platonic reader#idw transformers x reader#idw transformers#ironhold#idw ironhold#mtmte ironhold
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-Reader: GN reader (platonic) -TW: none -Character: Optimus Prime (Transformers series) -Summary: Optimus is the best sire anyone could ask for, except when he must leave on various missions away from Cybertron. It was during those times that the absence felt so unbearable that his sparkling would sneak onto the ship... -Word count : 1747 -A/N: S/N = Sparkling Name I had this in my drafts for a while now, I've been kinda busy lately,,damn
Long warm shadows coated the landing Ark, its familiar silhouette descending towards Cybertronian grounds. The hum of engines quieted as the first bot to step onto the ground was none other than Optimus Prime himself. Exhausted, he let out a sigh of relief. After all those endless missions and difficult decisions, Prime could finally step his pedes home.
Yet, before he could even make his announcement, a streak of bright, young energy burst from the crowd of Autobots waiting to greet him.
“Ack-- hey watch it!”
“Ouch- they stepped on my pedes--"
“My new paint job! noooo-"
A sparkling, one that could barely reach his stabilizing servos, dashed toward him at full speed, their optics wide with excitement. “Sire!” Their voice rose above the crowd's murmurs to get his attention. Arms open wide, they barrelled toward him like an unstoppable force.
“Sire!” They jumped up and down as they neared. Surprised but overjoyed, Optimus stretched his arms just in time to catch them before they could slam themself against his legs. After scooping them up into a gentle but firm embrace, he then lifted them high into the air!
“Little one” At the contagious laugh of his sparkling his optics lit up with genuine joy " There you are”
“Sire! Sire! You’ve come back!” They hugged his digit tightly, beaming with excitement for his arrival, he was finally home! Primus- their grip on his arms was utterly strong for their size, an unspoken plea for reassurance.
Looking at his sparkling, he replied softly “Yes, little one, I’ve come back.” He gently stroked their helm with one of his servos.
"Sometimes duty calls, but rest assured, I always come back here, to you-”
The smaller bot nestled into his embrace, as if every mission, every farewell, could take him away from them. “-That’s a promise." For Optimus, the battles and long journeys seemed worth it, just to feel them there, thanking Primus that they were safe in his arms.
“ What did you do this time?? Did you help the humans? Kicked bad guys???-” They started yapping about, excited to hear more of their sire’s stories. “- I want to join you too!” Eager to hear more, they wiggled slightly in his hold.
“Patience” Optimus paused their rambling “You have plenty of time to grow strong and learn. But for now...your most important job is staying safe and keeping that bright spark of yours shining.”
“But sireee, I can fight those scarp-heads! I can help you!” They insisted.
“Language first, S/N” Optimus raised a brow plate, which made the sparkling freeze for a nanoclick, immediately crossing their arms in a pout. “But they are scrap-heads…”
The Prime managed to chuckle “Even so, you must remeber, words carry as much power as actions. Use them wisely.” He continued, “I have no doubt you’ll become a force to be reckoned with someday. But for now, the best way you can help me is by being here learning, experiencing and assisting in the growth of Cybertron. It needs your help, you, see?” Turning slightly, Optimus gestured outward, drawing his youngling’s attention away from his chassis and instead toward the bustling scenery around them.
── .✦
It had only been a short while since sire and sparkling were catching up and enjoying each other's company when the base's alarm blared through the corridors, alerting everyone of a new mission ahead, much to Optimus's dismay. He found it difficult to look down at his sparkling, knowing what he had to say next.
"Duty calls,sweetspark” Voice tinged with regret, he gently set them down on the floor.
“But you’ve promised you’d stay longer!”
Optimus paused at their protest, his optics flickering with guilt. He knelt, placing his large servo on their shoulder as the sparkling did not dare to separate themselves from their sire’s leg.
"I know, I know, I promised.” Each word hung heavy with regret. “But sometimes, things don't go as we planned. Something has come up, and I have to leave again." Optimus looked at them, his spitting image. He knew how much you hated being apart and how frightened and antsy you became when he was away. "I know you're scared, my little one. But I trust you to be brave while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?"
As his sparkling nod, his optics flickered with pride and gratitude as he leaned closer.
"That's my brave one."
He gave them one last reassuring pat on the helm before turning around and transforming into his truck mode, the engine roaring to life as he prepared to embark on the ship.
── .✦
As the last few preparations were underway, Optimus and the other Autobots were busy securing the final cargo in the Ark’s storage hold, ensuring everything was in order: countless barrels of energon, essential for their long journey ahead. Little did they know though that one of those barrels held more than just fuel…
Just a little longer, they thought, giggling to themselves as the ship’s engines roared to life. In the tight space, their small frame curled up against the walls of the energon-filled barrel, ready to wait for just the right moment to make their presence known.
Their optics flickered with excitement as they peered through a tiny crack in the lid. Tiny servos gripped the edges, the promise of adventure ahead sending shots of adrenaline into their circuit. For too long, they had to watch him leave. Every mission ended in farewells, and every farewell seemed to stretch longer and longer. But this time, they had enough. They wanted to be by his side, to prove themself to him and the Autobots.
Unfortunately, S/N miscalculated something… still blissfully munching on the energon cube, they hadn’t realized how loud the sound was as they eagerly devoured it. Who could blame them? After hours inside the barrel, the hunger had taken over.
Optimus, who was nearby on patrol, went on high alert at the unexpected noise. His optics narrowed slightly, his posture shifting as he tried to assess the situation. He hadn't expected to hear anything like this. whatever it was... Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around the edges of the barrel and gave it a slight nudge. With a smooth motion, the cap came off.
Inside the barrel, the small sparkling froze mid-chew, their optics wide with surprise. For a moment, they were caught—still holding the energon cube, their mouth full, and unable to hide.
“Ops...” The small sparkling burped again
Primus, he was confused,
“How in Primus did you get in there-“
The sparkling, still holding the energon cube, looked up sheepishly, the sweet treat still clutched in their servos.
"Little one, you cannot be here," he said softly, though his voice carried a tone of both affection and responsibility. "It's too dangerous. I know you miss me, but there are risks you don't understand."
They swallowed the energon cube, their optics bright and filled with determination, they had been so sure that this time, they could prove themselves. “I just want to be with you, sire,” they murmured, fidgeting with her digits.
His usual calm demeanor was replaced by a tenderness only a sire could show. Gently, he curled his digit around their tiny servo, cradling it with the utmost care..
"I understand, my little one," he said, his voice filled with a fatherly reassurance, not anger. "You feel lonely when I am away, don't you?"
They didn’t speak, but the weight of their emotions was clear. Instead, they leaned closer to his digit, finding comfort in the subtle touch.
Optimus' optical ridges furrowed, he gently pulled them closer, allowing them to carefully lean against his digit.
"I know, sweetspark, I know it's hard for you when I have to go away," his voice gentle and sincere. "But I need you to understand why sometimes I must go. I want to keep you safe, my little one. I go on missions to protect everyone, including you."
However, his sparkling only frowned deeper and stubbornly turned their head away, unwilling to meet his gaze.
Optimus couldn’t be angry at them, He understood the conflicting emotions they held within their spark. With one digit he gently poked their helm.
