#match of the following from forensic science
littlemisspascal · 1 year
Rockford & Roan Pt. 4
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x Female Reader/OFC ‘Roan’
Word Count:2.8k
Summary:  “Do you doubt our match, Miss Roan?” he asks, and it’s a shocking enough question you legitimately can’t tell if he’s joking or not. But if he is being serious…
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language, Reader has a dog, Reader has military background, Superpower AU, They Were Roommates AU, self-esteem issues, soulmates-ish, original characters, worldbuilding, references of dead bodies + suicide, police, HTTYD reference, scars
- Reader has no first name and no physical traits described in detail except for being shorter than Rockford. Reader is mentioned to have hair
Author Note: Thank you so so much for all the kind support 💗
Special thanks to @beecastle for beta reading and encouraging me 💜💜💜
Series Masterlist
The Case
You take possession of one of Rockford’s spare notebooks, yellow and spiral bound, scribbling down details about the case he’s been asked by the police to help investigate.
7 suicides over the past 8 months 
Unsure why the brief lapse during the third month
Perhaps to throw police off potential trail?
Victims are all different ages, backgrounds, careers
Also found dead in different locations across Fox Leap—alleyways, parking lots, isolated spots
No witnesses
No suicide notes left behind 
Single commonality: all died by ingesting a cyanide pill
Suspects? None
Police aren’t convinced deaths are connected 
Rockford is certain they are
I don’t know what to think
The Invitation
Friday evening finds you job hunting across the internet from the comfort of the couch. It’s another one of the steps of Dr. Odair’s grand therapy plan to reintegrate you into society. Of course, what she failed to mention was that the potential career opportunities for ex-military empaths are few and far between. You lean back against the cushion, resisting the urge to grab your mug of tea and pour it onto your laptop. It’s not the computer’s fault there’s a prejudice against those with mind-gifts after all. 
The squeaks of Banjo’s stuffed toy pull your attention towards the dog rolling around on the floor, his beloved plush panda Bamboo held between his paws, teeth gnawing at its leg. Rockford lies stretched out on the white rug nearby, eyes closed, the picture perfect example of tranquility. He isn’t sleeping—you can tell by the tapping of his fingers against his stomach, a song only he knows—but it’s nice to pretend. For all that you’ve pestered him with questions about his job and for all that Rockford has patiently answered each one without even the tiniest thrum of irritation, his bizarre, seemingly nonexistent sleeping schedule is a topic you’ve yet to broach with him. 
Brown eyes snap open, startling you so badly it’s a miracle your laptop isn’t sent crashing to the floor. Before you can ask what’s wrong, Rockford’s on his feet and stalking off down the hallway in a blur. You blink, caught off guard, and exchange a look with an equally bewildered Banjo. Should you follow after him or…?
A knock on the front door makes the decision for you.
The prospect of a guest sends Banjo into a tizzy, ditching Bamboo without remorse, tail wagging so fast it’s a wonder it doesn’t fly off. You can’t exactly blame him. Other than a quick visit from the landlady to give you your own set of keys and introduce herself— Professor Rosasharn Claremont, an instructor of forensic sciences at the local university with prehensile hair she used to slap the back of Rockford’s head for not visiting her enough—nobody’s knocked on the door as long as you’ve lived here.
You’re not sure who’s brain function shorts out first when you open the door: yours or the unknown man wearing a police badge on his belt. He’s middle-aged, dirty blond hair, a scar twisting along in a distorted line from the left side of his mouth to his ear. A hideous mark, but at the same time intriguing in its uniqueness. You can’t help but think how if it was copied onto the right side, it’d almost look like some kind of villainous grin.
Banjo’s attempt of squeezing between your leg and the doorway to get a good sniff of the man is enough to jumpstart you back into motion. Nudging him away with your socked foot, you tell him to return to his bed, punctuating the command with a firm point of your finger. Only once he sullenly pads away, ears drooped as if you’ve just gutted Bamboo right in front of him with a butcher knife, do you turn back to face the policeman, who appears to have also gotten over his initial surprise.
“Can I help you, officer?”
“Inspector,” he corrects with an accent you can’t quite place, almost like a rumbling sort of growl, but despite the harsh sound his tone is polite as he introduces himself. “Inspector Dorrance with the Fox Leap Police Department. I’m here for Tim Rockford.”
His emotions are almost unnaturally steady, like he’s got the internal parts of a clock ticking away rather than temperamental hormones. You figure he must’ve gone through some sort of training course for mood management. Smart. A lawman with a high pressure job, anger issues, and a loaded gun is a disaster waiting to happen.
“Oh, is this about the case?” you ask with far more perkiness in your voice than you intend. 
“He told you about that, did he,” Inspector Dorrance says in the exact same instant that Rockford calls out from the depths of the apartment, “Get to the point why you’re here, Kez.”
Kez? You mouth to yourself before opening the door wider, inviting the inspector to step inside. He isn’t subtle as he looks around, gaze lingering noticeably on the few personal items of yours spread throughout the room, before he turns towards the hall.
“Another body’s been found. Abandoned warehouse near the wharf.”
“And?” Rockford asks, still out of view. 
Dorrance side-eyes you, clearly debating with himself the legalities of discussing an open case with a civilian present. A civilian he clearly knew nothing about as of two minutes ago. You offer up only silence in response, too curious for your own good to leave without him directly asking.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Your roommate emerges from his office, his trench coat gripped in one hand and mouth fixed in an unimpressed frown. He gestures between you and the inspector. “Kez, my current roommate and match, Roan. Roan, my ex-roommate and one of the only competent members of law enforcement in the city, Keziah. Can we get back to the victim now?”
Your eyes widen. Ex-roommate? How long have they known each other? There’s definitely a story there. 
“I’m sorry,” Dorrance begins, “did you just say she’s your match? When the hell were you going to tell me this happened?”
“Apparently not,” Rockford mutters. “I was going to tell you when it came up. And it just did.”
“You—” Dorrance cuts himself off with a sharp exhale through his nose.
It really is a credit to Dorrance’s mood management training his emotions don’t even so much as dip or catch fire. Instead, he shoots Rockford a look that plainly says, We’re going to be talking about this later, and then turns to face you once more.
“I wish we were meeting on better circumstances. And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you since you’re his match that underneath this—” he gestures vaguely at Rockford which doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You just gestured to all of me.”
Dorrance carries on, unbothered, “—is a giant question mark nobody will ever find the answer to. But if I were to bet on anyone coming close, I’d put my money on you.”
“Thank you, I think,” you say, daring a quick glance at Rockford’s face, which you’re pleased to notice has softened the tiniest bit. “You’ll be the first one I tell if I do.”
For whatever reason, your answer has the inspector immediately smirking, left side of his face stretched tight due to the scar tissue.
“Kez, in addition to being a recurring pain in my side,” Rockford explains, sensing your confusion, “is also a lie detector. Any hint of dishonesty and his gift’ll catch it. Makes him handy in the interrogation room.”
Gifts can be interesting like that sometimes, lining up perfectly with a specific job. A singer with the ability to alter their voice to any pitch, a fireman with an immunity to burns, a veterinarian who can speak to animals–you’ve seen them all. Human lie detector is a new one though, you’ll admit.
Dorrance shoves a hand into his pocket, fishing out his phone vibrating with an incoming text. He scans the message, smirk wiped off his face and replaced with grimness. 
“Right, back to the reason I came over,” he says briskly, tucking his cell away again. “You know how the victims never leave notes?”
“Yes.” Rockford’s listening attentively, eyes narrowed. “What of it?”
“This one did.”
Rockford’s expression doesn’t change, not even a twitch of his brow. His mind though, oh his mind’s the calm before the storm. Something’s beginning to stir awake underneath the surface. Tempted by the reveal, hungry for more details to dig its teeth into. 
For weeks you’ve wondered about the depths unknown to your empathy, about what lurks there. You’ve got a distinct, icy certainty crawling up your spine you’re soon to discover another side of your match previously unseen. 
“Will you come to the scene?” Dorrance asks hopefully.
“Of course. No point sitting at home when there’s an exciting development going on.” Rockford begins slipping his arms through the sleeves of his trench coat, adjusting the collar to his liking. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been down to the wharf.”
“Just try not to piss off anyone, will you? One dead body is enough to deal with as it is.”
“I’ll be on my best behavior,” Rockford says with a wry grin. Then, turning to you, he arches an eyebrow, “Well, Roan, you got any plans this evening?”
You think of your laptop back on the couch, numerous job sites still left to be checked. 
“Uh, no,” you answer, shaking your head. “Not really.”
“Roan was in the military,” your roommate tells the inspector, but his eyes remain held on your face, a speculating glint in them that has you subconsciously straightening up. Almost as if you’re standing at attention. “You saw a lot of violent deaths, didn’t you?”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Witnessed several dangerous situations?”
“Worst of the worst. Stuff of pure nightmares.”
The atmosphere in the room shifts, becoming heavier. There’s a crime scene needing to be examined, a case to be closed, and yet everything seems to have slowed down all at once. As if the very air itself has frozen solid. And you realize you’re holding your breath, waiting for something.