"You want to be with me, right?" he guessed gently, his voice warm and soothing.
They only gave him a side-optic glance still unwilling to speak. Optimus' optics softened, his paternal instincts kicking in. He gently lifted them up, cradling them in his large arms.
" my little one, you’re understood," he said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "It's natural to want to be with the ones we care about. I want you with me too, you know?" To stay by my side-“
“But you’re never home!” The youngling blurted. Optimus' optics flickered, and a hint of sorrow tugged at his spark.
He knew that it was dangerous for them to be with him on missions, but the weight of their longing and fear tugged at his paternal instincts. "S/N, you know I can't always keep you with me. It's not safe for you on missions. I do hold you dear, here, always--” He placed his servo near his matrix “Autobots face many dangers, and I can't put you at risk”
Though he appreciated her youthful determination, he couldn't help but be a responsible guardian to her.
"I have no doubt that you could kick the bad guys, after all, you have time to learn and grow."
By then the small sparkling who was nestling in his servos was falling into recharge.
“…But I hope” He murmured, almost to himself” you’ll never have to face all of this once you’re older”
Ratchet’s voice broke the moment, his expression etched with concern as he eyed the slumbering sparkling. “Optimus” the medic called “What are we going to do with them, then? It’s too late to turn back the ship now, we’re too far away”
Glancing down at his youngling, the weight of the situation pressed down on him.
“We” He started, before quickly correcting himself “...I’ll keep them protected here until we return home, until then, they’ll remain safe with me…”
A solemn promise came from the deepest parts of his spark, and that was enough as a long journey was ahead of them. No harm would come to them, not while he stood as their protector.
── .✦
#transformers#optimus prime#optimus prime x reader#maccadams#transformers x reader#platonic#transformers g1#transformers idw#Spotify#monstertredenwriting
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Okay, okay, okay- someone hear me out:
Drift being an amazing friend and helping you through getting your hair cut, dyed & styled.
Maybe it's gender dysphoria, non-human dysphoria, just a need for change, whatever. He's gonna be there the whole way, talking you through it and hearing you out.
Because he's a Spectralist, he's especially hyped for the hair-dying/styling part. If you allow him, Drift's gonna tell you aaaallll about what colors fit your aura best.
Turns out he has some pretty cool ideas because he's not human and, as a result, has an "outside of the box" perspective. Even if some of his ideas are a little... impractical.
#drift x reader#human x transformer#transformers x reader#transformers x human#tf drift#idw transformers#idw drift#transformers idw#transformers mtmte#platonic x reader#cw dysphoria#otherkin#transgender#idk man I just love Drift's design & think it's very Gender™️ /pos#I also think he'd be very invested in his friend's lives
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Wheeljack x reader
(I'm sorry if there is something that is not understood, the translator was never my friend.)
When you arrived at the Autobots' base, Wheeljack wasn’t the first to catch your attention. Not because he was easy to overlook, but because he was always buried in his lab, lost among tools, sparks, and projects only he understood. From a distance, you observed him with a mix of curiosity and caution. He seemed absorbed in his own world, his visor glowing as his large, skillful hands assembled parts with astonishing speed.
You thought he was the typical isolated scientist, the genius who preferred talking to circuits rather than people. But it only took watching him interact with others to know that wasn’t true. Wheeljack had a peculiar charisma, a spark of excitement in his voice whenever he talked about his inventions. He was kind and playful, yet he knew when to be serious. Even if his explosive experiments got him into trouble more times than he could count.
You didn’t have a real conversation with him until you were asked to oversee the progress of a crucial device for the Autobots' mission. When you entered his lab, he greeted you with a casual, "Hey," barely looking up from his project. His tone was relaxed, free of unnecessary formalities. Just a simple greeting, yet something in his voice carried the warmth of someone who, without truly knowing you yet, was already letting you into his world.
You smiled and glanced around before stepping closer to the large table where the half-built device rested. Its exposed wires and intricate mechanisms piqued your curiosity immediately. You leaned in slightly to examine it without touching, but just enough for Wheeljack to notice your interest.
What happened next caught you off guard. Instead of being annoyed or ignoring you, he started explaining. His voice brimmed with enthusiasm, his excitement tangible in every word. He didn’t look at you, but he spoke about its function, the materials, the improvements he still had in mind. And you listened. Without realizing it, the conversation flowed effortlessly, and from that day on, moments with Wheeljack became part of your routine. You enjoyed watching him work, the way his metal fingers handled tiny components with impeccable precision. Sometimes you helped by handing him tools; other times, you just sat nearby, absorbing the contagious energy with which he spoke about his projects. The image of the solitary scientist faded quickly when you discovered that, in reality, he loved sharing his knowledge especially with you.
It didn’t take long for you to realize Wheeljack wasn’t just brilliant in his lab. He was also a warrior. You had seen him in battle quick, cunning, using his intellect as much as his strength. He wasn’t just a defenseless inventor; he was a fighter with a spark of determination burning inside him.
And so, without planning it, without even seeking it, he became a part of your life. Someone you laughed with, spent long hours in the lab with, someone with whom the connection formed so naturally that no one at the base took long to notice the obvious.
By the end of the day, everyone knew Wheeljack already had his own human. As they liked to say.
You were no longer the newcomer at the base. You knew everyone, you had found your place, and if someone asked where you were, the answer was almost always the same: with Wheeljack.
You walked through the hallways with a lively step, already accustomed to the sparks and hums coming from his lab. You entered without announcing yourself, as always, with the confidence of someone who already belonged in that space. Wheeljack stood with his back to you, engrossed in a floating hologram filled with symbols and codes you couldn’t understand.
He barely turned when he heard the door close behind you.
—Oh, you’re here. Look at this —he said, his voice brimming with that endless excitement.
Without waiting for a response, he moved toward a corner of the lab, pushing tools and tangled cables aside with the ease of someone who worked in chaos as if it were order. He grabbed a stool and dragged it next to you. A silent invitation for you to sit.
He turned off the hologram and replaced it with another projection, this time focused on an object resting on the table. His movements were excited yet measured, his energy contagious as he arranged everything to show you his latest creation.
You sat down, watching him with curiosity. He placed the object in front of you, as if offering you a secret, then moved behind you. You smiled, slightly furrowing your brows. He wasn’t one to invade others' personal space, but this time, he didn’t seem to notice—too focused on his demonstration.
Without touching you, he leaned in and placed a glass box over the device. Instinctively, you looked up and found his face closer than expected. A blue glow flickered in his visor.
Then, with a light touch on your shoulder to get your attention, he gestured toward the device. He pressed a button connected to a tangled wire, and immediately, the small object released a cloud of purple smoke.
Your frown deepened as you tilted your head.
The smoke didn’t escape the glass box, contained in its transparent prison until, with a quiet mechanical hiss, a hidden vacuum in the table sucked it away entirely.
For safety, you assumed.
—What is it? —you asked, not taking your eyes off the strange device.
He looked proud. A lopsided smile appeared on his face as he took a few steps, picking up the object with the ease of someone who knew every piece as if it were part of him.
It wasn’t arrogant pride, but that vibrant spark that came when he talked about his creations, when he held something new in his hands with the certainty that it would work. His smirk, almost challenging, came naturally as he lifted the device, holding it with the delicacy of someone who knew all its secrets.
He tilted his head slightly to look at you, a mischievous glint in his optics.
—It doesn’t have a name yet —he said with a calmness that contrasted with the excitement in his voice.
His long, metal fingers slid over the circuits as he dismantled a piece with precise movements. He wasn’t looking at you, but his presence surrounded you, a palpable energy in the air, charged with the faint metallic scent of his lab.
—Its function is to release a smoke that can disable enemies —he continued, expertly turning a tiny mechanism as if it were part of him.
You raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at your lips as you narrowed your eyes fondly.
—The mechanism already regulates the amount of smoke it releases in set rounds —he murmured while grabbing a screwdriver and adjusting a valve with a swift motion—. Now I just need to test its quality and effectiveness.
You watched him in silence, but he already knew. With every slight tilt of his head, with the way he moved around you without invading your space but still staying close, Wheeljack made it clear how comfortable he felt with you there.
—Tell me, Wheeljack… can you really make someone weak and unable to move with just one round of that?
Wheeljack nodded, focused on adjusting a component.
—Yeah, if the energy is calibrated right and applied at the right moment, I can make sure they don’t get up for a good while.
You smirked, your gaze trailing up and down his frame as you arched an eyebrow. He was still leaning over the table, completely oblivious.
—Mmh… and can the device do that too?
Wheeljack froze for a second. You could see the exact moment his processor made the connection, when the subtle trap in your words caught him. His optics flickered, his gaze shifting between you and the device in his hands. You smiled with the purest innocence.
He let out a brief, nervous laugh but tried to compose himself immediately. A failed attempt. His body language betrayed him—the slight stiffness in his servos, the way his fingers gripped the device a little too tightly.
—Yes, uh… well, also… —he muttered, looking away, suddenly very interested in anything else.
He tried to regain control, to pretend your comment hadn’t affected him. He pointed randomly toward a table cluttered with tools.
—Pass me that.
He didn’t specify what. A desperate attempt to change the subject.
You followed his gesture and saw a screwdriver. Narrowing your eyes in amusement, you moved with deliberate slowness, smiling even more.
—Of course.
The Y/N in his mind:
When I learn the verb to be I won't say anything but there will be signs JAJAJAJAJ I LOVE U WHEELJACK - EL TRADUCTOR ME TIENE HARTA MALPARID,
#wheeljack x reader#wheeljack transformers#idw transformers#transformers#AMO A MI HOMBRE#x reader#imagine#platonic#autobots#idw comics#transformers idw#wheeljack#maccadam#transformers x reader
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Headcanons where reader gets their wisdom teeth removed because mine are and I’m VERY nervous about it
Human!GN!reader, can be read as platonic or romantic
Warnings: mention of surgery
- he’s already very scared of doctors, so you going to get your teeth removed? Yikes. Luckily, this guy has seen enough sit-coms to know what you’ll be like once you’re out of it.
- soft foods, painkillers, blankets and lots of water. As much as Swerve usually likes pulling of shenanigans with you, this time he’s gonna be the responsible bot and make you stay put. Swerve will keep you entertained though, don’t worry!
- if you need to hold his servo going in he’s absolutely fine with that. Honestly he’s holding yours more because he’s afraid of the doctors office.
- solid words of encouragement. “You’ll be fine. You’re in safe hands. I’ll be right outside so you can find me afterwards.”
- honest to Primus he asks Ratchet how you’re doing like 58 times. He cares so much about you.
- Swerve refuses to let you walk, you either get carried by him or ride in his alt mode. Cares for you for the next three days. Takes time off work actually, but all of the Lost Light care about you, so Trailcutter can deal with not having a drink for a few days.
Tailgate (ft. Cyclonus):
- oh no, oh baby. He’s just as nervous as you are. But he tries to remember to put on a brave face for you. Please excuse him if it slips, he’s just so caring about you.
- definitely tries to cheer you up beforehand! And downloads a bunch of silly movies you guys can watch after. He’ll even make Cyclonus watch with you if that’s what you want.
- he gives you a big hug before you go in. “This is your protection hug! It will make sure nothing bad happens to you while you’re in there!”
- afterwards, if you’re feeling down, he’ll do his best to just hold you. Luckily Cyclonus had the foresight to predict this, so had blankets, water, and soft foods ready for you.
- you’re definitely having a sleepover in his habsuite. No questions, Tailgate’s anxiety would not let him sleep if you were in your own hab. So for a few days, you get to hang out with Tailgate and Cyclonus!
Fort Max:
- he knows you’ll be ok, but he understands why you’re afraid. Being on an operating table reminds him of Garrus-9. Even though he knows that’s not the case, he can’t help the inkling of doubt.
- to combat this, he employs a few strategies. One, he creates a little timeline for your recovery. He doesn’t know much about oral surgery, so he has First Aid help him out when creating a recovery plan. Once it’s all mapped out and gone over with you, this big giant lays it on thick.
- hugs galore, he wants you to feel safe. Kind reassuring words. “It’s alright, it’s just a small procedure and you’ll be right back in my arms before you know it.”
- he would walk in with you if you needed it, but he leaves you with a comfort object so you never feel alone. When you come out, he’s all ready for you. Massive hands would cradle you as he gives you an ice pack for the swelling. And he even got you some soft human foods.
- encourages you not to speak much. He know it must be uncomfortable, even with painkillers. So instead he offers you a book or a tv show he can watch or read with you, happy that you’re with him and resting.
#cygate?#ish#transformers#mtmte#maccadam#tf#idw#lost light#fortress maximus#swerve#cyclonus#tailgate#cygate#x reader#platonic#my writing#ghost writes
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Gems - Fortress Maximus
Author Notes: Last fic for today, but I wanted to get the fics I hadn't written for my usual fandoms posted today as a sort of treat for myself. Don't worry, as of next week it'll be back to the usually scheduled fics. I wrote this while listening to "Meet Me in The Wood" by Lord Huron. Reader is human and gender-neutral, I hope you enjoy
Type: Fluff/ platonic or romantic (whichever you prefer)/ gender neutral reader
Word count: 1983

I watched as the familiar but heartbreaking presence of Fortress Maximus passed me by. Finding him on Garrus-9 had both been a relief and a nightmare in the making.
What Overlord had done was beyond wrong and Max had scars that would last him for a lifetime. That, added to the fact that he’d snapped, hurt Rung, and thus had himself deemed dangerous was more than enough to worsen his view on both life and himself.
I hadn’t met him till after he’d been found, but even I could tell that what was left now was a mere husk of the mech who’d kept track of all the inmates of Garrus-9.
I found myself trotting out the door, following the enormous mech that typically avoided me. I was small compared to most Cybertronians to say the least, but compared to him I was downright miniscule. But, despite that, he always seemed to know where I was. Except for this time.
Currently he was so deep in his thoughts and memories that he was oblivious to my presence.
I couldn’t blame him, though. Receiving news of Overlord was likely beyond horrifying for the gigantic fellow.
I had to run full-tilt to have any hope of catching up to him before he made it to his berth-room where he would doubtless stew on his trauma and newfound info on Overlord.