“Want to see some more?”
An invitation.
Dr. Odair’s been telling you now that you’ve matched and your mind-gift has become more manageable, it’s time to pick up some hobbies. To go out to more places for fun other than just the library and dog park. No doubt she was probably thinking of safe and relaxing options like chess or badminton or pottery classes at the rec center.
The problem though, is that safe and relaxing doesn’t spark a wildfire in your blood, bringing you back to the days where you had a clear purpose to fulfill and problems to deal with head-on. You want another adventure, and here’s one dangling right in front of you, just waiting for you to say—
“Hell yes,” you blurt out, and even without your mind-gift you can tell Rockford’s happy with your choice by the half curl of his mouth and crinkling around his eyes as he asks Dorrance for the address.
The Doubt
Rockford holds the cab door open for you, sliding in after you’ve settled against the plush seat with Banjo secure in your lap. The little mutt’s tail beats a rhythm against your jacket, excited about the trip even if he has no clue the final destination. You’re still not convinced bringing a dog of all creatures to an active crime scene investigation is the wisest move, but let the record show your roommate has a helluva weakness for Banjo’s puppy eyes. 
“Keziah’s team of imbeciles disguised as CSIs are wreaking havoc on the scene as we speak. I highly doubt there’s much more damage Banjo can cause,” Rockford had said with an amused look when you voiced your concern. “Besides, no man left behind. Isn’t that the military creed?”
And well, he wasn’t wrong about that. (Not to mention, you’ve got a pretty big weakness for Banjo’s sweet brown eyes too…)
The drive to the wharf is brief without too much annoying traffic. Outside, the sun’s dipped out of sight and darkness is enveloping the city, street lights blinking on. Inside, it’s quiet except for a country song playing lowly on the radio. The cabbie’s mood is easygoing if not a little bogged down by exhaustion whereas Banjo’s is a bouncy spring of enthusiasm, nose practically pressed against the window as his eyes struggle to keep up with all the sights rolling past. Still, as entertaining as the pup’s emotions are, your mind-gift continues circling back to the man sitting next you like a homing pigeon.
Nothing’s changed within his mindscape during the journey. The calm, almost eerie stillness from before is still in effect. You can tell he’s thinking about something—the man’s never not thinking—but whatever it is clouding his gaze, furrowing his brow, is not disturbing enough to imprint upon your empathy. It’s moments like this one where you wish you were a mind reader, if only for a few seconds. 
“We’re here,” Rockford announces, paying the cabbie his fare.
Scrambling out of the vehicle, you set Banjo down on the ground. While he performs a full-bodied shake, you take in the cluster of police cars and flashing lights and abundance of barricade tape surrounding a warehouse, derelict and foreboding, along the waterfront. The press have also caught wind of the scene, prowling around with their microphones and cameras like vultures. You swallow, subconsciously twisting the leash around your fingers.
You’d wanted an adventure and yet…this is all so very, very different from a battlefield. It’s a whole other form of organized chaos, and it’s terrifying not having the slightest clue how to safely navigate it. 
Your initial fears were misplaced. It won’t be Banjo making a mess. It will be you.
Rockford starts forward, clearly eager to get to work, only to halt after five steps when you fail to follow. He turns around to look you over from head to toe, carefully nudging at your mind-gift as he does so, confusion only deepening when he fails to understand your lack of movement. “Is something the matter?”
You bite your lip, glancing nervously once more between the hive of activity and his steady brown eyes. “I don’t think I belong here.”
Rockford stares at you, the glow of the street light illuminating one side of his face. 
“Do you doubt our match, Miss Roan?” he asks, and it’s a shocking enough question you legitimately can’t tell if he’s joking or not. But if he is being serious…
Your head’s already shaking aggressively before a response forms. “N-no, absolutely not!” you say hastily, frantic to assure him of the truth. You close the gap of distance, hoping somehow being closer will remedy the spiraling situation, but when that doesn’t smoothen out the wrinkles on his forehead your empathy reacts by hurling a tangled ball of loyalty-friendship-safety-contentment straight at him. The most desperate of Hail Mary plays.
Rockford sucks in a breath. You watch his expression spasm, knocked off-kilter, before it settles into something as exasperated as it is fond. This time, the nudge against your mind-gift is firmer, the only warning you get before the ball you’d thrown returns and smacks you square in the chest. 
“Oh,” is your immediate reaction, breathless from the intensity.
What was it he had said before? You and him are two halves of the same whole.
And then there’s a warm hand on top of your head, gentle, affectionate, and you’re breathless for an entirely different reason. You blink up at Rockford, heart thudding in your chest.
“That’s right. You,” he says slowly, purposefully, “belong anywhere I am. Banjo, too.”
Banjo woofs, baring his teeth in a snaggletoothed grin, and you’d chuckle at that if you had any air left in your lungs. Not for the first time, you cannot help but marvel at your match’s realness. There’s no such thing as perfection, but you think he comes pretty damn close. 
“Now you’ve done it,” you aim for humor, but you can’t shake the wobble from your voice. “You'll never know a moment’s peace again.”
“Ah, peace is overrated,” Rockford declares with an unconcerned shrug, hand returning to the pocket of his trench coat. “So, we’re in agreement then. We’re stuck with each other.”
“Mhmm, no take backsies.”
You needed this moment, this reassurance. The doubts you hadn’t even known you carried have been firmly put to rest, vanquished by the proof he values the soulbond tying your lives together just as much as you do. 
But despite the importance of this conversation you can’t keep ignoring the flashing lights up ahead forever. Your eyes slide past Rockford, spotting Inspector Dorrance in his grey suit amongst the sea of navy uniformed officers gesturing with his arms.
“Ultimately, it’s your choice where you go,” Rockford says, and it’s clear he’s made up his own mind by the way he turns away from you, resuming his walk towards the scene. 
You watch the dramatic flaring of the bottom of his coat with each step, watch the tapping of his fingers against his left thigh, watch as the man tosses one last remark over his shoulder:
“Keep up, Roan. We both know you’re coming with me.”
By the time he reaches the barricade tape, you and Banjo are right by his side. Exactly where you both belong.
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ixhika-jsx · 1 month
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## What’s a Cyber Forensic Investigator?
Master post - part 1 • part 2
You must have heard bout forensics yk investigating bout dead people who might have been killed and all
You must have seen shows on those topics too.Cyber forensic investigator is just of same kind but investigating through all types of modern gadgets.
Catching hackers and all but cooler
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### The Money Talk: How Much Do They Make?
- **Cash Money**: Expect to rake in about $60k to $120k a year. If you are very much experienced and skilled then you can expect about 150k+ a year.(obv different countries and companies may have different wages)
### Companies That Want You
- **Tech Titans**: Google, Amazon, Facebook—they all have requirement for such heroes
- **Gov Jobs**: FBI, CIA—basically every spy agency wants you.
- **Cybersecurity Firms**: CrowdStrike, McAfee—so every gateway you go you gonna have opportunities everywhere.
### What Other Forensic Investigators Are There?
- **Forensic Pathologists**: Real-life detectives who figure out how someone died. Less tech, more science.
- **DNA Analysts**: The ones matching DNA samples
- **Forensic Accountants**: Following the money to catch fraudsters and scammers
- **Toxicologists**: Poison experts, figuring out if someone’s been covertly poisoned. (Yeaa yk snow white story)
### What’s the Work Environment Like?
- **The Lab**: Imagine a room filled with more screens than your gaming setup. Gadgets galore, maybe even a Red Bull or two
- **On the Move**: Sometimes you’re out in the field, collecting evidence. Think of it like collecting rare items in a game.
- **Remote Vibes**: You could be solving cybercrimes from your bed in your PJs .
### How Long Does It Take to Become One?
- **Time Investment**: About 4 years for a bachelor’s, and then 1-2 more years for a master’s if you’re going all-in. So, 5-6 years total. But hey, good things take time, right?
### What Do You Study?
- **Cybersecurity/Computer Science**: Your main jams. Think of them as the ultimate cheat codes for this career.
- **Digital Forensics**: Specialized courses where you learn to be a digital ninja.
- **Law and Ethics**: Learning how to catch the bad guys without breaking the law yourself. (You yourself don't want to be troubled obviously)
### Subjects You Need to Get Into It
- **Math**: Yep, but not the boring kind—more like coding and algorithms.
- **Computer Science**: Your go-to for everything techy.
- **Optional Nerd Points**: Chemistry/Physics if you’re into hardware forensics or just want to flex those brain muscles.
### Work Hours: What to Expect?
- **9 to 5-ish**: Standard hours if you’re working for a company, but expect some late nights or weekend shifts when big cases pop up.
- **On-Call Madness**: Sometimes you’re on-call like a digital firefighter. Cyber-attack at 3 AM? Time to suit up (or log in) and handle it.
- **Flexible/Remote**: If you’re lucky, you can work from home. Just remember, no solving crimes in your underwear during Zoom meetings!
### Interview with a Cyber Forensic Investigator
**Interviewer**: What’s a day in the life of a cyber forensic investigator?
**Cyber Sleuth**: Imagine rolling out of bed, grabbing your coffee, and diving into cases. I’m talking analyzing hard drives, sifting through emails, or tracking down cyberattack origins. Some days it’s all data, other days I’m working with law enforcement or testifying in court. Never a dull moment!
**Interviewer**: What’s the coolest case you’ve worked on?
**Cyber Sleuth**: Helping bust a phishing ring that was scamming millions. Tracked their digital footprints, caught the culprits, and recovered their loot. Felt like a total legend.
**Interviewer**: Ever seen some dark stuff, like murders?
*Cyber Sleuth**: Yeah, I’ve stumbled across some pretty grim stuff. It’s not all memes and malware—sometimes it’s serious business. But catching those bad guys makes it all worth it.
**Interviewer**: Have you ever been on the dark web?
**Cyber Sleuth**: Oh, for sure. It’s like the sketchy underbelly of the internet. Lots of shady deals. I go there when I need to, but it’s not a fun hangout spot.
**Interviewer**: How dark can a case get?
**Cyber Sleuth**: It can get really intense. I’ve worked on cases involving human trafficking and other serious crimes. It’s tough, but making a difference makes it worth it.
**Interviewer**: Any advice for someone who wants to get into this field?
**Cyber Sleuth**: Stay curious and keep learning. Tech evolves fast, so you’ve gotta keep up. And don’t be afraid to dig deep—sometimes the answers are buried in tons of data, but finding them is like hitting gold.
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So if you’re into tech and have subjects like mathematics , chemistry and physics then you are all set to start your journey.i have seen ppl running for a common a job and all and they are not even specified about what they want. So just research and find out what you want.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Tiny Not Sober AUs for DC/DP to encourage my hyper fixation:
1) Jack Fenton is the time traveling clone/son of both Superman and Batman. An organization mixed their DNA. A scientist felt guilty about raising a baby to be a weapon so they stole the baby. Would have given them over to the heroes. Didn’t happen. Baby got lost in time to become Jack. He’s thrilled learning this when it comes out after the organization is exposed and the heroes look for the baby.
2) Okay so I read a fic where Maddie is the one gunho about dissection and stuff while Jack FREAKS out, saving his son. I wanna use that idea and have Jack discover Danny is Phantom when he was walks into the lab to find his wife HURTING THEIR KID. He stops her, learns everything, tries to help his son and is forced to knock Maddie out. He takes Danny and Jazz, running to Gotham to protect them because Jazz was also locked up because Maddie learned she is liminal. Jack meets a very nice man who runs a club he works as a bouncer for while keeping his kids safe. His kids were making friends and his boss was awesome about the fake ID stuff. Now if only that furry wasn’t breaking things at the club and his son’s ghost enemies didn’t follow him
3) I latched onto Jack. I don’t know why. But okay so Jack and Maddie get divorced after the portal thing because they found Danny going into it, freaked and Maddie didn’t take it well. Jack refuses to let her hurt him and divorces her. Her claiming her son is half ghost, evil and must be destroyed gets held up in court.
Then Phantom shit happens and everyone figures it out really early. Maddie is keeping the portal open and shit. I’m a little not sober as I write this so… I will expand later if asked. Jack decides he needs to call up his old friend from college he made before he got into ghosts: Barry Allen, forensics scientist. Why? “Oh he’s the Flash. The guy was BAD at hiding it. Like super bad.”
*proceeds to not see that Vlad is evil until Danny spells it out* “ah. Oh maybe it’s cause we dated.”
Cue record scratch and insanity.
4) Ellie out of nowhere rapidly gets sick. Trans!Danny needs to mix her DNA with someone else’s or she’ll die. He panics and uses a random DNA sample from the ghost zone cause there’s a ghost there with an obsession for science he was visiting. The DNA is of either: Tim or Dick.
Ellie gets deaged to newborn and Danny freaks out. Of course now he’s aware he needs to tell the other parent cause it’s be fucking rude otherwise. Luckily, he had slept with the other ‘parent’ long enough it fits. Danny has some help acting as if it was a pregnancy out of nowhere. As in ‘didn’t notice at all’. Mostly doctors help faking it and some illusions.
He then contacts the other dad.
Or: Ellie’s orb gets absorbed and now Danny has to give birth so he seduces the other person so Ellie can have two dads. Or he just has to find someone to do that with?!?
5) … I have a thing about pregnancy fics and kid stories but like: some rouge kidnaps trans!Danny cause his DNA was in the system after his parents had him and Jazz be put into it before he went ghost. Why? Cause Jack was worried that his connection to his cousin Clark would be discovered. Because Jack knew Clark was Superman and worried. (Also: this AU has the parents knowing from the get go cause I keep trying to find a fic like that, with good parents.)
But so like I did some bitty gritty research on this but fuck it its a world with ghosts and superheroes. I don’t care if it doesn’t match with reality. Danny’s DNA has him being riven to be a genetically compatible person to one of the bat kids. Like any child born from them would be the ‘perfect’ specimen or bled or whatever. So now Danny got snatched and pregnant and the Batfam saves him cause Jack calls up his cousin. They find out and it’s chaos.
6) Trans!Danny is the twin of Damian cause I’ve only seen it once but the sentance: you picked a name for yourself but go by another is stuck in my head and also the shenanigans of Damian learning his twin survived, is really a boy and all is fun. Bonus: Ellie is a baby so Damian is convinced he’s an uncle.
He’s not wrong.
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
#𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗢𝗥𝗬 — profiles.
resident slacker turned achiever overnight? what the hell happened! it all started when the both of you got grouped together for a class presentation— you got your first unsatisfactory grade, and park sunghoon got his ego bruised for the first time. conflict is perpetual in all societal spheres. but when it’s two unhealthily competitive and prideful people gnawing at each other’s throats, conflict becomes all the more entertaining.
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YN LN: second year political science student at HYBE-U. well-off, has a pretty face, and to top it all off— always gets the perfect grades. but god has to balance things out somehow by giving her a shitty personality and an even shittier mouth to match. maybe that’s why she only has two friends.
HONG JINAE & SONG NARI: second year political science students at HYBE-U. yn's friends from high school and her only two friends.
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PARK SUNGHOON: if doing the bare minimum can keep you alive, why waste your energy? is his life’s motto. or at least it was until the first semester of his second year studying political science. part of HYBE-U’s dance crew and is arguably more active there than in the classroom.
JAKE SIM & PARK JAY: second year political science students and sunghoon's roommates. also part of the dance crew along with the next four boys.
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LEE HEESEUNG: third year political science major. KIM SUNOO: first year theater major. YANG JUNGWON: first year forensics major. NISHIMURA RIKI: first year culture & arts education major.
EXTRA: the second years are taking the following classes for the semester— international relations, political theory 1, public administration, comparative politics, ethics, and art appreciation.
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NOTE — so excited to finally start posting! a lot of parts have be stacking up in my drafts so updates will be daily for now. the above schedule definitely isn't based on my hellish 2nd year experience absolutely not haha no way.
TAGLIST (open) — @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @dammit-jjk @tobiosbbyghorl @chaemmie
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CONFLICT THEORY. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 month
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Content Warning: Implication of past relationship with Tommy Miller. Possible dark themes and implications.
Pairings: Joel Miller x Alessia Romano. / Tommy Miller x Alessia Romano (Past Relationship)
Divider Credit: @cafekitsune + @strangergraphics
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Being the child of Alessia Romano and Joel Miller would include the following:
1. Alessandra Romano is your older sister, half-sister to be technical. You didn’t know that your uncle is her father until Tommy starts complaining to your father that your mother doesn’t let him see her anymore. Though you had always suspected that it had more to do with Tommy’s behaviour after she went to Jackson to start over with your father. Your mother, Alessia, told you that Tommy was your sister’s father, but it was due to a series of things that Tommy had done that led to her going to no contact with him after moving to Jackson. She also told you that you are still her child, regardless of what father you would have had anyway.
2. Alessia telling you the effects of drugs on the human body to ensure you make a choice based on facts rather than peer pressure. As, your mother worked as a Forensic Pathologist. “If you still want to try them, I will only ask that you don’t smoke it. Brownies are the way to go. You won’t damage your healthy lungs that way. Also, I want to be there to supervise you in case of an emergency.”
3. Joel taking you out camping every second weekend with your uncle Tommy.
4. Alessia buys a second-hand caravan and converts it into a space for you to read, write and hangout with your friends inside.
5. Joel teaching you how to drive and change a tire when you reached the age of 16.
6. Alessia, encouraging you to pursue the world of art. As she says, "My home country loves its art as much as its science." She buys books from thrift stores, dollar stores, book stores to broaden your vocabulary further. Also encouraging you to build a portfolio. Giving you her old anatomy books, "Because artists need this just as much."
7. Alessia and Joel buying matching themed sweaters for you and Alessandra. Especially ones for Christmas. Alessia did fuss over Alessandra, Joel prevented Alessia's panic attack over Alessandra not being able to see it by saying "Alessandra can feel it, can't she? She can feel the warmth of the sweater and the love in the stitch. She'll know it's from us, even if she can't see it." Alessia looked at him, her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. "You're right. She will."