I couldn’t say that Max would seek vengeance. He wasn’t the type to sneak away and go off on a revenge-driven mission. Instead, he was the type to withdraw from all social contact and beat himself up over things that were anything but his fault.
And that was something I couldn’t stand. I hadn’t known Max long, but I could tell he was a gentle soul who avoided me for fear of hurting me.
Despite Rodimus’s hypothesis that Max was afraid of humans, something told me that he wasn’t. I’d seen his discreet glances and hidden smiles that were directed specifically at me.
No one else on this ship was as close to the floor as I was, so who else could it be directed at?
I was panting by the time I’d gotten close enough to hope that he would hear my call. Loud to my ears, but probably close to a whisper for him considering the raw distance between me and his helm, “MAX!”
He turned, despite all odds, and his optics immediately landed on me. He looked exhausted, with his expression holding the kind of fatigue that went beyond weariness and delved straight into his innermost core.
What was worse was that he’d looked that way for days. Even Rung had confided in me during lunch that he was very concerned for his patient/friend.
Max was worse than he’d ever been and something told me it was more than just lack of sleep.
“Max are you…” I struggled to come right out and question his well-being.
Max didn’t like for others to worry about him. In fact, he avoided attention as much as he could.
But right now he just stared down at me. Tried but as patient as ever. Making me feel ridiculous for struggling to ask him a very, very simple question.
I sighed, inhaling before coming right out and asking exactly what I’d come to ask, “Are you alright?”
He blinked at me, having the audacity to look surprised at my concern. Were it anyone else I might have been irritated. But this was Max. He probably didn’t think anyone, much less the lone human on this ship, cared.
“You look exhausted and… Well, I know something is wrong.”
He snorted, surprising me with the cynical sound, “Isn’t something always wrong around here?” He straightened, optics scanning the hallway like he was making sure no one else was around.
I mean… He wasn’t wrong. This crew had run into one issue after another. “Well, yeah. But this is sort of worse than usual, isn’t it?”
His optics flicked back down to me, a sort of hollowness to his gaze as he uttered two words, “Is it?”
I almost cringed at his question. Because it was definitely worse than usual. Max was never like this.
“Max… You haven’t been acting right these past few days and I… I’m worried,” I faltered slightly, hardly knowing what to say but also desperate to do something for this gigantic, but uniquely gentle mech.
There was a flatness to his tone when he answered, “I haven’t been ‘right’ since I woke up back on Garrus-9.”
This time I did cringe. His words were likely true, and it was to be expected. No one could have come out that unchanged.
But at my reaction, the mech’s expression softened slightly and he shook his head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault and you’re being very kind. You have been very kind this entire time.”
He sighed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly before gesturing to the door, “Would you like to come in?”
I barely hid my surprise at his offer.
Max had been shy at best since coming here and my best attempts at befriending him were usually met with polite refusals. Him inviting me into his berth-room could only mean one thing. He really was upset this time. Upset enough that he couldn’t turn away offers of assistance.
I nodded though, following him into the dark room that soon flickered with cold blue light as the sensors registered our presence. His room was surprisingly bare, there was little in the way of personal items. In fact, if I were to be blunt, it seemed cold and impersonal.
“So… What is this all about Max?” He turned slightly, meeting my eyes with a guarded look. He sighed though, seemingly surrendering to the fact that I was here now, and lowered his servo for me to clamber onto.
He was unfailingly gentle when he held me. In many ways, he seemed to be terrified that he would hurt me even though I knew just from his actions that he’d sooner injure himself. He took slow steps, careful not to jostle me as we moved across the room.
He barely tilted his servo, letting me slide off and onto his berth which he sat down on next to me. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I nodded at his answer as I settled in for a long talk with him, “Everything that has happened since coming here or…?” I trailed off, not quite willing to bring up that period of his life.
ButI was spared as he glanced sideways at me, knowing exactly what I meant, “Both.”
I hummed, out of my element but determined to try and help Max sort through his current troubles. If I could get him started talking then hopefully Rung could step in and finish up during their appointments.
“Did the recent…” I paused, searching for the word. Overlord showing up in our basement was bad enough, now he was loose and seemed to still have an obsession with the mech next to me, “The recent information start all of this?”
Max merely snorted and shook his head, “No. This has been coming on for a while. I suppose I’m lost. I don’t know who I am anymore and I can’t go back to the way I was…. Not now.”
That was… A lot more than I had expected. Max was usually so quiet, I’d never thought he’d actually open up. Much less to me.
I hesitantly reached out, cautiously brushing my hand against his servo that rested next to me and he looked down. He wasn’t surprised, just tired looking.
I offered a weak smile as I did my best to offer advice and comfort, “Change is natural. Everyone goes through change.”
He smiled at me wryly, “You sound like Rung.”
I snorted despite myself at his words, “Is that a good thing?”
His smile fell and he looked off to the side, “Well… I kind of wanted to talk to you.” I stilled at his words, realizing exactly how stupid I’d been to try and behave like Rung. If he wanted to talk to his therapist he could have. But he hadn’t. He’d invited me into his berth room to talk to me.
I shifted awkwardly, looking away, unsure as to why he would want to talk to me but resolving to do just that and let him talk to me. Because even if it was awkward I could do that for him at the very least.
If I wanted him to tell me about his scars I’d have to share mine.
“I… uh. I lost track of myself too at one point after coming here.” I was tense as his head swiveled so he could stare at me with wide optics. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at him, instead opting to lift my shoulder in a self-conscious half-shrug.
“I guess that when I came aboard I hadn’t realized how much my home had been a part of me….” I could feel his silent stare, prodding me to continue so I did, feeling more and more awkward the second.
“Being away from Earth has been difficult and when….” I inhaled, encouraging myself to keep going, “Well… when you lose track of yourself it can’t help but be hard.”
I shook my head, because hard wasn’t the right word. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze, “In fact, it's beyond hard. It feels impossible sometimes. You learn things you don’t like about yourself and you want to change but stay the same all at once.”
I felt myself quail slightly under the weight of his stare, “At least… That’s how it’s been for me.”
His gaze softened and he nodded, “It is.”
Silence fell after his answer, and I really didn’t know what else to say. I could only hope he’d take the opening I’d given him to talk about his troubles.
He looked away, venting loudly as if he were preparing, “I don’t know if I’m a coward, weak, or a fool.” He looked back towards, sympathetic sadness lingering in his optics, “But I do know I’m not as brave as I thought.”
I felt myself smile slightly, a somber expression, but the best reassurance I could muster in this oddly raw moment. “I think you’re brave. You’ve lasted far longer than I would have under some pretty impossible pressure.”
I hesitated in the face of his slight smile, not sure if I could or should continue. Perhaps my current thoughts would sound stupid. But I forged onwards anyways, keeping a smile on my face as I continued, “You know, back on Earth they say diamonds are formed under pressure and that we see new parts of ourselves when things are at their worst. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us.”
He smiled, a little bigger and a little brighter this time. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d seen hell and came back out. Fire-forged, but scarred and wounded. “Maybe.”
I smiled back at him, feeling a little bit more genuine with this smile before looking away and allowing myself a quiet exhale.