8. A Family of Artists: Alessandra, despite her blindness, was a talented musician. She played the cello and the harp. You, on the other hand, were more into visual arts. You loved painting, drawing, and sculpting. Not only that, but you were constantly experimenting with different mediums and styles, often finding inspiration in the natural world around you.
9. Alessia and Joel painted your bedroom your favourite colour. Painting it a soft lavender colour while you were at school one day. The light blue sky on the ceiling with the white fluffy clouds. The light blue and purple ombre walls, accented with a lava lamp on your beside table. A matching faux fur rug on the floor and lavender curtains. A dark vintage writing desk for your homework and an easel for your caravan.
10. Your first job was at a thrift store, your mother said it would look good on a resume when you went out to look for work. "Think of it this way, it's like a real-life treasure hunt. You never know what you'll find. Maybe a hidden gem, a forgotten masterpiece. And who knows, you might even find a piece of history."
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red-ropes-of-avalon · 2 years
Chapter 2- Girl of the Snowfield
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Series Summary: You’re a sophomore Forensic Science student in Teyvat University. Ayato is a Junior Business major at the same school. You never knew one of your best friends had a brother until you happen upon each other. You end up bringing the best out in each other.
Chapter Summary: Ayato is desperate to find out who the stranger who smiled at him without a care is. The girls get an emergency switch placed into their vacancy with no guarantee of their safety with this new room addition.
Content Warnings: A little talk of violence but nothing graphic.
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Ayato sat at the desk in his room, phone face down, closed eyes, remembering the face and more importantly the smile. He could only hope for another chance encounter, or he would find a reason to visit Ayaka's dorm. He didn't expect the very next day to present an opportunity to see you again.
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"Don't you love not getting any information about this" Mobius seethed as she sat on her desk, twirling her pencil in her fingers. You sat on your own desk laptop in hand, homework pulled up in the main tab- it was Friday after all and the work of a STEM major never ended. Ayaka sat on the couch, prim and proper scanning over all the information she could get. A knock on the door, had you sliding off your desk to open it. Outside stood the building director, Faruzan, "Hi girls, are all of you here?"
"Actually no, Yoimiya Nagonhara, my roommate isn't here," Ayaka spoke up. "Well that's unfortunate, but given it's an emergency situation, we can't wait for all of you to be here." Mobius and you exchanged a worried glance. "She's in my office currently and will be up shortly to see the room and begin moving in." The three of you made a noise of affirmation. As Faruzan closed the door, you moved to the couch, Ayaka opening her arms to allow you into her arms. "We won't let anything happen to you ever again," Mobius hissed out from her spot, perched to watch the door. After a short wait, a knock was heard again, Faruzan entered the room followed by an average-height girl, her hair was curly, and she looked utterly uninterested in the three of you. Instead, she was eyeing the room, assessing the space.
"If you wouldn't mind, could you show us around the room? It should be ready, as is expected according to the dorm rules. After all, vacancies can be filled at any time." Mobius pursed her lips before pushing off the desk, you following and standing up. "We'll start with the actual room and bathroom." Faruzan guided. Mobius and you easily slipped into the room, with Kyoka following. "So these are our beds, you'd get the vacant one obviously," Mobius spoke matching Kyoka's boredom. Mobius and you had beds parallel to each other, your walls starkly different in decoration. You had vines with flowers and butterflies, while Mobius had neon LED lights, you two had agreed to do contrasting decor as a joke. "There's also only enough space for two people in the closet and we kinda already take it up. Sorry about that. Also, our bedroom door doesn't have a lock inside just as a warning," you added sheepishly. Kyoka furrowed her brows but said nothing.
"The bathroom is pretty simple, the two of us shower at night. Our towels are in here. And our bath stuff is on the top level of the bath shelves, we're the lucky ones to have a bathtub. The other bathroom doesn't." You explained the bathroom situation nervously, opening the door to show it off. Faruzan seemed content with what she had seen, "I'll call you after I have the key for you. Then you can start moving in."
Ayaka stood up as you showed off the kitchen. "We all have our own cupboards, we keep our stuff in our specific ones," Ayaka said before pointing out each person's specific cabinet. "Obviously the fridge is communal, but we don't eat each other's food," she further explained. Kyoka still looked uninterested, you silently made a move to hold onto Ayaka's hand for comfort. "I have to finish packing for a trip I leave for this afternoon, I'll leave you to get acquainted with the room." Mobius left silently returning to the room.
Ayaka politely excused herself, returning to her room, likely to text Yoimiya about how it was going. Now alone, Kyoka's gaze rested upon you a predatory look in her eyes. Her gaze ran across your body before she licked her lips, and you stepped back slightly.
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It was going to be a long night for you.
Author Notes: I'm sorry that isn't getting into the romance, gotta set up the conflict. Trust me I got a plan. Next chapter is when it's gonna start getting into the romance. Also, gold star if you get the naming scheme of the chapters.
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twistedtummies2 · 6 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 2
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
We’ve reached our penultimate choice in the countdown!
Number 2 is…Batman.
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As I said in my rules at the start of this event, I wouldn’t be counting characters I consider more “superhero” than “detective.” HOWEVER, some exceptions do apply: I spoke of the Question in my Honorable Mentions, and Rorschach and the Shadow earlier in the main countdown. These are all characters you could classify as “super detectives”: where they do count in the vein of superheroes (or, at least, pulp-style heroes), but also do qualify as detectives, by virtue of them BEING detectives being a major character trait and element. Out of all the comic detectives out there, in the annals of superhero fiction and anything similar to it…I think it’s fair to say none are as well-known, or as well-enjoyed, as Batman.
Frankly, when a character gets their start in a comic series called “Detective Comics,” and one of their titles is “The World’s Greatest Detective,” I challenge anybody to say they DON’T count. :P
Anyway…I’m quite sure Batman hardly needs an introduction, especially for those familiar with my page, but I might as well go into the basics for anyone who’s been living under a rock for almost a hundred years: Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, if not perhaps THE most popular. The fictional character’s biography is as follows: as a child, Bruce Wayne – the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne, a pair of wealthy philanthropists and the owners of a large and thriving corporation – saw his parents murdered by a mugger, shot down in a back alley. The experience scarred Bruce for life, and he vowed to symbolically avenge his parents’ murder by devoting the rest of his life to fighting crime. He wanted to make sure no other children would experience similar horrors, as long as he could prevent it. He studied forensics and various sciences, trained his body to peak physical perfection, and – inspired by the sight of a bat flying through his window one night (bats being a phobia of his as a boy) – the now-adult Bruce chose to adopt the image of a bat as his motif. He thus became Batman – the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader – a mysterious vigilante who stalks the streets of Gotham City, facing everything from mad supervillains to common hoodlums, in a neverending war against crime.
The real-life origins of Batman are almost as interesting as his fictional beginnings. Batman was created due to the popularity of Superman, whom many consider to be the first TRUE superhero. DC (which went under another company name at the time, for the record) wanted to create another superhero who could match the Man of Steel. Artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, taking inspiration from various places, jointly created this new character…although I should state that, for a very long time, Kane took sole credit for the matter. (By all accounts, Bob Kane was something of a swindler behind the scenes; for example, Batman’s very first appearance was a direct ripoff of a Shadow magazine story, and this apparently was Kane’s idea.) The thought process behind Batman was to go the opposite direction of Superman: if the Man of Tomorrow was bright and colorful, then the Dark Knight would need to be Gothic and shadowy. If Superman was bold and jocular, then Batman would be stoic and sardonic. Where Clark Kent came from ostensibly humble beginnings, Bruce Wayne would come from wealth and stature. And of course, while Superman had almost Godlike superhuman abilities…Batman, rather famously, was the first “proper” superhero to have NO powers at all.
This is the point where Batman’s abilities as a detective very much come into play. Because for all of the many things you can point to for Bruce Wayne’s success as a crimefighter, I think it all comes down to him, again, being a sort of “super detective.” Even the Shadow, Batman’s chiefest inspirational source, had arcane abilities at his disposal: Bruce Wayne has no otherworldly talents at all. He’s simply a man, with a boatload of money, a brilliant mind, and a LOT of stubborn determination. Many of the best takes on Batman use their mind, not just their fists and gadgets, to tackle problems: he searches for clues to track down culprits, analyzes the way certain criminals tend to operate in order to guess their next move, and frequently uses his wits to outmatch them and find ways to defeat them. Whether he’s facing mortal foes like the Joker or Catwoman, or superhuman beings like Clayface or the Orca, Batman’s greatest asset is that he thinks everything through, and keeps track of everything he’s learned, so he can pursue, battle, and capture the enemies he faces.
To say Batman has been adapted to other media beyond the comics, or even that the comics have continued to evolve and be printed as time goes on, is almost a redundant fact. Indeed, Batman has become one of the most frequently reimagined and re-interpreted characters in fiction; I believe he might be the single most frequently used and reused superhero, in particular, of all time. It’s gotten to a point where actors who get to play the character have declared him to be on par with such famous roles as Hamlet. Meanwhile, writers, critics, and psychologists have compared him to Greek heroes like Prometheus and Odysseus. When a character gains this much clout, and has lasted for so exceptionally long, with so many different interpretations – from colorful and campy to grim and gritty, from noir-esque to flashy and wild – I think they’ve more than earned their place VERY high in the ranks.