I was relieved that he seemed to feel a bit better and mortified that I’d shared what made me feel so shallow. I wasn’t the only one away from home after all….
“For what it’s worth,” His words dragged my startled attention back to him. I’d thought he was done…
“I think you’ll make one of the loveliest of all the gems Earth has ever made.'' I blinked up at him and he looked away, coughing slightly into his servo.
I felt myself smile and nudged his other servo again, immediately gaining his attention, “Thanks Max. But I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
He grinned, a truly genuine one this time, “No reason I can’t do the same for you.”
#Transformers x reader#Transformers#maccadam#fortress maximus#Fortress Maximus x reader#Fort max#fluff#platonic or romantic#human reader#fanfiction#Transformers x you#Transformers x y/n#Fortress Maximus x you#Fortress Maximus x y/n#it-happened-on-fic#mywritings#fic#transformers idw#gender neutral reader
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Fluff with IDW Thundercracker with human girl reader
IDW Thundercracker x Human Female Reader
Reader is a human female
Readers features are unspecified
Hope you don't mind, but I've gone with platonic
It summer time
Customer service jobs really are the worst, but it was all you could grab, all that was available. And at least the two you were able to snag give enough to pay rent and all that but also at the cost of your sanity. How rude some people can be is often boggling to you. The best part of your days, though, is when you get a chance to spend some time with your best friend on the whole planet. Thundercracker is a fun person to be around with lots of inspiring qualities. He provokes your own creativity to flow so you both like sitting in peaceful silence or in a deep conversation about the arts. Like today.
Today was a little rough, so all you wanted was to spend some time with him, maybe watch a movie. But it seems he's having a very inspired day. Your heavy eyes struggle to stay focused on the film he wanted to watch with you. It's a philosophical film with lots of undertones and sub-plots and messages that he loves picking at. He usually doesn't talk during movies like these, but this one is really spurring him on, and thank goodness it does because if he wasn't talking, you would have fallen asleep ages ago. It makes you smile when he gets excited when he discovers something new about the story, the gasps, and the small personal notes he mutters under his breath.
Buster is asleep on your leg. He and the blankets and the large cybertronian are warm and comfortable. This is your happy place. In the middle of the woods with the two people you love most on this planet. Thundercracker knows you had a hard day, so he was mostly doing all this to distract you. He has your favorite snacks and pillows all set up and the prjector and screen. His interest in the human arts is one of the many things you two can bond over.
Just about every aspect of humanity is artistic and full of creativity and beauty, so he always has questions to ask. He keeps you on your toes and your mind fresh with his constant want to digest as much knowledge as he can about everything.
"Oh my, do you see it?" he asks as he notices something in the background.
"Hmmm, oh, yeah. What do you think it means?" you ask, seeing the color play, reds and oranges hinting at a mood change in the film.
"Something is changing..." he whispers and then is enveloped in the story once again, making you smile.
"You gonna make a movie like this some day, TC?" you ask tiredly.
"I don't know, do you think I'd be able to?" he asks quietly.
"I do, actually. You're really smart, and I feel like you could make a masterpiece that could put several A24 films to shame." You compliment before yawning making him smile. "The one you've been working on is really good already." Your eyes threaten to close.
"It could be better, though." He complains.
"Whatever. You're a baddie and a talented baddie at that. You and I are the baddest duo in the world." Your body shakes with his as he chuckles. You always say that, 'Oh, we're a couple of baddies, and nothing's gonna stand in our way.' Or whatever else you like saying. You're so aggressive with it. He said he was ugly once, and you threatened to kick his aft.
That's one of his favorite parts of your friendship. You're so supportive and caring in a way no one he knows has been. You seem to actually like spending time with him no matter how odd he is or if he's in a mood. You make him want to seek you out for support. If he needed to talk on cybertron, no one actually listened. Skyward was there, yeah, but he just. He wasn't like you. It's hard for him to explain. He knows he's tried before. He looks down at you; you've fallen asleep. Your little head rests comfortably against the glass of his chest. He likes thinking about you, how you're a reject in your own society like he was. He wonders what his life would have looked like if you were there and not Skywarp and Starscream. If you were a cybertronian.
He turns off the projector. He holds onto you and Buster while he moves around, looking for a comfortable spot to lay down. When he finally finds it, he pulls you and Buster up to rest in his neck. He stares up at the stars, keeping his hand around you and Buster. He didn't notice when he fell asleep, but he does notice that when he wakes up, you're not in the crevice of his neck where he left you. His hand is empty, and he's by himself. He looks around to make sure he won't step on you or something. Just a blanket and some pillows, not even Buster is here.
He's not sure what time it is, but looking at the sun's position and reading his body temperature from his HUD, it's almost lunchtime. Where did you go? He stands and tries to poke his head above the trees. He scratches his head and then rubs his cheek. Suddenly, he feels a paper pull away from his face.
'Went swimming.' A little pink post-it note with a smiley face drawn on it is stuck on his index finger.
"Swimming?" He asks himself before looking in all directions. Oh, the lake. He starts towards the right. Eventually, the large lake comes into view, and you and Buster are in the water.
"Hey, sleepyhead," you wave at him, "come get in with us. It feels so good." Your hands swirl around in the water.
"Gross, no, I'm okay." He sits at the edge of the water watching Buster run around.
"Ugh, 'gross', dude, c'mon. It's so fucking hot today, just get in, it'll cool you off." You mock him before scolding him.
"I don't care. Water is gross." He stretches his arms out.
"You're gross. Pussy." You insult him.
"Who?" He asks.
"Who what?" You're confused.
"Cares." He yawns.
"God you're such a bitch." He laughs at you. "Well, if you're jot getting in at least, let me jump off your hand into the water."
"Won't you die?" He smirks.
"Yeah, but at least it'll look cool." You giggle. He shakes his head and reaches for you. Before you even ask, he just lightly tosses you in the air and watches you spin around before landing in the water with a loud slap. When you resurface, there's a look of pain on your face, and it makes him chuckle.
"Ooooww, my ass, dude." You laugh awkwardly. "No warning or anything?" You swim to the edge of the water and walk out. The left side of your thigh is all red from coming into contact with the water.
"Oh Primus, that looks bad." His hand goes up to his mouth.
"You think?" You ask sarcastically and start pulling on his foot. "Now you have to get in, come on." He just watches you struggle before sighing deeply.
"Okay, okay, I'll get in." He stands, but before he actually starts getting in, he picks you up again and jumps in.
After a while of jumping around and being splashed by tidal waves, you're both just chillin' on the surface of the water. Just wading and sun bathing.
"Shit! I didn't put sunscreen on!" You sit up on his chest so fast it makes you dizzy. You quickly scan your arms and legs and rub softly at your face. It doesn't feel warm and sensitive like sunburn does but still, you're worried it's too late to put some on. If you got burned it will really suck. And it turns out, you did in fact get burned. The bridge of your nose and the height of your cheekbones are a reddish brown and your arms and legs are the same color.
"Does it hurt?" Thundercracker asks as he pokes your arm, sending heatwaves up towards your neck.
"Ow man! Yes, it does!" you exclaim.
"Awww, sorry 'bestie'," He mocks you, "here." He hands you a tub of ice cream.