That and…well…I love Batman. A lot. So do I really need any of the other reasons I just described to begin with? XD
Tomorrow, the countdown concludes with my Number One pick!
CLUE: “Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
I saw that you were taking all kinds of requests and matchups and was wondering if you could please do a stalker matchup? If not, a romantic matchup would be just as good!!
I’m a 5’4” cis girl who’s grey heteroromantic and ace. I’ve got a sleeper build, green eyes, and too many freckles on my face and body. During the Summer, I work as a head lifeguard but get zero respect from my coworkers which I’ll admit I cry over in the shower every night lmao- I’ve been through every kind of abuse so that’s also v fun and silly but I’m actually in a much better place both physically and mentally rn!
I’m doing a 4+1 in forensic science and chemistry and because of that people think I’m smart… I’m actually so incredibly gullible it’s hilarious. I have a colorguard scholarship and found my nerdy people there. I like to paint water sceneries, surf, fish, practice self-defense, watch horror movies and horror gameplays, listen to classic rock, and listen to hip-hop/rap. I’m an ESFJ-A and 3w2 so I work really hard to impress others because that’s where a lot of my happiness comes from! I hope I didn’t write too much and you don’t have to include all the random stuff but I’m so excited to see what you come up with! : ]
Hi!! Thank you for the request! I'm happy someone had the courage to ask! I'm glad you're doing better, no one deserves to be treated that way! I hope you enjoy and this hits well for you <33
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I match you with... Bloody Painter! 🎨
He's the type to watch you allllll the time
When he saw you painting by the lake, he was instantly in love
So from there he followed you home, waited until you were asleep and absolutely stalked the SHIT out of your paintings.
He probably took some too 👀
When you'd finally realize your art stuff going missing, you'd get suspicious of course. Which leads him to leaving new and different supplies at your doorstep. Often stuff that was incredibly expensive and that you probably couldn't afford
Once he realizes you're in the color guard, he'll paint equipment for you to practice with (new of course so you still have your plain ones).
He'll follow you to work, watching you from afar, sitting on your tower watching the kids and families in the water. But when he sees your coworker badmouthing you... It's over... (more on this further down!)
Honestly as I was reading this, it was hard for me to choose between EJ and Helen but obviously here we are!
I feel like he's secretly attracted to your build. He enjoys seeing your muscles pop when you're doing things. Whether it's an obvious display or you didn't intend for them to show, he loves it.
The mask makes it way easier for him to hide his endearing smile when he watches you
I don't feel like he's really an outdoors person but he would certainly take time to come watch you practice with your flag or ride the waves. Just make sure he's properly protected from the sun! (man burns, he doesn't tan)
Like I mentioned before, he loves seeing the way your muscles work effortlessly when you toss your flag or when you stand up on your board against the harsh waves. (it makes going outside at least a little enjoyable for him to be able to watch you)
Often the two of you will have painting dates. He paints all the time (with blood or not) and when you ask him to go out to the lake to paint the scene, he'll happily join you. I imagine you'd take breaks to fish as well, allowing yourself to get fresh eyes. He would definitely include you fishing into his elaborate painting.
He's the type to always boost you up. He likes your painting? He'll shower it with compliments. You couldn't catch that toss? "It's okay my love, practice makes perfect!".
Just know, you don't have to work hard to impress this man at all. He's madly in love with you and he's stunned by all of your diverse talents.
When you come home in tears from your shift at the beach, he'll hold you in his arms and let you tell him what all happened to make you so upset. Throughout your explanation he'll give you soft kisses on the top of your head, making sure to let you know he's listening and he cares for you.
He's definitely a double hand holder too when things get serious like that
It'll take a few days for him to get the job done, but that's only because he's particular. Probably close to a week later you'll be greeted with a small painting when you get home. On the canvas is finger-painted hearts and his signature, along with the name of your coworker who talked badly about you.
Hopefully they can find more staff! 😁
I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to come back and request any time! You could even give yourself your own anon emoji if you'd like 😉
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Hello! My names Violet and I’d like a matchup for the 2012 tmnt brothers please! If not just ignore this lol
I’m 5’2 ½, I’m hourglass shaped with a lil chub so I wear baggier clothes and really prefur being covered up. I have shoulder length brown curly/wavy hair and Hazel eyes that appear brown but in the sun look gold and green (I really like my eyes lol) I typically war sneakers of some sort or work boots because I’m a busy person and even on my down time I’m moving so I don’t have time to let my feet hurt from heels n such even though I love dressing up.
I’m intelligent and usually always reading something, I can be very quiet but can make good conversation. I’m an INFJ so I’m very in tune to others around me. I’m extremely loyal to a fault and would do absolutely anything to the person I give my loyalty to. I love to bake and cook and even like to clean when I’m able to listen to music, cleaning is calming for me and lets me unwind with out feeling like I should be doing something. I’m the eldest daughter of six siblings so I have my fair share of responsibility and I take it in stride. I’m always helping and taking care of someone, I love that part of my responsibility because I’m a very motherly person. I have strong maternal instincts which leads me to befriend people who could be considered outcasts.
I can also be very stubborn and I struggle with depression, and anxiety. I have trust and abandonment issues which leads me to follow people around and be a bit clingy. I have a strong imagination which pulls me inside my own head a lot. I tend to be more involved with whats going on inside then whats happening in real life.
I really look for someone who has a sense of loyalty like my own, someone who would be ok with me being around a lot and being a bit clingy. I also want someone who has a sense of humor to: 1, help me out of depressive episodes, and 2, banter with me, I can be slightly sarcastic and love some good banter. I also want someone kind and empathetic, to match my own motherly instincts
I dislike people who are rude and mean for no reason and who are constantly looking for a fight. A big deal breaker for me is someone telling me what to do and not letting me make my own choices. I need someone to support me, not control me.
My hobbies are: Reading, Writing, listening to music, watching game plays (Mainly horror like fnaf), watching some tv mainly historical fiction or horror, art, like drawing, watercolors, that stuff, I also adore the forest and space so I’m always researching some plant or planet. I’m taking forensic science and psychology in school right now so whoever I get better be ready to listen to me rant about not only all of this but also new things I’ve learned lol
Bro I am so sorry this took so long and you were so patiently waiting for me to stop procrastinating( or you forget than I am sorry any way.)
Any way I would match you up with…
The lovable nerd Donnie!
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Donnie would be you lover for several reasons, but let’s start off on how y’all met.
You were walking back to your house from the library with a fresh stack of books that looked interesting.
It was getting darker out as the sun began to set and night  began and an unsettling quite set in for the usually noisy city of New York 
As you walked though a quite steer you heard something, it was muffled but sounded like voices.
Against your better judgment you crept closer to the voices only to see what you thought was green, three fingered, turtle aliens.
They were talking about a recent robbery by the local gang “ the purple dragons”
You had crept a little to close and you slipped on a peice of loose paper falling flat in front of the massive creatures.
In an attempt to get up quickly to hit your head on the back of a pole that was sticking out of the dumpster.
Que Donnie hurriedly walking over to you to see what damage had been done, lucky for you not much you were just kinda out of it. The fists thing you noticed aside from him being not human were his beautiful eyes, the ones that looked almost identical to yours.
You are so out of it that you just said “ you have beautiful eyes” as he checked your pulse.
You were fine but had to promise that you would keep them a secret. 
You had no problem with this as the turtles began to come around more often to see you, and after a few weeks of gaining trust,you were introduced to spinster and the lair.
After your eye comment, you and Donnie became almost instant friends and you bonded over your shared thirst for knowledge and your intellects.
He loves seeing what you read so he can get new books for you and suggest books that he thinks you would like.
Wants you to cook for him since you have an interest in it, he also likes to listen to you about your many skills.
Thinks your amazing for being able to have so many skills and he fully loves that you like horrer games( he waters a lot of game play through.
Loves listing to you rant about what you passionate about, staters learning more about phycology even though he is also pretty in tune with people as well.
When he developed feeelings, it’s going to be an entire thing.
He starts giving more information on plants, space and he even started to save cool documentaries he thinks your going to like
When he confessed to you it’s going to be so sweet and messy, he expressed that he really only liked you and he would remain loyal till the end. 
When you started dating he started rotting to work up your confidence and wanted to help on your anxiety and depression episodes.
Knows how to help and did a bit of extra research just in case.
He wanted to help you I all the ways!
Insecure in the new outfit? He’s there to tell you how beautiful your curvy body is!
Are you upset an overwhelmed with sad and anxiety fill thoughts? He’s there with a new movie and blankets.
No matter what, he is there to support you
And make sure that you know you are loved for who you are no matter how big you are. 
He’s a snarky little boy so get ready for the sarcasm that comes with this relationship.
Does not mind you being clingy at all, to be honest it brings him out of his work Brain and into his loved ones Brain that can rest.
What’s to make all your inner world dreams come true and spends time making you personalised gifts to fit your wonderful imagination.
Donnie loves you lots and is ready to be there and stay there for however long you will have him.
“ I’m not going anywhere dove, I love you with every fiber and bone in my body.”
Hope you like it, have a good day!
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By: Douglas Todd
Published: Apr 15, 2016
Canada is a place where gender stereotypes remain unusually strong. Few seem able to hear that women can be as violent as men in domestic disputes.
UBC psychology professor Don Dutton, who is about to retire at age 72, has never had a strong desire to be the centre of attention, let alone be infamous. To his mind, he just follows the evidence.
But the expert on forensic psychology ranks high for controversy, at least in Canada.
Dutton has written hundreds of peer-reviewed articles, more than eight books and textbooks, won dozens of grants and served as an expert witness in scores of legal cases, including appearing for the prosecution in the 1995 murder trial of former NFL star O.J. Simpson.
The more than 250 students who take Dutton’s courses each year learn about everything from the reliability of eyewitness accounts to personality disorders, from the roots of genocide to what makes serial killers tick.
But on one subject, now known as intimate-partner violence, Dutton has become too hot for many Canadians to handle.
That may be why outspoken Senator Anne Cools has asked Dutton to speak to the Senate in Ottawa next Thursday, where he will outline how most domestic disputes involve “bilateral,” or mutual, violence.
Sitting in the living room of the Kitsilano home that he shares with his wife, Marta Aragonez, Dutton explains his research is readily received in many places outside Canada.
The author of Rethinking Domestic Violence and The Domestic Assault of Women (both published by UBC Press) has already spoken to the World Bank, the University of Washington law school and many other institutions.
His books have been published in several languages, including Japanese and Dutch. Scholars around the world have formally cited his research more than 7,000 times.
But Canada is a place, he says, where gender stereotypes remain unusually strong. Few seem able to hear that women can be as violent as men in domestic disputes.
Dutton didn’t always think so. He started out his UBC psychology career in the 1970s, offering court-mandated psychotherapy to husbands accused of battering their wives.
“In those days,” Dutton says, “I thought it was just the men who were doing it.”
By the 1990s, however, Dutton realized many husbands were telling the truth when they said, “My wife is violent, too.”
Mutual violence emerges when “couples don’t know how to stop”
American researchers were discovering the same reality. Daniel Whittaker has found the most common form of domestic violence is mutual: Up to 75 per cent of victimized women were also aggressors.
“Couples get into screaming matches that get physical,” Dutton says. “They are under stress and insult each other. And they just don’t know how to stop.”
The second most-common form of intimate-partner violence is perpetrated by females, according to Whittaker and others. The third most-common form, known as wife battering, is perpetrated by males.
Weapons, despite being rare in domestic violence, are gender-neutral, including scissors and boiling water.
Why is such data so little known in Canada?
A key factor, says Dutton, is technical, at least on the surface. Statistics Canada’s widely used domestic-violence data is based solely on criminal reports — and women make the vast majority of complaints to police.
Canadian researchers don’t take the extra steps that American and European researchers do: They don’t ask each partner if they contributed to the violence.
When U.S. scholar Deborah Capaldi has asked such questions, she’s found that in 87 per cent of the cases in which the man was arrested, the woman admitted she had shown prior aggression.
In his presentations, Dutton also cites a study by Denise Hines, who followed 302 men who called a New Hampshire hotline that had been established for men involved in domestic violence (a rare public service). In three out of four cases the men had been injured. But when those same men sought followup help from another domestic-violence program, 64 per cent were told they were the “real batterer.”
In one case, a husband called police after his drunken wife attacked him. The police found the man with a knife sticking out of his body. They still arrested him.
Most police officers that Dutton knows, male and female, are already aware that gender stereotypes about domestic disputes don’t hold up. But he says police feel their hands are tied by public perceptions about violence against women.
Unlike many, Dutton has no desire to politicize domestic violence. Despite accusations hurled at him, he doesn’t belong to any sort of men’s rights movement. Still, he’s taken considerable lumps.
The case of Fariba Mahmoodi
Among other things, Dutton was devastated by the national attention given to 35-year-old Iranian student Fariba Mahmoodi, who convinced a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal he had created a “sexualized atmosphere” when she came to his Kitsilano home in 1994.
Despite the tribunal learning Mahmoodi had stalked Dutton and lied at least three times to advance her career and her finances — and despite the B.C. Civil Liberties Association supporting Dutton by saying the ruling brought a new “chill” to freedom of expression on campus — Dutton emphasizes most “people do not know how bad it is” to be subjected to such a concerted public attack.
The Mahmoodi nightmare dragged on for years, but Dutton notes no other woman ever came forward to complain about his behaviour — “because I don’t do that kind of thing.” He has no idea what’s happened to Mahmoodi.
SFU criminology professor Ehor Boyanowsky believes it’s a shame Dutton’s work, especially on intimate-partner violence, is not more appreciated in Canada.
The problem, Boyanowsky believes, is that Canada is home to more liberal, “well-intentioned” people than most countries.
“They follow their unanalyzed prejudices based on what they think is the right thing to do — rather than looking at the data and acting appropriately for harm reduction.”
Describing Dutton as brilliant, but personally “timid,” Boyanowsky said the UBC psychology professor overcomes his cautiousness by working tremendously hard and doing deep research.
“He challenged the paradigm that men are the perpetrators and women are the victims in almost all cases. He follows the evidence. He’s a scientist.”
SFU professor emerita of psychology, Kim Bartholomew, also admires Dutton.
“He’s been courageous in maintaining his intellectual integrity in a field in which ideology is often more influential than data, and in which there are strong pressures against challenging the ideological view.”  
For his part, Dutton believes Canadian politicians, from both the left and right, have fallen into a gender trap.
Liberal-left politicians and activists have turned domestic violence into solely a women’s rights issue, often defining the entire category as “violence against women.”
Conservative politicians don’t get the picture either, he says. Since they want to appear protective of women, they appeal to religious supporters by framing partner violence as a lack of “family values.”
There is a significant reason Dutton wants policy-makers, including the senators he’ll meet on Thursday, to overcome their stereotypes and recognize men and women are similarly violent in relationships.
If public officials understood the realities, Dutton believes they would realize the harm of domestic violence could be reduced by courts mandating both partners take part in couples therapy.
As he prepares to retire from UBC after 47 years, however, Dutton is not optimistic Canadian politicians will accept the evidence.
“I don’t see it turning around.”
[ Via: https://archive.ph/0GlB7 ]
This is what happens when I tag "violence ag" and let it suggest. If you wonder why I'm posting on this topic, this is as good a reason as any.
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Career Paths for Forensic Science PhD Graduates
Introduction about PhD in Forensic Science
A PhD in Forensic Science is an advanced academic program designed for individuals passionate about applying scientific principles to investigating and resolving criminal cases. This interdisciplinary field integrates chemistry, biology, physics, and law knowledge to analyze and interpret evidence found at crime scenes. The program focuses on developing advanced research skills, specialized forensic techniques, and a deep understanding of the legal system, preparing graduates for careers in academia, research institutions, law enforcement, and private industry.
How can I Apply for Admission to PhD in Forensic Science?
The process for applying for the PhD admission follows these general steps
. Research Programs and Universities
Identify Programs: Research universities that offer PhD programs in Forensic Science. Look for programs that align with your research interests and career goals.
Faculty and Research Areas: Investigate the faculty members and their research areas to find potential advisors whose work matches your interests.
2. Meet Academic Requirements
Educational Background: Ensure you have the necessary academic qualifications. Most programs require a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Forensic Science, Chemistry, Biology, or a related field.
GPA Requirements: Maintain a strong GPA, typically a minimum of 3.0 to 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, though this can vary by institution.
3. Prepare for Standardized Tests
GRE Scores: Some PhD programs require GRE (Graduate Record Examination) scores, though this requirement is becoming less common. Check the specific requirements of each program.
English Proficiency Tests: If English is not your first language, you may need to take the TOEFL or IELTS to demonstrate proficiency. Ensure you meet the minimum score requirements.
4. Gain Research Experience
Research Projects: Participate in research projects during your undergraduate or Master’s studies to gain relevant experience.
Publications and Presentations: Publish your research in academic journals and present at conferences if possible.
5. Gather Application Materials
Transcripts: Obtain official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended.
Letters of Recommendation: Secure strong letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can attest to your research abilities and academic potential. Typically, 2-3 letters are required.
Personal Statement: Write a compelling personal statement or statement of purpose. Discuss your research interests, career goals, and reasons for choosing the specific PhD program.
Curriculum Vitae (CV): Prepare a detailed CV that includes your academic background, research experience, publications, and any relevant work experience.
6. Contact Potential Advisors
Initial Contact: Reach out to potential advisors whose research aligns with your interests. Introduce yourself, discuss your research background, and express your interest in their work.
Research Proposal: Some programs may require a detailed research proposal outlining your intended research during the PhD. Collaborate with your potential advisor to develop this document.