"Where did you get this?" Confusion twists your face.
"Buster." The dog wags his tail at you.
"There's campers nearby aren't there?" You ask only for the cybertronian to shrug. With the shake of your head you pull the safety tab off and then remove the lid. "Were you able to steal some silverware at least?" You chuckle to yourself. You get up and go over to TC, to dig through his chest.
"What are you looking for?" He watches you confused.
"This." You hold up a little red swiss army knife. "I hid it in there along with some other stuff."
"Like what?!"
"Stuff." You shrug folding a spoon out of the tool. You sit with a sigh. "Thanks TC. I love hanging with you and Buster, you always make me feel so much better." You eat a big spoonful of ice cream. Even though he feels the same he's a little concerned about what else you've hidden in his subspace. With a hand on his chest he smiles softly. Whatever is in there, he'll cherish it when you're not around.
#transformers#tf#maccadam#macaddam#macadam#transformers thundercracker#tf idw#idw thundercracker#platonic fluff#thundercracker x reader
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A 500 follower special
Idk who made this if anyone know please let me know. When I saw this on twitter along with a few others of different art I fell in LOVE!
Immediately I got an idea for a fic. Just like with my shatter glass dream project, it’ll be long and detailed.
I hope I can make y’all simps enjoy the fic once I release it once at 500 followers.
It’ll be IDW!Megatron x IDW!Starscream X Cybertronian!GN!Reader.
TW/Tags: Toxic relationship, polyamorous, manipulation. Mild abuse, mild noncon/dubcon, possessiveness, forced relationship, few smut scenes, Megatron is always vaping, Starscream is a top and bottom, reader and Megatron use to love each other (more platonically) before things went to shit, starscream likes reader more then Megatron, Doubledealer is in this cause I love him shut up, Reader eventually realizes they can’t do anything, I think that’s all?
Can’t wait to release this long after chapter!!!!! It’s going to be so gooood!!!!!! 😈😈😈
Will really appreciate if you repost for more tf fans to find my page.
Transformers Masterlist
Request Prompt
#transformers idw#idw tf#tf idw#idw comics#idw megatron#idw starscream#x reader#transformers#transformers x reader#toxic relationship#toxic yaoi
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Transformers Masterlist:
is my format confusing? LMK if it is! I want to make it accessible for everyone.
Color Coding:
Show/Continuity Yandere Fic ❤️ Romantic Fic 💑 Platonic Fic 🫂 Fic Name colored in red means TRIGGER WARNING. Read at your own risk. ❗ If something is more than one color, it can either be both or INTERPRETED as both.
Transformers Prime
Yandere!Ratchet vs Yandere!Knockout [Part 1]/Yandere!Nickel x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Ratchet vs Yandere!Knock Out [Part 2] ❤️
Yandere!Hardshell x Reader (Transformers: Prime) ❤️
Yandere!Megatron Matchup ❤️
Yandere!Starscream x AircraftMaintenanceTechnician!Reader ❤️
Yandere!Soundwave x Reader ❤️
Soft!Yandere!Optimus Prime x Reader ❤️
Soft!Yandere!Optimus Prime x Reader [Part 2] ❤️
Yandere!Soundwave x SelfHarmRecovering!Reader ❗❤️
Yandere!Shockwave x Reader x Yandere!Soundwave [Polyamorous]❤️
Yandere!Knock Out x Reader x Yandere!Breakdown [Polyamorous] ❤️
Yandere!Wheeljack x Reader/Yandere!Smokescreen x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Arcee x Reader❤️
Yandere!Bumblebee x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Ratchet x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Shockwave x Reader x Yandere!Soundwave [Polyamorous]❤️
Yandere!Shockwave x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Soundwave x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Knock Out x Reader x Yandere!Breakdown [Polyamorous] ❤️
Yandere!Wheeljack x Reader/Yandere!Smokescreen x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Arcee x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Bumblebee x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Ratchet x Reader ❤️
Yandere Breakdown x Reader ❤️
Starscream's Twin!Reader 🫂
Soundwave x Reader [Soulmates AU, Part 1] 💑
Soundwave x Reader [Soulmates AU, Part 2] 💑
Soulmate!Megatron x Reader [Soulmates] 💑
Soundwave x Cybertronian!Assassin!Reader 💑
Smokescreen x Cybertronian!Reader 💑
Optimus Prime Matchup 💑
Optimus Prime x Flirty!Reader 💑
RID 2015
Yandere!Soundwave x Reader
Sideswipe Matchup 💑
Transformers IDW
Yandere!Ratchet vs Yandere!Knockout [Part 1]/Yandere!Nickel x Reader❤️
Yandere!Deathsaurus Matchup ❤️
Yandere!Tarn x Reader ❤️
Rodimus x Reader [Nightmare hurt/comfort] 🫂 💑
Yandere!Optimus x Reader x Yandere!Megatron [Polyamorous] ❤️
Optimus Prime x Reader [Fluff] 💑
Yandere!Megatron x Reader ❤️
Yandere!Tarantulas x Reader ❤️
Frenzy Matchup 💑
Yandere!Soundwave x FemmeAutobot!Reader ❤️
Yandere!Soundwave x Human!Reader [+cassettes] ❤️
Multiverse!Optimus Primes x Reader [Multiverse, part 1] 💑
Bayverse!Optimus x Bayverse!Reader [Multiverse, part 2] 💑
#yandere#romantic#platonic#tf#transformers#tfp#transformers prime#transformer generation 1#transformers g1#tfg1#tfmv#transformers multiverse#RID2015#transformers robots in disguise#tf rid 2015#maccaddam#maccaddams#op#optimus#optimus prime#soundwave#megatron#cassettes#autobot#decepticon#human#femme#mech#bayverse#poly
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⭐ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕘𝕖⭐
status: open✅
🙏please note that it may take a while for me to write it
What I write:
📝oneshot, headcanons, short stories, imagines
📝fluff, angst, etc.
📝reader inserts content
📝any type of relationship, be it romantic, platonic
📝ship x reader
📝Ocs insert content, but I need a detailed description
What I won't write:
🚫 smut
🚫 minor-adult ROMANTIC relationships (platonic is fine)
🚫 ship only content
Hellsing (2001/Ultimate/Abridged)
Transformers (Prime, Animated, Idw)
JJBA (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Good Omens
Marvel ( the Avengers Movies, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor movies, Loki, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes)
Drifting Dragons
Attack On Titan
Dracula (2020)
BBC Sherlock
One Punch Man
Asterix & Obelix
That's all, bye-bye!!🌟
#hellsing#hellsing 2001#hellsing ultimate#hellsing x reader#sir integra#alucard#integra hellsing#walter c dornez#seras victoria#jjba#rohan kishibe#josuke higashikata#jjba josuke#jotaro kujo#jonathan joestar#joseph joestar#jolyne joestar#marvel#avengers#mcu#emh#avengers emh#captain america#iron man#hulk#thor#black widow#movies#mononoke 2007#mononoke kusuriuri
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Warnings: nsfw
NSFW =🌡, Fluff = 🔆, Normal=🎐, Other = 🔱, platonic = 🎋

Jetfire smut🌡
Multiple franchise!Autobots x Moved on!reader(most are wfc)
IDW 1&2
Senator Shockwave — part 1🎐

Yandere shockwave — Here 🔱
Soundwave x reader — smut🌡

None yet, ❓️

Oc X megatron, platonic 1 & 2 🎋

Overlord smut (not done yet,!)🌡

Sg LOVER!Soundwave nfsw 🌡

And rules.
what will I do?:
Non con
Hard Kinks,
Weird kinks
#transformers#valveplug#transformers bayverse#soundwave x reader#tf idw#dni hall of shame#transformers x human#tfp#megatron#jetfire
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Sunstreakers Toddler Buddy being turned into a Cybertronian?And perhaps the establish a creator-creation bond?