7. Submit Applications
Application Form: Complete the online application form for each program you are applying to.
Application Fees: Pay the required application fees.
Supporting Documents: Upload or send all required supporting documents, including transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, personal statement, CV, and any other required materials.
8. Prepare for Interviews
Interview Preparation: Some programs may require an interview as part of the admissions process. Prepare to discuss your research experience, interests, and why you chose the program.
Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews with peers or mentors to practice your responses.
9. Financial Planning
Funding Opportunities: Investigate funding options such as scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, and grants offered by the university or external organizations.
Financial Aid Applications: Submit any required financial aid applications.
10. Follow Up
Application Status: Monitor the status of your application through the university's application portal.
Additional Information: Be prepared to provide additional information or documents if requested by the admissions committee.
What is the eligibility for a PhD in Forensic Science?
Forensic Science eligibility 2024 with in Biological Science can vary depending on the university or college offering the program. However, here are some common eligibility requirements you may encounter
Academic Qualifications
Educational Background:
Bachelor’s Degree: Most programs require at least a Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, or a related field.
Master’s Degree: Some programs prefer or require a Master’s degree in Forensic Science or a closely related discipline. Exceptional candidates with a Bachelor’s degree and significant research experience may also be considered.
GPA Requirements:
A minimum GPA is often required, typically around 3.0 to 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. The specific requirement can vary by institution.
Research Experience
Prior Research:
Demonstrated experience in research is crucial. This can include undergraduate or Master’s research projects, internships, or work in forensic laboratories.
Having publications in scientific journals or presenting research at conferences can significantly strengthen your application.
Standardized Tests
GRE Scores:
Some PhD programs require GRE (Graduate Record Examination) scores, though this requirement is becoming less common. Check the specific requirements of each program you are interested in.
English Proficiency Tests:
For non-native English speakers, proficiency in English must be demonstrated through tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. Minimum score requirements vary by institution but generally fall within these ranges:
TOEFL: Minimum scores typically range from 80 to 100.
IELTS: Minimum scores typically range from 6.5 to 7.5.
Letters of Recommendation
Typically, 2-3 letters of recommendation are required. These should come from academic or professional references who can speak to your research abilities, academic performance, and potential for success in a PhD program.
Personal Statement
Statement of Purpose:
A well-crafted personal statement or statement of purpose is essential. This should outline your research interests, career goals, reasons for pursuing a PhD in Forensic Science, and why you are interested in the specific program.
Additional Criteria
Some programs may require an interview as part of the admissions process. This could be in person or via video conference. Be prepared to discuss your research experience, interests, and motivations.
Prerequisite Courses:
Depending on your previous educational background, you may need to complete specific prerequisite courses before or during your PhD program.
Institutional-Specific Requirements
Application Forms and Fees:
Complete the application form and pay any required application fees for each program you are applying to.
Research Proposal:
Some programs may require a detailed research proposal outlining your intended research during the PhD. This is particularly common if you have already identified a potential supervisor and research project.
Professional Experience (Optional)
Relevant Work Experience:
Having work experience in a forensic laboratory or related setting can be an advantage, though it is not always required.
About us
If you are confused about choosing a PhD university in India don’t worry college Jio educational portal offers various certified universities with affordable fee structures. For more details visit the university portal
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Senior Software Engineer - Remote
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Company: Traderinteractive Our mission is to transform lifestyles and livelihoods through innovative digital solutions that seamlessly connect people to vehicles for work and play. To support this mission, we are looking for a Senior Software Engineer that can help us in the development of this new product. In this position, you will work closely with a product manager and team of engineers in building and supporting new products on the consumer side of our vehicle marketplaces. What You’ll Do - Begin mentoring team members to grow technical skills in the organization - Exemplify our core values and model our leadership competencies - Work closely with tech lead and product managers during requirements gathering - Work with your team to improve code quality and development processes - Involved with development and planning sessions - Perform code reviews and share best practices with junior developers - Document systems and processes using diagrams and flowcharts - Contribute to ensuring the performance and stability of our products - Other related duties and responsibilities as assigned What We’re Looking For - 5+ years of experience in an engineering role - Advanced level knowledge of JavaScript (Browser and Server) - 3+ years building secure publicly available REST API’s - 3+ years of experience with PHP - Experience with incident detection, incident response, and forensics - Owns the development and support of products produced by the team Bonus Points - Bachelor’s Degree in computer science, applications, or related field - Web component architecture and engineering - Cloud engineering experience - Experience with ElasticSearch - Experience with Laravel framework - Experience with Tailwind CSS or other utility CSS frameworks - Microservices architecture and engineering - Building container applications using Docker - Experience with TypeScript - Experience with Online Marketplaces Who We Are TI is a group of go-getters who decided they didn’t want to settle for the status quo. We work hard as one team to build value, drive innovation, and lead our industries, but we have fun while we do it and we always act with integrity and prioritize our employees. When you start at TI, expect to receive plenty of support and communication. If you’re not sold yet, here are some other great benefits: - Ability to work 100% remote - Work/Life Balance with up to 31 days of PTO in your first year - Continuing Education with access to LinkedIn Learning - Full benefits package including medical, dental & vision - 401K with company match - Wellness Program - Paid Parental Leave - Employee Referral Incentives To learn more about Trader Interactive, please visit our website and see what makes us stand out in our industry! TI proudly supports a diverse workforce, and we encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply. Trader Interactive is an equal opportunity employer where hiring is based entirely on business needs, job requirements, and individual merit. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 20th Jun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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mpuacin · 2 years
Want to become a lawyer? Confused about where to start. Some stepping stones to get you started
Starting a legal career requires good communication, research, and analysis and time management skills. You can hone these skills in law school or the best private university in Bhopal.
Before enrolling in the program, select a career in law that matches your interests. Then decide what type of certification you need to pursue that career. Some entry-level positions require only an associate's degree. While many professions require a bachelor's or graduate degree.
It depends on the profession you choose. You may need to take additional steps beyond earning a degree, for becoming a successful lawyer and growing your career. You must have a bachelor's degree, pass the LSAT, and have graduated from a law school or the best private university in Bhopal. You also need to pass a number of professional exams and bar exams to progress in your career.
The type of certification you want depends on your career goals. The following sections describe the features of the degree programs, bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and legal careers available at each level of study.
Diploma level
An associate degree typically consists of 60 credit hours and takes full-time learners two years to complete. Law students often earn an associate's degree in criminal justice, an Associate degree in Community Law, or an Associate's Degree in Criminology. Courses in the best private university in Bhopal vary according to the level chosen. Popular courses include psychology, legal studies, writing, Criminal justice and social work.
Admission requirements vary between schools. But usually, a high school diploma is required to qualify. Many schools and the best private university in Bhopal require you to pass a placement test.
Obtaining an associate degree will allow you to develop the administrative, research, and legal knowledge necessary for a career as a police officer, paralegal, probationary officer, or legal assistant. However, not continuing your education can limit your career growth and earning potential.
Bachelor's Degree
A bachelor's degree requires about 120 credit hours and takes about four years for full-time students to complete. However, some schools and the best private university in Bhopal offer accelerated programs for students to obtain a bachelor's degree in a short period of time. These programs typically target students with college credit or professional experience.
Many students interested in law complete a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, Legal or Law, or Enforcement Studies. Some undergraduate programs offered by the best private university in Bhopal, also offer related majors such as pre-law studies. Our focus helps you align your degree with your career goals.
Earning a bachelor's degree can qualify you to work as a paralegal, investigator or first responder. or Nonprofit Director for Aspiring Lawyers. A bachelor's degree is an important step toward taking the LSAT and applying to law school.
Master's Degree
A master's degree often leads to a career in law. Students who are interested in law but do not intend to become attorneys often pursue a master's degree in law enforcement administration or law studies. Popular jobs with a master's degree in this field include forensic science technicians, Emergency managers, and financial auditors.
A master's degree typically requires 30-45 credit hours and takes about two years to complete. Some schools and the best private university in Bhopal offer an intensive year-long program with eight-week classes throughout the year. Core courses in this Master's program include Fundamentals of Criminology and Criminal Law, and Research Methods in Criminal Justice, and legal thinking in general.
Admission requirements often include work experience and a minimum GPA that vary from school to school. For more information search for the best online master's degree programs in Law Enforcement Administration and Law Studies.
Doctoral Degree
Earning a PhD is a significant investment in both money and time. Practitioners with doctoral degrees can work as attorneys, professors, and forensic scientists. Search for the best PhD programs offered by the best private university in Bhopal, online to see what they have to offer.
As a lawyer, you must earn a Doctor of Law, which takes about three years to complete. The doctoral program curriculum focuses on civil law and common law. Preparing graduates for litigation, drafting contracts and protecting intellectual property.
To qualify for other legal careers, you may also consider earning a doctoral degree in criminal justice. It usually takes three to five years for full-time students to complete. Find the best online doctoral programs in the best private university in Bhopal in criminal justice.
Certification and/or authorization
Some legal professions require a government-issued licence. while others don't. In addition, having a voluntary certification gives you a competitive edge and increases your earning potential. Adding advanced certifications to your resume will show employers that you have the skills, knowledge, and education required to succeed in your field.
You must be licensed to practice law. Some researchers and educators also need to be licensed. Each state has its own licensing process. As a result, specific requirements vary. You may also consider professional certifications such as Professional Paralegal, Certified Tax Preparation, and Registered landman certification.
Further Studies
As you gain professional experience, your skills will improve and your experience will increase. Additional experience can help you advance your career and increase your salary. In addition to work experience, employers also value committed, job-seeking employees who seek an education beyond the basic requirements for obtaining a degree or licence.
In today's world, industries, regulations, and laws are constantly evolving to meet new situations and meet new social and environmental standards.
Online courses offer affordable and flexible options for improving your education. Sites like edX and Coursera offer free online courses from top schools like Harvard, Yale, and MIT.
You can also attend local seminars and events to hear from industry experts and network with peers. You can find these opportunities through recruiters. colleagues and professional organisations
Next Step
The legal profession requires up-to-date knowledge of local, state, federal, and/or international rules and regulations. Promoting your career with online courses, advanced qualifications and professional licence or certifications is very important.
Joining a professional organisation is another great way to keep your job. These organisations provide access to educational resources. Industry publications and job listings provide many networking opportunities through annual events and seminars. Connect with friends to collaborate and explore new career opportunities.
Also Read: Best Private College in Bhopal
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sabrinalogan · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Sabrina Logan NICKNAMES: Brina DATE OF BIRTH: November 3rd, 1964 ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio MAJOR: Forensic Science SEXUALITY: Bisexual BIRTH ORDER: Oldest PETS: None CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Meredith Grey (Grey’s Anatomy), Kat Stratford (10 Things I Hate About You), Quinn Fabray (Glee)
TW: Postpartum Depression, adoption trauma, stabbing
Odessa Logan had always been the black sheep of the Logan family, and for no good reason. There was something different about her, something her family couldn’t put their fingers on, but pushed them away nonetheless. So it was no shock when she turned up pregnant at seventeen, and when they found out the father was from the wrong side of the tracks. They sent her away, covered it all up, and for a short while motherhood agreed with her. 
And then she came back to Cherry, something that became her biggest regret. She wasn’t sure what it was about the town, but there seemed to be a dark cloud that followed her around- threatening to form into a tornado that would suck her right up into the darkness. She began to slip away from herself, and when she reached out to her sister, Glenda, for help- she thought she was receiving it, thought she finally had the kind of sister she’d always wanted. But Glenda only made things worse, only pushed her closer to the edge. There were days lost and sleepless nights, and the whisper that Sabrina would be better off with Glenda and her new husband, Lou. That they’d take care of her, give her a good life, things Odessa surely would never be able to provide if she couldn’t even get herself out of bed, right? Her sister waited for her to reach her lowest point and tricked her into signing the adoption papers, and before she knew it she was being kicked out onto the street without her daughter. 
So she rekindled things with Sabrina’s father and disappeared off to San Francisco, visits to her hometown few and far between. Trying to forget about it as much as Glenda was trying to erase her completely.
Sabrina’s existence wouldn’t allow that, not when she was always so much like her mother- in both looks and spirit. Maybe there was a time when things were good in the Logan household, back before Sabrina could remember, but once the twins were born everything changed. Suddenly, Glenda was making Sabrina her golden child and Sabrina was stretching herself thin to give her siblings everything their mother wouldn’t. Being the favorite wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, it was unbearable pressure and being forced to break up with West and isolation from Libby and Luca. She always felt like her siblings had a secret club she wasn’t invited to, no matter how close she wanted to feel to them. It hurt all that much worse when Luca ran off without so much as a goodbye, like a piece of her had gone with him.
It was Lou who’d accidentally led her to the adoption papers during the summer before her senior year of high school, a careless exchange that ended with Sabrina in possession of the combination to their safe. She’d gone in there to swipe a few bucks and had stumbled upon the documents, though she hadn’t been able to believe the truth until she heard it from Glenda herself. She tried to fill Sabrina’s head with all kinds of conflicting lies about her birth mother, so many that Sabrina still has no real idea of what kind of person she comes from. Then came the nights of screaming matches between mother and daughter, slamming doors, and smudged black eyeliner. Gone was the Sabrina that Glenda had created and in her place stood someone more lost than ever. 
She’d kept spiraling all the way through her Freshman year of college. It led her into the arms of then-mayor Bertram Montez, an affair that had done nothing but destroy her confidence more than it already had been. It had taken her being fucking stabbed for things to come back into perspective, for her to end things with Bertram and start to put herself back together. 
Now she’s back with West and trying to come into her own. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?
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Role of An Audio Forensic Expert in Ann Arbor and Detroit
Finding evidence of a crime is highly challenging. Most litigation involves thorough investigations and the provision of proof permissible by the court of law. Unfortunately, eyewitnesses are rare, and investigators must rely on secondary evidence to prove an offense. Technology is being increasingly used today, with digital footprints often retrieved from devices utilized by the defendant. Many public and private investigating agencies employ the services of an audio forensic expert in Ann Arbor and Detroit to ensure perfect tracking. ​ Being a relatively new field, not many individuals or organizations are aware of its advantages. Forensic science has advanced considerably as well, with both video and audio evidence becoming a significant factor in the establishment of an offense. Apart from major felonies, the audio evidence presented in a court of law may be successfully used to prove illegal financial transactions as well.
In other words, audio forensics may be used for the following today:-
· Investigation of criminal/civil offenses · Proving answers to queries raised after an accident · Checking fraudulent activities · Establishing the presence of slander
Any other civil incident that needs proper corroboration by going through past conversations and/or verbal orders
The role of an audio forensics expert is manifold. The concerned professional is engaged with the enormously challenging task of establishing the authenticity of an audio recording. This task becomes easier when the concerned audio is in the form of a big file where the voice of the person(s) is audible. Retrieving sufficient evidence from snippets of conversation is often too difficult, and the expert needs to employ all the skills to find the required information.
The audio recordings recovered by investigating personnel may need enhancement to improve their quality. Speech intelligibility is a must-have to be presented to the authorities. Sounds made by whispering often remain inaudible and hard to decipher. The forensics experts have the skills to improve the volume of such low-level sounds to become audible and decipherable.
Interpretation of the sounds heard from audio records is an important factor that may also make or break a legal case. The speakers are usually identified from the audio files after matching them with previously obtained voice records. Transcribing the audio files and reconstructing the scenes of accidents, crime, and fraudulent activity can go a long way in satisfying the judge and jury or authorities hoping to corroborate the evidence.
The actual process of finding evidence from voice and audio files can be categorized into the following stages:-
· Examination of a chain of custody · Establishing the chain of custody · Obtaining the original voice recording and/or the earliest generated recording · Securing the audio evidence with the help of proper retrieval methods
Analyzing voice recordings from audio files is the most important aspect of audio forensics today. Nose and background sounds are filtered out to reveal the primary voice in the recording. Digital signal processing has made the procedure easier at present.
A tech-expert adept at computer forensics in Ann Arbor and Detroit may also be called upon to check the electronic files and retrieve essential data to establish illegality or offense. 
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marsgod · 2 years
Congrats on 200 followers!! I can rq a genshin matchup with a male character? About me: my pronouns are they/them and I’m non binary. Appearance wise, I tend to dress like (or I’d like to dress like) nana osaki from nana. I have black and hair and I’m 5’5.
Personality wise, I’m very introverted and need space and I have a low social battery. I’m not very talkative at first around strangers, and a lot of times I prefer to listen to conversations. With the people I’m closer with, I tend to ramble about my interests and whenever I talk about my interests, I tend to get very fixated on it. I have a short temper and get irritated easily. I’m quite pessimistic as well.
My hobbies/interests are music, makeup and cosmetics, reading, fashion, forensic science and psychology. I dislike yelling, loud noises and insects.
I want a partner who can be easy going, someone that makes me laugh (I have a sarcastic sense of humour and I like inside jokes), someone who can love me for my flaws as well and someone who’s patient since I get irritated easily. My love language is acts of service and I prefer to receive quality time. My ideal first date is to go stargazing, or just somewhere with a nice view.
thank you!
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with… Heizou!
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Heizou tends to take things lightheartedly, so he’ll play along with sarcastic comments and pretend you meant them literally
his love languages are acts of service and physical touch, although he likes to just be around you
likes psychology, a lot, and likes to tell you random facts he’s learned from investigations
while he had a high social battery, heizou is really blunt with telling ppl he doesn’t feel like talking anymore if he does get to that point
offers to excuse the both of you if you want<3
the type to egg you into rambling by mentioning whatever you’re interested in at that moment
tries to even out your pessimism, tries to get you to look a bit more towards the bright side
knows absolutely nothing about makeup but will definitely watch you
likes to stargaze, but also just laying down when it’s cloudy so ya’ll can guess or point out the clouds’ shapes
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“Those people from earlier were staring to get on my nerves, how about some ice cream as a treat for putting up with them?”
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