Got to think of a new name for Toddler Buddy...Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy!
Sunstreaker's Human toddler turn Bot
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Human/ Cybertronian reader
It was a case of ‘wrong place at the wrong time’.
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had to leave for patrol that morning, leaving Buddy at the base.
They were on break from school and was sleeping in.
Sunstreaker himself would have loved to get in another hour of sleep, but duty calls.
Buddy was left in the care of most of the bots in the base.
The more optics looking after them the better right?
Out on patrol… Sunstreaker and Sideswipe are driving down the empty road. Sunstreaker: “How much longer until we can go back?” Sideswipe: “Just a couple more miles Sunny.” Sunstreaker grumbles. Sideswipe: “Don’t get your tailpipe twisted. We’ll be back and helping Buddy color their books before you know it.” BEEP! BEEP! The com line was sounding off. The twins both pick up the call. Sideswipe: “This is Sideswipe, what’s—” CRASH! Smokescreen: “Bluestreak get them out of there! Oh! You guys answered.” Sunstreaker: “Smokescreen what’s going on? Is Buddy all right?” SCREECH! Smokescreen: “Umm, okay is subjective right now…” Sunstreaker: “I am only going to repeat this one more time. What is GOING ON!?” Sideswipe: “Geez Sunny let the mech speak. Go on Smokes.” Smokescreen: “I—well they—You know what I think its better if you guys came in an—SCRAP! BLUESTREAK GRAB THEM BEFORE THEY GET OUT THE DOOR! WHAT DO YOU MENA THEY’RE GONE!” BLITZ! The line went dead. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe sharply turn around and burn rubber to get to the base.
By the time the twins made it to the base, there were already search parties looking around for Buddy.
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe get the summary from Prowl and Jazz.
Laserbeak had entered in the base not too long after they had gone out and fired a strange looking gun blindly before retreating.
The beam had hit Buddy turning them into a sparkling.
Yes, Sunstreaker nearly passed out at the news, but Sideswipe hoisted him back to his pedes as the other mechs continued.
Buddy was very scared and confused at first, before they found out how much easier it was to inerct with everyone as a bot.
Bluestreak and Smokescreen had done a good job in making sure Buddy was comfortable and held their new servos when things got a bit scary for them.
Buddy kept on asking where Sunstreaker was and that they wanted him to see them like this.
Cue the sparkling chase throughout the entire base before they slipped into a vent that lead to the outside world.
Sunstreaker: “Well, do we know where they are now?” Prowl pulls up a data pad: “We are getting the information now. Wheeljack had the idea of microchipping Buddy before they learned how to walk.” Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: “They couldn’t walk!” Jazz: “Like we said before, they were turned into a sparkling, a NEW sparkling. The little thing could barely walk without falling on their face.” Sunstreaker feels increasing stress. PING! Prowl: “The locztion is set for…” Prowl pauses before showing the data pad to Jazz. The twin get a bad feeling after swings both mech’ door wings stiffen. Sunstreaker: “Well!? Where’s my sparkling!?” Jazz and Prowl look at each other for a minute before nodding. Prowl starts walking away calling several bots to come and follow him. Jazz: “Okay fellas, you might wanna sit down for this.” Sunstreaker and Sideswipe sit down. Jazz: “…Buddy’s location was last seen outside Decepticon HQ.” THUD! Sunstreaker passes out and lands on his face with a sick looking Sideswipe.
With Buddy…
Buddy was lost for a while now.
All they wanted to do was show Sunstreaker their new frame, and now they couldn’t even remember the way back home.
They were by the shoreline when something started flying around.
For a split-second Buddy thought the planes were Decepticon’s they had seen on Teletran-One’s screens.
Buddy’s optics widen as well as their smile seeing the familiar red plane land in front of them. Buddy: “Mr. Powerglide!” Powerglide runs up and scoops them up in a hug. Powerglide: “Geez kiddo! You’re a bit far from home, aren’t you?” Buddy nods feeling bad about running off. Powerglide: “Lets get you home. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe are worried sick for ya.” Buddy perks up a bit when the name of the yellow mech is dropped. Buddy: “Okay!” Powerglide: “And AWAY we go!”
All the bots sighed in relief hearing that Powerglide had found Buddy safe and sound.
Today’s events could have gone much worse if the Decepticons had found out about Buddy’s whereabouts.
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe where taken into a different room before they could meet Buddy.
Mainly because Sunsreaker kept on pulling ‘Prowl’s’ on every surface he could turn over.
Prowl and Jazz accompany the sparkling to the room.
The door opens. The twins both stand up at the sound of the door opening. Sunstreaker: “Any sign of them? Are they okay!” Sideswipe notices a small frame behind Jazz’s pedes. He nugdes his twin’s arm and points to Jazz’s pedes. Sunstreaker pauses. Sunstreaker: “Buddy?” The sparkling’s helm pops from Jazz’s side. They smile widely. Buddy: “Sunny!” Sunstreaker falls to his knees as Buddy leaps into his arms. Sunstreaker just holds them tightly as they ramble on about their frame and how cool they look.
The answer of how to get Buddy back to normal is still unknown given the machine used to turn Buddy Cybertronian was in Decpticon hands.
For now Buddy was Cybertronian until further notice.
Buddy did miss being able to hide in certain places, but on the bright side they were much stronger and durable.
Just like Sunstreaker!
Speaking of the yellow mech, it takes a long time for anyone to convince him to leave the room without Buddy in his arms or nearby.
He makes sure that Buddy has a shiny finish and buffed frame.
His spark melted a bit when they wanted their paintjob to have the same yellow as his.
It is much easier to handle Buddy being much bigger and the same species, not that Sunstreaker would ever admit it out loud.
Honestly as long as Buddy is safe and happy, the mech couldn’t care what species they were.
#transformers x reader#maccadam#bot buddy#human buddy#idw transformers x platonic reader#idw transformers x reader#idw transformers#idw sunstreaker
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Hello, everyone!!! My name is Mardi and I'm taking HEADCANNON requests!! (DON'T REQUEST ONE SHOTS)
I'm not making a masterlist. Just search for your tag. #jjk x reader or #transformers x reader
• I only write 'x reader' content. So please do not request ocs.
• All requests should specify if it's a gender-neutral reader or one of a specific gender/sex. If you do not specify the gender of the reader, I will just by default make the reader gender neutral.
• I'm okay with writing angst. Such as cutting, suicide, self harm, past abuse, ect. I'm a little bit iffy with cheating, because I feel as if most of the characters wouldn't cheat on you. But I'm perfectly fine with them helping you through a breakup.
• Please specify if you want a human or Cybertronian/Omnic/Curse reader. If you don't, I'll just make them a regular human. Or skip it.
• For each ask, I will write a minimum of up to 4 characters per ask.
• You can personalize a request, but DO NOT make it painfully obvious.
• Do not request oneshots. I will post oneshots simply whenever I feel like it. As of right now, I'll only take headcannons or questions about the characters.
• if I do not like your request, or if it makes me uncomfy, I have every right to deny your request and/or delete it.
𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕀 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣
• Mercy
• Reinhardt
• Mauga
• Reaper
• Ramattra
• Zenyatta
• Sombra
• Widowmaker
• Junkrat
• Dva
• Echo
• Mei
• Ashe
• Bastion (Platonic)
• Ana
• Bumblebee
• Optimus
• Megatron
• Hot Rod
• Dino
• Jazz
• Sideswipe
• Optimus
• Mirage
• Niah Diaz
• Wheeljack
~ Transformers Prime
• Optimus
• Bumblebee
• Arcee
• Wheeljack
• Rachet (The literal girlboss)
• Bulkhead (platonic)
• Ultra Magnus
• Megatron
• Soundwave
• Starscream
• Shockwave
• Predaking
• Knockout
• Breakdown
• Dreadwing
• 5t3v3 + T0M + G4RR1
• Hardshell + Insecticons
• Arachnid
• Basically everyone. If I didn't name them, request anyways. I'll update later.
~ R.I.D 2015
• Bumblebee
• Jazz
• StrongArm
• Grimlock
• Soundwave
• Fixit
• Sideswipe
• Steeljaw
~ Transformers Animated (TFA)
• Bumblebee
• Rachet
• Bulkhead
• Blurr
• Prowl
• Jazz
• Longarm
• Megatron
• Starscream
• Blitzwing
• Lugnut
• Shockwave
• Blackarachnia
• Rodimus Prime
• Whirl
• Megatron
• Chromedome
• Rewind
• Poly!Chrome&Rewind
• Elita One (G1 AND Idw)
• Any and all characters. Except Mahito.
#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#transformers x reader#tfp x reader#overwatch x reader#jjk#overwatch#transformers#maccadam#Megatron x Reader
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Info & Request page :
|〃Ver. 2〃
|〃 Forewarning, this is a 16+ to 18+ blog. It will also contain potentially disturbing content. Please read safely and heed the warnings/tags. 〃
Hello, good morning/day/dusk/night! You may call me Coco, or Author, whichever you prefer!
I also posses other writing accounts, which are listed below 👇
| Ao3 : Link is Here
|Quotev : Link is Here (not yet)
|Wattpad: Link is Here
Now, to get to the point. This is going to be a strictly yandere blog, so if you're not interested please redirect yourself elsewhere.
Also The Archive is a masterlist where you'll find all of my works/posts tagged with a small descriptor! If you're lost go to it in my bio.
Due to the nature of this blog, darker and more disturbing themes will be present. So please mind the tags, they're there for a reason! (Dead Dove..)
I care, so please read safely!
Masterlist link: Archives & Taglist
Do's n' Don't-s
— Basically what I will and won't write for
What I will write for;
— Any kind of reader
(I.e masc, fem, trans, disabled, mental disorders, ect..)
— Dub/Noncon
(which includes 99% of kinks)
— Multiple yans
— Platonic & Romantic scenarios
— Your headcanons/ideas
— (The list may change or be updated at any point)
What I won't write for
— Pedophilia
— Incest
— Scat or piss kinks
— Character x Character
— Character x OC
— Anything not listed in my Request-able's list
— Specifically anything neko...
— (The list may change or be updated at any point)
Request-able's list
The fandoms I will write for ;
Transformers; specifically
— Transformers Prime
— Armada
— Rescue Bots
— G1
— Skybound
— IDW comics
— Transformers One
Again, this list will be updated and changed with time. And yes it's just transformers :)
Another Archive's link
— (If you wish to repost my works onto any other site, please ask for permission first)
#...🖋️#yandere#yan blog#yandere transformers#yandere transformers prime#yandere idw comics#yandere skybound comics#yandere g1#yandere mtmte#yandere rescue bots#yandere armada#yandere transformers one
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This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Open (always open for spike and op men measurements)
Writing Requests open for Transformers and One Piece requests.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Brief Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character
Dick, Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2024
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
One Piece
Dick mesurements - Kaido, Katakuri and King
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them
Dark overprotective/possessive
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4,
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
#bad batch#transformers#x reader#non con#smut#yandere headcanons#reader insert#doom patrol#Doom patrol larry#negative spirit#star wars clone wars#clonewars#Blood of Zues#masterlist#fanfiction writer#ao3 writer#fanfiction requests#request open#tfp#transformers idw#earthspark soundwave x reader#a/b/o#transformers earthspark#transformers cyberverse#transformers rotb#transformers fanfiction#tfp x reader#transformers x reader#valveplug#soundwave x reader
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Hello! Name’s Meg and I am currently in my Transformers Phase :3 I need some advice to start to write oneshots and maybe even entire fics…
Date: 02/03/2025
I have decided to not do requests anymore… Though I will accept questions, constructive criticism, opinions and propositions that I have every right to refuse, accept and/or react to
Masterlist link too:
RULES: ❌ = NUH UH ✅ = YUH UH :3
❌ NSFW and all that is gathered in and around it, I just don’t feel comfortable writing sm*t and stuff like that (at least not on this blog)
✅ Fluff, angst (still a beginner remember tho), Yandere (DEPENDS FOR THIS ONE)… and I dunno what else we’ll see in the future
❌ Anything romantic or sensual between minor/teenager and adult or cybertronian
✅ Anything platonic and aesthetic in general, adult x cybertronian, cybertronian x cybertronian is okay for romantic and sensual but like said above no sm*t
❌ OC inserts, I’m way too new for that
✅ Reader x ___, can be female, male, both or none idc you just gotta specify :>
❌ Homophobia, racism, transphobia, sexism and everything that is hateful will not be tolerated
✅ As a clingy person myself, I’m pretty tolerant with cringe stuff… but still it doesn’t mean you can straight up write brainrot or anime slangs (like the *almost throws up* oi oi oi baka trend) in my comment sections, DMs or Asks…
❌: Requests… I recently decided to not make those anymore… I want to write stuff that I like :3 thank you for your understanding
(My writing “schedule” is also aft since I have school… and a scrappy motivation)
What I CAN do in the TF fandom:
Transformers ONE, Transformers movies (Bay/Knightverse)
I need to continue watching:
Transformers Prime, Transformers G1
I need to watch/read it:
Transformers Earthspark, IDW (comics) , Transformers War for Cybertron, LostLight (tell me if I’m wrong), Sky Bound (again tell me if I’m wrong), MTMTE
Will not/Can’t watch:
Transformers Robots in Disguise, Transformers Cyberverse, the video games, Rescue Bots and the others that I don’t remember at the moment
#Transformers one
#Transformers prime
#Ask Meg
#Constructive Criticism
#Transformers one on earth AU
That’s it!! ENJOY >:3
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